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X Communicator
01-27-2009, 05:41 PM
Sunday, Jan. 25. 2009
On-line edition


Niners’ men’s hoops head coach Bobby Lutz thinks he has the answer to why the Niners’ took a 27-point drubbing Saturday at the hands of the Temple Owls: severe flatulence in the Niners’ locker room at the half.

“I’ve never smelled anything like it. You’re tryin’ hard to get the kids’ heads around our defensive strategy in the second half, and you couldn’t breathe in there. Hell, my eyes were tearing up, I could hardly see. I couldn’t keep our kids’ attention, not with that kind of fragrance in there,” Lutz said.

The problem persisted during the entire break, according to Lutz. “No one ‘fessed up,” Lutz said. “But I got my ideas on who’s to blame. So let’s just leave it there.

“Stuff like that affects your offense, too. I’m thinking there’s a twenty-point swing there. Hell, who knows how it might have worked out?”________________________________________

Following the deaths last week of students Joe-Bob Jackson and Krystal Sue Jackson (no apparent relation), university officials vowed to install devices called “lightning rods” on the main classroom building of the School of Faith-Based Science and Technology.

The students were electrocuted while having sex in a ninth-floor closet.________________________________________

Over 100 students lined up Friday at the Charlotte Bookstore to meet with Beauregard Nubbinsworth, associate professor of sociology at UNCC’s School of Humanities, who was promoting his latest book, “Modern Fashion and Human Sexuality.”

In his book, Nubbinsworth seeks to establish a corollary between the degree of sexual appeal in women’s clothing and the incidence of sexual assault on the female population. He supports his theory with colorful graphs and revealing photos throughout his book.

“I got the idea for this work from my own observations on the Charlotte campus,” reported Nubbinsworth. “When you see what these co-eds wear these days, with their tight little skirts and tops that push their breasts out to here, it’s clear that these girls are asking for it.”

He had previously authored “Inherent Beauty of the Caucasian Female” (2001) and “Li’l Sis Wants it, Too: A Guide to Adolescent Female Sexuality” (1998).________________________________________
Your Charlottan editorial board would be remiss if it didn’t point out that one more barrier has been broken here on campus: the university has admitted its first Jew.

Nineteen year-old Abie Yaddim, who enrolled at Charlotte this spring semester, 2009, became the first known Jew student in UNCC history.

That the odd Jew may have graced the campus before is largely unconfirmed, notes Andrew-Bob Jackson, university historian.

“Charlotte had a Rube Goldberg register as a non-matriculated student at the end of the Second World War. But he never identified himself as a Jew. ‘Course, who could blame him,” said Jackson.

“But with a name like Rube Goldberg, and the fact that the kids nicknamed him Hymie, what else could he be?” questioned the historian.

Yaddim has identified himself as being of Jewish extract on his university application, so for the moment, the Jewish question is settled.

But remember, too, that the school has already had students from Russia (1991), Poland (1995), New Mexico and Maine (1996), and even Lebanon (2004). The Lebanese student was not a Muslim, but who’s to say that there may not be a Muslim student in the not-to- distant future? We have full confidence, however, that the university won't go looking for them, either, at least not as students.

Sadly, Rube Goldberg left after only one semester at Charlotte, during the time when the Klan became unusually active on campus, according to Jackson.

“Maybe he got the ‘heebee jeebees,’” Jackson joked.

To our Abie Yaddim, however, we extend a warm and hearty “Mazel Tov.”

In our editorial “Showing the President Who’s Boss” (Monday, Jan. 19), we said that the South had beaten the North in the Civil War. We have since learned that the South did not win the war as the North had simply found other things to do and there was no one to whoop up on anymore.


Regarding student council president Joe-Bob “Bubba” Thompson’s long and windy op-ed piece entitled “Is it Time to Do Away with Mandatory Smoking for Students?” (Wed., Jan. 21), we have not had a chance to read the article and we do not plan to do so in the near future. So there is no need for you to bother us with your comments.


