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07-22-2024, 06:13 PM
But you gotta work extra hard to come in last place. It's not that easy to do.

A study done by two college professors? I would have been shocked if they didn’t have Trump last. I’ll bet that was the predetermined outcome. I’m surprised they didn’t have Biden in the top 10.

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07-22-2024, 06:17 PM
There’s doubt about this? It will absolutely turn the election into being all about race and feminism. Anyone on the Right who criticizes or disparages Harris in any way will be labeled as a misogynistic racist.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Harris running will just magnify this rhetoric. Dems as you know have been running on this platform for decades.

X-band '01
07-22-2024, 06:29 PM
Agree, it's going to get real interesting. Trump knew he could beat Biden. What if all the polls starting to come out say no way Trump can beat Harris. I do think Trump messed up by not putting a female on the ticket

This is why I think Biden may have potentially thought about getting out about a week ago, but sat on the fence while Trump announced JD Vance as his Vice President. Had Biden pulled out earlier, Trump could have potentially named someone like Elise Stefanik as his VP to at least try to win more female voters. Now you're gonna have the mother of all gender gaps on Election Day.

07-22-2024, 06:33 PM
I don't think women like Kamala Harris either.

X-band '01
07-22-2024, 06:35 PM
What’s Cooper like? I honestly don’t know anything about him.

Beshear was a little extra during Covid, but other than that he’s decent. Even pretty strong republicans in this state don’t hate the guy. Impressive to win as a dem when there’s a Republican super majority in the legislature.

Mark kelly would be interesting as well. Someone who actually fought for our country vs a guy who wrote about it

Roy Cooper had served 4 terms as Attorney General in North Carolina before serving two terms as Governor. Of course, you also have former AGs like Josh Shapiro and Andy Beshear as well. Cooper had a tough time dealing with Republican supermajorities in North Carolina, but did manage to get Medicaid expansion for the state.

07-22-2024, 07:29 PM
The Dems raised 81 million in 24 hrs.

07-22-2024, 07:33 PM
Biden can release his delegates at the convention.

Strange Brew
07-22-2024, 08:53 PM
I don’t know about you fellas but 0 taxes on tips sounds like a good plan.

I don’t work in the service industry however I did at one time and that’s a really great thing.

07-22-2024, 08:54 PM
The Dems raised 81 million in 24 hrs.

Who cares how much the Dems raised. Why people pay these political unions is such a head scratcher. Money is the root of all problems especially in politics. It’s like a billionaire NFL owner wanting the tax payer to run part of the stadium/infrastructure even though they can fund it themselves. Can’t wait for that 81 million dollars to be rammed down my through through TV Ads, phone calls, media commercials etc.

Strange Brew
07-22-2024, 09:08 PM
GO, need the odds on the head of the SS resigning or being retired?

07-22-2024, 09:19 PM
GO, need the odds on the head of the SS resigning or being retired?

Don't see odds for that, but I wouldn't have been surprised. Afterall, the site will allow you to bet on Trump being pictured kissing Stormy Daniels on election day (200-1).

07-22-2024, 09:36 PM
This is why I think Biden may have potentially thought about getting out about a week ago, but sat on the fence while Trump announced JD Vance as his Vice President. Had Biden pulled out earlier, Trump could have potentially named someone like Elise Stefanik as his VP to at least try to win more female voters. Now you're gonna have the mother of all gender gaps on Election Day.

Good point. Really doubt vance would have been chosen if Harris was the presidential nominee.

Strange Brew
07-22-2024, 10:04 PM
Don't see odds for that, but I wouldn't have been surprised. Afterall, the site will allow you to bet on Trump being pictured kissing Stormy Daniels on election day (200-1).

Things that make you GO hmmm…:)

07-22-2024, 11:09 PM
Harris is a crap candidate and I think most know that, she acts like a 10 year ol. The fear from the right is that this will turn into race and feminism argument which will make it more difficult to vote for Trump.

There’s doubt about this? It will absolutely turn the election into being all about race and feminism. Anyone on the Right who criticizes or disparages Harris in any way will be labeled as a misogynistic racist.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The answer to this is to turn the claim on its head and ask the person to define a woman.

07-22-2024, 11:38 PM
Holy shit! - if - IF - this is true, this is an explosive development:

Geo-Tracking BOMBSHELL Reveals Thomas Crooks’ Link To DC: https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/breaking-geo-tracking-bombshell-reveals-thomas-crooks-link-to-dc-mace/

So far, I haven't seen anyone poke any holes in this: https://x.com/OversightPR/status/1815446054428352591?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1815446057829974267%7Ctwgr% 5E54c8138a9c10939310c3799a12d8a62365401905%7Ctwcon %5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftrendingpoliticsnews.com%2Fb reaking-geo-tracking-bombshell-reveals-thomas-crooks-link-to-dc-mace%2F

Doesn't mean there aren't any. Any thoughts from anyone that knows anything about this tech?

Also, in case you missed this, this guy's audio analysis seems pretty convincing, which shows there were likely 2 shooters: https://x.com/bennyjohnson/status/1814398580154872092

With no one providing any info (see the 3-hour waste of time earlier today), conspiracy theories are sprouting everywhere.

07-23-2024, 09:13 AM
"JD Vance is a phony. He's fake. I mean, he first says that Donald Trump is like hitler, and now he's acting like he's Lincoln. The problem with Vance is he has no conviction, but I guess his running mate has 34."

07-23-2024, 09:44 AM
Good point. Really doubt vance would have been chosen if Harris was the presidential nominee.

It's a really really dumb pick imo. There's zero about him that appeals to the woman voter, nor does he soften anything which is who Trump needs.

07-23-2024, 09:52 AM
Seems to me like he was brought in largely for money purposes. Apparently he's who Thiel wanted, and that unlocks some Silicon Valley money. Elon's big donation didn't come in until after Vance became the VP pick, right?

07-23-2024, 10:14 AM
Seems to me like he was brought in largely for money purposes. Apparently he's who Thiel wanted, and that unlocks some Silicon Valley money. Elon's big donation didn't come in until after Vance became the VP pick, right?

Understand that for sure. However, all the money in the world isn't going to make the woman voter suddenly vote for that ticket...at least not the woman who wasn't going to vote for Trump anyways.

07-23-2024, 10:33 AM
Understand that for sure. However, all the money in the world isn't going to make the woman voter suddenly vote for that ticket...at least not the woman who wasn't going to vote for Trump anyways.

Maybe they ran numbers and thinks Vance will poll well in the Midwest. Don’t think he moves the needle anywhere else

07-23-2024, 11:07 AM
GO, need the odds on the head of the SS resigning or being retired?

Sorry I couldn't get you on that bet yesterday!

07-23-2024, 12:09 PM
"JD Vance is a phony. He's fake. I mean, he first says that Donald Trump is like hitler, and now he's acting like he's Lincoln. The problem with Vance is he has no conviction, but I guess his running mate has 34."

It sounds like JD Vance fits in well with those politicians. Vance is well liked here in Ohio and in neighboring states. Will be interesting to see how much Kamala and co is able to eat into Trumps lead.

07-23-2024, 12:30 PM
Joe Biden is set to address the nation tomorrow night. That should mostly quash the rumors that he's dead.

07-23-2024, 12:57 PM
Joe Biden is set to address the nation tomorrow night. That should mostly quash the rumors that he's dead.

Obviously a hologram or a robot

07-23-2024, 12:57 PM
What's the line on whether Trump chickens out on the debate?

07-23-2024, 01:20 PM
Watched some of the Bryson-trump break 50 video. I gotta hand it to him, for a 78 year old, he’s got some game. He’s got a little bit of a weird hitch after contact that comes out here and there, but overall, impressive for his age.

In this setting though, it just tells me more and more how ridiculous it is for 70 and 80 year olds to be running the country. Riding in a golf cart tires them out.

X-band '01
07-23-2024, 01:37 PM
Joe Biden is set to address the nation tomorrow night. That should mostly quash the rumors that he's dead.

Or part of a savings-and-loan scandal like the incompacitated president in the movie Dave.

07-23-2024, 02:35 PM
Joe Biden is set to address the nation tomorrow night. That should mostly quash the rumors that he's dead.
Admittedly I stole this joke, but isn't the most Catholic thing he can do is give a press conference 3 days after he died?

07-23-2024, 02:51 PM
Admittedly I stole this joke, but isn't the most Catholic thing he can do is give a press conference 3 days after he died?

He did get crucified after that debate....

OK, enough silliness. Back to the important stuff: election betting odds.

To be Kamala's running mate:

Mark Kelly +130
Josh Sahpiro +250
Roy Cooper +400
Andy Beshear +1000
Tim Walz +1400
Mayor Pete +2000
Gretchen Whitmer +4000
Michelle Obama +4000
Gavin Newsom +5000
Hillary +6600
JB Pritzker +6600
Mark Cuban +6600
Wes Moore +10000
Raphael Warnock +10000
George Clooney +10000
William McRaven +10000
Oprah Winfrey +25000
Nick Saban +25000 (Just trying to get people to donate money by offering a funny option?)

07-23-2024, 02:53 PM
Saw a video of him getting from car to plane. Moving very slowly. He did the right thing.
Compared to a few months ago he seems remarkably much older in his gait, stance, mobility. Wonder if something happened that hasn't been reported.

07-24-2024, 12:32 AM
We've got dueling conspiracy narratives going right now: Donald Trump wasn't actually shot vs. Joe Biden is on his deathbed or already dead

Never change America! Never change.

Joe's not dead....but there was a video of Trump playing golf posted today that showed his ear fully intact thus proving the other conspiracy (obviously).

Now, disregard when that video was actually recorded....

07-25-2024, 07:02 AM
Man, it's hard to believe how terrible of a candidate that Trump really is. He is a political moron. He simply refuses to understand that, other than his base, Americans are sick and tired of his childish attacks/name calling. Even his delivery is in noticeable decline. Totally ineffective.

I believe there is a significant percentage of the electorate that will "hold their nose" and vote for this douche, because they realize our country desperately needs change of direction. Another percentage will do the same understanding how the corrupt Biden DOJ and their Dem allies are political weapons used to bludgeon Trump personally. Anyone that thinks the Manhattan indictments were not twisted into felonies, by design, are disingenuous.

