View Full Version : It's official, Dayton has passed us...again?

12-14-2008, 08:57 PM
So, cruising UrineDumpPride.com and once again considering that there is nothing else to do but watch the Cowboys/Giants game (and being a Redskins fan, that disgusts me), and there is a thread about how Xavier is all a bunch of punks, thugs, how we resemble former Huggins players, and how they have, once again, out recruited us and hows it "finally going to pay off this year." Oh, it's cute how they keep hope.


"I saw Derrick Brown got two T's last night and was thrown out of the game. Does anyone know if a UD player has ever gotten two techs in a ballgame? In UD's basketball history I don't think we've ever had a player that was one tenth as much of a punk as most of X's current roster. After the first T for Brown, Coach Miller didn't say anything to the kid. Just let him run back out there. If one of our ballplayers acted like this kid, he be sitting on the bench getting reamed by Billy Schmidt. He sure as heck would come out of the ballgame for some period of time. They have a kid coming in next year that punched his coach. Seriously.

Xavier has this thing with talking trash and disrespecting their opponents and the referees. They complain/question every call a ref makes. They just aren't very good quality student athletes. They have no idea how to win with class and they don't care to learn. I hate every person involved with Xavier basketball and I wish them the worst of luck. Here's hoping that Duke beats them by 200 points next weekend."

"They have such an infereority complex when it comes to us and our successes threwout history. They wouldnt talk about us so much if they were not so jelous. We are going to beat them multiple times this year--I believe the talent level of these teams is not close. X has won with thuggery and the help of ref's. Derrick Brown is a total thug and so in Kenny Freeze. Anderson looks and acts like he grew up in over the rhine for gods sake.

UD has been crushing Xavier on the recruiting trail for years, and it is going to finally pay off this year, and the better program arguement will be put to bed once and for all (unless the refs cheat again (well basically cheat).) I don't see a single position on the court XU is better than us. I believe we are also superior on the bench and coaching. Until X does something to prove they are good we are the superior program. X needs to make a Final game or shut up.

The level of thuggery there is gross, UD has never acted in a way to emberass ourselves like those thugs."

Those are some of my favorites. Nice to see some Dayton fans can see that those and other posts are full of crap, but still, some of them are full of it.

12-14-2008, 08:59 PM
Has to be a troll....

Drew's Crew
12-14-2008, 09:55 PM
Please tell me that someone on udpride mentioned to them that our recruiting is better than theirs. Every single year.

Thuggery. What a joke. DBrown is a super nice guy. I was at Subway one night last year, and forgot my wallet, and he bought all me food for me. And then told me to have a good night. Class act.

Emotions got the best of him last night. I am sure he would be the first to admit it.

Additionally, they talk about us being obesessed with them. Huh?? We couldn't give two shits about their team, and we never even bring them up. Yet EVERY SINGLE TIME we beat a good team, they begin a new thread about us. How sad.

12-14-2008, 09:58 PM
Please tell me that someone on udpride mentioned to them that our recruiting is better than theirs. Every single year.

Thuggery. What a joke. DBrown is a super nice guy. I was at Subway one night last year, and forgot my wallet, and he bought all me food for me. And then told me to have a good night. Class act.

Emotions got the best of him last night. I am sure he would be the first to admit it.

On top of that, 4 out of the 6 T's would not have been called in any other game...they were trying to keep the game from getting out of control...

Dayton wouldn't know anything about a heated rivalry because they don't have one!

12-14-2008, 10:01 PM
Who cares...let them talk. There's ZERO evidence that they are a better program than us.

It's like that guy on the playground who always says "you can't guard me" and he is by far the worst player on the court. When there's that big of a disparity between fantasy and reality...it's better just to let it go and laugh.

Drew's Crew
12-14-2008, 10:02 PM
Yes they do! WE are their rivalry! Remember, in the middle of the 20th century, they won more than we did. Just ask all their grandfathers.

12-14-2008, 10:03 PM
Ok, I read through that thread and it's one moron, one half-moron and mostly sane people. I don't think the actual UD fans on that board took the initial post seriously.

