We thought we'd bring everybody's attention to the following:
Please be aware that NO written, telephonic or in-person communication is permitted between a recruit and a booster of an NCAA institution regardless of the medium. Please note the following paragraph describing the NCAA rule governing this type of contact and clarifying that anyone who encourages a recruit to attend Xavier University is automatically considered a booster.
The NCAA rules which govern the actions that have been deemed impermissible in this instance are: NCAA Bylaw 13.01.4 prohibits a booster from “making in-person, on- or off-campus recruiting contacts, or written or telephonic communications with a prospect or the prospect’s relatives or legal guardians.” (this includes message boards, posting on myspace, facebook, and other such mediums).
Many claim that they are not a booster because they do not contribute financially to the University. However, NCAA Bylaw 13.02.13 states that one criteria defining someone as a booster is anyone “who is known (or who should have been known) by a member of the institution’s executive or athletics administration to be assisting in the recruitment of prospects.”
In short. Don't contact these guys via, twitter, FB, or any other social medium.
Furthermore. Recruits and their families DO read forums like this. Remember that when posting.