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Thread: Xavier Tuition

  1. #111
    Supporting Member GoMuskies's Avatar
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    If you tithe $1/week, there are going to be questions asked, but if you're legitimately poor, then yes. Our strategy has always been to increase our contributions by a little bit each year, and we've never been questioned, and no one asks to see tax returns, W-2s, etc. The archdiocese controls the high schools, and the parishes pay the tuition for their parishioners to the high school.

    Our first daughter graduated and went off to college this year, and we plan to maintain our giving level next year. Got to give back to the system that has benefitted us.
    Last edited by GoMuskies; 09-08-2023 at 10:24 AM.

  2. #112
    Hall of Famer D-West & PO-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoMuskies View Post
    If you tithe $1/week, there are going to be questions asked, but if you're legitimately poor, then yes. Our strategy has always been to give just a little bit more each year, and we've never been questioned. The archdiocese controls the high schools, and the parishes pay the tuition for their parishioners to the high school.

    All we have is an "active parishioner" rate for school that is a little less than "non-active parishioner". Although active doesn't just have to be through donations but can be volunteering, etc.
    "I’m willing to sacrifice everything for this team. I’m going to dive for every loose ball, close out harder on every shot, block out for every rebound. I’m going to play harder than I’ve ever played. And I need you all to follow me." -MB '17

  3. #113
    Junior sirthought's Avatar
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    Catholic school enrollment has been in decline since the 60s. It has bounced back somewhat after a sharp decline during the pandemic, but they aren't even at the enrollment levels pre-pandemic. But there was a steady decline throughout the 80s and 90s.

    Even if vouchers went through, I wouldn't be so sure that it would apply the same way it does for charter schools...or that that is the alternative people are looking for. The church hasn't done itself any favors. In NKY they just closed down an elementary school about a month before school was beginning. There was nothing wrong with the building, they just decided people in that area should have to send their kids further away for school. Diocese all over the country are declaring bankruptcy due to the high number of lawsuits brought on from priest sex abuse. This is often before judgements have even been handed out, showing they really would rather protect their money instead of showing justice to victims.

  4. #114
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    Catholic schools in Indy are booming, thanks in part to 2 factors. 1. Vouchers and 2. The generally shitty public education system except for a handful of school districts. Lots of non Catholics and poor families send their kids to the Catholic schools with the help of vouchers, knowing there will be discipline and a better education. Indiana spent many years spending a fortune on school facilities, instead of curriculum. And the Indiana teachers union has made sure that public schools are being run for the benefit of the teachers and not the students. The influx of voucher money has kept Catholic education in central Indiana running like a finely tuned car.

  5. #115
    Supporting Member xu82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-West & PO-Z View Post

    All we have is an "active parishioner" rate for school that is a little less than "non-active parishioner". Although active doesn't just have to be through donations but can be volunteering, etc.
    We had a “Catholic Rate” and a non-Catholic rate which was about $2k more. We always paid the non-Catholic rate because we could and the extra went to people who needed some tuition assistance. The wife would also make sure our envelopes went into the basket every Sunday in case anybody was checking, but we never really knew if they did.

  6. #116
    Hall of Famer D-West & PO-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xu82 View Post
    We had a “Catholic Rate” and a non-Catholic rate which was about $2k more. We always paid the non-Catholic rate because we could and the extra went to people who needed some tuition assistance. The wife would also make sure our envelopes went into the basket every Sunday in case anybody was checking, but we never really knew if they did.
    I have no doubt they check/know who is tithing. However, I do know from experience (last year, our first at the school) they didn't say anything to us when the tithing wasn't really happening. My wife and I did however volunteer as much as 2 working parents could (coaching, lunch duty, etc). However, now we are signed up for the automatic monthly withdraws so we are covered on both ends, lol.
    Last edited by D-West & PO-Z; 09-08-2023 at 12:30 PM.
    "I’m willing to sacrifice everything for this team. I’m going to dive for every loose ball, close out harder on every shot, block out for every rebound. I’m going to play harder than I’ve ever played. And I need you all to follow me." -MB '17

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