View Full Version : Dustin Dow Is Stealing Money From The Enquirer

American X
03-19-2008, 05:04 PM
The gentleman in the lime green cardigan has been mailing it in for two years.

Between the newspaper and blog, his pay per word must be approaching the Clemens per pitch level.

Good to know he likes the DC Metro. Admittedly, it is nice. But it must the calmest and blandest tournament site ever with the lack of observation, insight, and analysis emanating from DC and his train pass is the lead story.

I will not even bring up the honeymoon during the height of the season, like an accountant on vacation in April.

Other than that, best Xavier beat reporter ever.

03-20-2008, 12:38 AM
The gentleman in the lime green cardigan has been mailing it in for two years.

Between the newspaper and blog, his pay per word must be approaching the Clemens per pitch level.

Good to know he likes the DC Metro. Admittedly, it is nice. But it must the calmest and blandest tournament site ever with the lack of observation, insight, and analysis emanating from DC and his train pass is the lead story.

I will not even bring up the honeymoon during the height of the season, like an accountant on vacation in April.

Other than that, best Xavier beat reporter ever.

You're just pissed because he stole that cardigan from your closet.

Get over it, man.

American X
03-20-2008, 10:26 AM
I kid our metro reporter on the DC Metro.

Today's articles were plentiful and interesting. I found the blog entries yesterday paltry.

My cardigans are not not lime green. My Jimmy Carter-gans are Xavier blue.

DC Muskie
03-24-2008, 10:50 AM
Having to read that Dustin enjoys the metro puts the nail in the coffin for me. We need a new beat writer.

American X
03-24-2008, 11:14 AM
'Metro' about sums it up.

He is writing about doing laundry with the games in the background, then griping about having to fly to Phoenix in a couple days. Goodness, he seems extremely bothered by the nature of his job.

If anyone should fill out a winning bracket, isn't it an AP Poll voter? Instead, it's giggles about burning his bracket and selling the Enquirer at half price.

03-24-2008, 11:47 AM
Dustin Dow is the best beat writer Xavier has had in a long time. Take that for what it is worth.


DC Muskie
03-25-2008, 07:12 AM
'Metro' about sums it up.

He is writing about doing laundry with the games in the background, then griping about having to fly to Phoenix in a couple days. Goodness, he seems extremely bothered by the nature of his job.

I think you said it best when you described him taking off for his wedding. Look, I'm not saying everyone should LOVE their job, just don't write about how annoying it is all the time.

03-25-2008, 01:12 PM
I think you said it best when you described him taking off for his wedding. Look, I'm not saying everyone should LOVE their job, just don't write about how annoying it is all the time.

Two of my best friends are sportswriters, and I jump their shit all the time for complaining about the way they draw paychecks. They have a standing offer to trade jobs with me for one day...they sit here and do spreadsheets, and I sit at Wrigley Field and watch Cubs games.

To this point, neither has raised their hand.

They all bitch. Perhaps they feel bitching about one's job is a rite that everyone else enjoys...and they feel left out.


DC Muskie
03-25-2008, 01:26 PM
Two of my best friends are sportswriters, and I jump their shit all the time for complaining about the way they draw paychecks. They have a standing offer to trade jobs with me for one day...they sit here and do spreadsheets, and I sit at Wrigley Field and watch Cubs games.

To this point, neither has raised their hand.

They all bitch. Perhaps they feel bitching about one's job is a rite that everyone else enjoys...and they feel left out.


Yeah, there's a difference between bitching to your buddies and bitching to your customers. I mean who in their right mind when covering college basketball, leaves in the middle of the season because your wife thinks basketball takes up too much of your time?

I'm glad I got the update of how long the trip back from Arizona was...that's definitely stuff you read from the national guys.

Frank D.
03-26-2008, 08:06 AM
Yeah, there's a difference between bitching to your buddies and bitching to your customers. I mean who in their right mind when covering college basketball, leaves in the middle of the season because your wife thinks basketball takes up too much of your time?

I'm glad I got the update of how long the trip back from Arizona was...that's definitely stuff you read from the national guys.

I'm glad others have brought up the whole wedding/honeymoon situation, because I thought it was very strange at the time, but I didn't see anyone talk about it. I don't want to tell someone how to run their lives, but the college basketball season is about 6 months long. That leaves half the year to get married/honeymoon. When you are the beat writer for a certain sport, is it that unreasonable that you do not take a vacation during your beat season? Frankly, I'm surprised the Enquirer allowed it. If I was his boss, I would have told him, you've got 6 full months to have your honeymoon - take it then.

