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06-18-2024, 12:30 PM
Gotcha. You are duped by your leftist media friends hoax (again). Where did you lift that? CNN? Vox? Here is the full post:
”So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

Exactly like the “fine people”, “bloodbath”, and “animals” hoaxes. Plus many other.

Why do you hate the truth so much?

Just wait until you find out all the other truths that leftists have covered up.

Oh an election denier. That’s better.

06-18-2024, 12:34 PM
If there actually WAS a massive fraud, Trump might be right. Given that there's no compelling evidence of any such fraud (as determined by every single court that's ever been presented with a case to that effect), not so much.

06-18-2024, 12:35 PM
Not trying to be sarcastic, but aren't the primaries selecting the candidate and not the leadership of the Democratic party?

Democratic leadership understands that protecting democracy is way too important to let the people decide such things.

06-18-2024, 01:06 PM
Speaking of hamster brains, did anyone catch the father's day tweet that Schumer put out and then quickly deleted. Absolute gold..

06-18-2024, 01:55 PM
If there actually WAS a massive fraud, Trump might be right. Given that there's no compelling evidence of any such fraud (as determined by every single court that's ever been presented with a case to that effect), not so much.

Don't confuse him with facts.
When he post the actual words that just a few days before he noted Trump had never said...he's in need of help.

06-18-2024, 04:00 PM
"Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution."

Reading comprehension needed.

06-18-2024, 04:57 PM
Speaking of hamster brains, did anyone catch the father's day tweet that Schumer put out and then quickly deleted. Absolute gold..

Ya, I needed a good laugh and that was just the medicine I needed. I also cringed at the Biden videos of him looking completely lost like he needs to be in an assistive living facility. Even in front of Obama and Democratic company and they still think he is a good candidate to lead this country for 4 more years. Why not do what is best for the guy and tell him to not to run again. Making him attempt another four years is just cruel. Be a friend and tell him not to run.

06-18-2024, 06:26 PM
Yeah a sexual predator who assaulted 26 women and a convicted felon would be the right choice lol

06-18-2024, 06:28 PM
Funnier still would be a candidate going to a Black church full of white guys. lol

And then shaking hands with a white supremist at his next stop. What a hypocrite.

06-19-2024, 09:25 AM
The info below is of MASS importance. Please invest at least 15 minutes.

Was in a conversation with young guy that's been doing some renovation at my house. Politics came up...mostly about the political climate we are living since Trump came down the escalator. I was shocked we he punched up a YouTube video for me to watch. It was a "Full Measure" segment from February that I hadn't seen.


Soak this in folks...it is the MOTHER LODE! Obviously, brain dead leftists absolutely LOVE the MSM DEM Propaganda lies leveled at Trump...and absolutely want it to continue. However, I wonder if voting Independents know how this corrupt MSM saturation of lies are falsely providing this KEY DEM narrative?

06-19-2024, 09:37 AM
The info below is of MASS importance. Please invest at least 15 minutes.

Was in a conversation with young guy that's been doing some renovation at my house. Politics came up...mostly about the political climate we are living since Trump came down the escalator. I was shocked we he punched up a YouTube video for me to watch. It was a "Full Measure" segment from February that I hadn't seen.


Soak this in folks...it is the MOTHER LODE! Obviously, brain dead leftists absolutely LOVE the MSM DEM Propaganda lies leveled at Trump...and absolutely want it to continue. However, I wonder if voting Independents know how this corrupt MSM saturation of lies are falsely providing this KEY DEM narrative?

It is absolute gold when someone complains about MSM Dem Propaganda while posting a video from a very conservative tv giant, Sinclair, that is propaganda on the other side and promote it as truth.

06-19-2024, 11:52 AM
It is absolute gold when someone complains about MSM Dem Propaganda while posting a video from a very conservative tv giant, Sinclair, that is propaganda on the other side and promote it as truth.

Can someone explain who is MSM? ABC, NBC, Fox, CBS? Are there others?

06-19-2024, 12:23 PM
Can someone explain who is MSM? ABC, NBC, Fox, CBS? Are there others?

The Left will tell you- Fox News(and affiliates), Sinclair Media, OAN, Outkick, and NY Post.

The right will tell you- CNN, NPR, MSNBC, CNBC, and Washington Post.

06-19-2024, 12:38 PM
It is absolute gold when someone complains about MSM Dem Propaganda while posting a video from a very conservative tv giant, Sinclair, that is propaganda on the other side and promote it as truth.

So you’re saying that what Atkinson is reporting is false? She seemed to back up her claims pretty well.

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06-19-2024, 12:55 PM
So you’re saying that what Atkinson is reporting is false? She seemed to back up her claims pretty well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I said what I said. I really don't care what a nutjob vaccine causes autism sycophant has to say.

06-19-2024, 04:05 PM
Fox News(and affiliates), Sinclair Media, OAN, Outkick, and NY Post to the Left.

