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07-14-2024, 10:57 PM
We have a mental health problem. Blame guns all you want but lthey will always be easily available

07-14-2024, 11:08 PM
Perhaps - or likely - the mental illness that supposedly permeates our culture is with the Left itself.

Victor Davis Hanson @VDHanson

Assassination Porn and the Sickness on the Left

If we were leftists and we were to use leftist tropes to editorialize the recent attempt on Trump’s life, then we would frame the assassination attempt in the following way:

We have witnessed for years blatant exceptions to the once common custom that we don’t normalize the imagined killing of any president or presidential candidate and thus lower the bar of violence.

But the Left constantly makes Trump an exception. Now, it as if the imagined killing of Trump had been mainstreamed and become acceptable in a way inconceivable of other presidents.

...the piece continues with a long list of the leftists in the media, Hollywood and Gov't that have threatened/advocated for violence against Trump: https://x.com/VDHanson/status/1812434677312983429


Let's see, a lunatic leftist (it's what he does, not his supposed party registration) attempts to shoot the Republican presidential candidate - with a lawfully purchased gun - and the left's solution is more gun control?

* It's the left that has opened our borders to God knows what kind of criminals/gang bangers/terrorists coming into our country

* It's the left that has allowed crime to run rampant in our cities

And now we're supposed to hunker down in our homes and not defend ourselves?

Have you not leaned the lessons of Prohibition? What kind of business opportunities will the Mexican cartels have if you start banning certain types of weapons - especially with a wide open border? Who will end up with those guns?

Why do we have to have this stupid-ass argument again and again? It's not guns that are the problem. It's mental health. When half the country is running around thinking there are more than 2 genders, or that you can magically switch your gender, or that men can have babies, don't you think that should be a major red flag? When leftists educators propagandize young kids that they have no future because of climate change, what the hell do you think that does to their psyches? When half the country is told over and over that Trump is Hitler, and that he's going to destroy the country, don't you think you're giving people the license to "save" the country from that threat?

07-14-2024, 11:13 PM
We have a mental health problem. Blame guns all you want but lthey will always be easily available

Agreed.....but isn't it mostly a severe MORALITY problem? Our culture has become numb to the value of human life.

07-14-2024, 11:16 PM
Perhaps - or likely - the mental illness that supposedly permeates our culture is with the Left itself.

Victor Davis Hanson @VDHanson

Assassination Porn and the Sickness on the Left

If we were leftists and we were to use leftist tropes to editorialize the recent attempt on Trump’s life, then we would frame the assassination attempt in the following way:

We have witnessed for years blatant exceptions to the once common custom that we don’t normalize the imagined killing of any president or presidential candidate and thus lower the bar of violence.

But the Left constantly makes Trump an exception. Now, it as if the imagined killing of Trump had been mainstreamed and become acceptable in a way inconceivable of other presidents.

...the piece continues with a long list of the leftists in the media, Hollywood and Gov't that have threatened/advocated for violence against Trump: https://x.com/VDHanson/status/1812434677312983429


Let's see, a lunatic leftist (it's what he does, not his supposed party registration) attempts to shoot the Republican presidential candidate - with a lawfully purchased gun - and the left's solution is more gun control?

* It's the left that has opened our borders to God knows what kind of criminals/gang bangers/terrorists coming into our country

* It's the left that has allowed crime to run rampant in our cities

And now we're supposed to hunker down in our homes and not defend ourselves?

Have you not leaned the lessons of Prohibition? What kind of business opportunities will the Mexican cartels have if you start banning certain types of weapons - especially with a wide open border? Who will end up with those guns?

Why do we have to have this stupid-ass argument again and again? It's not guns that are the problem. It's mental health. When half the country is running around thinking there are more than 2 genders, or that you can magically switch your gender, or that men can have babies, don't you think that should be a major red flag? When leftists educators propagandize young kids that they have no future because of climate change, what the hell do you think that does to their psyches? When half the country is told over and over that Trump is Hitler, and that he's going to destroy the country, don't you think you're giving people the license to "save" the country from that threat?


07-15-2024, 06:52 AM
The "Trump is Hitler" sitcom Morning Joe CANCELLED for today. Scarborough and his radicals have a real problem going forward.....hilarious!


07-15-2024, 07:27 AM
We have a mental health problem. Blame guns all you want but lthey will always be easily available

Sure. They are both an issue with many different layers. I certainly am not advocating for getting rid of all guns, but sensible gun control. I have shot at-15s, they are not needed for hunting or protection.

07-15-2024, 07:29 AM
Perhaps - or likely - the mental illness that supposedly permeates our culture is with the Left itself.

Victor Davis Hanson @VDHanson

Assassination Porn and the Sickness on the Left

If we were leftists and we were to use leftist tropes to editorialize the recent attempt on Trump’s life, then we would frame the assassination attempt in the following way:

We have witnessed for years blatant exceptions to the once common custom that we don’t normalize the imagined killing of any president or presidential candidate and thus lower the bar of violence.

But the Left constantly makes Trump an exception. Now, it as if the imagined killing of Trump had been mainstreamed and become acceptable in a way inconceivable of other presidents.

...the piece continues with a long list of the leftists in the media, Hollywood and Gov't that have threatened/advocated for violence against Trump: https://x.com/VDHanson/status/1812434677312983429


Let's see, a lunatic leftist (it's what he does, not his supposed party registration) attempts to shoot the Republican presidential candidate - with a lawfully purchased gun - and the left's solution is more gun control?

* It's the left that has opened our borders to God knows what kind of criminals/gang bangers/terrorists coming into our country

* It's the left that has allowed crime to run rampant in our cities

And now we're supposed to hunker down in our homes and not defend ourselves?

Have you not leaned the lessons of Prohibition? What kind of business opportunities will the Mexican cartels have if you start banning certain types of weapons - especially with a wide open border? Who will end up with those guns?

Why do we have to have this stupid-ass argument again and again? It's not guns that are the problem. It's mental health. When half the country is running around thinking there are more than 2 genders, or that you can magically switch your gender, or that men can have babies, don't you think that should be a major red flag? When leftists educators propagandize young kids that they have no future because of climate change, what the hell do you think that does to their psyches? When half the country is told over and over that Trump is Hitler, and that he's going to destroy the country, don't you think you're giving people the license to "save" the country from that threat?

Yes! Division and blaming one side for everything is certainly the answer. Well done, dumb shit

07-15-2024, 08:10 AM
The Trump shooting seems to have taken the air out of the movement to get Biden to step aside.

07-15-2024, 08:11 AM
It's been over 24 hours since Trump was shot, so I figure the new talking points memo must be out. I thought we'd have seen the gist of that posted here by now.

Here to help out.


07-15-2024, 08:15 AM
And his more nuanced impression of the situation:


07-15-2024, 08:33 AM
Excellent, paul. Lou had already been putting in the work getting the extreme right-wing rhetoric out there. I thought you deserved equal time.

07-15-2024, 08:41 AM
Is there proof the shooter was mentally ill?

I mean he just tried to assassinate a major party nominee.

Yeah you’re right. Mentally healthy people try to assasinate a presidential candidate.

If someone legitimately believes democracy is at stake, wouldn't it make complete logical sense to kill the man responsible?

If you answer "no," it means you either (A) don't believe democracy is at stake, (B) you don't have faith in your convictions, or (C) you're a coward who would rather watch America die.

Or to put it in a different abstract context: if you could go back in time and kill Hitler or Lenin (or some other terrible dictator) would you do it? If you answer "yes," does that make you mentally ill?

(But thought exercises aside, this guy probably had a mental illness.)

07-15-2024, 09:03 AM
If someone legitimately believes democracy is at stake, wouldn't it make complete logical sense to kill the man responsible?

If you answer "no," it means you either (A) don't believe democracy is at stake, (B) you don't have faith in your convictions, or (C) you're a coward who would rather watch America die.

Or to put it in a different abstract context: if you could go back in time and kill Hitler or Lenin (or some other terrible dictator) would you do it? If you answer "yes," does that make you mentally ill?

(But thought exercises aside, this guy probably had a mental illness.)

The non-mentally disturbed would use basic logic to determine that an assassination would make him a martyr and do more harm for your cause than good. The only way to beat the threat that Trump poses is by beating him and his ideas up and down the ballot.

07-15-2024, 09:15 AM
If someone legitimately believes democracy is at stake, wouldn't it make complete logical sense to kill the man responsible?

If you answer "no," it means you either (A) don't believe democracy is at stake, (B) you don't have faith in your convictions, or (C) you're a coward who would rather watch America die.

Or to put it in a different abstract context: if you could go back in time and kill Hitler or Lenin (or some other terrible dictator) would you do it? If you answer "yes," does that make you mentally ill?

(But thought exercises aside, this guy probably had a mental illness.)

If someone seriously believes "democracy is at stake," I'd question their mental fitness. I don't even think the extreme whackjobs in congress or media believe it, they just say it because they know it will bring clicks/rile up their base and keep "them" in power.

In addition, I do agree with what a few others are saying that media is culpable here, I don't believe it's all on one side though...both sides have issues.

Muskie in dayton
07-15-2024, 09:32 AM
I listened to Biden's statement last night. So, the guy who has spent the last four years comparing Trump to Hitler, calls his supporters the greatest threat to America, telling the country that Trump is a "dictator that will end democracy", and is currently instilling fear in people with the "Trump project 2025" lie now wants to cool the temperature on our political divide? Fuck you. Are you really shocked that some shithead kid believed you and took the action you and other Democrats have been asking for? There are plenty more just waiting to get a shot because of you your piece-of-shit Democrat party.

How about this: come clean and apologize for your shitty lies and fear-mongering and focus your campaign on truth and policy? I know why.

And before one of you here responds with "...but Trump", think long and hard if you are about to parrot one of your media hoaxes.

07-15-2024, 09:33 AM
If someone seriously believes "democracy is at stake," I'd question their mental fitness. I don't even think the extreme whackjobs in congress or media believe it, they just say it because they know it will bring clicks/rile up their base and keep "them" in power.

In addition, I do agree with what a few others are saying that media is culpable here, I don't believe it's all on one side though...both sides have issues.

This. It’s all about viewers, clicks, and causing the useful idiots on your side of the aisle to grossly overreact. The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Regardless of who is elected in November, the sun will still come up every morning. Our democracy (not that we’re a true democracy) will continue to exist.

If both sides, and the media, had any moral compass, they’d all apologize for the inflammatory rhetoric they’re all guilty of using. Plenty of those of the Left and in the MSM are calling Trump the next Hitler. You have Biden saying something about putting a bullseye on Trump. Some whack job on the Right talked about the coming revolution if Trump isn’t elected. Schumer saying "You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." talking about Justice Kavanaugh. Just stop. Of course, there’s a better chance of me winning the Powerball than any of them apologizing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Muskie in dayton
07-15-2024, 09:35 AM
If someone seriously believes "democracy is at stake," I'd question their mental fitness.

You have identified a majority of Democrats as insane.

07-15-2024, 09:39 AM
You have identified a majority of Democrats as insane.

Id say he has identified the majority of staunch democrats and republicans.

07-15-2024, 09:42 AM
I listened to Biden's statement last night. So, the guy who has spent the last four years comparing Trump to Hitler, calls his supporters the greatest threat to America, telling the country that Trump is a "dictator that will end democracy", and is currently instilling fear in people with the "Trump project 2025" lie now wants to cool the temperature on our political divide? Fuck you. Are you really shocked that some shithead kid believed you and took the action you and other Democrats have been asking for? There are plenty more just waiting to get a shot because of you your piece-of-shit Democrat party.

How about this: come clean and apologize for your shitty lies and fear-mongering and focus your campaign on truth and policy? I know why.

And before one of you here responds with "...but Trump", think long and hard if you are about to parrot one of your media hoaxes.

You're either really stupid, or completely ignorant to one side of the aisle.

Here is just one example....

On truth social..Trump retweeted this form one of his suporters: " will have to figure out how to stop 80+ it's not going to happen again. People my age and old will physically fight for him this time, What we got to lose? I'll donate the rest of my time here on this planet to do it. And I know many others who feel the same. They got my 6 and we are locked and loaded."

