The brilliance of the Shutdown is that you can decide for yourself. Are you for the wall, or are you not for the wall?
Now you may think Donald Trump is Hitler, but that is not the choice.
Maybe you don't like me claiming anything Trump is doing is "brilliant".
But the brilliance in Trumps stand is that you can easily define yourself.
This government shutdown is about The Wall.
Are you for the Wall? Are You Against the Wall?
I am a single issue voter. I am for The Wall. I am for enforcing immigration laws already on the books. Laws are laws, and they should mean something. Disregarding the existing law because you don't like Trump, I can't understand that. It is the law. I think if you don't like the law, you should change the law. Then you should enforce the law.
We live in a lawless society. I don't blame Trump for that. I blame us.