View Full Version : Bob Huggins Thoughts

12-01-2022, 04:45 PM
He is a classic. I used to hate him. I get a kick out of him now

short take (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SuNLQoh9a8)

longer one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp1imCWkTVc)

Boro Muskie
12-01-2022, 04:48 PM
Piece of shit. His players seem to love him but not me.

D-West & PO-Z
12-01-2022, 04:50 PM
Right back at ya, you fat fucking adulterous, alcoholic, slob!

12-01-2022, 04:57 PM
It was so fun to make him mad. As I've said before, I'm come to respect him as a coach as he's won everywhere. He's a Hall of Famer.

But it will also be fun to get him riled up again on Saturday.

I will always hate Cronin. He was the worst and the perfect little little man for the rivalry.

12-01-2022, 04:58 PM
I am laughing as I watch him describe the 1990's UC -X battles. We really didn't like Bob. He was the best enemy X could ever have.

12-01-2022, 04:59 PM
I do not like Bob Huggins.

X-band '01
12-01-2022, 05:07 PM
We really need to hear from Sn, err, The Bob Huggins Political Machine this week.

12-01-2022, 05:11 PM

12-01-2022, 05:12 PM
He doesn't remember if they lost to Xavier in Kenyon's big year.

12-01-2022, 05:13 PM
“Fuck Em. Just Fuck Em!!!”

X-band '01
12-01-2022, 05:24 PM
"Welcome Fellow Scholars"

12-01-2022, 05:50 PM
He doesn't remember if they lost to Xavier in Kenyon's big year.

Oh, he remembers.

12-01-2022, 06:07 PM
Oh, he remembers.

You don't believe Mr. Integrity?!?

12-01-2022, 06:17 PM
First Ballot Douchebag Hall of Famer.

12-01-2022, 07:02 PM
Bob Huggins was my favorite UC coach to hate. My kink was seeing him pissed off and UC making some bonehead mistake that we would ultimately take advantage of to win the shootout when no one gave us a chance. He was the quintessential prototype bully character . If you stood up to him he would fall and oh what a glorious fall it would be. I love beating Bob Huggins. It will never get old. I'll be sad when we don't have the opportunity to beat him again.

12-01-2022, 07:29 PM
Greatest prank ever..
Snipe, the Legend on here, rented a plane at his own expense to drag a message behind it and fly over a Clifton Community football game.
The message? “Bob Huggins Has No Integrity”

Glassy Eyed, DUI convicted BeelzeBob is well placed in West Virginia. Plenty of strong moonshine over there.

12-01-2022, 07:31 PM
BeelzeBob is one of my least favorite humans. I don't care that his players seem to love him, and I don't care that he's won a bunch of games. He coaches the ugliest style of basketball I've seen, and he really doesn't have any real redeeming qualities.

The man is scum. What a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?

12-01-2022, 07:32 PM
He doesn't remember if they lost to Xavier in Kenyon's big year.

Drinking too much will have that effect sometimes!

12-01-2022, 07:32 PM
He doesn't remember if they lost to Xavier in Kenyon's big year.

I’ll bet he remembers the “No Handshake” game where Jumpin’ Jamal nailed a corner 3 to win in Overtime.
Huggins stormed off the court and left Pete standing at mid court.

12-01-2022, 07:33 PM
BeelzeBob is one of my least favorite humans. I don't care that his players seem to love him, and I don't care that he's won a bunch of games. He coaches the ugliest style of basketball I've seen, and he really doesn't have any real redeeming qualities.

The man is scum. What a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?

Chico!! Working HARD!!!

12-01-2022, 07:48 PM
The world is better with Huggs coaching, and Xavier kicking Huggs' ass.

XU = 10-8 lifetime versus Huggs, including two wins against his #1-ranked teams, and a win to knock him out of the NCAA Tournament with X going to an Elite 8.

12-01-2022, 11:10 PM
IÂ’ll bet he remembers the “No Handshake” game where Jumpin’ Jamal nailed a corner 3 to win in Overtime.
Huggins stormed off the court and left Pete standing at mid court.

I feel so fortune to have attended that game and “The Brawl” in 2011 (sat right behind the UC bench). Both were insanely good games against our biggest rival that proved our least liked two coaches and our least liked team had the least amount of class in the nation.

The ”No Handshake” was such a beautiful moment. Honestly. It really ticked Pete off (and the rest of us) and without that moment we all probably hate UC a little less. So I say, “Thank you Huggins for being such a dick after the game and giving us one very memorable reason to despise the Bearcats.”

12-02-2022, 01:51 AM
Obviously he’s just playing it up. Wants the crowd going nuts and have his players feed off it.

12-02-2022, 06:11 AM
The man is scum. What a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?

Wow. Just had a Clark Griswold flashback! Tis the season.

D-West & PO-Z
12-02-2022, 08:53 AM
Obviously he’s just playing it up. Wants the crowd going nuts and have his players feed off it.

Interesting approach, never heard of the get the other teams fans fired up so my team plays better approach!

American X
12-02-2022, 08:59 AM
It looks like the internet finally made it to West Virginia.

I would like to see a Bob Huggins versus Greg McDermott drinking contest.

12-02-2022, 09:29 AM
I like Bob Huggins. Always have. It's IMPOSSIBLE for me to not like/respect a guy that is THAT much themselves and doesn't care what others think about him AT ALL! To me, that is actually a very admirable trait.

The other thing that I kind of like that's not really a secret, but at the same time isn't known/realized by that many people either, was how close of friends he and Skip Prosser were and stayed until Skip passed away. I thought that was cool too. And for some reason the fact that so few realized it made it cooler.

And say what you want to about the guy, he is VERY intelligent and knows the game of basketball better than 99 percent of all the other D1 coaches. He's also hilarious.

