View Full Version : Pet Peeves
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Kahns Krazy
12-31-2013, 03:21 PM
Assclowns that use the regular door right next to the revolving door when it is 20 degrees out. I realize you aren't paying for the heat, but c'mon man!
Also, the office idiot that says "See you next year" on December 31st like he's the first one to think of it.
Assclowns that use the regular door right next to the revolving door when it is 20 degrees out. I realize you aren't paying for the heat, but c'mon man!
I'm totally that guy. I despise revolving doors, I'm tall and hit my foot on the front or the back end every stride.
01-05-2014, 09:20 PM
People who use the words "class", "classy", "Classless", etc. when describing a sporting event. Since when are sports classy? We're not playing cricket here, people. Does anyone really care if the players on the court are classy or not? And has anyone ever though their own team to be classless but the other team to be full of class? No. No one anywhere has ever thought that. Ever.
People who try to put down an opposing fan base by saying something so vague and idiotic like "I have several friends who were attacked at Cintas and will now never ever ever return ever." Please! Is this similar to how I know people who know people who ran into Bigfoot when camping in Northern Michigan? Give me a break. Either make genuine arguments or shut up and go home!
LA Muskie
01-05-2014, 09:50 PM
People who use the words "class", "classy", "Classless", etc. when describing a sporting event. Since when are sports classy? We're not playing cricket here, people. Does anyone really care if the players on the court are classy or not? And has anyone ever though their own team to be classless but the other team to be full of class? No. No one anywhere has ever thought that. Ever.
People who try to put down an opposing fan base by saying something so vague and idiotic like "I have several friends who were attacked at Cintas and will now never ever ever return ever." Please! Is this similar to how I know people who know people who ran into Bigfoot when camping in Northern Michigan? Give me a break. Either make genuine arguments or shut up and go home!
I get what you are saying but two things come to mind:
1. Cricket IS a sport.
2. I'm fairly certain the fans of the old Detroit Pistons and Boston Celtics teams knew their teams had no "class" and that they were heavily "out-classed" against every team in the NBA except the other. Oh...and they didn't give a crap about that because they won.
In other words I mostly agree with you. But I have to say that I personally do care. Especially when it comes to Xavier because the product on the court reflects on the entire university (and hence my diploma).
01-05-2014, 10:22 PM
My pet peeve is a little related: When people come up with bullshit explanations for why a player/team isn't classy or why a player lacks character. Those people that basically make shit up or blow something way out of proportion in order to smear a player.
Lumberjack Love Slave
01-06-2014, 12:02 AM
People who say Bigfoot isn't real.
And btw, he's not classy.
01-06-2014, 12:12 AM
Bobby Petrino not yet being named head football coach at Louisville. What are you waiting for Jurich?
Oh, and also not classy.
01-06-2014, 09:43 AM
I get what you are saying but two things come to mind:
1. Cricket IS a sport.
2. I'm fairly certain the fans of the old Detroit Pistons and Boston Celtics teams knew their teams had no "class" and that they were heavily "out-classed" against every team in the NBA except the other. Oh...and they didn't give a crap about that because they won.
In other words I mostly agree with you. But I have to say that I personally do care. Especially when it comes to Xavier because the product on the court reflects on the entire university (and hence my diploma).
I know that you think you know more about everything on this planet than all the rest of us combined, but do you honestly think I didn't know cricket was a sport? Honestly?
LA Muskie
01-06-2014, 10:49 AM
I know that you think you know more about everything on this planet than all the rest of us combined, but do you honestly think I didn't know cricket was a sport? Honestly?
No. It was a joke.
Kahns Krazy
01-10-2014, 07:30 AM
9 PM games that take over 2.5 hours.
01-10-2014, 10:02 AM
9 PM games that take over 2.5 hours.
I agree 100% Kahns! Especially when I set the DVR to record only 30 minutes beyond the scheduled end of the game. (Still not enough!!!)
01-10-2014, 11:58 AM
Fans who love having great players but are upset when they dare to have the slightest of egos. I'm not even talking brash, arrogant players, but really good players that simply have (justified) high confidence in themselves. What do you want? False humility, so you can humble-brag about how classy your players are?
01-10-2014, 12:11 PM
What khans said, particularly with 10 minute officials reviews with 4.4 seconds left on the clock.
Kahns Krazy
01-21-2014, 04:44 PM
Other drivers when it snows. It's an oldie, but a goodie.
Kahns Krazy
02-18-2014, 08:51 AM
Grown ass people that don't know how to drive a manual transmission car. I think that should be required in order to get a license.
02-18-2014, 05:42 PM
Grown ass people that don't know how to drive a manual transmission car. I think that should be required in order to get a license.
Agree, although my Trophy Wife cannot drive one. Tried to teach her. She has a serious mental block.
02-18-2014, 05:50 PM
Agree, although my Trophy Wife cannot drive one. Tried to teach her. She has a serious mental block.
Same here. Pisses me off, because she will not let me buy a five-speed now. Because of this, I'll probably forget how to drive a clutch.
02-18-2014, 06:08 PM
As a woman, who also refuses to learn how to drive a five-speed, and who is going to stick up for the sisterhood here, I do not believe that learning to drive a manual is one of life's great must-dos before I die. There's no need to drive a manual when automatics are better in every way - not the least of which is not having to worry about shifting and using a clutch! (And yes, I know you all don't believe that to be true, so spare me the lecture because I've received it from my own husband who thinks it's an abomination that I can't drive a manual transmission. He forgives me for this one so-called, although debatable, flaw.) :happy:
02-18-2014, 06:21 PM
Manuals are simply fun to drive. I miss having a five speed. Hell, I purposely drove a manual through high school, college and most my twenties as a method if no one asking to borrow my pick up.
02-18-2014, 07:59 PM
Everybody with a trophy wife should have manual transmission cars.
That will keep her from bolting on you once she figures it all out.
02-22-2014, 12:39 AM
Manuals are simply fun to drive. I miss having a five speed. Hell, I purposely drove a manual through high school, college and most my twenties as a method if no one asking to borrow my pick up.
Unless you spend most of your time driving in rush hour traffic. Then a manual just sucks.
02-22-2014, 12:47 AM
I know someone who can't even drive an automatic, but damn does she look good in the passenger seat.
02-22-2014, 10:48 PM
My wife drove a 5-speed Honda Prelude when we first started dating. One of about 500 reasons why I am a very lucky man.
02-23-2014, 01:30 PM
Everybody with a trophy wife should have manual transmission cars.
That will keep her from bolting on you once she figures it all out.
Paul from deep....And it Counts!
02-24-2014, 08:14 AM
I have always had a manual transmission in my car. I know that if I lived in LA, I would probably feel differently. But I don't and damn, a stick is fun to drive. Plus it gives you an alternative to braking if you need to slow down and braking is not a good way to do it.
Kahns Krazy
02-24-2014, 11:36 AM
I get preferences, me peeve is with those who have chosen to never learn the fundamentally easy basics. It goes up there with changing a tire.
I would certainly never let any young person in my household start driving without this skill. What happens when you are out at a party, and you got a ride with someone that drives a stick. They drink too much, or get injured or sick. Do you ride home with them anyway? Why would anyone let themselves be vulnerable in that situation?
02-24-2014, 12:27 PM
My wife and I were at the Auto Expo over the weekend. She really liked the Fiat 500L as a possible winter / bad weather car. The model on display had an automatic transmission. My wife's comment was that she'd only want one if she could get the manual transmission. Yep. I love her.
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02-24-2014, 02:53 PM
New pet peeve. Why does very old man at any fitness center/gym feel the need to hang out naked. Let's stand here naked talking to each other. Oh I have a towel, I'll put it over my shoulder. They just sit naked on the couches and benches.
xu 89
02-25-2014, 05:24 PM
New pet peeve. Why does very old man at any fitness center/gym feel the need to hang out naked. Let's stand here naked talking to each other. Oh I have a towel, I'll put it over my shoulder. They just sit naked on the couches and benches.
ditto...or they are standing on the towel while they are shaving. also, the guy who walks from the fitness floor to the locker room with his shirt off. i just don't get it.
LA Muskie
02-25-2014, 05:31 PM
New pet peeve. Why does very old man at any fitness center/gym feel the need to hang out naked. Let's stand here naked talking to each other. Oh I have a towel, I'll put it over my shoulder. They just sit naked on the couches and benches.
Agreed 100%. I've left two gyms because of this in particular. The towel over the shoulder especially gets me. I've concluded they either just don't care anymore, or they are actually trying to take over the gym.
02-25-2014, 05:51 PM
They're probably gay men who are trying to turn you gay. #thegayagenda
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02-25-2014, 05:54 PM
Agreed 100%. I've left two gyms because of this in particular. The towel over the shoulder especially gets me. I've concluded they either just don't care anymore, or they are actually trying to take over the gym.
Just give 'em the old Dennis Miller: "Hey man, nice penis!" Or better, "Hey's who's the new guy with the small penis?"
02-25-2014, 06:41 PM
ditto...or they are standing on the towel while they are shaving. also, the guy who walks from the fitness floor to the locker room with his shirt off. i just don't get it.
Saw the naked shaver today. It was actually two old guys. Who the eff shaves at the gym at 6pm, let alone naked?
Another gym pet peeve. The uncouth m-effers who will place their swim gear in benches in the sauna to dry this blocking half the seats.
I guess $29.95 a month entitles you to have your naked run of the place.
02-27-2014, 01:45 PM
I'd rather have people walk around naked instead of taking selfies in the locker room. Who thinks that's ok? Totally creepy.
02-27-2014, 03:00 PM
I'd rather have people walk around naked instead of taking selfies in the locker room. Who thinks that's ok? Totally creepy.
What about both? Ratchet up the creepiness.
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X-band '01
02-27-2014, 07:40 PM
I'd rather have people walk around naked instead of taking selfies in the locker room. Who thinks that's ok? Totally creepy.
Selfies in the locker room? That sounds more like a fantasy than a pet peeve (as long as it's the ladies' locker room).
PM Thor
02-28-2014, 05:07 PM
Winter Storms getting names now. "Titan"? Come on. What's next, cold fronts get names? Tornadoes?
Ok, that last one would be great. "Tornado Mandy is blowing through Ithaca as we speak!"
X-band '01
02-28-2014, 08:56 PM
That's just the Weather Channel trying to drum up ratings for themselves. It's not surprising that DirecTV discarded them like a used toy earlier this year.
Ky X Fan
03-15-2014, 07:47 AM
Weather people who now only tell us what the various "models" indicate. One says 3 feet of snow, the other says sunny and & 85. They no longer give us THEIR actual forecast. If I'm going to hear about models, I expect hot women.
