View Full Version : Pitt now even less likely to 'steal' Miller?

04-30-2008, 09:17 AM
Dustin Dow reported on his blog that Pitt promoted Tom Herrion to the newly created position of Associate Head Coach, making it pretty clear that he has already been tabbed as their next coach should Jamie Dixon leave. As Dow notes, it's similar to the situation that brought us Miller when Matta was hired.

There are a number of ways to interpret this ... Pitt may feel it's becoming more likely that Dixon's years there are numbered and that he may take another program's offer in the not so distant future ... They really like Herrion and think he's an ideal choice to be their next coach ... They've become confident they can't get Miller if Dixon leaves ... etc.

I know a lot of fans felt that Pitt was possibly the one job for which Miller would leave X. As I've noted on other threads, it's becoming less clear to me whether there are any jobs for which Miller would bolt. I hope that's the case.

Either way, this is an interesting development and should allow the chronically paranoid to breathe a bit easier -- at least for a little while anyway.

04-30-2008, 09:29 AM
That is a really good sign from us, especially for those among us that continue to think Sean will leave after we gave him his first head coaching position and he continues to indicate that he loves it here and wants to build a national powerhouse.

In other news, I really need to check out Dustin's blog more often if he's coming up with this information as often as it seems.

XU 87
04-30-2008, 09:39 AM
Promoting the coach to associate coach may give some indication that he's next in line if Dixon leaves. On the other hand, if you're a Pitt fan, and if Dixon leaves, would you want to then hire an assistant coach or would you want a proven head coach who is an alumnus and who grew up in the area? I go with the latter. And I have to think that the Pitt AD would think the same.

04-30-2008, 09:43 AM
Greg Doyel would have you believe that Sean is interested in any job that comes open (Minnesota, Indiana, Providence, any other BCS job). I'll wait for his learned input before i make a decision about how I feel about Pitt's move... (Sarcasm off).

04-30-2008, 09:48 AM
Gregg Doyel probably would have believed he'd be still working at Clear Channel as well.
After a couple months, back to CBS Sportsline where he continues to know nothing and be angry at the world.

04-30-2008, 09:50 AM
Promoting the coach to associate coach may give some indication that he's next in line if Dixon leaves. On the other hand, if you're a Pitt fan, and if Dixon leaves, would you want to then hire an assistant coach or would you want a proven head coach who is an alumnus and who grew up in the area? I go with the latter. And I have to think that the Pitt AD would think the same.

I'd bet good money they did this to make it clear to everyone that he's their next Head Coach if the position opens up.

Not that every school creates such a position, but when's the last time an Associate Head Coach wasn't named Head Coach if the position became open? It may have happened but I don't recall it happening anywhere. The primary reason schools do that is to keep their next Head Coach locked and ready to step in.

XU 87
04-30-2008, 09:53 AM
I'd bet good money they did this to make it clear to everyone that he's their next Head Coach if the position opens up.

Not that every school creates such a position, but when's the last time an Associate Head Coach wasn't named Head Coach if the position became open? It may have happened but I don't recall it happening anywhere. The primary reason schools do that is to keep their next Head Coach locked and ready to step in.

That's a fair argument.

DC Muskie
04-30-2008, 10:05 AM
Is Pitt getting the sense that Arizona is a likely destination for Dixon?

It's a fine move for Pitt, personally unless that school ceases to exist, I doubt Sean will ever NOT be a top option for a coach. Regardless of who they named. Remember, Sean interviewed with Illinois State before turning them down to stick with us. It could be a move to promote Herrion for future jobs.

Who knows really.

XU 87
04-30-2008, 10:13 AM
Who knows really.

I like that argument too.

04-30-2008, 10:23 AM
Who knows really.

Professor Gendreau? Is that you?

XU 87
04-30-2008, 10:45 AM
I just talked to a buddy of mine in Pittsburgh who is also a Pitt season ticket holder. I asked him if the promotion means that thie assistant is next in line for the Pitt job. His response- "Not if Sean Miller wants the job."

