View Full Version : BE assistants form Social Injustice Coalition

06-25-2020, 08:45 AM

That was inevitable.....Any guesses on who represents X?

06-25-2020, 08:54 AM

That was inevitable.....Any guesses on who represents X?

Maybe Jonas? I am all for the standing up for supporting racial issues and making sure everyone is treated equally, but not sure it has to integrate the black lives matter initiative. I mean the Big East is made up of all private colleges and in the Black Lives matter initiative, they want to dismantle all private education.

06-25-2020, 09:01 AM
Can't imagine this kind of stupidity helps the BLM movement but this is what Marxists do:


06-25-2020, 09:43 AM
Can't imagine this kind of stupidity helps the BLM movement but this is what Marxists do:


I don't think many people are interested in Talcom X's opinion on really anything, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

X Factor
06-25-2020, 10:11 AM
We should all strive for racial equality, but why support one group? There have been many organizations fighting for racial equality over the years.

The president of the New York BLM went on Fox News and said, "I said," Newsome told the host, "if this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking ... figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It's a matter of interpretation.

At the conclusion of the interview, Newsome told MacCallum, "I just want black liberation and black sovereignty, by any means necessary."


They (BLM supporters) just tore down a statue in front of the Wisconsin State Capitol of Hans Christian Heg, an abolitionist and anti-slavery activist!


06-25-2020, 10:29 AM
I hear you. I'm pro-black lives matter. I'm anti-Black Lives Matter.

I'm definitely anti-racism. But I'm strongly anti-Anti-Racism.

I'm against facism. I'm also against Antifa.

Hope this group does good and not harm.

06-25-2020, 12:02 PM
I hear you. I'm pro-black lives matter. I'm anti-Black Lives Matter.

I'm definitely anti-racism. But I'm strongly anti-Anti-Racism.

I'm against facism. I'm also against Antifa.

Hope this group does good and not harm.

^^^ What he said. ^^^

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-25-2020, 12:06 PM

That was inevitable.....Any guesses on who represents X?

So what exactly will this coalition do that isn’t already being done?

Lamont Sanford
06-25-2020, 12:31 PM
I hear you. I'm pro-black lives matter. I'm anti-Black Lives Matter.

I'm definitely anti-racism. But I'm strongly anti-Anti-Racism.

I'm against facism. I'm also against Antifa.

Hope this group does good and not harm.

Thanks for clarifying Go!


Mrs. Garrett
06-25-2020, 03:05 PM
So what exactly will this coalition do that isn’t already being done?

Probably making sure that opposing coaches can't use when recruiting against us. I can see it now, "Did you hear such and such doesn't support BLM?"

X Factor
06-25-2020, 09:30 PM
Tonight, BLM activists are holding a "F*ck the Police" march in Washington. The march started at 7PM, but at 6 there was a "White accomplices orientation", whatever the hell that means.

Does the BE really want to be aligned with this organization to the point of making every player in the conference wear a BLM patch on their uniform?


06-25-2020, 10:11 PM
Tonight, BLM activists are holding a "F*ck the Police" march in Washington. The march started at 7PM, but at 6 there was a "White accomplices orientation", whatever the hell that means.

Does the BE really want to be aligned with this organization to the point of making every player in the conference wear a BLM patch on their uniform?


I wonder if Black Lives Matter will march in numerous cities such as Chicago where several black citizens are killed daily due to gang violence. Don’t these black lives matter or only when police are involved? How about justice for young children innocently killed in the crossfire. Why isn’t there outrage with this as well? I understand police reform is needed but why support a group like black lives matter when they themselves don’t support all black lives.

06-26-2020, 06:42 AM
Can't imagine this kind of stupidity helps the BLM movement but this is what Marxists do:


Whats the difference between BLM and a white man owning a semi automatic gun and saying he does so because he doesnt tust the government and that hes ready to form a militia. NONE! So Murray what ALL this has to do with is that you AND this thread have a problem with "others" that aren't like "you" and for them to have rights! WOW! Now whose the one that sounds like a Marxist!! This whole thread should be deleted!!!

06-26-2020, 07:30 AM
I think your analogy is pretty spot on basket. Do you think the Big East is going to put white militia patches on everyone's uniforms? Probably not, since most people think those guys are assholes.

