View Full Version : FBI has arrested several NCAA asst. basketball coaches in a corruption scheme.
09-26-2017, 09:47 AM
Get your popcorn ready....
Book Richardson is on the list.
09-26-2017, 09:55 AM
This will be interesting.
09-26-2017, 09:57 AM
"Making and concealing bribe payments"...that's not good for the schools involved. That can gut programs. Hope we don't get dragged into this somehow with the connection to Book. Who knows how far back this goes.
09-26-2017, 09:58 AM
not good, and glad he left with Miller
09-26-2017, 09:59 AM
Well this turned in to a news-filled Tuesday.
XU 87
09-26-2017, 10:03 AM
Me thinks this is going to be a HUGE story. From what little I've read, and I can't tell for sure, but it looks like they were funneling large sums of cash to players' families, via Adidas, for commitments. We'll see.
Edit- Via Adidas and Nike.
09-26-2017, 10:04 AM
Feeling good about being a Nike school...........
XU 87
09-26-2017, 10:05 AM
I just read Nike is also involved.
A Nike guy and an Adidas guy have been arrested.
09-26-2017, 10:06 AM
looks like Louisville got a last second commitment from Brian Bowen this year... and was supposed to get paid $100,000 to do so
09-26-2017, 10:08 AM
I love that Rick Pitino has brought nothing but embarrassment to UofL. Fuck him.
XU 87
09-26-2017, 10:16 AM
looks like Louisville got a last second commitment from Brian Bowen this year... and was supposed to get paid $100,000 to do so
Where did you see this? I haven't seen anything about Louisville. And it's in XU's interests that we don't see anything about Louisville.
I've seen OK State, Auburn, USC and Arizona.
Arizona surprises me. Miller is going to have some explaining to do. He could be in big trouble. "I didn't know my player(s) were being paid" is not a very good explanation, if in fact that is what occurred.
Edit- And the indictment does say Arizona players were being paid.
09-26-2017, 10:16 AM
What's interesting here is that the schools involved all have different shoe company deals.
IIRC, USC/Louisville is Adidas, Arizona/OK State is Nike, Auburn is UA. So are all these coaches taking money from Adidas to push a player to a DIFFERENT Adidas school?
09-26-2017, 10:18 AM
What's interesting here is that the schools involved all have different shoe company deals.
IIRC, USC/Louisville is Adidas, Arizona/OK State is Nike, Auburn is UA. So are all these coaches taking money from Adidas to push a player to a DIFFERENT Adidas school?
Brian Snow @BSnowScout 13m13 minutes ago
Interesting thing here. Adidas reps/employees have been named, all assistants are at Nike or UA schools. I have no idea beyond that
09-26-2017, 10:18 AM
I just read Nike is also involved.
Feeling less good about being a Nike school......
09-26-2017, 10:19 AM
If Lavar Ball is involved in this somehow, it will be epic. Probably not, but that would be entertaining.
09-26-2017, 10:26 AM
09-26-2017, 10:31 AM
Where did you see this? I haven't seen anything about Louisville. And it's in XU's interests that we don't see anything about Louisville.
Pitino is toast.
XU 87
09-26-2017, 10:36 AM
I suspect the next step is the FBI will sit down with a few of these guys and say, "You want to cut a deal? Fine, who else is involved?"
And I agree that Pitino is toast, based on the above article.
09-26-2017, 10:40 AM
The good news from a Xavier perspective is that Louisville's program is likely to be so hosed that the job may not be attractive to Mack in its current state. Maybe Pat Kelsey or someone of that stature.
09-26-2017, 10:42 AM
The good news from a Xavier perspective is that Louisville's program is likely to be so hosed that the job may not be attractive to Mack in its current state. Maybe Pat Kelsey or someone of that stature.
Don't fool yourself. That school has no moral integrity whatsoever. They'll do whatever it takes to get their guy
09-26-2017, 10:44 AM
This is gonna get really, really ugly.
09-26-2017, 10:48 AM
"Several" = 4 people?? It fits the true definition of the word "several" but out of 347 division, having only 4 coaches, named, seems like a small number.
09-26-2017, 11:01 AM
Some court docs...
09-26-2017, 11:03 AM
not good, and glad he left with Miller
09-26-2017, 11:16 AM
this is amazing! Can't wait to see what comes out, and hope that the schools/coaches involved get hammered!
09-26-2017, 11:20 AM
Arizona is in some trouble, I think. Lack of institutional control. This is going to be big. Cleveland St. beware.
09-26-2017, 11:21 AM
this is amazing! Can't wait to see what comes out, and hope that the schools/coaches involved get hammered!
Unless, of course, we were somehow involved. In which case clearly this should be seen as no big deal!
09-26-2017, 11:23 AM
Book's involvement starts in 2017. I think we ride clear of this
09-26-2017, 11:27 AM
Also names Miami University. Hopefully someone passes along this information to Saddiq Bey.
09-26-2017, 11:29 AM
Also names Miami University. Hopefully someone passes along this information to Saddiq Bey.
Maybe that's why he was going there? ;)
09-26-2017, 11:32 AM
Maybe that's why he was going there? ;)
DING ! DING! Give that man a prize!! And, if it's true, do you want him here?
09-26-2017, 11:36 AM
DING ! DING! Give that man a prize!! And, if it's true, do you want him here?
09-26-2017, 11:37 AM
DING ! DING! Give that man a prize!! And, if it's true, do you want him here?
I believe the payments were made to 2017 recruits, not 2018. Assuming Brian Bowen and Lonnie Walker? Not 100% sure though.
09-26-2017, 11:37 AM
If he took cash, he'll probably be permanently ineligible.
09-26-2017, 11:45 AM
Louisville coach Rick Pitino was asked about Bowen's commitment in June.
"We got lucky on this one," Pitino said at the time. "I had an AAU director call me and say, 'Would you be interested in a basketball player?' I said ... 'Yeah, I'd be really interested.' But [Bowen and his people] had to come in unofficially, pay for their hotels, pay for their meals. So we spent zero dollars recruiting a five-star athlete who I loved when I saw him play. In my 40-some-odd years of coaching, this is the luckiest I've been."
Wow... that says it all right there. "We paid zero dollars"... "This is the luckiest I've been"... If it's too good to be true it often is. This is going to be the thing that FINALLY brings down slick Rick.
I'm not saying I'm happy about it, as a Xavier fan, obviously as long as there's someone in the head coach position at Louisville with a last name something different than Mack then that's one less thing to worry about, but I'm certainly not a fan of Ricky. He's always seemed like a mafia type. Jesh, I just keep reading that statement over and over again and think what a slimeball he is. He MUST have known.
Gosh this business is getting corrupt... perhaps it always has been and I'm naive, but wow... I hope this is limited in scope and is not the new norm on how recruiting happens.
09-26-2017, 12:06 PM
I believe the payments were made to 2017 recruits, not 2018. Assuming Brian Bowen and Lonnie Walker? Not 100% sure though.
From Reddit - looks like Miami hasn't exchanged funds yet, but there appears to be a bidding war for a 2018 recruit w/ Lousville - so NOT Bey.
University-7 is Miami FL. It looks like in reading those allegations, money hadn't necessarily switched hands yet, but in recruiting a player they were in a bidding war with a rival school getting to upwards of $150k for a class of 2018 player. That rival school is Univesity-4, which is Louisville IIRC.
09-26-2017, 12:10 PM
If he took cash, he'll probably be permanently ineligible.
I feel comfortable saying he didn't. His high school's tuition is $40,000+.
09-26-2017, 12:11 PM
From Reddit - looks like Miami hasn't exchanged funds yet, but there appears to be a bidding war for a 2018 recruit w/ Lousville - so NOT Bey.
University-7 is Miami FL. It looks like in reading those allegations, money hadn't necessarily switched hands yet, but in recruiting a player they were in a bidding war with a rival school getting to upwards of $150k for a class of 2018 player. That rival school is Univesity-4, which is Louisville IIRC.
Louisville is University-6
09-26-2017, 12:19 PM
Perhaps this opens up recruits for the crappy class for next year. Get on the horn Mack!!!
09-26-2017, 12:26 PM
Watching the news conference. These assistant coaches are toast.
09-26-2017, 12:42 PM
You can get anything at, sex. Next thing you know they'll be in violation of distributing drugs and rock n' roll.
09-26-2017, 12:49 PM
The crazy part is this is just the beginning. And it's about to get wild with how many teams/coaches are involved.
Feds evidently saying the going rate for the top players is $100-150k. They're even giving a specific number to call with any relevant information. Have to wonder who tries to save their own behind by giving up others.
09-26-2017, 12:51 PM
The bad news for the defendants is that this is the FBI and not the NCAA so these guys will actually get real penalties. The schools might not, but the people involved will. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, the NCAA actually does.
XU 87
09-26-2017, 12:57 PM
The bad news for the defendants is that this is the FBI and not the NCAA so these guys will actually get real penalties. The schools might not, but the people involved will. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, the NCAA actually does.