04-30-2008, 11:00 AM
It's the old saw,"A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still."
Agreed, Sean will always be the "top candidate" for any job, because of lazy reporters and people like Greg Doyle who follow the philosophia de Bob Trumpy, "It's my opinion so it must be true and factual."
One of the reasons you seldom see Mark Few and aren't likely to see Dana Altman mentioned as "likely top candidates" is because they have turned down too many jobs or not expressed interest in them at all.
If Johnny Dawkins has any success in California his name will jump to the top of the list ahead of Sean because of the race issue as well as the fact that he's be a damn good coach.
To me, the classic debunking of the reporter who tries any lie to solidify his would-be scoop is the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal scribe's phone call to Mike Bobinski that has been recycled numerous times. But that story also shows the lengths to which some people will go to substantiate wishful thinking.
People are always so certain that any coach, no matter who it may be, would definitely, positively want to return to his alma mater to coach.. If that's true, why hasn't Mike Krzyzewski packed his bags and headed back to Army? Why didn't Bob Knight jump at the chance which occurred twice on his watch to return to Ohio State?
What the "experts" fail to realize is that their alma mater may not want certain coaches to return. And the coaches themselves, knowing all the pitfalls as well as the glories that are couched in such a move, might just prefer to stay where they are.
Look. Sean Miller may someday leave Xavier. If not for Pitt for somewhere else.
But for the present and the foreseeable future according to Sean, he's staying at Xavier.
Why can't we enjoy that? Are we so uncertain of the type of opportunity that Xavier has become that we fully expect Sean to jump at the next so-called head coaching position "that anyone would be a fool to turn down," as the Indiana job was termed? Yeah, the grass is always greener, but somebody is always going to have to mow the lawn unless it's synthetic turf.
Pittsburgh has made a move to keep a promising assistant coach as a part of its program now and in the future. Maybe they're trying to send a message to future recruits that there will be quality coaching on "The Hill" for sometime to come and after all, you're supposed to play for the school in exchange for an educational opportunity, not always the coach. :D

Kahns Krazy
04-30-2008, 11:59 AM
I just talked to a buddy of mine in Pittsburgh who is also a Pitt season ticket holder. I asked him if the promotion means that thie assistant is next in line for the Pitt job. His response- "Not if Sean Miller wants the job."

I just talked to a buddy of mine who moved to Pittsburgh to take a job at GlaxoSmithKilne's US corportate offices. I asked him if the pro promotion means that thie assistant is next in line for the Pitt job. His response- "What the hell are you talking about?"

04-30-2008, 11:59 AM
I just talked to a buddy of mine in Pittsburgh who is also a Pitt season ticket holder. I asked him if the promotion means that thie assistant is next in line for the Pitt job. His response- "Not if Sean Miller wants the job."

Do you want us to believe that you have buddies?


DC Muskie
04-30-2008, 12:08 PM
I just talked to the girl I had a date with last night who grew up outside of Pittsburgh and her response was:

We're sorry, the number you have reached has been disconnect. Please check the number again before redialing.

I think that means we are in the clear!

PM Thor
04-30-2008, 12:20 PM
I was just asked to haul a buddies car to Pittsburgh on a trailer. The guy said it was Sean Millers and that I shouldn't look in the trunk. For some reason I don't feel very good about this.

04-30-2008, 01:29 PM
Promoting the coach to associate coach may give some indication that he's next in line if Dixon leaves. On the other hand, if you're a Pitt fan, and if Dixon leaves, would you want to then hire an assistant coach or would you want a proven head coach who is an alumnus and who grew up in the area? I go with the latter. And I have to think that the Pitt AD would think the same.

Agree 100%

04-30-2008, 01:50 PM
I was just asked to haul a buddies car to Pittsburgh on a trailer. The guy said it was Sean Millers and that I shouldn't look in the trunk. For some reason I don't feel very good about this.

Quick trip back from Arizona Thor?

04-30-2008, 01:56 PM
I just talked to the girl I had a date with last night who grew up outside of Pittsburgh and her response was:

We're sorry, the number you have reached has been disconnect. Please check the number again before redialing.

In your case, though, there's never any need to go through the formality of checking the number again. It's a foregone conclusion that you got got (yet again).

04-30-2008, 02:14 PM
DC, you just made me spit apple all over the screen. That was classic.

XU 87
04-30-2008, 02:32 PM
Quick trip back from Arizona Thor?

I hope thor's real name isn't Ryan Norman.

PM Thor
04-30-2008, 06:59 PM
I hope thor's real name isn't Ryan Norman.

Uh, nope. That stupid ass.

05-01-2008, 06:01 AM
OK, let's put the shoe on the other foot. A while back, people were clammoring for Chris Mack to be named Assoc Head Coach just in case Sean bolted. IF you take Sean at his word (which I do), does that change any feelings about promoting Mack?