CNN, NPR, MSNBC, CNBC, and Washington Post to the Right

That is just plan ignorant....Add ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS....the BIG ONES!!! THESE are under the corporate "Umbrella" that poisons any possible "News Integrity".
So you’re saying that what Atkinson is reporting is false? She seemed to back up her claims pretty well.

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Hello you America killing pricks here. F your " FOX DOES IT TOO"! You mindless FOOLS (Ville..Bobbie, Paul) do not seem to understand the POWER of the MSM. When that INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE is so completely COMPROMISED..there is a TRUE DEMOCRACY concern.

06-19-2024, 04:13 PM
Ah now both sides claim the other is a threat to democracy lol. This thread is hysterical.

06-19-2024, 04:16 PM
So you’re saying that what Atkinson is reporting is false? She seemed to back up her claims pretty well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I said what I said. I really don't care what a nutjob vaccine causes autism sycophant has to say.

Thanks BJ!!!

This is where this (and ALL others) end up being exposed. And these completely clueless idiots don't see ANY ANTI-TRUMP BIAS!!!��

06-19-2024, 04:17 PM
Who was it that paid $787 million for spreading lies?

Strange Brew
06-19-2024, 04:18 PM
Who was it that paid $787 million for spreading lies?


Sorry, different cases. :)

06-19-2024, 04:19 PM
Thanks BJ!!!

This is where this (and ALL others) end up being exposed. And these completely clueless idiots don't see ANY ANTI-TRUMP BIAS!!!��

lol. There is bias on both sides, duh. Welcome to media and politics. You just somehow believe there is only bias on one side, hence my original response to your youtube video.

06-19-2024, 04:44 PM
Ah now both sides claim the other is a threat to democracy lol. This thread is hysterical.

Everything I don't like is a threat to democracy.

06-19-2024, 07:20 PM
That is just plan ignorant....Add ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS....the BIG ONES!!! THESE are under the corporate "Umbrella" that poisons any possible "News Integrity".

Hello you America killing pricks here. F your " FOX DOES IT TOO"! You mindless FOOLS (Ville..Bobbie, Paul) do not seem to understand the POWER of the MSM. When that INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE is so completely COMPROMISED..there is a TRUE DEMOCRACY concern.

Did I say anything defending Fox? I freely admit that Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, etc., are blatantly one sided. Are you willing to say that CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT, etc., clearly favor the Left?

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Muskie in dayton
06-20-2024, 11:34 PM
If there actually WAS a massive fraud, Trump might be right. Given that there's no compelling evidence of any such fraud (as determined by every single court that's ever been presented with a case to that effect), not so much.
A survey showed 20% of Democrat voters admitted to some form of fraudulent voting in 2020. Sounds pretty massive to me. Also, your statement above is the MSM talking point. Those court cases were about legality of State laws that allowed the fraud.

06-21-2024, 07:39 AM
Yikes. Someone’s been sprinkled with trump/mtg dust.

06-21-2024, 07:41 AM
All the studies I can find that looked into "voter fraud" don't discover anything that would make a difference.
An occasional person mailing a ballot for someone recently deceased. Thinking they are OK to vote (a felon who served their time) and finding out that can't.
These are caught and disallowed.
The cases I see are mostly Republican like this one:

Can you provide link to survey where 20% of Dems admitted to voter fraud?

06-21-2024, 08:01 AM
Another day, another MTG freak out. This time over a Fox News Poll that has Biden leading.

Soon, her head will be twisting around and she'll be stabbing herself with a crucifix.

06-21-2024, 10:12 AM
Please cite in the constitution where it mentions bump stocks.

Wow! What a fundamentally ignorant statement....

And, THIS was the one post you didn't go back to edit.

06-21-2024, 10:49 AM
Wow! What a fundamentally ignorant statement....

And, THIS was the one post you didn't go back to edit.

You only think it's an ignorant statement because you don't understand why I asked the question. Read MID's statement again, and then see why I responded the way I did, then maybe read it five more times and then just maybe it will sink into your thick skull.

06-21-2024, 10:55 AM
You only think it's an ignorant statement because you don't understand why I asked the question. Read MID's statement again, and then see why I responded the way I did, then maybe read it five more times and then just maybe it will sink into your thick skull.

I'm totally aware of what was said.

What you said is flat out stupid, "Mr. Constitutional Expert"

06-21-2024, 11:05 AM
Actually Lou, since you think you're smart, why don't you (in your own words, not a link) explain how the "liberal justices voted against the constitution" by voting to uphold the bump stock ban. Explain in the Constitution where it states that there is a Right to Bear Semi-Automatic weapons or Machine Guns.

Maybe you need a course on what the Supreme Court actually does and how they rule.

I'll hang up and listen.

06-21-2024, 11:06 AM
I'm totally aware of what was said.

What you said is flat out stupid, "Mr. Constitutional Expert"

Good to know you don't know shit. Not that it's not already been made apparent by your years of posting on here.