If the assistants were using some of the funds to pay players, I would think the schools are gong to get hammered. I foresee some big time programs (Louisville, Arizona) going on probation.
As for federal crime penalties, a criminal lawyer once told me, "The feds don't investigate and indict people with the expectation that the defendant will plead and get probation. The feds almost always want jail time."
One thing seems clear to me, these coaches will now think twice about paying players if it could end the coach up in jail.
X-band '01
09-26-2017, 12:59 PM
If Louisville gets hammered by the NCAA, they would be in line for the "Repeat Violator" rule.
In short, they are now eligible for the NCAA Death Penalty. I'm certainly not holding my breath for that to happen, though.
09-26-2017, 01:01 PM
I can't lie. As long as X stays out of this, I will find this incredibly entertaining.
09-26-2017, 01:02 PM
The Vampire in Louisville is finally done. Hope Mack stays. They have a solid case on these guys or they wouldn't have released all of this along with the court documents.
09-26-2017, 01:04 PM
I can't lie. As long as X stays out of this, I will find this incredibly entertaining.
Completely agree.. But I'll still be holding my breath till X is 100% in the clear
09-26-2017, 01:14 PM
Cue the 30 for 30 music.
XU 87
09-26-2017, 01:17 PM
If Louisville gets hammered by the NCAA, they would be in line for the "Repeat Violator" rule.
In short, they are now eligible for the NCAA Death Penalty. I'm certainly not holding my breath for that to happen, though.
At a minimum, Louisville should get at least three years probation and not be permitted to play in the NCAA tourney.
09-26-2017, 01:35 PM
No mention of UK..............yet.
09-26-2017, 01:38 PM
I don't think this guy knows his USC's
Aaron KaterskyVerified account @AaronKatersky
College basketball corruption case by fed. prosecutors in NY touches coaches at Auburn University, South Carolina Univ and others
6:25 AM - 26 Sep 2017
09-26-2017, 01:39 PM
This will also cover over sweeping the UNC mess under the rug.
09-26-2017, 01:41 PM
At a minimum, Louisville should get at least three years probation and not be permitted to play in the NCAA tourney.
I think that's similar to what UK got in the early 90's? Oh those rambunctious Kentucky schools. No wonder Pitino loves them.
09-26-2017, 01:42 PM
This will also cover over sweeping the UNC mess under the rug.
So, the theory would be that the NCAA, in cooperation with the FBI, Adidas, and some coaches, colluded to create a situation that will allow them to conveniently forget about UNC. It is almost believable. :shocked2:
09-26-2017, 01:50 PM
No mention of UK..............yet.
that would just make my year, and next year and the year after
X-band '01
09-26-2017, 01:51 PM
This will also cover over sweeping the UNC mess under the rug.
UNC already met with the Infractions Committee (of which Xavier AD Greg Christopher is now chairman) back in August. They'll likely hear their fate either in the winter or spring.
09-26-2017, 01:57 PM
You can get anything at, sex. Next thing you know they'll be in violation of distributing drugs and rock n' roll.
They apparently have a video tape of the U of L coach offering bribes.....handed over $12,700. cash at meeting...said he had to be careful 'cuz U of L already on probation. Not a better case for the death penalty.
09-26-2017, 02:04 PM
Louisville should get the death penalty. "The rule stipulates that if a second major violation occurs at any institution within five years of being on probation in the same sport or another sport, that institution can be barred from competing in the sport involved in the second violation for either one or two seasons."
Louisville has been on probation within the last five years and this would qualify as a second major violation.
XU 87
09-26-2017, 02:10 PM
Louisville should get the death penalty. "The rule stipulates that if a second major violation occurs at any institution within five years of being on probation in the same sport or another sport, that institution can be barred from competing in the sport involved in the second violation for either one or two seasons."
Louisville has been on probation within the last five years and this would qualify as a second major violation.
I thought I heard that the NCAA doesn't want to do that anymore after how SMU's football program was decimated.
09-26-2017, 02:10 PM
UNC already met with the Infractions Committee (of which Xavier AD Greg Christopher is now chairman) back in August. They'll likely hear their fate either in the winter or spring.
Cleveland St. beware..
XU 87
09-26-2017, 02:55 PM
They apparently have a video tape of the U of L coach offering bribes.....handed over $12,700. cash at meeting...said he had to be careful 'cuz U of L already on probation. Not a better case for the death penalty.
Is there any doubt that "Coach 2" is Rick Pitino?
09-26-2017, 03:03 PM
Slick Rick made his first call this morning to his attorney.
Really hope X is not involved in this. By the looks of how many recruits have turned us down, we look safe.
09-26-2017, 03:17 PM
amazing to to me that a guy would risk his reputation and legacy this late in his career. WTF are you thinking?
XU 87
09-26-2017, 03:20 PM
amazing to to me that a guy would risk his reputation and legacy this late in his career. WTF are you thinking?
1) It's probably how he has been doing business for years, as well as a bunch of other coaches.
2) He never thought he would get caught. The money came from Nike or Adidas, not him or a UL booster. If the NCAA finds out the player got paid, he blames the shoe company. He just didn't plan on the FBI and wiretaps.
3) He probably also figured that if he didn't pay these players, he couldn't get the top players and would have mediocre teams. He didn't want to end his career as a mediocre coach.
09-26-2017, 03:26 PM
Unless, of course, we were somehow involved. In which case clearly this should be seen as no big deal!
yes, of course. I should have added that caveat haha
09-26-2017, 03:35 PM
I thought I heard that the NCAA doesn't want to do that anymore after how SMU's football program was decimated.
that sounds like something the NCAA would say, they never want to hold anyone accountable. I would love to see programs get decimated by the death penalty. Seems fair for blatantly cheating, maybe that would actually stop some coaches from doing this crap.
09-26-2017, 03:40 PM
This only has to be scratching the surface. I can't even begin to image how widespread this probably is.
09-26-2017, 03:49 PM
This only has to be scratching the surface. I can't even begin to image how widespread this probably is.
My guess is that there is an all out sprint taking place to see who can cut a deal the quickest. The birdies will be singing loudly on this one...
09-26-2017, 04:01 PM
Book (em) Richardson.... Fired.
Sean Raccoon.... Quaking.
XU 87
09-26-2017, 04:05 PM
Book (em) Richardson.... Fired.
Sean Raccoon.... Quaking.
I think Book was suspended.
09-26-2017, 04:05 PM
And who would go to Louisville after the "Death Penalty" is applied?
Richard Pitino is the ONLY one.
ACC will look reeeeeeeeeally good after North Carolina gets their academic fraud penalty.:rolleyes:
09-26-2017, 04:06 PM
I think Book was suspended.
"Relieved of duties".
"Arizona has fired assistant coach Book Richardson, per release." - Jon Rothstein
09-26-2017, 04:09 PM
While I can appreciate the Schadenfreude about Book Richardson being connected to the corruption, let's not forget how much posters on this board appreciated his recruiting and lamented his departure to Arizona with Sean Miller. Hopefully, Xavier is clean on this one, but that's far from a foregone conclusion.
09-26-2017, 04:09 PM
I'm thinking Pitino may not make it through the week... hell he may not make it through the day based on some of the chatter out there.
09-26-2017, 04:11 PM
While I can appreciate the Schadenfreude about Book Richardson being connected to the corruption, let's not forget how much posters on this board appreciated his recruiting and lamented his departure to Arizona with Sean Miller. Hopefully, Xavier is clean on this one, but that's far from a foregone conclusion.
Some of us did NOT lament. But The Raccoon sure made sure he went 2000 miles west with him.
And how many years has he been gone from here? We're safe.
09-26-2017, 04:12 PM
Mack "liked" a tweet from Gottlieb a couple hours about how some coaches are going to sleep well tonight... so that's a good sign.
XU 87
09-26-2017, 04:14 PM
"Relieved of duties".
"Arizona has fired assistant coach Book Richardson, per release." - Jon Rothstein
The school release says he has been "suspended and relieved of all duties". I took that as not yet permanently fired.
09-26-2017, 04:14 PM
Mack "liked" a tweet from Gottlieb a couple hours about how some coaches are going to sleep well tonight... so that's a good sign.
I hope so, and I hope Mack, as associate coach, knew everything that was going on.
09-26-2017, 04:17 PM
Some of us did NOT lament.
I'd love to hear more about why not. Was it the close connection to Miller, or poor recruiting at the time? I remember that Parrom and Natyazkho didn't turn out so well for Arizona.
09-26-2017, 04:17 PM
I'm taking incredible pleasure in seeing the excuse factory being erected by blowhards like Seth Davis absolving themselves by stating there was no way the media could have uncovered this stuff. Keep eating at the trough that fed you Davis.
Do the names Dan Wetzel, Pat Forde and Dan Wolken ring a bell? Those guys do REAL work.
09-26-2017, 04:18 PM
I'd love to hear more about why not. Was it the close connection to Miller, or poor recruiting at the time? I remember that Parrom and Natyazkho didn't turn out so well for Arizona.