In the last paragraph in the story “Tri-Delts Plan Afternoon Gala,” (Thursday, Jan. 22) the last sentence was to have read, “The sorority would be lunching in style,” not “lynching in style,” as was originally reported.


Thankfully, THE CHARLOTTAN isn’t published very often, so don’t plan on seeing it in the near future.


01-27-2009, 05:49 PM
Those jokes were a lot funnier the first time you told them. But some of them were quite offensive. We're a lot more open-minded and tolerant of other religions than a Catholic school would be.

01-27-2009, 06:13 PM
Actually, since religion is taught at X, I could have taken History of Islam, Hebrew Scripture, and English Reformation. Since religion is part of the school, and we teach tolerance, we are tolerant; also being a visitor on the site, you should be able to handle a little fibbing and ribbing.

01-27-2009, 06:17 PM
The University Times (www.nineronline.com)
The actual student newspaper.

01-27-2009, 06:21 PM
Actually, since religion is taught at X, I could have taken History of Islam, Hebrew Scripture, and English Reformation. Since religion is part of the school, and we teach tolerance, we are tolerant; also being a visitor on the site, you should be able to handle a little fibbing and ribbing.

Oh I can take it. I chuckled at quite a few of his fun facts about Charlotte.

But having grown up in the South, comments that suggest that all Southerners are racist, ignorant, uneducated bigots gets under my skin really bad. That's the only thing I take issue with.

As far as the locker room flatulance... It was probably Ngoundjo.

X Communicator
01-27-2009, 08:06 PM
Oh I can take it. I chuckled at quite a few of his fun facts about Charlotte.

But having grown up in the South, comments that suggest that all Southerners are racist, ignorant, uneducated bigots gets under my skin really bad. That's the only thing I take issue with.

As far as the locker room flatulance... It was probably Ngoundjo.

Uh, Four Nine, if I poked fun at racist, ignorant, and uneducated bigots in the South, so what? X is playing you this week. I'm planning something special for Dayton, so check back around February 11th.

I also hope you got the jokes about fundamentalist nonsense, religious prejudice, junk science and second-rate academics. Let me know if I missed any!

If you think that this post was intended to be some serious critique on life at Charlotte, or your life, well, I don't know what to say.

You should have read my rant-post about Purdue last year. We were playing them in a "tournament"--it's a sports contest where certain teams compete against others. The tournament is known as the "NCAA." Are you familiar with "tournament" or the "NCAA" in Charlotte?

BTW, the Purdue posters enjoyed it immensely...course, they've been there before.

But I'm glad you liked "Fun Facts About Charlotte!"

01-27-2009, 09:03 PM
Now living in the (relatively) rural and super deep south, I have found the majority of those stereotypes of southern whites to be quite true. I would not put people in places like Atlanta or Charlotte in the category of truly deep south southerners.

I really have a hard time comparing North Carolina to the southern parts of SC, AL, GA, Miss, or Northern Florida.

While I consider the deep south the racists, I think realistic good natured jabbing for NC is more with Ky, WV, & Tenn--Appalachian imbreeding/snake handling hill folk. Not huge on racism from what I've observed though. Also not real high on IQ.

You need Andy Kennedy country for the racists.
Plymouth GTX picture (http://www.dodge-wiki.com/wiki/Plymouth_GTX)

01-27-2009, 09:05 PM
Uh, Four Nine, if I poked fun at racist, ignorant, and uneducated bigots in the South, so what? X is playing you this week. I'm planning something special for Dayton, so check back around February 11th.

I also hope you got the jokes about fundamentalist nonsense, religious prejudice, junk science and second-rate academics. Let me know if I missed any!

If you think that this post was intended to be some serious critique on life at Charlotte, or your life, well, I don't know what to say.

You should have read my rant-post about Purdue last year. We were playing them in a "tournament"--it's a sports contest where certain teams compete against others. The tournament is known as the "NCAA." Are you familiar with "tournament" or the "NCAA" in Charlotte?

BTW, the Purdue posters enjoyed it immensely...course, they've been there before.