And I LOVE how he said he has no good feelings about Xavier!! We need more of this in college basketball, not less!! We don't have enough games where there are no good feelings!!

Blue Blooded-05
12-02-2022, 09:38 AM
Remember fellas... when you're blacked out and driving across town to hook up with your mistress and a cop pulls you over and sees you puked all over yourself and asks you "how much have you had to drink tonight?"

The correct answer is: "no sir"

D-West & PO-Z
12-02-2022, 09:58 AM
He also said the xu/uc rivalry was intense but more so from the X side than the UC side.

Ok, crybaby, no handshaker.....

D-West & PO-Z
12-02-2022, 10:01 AM
Remember fellas... when you're blacked out and driving across town to hook up with your mistress and a cop pulls you over and sees you puked all over yourself and asks you "how much have you had to drink tonight?"

The correct answer is: "no sir"

Ha, reps!

"According to the Village of Fairfax officers, Huggins had slurred speech and there was vomit on the driver's door when they stopped him on Wooster Pike at 11:35 p.m."

"Officers said he "staggered" out of the car and couldn't keep his balance during the sobriety test. Asked to recite the alphabet from the letter "E" through "P," Huggins said, "E, F, G, H, I, K, L, N, Z," according to the police report. Asked to count backward from 67 to 54, he counted from 62 to 52, the report said."

"It turned out the same two officers had stopped Huggins on the same stretch of road in 2002 but let him go. Zimpher would not be as forgiving."

12-02-2022, 10:05 AM
He also said the xu/uc rivalry was intense but more so from the X side than the UC side.

Ok, crybaby, no handshaker.....

Of course he said that. He's Bob Huggins. He's able to bait the people he wants to bait in a way that makes it impossible for those people to ignore him. And he really only does it to amuse himself. Something else I kind of find to be kind of funny/admirable about the guy!

You know what?? Everyone TRY to ignore him. Being completely ignored might be what actually throws him off a little bit. He's probably reading THIS THREAD and laughing at us. It wouldn't surprise me at all.

D-West & PO-Z
12-02-2022, 10:12 AM
Of course he said that. He's Bob Huggins. He's able to bait the people he wants to bait in a way that makes it impossible for those people to ignore him. And he really only does it to amuse himself. Something else I kind of find to be kind of funny/admirable about the guy!

You know what?? Everyone TRY to ignore him. Being completely ignored might be what actually throws him off a little bit. He's probably reading THIS THREAD and laughing at us. It wouldn't surprise me at all.

As long as we all acknowledge he's full of shit and he knows he's full of shit then I am good, lol.

He's done enough dumb ass things to amuse me over the years, might as well get riled up and amuse him as a thanks!

XU 23
12-02-2022, 10:21 AM
I like Bob Huggins. Always have. It's IMPOSSIBLE for me to not like/respect a guy that is THAT much themselves and doesn't care what others think about him AT ALL! To me, that is actually a very admirable trait.

The other thing that I kind of like that's not really a secret, but at the same time isn't known/realized by that many people either, was how close of friends he and Skip Prosser were and stayed until Skip passed away. I thought that was cool too. And for some reason the fact that so few realized it made it cooler.

And say what you want to about the guy, he is VERY intelligent and knows the game of basketball better than 99 percent of all the other D1 coaches. He's also hilarious.

And I LOVE how he said he has no good feelings about Xavier!! We need more of this in college basketball, not less!! We don't have enough games where there are no good feelings!!

I agree. The Duke-UNC rivalry is too friendly. Ours is better

12-02-2022, 10:25 AM
As long as we all acknowledge he's full of shit and he knows he's full of shit then I am good, lol.

He's done enough dumb ass things to amuse me over the years, might as well get riled up and amuse him as a thanks!

I'm sorry. I just can't help it. I LOVE how the guy pumps so much hot air into things. And I love how he just does it to amuse himself. When he was at UC he did it to us (although the fact that he seemed to lose more than he won made it even better). He does it to Marshall. He does it to Pitt. It's just funny to watch him do and say these subtle things that make everyone totally flip out! I can't help it! I love it!!

The guy actually is a really good basketball coach. The other stuff is just a (very amusing) bonus.

And I actually do wish there was a little more of this. I think it's pretty much harmless, and it adds some amusement to things. It seems like the 90s and 00s were all about "Escalating the Hate!!" Today, it's a whole bunch of "We're too good for you and we don't wanna play!!!" A lot of old rivalries are gone, and a lot of current would-be rivalries never get started. And very few people are out there acting like Bad Guy Wrestlers. But, Bob Huggins is!! And I love that he's doing it! I'm sorry, but I do! I think it's great! He's made this upcoming game so much more intriguing for me!

And as for WVU, they DO play Marshall (at least semi-regularly). They did restart the rivalry with Pitt. And they're playing us. He isn't afraid to play the schools he doesn't like. Most coaches don't. I like that about him too.

12-02-2022, 10:30 AM
His greatest ever troll move was on UC, of course, by giving Xavier a 2 for 1 with K-State in downtown Cincinnati. The bonus was Xavier kicking the shit out of K State in both of the Cincinnati games (though he only stuck around long enough to coach in one of them).

D-West & PO-Z
12-02-2022, 10:37 AM
His greatest ever troll move was on UC, of course, by giving Xavier a 2 for 1 with K-State in downtown Cincinnati. The bonus was Xavier kicking the shit out of K State in both of the Cincinnati games (though he only stuck around long enough to coach in one of them).

Did he for sure coach in one of the K State/XU games? I was thinking he did in the Beasley game but then I remembered that was Frank Martin by then. I couldn't remember if he coached one. His overall record vs X is 8-10.

I think he was 8-8 at UC. Has the only time we played him at WVU been the '08 tourney? If so then he obviously lost at K-State, just couldn't remember.

