Friday before a home football game may produce a big crowd at the Mizzou game. Otherwise 8,000 fans in a 15,000 seat arena isn't all that impressive.
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They averaged 11,000 people a game last year. About 100 more than XU per game. It will probably go up as well with the momentum built off of last year and their ranking this season.
Missouri is a good program that is getting better, let's not get all butt hurt over Missouri.
The problem is Mizzou arena is an amazing but large arena. All of the early season games draw no one and the conference games are sell out (also a large number of season tickets are owned by STL, Springfield, and KC business and go unfilled durning the week). 5k-8k in an arena that holds 15+ really kills the atmosphere this time of year.
(in full disclosure MU is my #2 school after X)
Someone needs to inform Brandon that our men's soccer team just defeated Kentucky in the first round of the NCAA tourney. A-10 > SEC
"Hi, I'm Brandon Randolph. I'm walking around here on campus in Columbia, Missouri, which is almost as far away from either ocean as I could possibly be, overhearing student after student say how important it is for Mizzou football to be in the SEC now. No one is talking basketball. Mizzou basically has had its teeth kicked in during its inaugural football season in the SEC and all they can talk about is football. Hey, wait a minute: SEC! I'm a competitive guy, but I don't want to get my teeth kicked in by Kentucky every year. And Skyline Chili hasn't made it to Missouri yet, anyway.* Screw this haystack village, I'm going to the Queen City. Your first decision almost always is the right one."
Someone will overhear him saying all that within 48 hours.
* - that Skyline dialogue probably won't make it into his thoughts, but I miss Skyline, so there.