06-21-2024, 11:28 AM
Actually Lou, since you think you're smart, why don't you (in your own words, not a link) explain how the "liberal justices voted against the constitution" by voting to uphold the bump stock ban. Explain in the Constitution where it states that there is a Right to Bear Semi-Automatic weapons or Machine Guns.

Maybe you need a course on what the Supreme Court actually does and how they rule.

I'll hang up and listen.

Hilarious!! Again!!

The reading comprehension problems obviously lies with you. Either that, or you're pulling a Paul and deliberately misrepresenting what MID was trying to convey.

WTF do "Semi-Automatic weapons or Machine Guns" have to do with bump stocks and the recent SC ruling, "Mr. Constitutional Expert"??

06-21-2024, 11:37 AM
Hilarious!! Again!!

The reading comprehension problems obviously lies with you. Either that, or you're pulling a Paul and deliberately misrepresenting what MID was trying to convey.

WTF do "Semi-Automatic weapons or Machine Guns" have to do with bump stocks and the recent SC ruling, "Mr. Constitutional Expert"??

lol. Go ahead and show me where in the constitution it mentions the atf as well. And tell me what the recent sc ruling has to do with the constitution

So you now speak for mid? Good to know. You’re a waste of time.

06-21-2024, 11:48 AM

06-21-2024, 12:12 PM
lol. Go ahead and show me where in the constitution it mentions the atf as well. And tell me what the recent sc ruling has to do with the constitution

So you now speak for mid? Good to know. You’re a waste of time.

In case you missed it, MID's a democrat now....voting for RFK.

How do you think he will do in the debate?.....Oh.

06-21-2024, 12:50 PM

Hopefully you now understand what the Constitution does, what federal law is, and why the Supreme Court ruled the way they did. You're welcome for once again educating you on something.

MID understood the mistake he made, sadly you didn't.

06-21-2024, 02:42 PM
In case you missed it, MID's a democrat now....voting for RFK.

How do you think he will do in the debate?.....Oh.

Hopefully you now understand what the Constitution does, what federal law is, and why the Supreme Court ruled the way they did. You're welcome for once again educating you on something.

MID understood the mistake he made, sadly you didn't.

Who is MID?

06-21-2024, 03:08 PM
Who is MID?

Maga in Dayton. He lives with xumaga and Lou-19 in Lou’s parents’ basement

06-21-2024, 03:27 PM
Who is MID?

It's what my 17 year old daughter calls my wardrobe

06-21-2024, 06:02 PM
It's what my 17 year old daughter calls my wardrobe

Public and private reps

Strange Brew
06-21-2024, 06:07 PM
It's what my 17 year old daughter calls my wardrobe

Anyone have a beat on what the appropriate Dad outfit is? Golf shorts and a polo seem to have reigned supreme for the last half Century without too many complaints. :)

06-21-2024, 08:23 PM

So Bragg drops most of the charges against the protesters who stormed an office at Columbia and wouldn’t leave, citing a lack of evidence. WTF? They were arrested while in the building where they shouldn’t have been. Maybe there’s more to it, but that seems like enough evidence to prosecute them for misdemeanor trespassing, if nothing else.

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Strange Brew
06-21-2024, 09:39 PM

So Bragg drops most of the charges against the protesters who stormed an office at Columbia and wouldn’t leave, citing a lack of evidence. WTF? They were arrested while in the building where they shouldn’t have been. Maybe there’s more to it, but that seems like enough evidence to prosecute them for misdemeanor trespassing, if nothing else.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Well, I guess it comes down to whether the protestors were insurrectionist or simply ill-tempered.

Both parties should’ve had sharks with lasers…

Anyone here figured out how to dress as a middle-aged Dad yet? That, is the question of our times…:)

Edit: seriously , have any you figured it out yet? :)

Muskie in dayton
06-22-2024, 07:55 PM
All the studies I can find that looked into "voter fraud" don't discover anything that would make a difference.
An occasional person mailing a ballot for someone recently deceased. Thinking they are OK to vote (a felon who served their time) and finding out that can't.
These are caught and disallowed.
The cases I see are mostly Republican like this one:

Can you provide link to survey where 20% of Dems admitted to voter fraud?
Just for you, Paul, since Google only works for some people.
And yes, it was mail in ballots… which we know how those went.

06-22-2024, 08:00 PM
Just for you, Paul, since Google only works for some people.
And yes, it was mail in ballots… which we know how those went.

And that’s why most European countries don’t allow mail in, or absentee, ballots. The risk of fraud is too great. Think they also require showing an ID to vote in almost every country.

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06-22-2024, 08:06 PM
Just for you, Paul, since Google only works for some people.
And yes, it was mail in ballots… which we know how those went.

This is an interesting poll. I would like to know the percentage of people who helped fill out a ballot for a friend/family member as opposed to filling out a ballot for a person who didn't know. I can definitely see a time in the near future when I might have to help my aging parents fill out and mail a ballot because they can't drive anymore.

Muskie in dayton
06-22-2024, 08:13 PM
In case you missed it, MID's a democrat now....voting for RFK.