Shady New York City AAU dealings for one. X was not sad to see him go...far away.
09-26-2017, 04:20 PM
Shady New York City AAU dealings for one. X was not sad to see him go...far away.
Cool, thanks.
D-West & PO-Z
09-26-2017, 04:20 PM
The good news from a Xavier perspective is that Louisville's program is likely to be so hosed that the job may not be attractive to Mack in its current state. Maybe Pat Kelsey or someone of that stature.
Thats what I was thinking and am hoping.
I can't lie. As long as X stays out of this, I will find this incredibly entertaining.
I will not enjoy those big, rich programs going out shopping for a new head coach. I won't enjoy that process - AT ALL.
09-26-2017, 05:08 PM
I will not enjoy those big, rich programs going out shopping for a new head coach. I won't enjoy that process - AT ALL.
That won't be fun at all.
That said, this whole thing is just crazy. What really annoys me is that it takes either the feds or the courts to force the NCAA to act on any of this. I cannot remember the last big program that was hit that was purely the NCAA's doing.
09-26-2017, 05:14 PM
Saw this on HOH. Funny.
Brett McMurphyVerified account @Brett_McMurphy 6h6 hours ago
Brett McMurphy Retweeted Gary Parrish
To put this in hoop lingo: FBI w/wire taps is the No. 1 overall seed, NCAA Committee on Infractions is a 16 seed
09-26-2017, 05:39 PM
I will not enjoy those big, rich programs going out shopping for a new head coach. I won't enjoy that process - AT ALL.
On the other hand, those same schools will likely have to suffer severe recruiting penalties not to mention being ineligible for Tournament play. Their programs will be in the crapper for at least two years and righting the ship after the expiration of the penalty phase will likely take another couple of seasons. The best players want to make the Tournament. If their team is barred from it, they will look elsewhere. Will the better coaches (like Chris Mack) want to invest 3-5 years plodding through a pretty untenable set of circumstances like those just mentioned?
09-26-2017, 05:45 PM
"Relieved of duties".
"Arizona has fired assistant coach Book Richardson, per release." - Jon Rothstein
Well... the Lexus just threw a piston... Glad we're the Buick...
09-26-2017, 06:18 PM
Well... the Lexus just threw a piston... Glad we're the Buick...
Stated by the Great Man who coined the gloss "Yellow Toothed Gnome" :drool:
On the other hand, those same schools will likely have to suffer severe recruiting penalties not to mention being ineligible for Tournament play. Their programs will be in the crapper for at least two years and righting the ship after the expiration of the penalty phase will likely take another couple of seasons. The best players want to make the Tournament. If their team is barred from it, they will look elsewhere. Will the better coaches (like Chris Mack) want to invest 3-5 years plodding through a pretty untenable set of circumstances like those just mentioned?
That's what's going to help me sleep.
(The millions per year extra he could make while he works through the rough patch.....I'll try to ignore.)
09-26-2017, 06:27 PM
Darren HeitnerVerified account @DarrenHeitner
Sources: Basketball agency ASM Sports was raided today. FBI had warrant, took Andy Miller's computer.
According to ASM website, they represent Semaj and Crawford.
X-band '01
09-26-2017, 06:34 PM
I thought I heard that the NCAA doesn't want to do that anymore after how SMU's football program was decimated.
The closest we've seen to that in NCAA basketball was the year Baylor went through the Dave Bliss/Patrick Dennehy fiasco. Baylor was only permitted to play a conference schedule (no noncon games) - they didn't want other conference teams to have to scramble to fill their schedule with replacement games.
09-26-2017, 07:06 PM
Darren HeitnerVerified account @DarrenHeitner
Sources: Basketball agency ASM Sports was raided today. FBI had warrant, took Andy Miller's computer.
According to ASM website, they represent Semaj and Crawford.
I believe Sumner is as well
Pete Delkus
09-26-2017, 08:35 PM
If I'm the defendants, I have my law team preparing my defense, while I have a PR talking about the exploitation of student athletes by Universities, in an attempt to ride the "continued inequality for minority athletes vs University Officials. (Not my belief-but I see it being a defense talking Point)
09-26-2017, 08:40 PM
I'm not a legal expert but the reason they'd go after the assistants is to get them to flip on the head coaches/schools right? If Book takes a deal and gives up everything he's been a part of, that could theoretically come back on us given his stay here? He was only here 2007-09, do we have any questionable recruits during that period? I don't really recall anyone that was out of the norm for us, since a lot of our recruiting is regionally-based and we're not exactly hauling in five-stars or anything.
09-26-2017, 08:45 PM
No question we haven't landed any questionable 5 stars. Also no question those blue chip recruits is tip of iceberg. It's not just the blue bloods that are in on this and not just the big time recruits. Book being here certainly could be problematic. I'd bet against us being involved though.
X-band '01
09-26-2017, 09:20 PM
I don't think this guy knows his USC's
Lamont Evans was a former South Carolina assistant under Frank Martin. I would not want to be around Angry Frank if Evans gets the Gamecocks in trouble with either the feds or the NCAA.
Nigel Tufnel
09-26-2017, 09:48 PM
Ok. So some any feedback is appreciated. I want to see if I'm understanding this entire situation. The criminal investigation started by the FBI was to look into shoe companies, agents and universities being guilty of corruption. The criminal investigation resulted in four assistant coaches and agents/shoe companies got indicted today. The assistants coaches got indicted for taking kick backs.
The Louisville situation is different. It's not criminal. It's just that the undercover FBI agent happened to be involved with this recruit and wire tapped what went down. There will be no indictments for anyone involved in that particular siatuatuon. But the NCAA is going to have to bring the hammer down based on the legally obtained evidence from the FBI? Is Louisville kind of collateral damage as a result of this undercover investigation. Collateral damage isn't the right word. But you get me gist.
When those assistant coaches and the families of the recruits (they are going to have issues with the IRS) start singing.....poop hits the fan.
Collateral justice?? That seems more appropriate.
XU 87
09-26-2017, 09:59 PM
Rick Pitino is "shocked". And like OJ Simpson, he wants to help catch the "bad actors".
09-26-2017, 10:24 PM
Rick Pitino is "shocked". And like OJ Simpson, he wants to help catch the "bad actors".
It might even be true, but Pitino has used up his allotment of this defense for his lifetime.
09-26-2017, 10:41 PM
Hey someone tell CJ Anderson to shut up on twitter
09-26-2017, 10:43 PM
Hey someone tell CJ Anderson to shut up on twitter
That's always been a good idea. He's an...interesting fellow.
Hey someone tell CJ Anderson to shut up on twitter
I don't think I want to know the latest....but it's like the car wreck you have to slow down and see.
09-27-2017, 12:33 AM
Darren HeitnerVerified account @DarrenHeitner
Sources: Basketball agency ASM Sports was raided today. FBI had warrant, took Andy Miller's computer.
According to ASM website, they represent Semaj and Crawford.
ASM Sports is the agency that Christian Dawkins was a part of. It represents many NBA players, doubt any corrupt X connections would be made
09-27-2017, 12:38 AM
While I can appreciate the Schadenfreude about Book Richardson being connected to the corruption, let's not forget how much posters on this board appreciated his recruiting and lamented his departure to Arizona with Sean Miller. Hopefully, Xavier is clean on this one, but that's far from a foregone conclusion.
Book Richardson Asst. at X from 07-09
NCAA makes rule that HCs are responsible for actions of the whole program in 2013 (though it doesn't seem like they enforce that, per usual)
FBI investigation began in 2015
There is absolutely no "dirty connection" to X in this because of Book Richardson. He hasn't been affiliated with Xavier in 8 years lol!
FBI investigation started in 2015
09-27-2017, 08:14 AM
I wouldn't get overly giddy over the fact that this is happening to other coaches and schools at this point. This has yet to play itself out fully. I hate the fact that Book is tied to X in the past. Even though it was 8 years ago.
09-27-2017, 09:05 AM
Michael EavesVerified account @michaeleaves 9m9 minutes ago
A person inside the #Louisville athletic department tells me there's an expectation that Pitino (and likely Jurich) will be fired today.
09-27-2017, 09:20 AM
I wouldn't get overly giddy over the fact that this is happening to other coaches and schools at this point. This has yet to play itself out fully. I hate the fact that Book is tied to X in the past. Even though it was 8 years ago.
Why not? This has zero to do with BookEm's past at X. If there was any tie at all it disappeared when BookEm took his NYC recruit Parrom out to the desert, and the Lexus driver gladly accepted that gift. The Raccoon had better be looking over his shoulder at the garbage left behind at his bribe taking minion who he enthusiastically took West with him to , ostensibly, keep that NYC pipeline open- despite the fact that these kids were going 2,000 miles away.
Sorry, but the Head Guy is not innocent or absolved. Make me even more giggity about beating "A Players Program" in the Dance last year. What now, Raccoon?
09-27-2017, 09:24 AM
Hey someone tell CJ Anderson to shut up on twitter
Yeah. CJ should just be happy with his college degree and stop "having the back" of a Conspirator caught red handed in taking bribes.
