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The Artist
09-25-2008, 07:37 AM
Nobody wants to bring up the witchcraft stuff?
09-25-2008, 08:56 AM
The audio isn't that good; maybe he was protecting her against a Chris Craft. I'm sure there's quite a few drunken boat owners in Alaska.
09-25-2008, 10:07 AM
What is there to bring up about it? She was blessed by a Kenyan priest, a priest from a culture that happens to believe in such things as witchcraft more than we do. It wasn't as if she were bieng accused of being a witch.
DC Muskie
09-25-2008, 10:40 AM
What is there to bring up about it? She was blessed by a Kenyan priest, a priest from a culture that happens to believe in such things as witchcraft more than we do. It wasn't as if she were bieng accused of being a witch.
Thank God she wasn't accused of being a witch. She'd be run out of town.
Personally I could care less about this. She's crazy, he's crazy. What's new? Protestants.
XU 87
09-25-2008, 10:41 AM
If we let the left wing media have it's way, she will be burned at the stake.
By the way, has Joe Biden said anything stupid today? Why doesn't the media ever question that idiot's credentials? I realize he's been in the senate since the 70's, but I also realize why he received less than 1% of the vote when he ran for President. The guy has trouble putting two sentences together without saying something stupid.
ATL Muskie
09-25-2008, 10:42 AM
This stuff is hilarious. Honestly, I was not all that impressed with Palin. Thought it was too much of a gimmick. Now that more light is being shed on her, I'm wondering if many in the McCain camp are quietly regretting her addition to the ticket. This witchcraft stuff is humorous to some degree, but also troubling since she may be a heartbeat away from the highest office in the land. She seems like a nutcase.
The Artist
09-25-2008, 10:43 AM
What is there to bring up about it? She was blessed by a Kenyan priest, a priest from a culture that happens to believe in such things as witchcraft more than we do. It wasn't as if she were bieng accused of being a witch.
Substitute Obama for Palin in the situation. You can't tell me the reaction would be the same.
XU 87
09-25-2008, 10:47 AM
Substitute Obama for Palin in the situation. You can't tell me the reaction would be the same.
I agree. the media wouldn't mention it and anyone who did would be called a racist.
By the way, Alcee Hastings, the democratic congressman who accepted bribes while he was a federal judge, just pronounced that Palin doesn't care "what they do with Jews or Blacks." I'm not sure who "they" is, but it seems a little racist, if you ask me.
DC Muskie
09-25-2008, 10:48 AM
If we let the left wing media have it's way, she will be burned at the stake.
By the way, has Joe Biden said anything stupid today? Why doesn't the media ever question that idiot's credentials? I realize he's been in the senate since the 70's, but I also realize why he received less than 1% of the vote when he ran for President. The guy has trouble putting two sentences together without saying something stupid.
Exactly, and how is that news? Sarah Palin has been on the national scene for about a TV timeout and she's given three interviews and no press conferences.
At least with Joe you know he'll talk. And they let him talk. Now he'll say some stupid stuff, but it's not like we don't know who he is. And his credentials are well known? Is being in the Senate since the 1850's something of a bad thing?
DC Muskie
09-25-2008, 10:51 AM
I agree. the media wouldn't mention it and anyone who did would be called a racist.
The media in this case being MSNBC, and the New York Times. In 2008, the only media are the most relieved newspaper in the country and the third place cable networks network.
The Artist
09-25-2008, 10:59 AM
I agree. the media wouldn't mention it and anyone who did would be called a racist.
By the way, Alcee Hastings, the democratic congressman who accepted bribes while he was a federal judge, just pronounced that Palin doesn't care "what they do with Jews or Blacks." I'm not sure who "they" is, but it seems a little racist, if you ask me.
No kidding! The story is everywhere!!
I can't get away from it!!!
09-25-2008, 11:01 AM
Don't you guys ever get tired of rehashing the same stuff over and over?
XU 87
09-25-2008, 11:07 AM
The New York Times ran another McCain hit piece yesterday claiming that until last month, his campaign manager, through his lobbying firm, has been receiving monthly payments from Fannie Mae to lobby congress. The only problem with the story is that the campaign manager left his lobbying firm over two years ago and hasn't received any money from the firm since he left. And he never personally lobbied for Fannnie Mae while he was there.
Other than that, the story is accurate. And the Times used anonymous sources to "prove" its case.
And could someone explain why the Times sat on the Edwards affair story while Edwards was running for President, but ran a front page McCain story, again using anonymous sources, that McCain's relationship with a lobbyist "looked inappropriate"? And the Times assigned 4 people to "investigate" that story.
But there is absolutely no left wing media bias. The only bias is on Fox, a network that has the audacity to let other views be heard.
09-25-2008, 11:15 AM
Proof! The nose and the hat.
DC Muskie
09-25-2008, 11:19 AM
There is no way to cut through this left wing media bias. Where can conservatives turn to to find out that the New York Times is a left wing minded organization?
Do you think people who bunked the New York Times story are people associated with Davis? Shocker!