How do you think he will do in the debate?.....Oh.
So wait, that doesnÂ’t bother you that he wonÂ’t have a voice in the debates? (dumb pun jokes not necessary). Oh and Biden is also trying to get him killed. Similar to how he tried to kill off Trump. You support a communist dictator, Bobbie.

06-22-2024, 08:19 PM
So wait, that doesnÂ’t bother you that he wonÂ’t have a voice in the debates? (dumb pun jokes not necessary). Oh and Biden is also trying to get him killed. Similar to how he tried to kill off Trump. You support a communist dictator, Bobbie.

Please provide details on how Biden is trying to have those two killed. Thanks

Muskie in dayton
06-22-2024, 08:19 PM
This is an interesting poll. I would like to know the percentage of people who helped fill out a ballot for a friend/family member as opposed to filling out a ballot for a person who didn't know. I can definitely see a time in the near future when I might have to help my aging parents fill out and mail a ballot because they can't drive anymore.
The complete poll and backup are here: https://heartland.org/opinion/heartland-rasmussen-poll-one-in-five-mail-in-voters-admit-to-committing-at-least-one-kind-of-voter-fraud-during-2020-election/

I’m shocked that the news didn’t report this <<sarcasm font>>. It seems important.

Muskie in dayton
06-22-2024, 08:23 PM
Please provide details on how Biden is trying to have those two killed. Thanks

RFK Jr: Biden denied him secret service protection as typically granted for any prominent Presidential candidate.
Trump: Garland stated under oath he gave orders to shoot-to-kill in the MAR raid.

06-22-2024, 08:27 PM
I googled Heartland Institute and this is what came up

The Heartland Institute is an American conservative and libertarian 501(c)(3) nonprofit public policy think tank known for its rejection of both the scientific consensus on climate change and the negative health impacts of smoking.

Now, I can understand the reasons for not believing in Climate Change, but to reject the negative impacts of smoking is absurd!!!!!

Muskie in dayton
06-22-2024, 08:44 PM
I googled Heartland Institute and this is what came up

The Heartland Institute is an American conservative and libertarian 501(c)(3) nonprofit public policy think tank known for its rejection of both the scientific consensus on climate change and the negative health impacts of smoking.

Now, I can understand the reasons for not believing in Climate Change, but to reject the negative impacts of smoking is absurd!!!!!
So you couldn’t find any flaws in the survey?

06-22-2024, 09:06 PM
So you couldn’t find any flaws in the survey?

If I really dug into it, I'm sure I could. #1 the survey was under 1100 people. #2 Like asked in the precious post, I'd like to know what extent the help was.

Strange Brew
06-22-2024, 11:38 PM
And that’s why most European countries don’t allow mail in, or absentee, ballots. The risk of fraud is too great. Think they also require showing an ID to vote in almost every country.

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I’ll guess we will see if Lopez wins Buck’s seat. The district is roughly 80% Republican. I “mailed it in” this week.

06-23-2024, 07:03 AM
I googled Heartland Institute and this is what came up

The Heartland Institute is an American conservative and libertarian 501(c)(3) nonprofit public policy think tank known for its rejection of both the scientific consensus on climate change and the negative health impacts of smoking.

Now, I can understand the reasons for not believing in Climate Change, but to reject the negative impacts of smoking is absurd!!!!!

I know libertarians don't necessarily disagree with the negative affects of cigs but that it should be regulated. "If someone wants to smoke it's their own damn fault!" Maybe it's the 'second hand smoke' questions?

06-23-2024, 07:10 AM
Here is the reality created by Progressive Law Enforcement/Social Justice Reform in the wake of George Floyd.


People that support DEMOCRATS pushing to implement policy fomenting these demoralizing effects, AND have the ability to vote...are extremely dangerous.

People that believe the Big City crime environment created by these policies REDUCE CRIME...are just plain stupid.

06-23-2024, 07:53 AM

RFK Jr: Biden denied him secret service protection as typically granted for any prominent Presidential candidate.
Trump: Garland stated under oath he gave orders to shoot-to-kill in the MAR raid.

This is why it is difficult to take you all seriously. These are nonsense claims, spread by whatever sources you use for information,

RFK hasn't gotten secret service protection, because he is not a "major party" candidate as defined by statute, that allows for this protection to be granted by the Secretary of Homeland Security in consultation with the leaders of Congress. Title 18 U.S.C.' 3056(a)(7)

The FBI conducted the search at Mar-a-Lago specifically while Trump was out of town. They had standard operating instructions regarding safety of their personnel. The same instructions used in all search warrants.


You may have seen the second claim in a Trump fundraising email. That should have alerted you to the likelihood that it was nonsense.

06-23-2024, 03:22 PM
This is why it is difficult to take you all seriously. These are nonsense claims, spread by whatever sources you use for information,

RFK hasn't gotten secret service protection, because he is not a "major party" candidate as defined by statute, that allows for this protection to be granted by the Secretary of Homeland Security in consultation with the leaders of Congress. Title 18 U.S.C.' 3056(a)(7)

The FBI conducted the search at Mar-a-Lago specifically while Trump was out of town. They had standard operating instructions regarding safety of their personnel. The same instructions used in all search warrants.


