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06-27-2007, 01:41 PM
Welcome to XavierHoops.com!

The XavierHoops.com Staff would like to personally thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to register on our online community. XavierHoops.com is the premiere online community for mature and intelligent Xavier basketball and athletics discussion!

Feel free to take a couple minutes to make yourself at home, take a look around the forums and check out all of our great discussions, features and much more! Again, thank you for registering here at XavierHoops.com! We look forward to your contributions to our online community and hope you enjoy your stay!

01-10-2008, 09:26 PM
I love the format. I wonder if you'll ever be able to get people over from the board that is currently popular but outdated.

PM Thor
01-11-2008, 01:02 PM
Well, you have another convert here.

Arnold Horshack
01-12-2008, 02:27 PM
I support MM.

01-12-2008, 05:08 PM
Look like the other board is now deleting every post that mentions this board. All of my posts are promptly being deleted over there. The link to this site is in my signature.

01-12-2008, 05:42 PM
They can't stand the competetion.

Arnold Horshack
01-13-2008, 04:03 PM
I love that announcement on MM. They are finally going to upgrade because of the threat that this site provides.

01-13-2008, 09:04 PM
I love that announcement on MM. They are finally going to upgrade because of the threat that this site provides.

I doubt they'll upgrade the format of the site. I believe they said they were gonna upgrade it before, and only upgraded the server. It is pretty sh!tty that they wait till the place is falling apart before they do anything about it.

X-band '01
01-13-2008, 09:19 PM
The first upgrade was to get rid of everyone's signatures - and yet the site still crashed tonight when I tried to get on. Peculiar.

01-13-2008, 10:41 PM
In for a penny, in for a pound.

01-14-2008, 08:08 AM
If we're gonna make this work, everyone here needs to STOP posting over there. If you have an itch to post something over there, just post it here instead.

ATL Muskie
01-14-2008, 02:29 PM
Man, I really had to fight the urge to post away on the "What's Happening" thread, esp. when Shadow issued his little decree. Serenity now...serenity now....

BBC 08
01-14-2008, 03:24 PM
Insanity later, ATL, insanity later.

01-14-2008, 05:20 PM
I am astounded that people are voting this board only good or great in this poll.

X-band '01
01-14-2008, 06:52 PM
Man, I really had to fight the urge to post away on the "What's Happening" thread, esp. when Shadow issued his little decree.

Metamucil and Centrum now, insanity later?

Arnold Horshack
01-14-2008, 08:43 PM
Man, I really had to fight the urge to post away on the "What's Happening" thread, esp. when Shadow issued his little decree. Serenity now...serenity now....

What kind of decree did he make?

BBC 08
01-14-2008, 09:50 PM
Shadow said: "Love it or leave it" and most people have taken his advice and left. The site has been pretty dead the past few days.

01-14-2008, 09:52 PM
Ok....somebody give me a quick synopsis of what the hell happened at the 'Site which shall not be named" if you please.

01-14-2008, 09:56 PM
Ok....somebody give me a quick synopsis of what the hell happened at the 'Site which shall not be named" if you please.

First of all go and check it out. (http://www.musketeermadness.com) The format is circa 1997. Second, the moderators over there rule with an iron fist. Quite often, posts and whole entire threads would disappear for no apparent reason. Sometimes it seemed there were personal vendettas between some of the mods and posters.

They acted like we were lucky to have it too. Whenever anyone had a suggestion to improve it, they would ignore us. Many people volunteered to donate what ever it would take to improve the site, but they would continue to ignore us.

The site went down after every game.

It was just an absolute train wreck.

01-14-2008, 10:01 PM
They used to tell us that if we didn't like it, we could go elsewhere. They would say that knowing full well that there was no where else to go. Now that there is, they are scrambling to try and upgrade it and change things. At least that's what they say.....

Someone made a statement earlier in the day today that "it feels like we just got out of jail." I couldn't describe the feeling any better.

Thanks again for such a pimp place.

01-14-2008, 10:02 PM
Sounds like pure fun and adventure. They sound like the phone company when they had a monopoly on service. Isn't competition just a pain in the ass. LOL

(I'd rep you for the answers, but mine are all used up today, remind me at a later date)

01-14-2008, 10:07 PM
Sounds like pure fun and adventure. They sound like the phone company when they had a monopoly on service. Isn't competition just a pain in the ass. LOL

(I'd rep you for the answers, but mine are all used up today, remind me at a later date)

That's exactly what it was like. Thanks for the future pips (is that what their called?).

01-14-2008, 10:09 PM
I call them reps, but that's just me.

01-15-2008, 10:03 PM
I am astounded that people are voting this board only good or great in this poll.

I voted it great. I tend to be reserved in judgement in such matters. But after having had more time to explore the site and all its functionality, and being hit more frequently with the Service Unavailable error on that other site, I'd like to change my response. I don't think it can be done, though.

What the heck is up with the Service Unavailable? It actually seems to be happening more frequently, even with all the people jumping over to this site. Does it really take a week to negotiate a simple bandwidth issue?

D-West & PO-Z
01-15-2008, 10:19 PM
I voted it great. I tend to be reserved in judgement in such matters. But after having had more time to explore the site and all its functionality, and being hit more frequently with the Service Unavailable error on that other site, I'd like to change my response. I don't think it can be done, though.

Same with me.

01-15-2008, 10:38 PM
First of all go and check it out. (http://www.musketeermadness.com) The format is circa 1997. Second, the moderators over there rule with an iron fist. Quite often, posts and whole entire threads would disappear for no apparent reason. Sometimes it seemed there were personal vendettas between some of the mods and posters.

