View Full Version : Players' Tribune - Trevon Bluiett

03-23-2017, 10:54 AM
Not sure how many of you are familiar with this site, but every now and again I'll see one of these articles pop up. They are written by players (either current or retired) and they tell a pretty good story from their perspective about a certain event.

I had no idea that they had active college players write these, until I saw one from Trevon Bluiett pop up this morning.

Really good article -- https://www.theplayerstribune.com/trevon-bluiett-xavier-march-madness/

American X
03-23-2017, 11:11 AM
This is better than all the articles written about Xavier this season combined. Exceptional find, kyxu.

Attack and Finish.

03-23-2017, 11:19 AM
Loved the piece, but I'll be honest, I don't like seeing the part about the team reading all the message boards and stuff. Too few people consider that they players themselves probably read a lot of this stuff before they post.

03-23-2017, 11:28 AM
Letssss goooooooo Tre

That was a great piece. Didn't know it was Malcolm that stood up in the players only meeting. Can't wait for tonight

03-23-2017, 11:30 AM

THIS is what playing college sports is all about. It's not about winning as much as it is about refusing to quit, refusing to give up, refusing to take the easy way out and stop competing. It's not just a lesson about sports, it's a lesson about life. Well Done, Tre! Well Done!

03-23-2017, 11:34 AM
This is better than all the articles written about Xavier this season combined. Exceptional find, kyxu.

Attack and Finish.

I agree. I thought that provided more insight than most of the things we have read during this time.

03-23-2017, 11:44 AM
My sword is raised.

03-23-2017, 11:49 AM
agree with all that has been said, great article on many levels.

I found myself re-looking multiple times on who wrote this article - I found it not just well-written "from a player's perspective," but well written from a sports-article perspective... truly well done.

03-23-2017, 12:01 PM
My sword is raised.

Seek help after 4 hours.

MD Muskie
03-23-2017, 12:02 PM
These Tribune articles always impress. But they've never had a real connection to me until this one. This was a great read and if you weren't already pumped up for tonight, then this article pushes the knob to 11. Is it 10:09pm yet?

03-23-2017, 12:03 PM
Loved the piece, but I'll be honest, I don't like seeing the part about the team reading all the message boards and stuff. Too few people consider that they players themselves probably read a lot of this stuff before they post. I've been criticized for years about what I won't allow to be posted about the players (private lives, grades, will they transfer). I know for a fact that players/coaches and admin read this Board.

03-23-2017, 12:03 PM
Loved the piece, but I'll be honest, I don't like seeing the part about the team reading all the message boards and stuff. Too few people consider that they players themselves probably read a lot of this stuff before they post.

Oh they read it. They're 20 year olds. They read Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and you better believe they read this site.

Way more people need to consider that the players read this stuff. Not saying we can never criticize, but it is especially important when people throw around unfounded transfer rumors, "sources" about different things, etc.

Sonoran Desert Muskie
03-23-2017, 12:13 PM
Great article. Trevon could be a sports writer when his pro playing days end.

03-23-2017, 12:27 PM
Loved the piece, but I'll be honest, I don't like seeing the part about the team reading all the message boards and stuff. Too few people consider that they players themselves probably read a lot of this stuff before they post.

Honestly, I love reading that part. Absolutely being part of a public sports team has it's ups and downs. When you win, fans will cheer but when you lose they will criticize. In order to be part of that one must have thick enough skin to handle the criticism and move past it. It only gets worse in the NBA. I read that and I am absolutely proud of those players for handling that mid/end of season criticism to post season success. We that are alumni are spoiled with the quality of player and person on our team. We rightfully are proud of those guys win or lose.

Side note, I caught a few ASU games this year. When Cunnliffe transferred to KU, they really had only five worthy players with two guys on the bench that would get burned. They played hard to the end each and every time I went. I would be curious to hear this type of story from them. They had an overall losing season, but each time out they still came out and played hard to the finish. ASU fans really had no idea this losing team was one to be proud of as well.