Don't get so bent out of shape, everyone.

Drew's Crew
12-14-2008, 10:07 PM
Ok, thanks for taking the time to check it out. I was obviously way too lazy to do that.

I shoudl have known he was an idiot when I read the word "threwout."

12-14-2008, 10:13 PM
ud fans are a funny bunch.

12-14-2008, 10:18 PM
Has to be a troll....

Yeah seemed like a pretty obvious troll to me as well

12-15-2008, 12:38 AM
Hahahahahahaha I thought it was hilarious.

12-15-2008, 01:11 AM
UD Pride has some solid posters and some not so solid posters. I used to mix it up with them back in the day. They have some good guys. We are so far beyond UD at this point that i wonder why anyone worries about them besides the game itself. The games should be good but beyond that UD isn't a factor.

12-15-2008, 03:21 AM
As Far as thuggery is concerned, that big lummox of a center for UD who shouldered Stanley into the UD bench and then did it again to another Xavier player, Dante?? or maybe not might qualify as a thug.
But in the history of Dayton, I can simply point to the Bockhorn brothers, all three of them who would have flagrant-fouled their mother if they had to and thought nothing of undercutting opponents going in for layup, and throwing some of the more vicious elbows in the history of the game.
The mere fact anybody has to claim the refs are gonna screw 'em again shows their stupidity.:D

12-15-2008, 05:19 AM
comical stuff.......

DC Muskie
12-15-2008, 02:59 PM
I love Dayton, but I wish we would let what they say on their stupid ass web site over there.

And when I say I "love" Dayton, I mean I hope their entire program gets taken out by a pack of jackals.

12-15-2008, 03:08 PM
Jackals need to eat too, you know.

DC Muskie
12-15-2008, 04:04 PM
Jackals need to eat too, you know.

I just found out this out about jackals...

In jackal society the social unit is that of a monogamous pair which defends its territory from other pairs. These territories are defended by vigorously chasing intruding rivals and marking landmarks around the territory with urine and feces.

They could be drawn to the Arena with no problem.

Seriously, when you guys are scouring their message board find out when the next commercial hits the air waves. Or better yet, let me know when Harry Potter the rest of the 12 dwarfs they call a student section make another announcement about Dayton is going to the Elite 8. I loved that clip. Anybody have that clip I'm talking about?

The communist student group they have up there where the president of the clown college got up and said how Dayton was going to the Elite 8 that season. This was like from February of last year. I liked the part where some guy off camera did the introduction of Harry, then you hear one tool clapping. Hilarious stuff.

I shouldn't pick on college kids.

Dumb punk asses. They need a society of jackals to take them out.

12-15-2008, 09:24 PM
ud fans are a funny bunch.

Henry Hill: You're a pistol, you're really funny. You're really funny.
Tommy DeVito: What do you mean I'm funny?
Henry Hill: It's funny, you know. It's a good story, it's funny, you're a funny guy.
Tommy DeVito: what do you mean, you mean the way I talk? What?
Henry Hill: It's just, you know. You're just funny, it's... funny, the way you tell the story and everything.
Tommy DeVito: [it becomes quiet] Funny how? What's funny about it?
Anthony Stabile: Tommy no, You got it all wrong.
Tommy DeVito: Oh, oh, Anthony. He's a big boy, he knows what he said. What did ya say? Funny how?
Henry Hill: Jus...
Tommy DeVito: What?
Henry Hill: Just... ya know... you're funny.
Tommy DeVito: You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?
Henry Hill: Just... you know, how you tell the story, what?
Tommy DeVito: No, no, I don't know, you said it. How do I know? You said I'm funny. How the fuck am I funny, what the fuck is so funny about me? Tell me, tell me what's funny!
Henry Hill: [long pause] Get the fuck out of here, Tommy!
Tommy DeVito: [everyone laughs] Ya motherfucker! I almost had him, I almost had him. Ya stuttering prick ya. Frankie, was he shaking? I wonder about you sometimes, Henry. You may fold under questioning.