Xavier Heavy Hitting Drinking Club

  1. chico
    Opened up some Zaya a buddy of mine got me for Christmas. Very smooth stuff. Made watching UC much easier.
  2. Kahns Krazy
    Kahns Krazy
  3. Kahns Krazy
    Kahns Krazy
    This place is as popular as a fart in church.

    -Dusty Balls.
  4. Kahns Krazy
    Kahns Krazy
    This club is going to be featured in the next "Abandoned Cincinnati" photo shoot.
  5. nuts4xu
    Hello, I am Nuts.....

    I was once a member of this vibrant group called the "Xavier Heavy Hitting Drinking Club".

    I continue to drink as planned, without any set backs.

    Yet, the pussy eaters in my club seemed to have sobered up or something.

    This club is on life support...but I am still hear drinking Stella Artois at nearly 1 am on a Thursday night, in the beginning of the off season....all for the sake of our Muskies and my XHHDC members. MOR has his old coots on the Lew Hirt Society, but I am not nearly that old nor do I live more than 9 miles from Cintas.

    Therefore this club is my legacy, and I am still looking for some great beer drinkers to join me in this path to liver failure.

    Who is with me????
  6. Strange Brew
    Strange Brew
    hello, is there anybody out there.....
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