12-02-2022, 10:38 AM
Yeah, he coached the first of that three game series.

12-02-2022, 10:38 AM
You’ll need to explain the troll for me there- I thought he did it thinking he’d get a fair share of UC/Huggins fans to go.

Brew is right though. He is simply playing into it. Having fun.

12-02-2022, 10:40 AM
You’ll need to explain the troll for me there- I thought he did it thinking he’d get a fair share of UC/Huggins fans to go.

Yeah, that's a troll on UC. Not UC fans but the institution himself.

12-02-2022, 10:58 AM
The only positive thing I can really say about him, is that at least he's not Mick Cronin. I didn't think I could dislike a UC coach more than Huggins...and then Mick came along.

D-West & PO-Z
12-02-2022, 10:59 AM
The only positive thing I can really say about him, is that at least he's not Mick Cronin. I didn't think I could dislike a UC coach more than Huggins...and then Mick came along.

Ha, this is so true!

American X
12-02-2022, 11:05 AM
We really need to hear from Sn, err, The Bob Huggins Political Machine this week.

A communique has been sent.

Fred Garvin considers Kenyon Martin breaking his leg in the opening game of the 2000 Conference USA Tournament one of the top five moments in Xavier history.

12-02-2022, 11:07 AM
I probably would feel more strongly in favor of the leg breaking had Xavier not beaten UC that year. Having them go 37-1 or whatever and win a national title would not have been great, but as long as we were the 1 I could have lived with it.

12-02-2022, 11:11 AM
I agree. The Duke-UNC rivalry is too friendly. Ours is better

I know you're probably being sarcastic, but I actually don't disagree with this on face value. Duke and UNC go out of their ways to publicly respect each other. When Huggins was at UC, the Crosstown Shootout was a million times more fun. The two teams didn't like each other and they felt no need to publicly pretend that they did. And.....what was so wrong with that??? All those "Little Brother" type comments never bothered me back in those days. Maybe if I had actually felt we were the little brother it would have, but we weren't, and it didn't. If anything, in a weird way, I kind of liked how more hot air was being pumped into it. The Shootout is still great, but for me it's never been as much fun as it was when Huggins was there. Then again, I haven't really lived in Cincinnati since then, so that's probably got a lot to do with it too.

12-02-2022, 01:32 PM
Let's take a look at some of the things that have happened since Mr. Huggins has arrived on campus.

1.) Recruits Dontonio Wingfield. Wingfield fails out of his hometown high school and Huggins moves him to Cincinnati to attend a local high school so that he is eligible to play for UC the next year. Wingfield beats up his grandmother, destroys part of her house and is arrested on assault charges. Huggins and UC reward Wingfield with a full scholarship. In his first season, Wingfield spends his holiday in jail as part of his punishment for beating up his grandmother. He is allowed to play on the team. When it is convenient for UC and Wingfield, he spends time in jail. Wingfield leaves UC early and is drafted in the second round to the NBA. He rides the pine, is eventually cut. He is then cut from his CBA team. Wingfield is currently in jail.

2.) Recruits Damon Flint after Ohio State is put on probation for their recruitment of Mr. Flint. Huggins and UC give Flint a full scholarship. While at UC, Flint beats up his girlfriend and steals her purse after an argument. He remains on the team. After four years of eligibility expire Flint moves on from UC, without a degree.

3.) Recruits Art Long. Long, a convicted drug dealer is awarded with a full scholarship by Huggins and UC. While at UC, Long is questioned by police outside of a local bar. Long subsequently punches the police officers horse. Long remains on the team. When Long's eligibility expires, he moves on, without a degree.

4.) Recruits Darnell Burton. Burton is given a scholarship. While Burton is at UC, he breaks the university's drug policy. Instead of being punished for breaking this policy, UC changes the drug policy to accommodate Burton and the team.Burton goes unpunished and remains on the team. Burton's eligibility expires, he moves on, without a degree.

5.) Recruits Ruben Patterson. Patterson is given a scholarship. While at UC, Patterson is caught driving a car and living in a condo that he did not pay for. Clear violations of NCAA rules. Patterson is allowed to continue playing for UC.

6.) Charles Williams is recruited by UC. Williams is given a scholarship. While at UC, it is discovered that Williams was not fully eligible after leaving JC. The NCAA finally steps in and puts UC on probation. Huggins is clearly to blame for the breaking of the NCAA rules but uses his assistant coach as a scapegoat. Nothing more happens to Huggins.

7.) Recruits Donald Little. Little is given a scholarship. While at UC, Little is pulled over in his car and is cited for DUI, driving without a license and possession of an illegal substance. He pleads the charges down and remains on the team. A few months later, Little beats up a woman bar tender at a local bar and Little is charged with assault. Little is kicked off the team. The charges are again pleaded down. Meanwhile, BJ Grove leaves the team for personal matters and UC has a real problem with a lack of big men for next year's team. Even though Little plead guilty to numerous charges, he is allowed back on the team.

8.) Recruits B.J. Grove. Grove is given a scholarship by UC. While at UC, Grove beats up his 9 month pregnant girlfriend, throws her into the bath tub and whips a beer bottle at her when she is down. Grove is arrested for assault but the charges are dropped when Grove's girlfriend refuses to testify. It would be hard for Grove to provide for his girlfriend and new baby if he was in jail. Grove is allowed to remain on team.

Anything new you ask? Well let's revisit Donald Little shall we. After being let back on the team, Little plays out the season. On April 1, 2002, Donald Little calls up his roommate and invites him over to a friends house. There, Little begins to beat his roommate along with others, throws weights on his head, stabs him and burns him before asking his friends to take his roommate to Columbus to kill him. He is arrested and after a few days pass, Little is once again removed from the team. While "off the team", Little is invited back for awards night where he takes home an award. Even though he is supposedly off the team, there he is right there with the team participating in a team event. Little is currently still facing the charges of assault and attempted murder. He will no doubt be brought back on the team if his charges are dropped, reduced or if he escapes prison.