You may have seen the second claim in a Trump fundraising email. That should have alerted you to the likelihood that it was nonsense.

OMG, you can't be serious? LOL!! The king of Q-anon conspiracies and gaslighting lecturing another poster - pure gold!

BTW, how many times did you and Bobbie spread the Charlottesville lie? Looks like your buddies over at Snopes finally admitted this was a hoax - 7 years later:

"No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People' "



06-23-2024, 04:51 PM
OMG, you can't be serious? LOL!! The king of Q-anon conspiracies and gaslighting lecturing another poster - pure gold!

BTW, how many times did you and Bobbie spread the Charlottesville lie? Looks like your buddies over at Snopes finally admitted this was a hoax - 7 years later:

"No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People' "



lol someone that’s right about zero lecturing someone else, that’s hysterical.

06-23-2024, 06:22 PM
Ever heard of punctuation? Good grief, Biden makes more sense than that gobbledygook...

06-23-2024, 06:36 PM
Ever heard of punctuation? Good grief, Biden makes more sense than that gobbledygook...

Punctuation master corrector on a message board. Lol dork.

How’s that constitution reading? Figure out the difference between constitutional and federal law yet? Yeah, didn’t think so.

06-23-2024, 06:44 PM
As I've said multiple times, desperation isn't a good look. Your PeeWee Herman replies are pathetically lame.

06-23-2024, 06:57 PM
As I've said multiple times, desperation isn't a good look. Your PeeWee Herman replies are pathetically lame.

So is your attempt at trying to be right about anything.

Federal law and constitutional law? What’s the difference, Lou? Figure it out yet?

Oh and here’s an oldie but a goodie. How’s that telling me about how wrong I was about steele.

You have zero credibility on this board, but you sure try.

Strange Brew
06-23-2024, 07:26 PM
OMG, you can't be serious? LOL!! The king of Q-anon conspiracies and gaslighting lecturing another poster - pure gold!

BTW, how many times did you and Bobbie spread the Charlottesville lie? Looks like your buddies over at Snopes finally admitted this was a hoax - 7 years later:

"No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People' "



Yeah, saw this. Looks like it was just another vast Left Wing conspiracy thing…;)

Bigger question is why the media didn’t report on the number of Soviet flags carried by the wing nuts.

06-23-2024, 07:59 PM
Yeah, saw this. Looks like it was just another vast Left Wing conspiracy thing…;)

Bigger question is why the media didn’t report on the number of Soviet flags carried by the wing nuts.

Anyone know where this juststopoil movement came from? They have spray painted Stonehenge and now interrupted a PGA golf match. They aren’t winning anyone over with what they are doing that is for sure.

06-23-2024, 08:11 PM
Would love to know what two sides he was saying are very fine people then. Sounds like a whole lot of technicality bs from snopes to me.

06-23-2024, 10:34 PM
Lou:BTW, how many times did you and Bobbie spread the Charlottesville lie? Looks like your buddies over at Snopes finally admitted this was a hoax - 7 years later:

I don't ever remember commenting on Charlottesville. And i could give a shit 7 yrs. later.

06-23-2024, 11:10 PM
Lou:BTW, how many times did you and Bobbie spread the Charlottesville lie? Looks like your buddies over at Snopes finally admitted this was a hoax - 7 years later:

I don't ever remember commenting on Charlottesville. And i could give a shit 7 yrs. later.

I guess you too have JoeBidenitus. Do you also find yourself staring off into space?

so a vote for trump would be represented by the "very fine people in Charlottesville?"...and QAnon candidates?

Crazies on both sides.

You have nutjobs on both sides. Do you support the tRUMP endorsed Proud Boys? How about your two new tRUMP endorsed congresswomen Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert who support satanic rituals thru Qanon and want to invade pizza parlors? Did you support the Nazi's at Charlottesville? Fine people that killed a young woman? ? Funny how you only point out examples from the left to support you far right views. Usual hot garbage.

06-23-2024, 11:24 PM
lol. So Bobbie forgot mentioning something that happened seven years ago, and Lou lied about Bobbie spreading “a Charlottesville lie” and Lou thinks it’s some kind of gotcha moment. Classic. Lol.

06-23-2024, 11:27 PM
lol. So Bobbie forgot mentioning something that happened seven years ago, and Lou lied about Bobbie spreading “a Charlottesville lie” and Lou thinks it’s some kind of gotcha moment. Classic. Lol.

Serious Q - do you get a boner every time I or some other conservative posts on this board, "Mr. 75% Republican"?

06-23-2024, 11:59 PM
Serious Q - do you get a boner every time I or some other conservative posts on this board, "Mr. 75% Republican"?

Says the guy who commented on a post of mine from a week earlier, that was a reply to another poster.

You are not a conservative, you’re a looney tune or trump fuck boy. Same thing, I guess.

