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11-14-2024, 10:07 AM
I'm not really sure what Trump is going with this Gaetz nom. Surely he's not getting confirmed. Gaetz immediately resigning from Congress is odd, too. Does this just give Gaetz cover to resign from the House and avoid the ethics investigation? Then he can get some pointless job in the administration once his nomination is eventually pulled?

I hope that’s the case. Trumps picks other than this clown I believe have been pretty solid, but this one is extremely disappointing.

11-14-2024, 12:59 PM
I imagine this is some sort of karma:


11-14-2024, 02:38 PM
I too was in the WTF and he’s a douche crowd with the Gaetz nom. After sleeping on it, I still feel the same.

However, it would be nice to see how the sausage is made in the DOJ and think we would get that from him. Also think Trump was trying to go in the complete opposite direction from his first AG… for very obvious reasons.

11-14-2024, 04:43 PM
Well, he really did it. RFK, Jr. will run Health and Human Services (if confirmed). That would make two members of the Trump Cabinet who ran in Democrat primaries for President in recent elections.

11-14-2024, 07:22 PM
Well, he really did it. RFK, Jr. will run Health and Human Services (if confirmed). That would make two members of the Trump Cabinet who ran in Democrat primaries for President in recent elections.

RFK's talk about processed food and corporate farming on massive scales are great. His history being anti-vax and vaccines being a cause of autism are scary. I am proponent of limiting the consumption of processed and heavily processed food deploying it in my own household and hope he really makes a dent in the food industry's control of supply and it's regulations. If he goes down the Wakefield autism/vaccine rabbit hole, I will be at the least disappointed and most angered.

Strange Brew
11-14-2024, 08:38 PM
I imagine this is some sort of karma:


Hmmm, interesting. Thanks for posting Paul.

I wonder if they’ll buy WaPo from Bezos next.:)

11-15-2024, 08:21 AM
I think Trump just put the names of his closest allies in a hat....then proceeded to fill his cabinet. Plenty of exceptional people, but his choice of positions are way out of whack. Several of the appointees have very little EXPERIENCE related to their position.

11-15-2024, 08:24 AM
I think Trump just put the names of his closest allies in a hat....then proceeded to fill his cabinet. Plenty of exceptional people, but his choice of positions are way out of whack. Several of the appointees have very little EXPERIENCE related to their position.

Lack of experience doesn't really bother me. As long as RFK doesn't go the anti-vaccine route, I really like that pick. We need to fix our food, and figure out what the hell is wrong with our health care infrastructure.

The only one I really don't agree with is Gaetz, I hope that Republicans use some common sense here and don't confirm him. The guy is trash.

11-15-2024, 08:45 AM
Are you kidding? We are talking the very highest levels of our government. Experience is everything..... and traditionally has been a mandatory prerequisite.

I don't see how Gaetz can get confirmed. There will be some R senators that will have to deal with Trump's ire for awhile.

11-15-2024, 08:52 AM
Are you kidding? We are talking the very highest levels of our government. Experience is everything..... and traditionally has been a mandatory prerequisite.

I don't see how Gaetz can get confirmed. There will be some R senators that will have to deal with Trump's ire for awhile.

And where has that gotten us? Our food and health systems are an absolute shitshow, our military infrastructure is the same. (from friends of mine in the military they have told me that they are about twenty years behind the times in technology and systems) Public mistrust is at an all-time high in pretty much every single governmental agency. I feel good about having people being put into positions with clean slates to disrupt a lot of what has gone on the last three or four decades. The government is exceptionally bloated...during the Clinton administration i believe the budget was around 4T or so? It is now at 33T. I understand some of that is certainly inflation, but something needs to change. I welcome it.

11-15-2024, 09:32 AM
Cite that 33T number for me. I can't find that. I see Clinton's last year was a few ticks over 3T and 2023 was 6.1T per the CBO. I can't find that number you listed. FY23 tax receipts were a bit over 4T.

11-15-2024, 09:45 AM
Cite that 33T number for me. I can't find that. I see Clinton's last year was a few ticks over 3T and 2023 was 6.1T per the CBO. I can't find that number you listed. FY23 tax receipts were a bit over 4T.

Ya know what. Thanks for pointing that out, and I stand corrected. It's the National debt numbers I was referencing:

33 Trillion currently.

First year of Clinton it was 4 trillion.


What I am seeing is that in '96 the budget was 1.6 trillion...this past year about 7


Again, I understand inflation but thats effing insane its grown that much in less than 3 decades.

11-15-2024, 09:59 AM
In addition to breaking an historical norm of divesting of business interest (to prevent bribing, etc.) the first go around, now they are skipping another historical norm of having FBI do background checks on nominees. This is to protect the nation's intelligence secrets among other things.

Which I guess makes sense since you can't pass their check if you have a felony conviction, other violations of the law, or have actual stolen the nation's intelligence secrets and refused to return them.

Only the best people.

11-15-2024, 10:42 AM
Ya know what. Thanks for pointing that out, and I stand corrected. It's the National debt numbers I was referencing:

33 Trillion currently.

First year of Clinton it was 4 trillion.


What I am seeing is that in '96 the budget was 1.6 trillion...this past year about 7


Again, I understand inflation but thats effing insane its grown that much in less than 3 decades.

Clinton raised it 1.4T from 4.4T to 5.8T.
Bush II raised it 6.1T from 5.8T to 11.9T.
Obama raised it 8.3T from 11.9T to 20.2T.
Trump raised it 8.2T from 20.2T to 28.4T.
Biden raised it from 28.4T to 35.4 currently but the number is still ?? so at least 7T.

Just looking at these to me, Bush should shamed because despite wars the economy was actually decent until we 2007-8 when it was day-to-day. Obama should have done a little better despite inheriting the worst financial collapse in 100 years. I want to dig deeper into Trump's numbers. How much of his increase stemmed from decreased revenues from his massive tax breaks to Corps.

11-15-2024, 02:42 PM
Lack of experience doesn't really bother me. As long as RFK doesn't go the anti-vaccine route, I really like that pick. We need to fix our food, and figure out what the hell is wrong with our health care infrastructure.

The only one I really don't agree with is Gaetz, I hope that Republicans use some common sense here and don't confirm him. The guy is trash.

What part of no cancer research and no polio vaccine do you agree with? I spent 30 years in Rotary getting rid of it. We DID it! Now it's back

11-15-2024, 02:44 PM
Your governor is a big RFK, Jr. fan, bobbie.

11-15-2024, 02:53 PM
What part of no cancer research and no polio vaccine do you agree with? I spent 30 years in Rotary getting rid of it. We DID it! Now it's back

What exactly are you referring to?

Here's what I know about our healthcare system...its fucked up, period. Every single corporation and government has their hand in the cookie jar as it relates to what we put into our bodies from food to medicine and at every single turn the American consumer is getting effed without lube. I work in the system...doctors, pharma, big farming institutions, government are making an obscene amount of money off all of us by making and keeping us sick. Look at the data of what has occurred here in America over the last 50 years...look at the rise in cancers, birth defects, ADHD, autism, digestive problems, gluten and lactose intolerance, and communicable diseases. How do you think this has happened and why?

11-15-2024, 03:03 PM
Paywalled, but if you subscribe to WSJ, an excellent article today on election betting markets (which they euphemistically refer to as prediction markets).


11-15-2024, 04:25 PM
What exactly are you referring to?

Here's what I know about our healthcare system...its fucked up, period. Every single corporation and government has their hand in the cookie jar as it relates to what we put into our bodies from food to medicine and at every single turn the American consumer is getting effed without lube. I work in the system...doctors, pharma, big farming institutions, government are making an obscene amount of money off all of us by making and keeping us sick. Look at the data of what has occurred here in America over the last 50 years...look at the rise in cancers, birth defects, ADHD, autism, digestive problems, gluten and lactose intolerance, and communicable diseases. How do you think this has happened and why?

I like the post, but a lot of the increase in autism has to do with the ability to detect it even at it's level 1 lowest level. The same goes for lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance.

RFK's time will be judged on how much he focuses on the food supply over other things like his opposition to vaccines/they cause autism which is nonsense.

11-15-2024, 04:40 PM
I like the post, but a lot of the increase in autism has to do with the ability to detect it even at it's level 1 lowest level. The same goes for lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance.

RFK's time will be judged on how much he focuses on the food supply over other things like his opposition to vaccines/they cause autism which is nonsense.

I don’t know what’s caused autism, but I disagree with your gluten/lactose premise. Food has changed drastically in the last 20-30 years and even more so in the last ten. That has to have some kind of an effect on our bodies’ issues. Europe does not have these issues.

11-15-2024, 05:32 PM
Didn't know of a single kid who was alergic to any kind of food or nut while growing up. The wife and other I know work in the Public schools and have told me that the number of 'special kids' have been going up consistantly and have quadrupled since Covid. Also the amount of paperwork required for each kid is mind numbingly stupid which takes away from the amount of time you can spend with the kid.

11-15-2024, 06:38 PM
I don’t know what’s caused autism, but I disagree with your gluten/lactose premise. Food has changed drastically in the last 20-30 years and even more so in the last ten. That has to have some kind of an effect on our bodies’ issues. Europe does not have these issues.

I was just in Italy. Plenty of restaurants have GF options, the number reducing the farther you get from a city center. That said, deep in Tuscany there were still GF options to be found.

Now Germany, my old neighbors laughed at my wife a bit about it. GF and celiac just is not a thing.

We are in agreement our food supply needs to dramatically change. I sincerely hope RFK focuses on the amount of corn syrup in everything more than anything else, but that is problematic as we chose to subsidize corn. Germans, however, subsidize butter among other things. A giant bit of butter costs around 1.20 Euros in Bavaria.

Edit: my point was at least part of the increase in autism is attributed to a better understanding on how to identify it. What was once labeled social awkwardness could be level 1 autism. I am very familiar with what encompasses level 1/2/3 autism.

11-15-2024, 08:54 PM
Bernie Sanders announces he's going to work with Trump to cap credit card interest rates at 10%. A really terrible idea, which shouldn't be a surprise given that Bernie Sanders is involved.

11-15-2024, 11:22 PM
You pack your family and friends on a 767 and the announcement comes "your pilot today will be RFK,Jr. Lol

Muskie in dayton
11-16-2024, 10:22 AM
There was so much voter fraud that Fox paid Dominion $787 million.
This proves nothing re: voter fraud, but thanks for the parroted talking point.

Paul do you agree that verifying the integrity of elections and imposing the harshest penalty of the law against offenders is critical to preserve democracy?

Muskie in dayton
11-16-2024, 10:26 AM
Yeah those aren't going to be the final numbers.. Kamala is probably going to end up around 74 million and Trump 77-78. I'll let you figure out that again you know very little about anything.

It's not hard to figure out...Moderates went to Trump this time as the lesser of two evils, just like they went to Biden in 2020. It's not rocket science.

Florida counted 11 million ballots and all but stray absentee by 11:00 election night. Most other states were done by late night. Hell, back in the ‘80s with paper ballots they were done that same night.

If they’re still counting, they’re cheating.

Muskie in dayton
11-16-2024, 10:30 AM
I think Trump just put the names of his closest allies in a hat....then proceeded to fill his cabinet. Plenty of exceptional people, but his choice of positions are way out of whack. Several of the appointees have very little EXPERIENCE related to their position.
For comparison, Biden appointed Mayor Pete as Transportation Secretary because he likes to pull the train.

