View Full Version : Dana Jacobsen Suspension
Fred Garvin
01-23-2008, 05:34 PM
She is suspended for a week from her show for comments she made at a Mike and Mike roast in Atlantic City. I guess she said "F Notre Dame" and "F Touchdown Jesus" and finally, "F Jesus." All while swigging from a bottle of Belvedere.
I can't stand that amazon anyway. The funniest comment I read said, "Dana Jacobsen getting booed off stage by the audience, isn't that kinda like messing with Sasquatch?"
Didn't see anything on PTI. I guess ESPN won't be giving this the the wall-to-wall coverage they gave Imus or Kelly Tilghman.
01-23-2008, 05:41 PM
Shoulda fired her for it. A suspension does nothing.
01-23-2008, 05:54 PM
agree stoney. They mentioned it on outside the lines
01-23-2008, 06:59 PM
I thought these roasts are supposed to be no holds barred, and even encourage off the wall things like this.
X-band '01
01-23-2008, 07:11 PM
Switch Jesus with Muhammad and you'd have an international incident on your hands here.
PM Thor
01-23-2008, 07:31 PM
It was a roast. It is meant to be over the top. I don't see what the problem is, you are supposed to be as offensive as possible at a roast.
Fred Garvin
01-23-2008, 07:35 PM
Some are trying to make an issue out of a Jew saying this about catholics. Their point is no way could a catholic keep his/her job if they said this about a Jew.
I'm just surprised Dana didn't pull her dick out as she was dragged off stage.
Fred Garvin
01-23-2008, 07:39 PM
It was a roast. It is meant to be over the top. I don't see what the problem is, you are supposed to be as offensive as possible at a roast.
The point is ESPN being The Grand Inquisitor in all issues of race. Except when it was one of their own.
Also, I hear the KKK is holding a roast this weekent. No problem, after all, anything goes at a roast!
PM Thor
01-23-2008, 07:56 PM
Fred Fred Fred. Usually roasts involve people you like.
Now I don't know who Dana was roasting, but I suspect that it was someone she knew pretty well.
I would be rather worried who the KKK would roast. Maybe the Aryan Brotherhood?
ATL Muskie
01-23-2008, 08:16 PM
She's a Michigan grad and was roasting Mike Golic, an ND grad. It was a roast. I agree with Fred, that ESPN not giving this wall to wall coverage is curious, but I don't agree that she should be suspended and certainly not fired. It was a roast. It was supposed to be tasteless and over the top. If people don't like it, then why do we still have roasts? Everyone needs to chill. It was a tasteless joke, but a joke nonetheless.
Fred Garvin
01-23-2008, 08:27 PM
[QUOTE=PM Thor;5550][B][COLOR="Navy"]Fred Fred Fred. Usually roasts involve people you like.
Now I don't know who Dana was roasting, but I suspect that it was someone she knew pretty well.
Thor, then why was she hustled offstage? Why is she toxic?
PM Thor
01-23-2008, 08:49 PM
I can't make an informed comment on it, because I have only read small snippets on it, and haven't seen the actual speech.
It sounds like she was drunk. From the MSN article, it sure points that way. They did make a pretty good point in that article though, that ESPN announcers are trying to be announcers and entertainers, and don't do either very well.
Fred Garvin
01-23-2008, 09:40 PM
So you think she was escorted off stage for being drunk at a roast? At a roast? You are buying that?
I too would like to see video. Initial reports say Greenburg and Golic had their face in their hands. Now that could mean they were embarassed or it can be they were feigning mock embarassment.
And the other point is who cares about the reaction of the intended targets. Why should a catholic care about Mike Greenburg's reaction? Sharpton said much the same about Kelly Tilgmann. Should Tiger's response have anyting to do with some black woman being offended by the "lynching" comment?
PM Thor
01-23-2008, 10:02 PM
Like I said, I don't know enough to say why she was escorted off. I suspect that she was sloppy drunk, as in, slurring, garbling her comments, swigging from a bottle of vodka.