American X
06-26-2020, 10:48 AM
Whats the difference between BLM and a white man owning a semi automatic gun and saying he does so because he doesnt tust the government and that hes ready to form a militia. NONE! So Murray what ALL this has to do with is that you AND this thread have a problem with "others" that aren't like "you" and for them to have rights! WOW! Now whose the one that sounds like a Marxist!! This whole thread should be deleted!!!

There are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing.

06-26-2020, 11:42 AM
Whats the difference between BLM and a white man owning a semi automatic gun and saying he does so because he doesnt tust the government and that hes ready to form a militia. NONE! So Murray what ALL this has to do with is that you AND this thread have a problem with "others" that aren't like "you" and for them to have rights! WOW! Now whose the one that sounds like a Marxist!! This whole thread should be deleted!!!

Yeah those whites guys are idiots. And I don’t think anything in this thread has a problem with anyone being different. I think everyone agrees everyone should fight for equality. The issue is supporting one organization that a lot of people, black or white may have some issue with. I mean the Big East private institutions probably don’t align or agree with a lot of what is in the BLM manifesto, unless the BE universities are OK with getting rid of private education and the nuclear family.

XU 87
06-26-2020, 12:10 PM
Whats the difference between BLM and a white man owning a semi automatic gun and saying he does so because he doesnt tust the government and that hes ready to form a militia. NONE! So Murray what ALL this has to do with is that you AND this thread have a problem with "others" that aren't like "you" and for them to have rights! WOW! Now whose the one that sounds like a Marxist!! This whole thread should be deleted!!!

Ah, you have now reverted to the standard liberal argument of “You don’t agree with me. Therefore, you’re a racist.”


Mrs. Garrett
06-26-2020, 02:19 PM
Ah, you have now reverted to the standard liberal argument of “You don’t agree with me. Therefore, you’re a racist.”


As opposed to the I'm not a racist, but I'll vote for the party that's complacent rhetoric we see here so often.

06-26-2020, 05:53 PM
As opposed to the I'm not a racist, but I'll vote for the party that's complacent rhetoric we see here so often.

Complacent rhetoric otherwise known as the great ideology of the local and community leaders of the democratic party in the great cities of Baltimore, minneapolis, chicago etc.

06-27-2020, 07:31 AM
Ah, you have now reverted to the standard liberal argument of “You don’t agree with me. Therefore, you’re a racist.”


OVER 90% of college basketball teams are made up of African Americans. Over 90% of the people who come on here are white, over 90% of the fans in the stands at ALL college basketball games are white! Hmmm theres a issue here. Its real easy to sit in your Ivory Tower and chastise when you and others REFUSE to open your mind and ears to how others HAVE to live THEIR lives!! YOU hear about a group of people that have "issues" with you and I, white people that it is and you get upset about it as you and your kind think that THEY are a threat to your lifestyle. And since you and I and others like us in our schools, neighborhoods, churches workplace and of course our families all WE hear is OUR side of the stroy! NEVER do I repeat NEVER do we hear, listen or take the time to listen how "the other guy" whoever that "other guy" is has to live their life. Jesus has asked ALL of us to treat people with respect! I'd love if ALL of us, even you gun toten' 2nd admendment supporters, to show RESPECT half the time!!

06-27-2020, 08:11 AM
OVER 90% of college basketball teams are made up of African Americans. Over 90% of the people who come on here are white, over 90% of the fans in the stands at ALL college basketball games are white! Hmmm theres a issue here. Its real easy to sit in your Ivory Tower and chastise when you and others REFUSE to open your mind and ears to how others HAVE to live THEIR lives!! YOU hear about a group of people that have "issues" with you and I, white people that it is and you get upset about it as you and your kind think that THEY are a threat to your lifestyle. And since you and I and others like us in our schools, neighborhoods, churches workplace and of course our families all WE hear is OUR side of the stroy! NEVER do I repeat NEVER do we hear, listen or take the time to listen how "the other guy" whoever that "other guy" is has to live their life. Jesus has asked ALL of us to treat people with respect! I'd love if ALL of us, even you gun toten' 2nd admendment supporters, to show RESPECT half the time!!

I am confused by this. Who isn’t showing respect? I still can’t find anyone who has a problem with treating everyone the right way equally. That’s the problem with this country. I think most sane people want everyone to be treated equally, with the same opportunities, but no one should get special treatment and no one should be allowed to break the law without consequence. It seems that if you support all races having equality but don’t agree with or support the BLM movement, you are racist, and that’s a problem.