07-15-2024, 09:45 AM
This. It’s all about viewers, clicks, and causing the useful idiots on your side of the aisle to grossly overreact. The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Regardless of who is elected in November, the sun will still come up every morning. Our democracy (not that we’re a true democracy) will continue to exist.

If both sides, and the media, had any moral compass, they’d all apologize for the inflammatory rhetoric they’re all guilty of using. Plenty of those of the Left and in the MSM are calling Trump the next Hitler. You have Biden saying something about putting a bullseye on Trump. Some whack job on the Right talked about the coming revolution if Trump isn’t elected. Schumer saying "You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." talking about Justice Kavanaugh. Just stop. Of course, there’s a better chance of me winning the Powerball than any of them apologizing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep public and private reps.

07-15-2024, 10:05 AM
If someone seriously believes "democracy is at stake," I'd question their mental fitness.

Yes. The stakes are important in the election. Some people will face positive or negative consequences based on how the election goes in November. But either way, we're going to have another election in 2028, and we're going to elect someone not named Trump or Biden. And the country will generally be okay either way even though some people will lose their minds.

07-15-2024, 10:23 AM
You're either really stupid, or completely ignorant to one side of the aisle.

Here is just one example....

On truth social..Trump retweeted this form one of his suporters: " will have to figure out how to stop 80+ it's not going to happen again. People my age and old will physically fight for him this time, What we got to lose? I'll donate the rest of my time here on this planet to do it. And I know many others who feel the same. They got my 6 and we are locked and loaded."

And here are several examples of your unhinged vitriol:

I’ve already stated I think she’s dumb. The thing is, the other option is trump who is also dumb and a pos.

I think women, because she is likeable (especially vs Trump who wants to fuck his daughter.

You are not a conservative, you’re a looney tune or trump fuck boy. Same thing, I guess.

Have the trump family be in charge of the RNC what could go wrong? ...Trump fam, your fascism is showing:

You have forgotten that he loves trump. What's not to love about a pathological lying, misogynist, racist, narcissist?

This is only a recent sampling. It goes on and on and on. You're as complicit as just about anyone in this country for the lack of civility in public discourse.

So please, spare us your holier-than-thou "we need civility" preaching nonsense. You have a complete lack of self-awareness....

07-15-2024, 10:24 AM
If you appoint your own judges, you can get whatever you want.
Immunity for illegal acts? No problem.
Steal state secrets ? No problem.

Blow job or non-existent land deal ? BIG problem.
What a joke.

07-15-2024, 10:31 AM
And here are several examples of your unhinged vitriol:

This is only a recent sampling. It goes on and on and on. You're as complicit as just about anyone in this country for the lack of civility in public discourse.

So please, spare us your holier-than-thou "we need civility" preaching nonsense. You have a complete lack of self-awareness....

lol. Yeah I think he's a complete POS and followers, or should I say disciples of him like yourself, need help. However, I don't think him being elected is a threat to democracy. Both things can be true, I know that's hard for you to digest.

I do love the overarching "You're as complicit as just about anyone in this country for the lack of civility in public discourse" though. I mean I like Xavierhoops as much as the next guy, and thank you to Muskie for having this board, but you may be overinflating the power and reach of this messageboard just a touch. lol.

07-15-2024, 10:34 AM
If you appoint your own judges, you can get whatever you want.
Immunity for illegal acts? No problem.
Steal state secrets ? No problem.

Blow job or non-existent land deal ? BIG problem.
What a joke.

Of Course! Do you really think these judges make decisions based on the constitution or their political party? They are the same as any politician out there. What good for the party over what’s good for the country. You would also admit this would happen if Obama or Biden nominated judges to the court? Those judges would put liberal views ahead of the constitution. The proof is in the voting. They vote for their party over the country.

07-15-2024, 10:40 AM
Hunter Biden was prosecuted by a special counsel. Wonder if his conviction will be thrown out on appeal?

(I'm guessing Cannon's ruling will not stand)

07-15-2024, 10:50 AM
If you appoint your own judges, you can get whatever you want.
Immunity for illegal acts? No problem.
Steal state secrets ? No problem.

Blow job or non-existent land deal ? BIG problem.
What a joke.

Cry harder, Paul.

You've been thumping your chest on this board, touting the US Justice system in how they have been handling Trump's arrests and prosecution. A ruling goes in his favor and now you want to poke holes? Sounds like you only support our system of justice when rulings align with your world view. Incredibly weak.

07-15-2024, 11:11 AM
lol. Yeah I think he's a complete POS and followers, or should I say disciples of him like yourself, need help. However, I don't think him being elected is a threat to democracy. Both things can be true, I know that's hard for you to digest.

I do love the overarching "You're as complicit as just about anyone in this country for the lack of civility in public discourse" though. I mean I like Xavierhoops as much as the next guy, and thank you to Muskie for having this board, but you may be overinflating the power and reach of this messageboard just a touch. lol.

Let me speak a little slower for you, Boner Champ, since the point obviously flew over your head:

You don't like Trump because of his acerbic personality, but you're exactly like him. I could say there's no difference, but you're actually far worse than Trump. You can't handle anyone who disagrees with you. Instead of engaging in a debate and presenting facts to support your argument, your first and only instinct is to attack.

Honestly, I can't figure out if you're just a spoiled brat, or a legitimate psycho.

07-15-2024, 11:25 AM
Let me speak a little slower for you, Boner Champ, since the point obviously flew over your head:

You don't like Trump because of his acerbic personality, but you're exactly like him. I could say there's no difference, but you're actually far worse than Trump. You can't handle anyone who disagrees with you. Instead of engaging in a debate and presenting facts to support your argument, your first and only instinct is to attack.

Honestly, I can't figure out if you're just a spoiled brat, or a legitimate psycho.

I do see the colorful nickname is back. It's rich calling me a spoiled brat or psycho..coming from someone who denies talking about me in a post when it was very clear you were.

Also, extremely rich whining about "presenting facts" when your posts are full of rhetoric blaming one side of the political aisle for everything.

Ya see, I do present facts, a lot actually, (such as the ivermectin "debate") and then people like yourself and MID move the goalposts such as in your very last post.

07-15-2024, 11:33 AM
It's going on 30+ hours since we last heard from Boner Champ. That's a new record! Do we need to put out an Amber alert? Maybe he's still crying in his Wheaties?


07-15-2024, 11:34 AM
Triggered much?

What in the world would give you any idea that I was referring to you?


07-15-2024, 01:26 PM
I try not to make decisive comments while the dust is still in the air, but to me this seems to check more boxes of a failed attempted mass shooting than it does a failed assassination attempt. Part of this is me stereotyping. A young and seemingly lonely white male with an assault rifle.

He doesn’t seem to have been politically active or interested. I’m betting that he had no more interest in Trump than Nathan Gale (the nut who shot Dimebag Darrell) had in Pantera. It was an event with a star and a lot of people.

Like most mass shooters, he had no apparent exit plan. That leads me to think that, like a lot of mass shooters, his plan was to take as many down as he could before they took him down.

I can’t claim to definitively KNOW any of this, that is my initial suspicion at the moment.

07-15-2024, 01:34 PM
I can't remember the last time I wasted any time on a political convention. But, man, Trump's RNC speech has become appointment viewing this week.

07-15-2024, 02:33 PM
I try not to make decisive comments while the dust is still in the air, but to me this seems to check more boxes of a failed attempted mass shooting than it does a failed assassination attempt. Part of this is me stereotyping. A young and seemingly lonely white male with an assault rifle.

He doesn’t seem to have been politically active or interested. I’m betting that he had no more interest in Trump than Nathan Gale (the nut who shot Dimebag Darrell) had in Pantera. It was an event with a star and a lot of people.

Like most mass shooters, he had no apparent exit plan. That leads me to think that, like a lot of mass shooters, his plan was to take as many down as he could before they took him down.

I can’t claim to definitively KNOW any of this, that is my initial suspicion at the moment.

I would say it checks the boxes of both a failed mass shooting and failed assassination attempt. What also checks the boxes is a mentally unwell male shooter with access to weapons to carry out an attack with no regard for his life or the life of others. Haven’t we seen this story before? Same story different venue whether it is a mall, school, church, rally, whatever. Lone mentally unwell male with access to weapons. Might be time to address this don’t you think?

07-15-2024, 02:43 PM
I would say it checks the boxes of both a failed mass shooting and failed assassination attempt. What also checks the boxes is a mentally unwell male shooter with access to weapons to carry out an attack with no regard for his life or the life of others. Haven’t we seen this story before? Same story different venue whether it is a mall, school, church, rally, whatever. Lone mentally unwell male with access to weapons. Might be time to address this don’t you think?

You'd think. But then you see some on here going straight for the "It's all their fault" lazy argument and you can see why it never gets fixed.

Some sensible gun control combined with strong funding for mental health would go a long way.

I agree with Brew due to the information that we have currently.

07-15-2024, 02:49 PM
In actual political news, we'll find out who Trump's running mate will be today, and it won't be Burgum or Rubio.

07-15-2024, 02:53 PM
In actual political news, we'll find out who Trump's running mate will be today, and it won't be Burgum or Rubio.

What are the betting odds?

I’d have to guess Scott… only reason being that seems to have sucked up the most

07-15-2024, 02:56 PM
What are the betting odds?

I’d have to guess Scott… only reason being that seems to have sucked up the most

I'll take Nikki Haley

07-15-2024, 02:57 PM
I'd think Haley for the women vote, and to tamp down the abortion case unrest.

07-15-2024, 02:57 PM
No betting odds now. Perhaps too risky that some people know at this point.

07-15-2024, 02:57 PM
I listened to Biden's statement last night. So, the guy who has spent the last four years comparing Trump to Hitler, calls his supporters the greatest threat to America, telling the country that Trump is a "dictator that will end democracy", and is currently instilling fear in people with the "Trump project 2025" lie now wants to cool the temperature on our political divide? Fuck you. Are you really shocked that some shithead kid believed you and took the action you and other Democrats have been asking for? There are plenty more just waiting to get a shot because of you your piece-of-shit Democrat party.

How about this: come clean and apologize for your shitty lies and fear-mongering and focus your campaign on truth and policy? I know why.

And before one of you here responds with "...but Trump", think long and hard if you are about to parrot one of your media hoaxes.

Full agreement with this! And remember how the left smeared Brett Kavanaugh to the point of spurring a guy coming to his neighborhood armed and ready to kill?!

07-15-2024, 02:57 PM
I'll take Nikki Haley

Hah! While I was typing!

07-15-2024, 02:58 PM
Haley would be the smart move....so no chance.

07-15-2024, 03:02 PM
Haley would be the smart move....so no chance.

Correct. If he goes JD Vance...yikes

07-15-2024, 03:08 PM
In actual political news, we'll find out who Trump's running mate will be today, and it won't be Burgum or Rubio.

I would think Glen Younkin would be a great pick that covers a State hugely in play.

07-15-2024, 03:10 PM

It’s JD!

07-15-2024, 03:21 PM
This guy??


07-15-2024, 03:23 PM
Or...this guy??


07-15-2024, 03:45 PM
Or...this guy??


Awkward! Except for politicians who can degrade someone one day and hug it out the next.

07-15-2024, 03:46 PM
Awkward! Except for politicians who can degrade someone one day and hug it out the next.

That would be all of them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-15-2024, 03:51 PM
That would be all of them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Literally...all of them. Lol

07-15-2024, 04:20 PM
lol for days the extreme right has been whining about the extreme left calling trump, hitler. So what happens? Pick the guy who called trump, hitler as running mate lol. Can’t make this shit up. I guess it’s fine now

Strange Brew
07-15-2024, 04:33 PM
If you appoint your own judges, you can get whatever you want.
Immunity for illegal acts? No problem.
Steal state secrets ? No problem.

Blow job or non-existent land deal ? BIG problem.
What a joke.

Haha, good joke Paul.