I doubt at a roast there is much that is uncalled for. I highly doubt that anyone would be ready to escort someone off because of what they say. As for Mike and Mike having their heads in their hands, feigning mock embarassment would be my guess.
As for whether or not it matters, it really doesn't. Everyone should know though, that a roast is a place where obscene things are said just for shock factor. It's not like someone actually believes what they are saying, it is mock indignation, mock hatred, mock for mockings sake.
The part that bugs me the most though is that ESPN has the story buried in its news section on its second page. Talk about being hypocritical. Both the Tiger event and the Imus event drew ESPNs ire, but this doesn't?
Chris Knight
01-23-2008, 11:13 PM
ESPN is terrible at covering itself, always has been. Did anyone ever figure out why Harold Reynolds was fired?
That being said, I'm with ATL and Thor here. If I was Jacobsen, my reply to the anti-defamation league would be this: "I thought that Catholics were smart enough to recognize context."
It was a roast. Everything that was said was supposed to be offensive; that's the point of a roast.
I mean it's not like she burned a picture of the Pope on SNL or anything.....
01-24-2008, 12:02 AM
"Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject, so you know you are getting the best possible information." - Michael Scott, The Office
Just to support previous arguments and since Wikipedia is the standard of truth...
"A roast, in North American English, is an event in which an individual is subject to publicly bearing insults, praise, outlandish true and untrue stories, racial stereotypes and heartwarming tributes. It is seen as a great honor to be roasted, as the individual is surrounded by friends, fans, and well-wishers, who can receive some of the same treatment as well during the course of the evening. The party and presentation itself are both referred to as a roast."
BTW, who even knew they were having this roast? Was it even common knowledge that this line was said? I didn't hear about it until she apologized and she was suspended.
01-24-2008, 07:24 AM
I still don't understand why she got in trouble. I'm sure there were some other very offensive things said that night as well, by other individuals. Is Jesus Christ and Notre Dame off limits at roasts? Everything else seems to be game. I wish ESPN was covering this more. I'm sure many of the talking heads/radio folks would be sticking up for her. Not just b/c she is a fellow employee, but it was a freaking roast.
I bet Mike & Mike will comment on it briefly today.
DC Muskie
01-24-2008, 08:27 AM
What the hell was the joke?
Next Question-
Who is Dana Jacobson?
Next Question-
Why was there a roast for Mike and Mike?
Another Question-
Why in the world does anyone care what an unknown person said or did, to another set of unknown persons at an event no one knew anything about?
01-24-2008, 08:30 AM
Charlie Weiss was in the audience - that is why they are making a big stink of it. From what I read on Deadspin, they had to escort her off the stage.
Fantastic when girls in the public eye get wasted.
Not nearly as funny as when Namath tried to kiss Kolber - but close
American X
01-24-2008, 10:12 AM
It was a roast. It was supposed to be tasteless and over the top. If people don't like it, then why do we still have roasts?
Didn't Saturday Night Live have a skit Sean Penn's Non-Offensive, Politically Correct Roast or something like that?
01-24-2008, 10:21 AM
If you are at a roast where people can get kicked out for what they say, or for drinking too much...then the roast sucks and is a waste of time.
What's the point of a roast??
Lisa Lampanelli, and all of the black guys she's slept with, would be disappointed with this suspension.
BBC 08
01-25-2008, 10:39 AM
If you go to Deadspin, it has a pretty big picture of Jacobson downing some vodka. It is now my new avatar.
01-25-2008, 10:42 AM
If you go to Deadspin, it has a pretty big picture of Jacobson downing some vodka. It is now my new avatar.
What? Does she have a sippy lid on that bottle? Can't she just drink straight from the bottle and not through a topper
BBC 08
01-25-2008, 10:45 AM
I guess she's not as manly as we all thought.
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