But I'm glad you liked "Fun Facts About Charlotte!"

Oh yes, I am familiar with this "Tournament" of which you speak. It's not as if we've never been there. Actually... thinking back, there's this thing called a "Final Four." It's the thing that happens after the first few rounds of this "tournament." Ever been? We have :)

Like I said, most of it was funny, and a hell of an improvement over what I've seen on other boards... but the fact of the matter is that I despise the image that the worlds holds on the south so much that I get offended and defensive about it, even if it's in jest. I love it here, but the people piss me off. I talk to somebody here, and I get "Oh, well... yer an artist? What're yeh some kinda' homo or somethin'?" (yes, I have gotten that, word for word) and then talk to somebody from up north who automatically assumes that I'm just as prejudiced and narrow-minded as the people who are the real root of the problem. /rant

Sorry about that... but you did miss something...

Where are the jokes about our local media ignoring us?

01-27-2009, 09:11 PM
Oh yes, I am familiar with this "Tournament" of which you speak. It's not as if we've never been there. Actually... thinking back, there's this thing called a "Final Four." It's the thing that happens after the first few rounds of this "tournament." Ever been? We have :)

Well played, sir

01-27-2009, 09:21 PM
Now living in the (relatively) rural and super deep south, I have found the majority of those stereotypes of southern whites to be quite true. I would not put people in places like Atlanta or Charlotte in the category of truly deep south southerners.

I really have a hard time comparing North Carolina to the southern parts of SC, AL, GA, Miss, or Northern Florida.

While I consider the deep south the racists, I think realistic good natured jabbing for NC is more with Ky, WV, & Tenn--Appalachian imbreeding/snake handling hill folk. Not huge on racism from what I've observed though. Also not real high on IQ.

You need Andy Kennedy country for the racists.

Northwestern NC fits the KY/WV mold. Southwestern NC is a hippie paradise. Charlotte is really neutral... you've got your ass-backwards rednecks but there are a ton of northern transplants, like my mom. Lot's of people move to this horrible, empty office space building... from Cincinnati.:cool:

01-27-2009, 09:38 PM
Wait a second... he wants to dispell stereotypes about the South, yet at the same time he brags about the final four appearance (in 1977). You mean the one-man team led by "Cornbread" Maxwell?

Didn't Penn make the final four the following year? Times have changed....

Charlotte has made the tourney 11 times total. X has made it 11 times since 1993.

01-27-2009, 09:46 PM
Oh yes, I am familiar with this "Tournament" of which you speak. It's not as if we've never been there. Actually... thinking back, there's this thing called a "Final Four." It's the thing that happens after the first few rounds of this "tournament." Ever been? We have :)

Like I said, most of it was funny, and a hell of an improvement over what I've seen on other boards... but the fact of the matter is that I despise the image that the worlds holds on the south so much that I get offended and defensive about it, even if it's in jest. I love it here, but the people piss me off. I talk to somebody here, and I get "Oh, well... yer an artist? What're yeh some kinda' homo or somethin'?" (yes, I have gotten that, word for word) and then talk to somebody from up north who automatically assumes that I'm just as prejudiced and narrow-minded as the people who are the real root of the problem. /rant

Sorry about that... but you did miss something...

Where are the jokes about our local media ignoring us?

The last time I checked. That 1977 tournament, which was 30 years ago btw, had a total of 32 teams. Therefore, Charlotte won 3 games in that tourney. The same amount of wins Xavier had last year in the tourney as well as 2004.

A lot different when you take away 32 teams from the picture.

I second the fact that times have changed.

How many tournament wins has Charlotte had since that 1977 tourney?

01-27-2009, 09:47 PM
Wait a second... he wants to dispell stereotypes about the South, yet at the same time he brags about the final four appearance (in 1977). You mean the one-man team led by "Cornbread" Maxwell?

Didn't Penn make the final four the following year? Times have changed....

Charlotte has made the tourney 11 times total. X has made it 11 times since 1993.

Times may have changed... but history doesn't.