07-15-2024, 04:44 PM
Literally...all of them. Lol


Strange Brew
07-15-2024, 04:49 PM
lol for days the extreme right has been whining about the extreme left calling trump, hitler. So what happens? Pick the guy who called trump, hitler as running mate lol. Can’t make this shit up. I guess it’s fine now

Get back to work on “sensible” gun laws Ville. :)

07-15-2024, 04:57 PM
Get back to work on “sensible” gun laws Ville. :)

Thanks for your “contribution”

07-15-2024, 05:17 PM
lol for days the extreme right has been whining about the extreme left calling trump, hitler. So what happens? Pick the guy who called trump, hitler as running mate lol. Can’t make this shit up. I guess it’s fine now

Talk about healing the country! Trump is even willing to partner with a guy who once called him Hitler! :)

Strange Brew
07-15-2024, 05:23 PM
Talk about healing the country! Trump is even willing to partner with a guy who once called him Hitler! :)

Haha, not sure there’s anyone in politics who hasn’t called him big meanie things. :)

07-15-2024, 05:29 PM
Talk about healing the country! Trump is even willing to partner with a guy who once called him Hitler! :)

The best unifier ever! No one has unified the country more than him!

07-15-2024, 05:37 PM
Haha, not sure there’s anyone in politics who hasn’t called him big meanie things. :)

Marjorie Taylor Greene? She has back Trump through thick and thin and still can’t beat out the guy who called Trump “hitler”. Feel bad for MTG.

07-15-2024, 05:39 PM
Good to see that not only do we have the two worst presidential candidates in history but they now have both backed it up with equally terrible vp picks.

At least Vance is smart I guess. Just has imo a horrible worldview, and it’s a politically dumb move considering he’s a trump acolyte.

07-15-2024, 05:39 PM
Talk about healing the country! Trump is even willing to partner with a guy who once called him Hitler! :)

You're saying JD is a Democrat or a member of the dreaded MSM? I thought those were the only people who compared him to Hilter ?

Actually surprised that he didn't pick Haley to overcome the Dobbs effect and pull in suburban women.
Underestimated his need to be the star of the show, and she showed some backbone on the trail.
JD, et al. are more of the boot licker types that won't take away from him in the limelight.

07-15-2024, 05:42 PM
You're saying JD is a Democrat or a member of the dreaded MSM? I thought those were the only people who compared him to Hilter ?

Actually surprised that he didn't pick Haley to overcome the Dobbs effect and pull in suburban women.
Underestimated his need to be the star of the show, and she showed some backbone on the trail.
JD, et al. are more of the boot licker types that won't take away from him in the limelight.

I don’t think Haley would do it. She probably privately hates him, but publicly licked him up for political reasons

Strange Brew
07-15-2024, 05:43 PM
Good to see that not only do we have the two worst presidential candidates in history but they now have both backed it up with equally terrible vp picks.

At least Vance is smart I guess. Just has imo a horrible worldview, and it’s a politically dumb move considering he’s a trump acolyte.

Sorry Trump didn’t pick you Ville. :)

07-15-2024, 05:47 PM
I don't think Vance is that bad. I also don't think he's that good. I'd probably pick him as the best of the bunch.

Damning with faint praise, I know.

07-15-2024, 05:50 PM
I don't think Vance is that bad. I also don't think he's that good. I'd probably pick him as the best of the bunch.

Damning with faint praise, I know.

I think politically it’s dumb because he’s trump, but maybe it doesn’t matter because the opposition is a guy that is dying.

07-15-2024, 06:00 PM
A dying man and Cackles the Prosecuting Clown.

07-15-2024, 07:11 PM
I don't think Vance is that bad. I also don't think he's that good. I'd probably pick him as the best of the bunch.

Damning with faint praise, I know.

I actually don’t know why you would think he’s not that good.
-Pulls himself up by his bootstraps from lower middle class childhood to become successful.
-Was a faithful Marine.
-Is Catholic
-Wrote a successful book that Ron Howard made into a successful movie.
-Graduated from Ohio State and later earned a Yale Law degree.
-Is not overly dogmatic and willing to change his thoughts based upon what he sees indicating flexibility.
-Is young and a counterbalance to the Ancient Artifacts running for President.

Sounds like a true American success story who wants to serve his country.
I voted for him, proudly.

07-15-2024, 07:18 PM
I actually don’t know why you would think he’s not that good.
-Pulls himself up by his bootstraps from lower middle class childhood to become successful.
-Was a faithful Marine.
-Is Catholic
-Wrote a successful book that Ron Howard made into a successful movie.
-Graduated from Ohio State and later earned a Yale Law degree.
-Is not overly dogmatic and willing to change his thoughts based upon what he sees indicating flexibility.
-Is young and a counterbalance to the Ancient Artifacts running for President.

Sounds like a true American success story who wants to serve his country.
I voted for him, proudly.

Such a great patriot with his fake charity in which he used money to fund his campaign. A great American!

Freely admitted the only reason he survived was because of his grandpa that had a union job with great benefits… something he’s tried to get rid of his entire career.

He’s a fraud that will do and say whatever it takes to get him to win. Not unlike many politicians I guess, but your positives above are hilarious. He’s “catholic” yeah so is Biden. He’s educated—yeah so are most senators. He’s young. So is aoc. He was in the marines—-yeah he wrote stories, that’s big time.

Strange Brew
07-15-2024, 07:27 PM
Such a great patriot with his fake charity in which he used money to fund his campaign. A great American!

Freely admitted the only reason he survived was because of his grandpa that had a union job with great benefits… something he’s tried to get rid of his entire career.

He’s a fraud that will do and say whatever it takes to get him to win. Not unlike many politicians I guess, but your positives above are hilarious. He’s “catholic” yeah so is Biden. He’s educated—yeah so are most senators. He’s young. So is aoc.

Again. I’m very sorry Trump didn’t pick you to be VP.

07-15-2024, 07:40 PM
From Vivek:
“ So proud of my friend, classmate, and fellow southwest Ohioan today. We used to watch Bengals games at the bar in law school, it’s awesome we’re now here a decade later with JD joining the strongest presidential ticket in our lifetime. He’ll be an outstanding Vice President and I look forward to everything ahead for him and for our country. ����”

I agree.

By the way, seeing that quoted post above from a cretin- who I blocked and refuse to read his pap-I’m not surprised that he thinks being a Marine who served in war zones is “Hilarious”.
I’m glad I blocked his ignorant trash.

07-15-2024, 07:57 PM
You hated Vance when he ran for the Senate. Why the flip-flop?

07-15-2024, 08:11 PM
From Vivek:
“ So proud of my friend, classmate, and fellow southwest Ohioan today. We used to watch Bengals games at the bar in law school, it’s awesome we’re now here a decade later with JD joining the strongest presidential ticket in our lifetime. He’ll be an outstanding Vice President and I look forward to everything ahead for him and for our country. ����”

I agree.

By the way, seeing that quoted post above from a cretin- who I blocked and refuse to read his pap-I’m not surprised that he thinks being a Marine who served in war zones is “Hilarious”.
I’m glad I blocked his ignorant trash.

Served? He wrote stories dude. Get a clue.

Says he doesn’t read my stuff, then lies and reads it lol

07-15-2024, 08:12 PM
trump speech "Friends, Romans and Countrymen, lend me an ear" followed by 40 lies.

07-15-2024, 08:14 PM
You hated Vance when he ran for the Senate. Why the flip-flop?

I voted for Vance vs Terrible Tim Ryan.
Keep up

07-15-2024, 08:15 PM
No matter what I think about Vance, from a political standpoint it’s really stupid. It alienates many independents and Appalachia (who in general are big trump supporters) absolutely despise the man.

Strange Brew
07-15-2024, 08:23 PM
No matter what I think about Vance, from a political standpoint it’s really stupid. It alienates many independents and Appalachia (who in general are big trump supporters) absolutely despise the man.

Why would Appalachia be mad? He grew up in Middletown.

Yes, his family is from Breathitt County. Have you been Ville? I spent a couple of HS Spring Breaks in the area.

07-15-2024, 08:26 PM
Why would Appalachia be mad? He grew up in Middletown.

Yes, his family is from Breathitt County. Have you been Ville? I spent a couple of HS Spring Breaks in the area.

Do some research, you’ll figure it out

Strange Brew
07-15-2024, 08:28 PM
Do some research, you’ll figure it out

Yeah, read the articles.

Are you from Appalachia? Have you spent any time there? My guess is no.

07-15-2024, 09:08 PM
Yeah, read the articles.

Are you from Appalachia? Have you spent any time there? My guess is no.

One of my best buddies is from West Virginia. Try again . Even if I didn’t, it wouldn’t matter. Doesn’t have anything to do with how people from there feel about him in general.

Strange Brew
07-15-2024, 09:12 PM
One of my best buddies is from West Virginia. Try again . Even if I didn’t, it wouldn’t matter. Doesn’t have anything to do with how people from there feel about him in general.

Cool. So your buddy has the pulse of the entire region and you actually know nothing about it.

07-15-2024, 09:38 PM
No matter what I think about Vance, from a political standpoint it’s really stupid. It alienates many independents and Appalachia (who in general are big trump supporters) absolutely despise the man.

This election is over my dude. Doesn’t matter who Trump picks. Trump could have and should have nominated MTG as his VP given her loyalty to him. This will in my opinion be a very low voter turn out with most independents not voting or voting for Kennedy which Biden needs to win the election. Big mistake by the high ranking Dems not to replace Biden and it will cost them this November. Don’t want to hear the excuses because it’s all on them.

07-15-2024, 09:39 PM
Cool. So your buddy has the pulse of the entire region and you actually know nothing about it.

You asked if I had ever been there, I have. My “pulse” comes from reading which I explained you should do. Good try!

07-15-2024, 09:40 PM
This election is over my dude. Doesn’t matter who Trump picks. Trump could have and should have nominated MTG as his VP given her loyalty to him. This will in my opinion be a very low voter turn out with most independents not voting or voting for Kennedy which Biden needs to win the election. Big mistake by the high ranking Dems not to replace Biden and it will cost them this November. Don’t want to hear the excuses because it’s all on them.

You may be right it may already be over, all I’m saying is it could have definitely been over with a politically better vp pick.

07-16-2024, 08:33 AM
Tucker Carlson summarized the pick this way: “Every bad person I’ve ever met in Washington was aligned against J.D. Vance.”

07-16-2024, 08:46 AM
With the election, in many corners, all but over, this pick might need to be considered more in line with 2028.

07-16-2024, 08:47 AM
Cool. So your buddy has the pulse of the entire region and you actually know nothing about it.

What's hilarious and pretty ironic is that this is why the region can't stand him. He took his one experience, and applied that to an entire region of the country. For you scholars out there, that's called stereotyping, otherwise known as bullshit.

07-16-2024, 08:51 AM
Two geniuses at work here:

“I thank God that His hand was on President Trump,” Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said. “If you didn’t believe in miracles before Saturday, you better be believing now,” added South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott.

----I guess we can just gloss over the death that occurred.

07-16-2024, 09:14 AM
Vance won statewide election in Ohio, and Trump is obviously winning Kentucky and WV. So what are we talking about? A handful of people in Virginia and Pennsylvania who were possible Trump voters but are turned off by Vance?

The Republicans apparently think Vance can help in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Not sure about that, but we shall see. Another interesting thought I saw on Twitter (there's a first time for everything!) is that Vance is attached to the more "elite" Peter Thiel-associated Republican wing (the Yale Law School and best-winning author part of his story), and this is a nod to them. Trump is pretty likely to win at this point, and winning is just the start. Last time it was pretty obvious they hadn't given any thought to what they would do if they ACTUALLY won. So the Vance/Thiel/Musk wing brings with it a bench of competent people actually able to govern in a way that won't break the government. Frankly, a good thing for all of us if Trump is actually elected. We don't want a bunch of idiots running the place in a Trump administration (which is kinda what happened last time). Might seem a bit "swampy", but I personally would prefer to have a functioning government if Trump is the President.

