09-25-2008, 06:46 AM
My office must have some bad luck right now, we have two brothers who work here and their younger brother (who is only thirteen) had to be rushed to the ER this week. Here is an update from a co-worker close to the family.
"The process for the next few days is complicated but in short; their brother’s sugar level is still not stabilized because of the detoxifying of the body that has to occur first. His pancreas is in a state of shutting down and his blood sugar level is around 500 which normal is under 100. Tanner is just more scared than anything right now. He went from being at school and feeling normal to a hospital bed at Children’s hooked to various machines within hours. This is treatable and controllable but the next few days are critical for him. They ask for your prayers."
Prayers would be awesome.
On a positive note, Baby Ava is doing great and showing improvment by leaps and bounds.
"The process for the next few days is complicated but in short; their brother’s sugar level is still not stabilized because of the detoxifying of the body that has to occur first. His pancreas is in a state of shutting down and his blood sugar level is around 500 which normal is under 100. Tanner is just more scared than anything right now. He went from being at school and feeling normal to a hospital bed at Children’s hooked to various machines within hours. This is treatable and controllable but the next few days are critical for him. They ask for your prayers."
Prayers would be awesome.
On a positive note, Baby Ava is doing great and showing improvment by leaps and bounds.