I think there are two ways of looking at it.
1) You promote/create an Associate Head Coach to protect yourself, as Xavier did, in case your head coach leaves
2) You promote/create an Associate Head Coach to keep the highest quality assistants possible.

If Xavier were to create the position and give it to Mack purely based upon wanting to retain Mack, wouldn't outsiders be saying those same things we're saying about the Pitt situation?

05-01-2008, 06:38 AM
Here's the evidence as I see it:

Very few programs have designated an Associate Head Coach position. History shows and it's safe to assume it means a great deal.
Seems to me if it's only about money and has nothing to do with succession, then just pay the guy more money. I think there's a strong succession implication beyond the money. I'm sure the conversation comes up between the assistant coach and the AD and Head Coach as to what the position means, and I seriously doubt it's just "so we can pay you more money than the other coaches."
I've still yet to see anyone come up with an example of an Associate Head Coach that did not succeed the Head Coach, yet we can come up with plenty of examples of the opposite being the case.
It doesn't matter what the random fan thinks. That argument holds no weight. There were plenty of random XU fans that wondered why the administration immediately hired Mililer instead of a proven Head Coach. It's simple, because it was planned. It would have happened the exact same way under Bobinski as it did under Rogers -- in fact, possibly even faster because Bobinski was the key player in creating the position in the first place. He had a plan from day one in creating the position, and it wasn't solely to get Miller, knowing he'd be a great assistant.
We'll never know for sure whether Pitt has effectively promised the position to Herrion if Dixon departs, but there's far less evidence to support the "it's not a matter of succession" argument.

We'll only know for certain if Dixon leaves, but if Dixon leaves next week, my money is on Herrion. And while the odds of that happening aren't 100%, they are now overwhelmingly in favor of it.

05-01-2008, 07:01 AM
I just talked to the girl I had a date with last night who grew up outside of Pittsburgh and her response was:

We're sorry, the number you have reached has been disconnect. Please check the number again before redialing.

I think that means we are in the clear!

I just repped you for that one, my friend!

Wow, the Tribe actually SCORED last night. I'll leave some poster's obvious response about DC out from here.

05-01-2008, 08:12 AM
I can't think of any associate head coaches that were not promoted (perhaps Kevin O'Neil at Arizona). However, I can think of Associate Head Coaches who got the job and were quickly on the hot seat (Pat Knight) or shown the door relatively quickly (Sean Sutton).

05-01-2008, 09:22 AM
Who knows really.

Actually, the crazy hooker downtown, but she won't give up the info. It's the only thing she won't give up, not even for a price. Hey, it's ok. She's the one that'll wind up in DC's trunk.

05-01-2008, 09:46 AM
I can't think of any associate head coaches that were not promoted (perhaps Kevin O'Neil at Arizona). However, I can think of Associate Head Coaches who got the job and were quickly on the hot seat (Pat Knight) or shown the door relatively quickly (Sean Sutton).

True, but those were cases where the associate position and the promise of succession were designed to appease the head coaches (the fathers) more so than the assistants.

Regarding Kevin O'Neil, he was promoted to the head position when Olson was on hiatus. He was later let go due to differences when Olson returned. I would put him in the category of those who ascended to the head position, as planned, when the head coach left. Being fired later was a separate issue.

05-01-2008, 10:33 AM
OK, let's put the shoe on the other foot. A while back, people were clammoring for Chris Mack to be named Assoc Head Coach just in case Sean bolted. IF you take Sean at his word (which I do), does that change any feelings about promoting Mack?

I think there are two ways of looking at it.
1) You promote/create an Associate Head Coach to protect yourself, as Xavier did, in case your head coach leaves
2) You promote/create an Associate Head Coach to keep the highest quality assistants possible.

If Xavier were to create the position and give it to Mack purely based upon wanting to retain Mack, wouldn't outsiders be saying those same things we're saying about the Pitt situation?

No, does not change my feelings. [Full disclosure, not a Mack fan for head coach at Xavier.] At this point we can do better than Mack if we were to lose Miller.

I am sure Mack is building skills and credentials, learning at the foot of the master, and by all accounts has matured as a recruiter. But to compare Mack as a successor to Miller, as analogous to Miller as successor to Matta, is a mistake in analysis.

If Mack wants the Xavier job eventually, he should take the Skip route: show he can head coach some where else.

05-01-2008, 12:24 PM
No, does not change my feelings. [Full disclosure, not a Mack fan for head coach at Xavier.] At this point we can do better than Mack if we were to lose Miller.