07-16-2024, 10:04 AM
Two geniuses at work here:

“I thank God that His hand was on President Trump,” Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said. “If you didn’t believe in miracles before Saturday, you better be believing now,” added South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott.

----I guess we can just gloss over the death that occurred.

Still shocked MTG wasn’t the VP pick. Only loyal supporter of Trump and would help Trump with the women vote.

07-16-2024, 10:15 AM
Still shocked MTG wasn’t the VP pick. Only loyal supporter of Trump and would help Trump with the women vote.

MTG may be the dumbest person in politics. Think about that.

07-16-2024, 10:47 AM
MTG may be the dumbest person in politics. Think about that.

Not her biggest fan but she sure is loyal to Trump especially with everything the former president has been through. The only other loyal supporter of Trump I can think of besides his family is Hannity. Think should would do more for Trump than Vance but that’s just my opinion.

07-16-2024, 04:24 PM
The incredibly corrupt DEMOCRAT Bob Menendez convicted of EVERYTHING (that means REAL felonies, not invented ones) in Blue New Jersey.

The L’s for the Democrats just continue unabated.

Talk about “Threats to Democracy”!?!

07-16-2024, 05:27 PM
And I thought your complaint was the justice system was "weaponized" against Republicans.

Menendez was found guilty.
Hunter Biden...guilty.

Donald Trump's favorite judges give him immunity and one tries to throw out his case where he stole top secrets and refused to return them.

You guys are a joke.

07-16-2024, 07:14 PM
And I thought your complaint was the justice system was "weaponized" against Republicans.

Menendez was found guilty.
Hunter Biden...guilty.

Donald Trump's favorite judges give him immunity and one tries to throw out his case where he stole top secrets and refused to return them.

You guys are a joke.

Menendez was found guilty…because he was. Legitimately.
Hunter Biden was found guilty…because he was. Legitimately. (Although the “weaponized Justice Department tried to pull a fast one on the system for Hunter, until a well versed, fair Judge saw through the scam and stopped the idiocy)
If you really think that Donald Trump was guilty on documents.,welp, so was Dementia Joe Biden for the exact same thing. But Hur didn’t proceed because of the “elderly old man”’s condition. The fact is that neither individual should have ever been dragged into court for something that has happened under *probably most other Presidents. All of the usual “norms” were destroyed in the last 3 years.

The Joke is the operation of the current Attorney General. But even he (despite his department’s effort to protect Hunter) can’t overcome mountains of damning evidence.

Your post is a ridiculous joke.

07-16-2024, 07:34 PM
Menendez was found guilty…because he was. Legitimately.
Hunter Biden was found guilty…because he was. Legitimately. (Although the “weaponized Justice Department tried to pull a fast one on the system for Hunter, until a well versed, fair Judge saw through the scam and stopped the idiocy)
If you really think that Donald Trump was guilty on documents.,welp, so was Dementia Joe Biden for the exact same thing. But Hur didn’t proceed because of the “elderly old man”’s condition. The fact is that neither individual should have ever been dragged into court for something that has happened under *probably most other Presidents. All of the usual “norms” were destroyed in the last 3 years.

The Joke is the operation of the current Attorney General. But even he (despite his department’s effort to protect Hunter) can’t overcome mountains of damning evidence.

Your post is a ridiculous joke.

This in bold still leaves me speechless. How can you decline to prosecute Biden because of his age yet he is still capable of running this country? Potential for another 4 years I may add. Make it make sense?

07-16-2024, 07:59 PM
This in bold still leaves me speechless. How can you decline to prosecute Biden because of his age yet he is still capable of running this country? Potential for another 4 years I may add. Make it make sense?

Well, MOR doesn’t have a sense of actual reality. That’s not why Biden didn’t get prosecuted, he knows that, but he’s a party man.

07-16-2024, 08:23 PM
Well, MOR doesn’t have a sense of actual reality. That’s not why Biden didn’t get prosecuted, he knows that, but he’s a party man.

I thought MOR stands for the master of reality?

07-16-2024, 08:30 PM
I thought MOR stands for the master of reality?

Master of bullshit.

Difference was Biden handed his in once told, trump made his worse by obstruction and lying. As anyone past the age of 3 knows, the lie always gets you in more trouble than the “crime”

07-16-2024, 08:49 PM
This in bold still leaves me speechless. How can you decline to prosecute Biden because of his age yet he is still capable of running this country? Potential for another 4 years I may add. Make it make sense?

You do know those aren’t MOR’s words

07-16-2024, 08:53 PM
Both Biden and Pence invited the FBI into their homes to search for any papers they may have inadvertently taken,
Papers were recovered at both places, and neither was charged.

If you can't understand the difference in those cases, and Trump taking hundred of pages of presidential records that go to NARA and top secret papers...and then refusing to turn them over after they were subpoenaed, and instructing his attorneys to lie, and then having a search warrant done so the top secret papers could be recovered fully (although some may have been shipped to Bedminster)...then you may be a master of something, but it's certainly not reality.

07-16-2024, 09:03 PM
Both Biden and Pence invited the FBI into their homes to search for any papers they may have inadvertently taken,
Papers were recovered at both places, and neither was charged.

If you can't understand the difference in those cases, and Trump taking hundred of pages of presidential records that go to NARA and top secret papers...and then refusing to turn them over after they were subpoenaed, and instructing his attorneys to lie, and then having a search warrant done so the top secret papers could be recovered fully (although some may have been shipped to Bedminster)...then you may be a master of something, but it's certainly not reality.

Pretty funny coming from you Paul.

07-16-2024, 09:55 PM
Master of bullshit.

Difference was Biden handed his in once told, trump made his worse by obstruction and lying. As anyone past the age of 3 knows, the lie always gets you in more trouble than the “crime”

Got wood, Boner Champ?

Strange Brew
07-17-2024, 12:31 AM
This in bold still leaves me speechless. How can you decline to prosecute Biden because of his age yet he is still capable of running this country? Potential for another 4 years I may add. Make it make sense?

Dunno. Ask Hur. That was his finding.

It is a GD fact. Why is this hard for you Phan?

07-17-2024, 10:17 AM
Dunno. Ask Hur. That was his finding.

It is a GD fact. Why is this hard for you Phan?

Speaking facts. Joe Biden want to introduce legislation to introduce term limits to the Supreme Court. Wonder why he is targeting term limits to the Supreme Court yet wonÂ’t do the same for Congress?

07-17-2024, 10:34 AM
Speaking facts. Joe Biden want to introduce legislation to introduce term limits to the Supreme Court. Wonder why he is targeting term limits to the Supreme Court yet wonÂ’t do the same for Congress?

Well, we know it's to placate the extreme left. Doesn't really matter though.

You'd need a constitutional amendment and while the chances of that ever happening for the supreme court are extremely low, for Congress it's zero. Congress will not get two thirds to vote themselves out of power

07-17-2024, 10:38 AM
I'm okay with Supreme Court term limits. They can apply to every justice confirmed to the Court from here on out. They cannot, obviously, apply retroactively to those already on the Court.

07-17-2024, 10:45 AM
Speaking facts. Joe Biden want to introduce legislation to introduce term limits to the Supreme Court. Wonder why he is targeting term limits to the Supreme Court yet wonÂ’t do the same for Congress?

Phan - term limits on Congress won't solve the problem (unless your goal is to eliminate age related cognitive issues, which is a legit argument).

The fundamental problem with our system is money, in particular, the influence exerted by the donors. We have to find a way to take money out of the process. Why do politicians need money for their campaigns anyway? Why not make it illegal to run ads on TV, radio and the internet (including PACs)? Why not make it illegal for politicians to work for or sit on the boards of gov't contractors and corporations that were impacted by legislation that they voted for, after their careers are over with? Why not put their investment portfolios under the limelight somehow while they're in office?

Why not create a system where politicians are encouraged to debate more often, and pen more articles to make their case? Major money is not needed to run a campaign if the playing field is level for all involved.

07-17-2024, 11:05 AM
Phan - term limits on Congress won't solve the problem (unless your goal is to eliminate age related cognitive issues, which is a legit argument).

The fundamental problem with our system is money, in particular, the influence exerted by the donors. We have to find a way to take money out of the process. Why do politicians need money for their campaigns anyway? Why not make it illegal to run ads on TV, radio and the internet (including PACs)? Why not make it illegal for politicians to work for or sit on the boards of gov't contractors and corporations that were impacted by legislation that they voted for, after their careers are over with? Why not put their investment portfolios under the limelight somehow while they're in office?

Why not create a system where politicians are encouraged to debate more often, and pen more articles to make their case? Major money is not needed to run a campaign if the playing field is level for all involved.

100% agree and would be welcomed by a majority of citizens in this country. That’s why I find it funny that people want to argue about topics such as abortion instead of common sense legislation such as what you have mentioned above. This is what the American people should be demanding if they want to Make America Great Again or Build Back Better.

07-17-2024, 11:08 AM
I voted for Vance vs Terrible Tim Ryan.
Keep up

You supported his opponent in the primary. Try to keep up. You called Vance every name in the book.

Typical MAGA flop.

07-17-2024, 11:10 AM
100% agree and would be welcomed by a majority of citizens in this country. That’s why I find it funny that people want to argue about topics such as abortion instead of common sense legislation such as what you have mentioned above. This is what the American people should be demanding if they want to Make America Great Again or Build Back Better.

We can demand it all we want, but it's never going to happen. Pandora's box was opened a long time ago. There's so much money in politics now that VC bros are entering like it's Camelot, and well, it is.

07-17-2024, 11:11 AM
The ruling by MAGA Cannon might just move things forward. She will get reversed and thrown off the case.

07-17-2024, 11:20 AM
You supported his opponent in the primary. Try to keep up. You called Vance every name in the book.

False. You’re as demented as Biden.

07-17-2024, 11:41 AM
We can demand it all we want, but it's never going to happen. Pandora's box was opened a long time ago. There's so much money in politics now that VC bros are entering like it's Camelot, and well, it is.

I disagree but it would take a concerted effort by the citizens in general to demand this change. I would argue most want this change but are to busy arguing against each other (which is what both parties want) than to unite together to facilitate this change. Saying that it can’t happen is allowing it to happen. You can’t tell me you are going to Make America Great Again or Build Back Better when you are taking handouts from people/companies to do things that benefit them and not the country. Sadly, both political unions have brushed this under the rug by turning the public against each other.

07-17-2024, 11:45 AM
DeSantis 2024. And I voted Libertarian the last two elections. Gary Johnson & Jo Jorgensen

Your voting for the libs, so why do you care? And yet you chronically support MAGA nonsense.

07-17-2024, 11:57 AM
I disagree but it would take a concerted effort by the citizens in general to demand this change. I would argue most want this change but are to busy arguing against each other (which is what both parties want) than to unite together to facilitate this change. Saying that it can’t happen is allowing it to happen. You can’t tell me you are going to Make America Great Again or Build Back Better when you are taking handouts from people/companies to do things that benefit them and not the country. Sadly, both political unions have brushed this under the rug by turning the public against each other.

What does “demand this change” look like? How do you think this could be accomplished?

07-17-2024, 12:10 PM
Your voting for the libs, so why do you care? And yet you chronically support MAGA nonsense.

Nice deflection from you saying I called JD Vance bad things in 2022- with zero evidence because I never did.
I was clear in calling Tim Ryan “Two Faced Tim” because he was a charlatan.
JD Vance is a true American and he might be your President in 2029.
I don’t support Progressive Nonsense that has gotten this country in the sad shape that it is.

By the way- “Libs” is not what you think it is. Spell it out. “Libertarians”. A whole lot different than your Off base Progressive Liberal.

07-17-2024, 12:46 PM
Yeah, you libertarians hate trump:


you supported Dolan in the ohio primary.

07-17-2024, 01:13 PM
Yeah, you libertarians hate trump:


you supported Dolan in the ohio primary.