Kahns Krazy
03-21-2014, 09:03 AM
Brazil nuts. I don't want a nut that big in my mouth. Ever.
Seriously, though, does anyone like brazil nuts?
BBC 08
03-21-2014, 09:11 AM
Brazil nuts. I don't want a nut that big in my mouth. Ever.
Seriously, though, does anyone like brazil nuts?
I'm sure there are some women out there that love Brazilian men.
American X
03-21-2014, 11:50 AM
Brazil nuts
Ask an old person what they used to call 'Brazil nuts'.
03-21-2014, 12:02 PM
Ask an old person what they used to call 'Brazil nuts'.
It's a colorful term
03-21-2014, 12:43 PM
People who have Facebook pages for their infant children or pets and then post status updates in the voice of said infant child or pet. It's weird.
03-21-2014, 02:51 PM
Brazil nuts are the best. Damn people, find another pet peeve. Are you trying to ruin the brazil nut industry?
03-21-2014, 03:01 PM
People who have Facebook pages for their infant children or pets and then post status updates in the voice of said infant child or pet. It's weird.
I do that for my dead wife, is that strange?
03-21-2014, 03:50 PM
I do that for my dead wife, is that strange?
Do you post as her or just leave her page up as a memorial site for friends and family to visit, because I can understand that.
03-21-2014, 03:55 PM
Do you post as her or just leave her page up as a memorial site for friends and family to visit, because I can understand that.
I'm sorry I was joking. And I don't have a dead wife. You're too nice LM.
03-21-2014, 04:47 PM
No worries! I thought that might be the case, and I was going to respond sarcastically, but then I thought "Oh my God! What if he really did lose his wife and he's working through this hard time by posting on Facebook. I'd be such a jerk by responding this way."
So, my initial response was: No. By all means. You should definitely post for your dead wife. There's nothing better than Facebook Beyond the Grave. Just so long as your not posting up to the date pictures - it should be all good!
PM Thor
03-22-2014, 04:36 PM
Pet peeve? Friends who don't follow college basketball, but still want to do something on the first weekend of the tourney. Seriously, no, I don't want to do anything other than watch these basketball games, leave me alone if you bring up going to some other event.
03-22-2014, 04:53 PM
Pet peeve? Friends who don't follow college basketball, but still want to do something on the first weekend of the tourney. Seriously, no, I don't want to do anything other than watch these basketball games, leave me alone if you bring up going to some other event.
to expound on that point.
People who schedule stuff for the first weekend of the Tournament.
People who schedule stuff during the Shootout.
People who schedule stuff on NFL Sundays.
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03-24-2014, 09:57 AM
Kids acting like Gangsters.
While driving down my street this morning there were 2 junior high kids walking to the bus in the middle of the road. I didn't honk or anything, just rolled along slowly behind them. They then found is necessary to turn around and throw their arms in the air flashing gang signs and a throat slash while still blocking the road. Now I know there are some hardcore thugs in Centerville, OH and all, but what the hell prompts something like that?
03-24-2014, 02:01 PM
what the hell prompts something like that?
The human condition to be assholes.
03-26-2014, 12:47 PM
People who never volunteer for anything, but want to have a say in how everything they're not doing is being done and how the people who are volunteering their time and energy are doing it all wrong.
Kahns Krazy
03-26-2014, 02:24 PM
People who never volunteer for anything, but want to have a say in how everything they're not doing is being done and how the people who are volunteering their time and energy are doing it all wrong.
Isn't it awesome? The number of people who come crawling out of the woodwork to tell you you're doing it wrong is amazing.
Kids acting like Gangsters.
While driving down my street this morning there were 2 junior high kids walking to the bus in the middle of the road. I didn't honk or anything, just rolled along slowly behind them. They then found is necessary to turn around and throw their arms in the air flashing gang signs and a throat slash while still blocking the road. Now I know there are some hardcore thugs in Centerville, OH and all, but what the hell prompts something like that?
Where is Walt Kowalski when you need him?
PM Thor
03-28-2014, 12:40 AM
Isn't it awesome? The number of people who come crawling out of the woodwork to tell you you're doing it wrong is amazing.
It truly is.
03-28-2014, 07:45 AM
File that with people who gripe and complain over a free gift or free meal.
Kahns Krazy
04-28-2014, 10:11 AM
Web searches at the office that unexpectedly return graphic results.
04-28-2014, 12:55 PM
Web searches at the office that unexpectedly return graphic results.
Did you google "tossing salad?"
04-28-2014, 02:32 PM
Were you signed on as nuts?
X-band '01
04-28-2014, 05:20 PM
Did you google "tossing salad?"
I thought it was cool strangers.
Kahns Krazy
05-05-2014, 02:22 PM
i wish I had written down what I searched for, because it was something that even my perverse mind could not turn into anything dirty. I wonder if I can check my browsing history on that day.
05-05-2014, 03:16 PM
I wonder if I can check my browsing history on that day.
If not, the NSA is there to help.
05-05-2014, 04:24 PM
Kids acting like Gangsters.
While driving down my street this morning there were 2 junior high kids walking to the bus in the middle of the road. I didn't honk or anything, just rolled along slowly behind them. They then found is necessary to turn around and throw their arms in the air flashing gang signs and a throat slash while still blocking the road. Now I know there are some hardcore thugs in Centerville, OH and all, but what the hell prompts something like that?
I knew there were a couple other Centerville posters here. I'm not sure if I knew you were there or not.
My Centerville pet peeve is the geese. Fuck those things.
05-06-2014, 10:51 AM
I knew there were a couple other Centerville posters here. I'm not sure if I knew you were there or not.
My Centerville pet peeve is the geese. Fuck those things.
I don't even want to get started on the geese. I feel like they are 10 times worse here than anywhere else within a 50 mile radius and drop dumps bigger than my husky can all over the place. They are fun to look at now since most have just hatched but a few weeks from now they will start up with their terrible goose honking medley at 5AM. My neighbor was telling me they are actually on the endangered species list but it can't be true.
When you click on juicy thread titles on the front page only to realize they're from the Women's Basketball board.
05-13-2014, 04:30 PM
When you click on juicy thread titles on the front page only to realize they're from the Women's Basketball board.
Preach it!
05-13-2014, 04:32 PM
When you click on juicy thread titles on the front page only to realize they're from the Women's Basketball board.
Especially when it turns out the news isn't even particularly juicy for the women's team. They may win 10 games next year now instead of the 8 they won this year now that we've added a benchwarmer from a bad Big Ten team!
X-band '01
05-13-2014, 04:33 PM
When you click on juicy thread titles on the front page only to realize they're from the Women's Basketball board.
Do you go through the New Posts feature and double-check the forum it's from, or did you see the thread title on the front page?
As was noted in that thread, it had a nice parallel to the Bull-Matador schtick.
Do you go through the New Posts feature and double-check the forum it's from, or did you see the thread title on the front page?
As was noted in that thread, it had a nice parallel to the Bull-Matador schtick.
Whatever is on the right side of the front page. I've been burned a couple times after that brief moment of excitement that I'm about to hear some news regarding the men's team. Nothing against the ten posters who are interested in the girls' team, but it's always an "Aw shit" moment.
05-19-2014, 12:28 PM
"You have to feather it, since I fixed it on the cheap for you"
The guy actually said that? Wow. Wonder what Home Depot HQ would think of that?
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05-19-2014, 02:10 PM
The guy actually said that? Wow. Wonder what Home Depot HQ would think of that?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The sad part is he went to the orange box in the first place.
PM Thor
05-21-2014, 05:34 PM
Yeah, I was in a hurry, leaving town, and it's the closest place that does "fixes" near my home. Never again.
X-band '01
05-22-2014, 01:29 PM
The "1%" of people on Facebook who always forward posts that 99% of people won't read and get offended when you don't pass along their message.
Pablo's Brother
05-22-2014, 02:00 PM
The classic "driving slow in the fast lane." Chick would not move with 80 cars behind her while she camped out in the left lane. I would vote for a politician who makes this a "death penalty offense."
05-22-2014, 02:10 PM
Yeah, I was in a hurry, leaving town, and it's the closest place that does "fixes" near my home. Never again.
I found a great tool rental place in Blue Ash that also seems to do repairs. Not sure that's nearby but it's close to Cross County and pretty accessible.
The classic "driving slow in the fast lane." Chick would not move with 80 cars behind her while she camped out in the left lane. I would vote for a politician who makes this a "death penalty offense."
Every day. Why do people think construction makes it ok to ignore all rules of driving politeness? How many more decades before the I75 projects are complete.
05-22-2014, 02:40 PM
Changing your address/cc # with the cell service provider. Spent 20 minutes repeating my new address to someone who can't speak English. Had to call back and ask for a supervisor. Never heard of Denver and couldn't spell it. Finally gave up. Guess they'll email me when they need the new exp. date.
D-West & PO-Z
05-22-2014, 06:03 PM
The classic "driving slow in the fast lane." Chick would not move with 80 cars behind her while she camped out in the left lane. I would vote for a politician who makes this a "death penalty offense."
Totally agree, dont get me started. Makes my blood boil.
05-22-2014, 06:09 PM
Fox Sports announcers (like the ones doing the baseball tournament right now) referring to us as X-Zaveeuhr.
PM Thor
05-24-2014, 11:20 PM
I found a great tool rental place in Blue Ash that also seems to do repairs. Not sure that's nearby but it's close to Cross County and pretty accessible.
Well, we took apart the whacker at work and rebuilt it, replaced the fuel line and the whatnot. Worked great.
But then the fuel line broke when I used it at home, and the damn thing burst into flame and melted. It's actually pretty funny.
05-29-2014, 09:35 AM
The classic "driving slow in the fast lane." Chick would not move with 80 cars behind her while she camped out in the left lane. I would vote for a politician who makes this a "death penalty offense."
This drives me nuts. Yesterday there was a woman camped out in the fast lane with a "share the road" bumper sticker.
06-03-2014, 12:54 PM
Well, we took apart the whacker at work and rebuilt it, replaced the fuel line and the whatnot. Worked great.
But then the fuel line broke when I used it at home, and the damn thing burst into flame and melted. It's actually pretty funny.
At least flaming out at the end leaves you with a funny story in addition to the bill.
06-03-2014, 01:30 PM
People who put the new smaller shopping carts in with the bigger ones and vice versa. There's two lanes for a reason.
06-10-2014, 11:14 AM
Men wearing skinny jeans, Justin Bieber, Justin Bieber hair, Young Money record label, Mick Cronin's height, Mick Cronin's delusions of being a badass, Mick Cronin's scowl, Mick Cronin's offense, UCtards' opinion, retarded Kobe Bryant fans, The fact that X lost in the second round when David West was a senior (That team was stacked), X's 1998 NCAA tournament failure, any analyst who works for ESPN or Fox Sports, the way the WWE is currently operating, JOHN CENA, Triple "my nose is almost as big as my ego" H, numerous politicians, the debt, the fact that soldiers are still in Afghanistan, and terrorists...
