View Full Version : Bill Moyers, or J. Edgar Moyers

02-23-2009, 01:28 AM
J. Edgar Moyers (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123517518496237441.html)

This post is dedicated to Fred Garvin.

One of the darker periods of modern American history was J. Edgar Hoover's long reign over the FBI, as we have learned since he died in 1972. So it is more than a historical footnote to discover new records showing that prominent public television broadcaster Bill Moyers participated in Hoover's exploits.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, the Washington Post has obtained a few of the former FBI director's secret files. According to a Thursday front-page story, Hoover was "consumed" with exposing a (nonexistent) relationship between a gay photographer and Jack Valenti, the late film industry lobbyist who was then an aide to Lyndon Johnson. Hoover's M.O. was to amass incriminating personal information as political blackmail.

But as the Post reports in passing, the dossier also reveals that Mr. Moyers -- then a special assistant to LBJ -- requested in 1964 that Hoover's G-men "investigate two other administration figures who were 'suspected as having homosexual tendencies.'"

Hell yeah for Bill Moyers! Those fags had it coming to them! That is so gay!

Oh wait! Sorry I said that. Didn't mean any of it.

Amid "bits of dirt on figures such as Martin Luther King," Judge Silberman found a 1964 memo from Mr. Moyers directing Hoover's agents to investigate Barry Goldwater's campaign staff for evidence of homosexual activity. A few weeks before, an LBJ aide named Walter Jenkins had been arrested in a men's bathroom, and Mr. Silberman wrote that Mr. Moyers and his boss evidently wanted leverage in the event Goldwater tried to use the liaison against them. (He didn't, as it happened.)

When that episode became public after Mr. Silberman testified, an irate Mr. Moyers called him and, with typical delicacy, accused him of falling for forged CIA memos. Mr. Silberman offered to study the matter and, should Mr. Moyers's allegations pan out, he would publicly exonerate him. "There was a pause on the line and then he said, 'I was very young. How will I explain this to my children?' And then he rang off."

What an ass. "How will I explain this to my children?". I would be glad to explain it to his children.

Children, your father is a bigot. Your father used political power to get the government to investigate the sexual and personal lives of taxpayers in an effort to exploit whatever they found. Your father is an jerk.

Note that people on the left "Out" people, and it is a liberal-left traditon. They paint the right as bigots, but the left has basically been in charge of the whole "Outing" industry. They have no tolerance for gays that don't hold their political views, and they will destroy them if they have a chance.

Given his public persona of an "honest broker" and a "speaker of truth to power", Bill Moyers is probably the most two faced jerk that lives in America bar none.

02-25-2009, 10:57 AM
Please use more caps and exclamation points in your early morning posts. I will be MUCH more likely to believe your thesis.

I am once again impressed with your willingness to admit to your leftist tendencies. "Outing" Bill Moyer on Hoops Madness is right up there with the NY Times and the Washington Post. Well done!

Oh wait, distinction between free press and revealing personal sexual details or covert intelligence assignments? Ludicrous.

02-25-2009, 11:47 AM
One of the worst uses of political power is to use the police to investigate private citizens for political purposes. That is what Moyers was doing. He used the FBI to investigate the sexuality of political rivals.

Notice that they feared that Conservative Barry Goldwater would use a bathroom incident against them, and Goldwater didn't.

Moyers is so smug. What he did was wrong on many levels. Not only morally wrong, it is criminal in my book.

Fred Garvin
02-25-2009, 07:16 PM
One of the worst uses of political power is to use the police to investigate private citizens for political purposes. That is what Moyers was doing. He used the FBI to investigate the sexuality of political rivals.

Notice that they feared that Conservative Barry Goldwater would use a bathroom incident against them, and Goldwater didn't.

Moyers is so smug. What he did was wrong on many levels. Not only morally wrong, it is criminal in my book.

Alger Hiss, er, The Emepror, is such a hyprocrite. What Moyers did is okay, but you've no doubt that Alger is pissed about Nixon breaking into Daniel Elsburg's shrink's office.

Ya know I recently watching the joke that is "Frontline". Of course they did a smear job on the late Lee Atwater for his dirty tricks. I wonder if PBS will do a "Frontline" on the dirty tricks of their compartriot Bill Moyers.

Fred Garvin
02-25-2009, 07:19 PM
"Note that people on the left "Out" people, and it is a liberal-left traditon. They paint the right as bigots, but the left has basically been in charge of the whole "Outing" industry. They have no tolerance for gays that don't hold their political views, and they will destroy them if they have a chance."

See the outing of Bush 41's press secretary, Pete Williams.

XU 87
02-25-2009, 07:49 PM
Please use more caps and exclamation points in your early morning posts. I will be MUCH more likely to believe your thesis.

I am once again impressed with your willingness to admit to your leftist tendencies. "Outing" Bill Moyer on Hoops Madness is right up there with the NY Times and the Washington Post. Well done!

Oh wait, distinction between free press and revealing personal sexual details or covert intelligence assignments? Ludicrous.

And just what exactly are you trying to say?

02-26-2009, 02:51 PM
I dropped this bomb on a highly combative liberal friend of mine and he was floored. He loves Bill Moyers and swears that Frontline is as objective as it gets. He's feverishly fact-checking to discredit this story and has come up with nothing. It sucks when people you look up to are outed as being turds....it's a hard pill to swallow.

My athletic idols growing up were Pete Rose and later Roger Clemens.

02-26-2009, 03:59 PM
If Moyers was using the office of the prez to ferret out gays anywhere, an abuse of power. Nothing political left or right about that.

What is ludicrous is Snipe's latest mania, wallpaper crusade against the leftist "industry of outing." Hoover was a leftist. Right. Nixon and his Watergate gang, leftists. Liddy, real far left. Chaney, way out there. Dixiecrats lynch mobs, all southpaws. Scanning everything we post on line, a real left wing plot.

This thread isn't a discussion, its Snipe's late night blog therapy. Fred, do I have you right, Ellsberg's phychiatrist office good, Moyer bad?

"This thread is dedicated to/pandering/sucking up to.....". Please just get your own room. Stroking each other in public is still an offense.

Strange Brew
02-26-2009, 04:02 PM
If Moyers was using the office of the prez to ferret out gays anywhere, an abuse of power. Nothing political left or right about that.

What is ludicrous is Snipe's latest mania, wallpaper crusade against the leftist "industry of outing." Hoover was a leftist. Right. Nixon and his Watergate gang, leftists. Liddy, real far left. Chaney, way out there. Dixiecrats lynch mobs, all southpaws. Scanning everything we post on line, a real left wing plot.

This thread isn't a discussion, its Snipe's late night blog therapy.

Emp, did you mean Libby? In that case, he didn't out anyone. He was found guilty of perjury not outing V. Plame. If you meant Liddy, I apologize for the post.

American X
02-26-2009, 05:09 PM
Bill Moyers Tell Snipe To Stuff It (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123561891476579003.html)

Fred Garvin
02-27-2009, 12:29 AM
wait, but he's already admitted shame for outing Goldwater's kid, right?

Again, when will "Frontline", do an expose on Moyers?