You are about to see the MSM OPENLY campaign in direct coordination with the Democrat party......on a scale never before seen. Glowing Celebrity endorsements will be off the charts. Relentless Trump bashing 24/7.

It's going to take a miracle folks.

07-25-2024, 08:28 AM
Trump picked a running mate that has the inability to read a room. Insulting a significant number of woman voters (especially swing voters) is probably not the best political move. The guy has been a trainwreck since he's been named running mate.

07-25-2024, 09:40 AM
Man, it's hard to believe how terrible of a candidate that Trump really is. He is a political moron. He simply refuses to understand that, other than his base, Americans are sick and tired of his childish attacks/name calling. Even his delivery is in noticeable decline. Totally ineffective.

I believe there is a significant percentage of the electorate that will "hold their nose" and vote for this douche, because they realize our country desperately needs change of direction. Another percentage will do the same understanding how the corrupt Biden DOJ and their Dem allies are political weapons used to bludgeon Trump personally. Anyone that thinks the Manhattan indictments were not twisted into felonies, by design, are disingenuous.

You are about to see the MSM OPENLY campaign in direct coordination with the Democrat party......on a scale never before seen. Glowing Celebrity endorsements will be off the charts. Relentless Trump bashing 24/7.

It's going to take a miracle folks.

Agree on all that but does anyone really watch MSM anymore

07-25-2024, 02:45 PM
Agree on all that but does anyone really watch MSM anymore

It has become far more complex than that. We now have to view the "Main Stream Media" to include the massively influential SOCIAL MEDIA entities and their ability to manipulate a Progressive narrative.

But to your point.....only brain dead political zombies take Morning Joe as anything close to a serious news source.

1000% Democrat Party propaganda agents.

07-25-2024, 05:02 PM
Trump picked a running mate that has the inability to read a room. Insulting a significant number of woman voters (especially swing voters) is probably not the best political move. The guy has been a trainwreck since he's been named running mate.

I said from the beginning that it should have been Marjorie Taylor Green. Think this is a big mistake from MAGA/Republican Party.

07-25-2024, 05:09 PM
I said from the beginning that it should have been Marjorie Taylor Green. Think this is a big mistake from MAGA/Republican Party.

For what? She’s dumb as a box of rocks. If you wanted the female vote you go with noem

07-25-2024, 06:05 PM
For what? She’s dumb as a box of rocks. If you wanted the female vote you go with noem

Maybe they can find a childless cat lady to counteract Vance's remarks.

Vance 1St VP pick with a net negative since 1980.

X-band '01
07-25-2024, 06:47 PM
For what? She’s dumb as a box of rocks. If you wanted the female vote you go with noem

But then you'd lose all the animal lovers.


07-25-2024, 08:45 PM
I said from the beginning that it should have been Marjorie Taylor Green. Think this is a big mistake from MAGA/Republican Party.

Are you trying to "punk" everyone on the XavierHoops Politics Thread?

You are one smooth prankster Xuphan!!!!

07-25-2024, 08:50 PM
Trump the dumbass, should have figured out a way to get RUBIO on the ticket. Would have been an absolute GRAND SLAM. The ability to speak Spanish would have been overwhelmingly positive.

07-25-2024, 09:02 PM
I mean I don’t think Vance fucked that couch, but I think he should release a statement or his long form birth certificate to disprove the rumors. His silence seems suspicious.

07-25-2024, 09:21 PM
Vance can certainly shake off this very poor start. However, it doesn't take away from the DJT ability to be a political moron. This guy absolutely sucks at garnering any plus side positives. The perceived group of "yes men" that he surrounds himself with is a HUGE disadvantage!

07-26-2024, 06:58 AM
Are you trying to "punk" everyone on the XavierHoops Politics Thread?

You are one smooth prankster Xuphan!!!!

How is this “punking” anyone? She is the perfect candidate for Trump because of how loyal she is to him and gets the MAGA supporters. Would help with the women vote which took a hit with JDs “cat lady” comment. She would rally an already strong base which was way ahead in the polls before Vance. Wonder if Trump is regretting taking Vance as his VP?

07-26-2024, 07:27 AM
How is this “punking” anyone? She is the perfect candidate for Trump because of how loyal she is to him and gets the MAGA supporters. Would help with the women vote which took a hit with JDs “cat lady” comment. She would rally an already strong base which was way ahead in the polls before Vance. Wonder if Trump is regretting taking Vance as his VP?

She’s way too crazy and far right to bring in the women that trump needs. He probably should have groveled and bent the knee to nikki.

07-26-2024, 10:55 AM
She’s way too crazy and far right to bring in the women that trump needs. He probably should have groveled and bent the knee to nikki.

She is the female version of Trump! It is exactly what Trump needs and how Trump likes to operate. Trump has everything going for him destroying Biden in the debate to surviving an assassination attempt and should have taken the safe choice with MTG. I wouldnt call her crazy choice after what Vance has said lately. Personally think Vance has opened the door for the Democrats to get back in the race. Also, Nikki would never work because she wouldn’t be able to stomach Trumps orders. However, what she did to her fan base fully backing Trump was a bit laughable. Hopefully that RNC paycheck was worth it for her.

07-26-2024, 11:33 AM
She is the female version of Trump! It is exactly what Trump needs and how Trump likes to operate. Trump has everything going for him destroying Biden in the debate to surviving an assassination attempt and should have taken the safe choice with MTG. I wouldnt call her crazy choice after what Vance has said lately. Personally think Vance has opened the door for the Democrats to get back in the race. Also, Nikki would never work because she wouldn’t be able to stomach Trumps orders. However, what she did to her fan base fully backing Trump was a bit laughable. Hopefully that RNC paycheck was worth it for her.

I am not understanding your logic here. Mtg wouldn’t bring in new people to trump. Trump needs votes in the swing states, mtg wouldn’t do that.

07-26-2024, 03:52 PM
I am not understanding your logic here. Mtg wouldn’t bring in new people to trump. Trump needs votes in the swing states, mtg wouldn’t do that.

Are we really saying JD Vance is going to lock down the swing states for Trump? Trump has never polled higher this campaign with his debate win and surviving the assassination attempt and winning the Supreme Court rulings. He really just needs to hold down the fort which Vance is stripping away with his comments. MYG would have maintained the momentum Trump has had over the past couple of months.

07-26-2024, 05:01 PM
Are we really saying JD Vance is going to lock down the swing states for Trump? Trump has never polled higher this campaign with his debate win and surviving the assassination attempt and winning the Supreme Court rulings. He really just needs to hold down the fort which Vance is stripping away with his comments. MYG would have maintained the momentum Trump has had over the past couple of months.

Those two were not the only options.

There are plenty of picks that would have done much better than either of them:

A chair
A Piece of pizza

X-band '01
07-26-2024, 05:30 PM
But if someone other than Vance were VP, we wouldn't be seeing the phrase "Vanceturbation" trending right now.

Muskie in dayton
07-26-2024, 07:11 PM
If you want to see Trump’s mental acuity in four years, just look at Kamala Harris’ mental acuity now.

Muskie in dayton
07-26-2024, 07:14 PM
Saw a video of him getting from car to plane. Moving very slowly. He did the right thing.
Compared to a few months ago he seems remarkably much older in his gait, stance, mobility. Wonder if something happened that hasn't been reported.
On the contrary, they finally reported what has been happening for years.

Hey Paul, what happen to “he just had a cold”?

07-27-2024, 06:57 AM
This would worry people who would like to keep our democratic republic:

Tonight, speaking to Christians at the Turning Point Action Believers’ Summit in West Palm Beach, Florida, Trump made his plans to become a strongman clear: “Get out and vote. Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what: it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians…. Get out, you’ve got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”

07-27-2024, 07:30 AM
This would worry people who would like to keep our democratic republic:

This type of crap is simply political suicide. Trump is going to gift wrap POTUS to Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris!


07-27-2024, 05:32 PM
On the contrary, they finally reported what has been happening for years.

Hey Paul, what happen to “he just had a cold”?
Still talking about Biden? Who cares?

07-27-2024, 06:34 PM
All is well, this is the last time we have to vote according to trump.

07-28-2024, 12:33 AM
If anyone happened to watch the Trump rally speech in St. Cloud MN. tonight, you just crossed into the Twilight Zone.

This guy, apparently, is trying to put on some kind of ridiculous "stand up comedy" routine. It is a complete disaster and basically unwatchable.

I can't believe this is happening and really don't understand how this is possible.

Muskie in dayton
07-28-2024, 01:50 AM
If anyone happened to watch the Trump rally speech in St. Cloud MN. tonight, you just crossed into the Twilight Zone.

This guy, apparently, is trying to put on some kind of ridiculous "stand up comedy" routine. It is a complete disaster and basically unwatchable.

I can't believe this is happening and really don't understand how this is possible.
Vote RFK Jr!

Muskie in dayton
07-28-2024, 01:51 AM
Still talking about Biden? Who cares?

07-28-2024, 05:57 PM

not to mention the subhuman "childless cat ladies"

Muskie in dayton
07-28-2024, 06:06 PM

not to mention the subhuman "childless cat ladies"
Someone realizing they were fed a bunch of shit about Trump then changing their opinion of him isn’t the own you think it is.

07-28-2024, 07:43 PM
Someone realizing they were fed a bunch of shit about Trump then changing their opinion of him isn’t the own you think it is.

“Changing their opinion.” It’s ridiculously cute that you believe that is what happened.

07-28-2024, 11:59 PM
Talk about "change of opinion"....just watch how the MSM propaganda agents for the Democrat Party transform Harris from the most radical Leftist Senator into a completely sensible moderate.


Classic Dem political shell game. They are really good at practicing America destroying deception.

07-29-2024, 07:18 AM
Talk about "change of opinion"....just watch how the MSM propaganda agents for the Democrat Party transform Harris from the most radical Leftist Senator into a completely sensible moderate.


Classic Dem political shell game. They are really good at practicing America destroying deception.

Does this really surprise anyone? The media will completely whitewash her record. And they wonder why people no longer trust them!

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07-29-2024, 08:12 AM
Do you all really pay attention to what you read?
The page from 2019 came down because the site doesn't use single year stats anymore.
But...the page from 2020 is still up!

On her existing 2020 web page, Harris is ranked “most politically left compared to Senate Democrats.” She was ranked the second most liberal behind Independent Sanders in all of the Senate.