Muskie in dayton
11-16-2024, 10:35 AM
Bernie Sanders announces he's going to work with Trump to cap credit card interest rates at 10%. A really terrible idea, which shouldn't be a surprise given that Bernie Sanders is involved.
Agree 100%. This is almost as bad as Kamala’s capital gains tax proposal. Government needs to get the fuck out of… well… almost everything.

11-16-2024, 04:48 PM
Florida counted 11 million ballots and all but stray absentee by 11:00 election night. Most other states were done by late night. Hell, back in the ‘80s with paper ballots they were done that same night.

If they’re still counting, they’re cheating.

Did it ever occur to you that states which take a long time counting, are prevented from processing and counting mail-in ballots until election day?
That a state like Pennsylvania where this is the law, tried to catch up to other states who start with them earlier, but the Republicans blocked the effort?

Probably not.

Muskie in dayton
11-17-2024, 08:26 AM
Did it ever occur to you that states which take a long time counting, are prevented from processing and counting mail-in ballots until election day?
That a state like Pennsylvania where this is the law, tried to catch up to other states who start with them earlier, but the Republicans blocked the effort?

Probably not.

Did it ever occur to you that taking weeks to count a fraction of the ballots is bullshit? Definitely not.

I’ll mark you down as supporting election fraud.

Muskie in dayton
11-17-2024, 08:28 AM
Just a reminder, it’s not Republicans vs. Democrats. It’s the People vs. the Government. Very few office holders are for the people. They are the ones most attacked:

11-17-2024, 09:11 AM
I think we'd like to hear from the naked
17 yr. Old exactly what happened.

11-17-2024, 09:30 AM
Just a reminder, it’s not Republicans vs. Democrats. It’s the People vs. the Government. Very few office holders are for the people. They are the ones most attacked:

Gaetz has you fooled he actually gives an f about you. He wants what everyone in government wants, power.

He fucked a 17 year old. Even if it was consensual, to just brush that off as no big deal is really effed up

11-17-2024, 11:07 AM
Did it ever occur to you that taking weeks to count a fraction of the ballots is bullshit? Definitely not.

I’ll mark you down as supporting election fraud.

Did it ever occur to you that you should think before commenting? In 2022 1/4 of Penn ballots were mail-in.
This year it could be 20%. That's not "a fraction."
And you evade the obvious...why do the Republicans there block the processing of them before election day?

Guess I'll mark you down as supporting made up stuff.

11-17-2024, 12:40 PM
This proves nothing re: voter fraud, but thanks for the parroted talking point.

Paul do you agree that verifying the integrity of elections and imposing the harshest penalty of the law against offenders is critical to preserve democracy?

What are you even saying? Do you know how flippant that is?

They spouted garbage about that company being involved in rampant fraud in the millions of votes, it was all correct, they could prove it was correct, then went ahead and wrote a check a few ticks south of 800 MILLION FREAKING dollars.

That is literally what you believe.

11-17-2024, 12:44 PM
Bernie Sanders announces he's going to work with Trump to cap credit card interest rates at 10%. A really terrible idea, which shouldn't be a surprise given that Bernie Sanders is involved.

I actually like the idea. There should absolutely be interest caps on debt. Please tell me the argument that there should not be rate caps on debt. My own state passed a rate cat on pay day loan scams through a ballet proposition that I happily voted for. We went through the process of listening to both side and the no cap side sounded awful.

11-17-2024, 12:52 PM
Most states have usury laws. 10% isn't close to the right number for that. A large swath of the population will lose access to credit with a 10% rate cap.

11-17-2024, 03:26 PM
Yeah those aren't going to be the final numbers.. Kamala is probably going to end up around 74 million and Trump 77-78. I'll let you figure out that again you know very little about anything.

It's not hard to figure out...Moderates went to Trump this time as the lesser of two evils, just like they went to Biden in 2020. It's not rocket science.

Ok Smart Ass. Even using your numbers above, there are still 5 million unaccounted for voters from 2020 in 2024.
With 99% of the vote counted. Harris has received fully 7,500,000 votes less than Biden- 73,700 mil to 81,200 mil. Trump has received 2,000,000 more than 2020.
With an “Existential Election” to save Democracy, in a clear panic mode, where did those missing 5,000,000 votes go? 2,000,000 more Moderates went to Trump, obviously. But….
It’s like those other 5,000,000 voters in 2020 never existed.
I rest my case.

11-17-2024, 04:01 PM
Well, it must have somehow been 5,000,000 undocumented immigrants were allowed to vote the last time.

(Do I need to activate the sarcasm font?)

Edit: my bad. I see the 81 m refers to Biden's 2020 number.

Strange Brew
11-17-2024, 05:08 PM
Did it ever occur to you that you should think before commenting? In 2022 1/4 of Penn ballots were mail-in.
This year it could be 20%. That's not "a fraction."
And you evade the obvious...why do the Republicans there block the processing of them before election day?

Guess I'll mark you down as supporting made up stuff.

Not true Paul, it’s 1/5…;)

11-17-2024, 06:32 PM
Ok Smart Ass. Even using your numbers above, there are still 5 million unaccounted for voters from 2020 in 2024.
With 99% of the vote counted. Harris has received fully 7,500,000 votes less than Biden- 73,700 mil to 81,200 mil. Trump has received 2,000,000 more than 2020.
With an “Existential Election” to save Democracy, in a clear panic mode, where did those missing 5,000,000 votes go? 2,000,000 more Moderates went to Trump, obviously. But….
It’s like those other 5,000,000 voters in 2020 never existed.
I rest my case.

lol yeah ok case closed since you say it is. There will probably be another 1.5 to 2 million more ballots to be counted. A difference of maybe 3 million short of 2020. With how horrible the dem candidate was, and how many people are disgusted by Trump, that's not a surprise.

Your speculative nonsense makes as much sense as democrats saying trump stole the election this time around because “where did all those votes go” amirite Mor?

Just maybe the numbers are what they are. I know that blows your mind since you can’t see past your bias, but maybe try.

11-18-2024, 10:40 AM
lol yeah ok case closed since you say it is. There will probably be another 1.5 to 2 million more ballots to be counted. A difference of maybe 3 million short of 2020. With how horrible the dem candidate was, and how many people are disgusted by Trump, that's not a surprise.

Your speculative nonsense makes as much sense as democrats saying trump stole the election this time around because “where did all those votes go” amirite Mor?

Just maybe the numbers are what they are. I know that blows your mind since you can’t see past your bias, but maybe try.

Your “speculative bullshit” and constant fighting and demeaning almost allother posters on this site is a an amazing accomplishment. You should be really proud of yourself for making this place objectively worse since being on here.
No matter what the number is, 3,4, 5 million “votes” short for the Democratic candidate in an allegedly country changing election, is significant, and questionable when compared to 2020. No matter what crap you try to sell.
Self reflection is your friend. Try it.
Better yet. Leave since you won’t even pay your $12.50 to support.

11-18-2024, 11:29 AM
Your “speculative bullshit” and constant fighting and demeaning almost allother posters on this site is a an amazing accomplishment. You should be really proud of yourself for making this place objectively worse since being on here.
No matter what the number is, 3,4, 5 million “votes” short for the Democratic candidate in an allegedly country changing election, is significant, and questionable when compared to 2020. No matter what crap you try to sell.
Self reflection is your friend. Try it.
Better yet. Leave since you won’t even pay your $12.50 to support.

You’re the biggest condescending prick on here. So pot meet kettle. There were 138 million that voted in 16, so riddle me this dumbass, is it possible maybe more people voted in 20 and maybe not as many in 24 (maybe because of people like xuphan who weren’t going to vote for either shit candidate) or does that not fit your stupid narrative? How many voters are independent in our country that regularly vote? How many voted in this election? How many voted for Biden in 2020, and then sat this one out because they don't like either candidate? You have no clue. You just regurgitate Fox News talking points because you're too stupid to think for yourself.

You think of me that way because I’m the only one calling out your complete bullshit, with zero actual facts to support your bias.

I’m not “selling” anything, you’re trying to sell baloney because I guess you’re an election denier. Congratulations on being ignorant.

11-18-2024, 11:45 AM
I was just in Italy. Plenty of restaurants have GF options, the number reducing the farther you get from a city center. That said, deep in Tuscany there were still GF options to be found.

Now Germany, my old neighbors laughed at my wife a bit about it. GF and celiac just is not a thing.

We are in agreement our food supply needs to dramatically change. I sincerely hope RFK focuses on the amount of corn syrup in everything more than anything else, but that is problematic as we chose to subsidize corn. Germans, however, subsidize butter among other things. A giant bit of butter costs around 1.20 Euros in Bavaria.

Edit: my point was at least part of the increase in autism is attributed to a better understanding on how to identify it. What was once labeled social awkwardness could be level 1 autism. I am very familiar with what encompasses level 1/2/3 autism.

Yeah absolutely. What I meant (and this is more anecdotal I admit) is that my wife has a pretty big gluten allergy here in the states, she ingests a bite of it, and its a disaster. but when we have gone to Europe, we were told beforehand that she shouldn't have an issue. My italian cousins reinforced that notion, and so she thought what the hell give it a try. And, she never had an issue. Shes not celiac so it may not be the case for everyone, but she had zero digestive issues even after all the plates of pasta from restaurants and italian side of my family who feed us in their home.

11-18-2024, 04:49 PM
How is it that Harris received 71 million votes in an “Existential Crisis” election- fully 10 million LESS than Joe Biden “allegedly” received?
Meanwhile Trump received almost exactly the same amount as 2020, and will win the Popular Vote?
I’ll let you figure out what that might mean.

Let me remind you of your post filled with your facts. The only thing in this post that’s factually correct is trump wins the popular vote, yet you tried to pass off your numbers as so without waiting to let things play out. Since then, trump has surpassed his numbers by a pretty big margin, and Kamala has added about 3 mil. I doubt it, but maybe next time you take a wait and see approach.

Muskie in dayton
11-18-2024, 05:15 PM
Did it ever occur to you that you should think before commenting? In 2022 1/4 of Penn ballots were mail-in.
This year it could be 20%. That's not "a fraction."
And you evade the obvious...why do the Republicans there block the processing of them before election day?

Guess I'll mark you down as supporting made up stuff.

Did ever occur to you that you should think, period? First, 20% (otherwise known as 1/5) is indeed a fraction.

Getting past that gem, I'll ask you, if Florida can count over 10 million and 99% of their ballots on election night, why does it take weeks for these other crooked states? And I didn't evade your other point, I ignored it because it's irrelevant. I have no idea why R's block processing ballots before election day. But why does it matter? It shouldn't (and I'll confidently say doesn't) take weeks to count a fraction of the ballots unless you're committing fraud.

Paul you never answered my original question: do you agree or disagree that forensic audits and harsh punishment for fraud would eliminate fraud? And the small cost of this relative to the value of maintaining the sanctity of our election process is well worthwhile?

If you agree, I'll remove you from my Voter Fraud Supporter list.

Muskie in dayton
11-18-2024, 05:16 PM
What are you even saying? Do you know how flippant that is?

They spouted garbage about that company being involved in rampant fraud in the millions of votes, it was all correct, they could prove it was correct, then went ahead and wrote a check a few ticks south of 800 MILLION FREAKING dollars.

That is literally what you believe.
You're going to need to keep up. My statement had absolutely nothing to do with Dominion, but thanks for playing.

Muskie in dayton
11-18-2024, 05:22 PM
Gaetz has you fooled he actually gives an f about you. He wants what everyone in government wants, power.