06-24-2024, 01:43 PM
lol. So Bobbie forgot mentioning something that happened seven years ago, and Lou lied about Bobbie spreading “a Charlottesville lie” and Lou thinks it’s some kind of gotcha moment. Classic. Lol.

Saddest point is , of course, a young lady had to die.

"Fields also admitted that, prior to Aug. 12, 2017, he used social media accounts to express and promote white supremacist views; to express support for the social and racial policies of Adolf Hitler and Nazi-era Germany, including the Holocaust; and to espouse violence against African Americans, Jewish people, and members of other racial, ethnic, and religious groups he perceived to be non-white. "

06-24-2024, 01:50 PM
The complete poll and backup are here: https://heartland.org/opinion/heartland-rasmussen-poll-one-in-five-mail-in-voters-admit-to-committing-at-least-one-kind-of-voter-fraud-during-2020-election/

I’m shocked that the news didn’t report this <<sarcasm font>>. It seems important.


Fact checked: False "Impossible"

06-24-2024, 02:44 PM

Fact checked: False "Impossible"

Ummm....That USA today fact check was written a year before that Rasmussen poll came out. How can something be fact checked before it happened? Hint- It can't

06-24-2024, 02:57 PM
Ummm....That USA today fact check was written a year before that Rasmussen poll came out. How can something be fact checked before it happened? Hint- It can't

It’s not that the poll is false, it’s that it doesn’t matter either way. The USA Today article points out that even if what that poll says is true, the votes didn’t count anyway.

06-24-2024, 03:20 PM
It’s not that the poll is false, it’s that it doesn’t matter either way. The USA Today article points out that even if what that poll says is true, the votes didn’t count anyway.

Completely agree that people can't randomly print ballots and have them passed off as real...that stuff ain't happenin'.

But there are not checks and balances(via voter security)in place to stop the 8% of voters who claim they were paid to vote a certain way, or the people claiming they voted on behalf of a family member, with or without permission. The signature checking is subjective at best and I doubt the Hamilton County board of elections have handwriting experts on staff. Lastly this fact checking was done by 'Election Security experts' who just happen to be the people whose credibility and techniques are being called into question. Of course they're going to say everything is secure.

It's entirely possible that these two things exist 1) 2020 was not a stolen election 2) Voter fraud absolutely exists

And with that...I'm exiting this rabbit hole!

06-24-2024, 03:31 PM
Completely agree that people can't randomly print ballots and have them passed off as real...that stuff ain't happenin'.

But there are not checks and balances(via voter security)in place to stop the 8% of voters who claim they were paid to vote a certain way, or the people claiming they voted on behalf of a family member, with or without permission. The signature checking is subjective at best and I doubt the Hamilton County board of elections have handwriting experts on staff. Lastly this fact checking was done by 'Election Security experts' who just happen to be the people whose credibility and techniques are being called into question. Of course they're going to say everything is secure.

It's entirely possible that these two things exist 1) 2020 was not a stolen election 2) Voter fraud absolutely exists

And with that...I'm exiting this rabbit hole!

You spelled extremely wrong. :crazy:

06-24-2024, 05:26 PM
It's entirely possible that these two things exist 1) 2020 was not a stolen election 2) Voter fraud absolutely exists

My thoughts exactly!

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06-24-2024, 05:40 PM
Should we have a president who is not smart enough to know George Washington owned slaves?

06-24-2024, 07:06 PM
Or one who confuses Pelosi with Haley, Biden with Obama and can't remember his doctor's name Ronny Johnson (Jackson). he would also flunk the cognitive test since the first question is "who is the President of the United States"?

06-24-2024, 07:13 PM
It’s not that the poll is false, it’s that it doesn’t matter either way. The USA Today article points out that even if what that poll says is true, the votes didn’t count anyway.

Soooo 150,000,000 voted and 30,000,000 were altered with 50 different designs of the mail-in envelope. Poppycock.

Strange Brew
06-24-2024, 08:09 PM
Should we have a president who is not smart enough to know George Washington owned slaves?

I don’t know. It would be nice if we had one and an electorate that knew he freed his slaves.

It was a grand, posthumous middle finger to the British who brought slavery to the colonies.

Biden still thinks he marched in Selma…;)

Paul, are you a big Howard Zinn guy? ;) His garbage is still selling for $20 a pop. Grab it while you can. :)

Strange Brew
06-24-2024, 09:21 PM
Soooo 150,000,000 voted and 30,000,000 were altered with 50 different designs of the mail-in envelope. Poppycock.

My ballot had an entire second page on misinfo. I found it interesting and frightening at the same time.

06-25-2024, 08:09 AM
Even former New York Attorney General and Governor Andrew Cuomo thinks the Trump trial was purely political.


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06-25-2024, 10:36 AM
I wonder what he thinks of the stolen documents case?
Or the financial fraud case?
Or the incitement of an insurrection case?
Or the election meddling case?

