View Full Version : Enquirer Butler Article/Blog

12-24-2008, 12:22 PM
I find it very amusing when I see these bloggers come out of the woodwork and blast X after each of its 2 losses. It's comical, that these pathetic losers have nothing better to do. I don't respond to a UC basketball article w/ blogger comments because I don't give a shit about their program but yet, there are idiots out there who find it necessary to rip X in an article written by the beat writer that covers X. Mind boggling.

12-24-2008, 09:09 PM
The trolls have to go somewhere to have their fun. Xeus and American X don't let their kind around here, so they resort to the enquirer blogs.


12-24-2008, 09:59 PM
The trolls have to go somewhere to have their fun. Xeus and American X don't let their kind around here, so they resort to the enquirer blogs.

Exactly. They were able to get away with their games on MM -- and still do for that matter -- but that board is a ghost of what it used to be. This board is properly moderated.

Hey, Chatter, S-C-O-R-E-B-O-A-R-D!

Fred Garvin
12-28-2008, 02:50 AM
I went to MMadness last night for the first time in ages. I saw a thread where they were calling this board the Gestapo and insinuating...oh what's the point. This board won.