The Artist
09-25-2008, 11:52 AM
The New York Times ran another McCain hit piece yesterday claiming that until last month, his campaign manager, through his lobbying firm, has been receiving monthly payments from Fannie Mae to lobby congress. The only problem with the story is that the campaign manager left his lobbying firm over two years ago and hasn't received any money from the firm since he left. And he never personally lobbied for Fannnie Mae while he was there.
Other than that, the story is accurate. And the Times used anonymous sources to "prove" its case.
And could someone explain why the Times sat on the Edwards affair story while Edwards was running for President, but ran a front page McCain story, again using anonymous sources, that McCain's relationship with a lobbyist "looked inappropriate"? And the Times assigned 4 people to "investigate" that story.
But there is absolutely no left wing media bias. The only bias is on Fox, a network that has the audacity to let other views be heard.
You read the New York Times and awful lot.
Strange Brew
09-25-2008, 12:06 PM
Proof! The nose and the hat.
Xster, you beat me to it. Great stuff.
No one here is talking about silly stuff.
What's silly is Palin giving an interview and not being able to cite her running mate's record on dereg or reform. She's so naive its frightening. The only countries she has ever been to: Mexico, Canada, and since being nominated, imbedded in Afgan and Iraq.
Now here's a grenade: who should be taking care of that Downs Syndrome child? I wanna hear from the Family Values crowd.
DC Muskie
09-25-2008, 12:17 PM
Now here's a grenade: who should be taking care of that Downs Syndrome child? I wanna hear from the Family Values crowd.
Jesus. That's a little over the top. I don't doubt her ability to take care of her child if she happens, God forbid, to become the next Vice President of the United States.
XU 87
09-25-2008, 12:22 PM
No one here is talking about silly stuff.
What's silly is Palin giving an interview and not being able to cite her running mate's record on dereg or reform. She's so naive its frightening. The only countries she has ever been to: Mexico, Canada, and since being nominated, imbedded in Afgan and Iraq.
Now here's a grenade: who should be taking care of that Downs Syndrome child? I wanna hear from the Family Values crowd.
How many heads of state did Governor Bill Clinton meet with to discuss important trade deals with Arkansas? The bottom line is that most governors have very little, if any, foreign policy experience (unless they had some other foreign policy type job- Bill Richardson). You don't need it to be a governor. But if she had been to more foreign countries for vacations, would that make Palin more qualified?
And she and her husband will take care of her child. But what did you think about the Canadian doctor who was upset because Palin's having this child may discourage women to abort their babies who have Downs Syndrome?
DC Muskie
09-25-2008, 12:34 PM
How many heads of state did Governor Bill Clinton meet with to discuss important trade deals with Arkansas?
Here's an important distinction that needs to be made every time someone comes to the rescue of Palin's resume.
Bill Clinton was vetted by his party and won the nomination through votes. Men and women decided through the course of months that they were satisfied with Clinton's foreign policy experience.
Contrast that to Sarah Palin. Only one person in the country has decided that her foreign policy experience was acceptable. And that was John McCain.
So comparing Bill Clinton to Sarah Palin is foolish in the sense that the same question can be asked. Bill Clinton had opportunities and time to demonstrate his. Sarah Palin has not, and will not have those same opportunities.
PM Thor
09-25-2008, 12:43 PM
Palin is seriously frightening. To actually think of her as veep is a horrific thought.
XU 87
09-25-2008, 12:46 PM
You make a distinction without a difference. There has been criticism of Palin because she lacks foreign policy experience (and she does). So did Bill Clinton. So did George Bush II. so did Carter. So did FDR. Reagan was pretty well versed on foreign policy issues but what actual foreign policy experience did he have before becoming president?
Governors aren't going to have much foreign policy experience. But I don't recall democrats worrying about this when Clinton ran for office. When it comes to foreign policy, the main isue is what are your beliefs and convictions, and what are your plans.
Joe Biden has lots of foreign policy experience. But he has been historically wrong on most of the major foreign policy issues. So I guess he has experience being wrong.
XU 87
09-25-2008, 12:56 PM
Palin is seriously frightening. To actually think of her as veep is a horrific thought.
But Obama scares me. His tax plan is bad for the economy, particularly doubling the capital gains tax, a tax which was lowered by Bill Clinton. He has the most liberal voting record in the Senate. He is against free trade. He is for the redistribution of income (at least more so than the rino republicans). Obama's economic program is classic class warfare.
History has shown that big government doesn't work. Yet most of his plans are to increase the size of government.
And he has the naive notion that he can sit down with just about any crackpot dictator in the world and charm said crackpot into changing his ideas.
DC Muskie
09-25-2008, 12:56 PM
You make a distinction without a difference. There has been criticism of Palin because she lacks foreign policy experience (and she does). So did Bill Clinton. So did George Bush II. so did Carter. So did FDR. Reagan was pretty well versed on foreign policy issues but what actual foreign policy experience did he have before becoming president?
Governors aren't going to have much foreign policy experience. But I don't recall democrats worrying about this when Clinton ran for office. When it comes to foreign policy, the main isue is what are your beliefs and convictions, and what are your plans.
Joe Biden has lots of foreign policy experience. But he has been historically wrong on most of the major foreign policy issues. So I guess he has experience being wrong.
Personally I don't put a lot of stock in experience. Look at everyone whom Bush brought in. What a disaster that experience brought us.