This is the FBI dude and no ginned up charge. Clam up.
09-27-2017, 09:57 AM
Why not? This has zero to do with BookEm's past at X. If there was any tie at all it disappeared when BookEm took his NYC recruit Parrom out to the desert, and the Lexus driver gladly accepted that gift. The Raccoon had better be looking over his shoulder at the garbage left behind at his bribe taking minion who he enthusiastically took West with him to , ostensibly, keep that NYC pipeline open- despite the fact that these kids were going 2,000 miles away.
Sorry, but the Head Guy is not innocent or absolved. Make me even more giggity about beating "A Players Program" in the Dance last year. What now, Raccoon?
it's on twitter and several internet sites where he's mentioned as a former XU assistant....i dont like being tied to this in any way
09-27-2017, 10:23 AM
News off the wire says Pitino told his staff that he's going to get canned...
Mrs. Garrett
09-27-2017, 10:29 AM
it's on twitter and several internet sites where he's mentioned as a former XU assistant....i dont like being tied to this in any way
Well then CJ Anderson needs to shut up on twitter. All he's talking about is what a great guy Book is and how he really helped him out when he was at X.
09-27-2017, 10:36 AM
Tom Jurich met with UofL's president today...for about five minutes. (Side note, that sound like a MARATHON to Rick Pitino). Speculation that he's fired. Pitino next.
XU 87
09-27-2017, 10:44 AM
Tom Jurich met with UofL's president today...for about five minutes. (Side note, that sound like a MARATHON to Rick Pitino). Speculation that he's fired. Pitino next.
This can't be true. Pitino already said that he wasn't aware and was "shocked" about the allegations. He also said he would help find the wrongdoers.
09-27-2017, 11:06 AM
Basically the FBI said "We're coming for you"...come to us first, and this will be much easier for you.
So, basically everyone that knows they did something (which is probably alot of people) is crapping their pants because they're unsure of whether or not the FBI knows...and people will talk. And because people will talk, no one is really out of the woods yet. Some are likely sleeping better than others, but there is likely SOME noise to hit ALOT of programs.
I wouldn't think any program feels completely out of this mess.
09-27-2017, 11:31 AM
Why can't coaches do this shit the right way? How hard is it to identify the top recruit in the class and put his father on the payroll? #MIZ
09-27-2017, 11:33 AM
Jurich gone. Pitino next?
09-27-2017, 11:41 AM
Jurich gone. Pitino next?
DeCourcy just tweeted that Pitino has been canned.
09-27-2017, 11:58 AM
Jurich gone. Pitino next?
Apparently they told Jurich to fire Pitino and he refused. So they fired him as well. Would love to know what Slick Rick has on him
It would be a beautiful irony if a scandal like this forced the NCAA to pay players. Ensure amateurism by the school paying them instead of someone else.
09-27-2017, 12:15 PM
My best friend is a criminal investigator for the public defense. He told me once that real life isn't like TV. He told me almost everyone talks in the end. It is literally a foregone conclusion.
I was sitting at home last night thinking about this and it made me wonder about this whole thing. I wondered if part of Mack's decision making process regarding jobs was the ability to recruit right (this assumes he isn't involved in this or his assistants). Now that Pitino has been axed this would make that job and others that pay a lot a bit more appealing.
09-27-2017, 12:55 PM
Book Richardson Asst. at X from 07-09
NCAA makes rule that HCs are responsible for actions of the whole program in 2013 (though it doesn't seem like they enforce that, per usual)
FBI investigation began in 2015
There is absolutely no "dirty connection" to X in this because of Book Richardson. He hasn't been affiliated with Xavier in 8 years lol!
FBI investigation started in 2015
Yeah, ok, but just because the investigation started in 2015 doesn't mean nothing before then matters. Since they got Book, what's to stop him for cutting a deal by giving up everything he's been involved in? That could conceivably come back on us, since he was here for three years. I haven't read the details, but I doubt that he got caught doing something wrong for the first time. I don't think the question should be when the investigation started as much as it should be do we have any oddities among recruiting or anything that could potentially hit us?
This is gonna be a lot uglier before it's done, and I think some on here are celebrating a bit too quickly.
What players/recruits at X during his tenure here (or at any time, for that matter) would have drawn shoe companies interest and such payments?
Semaj? I just don't see it.
09-27-2017, 01:20 PM
What players/recruits at X during his tenure here (or at any time, for that matter) would have drawn shoe companies interest and such payments?
Semaj? I just don't see it.
Yeah I don't either. Would Book have any connections to Crawford?
Yeah I don't either. Would Book have any connections to Crawford?
Well Book pushed athletes to a particular agency. The agent that manages JCraw and Semaj was raided. There's not necessarily a connection there, but either way I don't see how that implicates the school in anyway.
09-27-2017, 02:25 PM
the only thing that would make this better is if Lavar ball was the initial whistle blower, pissed that no shoe company would go in with him on big baller brand, so he exposed them
having used the money for Lonzo to go to UCLA as seed money for BBB
09-27-2017, 03:45 PM
This might start some phones ringing:
09-27-2017, 04:16 PM
It's almost eerie how much this reminds me of the steroids scandal. We all pretty much knew coaches were cheating and that the AAU was a cesspool but we really didn't want to think about it. Now that it's out in the open I think we're going to see - just like steroids - just how widespread this all is.
09-27-2017, 06:51 PM
Gonna guess that it doesn't stop with just shoes either.....uniforms, naming rights, private suites, etc. anywhere that money comes into play and there are companies involved in college sports you have the potential for abuses.
If the NCAA does t come down with the stiffest possible sanctions it can, then this is the beginning of the end for the NCAA.
Just remember what killed the golden goose.....
09-27-2017, 09:29 PM
Auburn offering full refunds on season tickets.
09-27-2017, 10:26 PM
Recruits are de-committing ... anyone know of a team currently short of a few recruits?
(as has been brought up in other threads)
09-28-2017, 07:17 AM
Something that just occurred to me this morning....
Just like in the baseball steroids scandal, it's going to be a long time before the average fan will be able to look at a school with a top 10 recruiting class, or be able to look at a 5 star recruit, and not wonder......
Did they pay for those players?
Is that player on the take?
Why did that school just change their shoe/uniform contract?
Why did that player from the east go all the way out west to school, or west to east?
Me thinks that Pitino is just the first, but not the last, we will see fall
09-28-2017, 07:54 AM
Gives new meaning to the slogan "A Players Program" huh Raccoon?
"Arizona allegedly offered a recruit $150,000… via @azdesertswarm"
09-28-2017, 07:59 AM
The article says the university is paying the kid $150K. I’d be very surprised if the school would do that. They might pay the shoe company for something, but there’s no way a school would directly pay a kid. Sloppy word choice there.
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09-28-2017, 08:03 AM
The article says the university is paying the kid $150K. I’d be very surprised if the school would do that. They might pay the shoe company for something, but there’s no way a school would directly pay a kid. Sloppy word choice there.
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The indictment says University 4. - equating to Arizona. Balme the FBI
09-28-2017, 09:09 AM
From an interview with Mack in today's Enquirer: "It's been a tough 24 hours for our profession. Great coaches and role models get labeled as cheaters when that's far from accurate," Mack said via text. "I'm not going to stomp on anyone's grave by any means but this has been going on for a long time. We all know it but when you lose a recruiting battle it just sounds like sour grapes, so you simply move on."
Sounds like Mack is on point here. Who knows how this might affect XU recruiting, but it can't hurt.
09-28-2017, 10:21 AM
Sounds like Mack is on point here. Who knows how this might affect XU recruiting, but it can't hurt.
It certainly levels the playing field...I don't care how good of a recruiter you are, if someone else is flashing $100k, you lose.
On an even playing field, I like Mack's chances.
09-28-2017, 10:22 AM
Gives new meaning to the slogan "A Players Program" huh Raccoon?
"Arizona allegedly offered a recruit $150,000… via @azdesertswarm"
More like a PAYERS program, am I right?
XU 87
09-28-2017, 11:33 AM
Gives new meaning to the slogan "A Players Program" huh Raccoon?
"Arizona allegedly offered a recruit $150,000… via @azdesertswarm"
Wow. I don't see how Sean survives all this.
D-West & PO-Z
09-28-2017, 11:40 AM
Wow. I don't see how Sean survives all this.
Yeah he's in some deep trouble.
09-28-2017, 11:41 AM
All the blue chips that land 5 star recruits have to be implicated in some way, right?
Duke, UNC, UCLA, UK...all these schools are competing (paying) for the same kids.
09-28-2017, 11:44 AM
All the blue chips that land 5 star recruits have to be implicated in some way, right?
Duke, UNC, UCLA...all these schools are competing (paying) for the same kids.
That's an interesting question. Does Duke or UK really have to pay or is the profile of the school so high that going there is enough for the kid because of the likelihood of being drafted?
I would like nothing more than Coach K to get busted, though. That would be the best.
