View Full Version : 4th Snow Day this week, really?

01-29-2009, 10:27 PM
Ok, I could see the first 2 days and I was surprised by the 3rd day but FOUR snow days for my kids this week. Are you kidding me?

01-29-2009, 10:28 PM
Quality time with pops.

01-29-2009, 10:49 PM
I'm on a 90 minute delay right now, these are awful, because you have to wake up early to check to see what the deal is in the morning, not to mention the always-welcome automated calls at 5 a.m.

01-29-2009, 10:55 PM
Lucky! How are the roads? I'm driving up from Nashville tomorrow.

01-29-2009, 11:03 PM
I'm on a 90 minute delay right now, these are awful, because you have to wake up early to check to see what the deal is in the morning, not to mention the always-welcome automated calls at 5 a.m.

I hate those calls. Our principal's voice is not what I would call "sweet". So, I'm already pissed and then to hear that voice.

01-29-2009, 11:25 PM
I hate those calls. Our principal's voice is not what I would call "sweet". So, I'm already pissed and then to hear that voice.

Haha agreed, doesn't help at that awful hour to hear my automated talking caller id butcher every word of the school district. Makes me think about who the hell is calling for a minute...

Kahns Krazy
01-29-2009, 11:36 PM
You have to wonder how long it will be before internet based web-classes will replace actual class on snow days.

01-29-2009, 11:42 PM
You have to wonder how long it will be before internet based web-classes will replace actual class on snow days.

I could see that for high schools. Moeller is almost there as they require all students to have a specilaized tablet laptop.

01-30-2009, 12:21 AM
Ok, I could see the first 2 days and I was surprised by the 3rd day but FOUR snow days for my kids this week. Are you kidding me?

A couple more of school in June...I bet the kids will love it then

01-30-2009, 09:16 AM
I loved it when the automated calls came into use. When I was teaching, our principal would start a snow chain for the teachers. All of my kids friends and neighbors would be be calling all night asking...."did your Dad get the call yet?"

01-30-2009, 09:26 AM
A couple more of school in June...I bet the kids will love it then

No doubt. They are over w/ the wind storm. Problem is that our church festival (which I Chair)is second weekend in June so there could potenialy be an issue if they have to make up a bunch of days as it could possibly interfere w/ set-up.

Raoul Duke
01-30-2009, 09:41 AM
Lucky! How are the roads? I'm driving up from Nashville tomorrow.

All of the main roads are fine. The only problematic ones are side streets. The freeways especially should be clear. They're still out there doing work on everything, so it should be even better by tomorrow.

01-30-2009, 09:50 AM
I am jealous! Nobody has called me to give me a day off from my retirement. Just for spite, I think I'll get out my saw horses, circular saw, router, screw gun, and jigs and work on a couple of door installations since I'm only one-third finished with that project to date. Heck, I might even get a couple of brownie points from ms. muskienick in the process! Anyway, I was getting a bit weary of crossword puzzles, sudoku puzzles, and James Patterson novels.

01-30-2009, 11:24 AM
I'm with ya on the 4th snow day... problem is the side streets are so horrible the buses can't get through. They should have done what Mason did and give us a choice. In Mason, if the buses can't get through a particular street, then the parents could either a) bring the kids to school themselves or b) Mason would give those kids an excused absence.

ATL Muskie
01-30-2009, 11:38 AM
Weren't schools up there closed in August b/c of the heat as well? How does that affect make up days?

01-30-2009, 12:31 PM
Hilarious stuff. This city is a joke.

01-30-2009, 12:34 PM
Hilarious stuff. This city is a joke.

Give it a rest.

01-30-2009, 12:48 PM
Hilarious stuff. This city is a joke.

This isn't just Cincinnati. The economy is effecting everything. Cities are not paying for overtime. They are not paying the outrageous salt prices.

The two major factors in closing schools:

1) Buses. If the bus company shuts down for the day a major amount of students don't show up.
2) Teachers most often don't live in the same neighborhood as the school that they teach in.

FYI - My understanding is that if a certain percentage of students do not show up for school, then it doesn't count as a school day.

01-30-2009, 12:59 PM
How are the roads and power situation in Cincinnati? Our schools are still out in Louisville as well with around 200K people still without power due to the ice. Most secondary roads still have trees and/or tree limbs on them. I have two trees down at my place and on my house. Also have 4 families in my house so I hope the roads are open in Cincinnati so I can escape for a little bit.

01-30-2009, 01:27 PM
This isn't just Cincinnati. The economy is effecting everything. Cities are not paying for overtime. They are not paying the outrageous salt prices.

The two major factors in closing schools:

1) Buses. If the bus company shuts down for the day a major amount of students don't show up.
2) Teachers most often don't live in the same neighborhood as the school that they teach in.

FYI - My understanding is that if a certain percentage of students do not show up for school, then it doesn't count as a school day.

I think the percentages apply in Kentucky, but not in Ohio. I was a 30 year teacher in Ohio. We went a lot when there was only snow. Ice becomes the wild card in determining if you close. I really think superintendents have become more afraid of lawsuits than inconvenienced parents.

ATL Muskie
01-30-2009, 01:29 PM
And plus the timing- it's unlikely you'll have schools closed for a few days, then re-open for a Friday, and then close again for the weekend. They'll err on the side of caution and keep them closed on a Friday to have everything cleaned up by the time the wekend is over.