If Palin, when asked these questions, would answer it in a way that you described, that would be a better solution, then say...I can see Russia from my house!
Again, everyone of the people you listed ran for President of the United States and had ample time and chances to prove they had enough experience to merit voters confidence. Sarah Palin has not. She will not. She gets one day of reckoning. Let's she how she responds.
You seem to answer questions and statements with, "Yeah, but Democrats did it too." We all know both sides do it, but with Sarah Palin, I think the questions are warranted since one man has presented her to the country. Now if this one man would let this incredible, tough pit bull of out the cage and answer some questions, maybe the country will see her what John McCain sees in her.
09-25-2008, 12:57 PM
Palin is seriously frightening. To actually think of her as veep is a horrific thought.
You're horrified a veep pick? I'm horrified of the Dem. Prez pick. Jus' sayin'
DC Muskie
09-25-2008, 01:29 PM
Why? I'll tell you why. She's a heatbeat away from taking over the most powerful position in the world from the oldest president ever to take office who has suffered from cancer and she's willing to go to war with Russia.
But Obama scares me. His tax plan is bad for the economy, particularly doubling the capital gains tax, a tax which was lowered by Bill Clinton. He has the most liberal voting record in the Senate. He is against free trade. He is for the redistribution of income (at least more so than the rino republicans). Obama's economic program is classic class warfare.
Did any of the items you listed put us in this position? If not, then why are we in the economic problem right now?
Barack is not against free trade, he however for fair trade. We continue to witness the extermination of American jobs. Soon there will be no capital gains to tax anyway.
History has shown that big government doesn't work. Yet most of his plans are to increase the size of government.
What is big government to people? I like my government to be efficient. Government is never going to get smaller, but I want to understand something, how does Obama's plan make government worse?
Small government Ronald Reagan grew the government by 69% during his eight years. His increase in government was 6.8%. Like I said, it ain't never getting smaller.
We seem to be a country that cut's taxes, go through a recession, then a few years later, a stock market crash. And yet, somehow Obama's economic plan would put the country in a horrible position. That doesn't add up for me.
And he has the naive notion that he can sit down with just about any crackpot dictator in the world and charm said crackpot into changing his ideas.
Yeah, because we should just be able to bomb the hell out of them.
This isn't 1987, '87.
09-25-2008, 01:35 PM
why are we in the economic problem right now?
I'm guessing it's not because the "rich" haven't been taxed enough.
On the plus side, if Obama becomes President, I all of the sudden become "rich". Woo hoo!
XU 87
09-25-2008, 01:42 PM
Don't you guys ever get tired of rehashing the same stuff over and over?
In a word, "No".
XU 87
09-25-2008, 01:55 PM
[QUOTE=DC Muskie;57007]
Did any of the items you listed put us in this position? If not, then why are we in the economic problem right now?
We are in these economic problems right now, in part, because of democratic policies with some help from republicans. The WSJ has been screaming for the last 5 years about problems with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac but efforts for reform were blocked by democrats, with some help from a few republicans. They liked the fact the fact all these unqualified poor people were buying houses. And these housing problems could not have been supported without Freddie and Fannie. But that doesn't excuse these "experts" on Wall Street who made millions selling these relatively worthless secrities. Capitlism isn't perfect, but it's a lot better than the alternatives.
Barack is not against free trade, he however for fair trade. We continue to witness the extermination of American jobs. Soon there will be no capital gains to tax anyway.
He is against NAFTA, which is a free trade agreement. But unions don't like it so Barack doesn't like it. I looked at some NAFTA stats which showed the amount of exports we send to Mexico and Canada, and it's a lot. And a lot of jobs are created as a result. Bill Clinton signed NAFTA. Barack wants to do away with it. That's is bad policy.
Small government Ronald Reagan grew the government by 69% during his eight years. His increase in government was 6.8%. Like I said, it ain't never getting smaller.
I won't dispute your stat, although I've never seen that one. But don't forget, Reagan dealt with a democratic congress who declared his budgets, "Dead on arrival". Remember when Reagan vetoed a highway bill as too expensive? Overridden by congress, including Mitch MCConnel being a deciding vote.
ATL Muskie
09-25-2008, 01:58 PM
What I find interesting is, Republicans talk about how she's a breath of fresh air and she's a great VP pick, but then when people criticize her they back off and say, "She's just a veep pick. No one ever puts much stock in a veep." Which is it?
DC Muskie
09-25-2008, 02:11 PM
We are in these economic problems right now, in part, because of democratic policies with some help from republicans. The WSJ has been screaming for the last 5 years about problems with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac but efforts for reform were blocked by democrats, with some help from a few republicans. They liked the fact the fact all these unqualified poor people were buying houses. And these housing problems could not have been supported without Freddie and Fannie. But that doesn't excuse these "experts" on Wall Street who made millions selling these relatively worthless secrities. Capitlism isn't perfect, but it's a lot better than the alternatives.
So in fact the things I listed earlier don't matter in this instance, or didn't happen in this instance and we are still in an economic mess. Those democratic policies were endorsed and highlighted by the Bush Administration in terms of putting minorities into housing and a lot people got rich off it. There was virtually no oversight, and no one decided to reign it in. Capitalism is awesome, but it can be just as awesome in creating an enormous social divide.
