Does this hashtag have a filtering option in between "Legal" and "Americans?" I think some people in this thread will find it useful.
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600 some odd miles of the border already has a wall. If this money goes toward repairing/replacing that, I wouldn't oppose it. If you are looking to curb illegals start with people who overstay VISAs. After that, I would hit employers who hire illegals and pay them crappy wages. Here in Phoenix, we know who they are and so does ICE. They just don't care enough to bust them.
Last time I checked the U.S. Mint still had a printing press; where they can print and print. When I was a kid White Castle's were a nickel with a coupon from the newspaper they were six for a quarter ; now they are ninety cents for one. Lots of printed money.
What is interesting through this whole Shutdown thing is that Trump has been working as President while not taking a paycheck. He said he was serving as President gratis when he took office, so he isn't being paid either.
Know who is? Uh, Pelosi, Schumer and every legislator. They're getting that jack while the guys on the front line get jacked.
Time to declare a National Emergency and end this Tomfoolery.
Of course, these legislators who are donating their paychecks to charity, don't have a hotel or golf rentals for secret security agents lining their pockets during the shutdown. And they are Republicans and Democrats.
Welp, REALLY. They ARE getting paid. If they choose to donate, great, but that doesn't disprove my statement. And who's pockets are being lined? I'd guess that the Lobbyists haven't stopped paying Legislators for influence.
Want to give Trump any credit for working for zero pay....all along? Nope. Didn't think so.
He's a billionaire, every Congress person is quite well off, and at the end of the day the shutdown is their collective faults. No credit to any of these hacks for not getting paid from their own failures. If it was a sacrifice worth getting credit for than they might have been motivated to find a resolution by now.