View Full Version : Portland Tournament

10-27-2022, 01:53 AM
anyone headed to the Portland Tournament over Thanksgiving?

I'll be there. Short drive from Seattle.

Wondering about hotels? Is there a preferred place or a place where the team will be?

Also, looking to meet anyone that might be going.

10-27-2022, 08:27 AM
We have a group of 6 going. We opted for an AirBnB a couple miles south of the stadiums.

10-27-2022, 09:45 AM
I'll also be coming down from Seattle.

10-27-2022, 12:42 PM
Look out for Antifa!!!

10-27-2022, 01:35 PM
Look out for Antifa!!!

If you can manage to dodge Antifa, there are a lot of great breweries in downtown Portland. Deschutes is the obvious choice (and it is good), but I'll put in a plug for 10 Barrel Brewing.

10-28-2022, 08:50 AM
There are also many good donut shops in Portland... if youre into good fried dough

10-28-2022, 12:18 PM
There are also many good donut shops in Portland... if youre into good fried dough

And if you're into bourbon, you must visit the Multnomah Whiskey Library where you'll have access to the best selection of bourbons that you've ever seen.