He fucked a 17 year old. Even if it was consensual, to just brush that off as no big deal is really effed up

The fact that you are denying due process is "really effed up". Did he actually have sex with a 17-year old? If so, did he know she wasn't 17? You don't know. I believe in due process and also believe there is a higher chance that this situation may be fabricated given his propensity to, we'll say, disrupt other politicians' grift.

If proven in the court of law that he engaged in sex with a minor, then he should hold no office ever again, and be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

So, I didn't brush anything off, you dickhead.

11-18-2024, 06:15 PM
The fact that you are denying due process is "really effed up". Did he actually have sex with a 17-year old? If so, did he know she wasn't 17? You don't know. I believe in due process and also believe there is a higher chance that this situation may be fabricated given his propensity to, we'll say, disrupt other politicians' grift.

If proven in the court of law that he engaged in sex with a minor, then he should hold no office ever again, and be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

So, I didn't brush anything off, you dickhead.

Ha! Thanks for the laugh. Due process that’s hysterical. Do you only believe in due process when it involves your kind of guy?

You have no issue spouting off election denier stories with zero facts over and over and over again after court case after court case exhibited that there was no case. But yeah that’s because everyone is just trying to screw trump, amirite? again speculative nonsense.

Speaking of grift, have any idea whose family he’s married to? I doubt it.

Due process, you’re a funny man.a fan of a guy who spouts theories with zero facts, but calling for due process in this case. Hilarious

11-18-2024, 09:03 PM
The house ethics committee looks like it’s not going to release its report. Gee I wonder why? Could it be that daddy in law made a few calls?

11-18-2024, 10:17 PM
Did ever occur to you that you should think, period? First, 20% (otherwise known as 1/5) is indeed a fraction.

Getting past that gem, I'll ask you, if Florida can count over 10 million and 99% of their ballots on election night, why does it take weeks for these other crooked states? And I didn't evade your other point, I ignored it because it's irrelevant. I have no idea why R's block processing ballots before election day. But why does it matter? It shouldn't (and I'll confidently say doesn't) take weeks to count a fraction of the ballots unless you're committing fraud.

Paul you never answered my original question: do you agree or disagree that forensic audits and harsh punishment for fraud would eliminate fraud? And the small cost of this relative to the value of maintaining the sanctity of our election process is well worthwhile?

If you agree, I'll remove you from my Voter Fraud Supporter list.

Nice deflection. Yes, 20% is 1/5th, a fraction. Your usage implied minimal, not 20%.
I have no need to answer your weird questions. Do you still beat your wife?
Voter fraud is a crime. It's punished. A lot of people caught seem to be R's.
The amount of voter fraud has never shown to be anything more than minuscule compared to the total votes, and never decisive.
See 60 court cases for explanation, or million dollar payouts for claiming fraud that doesn't exist.

11-18-2024, 10:21 PM
If proven in the court of law that he engaged in sex with a minor, then he should hold no office ever again, and be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

If it's proven in a court of law that you are a sexual assaulter, should that person hold the office of president?

11-18-2024, 11:11 PM
If it's proven in a court of law that you are a sexual assaulter, should that person hold the office of president?

63 days baby!


11-19-2024, 08:26 AM
One thing I’d love to see about the election is how many people voted down ballot and skipped voting for president. Ideally, it would also say if the rest of the votes were straight party line. Did more democrats or republicans not vote for their party’s candidate?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-19-2024, 08:32 AM
One thing I’d love to see about the election is how many people voted down ballot and skipped voting for president. Ideally, it would also say if the rest of the votes were straight party line. Did more democrats or republicans not vote for their party’s candidate?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree, I'd love to see a breakdown of that, but not sure we will ever have that info. Anecdotally, I have read where a lot of people on the left voted straight party, but then didn't vote for Kamala. I can see that, she was a horrible candidate. I truly believe that the dems completely effed this up. Had they just left Biden alone or nominated Shapiro or Beshear, they win going away.

I'm just one person, but my vote certainly would have been different.

11-19-2024, 09:18 AM
There's no way Biden would have won. Not after that debate.

11-19-2024, 10:31 AM
I agree, I'd love to see a breakdown of that, but not sure we will ever have that info. Anecdotally, I have read where a lot of people on the left voted straight party, but then didn't vote for Kamala. I can see that, she was a horrible candidate. I truly believe that the dems completely effed this up. Had they just left Biden alone or nominated Shapiro or Beshear, they win going away.

I'm just one person, but my vote certainly would have been different.

Ya, I am one who did not vote for either candidate. I wasnÂ’t impressed with Biden presidency and to nominate his assistant wasnÂ’t a smart choice other than to cater to the donors. Not sure if the Dems are enamored with getting a female president but Hillary and Kamala were two really bad options. We have also had 4 years of Trump which wasnÂ’t that great either. Dude is a felon who the Republican Party should have canned after January 6th and how his actions threatened members of congress and Mike Pence. Two terrible candidates who were both not worth voting for.

11-19-2024, 10:46 AM
There's no way Biden would have won. Not after that debate.

Agree, A vote for Biden would have been a vote for Harris. People could see right thru that

11-19-2024, 12:37 PM
Lutnick ended up with Commerce, so presumably this means Bessent will get Treasury after all.

11-19-2024, 01:12 PM
Also, looks like Trump's sentencing will be delayed until 2029 in New York, so he's got that to look forward to when his term ends.

11-19-2024, 01:50 PM
Update on the Current numbers for 2024 election---

153 million votes counted vs the 158 million votes counted in 2020.

Two major candidates in 2020 got 155 million votes
Two Major candidates in 2024 currently have 151 million votes. Assuming when all is said and done there will be about 153 million or so in 24.

Not exactly the conspiracy theory on 2020 that election denier MOR was trying to convey.

11-19-2024, 02:53 PM
Surely the Gaetz nomination is getting pulled, right?

11-19-2024, 03:28 PM
Surely the Gaetz nomination is getting pulled, right?

I would say it is all but confirmed. Trump owns the Republican Party.

11-19-2024, 03:33 PM
I would say it is all but confirmed. Trump owns the Republican Party.

Lobbyists and big money donor like Gaetz's brother and daddy in law own the Republican party, just like the dems.

Trump is just their puppet.

11-19-2024, 03:38 PM
Also, looks like Trump's sentencing will be delayed until 2029 in New York, so he's got that to look forward to when his term ends.

How very third world. A country's president elect needs sentencing delayed on a criminal felony verdict.

11-19-2024, 04:54 PM
How very third world. A country's president elect needs sentencing delayed on a criminal felony verdict.


No one on this board... gives a fuck.

No one who voted for Trump... gives a fuck.

No matter how much you whine and bitch, nothing will change the fact that Trump will be YOUR president.

Are you going to squeal like a little schoolgirl for the next 4 years? One helluva way to spend your remaining years on this planet....

X-band '01
11-19-2024, 05:33 PM
Also, looks like Trump's sentencing will be delayed until 2029 in New York, so he's got that to look forward to when his term ends.

Translation: his sentence would have likely involved the Presidential suite at Rikers Island. They probably could have gotten sentencing out of the way if he were merely slapped with a fine.

11-19-2024, 05:37 PM
Translation: his sentence would have likely involved the Presidential suite at Rikers Island. They probably could have gotten sentencing out of the way if he were merely slapped with a fine.

Actually, the alternative was just dropping the case altogether

11-19-2024, 05:40 PM

No one on this board... gives a fuck.

No one who voted for Trump... gives a fuck.

No matter how much you whine and bitch, nothing will change the fact that Trump will be YOUR president.

Are you going to squeal like a little schoolgirl for the next 4 years? One helluva way to spend your remaining years on this planet....

There’s more people on this board that care what Paul says than you, yet you keep showing up here to gloat and be a d-bag I guess? No one gives a fuck what you say. One helluva way to spend your remaining years on this planet.

11-19-2024, 06:31 PM
How very third world. A country's president elect needs sentencing delayed on a criminal felony verdict.

I still think it will be thrown out on appeal. It was clearly prosecutorial overreach.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-20-2024, 10:10 AM
Update on the Current numbers for 2024 election---

153 million votes counted vs the 158 million votes counted in 2020.

Two major candidates in 2020 got 155 million votes
Two Major candidates in 2024 currently have 151 million votes. Assuming when all is said and done there will be about 153 million or so in 24.

Not exactly the conspiracy theory on 2020 that election denier MOR was trying to convey.

Over 99% of the total vote counted.
Kamala has fully 7,000,000 less votes than Biden had.
Trump has 2,400,000 more than 2020.
Still a big discrepancy loss for the Dem candidate.
“Assume” all you want.
And stop being a poser. You post on here without supporting. You are an alleged X fan but won’t support NIL or All For One.
You just ride the gravy train for free and do nothing but sh&!t post- basically adversarially.
Zero value added. Loser.

11-20-2024, 10:10 AM
Lol Trump just doesn't give an eff. Has now tabbed Linda McMahon...(yeah that McMahon family) for Education Secretary. I believe McMahon Enterprises is the biggest contributor to Trump and was for his Presidential Campaign. We really are living in Idiocracy.

11-20-2024, 10:11 AM
Over 99% of the total vote counted.
Kamala has fully 7,000,000 less votes than Biden had.
Trump has 2,400,000 more.
Still a big discrepancy loss for the Dem candidate.
“Assume” all you want.
And stop being a poser. You post on here without supporting. You are an alleged X fan but won’t support NIL or All For One.
You just ride the gravy train for free and do nothing but sh&!t post- basically adversarially.
Zero value added. Loser.

First of all, nice deflection douchebag. You insinuated that there was some grand conspiracy in 2020 as to why Biden got so many more votes, and that the numbers between 2020 and 2024 were so different that the Dems must have cheated. I have proven that's not remotely the case. The total voting numbers are going to be maybe 1 or 2 mil short of 2020. Hardly a representation of what stupid hypothetical shit you were trying to prove. Moderates voted for Trump this time around, over a horrible black woman candidate, it's not rocket science. And the others, like Xuphan, stayed home which I don't begrudge in the slightest.

How do you know I don't support All for One you condescending little prick? I'm so glad that you feel your 50/month NIL contribution makes you think you're a big shot, just like your stellar .500 high school bb coaching career. Fuck off.

Ride the gravy train? Excuse me you small little man. I live two hours away from Cintas, I contribute to All for one and to the school itself, while also going to on average 5 home games a year. I have been there the last two weekends and pumped in a ton of money into the local economy in and around Xavier. Pretty damn good for someone who is raising two small kids in private school. You can fuck yourself for questioning what I deem are my priorities in raising and providing for my children (will have spent about 750k on my kids education when all is said and done)
over giving basketball players who are on full scholarships, cash. You don't know me shrimp dick.

11-20-2024, 10:20 AM
Lol Trump just doesn't give an eff. Has now tabbed Linda McMahon...(yeah that McMahon family) for Education Secretary. I believe McMahon Enterprises is the biggest contributor to Trump and was for his Presidential Campaign. We really are living in Idiocracy.

I don't know. McMahon served in the first admnistration and obviously was a key part of starting and operating a wildly successful business. Plus, part of Trump's platform was minimizing the influence of (if not outright mothballing) the Department of Education, so the pick doesn't seem so outlandish to me. I guess I'd rather have the WWE running Education than Amway, so already an improvement on the first term.

11-20-2024, 10:28 AM
I don't know. McMahon served in the first admnistration and obviously was a key part of starting and operating a wildly successful business. Plus, part of Trump's platform was minimizing the influence of (if not outright mothballing) the Department of Education, so the pick doesn't seem so outlandish to me. I guess I'd rather have the WWE running Education than Amway, so already an improvement on the first term.

Ha good point!