He is against NAFTA, which is a free trade agreement. But unions don't like it so Barack doesn't like it. I looked at some NAFTA stats which showed the amount of exports we send to Mexico and Canada, and it's a lot. And a lot of jobs are created as a result. Bill Clinton signed NAFTA. Barack wants to do away with it. That's is bad policy.
All Barack is saying is he wants to work with Canada and Mexico to make sure the deal is fair to all Americans.
But don't forget, Reagan dealt with a democratic congress who declared his budgets, "Dead on arrival". Remember when Reagan vetoed a highway bill as too expensive? Overridden by congress, including Mitch MCConnel being a deciding vote.
Yeah that was one of nine bills the Congress passed despite his veto. Don't think that Reagan just sat by and let government grow on his watch simply because the Democrats forced his hand. He helped.
XU 87
09-25-2008, 02:28 PM
So in fact the things I listed earlier don't matter in this instance, or didn't happen in this instance and we are still in an economic mess. Those democratic policies were endorsed and highlighted by the Bush Administration in terms of putting minorities into housing and a lot people got rich off it. There was virtually no oversight, and no one decided to reign it in. Capitalism is awesome, but it can be just as awesome in creating an enormous social divide.
All Barack is saying is he wants to work with Canada and Mexico to make sure the deal is fair to all Americans.
1) Capitalism is great but it doesn't work so well when government decides to pick and choose the winners. In this case, the government chose Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as a winner. And we saw what happened. Like I said, The WSJ has been writing about their problems for the last 5 yars and the dems, with the help of some republicans, stood in the way. And we never could have gotten in this economic mess without Freddie and Fannie. But you won't hear the rest of the media report on that.
2) That's not what he campaigned on. He beat Hillary over the head with his claims that "she supported NAFTA." And Barack's idea of fair trade apears to be one sided trade which benefits American unions. Do you think Canada and Mexico are going to agree to that? But how is dropping tariffs and allowing free trade is "unfair" to Americans? History tells us that protectionism is a very bad economic policy.
DC Muskie
09-25-2008, 02:42 PM
1) Capitalism is great but it doesn't work so well when government decides to pick and choose the winners. In this case, the government chose Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as a winner. And we saw what happened. Like I said, The WSJ has been writing about their problems for the last 5 yars and the dems, with the help of some republicans, stood in the way. And we never could have gotten in this economic mess without Freddie and Fannie. But you won't hear the rest of the media report on that.
Of course they are going to pick Freddie and Fannie, they are federal charter organizations.
One of those republicans that helped was the President of the Untied States. And these sub prime morgages were bought and sold by people who were getting rich. Let's not act like the Democrats created this problem and only the WSJ was there screaming about it.
And in your scenario, you would have rather had government oversight to stop Freddie and Fannie from this practice, or picked the other side five years ago. So either way, government had to choose. I read your argument that government shouldn't choose at all.
2) That's not what he campaigned on. He beat Hillary over the head with his claims that "she supported NAFTA." And Barack's idea of fair trade apears to be one sided trade which benefits American unions. Do you think Canada and Mexico are going to agree to that? But how is dropping tariffs and allowing free trade is "unfair" to Americans? History tells us that protectionism is a very bad economic policy.
That's exactly what he campaigned on. How is it that the rust belt continues to lose jobs, and yet we don't expect our leaders to produce better deals. Better deals for people who belong to unions in fact, because they are, last time I checked, Americans.
Are you talking about 1920 protectionism, or what? You make it seem like protectionism is a bad thing. Should we just do whatever the rest of the world wants to do? Our greatest export right now is debt. Awesome. Sweet. Let's not clean up the mess we have here and try to right the ship, we've got to be global players. There's a balance here.
09-25-2008, 03:03 PM
By the way, has Joe Biden said anything stupid today? Why doesn't the media ever question that idiot's credentials?
This article is interesting and disturbing all at once.
Apparently the internet is ablaze with rumors that Joe Biden is going to remove himself from the VP candidacy - read: asked to leave because he can't stop shooting himself in the foot. This is the first I've heard of the rampant rumors, but hey, who knows... maybe I'm out of the loop.
What a cop out that would be...
XU 87
09-25-2008, 03:04 PM
I don't quite understand your Freddie and Fannie argument. Government allowed, and even encouraged, them to continue with their reckless policies, policies which basically bankrupted the company and was a major reason for this financial mess were in.
As for the Rust Belt, companies don't want to do business in the Rust Belt because it's too expensive. Why do you think so many of the new auto factories are built in states like Tennessee, Kentucky, and Alabama? One reason is that the state laws aren't so pro-union.
GE Aircraft in Cincinnati used to employ 27,000 people. Now they employ less than 10,000. I've been told by several people that productivity was terrible (particulalry compared to GE's Madison, KY plant) and there were terrible union problems.
Some of this economics is pretty simple. Companies will manufacture in places where they can make the most profit. They are in business to make profit. And if you can make more profit manufacturing in Alabama as opposed to Ohio or Michigan, you go to 'Bama. And if you can make more profit manufacturing in Dominican Republic than in Alabama, then you go to the Dominican. So one thing government should try to do is allow a business environment that is conducive to making a profit. But to many on the left, profit is a dirty word.