Oooh....big bad MSM conspiracy. Get a life.

07-29-2024, 08:18 AM
You want to worry about something?
Worry about a fake Harris video posted with AI generated voice over (without noting it's parody) by Musk to his followers.
100+ million views.
And you guys will probably believe it.

07-29-2024, 11:59 AM

not to mention the subhuman "childless cat ladies"

Which is worse: Clinton calling conservatives “deplorables” or Vance calling liberal women “childless cat ladies”?

07-29-2024, 12:32 PM
Which is worse: Clinton calling conservatives “deplorables” or Vance calling liberal women “childless cat ladies”?

Both were incredibly stupid. If I have to pick, I’d go with deplorables as worse.

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07-29-2024, 12:44 PM
Both were incredibly stupid. If I have to pick, I’d go with deplorables as worse.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep but one was actually kind of funny. These younger far left liberal females protesting everything have at min 11 cats.

07-29-2024, 01:32 PM
Which is worse: Clinton calling conservatives “deplorables” or Vance calling liberal women “childless cat ladies”?

As far as being more politically damaging I'd say the deplorables comment was a little worse.

As far as which comment was worse in general, outside of being politically damaging I don't think either comment was all that bad, nor do I think either one was necessarily all that wrong.

07-29-2024, 02:10 PM
You want to worry about something?
Worry about a fake Harris video posted with AI generated voice over (without noting it's parody) by Musk to his followers.
100+ million views.
And you guys will probably believe it.

Yeah there are a few idiots that would believe anything. Most people understand parody even though it’s not spelled out.

Funny how some lose their sense of humor when discussing one’s preferred candidate or one candidate tries to use it.

AI does scare me a bit, but so does missing context which is done quite often.

07-29-2024, 05:55 PM
Shoe on the other foot doesn't feel so great , does it?

07-31-2024, 10:06 PM
Ha. 11 different people?!?
Trump gets laughed and booed at Black journalists. Says Kamala only recently Black

08-01-2024, 12:05 AM
Trump gets laughed and booed at Black journalists. Says Kamala only recently Black

He's really not wrong about that one.

08-01-2024, 07:49 AM
He's really not wrong about that one.
Birthirism as a campaign message worked so well before, just a brilliant strategy to run it back again...

08-01-2024, 08:09 AM
What was with the weird water bottle thing?

08-01-2024, 08:14 AM
It is truly astounding how Trump has zero ability, or even interest, in winning over new voters outside his base. There are plenty of people who could advise him on how to do that, but apparently he is not interested in that either. In spite of that, it is possible he can get enough of those voters to win the election because of the inevitable reality Harris poses as a possible POTUS.

08-01-2024, 10:42 AM
the crazies are against Shapiro being the VP pick. Probably means he'd be a good pick.

08-01-2024, 11:15 AM
I'm starting to think that Trump doesn't really want to win, He's only doing this to build up his coffers and get others to pay all his legal fees.

08-01-2024, 01:19 PM
Some good news, Paul Whelan and Evan Gershkovich were released today it what appears to be a pretty large prisoner swap.

08-01-2024, 07:18 PM
I'm starting to think that Trump doesn't really want to win, He's only doing this to build up his coffers and get others to pay all his legal fees.

I honestly wonder why he wants to run. Part of me agrees that he wants MAGA branding and political coffers money to fund his lifestyle but he also is getting up there in age where he may not get to fully live out his wealth. Especially since he just narrowly escaped being killed. Think he is wired differently.

08-04-2024, 07:59 AM
Additional Trump stupidity on full display.


Bye Bye Georgia.

08-04-2024, 09:23 AM
When George Stephanopoulos shows up for This Week....it is truly something to behold. Every single question to Byron Donald was a "gotcha" question.

He the the GOAT political hack.

08-04-2024, 10:47 AM
When George Stephanopoulos shows up for This Week....it is truly something to behold. Every single question to Byron Donald was a "gotcha" question.

He the the GOAT political hack.

Anyone want to bet that any interview he does with Kamala Harris will be full of softballs, without a “gotcha” in sight?

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08-04-2024, 11:06 AM
Anyone want to bet that any interview he does with Kamala Harris will be full of softballs, without a “gotcha” in sight?

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It will be an historic LOVEFEST!!!

Nothing but smiles and laughter in EPIC PROPORTIONS!

Inform yourself and Google just the Rubio interview and this one with Donald today. ABC IS an official propaganda wing of the DNC.

08-04-2024, 05:44 PM
Additional Trump stupidity on full display.


Bye Bye Georgia.

Trump seems to think Georgia is in the bag because three of the five people on the state’s election board are MAGA. It’s unsettling to think that any candidate would try and get themselves declared the winner of a state where they didn’t get the most votes. But, Trump has done this before and seems to want to have the right people in place to do it again. That should bother EVERYONE!

Kemp is disloyal in Trump’s mind because he wouldn’t go out and look for 12,000 votes that didn’t exist. That should bother everyone as well.


08-04-2024, 07:00 PM
I think Kamala is going to pull this off. Not because she is a good candidate, she's actually horrible, but that's just how bad Trump is. If he could tone down the rhetoric and maybe just shut his mouth for a month or two, he'd win. He just can't do it.

I'm honestly a little concerned for what's going to happen when Kamala wins. Trump and his acolytes are going to lose their effing minds.

08-04-2024, 07:06 PM
I think Kamala is going to pull this off. Not because she is a good candidate, she's actually horrible, but that's just how bad Trump is. If he could tone down the rhetoric and maybe just shut his mouth for a month or two, he'd win. He just can't do it.

I'm honestly a little concerned for what's going to happen when Kamala wins. Trump and his acolytes are going to lose their effing minds.

Sadly, I think the same thing. Trump is his own worst enemy.

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08-04-2024, 08:01 PM
I'm honestly a little concerned for what's going to happen when Kamala wins. Trump and his acolytes are going to lose their effing minds.

I'm more concerned about what Kamala will do if Kamala wins.

08-04-2024, 08:09 PM
I'm more concerned about what Kamala will do if Kamala wins.

Both are concerning.

08-04-2024, 08:40 PM
I'm more concerned about what Kamala will do if Kamala wins.

I think she’s too dumb to get anything done. 4 yrs of nothing and then you’d think the republicans would finally wise up and realize trump is not the golden calf. Almost sounds nice..

08-04-2024, 11:38 PM
I think she’s too dumb to get anything done. 4 yrs of nothing and then you’d think the republicans would finally wise up and realize trump is not the golden calf. Almost sounds nice..

The problem with an evenly split two-party system is that a small lunatic fringe can hold the entire party hostage. If it’s lunatic enough to go against the rest of the party by attacking it and/or leaving it then they can hijack it. The rest of the party will let them out of fear of losing the ability to win any elections without them. That’s kind of what’s happened to the GOP.

08-05-2024, 01:41 AM
The Nikkei is down 10% today. That seems troubling.

08-05-2024, 08:08 AM
I'm more concerned about what Kamala will do if Kamala wins.

Concerned? More like terrified. I can not believe this is happening. The situation could only be more dire if a member of the "Squad" was the nominee.

This ridiculous Harris jubilation over the last 2 weeks casts serious doubt on the sanity of the American electorate. Stupid shit like "Republicans for Harris" is absolutely ignorant.

The only way to avoid the next "America Killer-in-chief" is if the MSM is forced into some sort of negative reporting on Harris. She is going to go phoney moderate on domestic issues, but if the Middle East implodes it will be impossible for her to fully back Israel. That will scare most American voters.

08-05-2024, 08:12 AM
Or if ILLEGALS do something really really bad....like the unthinkable.

08-05-2024, 10:21 AM
Or if ILLEGALS do something really really bad....like the unthinkable.

It takes a lot of me to laugh when it comes to politics but this one definitely gave me a chuckle. Nancy Pelosi proposes making Biden part of Mount Rushmore


08-05-2024, 10:37 AM
It takes a lot of me to laugh when it comes to politics but this one definitely gave me a chuckle. Nancy Pelosi proposes making Biden part of Mount Rushmore


You...and EVERYONE...must get serious about this election. Stop with the chuckle ass bullshit.

If this ridiculously open MARXIST gets elected...we are going to be "TOTALLY TRANSFORMED".

08-05-2024, 10:59 AM
You...and EVERYONE...must get serious about this election. Stop with the chuckle ass bullshit.

If this ridiculously open MARXIST gets elected...we are going to be "TOTALLY TRANSFORMED".

She's not smart enough to transform a Lego set. We've got enough checks and balances in place to keep us from Marxism..

08-05-2024, 11:08 AM
She's not smart enough to transform a Lego set. We've got enough checks and balances in place to keep us from Marxism..

Correct. some of the rhetoric on here sounds like a cnn/foxnews segment of fear.

08-05-2024, 11:47 AM
You...and EVERYONE...must get serious about this election. Stop with the chuckle ass bullshit.

If this ridiculously open MARXIST gets elected...we are going to be "TOTALLY TRANSFORMED".

You want me to get serious about the election when the best both parties can do is Biden and Trump? Get real.

08-05-2024, 12:21 PM
You...and EVERYONE...must get serious about this election. Stop with the chuckle ass bullshit.

If this ridiculously open MARXIST gets elected...we are going to be "TOTALLY TRANSFORMED".

This is as silly as Democrats wailing about the end of democracy and then wheeling out ole Sleepy Joe for the election and then replacing him with Cackles. You can't tell me it's SO important for the Republicans to win this election to avoid some sort of existential threat to the nation and have Donald Duck Trump as your nominee. No, I will not take the election seriously under these terms. The only sane reaction is laughter, because we're kind of fucked either way.

We'll get by either way, but man is it an all around mess.

08-05-2024, 12:55 PM
Agreed. Your Country is well positioned to fight off nearly all extremism.... thanks to the brilliance of our FOUNDERS.

However....we all can agree....there is extreme GLOBAL volatility.

If the Middle East implodes AND/OR the Global economy implodes, do you feel comfortable with our current leadership?

08-05-2024, 12:59 PM
You want me to get serious about the election when the best both parties can do is Biden and Trump? Get real.

Yeah.....we are totally screwed. This is an historic POLICY ELECTION.

