1000 Post Club

  1. American X
    American X
    Today is the birthday of joebba - founder of The 1000 Post Club.

    I hope he is alive to enjoy it. He has been AWOL a long time.
  2. Jumpy
    Is this place still alive?
  3. Stonebreaker
    Yeah. We rock.
  4. Fred Garvin
    Fred Garvin
    This inactivity is a disgrace. If this was the original Roundtable Snipe would be having intense discussions with his 16 alter egos.
  5. GoMuskies
    This needs to be changed to the 3,000 post club. 1,000 is not nearly exclusive enough anymore.
  6. Masterofreality
    Time for the 4,000 post club!
  7. Kahns Krazy
    Kahns Krazy
    I want a 5,000 post club. MOR can't come in. For like a day.
  8. Kahns Krazy
    Kahns Krazy
    I have fallen to 5th on the prolific post whore rankings.
  9. X-band '01
    X-band '01
    Who's the slumlord of this club? I second Dusty Balls' notion to up the ante for this group.
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