Barack's "better deals" sounds like protectionism. And protectionism sounds like "XU 87 has to pay higher prices for products." Protectionism may be a"better deal" for one or two companies, but it's not a better deal for millions of consumers. I once read an interesting article in an econ class about how steel tariffs benefited steel companies. But companies that used American steel ( such as auto manufacturers) were put at a huge disadvantage to their foreign competitors because the American companies had to pay higher prices for steel. Of course, the left wing response would be to have auto tariffs.
DC Muskie
09-25-2008, 03:34 PM
Freddie and Frannie are just one of the problems that caused this mess. That's all I'm saying.
You know unions have their issues, but I think it's hilarious that a company would get up and move, simply because it was "pro-union." Unions, the people who brought you the weekend, child labor laws, health care, and minimum wage. Not everybody can own or run car companies. I think it's interesting the states you listed are republican states.
You know it's also interesting, there seems to be a fine line with allowing companies to make a profit and making sure companies aren't reckless. Freddie and Frannie helped a lot of people make money, and those profits ended up hurting everyone.
However, profit making on the other end, say car manufacturers are fine, even though they leave communities devastated who helped make them profitable and vibrant in the first place.
It's just interesting.
09-25-2008, 03:58 PM
In a word, "No".
That's 4 words
09-25-2008, 04:00 PM
However, profit making on the other end, say car manufacturers are fine, even though they leave communities devastated who helped make them profitable and vibrant in the first place.
This actually works in reverese, too. The union employees, who the car manufacturers provided great lives for (including mine through my father's time as a UAW guy at the Ford LAP), have also left the car manufacturers devastated.
DC Muskie
09-25-2008, 04:02 PM
This actually works in reverese, too. The union employees, who the car manufacturers provided great lives for (including mine through my father's time as a UAW guy at the Ford LAP), have also left the car manufacturers devastated.
Of course. That's why the NFL works so well.
DC Muskie
09-26-2008, 09:22 AM
Uh Oh 87...
Can the Enquirer go three for three?
First John Edwards
Second on Bristol Palin
Can we see this in the New York Times soon? ret_lover_revealed/celebrity/65481
ATL Muskie
09-26-2008, 09:25 AM
Uh Oh 87...
Can the Enquirer go three for three?
First John Edwards
Second on Bristol Palin
Can we see this in the New York Times soon? ret_lover_revealed/celebrity/65481
Only in Alaska do you end your snowmobile dealership and not your marriage after finding out about an affair.
09-26-2008, 12:20 PM
Uh Oh 87...
Can the Enquirer go three for three?
First John Edwards
Second on Bristol Palin
Can we see this in the New York Times soon? ret_lover_revealed/celebrity/65481
I don't know if this is true or not, but it's a pretty funny article. They quote the "former brother-in-law of Hanson’s estranged wife Carolyn's brother" and then reference a sworn affidavit from an anonymous source. The first one sounds like the girl in Ferris Bueller who heard he was dying.
If it is true, maybe the photo in the article is Palin explaining why she cheated on her husband.
ATL Muskie
09-26-2008, 12:24 PM
If it is true, maybe the photo in the article is Palin explaining why she cheated on her husband.
ZING! Good one.
09-26-2008, 01:45 PM
I received an email today warning that if I received an email with the title "Nude Photos of Sarah Palin" that I shouldn't open it because it might contain a virus. It further said that if I received an email with the title "Nude Photos of Hillary Clinton" that I shouldn't open it because it might contain nude photos of Hillary Clinton.
ATL Muskie
09-26-2008, 02:04 PM
I received an email today warning that if I received an email with the title "Nude Photos of Sarah Palin" that I shouldn't open it because it might contain a virus. It further said that if I received an email with the title "Nude Photos of Hillary Clinton" that I shouldn't open it because it might contain nude photos of Hillary Clinton.
DC Muskie
09-26-2008, 02:05 PM
If it is true, maybe the photo in the article is Palin explaining why she cheated on her husband.
How does one become a "Family Insider?" That sort of creeps me out.
09-26-2008, 03:43 PM
Anyone see he readers views on today's Enquirer ed page using the word "Palindigestion" in the headline. Somebody's either going to get fired for that or earn an "Attaboy". But remember, one "Awsh!t" cancels five "Attaboys.":D
09-26-2008, 03:55 PM
She is starting to cost McCain more than she is worth...after several botched interviews, there are conservatives calling for to step down
ATL Muskie
09-26-2008, 03:58 PM
“If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself," Kathleen Parker also writes. "If Palin were a man, we’d all be guffawing, just as we do every time Joe Biden tickles the back of his throat with his toes. But because she’s a woman — and the first ever on a Republican presidential ticket — we are reluctant to say what is painfully true."
DC Muskie
09-26-2008, 04:25 PM
Where's that from ATL?
ATL Muskie
09-26-2008, 04:27 PM
Where's that from ATL?
DC Muskie
09-26-2008, 04:29 PM
Fred Garvin
09-27-2008, 12:53 AM
If we let the left wing media have it's way, she will be burned at the stake.
