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Thread: Politics Thread

  1. #25461
    Supporting Member waggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xubrew View Post
    It's a procedural question that I don't know the answer to. I'm not wailing about anything. But, while I don't know what happens, I'm pretty sure what you said is not it.
    Uh, they appeal. Duh.

  2. #25462
    Supporting Member xubrew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by waggy View Post
    Uh, they appeal. Duh.
    Not the question...

    Strictly hypothetical question of Constitutional Procedure...

    If a judge/court makes a ruling, and members of the Executive Branch just ignore it, then what??
    Appealing the decision is not ignoring it. An appeal would be the proper channel. Now say they do NOT go through the proper channels and ignore the ruling. Then what?? If somene goes full blown Andrew Jackson and says "Chief Justice John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it," then who enforces it??
    "You can't fix stupid." Ron White

  3. #25463
    Supporting Member waggy's Avatar
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    You didn't ask a procedural question, you posed a hypothetical. I answered it accurately.

  4. #25464
    Supporting Member xubrew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by waggy View Post
    You didn't ask a procedural question, you posed a hypothetical. I answered it accurately.
    The question was hypothetical, the answer would not be. I would think it would be very specific. What is the constitutional procedure if the Executive Branch ignores a court ruling? They can be one and the same. In that hypothetical situaiton, what is the procedure that is triggered?
    "You can't fix stupid." Ron White

  5. #25465
    Supporting Member waggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xubrew View Post
    The question was hypothetical, the answer would not be. I would think it would be very specific. What is the constitutional procedure if the Executive Branch ignores a court ruling? They can be one and the same. In that hypothetical situaiton, what is the procedure that is triggered?
    Triggered is the correct word.. Fascism!

  6. #25466
    Supporting Member xubrew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by waggy View Post
    Triggered is the correct word.. Fascism!
    Okay, so you don't know. Got it. That makes at least two of us.

    In 1832 no one seemed to do anything. I've been stewing about it ever since!!!!

    And for you history buffs, I know that Andrew Jackson probably didn't actually say that, but he did still completely ignore the ruling. And as far as I can tell nothing happened. So...maybe that's the answer. If they decide to ignore it then there is no way to enforce it.
    "You can't fix stupid." Ron White

  7. #25467
    Quote Originally Posted by xubrew View Post
    Okay, so you don't know. Got it. That makes at least two of us.

    In 1832 no one seemed to do anything. I've been stewing about it ever since!!!!

    And for you history buffs, I know that Andrew Jackson probably didn't actually say that, but he did still completely ignore the ruling. And as far as I can tell nothing happened. So...maybe that's the answer. If they decide to ignore it then there is no way to enforce it.
    2025 isn't 1832. Chief Justice Roberts, a traditionalist, signaled last week that court decisions are meant to be followed. If the Trumpster failed to obey a direct order involving a Supreme Court decision I believe this would initiate a constitutional crisis not seen since April, 1861. Roberts would immediately use his bully pulpit, accompanied by many (but likely not all) of the SC justices. His message would be heard across the land; I don't think the President would want a national debate on the issue and would eventually back down. Knowing the Trumpster he would then declare he won the argument!

  8. #25468
    Supporting Member xubrew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoopster68 View Post
    2025 isn't 1832. Chief Justice Roberts, a traditionalist, signaled last week that court decisions are meant to be followed. If the Trumpster failed to obey a direct order involving a Supreme Court decision I believe this would initiate a constitutional crisis not seen since April, 1861. Roberts would immediately use his bully pulpit, accompanied by many (but likely not all) of the SC justices. His message would be heard across the land; I don't think the President would want a national debate on the issue and would eventually back down. Knowing the Trumpster he would then declare he won the argument!
    Thanks, but this is your own supposition of how specifically Trump and Roberts would respond and not an answer to the question. I'll phrase it a different way...

    If the Executive Branch ignores a court ruling, is there an actual procedure in place to enforce that ruling? If so, then what is it?
    "You can't fix stupid." Ron White

  9. #25469
    Supporting Member paulxu's Avatar
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    If the head of the Executive branch did that, there is impeachment as a remedy.
    ...he went up late, and I was already up there.

  10. #25470
    Supporting Member noteggs's Avatar
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    Like Trump said he will have to follow the law (yes the irony is not lost on me). A better action would be for Trump to find a different way to get his EO thru. Kinda like when Biden did with his student loan forgiveness after Supreme Court shot him down.

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