03-23-2017, 12:31 PM
I've been criticized for years about what I won't allow to be posted about the players (private lives, grades, will they transfer). I know for a fact that players/coaches and admin read this Board.

Thank you and keep up the good work. There is a line that should not be crossed.

03-23-2017, 12:38 PM
Great piece by Tre. I love the renewed desire to "finish". I attended the Colorado game, a game we were up 9 in the 2nd half on the road. With 2 minutes left, Ed drove thru the entire CO. team for an easy layup. Next 2 minutes? Nothing but watch Co. beat us. No attack and finish. Couldn't finish the bunny layups. No taking back our win. Well, now we are playing loose and aggressive. Attack and Finish. Love it. Go big. House money!

03-23-2017, 12:56 PM
We saw all the comments (on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, message boards, whatever) about our team during the losing streak — how our preseason ranking had been inflated, how we might not even make the tournament. Coach told us to ignore the noise, but it was hard to do when it was everywhere.

I remember once some posters scoffing at the notion that players / coaches read message boards. Well, we can put that one to rest.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you guys are reading this, then there is nothing I could possibly type here that you haven't thought of, read or heard already.

I'm just a fan, and an "older" fan at that. Xavier has a basketball program that is great to contemplate. Schmidt Memorial Field House was once one of the premier indoor arenas in the State of Ohio (no, I'm not that old). The 1958 NIT Title came along. We went into the wilderness for much of the 60's and 70's - I was there in the 70's; I can absolutely confirm that.

But I also attended the "pep rally" that Bob Staak put together in the Armory next to Schmidt when he first showed up. I enjoyed personally meeting Pete and Skip when I was active in the alumni association stuff. Along comes Father Hoff and the realization of his greatest vision: the Cintas Center. That platform enabled us to attract Matta away from LBv2 - Butler fans will always be pissed off about that one. Thad pulls in Sean Miller. Sean pulls (back) in Chris Mack.

Chris Mack goes into Greg's office with a freakin business plan for moving the program forward and is awarded the job. Xavier then earns its way into the Big East. All, or most of this occurring with a program that focused and remains focused on doing things the right way: Sister Rose, the new academic resources in the Cintas Center, etc.

And here we are.

Trevon, fantastic article. Trevon and Company, if you're reading this, all I can do is congratulate you on your accomplishments this year, given what you had to slug through, during the regular season.

What I take great pride in is this: the name on the jersey. The brand has been built. You guys have added to its foundation this season. My larger point is that we've come to a time and place where we go into the NCAA Tournament fearing no one.

You guys paid your dues through a brutal Big East season. It's time to go have some fun on your way to Phoenix. Go nuts in this weekend's mini-tournament in San Jose. 40 minutes tonight, then 40 minutes on Saturday. What a story you've created to-date. It's time to add to it. It's time to bury for good the memory of the shot from the corner - replace it with another game winning dagger of your own.

03-23-2017, 01:14 PM
“I’m willing to sacrifice everything for this team,” he said.

“I’m going to dive for every loose ball, close out harder on every shot, block out for every rebound. I’m going to play harder than I’ve ever played. And I need you all to follow me.”

Malcolm Bernard...one of my new all time favorite Muskies. Love this kid and what he has brought to this team. One word:


03-23-2017, 01:36 PM
Great article. Trevon could be a sports writer when his pro playing days end.

He seems to be over-qualified!

03-23-2017, 01:36 PM
“I’m willing to sacrifice everything for this team,” he said.

“I’m going to dive for every loose ball, close out harder on every shot, block out for every rebound. I’m going to play harder than I’ve ever played. And I need you all to follow me.”

Malcolm Bernard...one of my new all time favorite Muskies. Love this kid and what he has brought to this team. One word:


Stanley salutes you Mr. Bernard.