By the way, has Joe Biden said anything stupid today? Why doesn't the media ever question that idiot's credentials? I realize he's been in the senate since the 70's, but I also realize why he received less than 1% of the vote when he ran for President. The guy has trouble putting two sentences together without saying something stupid.
No kidding. I have a brother in law who rails against Palin's inexperience. I willingly concede she is inexperienced vs Joe Biden. Joe Biden has 30 years experience of being wrong.
Let's look at that illustrious record: Goingby polls most Americans thought the first Gulf War was a good thing and the Iraq incursion was a misktake. On this Al Gore is 2-0.
Joe Biden opposed the first Gulf War. Joe Biden supported the second war in Iraq. That's 0-2. Joe also opposed the Surge(0-3). Not to mention his goofy idea to split up/balkanize Iraq. Biden's only accomplishment is his knack for plagiarism. After seeing his foreign policy record I'm happy that Dems have chosen to use this election to scrutinize those "a heartbeat away" from the presidency.
DC Muskie
09-27-2008, 03:37 AM
No kidding. I have a brother in law who rails against Palin's inexperience. I willingly concede she is inexperienced vs Joe Biden. Joe Biden has 30 years experience of being wrong.
Let's look at that illustrious record: Goingby polls most Americans thought the first Gulf War was a good thing and the Iraq incursion was a misktake. On this Al Gore is 2-0.
Joe Biden opposed the first Gulf War. Joe Biden supported the second war in Iraq. That's 0-2. Joe also opposed the Surge(0-3). Not to mention his goofy idea to split up/balkanize Iraq. Biden's only accomplishment is his knack for plagiarism. After seeing his foreign policy record I'm happy that Dems have chosen to use this election to scrutinize those "a heartbeat away" from the presidency.
No doubt Palin has the keen instinct to fire generals who would not only oppose any war she decides to get us into, but then surround herself with military experts who also share her view that a surge is necessary. I guess General Casey can forget about a job with President Palin.
Look out Iran, here comes the Sarah Palin war machine!
XU 87
09-27-2008, 08:04 AM
Biden also opposed Reagan's military build up. Biden is a left wing liberal, and by definition, history has proven him wrong on virtually every issue. That's what I don't understand about liberals, from an economical standpoint their view of things, redistribution of income, has been shown time and time again to be a failure. Yet they continue to preach redistribution of income. Their foreign policy of appeasement has also been a failure. Yet that's what they preach.
9-11 was a breakdown of both our intelligence and security. New laws were enacted to improve both. But yet the liberals complained about the Patriot Act and rejoiced when Harry Reid proclaimed that the dems had defeated the Patriot Act.
DC Muskie
09-27-2008, 11:59 AM
Reagan cut and ran. HW Bush never finished the job.
Wall Street crashed twice during Republican administrations.
Yeah, the liberals are always for appeasement and redistribution of wealth. It's amazing this country it's puppy dogs and ice cream due to Reagan deficits and cutting and running against terrorists.
All hail the GOP!
09-27-2008, 07:58 PM
And Reagan's trickle down economic polices led us to he biggest deficit at the time. It just doesn't work. It didn't work under him, it didn't work under both Bush's and it won't work under McCain.
01-21-2016, 10:11 AM
Well, it's seems Sarah is back on the scene. This time she "blames Obama" for her son's drunken abuse of his gf while wielding an assault rifle. Double absurdity is that he enlisted under the Bush Administration. Can these people just go away?
01-21-2016, 10:36 AM
Hot dog. I can blame Nixon for all my problems now.
01-21-2016, 10:48 AM
Well, it's seems Sarah is back on the scene. This time she "blames Obama" for her son's drunken abuse of his gf while wielding an assault rifle. Double absurdity is that he enlisted under the Bush Administration. Can these people just go away?
Please take Bieber and the Kardashians too.
She is truly an idiot. I would be embarrassed to have her endorsement.
01-21-2016, 11:32 AM
Wow she is a complete loon.
On a separate note though, PTSD, I believe is something that really needs to be taken more seriously on guys coming back from battle etc. I have known a few, even ones that weren't necessarily on the front lines, and you can just tell that when they come back, they are just a I can't imagine the things that these guys have seen and have had to do, and thank God every day that someone else does this stuff, because there is no way in hell I would choose to do so.
Ok, off my soapbox.
01-21-2016, 11:34 AM
Well, it's seems Sarah is back on the scene. This time she "blames Obama" for her son's drunken abuse of his gf while wielding an assault rifle. Double absurdity is that he enlisted under the Bush Administration. Can these people just go away?
I fucking hate her. She is the type of person that makes me embarrassed that I've always voted Republican.
01-21-2016, 11:54 AM
Wow she is a complete loon.
On a separate note though, PTSD, I believe is something that really needs to be taken more seriously on guys coming back from battle etc. I have known a few, even ones that weren't necessarily on the front lines, and you can just tell that when they come back, they are just a I can't imagine the things that these guys have seen and have had to do, and thank God every day that someone else does this stuff, because there is no way in hell I would choose to do so.
Ok, off my soapbox.
You are correct. Soldiers die in countless training accidents and those can have lasting impacts even if the person never sees combat.
01-21-2016, 11:59 AM
I fucking hate her. She is the type of person that makes me embarrassed that I've always voted Republican.
