View Full Version : PLEASE-Don't take your Kids to Cintas
04-10-2008, 05:24 PM
Before I began my rant, I must admit one thing: I don't like kids. I have a dream of creating the 51st state which would outlaw those under the age of 18. If a woman got pregnant, too bad, you have to leave.
Just think of what a paradise that would be. One would not have to pay taxes for crappy schools and their useless, whining teachers. There would be no censorships on tv/radio/films. No crying babies in church. No damn school buses on the road. WHAT A PARADISE!!!
Please, don't take your kids to Cintas. It's nice to bond with your kids. But don't do it around me. It's painful to hear the kids talk (no basketball IQ, stupid questions). I hate having to dodge kids on the concourse level too. I bet they don't want to be at the games either. They would rather do the stupid, useless crap that kids do.
04-10-2008, 05:43 PM
I got a better idea....why don't you stay home....idiot
Frank D.
04-10-2008, 06:06 PM
Before I began my rant, I must admit one thing: I don't like kids. I have a dream of creating the 51st state which would outlaw those under the age of 18. If a woman got pregnant, too bad, you have to leave.
Just think of what a paradise that would be. One would not have to pay taxes for crappy schools and their useless, whining teachers. There would be no censorships on tv/radio/films. No crying babies in church. No damn school buses on the road. WHAT A PARADISE!!!
Please, don't take your kids to Cintas. It's nice to bond with your kids. But don't do it around me. It's painful to hear the kids talk (no basketball IQ, stupid questions). I hate having to dodge kids on the concourse level too. I bet they don't want to be at the games either. They would rather do the stupid, useless crap that kids do.
Can we enter this into some sort of "dumbest post of the year" contest?
Bignose Liar
04-10-2008, 07:14 PM
Are you serious? I started going to game when I was a kid. How else do you tell your kids that Xavier is the best school around unless you show them the atmosphere at a xavier game.
04-10-2008, 08:05 PM
Um... what brought this on?
04-10-2008, 08:08 PM
Um... what brought this on?
I think someone got a hold of someone's password and decided to make someone look like a total moron.
I mean, I thought he was going to say "don't bring your kids to the cintas...for the banquet" or something like that. but period?!?! This dude's insane.
04-10-2008, 08:50 PM
I just wanted to have some fun of in "The House of Smack". Think of it as an idea exercise.
And the bitterness of a poor childless, single like myself subsidizing the costs of raising the children of often wealthier married couples is sincere. And I hate school buses.
04-10-2008, 08:55 PM
They should call this board "The House of politically correct Smack"
Kahns Krazy
04-10-2008, 09:20 PM
Wow. I don't have children, and there are times and places that giant strollers annoy me (malls at Christmas, crowded events like taste of Cincinnati), but Xavier and the Cintas Center are not those places.
In fact, I feel so strongly about it that I might just lead a campaign to buy some kids some Xavier tickets.
Oh, wait...
Fred Garvin
04-10-2008, 09:49 PM
Please, don't take your kids to Cintas[/B]. It's nice to bond with your kids. But don't do it around me. It's painful to hear the kids talk (no basketball IQ, stupid questions). /QUOTE]
Are you sure you weren't sitting next to Snipe?
04-11-2008, 02:51 AM
I used to say the same thing, until I started working in the service industry now that's where the real kids are. Most of the time I'd rather have the kids than the parents.
DC Muskie
04-11-2008, 07:20 AM
To follow this thinking, I think there should be more kids serving us adults more beer. Strap a six pack to every kid when you walk in and then you wouldn't be pissed if you ran into them.
04-11-2008, 07:29 AM
SurfXU did that for years. He was still using a diaper bag when his kid was 6 years old. It was the perfect size to hold a six-pack. Sadly though, eventually his daughter grew up.
04-11-2008, 08:55 AM
SurfXU did that for years. He was still using a diaper bag when his kid was 6 years old. It was the perfect size to hold a six-pack. Sadly though, eventually his daughter grew up.
Now that is FUNNY.
04-11-2008, 09:35 AM
Before I began my rant, I must admit one thing: I don't like kids. I have a dream of creating the 51st state which would outlaw those under the age of 18. If a woman got pregnant, too bad, you have to leave.
Just think of what a paradise that would be. One would not have to pay taxes for crappy schools and their useless, whining teachers. There would be no censorships on tv/radio/films. No crying babies in church. No damn school buses on the road. WHAT A PARADISE!!!
Please, don't take your kids to Cintas. It's nice to bond with your kids. But don't do it around me. It's painful to hear the kids talk (no basketball IQ, stupid questions). I hate having to dodge kids on the concourse level too. I bet they don't want to be at the games either. They would rather do the stupid, useless crap that kids do.