08-05-2024, 01:08 PM
Guess Musk is going to help the Russian troll farms and chat bots this cycle:

Grok, the AI search assistant on Musk’s X platform, suggested that Kamala Harris had missed the ballot deadline in nine states. She hasn’t.


New: Five secretaries of state plan to send an open letter to Elon Musk, urging him to “immediately implement changes” to X’s AI chatbot Grok, after it shared with millions of users false information suggesting that Kamala Harris was not eligible to appear on the 2024 ballot

In addition, he's letting an online registration scam to gather data go on unabated.


08-05-2024, 01:09 PM
She's not smart enough to transform a Lego set. We've got enough checks and balances in place to keep us from Marxism..

Hopefully, but Venezuela shows happiness is always possible.

Google Donald J Harris.

You can vote in Socialism....but you can never vote it out.

08-05-2024, 04:29 PM
RFK and a bear

08-05-2024, 05:02 PM
Trump might actually get real fucked.. Ellis flipped

08-05-2024, 05:13 PM
Why did so many lawyers ruin their careers/legacies to help Trump?

08-05-2024, 05:25 PM
Why did so many lawyers ruin their careers/legacies to help Trump?

Because history always repeats itself.

08-05-2024, 05:25 PM
Why did so many lawyers ruin their careers/legacies to help Trump?
Some people aren’t good at turning away a client if they think there is a payday behind it. They should know better, but greed gets to you.

08-05-2024, 06:16 PM
Looking at his track record of paying for services, you would think some of the lawyers would be smarter.
Some like the guy in Florida got paid upfront (smart). I think that was Kise. But got sanctioned for making "frivolous" arguments to the court.
Others like Rudi say they're owed a lot of money. ($2 million)

X-band '01
08-05-2024, 06:23 PM
Trump might actually get real fucked.. Ellis flipped

Arizona is the state where she's currently cooperating (She already copped a guilty plea in GA in exchange for testimony in that case). Trump hasn't been charged in Arizona yet.

08-05-2024, 08:36 PM
Concerned? More like terrified. I can not believe this is happening. The situation could only be more dire if a member of the "Squad" was the nominee.

This ridiculous Harris jubilation over the last 2 weeks casts serious doubt on the sanity of the American electorate. Stupid shit like "Republicans for Harris" is absolutely ignorant.

The only way to avoid the next "America Killer-in-chief" is if the MSM is forced into some sort of negative reporting on Harris. She is going to go phoney moderate on domestic issues, but if the Middle East implodes it will be impossible for her to fully back Israel. That will scare most American voters.

Why is republicans for Harris “ignorant?” At least they are taking a stand unlike sheep like Vance and any of the other idiots who have endorsed Trump.

Harris is awful, but demanding for something better from the Republican party is not close to “ignorant.” I wish more politicians from our two party system would cross lines… bring some kind of integrity back to politics.

08-06-2024, 12:51 AM
The Nikkei is down 10% today. That seems troubling.

Up 9% today. Obviously should have been riding the Asian VIX the last two days.

08-06-2024, 02:15 AM
Why is republicans for Harris “ignorant?” At least they are taking a stand unlike sheep like Vance and any of the other idiots who have endorsed Trump.

Harris is awful, but demanding for something better from the Republican party is not close to “ignorant.” I wish more politicians from our two party system would cross lines… bring some kind of integrity back to politics.

Taking a stand???? They are actually going to VOTE for this America Killer. Actually USE their VOTE...FOR KAMALA HARRIS?

We have entered the twilight zone.

"Ignorant" is the political charade....but in reality it is nothing but full blown TDS.

Integrity=Harris? You've lost your rabid ass mind. This is a POLICY election.


08-06-2024, 08:07 AM
Taking a stand???? They are actually going to VOTE for this America Killer. Actually USE their VOTE...FOR KAMALA HARRIS?

We have entered the twilight zone.

"Ignorant" is the political charade....but in reality it is nothing but full blown TDS.

Integrity=Harris? You've lost your rabid ass mind. This is a POLICY election.


Again, checks and balances. She's not an America Killer....

You aren't even voting for Trump, do you have TDS? The integrity part of the equation is that they aren't blind sheep following Trump just because he is their party nominee. I can at least respect that, even if it is Harris. It's very different than someone like Vance who calls Trump Hitler out one side of his mouth while kissing the ring with the other side.

We need much more of crossing the party lines in politics. Our government works a whole lot better that way, rather than "following the leader."

08-06-2024, 09:35 AM
A POLICY election? OK.
Trump in 4 years:
- Mexico didn't pay for any wall
- Infrastructure week (promised almost ever week) never happened
- Close tax loopholes? Nope; gave big tax breaks to the wealthy
- Fix the ACA? Did nothing; party tried to kill in a number of times
- Botched Covid response with stupidity like recommending injecting bleach
- Manufacturing suffered, and he still seems to think China will pay for tariffs
- Still praising dictators like Maduro and Putin

Biden/Harris 4 years:
- Responded and brought us out of Covid with the strongest economy in the world
- Strengthened the ACA with more Americans than ever now with health insurance
- Jump started manufacturing with 800,000 jobs created
- Funded IRS to go after tax cheats with record recoveries from millionaires not paying their owed taxes
- Supported Ukraine and NATO while building new alliances in the Indo-Pacific area
- Put Infrastructure funding in place, to rebuild our roads and bridges, which no Republican voted for, but all are busily taking credit for in their districts

If it's a "policy" election, the choice seems pretty clear.

08-06-2024, 10:03 AM
Again, checks and balances. She's not an America Killer....

You aren't even voting for Trump, do you have TDS? The integrity part of the equation is that they aren't blind sheep following Trump just because he is their party nominee. I can at least respect that, even if it is Harris. It's very different than someone like Vance who calls Trump Hitler out one side of his mouth while kissing the ring with the other side.

We need much more of crossing the party lines in politics. Our government works a whole lot better that way, rather than "following the leader."

IF this incompetent novice becomes POTUS.....you, me and all of GODS CHILDREN are in a world of hurt.

08-06-2024, 10:03 AM
Walz pick is gross. Way too left.

08-06-2024, 10:11 AM
A POLICY election? OK.
Trump in 4 years:
- Mexico didn't pay for any wall
- Infrastructure week (promised almost ever week) never happened
- Close tax loopholes? Nope; gave big tax breaks to the wealthy
- Fix the ACA? Did nothing; party tried to kill in a number of times
- Botched Covid response with stupidity like recommending injecting bleach
- Manufacturing suffered, and he still seems to think China will pay for tariffs
- Still praising dictators like Maduro and Putin

Biden/Harris 4 years:
- Responded and brought us out of Covid with the strongest economy in the world
- Strengthened the ACA with more Americans than ever now with health insurance
- Jump started manufacturing with 800,000 jobs created
- Funded IRS to go after tax cheats with record recoveries from millionaires not paying their owed taxes
- Supported Ukraine and NATO while building new alliances in the Indo-Pacific area
- Put Infrastructure funding in place, to rebuild our roads and bridges, which no Republican voted for, but all are busily taking credit for in their districts

If it's a "policy" election, the choice seems pretty clear.


I am only here to extract an opposing opinion. You are the first to finally clarify.

08-06-2024, 10:25 AM
Walz pick is gross. Way too left.

Are you surprised?

08-06-2024, 10:26 AM
Walz pick is gross. Way too left.

Great tickets on both sides, amirite?

08-06-2024, 10:32 AM
Great tickets on both sides, amirite?
The two most popular politicians in America are Generic Republican and Generic Democrat. I predict that for the rest of my life that every election cycle we will have some version of "if they had ran anyone else I would have supported them" or "these are the two worst options."

08-06-2024, 10:32 AM
Are you surprised?

Sadly, no. Had it been Shapiro, at least it’d be more of a centrist. Apparently both of these parties are disinterested in getting the independent vote

08-06-2024, 10:38 AM
The two most popular politicians in America are Generic Republican and Generic Democrat. I predict that for the rest of my life that every election cycle we will have some version of "if they had ran anyone else I would have supported them" or "these are the two worst options."

So you DON'T think we have particularly shitty candidates this time?

08-06-2024, 10:40 AM
The two most popular politicians in America are Generic Republican and Generic Democrat. I predict that for the rest of my life that every election cycle we will have some version of "if they had ran anyone else I would have supported them" or "these are the two worst options."

I hope not. It’s only been 2020 and 2024 where it’s been like this. Wasn’t a fan of Obama but he looks like Lincoln compared to the last two cycles

08-06-2024, 10:42 AM
I hope not. It’s only been 2020 and 2024 where it’s been like this. Wasn’t a fan of Obama but he looks like Lincoln compared to the last two cycles

McCain and Romney were easily the best two Republican candidtates of the 21st century. And they're the only two to have not won at least once. LOL. Bad timing that they ended up facing Obama and not Kerry, Gore, Clinton, Biden or Harris.

08-06-2024, 10:56 AM
Cori Bush's reign of terror gets an expiration date today. Ilhan's district in Tim Walz's Minnesota is just crazy enough to send her back.

How did AOC get herself jumbled up with this group of loons? I disagree with her on most everything politically, but she's not an idiot like the others. Plus, you know, the quality pictures from her time at Boston U....

08-06-2024, 10:58 AM
So you DON'T think we have particularly shitty candidates this time?
I do not think there is anyone that either party could put up at this time that would not get an immediate reaction of "worst candidate ever."

For the past year in this thread it was anyone other than Biden or Trump. So Biden gets replaced with Harris, and now it is anyone other than Harris. She picks Walz and now it is anyone other than Walz.

Same would be true on the Republican side. If Trump got replaced by Vance it would quickly move from "anyone but Trump" to we meant "anyone but Trump or Vance."

It is so much easier to tear someone down than build them up. So anyone that gets into the national spotlight will immediately be called the worst ever, because it is just easier and there is more profit to be made in outrage than cool headed analysis.

08-06-2024, 11:13 AM
But you don't think this group of candidates suck? Just objectively?

Good to know you're not part of the addled-brain coalition thinking Trump is an existential threat to democracy at least. Apparently just another typical political candidate.

I WILL say they're not the worst. It could be Cori Bush and MTG!

08-06-2024, 11:39 AM
I do not think there is anyone that either party could put up at this time that would not get an immediate reaction of "worst candidate ever."