Besides the charges that face Little, there is a question of how Little was able to obtain $2,500.00 in cash that was the source of the beat down Little gave to his roommate. Drug dealing has not been ruled out nor has the rumor that Huggins pays his players like Ruben Patterson.

That would be enough for 2002 but there is more. UC recruit and current student Erik Hicks was shot in the leg after he was involved in a drug deal or gang fight gone bad. Whichever it was cannot be determined because Hicks refused to identify the shooter, probably because Hicks shot him first. The matter is still unresolved.

This is all before the 2002-2003 season begins. God only knows what other problems and trouble will come starting in November. Which current Cat do you all think will be the first to be arrested this season?

How about Robert Whaley, who raped a 13 year old and is now facing new felony charges. Good pick-up!

12-02-2022, 01:59 PM
A communique has been sent.

I think the wrong guy answered.

12-02-2022, 02:03 PM
When Huggs was run out of town, he was Biff the bully from the first part of 'Back to the Future.' Now he's back as gray haired overweight Biff who has been outside waxing our cars and bringing in the mail.

12-02-2022, 02:33 PM
I think LH went to the Internet Wayback Machine from 2002 to poach someone else’s post.
But it is all true.

12-02-2022, 02:36 PM
I think the wrong guy answered.

LOL. Reps would be awarded if available!

12-02-2022, 02:47 PM
I think LH went to the Internet Wayback Machine from 2002 to poach someone else’s post.
But it is all true.

It’s copied from my original post on the old voy.com message board.


Muskie in dayton
12-02-2022, 02:51 PM
Just think, very few of the current XU students were born and out of diapers when Huggins was finally shown the door from UC. This thread should be mandatory reading for the entire student body.

X-band '01
12-02-2022, 05:07 PM
A communique has been sent.

Fred Garvin considers Kenyon Martin breaking his leg in the opening game of the 2000 Conference USA Tournament one of the top five moments in Xavier history.

I think the last time I've heard the Kenyon Crumble reference was when Xavier went to Memphis about a decade ago. Of course, there's now a Bass Pro Shops at the site of the old Pyramid.

12-02-2022, 05:42 PM
I like Bob Huggins. Always have. It's IMPOSSIBLE for me to not like/respect a guy that is THAT much themselves and doesn't care what others think about him AT ALL! To me, that is actually a very admirable trait.

The other thing that I kind of like that's not really a secret, but at the same time isn't known/realized by that many people either, was how close of friends he and Skip Prosser were and stayed until Skip passed away. I thought that was cool too. And for some reason the fact that so few realized it made it cooler.

And say what you want to about the guy, he is VERY intelligent and knows the game of basketball better than 99 percent of all the other D1 coaches. He's also hilarious.

And I LOVE how he said he has no good feelings about Xavier!! We need more of this in college basketball, not less!! We don't have enough games where there are no good feelings!!

Naw, that doesn't fly with me. None of it. Everyone was friends with Skip, the guy was one of the few people who didn't have an enemy. Guy has no class, and he may act like that he loves his players, but I know firsthand that's bull - he only loves the ones that can help him. I'm sure Jeff Wyler and the cheerleaders he messed around with when at UC also think it's cool that he doesn't care what others think if him.

It would be different if the whole "I don't care what others think" were kind a quirky and endearing, but he doesn't care that he's a drunken, fat philanderer. The more I think about it it's more pity than hate that I feel for the guy.

12-02-2022, 06:24 PM
[QUOTE=chico;744634]Naw, that doesn't fly with me. None of it. Everyone was friends with Skip, the guy was one of the few people who didn't have an enemy. Guy has no class, and he may act like that he loves his players, but I know firsthand that's bull - he only loves the ones that can help him. I'm sure Jeff Wyler and the cheerleaders he messed around with when at UC also think it's cool that he doesn't care what others think if him.

It would be different if the whole "I don't care what others think" were kind a quirky and endearing, but he doesn't care that he's a drunken, fat philanderer. The more I think about it it's more pity than hate that I feel for the guy.

This x 1000

12-02-2022, 06:46 PM
It’s copied from my original post on the old voy.com message board.


My apologies. It’s all awesome and true and props for saving it!!

Bottom line. The Coiffed One is a corners cutting, drunken womanizer who recruited scofflaws and not students. The list of literal crimes committed by his “players” and the lack of interest in academics is abhorring.
There is zero redeeming social value to Thuggs.

D-West & PO-Z
12-02-2022, 07:30 PM
Naw, that doesn't fly with me. None of it. Everyone was friends with Skip, the guy was one of the few people who didn't have an enemy. Guy has no class, and he may act like that he loves his players, but I know firsthand that's bull - he only loves the ones that can help him. I'm sure Jeff Wyler and the cheerleaders he messed around with when at UC also think it's cool that he doesn't care what others think if him.

It would be different if the whole "I don't care what others think" were kind a quirky and endearing, but he doesn't care that he's a drunken, fat philanderer. The more I think about it it's more pity than hate that I feel for the guy.


12-03-2022, 12:31 AM
My only regret for this game was that it wasn’t scheduled while JP Macura was here.

12-03-2022, 03:09 AM
Let's take a look at some of the things that have happened since Mr. Huggins has arrived on campus.