01-30-2009, 02:10 PM
Yeah - I recall the tactic used to be "Schools are open, no school buses" - and the absence didn't count if you missed. This virtually made it a snow day without the make up day. "We were open, they could have attended" As I said it was a virtual snow day, back when it was common for one parent to stay at home anyway it was only the ones with hard-core parents would drive them into school, where they would sit in class sulking as all their friends were off at home and they were doing mindless busy work as the teachers thought, no sense in starting anything new just to have to repeat it tomorrow.

And it used to be Cincinnati Public had the reputation of NEVER closing, if CPS closed you knew it was BAD.

I recall a professor at Xavier once quipped, "You know on these snow days, somehow the commuter students are here right on time, but the residents are either snowed in or are running late to class" Xavier also had a reputation of never closing. "Most of our students live on campus, why do we need to close." I was a student the year a commuter student died driving home from classes at XU, which was reported as being caused by the weather. As I recall the student body at the time did everything in their power to make the Dean of Students feel as bad about it as possible, and from then for the rest of that term at Xavier it closed if there was a HINT of snow.

ATL Muskie
01-30-2009, 02:23 PM
I recall a professor at Xavier once quipped, "You know on these snow days, somehow the commuter students are here right on time, but the residents are either snowed in or are running late to class" Xavier also had a reputation of never closing. "Most of our students live on campus, why do we need to close." I was a student the year a commuter student died driving home from classes at XU, which was reported as being caused by the weather. As I recall the student body at the time did everything in their power to make the Dean of Students feel as bad about it as possible, and from then for the rest of that term at Xavier it closed if there was a HINT of snow.

I can understand that to an extent, but my question (not necessarily to you) is if I get in an accident on my way to work during an ice storm when I am required to be there b/c the company didn't close down, can I sue the employer, or at the very least make them feel guilty for my accident? Guess it's an example of our litigious society. Shit happens. It doesn't make it any easier, but it also isn't always someone else's "fault."

01-30-2009, 02:47 PM
I wasn't saying that it was, just reporting one of my memories from my 4 years. When I think back on it, even though I was not directly involved in the voice mail/ e amil, letter writing etc attacks on the univeristy official, I still feel bad about it. That was definitely not a very Christian, let alone Xavier way to handle the situation.

I mean think of the poor official, dealing with the news of the death of a student, probably already going through that phase of trauma where you ask yourself "What could I have done?, "Could I have prevented this?, and worse "Is this my fault?" and at possibly one of the lowest times in your life, to get hit with that barrage of communications.

But you also make a good point about how laswuit happy we are as a society, I'm sure that plays a role in some colsing decisions.

ATL Muskie
01-30-2009, 03:26 PM
I wasn't saying that it was, just reporting one of my memories from my 4 years. When I think back on it, even though I was not directly involved in the voice mail/ e amil, letter writing etc attacks on the univeristy official, I still feel bad about it. That was definitely not a very Christian, let alone Xavier way to handle the situation.

I mean think of the poor official, dealing with the news of the death of a student, probably already going through that phase of trauma where you ask yourself "What could I have done?, "Could I have prevented this?, and worse "Is this my fault?" and at possibly one of the lowest times in your life, to get hit with that barrage of communications.

But you also make a good point about how laswuit happy we are as a society, I'm sure that plays a role in some colsing decisions.

Oh I know, and as I said, I wasn't specifically asking you. just in general, I don't think anyone should direct blame at the university for something like that. People die in car accidents in heavy rain, etc. It just happens.

01-30-2009, 03:56 PM
How are the roads and power situation in Cincinnati? Our schools are still out in Louisville as well with around 200K people still without power due to the ice. Most secondary roads still have trees and/or tree limbs on them. I have two trees down at my place and on my house. Also have 4 families in my house so I hope the roads are open in Cincinnati so I can escape for a little bit.

Freeways are fine although my wife reported that off ramps, side streets and parking lots were still a mess in downtown Cincy when she got in to P&G this morning. It's been 3 days. I don't get. I think by Saturday things will be fine everywhere, including side streets. Now they are saying more snow late Sunday/early Monday. Yeah!!!!

XU '11
01-30-2009, 04:16 PM
Freeways are fine although my wife reported that off ramps, side streets and parking lots were still a mess in downtown Cincy when she got in to P&G this morning. It's been 3 days. I don't get. I think by Saturday things will be fine everywhere, including side streets. Now they are saying more snow late Sunday/early Monday. Yeah!!!!

They're also saying it should get up to 50 Sunday, so hopefully most of the existing snow melts away before we get the next layer Sunday night.

01-30-2009, 05:44 PM
School on President's day and June 3rd (day after final exams end, the attendance should be perfect here) for me, no more snow please.

01-30-2009, 11:07 PM
White Death will be at the Cintas early tomorrow afternoon. Beware. (Jaws theme here)

01-31-2009, 08:26 AM
God bless the sun yesterday. Its a miracle what a few hours of sun, even in 25 degrees can do for the roads compared to days of plows. I went to the store yesterday morning and most of the side streets were still bad. Then I went out last evening for dinner and all the sludge had melted away. Just in time for the snow on Monday...