You sounds like a pedofile that is trying really hard to prove he's not.
04-11-2008, 09:47 AM
You sounds like a pedofile that is trying really hard to prove he's not.
that's one way of looking at it... :)
04-11-2008, 09:52 AM
My 4 year old is my meal ticket to the 'family bathroom'....
Kahns Krazy
04-11-2008, 10:09 AM
Pre-smoking ban, I'd always get pissed when there were people with little kids in the back room at Zips who would look all condescending at me when I blew smoke in their kids faces. Sack up kid, you're at the grownup bar.
Now, Snipe just clears the bar by dropping a sulfur bomb that I didn't think humans were capable of producing. I wish they had banned public farting along with smoking. My farts are hilarious. Snipe's farts aren't funny at all.
Fred Garvin
04-11-2008, 10:29 AM
Pre-smoking ban, I'd always get pissed when there were people with little kids in the back room at Zips who would look all condescending at me when I blew smoke in their kids faces. Sack up kid, you're at the grownup bar.
Now, Snipe just clears the bar by dropping a sulfur bomb that I didn't think humans were capable of producing. I wish they had banned public farting along with smoking. My farts are hilarious. Snipe's farts aren't funny at all.
There is a difference between a fart and a shart. There is a reason Snipe has to carry around his kids baby wipes.
04-11-2008, 10:43 AM
My kids love going to the games. They are the next generation of rabid Muskie fans.
And my gas is the stuff of legend.
04-11-2008, 10:44 AM
That infamous night at Zips, I think the couple next to me was on their first date. I always wondered if they knew the source of if they secretely blamed the other. They made no mention of it but left shortly after.
04-11-2008, 12:02 PM
I thought noon games were for the express purpose of bringing kids? I have a couple of friends who brought their babies in uterio and as infants. The kids handle loud noises really well. I also think it's a great opportunity to show kids there are more appropriate places to yell and dance than at your local restaurant or grocery store. And I LOVE seeing young-ones dancing in the aisles, all geared up and cute.
The problem isn't the kids, it's the parents. Parents need to know that taking your kid to the game is not an excuse to get beered up and ignore your child while he sits 3 chairs away making loud farting noises and kicking the back of the seat of the lady in front of him that is about two seconds climbing over the seat and giving you an earful. These are also the parents that are most likely to yell at you if you ask the kid to stop. Not be quiet, just stop kicking!!!
Sorry. Pet peave.
Kahns Krazy
04-11-2008, 01:39 PM
Blobfan, I didn't realize you sit right in front of us. Snipe is sorry about his kids kicking you, but the loud farting noises aren't coming from the kids.
04-11-2008, 01:43 PM
Blobfan, I didn't realize you sit right in front of us. Snipe is sorry about his kids kicking you, but the loud farting noises aren't coming from the kids.
I guess I should be gratefull I sit in front, rather than behind.
04-11-2008, 04:08 PM
So I guess everyone on Xavierhoops love kids? Kids are the future. blah blah blah.
I thought the "House of Smack" was a place to be more open about one's beliefs. I'm the only one who dislikes being around kids?
04-11-2008, 10:55 PM
In one word: Yes!
American X
04-12-2008, 06:39 PM
Too bad your parents did not have such a dislike for children.
Kahns Krazy
04-15-2008, 01:10 PM
I guess I should be gratefull I sit in front, rather than behind.
Snipe's bombs are like a subwoofer. Direction doesn't matter at all.
04-15-2008, 09:24 PM
I am a big fan of kids at Xavier games, so long as they are well behaved. No one likes a misbehaved child disrupting the game, but I blame the parents as much in that situation.
I am also a fan of using the family restroom when the line in the men's room is 25 minutes long. However, I found out the hard way that many parents do not like to see a single man without a kid in his arms coming out of the family bathroom with 2 beers in his hand. Some dads get irrate with such a practice, and yell obscenities. I thought I was being creative by quickly jumping in the family line and I was much faster than the people using that bathroom who actually had children.
04-15-2008, 11:04 PM
I am a big fan of kids at Xavier games, so long as they are well behaved. No one likes a misbehaved child disrupting the game, but I blame the parents as much in that situation.
I ALWAYS blame the parents in that situation.
I am also a fan of using the family restroom when the line in the men's room is 25 minutes long. However, I found out the hard way that many parents do not like to see a single man without a kid in his arms coming out of the family bathroom with 2 beers in his hand. Some dads get irrate with such a practice, and yell obscenities. I thought I was being creative by quickly jumping in the family line and I was much faster than the people using that bathroom who actually had children.
Which family restrooms are you using? I rarely see kids using the ones on the upper deck near the control room (East side?)