09-28-2017, 11:47 AM
I'll say one thing...if Calipari created his strategy of getting kids to the NBA, and selling the return they would get there vs. $100k from being recruited, he's a genius. I think the "smell" on him changes significantly if he comes out of this clean.
LA Muskie
09-28-2017, 11:58 AM
Honestly, I could see Duke, UK, UNC and Kansas staying above this fray. I'm not saying they are, but in theory they probably could recruit at or around their levels without $$$.
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09-28-2017, 11:59 AM
I feel pretty good based on Mack's comments so far. Seems like he has been recruiting properly.
09-28-2017, 12:18 PM
All the blue chips that land 5 star recruits have to be implicated in some way, right?
Duke, UNC, UCLA, UK...all these schools are competing (paying) for the same kids.
I think it goes way beyond just 5 star recruits.
09-28-2017, 12:41 PM
I think it goes way beyond just 5 star recruits.
Probably not with the shoe companies. They're not looking to tie up some three star diamond in the rough who might wear their shoes in the Israeli league some day.
09-28-2017, 12:45 PM
This whole thing calls for a remake of Blue Chips
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09-28-2017, 01:02 PM
Honestly, I could see Duke, UK, UNC and Kansas staying above this fray. I'm not saying they are, but in theory they probably could recruit at or around their levels without $$$.
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UNC. Above the fray.
You know. The same UNC that had fake classes and academic fraud.
Yep. Just the type of place that stays above the fray.
Oh, and Worldwide Wes NEVER has anything to do with slimy Calamari. Never. :rolleyes:
09-28-2017, 01:08 PM
More like a PAYERS program, am I right?
Reps and Well Played
09-28-2017, 01:11 PM
Wow. I don't see how Sean survives all this.
Makes me wonder if Archie was getting the sloppy seconds that Sean didn't want. #ScootchieSmith (Bronx)
09-28-2017, 01:12 PM
I'm not familiar with the law. I'd like to understand further what law is being broken by the shoe companies. I understand that as an employee of a government owned school, the coaches can't accept a bribe, and the school is fraudulently saying this kid came to the school because of something other than a payout. Is it illegal to pay a bribe like this?
Is the bribe acceptance an issue if the coach is at a private school (legally)?
I used to frequently a local watering hole where a much older former UC player and assistant coach hung out. He told me that most of the programs that landed three or four top players year after year had systems in place with alumni helping the player's family somehow with a job or a contract or a promise to help them when school was over. It was always about helping the family more so than the player getting a direct payout.
He said he thought programs like UC in the 70s/80s or schools in the MAC did not accel was because they did not do this sort of behavior.
09-28-2017, 02:36 PM
You've generally hit on it, with regards to a primary factor being that these coaches are at institutions using public funds. However, I do not believe that simply coaching at a private institution would get you out of the woods, as many federally funded programs support private colleges and universities.
The charges are (in varying counts and combinations):
Bribery conspiracy
Solicitation of bribes
Honest services fraud conspiracy
Honest services fraud
Wire fraud conspiracy
Travel Act conspiracy
Code sections at issue (linked):
18 U.S. Code § 666 - Theft or bribery concerning programs receiving Federal funds (
18 U.S. Code § 1343 - Fraud by wire, radio, or television (
18 U.S. Code § 1346 - Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud” (
18 U.S. Code § 1349 - Attempt and conspiracy (
18 U.S. Code § 1952 - Interstate and foreign travel or transportation in aid of racketeering enterprises (
The DOJ press release has specifics of the charges and potential sentences for those charged: Click Here ( Also, the actual complaints filed by the DOJ are linked at the bottom of the website.
The write-up by SportsIllustrated is one of the better mainstream write-ups that gets into the legality a bit. Specifically check out "The Charges" and "The Defenses" sections. This is a good read. Click here (
09-28-2017, 02:39 PM
And I just realized maybe I misread your note at first, sirthought. You hit on the fact its illegal for the coaches to accept the bribes as employees of federally funded institutions, and were asking about the shoe companies. As it is illegal to accept the bribe, it is also illegal to offer the bribe. I'd point you to subsection (a)(2) of the bribery statute linked above for the shoe company executive side of things (whereas subsection (a)(1) would be the coaches' side of the law).
XU 87
09-28-2017, 02:39 PM
All the blue chips that land 5 star recruits have to be implicated in some way, right?
Duke, UNC, UCLA, UK...all these schools are competing (paying) for the same kids.
Sure makes you wonder.
09-28-2017, 02:46 PM
And I just realized maybe I misread your note at first, sirthought. You hit on the fact its illegal for the coaches to accept the bribes as employees of federally funded institutions, and were asking about the shoe companies. As it is illegal to accept the bribe, it is also illegal to offer the bribe. I'd point you to subsection (a)(2) of the bribery statute linked above for the shoe company executive side of things (whereas subsection (a)(1) would be the coaches' side of the law).
Okay, I guess I knew that offering a bribe to police or a politician was illegal, but I didn't think to a coach...or even to the kid's family would be an illegal act. The actual misconduct only occurs if the coach accepts it and acts on behalf of the third party. I'm confident that the FBI knows what it can and can't charge, but to me this seems like Adidas or Nike just working to get their promotions lined up.
Kind of odd to think that all of this money changing hands makes a difference down the road in what clothes or shoes people are buying. I've certainly never been motivated by that.
09-28-2017, 02:59 PM
That Sports Illustrated article does really lay it all out to understand.
09-28-2017, 03:00 PM
Right, it gets to the "any person" language in the statute, where the beneficiary can be anyone so long as the intent is to influence the actions of the federally funded entity. I'm already way over my skis when it comes to this, so I don't have much more insight, but I think you hit the nail on the head with regards to the FBI knowing what it can and can't get. When it's a high profile release like that (complete with the flowchart diagrams!), they're out for blood, and they know they can get it.
09-28-2017, 03:23 PM
When does the IRS get involved. I am sure they will be looking to collect some heavy taxes on all of these $100K tax free payouts.
09-28-2017, 03:26 PM
If Sean is found guilty of this at Arizona it wouldn't make you a little nervous he could have done it here? I hope he ISNT guilty just so people wouldn't be suspicious. Like I said, I don't think Xavier is in trouble at all here. But if both book and Sean are caught on separate occasions giving $ to recruits it would raise a flag having former assistant coach and head coach busted for it.
09-28-2017, 03:29 PM
Doubtful. He probably left because he knew he could get these types of payments for players at a Lexus dealership, but not at the Xavier BUICK GMC dealership.
09-28-2017, 03:32 PM
If Sean is found guilty of this at Arizona it wouldn't make you a little nervous he could have done it here? I hope he ISNT guilty just so people wouldn't be suspicious. Like I said, I don't think Xavier is in trouble at all here. But if both book and Sean are caught on separate occasions giving $ to recruits it would raise a flag having former assistant coach and head coach busted for it.
Who are the guys Sean recruited to Xavier that anyone would have paid for? Jordan Crawford as a transfer?
09-28-2017, 03:43 PM
Crawford got a cell phone, but I believe he had to give it back.
09-28-2017, 04:05 PM
The newest addition to the Tucson police department.
09-28-2017, 04:05 PM
So. . . when Sean was leaving and said it would be easier to win a National Championship at Arizona than at Xavier, did he mean because he'd be allowed to try and buy his way to victory there?!?!?
09-28-2017, 04:14 PM
If Sean is found guilty of this at Arizona it wouldn't make you a little nervous he could have done it here? I hope he ISNT guilty just so people wouldn't be suspicious. Like I said, I don't think Xavier is in trouble at all here. But if both book and Sean are caught on separate occasions giving $ to recruits it would raise a flag having former assistant coach and head coach busted for it.
Maybe he learned it from Matta?????? I mean we could get in to some serious rabbit hole stuff here. (I don't think Matta was involved, but...). I was ready for basketball season, but not for this...
joe titan
09-28-2017, 04:16 PM
You've generally hit on it, with regards to a primary factor being that these coaches are at institutions using public funds. However, I do not believe that simply coaching at a private institution would get you out of the woods, as many federally funded programs support private colleges and universities.
The charges are (in varying counts and combinations):
Bribery conspiracy
Solicitation of bribes
Honest services fraud conspiracy
Honest services fraud
Wire fraud conspiracy
Travel Act conspiracy
Code sections at issue (linked):
18 U.S. Code § 666 - Theft or bribery concerning programs receiving Federal funds (
18 U.S. Code § 1343 - Fraud by wire, radio, or television (
18 U.S. Code § 1346 - Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud” (
18 U.S. Code § 1349 - Attempt and conspiracy (
18 U.S. Code § 1952 - Interstate and foreign travel or transportation in aid of racketeering enterprises (
The DOJ press release has specifics of the charges and potential sentences for those charged: Click Here ( Also, the actual complaints filed by the DOJ are linked at the bottom of the website.
The write-up by SportsIllustrated is one of the better mainstream write-ups that gets into the legality a bit. Specifically check out "The Charges" and "The Defenses" sections. This is a good read. Click here (
For example Miami (FL) is a private institution as is Souther Cal.