A Final Four is a Final Four. Charlotte 1, Xavier 0.

01-27-2009, 09:48 PM
Charlotte 1, Xavier 0.

Damn, he's got us. Charlotte joins Dayton in passing us as a program. Congrats on being in Dayton's class.

01-27-2009, 09:54 PM
Damn, he's got us. Charlotte joins Dayton in passing us as a program. Congrats on being in Dayton's class.

Ouch. We just can't win with you guys.

01-27-2009, 10:04 PM
Dang, Seattle even has a final four. Seattle 1, Xavier 0.

They have definitely passed us as well as San Francisco.

01-27-2009, 10:07 PM
Dang, Seattle even has a final four. Seattle 1, Xavier 0.

They have definitely passed us as well as San Francisco.

Don't forget LaSalle, they even have a title, don't they?

01-27-2009, 10:15 PM
There's one thing Charlotte has that Cincy doesn't. A dog bar. I had a beer there last weekend. I saw four great danes, a blue doberman, two boston terriers, and some mutts. I don't know what this has to do with basketball or Southern racism/stupidity, but I thought everyone needed to know. A dog bar.

01-27-2009, 10:16 PM
Don't forget LaSalle, they even have a title, don't they?

NIT title, before the NCAA tourney was a big deal.

01-27-2009, 10:19 PM
And the Penn Quakers.

01-27-2009, 10:20 PM
Lasalle, Drake, Wichita St, Holy Cross, CCNY, Dartmouth, Santa Clara, Southern Methodist, Princeton, New Mexico St., and Jacksonville all have final fours.
Clearly, all of these teams are better than our Xavier Musketeers.

01-27-2009, 10:22 PM
There's one thing Charlotte has that Cincy doesn't. A dog bar. I had a beer there last weekend. I saw four great danes, a blue doberman, two boston terriers, and some mutts. I don't know what this has to do with basketball or Southern racism/stupidity, but I thought everyone needed to know. A dog bar.

We have a dog bar?

01-27-2009, 10:22 PM
NIT title, before the NCAA tourney was a big deal.

Nope, that was an NCAA tourney big boy. Maybe you need to take a longer look at history.

01-27-2009, 10:30 PM
Nope, that was an NCAA tourney big boy. Maybe you need to take a longer look at history.

I stand corrected. 1954.

History is still history. Has X been a better program over the years? Lately, I would say yes. In 2004, I would have said no. But whether X has a better history than us or not... there is a Final Four banner hanging in Halton Arena. There is not one in the Cintas Center.

01-27-2009, 10:35 PM
The man's got a point. I guess we're just lucky that CCNY isn't in the A-14.

01-27-2009, 10:41 PM
There's one thing Charlotte has that Cincy doesn't. A dog bar. I had a beer there last weekend. I saw four great danes, a blue doberman, two boston terriers, and some mutts. I don't know what this has to do with basketball or Southern racism/stupidity, but I thought everyone needed to know. A dog bar.

This comment made this thread worth reading.

01-27-2009, 10:51 PM
X Comm that is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. I'm absolutely crying. I tried to rep you but the man is keeping me down again.

Blue Dog
01-27-2009, 10:57 PM
There's one thing Charlotte has that Cincy doesn't. A dog bar. I had a beer there last weekend. I saw four great danes, a blue doberman, two boston terriers, and some mutts. I don't know what this has to do with basketball or Southern racism/stupidity, but I thought everyone needed to know. A dog bar.

Cool. The only blue dogs I know of are Great Danes, Wiemaraners and Dobies. I've only seen one blue Doberman. BTW there's a bar in Liberty Twp. called Lucky Dog where you can bring your dog on Thursday nights when the weather is good, they're allowed in the large enclosed patio.

I like Niner fans, they seem like good guys and love their hoops. They deserve much better than Lutz has been giving them lately.

Hope the weather doesn't get any worse and they get here tomorrow.