I don’t give a crap about what Left side Reuters has to say.
Yes. That is true, but I had nothing bad to say about Vance. You’re thinking of my comments of that grifter Josh Mandel- supported by the Bulwarks turncoat William Kristol.
It was a close call between Dolan and Vance, but I never harbored any ill will to Vance and I’m extremely happy that he is the VP pick.
Now all DeWine has to do is appoint Vivek as the Senator to fill out the term.

07-17-2024, 01:37 PM
I disagree but it would take a concerted effort by the citizens in general to demand this change. I would argue most want this change but are to busy arguing against each other (which is what both parties want) than to unite together to facilitate this change. Saying that it can’t happen is allowing it to happen. You can’t tell me you are going to Make America Great Again or Build Back Better when you are taking handouts from people/companies to do things that benefit them and not the country. Sadly, both political unions have brushed this under the rug by turning the public against each other.

I've said this many times on this thread: but you are correct in your assessment that the parties use wedge issues to divide Americans to deflect from their greed and corruption. We must recognize that the political dynamic is the masses vs the elites, not necessarily R v D.

I believe virtually all elected Dems have aligned themselves with the globalist elites, and probably 80% - 90% of all elected Republicans have done the same. The term RINO is a Republican who promises one thing, only to vote with the elites. The list of Rs that have betrayed their voters is extremely long. That's precisely why Mitch McConnell got booed at the DNC the other day. Most Rs hate him. Had the Democrats had half a brain, they could've run a moderate against him in his last two elections and likely could've won.

Most Trump supporters believe Trump is literally the only person strong/popular enough to break the backs of the elites who truly run this country. It's precisely why the elites have thrown everything under the sun at Trump to stop him.

07-17-2024, 01:48 PM
I actually agree with a lot of what Lou said...miracles do exist. However, Trump and his cronies are the exact same as everyone else, they just lie "better.". I mean, who do you think Vivek, Thiel, Musk, Vance are? The common man?

My main problem with trump besides being a horrible human being is that his economic policies are going to put us in a really bad inflationary position. He is going to devalue the dollar, lower interest rates, lower taxes and try to outspend us out of a recession, which we aren't even in.

I'm no Biden fan, but inflation has stabilized and slowly getting back to pre-covid levels. Yes not there yet, and yes I know things are still higher than they were, but no matter what a politician says, most prices are never going to go backwards outside of maybe gas.

07-17-2024, 01:51 PM
I don’t give a crap about what Left side Reuters has to say.
Yes. That is true, but I had nothing bad to say about Vance. You’re thinking of my comments of that grifter Josh Mandel- supported by the Bulwarks turncoat William Kristol.
It was a close call between Dolan and Vance, but I never harbored any ill will to Vance and I’m extremely happy that he is the VP pick.
Now all DeWine has to do is appoint Vivek as the Senator to fill out the term.

Why aren't you praising Chase Oliver lib?

07-17-2024, 02:37 PM
Why aren't you praising Chase Oliver lib?

Are you Riden with Biden, Prog?

07-17-2024, 05:05 PM
I suspect Biden will pull out but I would vote for dead Biden against trump.

07-17-2024, 06:14 PM
Did something in particular happen today? Biden's odds went crazy today. Went from +325 to +600 to win the election. Was -700 at some point today to be Dem nominee but is currently down to -140.

X-band '01
07-17-2024, 06:35 PM
Did something in particular happen today? Biden's odds went crazy today. Went from +325 to +600 to win the election. Was -700 at some point today to be Dem nominee but is currently down to -140.

Would a positive Covid test for Biden answer your question?

07-17-2024, 06:52 PM
Would a positive Covid test for Biden answer your question?

I guess it would. You have to forgive me as i live in Kansas, and Covid hasn't been spotted here since early 2022. :)

Strange Brew
07-17-2024, 07:00 PM
I guess it would. You have to forgive me as i live in Kansas, and Covid hasn't been spotted here since early 2022. :)

Haha, I don’t know if you meant the comment to be funny or not.

Serious question for medical Pros not named Ville. Is COVID still a threat? One greater than the flu or common cold? It’s been four years and we’ve all been exposed to it by this point.

07-17-2024, 07:02 PM
Did something in particular happen today? Biden's odds went crazy today. Went from +325 to +600 to win the election. Was -700 at some point today to be Dem nominee but is currently down to -140.

Adam Schiff has publicly stated he thinks Biden should drop out. That could have impacted the odds just a bit!

Still waiting for Schiff to produce the evidence he claimed he had that completely proved Trump’s Russian collusion.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

07-17-2024, 07:04 PM
Humor intended.

With all the talk of cooling down the rhetoric and all the Libs of Tik Tok idiocy getting minimum wage grandmas fired for saying stupid (and in fairness truly awful) things about the Trump assassination attempt, every single speaker at that RNC tonight/tomorrow better wish Biden a speedy and full recovery from Covid, whether they actually mean it or not.

07-17-2024, 07:31 PM
I suspect Biden will pull out but I would vote for dead Biden against trump.

You already have. What’s new?
Biden’s brain has been dead for over 4 years.

07-17-2024, 07:32 PM
Did something in particular happen today? Biden's odds went crazy today. Went from +325 to +600 to win the election. Was -700 at some point today to be Dem nominee but is currently down to -140.

His stutter flared up again

07-17-2024, 07:55 PM
Adam Schiff has publicly stated he thinks Biden should drop out. That could have impacted the odds just a bit!

Still waiting for Schiff to produce the evidence he claimed he had that completely proved Trump’s Russian collusion.

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Keep hearing from the right that a civil war would have broken out if Trump did not survive the assignation attempt. How close are we to a civil war in all honesty and what would it even look like?

07-17-2024, 08:32 PM
Haha, I don’t know if you meant the comment to be funny or not.

Serious question for medical Pros not named Ville. Is COVID still a threat? One greater than the flu or common cold? It’s been four years and we’ve all been exposed to it by this point.

For normal age, of course not.

For 80 year olds, every disease is a threat

Strange Brew
07-17-2024, 09:32 PM
For normal age, of course not.

For 80 year olds, every disease is a threat

So, like the flu?

Thanks for confirming.

Muskie in dayton
07-17-2024, 09:34 PM
I actually agree with a lot of what Lou said...miracles do exist. However, Trump and his cronies are the exact same as everyone else, they just lie "better.". I mean, who do you think Vivek, Thiel, Musk, Vance are? The common man?

My main problem with trump besides being a horrible human being is that his economic policies are going to put us in a really bad inflationary position. He is going to devalue the dollar, lower interest rates, lower taxes and try to outspend us out of a recession, which we aren't even in.

I'm no Biden fan, but inflation has stabilized and slowly getting back to pre-covid levels. Yes not there yet, and yes I know things are still higher than they were, but no matter what a politician says, most prices are never going to go backwards outside of maybe gas.
You may not realize this, but Trump was president for 4 years with those economic policies, and… low inflation! And our inflation has “stabilized”? To make an analogy, we’re no longer going 100mph in a school zone, we’ve “stabilized” at 80mph.
Think more, post less.

Muskie in dayton
07-17-2024, 09:40 PM
At this point it’s clear there are two possibilities: Unprecedented incompetence or malicious intent.

07-17-2024, 09:49 PM
You may not realize this, but Trump was president for 4 years with those economic policies, and… low inflation! And our inflation has “stabilized”? To make an analogy, we’re no longer going 100mph in a school zone, we’ve “stabilized” at 80mph.
Think more, post less.

The whole inflation is slowing argument is pretty funny. Great it's slowing but damage has already been done by all the free money Biden gave out, not like we are going to see prices anywhere close to what we had 4 years ago.

Strange Brew
07-17-2024, 09:55 PM
The whole inflation is slowing argument is pretty funny. Great it's slowing but damage has already been done by all the free money Biden gave out, not like we are going to see prices anywhere close to what we had 4 years ago.

Wait, I thought it was transitory.

The only relatively thing dumber in my lifetime was “quantitative easing”.

07-17-2024, 10:00 PM
At this point it’s clear there are two possibilities: Unprecedented incompetence or malicious intent.

Assuming you’re talking about the assassination attempt, based on a post I saw in a thread to an article on Yahoo, there’s a third possibility. The claim is it was actually planned by Trump to boost his reelection chances. According to the poster, a 130 yard shot with an AR-15 is child’s play and anyone could accurately make that shot to only nick Trump’s ear. Seriously? What an idiot!

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07-17-2024, 10:12 PM
At this point it’s clear there are two possibilities: Unprecedented incompetence or malicious intent.

Leaning towards the later:

Collin Rugg

NEW: Two police officers phoned into a "blanket tactical channel" to alert that an armed individual was on the roof moments before Trump was shot at the PA rally.

The million-dollar question: Why didn't Secret Service rush to protect Trump in this moment?

Butler town manager Tom Knights says that the local police officer who "interrupted" Thomas Crooks was hanging from the roof after being lifted up by an officer.

Crooks then pointed his rifle at the officer which then forced him to fall.

The officer who fell and the officer who was holding him, radioed into a "blanket tactical channel" to notify that an armed individual was on the roof.

Knights said there has been no direct communication with members of the Secret Service to Butler officials.

It's unclear how much time was between Crooks pointing his rifle at the officer and when the first shot rang out.


Collin Rugg
So many different instances that this kid was noticed and could have been intercepted.

We need all USSS communication for the three-hour period that they first noticed Crooks. [absolute key]

My guess: The communications will go missing.


07-17-2024, 10:13 PM
You may not realize this, but Trump was president for 4 years with those economic policies, and… low inflation! And our inflation has “stabilized”? To make an analogy, we’re no longer going 100mph in a school zone, we’ve “stabilized” at 80mph.
Think more, post less.

Yeah I’m aware. it’s a different world that we live in 2024 than in 16. The economy is very different and what worked then will not work now.

If trump wins, and implements economic policies like he did back in 2016-8, back to 100mph

07-17-2024, 10:15 PM
The whole inflation is slowing argument is pretty funny. Great it's slowing but damage has already been done by all the free money Biden gave out, not like we are going to see prices anywhere close to what we had 4 years ago.

Yeah, I said that. That’s not any different than at any other time in history. Prices for the most part never go down, except like I said maybe gas.

Btw Biden wasn’t the only pres giving out free money.

People like mid don’t understand economics

07-17-2024, 10:30 PM
Yeah, I said that. That’s not any different than at any other time in history. Prices for the most part never go down, except like I said maybe gas.

Btw Biden wasn’t the only pres giving out free money.

People like mid don’t understand economics

But he gives out a lot of free money and bad spending. Govt spending in '19 was 4.45 trillion steadily growing year over year., but '24 estimates are around 7 trillion! Think it would be a good thing to lose this election whoevers side you're on as I believe we are in for a huge correction the next couple years.

07-17-2024, 10:36 PM
But he gives out a lot of free money and bad spending. Govt spending in '19 was 4.45 trillion steadily growing year over year., but '24 estimates are around 7 trillion! Think it would be a good thing to lose this election whoevers side you're on as I believe we are in for a huge correction the next couple years.

I know, it’s the guardian but still, this explains some things wrong with trump’s policies in 25 if he were to win and implement them.


Or for the conservative view:


07-17-2024, 10:45 PM
Assuming you’re talking about the assassination attempt, based on a post I saw in a thread to an article on Yahoo, there’s a third possibility. The claim is it was actually planned by Trump to boost his reelection chances. According to the poster, a 130 yard shot with an AR-15 is child’s play and anyone could accurately make that shot to only nick Trump’s ear. Seriously? What an idiot!

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I mean 130 yard shot at a range is nothing. But I cannot think that trying to kill someone doesn’t introduce some nerves into account, especially when you know you will be shot within 10 seconds of pulling the trigger.

Timing the turn of the head and just hitting the ear would be an incredible shot.

07-18-2024, 08:07 AM
Biden has Covid? Really? More likely part of the inevitable exit strategy.

07-18-2024, 08:17 AM
Assuming you’re talking about the assassination attempt, based on a post I saw in a thread to an article on Yahoo, there’s a third possibility. The claim is it was actually planned by Trump to boost his reelection chances. According to the poster, a 130 yard shot with an AR-15 is child’s play and anyone could accurately make that shot to only nick Trump’s ear. Seriously? What an idiot!

