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  1. #61
    The freshmen who played this year are going to play next year. When the frosh are all juniors, they will not need to worry about playing time unless X get another top recruit that plays cool and calm like Jones and Odom again..
    Last edited by xukeith; 03-18-2021 at 06:25 PM.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by D-West & PO-Z View Post
    They don't and I dont think it has a ton of impact but it is still less mins for Wilcher most likely. If Scruggs and Johnson both come back it can shift guys like CJ or even Johnson to other positions if we play small and take away time from CJ.

    Anyway there is no reason to believe anything about CJ considering leaving other than one guy on a message board who just threw it out there and hasnt addressed it since.
    Not answering your questions doesn't make the info wrong. Means how I knew was none of your business.

    Truly disappointed that it ended up coming to fruition.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by BigMoeMusketeer View Post
    Not answering your questions doesn't make the info wrong. Means how I knew was none of your business.

    Truly disappointed that it ended up coming to fruition.
    I said there was no reason to believe it, because there wasn't.

    You obviously had some inside info but you didn't present it that way. You presented it as a hope you it doesnt happen. Which is kind of weird since you clearly had some inside info. Plenty of others have before and presented it as this is what I am hearing and no one asks them where but they take it more seriously.

    I also never asked you how you knew as you never even said you knew anything.
    "I’m willing to sacrifice everything for this team. I’m going to dive for every loose ball, close out harder on every shot, block out for every rebound. I’m going to play harder than I’ve ever played. And I need you all to follow me." -MB '17

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