01-27-2009, 11:09 PM
Oh yes, I am familiar with this "Tournament" of which you speak. It's not as if we've never been there. Actually... thinking back, there's this thing called a "Final Four." It's the thing that happens after the first few rounds of this "tournament." Ever been? We have :)

HEH! I believe we got told. Someday, I swear we will have one.

01-27-2009, 11:15 PM
According to Channel 12 news the 49ers are in town and the game will go on as scheduled tomorrow.

01-28-2009, 12:52 AM
If im not mistaken Xavier won an NIT tourny back before the NCAA was a big deal... does that count? I mean if were going back to history

01-28-2009, 01:06 AM
If im not mistaken Xavier won an NIT tourny back before the NCAA was a big deal... does that count? I mean if were going back to history

This is a very good point. Context matters. The NIT was a much more important tourney than the NCAA tourney.

01-28-2009, 06:52 AM
We have a dog bar?

North Davidson. NoDa.


01-28-2009, 07:31 AM
sorry didn't see Bluedogs response

01-28-2009, 07:33 AM
There's one thing Charlotte has that Cincy doesn't. A dog bar. I had a beer there last weekend. I saw four great danes, a blue doberman, two boston terriers, and some mutts. I don't know what this has to do with basketball or Southern racism/stupidity, but I thought everyone needed to know. A dog bar.

Try the Lucky Dog in West Chester...

01-28-2009, 07:43 AM
North Davidson. NoDa.


Wow! I go to a gallery crawl at least monthly... and I've never noticed this place.

I'm very disappointed. I want to drink with a dog.

01-28-2009, 07:46 AM
HEH! I believe we got told. Someday, I swear we will have one.

I really hope you guys do this year.

No Burrell=no reason for me to root against you guys anymore.

I hated that guy.

01-28-2009, 08:06 AM
You hate excellence? Must explain the tank job you guys did after joining the A10.

Stanley Burrell pisses excellence.

01-28-2009, 08:09 AM
I really hope you guys do this year.

No Burrell=no reason for me to root against you guys anymore.

I hated that guy.

You and GuyFawkes

DC Muskie
01-28-2009, 08:57 AM
First off X Communicator writes some funny stuff.

Second of all, Stanley Burrell is Xavier basketball. To hate him is to hate the Show, and you can't hate the Show, because if you do, that means you hate children.

Got that.

Stanley Burrell is Xavier Basketball. It's about Championships. Not funny names like Lutz, and 49ers and some guy named LaMont.

01-28-2009, 09:00 AM
You hate excellence? Must explain the tank job you guys did after joining the A10.

Stanley Burrell pisses excellence.

No, I hate classlessness. He pisses a lot of that too.

Blue Dog
01-28-2009, 09:10 AM
This is a very good point. Context matters. The NIT was a much more important tourney than the NCAA tourney.

Context does indeed matter. There's a prevalent myth that when XU won the NIT it was superior to the NCAA tournament. Alas, that's not the case. Starting in the early to mid 50's the NCAA tournament eclipsed the NIT, never to look back.

In '56 the NCAA & National champion was 29-0 San Francisco, led by Bill Russell. In '57 it was 32-0 North Carolina who beat the Wilt-led Jayhawks in triple OT. In '58 23-6 Kentucky beat Seattle, led by Elgin Baylor to win the NCAA and National Championships.

Of course there is no official 'National Championship' but you get my drift. Our win in 58 was great, but if you were to go back in time very few people would have argued that XU was the best team in the country that year.

01-28-2009, 10:48 AM
No, I hate classlessness. He pisses a lot of that too.

Please enlighten us. Exactly how is Stanley Burrell, one of the nicest guys anyone will ever meet, a team leader classless?

Now remember, you better have very good reason to call him classless. You are, after all, a part of an overall fanbase known as battery and coin chuckers.

01-28-2009, 11:57 AM
Please enlighten us. Exactly how is Stanley Burrell, one of the nicest guys anyone will ever meet, a team leader classless?

Now remember, you better have very good reason to call him classless. You are, after all, a part of an overall fanbase known as battery and coin chuckers.