I know I missed a lot but that is enough for now. GO X!
06-10-2014, 12:04 PM
People who don't drive the speed limit when it's raining. Seriously. If you're that terrified of driving in the rain, then do the rest of us a favor and stay home. There is no earthly reason why we should drive 15 mph in a 35 just because it's raining. :cursingmad:
06-10-2014, 02:32 PM
I waited for an old lady to pull out of her parking spot yesterday. Actually she was already halfway out, so I had to wait.
Takes her forever. Like 45 seconds. Not a big deal, but it should only take maybe 15.
Once out of the parking lot and on the road I'm following her and she drives right thru a stop sign. Doesn't even breathe the throttle. Accelerating in fact. Completely oblivious.
After a certain age people should have to take a road test every year. Or maybe they could develop a computer program. Something that measures ones awareness and motor skills.
Kahns Krazy
06-10-2014, 02:53 PM
People who don't drive the speed limit when it's raining. Seriously. If you're that terrified of driving in the rain, then do the rest of us a favor and stay home. There is no earthly reason why we should drive 15 mph in a 35 just because it's raining. :cursingmad:
I was thinking of this thread when I was driving down I-71 this morning in a light drizzle going 40 in the left lane.
People who don't drive the speed limit when it's raining. Seriously. If you're that terrified of driving in the rain, then do the rest of us a favor and stay home. There is no earthly reason why we should drive 15 mph in a 35 just because it's raining. :cursingmad:
Everyone on the road besides me, always.
PM Thor
06-10-2014, 08:48 PM
I was thinking of this thread when I was driving down I-71 this morning in a light drizzle going 40 in the left lane.
Ugh, my biggest road pet peeve out there, people just travelling along in the PASSING LANE as if it's a travel lane. It's not, it's only supposed to be used to pass others. And no, even if you are travelling the speed limit, that doesn't mean that you can just drive in that lane, blocking others. Washington State has it right.
Kahns Krazy
06-11-2014, 12:51 PM
People that take advantage of charitable efforts. I participated in the Give Back Cincinnati Paint the Town event this weekend. The woman who applied indicated that she lived alone and was unable to and could not afford to get the house painted on her own. Her application was approved, and along with 30+ other houses in Latonia, her house got painted.
It turns out she has a very able-bodied husband who she did not disclose on the application. That is bad enough. Her able body husband also has a job. Even worse. But the nail in the coffin was that her husband is a f**king painter. Nice big truck with ladders and sh*t, right out in front of the house while we are all painting it.
I can't stand when people take things just for the sake of taking them.
I don't think God was a big fan either, because he had the uninsured neighbor lady back out of the driveway and plow into his truck while we all watched.
06-13-2014, 02:59 AM
Instant karma is always nice.
06-13-2014, 03:12 PM
WOW! Don't know what else to say.
People that take advantage of charitable efforts. I participated in the Give Back Cincinnati Paint the Town event this weekend. The woman who applied indicated that she lived alone and was unable to and could not afford to get the house painted on her own. Her application was approved, and along with 30+ other houses in Latonia, her house got painted.
It turns out she has a very able-bodied husband who she did not disclose on the application. That is bad enough. Her able body husband also has a job. Even worse. But the nail in the coffin was that her husband is a f**king painter. Nice big truck with ladders and sh*t, right out in front of the house while we are all painting it.
I can't stand when people take things just for the sake of taking them.
I don't think God was a big fan either, because he had the uninsured neighbor lady back out of the driveway and plow into his truck while we all watched.
06-15-2014, 07:38 AM
Visiting Cincinnati, looking at Enquirer cable system guide in Sunday paper to find FS1 channel number to watch last hour of Le Mans...and it isn't listed.
What's that all about?
(campus looks great as an aside)
Kahns Krazy
06-17-2014, 09:43 AM
I am currently on an e-mail that someone inadvertantly added a distribution list to a reply and now there are about 300 people getting copied on a string of e-mails about one person's approval for a shared network drive. It is both a pet peeve and a source of amusement when people start replying to all "please do not reply to all!!!!!"
I wonder how long this is going to go. I've gotten 2 emails since I started this post.
Edit: Haha. As soon as I hit post, I got this e-mail: "PLEASE STOP REPLY ALL!!!!!" I nailed the number of exclamation points, but missed the all caps.
06-17-2014, 10:25 AM
Ugh, my biggest road pet peeve out there, people just travelling along in the PASSING LANE as if it's a travel lane. It's not, it's only supposed to be used to pass others. And no, even if you are travelling the speed limit, that doesn't mean that you can just drive in that lane, blocking others. Washington State has it right.
Most states have it right. Ohio is the worst state I have ever seen for people driving in the passing lane, whether it's the freeway or a four lane city street (e.g. Dana). I am from the east coast and learned to never pass on the right. Now that seems to be all I do. I suspect that on the freeway, people do it here so they don't have to brake so often and reset the cruise. On roads like Dana, I have had people tell me that they drive in the left lane deliberately to slow traffic down. Gotta love those self-designated traffic regulators.
My other pet peeve about Ohio drivers is that they seem to think using a turn signal when they are making a turn somehow must be dangerous. Either that or they are so busy texting that they can't also use their turn signal. Drives me nuts.
LA Muskie
06-17-2014, 10:26 AM
California is worse. The far right (1st) lane is almost always the clearest lane of traffic. And it drives me nuts.
06-17-2014, 10:42 AM
California is worse. The far right (1st) lane is almost always the clearest lane of traffic. And it drives me nuts.
I actually don't mind the freeway traffic in southern California (except for the motorcycles riding between lanes). I find that by and large, California drivers are predictable, courteous, and use their turn signals. I also feel it's less stressful because the freeway lanes are always so full (seemingly any time of day) that you can't really game the system much by switching lanes. So you just go with the flow, and hope the flow doesn't come to a long stop. Each traffic clot on the freeway is really like a giant amoeba, expanding and contracting its way along....very organic.
06-17-2014, 01:16 PM
Recently I've seen articles that baggage fees are going up while overhead compartment size is going down, airlines are complaining about unruly passengers and United even managed to lose a pro-golfer's clubs on his flight to a tournament. Well, heck yeah we're unruly. When you treat us as sub-human, we are encouraged to act like it. Plus, we have to get to the airports really early or risk getting bumped from our flights and airlines are surprised we're drinking more? Treat us like humans and not wallets from which to wring out the last dime. Quit delaying and canceling our flights because you didn't properly schedule your flight crews.
Airlines need to have some accountability to their travelers, not just shareholders.
06-17-2014, 05:48 PM
Allegiant takes the cake with their "carrier usage charge". WTF? A charge for using the carrier? Actually it is a charge for getting a flight online. To add to the absurdity, you are basically DOING THEIR JOB FOR THEM for which they are charging YOU. Unreal. Even more stupid? If you go the counter at the airport and pay for your flight with a human, you guessed it, NO CARRIER USAGE CHARGE. The world has gone completely nuts.
06-17-2014, 05:58 PM
I have a hard time complaining too much about fees and the like on airlines. They've all been losing money forever and have been on a revolving door into and out of bankruptcy. I'd be more upset if it was a profitable company squeezing me like that.
LA Muskie
06-17-2014, 07:28 PM
I actually don't mind the freeway traffic in southern California (except for the motorcycles riding between lanes). I find that by and large, California drivers are predictable, courteous, and use their turn signals.
I have a feeling your southern CA is not my southern CA. Orange County doesn't count...
06-17-2014, 08:15 PM
I have a hard time complaining too much about fees and the like on airlines. They've all been losing money forever and have been on a revolving door into and out of bankruptcy. I'd be more upset if it was a profitable company squeezing me like that.
Allegiant has had 45 profitable quarters in a row...3rd most profitable airline now.
06-17-2014, 08:18 PM
I don't have any problems complaining about Allegiant, though. Their published fares essentially amount to fraud.
Granted, when I'm getting on Allegiant, it means I'm going to Vegas, so I don't mind THAT much. :smile:
06-17-2014, 08:38 PM
Staying at a hotel this week and have to pay $6 per day to park in their parking lot. ??? I guess this is the norm. ???
06-17-2014, 08:43 PM
I paid $12/day at an Embassy Suites last week in Orlando. It was basically in an office park with plenty of land. I was not pleased.
06-17-2014, 08:44 PM
I paid $12/day at an Embassy Suites last week in Orlando. It was basically in an office park with plenty of land. I was not pleased.
Ha. I'm in Orlando right now.
06-17-2014, 09:23 PM
Staying at a hotel this week and have to pay $6 per day to park in their parking lot. ??? I guess this is the norm. ???
You're damn lucky it was only 6.
Speaking of which, I bet Tom Bodett doesn't charge anything.
06-17-2014, 10:49 PM
I think last year in Chicago we paid $32 a day to park. It was f-ing ridiculous. And if you removed your car from the garage they charged you extra (which we didn't do, but still). I hope some of that highway robbery they're charging in parking fees is going toward keeping us tourists safe from all the gunfights you Chicagoans keep having.
06-17-2014, 11:00 PM
I paid 40 a day + 12% tax in Nawlins. It was a brand new hotel open 1 week so I got the 4 star room for $54. Ridiculous. I do hate the "Resort fees" at Downtown hotels. Huh? Where's the resort?
06-18-2014, 06:52 AM
I have a feeling your southern CA is not my southern CA. Orange County doesn't count...
I confess that most of my SoCal driving has been on the freeways between Carlsbad and San Diego, with occasional forays north to LA. And the closer to LA I got, the slower the amoeba moved.
06-18-2014, 10:35 AM
cops that go 67 mph on the highway. Everybody gets too scared to pass them and it bottles everything up. Nothing screams fishy like me bouncing around from lane to lane behind the cop trying to find a way through.
06-18-2014, 10:48 AM
Allegiant takes the cake with their "carrier usage charge". WTF? A charge for using the carrier? Actually it is a charge for getting a flight online. To add to the absurdity, you are basically DOING THEIR JOB FOR THEM for which they are charging YOU. Unreal. Even more stupid? If you go the counter at the airport and pay for your flight with a human, you guessed it, NO CARRIER USAGE CHARGE. The world has gone completely nuts.
Took Allegiant this Spring and while the advertised price was less, the final cost with fees was about the same as Delta, AFTER Delta reduced their rate to compete with Allegiant. One of my best flight experiences lately. Truly nice people working for Allegiant. With Delta it's like they're Princeton and you were lucky to get into the local community college. Unless you have status, you're not worthy of their time. Also, no delays or cancellations even with a big thunderstorm between me and my destination.