06-25-2024, 12:04 PM
I wonder what he thinks of the stolen documents case?
Or the financial fraud case?
Or the incitement of an insurrection case?
Or the election meddling case?

Nice deflection. He wasn’t talking about those cases. He might think they’re all legit. Doesn’t change that fact he, and anyone not suffering from TDS, think Bragg’s case was purely a political hit.

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06-25-2024, 02:00 PM
Nice deflection. He wasn’t talking about those cases. He might think they’re all legit. Doesn’t change that fact he, and anyone not suffering from TDS, think Bragg’s case was purely a political hit.

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I understand he was speaking of only one case. 12 jurors disagreed with him.
I was curious as to what he might think of the others.
If Bragg's case was a political hit job, what was Hunter Biden's? Reverse juju or something?
12 jurors found him guilty by the way...of a crime that Trey Gowdy said no one should have brought.
But both cases went to a jury and they returned unanimous verdicts.

06-25-2024, 03:55 PM
I understand he was speaking of only one case. 12 jurors disagreed with him.
I was curious as to what he might think of the others.
If Bragg's case was a political hit job, what was Hunter Biden's? Reverse juju or something?
12 jurors found him guilty by the way...of a crime that Trey Gowdy said no one should have brought.
But both cases went to a jury and they returned unanimous verdicts.

You literally can't help yourself, can you? If you DON'T think the case against Trump was a political hit, just say so. If you do, just say it. It seems impossible for you to render an opinion on a singular topic without bringing in 8 different qualifiers. Nobody was talking about Hunter or what Cuomo thinks of Trumps other charges. Do you think the case against Trump was a political hit?

06-25-2024, 05:15 PM
Of course not.
Evidence was presented to a grand jury, which returned an indictment.
A trial was held, where evidence was presented, and adequate counsel seemed to have been in place for the defendant.
A unanimous verdict of guilty was returned.

You all apparently can't stand having a person who ran a fake university and charity, committed financial fraud, is an adjudged sexual abuser and now a convicted felon as your candidate for the president of our country.

I'd be embarrassed too, and try to go on about political hit jobs, and stolen elections and other nonsense.

06-25-2024, 05:16 PM
And since you asked the first question, here's one for you:

Was Hunter Biden's case a political hit job?

06-25-2024, 09:57 PM
It's going on 30+ hours since we last heard from Boner Champ. That's a new record! Do we need to put out an Amber alert? Maybe he's still crying in his Wheaties?

06-26-2024, 12:00 AM
Of course not.
Evidence was presented to a grand jury, which returned an indictment.
A trial was held, where evidence was presented, and adequate counsel seemed to have been in place for the defendant.
A unanimous verdict of guilty was returned.

You all apparently can't stand having a person who ran a fake university and charity, committed financial fraud, is an adjudged sexual abuser and now a convicted felon as your candidate for the president of our country.

I'd be embarrassed too, and try to go on about political hit jobs, and stolen elections and other nonsense.

This is nothing but a post from a brain dead TDS moron.

MANHATTEN BRAGG campaigned on a PROMISE to CONVICT TRUMP. After winning the election he was sent the #3 from the O'Biden DOJ. He then personally ordered up a GJ to indict him on charges literally NO OTHER office would consider. He then assembled a MANHATTEN 12 JURY. Trump convicted on 34 charges for ONE widely questionable charge....during THE MOST CRITICAL POTUS election in history.

To even consider this is not political is 1000% asinine. This was intentionally planned, coordinated AND manufactured by O'Biden for the "Convicted Felon" campaign narrative.

Hunter Biden is a total POS that has nothing to do with the destiny of our country.

People like you, with the ability to vote, are extremely dangerous.

06-26-2024, 12:04 AM
It's going on 30+ hours since we last heard from Boner Champ. That's a new record! Do we need to put out an Amber alert? Maybe he's still crying in his Wheaties?

I'm thinking severe case of diaper rash.

OR....he is passionately gripped in a pipe laying session with another posters MOM.

06-26-2024, 07:04 AM
It's going on 30+ hours since we last heard from Boner Champ. That's a new record! Do we need to put out an Amber alert? Maybe he's still crying in his Wheaties?

The obsession is real.

06-26-2024, 07:06 AM
I'm thinking severe case of diaper rash.

OR....he is passionately gripped in a pipe laying session with another posters MOM.

Not sure what we would all do without your daily angry rants, and very sheltered world views.

06-26-2024, 07:37 AM
I think some people need to read the facts about Bragg's election and Trump's cases.
There seems to be a lot of confusion.

06-26-2024, 09:00 AM
The obsession is real.

Triggered much?

What in the world would give you any idea that I was referring to you?

06-26-2024, 09:02 AM
Triggered much?

What in the world would give you any idea that I was referring to you?


06-26-2024, 09:42 AM
And since you asked the first question, here's one for you:

Was Hunter Biden's case a political hit job?

100% it was. Then again I have the ability to look at most things objectively...you should try it sometime.