1.) Recruits Dontonio Wingfield. Wingfield fails out of his hometown high school and Huggins moves him to Cincinnati to attend a local high school so that he is eligible to play for UC the next year. Wingfield beats up his grandmother, destroys part of her house and is arrested on assault charges. Huggins and UC reward Wingfield with a full scholarship. In his first season, Wingfield spends his holiday in jail as part of his punishment for beating up his grandmother. He is allowed to play on the team. When it is convenient for UC and Wingfield, he spends time in jail. Wingfield leaves UC early and is drafted in the second round to the NBA. He rides the pine, is eventually cut. He is then cut from his CBA team. Wingfield is currently in jail.

2.) Recruits Damon Flint after Ohio State is put on probation for their recruitment of Mr. Flint. Huggins and UC give Flint a full scholarship. While at UC, Flint beats up his girlfriend and steals her purse after an argument. He remains on the team. After four years of eligibility expire Flint moves on from UC, without a degree.

3.) Recruits Art Long. Long, a convicted drug dealer is awarded with a full scholarship by Huggins and UC. While at UC, Long is questioned by police outside of a local bar. Long subsequently punches the police officers horse. Long remains on the team. When Long's eligibility expires, he moves on, without a degree.

4.) Recruits Darnell Burton. Burton is given a scholarship. While Burton is at UC, he breaks the university's drug policy. Instead of being punished for breaking this policy, UC changes the drug policy to accommodate Burton and the team.Burton goes unpunished and remains on the team. Burton's eligibility expires, he moves on, without a degree.

5.) Recruits Ruben Patterson. Patterson is given a scholarship. While at UC, Patterson is caught driving a car and living in a condo that he did not pay for. Clear violations of NCAA rules. Patterson is allowed to continue playing for UC.

6.) Charles Williams is recruited by UC. Williams is given a scholarship. While at UC, it is discovered that Williams was not fully eligible after leaving JC. The NCAA finally steps in and puts UC on probation. Huggins is clearly to blame for the breaking of the NCAA rules but uses his assistant coach as a scapegoat. Nothing more happens to Huggins.

7.) Recruits Donald Little. Little is given a scholarship. While at UC, Little is pulled over in his car and is cited for DUI, driving without a license and possession of an illegal substance. He pleads the charges down and remains on the team. A few months later, Little beats up a woman bar tender at a local bar and Little is charged with assault. Little is kicked off the team. The charges are again pleaded down. Meanwhile, BJ Grove leaves the team for personal matters and UC has a real problem with a lack of big men for next year's team. Even though Little plead guilty to numerous charges, he is allowed back on the team.

8.) Recruits B.J. Grove. Grove is given a scholarship by UC. While at UC, Grove beats up his 9 month pregnant girlfriend, throws her into the bath tub and whips a beer bottle at her when she is down. Grove is arrested for assault but the charges are dropped when Grove's girlfriend refuses to testify. It would be hard for Grove to provide for his girlfriend and new baby if he was in jail. Grove is allowed to remain on team.

Anything new you ask? Well let's revisit Donald Little shall we. After being let back on the team, Little plays out the season. On April 1, 2002, Donald Little calls up his roommate and invites him over to a friends house. There, Little begins to beat his roommate along with others, throws weights on his head, stabs him and burns him before asking his friends to take his roommate to Columbus to kill him. He is arrested and after a few days pass, Little is once again removed from the team. While "off the team", Little is invited back for awards night where he takes home an award. Even though he is supposedly off the team, there he is right there with the team participating in a team event. Little is currently still facing the charges of assault and attempted murder. He will no doubt be brought back on the team if his charges are dropped, reduced or if he escapes prison.

Besides the charges that face Little, there is a question of how Little was able to obtain $2,500.00 in cash that was the source of the beat down Little gave to his roommate. Drug dealing has not been ruled out nor has the rumor that Huggins pays his players like Ruben Patterson.

That would be enough for 2002 but there is more. UC recruit and current student Erik Hicks was shot in the leg after he was involved in a drug deal or gang fight gone bad. Whichever it was cannot be determined because Hicks refused to identify the shooter, probably because Hicks shot him first. The matter is still unresolved.

This is all before the 2002-2003 season begins. God only knows what other problems and trouble will come starting in November. Which current Cat do you all think will be the first to be arrested this season?

How about Robert Whaley, who raped a 13 year old and is now facing new felony charges. Good pick-up!

Yeah, but that happens everywhere. Right?

12-03-2022, 03:20 AM
My favorite Huggins move was when he arranged to have wingfield moved to Cincy so he could gain academic eligibility. He moved in with a “foster family” in a school district that just so happened to be exactly what Dumbtonio needed to become eligible.

For the longest time, I just assumed that this “foster family” was connected to Wingfield in some way and was a family friend kind of situation. But no. That was not the case. He had NEVER met them before he moved in. And he passes all of his classes after being placed in that situation by Huggins.

I wonder what Dumbtonio is doing now. I wonder if Huggy considered having him write a speech for his HOF induction. Or maybe just asked him to “say a few words”

12-03-2022, 08:06 AM
Naw, that doesn't fly with me. None of it. Everyone was friends with Skip, the guy was one of the few people who didn't have an enemy. Guy has no class, and he may act like that he loves his players, but I know firsthand that's bull - he only loves the ones that can help him. I'm sure Jeff Wyler and the cheerleaders he messed around with when at UC also think it's cool that he doesn't care what others think if him.

It would be different if the whole "I don't care what others think" were kind a quirky and endearing, but he doesn't care that he's a drunken, fat philanderer. The more I think about it it's more pity than hate that I feel for the guy.

Exactly. Not to mention completely unethical. I'm not sure what could possibly be even remotely redeeming about that. It's not quirky and endearing because he's an arrogant prick that believes the rules don't apply to him.

12-03-2022, 08:24 AM
(edit wrong post) but f huggy

X-band '01
12-03-2022, 08:31 AM
My only regret for this game was that it wasn’t scheduled while JP Macura was here.