11-20-2024, 10:41 AM
Ok Smart Ass. Even using your numbers above, there are still 5 million unaccounted for voters from 2020 in 2024.
With 99% of the vote counted. Harris has received fully 7,500,000 votes less than Biden- 73,700 mil to 81,200 mil. Trump has received 2,000,000 more than 2020.
With an “Existential Election” to save Democracy, in a clear panic mode, where did those missing 5,000,000 votes go? 2,000,000 more Moderates went to Trump, obviously. But….
It’s like those other 5,000,000 voters in 2020 never existed.
I rest my case.

Let’s remind everyone of your stupid numbers. At first it was 10 mil unaccounted for, then it was 5 now it’s going to be 1-2. Conspiracy lunatic

11-20-2024, 10:46 AM
I don't understand why Chuck Norris has not been given a cabinet position yet!!!!

11-20-2024, 11:06 AM
I don't understand why Chuck Norris has not been given a cabinet position yet!!!!

You need to have some sex offense in your background.

11-20-2024, 11:34 AM
I don't understand why Chuck Norris has not been given a cabinet position yet!!!!

What does Rudy Giuliani have to do to get a cabinet seat. He basically ruined his life for Trump and hasn’t gotten anything yet. MyPillow guy, Alex Jones, Rodger Stone, MTG, Hannity, etc should all be getting positions if Trump wants yes people in his government.

11-20-2024, 11:53 AM
What does Rudy Giuliani have to do to get a cabinet seat. He basically ruined his life for Trump and hasn’t gotten anything yet. MyPillow guy, Alex Jones, Rodger Stone, MTG, Hannity, etc should all be getting positions if Trump wants yes people in his government.

Chuck Norris should be president!!! He would have won 90 percent of the vote!!!

11-20-2024, 04:34 PM
Gotta love the people that hate Trump yet helped him get elected by saying outlandish and patently stupid things, staying the course. Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin:

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin has been eviscerated over her “deranged” rant about President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet picks — in which she wildly claims that Republicans “want to kill your kids.”

“You have to boil it down to nuts and bolts and you have to be pithy. What do I mean by pithy? How about this: Republicans want to kill your kids. It’s actually true,” Rubin said with a straight face in a now-viral clip from her podcast “Jen Rubin’s Green Room.”

Keep up the good work...it's served you so well up to this point. The double-down crowd is really something to behold.

11-20-2024, 04:34 PM
First of all, nice deflection douchebag. You insinuated that there was some grand conspiracy in 2020 as to why Biden got so many more votes, and that the numbers between 2020 and 2024 were so different that the Dems must have cheated. I have proven that's not remotely the case. The total voting numbers are going to be maybe 1 or 2 mil short of 2020. Hardly a representation of what stupid hypothetical shit you were trying to prove. Moderates voted for Trump this time around, over a horrible black woman candidate, it's not rocket science. And the others, like Xuphan, stayed home which I don't begrudge in the slightest.

How do you know I don't support All for One you condescending little prick? I'm so glad that you feel your 50/month NIL contribution makes you think you're a big shot, just like your stellar .500 high school bb coaching career. Fuck off.

Ride the gravy train? Excuse me you small little man. I live two hours away from Cintas, I contribute to All for one and to the school itself, while also going to on average 5 home games a year. I have been there the last two weekends and pumped in a ton of money into the local economy in and around Xavier. Pretty damn good for someone who is raising two small kids in private school. You can fuck yourself for questioning what I deem are my priorities in raising and providing for my children (will have spent about 750k on my kids education when all is said and done)
over giving basketball players who are on full scholarships, cash. You don't know me shrimp dick.

That's a complete lie - thoroughly debunked (and quite easily, I might add) last year after you tried to float this same self-serving crap.

Also, I highly, highly doubt this is true as well: "I contribute to All for one and to the school itself"

What a cheap-ass poser...

11-20-2024, 05:07 PM
That's a complete lie - thoroughly debunked (and quite easily, I might add) last year after you tried to float this same self-serving crap.

Also, I highly, highly doubt this is true as well: "I contribute to All for one and to the school itself"

What a cheap-ass poser...

Glad to know you’re so obsessed about me that you track my whereabouts. I really don’t give a flying fuck if you believe me or not. You may want to understand what average means dipshit. Some years I go to 7-8, some years I go to 2-3. It just depends because I have other things to do than your schedule of jacking off to the trump and Steele posters in your parents’ basement.

Youd think after getting royally embarrassed by your grand Steele prediction that you’d go away. One thing is for sure, you’re resilient, like a cockroach.

11-20-2024, 06:21 PM
You’re the biggest condescending prick on here. So pot meet kettle. There were 138 million that voted in 16, so riddle me this dumbass, is it possible maybe more people voted in 20 and maybe not as many in 24 (maybe because of people like xuphan who weren’t going to vote for either shit candidate) or does that not fit your stupid narrative? How many voters are independent in our country that regularly vote? How many voted in this election? How many voted for Biden in 2020, and then sat this one out because they don't like either candidate? You have no clue. You just regurgitate Fox News talking points because you're too stupid to think for yourself.

You think of me that way because I’m the only one calling out your complete bullshit, with zero actual facts to support your bias.

I’m not “selling” anything, you’re trying to sell baloney because I guess you’re an election denier. Congratulations on being ignorant.

Ha! Thanks for the laugh. Due process that’s hysterical. Do you only believe in due process when it involves your kind of guy?

You have no issue spouting off election denier stories with zero facts over and over and over again after court case after court case exhibited that there was no case. But yeah that’s because everyone is just trying to screw trump, amirite? again speculative nonsense.

Speaking of grift, have any idea whose family he’s married to? I doubt it.

Due process, you’re a funny man.a fan of a guy who spouts theories with zero facts, but calling for due process in this case. Hilarious

First of all, nice deflection douchebag. You insinuated that there was some grand conspiracy in 2020 as to why Biden got so many more votes, and that the numbers between 2020 and 2024 were so different that the Dems must have cheated. I have proven that's not remotely the case. The total voting numbers are going to be maybe 1 or 2 mil short of 2020. Hardly a representation of what stupid hypothetical shit you were trying to prove. Moderates voted for Trump this time around, over a horrible black woman candidate, it's not rocket science. And the others, like Xuphan, stayed home which I don't begrudge in the slightest.

How do you know I don't support All for One you condescending little prick? I'm so glad that you feel your 50/month NIL contribution makes you think you're a big shot, just like your stellar .500 high school bb coaching career. Fuck off.

Ride the gravy train? Excuse me you small little man. I live two hours away from Cintas, I contribute to All for one and to the school itself, while also going to on average 5 home games a year. I have been there the last two weekends and pumped in a ton of money into the local economy in and around Xavier. Pretty damn good for someone who is raising two small kids in private school. You can fuck yourself for questioning what I deem are my priorities in raising and providing for my children (will have spent about 750k on my kids education when all is said and done)
over giving basketball players who are on full scholarships, cash. You don't know me shrimp dick.

Glad to know you’re so obsessed about me that you track my whereabouts. I really don’t give a flying fuck if you believe me or not. You may want to understand what average means dipshit. Some years I go to 7-8, some years I go to 2-3. It just depends because I have other things to do than your schedule of jacking off to the trump and Steele posters in your parents’ basement.

Youd think after getting royally embarrassed by your grand Steele prediction that you’d go away. One thing is for sure, you’re resilient, like a cockroach.


11-21-2024, 01:21 PM
Gaetz dropped as AG...thank you baby Jesus. Does this mean he is completely out of government? What a christmas present!!

Senators must have said nope, you're a complete d-bag. No way in hell we are supporting you.

I love that his lawyer came out and said that when Gaetz found out the girl was 17, he stopped dating her, but then continued seeing her once she turned 18...as if its not extremely creepy for a 35 year old man to be banging an 18 year old.

11-21-2024, 01:22 PM
The defense guy is probably next.

11-21-2024, 01:28 PM
The defense guy is probably next.

fine by me...that was extremely questionable as well.

The rest are fine...some i even liked.

next on the block how do we get rid of mtg and the squad? At least Cori Bush is gone. Sanity is starting to come back to politics slowly but hopefully surely.

11-21-2024, 03:49 PM
Good to see some Republicans finally pushing back on Trump at least a bit. They know he only has four years left, and they also know at least half the country, if not more, absolutely despise him. Hopefully the same fate that happened to Gaetz does to Hegspeth as well, and they really need to look at Tulsi as well.

Something about her really doesn't sit well with me. She changed views and positions very, very quickly , just doesn't all add up.

11-21-2024, 03:57 PM
She changed views and positions very, very quickly , just doesn't all add up.

Well she's a politician so there's that....

Strange Brew
11-21-2024, 05:14 PM
Chuck Norris should be president!!! He would have won 90 percent of the vote!!!

Chuck would win 300% of the vote because Chuck Norris only operates at 300%.

X-band '01
11-21-2024, 08:46 PM
Gaetz dropped as AG...thank you baby Jesus. Does this mean he is completely out of government? What a christmas present!!

Senators must have said nope, you're a complete d-bag. No way in hell we are supporting you.

I love that his lawyer came out and said that when Gaetz found out the girl was 17, he stopped dating her, but then continued seeing her once she turned 18...as if its not extremely creepy for a 35 year old man to be banging an 18 year old.

I'm sure Ron DeSantis will find a way to make Matt Gaetz the next Senator out of Florida once Rubio officially leaves his post. This is the way (of owning the libs)

11-21-2024, 09:05 PM
Pam Biondi in for Gaetz. Nice that she, you know, actually has relevant experience.

11-21-2024, 11:47 PM
Yeah get ready for 4 year nothing burger investigations.

11-22-2024, 08:29 AM
Apparently less than 50% is now an "overwhelming mandate."
Maybe the election was stolen and people need to riot and storm the capitol on Jan 6th.
Isn't that the new norm?

11-22-2024, 09:16 AM
Linda McMahon and Vince now separated...i assume headed for divorce. That's going to be one complicated and pricey settlement

11-22-2024, 09:21 AM
Linda McMahon and Vince now separated...i assume headed for divorce. That's going to be one complicated and pricey settlement

I guess, but they'll both be absurdly wealthy when it's over. They're just stimulating the economy (in this case, "the economy" means the family law bar).

11-22-2024, 09:38 AM
I guess, but they'll both be absurdly wealthy when it's over. They're just stimulating the economy (in this case, "the economy" means the family law bar).

My guess is she's doing this before a significant amount of his money is gone. I think in five years, his wealth is going to be greatly diminished. Karma is coming for him.

11-22-2024, 08:38 PM
Bessent for Treasury seems good.

Strange Brew
11-23-2024, 01:56 AM
Bessent for Treasury seems good.

I’m definately sure it will be fine.

Muskie in dayton
11-23-2024, 11:23 AM
Nice deflection. Yes, 20% is 1/5th, a fraction. Your usage implied minimal, not 20%.
I have no need to answer your weird questions. Do you still beat your wife?
Voter fraud is a crime. It's punished. A lot of people caught seem to be R's.
The amount of voter fraud has never shown to be anything more than minuscule compared to the total votes, and never decisive.
See 60 court cases for explanation, or million dollar payouts for claiming fraud that doesn't exist.
I have never beat my wife. Now answer my question, Mr. Voter fraud advocate.

Again, get this through your thick skull - THOSE COURT CASES HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH FRAUD. They had everything to do with the court cases that allowed the fraud. The only people who don’t believe in widespread voter fraud are those that actually believed the Seltzer Iowa poll. lol.

