View Full Version : March Gladness

03-15-2022, 09:42 AM
I know may are upset about basketball, and have threatened to withhold your support to the program. That's your prerogative. However, there are many programs at Xavier that exist solely or in large part due to support from people like you and me. I encourage you to take a look and if you're able, donate.

March Gladness (https://marchgladness.xavier.edu/pages/march-gladness-2022)

03-15-2022, 05:55 PM
I know may are upset about basketball, and have threatened to withhold your support to the program. That's your prerogative. However, there are many programs at Xavier that exist solely or in large part due to support from people like you and me. I encourage you to take a look and if you're able, donate.

March Gladness (https://marchgladness.xavier.edu/pages/march-gladness-2022)

I gave to the student special needs. Honestly I sent 2 girls to Xavier who are thriving (one married, one engaged, both home owners at 27 and 24 when most of my friends kids seem to have a hard time getting off the ground. I even watch Mass from Bellermine on Sunday and are moving to Kenwood this summer from Conn(i am retired and substitute teach..i should be able to pick up 2/3 days a week there as i have paperwork) to help our kids. I love hoops, played until age 65, could give a summary of every game this year and i was ticked..wife thought i was over the top on certain plays. It was a terrible ending and i am a Uconn grad with many PC , Villanova and even Seton Hall hoop "friends" and i am ashamed. However X has been so great to us I would never do anything to hurt it although i realize the damage to the brand that could happen if this continues. Lets hope and pray that a rebound occurs.

03-15-2022, 06:20 PM
I DID give money to the Golf Program today. I believe in Coach Arlinghaus.
That's it, other than playing in the AFO Golf Outing. My dollars are frozen.

03-15-2022, 07:36 PM
I’m either cheap, or petty, or both.

X-band '01
03-15-2022, 07:51 PM
I DID give money to the Golf Program today. I believe in Coach Arlinghaus.
That's it, other than playing in the AFO Golf Outing. My dollars are frozen.

I will eventually be getting a season ticket for the baseball program this year. They have a decent shot at a Big East title, although overcoming UConn will be a bit of a chore.

03-15-2022, 08:17 PM
I will eventually be getting a season ticket for the baseball program this year. They have a decent shot at a Big East title, although overcoming UConn will be a bit of a chore.

Good for you! Glad to hear it’s a good program. Not being local, basketball is all I can really follow, and it’s a mess. It’s the reason most people have heard of the school, and the reason I would come back once a year.

I’ll be totally honest, I don’t give a lot, but it’s more than they will get if they don’t get the hoops fixed. Fix that, and I’ll give more. I took competency for granted for years.

03-16-2022, 01:16 PM
The March Gladness campaign has been a great success. It's a new way of giving and directing funds to the specific spots that matter to the individuals. I had a conversation last week in NYC with someone from the University, and they're looking forward to expanding this type of giving.

03-16-2022, 03:44 PM
I've got some checks to write...