06-27-2020, 11:01 AM
OVER 90% of college basketball teams are made up of African Americans. Over 90% of the people who come on here are white, over 90% of the fans in the stands at ALL college basketball games are white! Hmmm theres a issue here. Its real easy to sit in your Ivory Tower and chastise when you and others REFUSE to open your mind and ears to how others HAVE to live THEIR lives!! YOU hear about a group of people that have "issues" with you and I, white people that it is and you get upset about it as you and your kind think that THEY are a threat to your lifestyle. And since you and I and others like us in our schools, neighborhoods, churches workplace and of course our families all WE hear is OUR side of the stroy! NEVER do I repeat NEVER do we hear, listen or take the time to listen how "the other guy" whoever that "other guy" is has to live their life. Jesus has asked ALL of us to treat people with respect! I'd love if ALL of us, even you gun toten' 2nd admendment supporters, to show RESPECT half the time!!

At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

06-27-2020, 11:50 AM
OVER 90% of college basketball teams are made up of African Americans. Over 90% of the people who come on here are white, over 90% of the fans in the stands at ALL college basketball games are white! Hmmm theres a issue here. Its real easy to sit in your Ivory Tower and chastise when you and others REFUSE to open your mind and ears to how others HAVE to live THEIR lives!! YOU hear about a group of people that have "issues" with you and I, white people that it is and you get upset about it as you and your kind think that THEY are a threat to your lifestyle. And since you and I and others like us in our schools, neighborhoods, churches workplace and of course our families all WE hear is OUR side of the stroy! NEVER do I repeat NEVER do we hear, listen or take the time to listen how "the other guy" whoever that "other guy" is has to live their life. Jesus has asked ALL of us to treat people with respect! I'd love if ALL of us, even you gun toten' 2nd admendment supporters, to show RESPECT half the time!!

Arghhh the guns !!!

06-27-2020, 03:43 PM
I am confused by this. Who isn’t showing respect? I still can’t find anyone who has a problem with treating everyone the right way equally. That’s the problem with this country. I think most sane people want everyone to be treated equally, with the same opportunities, but no one should get special treatment and no one should be allowed to break the law without consequence. It seems that if you support all races having equality but don’t agree with or support the BLM movement, you are racist, and that’s a problem.

You are SO ignorant. YOU are showing the disrespect!! Anyone, who critize a group of people form taking advange of their 1st Amendment right is a racist!! Anyone who knowing and intentionally refuses to acknowledge that African American and for trhat matter and group of people are treated like second class citizens is a racist! You are not only clueless but dilussional!! PLEASE take your "kind" and go back to the 50's where in your mind evryone had their place!!

X Factor
06-27-2020, 04:19 PM
You are SO ignorant. YOU are showing the disrespect!! Anyone, who critize a group of people form taking advange of their 1st Amendment right is a racist!! Anyone who knowing and intentionally refuses to acknowledge that African American and for trhat matter and group of people are treated like second class citizens is a racist! You are not only clueless but dilussional!! PLEASE take your "kind" and go back to the 50's where in your mind evryone had their place!!

You do know there a lot Black people that don't support BLM? I know the media doesn't want anyone to know that.
I don't respect anyone that destroys private property, wants to abolish law enforcement, thinks all prisoners should released unconditionally, and thinks the traditional nuclear family should be dismantled. I don't give a damn what color they are.

I think all people should be treated equally and receive equal justice ...I'll stand side by side with anyone on that. I don't support BLM organization.

06-27-2020, 05:34 PM
Worth a read if you're able:


06-27-2020, 07:54 PM
You are SO ignorant. YOU are showing the disrespect!! Anyone, who critize a group of people form taking advange of their 1st Amendment right is a racist!! Anyone who knowing and intentionally refuses to acknowledge that African American and for trhat matter and group of people are treated like second class citizens is a racist! You are not only clueless but dilussional!! PLEASE take your "kind" and go back to the 50's where in your mind evryone had their place!!

You are a bigger douche than Chris Mack.

06-27-2020, 09:11 PM
You are SO ignorant. YOU are showing the disrespect!! Anyone, who critize a group of people form taking advange of their 1st Amendment right is a racist!! Anyone who knowing and intentionally refuses to acknowledge that African American and for trhat matter and group of people are treated like second class citizens is a racist! You are not only clueless but dilussional!! PLEASE take your "kind" and go back to the 50's where in your mind evryone had their place!!