Oh, and they are STILL ballots in CA. 🤡

Muskie in dayton
11-23-2024, 11:25 AM
Ha! Thanks for the laugh. Due process that’s hysterical. Do you only believe in due process when it involves your kind of guy?

You have no issue spouting off election denier stories with zero facts over and over and over again after court case after court case exhibited that there was no case. But yeah that’s because everyone is just trying to screw trump, amirite? again speculative nonsense.

Speaking of grift, have any idea whose family he’s married to? I doubt it.

Due process, you’re a funny man.a fan of a guy who spouts theories with zero facts, but calling for due process in this case. Hilarious
Sonny Hostin has some advice for you.

Muskie in dayton
11-23-2024, 11:28 AM
If it's proven in a court of law that you are a sexual assaulter, should that person hold the office of president?
Absolutely not, once a conviction is completed with sentencing.

edit: notice how I answer your questions. Give it a try, unless you are scared to.

11-23-2024, 11:32 AM
I have never advocated for voter fraud.

Good grief.

11-23-2024, 11:34 AM
Absolutely not, once a conviction is completed with sentencing.

edit: notice how I answer your questions. Give it a try, unless you are scared to.

Perfect deflection. You agree a person shouldn't be president if convicted. But let's wait for sentencing? What does that mean?
If he got probation, he'd still be convicted and according to you shouldn't be president.

What a bunch of nonsense.

11-23-2024, 12:07 PM
I have never beat my wife. Now answer my question, Mr. Voter fraud advocate.

Again, get this through your thick skull - THOSE COURT CASES HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH FRAUD. They had everything to do with the court cases that allowed the fraud. The only people who don’t believe in widespread voter fraud are those that actually believed the Seltzer Iowa poll. lol.

Oh, and they are STILL ballots in CA. 🤡

Geezus. There is a difference between some voter fraud here and there and the belief that it was so widespread that it changed the election.

The only people that believe that are you, Lou and Mor along with the other election deniers. Not the side of history id want to be on, and agreeing with Lou and Mor on anything would make me look inward and reevaluate my life.

11-23-2024, 12:08 PM
Sonny Hostin has some advice for you.

Don’t even know nor who you are talking about. My guess? You watch too much tv and spend way too much time on x.

I’ll let slide though. I know you’re in mourning over Gaetz, the (at the time) 35 year old man who at the very least doesn’t understand how effed up it is to date an 18 year old.

11-23-2024, 12:10 PM
Absolutely not, once a conviction is completed with sentencing.

edit: notice how I answer your questions. Give it a try, unless you are scared to.

lol now it’s sentencing. How convenient of an add on. You’re a joke

Strange Brew
11-23-2024, 05:32 PM
Don’t even know nor who you are talking about. My guess? You watch too much tv and spend way too much time on x.

I’ll let slide though. I know you’re in mourning over Gaetz, the (at the time) 35 year old man who at the very least doesn’t understand how effed up it is to date an 18 year old.

Thank goodness you let it slide. ;)

Sonny, on ABC had to read multiple Legal retractions for statements similar to yours.

Strange Brew
11-23-2024, 05:43 PM
Absolutely not, once a conviction is completed with sentencing.

edit: notice how I answer your questions. Give it a try, unless you are scared to.

About whom is he speaking?

Trump, Gaetz and Pete haven’t been convicted of that.

Trump was found liable. Paul and his college educated friends have a hard time distinguishing between Civil and Criminal Law.

11-23-2024, 08:44 PM
About whom is he speaking?

Trump, Gaetz and Pete haven’t been convicted of that.

Trump was found liable. Paul and his college educated friends have a hard time distinguishing between Civil and Criminal Law.

Whatever are you talking about? Do you not understand the difference?
Trump was convicted in a criminal trial in New York, and sentencing is pending.
He was found liable in another suit, a civil one, brought by E. Jean Carroll.

Strange Brew
11-23-2024, 10:16 PM
Whatever are you talking about? Do you not understand the difference?
Trump was convicted in a criminal trial in New York, and sentencing is pending.
He was found liable in another suit, a civil one, brought by E. Jean Carroll.

Yeah, I’m aware and sentencing will not happen. Have you grasped the straws yet?

And I don’t buy miss Carrol’s story. And neither should your high mind.

You are free to believe what you want Paul.

11-24-2024, 08:13 AM
Yeah, I’m aware and sentencing will not happen. Have you grasped the straws yet?

And I don’t buy miss Carrol’s story. And neither should your high mind.

You are free to believe what you want Paul.

Whether I buy the reasoning or not...they happened.
For you to say Trump wasn't "convicted" is ignoring reality.
Whether I believe Carroll or not, he was held liable. To say he wasn't is ignoring reality.

You are free to ignore reality.

11-24-2024, 08:38 AM
Whether I buy the reasoning or not...they happened.
For you to say Trump wasn't "convicted" is ignoring reality.
Whether I believe Carroll or not, he was held liable. To say he wasn't is ignoring reality.

You are free to ignore reality.

You gotta understand that brew, mid both live in our alternate reality

Strange Brew
11-24-2024, 12:41 PM
Whether I buy the reasoning or not...they happened.
For you to say Trump wasn't "convicted" is ignoring reality.
Whether I believe Carroll or not, he was held liable. To say he wasn't is ignoring reality.

You are free to ignore reality.

Yeah, you got your scalp Paul.

Tell me again about the Insurrection….

I find your posturing humorous considering the last two D nominated AGs were held in contempt of Congress. That also actually happened.

11-24-2024, 06:35 PM
NBC considering selling the going bankrupt MSNBC. MUSK joking he may be interested.....just to fire Rachel Maddow for "fun". He would convert it into a conservative show highlighting the daily events occurring on X. Rogan wants Maddow's job and pledged to appear in her iconic look nightly.

Muskie in dayton
11-24-2024, 10:16 PM
You gotta understand that brew, mid both live in our alternate reality
The reality is alternate to the fantasy. You are so close. Come with me.

Muskie in dayton
11-26-2024, 10:01 PM
Hey Siri. Is someone considered a convict before sentencing?

No, someone is not considered a "convict" before sentencing; a conviction only occurs once a court finds a defendant guilty, which happens either through a jury verdict or a guilty plea, and this typically happens before the sentencing phase of a criminal case takes place.

11-27-2024, 07:41 AM
I don't think that means what you think it means.

Try reading it very carefully again.

11-27-2024, 09:05 AM
Buy a car b4 the 25k tariff. Pretty soon aprius will be 75k

11-27-2024, 03:22 PM
Buy a car b4 the 25k tariff. Pretty soon aprius will be 75k

I get what you are trying to say but Toyotas aren’t very good cars.

11-27-2024, 03:57 PM
I get what you are trying to say but Toyotas aren’t very good cars.

I hope you're being facetious. Toyotas are consistently the #1 rated cars in the world

11-29-2024, 08:59 AM
JD Vance's actual Thanksgiving post;


Are you embarrassed for our country yet?

11-29-2024, 10:12 AM
JD Vance's actual Thanksgiving post;


Are you embarrassed for our country yet?


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-29-2024, 11:42 AM
JD Vance's actual Thanksgiving post;


Are you embarrassed for our country yet?

Of all the actual embarrassing things both political parties have done over the years and you choose this post?

11-29-2024, 12:22 PM
Of all the actual embarrassing things both political parties have done over the years and you choose this post?

Facts hurt Paul I guess.

11-29-2024, 12:38 PM
It's so childish I'll just be embarrassed for you.

11-29-2024, 02:57 PM
It's so childish I'll just be embarrassed for you.

Don't bother, your triggered: Mission accomplished....

11-29-2024, 08:16 PM
Don't bother, your triggered: Mission accomplished....

Do you need a grammar lesson? You’re an embarrassment.

11-29-2024, 10:56 PM
Knew you would get a boner over that one.

Strange Brew
11-30-2024, 12:39 AM
JD Vance's actual Thanksgiving post;


Are you embarrassed for our country yet?

That is epic level trolling brought to you by two Ivy grads. I personally would’ve shaped it into a crow however I didn’t go to an Ivy. :)

And what’s funnier is you gave them a broader reach by posting it here. So it and you got worked.

It’s almost as good as watermelon. IYKYK. :)

11-30-2024, 01:35 AM
That is epic level trolling brought to you by two Ivy grads. I personally would’ve shaped it into a crow however I didn’t go to an Ivy. :)

And what’s funnier is you gave them a broader reach by posting it here. So it and you got worked.

It’s almost as good as watermelon. IYKYK. :)

Certainly. I had not seen that until this board. Pretty funny, like Lou’s brain.

Strange Brew
11-30-2024, 02:30 AM
Certainly. I had not seen that until this board. Pretty funny, like Lou’s brain.

It’s funny.

I guess it’s not if you have a problem with JD in a dress. Don’t be a hater Ville. :)

11-30-2024, 09:14 AM
I'm just trying to picture the president and vice-president of any other country doing this.
Maybe JD's playing to the trans community.

Strange Brew
11-30-2024, 09:34 AM
I'm just trying to picture the president and vice-president of any other country doing this.
Maybe JD's playing to the trans community.

That’s what King George III said. ;)

Maybe they’re just getting ahead of the Times, The New Yorker, etc, etc.

11-30-2024, 11:18 AM
Lol...hilarious. Just reading this thread I'd say the message hit the target audience exactly as it was planned

11-30-2024, 04:10 PM
It did. All the children got a kick out of it.

Adults looking for leadership in a challenging world, were disappointed.

11-30-2024, 05:16 PM
It did. All the children got a kick out of it.

Adults looking for leadership in a challenging world, were disappointed.

You should probably read what John Fetterman recently said about people like you...

11-30-2024, 08:23 PM
If a convicted felon who paid for sex with a porn star can be president of the United States...then a convicted felon who paid and had filmed a prostitute seducing his brother in law and sent the film to his sister, can certainly be the Ambassador to France.

So third world dictator nonsense.

11-30-2024, 08:51 PM
Paul is going to have a rough 4 years.

11-30-2024, 09:39 PM
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The felony conviction is a clear example of politically motivated prosecutorial overreach and will be thrown out on appeal. As for sex with the porn star, did he pay her to have sex, or did they have consensual sex and he paid her to keep quiet about it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Strange Brew
11-30-2024, 09:47 PM
It did. All the children got a kick out of it.

Adults looking for leadership in a challenging world, were disappointed.

Well, I’m glad we’re unburdened from your version of leadership. When a leader is unburdened by the burden of leadership. Give it a rest child.

12-01-2024, 06:51 AM
Paul is going to have a rough 4 years.

I think you're right. He's set about nominating really unqualified people for critical positions.
Not good for our government, or us citizens.

12-01-2024, 10:35 AM
It did. All the children got a kick out of it.

Adults looking for leadership in a challenging world, were disappointed.

Ha.. I think it's more along the lines of the adults getting a kick out of the reactions of the perpetually offended, the world is ending crowd. At the end of Trump's term, there will be a segment of our population who have spent over 10 years complaining and whining about a man they hate. Over a decade being occupied by one man...What a monumental waste of precious years.

12-01-2024, 11:04 AM
I think you're right. He's set about nominating really unqualified people for critical positions.
Not good for our government, or us citizens.

Like Mayor Pete? He was so qualified to be Transportation Secretary. Many political appointees, especially foreign ambassadors, get their jobs as payback for support. No different with Trump.

Ha.. I think it's more along the lines of the adults getting a kick out of the reactions of the perpetually offended, the world is ending crowd. At the end of Trump's term, there will be a segment of our population who have spent over 10 years complaining and whining about a man they hate. Over a decade being occupied by one man...What a monumental waste of precious years.