He's waiting for Mick Cronin to make his triumphant return to Cintas. Or Wisconsin.

12-03-2022, 09:42 AM
It looks like the internet finally made it to West Virginia.I would like to see a Bob Huggins versus Greg McDermott drinking contest.i will always root for McDermott in any competition w. Huggins. Bob never bought me a drink. Greg did after a BET game even though I was proudly wearing my Xavier colors. Good dude. Huggins not so much.

12-03-2022, 11:57 AM
Bob Huggins has no Integrity

12-03-2022, 12:12 PM
Huggins is a degenerate who happened to be a good basketball coach.

12-03-2022, 12:32 PM
Naw, that doesn't fly with me. None of it. Everyone was friends with Skip, the guy was one of the few people who didn't have an enemy. Guy has no class, and he may act like that he loves his players, but I know firsthand that's bull - he only loves the ones that can help him. I'm sure Jeff Wyler and the cheerleaders he messed around with when at UC also think it's cool that he doesn't care what others think if him.

It would be different if the whole "I don't care what others think" were kind a quirky and endearing, but he doesn't care that he's a drunken, fat philanderer. The more I think about it it's more pity than hate that I feel for the guy.

Not disagreeing with your overall point. I'll phrase it a little differently...

I like that you and everyone else hates Huggins. But in a weird way (that I admit is perhaps weird) I like that HE likes that people hate him, and if anything actually eggs it on. It's basketball. If it were business, or politics, or really pretty much any other arena I wouldn't have a stomach for it. But if it's basketball?? I actually like it and actually wish there was more of it. It seemed like there was more of it in the past (not just with X, but across the nation) than there is today, and I remember it seeming to be a lot more fun. I can't remember the last time that I personally enjoyed the build up to a game as much as I've enjoyed the build up to this.

12-03-2022, 01:12 PM
I don't hate him really. And I'm not sure he really "likes" the fact that so many do. I just think he's arrogant enough to just not give a shit. If it gives him any sort of advantage, he'll take it. Whatever it takes to win. Rules, ethics and personal integrity be damned.

12-03-2022, 01:42 PM
The right guy picked up the phone.

12-03-2022, 02:32 PM
I like Bob Huggins. Always have. It's IMPOSSIBLE for me to not like/respect a guy that is THAT much themselves and doesn't care what others think about him AT ALL! To me, that is actually a very admirable trait.

The other thing that I kind of like that's not really a secret, but at the same time isn't known/realized by that many people either, was how close of friends he and Skip Prosser were and stayed until Skip passed away. I thought that was cool too. And for some reason the fact that so few realized it made it cooler.

And say what you want to about the guy, he is VERY intelligent and knows the game of basketball better than 99 percent of all the other D1 coaches. He's also hilarious.

And I LOVE how he said he has no good feelings about Xavier!! We need more of this in college basketball, not less!! We don't have enough games where there are no good feelings!!

Me too. Used to hate him but have mellowed. The key is how his former players feel about him. Loyalty like that is commendable.

Huggins was Ohio high school POY (in Ohio Div II, back when there were only two high school divisions) playing for Indian Valley South's legendary coach, his Dad. He does really know the game and how to coach.

And, yeah, tonight I think he will be telling his players to feed off the crowd's animosity toward him. Will have to see if that works but I don't expect this Mountaineer team to be easily intimidated.

12-03-2022, 04:34 PM
Bob Huggins has no Integrity

Uh, huh!!!
Fly the Banner!!

12-03-2022, 04:42 PM
My favorite Huggins move was when he arranged to have wingfield moved to Cincy so he could gain academic eligibility. He moved in with a “foster family” in a school district that just so happened to be exactly what Dumbtonio needed to become eligible.

For the longest time, I just assumed that this “foster family” was connected to Wingfield in some way and was a family friend kind of situation. But no. That was not the case. He had NEVER met them before he moved in. And he passes all of his classes after being placed in that situation by Huggins.

I wonder what Dumbtonio is doing now. I wonder if Huggy considered having him write a speech for his HOF induction. Or maybe just asked him to “say a few words”

Per Wikipedia: WOW:
“ The Blazersedge "Dontonio Wingcast" podcast is named after Wingfield.[4] During college and afterwards, Wingfield encountered various personal and legal troubles, including being convicted for assaulting two suburban Cincinnati police officers. He later sustained severe injuries in an automobile accident.[5] Heading to Washington for a workout with the Wizards the very next day, Wingfield was driving on a wet road near Albany in November 1998 when he skidded to avoid a deer. He broke both ankles and five bones in his back due to the car being flipped and tumbled. Wingfield spent three months in the hospital[2] and then a year to progress from cane to walker, limping under his own power again.[1]

Wingfield has a prosthesis on his left leg, which was amputated below the knee in 2010 due to complications of diabetes. He wrote a book called “Chasing Success, Finding Purpose," which is available on Amazon.[2]

After recovering from the auto accident, Wingfield got his culinary arts degree from Cincinnati and returned to Albany, where he began working with youth organizations, such as coaching an AAU basketball team, the Albany Hawks. Most recently, Wingfield has been active in an organization called Save Our Sons (SOS). That program focuses on providing alternatives to gangs and crime for young Albany males.[6]

Wingfield has nine children and says he's a part of all of their lives. The two eldest, Ashley and Bre, grew up in Albany. Three were raised in Cincinnati – DJ was a three-time All-Ohio high school basketball player played basketball at Ohio University.,[7] Donovan Wingfield who studied music and was a volleyball player at Tuskegee University; and Autumn ‘’Butterfly’’ Mason whom Wingfield didn't meet until 2009, when she was thirteen. Another daughter London grew up in Texas and California and Wingfield met her when she was seven. Wingfield began coaching son Dequan at age 9 in 2004. In 2008, daughter Jay began playing. Wingfield coached their AAU teams, and that brought him to Henderson Gym, where he began his youth program. Wingfield's youngest child, Donjuwan, a student at Douglass High in Atlanta, has stayed with Wingfield in the summers since age 7 and has participated in Wingfield's camps.”

