View Full Version : Academic Transfers

04-06-2018, 03:31 PM
Link (http://www.ncaa.org/about/resources/media-center/news/di-committee-academics-considers-transfer-rule-changes#.Wse2rkVtRhI.twitter)

The Division I Committee on Academics will recommend to the Transfer Working Group that four-year transfer student-athletes who meet specific grade-point average and progress-toward-degree requirements be able to compete immediately at the second school.
The academic data reviewed by the committee indicated that, on average, sitting out a year of competition following a transfer may not be academically necessary for student-athletes with a strong scholastic foundation. As a result, the committee will recommend benchmarks that align with successful academic progress after transfer.
Committee members agreed those benchmarks should include a GPA between 3.0 and 3.3 and a requirement that students be academically eligible for competition at the time of transfer, based on their progress toward earning a degree within five years of initial enrollment.

04-06-2018, 03:41 PM
Would not a different transfer rule for scholarship vrs non-scholarship make sense?

04-06-2018, 03:46 PM
what if their GPA is higher than 3.3?

04-06-2018, 03:48 PM
By the way, I think this is an absolutely terrible rule. This will actually CAUSE transfers that would otherwise never have happened.

04-06-2018, 04:17 PM
Is this the NCAA response to UNC? Is this how they aim to keep schools from giving students easy courses by incentivizing the schools to keep the GPA below 3.0 so they won't transfer?

04-06-2018, 06:52 PM
This sounds like it just applies to students that want to transfer at the end of 4 years, and haven’t graduated yet. Is that what is met by the term “four-year transfer students”?

04-08-2018, 04:08 PM
A few things...

A four year transfer, or a 4-4 transfer, basically means a player is transferring from one four year school to another. I don't know why they felt the need to specify a four year transfer since all div1 schools are four year schools, but...whatever. The rules are different for 4-2 transfers, 2-4 transfers, and 4-2-4 transfers when it comes to academics.

This is a proposal from the Committee on Academics. The board of directors will ultimately decide. There is another proposal in place that is basically the same, only the stated GPA is 2.8. My guess is that they're going to go with that one, but like I said, that's just my guess. They also don't really care what the transfer rate is. Their only concern is the graduation rate, and if a higher transfer rate does not lower the overall graduation rate then they are fine with that.

The stated reason for the Year in Residency rule is that men's basketball, women's basketball, baseball, and men's hockey are historically poor when it comes to academics, and that the year in residency is to help them get assimilated to being at a new school. Research also shows that students who transfer with a GPA of a 2.6 have a much higher chance of graduating than those who transfer with below a 2.6. So, this raises the question if the stated reason for making a player sit for a year is an academic one, then why is it necessary to make them sit for a year if they are already a good student?? The answer is, there really is no reason for it, which is why I think this will pass.

I ultimately don't think it will make that much of a difference. You do have players who transfer because they want a better opportunity. But the majority (I think sixty percent) of players who transfer actually transfer to a lower division. The biggest reason players decide to transfer is because their coaches run them off. So, with that in mind, I don't think this will have THAT much of an impact. Nor do I think it really matters. Quite frankly, the group of players who are looking to transfer to a div1 school and have a 2.8 GPA just isn't as big as what many may think.