When are the republicans gonna figure it out? She's f'ing worthless.
01-21-2016, 12:49 PM
She is a laugh riot waiting to happen, though. So there's that.
01-21-2016, 01:31 PM
I, along with Sarah Palin, blame the media - for covering anything she does or says.
Is she bucking for a chance to be his VP, because if so she's going to have to duke it out with 11 other hopefuls on this spring's surefire hit, "Apprentice, V.P."
Wow she is a complete loon.
On a separate note though, PTSD, I believe is something that really needs to be taken more seriously on guys coming back from battle etc. I have known a few, even ones that weren't necessarily on the front lines, and you can just tell that when they come back, they are just a I can't imagine the things that these guys have seen and have had to do, and thank God every day that someone else does this stuff, because there is no way in hell I would choose to do so.
Ok, off my soapbox.
Every time I see this stuff I think about " The Greatest Generation", guys who spent 3 and 4 years seeing probably 50 of their comrades a week getting blown to bits, or maimed for life. Most of them didn't come back home and curl up in a ball, they got on with their lives and made this country great. Ok I'm off my soapbox.
01-21-2016, 02:14 PM
Every time I see this stuff I think about " The Greatest Generation", guys who spent 3 and 4 years seeing probably 50 of their comrades a week getting blown to bits, or maimed for life. Most of them didn't come back home and curl up in a ball, they got on with their lives and made this country great. Ok I'm off my soapbox.
Yeah most of them did, and some of them had severe PTSD issues among other problems. It was the same then, as it is today and everyone reacts differently. Just because those things aren't in some history book, doesn't mean they didn't exist.
01-21-2016, 02:23 PM
Every time I see this stuff I think about " The Greatest Generation", guys who spent 3 and 4 years seeing probably 50 of their comrades a week getting blown to bits, or maimed for life. Most of them didn't come back home and curl up in a ball, they got on with their lives and made this country great. Ok I'm off my soapbox.
This is the wrong thought process too. War veterans commit suicide at a tremendous rate because of PTSD and other issues. The solution isn't to ignore them and tell them to get tougher. But the solution sure as shit isn't to blame Obama with some indirect bullshit reasoning because her entire family is full of red neck lunatics.
01-21-2016, 02:33 PM
One of the biggest things people don't realize is that in World War 1 and 2, when you were injured as severely as those who get injured now, you died. Now, these same men and women survive and have massive issues AND there are far more of them than there were then.
01-21-2016, 03:21 PM
One of the biggest things people don't realize is that in World War 1 and 2, when you were injured as severely as those who get injured now, you died. Now, these same men and women survive and have massive issues AND there are far more of them than there were then.
Also, in World War I, a lot of those who were suffering from PTSD or "battle fatigue"/"shell shock" were executed for desertion or not following orders, because the military just didn't understand what was happening. So, they didn't come home for that reason either. I don't know whether or not this was going on World War II so can't say on that topic.
Regardless, the major difference between now and then is that we as a society recognize what's going on and can thus properly diagnose it. To act like it didn't happen before is just as ignorant and obnoxious as "Well, psychological disorder X is on the rise because *grumble*this generation*grumble*." It's not on the rise; it simply wasn't recorded before.
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01-21-2016, 03:22 PM
When are the republicans gonna figure it out? She's f'ing worthless.
She is a laugh riot waiting to happen, though. So there's that.
Both of these. Enough said.
01-21-2016, 03:48 PM
There is a third thing. She is the best thing that has ever happened to Tina Fey
01-21-2016, 03:56 PM
When are the republicans gonna figure it out? She's f'ing worthless.
There is a third thing. She is the best thing that has ever happened to Tina Fey
That too, although Tina Fey would have been fine without her. Plain just put a rocket booster on the career.
01-21-2016, 04:35 PM
My girlfriend's fellow 4th grade teacher is personal friends with Palin and used to be neighbors. She has nothing to say but positive things about her. Now I have yet to meet the lady, but it would be hard for me to not bust up laughing if she spoke about Palin. Palin is a joke and really just trying to keep her name in the media enough to keep raking in Tea Party members' dollars. I am sure she blames her affair with Glenn Rice on Obama. Lord, the Republican party is a massive joke right now. Sadly, the Democrats with Hillary aren't far behind. We all lose next November unless Superman shows up.
D-West & PO-Z
01-22-2016, 10:10 AM
Also, in World War I, a lot of those who were suffering from PTSD or "battle fatigue"/"shell shock" were executed for desertion or not following orders, because the military just didn't understand what was happening. So, they didn't come home for that reason either. I don't know whether or not this was going on World War II so can't say on that topic.
Regardless, the major difference between now and then is that we as a society recognize what's going on and can thus properly diagnose it. To act like it didn't happen before is just as ignorant and obnoxious as "Well, psychological disorder X is on the rise because *grumble*this generation*grumble*." It's not on the rise; it simply wasn't recorded before.
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01-22-2016, 11:25 AM
Just saw part of her endorsement speech for Trump on Colbert. She seems like she is high on something. The fact that anybody listens to her for anything other than comic relief is frightening.