I have a hard time complaining too much about fees and the like on airlines. They've all been losing money forever and have been on a revolving door into and out of bankruptcy. I'd be more upset if it was a profitable company squeezing me like that.
Still no excuse for treating your customers like poo on the bottom of your shoe.
X-band '01
06-19-2014, 07:57 AM
Maybe I'm not frequent enough of a flier, but exactly how are Delta and other airlines treating people like poo?
I do know that Delta is overhauling their SkyMiles program beginning next year, but I suppose it's just to give people more of an incentive to purchase their pricier tickets.
Kahns Krazy
06-19-2014, 10:25 AM
I have a hard time complaining too much about fees and the like on airlines. They've all been losing money forever and have been on a revolving door into and out of bankruptcy. I'd be more upset if it was a profitable company squeezing me like that.
Weren't the bankruptcies largely employee issues? Why does mismanagement of employee benefits turn into a problem the customer has to pay for? Would you be willing to pay a $5 special sauce surcharge for a big mac because McDonalds decided to pay the burger flipper $75 per hour?
Delta posted a $10.5 billion profit last year including an $8 billion net tax refund. This was on revenue of $37.7 billion. When your net margin is over 25%, it's time to stop nickle and diming the customer and time to start building a sustainable model on service. Even excluding the tax benefit, a 6.6% net profit margin is pretty healthy.
The spike in fuel costs was a fundamental change for airlines, but that has leveled off. No sympathy from me for the airline industry, especially living in a city that has been top 3 in the country for average airfares for the last 20 years in what is supposedly a regulated industry. How does that happen?
06-21-2014, 10:02 AM
People who brag about their seat location and/or golfing memberships who aren't supporting members.
X-band '01
06-21-2014, 11:13 AM
He'd probably just completely take on the annual costs of operating the board by himself and pooh-pooh the rest of us peons anyway.
06-21-2014, 08:01 PM
Not pulling up to the furthest available gas pump
This just happened. Pulling up to a gas station behind bother car. There pumps empty. Person stops at the first one. Of course between them being half in the aisle and the car in the next lane being half in the aisle, it's just right enough you can't get through
Said douchenozzle gets out of their car and proceeds to motion to go around them. With what I swear was a sadistic shit eating grin on their face.
Times you wishes you drove a junker pick up so you could "assist" them in pulling up to the furthest pump.
06-21-2014, 10:09 PM
People who get out of their car and immediately feel that all traffic should stop bcuz they are now walking, usually in the middle of the road.
BBC 08
06-22-2014, 12:07 AM
That this guy gets paid to write -
06-22-2014, 03:23 PM
That this guy gets paid to write -
That was a strange article. But I'd expect nothing else from that Red Sox loving hack.
06-23-2014, 10:18 AM
Pieces of tire in the road. The SUV in front of me this morning swerved and went right over it at the last second. My car wasn't so lucky. I know it's not the semi drivers at fault here because they can't control it, but I feel like there has to be a new age way of designing the tire so this doesn't happen. I saw a wreck happen just last week on 675 in Beavercreek from a car swerving to avoid tire chunks.
Kahns Krazy
06-23-2014, 07:25 PM
I am currently on an e-mail that someone inadvertantly added a distribution list to a reply and now there are about 300 people getting copied on a string of e-mails about one person's approval for a shared network drive. It is both a pet peeve and a source of amusement when people start replying to all "please do not reply to all!!!!!"
I wonder how long this is going to go. I've gotten 2 emails since I started this post.
Edit: Haha. As soon as I hit post, I got this e-mail: "PLEASE STOP REPLY ALL!!!!!" I nailed the number of exclamation points, but missed the all caps.
Someone got back from vacation this morning and restarted the e-mail. This thing won't die.
06-23-2014, 10:56 PM
The morons "running" the City of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. de Tocqueville was spot on.
06-25-2014, 01:59 PM
Jerks who do not warn you that they are joining your lap lane at the pool then yell at you for getting on "their side" after they collide with you because you are doing the back stroke and don't have eyes in the back of your head. Does it really hurt to wait one minute for someone to get back to the head of the lane and say "hey, it's really crowded and you are alone in your lane, will you share?" Gym rules. You share equipment. You share lap lanes.
Why are gyms full of so many self-absorbed jerks?
06-25-2014, 02:02 PM
Why are gyms full of so many self-absorbed jerks?
Because the world is full of self-absorbed jerks. Gym population simply reflects that larger population.
Kahns Krazy
06-26-2014, 10:51 AM
The morons "running" the City of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. de Tocqueville was spot on.
Cincinnati and Hamilton County certainly don't have a monopoly on political nonsense. I see where Mason is in danger of their 50-year-running heritage days festival shutting down because council can't agree on disbursement of already approved funds to book vendors and performers. Problems in suburbia.
07-01-2014, 12:04 PM
Because the world is full of self-absorbed jerks. Gym population simply reflects that larger population.
I could write a book on people being jerks at the gym.
I work out at a small gym downtown. There aren't usually a ton of people there, and they don't have a lot of equipment. They have most everything you need, but not a lot of duplication. They also have 4 shower stalls. The general rules is you put your stuff in a cubby and work out. When you are done working out you you grab your stuff and hit the showers. I go before work generally, when it's not as crowded.
I have been going there for about 4 years and I have seen lots of different varieties of jerk. There is a guy that has started coming there in the morning who has adopted the following routine.
Arrive at Gym.
Place your bag in the center shower room. Always the center shower room. Not sure why, but always the same room.
Help yourself to the cleaning closet and clean the shower room you have selected.
Leave your stuff in the shower stall the entire time you work out. Effectively calling 'dibs' on the shower stall the entire time you are at the gym.
Grab one of the sanitizer bottles and carry it with you the entire time you work out. Do not at any time return the sanitizer to it's rightful place.
Meticulously sanitize every machine before you use it.
Do not, EVER, wipe any machine down after you use it. Ignore all signs asking that you please wipe machines after use.
I assume he has some sort of phobia relating to germs and cleanliness, which compels him to clean everything before he uses it. I'm not crazy about him 'holding' his shower stall, but I can live with that since it is early in the morning and it generally isn't an issue. The part that makes we want to literally kill him is the fact that he is such a freak about cleaning everything before he touches is, but he never cleans anything after using it. I don't understand how you do that as a human being.
07-01-2014, 12:09 PM
Leave your stuff in the shower stall the entire time you work out. Effectively calling 'dibs' on the shower stall the entire time you are at the gym.
What stuff is he leaving in the shower? I'd probably turn on the water in the shower if there was something being left in the shower stall that is not supposed to get wet.
07-01-2014, 02:11 PM
I feel like there's a bit more entitlement at the gym. I don't know if it's because it's something people are paying for or if they feel like their workout is somehow more important as everyone elses. I'd tolerate the jerks if I had a reasonable chance of getting a lap lane but it's hit and miss and has become more hassle than it's worth at my current gym. Time to find a new one.
Kahns Krazy
07-02-2014, 01:20 PM
Asshole drivers are not new on this thread, but this morning's took the cake.
There was a wreck on 1-71 south this morning just after the Gilbert/Reading exit. People taking the Gilbert or Reading exit should not have been affected. One of those self annointed enforcers of the road in a giant truck got into the right lane and was blocking people from passing so they couldn't get off the exit, making the whole traffic jam worse.
People that think they know what is best for me are a pet peeve, and this guy was just an ignorant ass.
People that think they know what is best for me are a pet peeve, and this guy was just an ignorant ass.
I think you would be better off if you posted less. Especially since you are a favorite of sweet16.
Kahns Krazy
07-02-2014, 04:13 PM
I think you would be better off if you posted less. Especially since you are a favorite of sweet16.
I gave your home phone number and address to your favorite client.
Kahns Krazy
07-14-2014, 12:27 PM
I don't know if this is fully a pet peeve, but it is really awkward when you have the random sex dream about a coworker, then it is difficult to look at them in the office the next day.
07-14-2014, 12:29 PM
I don't know if this is fully a pet peeve, but it is really awkward when you have the random sex dream about a coworker, then it is difficult to look at them in the office the next day.
Guy or girl?
X-band '01
07-14-2014, 12:36 PM
I don't know if this is fully a pet peeve, but it is really awkward when you have the random sex dream about a coworker, then it is difficult to look at them in the office the next day.
Let's hope the posters who saw you posting about your company's job opening never saw that post. :hypnotized:
BBC 08
07-14-2014, 12:56 PM
People who bring giant inflatable rafts and rings to a neighborhood pool are the worst.
Kahns Krazy
07-14-2014, 01:32 PM
Guy or girl?
Well, I imagine either would be awkward. I've only ever had it happen with female coworkers.
07-14-2014, 10:54 PM
I for one would feel better if threads to sell out games were accompanied by threads telling people what time they should be in their seats, (with explanations of how bad it looks on television and to recruits when we're not in our seats at the properly appointed times), threads telling people when they can leave their seats, and threads about how to cheer, clap, etc. Really, why not just knock out all four most annoying thread subjects simultaneously?
This guy decided to answer all your concerns. But you won't be in the first 10 rows anymore.
07-15-2014, 11:29 AM
The lady at Kroger that ID'ed the guy in front of me that was at least 75 years old. I promise you lady that this man hasn't been Benjamin Buttoned, so give him his beer so I can go home.
07-15-2014, 01:04 PM
I think more and more places have gotten burned for not IDing somebody that risk management departments are starting to say "thou shalt ID everybody". I got checked at the CVG airport once, and the conversation literally went "I'd like your lager" (this is sam adams pub) "ok, you get your id out while I get your beer"
Kahns Krazy
07-15-2014, 01:56 PM
I went to a downtown bar this weekend that carded everyone at the door. I think it was partially just a tool to keep the street people on the street. No ID = no entry.
Kahns Krazy
07-18-2014, 08:42 AM
Music festivals where I want to see one act and the tickets are $70.
07-18-2014, 11:47 AM
Music festivals where I want to see one act and the tickets are $70.
Is it for Buckle Up? I have absolutely no idea if it's legit or not, but a friend on FB posted a link to that they're offering 2 tickets for $65. Again, I have no idea if it's legitimate or not.
PM Thor
07-18-2014, 07:44 PM
It is legit. There are quite a few good deals for Buckle Up, like the 3 day pass for $120. Go to the AAA site for some of the deals or just google Buckle Up coupons.
07-21-2014, 11:07 PM
People that drive down the middle of the lane in grocery store parking lots.
07-22-2014, 08:21 AM
People that get in the Southwest Airlines check-in line that, although their number is 25, stand right next to the pillar that says 21-25 and then try to creep into the 16-20 area. C'mon dude, 4 places won't guarantee that coveted front aisle seat.'re not fooling anyone.