09-28-2017, 04:23 PM
Maybe he learned it from Matta?????? I mean we could get in to some serious rabbit hole stuff here. (I don't think Matta was involved, but...). I was ready for basketball season, but not for this...
Based on Matta's decline in recruiting the last couple of years which eventually lead to his way outta town.. I don't think he was involved.
09-28-2017, 05:14 PM
Based on Matta's decline in recruiting the last couple of years which eventually lead to his way outta town.. I don't think he was involved.
I was joking mostly, and agree with you. But we won't be sure how far any of this goes?
09-28-2017, 05:30 PM
Based on Matta's decline in recruiting the last couple of years which eventually lead to his way outta town.. I don't think he was involved.
D'Angelo Russell was pretty highly rated, no?
09-28-2017, 06:36 PM
Based on Matta's decline in recruiting the last couple of years which eventually lead to his way outta town.. I don't think he was involved.
He still got "Highly Starred" guys.....just the WRONG guys.
09-29-2017, 09:35 AM
Edmond Sumner mentioned with an agent named as one of the 10 men arrested. No claim of him being involved.
D-West & PO-Z
09-29-2017, 09:42 AM
Edmond Sumner mentioned with an agent named as one of the 10 men arrested. No claim of him being involved.
Willie Reed is a former SLU player.
09-29-2017, 09:46 AM
Edmond Sumner mentioned with an agent named as one of the 10 men arrested. No claim of him being involved.
also reported that he has fired him as his agent
09-29-2017, 11:52 AM
Lavar Ball weighs in. Keep in mind he has one in college still and a H.S. kid. (link (
LA Muskie
09-29-2017, 12:49 PM
UNC. Above the fray.
You know. The same UNC that had fake classes and academic fraud.
Yep. Just the type of place that stays above the fray.
Oh, and Worldwide Wes NEVER has anything to do with slimy Calamari. Never. :rolleyes:
Not my point. My point was that if none of those 4 pay, then none of those 4 need to pay. They basically compete with one another for recruits. They others are scratching and clawing to get in the club.
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09-29-2017, 02:00 PM
Not my point. My point was that if none of those 4 pay, then none of those 4 need to pay. They basically compete with one another for recruits. They others are scratching and clawing to get in the club.
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Just curious as to how you think Worldwide Wes makes a living? No snark but legit question.
09-29-2017, 06:23 PM
When does the IRS get involved. I am sure they will be looking to collect some heavy taxes on all of these $100K tax free payouts.
Yep. Some of these players and their parents will be in for a rude awakening when the taxman wants a chunk of that money.
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Yep. Some of these players and their parents will be in for a rude awakening when the taxman wants a chunk of that money.
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Is that kind of what it's all about? They don't care about NCAA rules, so why else would they get involved? (Serious question.) Hey, it's how they brought down Al Capone! Now the NCAA follows in that fine tradition. How does the NCAA handle this???
LA Muskie
09-29-2017, 11:10 PM
Just curious as to how you think Worldwide Wes makes a living? No snark but legit question.
I don't know. But it seems like Wes is a relationship guy. I'd guess He makes his money by knowing people and steering them to others -- now, primarily CAA.
I have no doubt he's sleezy. But whether that means there's an exchange of money with recruits or coaches is another question. I think we all knew Slick Rick was on borrowed time. I'm less confident K and Roy fly that close to the sun. Cal admittedly seems more like Rick, and he's been caught cheating before, but I don't think he needs to pay. He can offer most of his recruits a 1st round guarantee after 1 year.
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LA Muskie
09-29-2017, 11:13 PM
Is that kind of what it's all about? They don't care about NCAA rules, so why else would they get involved? (Serious question.) Hey, it's how they brought down Al Capone! Now the NCAA follows in that fine tradition. How does the NCAA handle this???
It's about more than tax evasion. That's not even included in their indictments, and they will probably give the families immunity for their testimony. I personally think a competitor school blew the whistle. And the FBI saw that it was a sexy case to bring so they found a legal hook (honest services/bribery involving federally financed funded schools). I think they want to look like the saviors of amateurism. Which, frankly, I don't mind.
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09-30-2017, 08:01 AM
It's about more than tax evasion. That's not even included in their indictments, and they will probably give the families immunity for their testimony. I personally think a competitor school blew the whistle. And the FBI saw that it was a sexy case to bring so they found a legal hook (honest services/bribery involving federally financed funded schools). I think they want to look like the saviors of amateurism. Which, frankly, I don't mind.
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Add in collusion between agents, shoe company executives, and coaches and that just about sums it all up. It's the collusion that includes the coaches and schools, and the accepting of payments by recruits and their families, that the NCAA will be concerned about.
Not only are these coaches/players going to be banned by the NCAA, they are going to be facing federal indictments, AND eventually the ire of the IRS.
None of this is good.
I'll pay you $100,000 to come work for me should not be a big deal.....unless you are the NCAA. The FBI has the tools to do the job the NCAA can not. The NCAA is probably (or at least should be) embarrassed to see how rampant this is and have it all exposed while they sit by watching.
09-30-2017, 11:47 AM
It's about more than tax evasion. That's not even included in their indictments, and they will probably give the families immunity for their testimony. I personally think a competitor school blew the whistle. And the FBI saw that it was a sexy case to bring so they found a legal hook (honest services/bribery involving federally financed funded schools). I think they want to look like the saviors of amateurism. Which, frankly, I don't mind.
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The FBI wouldn’t indict for tax evasion. I’m thinking that will come in the form of a nice audit letter from the IRS asking if they might like to amend their reported income.
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LA Muskie
09-30-2017, 02:24 PM
The FBI doesn't indict at all. The US Attorney's Office indicts.
The FBI often works closely with the IRS Criminal Investigation Department (the "CID") and the DOJ Tax Division when its investigation presents potential criminal tax evasion/fraud.
If IRS CID/DOJ Tax want to prosecute a criminal tax case, those indictments too are brought by the US Attorneys Office.
The US Attorney's Office has discretion to grant immunity from prosecution for tax crimes in exchange for cooperation, though as a matter of internal policy it seeks approval from the IRS and the DOJ Tax Division before doing so.
There is also a civil administrative tax procedure (the US Tax Court), but that's not typically used for criminal cases. Rather, it generally resolves disputes between the IRS and taxpayers over the interpretation of the tax code and its impact on the tax owed.
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09-30-2017, 03:08 PM
While it's true the NCAA doesn't have the legal tools that the FBI does. They could have, and should have, years ago contacted the FBI to make a case that this behavior was not right and they needed assistance in order to correct it. You don't need to throw entire institutions under the bus, just make sure coaches, players, and third party folks know that this sort of activity is illegal and won't be tolerated.
I'm sure people will counter that money was more important to them, but years ago this stuff wasn't at this level and it was still just a means to get cheap promotion for your institution. It didn't have to raise to this level of dirtiness with others making money that shouldn't even be involved.
They should have also looked at situations like MLB where players can be drafted out of high school, yet still attend college to improve and be a young adult. I can't understand why that isn't an option for all sports.
Does anyone think a year or two of UL not on tv would damage ratings, outside of Metro Louisville? Drop the hammer, maybe people would play fair if they saw what could happen.
I wonder what the NCAA hates more.....the fact that this is happening.....or the fact that it became public.
I suspect they were happy just to roll along the way they were and let the dollars flow. Don't rock the boat, and don't look too deep into the closets.
Does anyone think a year or two of UL not on tv would damage ratings, outside of Metro Louisville? Drop the hammer, maybe people would play fair if they saw what could happen.
I'd like to see 5 years of no post-season play, at least. This is some serious shit!
X-band '01
09-30-2017, 05:30 PM
Does anyone think a year or two of UL not on tv would damage ratings, outside of Metro Louisville? Drop the hammer, maybe people would play fair if they saw what could happen.
There won't be anymore TV bans because it would adversely affect other conference members as well. There hasn't been talk of kicking Louisville out of the ACC, so that is not an option as far as I know.
09-30-2017, 09:30 PM
No one is getting kicked out of a conference......go directly after the program with heavy penalties. Its the only way.
10-01-2017, 08:37 AM
Haven't see this shared, Coach Mack spoke with Lance about the scandal. It's very comforting to hear coach talk about this reconfirm that X isn't involved (unless Mack is in the dark).
They also talked about the upcoming season, Jared leaving, Mack Foundation event, and the Bungles.
10-02-2017, 11:21 AM
Back to how this whole thing started, specifically money from shoe companies. I guess I just don't get it. I know $100k doesn't even come close to moving the needle for Adidas, but I also don't see what the ROI is here. Obviously you want the schools you sponsor to do well, but does it really help to throw a couple hundred thousand dollars around to a few players who may boom or bust to guide them toward schools whose regular season success was already pretty much a given and whose postseason success is such a crapshoot anyway, since you're dealing with a single elimination NCAA tourney.