01-22-2016, 11:29 AM
01-22-2016, 11:47 AM
Just saw part of her endorsement speech for Trump on Colbert. She seems like she is high on something. The fact that anybody listens to her for anything other than comic relief is frightening.
My Probation Officer days tell me the same thing. Some type of prescription drug is my guess. She was out of her mind.
01-22-2016, 05:27 PM
Stephen Colbert's reaction ( is great. "Sarah Palin just guaranteed Trump the evangelical vote, because I think she's speaking in tongues!"
01-22-2016, 11:03 PM
Stephen Colbert's reaction ( is great. "Sarah Palin just guaranteed Trump the evangelical vote, because I think she's speaking in tongues!"
That was fantastic! She really is the original "material girl".
D-West & PO-Z
01-22-2016, 11:31 PM
Stephen Colbert's reaction ( is great. "Sarah Palin just guaranteed Trump the evangelical vote, because I think she's speaking in tongues!"
So good.
01-23-2016, 05:47 AM
God, I miss Colbert. His prior show was the funniest thing on TV, better even than the Daily Show. Sadly, I can't stay up that late to see the Late Show anymore. I could DVD it, I suppose, but it's not the same.
01-23-2016, 09:29 PM
God, I miss Colbert. His prior show was the funniest thing on TV, better even than the Daily Show. Sadly, I can't stay up that late to see the Late Show anymore. I could DVD it, I suppose, but it's not the same.
I have dvr'd a few shows. It's ok. It's not the same but he still does some political stuff. Old show,was way better IMO.
Strange Brew
01-23-2016, 11:20 PM
Lord, the Republican party is a massive joke right now. Sadly, the Democrats with Hillary aren't far behind. We all lose next November unless Superman shows up.
Face it, the Repubs have been a joke since TARP and the Dems have been a joke since George Wallace and Bull Connor; and Robert Byrd and.... What I find funny/interesting is Trump is a little bit of JFK splashed with a little Reagan stirred with some Jackson/McGovern and he's leading as the ultimate friendemy.
This particular Fall should be interesting (and I mean that in the Chinese probverbial sense).
PM Thor
01-25-2016, 06:57 PM
Palin is seriously frightening. To actually think of her as veep is a horrific thought.
Yep, quoting myself from 8 years ago, and I still am not wrong. She's a white trash BS artist who blames Obama for her sons PTSD who wasn't in combat. And people still listen. Ugh.
01-26-2016, 11:48 AM
The recent SNL skit was fantastic. Tina Fey was spot on.
01-26-2016, 12:15 PM
I think the country's number one problem is that we treat political candidates like we treat our sports teams. We have blind passion for them, they can do no wrong, and when they win everything is fantastic.
Sports is fine, but for government it is translating to Republicans actually believing the country is going to hell under Obama who can do no right and that Bush was absolutely fantastic who could do no wrong. I am a vocal democrat, but I see both the good and bad of the last 7 years. Why people can't see that is beyond me?
X-band '01
01-26-2016, 12:27 PM
Any Republican who's drinking the Donald Trump Kool-Aid isn't going to see the inevitable electoral-vote landslide. Their problem is that anyone who would possibly have a chance of winning the general election isn't going to be able to come out of the Republican primary smelling like roses.
The Boston Globe had recently endorsed John Kasich as the Republican candidate, but even that was more of an "Anyone But Trump" endorsement.
01-26-2016, 12:37 PM
The Boston Globe had recently endorsed John Kasich as the Republican candidate
The Boston Globe's endorsement for the Republican nomination is about as interesting as the Wall Street Journal's endorsement for the Democratic nomination.
X-band '01
01-26-2016, 01:18 PM
True, but the Globe also gets sold a lot in New Hampshire. It's mostly a blue state, but can go red on occasion for the Senate and Presidency.
01-26-2016, 02:05 PM
Any Republican who's drinking the Donald Trump Kool-Aid isn't going to see the inevitable electoral-vote landslide. Their problem is that anyone who would possibly have a chance of winning the general election isn't going to be able to come out of the Republican primary smelling like roses.
The Boston Globe had recently endorsed John Kasich as the Republican candidate, but even that was more of an "Anyone But Trump" endorsement.
I wasn't a huge Kasich fan when he was running for governor here ( I did vote for him regardless because he was better than whatever Dem ran) but I honestly think he would be a great general election candidate. That being said, he doesn't stand a chance.
I wasn't a huge Kasich fan when he was running for governor here ( I did vote for him regardless because he was better than whatever Dem ran) but I honestly think he would be a great general election candidate. That being said, he doesn't stand a chance.
Will be a great ticket enhancer as VEEP, and will be in line for 2020.
01-28-2016, 11:43 AM
Could see Rubio-Kasich. You get swing state of Ohio along w/ the hispanic vote. Rubio is more likable than Cruz IMO. Cruz's colleagues don't even like him.
01-28-2016, 11:53 AM
I'm still thinking Donald Trump/Howard Stern. I mean, would that REALLY make Trump's candidacy more outlandish than it is already?
01-28-2016, 11:57 AM
I'm still thinking Donald Trump/Howard Stern. I mean, would that REALLY make Trump's candidacy more outlandish than it is already?
With Palin as Secretary of Defense ....because ya know, she's got all that foreign policy experience living so close to Russia, don't ya know!
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