For the past year in this thread it was anyone other than Biden or Trump. So Biden gets replaced with Harris, and now it is anyone other than Harris. She picks Walz and now it is anyone other than Walz.

Same would be true on the Republican side. If Trump got replaced by Vance it would quickly move from "anyone but Trump" to we meant "anyone but Trump or Vance."

It is so much easier to tear someone down than build them up. So anyone that gets into the national spotlight will immediately be called the worst ever, because it is just easier and there is more profit to be made in outrage than cool headed analysis.

I disagree with your first paragraph. If either side of the aisle put up a moderate to slightly right or left candidate, the other side wouldn’t be calling it the “worst candidate ever.” The problem is that each party has decided to go pretty far in either direction even with their vp picks.

The next four years are gouging to be worse than the past four no matter who wins

08-06-2024, 11:50 AM
I disagree with your first paragraph. If either side of the aisle put up a moderate to slightly right or left candidate, the other side wouldn’t be calling it the “worst candidate ever.” The problem is that each party has decided to go pretty far in either direction even with their vp picks.

The next four years are gouging to be worse than the past four no matter who wins

Do you have names? Who is each side leaving on the sideline that would cruise through a general election?

08-06-2024, 11:59 AM
Do you have names? Who is each side leaving on the sideline that would cruise through a general election?

Do you mean a candidate that would win a primary? That's been the issue recently. Winning a general would be simple if candidates like these were picked:


These are just a few I know of off the top of my head. I'm sure there are others.

08-06-2024, 12:04 PM
I think any of DeSantis, Haley or Scott would have easily beaten Biden or Harris. I think even Noem would win. In addition to Hogan listed above. But the Republican bench is definitely on the thin side.

I think there's a longer list of Democrats that would easily beat Trump. Walz is probably one of them if on the top of the ticket.

08-06-2024, 12:09 PM
Sinema and Manchin should have joined up for a third party run. That would have been entertaining!

08-06-2024, 05:14 PM
Walz pick is gross. Way too left.

Beginning to think no one wants to be president of the us.

Muskie in dayton
08-06-2024, 10:20 PM
When the media told you Trump only won in 2016 due to “Russian interference”, it was dangerous.

When they parroted that Trump was a “threat to Democracy”, it was dangerous.

When they covered Biden’s senility for 4 years, it was dangerous.

Now they cover for Kamala’s laziness and incompetence, and it is dangerous.

How many more lies can our country handle before is forever broken?

08-07-2024, 08:19 AM
crazy Cori is gone....what we got like 3-4 more to go?

Now some of the lunatic far right need to go right along with her.

08-07-2024, 08:43 AM
crazy Cori is gone....what we got like 3-4 more to go?

Now some of the lunatic far right need to go right along with her.

One less whackadoodle in Washington is always a good thing

08-07-2024, 08:56 AM
Sinema and Manchin should have joined up for a third party run. That would have been entertaining!

You're not wrong!

But, I for one just want politics to be boring again.

08-07-2024, 09:38 AM
Mike Pence, former Vice President

“The American people deserve to know that President Trump asked me to put him over my oath to the Constitution,” Pence said in his interview with Fox News. “Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States.”

James Mattis, former Defense Secretary

“We must reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution,” Mattis said.
After the January 6, 2021 insurrection, Mattis accused Trump of using his position to “destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect for fellow citizens.”

Mark Esper, former Defense Secretary

In March of this year, he told HBO’s Bill Maher that “there’s no way” he would support Trump in November because he believes the former president “is a threat to democracy.”
“I think he’s unfit for office,” he said in another interview. “He puts himself before country. His actions are all about him and not about the country

Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

According to reports, Milley called Trump’s efforts to overturn the election a “Reichstag moment,” referring to the Nazis’ suspension of civil liberties in Germany. Milley called Trump’s false statements about election fraud “the gospel of the Fuhrer.”

John Kelly, 4 star Marine General, former WH Chief of Staff

“What’s going on in the country that a single person thinks this guy would still be a good president when he’s said the things he’s said and done the things he’s done?” Kelly, a retired Marine Corps four-star general, told the Washington Post. “It’s beyond my comprehension he has the support he has.”

HR McMaster, former National Security Advisor

McMaster told CNN’s Jake Tapper that Trump had incited the riot through “sustained disinformation… spreading these unfounded conspiracy theories.” He accused Trump of “anti-leadership” and “undermining rule of law.”
“We saw the absence of leadership, really anti-leadership, and what that can do to our country.”

Just a few of the "best people" and what they thought after being exposed to an unqualified president. Their opinions should have some weight.

08-07-2024, 09:45 AM
Thanks Paul. Would be great if the alternative didn't suck as bad or worse.

08-07-2024, 09:53 AM
Thanks Paul. Would be great if the alternative didn't suck as bad or worse.

Correct. Both horrible candidates and why again I won't be voting in this election not that it matters since I live where I live.

Walz was described by someone as Newsom with flannel. That's not great, Bob.

Somehow both parties are now pro big government...sad state of affairs.

08-07-2024, 09:57 AM
I only really care about the top of the ticket. VP is a pointless, figurehead position (unless you're Dick Cheney). No one cares about the VP outside of the first five days of the election cycle after they're announced (and if there's a VP debate).

Walz would probably be fine if he was top of ticket. Not my favorite, by far, but not embarrassing to the nation. 0 for 2 by that standard on the top of the ticket this year.

08-07-2024, 11:09 AM
I only really care about the top of the ticket. VP is a pointless, figurehead position (unless you're Dick Cheney). No one cares about the VP outside of the first five days of the election cycle after they're announced (and if there's a VP debate).

Walz would probably be fine if he was top of ticket. Not my favorite, by far, but not embarrassing to the nation. 0 for 2 by that standard on the top of the ticket this year.

Considering the vp is the head of what is a very tight senate by party lines, I have to respectfully disagree with you that they are just a figurehead. He’s way too far left for my liking. Shapiro, beshear, cooper would have been absolutely fine with me.

08-07-2024, 11:14 AM
I mean, they get the tie breaking vote, but if it's a tie it's almost always going to be because the Democrats and Republicans are deadlocked, so the VP is just going to vote with their party. Walz and Beshear would vote the same 100% of the time in that position, so who cares?

08-07-2024, 11:26 AM
I mean, they get the tie breaking vote, but if it's a tie it's almost always going to be because the Democrats and Republicans are deadlocked, so the VP is just going to vote with their party. Walz and Beshear would vote the same 100% of the time in that position, so who cares?

I don’t know I think the job is pretty significant when it comes to being an advisor, and taking on pretty large responsibilities since the president can only do so much on a day to day basis. I was hoping for someone closer to the middle like a beshear to advise on different policies that would tone Harris down, not exacterbate her already pretty left views.

08-07-2024, 12:33 PM
Just a few of the "best people" and what they thought after being exposed to an unqualified president. Their opinions should have some weight.

Lol.. Were you calling these individuals 'best people' (Trumpism) when they were part of the Trump administration?

Did you value Mike Pence's opinions when he was Trumps VP? You spent years bashing the Trump administration and everyone who had anything to do with it. Now all of the sudden they are valuable people who need to be heard and listened to? What changed, Paul? Person A while serving the Trump Administration: "Incompetent, deplorable, unfit" Same person A when they speak out against Donald Trump: "Very important and we should value what they say" I swear if you didn't speak out of both sides of your mouth, you would never speak.

08-07-2024, 01:16 PM
Well that's pretty simple. They woke up to his nonsense once they were exposed to it on a daily basis.
Even a thirst for power that apparently motivates a lot of people to put their concerns aside, couldn't overcome what they were exposed to in the final analysis. Most especially after he fomented an insurrection and sought to have his people block the peaceful transfer of power.

I don't think in American history a VP has ever failed to endorse his former boss, or has thought them unqualified.
And I don't think I ever called any of them deplorable or unfit for service. Trump yes. The generals and others, no.

08-07-2024, 02:30 PM
Lol.. Were you calling these individuals 'best people' (Trumpism) when they were part of the Trump administration?

Did you value Mike Pence's opinions when he was Trumps VP? You spent years bashing the Trump administration and everyone who had anything to do with it. Now all of the sudden they are valuable people who need to be heard and listened to? What changed, Paul? Person A while serving the Trump Administration: "Incompetent, deplorable, unfit" Same person A when they speak out against Donald Trump: "Very important and we should value what they say" I swear if you didn't speak out of both sides of your mouth, you would never speak.


I think the question that we need to ask is why are so many people that Trump hired/appointed and publicly praised as being the "Best People" now saying these kinds of things about him? That's not just a red flag. That's a stadium sized red banner.

If you were doing a background check, and received this kind of feedback from former staff that the guy you're checking on had previously publicly praised, would you hire him?? He's at best incapable of hiring a good staff. But chances are it's an indication that he himself cannot be trusted.

08-07-2024, 03:13 PM
Another place where we're oh for 2 on the top of the ticket this year. Harris has a reputation as an awful, toxic boss. I'll bet a dollar Walz's staff actually like him.

08-07-2024, 03:21 PM

I think the question that we need to ask is why are so many people that Trump hired/appointed and publicly praised as being the "Best People" now saying these kinds of things about him? That's not just a red flag. That's a stadium sized red banner.

If you were doing a background check, and received this kind of feedback from former staff that the guy you're checking on had previously publicly praised, would you hire him?? He's at best incapable of hiring a good staff. But chances are it's an indication that he himself cannot be trusted.

I agree with all of this and think it's definitely a huge red banner. He's notoriously difficult to work with and has a history of leaving scorched earth to most of his professional relationships. He's not a good dude. I just get a chuckle at the hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty of some people. Makes me giggle

08-07-2024, 03:29 PM
17 days since the Democratic nominee for POTUS has had a press conference or granted an interview. Even Van Jones said she needs to come out of the basement. Let's get these two jackwagons on a stage together. I don't think it's a good strategy to keep her from the cameras with independent voters already leery of the fact that the dems knowingly kept Joe Biden out of the spotlight to cover up his mental decline...errr stutter

08-07-2024, 04:20 PM
One thing I noticed is that we have had no post-election riots, unlike the last post- election. Why do leftists commit crimes and riot when they lose an election?