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yeah 130 yards with an AR-15 is simple. The rest of that poster's "story" though is complete nonsense.

On another note, Would it really surprise anyone that all the types of law enforcement (police, secret service etc) effed up here? There have been examples of gross negligence by law enforcement for years now. This really shouldn't surprise anyone.

07-18-2024, 08:44 AM
It seems like Democrats may have the chance to do something big and put a decent candidate in place, but instead they will nominate Kamala.

07-18-2024, 09:01 AM
It seems like Democrats may have the chance to do something big and put a decent candidate in place, but instead they will nominate Kamala.

If she was the choice for VP, that means the Dems thought she was qualified to be President. How do you skip over her now? That’s saying she’s not the best qualified for the job. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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07-18-2024, 09:04 AM
If she was the choice for VP, that means the Dems thought she was qualified to be President. How do you skip over her now? That’s saying she’s not the best qualified for the job. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Politically I guess you can’t skip over her, but geesh.

You could have someone like Mark Kelly or beshear, who are very strong centrist candidates that would annihilate trump.

07-18-2024, 09:07 AM
If she was the choice for VP, that means the Dems thought she was qualified to be President. How do you skip over her now? That’s saying she’s not the best qualified for the job. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Don't make the mistake of thinking "best qualified for the job" is high on the list of considerations.

07-18-2024, 10:20 AM
The can skip over Harris with one person, and one person only.

07-18-2024, 10:22 AM
The can skip over Harris with one person, and one person only.

Michelle Obama?

07-18-2024, 11:35 AM
Michelle Obama?

I'd rank her ahead of both Trump and Biden by quite a bit. That's not meant as praise for Michelle Obama, but rather condemnation for the other two.

07-18-2024, 04:47 PM
I'd rank her ahead of both Trump and Biden by quite a bit. That's not meant as praise for Michelle Obama, but rather condemnation for the other two.

Bevis and Butthead rank above Trump/Biden.

07-18-2024, 04:52 PM
When Biden drops out, do we think he resigns from the Presidency as well? Or will he hang in til the bitter end there.

07-18-2024, 06:36 PM
Biden now 16-1 to win in November.

07-18-2024, 07:56 PM
If he drops out, why would he stay President? If he's not fit, he's not fit.

On another note, the people elected him as the candidate for the Dems, but others decided he's not competent. Is this not a threat to our republic, errrrr democracy?

07-18-2024, 09:16 PM
If he drops out, why would he stay President? If he's not fit, he's not fit.

On another note, the people elected him as the candidate for the Dems, but others decided he's not competent. Is this not a threat to our republic, errrrr democracy?

Well, this has emerged with curious complexity.

If Biden is not competent to RUN for POTUS, how can he be trusted to be competent to serve out his remaining term as POTUS?

It certainly appears that we are going to make seismic political history with the FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT.

07-18-2024, 10:05 PM
If he drops out, why would he stay President? If he's not fit, he's not fit.

On another note, the people elected him as the candidate for the Dems, but others decided he's not competent. Is this not a threat to our republic, errrrr democracy?

Yeah. It’s going to be a couple rich donors deciding who will run for president. Very democratic

07-18-2024, 10:45 PM
We must ignore the will of primary voters to save democracy!

In fairness, that was one sham primary.

07-19-2024, 08:56 AM
Learned something new last night.. D day was all about defeating communism.

07-19-2024, 09:22 AM
Learned something new last night.. D day was all about defeating communism.

We were playing the long game!

07-19-2024, 09:41 AM
Concerning to anyone else that a cybersecurity company took down half the world trying to make an update?

I’m calling Schwarzenegger now, time to go fight skynet

07-19-2024, 09:49 AM
Anyone know why Trump keeps referring to Hannibal Lecter? Is there some sort of through line I am missing?

07-19-2024, 09:49 AM
Yeah, this is a problem. Fucking up a quick family trip this weekend. And productivity will be even lower than normal this Friday.

07-19-2024, 09:53 AM
Anyone know why Trump keeps referring to Hannibal Lecter? Is there some sort of through line I am missing?

His speech last night was a huge win for the democrats. The crazy really came out last night. If the dems pull something out of their hat and put a decent candidate in, this could get interesting again

07-19-2024, 10:17 AM
Imagine if the Dems don't find a way to get Biden off the ballot now. Just endless loops of campaign commercials of prominent Democrats essentially saying Biden isn't fit to hold office. A total mess that was so easily avoidable. If any Democrat tells you Trump is a threat to democracy, all you can do is laugh at this point. If this is how Democrats face an existential threat, how could anyone want them in charge of anything?!?

And that's not even close to an endorsement of Trump or the current Republican party.

07-19-2024, 11:51 AM
Trump has the earmarks of dimentia. Good GOD!

I totally get not liking Biden and voting for Trump for that reason. I don't like Biden either (in terms of being a competent leader).

But, Trump is NUTS! He's a demented narcissist. He's a demented narcissist with perhaps an unusually high amount of charisma, but he's a demented narcissist nonetheless. I think the only reason people like him is because of how he attacks the libs. That's it. And, I do kind of understand that. The lunatic fringe libs are unlikable dumbass dipshits, and it's fun watching someone beat them up. But, that doesn't make him any less crazy! He's a narcissistic nutcase that is trying to make literally everything and everyone bend to his will! And...HE IS SUCCEEDING!!! He's succeeding in a way that ten years ago I would have never believed to be possible.

07-19-2024, 01:01 PM
Trump has the earmarks of dimentia. Good GOD!

I totally get not liking Biden and voting for Trump for that reason. I don't like Biden either (in terms of being a competent leader).

But, Trump is NUTS! He's a demented narcissist. He's a demented narcissist with perhaps an unusually high amount of charisma, but he's a demented narcissist nonetheless. I think the only reason people like him is because of how he attacks the libs. That's it. And, I do kind of understand that. The lunatic fringe libs are unlikable dumbass dipshits, and it's fun watching someone beat them up. But, that doesn't make him any less crazy! He's a narcissistic nutcase that is trying to make literally everything and everyone bend to his will! And...HE IS SUCCEEDING!!! He's succeeding in a way that ten years ago I would have never believed to be possible.


07-19-2024, 02:21 PM
Trump has the earmarks of dimentia. Good GOD!

I totally get not liking Biden and voting for Trump for that reason. I don't like Biden either (in terms of being a competent leader).

But, Trump is NUTS! He's a demented narcissist. He's a demented narcissist with perhaps an unusually high amount of charisma, but he's a demented narcissist nonetheless. I think the only reason people like him is because of how he attacks the libs. That's it. And, I do kind of understand that. The lunatic fringe libs are unlikable dumbass dipshits, and it's fun watching someone beat them up. But, that doesn't make him any less crazy! He's a narcissistic nutcase that is trying to make literally everything and everyone bend to his will! And...HE IS SUCCEEDING!!! He's succeeding in a way that ten years ago I would have never believed to be possible.

Likes to grab pussies, fuck porn stars while asking melania for forgiveness (didn't work) his vp called him America's Hitler and a friigin' idiot and said he was a "never trumper" until he wasn't, now he would blow trump on nat'l tv. Hypocrites. Stop the bullshit talk about immigration. They had the answer with the OKY Senator who worked on it 4 months with the WH and Congress ( or the way things generally get done) only to have fatass blow it out of the water. OKY senator no balls, went scampering to corner like a wet dog. Mark Johnson has no balls. He's a trump unic. Dems should call mtg and get rid of his lying ass. God is saying "go fuck yourself" you don't speak for me. trump says we need a dictator. He will fire everybody just like he did with his own admin. Your passport renewal will take 3 yrs. He will release the J6 cop killers, do putin's work in Ukraine and defund nato. Is this what we want? Do you really want a convicted felon to "lead" this country.? Hell no. Would you trust him around your wife? Your daughter? He had a 9 month affair with some Bimbo and brought her to trump tower while melania was there. Unbelievable. Do think if your daughter or wife got raped they should go to jail before getting medical help like in Idaho? Gessuz people. Wake up. Compare trump to Reagan. OMG he's a sick puppy and we can do much better.

07-19-2024, 03:17 PM
Sure, the 8 minutes I've taken to type out three....oops, four short messages today has totally spiked my ability to get anything else done.

07-19-2024, 03:35 PM
Sure, the 8 minutes I've taken to type out three....oops, four short messages today has totally spiked my ability to get anything else done.

You might forgive his statement....there are a lot on here that clearly can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

Strange Brew
07-19-2024, 08:44 PM
You might forgive his statement....there are a lot on here that clearly can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

Or listen to a 96 min speech without having someone else explain it to them. :)

07-19-2024, 11:19 PM
Likes to grab pussies, fuck porn stars while asking melania for forgiveness (didn't work) his vp called him America's Hitler and a friigin' idiot and said he was a "never trumper" until he wasn't, now he would blow trump on nat'l tv. Hypocrites. Stop the bullshit talk about immigration. They had the answer with the OKY Senator who worked on it 4 months with the WH and Congress ( or the way things generally get done) only to have fatass blow it out of the water. OKY senator no balls, went scampering to corner like a wet dog. Mark Johnson has no balls. He's a trump unic. Dems should call mtg and get rid of his lying ass. God is saying "go fuck yourself" you don't speak for me. trump says we need a dictator. He will fire everybody just like he did with his own admin. Your passport renewal will take 3 yrs. He will release the J6 cop killers, do putin's work in Ukraine and defund nato. Is this what we want? Do you really want a convicted felon to "lead" this country.? Hell no. Would you trust him around your wife? Your daughter? He had a 9 month affair with some Bimbo and brought her to trump tower while melania was there. Unbelievable. Do think if your daughter or wife got raped they should go to jail before getting medical help like in Idaho? Gessuz people. Wake up. Compare trump to Reagan. OMG he's a sick puppy and we can do much better.

This is a CASE STUDY of TDS. Congratulations for THE most spazmatic post ever on this thread. Seek IMMEDIATE HELP!

07-19-2024, 11:23 PM
Trump has the earmarks of dimentia. Good GOD!

I totally get not liking Biden and voting for Trump for that reason. I don't like Biden either (in terms of being a competent leader).

But, Trump is NUTS! He's a demented narcissist. He's a demented narcissist with perhaps an unusually high amount of charisma, but he's a demented narcissist nonetheless. I think the only reason people like him is because of how he attacks the libs. That's it. And, I do kind of understand that. The lunatic fringe libs are unlikable dumbass dipshits, and it's fun watching someone beat them up. But, that doesn't make him any less crazy! He's a narcissistic nutcase that is trying to make literally everything and everyone bend to his will! And...HE IS SUCCEEDING!!! He's succeeding in a way that ten years ago I would have never believed to be possible.

I seriously doubt you watched the Trump nomination speech. You might need to seek out some counseling also.

07-19-2024, 11:28 PM
His speech last night was a huge win for the democrats. The crazy really came out last night. If the dems pull something out of their hat and put a decent candidate in, this could get interesting again

Same here. It's like people only see/hear what they want.

"Crazy" is a ridiculous description of that speech....(just watched it again).

07-20-2024, 12:35 AM
This is a CASE STUDY of TDS. Congratulations for THE most spazmatic post ever on this thread. Seek IMMEDIATE HELP!

It was all true, of course.Some can't see the forest......etc.

Strange Brew
07-20-2024, 03:34 AM
It was all true, of course.Some can't see the forest......etc.

I’m feeling pretty pchyched!

A tournament of lies.

Strange Brew
07-20-2024, 04:03 AM
Edit: this is bigger than you.

07-20-2024, 07:11 AM
It's good to see how toned down the rhetoric has become.

07-20-2024, 07:28 AM
Same here. It's like people only see/hear what they want.

"Crazy" is a ridiculous description of that speech....(just watched it again).

It’s been made apparent in this thread that you believe most of the bs he spews, so I’m not surprised you didn’t think that was crazy.

07-20-2024, 08:50 AM
It’s been made apparent in this thread that you believe most of the bs he spews, so I’m not surprised you didn’t think that was crazy.