Kahns Krazy
04-17-2008, 09:43 AM
The family bathroom is fair game. As a parent with a child at the game, you have the option to take your child into a private or family bathroom. You do not have a right to a shorter line to do so. You certainly don't have a right to pass judgement on anyone else who chooses to use said public restroom.
The Artist
04-17-2008, 01:29 PM
That infamous night at Zips, I think the couple next to me was on their first date. I always wondered if they knew the source of if they secretely blamed the other. They made no mention of it but left shortly after.
Wow - I want to meet this girl who was willing to go to Zips as the first date.
Kahns Krazy
04-17-2008, 04:34 PM
Zips is a legitimate first date spot for two people from the area if you already know you both like Zips. I have never bought into the over-the-top first date mentality. Where do you go from there?
04-17-2008, 04:48 PM
Can we enter this into some sort of "dumbest post of the year" contest?
That woluld imply that there would be a "competition". I don't think there are any posts out there to rival this one. Wouldn't be much of a contest.
And Guy, if the reason you don't like kids is because no one will procreate with you...just man up and admit it. DC Muskie has the same problem, and we still tolerate him.
I have never bought into the over-the-top first date mentality. Where do you go from there?
No, me neither. Except once. And that was a special case.
The Artist
04-17-2008, 06:29 PM
Zips is a legitimate first date spot for two people from the area if you already know you both like Zips. I have never bought into the over-the-top first date mentality. Where do you go from there?
I don't disagree, I just think it would be tough to find a girl that was actually happy to go there for the first date, but I'm sure such a girl does indeed exist.
04-17-2008, 06:49 PM
Unless Guy was born a full-fledged adult, I assume he was a kid once too. It must have been one nasty childhood to get to the point he is at regarding children. Given Guy's disdain for children and assuming that he was one once, he must have hated himself. That must put him into the category of "wishing to have never been born at all." Well Guy, with your attitude, I wish you'd never had been born either.
Both of my sons are currently students at Xavier and the fact that I had been driving them from CMH to the Cintas Center since 2001 probably has something to do with that. They were always well behaved while we sat through games. They loved going to games and many times did homework on the way there, or better yet got it done early, so they could go to Xavier games. This year the times I drove home were lonely, but made better by the wonderful memories of those times that I shared driving home with my sons in past years. The only people I've seen act like kids around me over the years were the UC and ud fans perched around me. There is a couple of families a couple of rows up from my seats who brought there infant children to every game in the 'tas and I never heard a peep out of them.
You are entitled to your opinion Guy, but in my world you are totally off base.
04-18-2008, 06:38 AM
Unless Guy was born a full-fledged adult, I assume he was a kid once too. It must have been one nasty childhood to get to the point he is at regarding children. Given Guy's disdain for children and assuming that he was one once, he must have hated himself. That must put him into the category of "wishing to have never been born at all." Well Guy, with your attitude, I wish you'd never had been born either.
Both of my sons are currently students at Xavier and the fact that I had been driving them from CMH to the Cintas Center since 2001 probably has something to do with that. They were always well behaved while we sat through games. They loved going to games and many times did homework on the way there, or better yet got it done early, so they could go to Xavier games. This year the times I drove home were lonely, but made better by the wonderful memories of those times that I shared driving home with my sons in past years. The only people I've seen act like kids around me over the years were the UC and ud fans perched around me. There is a couple of families a couple of rows up from my seats who brought there infant children to every game in the 'tas and I never heard a peep out of them.
You are entitled to your opinion Guy, but in my world you are totally off base.
Vee, I don't necessarily believe that Guy hated himself as a kid, I just think he looked like this as a child:
Kahns Krazy
04-18-2008, 01:33 PM
I don't disagree, I just think it would be tough to find a girl that was actually happy to go there for the first date, but I'm sure such a girl does indeed exist.
There are many of them. Frankly, if a girl doesn't think Zips is a good place for a date, I don't wanna date that girl.
I will stay away from the grilled onions on a first date. About 4 hours after those delicious bits, I'm dropping bombs like Snipe.
04-18-2008, 01:51 PM
he did admit that it was a rant. i didn't find it all that offensive. i just didn't find it all that funny either.
The Artist
04-18-2008, 02:27 PM
There are many of them. Frankly, if a girl doesn't think Zips is a good place for a date, I don't wanna date that girl.
I will stay away from the grilled onions on a first date. About 4 hours after those delicious bits, I'm dropping bombs like Snipe.
I have said something similar to the first line myself many, many times. My only beef is it can tend to be a loud place, and that's why I would think most girls may not prefer it. And I love the grilled onions as well. I know a guy who worked in the kitchen and he informed me they actually throw them in the fryer, so "grilled" is a little misleading.