03-26-2008, 09:34 AM
I disagree - having met and spoken to Dustin about this topic, I think his decision, while not lauded by Muskie fans, was in his own best interest. Let's face it, we all preach that family, faith, etc come before work, yet when others make that tough call and put family first, we criticism them for not providing the service we feel entitled to.

I imagine Dustin is virtually invisible from January - April of each year travelling with the team. Yes, its his job to be on the road 15 days a month, but for a young guy trying to figure out the whole marriage thing, doesn't he deserve some slack here?

Dustin does a great job for the Enquirer and for Xavier fans - he's the best writer we've probably ever had cover Xavier. If he put his wife/family before us, I have no problem with that. It's not like he left for a bachelor party in vegas or to do something questionable. For crying out loud, the guy got married and probably thought it would be a very important gesture to his wife to demonstrate that no matter how much he loves his job, he loves him more.

Are we ever as a Xavier Nation happy? Geesh!

DC Muskie
03-26-2008, 10:09 AM

Look, I know it's none of my business what Dustin does with his life. But when he decides to write about it, then I'm going to comment on it.

I think Dustin is the best beat writer we've had. I also think for the last two years, he's mailed it in. He disappears on his blog during the off season, leaving us to read about UK basketball from his editor. He has continued to write about how bothersome his job is. He can keep that to himself as far as I'm concerned.

I don't think anyone would dispute putting family over a job. However when planning your wedding, most people I know, would avoid the busiest time of their employment season. I would in food distribution for a non profit. My busiest time is November and December. If I decided to get married during those two months, a lot of people would be put off. Is it the end of the world? No, but there is a balance here and leaving during the month of January when your job is a college basketball writer is strange. While you might think we are "entitled" to his work, we are his customers, and that is not something you easily dismiss.

I will say the lady that filled in for Dustin was good. So if he left, I wouldn't mind having someone else give us a fresh look.

03-26-2008, 11:21 AM
Dustin only puts stuff about looking at the NY Times fashion page and cardigans and all that shit on his blog. It's not like he is including them in his articles that go to print. Isn't that what blogs are for? For people's worthless thoughts.


DC Muskie
03-26-2008, 12:16 PM
Or you could do something interesting stuff on your blog and not make it about your worthless thoughts, like every other major paper in the country. Dustin is the only one who writes about his lost mittens and how much he enjoys the metro. The blogs in the Washington Post are a million times more interesting and entertaining.

Frank D.
03-26-2008, 12:29 PM
I don't think anyone would dispute putting family over a job. However when planning your wedding, most people I know, would avoid the busiest time of their employment season. I would in food distribution for a non profit. My busiest time is November and December. If I decided to get married during those two months, a lot of people would be put off. Is it the end of the world? No, but there is a balance here and leaving during the month of January when your job is a college basketball writer is strange. While you might think we are "entitled" to his work, we are his customers, and that is not something you easily dismiss.

I do think that Dow is a pretty good beat writer, for the most part, but I will question a scheduled absence during the busiest time of the year, when that is your job. Just like DC, I have a busy time of the year (November/December) because it is the end of the fiscal year. It is pretty much assumed that no one in my office is going to take time off during that period because people depend on us to be there and get everything done before the end of the year.

Is getting my Xavier fix from the Enquirer all that important in the scheme of things, to the point that it is more important than one's family? Of course not. And if they needed to get married at that time, that's fine, but I know plenty of people who have taken their honeymoon weeks or months after the wedding because of prior commitments.

03-26-2008, 01:31 PM
I'm pretty sure I never want to work for anyone that's posted to this thread.

Kahns Krazy
03-26-2008, 01:40 PM
I had a chance to talk to Joe Sunderman about Dow. Joe, who I would have sworn would have never made fun of a soul in his life, talked about how they rip Dustin all the time for being Metro, and not in the DC way. More along the lines of Dustin making them late to stuff because he is plucking something.

He's interesting enough to talk about. I don't think that's a bad thing in his business.

03-27-2008, 04:34 PM
In his latest blog installment, Dow mentions that he hopes Xavier loses so that he can get back to Cincinnati.

DC Muskie
03-28-2008, 07:37 AM
What are you talking about Go? I love to read about how bored Dustin is in Phoenix. I wonder what book he'll have to get, rather then come up with something funny to write about.

If anyone is interested in what a good blog looks like, check this out:


03-28-2008, 09:33 AM
In his latest blog installment, Dow mentions that he hopes Xavier loses so that he can get back to Cincinnati.

Yea, I saw that. Rather lame.

Maybe Dustin's a goner after this season...because that sounds like something written by someone who has completely stopped giving a damn about his readers.