03-23-2017, 01:45 PM
I am a 61 yr old father of 2 X students, played and coached and my first memory was Dayton (Don May) v Lew Alcindor. Have watched every one since and I love Xavier (and the big East) philosophy. Have many Providence friends and we still talk/text it. I could not sleep after Wisconsin last year(kept waking up think it was a dream) and say the sense of hopelessness against Marquette. Bernard's interview(not aware of players meeting) was as close as I have seen to calling players out by a player who did not quit. I look forward to tonight and know they will leave it on the floor. Interesting on Wisconsin, after beating X they were up 3 with ball against ND and coughed it up and lost. Nobody is infallible. Great season by a great team.

03-23-2017, 02:28 PM
I've been criticized for years about what I won't allow to be posted about the players (private lives, grades, will they transfer). I know for a fact that players/coaches and admin read this Board.

I didn't think they did. I don't know why in the hell I didn't. Lesson learned.

03-23-2017, 03:06 PM
Chills... a lot of PTSD from the Wisconsin snippet, but absolute chills. Love the ashes, and the way the guys rallied together. Tre's right, everyone has started coming into their own and just looking like they are having fun out there, I'm hoping to continue this wild ride of a season, and I'm excited that this team has grinded their way to where they are. Nothing but love for team 95.

D-West & PO-Z
03-23-2017, 03:12 PM
I've been criticized for years about what I won't allow to be posted about the players (private lives, grades, will they transfer). I know for a fact that players/coaches and admin read this Board.

You do a great job!

03-23-2017, 03:20 PM
double sword raised!!

American X
03-23-2017, 03:23 PM
I found myself re-looking multiple times on who wrote this article

Trevor Bullet.


03-23-2017, 03:38 PM
Trevor Bullet.

Trevon "Trevor "Bullet" Blueitt" Bluiett.

03-23-2017, 03:54 PM
Great piece. This was another good one there.

03-23-2017, 04:05 PM
This may be the rekindling of the Xavier spirit that was lost with the disastrous Jordan Latham class. Before that class it was guys like Lionel Chalmers, Stanley Burrell, David West, Justin Cage and so on that gave us the back alley brawlers, never say die attitude. That was always a trait passed down from senior classes to freshman classes and was the true definition of Xavier basketball. That disastrous class broke that cycle and the message was lost. While Xavier since then has had good teams with tons of talent, none of those early Chris Mack teams really felt the same as those historic teams from Matta and Miller. This may be it... the rekindling of that warrior spirit. The resurgence of what the " Program" is meant to be. If that is true then Malcolm Bernard may be one of my new favorite Muskies of all time.

With how we are playing this team feels like those earlier teams. Let's do this tonight and this weekend and break down that door once and for all!!

03-23-2017, 04:11 PM
What Dash said.

(Except I'm even older.)

03-23-2017, 07:47 PM
I am so proud that one of our kids can write like that. Extraordinarily exceptional piece. Brilliant.

I sent the link to all my friends. I read it to my 14 year old and he was in tears and ready to follow Malcolm Bernard, his new hero.

Goosebumps baby. Inspirational.


03-23-2017, 07:56 PM
While Xavier since then has had good teams with tons of talent, none of those early Chris Mack teams really felt the same as those historic teams from Matta and Miller.

huh?? That 2010 team played in one of the best NCAA tournament games ever and Jordan Crawford may have been the most talented player to ever wear an X uniform. Tu Holloway was probably the best (at least one of the top two) PGs in program history. Were the Mack teams not as historic because they weren't big underdogs in terms of seed?

I think the 08 team and the Run will always be in a class of their own (I guess till we get back there), but 2010 is definitely in that next group and last year was the best regular season we've ever had. It's not like everything before this in the Mack era was a disappointment.

03-23-2017, 08:25 PM
1. I never said any team was a disappointment. I only said they just didn't have that same vibe that started with the Darnell Williams, James Posey Muskies and continued up through about 2010.