PM Thor
07-23-2014, 07:03 PM
When the dog throws up, it's always on the carpet, never on the hardwood. Come on man! So much easier to clean up on the hardwood. So inconsiderate.
07-23-2014, 11:25 PM
When the dog throws up, it's always on the carpet, never on the hardwood. Come on man! So much easier to clean up on the hardwood. So inconsiderate.
Same goes for cats. For mine I get the added bonus that he loves to pick the area right next to my bed. You know, the first place I step in the morning.
07-24-2014, 12:46 PM
People that get in the Southwest Airlines check-in line that, although their number is 25, stand right next to the pillar that says 21-25 and then try to creep into the 16-20 area. C'mon dude, 4 places won't guarantee that coveted front aisle seat.'re not fooling anyone.
07-24-2014, 01:12 PM
Duff Watson is clearly a horrible person, and SWA did itself a favor by losing him as a customer. Actually, they did the rest of us a favor, too, if we do not have to ever deal with him on a SW flight.
07-29-2014, 03:56 PM
People that, although there is plenty of curb area that wouldn't be near a driveway or affect their parking experience, insist on parking their car directly across from my driveway entrance. When I back out, I have to carefully watch that I don't back into them.
C'mon, man.
07-29-2014, 05:43 PM
Perhaps this has already been mentioned on this thread with nearly 2,000 separate postings ---
People who use neighborhood streets as walking surfaces, especially when those streets have perfectly good sidewalks on both sides of the street.
BBC 08
07-29-2014, 06:55 PM
Perhaps this has already been mentioned on this thread with nearly 2,000 separate postings ---
People who use neighborhood streets as walking surfaces, especially when those streets have perfectly good sidewalks on both sides of the street.
I yell at these people constantly and they are the bane of my existence. I hate them with every fiber of my being.
07-29-2014, 07:53 PM
Perhaps this has already been mentioned on this thread with nearly 2,000 separate postings ---
People who use neighborhood streets as walking surfaces, especially when those streets have perfectly good sidewalks on both sides of the street.
I yell at these people constantly and they are the bane of my existence. I hate them with every fiber of my being.
I have an aversion to sidewalks. If I step on a crack, I will break my mother's back
07-30-2014, 10:05 AM
I have an aversion to sidewalks. If I step on a crack, I will break my mother's back
Reps. The Fascist Oppressionists have me tied down.
But....what about cracks in the street?
07-30-2014, 11:53 AM
Reps. The Fascist Oppressionists have me tied down.
But....what about cracks in the street?
I'm a walking snob, I only walk on perfectly paved roads!
07-31-2014, 03:25 PM
I'm a walking snob, I only walk on perfectly paved roads!
Which procludes and walking in Cincinnati proper. You could probably go for miles these days by only walking on cracks and potholes.
And, yeah, you could say the general state of Cincinnati infrastructure is a current pet peeve.
07-31-2014, 04:41 PM
Which procludes and walking in Cincinnati proper. You could probably go for miles these days by only walking on cracks and potholes.
And, yeah, you could say the general state of Cincinnati infrastructure is a current pet peeve.
I drive a lot!
PM Thor
08-04-2014, 11:22 PM
I bike. A lot. Did 50 yesterday and 20 today.
Yet asshole runners decide that the BIKE LANE is their personal running lane, so I have to swing out into car lanes when I should be in my BIKE LANE. Fucking idiots make me look the ass to car drivers who don't see the stupid Bob Ronker dolts in Hyde Park who run in the street. Fucktards.
Kahns Krazy
08-05-2014, 02:59 PM
There is a lot of irony in a cyclist complaining that a runner is inappropriately in his lane. Somewhere in the pet peeve pages is my rant on cyclists that want the laws obeyed only when they favor them. 99% of all cyclists I see out there will pass stopped cars in the same lane at a red light then complain when those same cars don't give them the full lane when they are moving.
Having said that, I would like to see all of the Bob Ronker training group morons run over in a mass squishing incident. If there are too many people in your training group to run legally, then either run earlier, later, faster, slower, or somewhere else. Get the f'ing f out of the road.
My pet peeve of the day is whatever rule or law requires all of these downtown construction sites to have a sheriff sitting there doing nothing but watching. I would like to see a line item of how much that adds in total to the overall construction costs on the streetcar project. They sit there while Duke tears up the road for utility work then puts it back, then they come back when the track crews come in and lay track. They are not directing traffic. They are not providing any safety that isn't already there. They are just sucking up taxpayer dollars and watching someone else work.
LA Muskie
08-05-2014, 03:07 PM
There is a lot of irony in a cyclist complaining that a runner is inappropriately in his lane. Somewhere in the pet peeve pages is my rant on cyclists that want the laws obeyed only when they favor them.
No offense to PM, who I am sure is a considerate biker, but I have to agree. Last week I was pulling out of a garage (the exit to which is up-hill, so you can't see crossing traffic until it's nearly too late) and nearly hit a bike messenger flying down the sidewalk. Because I pull out of this garage every day, I know I have to be very careful and therefore would not have hit him. But he didn't know that. And he decided to stop, get off his bike and scream at me. All the time refusing to admit to himself that he caused the risk in the first place by illegally biking on the sidewalk...
Admittedly, he was a bike messenger. And they are the worst of the worst. But still...
There is a lot of irony in a cyclist complaining that a runner is inappropriately in his lane. Somewhere in the pet peeve pages is my rant on cyclists that want the laws obeyed only when they favor them. 99% of all cyclists I see out there will pass stopped cars in the same lane at a red light then complain when those same cars don't give them the full lane when they are moving.
Having said that, I would like to see all of the Bob Ronker training group morons run over in a mass squishing incident. If there are too many people in your training group to run legally, then either run earlier, later, faster, slower, or somewhere else. Get the f'ing f out of the road.
My pet peeve of the day is whatever rule or law requires all of these downtown construction sites to have a sheriff sitting there doing nothing but watching. I would like to see a line item of how much that adds in total to the overall construction costs on the streetcar project. They sit there while Duke tears up the road for utility work then puts it back, then they come back when the track crews come in and lay track. They are not directing traffic. They are not providing any safety that isn't already there. They are just sucking up taxpayer dollars and watching someone else work.
I'm not sure if I commented about it on this thread before or not, but I could not agree more. I live on some pretty windy roads and there is a bike trail about a tenth of a mile away, yet these assholes are constantly taking up the entire roads. They also have the worst attitudes about sharing the road and getting out of the way. The sense of entitlement these people have amazes me. And like you said, they NEVER obey traffic lights, signs, or basically anything else that you are responsible for as a vehicle on the road, which they fight so hard to be. Just once I would love to see one get pulled over rolling through a stop sign or light. It would totally make my day. Screw bikers.
DC Muskie
08-05-2014, 10:08 PM
Wow, after reading the the last few posts, it's pretty much guaranteed that no one will like me.
I run in the bike lane, and when I ride my bike, I'm running red lights and stop signs, all of that shit.
Now I run in the road, against traffic because all of the sidewalks are paved with bricks, along with trees lined up on both sides and the roots are sticking out, causing the path to be uneven. No one in their right mind should ever run on brick, it's a terrible surface. But I've never experienced an upset biker or car. Then when I hit the mall, I'm actually running on the mall, so it doesn't matter. Usually when I run, I'm on the actual road for about two miles, back and forth from my place to the mall.
Actually yesterday after our softball game (which I managed us to a 39-7 playoff victory...oh yeah, I'm bragging about walks by the way) anyway, three of us were riding up to the bar to celebrate my awesome skills as a manager. We crossed a usually busy intersection, (there was no traffic) and we rode on right before the light turned green. We were then pulled over by a cop. IT was surreal, because I didn't know what we did. The cop made good points (as a reference, there's been a lot of pissing back and forth because cyclists and drivers here lately) complained about the talks he has been involved with with some cyclist organizations where cyclists claim they run red lights. He was a little over the top in his lecture, but he didn't give us a ticket and we apologized for our mistakes.
As soon as we left, we entered a section of road where there is a ton of construction. We rode on the right lane and I swear to God a car honked their horn at us for some reason. The car in question was from Virginia, so obviously they were a dipshit.
Personally I think everyone on this issue needs to get over themselves and focus on the real problem, which is people that walk three and four people across on the sidewalk. That's annoying.
08-06-2014, 11:39 AM
I'm not sure if I commented about it on this thread before or not, but I could not agree more. I live on some pretty windy roads and there is a bike trail about a tenth of a mile away, yet these assholes are constantly taking up the entire roads. They also have the worst attitudes about sharing the road and getting out of the way. The sense of entitlement these people have amazes me. And like you said, they NEVER obey traffic lights, signs, or basically anything else that you are responsible for as a vehicle on the road, which they fight so hard to be. Just once I would love to see one get pulled over rolling through a stop sign or light. It would totally make my day. Screw bikers.
I have the same problem. The road I take to work has about a two mile uphill stretch that winds through the woods and needless to say, there are no passing sections. Often during rush hour (apparently these bikers don't work), big groups of bikers ride up this hill very slowly and taking up the entire lane. Commuters back up behind them, but they don't give a shit. If I come up on them, I will pass the group because there are a couple stretches long enough to get around 15-20 asshole bikers when they are riding 3-4 abreast. But I have to say that it's tempting to cut back in right in front of them and see if they have to brake and maybe fall down. I haven't done that, but they clearly deserve it.
Obviously it would be thoughtful of them to either ride another route or ride some other time. But if they must ride that route at that time, wouldn't you think they might be courteous enough to ride single file?
I say all this as a former bike commuter in DC. Needless to say, I didn't behave the way these jerks do.
PM Thor
08-06-2014, 10:04 PM
I love the mass assumption that most bikers don't obey traffic laws, yet people completely ignore that most drivers ignore traffic laws just the same. Speed limits aren't just suggestions you know. Hell, go to Woodford and Ridge, count how many people make an illegal right hand turn there in a half hour, it's got to be in the dozens. There really is no difference between bikers and drivers to people. Everyone else, other than you, is just an impediment on the road and should get the Hell out of the way.
But hey, I can't be responsible for, nor the mouthpiece of, the cycling community. When I ride, I ride responsibly on streets that are more accommodating to multiple use road users. I try to avoid roads that are tight, take routes that avoid confrontation. (yet lo and behold! It still happens)
With that being said, cyclists don't necessarily have to move to the right when riding. And no offense to most drivers out there, but people aren't aware of this. They can take the whole lane whenever they feel it necessary to protect themselves from drivers passing too closely (there's a 3 foot passing law, yes THREE feet). They also can ride 2 abreast too, also a law that most drivers don't know about.
§ 4511.55. Operating bicycles and motorcycles on roadway.