It will be especially funny when all the things they’re sure will happen don’t. Off the top of my head, I remember hearing that he’s going to suspend or terminate the Constitution. He’s going to ban birth control. Interracial couples will be broken up and women of color will be deported.

12-01-2024, 03:02 PM
So funny. Who would have ever thought he'd incite a riot to take over the nation's Capitol.

Just hilarious that anyone might have thought that.

12-01-2024, 08:31 PM
So funny. Who would have ever thought he'd incite a riot to take over the nation's Capitol.

Just hilarious that anyone might have thought that.

Paul, why is Biden pardoning his own son after his son broke federal laws? No accountability for his actions? Can you imagine if Trump did this for one of his sons? You would be going crazy on here.

12-01-2024, 08:36 PM
I assumed Paul would have been the first to report this here. He generally seems keen to point out third world shit.

12-01-2024, 08:55 PM
Surprised that he did it, although they have been chasing Hunter for 6 years.
They got tax evasion which I think he paid off, and a possession of a gun deal that is never charged as nothing happened.
But still surprised. Maybe he (Joe) was worried about Trump's team going after Hunter some more.
Hell, Comer and Jordan have been pursuing both Bidens for years. Their star witness with ties to Russia, is now under indictment.

12-01-2024, 10:33 PM
Couple of points. Biden had repeatedly said he would not pardon his son. Guess he was lying every time he said that. Or, maybe he’ll come out and say why he changed his mind, though I doubt it. If the Trump administration wants to investigate other Biden family members for the millions of dollars allegedly changing hands, some of which I seem to remember involved Burisma, Hunter could not plead the fifth since he can’t be charged for any crimes related to that. Guess he’ll have to testify against other family members.

The really interesting part is the pardon for crimes he may have committed, but has not been charged with. Apparently, Hunter Biden is above the law. Guess the screaming from the Democrats how no one is above the law wasn’t really true.

Guess this also means Trump has Carte Blanche to pardon the January 6 protestors and anyone else charged or convicted in the last 4 years. If he does that, there better not be a peep from anyone on the Left.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-02-2024, 11:14 AM
I believe that former servicemen who are currently battling substance abuse issues and mental health issues deserve more help and support than what they typically get. I also feel that we should all be more understanding of bad decisions they may have made due to those issues that they're dealing with. What's disappointing about this (at least to me) isn't so much that he pardoned his son, but rather as of now he seems to have no intention of helping anyone else that's battling similar demons. You'd hope that seeing his own son go through some of that would make him more aware of just how many others are also going through it.

12-02-2024, 06:15 PM
Surprised that he did it, although they have been chasing Hunter for 6 years.
They got tax evasion which I think he paid off, and a possession of a gun deal that is never charged as nothing happened.
But still surprised. Maybe he (Joe) was worried about Trump's team going after Hunter some more.
Hell, Comer and Jordan have been pursuing both Bidens for years. Their star witness with ties to Russia, is now under indictment.

You're surprised that he did it?!? You can't be serious! Either you're lying or you don't know who the hell you're voting for.

Perhaps you should give a listen to Charlamagne tha God to see what he just said about people like you...

12-02-2024, 08:17 PM
Surprised that he did it, although they have been chasing Hunter for 6 years.
They got tax evasion which I think he paid off, and a possession of a gun deal that is never charged as nothing happened.
But still surprised. Maybe he (Joe) was worried about Trump's team going after Hunter some more.
Hell, Comer and Jordan have been pursuing both Bidens for years. Their star witness with ties to Russia, is now under indictment.

What does Hunter have to worry about if he is an innocent man? If he isn’t innocent, shouldn’t he face the consequences of his actions?

12-02-2024, 09:04 PM
Weiss broke 2 plea deals over 10yeara. Hunter owned. A gun for 24 hours

12-03-2024, 08:46 AM
I don't think this is huge news other than the fact that President Biden and his Press Corp lied over and over to the american people about it for a couple years. I'm not sure why anyone is surprised considering how much he lied about everything else over his 4 years in office.

12-03-2024, 09:46 AM
I understand this is something he probably shouldn't have done.

I also understand that this will piss a lot of people off and perhaps trigger another pissing match culture war.

But...I also don't really give a shit. I just don't. It's one of those things I look at, and I see people getting mad about, and while I sort of get it, my overall thought is WGAF!!?? It's a stupid thing for so many people to get so worked up about. I don't know the guy. Whether he's in jail or at home has almost nothing at all to do with me other than having to listen to people complain about how he's not in jail.

I don't know if I would have pardoned my son had I been in Joe's situation. But I am rather certain that if I were in Hunter's situation I would have damn sure asked for one!!!

12-03-2024, 09:58 AM
I understand this is something he probably shouldn't have done.

I also understand that this will piss a lot of people off and perhaps trigger another pissing match culture war.

But...I also don't really give a shit. I just don't. It's one of those things I look at, and I see people getting mad about, and while I sort of get it, my overall thought is WGAF!!?? It's a stupid thing for so many people to get so worked up about. I don't know the guy. Whether he's in jail or at home has almost nothing at all to do with me other than having to listen to people complain about how he's not in jail.

I don't know if I would have pardoned my son had I been in Joe's situation. But I am rather certain that if I were in Hunter's situation I would have damn sure asked for one!!!

Agreed. I don't give a shit. Newsflash for anyone that may not realize it: Political Figures are pretty much above the law, and they all do extremely shady shit, on both sides. Do i condone it? Of course not, but let's stop acting like we are shocked that things like this happen, and thinking "my side would never do this." 99% of politicians don't have morals, and they don't care to.

12-03-2024, 10:00 AM
I don't particularly care about Hunter either, but it's shady as fuck. From the same people/party always crying about Trump being shady as fuck. I mean, he is, but so are your guys.

12-03-2024, 10:06 AM
I don't particularly care about Hunter either, but it's shady as fuck. From the same people/party always crying about Trump being shady as fuck. I mean, he is, but so are your guys.

Yes! This is true! And I guess in a way, I'm GLAD he got the pardon because it can now be more easily pointed out that the Left is also shady AF.

12-03-2024, 11:25 AM
Yes! This is true! And I guess in a way, I'm GLAD he got the pardon because it can now be more easily pointed out that the Left is also shady AF.


12-03-2024, 12:27 PM
Is anyone really surprised that he pardoned his son? I’m not. What I don’t like is the blanket pardon for crimes he “may have committed” and the time frame covered, which happens to start right before he got his position with Burisma.

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12-03-2024, 12:54 PM
So South Korea's president just decided to declare martial law last night because he was unhappy with the opposition party. That's....not ideal. Happily, even his own party essentially called him insane, and their legislature voted unanimously to end martial law.

12-03-2024, 01:17 PM
Yesterday, the Biden admin announced another $725 million for Ukraine

Today, Biden just announced $1 Billion for aid for Africa

Meanwhile, in North Carolina:

Matt Van Swol @matt_vanswol
��#BREAKING: Haywood County NC officials are now speaking out against FEMA saying, "they are dragging their feet."

County Manager Bryant said he, "provided FEMA with a list of 60 sites that needed housing, but got no response."

As of today, FEMA has delivered one unit.


Matt Van Swol @matt_vanswol
Dec 2
I drove my kids to school along this road this morning.

Every day feels like Groundhog Day in #WNC.

Same piles of debris.
Same tanker trucks in the river.
Same trash swinging from the trees.

My kids and I look out the windows and wonder if this is just the new normal…

Matt Van Swol @matt_vanswol
Nov 30
I would just like to remind everyone that CNN has yet to send a single reporter down to #WNC to cover the fact that people are living in tents, in the bitter cold.

Not a single one.

Let that sink in.

What the Biden team has done (or not done) is absolutely unconscionable: https://x.com/matt_vanswol

12-03-2024, 03:50 PM
I just stumbled upon this. Firing squads??


12-03-2024, 03:58 PM
I just stumbled upon this. Firing squads??


Only in Utah

12-03-2024, 04:03 PM
Or your name is Cheney or Milley.

12-03-2024, 05:07 PM
I just stumbled upon this. Firing squads??



That man has broken so many people

12-04-2024, 10:05 AM
WSJ says Trump may replace Hegseth with DeSantis.

12-04-2024, 10:12 AM
I get this feeling that in the last go around, he actually had some qualified people at the top of the administration.
They seemed to have blocked some of his crazier ideas.
This time around he's going for sycophants that will do whatever he wants.
Even people who recognized him as being unfit before, have now sucked up and are in line for top jobs.

12-04-2024, 10:28 AM
WSJ says Trump may replace Hegseth with DeSantis.

good, please do.

12-04-2024, 10:35 AM
I get this feeling that in the last go around, he actually had some qualified people at the top of the administration.
They seemed to have blocked some of his crazier ideas.
This time around he's going for sycophants that will do whatever he wants.
Even people who recognized him as being unfit before, have now sucked up and are in line for top jobs.

The ones he picked that were just his buddies aren't going to be there. That's where our great checks and balances come in. Gaetz and Hegspeth (most likely) out. I like most of his picks:

Chief of staff: Wiles Excellent pick

Secretary of State: Rubio Excellent

AG: Bondi (should have been the pick the first time), plus she's kinda hot.

Border: Homan (about damn time we get someone in there with a backbone)

RFK, Burgum.

I don't see the problem. The only one that I still really question is Tulsi because I think shes a fake nutjob, but meh.

12-04-2024, 10:40 AM
RFK is a bit nuts. But he brought his voters to Trump, which certainly helped get him elected, so fair play.

12-04-2024, 10:48 AM
RFK is a bit nuts. But he brought his voters to Trump, which certainly helped get him elected, so fair play.

Fair....his anti-vaccine stuff is completely nuts, but he's not going to get his way with that. I am excited that he is being tasked with seeking out all the corruption in healthcare. There is an insane amount of it, and its been going on for way too long with zero accountability.

12-04-2024, 02:28 PM
I just stumbled upon this. Firing squads??


Careful with Benny Johnson, he was one of the right wing fools who were paid money funneled from Russia through a company to spout particular rhetoric. Not saying this is part of it, but the guy took the cash along with Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, and one other that escapes me. The company was Tenet Media.

12-04-2024, 02:30 PM
WSJ says Trump may replace Hegseth with DeSantis.

Does any have a feeling that most of the crazy picks are just tossed out there to absorb the outrage. Let them tank, then slide in who he wants.

12-04-2024, 02:34 PM
RFK is a bit nuts. But he brought his voters to Trump, which certainly helped get him elected, so fair play.

RFK says a ton of awesome stuff regarding the food supply. His rhetoric there near mirrors what Europe does.

He goes off tilt with his anti-vax crap and vaccines cause autism. He is currently stuck on fluoride making our kids dumber.

12-04-2024, 03:00 PM
Careful with Benny Johnson, he was one of the right wing fools who were paid money funneled from Russia through a company to spout particular rhetoric. Not saying this is part of it, but the guy took the cash along with Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, and one other that escapes me. The company was Tenet Media.

I could be wrong, but his post was to highlight some of the outlandish rhetoric coming out these days. Sometimes you have use lunatic f*cks to expose other lunatic f*cks…unfortunately.

Muskie in dayton
12-04-2024, 08:54 PM
California. Still counting ballots a month after the election. Amazingly today the 5th congressional district flipped blue since 2 weeks after Election Day.

If this isn’t obvious fraud, you’re a fucking idiot.

12-05-2024, 08:07 AM
Does any have a feeling that most of the crazy picks are just tossed out there to absorb the outrage. Let them tank, then slide in who he wants.