If we ever cross paths there, the first beer's on me.
04-19-2008, 11:29 AM
It looks like I've received some negative reaction to my original post, which I didn't expect.
For the record, I'll probably have kids.
I don't have a choice in the matter. My genes are really, really good. And nature will find a way for them to carry on. I won't get to the details on this board, which is open to all ages. But my genes are really good. I would even say that they are coveted. There is a limit to free will.
Anyways, I will likely have kids and maybe I'll change my mind then. But for now, I stand behind my arguement.
04-20-2008, 05:52 PM
Argument is spelled this way, Guy and either way you spell it; your argument still sucks. It's pretty obvious you're alone on this one.
04-20-2008, 06:08 PM
I suggest that those of us on this board get an injunction that prevents Guy from passing on the genes.....
04-20-2008, 07:35 PM
I suggest that those of us on this board get an injunction that prevents Guy from passing on the genes.....
Yes, they really should do vasectomies whenever they perform a lobotomy. Kind of a two-for-one special that benefits the entire human race.
04-20-2008, 08:18 PM
huh, it looks some people here are envious of my wonderful, coveted genes.
Fred Garvin
04-20-2008, 09:01 PM
I have said something similar to the first line myself many, many times. My only beef is it can tend to be a loud place, and that's why I would think most girls may not prefer it. And I love the grilled onions as well. I know a guy who worked in the kitchen and he informed me they actually throw them in the fryer, so "grilled" is a little misleading.
If we ever cross paths there, the first beer's on me.
Please don't mention beef when Snipe's around. The kid has a fondness for the scatological. He's a pig farmer who enjoys shoving 10 pounds of shyt into a 5 pound bag.
The Artist
04-21-2008, 09:00 AM
Argument is spelled this way, Guy and either way you spell it; your argument still sucks. It's pretty obvious you're alone on this one.
Guy and drudy should become friends.
Kahns Krazy
04-21-2008, 10:17 AM
I chose to read some tongue in cheek into the original post. There are times that misbehaved kids drive me crazy, and places that I would like to be kid-free.
I like what the Reds are doing by setting up some alcohol-free sections. I think that should be an option for parents that want it. I remember clearly some reds games I was a as a kid that there were some serious drunks around us. There were times it was a little intimidating.
Plus, now that I'm the serious drunk, I want to be able to tell the non-approving parent that they have the option to sit in the no-booze section.
Are you saying that the Cintas should have a Snipe free section? They couldn't put enough seats in there.
Kahns Krazy
04-21-2008, 04:06 PM
Snipe occasionally makes the Cintas a Snipe Free zone.
"Sir, you're going to have to come with me"
Fred Garvin
04-21-2008, 06:07 PM
Snipe occasionally makes the Cintas a Snipe Free zone.
"Sir, you're going to have to come with me"
That was the only time he ever successfully boycotted the Cintas.
Kahns Krazy
04-21-2008, 10:43 PM
Oh wow. I forgot about the boycott.
04-24-2008, 01:49 PM
I like what the Reds are doing by setting up some alcohol-free sections. I think that should be an option for parents that want it. I remember clearly some reds games I was a as a kid that there were some serious drunks around us. There were times it was a little intimidating.
I'm waiting for a family free zone to pop-up. That would be great. Loud, obnoxious drunks screaming at Adam Dunn for being a fat, worthless outfielder without having to be hushed by a lady who's kid is taking a nap in the seats (this really happened).
By the way, Adam Dunn is fat and worthless. Corey Patterson isn't much better.
Kahns Krazy
05-06-2008, 12:13 PM
I'm waiting for a family free zone to pop-up. That would be great. Loud, obnoxious drunks screaming at Adam Dunn for being a fat, worthless outfielder without having to be hushed by a lady who's kid is taking a nap in the seats (this really happened).
By the way, Adam Dunn is fat and worthless. Corey Patterson isn't much better.
X-Band's mom told me this morning that she stopped taking him to games because you drunks kept waking him up with your Anti-Dunn banter.
06-18-2008, 02:19 PM
Obviously I'm catching up on some reading but this post certainly caught my eye. Guy, thanks for posting what I've been thinking for years.
06-18-2008, 02:31 PM
And Joe Lunardi according to GoMuskies. LOL
06-18-2008, 02:46 PM
This is such a great thread. Seriously, I want to be remembered by this thread.
08-22-2011, 09:53 PM
And Joe Lunardi according to GoMuskies. LOL
Did I hate Joe Lunardi back in '08?
Kahns Krazy
08-23-2011, 06:51 AM
Having had Guy around for a few years now, I find the original post funnier than I did at the time.
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