(A) Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable obeying all traffic rules applicable to vehicles and exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.
(B) Persons riding bicycles or motorcycles upon a roadway shall ride not more than two abreast in a single lane, except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles or motorcycles.
(C) This section does not require a person operating a bicycle to ride at the edge of the roadway when it is unreasonable or unsafe to do so. Conditions that may require riding away from the edge of the roadway include when necessary to avoid fixed or moving objects, parked or moving vehicles, surface hazards, or if it otherwise is unsafe or impracticable to do so, including if the lane is too narrow for the bicycle and an overtaking vehicle to travel safely side by side within the lane.
I do get it though, some bikers are complete assholes. As are some drivers. Like the guy who buzzed me while I was even in a bike lane on Delta today. I do wish 5-0 would ticket more cyclists though, it's only fair. Like rolling red lights. The argument about getting back up to speed is total BS. It's the law to stop. Stop. Sure it's easier not to stop, but it's the law and you make all bikers look bad by rolling lights. Cut it out.
But here's the thing, in a bike vs car accident, the bike always loses. That's why bikers sometimes come across as being elitists and full of entitlement. Cyclists have to make themselves seen as much as possible, to take whole lanes, to make drivers acknowledge the biker by either changing lanes or to slow down. It's really how a cyclist protects themselves. So when people say they are full of "entitlement" by doing what they do, sometimes there are legitimate reasons that simply aren't obvious to a driver who has never ridden a bike on the street. Just sayin.
Oh and LA, don't ever take shit from a biker who is riding on the sidewalk. That guy was totally, completely wrong. He's about as stupid as you can get.
And Kahns, runners in the street doesn't equate to cyclists out in the street when they are forced out of the bike lane. Even if you think it does. Bikes are considered vehicles, with every right in the road, runners? No.
Kahns Krazy
08-07-2014, 08:45 AM
Those rules apply to bikes too. If you're going to claim it's too narrow for the car and the bike to be in the same lane, then don't claim it's suddenly wide enough at the red light to pass everyone on the right and start at the front of the line, requiring me to pass you again.
Kahns Krazy
08-07-2014, 09:32 AM
And Kahns, runners in the street doesn't equate to cyclists out in the street when they are forced out of the bike lane. Even if you think it does. Bikes are considered vehicles, with every right in the road, runners? No.
I never said they were. I'm pointing out the irony that a cyclist wants to cite the law when 99% of the cyclists I see out there will break every law that doesn't suit them. Also, as you pointed out, you have the right to be in the road. If there's an obstruction in the bike line, just use the road. The new bike lanes on Delta and other streets are an inconvenience to the tens of thousands of motorists that use them every day for the sake of the tens of cyclists that use the lanes. If a runner or two intereferes with a cyclist in the lane, it's somewhere between tough sh*t and kind of funny. Frankly, they probably should have been bike/run lanes from the start. All off-road trails seem to manage sharing the path, not sure why the road lanes should be any different.
And if I haven't already said it, I'm generally pro-bike lane. I believe that to some extent, it's an "if you build it, they will come" thing to have in the city, and contributes to population density. I also tend to believe that many bikers have a different perspective of the city and how it works together than many motorists who hop on the highway and skip over all of the neighborhoods. I think having a small population of generally pompous, over entitled bikers is actually good overall for the city. I believe our city planners are not as creative as they could be about building lanes and connecting them in a plan, but I also get the constraints of generally working within a road re-paving schedule.
But when the majority (drivers) dedicates resources to a minority (bikers) and that minority complains about some other minority attempting to gain benefit from the same resources, you're not likely to get an ounce of sympathy from most.
Thor, I can't speak for you and you sound like a responsible biker, but I can tell you that in the city and suburbs of DC, the percentage of bikers who routinely ignore traffic laws is roughly 110%. Obviously we have shitty drivers here too. In fact, I don't think this country has a more frustrating metropolitan area to be a driver in than here, and that takes a village. But when you already have the traffic that we have and the terrible drivers and roads that we have, running into an even worse traffic jam because a few asshole bikers won't move and can only go about 5 mph just sets off a different level of fury. I think you have a point that bikers need to make themselves noticed for their own protection, but the sense of entitlement here exceeds that in a big way. I will try to dig up a recent Washington Post column about it that was spot on. Making yourself seen by biking responsibly is fine. Doing it by flicking off everyone who is trying to drive at a reasonable speed is where they get the entitled label.
DC Muskie
08-07-2014, 04:37 PM
Sorry Courtland Milloy's column was pure horseshit. He was advocating hitting cyclists. Oh and he threw in some racial undertones for good measure which he does about 100% of the time he writes. He blew up something that didn't need to be blown up.
There are asshole bikers. There are assholes drivers. There are asshole pedestrians. There are plenty of assholes to go around. Why people get so bent out of shape for about 30 seconds of interaction is beyond me.
I just got back from the Nats game and rode in the bike lane the entire time. Incredible that it managed to work out fine.
Sorry Courtland Milloy's column was pure horseshit. He was advocating hitting cyclists. Oh and he threw in some racial undertones for good measure which he does about 100% of the time he writes. He blew up something that didn't need to be blown up.
There are asshole bikers. There are assholes drivers. There are asshole pedestrians. There are plenty of assholes to go around. Why people get so bent out of shape for about 30 seconds of interaction is beyond me.
I just got back from the Nats game and rode in the bike lane the entire time. Incredible that it managed to work out fine.
First of all, you left the Nats game too early. But I actually can't stand Milloy most of the time. He was, however, spot on on his assessment of the "typical" DC bicyclist as it relates to their attitudes. I think there was some satire in the whole hitting the bikers thing, but I would have to read it again before ruling out any sociopathic encouragement.
DC Muskie
08-07-2014, 06:16 PM
First of all, you left the Nats game too early. But I actually can't stand Milloy most of the time. He was, however, spot on on his assessment of the "typical" DC bicyclist as it relates to their attitudes. I think there was some satire in the whole hitting the bikers thing, but I would have to read it again before ruling out any sociopathic encouragement.
Oh man, I know, wish I was there to see Harper's walk off. But after three and half hours and getting terrible service by the food staff, I had to get home. I blame Storen, again.
I guess I just don't run in the obnoxious cyclist community. Maybe there are complete assholes that spit on and kick cars. But I also drive in the city, and walk in the city and pretty much everyone wants to get bent out of shape simply because they are trying to go somewhere. I've never experienced it myself, but obviously we have this overwhelmingly conflicting points of view on how we should get from point to point.
LA Muskie
08-07-2014, 06:58 PM
There are asshole bikers. There are assholes drivers. There are asshole pedestrians. There are plenty of assholes to go around.
Truer words have never been spoken. Speaking of Paulina Gretzky...
PM Thor
08-10-2014, 04:35 PM
I never said they were. I'm pointing out the irony that a cyclist wants to cite the law when 99% of the cyclists I see out there will break every law that doesn't suit them. Also, as you pointed out, you have the right to be in the road. If there's an obstruction in the bike line, just use the road. The new bike lanes on Delta and other streets are an inconvenience to the tens of thousands of motorists that use them every day for the sake of the tens of cyclists that use the lanes. If a runner or two intereferes with a cyclist in the lane, it's somewhere between tough sh*t and kind of funny. Frankly, they probably should have been bike/run lanes from the start. All off-road trails seem to manage sharing the path, not sure why the road lanes should be any different.
And if I haven't already said it, I'm generally pro-bike lane. I believe that to some extent, it's an "if you build it, they will come" thing to have in the city, and contributes to population density. I also tend to believe that many bikers have a different perspective of the city and how it works together than many motorists who hop on the highway and skip over all of the neighborhoods. I think having a small population of generally pompous, over entitled bikers is actually good overall for the city. I believe our city planners are not as creative as they could be about building lanes and connecting them in a plan, but I also get the constraints of generally working within a road re-paving schedule.
But when the majority (drivers) dedicates resources to a minority (bikers) and that minority complains about some other minority attempting to gain benefit from the same resources, you're not likely to get an ounce of sympathy from most.
An obstruction is one thing, but runners aren't obstructions, they are using the road illegally when they have a dedicated sidewalk for the express purpose of pedestrians. It's slightly different.
As for the Delta (and other roads) where lanes were lost for cars, don't blame cyclists for that alone. In many cases, like on Eastern and Delta, the city engineers were looking to create "traffic calming" where cars aren't driving excessive speeds. It's been discussed with the city that the best way to do that was to limit lanes. It just so happens that this went hand in hand wih expanding bike lanes. The perfect example where this happened (where biker didn't even ask for a lane) is on Beechmont hill. Hardly any cyclists use that route, but it still went in because the city engineer wanted to narrow the lane, thus slowing traffic somewhat. So sometimes it's not just on cyclists for the inconvenience to other road users.
Also I have to say this, for every cyclist out there who is commuting, it takes one more car off the road, which actually makes less car traffic for other vehicles to have to deal with. When drivers have to wait a minute for a bad cyclist, just think how long you have to wait for a bad driver. It's a lot longer, over a longer distance too. (And yeah, I hate when cyclists cut to the front of the line at lights) And yeah, drivers are just as bad or worse, even if the anti-cyclists out there make up random stats to bolster their position.
I simply suggest that more drivers show patience for those cyclists that obey the law, and if you have a regular problem with a cyclist, lodge a complaint and get the cops involved. It's the only way cyclists (and drivers for that matter) will change their bad behavior.
As for the DC article, I read that when it came out, just so full of fail, especially the BS about assaulting cyclists. He must be related to Daugherty.
EDIT. I do have to say that there is this "us vs them" mentality between cyclists and drivers. Groups like Critical Mass do nothing to help and only go about making things worse. Those schmucks do nothing to forward the cycling cause. I wish there was more interaction an cooperation on sharing the road over the antagonistic stances that both sides seem to have (mostly).
08-11-2014, 01:03 PM
How about this cyclist?
08-15-2014, 09:27 PM
Seeds in "seedless" fruit.
BBC 08
08-16-2014, 12:00 AM
The ice bucket challenge
08-16-2014, 09:04 AM
Flat Earthers.
DC Muskie
08-17-2014, 09:20 PM
I'm just going to throw this topic in here rather than start a new thread. It's more of a question...
When you guys did an internship (assuming you did back in your college days) was it paid?
I had a paid internship (one of the few in this city at the time) and now there is this huge movement to ensure interns are paid, and that nonprofits are not violating labor laws. In fact even though my internship was paid, now 15 years later it doesn't pay enough and the program has ended.
So my pet peeve is that what ever happened to people entering a consensual professional agreement where you work for free in order to gain experience? What am I missing here?
08-17-2014, 09:34 PM
You always miss the sex DC.