Gabbard is NOT one of them. Trump is trying to get her nominated for a position that doesn't make any sense. I absolutely love that gal....very smart, talented orator and true American hero. She needs to be #2 in the Pentagon. I personally think she would be a fantastic POTUS down the line.

12-05-2024, 08:18 AM
California. Still counting ballots a month after the election. Amazingly today the 5th congressional district flipped blue since 2 weeks after Election Day.

If this isn’t obvious fraud, you’re a fucking idiot.


I love baseless claims. I'm sure the democrats were like man we really need to cheat to win this obscure house seat that doesn't matter. Lets do it!

12-05-2024, 09:04 AM

I love baseless claims. I'm sure the democrats were like man we really need to cheat to win this obscure house seat that doesn't matter. Lets do it!

Flipped by 187 votes from what I read. Seems fishy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-05-2024, 09:09 AM
Flipped by 187 votes from what I read. Seems fishy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ah ok I see. It was the wrong district number, 13 is it.

Regardless I really doubt the dems decided to cheat on a house seat that no one cares about or makes a bit of difference. Making a post with baseless claims and then calling everyone a fucking idiot just because they don’t support those baseless claims, is at the very least immature.

12-05-2024, 01:22 PM
I would like to see DeSantis in Trump's cabinet. I like Chavez-DeRemer for labor secretary.

12-05-2024, 01:36 PM
Lets check in on MOR's stupid baseless claim shall we? Ya know, the one where he said 10 million votes just disappeared from 2020-2024. Remember there were 155 million votes in 2020...81 for Biden; 74 for Trump.

Currently at 152+ , It is said there is a little over a million left to be cast. So here is where we are going to end up:

78 for Trump, 75-76 for Kamala...So 154 million total in 2024.

MOR needs to change his name to Master of Bullshit.

12-05-2024, 03:57 PM
Senator John Fetterman says trials against Trump were politically motivated and should be pardoned. Who would have ever thought he'd be the voice of reason

12-05-2024, 04:28 PM
Let's see:
1 - take top secret documents from White House to Mar-a-Lago
2 - Government asks for them to be returned
3 - Send a few back
4 - Government get subpoena for those not returned
5 - Lawyers are instructed to return some more and say that's all
(Meanwhile you have workers move documents back and forth in Mar-a-Lago; some in bedroom, some in bathroom, some on stage)
6 - Government goes to judge, gets search warrant, goes to Mar-a-Lago and retrieves all the ones you refused to return.
7 - In the interim, some may have got on a plane to Bedminster.

That sounds very politically motivated. Good Christ, what is wrong with people.

12-05-2024, 05:12 PM
Lets check in on MOR's stupid baseless claim shall we? Ya know, the one where he said 10 million votes just disappeared from 2020-2024. Remember there were 155 million votes in 2020...81 for Biden; 74 for Trump.

Currently at 152+ , It is said there is a little over a million left to be cast. So here is where we are going to end up:

78 for Trump, 75-76 for Kamala...So 154 million total in 2024.

MOR needs to change his name to Master of Bullshit.


12-05-2024, 05:12 PM
Let's see:
1 - take top secret documents from White House to Mar-a-Lago
2 - Government asks for them to be returned
3 - Send a few back
4 - Government get subpoena for those not returned
5 - Lawyers are instructed to return some more and say that's all
(Meanwhile you have workers move documents back and forth in Mar-a-Lago; some in bedroom, some in bathroom, some on stage)
6 - Government goes to judge, gets search warrant, goes to Mar-a-Lago and retrieves all the ones you refused to return.
7 - In the interim, some may have got on a plane to Bedminster.

That sounds very politically motivated. Good Christ, what is wrong with people.


12-05-2024, 05:59 PM
Can 't wait to See where the two trillion cut will come without touching ss or defense

Strange Brew
12-07-2024, 12:16 AM
Lets check in on MOR's stupid baseless claim shall we? Ya know, the one where he said 10 million votes just disappeared from 2020-2024. Remember there were 155 million votes in 2020...81 for Biden; 74 for Trump.

Currently at 152+ , It is said there is a little over a million left to be cast. So here is where we are going to end up:

78 for Trump, 75-76 for Kamala...So 154 million total in 2024.

MOR needs to change his name to Master of Bullshit.

Maybe if we keep "casting" into 2026 Kamala will win the popular vote....

I'll take completely missing the point for a 1,000 Alex or whoever is moderating these days.

Muskie in dayton
12-07-2024, 09:32 AM

I love baseless claims. I'm sure the democrats were like man we really need to cheat to win this obscure house seat that doesn't matter. Lets do it!
I have a suggestion for you. Instead of immediately posting, take time to think. Maybe even do a quick internet search on your own. You will look a lot less like a blowhard.

Oh, and saying that flipping one (it’s actually been 5 now) votes out of 435 is meaningless is a further self-beclowning.

Have a nice day.

Muskie in dayton
12-07-2024, 09:34 AM
Maybe if we keep "casting" into 2026 Kamala will win the popular vote....

I'll take completely missing the point for a 1,000 Alex or whoever is moderating these days.
At least if they keep counting “votes” it will make that disparity from 2020 less suspicious.

12-07-2024, 09:49 AM
I have a suggestion for you. Instead of immediately posting, take time to think. Maybe even do a quick internet search on your own. You will look a lot less like a blowhard.

Oh, and saying that flipping one (it’s actually been 5 now) votes out of 435 is meaningless is a further self-beclowning.

Have a nice day.

You make baseless claims and call anyone who doesn’t agree with you an idiot. And you’re calling me out? Get a grip maybe think before trying to be trump jr

I know it blows your mind but just because they are still counting votes, does not mean there is anything nefarious going on. Hence, the baseless claim comment.

12-07-2024, 12:25 PM
You make baseless claims and call anyone who doesn’t agree with you an idiot. And you’re calling me out? Get a grip maybe think before trying to be trump jr

I know it blows your mind but just because they are still counting votes, does not mean there is anything nefarious going on. Hence, the baseless claim comment.

Grammar, punctuation - you're a total embarrassment to XU.

12-07-2024, 01:03 PM
Grammar, punctuation - you're a total embarrassment to XU.

Figure out the difference between you’re and your, yet?

12-07-2024, 01:04 PM
Figure out the difference between you’re and your, yet?

Been to anger management yet, psycho?

12-07-2024, 01:09 PM
Been to anger management yet, psycho?

Says the guy who can’t quit me.

12-09-2024, 03:39 PM
Are we going to have an honest to God riot in NYC today because of Daniel Penny?!? Surely, the "activists" aren't stupid enough to riot over a sympathetic figure like Penny being acquitted. That will NOT win them any fans/political capital. This is not a George Floyd situation.

12-09-2024, 04:12 PM
Looks like the cops nabbed the CEO murderer in PA..apparently he had an 'anti-state of healthcare' manifesto

12-09-2024, 04:19 PM
Looks like the cops nabbed the CEO murderer in PA..apparently he had an 'anti-state of healthcare' manifesto

Yeah so definitely the correct way to act on that is to shoot someone. If he didn’t know, that guy had about as much to do with the shit state of healthcare as you or I

12-09-2024, 04:32 PM
Are we going to have an honest to God riot in NYC today because of Daniel Penny?!? Surely, the "activists" aren't stupid enough to riot over a sympathetic figure like Penny being acquitted. That will NOT win them any fans/political capital. This is not a George Floyd situation.

I believe that they may actually be that stupid. Not every tragedy is a gross injustice. Some things are just tragic and that's it. But that's not how they see it.

This was objectively tragic, and it actually does make me sad that it happened. I used to work in a drug, alcohol, and homeless shelter. But it was hardly a criminal act. Not even close.

12-10-2024, 02:04 PM
Pretty much spot on here. Government sucks at building things, but great at spreading money.


12-10-2024, 02:25 PM
You ever use an Interstate Highway?

12-10-2024, 03:07 PM
You ever use an Interstate Highway?

The one that constantly has construction on it?

12-10-2024, 04:11 PM
The one that constantly has construction on it?

Hah! Of course. All of them seem to. Might have something to do with population growth since the 50's.

12-10-2024, 04:13 PM
The US interstate highway system is a goddamned marvel.

12-10-2024, 04:35 PM
The US interstate highway system is a goddamned marvel.

It is. It legit is.

So are bullet trains. They are FANTASTIC!!! Can we get some of those??

Muskie in dayton
12-11-2024, 08:56 AM
It is. It legit is.

So are bullet trains. They are FANTASTIC!!! Can we get some of those??
Fun fact: for the $130B expected cost for the one being built in CA, the tax payers could instead purchase a fleet of 900 Boeing 737s and fly every single SF resident to and from LA every day for 7 years. And faster. But yeah, they are cool, so there’s that.

Muskie in dayton
12-11-2024, 08:58 AM
The left’s simultaneous villainization of Daniel Penny and sanctification of the UHC CEO killer proves that Satan is hard at work in America.

12-11-2024, 09:21 AM
The left’s simultaneous villainization of Daniel Penny and sanctification of the UHC CEO killer proves that Satan is hard at work in America.

I think it's more simple than that. A very large bulk of the human population is effing stupid.

12-11-2024, 09:46 AM
Pretty much spot on here. Government sucks at building things, but great at spreading money.


So many promises...so many lies and utter incompetence.

12-11-2024, 11:53 AM
For the next 4 days, can we put aside our partisan hate and focus it on the one thing we can all agree on? FUCK UC!!!

12-11-2024, 12:31 PM
I think it's more simple than that. A very large bulk of the human population is effing stupid.

For the next 4 days, can we put aside our partisan hate and focus it on the one thing we can all agree on? FUCK UC!!!

Agreed and AGREED!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-11-2024, 04:17 PM
Fun fact: for the $130B expected cost for the one being built in CA, the tax payers could instead purchase a fleet of 900 Boeing 737s and fly every single SF resident to and from LA every day for 7 years. And faster. But yeah, they are cool, so there’s that.

Well California also ended up spending $1.7 million on a single toilet or something like that, so maybe it's not the trains that are an issue, but rather California itself.

12-13-2024, 09:23 AM
Just think, Comer and Jordan spent years and millions of dollars chasing these lies trying to impeach the president.

Remember the FBI informant who claimed President Biden took millions in bribes from Burisma?

He admitted today in federal court that he made the whole thing up.

And that he started spinning new lies after meeting with Russian intelligence.


12-13-2024, 05:35 PM
And if polio returns to the US to ravage children again because they don't get vaccinated, I hope all the people who voted for Trump are happy.


Muskie in dayton
12-13-2024, 06:17 PM
Well California also ended up spending $1.7 million on a single toilet or something like that, so maybe it's not the trains that are an issue, but rather California itself.
Good point. CA is the peak of government incompetence.

However, Hanlon’s razor cannot explain the vote counting.

Muskie in dayton
12-13-2024, 06:19 PM
And if polio returns to the US to ravage children again because they don't get vaccinated, I hope all the people who voted for Trump are happy.

There goes Pauly, biting hook-line-and-sinker on his fear porn again. ��

Muskie in dayton
12-13-2024, 06:21 PM
Are we just going to keep turning Capital Hill into assisted living for crooks? Or is it time to finally have a serious discussion about term limits?

12-13-2024, 07:20 PM
Are we just going to keep turning Capital Hill into assisted living for crooks? Or is it time to finally have a serious discussion about term limits?

Or, rather age brackets? Minimum age should be bumped up to limit the number of career politicians, and then capped to eliminate the decrepitly old.

12-14-2024, 09:13 AM
There goes Pauly, biting hook-line-and-sinker on his fear porn again. ��

Maybe you should check in with your Senate leadership.