American X
12-03-2022, 04:46 PM
Bob Huggins has no Integrity

Tonight We Ride!!! Fear not as we march against Hell for a Heavenly cause with Snipe at our side!

12-03-2022, 05:16 PM
Per Wikipedia: WOW:
“ The Blazersedge "Dontonio Wingcast" podcast is named after Wingfield.[4] During college and afterwards, Wingfield encountered various personal and legal troubles, including being convicted for assaulting two suburban Cincinnati police officers. He later sustained severe injuries in an automobile accident.[5] Heading to Washington for a workout with the Wizards the very next day, Wingfield was driving on a wet road near Albany in November 1998 when he skidded to avoid a deer. He broke both ankles and five bones in his back due to the car being flipped and tumbled. Wingfield spent three months in the hospital[2] and then a year to progress from cane to walker, limping under his own power again.[1]

Wingfield has a prosthesis on his left leg, which was amputated below the knee in 2010 due to complications of diabetes. He wrote a book called “Chasing Success, Finding Purpose," which is available on Amazon.[2]

After recovering from the auto accident, Wingfield got his culinary arts degree from Cincinnati and returned to Albany, where he began working with youth organizations, such as coaching an AAU basketball team, the Albany Hawks. Most recently, Wingfield has been active in an organization called Save Our Sons (SOS). That program focuses on providing alternatives to gangs and crime for young Albany males.[6]

Wingfield has nine children and says he's a part of all of their lives. The two eldest, Ashley and Bre, grew up in Albany. Three were raised in Cincinnati – DJ was a three-time All-Ohio high school basketball player played basketball at Ohio University.,[7] Donovan Wingfield who studied music and was a volleyball player at Tuskegee University; and Autumn ‘’Butterfly’’ Mason whom Wingfield didn't meet until 2009, when she was thirteen. Another daughter London grew up in Texas and California and Wingfield met her when she was seven. Wingfield began coaching son Dequan at age 9 in 2004. In 2008, daughter Jay began playing. Wingfield coached their AAU teams, and that brought him to Henderson Gym, where he began his youth program. Wingfield's youngest child, Donjuwan, a student at Douglass High in Atlanta, has stayed with Wingfield in the summers since age 7 and has participated in Wingfield's camps.”

Well, I now have a pretty good idea what he has been up to. He should invite Nick Cannon to his podcast and play a game to see who knows their kids birthdays

12-03-2022, 05:57 PM
It won’t happen, but I’d like there to be dead silence when he’s introduced. He’s expecting a chorus off boos, so silence would catch him and the players completely off guard.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-03-2022, 09:01 PM
It's 9pm 12/3/22 and Xavier still owns Bob Huggins.

12-03-2022, 09:10 PM
It's 9pm 12/3/22 and Xavier still owns Bob Huggins.

Public reps

12-03-2022, 09:42 PM
The boos were like old times - had a mini Crosstown feel tonight.

D-West & PO-Z
12-03-2022, 10:05 PM
Huggins skipped the handshake line with the players after shaking Millers hand.

Fuck him! Now we know where Mick learned it!

8-11. Suck it Bob!

Three Point Pete
12-03-2022, 10:26 PM
BeelzeBob is one of my least favorite humans. I don't care that his players seem to love him, and I don't care that he's won a bunch of games. He coaches the ugliest style of basketball I've seen, and he really doesn't have any real redeeming qualities.

But he never stole a freight train.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

12-03-2022, 10:57 PM
Huggins still has no good memories of Cintas

12-04-2022, 10:58 AM
It's 9pm 12/3/22 and Xavier still owns Bob Huggins.

The boos were like old times - had a mini Crosstown feel tonight.

Huggins skipped the handshake line with the players after shaking Millers hand.

Fuck him! Now we know where Mick learned it!

8-11. Suck it Bob!

That game was FREAKIN’ AWESOME!!

It felt like that in the past there were far more games with this type of atmosphere than there are now. Not just with X, but with everyone! Now one (or both) teams will just find/invent a reason not to play. Which is sad, because that game was GREAT!! And at the end of the day, it’s just basketball. It’s not really THAT important. Politicians really shouldn’t act the way that most of them do, but basketball fans, players, and coaches?? That’s all good!! I wish we had a lot less of that in politics, but a lot more of that in basketball. So all this “classless” stuff is really just banter and is pretty much just harmless, and if anything a basketball game is an appropriate place for it and it’s all actually kind of fun. It’s just basketball. It’s a diversion from the things that actually do matter.

Can we make this a regular series??

12-04-2022, 11:04 AM
That game was FREAKIN’ AWESOME!!

Can we make this a regular series??

If you can get UC to hire Huggy back.

12-04-2022, 11:36 AM
Same old Thuggy. here's a link to his post-game last night...http://https://247sports.com/college/west-virginia/board/103746/Contents/huggins-xavier-post-game-199504603/?page=1

12-04-2022, 12:12 PM
That link doesn't work. Then again, neither did his game plan.

X-band '01
12-04-2022, 12:16 PM
Same old Thuggy. here's a link to his post-game last night...Fixing this broken quote (https://247sports.com/college/west-virginia/board/103746/Contents/huggins-xavier-post-game-199504603/?page=1")

That's better

12-04-2022, 12:18 PM
Here, try this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rv9_ZCcp9I

12-04-2022, 12:29 PM
Here, try this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rv9_ZCcp9I

Thanks, guys. At least my intentions were good.