DC Muskie
08-17-2014, 10:54 PM
You always miss the sex DC.
Besides that, what else am I missing?
08-18-2014, 01:32 AM
I got nothing but a pictograph.
I'm just going to throw this topic in here rather than start a new thread. It's more of a question...
When you guys did an internship (assuming you did back in your college days) was it paid?
I had a paid internship (one of the few in this city at the time) and now there is this huge movement to ensure interns are paid, and that nonprofits are not violating labor laws. In fact even though my internship was paid, now 15 years later it doesn't pay enough and the program has ended.
So my pet peeve is that what ever happened to people entering a consensual professional agreement where you work for free in order to gain experience? What am I missing here?
I had a paid and unpaid internship. It seems the line in the sand is now what the intern's function is. Laws are now clear that they can't do anything a paid employee would do without compensation in money or college credit.
I would've done any internship for free, but I'm sure there are companies who take advantage of this. I'm pretty sure a Bank of America intern died of exhaustion maybe a year ago.
08-18-2014, 01:16 PM
I got nothing but a pictograph.
So true. I worked as an intern for a certain US Senator while at Xavier. Not only was I unpaid, I had to pay for parking downtown. The worst part was looking at the "employee rights" posters by the water cooler every day, minimum wage my ass. I will admit I could have gotten two credits for it, but I didn't need them and didn't want to write some bullshit 10 page paper on what I did. Internships are the biggest scam going these days.
08-18-2014, 01:19 PM
I'm pretty sure a Bank of America intern died of exhaustion maybe a year ago.
If we're thinking of the same case, he was an MBA intern in the investment banking group. Those guys get paid pretty well. Not well enough to die of exhaustion, of course, but I was in just enough of those types of deals to absolutely see how it is possible.
08-18-2014, 02:12 PM
I'm just going to throw this topic in here rather than start a new thread. It's more of a question...
When you guys did an internship (assuming you did back in your college days) was it paid?
I had a paid internship (one of the few in this city at the time) and now there is this huge movement to ensure interns are paid, and that nonprofits are not violating labor laws. In fact even though my internship was paid, now 15 years later it doesn't pay enough and the program has ended.
So my pet peeve is that what ever happened to people entering a consensual professional agreement where you work for free in order to gain experience? What am I missing here?
08-18-2014, 02:39 PM
I don't get the ALS ice bucket challenge. Is it really a "challenge"? How does it raise money?
Kahns Krazy
08-18-2014, 06:27 PM
I don't get the ALS ice bucket challenge. Is it really a "challenge"? How does it raise money?
The stunt goes like this: People make a video of themselves dumping a bucket of ice water on their heads, post it on Facebook, Instagram or other social media sites, and then challenge friends to do the same within 24 hours or donate $100 to ALS. (Many do both.)
People have shared more than 1.2 million videos on Facebook between June 1 and Aug. 13 and mentioned the phenomenon more than 2.2 million times on Twitter since July 29, according to those sites. Donations to the ALS Association have spiked. As of Sunday, the association said it had received $13.3 million in donations since July 29, compared with $1.7 million during the same period last year. It said there were about 260,000 new donors. (With a spate of celebrities and business executives joining in over the past few days and pledging contributions, that number is expected to rise.)
In the world of fundraising, 680% increase in fundraising is pretty good.
I had heard that if you do the bucket challenge, you're supposed to donate $10 instead of $100, but I don't see that here.
Frankly, anything that is original enough to catch on deserves the benefit. I have enjoyed watching videos of my friends dumping icewater on their heads. It's funny and unique enough that I like it.
08-19-2014, 09:19 PM
Today's pet peeve: Time Warner Cable.
PM Thor
08-20-2014, 09:09 PM
People who seem to have severe difficulty parking their car between the lines in a parking lot. Seriously, this is NOT difficult, yet idiots either straddle the line of just outright don't even try to make it inside the lines.
And people who idle while sitting in the Fire Lane at Kroger. That's not a "pick up my obese girlfriend while she loads up the car" lane. If I was a cop, I wouldn't be a cop long because I would be tasering these people all the time.
Kahns Krazy
08-21-2014, 12:36 PM
People who seem to have severe difficulty parking their car between the lines in a parking lot. Seriously, this is NOT difficult, yet idiots either straddle the line of just outright don't even try to make it inside the lines.
And people who idle while sitting in the Fire Lane at Kroger. That's not a "pick up my obese girlfriend while she loads up the car" lane. If I was a cop, I wouldn't be a cop long because I would be tasering these people all the time.
This amuses me because I frequently see the local fire department causing all sorts of parking/ traffic issues at Kroger by parking in the pharmacy lane because they can't be bothered to buy their food on their offtime like the rest of us do.
This amuses me because I frequently see the local fire department causing all sorts of parking/ traffic issues at Kroger by parking in the pharmacy lane because they can't be bothered to buy their food on their offtime like the rest of us do.
Must be a Firemen Thing, they do that here in Indy also. Maybe they think since it says FireLane, that that's their spot. That's not to take away from their job. My Grandfather was a fireman before breathing apparatus days. God knows how much toxic shit he inhaled. Probably why he died in his early 50s.
08-21-2014, 01:51 PM
This amuses me because I frequently see the local fire department causing all sorts of parking/ traffic issues at Kroger by parking in the pharmacy lane because they can't be bothered to buy their food on their offtime like the rest of us do.
We have 2-3 Fire Stations within 5 minutes of our Kroger's and I have never once seen their vehicles block any fire lane. They usually park their vehicle (which, as everyone knows, is substantially larger than any delineated spot in the parking lot) along a perimeter where they would not block any vehicle from entering, leaving, or accessing the drive-through pharmacy.
Kahns Krazy
08-21-2014, 03:58 PM
In defense, there aren't many options in that stupid lot that is too small, so the pharmacy lane is probably the best option. I was just amused at the source of the Kroger parking lot peeve, because there have certainly been days the a fire truck is in my way in that lot.
08-25-2014, 11:46 AM
Today's pet peeve: Time Warner Cable.
I feel like this fits as an everyday pet peeve.
PM Thor
08-25-2014, 07:57 PM
This amuses me because I frequently see the local fire department causing all sorts of parking/ traffic issues at Kroger by parking in the pharmacy lane because they can't be bothered to buy their food on their offtime like the rest of us do.
Yeah, that's a HUGE problem...except it's not, Kroger asked us to park there. Your hyperbole is showing, yet again. Also, your ignorance is showing, once again K. Know why we have to shop while on duty? Because we never know exactly who our crew is going to be that day, and so we have to adjust for people with religious or health issues. Like me, I have a shellfish allergy. No jumbalaya for my firehouse. It's impossible to forecast, yet you, again, make complete and utterly silly accusations that have absolutely no facts behind them. But whatever, you have to be inconvenienced by driving around fire engines. Oh no!
Kahns Krazy
08-26-2014, 08:47 AM
unwad your panties. I did point out that the lot is small and it's probably the best place to park. I was merely pointing out the irony that your pet peeve is people blocking lanes at Kroger when you are part of a group that is responsible for blocking lanes at Kroger.
If you weren't such the victim all the time, you'd be able to see the irony for what it is an move on.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go shopping with all of my dietary restricted coworkers.
They have shellfish in Cincinnati? Pretty sure everyone would be "allergic" to that.
08-26-2014, 11:05 AM
It's 2014. They have shellfish in Wichita, and it doesn't get much more landlocked than right here.
It's 2014. They have shellfish in Wichita, and it doesn't get much more landlocked than right here.
I'm talking about the edible kind...
08-26-2014, 01:16 PM
The seafood department in my local grocery in Wichita is actually better than the seafood department of any grocery store we ever went to in Boston. Strange but true.
No comparison on the restaurants, of course.
Kahns Krazy
08-26-2014, 01:26 PM
I'm talking about the edible kind...
Is there something that makes gulf shrimp flown to Maryland better than gulf shrimp flown to Cincinnati because Maryland is attached to an ocean?
I won't argue Maryland crabs with you, but our Alaskan King Crab rides on the same planes yours does.
DC Muskie
08-26-2014, 02:01 PM
Is there something that makes gulf shrimp flown to Maryland better than gulf shrimp flown to Cincinnati because Maryland is attached to an ocean?
Duh. I thought everyone knew this.
08-26-2014, 02:06 PM
Is there something that makes gulf shrimp flown to Maryland better than gulf shrimp flown to Cincinnati because Maryland is attached to an ocean?
I won't argue Maryland crabs with you, but our Alaskan King Crab rides on the same planes yours does.
Maybe our Cincinnati crabs are stuck flying in lousy coach. :rolleyes:
Is there something that makes gulf shrimp flown to Maryland better than gulf shrimp flown to Cincinnati because Maryland is attached to an ocean?
I won't argue Maryland crabs with you, but our Alaskan King Crab rides on the same planes yours does.
Actually, many of the "Maryland" crabs now are flown in from the gulf too, as the bay has been over-crabbed for years now. But if you are planning on eating fresh, recently caught seafood, it does help to be in an area near a sea. Seafood is my favorite food, and I gave it many, many tries in Cincinnati, as well as lots of places in Michigan. I never found any that I would recommend. If you're talking about Salmon that you buy in a grocery store that was certainly farm grown, then there probably isn't a ton of difference. But I like to go to markets on the sea front downtown, or the little places in Annapolis and Baltimore where you can smell them gutting fish behind the place. It's a totally different ballgame.
08-26-2014, 03:02 PM
But if you are planning on eating fresh, recently caught seafood, it does help to be in an area near a sea.
I think you may be on to something here.
Kahns Krazy
08-27-2014, 10:53 AM
There is a step up in the quality of the whole experience, including the food, when you are talking oceanfront seafood stores. No argument. I did have the pleasure of spending a weekend on the bay a few years back with a couple crab traps right off the dock.
That doesn't reduce decent seafood places around here to "inedible". Fresh shrimp is very difficult to find, but there are a few decent shops around. Keegans in Anderson has built a nice following over the years, and the Hyde Park fish market has never let me down.
One blow to the experience is that I'll pay 2-3x more for fresh atlantic fish than you would.
There is a step up in the quality of the whole experience, including the food, when you are talking oceanfront seafood stores. No argument. I did have the pleasure of spending a weekend on the bay a few years back with a couple crab traps right off the dock.
That doesn't reduce decent seafood places around here to "inedible". Fresh shrimp is very difficult to find, but there are a few decent shops around. Keegans in Anderson has built a nice following over the years, and the Hyde Park fish market has never let me down.
One blow to the experience is that I'll pay 2-3x more for fresh atlantic fish than you would.
Obviously "inedible" was a joke (unless you had been referring to Captain D's or something.) But much like Cincinnati people think there are 20 better burger joints than Five Guys, I think us east coasters are a little spoiled and selective with our seafood. Great seafood is just one of our things in the Mid-Atlantic.