Again, maybe it just gets back to 100k here and 50k there being such small amounts for Adidas, Nike, etc. Still, it just seems to me like spending the $$$ on just about any other form of advertising would be just as beneficial if not more so... and it wouldn't have the threat of jailtime along with it either. I don't know, it just seems like such an insanely stupid thing to do. How much does (did) the director of global sports marketing for Adidas make? I'm guessing he was paid a pretty decent rate. And he threw it away for what? I know criminals are often stupid, but this just doesn't make sense to me at all. Am I not considering something?
10-02-2017, 12:36 PM
Meanwhile, in Arizona:
10-03-2017, 08:08 PM
I know nothing....
LA Muskie
10-03-2017, 08:16 PM
Let me preface his by saying that I've been a HUGE Sean Miller fan, both during his time at Xavier and afterward. In every interaction I've had with him -- and in every interaction I've heard from others -- he has been a standup guy. He's also a tireless recruiter who, up until now, has had an absolutely squeaky-clean image.
If the allegations were limited to Book taking a $20k kickback to steer players toward an agent or financial advisor, I could see Miller having no idea. That kind of money could be hidden rather easily; it's not like Book would suddenly be driving around in a Lexus (pun intended...).
But I must confess -- I have a much harder time believing a $150k pay-to-play arrangement could be orchestrated without the head coach's involvement. That kind of money goes to the heart of the school-shoe company relationship. If the shoe company is poneying up that kind of extra coin, I have to imagine they'd want the coach to know they did so. Because someday they will come to him for a favor...
D-West & PO-Z
10-03-2017, 08:20 PM
Let me preface his by saying that I've been a HUGE Sean Miller fan, both during his time at Xavier and afterward. In every interaction I've had with him -- and in every interaction I've heard from others -- he has been a standup guy. He's also a tireless recruiter who, up until now, has had an absolutely squeaky-clean image.
If the allegations were limited to Book taking a $20k kickback to steer players toward an agent or financial advisor, I could see Miller having no idea. That kind of money could be hidden rather easily; it's not like Book would suddenly be driving around in a Lexus (pun intended...).
But I must confess -- I have a much harder time believing a $150k pay-to-play arrangement could be orchestrated without the head coach's involvement. That kind of money goes to the heart of the school-shoe company relationship. If the shoe company is poneying up that kind of extra coin, I have to imagine they'd want the coach to know they did so. Because someday they will come to him for a favor...
Completely agree with this.
Didnt someone (was it a middle guy or shoe guy? not sure) also mention how bad Miller wanted someone and if he got him for him he could come to any practices he wanted etc etc. It sounded like someone who knew he would get xyz from Miller if he delivered blank recruit. Like he had conversations with Miller or had or knew someone who had other arrangements with him before.
10-09-2017, 09:41 AM
Bruce Feldman weighs in:(Link) ( Feldman
✔@BruceFeldmanCFB ( hread.php%3F38789-FBI-has-arrested-several-NCAA-assistant-basketball-coaches-in-a-corruption-scheme%2Fpage8)
Hearing more indictments are coming in college hoops. Expected to happen within the next two weeks, I'm told.
11:29 AM - Oct 6, 2017 (
110110 Replies (
XU 87
10-09-2017, 01:22 PM
If the allegations were limited to Book taking a $20k kickback to steer players toward an agent or financial advisor, I could see Miller having no idea. That kind of money could be hidden rather easily; it's not like Book would suddenly be driving around in a Lexus (pun intended...).
But I must confess -- I have a much harder time believing a $150k pay-to-play arrangement could be orchestrated without the head coach's involvement. That kind of money goes to the heart of the school-shoe company relationship. If the shoe company is poneying up that kind of extra coin, I have to imagine they'd want the coach to know they did so. Because someday they will come to him for a favor...
As for the first paragraph, I could maybe see him not knowing about the bribes to Book, but I have a hard time believing he didn't know that Book was then using some of the money to pay his recruits several thousand dollars to come to Arizona. At best, I can't help but think this from Miller, "Book, I know what goes on, so don't tell me a thing that you do."
As for the second paragraph, how could a coach not know that a recruit got $150,000? Again, and at best, I think it's "Don't tell me what happened. I don't want to know."
And if Sean didn't know that his players were being paid by and through his long time assistant coach, that's not a good answer either.
10-10-2017, 12:51 PM
An interesting compilation of the decommits:
10-10-2017, 05:13 PM
Now in court.
10-12-2017, 06:42 PM
"@JeffEisenberg Sean Miller no commented on if he has spoken to Book Richardson, if he knew about the alleged payments or the eligibility of Arizona players."
Hmmmm. No comment= Can neither confirm nor deny.
10-12-2017, 07:13 PM
"@JeffEisenberg Sean Miller no commented on if he has spoken to Book Richardson, if he knew about the alleged payments or the eligibility of Arizona players."
Hmmmm. No comment= Can neither confirm nor deny.
Yikes, to be honest, I don't think I would have expected it out of Sean Miller. He's a traitorous bastard, but I didn't figure he'd play dirty. Makes you wonder who the hell else is going to come up in the next few weeks.
Right or wrong, a "no comment" says a lot. Is that just me? I know that's the smart answer, but I'd want to scream it out loud if I was innocent.
Kansas under investigation v. Adidas....who didn't see that coming. Self always struck me as a weasel.
10-12-2017, 10:22 PM
Kansas under investigation v. Adidas....who didn't see that coming. Self always struck me as a weasel.
I mean he does have more Big 12 championships than home losses, which is mind-boggling to me. I'm really curious to see if Cal and K get out unscathed, which they might since, Cal is known to do everything to get you to the NBA and doesn't need to pay recruits, and well, K is.. K.
10-12-2017, 10:25 PM
Yikes, to be honest, I don't think I would have expected it out of Sean Miller. He's a traitorous bastard, but I didn't figure he'd play dirty. Makes you wonder who the hell else is going to come up in the next few weeks.
Who needs Seth Davis garbage pay site? The guys at Yahoo Sports like Eisenberg, Forde and Wetzel get after it.
Aaaaaaaaaand there's this. Get ready to hear Book sing like a bird before he gets "Booked".
10-13-2017, 07:05 AM
But while those already charged may agree to “sing”, the question that will remain is can they be believed? There is going to have to be some type of other evidence presented in addition to the words of those already involved. I suspect that this investigation is far from over and may play out over at least a couple more years.........aaaaaannnnnddd, if it was happening in college basketball, why would we think that it wasn’t/isn’t happening in other sports too?
Follow the money
10-13-2017, 11:29 AM
A couple interesting parts of the Yahoo article:
This won’t be the last round of hard questions Miller faces as the FBI investigation unfolds. It’s way too hard to believe that Richardson was a rogue assistant seeking to make a quick buck and advance his career. Or that a head coach as famously detail-oriented as Miller wouldn’t know how his longest-tenured assistant was operating.
The concern for Arizona is the strong possibility that evidence further implicating Miller may yet emerge. Not only could the FBI discover new incriminating evidence against Miller on its own, it could also offer Richardson a deal in exchange for new information about Miller. That might be tough for Richardson to turn down considering he is facing up to 60 years in prison and $1.5 million in fines if convicted of all charges.
XU 87
10-13-2017, 11:45 AM
A couple interesting parts of the Yahoo article:
Or that a head coach as famously detail-oriented as Miller wouldn’t know how his longest-tenured assistant was operating.
I would bet as follows that 1) Richardson never told Miller about these payments 2) because Miller didn't want to "know" about these payments and 3) Miller generally knew what was going on but necessarily wanted not to be informed so he could 4) claim if and when they got caught, "I didn't know. No one told me about these payments. Not Book. Not anyone."
10-13-2017, 11:57 AM
I would bet as follows that 1) Richardson never told Miller about these payments 2) because Miller didn't want to "know" about these payments and 3) Miller generally knew what was going on but necessarily wanted not to be informed so he could 4) claim if and when they got caught, "I didn't know. No one told me about these payments. Not Book. Not anyone."
Prolly accurate as hell.
10-18-2017, 05:22 PM
Louisville athletic director Tom Jurich...fired for cause.
10-18-2017, 05:42 PM
Louisville athletic director Tom Jurich...fired for cause.
All this done by interim president (last one fired) and basically a new board. They have clean up in all aspects of the university.
Watch the lawsuits fly. Pitino has already gone after Adidas and he'll go after his $44M from the school. Jurich will join because he claims and doesn't appear to be "directly" involved in the wrongdoings. Board of Trustees must go after former president and administration for mismanagement of funds and endowments. Going to be going on for while unless things are settled quickly. Too much money on all issues to be settled quickly.
And firing Jurich cuts the buyout of football coach Petrino in half. Bye-bye to him since there's going to be loads of openings around the country.
10-18-2017, 05:45 PM
And firing Jurich cuts the buyout of football coach Petrino in half. Bye-bye to him since there's going to be loads of openings around the country.
In a normal year, probably true, but Louisville has the Heisman Trophy winner on the roster and is terrible. That's not the recipe for getting people excited to hire the coach away. Particularly one with Petrino's baggage.