12-04-2022, 12:30 PM
Here, try this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rv9_ZCcp9I

Posted this in other thread too:

I just watched it - I love how our fanbase irks him so much lol. The fact that he wouldn't comment on it says everything. Rent free in his head.

Also, I don't know that his comments were really all that justified. He's got a good team, and then says he needs better players. You see where Mick learned the thrown the players under the bus move. Also enjoyed the "gotta make shots" reference - his go to line at UC was "gotta make shots Chuck" - with Mashok post-game.

Also found it odd that on the ball defense stuck in his crawl. I forgot who it was, but their guard was a pest on the ball. He reminded me of Baylor's elite defender a couple years ago. It made Boum's performance even that much more impressive because that dude can guard.

I didn't think it was necessarily a game that they gave away. It was one that we finally said, "enough is enough" and won it.

12-04-2022, 02:32 PM
Posted this in other thread too:

I just watched it - I love how our fanbase irks him so much lol. The fact that he wouldn't comment on it says everything. Rent free in his head.

Also, I don't know that his comments were really all that justified. He's got a good team, and then says he needs better players. You see where Mick learned the thrown the players under the bus move. Also enjoyed the "gotta make shots" reference - his go to line at UC was "gotta make shots Chuck" - with Mashok post-game.

Also found it odd that on the ball defense stuck in his crawl. I forgot who it was, but their guard was a pest on the ball. He reminded me of Baylor's elite defender a couple years ago. It made Boum's performance even that much more impressive because that dude can guard.

I didn't think it was necessarily a game that they gave away. It was one that we finally said, "enough is enough" and won it.

Agree 100% with this post. Hugs loves to put his players down.

XU 23
12-07-2022, 11:53 AM
I know you're probably being sarcastic, but I actually don't disagree with this on face value. Duke and UNC go out of their ways to publicly respect each other. When Huggins was at UC, the Crosstown Shootout was a million times more fun. The two teams didn't like each other and they felt no need to publicly pretend that they did. And.....what was so wrong with that??? All those "Little Brother" type comments never bothered me back in those days. Maybe if I had actually felt we were the little brother it would have, but we weren't, and it didn't. If anything, in a weird way, I kind of liked how more hot air was being pumped into it. The Shootout is still great, but for me it's never been as much fun as it was when Huggins was there. Then again, I haven't really lived in Cincinnati since then, so that's probably got a lot to do with it too.

No, I agree with this 100%. The hatred between Duke-UNC is nothing compared to X-UC. I went to middle school/HS with lots of UC people... when Xavier would lose, it really sucked.

Strange Brew
12-07-2022, 12:21 PM
No, I agree with this 100%. The hatred between Duke-UNC is nothing compared to X-UC. I went to middle school/HS with lots of UC people... when Xavier would lose, it really sucked.

Agree, I have worked with both Duke and UNC grads. They speak nicely of the other school and view the game in the way the picnickers viewed the first battle of Bull Run.

The Shootout is more feels more like Sherman’s march to the sea. Scorched Earth and generational hatred.

12-07-2022, 12:39 PM
Agree, I have worked with both Duke and UNC grads. They speak nicely of the other school and view the game in the way the picnickers viewed the first battle of Bull Run.

The Shootout is more feels more like Sherman’s march to the sea. Scorched Earth and generational hatred.

I've said for a while that not all rivalries are feuds, and not all feuds are rivalries.

UNC v Duke is definitely a rivalry, but it's a rivalry that they both seem to enjoy together. That does not qualify as an actual feud.

West Virginia v Marshall?? Not a rivalry, but HOLY SHIT if you want to talk about a feud then it's definitely that!!

The best ones are the ones that are both. Kansas v Missouri, BYU v Utah, WVU v Pitt, Texas v TAMU, Iowa v Iowa State, etc. The Shootout is definitely on the list, but I don't think it burns quite as hot as it did when Huggs was there.

Getting back to the original post, and a point that I tried to make earlier but perhaps didn't....I think feuds are great!! I think we used to have more of them. I hate it whenever one goes away because a lot of them have. I'm glad that some are finally starting to come back, but even when they do it's not the same anymore. I wish more schools would run toward the feud rather than run away from it. I think Huggins does. Say what you will about it, but if he absolutely hates you, he'll still play you. As a fan of the overall sport, I kinda like that about him.

12-07-2022, 12:58 PM
I thought Cronin did a good job of keeping the hate going.

12-07-2022, 01:08 PM
I thought Cronin did a good job of keeping the hate going.

Agreed. I now hate UCLA just because he is there.

12-07-2022, 01:22 PM
I thought Cronin did a good job of keeping the hate going.

Yeah, he definitely did. The feud was alive and well. The problem was most of the games were terrible. I think 11 of the last 12 have been either poorly played, or unexciting, or both. What went from routinely being a classic is now almost never worth watching to the casual viewer.

The game against West Virginia over the weekend felt more like the Shootout from the mid90s to the mid200s than most shootouts have for the past ten years.

XU 87
12-07-2022, 01:42 PM
It’s copied from my original post on the old voy.com message board.


I just want to know how LH got all those green dots.

12-08-2022, 12:47 PM
Right back at ya, you fat fucking adulterous, alcoholic, slob!

I spit out my drink when I saw the title of this article "Bob Huggins’ Wife June Huggins – Secret Behind Their Blissful Marital Life (https://ecelebritymirror.com/entertainment/bob-huggins-wife-june-huggins/)"

12-09-2022, 06:19 AM
I spit out my drink when I saw the title of this article "Bob Huggins’ Wife June Huggins – Secret Behind Their Blissful Marital Life (https://ecelebritymirror.com/entertainment/bob-huggins-wife-june-huggins/)"

It's not surprising that there is no author listed for that "wonderful" puff piece. It reads like a bad high school essay.