"Anyone seeking the Senate's consent to serve in the incoming Administration would do well to steer clear of even the appearance of association with such efforts," McConnell said in a statement.

McConnell, a polio survivor, denounced efforts "to undermine public confidence in proven cures" like the polio vaccine.


Muskie in dayton
12-14-2024, 09:22 AM
Maybe you should check in with your Senate leadership.


“My” senate leadership? You are so simple minded.

1. The ABC propaganda failed to mention this isn’t about Salk’s polio vax, but about this one: https://apnews.com/article/health-united-nations-ap-top-news-pakistan-international-news-7d8b0e32efd0480fbd12acf27729f6a5
2. RFK Jr, you know the guy making the call hasn’t even take a position to pull it (though he should).

The Party wants to destroy anyone who ruins their grift. Once you understand that, it all makes sense.

Muskie in dayton
12-14-2024, 09:26 AM
Or, rather age brackets? Minimum age should be bumped up to limit the number of career politicians, and then capped to eliminate the decrepitly old.
No. A one term limit for all Federal positions. That’s it. Then go back and get a real job where you actually have to earn your compensation. You know, the way it was intended.

12-14-2024, 10:11 AM
No. A one term limit for all Federal positions. That’s it. Then go back and get a real job where you actually have to earn your compensation. You know, the way it was intended.

The Spirit of Cincinnatus is strong in this one.

12-14-2024, 10:19 AM
No. A one term limit for all Federal positions. That’s it. Then go back and get a real job where you actually have to earn your compensation. You know, the way it was intended.

I see one glaring potential problem with one term limits: a lack of expertise in how the House and Senate chambers operate - especially for leadership roles. From my understanding the rules are fairly arcane. It also bothers me that we limit our rights in who we get to vote for. If someone is doing a great job, and wants to run again, we should have the right to support that person.

By bumping up the age requirements for fed offices, we can potentially get more people in there with more real-world experience.

The real problem is money, and therefore influence. We have to find a way to take as much money out of the equation as possible. I've said this before, why not make campaign advertisement, and therefore, all campaign donations illegal? Go back to the days when candidates debated in newspapers (figuratively - we now have the internet, etc..). Make it illegal for politicians (and all federal employees above a certain level for that matter) to work in executive positions of companies where they may have had some type influence/impact. There also needs to be more transparency/oversight on investments - we can't have politicians becoming rich overnight thru insider trading.

12-14-2024, 10:52 AM
“My” senate leadership? You are so simple minded.

1. The ABC propaganda failed to mention this isn’t about Salk’s polio vax, but about this one: https://apnews.com/article/health-united-nations-ap-top-news-pakistan-international-news-7d8b0e32efd0480fbd12acf27729f6a5
2. RFK Jr, you know the guy making the call hasn’t even take a position to pull it (though he should).

The Party wants to destroy anyone who ruins their grift. Once you understand that, it all makes sense.

There is no indication that the request by RFK's attorney to the CDC to remove the polio vaccine is the one used overseas noted in your article.
The request was targeted to the US vaccine approved by the CDC, and as noted in your article there is no problem with it.

RFK's position on vaccines is why 77 Nobel Laureates have requested he not be approved to the HHS position.

Do you think this is a "position."

But that’s not true. Again and again, Kennedy has made his opposition to vaccines clear. In July, Kennedy said in a podcast interview that “There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective” and told FOX News that he still believes in the long-ago debunked idea that vaccines can cause autism. In a 2021 podcast he urged people to “resist” CDC guidelines on when kids should get vaccines.

“I see somebody on a hiking trail carrying a little baby and I say to him, better not get them vaccinated,” Kennedy said.


12-14-2024, 11:00 AM
Rfk’s position on vaccines is bonkers. Love his position on our food though

12-16-2024, 10:54 AM
Rfk’s position on vaccines is bonkers. Love his position on our food though

This but the bummer is my fears seem to be coming true. I wish his first and biggest focus would be the food supply and I hopefully he goes back to that, but it appears the crazy came out first.

12-19-2024, 10:21 AM
Rand Paul floats Elon Musk for House speaker. You want things to get nuts? That would be nuts.

I can't imagine why he would want the job.


12-19-2024, 12:48 PM
Isn’t the Speaker next in line for President should something happen to both the President and the VP? That wouldn’t work since he wasn’t born here. Still, part of me would love him as Speaker just to really shake things up. Those in both Chambers have gotten too comfy with their power.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-19-2024, 03:40 PM
The current impasse on the government funding is reminiscent of another deal.
There was a bi-partisan border bill; a private citizen called in, and they shelved it.
There is a bi-partisan funding bill; another private citizen called in and they shelved it.
Wish our elected officials could actually govern.

12-19-2024, 06:45 PM
The current impasse on the government funding is reminiscent of another deal.
There was a bi-partisan border bill; a private citizen called in, and they shelved it.
There is a bi-partisan funding bill; another private citizen called in and they shelved it.
Wish our elected officials could actually govern.

"The history of the paragraph can be traced back to ancient Greece, where writers used a symbol called a "paragraghos" - essentially a small horizontal line in the margin - to indicate a change in topic or speaker within a text, marking the earliest form of paragraph division; this symbol evolved into the pilcrow (¶) which is still used today to signify a new paragraph; the concept of a paragraph as a cohesive unit of text with a single main idea developed later, with significant contributions from scholars like Alexander Bain who established a structured theory of paragraph writing in the late 18th century."

Paul - you should look into this writing technique some day. The invention of the paragraph has made communication so much easier. Certainly you graduated from grammar school sometime after 1800, right?

Strange Brew
12-20-2024, 06:09 AM
The current impasse on the government funding is reminiscent of another deal.
There was a bi-partisan border bill; a private citizen called in, and they shelved it.
There is a bi-partisan funding bill; another private citizen called in and they shelved it.
Wish our elected officials could actually govern.

So what?

Make the case, for once against a giviment’s shutdown.

It’s on you now. Prove it.

12-20-2024, 06:59 AM
Why should anyone make a case against a government shutdown?
Federal law enforcement/TSA/all the military will have to continue working without pay.

it's on you to make the case of why that's a good thing.

(Can't believe I'm having this conversation. Just because the R's can't govern. As someone said: our congress is being run by a car maker with a cell phone.)

12-20-2024, 07:58 AM
In other news...


The Federal Unions are going to try and nix the Trump Administration from mandating Federal employees must return to full time traditional 9-5's.

The idea is that a good percentage simply will not do that and quit. It's nearly impossible to fire useless Federal bureaucrats.

12-20-2024, 09:28 AM
Why should anyone make a case against a government shutdown?
Federal law enforcement/TSA/all the military will have to continue working without pay.

it's on you to make the case of why that's a good thing.

(Can't believe I'm having this conversation. Just because the R's can't govern. As someone said: our congress is being run by a car maker with a cell phone.)

How anyone can think government shutdown is a good thing is mind boggling. With that said, it's not just Republicans that can't govern. Neither side can put together a financial deal that won't further expedite bankrupting the country. You'd think politicians on both sides would be embarrassed with what they do to the average American on a daily basis, but I'm guessing most of them have no souls to begin with.

Strange Brew
12-20-2024, 05:58 PM
Why should anyone make a case against a government shutdown?
Federal law enforcement/TSA/all the military will have to continue working without pay.

it's on you to make the case of why that's a good thing.

(Can't believe I'm having this conversation. Just because the R's can't govern. As someone said: our congress is being run by a car maker with a cell phone.)

Oh no. What would we do without those services???

And the military still gets paid you fear mongering clown.

BTW Paul, looks like Steffi and ABC owe Trump some money for spreading the same lies you have.

Strange Brew
12-20-2024, 06:12 PM
How anyone can think government shutdown is a good thing is mind boggling. With that said, it's not just Republicans that can't govern. Neither side can put together a financial deal that won't further expedite bankrupting the country. You'd think politicians on both sides would be embarrassed with what they do to the average American on a daily basis, but I'm guessing most of them have no souls to begin with.

Hold on. Are you implying Democrats can govern?

12-20-2024, 06:27 PM
Looks like crisis averted.

Strange Brew
12-20-2024, 06:35 PM
Looks like crisis averted.

Phew, I can’t imagine how we all would’ve survived. What a relief.

12-20-2024, 06:45 PM
Hold on. Are you implying Democrats can govern?

Uh I said both sides numbskull. So yes. 99% of politicians trash human beings

12-20-2024, 08:21 PM
Uh I said both sides numbskull. So yes. 99% of politicians trash human beings

Florida Rep Anna Paulina Luna definitely in the top 1%.....Just 'cause.

12-20-2024, 08:37 PM
Florida Rep Anna Paulina Luna definitely in the top 1%.....Just 'cause.

She’s 1% for entirely different reasons than her ability to govern :)

12-20-2024, 08:38 PM
And the military still gets paid you fear mongering clown.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans’ decision to abandon a congressional spending plan will cost about 2.1 million troops their paychecks over the holidays unless some agreement is reached before Friday’s deadline to prevent a government shutdown, the Pentagon warned.

Even if they don’t get paid, those troops will be required to report for duty both overseas and at home, Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said Thursday.

Without an agreement to fund the government, troops will not receive their end-of-month paychecks and reservists drilling after Friday will not be paid, he said.

Apparently you and the Maj. General disagree. Fortunately the troops won't go through this.

It's like school here, every day.

Strange Brew
12-20-2024, 10:48 PM
Florida Rep Anna Paulina Luna definitely in the top 1%.....Just 'cause.

So what.

Strange Brew
12-20-2024, 10:49 PM
Uh I said both sides numbskull. So yes. 99% of politicians trash human beings

Yeah, you say that however a thinking man knows where you stand.

Strange Brew
12-20-2024, 10:53 PM

Apparently you and the Maj. General disagree. Fortunately the troops won't go through this.

It's like school here, every day.

The AP might as well stand for “About Piss”. You total dumbass.

I’m sure you!re backing Pete since you’re so such a hardcore patriot.

12-20-2024, 11:13 PM
Yeah, you say that however a thinking man knows where you stand.

Yeah you don’t know a thing about me, but ok. I just think some on the right on this site are psychotic and I go after them for it. So that’s why you may think that. I don’t agree with Paul on a lot but he’s not a pompous asshat like some on the right here. You can decide for yourself who I’m referring to.

Strange Brew
12-20-2024, 11:30 PM
Yeah you don’t know a thing about me, but ok. I just think some on the right on this site are psychotic and I go after them for it. So that’s why you may think that. I don’t agree with Paul on a lot but he’s not a pompous asshat like some on the right here. You can decide for yourself who I’m referring to.

Thanks nurse Focker.

12-21-2024, 12:25 AM
Thanks nurse Focker.

It’s very clear judging by your posts that you don’t know much about government or politics. Case in point today, you make your posts about the government shutdown. Anyone who has any relation to any friends or family members at any position politically knows what that means. You literally thought the military got paid. Like holy shit.

You read the constitution or some obscure historical shit and think you are a political and historical savant. It’d be funny if it weren’t so sad.

Strange Brew
12-21-2024, 12:47 AM
It’s very clear judging by your posts that you don’t know much about government or politics. Case in point today, you make your posts about the government shutdown. Anyone who has any relation to any friends or family members at any position politically knows what that means. You literally thought the military got paid. Like holy shit.

You read the constitution or some obscure historical shit and think you are a political and historical savant. It’d be funny if it weren’t so sad.

Thanks Focker.

The military gets paid.

You are a total donkey. You probably think AOC is smart.