When we played you guys last year at Halton, at the end of the game, Andersen threw up a wing and a prayer from our foul line. It was easily 10 feet short and 5 feet off line. Burrell went over the back on Mack around the 3 pt line, spiked the ball to the ground, and then ran over to the student section (I was in the front row) popping his jersey.

Popping your jersey at the opposing student section is one thing. Saying "F--- you" when they react is a bit much.

Go in, win, go home. No need to be a jackass.

Granted, you guys know his on-campus demeanor, I only have this one impression of him. But that was bad.

ATL Muskie
01-28-2009, 02:45 PM
Now living in the (relatively) rural and super deep south, I have found the majority of those stereotypes of southern whites to be quite true. I would not put people in places like Atlanta or Charlotte in the category of truly deep south southerners.

I really have a hard time comparing North Carolina to the southern parts of SC, AL, GA, Miss, or Northern Florida.

While I consider the deep south the racists, I think realistic good natured jabbing for NC is more with Ky, WV, & Tenn--Appalachian imbreeding/snake handling hill folk. Not huge on racism from what I've observed though. Also not real high on IQ.

You need Andy Kennedy country for the racists.

While that may be true, what I tend to have a problem with is people from other parts of the country who act as though their shit doesn't stink. I don't deny that people from the Deep South can be very racist, but I have lived in and traveled all over this country and some of the most racist people I have ever met live in New England and the Midwest. Seriously, you go to some parts of Indiana and Michigan and it's no different from extreme southern Alabama.

Obviously this thread is about good natured ribbing and that's fine. No problem with that. I'm just saying...

01-28-2009, 03:09 PM
You need Andy Kennedy country for the racists.

I find this offensive. What exactly do you know about people from Andy Kennedy country?

Here is a link to the latest hate crime data that I can find from the FBI. Over 9000 hate crimes against various races, religions, sexual orientations, etc.


Hate crime stats per state for 2006 -
Alabama - 1
Mississippi - 0
Ohio - 350

Are racial issues perfect in MS? No. Were they perfect where I lived in OH? No. Were they perfect where I lived in CA? No.

If you are looking for perfect racial harmony, this isn't it, but we do get along.

DC Muskie
01-28-2009, 03:12 PM
I heard there are racist people in Boston. South Boston to be exact.

01-28-2009, 03:19 PM
I'm very disappointed. I want to drink with a dog.

Come to an X game sometime and I'll take you to a Xavier/Norwood bar.

01-28-2009, 03:26 PM
Those jokes were a lot funnier the first time you told them. But some of them were quite offensive. We're a lot more open-minded and tolerant of other religions than a Catholic school would be.

I think it is interesting that the rant against stereotyping began with a comment about Catholics religious intolerance.

01-28-2009, 03:43 PM
I also find this to be interesting in sort of a pot calling the kettle kind of way. Cincinnati is one of the most racially tense cities I've ever been to. There isn't a lot of open racism but it sure is segregated in a strange way. I suppose it's all relative, but I found race relations to be a lot more tense there (outside the XU campus that is) than where I'm from. Hell, students referred to the UDF on Montgomery and Dana as "Black UDF" whereas the one two blocks down on Montgomery was the "White UDF." And it was almost scientifically true.

01-28-2009, 05:06 PM
I also find this to be interesting in sort of a pot calling the kettle kind of way. Cincinnati is one of the most racially tense cities I've ever been to. There isn't a lot of open racism but it sure is segregated in a strange way. I suppose it's all relative, but I found race relations to be a lot more tense there (outside the XU campus that is) than where I'm from. Hell, students referred to the UDF on Montgomery and Dana as "Black UDF" whereas the one two blocks down on Montgomery was the "White UDF." And it was almost scientifically true.

I had heard stuff like this, but I didn't want to say anything since I've never been to Cincinnati.

01-28-2009, 05:34 PM
I think it is interesting that the rant against stereotyping began with a comment about Catholics religious intolerance.

I'm sorry if it came off like that, but it wasn't intended to be a comment about religious intolerance.