2. 2010 was the last time that feeling was around. I sure you recall how it was. Seniors passed down the Xavier way to Freshman who would then pass it down and so on. My point was the cycle stopped when we lost just about that whole class (Latham, McKenzie class). I don't think anyone here would deny the Muskies at the end of the Miller and beginning of the Mack era were probably the grittiest, hardnose teams we ever had. Losing that class lost that edge. However, I do think the UC fight help accelerate that even more. Zip'em up died with that day along with the edge we always carried into games

3. My point was not to be critical here just to say I think Bernard with his candid words and challenge finally woke guys up like those teams of old. Those teams always had an enforcer; a guy who would kick your ass if you didn't go all out. It's no secret we didn't have that the past few years. Don't get me wrong I loved guys like Stainbrook, but he didn't come off as an ass kicker. Tu was probably the last one we did have. I hope it's a rebirth or renaissance of the Xavier way... bigger, better and stronger than ever before, and with that we finally break down the door and get our first final four.

03-23-2017, 08:32 PM
4. (Prolly your favorite). I'm just crazy as hell haha!!!

5. Who cares now? It's about gametime all these filler conversations can end and we can enjoy our guys at least one more game

03-24-2017, 01:50 AM
I am ready to follow Malcolm Bernard!!!!!!!!

03-24-2017, 01:52 AM
I would predict that this excellent piece from Tre and the in person first hand account of the players only meeting is about to get a lot more play. They will be looking for a storyline, and this is exactly what they want to print. In fact, the Enquirer would be idiots to not buying the rights and reprinting it. This piece is pure gold.

03-24-2017, 02:09 AM
After we lost our next game — to Marquette on March 1 — we held a players-only meeting.

Before anyone could say anything, Malcolm Bernard, a senior, stood up. He didn’t need to remind us why this year meant so much to him. He’d transferred at the end of last season from Florida A&M — a program that last made the tournament in 2007.

Xavier was his best shot at getting to the postseason before his collegiate career was over.

He said we weren’t buying into coach’s system. He said weren’t playing for each other, only for ourselves. We weren’t even playing hard — which is the only thing you can really control on the court.

“We’re being selfish,” he said. “And I’m tired of it.”

At the end of his speech, Malcolm made a promise and a request.

“I’m willing to sacrifice everything for this team,” he said.

“I’m going to dive for every loose ball, close out harder on every shot, block out for every rebound. I’m going to play harder than I’ve ever played. And I need you all to follow me.”

Here was a guy who hadn’t even been here for a year — and he was calling us out.
And he was absolutely right. We weren’t finishing.

I will follow Malcolm Bernard. I will dive for every loose ball. Malcolm had 15 points in the second half and helped will us to victory.

NEW RULE: From now on, Malcolm Bernard is now an honorary 4 year Xavier veteran. I don't care if it is just one year, he nailed the Xavier Tradition as well as Sir Stanley Burrell. And I think Sir Stanley would approve.

I am in awe of this man.

03-24-2017, 02:37 AM
Not sure how many of you are familiar with this site, but every now and again I'll see one of these articles pop up. They are written by players (either current or retired) and they tell a pretty good story from their perspective about a certain event.

I had no idea that they had active college players write these, until I saw one from Trevon Bluiett pop up this morning.

Really good article -- https://www.theplayerstribune.com/trevon-bluiett-xavier-march-madness/

Thanks for sharing KYXU:

Great article by Tre indeed. The part about Bernard standing up and calling the team out and challenging them beautifully demonstrates how significant senior leadership at the end of a season can be to a team's success.

03-24-2017, 08:21 AM
“I’m going to dive for every loose ball, close out harder on every shot, block out for every rebound. I’m going to play harder than I’ve ever played. And I need you all to follow me.”

That is exactly the last 5 seconds of the game.

The 3 goes up...it misses...O'Mara blocks out, tips the ball...and Bernard dove for the loose ball...came up with it...and created history.

03-24-2017, 10:38 AM
You are exactly right my friend.

03-24-2017, 11:57 AM
That is exactly the last 5 seconds of the game.

The 3 goes up...it misses...O'Mara blocks out, tips the ball...and Bernard dove for the loose ball...came up with it...and created history.

Since I didn't head to SJ for the game, I was sitting at a local watering hole with Az fans screaming for Malcolm to grab that lose ball.