Thought his speech was way too long and pretty annoying but never once did I think this guy is crazy or has dementia

Muskie in dayton
07-20-2024, 11:30 AM
This is a CASE STUDY of TDS. Congratulations for THE most spazmatic post ever on this thread. Seek IMMEDIATE HELP!
You know why Dems run on a bunch of lies and scary stuff he’s “gonna do”? Because when your policy sucks ass, it’s all you got.

07-20-2024, 02:10 PM
This is a CASE STUDY of TDS. Congratulations for THE most spazmatic post ever on this thread. Seek IMMEDIATE HELP!

Nothing he said was untrue

07-20-2024, 04:11 PM
Truth is not really possible nowadays.

07-20-2024, 04:11 PM
It was all true, of course.Some can't see the forest......etc.

True? Do you not understand the epic amount of MALICE involved in creating your well established hate? Did you not learn anything from the Hilary Clinton "Dirty Dossier"? The Mueller "Russian Collusion" investigation?

Acknowledging these realities will be a big part of any TDS therapy. Get help.

07-20-2024, 05:58 PM
It’s been made apparent in this thread that you believe most of the bs he spews, so I’m not surprised you didn’t think that was crazy.

He speaks in exaggerated hyperbole and everyone thinks he’s being 100% serious. Does he mean some of it? Yes, but not everything

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07-20-2024, 05:58 PM
I know these things take time, but shouldn’t SOMEONE from the Secret Service been relieved of their duties by now?

07-20-2024, 08:10 PM
It's good to see how toned down the rhetoric has become.

Well said

Public and private reps

07-20-2024, 08:20 PM
I know these things take time, but shouldn’t SOMEONE from the Secret Service been relieved of their duties by now?

It’s almost impossible to get fired from a government job. My late brother in law spent his entire career working for the federal government. The things he would talk about seeing go on were maddening. When he got enough time in to retire with a full pension, he jumped at it. They tried to convince him to stay, but he had had enough. He used to joke, but was just a bit serious, that short of killing your boss, you couldn’t lose your job.

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07-21-2024, 02:03 PM
It’s almost impossible to get fired from a government job. My late brother in law spent his entire career working for the federal government. The things he would talk about seeing go on were maddening. When he got enough time in to retire with a full pension, he jumped at it. They tried to convince him to stay, but he had had enough. He used to joke, but was just a bit serious, that short of killing your boss, you couldn’t lose your job.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well, Trump was shot at and almost killed by a 20 year old kid who failed to make his high school’s rifle team, yet somehow out maneuvered the secret service and law enforcement. Wouldn’t this be, yunno, a special case or something??

And in other news, Biden has announced he will not run for reelection. So…

07-21-2024, 02:10 PM
Here's hoping they pick someone decent.

X-band '01
07-21-2024, 02:13 PM
Should also add that he's not going to resign, hence you will not see Kamala Harris ascending to the Presidency right away.

What's unclear now is whether or not he releases his delegates to Kamala Harris or whether or not they have a 3-week vetting period between other top Democrats like Harris, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro, etc. It's the first time since 1968 that a sitting president that's not term-limited is not seeking re-election.

07-21-2024, 02:18 PM
Here's hoping they pick someone decent.

I for one would be THRILLED with “Decent”!!!

07-21-2024, 02:19 PM
Nothing he said was untrue

Except for 90% of it being speculation and opinion.

All of this is pure speculation/opinion...all of it. People really have trouble discerning fact and opinion these days

-now he would blow trump on nat'l tv.
-God is saying "go fuck yourself"
-He will fire everybody just like he did with his own admin.
-Your passport renewal will take 3 yrs.
-He will release the J6 cop killers, do putin's work in Ukraine and defund nato.
-we can do much better.

07-21-2024, 02:20 PM
Guess the dementia talk will turn to trump now.

X-band '01
07-21-2024, 02:30 PM
Here's hoping they pick someone decent.

You're the betting expert; what are the odds now that Biden will no longer be the Democratic nominee?

07-21-2024, 02:31 PM
Let's have George Clooney decide who should run for president, talk about threat to democracy... What a joke the Democratic Party has become. If the Republicans would have thrown out just about anyone other then Trump this would be a landslide victory

07-21-2024, 03:13 PM
Let's have George Clooney decide who should run for president, talk about threat to democracy... What a joke the Democratic Party has become. If the Republicans would have thrown out just about anyone other then Trump this would be a landslide victory

Regardless, the democrats have a chance to put someone in position that is decent. They probably won’t since it’ll be Kamala, but someone better than Biden/trump id think would be welcomed by most in the nation.

07-21-2024, 03:20 PM
Except for 90% of it being speculation and opinion.

All of this is pure speculation/opinion...all of it. People really have trouble discerning fact and opinion these days

-now he would blow trump on nat'l tv.
-God is saying "go fuck yourself"
-He will fire everybody just like he did with his own admin.
-Your passport renewal will take 3 yrs.
-He will release the J6 cop killers, do putin's work in Ukraine and defund nato.
-we can do much better.

We can do better is an opinion??

I’ll concede the God comment, the rest sounds pretty spot on.

07-21-2024, 03:54 PM
You're the betting expert; what are the odds now that Biden will no longer be the Democratic nominee?

I'll give you good odds if you want to bet on Biden.

Harris -900
Newsom +1500
Obama +1600
Whitmer +1600

No one else with odds lower than 65-1.

07-21-2024, 04:06 PM
I'll give you good odds if you want to bet on Biden.

Harris -900
Newsom +1500
Obama +1600
Whitmer +1600

No one else with odds lower than 65-1.

Wow, shocked by the news. Figured Biden would continue on and run the Democratic ship into an iceberg. The Democrats have the chance of nominating someone who appeals to the centrist in an attempt to keep Trump out of office. Do I think they will make the right choice? Not a chance.

07-21-2024, 04:30 PM
The Heritage Foundation has stated they will sue if the Democrats replace Biden. I guess winning an election on the sole basis of your own ideas just isn’t a thing anynore…


07-21-2024, 05:02 PM
Well, this didn't age so well:

Regardless, I still don’t think Biden is going anywhere

07-21-2024, 06:38 PM
Assuming Kamala gets the nod, get ready for every criticism of her to be called racist, misogynistic, or both, by the Democrats and the MSM. Couldn’t possibly be that you just disagree with her position on various issues. [emoji2369]

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07-21-2024, 06:47 PM
I suspect Trump will be too chicken to debate Harrison if she gets the nomination.

07-21-2024, 06:58 PM
Joe Manchin as the Dems candidate?


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07-21-2024, 07:00 PM
No chance, but I'd vote for him.

07-21-2024, 07:14 PM
I suspect Trump will be too chicken to debate Harrison if she gets the nomination.

I think Trump is a lot of unfavorable things, but I really don’t think he’s a chicken. He may be strongly advised not to do it, but I think if it were his own druthers, he’d do it.

He was shot at, AND HIT!! and he was FAR less phased by it than…well…I would have been!

07-21-2024, 07:18 PM
Looks like like Ol' XUP is about to gain legendary status here. Since 2021 I have insisted that this was inevitable and have been laughed at and mocked.

X-band '01
07-21-2024, 07:21 PM
Joe Manchin as the Dems candidate?


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Believe I've heard that Newsom and Whitmer will not be running. Manchin at least has enough of his own cash that he could make a case for a late run.

07-21-2024, 07:50 PM
Believe I've heard that Newsom and Whitmer will not be running. Manchin at least has enough of his own cash that he could make a case for a late run.

If he does run, I think he wins going away.

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07-21-2024, 08:53 PM
Looks like like Ol' XUP is about to gain legendary status here. Since 2021 I have insisted that this was inevitable and have been laughed at and mocked.

You said Kamala was going to be the nominee? Must have missed that one

07-21-2024, 08:54 PM
If he does run, I think he wins going away.

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Yeah he’d win easily, beshear would win easily. But instead the dems will allow Kamala and have a great chance at losing. I think politically she’s better than Biden at this point, because she’s not half dead but how much more will be interesting. Would love to see a debate.

Hopefully she at least picks a strong vp candidate. I know beshear has been bantered about.

07-21-2024, 09:26 PM
Yeah he’d win easily, beshear would win easily. But instead the dems will allow Kamala and have a great chance at losing. I think politically she’s better than Biden at this point, because she’s not half dead but how much more will be interesting. Would love to see a debate.

Hopefully she at least picks a strong vp candidate. I know beshear has been bantered about.

Wow, your man-crush for baby-Beshear is getting weird.

A moderate? Give me a freaking break. You've been fooled once again. Which party runs the KY legislature? Your political takes get worse and worse.

07-21-2024, 09:37 PM
Republican logic:

Then….Biden’s old and can’t handle the job
Now…It’s illegal for Biden not to run

Lord only knows what they’d say if he dropped dead. He has to be on the ballot ?

X-band '01
07-21-2024, 09:49 PM
You said Kamala was going to be the nominee? Must have missed that one

Maybe he still thinks it's Michelle Obama and Paul McMillan on the same ticket.

07-21-2024, 09:50 PM
Maybe he still thinks it's Michelle Obama and Paul McMillan on the same ticket.

lol public reps!

X-band '01
07-21-2024, 09:51 PM
Yeah he’d win easily, beshear would win easily. But instead the dems will allow Kamala and have a great chance at losing. I think politically she’s better than Biden at this point, because she’s not half dead but how much more will be interesting. Would love to see a debate.

Hopefully she at least picks a strong vp candidate. I know beshear has been bantered about.

It can't be Gavin Newsom for the same reason Trump couldn't have Rubio - you can't have two people from the same state on the ticket. I'm not sure what would happen if Beshear did resign to become VP as far as who becomes Kentucky's next governor.

Another name I've heard as a VP candidate is Roy Cooper - he's the outgoing governor of North Carolina who's term limited and wouldn't be running for any other office right now.

07-21-2024, 10:01 PM
It can't be Gavin Newsom for the same reason Trump couldn't have Rubio - you can't have two people from the same state on the ticket. I'm not sure what would happen if Beshear did resign to become VP as far as who becomes Kentucky's next governor.

Another name I've heard as a VP candidate is Roy Cooper - he's the outgoing governor of North Carolina who's term limited and wouldn't be running for any other office right now.

What’s Cooper like? I honestly don’t know anything about him.

Beshear was a little extra during Covid, but other than that he’s decent. Even pretty strong republicans in this state don’t hate the guy. Impressive to win as a dem when there’s a Republican super majority in the legislature.

Mark kelly would be interesting as well. Someone who actually fought for our country vs a guy who wrote about it

07-22-2024, 06:02 AM
Maybe he still thinks it's Michelle Obama and Paul McMillan on the same ticket.

I do and have been for a couple of years now. Are you suggesting that is laughable? Just google her name and see what is suddenly at the top. However, by no means did I ever want it to happen and pray that it is Harris. In case you haven't noticed, Obama ideology is destroying your country funny man.

07-22-2024, 06:08 AM
The McMillan reference is just stupid and no longer relevant, but people tend to like a guy that was Ohio POY, scored nearly 3000 pts and had a perfect 4.0 GPA.

07-22-2024, 08:11 AM
We shall see if Haley was prophetic when she stated the first party to retire their 80 year old candidate will be the one to win the election.

I don’t like Kamala, but it may be worth her winning just to see Xumaga and Lou’s heads explode.

07-22-2024, 09:45 AM
All political postings shall go here until further notice. When the aftermath cools down, perhaps we will go back to the old way.

The optimism in this original posting.................

07-22-2024, 09:50 AM
I do and have been for a couple of years now. Are you suggesting that is laughable? Just google her name and see what is suddenly at the top. However, by no means did I ever want it to happen and pray that it is Harris. In case you haven't noticed, Obama ideology is destroying your country funny man.

These clowns act like they've seen the last act in this orchestrated play.

Biden's removal from the campaign was a strong possibility a year ago, and became inevitable after the debate. Every Democrat knew he couldn't make it to the finish line. They used the debate to start their coup. Only the naive refused to see the screaming letters on the wall.