I am sure Mack is building skills and credentials, learning at the foot of the master, and by all accounts has matured as a recruiter. But to compare Mack as a successor to Miller, as analogous to Miller as successor to Matta, is a mistake in analysis.

If Mack wants the Xavier job eventually, he should take the Skip route: show he can head coach some where else.

I am going to have to agree. If we have risen as a program, which I think we all believe is true, then we should not accept unknown, assistant coaches as replacements. I am sure Chris Mack is a fine coach but unproven and an unknown. I think we could easily replace Sean with someone from Butler (which already have done) or the guy from Wright St. or some program like that. I am jsut throwing out those schools as examples. I think Mack could go somewhere now, prove himself, and always come back.
I do not think Sean will leave anytime soon, this is all hypothetical. If he were to leave I think most of us would like a Xavier guy, but only if he has the experience.

05-01-2008, 01:50 PM
I am going to have to agree. If we have risen as a program, which I think we all believe is true, then we should not accept unknown, assistant coaches as replacements. I am sure Chris Mack is a fine coach but unproven and an unknown. I think we could easily replace Sean with someone from Butler (which already have done) or the guy from Wright St. or some program like that. I am jsut throwing out those schools as examples. I think Mack could go somewhere now, prove himself, and always come back.
I do not think Sean will leave anytime soon, this is all hypothetical. If he were to leave I think most of us would like a Xavier guy, but only if he has the experience.

Fabulous... the "Marquette Defense" (see their recent hiring of Buzz Williams and the fallout on MUscoop.com).

IF Sean leaves, I want the best coach available that fits Xavier's situation at that time. If that's Chris Mack, it's Chris Mack. If it's John Calipari, It's John Calipari. If it's Ray MacCallum, then he's fine too. We have a chance to be a very special program without all of the BS and misplaced arrogance that some other places have (Ie: that coach isn't a "Xavier man" or that coach was only an Assistant in the Big East). If Bobinski and Graham think Mack's time has come when it comes, then that's what I'm ok with.

The Artist
05-01-2008, 02:18 PM
I am going to have to agree. If we have risen as a program, which I think we all believe is true, then we should not accept unknown, assistant coaches as replacements. I am sure Chris Mack is a fine coach but unproven and an unknown. I think we could easily replace Sean with someone from Butler (which already have done) or the guy from Wright St. or some program like that. I am jsut throwing out those schools as examples. I think Mack could go somewhere now, prove himself, and always come back.
I do not think Sean will leave anytime soon, this is all hypothetical. If he were to leave I think most of us would like a Xavier guy, but only if he has the experience.

I'm glad nobody is able to use this thinking retroactively to about 4 years ago...

DC Muskie
05-01-2008, 02:33 PM
Fabulous... the "Marquette Defense" (see their recent hiring of Buzz Williams and the fallout on MUscoop.com).

IF Sean leaves, I want the best coach available that fits Xavier's situation at that time. If that's Chris Mack, it's Chris Mack. If it's John Calipari, It's John Calipari. If it's Ray MacCallum, then he's fine too. We have a chance to be a very special program without all of the BS and misplaced arrogance that some other places have (Ie: that coach isn't a "Xavier man" or that coach was only an Assistant in the Big East). If Bobinski and Graham think Mack's time has come when it comes, then that's what I'm ok with.

Exactly. If Bobo and Graham think Book is the best guy to lead the program, then book is the guy for me.

X Factor
05-01-2008, 02:52 PM
Sean is NOT going anywhere. Why are we talking about hypotheticals?

Can we please talk about some real basketball news? I wish someone would commit or Deveroes was starting so we could talk about that.

05-01-2008, 03:15 PM
Do we have any recruits visiting anytime soon?

Cincy Muskie
05-01-2008, 03:24 PM

I think the examples of Sean Sutton and Pat Knight are a little different don't you think as it pertains to this situation? The administrations at both schools probably were making those moves to keep their legendary fathers happy. And then they found out it wasn't the right fit or are in the process at Texas Tech. Either way nothing is for certain in life or on the coaching carousel.

05-01-2008, 05:03 PM

I think the examples of Sean Sutton and Pat Knight are a little different don't you think as it pertains to this situation? The administrations at both schools probably were making those moves to keep their legendary fathers happy. And then they found out it wasn't the right fit or are in the process at Texas Tech. Either way nothing is for certain in life or on the coaching carousel.

Probably... but was really the only examples i could come up with.

05-09-2008, 01:26 PM
Dixon is not going anywhere.