It was based more on the fact that it you are a Catholic University, therefore I would assume that the majority of students are Catholic, and a greater majority of faculty are Catholic.

I would assume that there would be a much wider variety of religious beliefs on a public campus than one that is affiliated with any specific religion, be it Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, or Jewish.

01-28-2009, 08:33 PM
I'm sorry if it came off like that, but it wasn't intended to be a comment about religious intolerance.

It was based more on the fact that it you are a Catholic University, therefore I would assume that the majority of students are Catholic, and a greater majority of faculty are Catholic.

I would assume that there would be a much wider variety of religious beliefs on a public campus than one that is affiliated with any specific religion, be it Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, or Jewish.
There's your mistake. I can't speak for Catholic Universities but this Jesuit University was a very open place for non-Catholics to be, in my general experience. The focus is on education, not indoctrination. Speaking as a non-practicing generic Protestant, I found it to be a fairly inclusive environment. Nobody cared that I only went to Mass to sing with the choir. My favorite teacher was Jewish. A nun helped me take the doctrine out of spirituality and learn to enjoy it. While the professor's might not have had the same panoply of skin tones as the rest of the population, it certainly wasn't monochrome. Heck, I took black history from a white guy and Greek philosophy from a black guy. If that's not an open-minded philosophy of teaching, I'm not sure what is.

01-28-2009, 09:26 PM
When we played you guys last year at Halton, at the end of the game, Andersen threw up a wing and a prayer from our foul line. It was easily 10 feet short and 5 feet off line. Burrell went over the back on Mack around the 3 pt line, spiked the ball to the ground, and then ran over to the student section (I was in the front row) popping his jersey.

Popping your jersey at the opposing student section is one thing. Saying "F--- you" when they react is a bit much.

Go in, win, go home. No need to be a jackass.

Granted, you guys know his on-campus demeanor, I only have this one impression of him. But that was bad.

Sounds to me like sour grapes because you lost. I suppose none of the 49er's ever did anything in the "heat of the moment " of a conference game???

Really shouldn't judge Stanley on the actions at the end of one little game. Seems pretty harsh to base an opinion of someone who lived and breathed for his school and teammates for 4 years. Someone you don't even know I might add.

01-28-2009, 11:03 PM
Sounds to me like sour grapes because you lost. I suppose none of the 49er's ever did anything in the "heat of the moment " of a conference game???

Really shouldn't judge Stanley on the actions at the end of one little game. Seems pretty harsh to base an opinion of someone who lived and breathed for his school and teammates for 4 years. Someone you don't even know I might add.

Looked an opposing student in the eyes and said "F--- you"? I hope none of our players have... it's a terrible way to represent our University.

He may be a great guy, but the fact of the matter is that the only impression I got of him was an extremely negative one.

01-28-2009, 11:07 PM
There's your mistake. I can't speak for Catholic Universities but this Jesuit University was a very open place for non-Catholics to be, in my general experience. The focus is on education, not indoctrination. Speaking as a non-practicing generic Protestant, I found it to be a fairly inclusive environment. Nobody cared that I only went to Mass to sing with the choir. My favorite teacher was Jewish. A nun helped me take the doctrine out of spirituality and learn to enjoy it. While the professor's might not have had the same panoply of skin tones as the rest of the population, it certainly wasn't monochrome. Heck, I took black history from a white guy and Greek philosophy from a black guy. If that's not an open-minded philosophy of teaching, I'm not sure what is.

In that case, I stand corrected.

In my ignorance, I had assumed that Catholic and Jesuit were one in the same... mandatory mass, run by a Bishop or Cardinal or whatever... etc.

I honestly don't know much about the Catholic church. I was raised Presbyterian, however I was actually kicked out of a church because of my religious beliefs. I've had a sour taste in my mouth about any form of organized religion, especially educational institutions based on religion.

01-28-2009, 11:09 PM
well, yeah, I think thefortyniner is broadly correct. If I was Muslim or Jewish, I would likely feel a little more comfortable at a public university than Xavier.