For some reason I was looking back at this thread from around the last election (boring conference call), and I came across this post that aged like fine milk. LOL

X-band '01
08-07-2024, 06:40 PM
Walz was described by someone as Newsom with flannel. That's not great, Bob.

Why you gotta hate on flannel?


08-07-2024, 07:05 PM
17 days since the Democratic nominee for POTUS has had a press conference or granted an interview. Even Van Jones said she needs to come out of the basement. Let's get these two jackwagons on a stage together. I don't think it's a good strategy to keep her from the cameras with independent voters already leery of the fact that the dems knowingly kept Joe Biden out of the spotlight to cover up his mental decline...errr stutter

The Democratic power structure wants to keep her away from doing anything “off the cuff” where she might go off on one of her word salad diatribes or start laughing uncontrollably. They want tightly scripted events with friendly crowds and media.

Biden won the election from his basement. They’re figuring that if it worked once, it might work again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-07-2024, 08:56 PM
Walz pick is gross. Way too left.

Might be out of context, but he’s saying there’s no right to free speech if it’s misinformation or hate speech. Who’s the arbiter of what is misinformation?


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

08-07-2024, 10:11 PM
Kamala's in her basement, which happens to be 5 swing state rallies in one week.

Trump out on the campaign trail to 1 state (Montana). Guess he wants to make sure it's a solid red crowd. Low energy.
(Probably like Biden, at that age just running out of steam)

08-08-2024, 08:38 AM
The Democratic power structure wants to keep her away from doing anything “off the cuff” where she might go off on one of her word salad diatribes or start laughing uncontrollably. They want tightly scripted events with friendly crowds and media.

Biden won the election from his basement. They’re figuring that if it worked once, it might work again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So, like every politician? Both the Harris and the Trump camps are blaming each other for not having a debate scheduled because neither wants to enter the others "lion den." And frankly, with today's media, I don't really blame them.

08-08-2024, 08:40 AM
Might be out of context, but he’s saying there’s no right to free speech if it’s misinformation or hate speech. Who’s the arbiter of what is misinformation?


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

meh. I'm no Walz fan, but this is twitter being twitter....something probably taken completely out of context, and then with a comment of something along the lines of "this guy hates the constitution!"

08-08-2024, 08:58 AM
Kamala's in her basement, which happens to be 5 swing state rallies in one week.

Trump out on the campaign trail to 1 state (Montana). Guess he wants to make sure it's a solid red crowd. Low energy.
(Probably like Biden, at that age just running out of steam)

Or maybe he's leery of the poor protection provided to him when a deranged anti-trumper tried to open his head up on TV. Just something to chew on. It's funny you haven't really been trumpeting the value of being high energy until Joe dropped out of the race...now it's important to you? Lol

Back to the point:

I'm not sure what a rally has to do with a press conference or granting an interview, but you do you.

08-08-2024, 09:02 AM
Kamala's in her basement, which happens to be 5 swing state rallies in one week.

Trump out on the campaign trail to 1 state (Montana). Guess he wants to make sure it's a solid red crowd. Low energy.
(Probably like Biden, at that age just running out of steam)

Has she taken any live question from the press? Maybe she has, but I haven’t seen any. That’s the question at hand.

Vance took questions from the press at the end of his recent rally.

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08-08-2024, 10:33 AM
Did you see how many people she had crammed into her basement?

I have no idea why she isn't taking press questions. Assume it's some sort of campaign decision.
But boy it sure gives you guys something to harp on.

08-08-2024, 10:36 AM
What do you think of Kamala, paul? Do you actually like her? I know you prefer her to Trump. Low bar there, and I know you're going to vote for her, which is obviously what an election is all about (preference vs. alternatives). But without referring to or comparing her to Trump, I'm curious what you think of her.

08-08-2024, 11:48 AM
What I know of her I think she would do well in the job. I appreciate her resume of:
- State AG
- US Senator
- Vice President

The time as VP is a great plus to know what to expect should she become our next president.
She has spent a lot of time on the road meeting with our allies, and that should serve her well in the years ahead with the global challenges we and our partners will face.
I (naturally) support her position on most major issues, and think her approach would be vastly superior to her opponent's.

Her opponent's campaign seems to be struggling to attack her. The stuff about pronouncing her name to me shows basic weakness in responding to the issues facing us all.

08-08-2024, 12:06 PM
Thanks paul. Now I'll tell you all the things I like about Trump:

I enjoyed my one visit to Trump's Marina in Atlantic City. I saw Pete Rose there, which I thought was appropriate.
I thought The Apprentice was a really good show. Not the Celebrity Apprentice. That was garbage. But the original Apprentice was well done.

08-08-2024, 12:59 PM
Did you get Pete's autograph?
He apparently also does video greetings, which our daughters' got sucked into paying for one for our Christmas present.
Was actually very weird. He needed a LOT of dental work.

08-08-2024, 01:04 PM
Thanks paul. Now I'll tell you all the things I like about Trump:

I enjoyed my one visit to Trump's Marina in Atlantic City. I saw Pete Rose there, which I thought was appropriate.
I thought The Apprentice was a really good show. Not the Celebrity Apprentice. That was garbage. But the original Apprentice was well done.

Public and private reps!!!!

08-08-2024, 01:05 PM
No, we were going up an escalator and he was going down. I don't think he was there for an appearance. I think he was just gamblin!

08-08-2024, 03:01 PM
I got Pete’s autograph on my little league mitt. Mitt is gone, but considering there are a billion Pete autographs doesn’t matter.

08-08-2024, 05:08 PM
I have no idea why she isn't taking press questions. .

Quit it..just quit it.

You know damn well why she's not taking questions. I know we've been over this before, but it's perfectly alright to point out the warts on the candidate you support. It won't really affect the election and will lend additional credibility to points you try to make. It's okay to say she has a poor record of speaking without a teleprompter and because of that the Dems are shielding her as long as they can from one of her inevitable answers that make zero sense.

Aren't you interested in hearing from the candidate your support and how she'll perform in a pressure situation? If we're going to entrust her with the keys to this country, we should know if she's capable of getting in a room with the most powerful people in the world and representing us well...yes?

Strange Brew
08-08-2024, 05:41 PM
Looks like there are three options for debates on various networks. Hopefully the American people will get a chance to see it.

08-08-2024, 05:46 PM
You guys are much smarter than me. I don't have any idea why she's not doing press conferences.
Maybe she's afraid. But I doubt it.
She's doing a lot of campaigning, and talking to lots of people about issues that matter.
I suspect that's far more beneficial to her campaign than something like Trump pulled today at Mar a Lago. Actually took very few questions, but spent a lot of time whining and complaining about all his various grievances...from crowd size to stolen elections; a constant stream of lies.
I understand it was only open to a few select reporters from his favorite outlets.

Strange Brew
08-08-2024, 06:09 PM
You guys are much smarter than me. I don't have any idea why she's not doing press conferences.
Maybe she's afraid. But I doubt it.
She's doing a lot of campaigning, and talking to lots of people about issues that matter.
I suspect that's far more beneficial to her campaign than something like Trump pulled today at Mar a Lago. Actually took very few questions, but spent a lot of time whining and complaining about all his various grievances...from crowd size to stolen elections; a constant stream of lies.
I understand it was only open to a few select reporters from his favorite outlets.

Didn’t watch the whole thing however I did see he’s happy to do 3 debates with NBC, ABC and FNC moderating.

Hope it happens. It would be more beneficial to hear them speak than have the media define them. Do you agree?

08-08-2024, 10:09 PM
Sure. I wouldn't mind hearing them both being asked (and answering) policy questions.

Strange Brew
08-09-2024, 02:40 AM
Sure. I wouldn't mind hearing them both being asked (and answering) policy questions.

The ball is clearly in the VP’s court.

Will she play or not?

It really is this simple.

08-09-2024, 09:41 AM
For months the media focused on Biden's apparent cognitive decline, highlighted by the lack of focus at his last debate.
Curiously, there does not seem to be much focus on similar challenges with Trump.
Forgetting his sort of normal rambling all over the place when he goes on and on, or bizarre things like electric boats and sharks, what do you do with a totally made up story with the wrong characters?
He did no go down for an emergency helicopter landing in California.
He was not on a helicopter with Willie Brown talking about Kamala Harris.
He did ride on a helicopter with Jerry Brown to view forest fire damage, and later suggest raking forest floors.

Now, there can only be 2 answers to this puzzle:
1 - He knows what he's saying is BS but understands his base and handpicked reporters are too dumb to question him on the obvious nonsense
2 - He actually believes he went on a helicopter with Willie Brown, they talked about Kamala and had an emergency landing; and is in cognitive decline.

Either one is not really all that great.

08-09-2024, 10:54 AM
Gavin Newsom going on X complaining about the homeless problem in LA is some pretty funny sh*t. These politicians have lost their minds

08-09-2024, 12:35 PM
Didn’t watch the whole thing however I did see he’s happy to do 3 debates with NBC, ABC and FNC moderating.

Hope it happens. It would be more beneficial to hear them speak than have the media define them. Do you agree?

Apparently, she has only agreed to the debate on ABC. I predict the moderators will challenge Trump on everything he says, while letting her give her work salad responses that don’t actually say anything. They won’t push her for more details or specifics.

After the debate, the MSM will have a collective orgasm about how great she did, how presidential she was, etc. At that point, Harris will say there’s no reason to have any more debates and will continue avoiding the press.

Was it yesterday, or the day before, when she said she would try to have an interview, not a press conference, set up by the end of the month. Seriously?!?!? If the media had any integrity, they’d be after her and her campaign every day demanding to know why she’s avoiding them and what’s she afraid of.

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08-09-2024, 02:47 PM
Apparently, she has only agreed to the debate on ABC. I predict the moderators will challenge Trump on everything he says, while letting her give her work salad responses that don’t actually say anything. They won’t push her for more details or specifics.

After the debate, the MSM will have a collective orgasm about how great she did, how presidential she was, etc. At that point, Harris will say there’s no reason to have any more debates and will continue avoiding the press.

Was it yesterday, or the day before, when she said she would try to have an interview, not a press conference, set up by the end of the month. Seriously?!?!? If the media had any integrity, they’d be after her and her campaign every day demanding to know why she’s avoiding them and what’s she afraid of.

