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Good point. My wife and I have had iPhone 3GS's for almost 2 years now. We will likely upgrade to the 4GS or 5 this fall when our contracts are up. I find the iphone to be a great 'personal phone' but a so-so (at best) 'business phone'. Typing emails on the iphone is a chore and the lack of tactile feedback provided by the touchscreen makes it more difficult for me to type accurately. I used to have a Blackberry Worldphone that I used for work that had an actual dedicated keyboard and I found that much easier to type emails on.
For basically everything else the iphone rocks. If you already use itunes and have an ipod you will love the seamless way the iphone fits with the itunes interface. The apps are good (they even have a TomTom app that turns your iphone into a GPS device) and from my experience the iphone is a durable and reliable device, much more so that any phone I have used in recent memory.
Overall my vote goes to the iphone, unless you are doing a lot of emailing, in which case you may want to consider a droid that has a slide-out keyboard.