They acted like we were lucky to have it too. Whenever anyone had a suggestion to improve it, they would ignore us. Many people volunteered to donate what ever it would take to improve the site, but they would continue to ignore us.

The site went down after every game.

It was just an absolute train wreck.

Let me jump in on this - not all the mods are bad, only one. Muskieman is a great American and a great person. I've never met Gary but he's a good dude on the board (a little negative), but The Shadow was a straight up jerk.

Regarding the vendettas between posters and mods on MM, it was limited to whatever stupid concern Snipe, Kahns Krazy and Fred Garvin have with Gary Griffin. It's a strange and unrelenting obsession and I hope they keep that crap off this board. If they are the Xavier fans they claim to be, they'll respect the need for the Xavier Nation to have a solid forum that is not polluted with a bunch of personal bs.

I do think it is unfortunate the Skeldons never seemed to take the board seriously. I'm sure they are busy (like we all are) but really, over the years, their insistence on completely ignoring the place caused the problems.

I had a great time over there on MM, but frankly, I'm very excited about this new format and the amount of support this site has seen in just the past few days.

01-16-2008, 06:59 AM
a great American .

That has to be the best line ever.

ATL Muskie
01-16-2008, 05:03 PM
Amen to that, xeus.

muskieman is the man, no doubt. I know of no bigger X fan. There may be one, but I've yet to meet him. muskieman is the bee's knees, baby.

I've always like GMG. Whenever I had a question or problem with the board, he was always very quick with a response, and I appreciate that. He let a lot of things go, and has a good sense of humor. Yeah, he's a little negative, but sometimes it was needed to counterbalance some of the myopia.

Shadow? Don't get me started.

This board is the muskieman of message boards.

01-16-2008, 06:04 PM
Let me jump in on this - not all the mods are bad, only one. Muskieman is a great American and a great person. I've never met Gary but he's a good dude on the board (a little negative), but The Shadow was a straight up jerk.

Regarding the vendettas between posters and mods on MM, it was limited to whatever stupid concern Snipe, Kahns Krazy and Fred Garvin have with Gary Griffin. It's a strange and unrelenting obsession and I hope they keep that crap off this board. If they are the Xavier fans they claim to be, they'll respect the need for the Xavier Nation to have a solid forum that is not polluted with a bunch of personal bs.

I do think it is unfortunate the Skeldons never seemed to take the board seriously. I'm sure they are busy (like we all are) but really, over the years, their insistence on completely ignoring the place caused the problems.

I had a great time over there on MM, but frankly, I'm very excited about this new format and the amount of support this site has seen in just the past few days.

I agree completely. Most of the guys over at MM are good fans who really want the best for the program. I don't think Shadow really cared for Xavier basketball - he was more concerned with enforcing his rules of decorum.

I hope most of those guys come over here. I always liked Griffin's posts as well. He and Snipe have a long history of battling it out - anyone remember the Great Skip Debate? Drunken Snipe ramblings can be pretty entertaining, but we may need a feature here to prevent him from quoting more than one or two people at a time, and form posts that only go so far back in time.

LA Muskie
01-17-2008, 12:05 PM
SENSORY OVERLOAD! Seriously, great site.

01-20-2008, 09:21 AM
I agree on the site as well. There's no doubt that this site is the Lexus of chatboards whereas MM is the Hyundai that keeps breaking down. (Sorry, I'm in the market for a new car.) If I had to complain about one thing, however, it's that this board breaks down long threads by separating them into mulitple pages.

01-20-2008, 09:28 AM
I agree on the site as well. There's no doubt that this site is the Lexus of chatboards whereas MM is the Hyundai that keeps breaking down. (Sorry, I'm in the market for a new car.) If I had to complain about one thing, however, it's that this board breaks down long threads by separating them into mulitple pages.

Do you know you can go to your user CP and change the number of threads on a page to 40?

Kahns Krazy
02-07-2008, 10:35 AM
Let me jump in on this - not all the mods are bad, only one. Muskieman is a great American and a great person. I've never met Gary but he's a good dude on the board (a little negative), but The Shadow was a straight up jerk.

Regarding the vendettas between posters and mods on MM, it was limited to whatever stupid concern Snipe, Kahns Krazy and Fred Garvin have with Gary Griffin. It's a strange and unrelenting obsession and I hope they keep that crap off this board.

I should probably just let this die, but since I was brought into it, I'd like to attempt to clarify. My issue with Gary was not personal. I met Gary on several occasions and found him to be a normal person. My issue was with the unrelenting negative tone of his posts. I would have had the same issue with anyone, but the fact that a moderator of the board had such an openly negative attitude about the team bothered me. This season, I thought maybe I could show him just how negative his attitude appeared to some. I was unsuccessful and gave up.

I had issues with others too, and was probably more unrelenting. Because I have met Gary and reasonably expect that I will run into him again, I never said anything to Gary that I wouldn't have said to his face. I'm not sure I can claim the same about the other recent heated discussions I got in. Fortunately, I was able to spot my own shortcomings in a discussion I had with that scalper Artist, and can laugh it off and read his posts without a negative bias I was dangerously close to letting myself make.

I have hot buttons and will probably get in the same stupid arguments here. The nice thing is I believe this site has an 'ignore user' function. If the people that can push my buttons start posting here, I'll find out how well it works.

I've been enjoying the board.

01-12-2011, 11:56 AM
That Horshack guy was a real piece of work. I am still a bit curious to see who it was that attempted to take my moniker and make a mockery of it.

Great read Muskie, thanks for the refresher!

And....happy Birthday big man!