View Full Version : Best Post of the Year

12-29-2008, 11:45 PM
There's a clear winner for the best post of the year.

This post changed everything. It really got people thinking, "Should I take my kid to Cintas?"

This is the post I want to be remembered for at XHoops.

Here it is, in all of its glory:

Before I began my rant, I must admit one thing: I don't like kids. I have a dream of creating the 51st state which would outlaw those under the age of 18. If a woman got pregnant, too bad, you have to leave.

Just think of what a paradise that would be. One would not have to pay taxes for crappy schools and their useless, whining teachers. There would be no censorships on tv/radio/films. No crying babies in church. No damn school buses on the road. WHAT A PARADISE!!!

Please, don't take your kids to Cintas. It's nice to bond with your kids. But don't do it around me. It's painful to hear the kids talk (no basketball IQ, stupid questions). I hate having to dodge kids on the concourse level too. I bet they don't want to be at the games either. They would rather do the stupid, useless crap that kids do.

12-30-2008, 12:01 AM
GuyFawkes: "No crying babies in Church."

That line made me laugh...Churches are pretty much the only intstitutions still promoting a healthy family life. Subtle irony.