DC Muskie
03-28-2008, 03:04 PM
Also, tell nozzle, that we didn;t create an athletic fundraising department, just so we can raise the salary of the president every other year.

And another thing, Do you think schools like Georgetown, Duke, and even Dayton have agreements where the president is the highest paid employee?

I'm sorry I'm getting fired up about this. Man do I hate people from IU.

03-28-2008, 03:52 PM
Also, tell nozzle, that we didn;t create an athletic fundraising department, just so we can raise the salary of the president every other year.

And another thing, Do you think schools like Georgetown, Duke, and even Dayton have agreements where the president is the highest paid employee?

I'm sorry I'm getting fired up about this. Man do I hate people from IU.

So fired up, in fact, that you aren't posting in the correct thread.

DC Muskie
03-28-2008, 03:56 PM
Whoops. Sorry, I'm doing like 400 things today. One being driving a fork lift.

American X
03-28-2008, 04:49 PM
Griffin and Dow should move in together. One hates Xavier basketball and one hates writing about Xavier basketball, yet all they do is Xavier basketball (and laundry). They can read the style section to each other.

03-30-2008, 12:45 PM
I'm so happy for Dow that Xavier finally lost.

Kahns Krazy
04-09-2008, 11:51 AM
Griffin and Dow should move in together. One hates Xavier basketball and one hates writing about Xavier basketball, yet all they do is Xavier basketball (and laundry). They can read the style section to each other.

I tried to rep you for this one. That's funny.

04-10-2008, 07:23 PM
I disagree - having met and spoken to Dustin about this topic, I think his decision, while not lauded by Muskie fans, was in his own best interest. Let's face it, we all preach that family, faith, etc come before work, yet when others make that tough call and put family first, we criticism them for not providing the service we feel entitled to.

I imagine Dustin is virtually invisible from January - April of each year travelling with the team. Yes, its his job to be on the road 15 days a month, but for a young guy trying to figure out the whole marriage thing, doesn't he deserve some slack here?

Dustin does a great job for the Enquirer and for Xavier fans - he's the best writer we've probably ever had cover Xavier. If he put his wife/family before us, I have no problem with that. It's not like he left for a bachelor party in vegas or to do something questionable. For crying out loud, the guy got married and probably thought it would be a very important gesture to his wife to demonstrate that no matter how much he loves his job, he loves him more.

Are we ever as a Xavier Nation happy? Geesh!

didn't see anyone notice this incredile freudian slip...so props to you for sneaking it in there!

American X
06-02-2008, 03:13 PM
I am eagerly awaiting Dustin's review of Sex and The City along with his Cosmo recipe.

06-02-2008, 04:09 PM
...this is how he started his blog about the new A10 Commissioner

Sorry I haven't posted here earlier, but I was having my hair done this morning. And then I took a long lunch at Piatt Park downtown and listened to Patsy Cline on my iPod. Is it just me or is "Crazy" an absolutely timeless song? According to wikipedia, it's been covered at least nine times. But I'm going to put the number at 10 times because wikipedia's entry doesn't include the Cranberries' cover.

Granted his 2nd paragraph says this...

Anyway, I made that up. I wasn't really listening to Patsy Cline. And I didn't really take a long lunch. I took a normal-length lunch that included salad and grilled chicken breast. Before and after that, I was working on some Bengals-related matters, which is why I haven't had a chance until now to mention the information that Xavier fans might be interested in (although if you're a Patsy Cline fan, you sure got a surprise here today, didn't you?).

I really think he says this stuff to keep the job interesting and to give us something to crack on him for...He feeds into the harassing for a reason. We know he reads some of the stuff over here. He is just giving us something else to talk about.

06-02-2008, 04:49 PM
No doubt - Dow clearly reads the message boards and is savvy enough to poke fun at himself.

I get a kick out of his diversions and enjoy his overall coverage. At this point he seems to have a rapport with the AthDept that would be incredibly hard to replace.

06-02-2008, 05:02 PM
Is getting my Xavier fix from the Enquirer all that important in the scheme of things, to the point that it is more important than one's family? Of course not.

Of course it is. The Xavier fix is the only thing. Dow should know better. Our Xavier fix superseeds his right to all else in life. Next thing you know he'll be taking off for his kids being born. To hell with that. We need our fix first and foremost. 24/7/365. He's not a man if he's not a Xavier man.

Dow Rules!!!!

06-02-2008, 05:03 PM
Whoops. Sorry, I'm doing like 400 things today. One being driving a fork lift.

Drunk I might add.