Hmm, perhaps not
May want to look into the staffer killed during a mugging that Assange implicated in the leaks.
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Thread: Politics Thread
11-10-2016, 05:31 PM #21Official XUHoops Resident Legal Scholar.
(Do not take this seriously)
11-10-2016, 05:40 PM #22
The DJIA closed at its record high today, so the markets seemed to have recovered from their supposed nervousness over Trump from early Wednesday morning (which I think had more to do with markets' hatred of uncertainty and surprise than it had to do with Trump anyway).
For some reason, my particular portfolio got hammered the last two days. Apparently I need to pick some "Trump proof" stocks. What does Trump have against consumer products, tobacco and industrial REITs anyway?!?
11-10-2016, 05:49 PM #23
11-10-2016, 07:47 PM #24
Republicans win an election, and we have to shut down all the political threads. That is amusing.
Our precious little snowflakes, we need to protect their safe spaces, and the whole world needs to be made safe from microagressions.
You should tell them that they have no obligation to click on the political threads. I will tell them that now. You have no obligation to click on the political threads. Make your own safe space!
I don't know if it is my defunct memory and aging, but it seems like we had more political threads in the past. It doesn't seem like it is a huge barrage or anything.
A huge movement has sprung up across the nation, incubated in our universities to suppress speech and opinions that leftists don't like. They are a most intolerant bunch, even though they pride themselves with being the most tolerant. It doesn't surprise me that you are getting pressure to shut it down. These things don't exist in a vacuum.
It is a nation wide movement. It has a lot of momentum now, and I would guess it will have even more in the future. This won't be the last time you will be fielding complaints and closing down threads for them. You would probably save yourself some time just by saying you are closing down political threads for good.
Trump wins an election and you get a massive call to shut down the political threads. Doesn't take much of a detective to figure that one out. And this action just fuels their fire. Now they know if they cry loud enough they can shut it down any time they want. Just ban all the political threads already.
Congrats to the petulant babies. You are the real winners.RIP Brian Dargin McCormick
11-10-2016, 07:51 PM #25
I doubt the mainstream media will be showing this video.
11-10-2016, 07:58 PM #26
Moved does not equal shut down. Just sayin'. We are all free to continue venting as we feel approapriate, just somewhere else.
11-10-2016, 10:18 PM #27
He got his twitter machine back!
Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 11, 2016...he went up late, and I was already up there.
11-10-2016, 10:21 PM #28
Also, not too late to join in a victory celebration.
Last edited by xeus; 11-11-2016 at 07:57 AM. Reason: removed KKK link
...he went up late, and I was already up there.
11-10-2016, 10:34 PM #29
How dare you. Seriously, it is time for some of us to grow up. I totally understand the feelings of those who are struggling with the thought of a man they absolutely, astutely and intelligently unequivocally know is full of distasteful hate need not have their viewpoint challenged in any way. I for one am proud of this board's decision to move away from the divisive rhetoric it has allowed for the past 8 plus years I've been on this board.
Bottom line Snipe, you're HATE, just utter HATE shall no longer be tolerated on the amazing and intellectual new Shining Path. Please keep your incendiary, disgusting viewpoints to yourself from now on....Official XUHoops Resident Legal Scholar.
(Do not take this seriously)
11-10-2016, 10:44 PM #30