So yes, you deserve the credit for being the first on this board to predict Biden would drop out, and apologies from the clowns with their snark comments.

And it's not like the rumors of Big Mike coming in to save the day aren't out of the realm of possibility at this point. Take a look at the betting odds.

Kamala is not their answer. There's still one more act in this coup. Nothing is real with these traitors.

07-22-2024, 09:52 AM
At the start of his statement, Trump also called Biden "the Worst President, by far, in the History of our Nation."

The act of blaming another person for your own mistakes or shortcomings rather than accepting the blame or criticism yourself is called deflection. This type of defensiveness as a coping skill is commonly used to angle or direct the focus or blame away from ourselves.



07-22-2024, 10:01 AM
Republican logic:

Then….Biden’s old and can’t handle the job
Now…It’s illegal for Biden not to run

Lord only knows what they’d say if he dropped dead. He has to be on the ballot ?

Then....Biden is sharp as a tack and just has a stutter
Now...Donald Trump is the oldest Presidential nominee in history

07-22-2024, 10:42 AM
Republican logic:

Then….Biden’s old and can’t handle the job
Now…It’s illegal for Biden not to run

Lord only knows what they’d say if he dropped dead. He has to be on the ballot ?

Totally made up out of thin air...

07-22-2024, 11:19 AM
If you can't believe the Republican Speaker of the House...what are you gonna do for conspiracy nonsense in the future?

House Speaker Mike Johnson said Sunday that replacing President Joe Biden as the presumptive Democratic nominee would be “unlawful,” just hours before the president announced that he is officially stepping aside.

https://www.yahoo.com/news/mike-johnson-claims-unlawful-democrats-195627962.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKj5OuynGORKqk1hXMQ73C4rQNU6 DqBvSNUTpGb0-2VoJIH9dsi80IM2Q0E94G6gsKhMiCS02NakbMauST9JLpzaOkL _dH2fT85rtsuIxsYPUOJSjf0K6-Pm_XM-70Meu-pA8s6q8mqB1fT1wilMn8aIErQi9QIIOmWoH66uU47U

07-22-2024, 11:33 AM
Then....Biden is sharp as a tack and just has a stutter
Now...Donald Trump is the oldest Presidential nominee in history

Lord knows Biden hasn't been a sharp as any tack. I had noted his stutter situation before as speech experts say it always contributes to difficulty in articulating one's thoughts if you have been fighting it for a lifetime. But his "sharpness" has certainly declined over the last short time. Would be concerning to anyone, and I think he made the right choice in stepping aside.

As to your second note, I believe that's factually correct. But it only matters if the candidate is a Democrat, not the last guy in the historical rankings.

07-22-2024, 11:42 AM
If you can't believe the Republican Speaker of the House...what are you gonna do for conspiracy nonsense in the future?

https://www.yahoo.com/news/mike-johnson-claims-unlawful-democrats-195627962.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKj5OuynGORKqk1hXMQ73C4rQNU6 DqBvSNUTpGb0-2VoJIH9dsi80IM2Q0E94G6gsKhMiCS02NakbMauST9JLpzaOkL _dH2fT85rtsuIxsYPUOJSjf0K6-Pm_XM-70Meu-pA8s6q8mqB1fT1wilMn8aIErQi9QIIOmWoH66uU47U

It's funny how you didn't use Johnson's full quote, which is factually correct:

“Well, these elections are handled at the state level. Every state has its own system, and in some of these it’s not possible to simply just switch out a candidate who has been chosen through the democratic — small 'd' — the democratic process over such a long period of time. 14 million Democrats voted to make Joe Biden the nominee. So it would be wrong and I think unlawful, in accordance to some of these states’ rules, for a handful of people to go in a back room and switch it out because they don’t like the candidate any longer. That’s not how this is supposed to work. So, I think they would run into some legal impediments in at least a few of these jurisdictions, and I think there will be a compelling case to be made that that shouldn’t happen. So I think they’ve got legal trouble if that’s their -- you know, if that’s their intention and that’s their plan. So we’ll see how it plays out. We don’t know. I know the Democrats are in total disarray, and I know the Republican Party is united like never before, so we're looking forward to November and this election cycle. It's gonna be an interesting time for the American people.”

07-22-2024, 12:08 PM
It's funny how you didn't use Johnson's full quote, which is factually correct:

“Well, these elections are handled at the state level. Every state has its own system, and in some of these it’s not possible to simply just switch out a candidate who has been chosen through the democratic — small 'd' — the democratic process over such a long period of time. 14 million Democrats voted to make Joe Biden the nominee. So it would be wrong and I think unlawful, in accordance to some of these states’ rules, for a handful of people to go in a back room and switch it out because they don’t like the candidate any longer. That’s not how this is supposed to work. So, I think they would run into some legal impediments in at least a few of these jurisdictions, and I think there will be a compelling case to be made that that shouldn’t happen. So I think they’ve got legal trouble if that’s their -- you know, if that’s their intention and that’s their plan. So we’ll see how it plays out. We don’t know. I know the Democrats are in total disarray, and I know the Republican Party is united like never before, so we're looking forward to November and this election cycle. It's gonna be an interesting time for the American people.”

The NOMINEE is not necessarily the CANDIDATE. They have merely been NOMINATED to be the candidate. Granted, for the last fifty years or so, the conventions have largely been formalities, but the NOMINEE does not become the actual CANDIDATE until they accept the nomination.

07-22-2024, 12:17 PM
Well, it wasn't as though the votes came to Biden unsolicited. Like he was telling them, hmm, if you vote for me I'll ruminate over whether I actually want the nomination. He was obviously actively soliciting those votes and didn't give anyone any indication that he wouldn't accept nomination (until the bitter end when his candidacy had been kneecapped by both his infirmity and the Democrat establishment calling for him to quit the race).

I think his decision makes a lot of sense given the obvious health issues. I can't say I really applaud him for it, because it's clear it wasn't really his decision, but at least he eventually accepted reality. But you also can't expect the opposing party not to try to use the situation to its advantage. Particularly when Republicans been lectured endlessly on democracy being threatened, and the Democrats go and pick their candidate in the least democratic way possible.

07-22-2024, 12:29 PM
Marc Elias responds to Mike Johnson's concerns:

First, you are an insurrectionist.

Second, if your lawyers are telling you that they can prevent the DNC from nominating its candidate of choice, they are idiots. I know a lot about that, since I beat them more than 60x in court after the 2020 election.

07-22-2024, 12:47 PM
Marc Elias responds to Mike Johnson's concerns:

Are we really arguing that Biden should not have dropped out of the race? Why and who cares? The Trump/Vance ticket should beat whoever the Dems put up correct?

07-22-2024, 12:55 PM
Are we really arguing that Biden should not have dropped out of the race? Why and who cares? The Trump/Vance ticket should beat whoever the Dems put up correct?

I think what you are seeing is that the Republicans are shitting their pants. Kamala is not a great candidate by any stretch of the imagination, but she's better than someone that is half dead. Outside of his base, Trump is a shit candidate as well. If Kamala can come across as just a little more likable than Hilary to suburban women, that lead that Trump supposedly has may vanish.

07-22-2024, 01:00 PM
I think what you are seeing is that the Republicans are shitting their pants. Kamala is not a great candidate by any stretch of the imagination, but she's better than someone that is half dead. Outside of his base, Trump is a shit candidate as well. If Kamala can come across as just a little more likable than Hilary to suburban women, that lead that Trump supposedly has may vanish.

Harris is a crap candidate and I think most know that, she acts like a 10 year ol. The fear from the right is that this will turn into race and feminism argument which will make it more difficult to vote for Trump.

07-22-2024, 01:12 PM
Harris is a crap candidate and I think most know that, she acts like a 10 year ol. The fear from the right is that this will turn into race and feminism argument which will make it more difficult to vote for Trump.

agreed, not a good candidate, but also agree with the "feminism" take which I alluded to with a comment about suburban females. It really doesn't take much to beat Trump with how unhinged he is, and how poor of a candidate he is himself.

If the dems would put someone competent like a Kelly or a Beshear alongside her, things could get interesting.

Republicans should follow the dems lead and get Trump out...do America a favor.

Case in point—Lou is losing his mind right now, and can’t keep up with which one of his lies goes where.

07-22-2024, 01:22 PM
The Dems have the right to nominate whoever the hell they want. That's not the point, and as usual, because that's who he is, Paul's doing his best to obfuscate the facts.

Joe Biden, his handlers, the DC Dems and the media LIED to their constituents. Everyone with half a brain knew that Biden only had half a brain. But, because, Dem voters consume a very narrow source of news (cheap fakes! stuttering!) they apparently weren't aware of Biden's cognitive decline. Those same collaborators conspired to subvert democracy for their voters and the general public. They voted for Biden on false pretenses.

07-22-2024, 01:27 PM
agreed, not a good candidate, but also agree with the "feminism" take which I alluded to with a comment about suburban females. It really doesn't take much to beat Trump with how unhinged he is, and how poor of a candidate he is himself.

If the dems would put someone competent like a Kelly or a Beshear alongside her, things could get interesting.

Republicans should follow the dems lead and get Trump out...do America a favor.

Agree, it's going to get real interesting. Trump knew he could beat Biden. What if all the polls starting to come out say no way Trump can beat Harris. I do think Trump messed up by not putting a female on the ticket

07-22-2024, 01:36 PM
Republicans should follow the dems lead and get Trump out...do America a favor.

Obvious difference, of course, is that the Republicans actually had a full and open primary, and Trump crushed everyone else. This is actually the candidate the Republicans want running (as hard as that is to believe).

Who knows who Democrats would have picked if they actually had a chance to choose. But, you know, can't have democracy when there's democracy to save!

07-22-2024, 01:46 PM
Obvious difference, of course, is that the Republicans actually had a full and open primary, and Trump crushed everyone else. This is actually the candidate the Republicans want running (as hard as that is to believe).

Who knows who Democrats would have picked if they actually had a chance to choose. But, you know, can't have democracy when there's democracy to save!

Fear is a powerful thing no matter if most of it is complete bs. However, it's gotten certain people to believe two things 1.) If the dems win, the world is going to end. 2.) if Trump wins, democracy is over.

07-22-2024, 03:29 PM
We've got dueling conspiracy narratives going right now: Donald Trump wasn't actually shot vs. Joe Biden is on his deathbed or already dead

Never change America! Never change.

07-22-2024, 03:55 PM
We've got dueling conspiracy narratives going right now: Donald Trump wasn't actually shot vs. Joe Biden is on his deathbed or already dead

Never change America! Never change.

Twitter is a beautiful thing but for politics it is yikes yikes yikes.

07-22-2024, 05:19 PM
Trying to determine “presidential greatness” is purely subjective. The criteria being used and the relative importance of each item can be manipulated to give you whatever result you desire.

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07-22-2024, 05:25 PM
The fear from the right is that this will turn into race and feminism argument which will make it more difficult to vote for Trump.

There’s doubt about this? It will absolutely turn the election into being all about race and feminism. Anyone on the Right who criticizes or disparages Harris in any way will be labeled as a misogynistic racist.

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07-22-2024, 06:04 PM
Trying to determine “presidential greatness” is purely subjective. The criteria being used and the relative importance of each item can be manipulated to give you whatever result you desire.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But you gotta work extra hard to come in last place. It's not that easy to do.

07-22-2024, 06:11 PM

The act of blaming another person for your own mistakes or shortcomings rather than accepting the blame or criticism yourself is called deflection. This type of defensiveness as a coping skill is commonly used to angle or direct the focus or blame away from ourselves.



As to your presidential rankings, the results shouldn’t be a surprise because of partisan breakdown.

From your post

* Democrats – 95
* Republicans – 15
* Independents/Others – 44
* Liberals – 98
* Conservatives – 20
* Moderates – 36

Most of these surveys are done based off social issues while in office.

Yes Joe is not worst nor is Trump. Depending on what is important for whoever, you can find value in either one.