06-27-2020, 09:14 PM
OVER 90% of college basketball teams are made up of African Americans. Over 90% of the people who come on here are white, over 90% of the fans in the stands at ALL college basketball games are white! Hmmm theres a issue here. Its real easy to sit in your Ivory Tower and chastise when you and others REFUSE to open your mind and ears to how others HAVE to live THEIR lives!! YOU hear about a group of people that have "issues" with you and I, white people that it is and you get upset about it as you and your kind think that THEY are a threat to your lifestyle. And since you and I and others like us in our schools, neighborhoods, churches workplace and of course our families all WE hear is OUR side of the stroy! NEVER do I repeat NEVER do we hear, listen or take the time to listen how "the other guy" whoever that "other guy" is has to live their life. Jesus has asked ALL of us to treat people with respect! I'd love if ALL of us, even you gun toten' 2nd admendment supporters, to show RESPECT half the time!!

I’m sorry, have we met? Who the hell are you to judge me? You don’t know my life experience or attitude. You lost all credibility with this little rant. I’m not sure if you are trolling, but this is nonsense. I could go into a long rant of my own on this, but I don’t see it as worth my time unless you can do better. You are wrong.

Everyone matters. We all should matter and be treated equally, and we have some work to do there, still. Don’t try to tell me, or anyone else, where our minds or life experiences are on this topic.


Muskie in dayton
06-27-2020, 10:47 PM
You are SO ignorant. YOU are showing the disrespect!! Anyone, who critize a group of people form taking advange of their 1st Amendment right is a racist!! Anyone who knowing and intentionally refuses to acknowledge that African American and for trhat matter and group of people are treated like second class citizens is a racist! You are not only clueless but dilussional!! PLEASE take your "kind" and go back to the 50's where in your mind evryone had their place!!
Here’s a little history lesson (https://www.thetimesnews.com/opinion/20190104/editorial-blacks-biggest-enemy-is-white-liberal) for you. It would be good if your “kind” could go back to the 50’s and not repeat the liberal experiment that has failed blacks so badly.

06-27-2020, 11:20 PM
Here’s a little history lesson (https://www.thetimesnews.com/opinion/20190104/editorial-blacks-biggest-enemy-is-white-liberal) for you. It would be good if your “kind” could go back to the 50’s and not repeat the liberal experiment that has failed blacks so badly.

Snipe had an early morning rant about this once years ago. I’m not going looking for it, or vouching for it, but it did make you think. There were some very interesting points. I think it’s OK to look at this from ALL sides. (Note: not BOTH sides. It’s more than that.)

07-02-2020, 08:55 AM
It's starting...maybe hold off on those jersey patches fellas.


07-02-2020, 09:20 AM
Politics is fun.

X Factor
07-02-2020, 11:36 AM
It's starting...maybe hold off on those jersey patches fellas.



The march, led by Harvard University rising senior Christian Tabash, attracted about 200 people who carried signs with messages either supporting the Palestinian Liberation Organization or Black Lives Matter.

As the march progressed, Tabash led his followers in alternating chants about Israel and racial justice.

“Israel, we know you, you murder children, too,” the crowd chanted at one point.

The crowd immediately followed that chant with alternating rallying cries of “Black lives matter!” and “Palestinian lives matter!”

07-02-2020, 12:28 PM

This in addition to the recent Harvard grad who got fired from Deloitte because she physically threatened people who said all lives matter has caused the value of that diploma to go down significantly. It's one of the reasons why I think people who take a look at where one went to college to equal the intelligence or ability to perform a job as hysterical.

X Factor
07-03-2020, 02:39 PM
Marcellus Wiley: NBA's Plan To Paint "Black Lives Matter" On Basketball Courts Is A Bad Idea

https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/07/02/marcellus_wiley_nbas_plan_to_paint_black_lives_mat ter_on_basketball_courts_is_a_bad_idea_look_at_the _statistics.html

X Factor
07-10-2020, 12:21 PM

For some backstory on this...


07-10-2020, 12:47 PM

How about this guy who actually fired shots at a car that drove by him in Provo, Utah?

07-10-2020, 01:19 PM
Snipe had an early morning rant about this once years ago. I’m not going looking for it, or vouching for it, but it did make you think. There were some very interesting points. I think it’s OK to look at this from ALL sides. (Note: not BOTH sides. It’s more than that.)

It was either that or accept second class citizenship offered by the opposing party. Minorities have always been between a rock and a hard place in this country.