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At this point I would be happy for someone to put policy or an agenda on her website. Less than 90 days from an election and people are voting for what (Yes I know she’s not Trump)? I’ve heard surrogates suggest she has changed direction on major issues. Yes a PC would be extremely helpful.


Well at least people know how to donate. For what remains a mystery…

08-09-2024, 09:44 PM
Look at how the MSM is going to COORDINATE with the Harris campaign.


This takes Political DISHONESTY to an all time level.

08-09-2024, 10:12 PM
Look at how the MSM is going to COORDINATE with the Harris campaign.


This takes Political DISHONESTY to an all time level.

Is anyone really surprised?

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08-09-2024, 10:34 PM
Spineless Johnson has the answer sitting on his desk under a stack of trump comics

08-09-2024, 10:36 PM
Is anyone really surprised?

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Absolutely not!!!

CLUELESS voters will get this America Killing fool elected.

I CAN NOT BELIEVE this is happening.

08-09-2024, 10:42 PM
Spineless Johnson has the answer sitting on his desk under a stack of trump comics

Prime example of the mindless fools that will have to OWN the "Fundamentally Transform America" for our kids future.

08-09-2024, 10:43 PM
Prime example of the mindless fools that will have to OWN the "Fundamentally Transform America" for our kids future.

It’s the toughest immigration legislation we have had in a long time, but yeah sure believe your nonsense. Trump said no, and the sheep said oh ok

08-09-2024, 10:50 PM
It's probably still on his desk...but he's on a 4 week vacation, no doubt trumpeting the investments from the infrastructure bill he voted against.

Strange Brew
08-09-2024, 11:22 PM
It’s the toughest immigration legislation we have had in a long time, but yeah sure believe your nonsense. Trump said no, and the sheep said oh ok

False. HB2 is sitting with Chuckie as I type.

And we could just, you know enforce existing laws.

08-10-2024, 11:13 AM
False. HB2 is sitting with Chuckie as I type.

And we could just, you know enforce existing laws.

Fine. I guess I should have added “that had any chance of actually ever passing, and not some bs trump junk.”

08-10-2024, 12:19 PM
HB 2 passed with only R votes.

Senate bill was crafted by a bi-partisan team, and supported by the border patrol union, and the US Chamber of Commerce.
...and then died when Trump needed a political stunt for the election cycle.

Whose really committed to doing something that needs to be done?

08-11-2024, 09:09 AM
The only way a border bill will get passed into law is when one party has a supermajority in both the House and Senate, and the White House. Neither party really wants to do anything about it as it’s a campaign issue to stir up their base. The Democrats can blame the Republicans for being racists and anti immigrant. The Republicans can say the Democrats want open borders and don’t care about the security of the country.

I think the real reason the Democrats want all the illegal aliens coming into the country is so they can subsequently be put on a “path to citizenship” so they can then vote for the party that made them citizens. Does anyone think they’d be in favor of the flood of illegal aliens if they thought they’d become Republicans? They’d shut that border down in a heartbeat. Of course, in that scenario, the Republicans would be in favor of them quickly becoming citizens.

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08-11-2024, 09:46 AM
Great post BJ!!

Check this out.

08-11-2024, 09:47 AM
It’s the toughest immigration legislation we have had in a long time, but yeah sure believe your nonsense. Trump said no, and the sheep said oh ok

Someone help me understand this stubborn and consistent line of thinking.

What Biden/Harris has done from DAY 1 at the border HAS to be a HUGE part of this election. They have to OWN this horrific 4 years of damage. Do you really think the R members of the House didn't realize this? "Trump told them" is total bullshit. To have allowed a "We passed a bipartisan bill to fix the border" for the Harris campaign would have been mass voter deception.

Instead of blindly using the Lib narrative..... try doing this first.


08-11-2024, 10:04 AM
And of course, here is the all time head scratcher.


Problem solved.

08-11-2024, 10:16 AM
Someone help me understand this stubborn and consistent line of thinking.

What Biden/Harris has done from DAY 1 at the border HAS to be a HUGE part of this election. They have to OWN this horrific 4 years of damage. Do you really think the R members of the House didn't realize this? "Trump told them" is total bullshit. To have allowed a "We passed a bipartisan bill to fix the border" for the Harris campaign would have been mass voter deception.

Instead of blindly using the Lib narrative..... try doing this first.


I seriously question your iq at times. You do realize this was a bipartisan bill, correct? This was going to pass easily until trump said no and the sheep followed. He didn’t want a Biden success, it’s not rocket science.

That opinionated fluff piece is loaded with baseless claims from an immigration lobbyist. Spare me that diatribe

08-11-2024, 10:24 AM
And of course, here is the all time head scratcher.


Problem solved.

lol do some research man. You’re such a sheep. Go check out what Cruz said about the border in 2019 under trump. He wasn’t spouting your “enforce the current laws” nonsense. That’s just a bs trump statement that you and his cronies now spout off as if it is some kind of truth

08-11-2024, 11:17 AM
Why are you always so dense?

The vast number of crossings are literally illegal because of existing laws.

How effective do you think it would be if the Harris campaign could megaphone "We passed bipartisan legislation to secure our border"?

08-11-2024, 11:22 AM
That is nothing close to a fluff piece.

It is a highly effective communication that breaks down the facts of the bill.

Troll on.

08-11-2024, 11:49 AM

What’s next, she going to mention building a wall.

08-11-2024, 12:05 PM
Why are you always so dense?

The vast number of crossings are literally illegal because of existing laws.

How effective do you think it would be if the Harris campaign could megaphone "We passed bipartisan legislation to secure our border"?

If it’s so effective why did Cruz and Scalise say that congress needed to pass new legislation back in 2019? Riddle me that Batman?

You’re a sheep, just admit it. Flip flop to whatever answer conservative media and/or trump tells you.

08-11-2024, 12:06 PM

What’s next, she going to mention building a wall.

Maybe… Mexico will pay for it

08-11-2024, 01:24 PM
If it’s so effective why did Cruz and Scalise say that congress needed to pass new legislation back in 2019? Riddle me that Batman?

You’re a sheep, just admit it. Flip flop to whatever answer conservative media and/or trump tells you.

I didn't mention anything about the effectiveness of current laws. I do know that Biden has been the worst POTUS in history ENFORCING them.

Cruz/Scalise? It's called Immigration Reform. That has been called for by Republicans for decades.

What is conservative media and Trump telling me that is not painfully obvious to all of us?

You are really flexing your Troll muscles today.

08-11-2024, 01:31 PM
I answered your stupid question, so how about doing something you never do and answer my question.

How effective do you think it would be if the Harris campaign could megaphone "We passed bipartisan legislation to secure our border"?

08-11-2024, 02:05 PM
You do realize this was a bipartisan bill, correct? This was going to pass easily until trump said no and the sheep followed.

It's called Immigration Reform. That has been called for by Republicans for decades. .

One of these things is not like the other.

08-11-2024, 02:31 PM
One of these things is not like the other.

He brought up Cruz/Scalise in 2019 for some reason and I answered his question. Has nothing to do with the '24 Senate bill. So, obviously one is not like the other.

08-11-2024, 02:37 PM
You brought up the 2024 Senate border bill with a link.
He noted to you that it was a bi-partisan bill.
You said Republicans had been calling for Immigration Reform for decades.
Well...until Trump told them to kill the bill. Which they did.

08-11-2024, 02:44 PM
You brought up the 2024 Senate border bill with a link.
He noted to you that it was a bi-partisan bill.
You said Republicans had been calling for Immigration Reform for decades.
Well...until Trump told them to kill the bill. Which they did.

I know. Maybe you can answer the question I posed to him? It would really bring the conversation into a clear focus.

08-11-2024, 02:56 PM
You brought up the 2024 Senate border bill with a link.
He noted to you that it was a bi-partisan bill.
You said Republicans had been calling for Immigration Reform for decades.
Well...until Trump told them to kill the bill. Which they did.

Just because it was bipartisan doesn’t mean it wasn’t also a shitty bill. They’re not mutually exclusive.

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08-11-2024, 03:46 PM
I know. Maybe you can answer the question I posed to him? It would really bring the conversation into a clear focus.

The question is stupid. Paul explained something to you, and you still don’t understand the irony. It’s fascinating.

08-11-2024, 03:47 PM
It's probably still on his desk...but he's on a 4 week vacation, no doubt trumpeting the investments from the infrastructure bill he voted against.

Not sure how that would be possible. HR 815 passed both chambers and signed by Biden without the border security supplemental. At least that is how I understand the bill.

Bill S 4361 (which was the standalone border bill) never made it out of the Senate. Rejected by a vote of 43-50. Six democrats voted against it. Only one republican (Murkowski) voted for it.

08-11-2024, 03:47 PM
Just because it was bipartisan doesn’t mean it wasn’t also a shitty bill. They’re not mutually exclusive.

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The bill wasn’t perfect, no bill is. It was still better than we had, and better than anything that ever has a chance of passing in todays’ political climate

08-11-2024, 04:41 PM
No, it was not a stupid question. That's what you always say to avoid being exposed. It's actually the exact same question every Republican in the House was asking and the entire reason it was killed.

Troll on.

08-11-2024, 04:45 PM
No, it was not a stupid question. That's what you always say to avoid being exposed. It's actually the exact same question every Republican in the House was asking and the entire reason it was killed.

Troll on.

All you’re admitting is that it doesn’t matter to the republicans in reality, because if it did it would pass. No one actually cares about the border at least not enough to put politics aside and fix it, except maybe you.

You said “enforce the rules.” Which rules are those? Are they important? Trump probably “enforced” them. Yet even with that, Cruz and scalise wanted new legislation. That bipartisan bill fixed a lot of the things they complained about just 4 years earlier… yet now it was a “bad bill.” Well, until trump said it was.

08-11-2024, 08:12 PM
He brought up Cruz/Scalise in 2019 for some reason and I answered his question. Has nothing to do with the '24 Senate bill. So, obviously one is not like the other.

It has everything to do with it. You have issues connecting dots

08-11-2024, 08:15 PM
I didn't mention anything about the effectiveness of current laws. I do know that Biden has been the worst POTUS in history ENFORCING them.

Cruz/Scalise? It's called Immigration Reform. That has been called for by Republicans for decades.

What is conservative media and Trump telling me that is not painfully obvious to all of us?

You are really flexing your Troll muscles today.