10-18-2017, 07:14 PM
In a normal year, probably true, but Louisville has the Heisman Trophy winner on the roster and is terrible. That's not the recipe for getting people excited to hire the coach away. Particularly one with Petrino's baggage.
This coupled with my belief he’s never stayed anywhere long enough to survive his own recruits. Last couple of years of strong defese were Charlie Strong’s defensive recruits. He’s a hell f a QB coach and play caller but it’s getting thin at UofL. If he has the chance the jump he should, IMO.
10-18-2017, 07:19 PM
Maybe Greg Christopher can convince Dan McDonnell (baseball) and Jeff Walz (women's basketball) to take 90% paycuts and come to Xavier!
10-18-2017, 08:01 PM
This coupled with my belief he’s never stayed anywhere long enough to survive his own recruits. Last couple of years of strong defese were Charlie Strong’s defensive recruits. He’s a hell f a QB coach and play caller but it’s getting thin at UofL. If he has the chance the jump he should, IMO.
Good riddance as far as I am concerned. I was against the hire in the first place, one being that I think the guy is quite overrated in the first place, two gave the school a big middle finger the first time he left, and three his personal issues. I'm tired of paying for a mediocre product ever since he was hired.
This is mostly in jest, but Jurich should have been canned the moment he decided to hire back this clown.
10-18-2017, 08:04 PM
Louisville athletic director Tom Jurich...fired for cause.
One left to go...Petrino should follow him out the door due to the mediocre product he has been leading since he returned.
10-26-2017, 10:22 AM
Transcript of Rick Pitino interview yesterday. Long read. Looks like a longer road for University of Louisville and community.
10-26-2017, 10:27 AM
I'll read the transcript, but as I'm sure you know (but probably not a lot of others), Terry Meiners swings from Pitino's sack. Thank God some outsiders finally got involved to kill Pitino's dream. It had become a nightmare.
Louisville's football win in Tallahassee made things easier to take, though.
10-26-2017, 10:37 AM
I'll read the transcript, but as I'm sure you know (but probably not a lot of others), Terry Meiners swings from Pitino's sack. Thank God some outsiders finally got involved to kill Pitino's dream. It had become a nightmare.
Louisville's football win in Tallahassee made things easier to take, though.
You'll see at the end of the transcript that those two will stay connected.
10-26-2017, 10:40 AM
What I considered a more interesting read is the letter that U of L wrote to Jurich on why he was fired. Vicious.
02-08-2018, 04:53 PM
One of the FBI investigators is apparently up on corruption charges. No idea if this will affect the NCAA probe.
02-08-2018, 06:36 PM
Really hasn’t been any new information on the probe the last few months.
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02-15-2018, 11:49 AM
One of the FBI investigators is apparently up on corruption charges. No idea if this will affect the NCAA probe.
banner year for the FBI
Lloyd Braun
02-15-2018, 06:54 PM
This may be a big deal...
Sources: College hoops corruption case poised to take down Hall of Fame coaches, top programs, lottery picks (
This may be a big deal...
Sources: College hoops corruption case poised to take down Hall of Fame coaches, top programs, lottery picks (
I’m torn. I’d like to see some surgical strikes for some programs I particularly detest, but I hate to see the entire sport get tarnished. And leave X the hell alone!
02-15-2018, 07:50 PM
Will colleges cool it on giving out big contracts this offseason with all this hanging over the sport? You'd hate to give someone $3 or $4 million a year and then have the money associated with the sport drop off a cliff if there's a scandal that tarnishes the whole shebang.
02-15-2018, 08:18 PM
You knew the guys that got targeted first were going to talk..........this could get really ugly.
02-15-2018, 08:20 PM
Suddenly not landing any of the big name recruits next year seems a little better
02-15-2018, 08:39 PM
After the farce that was the NCAA investigation of UNC's 15 year long academic scam job to win championships, I hope the Feds throw the book at 'em all.
Let them start from scratch and build programs the correct way.
All I can hope is that the combination of our last 3/4 coaches and Sister Rose has protected our program.
Who knows.
02-15-2018, 08:57 PM
Hope this actually comes to fruition but I'm skeptical. This crap has been going on for decades and schools mostly just get slaps on the wrist. Cheating has paid very well for a while now, hopefully that changes.
02-15-2018, 09:01 PM
I’m torn. I’d like to see some surgical strikes for some programs I particularly detest, but I hate to see the entire sport get tarnished. And leave X the hell alone!
I highly doubt X is implicated in this, I don't see Steele, Murray, or Mack needing to resort to those tactics considering we've been a successful program without it, I'd like to believe our alma mater holds themselves to a higher standard than that. The way that article sounds though, it makes it seem like some Blue Bloods are about to get gutted, and that could be a major problem in the long run. This whole situation has gotten a whole lot messier.
02-15-2018, 09:03 PM
Forgot to add that I wish Book Richardson wasn't part of this whole deal. Worries me about some of our recruits from NY area.
02-15-2018, 09:57 PM
ASU chants as zona leaves court at half time “FBI. FBI FBI. “
02-15-2018, 10:28 PM
Welp. Kansas is an Adidas School. Hmmmm.
I’m also convinced that Bruce Pearl and Rick Barnes are dirty as hell.
02-15-2018, 11:32 PM
I know some AAU folk, when KU got Wiggins they call Self ‘Dollar Bill’. They meant he finally paid up.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
02-15-2018, 11:51 PM
I think my biggest thought on this would be if we're cheating, who did we get that was worth cheating for? None of our guys were NBA Lottery picks, or anything like that you know? We're good enough to be like "huh let's look into them" but not in terms of NBA success to be "these guys had to of cheated", and that's no knock on our program, we develop our talent, and do well for ourselves, but let's face it, if we were cheating, I'd be SHOCKED.
I think my biggest thought on this would be if we're cheating, who did we get that was worth cheating for? None of our guys were NBA Lottery picks, or anything like that you know? We're good enough to be like "huh let's look into them" but not in terms of NBA success to be "these guys had to of cheated", and that's no knock on our program, we develop our talent, and do well for ourselves, but let's face it, if we were cheating, I'd be SHOCKED.
Could it be we are just offering Buicks, and not the Lexus hardtop convertible? Could that take on new meaning now?
02-16-2018, 09:09 AM
I think my biggest thought on this would be if we're cheating, who did we get that was worth cheating for? None of our guys were NBA Lottery picks, or anything like that you know? We're good enough to be like "huh let's look into them" but not in terms of NBA success to be "these guys had to of cheated", and that's no knock on our program, we develop our talent, and do well for ourselves, but let's face it, if we were cheating, I'd be SHOCKED.
Well, I don't think just NBA guys are getting paid. Even with the info from the other day (saying about half of the 16 teams revealed on selection show past Sunday would be in trouble) I don't think X would be part of it. The only concern here is the association with Book.
02-16-2018, 09:31 AM
I have a hard time believing X is completely free of sin here (or any other high profile school). Hopefully not the paying of players, or providing gifts for families, but we do have a deal with Nike, and alot of bad things can come from those deals (kickbacks, influence, bribes etc, etc).
If we come out of this smelling like roses, it even further raises the profile of Chris Mack as the best coach in America, and positions X to take the potential leap into blue blood territory over the next 1-2 decades.
02-16-2018, 10:41 AM
I have a hard time believing X is completely free of sin here (or any other high profile school). Hopefully not the paying of players, or providing gifts for families, but we do have a deal with Nike, and alot of bad things can come from those deals (kickbacks, influence, bribes etc, etc).
If we come out of this smelling like roses, it even further raises the profile of Chris Mack as the best coach in America, and positions X to take the potential leap into blue blood territory over the next 1-2 decades.
Agreed. We could very easily get tied to all of this through recruiting certain players and Nike's "involvement". Guilty by association.......could be in play.
02-17-2018, 09:32 PM
So there is a chance today's loss is going to be vacated! I think we just won the Big East!!
02-20-2018, 11:57 AM
Louisville's NCAA fate being announced momentarily. Granted, I think this is just hooker scandal related. More to come on the FBI scandal. That's a lot of layers of scandal.
02-20-2018, 12:18 PM
Louisville's NCAA fate being announced momentarily. Granted, I think this is just hooker scandal related. More to come on the FBI scandal. That's a lot of layers of scandal.
This was the appeal...really only thing that came out of this is the banner being taken down, which whatever...
02-20-2018, 12:26 PM
The banner comes down
02-20-2018, 12:27 PM
This was the appeal...really only thing that came out of this is the banner being taken down, which whatever...
There's quite a bit of cash fines involved, too, I believe (including giving back NCAA unit money). That's more important than normal for Louisville, because the backlash to getting rid of Pitino and Jurich from fans/donors has left Louisville much less flush with cash than normal.
02-20-2018, 12:28 PM
The banner comes down
Clicking that link gives me whiplash. Whoa. LOL
02-20-2018, 12:30 PM
Clicking that link gives me whiplash. Whoa. LOL
I'm not skilled at linking. I'll send out a carrier pigeon momentarily. Sorry
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