DC Muskie
08-27-2014, 12:56 PM
Five Guys is awesome. Without question.
By the way, I've never had bad seafood in Cincinnati. At least that I can remember.
08-27-2014, 07:52 PM
Five Guys is awesome. Without question.
By the way, I've never had bad seafood in Cincinnati. At least that I can remember.
Based on a misunderstanding on another thread, I suggest you specify Five Guys burgers.
Kahns Krazy
08-29-2014, 06:16 PM
When your boss calls at 4:30 on a Friday before a 3 day weekend and says "We have a lot to do. I hope you don't have any plans tonight."
08-29-2014, 06:59 PM
I hate that one. There must be a curse of the Friday before a 3 day weekend. Always seems like some crisis presents itself. Whatever happened to when those were like maybe 20% productivity days.
DC Muskie
08-29-2014, 07:10 PM
I had a boss once who would call me into his office everyday at around 5:30 to discuss things. He basically hated his life, so he stayed in the office as long as he could and therefore felt that I had to as well.
Overall it was the worst job ever.
X-band '01
08-29-2014, 09:09 PM
When your boss calls at 4:30 on a Friday before a 3 day weekend and says "We have a lot to do. I hope you don't have any plans tonight."
I had a boss once who would call me into his office everyday at around 5:30 to discuss things. He basically hated his life, so he stayed in the office as long as he could and therefore felt that I had to as well.
Overall it was the worst job ever.
Kahns and DC work at Initech!
09-06-2014, 08:03 AM
People that talk about themselves in the third person.
"I'm happy to be going back home and seeing my friends and just being Mo'ne," she said.
Nigel Tufnel
09-06-2014, 08:35 PM
I hate the new college football game descriptions on my cable tv. I have Time Warner. When I go to guide and warn to see which games are on which channels, i now get this wordy narrative about the matchup and can't even tell who is playing unless I go to the full description. Is there anything wrong with Michigan at Notre Dame or BYU at Texas?
09-06-2014, 08:44 PM
I hate the new college football game descriptions on my cable tv. I have Time Warner. When I go to guide and warn to see which games are on which channels, i now get this wordy narrative about the matchup and can't even tell who is playing unless I go to the full description. Is there anything wrong with Michigan at Notre Dame or BYU at Texas?
It's awful. You have to read a god damn novel to figure out who is playing. And both team names are never on the same page so you have to scroll or hit info again to read it all. It's bullshit.
Nigel Tufnel
09-06-2014, 10:39 PM
It's awful. You have to read a god damn novel to figure out who is playing. And both team names are never on the same page so you have to scroll or hit info again to read it all. It's bullshit.
Amen. If that isn't changed by mid-season, I will be shocked. I read about how Auburn scored 24 unanswered points last week without the other team being mentioned....until I hit the info button. Friggin' brutal. Whoever thought that was a good idea should be fired.
DC Muskie
09-07-2014, 01:22 PM
Every year it seems the Browns are determined to field a team that will go at best 4-12.
And I have to cheer for them. Huge pet peeve of mine.
BBC 08
09-07-2014, 02:03 PM
Switching to uVerse in the last few months, thinking you have the best HD package, trying to turn on RedZone for the start of the NFL season, then finding out that there is an HD premium tier that you have to get for RedZone, is a huge pet peeve of mine.
Kahns Krazy
09-08-2014, 11:46 AM
I hate the new college football game descriptions on my cable tv. I have Time Warner. When I go to guide and warn to see which games are on which channels, i now get this wordy narrative about the matchup and can't even tell who is playing unless I go to the full description. Is there anything wrong with Michigan at Notre Dame or BYU at Texas?
It's awful. You have to read a god damn novel to figure out who is playing. And both team names are never on the same page so you have to scroll or hit info again to read it all. It's bullshit.
Seriously, and why isn't all that text searchable? Why can't my stupid cable box take text inputs from my tv remote that has a keyboard? Why is my TV so much smarter than my cable box?
I want to google search my programming. It should not be this hard at all.
09-18-2014, 10:41 PM
Fire alarms going off because of the bar downstairs.
09-19-2014, 07:59 AM
Switching to uVerse in the last few months, thinking you have the best HD package, trying to turn on RedZone for the start of the NFL season, then finding out that there is an HD premium tier that you have to get for RedZone, is a huge pet peeve of mine.
Why would you want Red Zone without HD....or any other package without HD for that matter? The 300 level is the way to go at minimal extra expense.
I love Uverse.
BBC 08
09-19-2014, 05:28 PM
Why would you want Red Zone without HD....or any other package without HD for that matter? The 300 level is the way to go at minimal extra expense.
I love Uverse.
We have the UVerse 450 package or whatever the hell it's called. It's the highest they go. But there is an HD premium in addition to the HD package we have that you have to get to get RedZone. Here is the link - It's bullshit.
09-23-2014, 01:03 PM
Chris Berman. I want to duct tape that guy's mouth and then punch him in the face.
10-02-2014, 07:42 PM
Having to wait almost 2 weeks before somebody else rants about a pet peeve!
PM Thor
10-06-2014, 12:58 AM
Having to go on runs for people who, and I quote "I gots the bola!"
No. You haven't left your apartment in 3 months and the only person who has visited you was me and my crew, three days ago. You don't have the bola. Stop it.
10-06-2014, 08:18 AM
Having to go on runs for people who, and I quote "I gots the bola!"
No. You haven't left your apartment in 3 months and the only person who has visited you was me and my crew, three days ago. You don't have the bola. Stop it.
I wanted a bola chili, you guys didn't understand a word comin outta my mouf.
10-07-2014, 10:22 AM
Having to go on runs for people who, and I quote "I gots the bola!"
No. You haven't left your apartment in 3 months and the only person who has visited you was me and my crew, three days ago. You don't have the bola. Stop it.
I guess my pet peeve is that my taxes are probably paying for this.
Pete Delkus
11-04-2014, 11:26 PM
The first 11 seconds of this MSNBC add is the funniest piece of irony I have ever seen...
Happy Election today - I hope you are Leaning Forward today!
11-05-2014, 10:05 AM
People that constantly bring politics into non political threads. We have plenty of political threads.
Kahns Krazy
11-05-2014, 12:28 PM
Actually, I don't think there was a single political post on election day, which belongs in the opposite of pet peeve thread.
Facebook on a snow day. I get it. It snowed. Your kids like it. Thanks for the picture.
X-band '01
11-17-2014, 03:37 PM
That goes in the Opposite of pet peeves thread, Xeus.
PM Thor
11-17-2014, 04:06 PM
For the life of me, it's snowing, clean off the front of your car and all your windows and turn on your lights people. Lazy, dumb people.
11-19-2014, 09:37 AM
For the life of me, it's snowing, clean off the front of your car and all your windows and turn on your lights people. Lazy, dumb people.
I'll take it one step further. Clean off the snow on the roof of the car, too.
11-19-2014, 10:40 AM
I'll take it one step further. Clean off the snow on the roof of the car, too.
An old push broom works well to get the snow off the roof, trunk, and hood of a car.
11-19-2014, 11:34 AM
For the life of me, it's snowing, clean off the front of your car and all your windows and turn on your lights people. Lazy, dumb people.
But then it doesn't look like I'm traveling at light speed when I hit 60...
X-band '01
11-19-2014, 11:42 AM
An old push broom works well to get the snow off the roof, trunk, and hood of a car.
Especially vans and SUVs.
11-19-2014, 01:05 PM
1.) When the car driving behind you has 1 headlight brighter than the other.
2.) Automatic flushing toilets. Stupid things always flush too soon and splash everywhere.
11-19-2014, 01:47 PM
But then it doesn't look like I'm traveling at light speed when I hit 60...
I prefer to go Ludicrous speed!
Strange Brew
11-20-2014, 11:16 PM
I prefer to go Ludicrous speed!
Ludicrous speed is great but talk to me when you've got plaid.
11-21-2014, 12:54 PM
I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
11-21-2014, 01:19 PM
I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That sounds like a line from a Mel Brooks movie!
11-25-2014, 01:04 PM
Cintas Center soft pretzels. I don't ask for much from a soft pretzel, just be hot and soft - like the sign says. But unfortunately the good folks running the Cintas Center food service cannot do this. They're cold or hard, or cold and hard, or warm and kind of 3 day old-ish, or luke warm and soggy where the salt is.
Is it really that hard to make a soft pretzel and keep it warm for a couple hours? Yeah, I know, suck it up, 1st world problems and all that, but really, is the ability to purchase a soft pretzel as advertised too much to ask? Especially when they're now charging $4.50 for the privilege?
11-25-2014, 01:42 PM
Cintas Center soft pretzels. I don't ask for much from a soft pretzel, just be hot and soft - like the sign says. But unfortunately the good folks running the Cintas Center food service cannot do this. They're cold or hard, or cold and hard, or warm and kind of 3 day old-ish, or luke warm and soggy where the salt is.
Is it really that hard to make a soft pretzel and keep it warm for a couple hours? Yeah, I know, suck it up, 1st world problems and all that, but really, is the ability to purchase a soft pretzel as advertised too much to ask? Especially when they're now charging $4.50 for the privilege?
We have a running joke about the pretzels. At the beginning of the season, they're serving us last year's leftover, reheated pretzels - hence the quality you described. Then at some point mid-season, when you've given up trying to find a decent pretzel, they probably have fresh, hot, pretzels for sale. But by then you're still trying to digest the rock hard nonsense from earlier in the season that you don't buy any. Then the last few games roll around and you think to yourself "Damn. Season's almost over. We should try another pretzel." Of course, these pretzels are now weeks old because once again we missed the pretzel sweet spot of those one or two games where they were fresh and delicious. It's a vicious pretzel cycle.
11-25-2014, 03:49 PM
We have a running joke about the pretzels. At the beginning of the season, they're serving us last year's leftover, reheated pretzels - hence the quality you described. Then at some point mid-season, when you've given up trying to find a decent pretzel, they probably have fresh, hot, pretzels for sale. But by then you're still trying to digest the rock hard nonsense from earlier in the season that you don't buy any. Then the last few games roll around and you think to yourself "Damn. Season's almost over. We should try another pretzel." Of course, these pretzels are now weeks old because once again we missed the pretzel sweet spot of those one or two games where they were fresh and delicious. It's a vicious pretzel cycle.
I had 2 great pretzels at the game last week. had to de-salt it though... way too much salt.
X-band '01
11-25-2014, 04:07 PM
But did they make you thirsty?
EDIT: We are now at #2000!
11-25-2014, 04:22 PM
You'd really think that a thread devoted just to complaining would have more than 2000 posts.
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