“I didn’t mention anything about the effectiveness of current laws.”

You literally said “enforce the current laws.” You must think they are pretty effective since you made a whole post about it.

08-12-2024, 01:22 PM
Sykes "trump is entering his fat Elvis period "

Strange Brew
08-12-2024, 06:21 PM
Sykes "trump is entering his fat Elvis period "

Who is Sykes?

08-12-2024, 06:40 PM
Who is Sykes?

He's one of the disappointments from the garbage heap known as the Bulwark. Better than the Lincoln Project, but only by a nose.

08-12-2024, 06:42 PM
I'm definitely getting the popcorn out for the Musk/Trump event on X tonight. Should be something no matter your political persuasion.

Strange Brew
08-12-2024, 07:33 PM
He's one of the disappointments from the garbage heap known as the Bulwark. Better than the Lincoln Project, but only by a nose.

Oh, that makes sense. Thanks GO!

I thought he meant Wanda Sykes. Who is funny. :)

08-12-2024, 08:15 PM
Musk, you had one job!

Strange Brew
08-12-2024, 08:19 PM
Musk, you had one job!

Is this about it crashing?

Not enough juice in the Green economy :). I kid. Kind of, it’s an issue.

Edit: Looks like a DDoS sitch. Too much traffic on the servers. Strange. Weird these type of things never happen when Harris/Matt Foley are speaking.

Strange Brew
08-12-2024, 09:07 PM
Back online now.

Interesting convo.

Elon, the rest of Earth is coming here and it’s not possible for us to absorb it. Not wrong.

I’d challenge we could however not in 10 years.

It’s too bad Elon can’t run for POTUS as Trump is still fighting past battles.

Trump should ask Elon why he bought Twitter and has taken massive losses.

Elon: Inflation is caused by Gov’t spending. Absolutely right! It’s indisputable and undefeated. Only Gov’t can’t print money/devalue.

08-12-2024, 09:24 PM
Is Trump having a stroke?

Strange Brew
08-12-2024, 09:42 PM
Is Trump having a stroke?


Elon is smarter and younger. Trump just said he needs a guy like Elon. Sign of a great leader. ;)

Care to interject on anything they’ve discussed?

Can you imagine Harris doing this interview?

U-HAUL salesmen of the year award. Well done Elon.

Trump isn’t wrong on US crude supplies. Elon is wrong on emissions however he still owns Tesla (we are not close to 1k ppm).

Nuclear power is the future. It has a branding problem. We should name it after you. Classic and correct. Considering Elon named his original company after the guy who knew more about electricity than Edison. Tesla (the man) want backed by JP Morgan. And here we are. ;)

08-12-2024, 10:00 PM
Trump is talking with a lisp I've not heard. Like someone having a stroke.

08-12-2024, 10:02 PM
Trump is talking with a lisp I've not heard. Like someone having a stroke.
Dentures are slipping

Strange Brew
08-12-2024, 10:11 PM
Trump is talking with a lisp I've not heard. Like someone having a stroke.

Sounds a bit like Lou Holtz in his prime. :)

Strange Brew
08-12-2024, 10:18 PM
Trump is talking with a lisp I've not heard. Like someone having a stroke.

I’m hearing a passionate man imparting a lot of wisdom to a young man.

Strange Brew
08-12-2024, 10:19 PM
Dentures are slipping

Vote for Harris. Because it’s sooooo easy.

Strange Brew
08-12-2024, 10:21 PM
All in all train tunnels.

That was a thing out here 3 years ago.

08-12-2024, 10:22 PM
Bullet trains would be good.

Strange Brew
08-12-2024, 10:44 PM
Bullet trains would be good.

No offense and I would like a serious answer. How would you do that economically with the sheer size of the Country?

Unserious response. Did you study abroad for 3 months and it set your worldview?

Double unserious response: Before you respond. Do you have any idea how hard it was to cut through the Rockies, San Juans and the Sierra Nevadas? I’m mean shit. Most of you would rather sip champagne than drink a Manhattan on the rocks with me after I finished another 14er.

08-12-2024, 11:23 PM
Did you drive up to Mt Evans again?

Strange Brew
08-12-2024, 11:30 PM
Did you drive up to Mt Evans again?

Never been to the top to Blue Sky Mt.

Climbed to the top of the one just to it’s South. You big mouth?

08-12-2024, 11:48 PM
No offense and I would like a serious answer. How would you do that economically with the sheer size of the Country?

Unserious response. Did you study abroad for 3 months and it set your worldview?

Double unserious response: Before you respond. Do you have any idea how hard it was to cut through the Rockies, San Juans and the Sierra Nevadas? I’m mean shit. Most of you would rather sip champagne than drink a Manhattan on the rocks with me after I finished another 14er.

I don't know, but it would be cool. There are certainly a few routes where it would make sense. NY to Chicago. LA to SF (nice job screwing that up Cali!). Wichita to Las Vegas. Coast to coast would be tough, as you say, but we have trains through the mountains. Would just have to slow down there.

I've not spent much time in CO, but I've got one 14er under my belt with my then 17 year old daughter and 14 year old son. Mt. Democrat. I understand it's a bit of a baby 14er for beginners, but it was a fun day. Not enough time that day to hit the other three that share a trailhead.

Strange Brew
08-13-2024, 12:27 AM
I don't know, but it would be cool. There are certainly a few routes where it would make sense. NY to Chicago. LA to SF (nice job screwing that up Cali!). Wichita to Las Vegas. Coast to coast would be tough, as you say, but we have trains through the mountains. Would just have to slow down there.

I've not spent much time in CO, but I've got one 14er under my belt with my then 17 year old daughter and 14 year old son. Mt. Democrat. I understand it's a bit of a baby 14er for beginners, but it was a fun day. Not enough time that day to hit the other three that share a trailhead.

Don’t disagree and it would be absolutely sweet. Elon was working on tunneling and an absurd, wildly cool rail system pre 2020 (Mag Lev was a part of it. Dirty secret, funded by the Trump admin) out here from the Springs to Denver. Did you know Nicola Tesla had a workshop out here in the Springs before JP Morgan funded Edison. Ah, well. What could’ve been…

The tracks are there from New York to Chicago however that is a huge land mass and would require cutting hard through the Appalachian MTs in NE NY.

Dude! Democrat was my first! Went on to Cameron and on from there. You are welcome anytime!

I hope people who don’t live out here realize just how massive the US actually is.

Edit: Western Europe and Japan are what they are because of the Marshall Plan. And we, the US didn’t do it out of generousity. It was to keep the Communists/Socialists at bay. Please don’t forget that.

Double unserious edit: There’s a reason we run our horses “backwards” and use the “imperial” system of measurement and not the Metric system.

08-13-2024, 08:35 AM

Elon is smarter and younger. Trump just said he needs a guy like Elon. Sign of a great leader. ;)

Care to interject on anything they’ve discussed?

Can you imagine Harris doing this interview?

U-HAUL salesmen of the year award. Well done Elon.

Trump isn’t wrong on US crude supplies. Elon is wrong on emissions however he still owns Tesla (we are not close to 1k ppm).

Nuclear power is the future. It has a branding problem. We should name it after you. Classic and correct. Considering Elon named his original company after the guy who knew more about electricity than Edison. Tesla (the man) want backed by JP Morgan. And here we are. ;)

Do What? JP Morgan financed Tesla later, and we don't use Edison Electricity, we use Tesla...so I don't know what point you are trying to make.

08-13-2024, 08:43 AM
Trump needs to knock it off with the whoa is me, I'm so great you need to bow down to me nonsense. This whole "I didn't have to run but I did...it's not about me, its bigger than me" doesn't play well outside of his base. No one outside of his base, believes that hug pile of crap, and trust me Donald, we'd all be much better off if you hadn't run. Maybe we'd have two decent candidates or at least 1 instead of zero.

08-13-2024, 11:24 AM
Trump needs to knock it off with the woe is me, I'm so great you need to bow down to me nonsense. This whole "I didn't have to run but I did...it's not about me, it’s bigger than me" doesn't play well outside of his base. No one outside of his base, believes that hug pile of crap, and trust me Donald, we'd all be much better off if you hadn't run. Maybe we'd have two decent candidates or at least 1 instead of zero.

Yeah I’d say the only reason republicans would ever lose this election is due to trump being the candidate. Side not love seeing MsM losing their minds over this trump/elon interview. They are the ones who started all this false narrative bs

08-13-2024, 11:28 AM
I'd like to hear Harris do a similar type conversation. With Musk would be cool, but I wouldn't expect her to go there. A similarly friendly spot would be fine from my perspective (as Elon was obviously oroviding a friendly place for Trump). Maybe something like the Call Her Daddy podcast? Might be too on the nose given her Willie Brown ties, but somewhere longform and friendly like Trump got last night.

Either of them on Joe Rogan would be fine, too. He'd mostly just let them talk for three hours while occasionally piping in to ask them about psychedelics and to tell them the story of his move from California to Austin and about how cool his new comedy club is.

08-13-2024, 11:46 AM
Hopefully another crazy squad member gets the boot today. You got one job today Minnesota

08-13-2024, 01:51 PM
I suspect Ilhan will survive. She is not in a sane district.

08-13-2024, 07:20 PM
Sometimes the MSM doesn’t even try to hide the bias.


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08-13-2024, 09:10 PM
Sometimes the MSM doesn’t even try to hide the bias.


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I’d question if that’s even real. Not saying it’s not, but I’d say about 99% of political twitter is complete bullshit. Certainly entertaining though

08-13-2024, 09:18 PM
I think the difference is his policy would potentially allow money managers the chance to call some of their wages "tips"...avoiding taxes, therefore "costing" the government.
Hers does not.

08-13-2024, 09:38 PM
I’d question if that’s even real. Not saying it’s not, but I’d say about 99% of political twitter is complete bullshit. Certainly entertaining though

It is real. Here are links to both tweets. Don’t know if Paul’s comment is accurate.



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08-13-2024, 11:04 PM
Ilhan won in a landslide.

Strange Brew
08-14-2024, 01:45 AM
Ilhan won in a landslide.

Shocking. However that’s Democracy in action.

Minny was new Mogadishu long before this.

It kills me to see how weak we are.

Wake up.

08-14-2024, 03:29 AM
Ilhan won in a landslide.