To your other point about 'your candidate'. Donald Trump is not my candidate, he's the GOP nominee, and I still don't know if I'll even head to the polls in November and vote in the general. You see Paul, it's entirely possible to call out our current President for the lying, senile, feckless leader he is while not being in camp Trump. Country over party for me. I just wish more people had the balls to go that route.

Speaking of Country over party, thank GOD the people of New York decided to fire Jamal Bowman and bring in a moderate Pro-Israel candidate to replace him.

06-26-2024, 10:12 AM
Ilhan Omar could also get fired on August 13. Given the district, I'm sure the primary opponent is also awful, but he has to be better than Omar.

06-26-2024, 10:23 AM
Crazy af Cori bush could go down too. Currently, That’s a neck and neck race. No idea about the other candidate except he is a prosecutor and id think should at least be better than her.

06-26-2024, 10:32 AM
Some good news for the country as a whole last night and gives some hope for the future...crazy progressives and trump backed candidates all mostly lost.

06-26-2024, 11:13 AM
Some good news for the country as a whole last night and gives some hope for the future...crazy progressives and trump backed candidates all mostly lost.

I've only read the headlines but it looks like a more moderate candidate also won in Colorado. Is there hope for our republic after all??

06-26-2024, 11:35 AM
I've only read the headlines but it looks like a more moderate candidate also won in Colorado. Is there hope for our republic after all??

I'd like to be positive, but the glaring issue is that in November either Biden or Trump is going to win again.

X-band '01
06-26-2024, 05:50 PM
Some good news for the country as a whole last night and gives some hope for the future...crazy progressives and trump backed candidates all mostly lost.

It was mostly Republicans in Utah that went less Trumpy and more traditional GOP candidates. There's still a race in Virginia that's undecided - there's an ultra Trumpy candidate that's leading the primary by a nose, but a victory by him would also mean that Bob Good (head of the Freedom Caucus) would be out of a job by virtue of getting primaried.

As for Omar, she's survived primary challenges before, but her district is heavily Democratic enough that she's in little danger of winning a general election. I'd venture a guess that will be the same story for Cori Bush.

Jamaal Bowman tried running on a platform that was more Palestine-friendly than Israel-friendly and it cost him in his district.

06-26-2024, 11:57 PM
So is there a chance Biden completely embarrasses himself tomorrow night and the Democrats are forced to push him aside for another candidate? Might be the best case scenario (depending on who they pick!).

06-27-2024, 07:26 AM
So if Biden stumbles in a debate, but does a good job as a president, the Dems should replace him?

But..if Trump is a convicted felon, adjudged sexual abuser, fake university and charity head, guilty of financial fraud, under indictment for inciting an insurrection, under indictment for stealing government secrets, etc., the Repubs should keep him?

06-27-2024, 07:48 AM
Bless your heart, Paul.

06-27-2024, 08:01 AM
So is there a chance Biden completely embarrasses himself tomorrow night and the Democrats are forced to push him aside for another candidate? Might be the best case scenario (depending on who they pick!).

It’s a little be careful what you wish for moment for me. What if it’s Gavin or Kamala? I’ll deal with grandpa over those two

06-27-2024, 09:40 AM
So if Biden stumbles in a debate, but does a good job as a president, the Dems should replace him?

But..if Trump is a convicted felon, adjudged sexual abuser, fake university and charity head, guilty of financial fraud, under indictment for inciting an insurrection, under indictment for stealing government secrets, etc., the Repubs should keep him?

Biden does a good job as President? Now that’s funny!

Trump is a convicted felon on a bogus case that will ultimately be overturned. I don’t know enough about Trump University or your charity allegations to comment. The financial fraud cases is another BS hit job. We’ll see what happens on the others.

Do I wish the Republicans would run just about anyone else? Absolutely! Will you say the same about Biden? He’s clearly having cognitive issues. Wonder what medication they’ll have him on for the debate tonight? Probably whatever he took before the State of the Union speech.

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06-27-2024, 09:46 AM
It’s a little be careful what you wish for moment for me. What if it’s Gavin or Kamala? I’ll deal with grandpa over those two

You could very well see Kamala be the president if Biden wins the election. I just don’t see him lasting another 4 years in office.

06-27-2024, 10:01 AM
I don’t know enough about Trump University or your charity allegations to comment.

Let me help you out:

He ran a fraudulent university which scammed suckers out of millions, which he paid back some of;

"Judge Curiel's order finalizing the $25 million Trump University settlement means that victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university will finally receive the relief they deserve,"

He ran a fraudulent charity that scammed suckers out of millions which he used personally, and paid back some:

Not only has the Trump Foundation shut down for its misconduct, but the president has been forced to pay $2 million for misusing charitable funds for his own political gain.

Hope that helps.

06-27-2024, 10:13 AM
I dunno why it is so hard for some to admit that both options are complete trash. Why bother arguing over which trash is worse?

You’d think by now everyone would be in agreement with country or candidate over party.

06-27-2024, 10:29 AM
I dunno why it is so hard for some to admit that both options are complete trash. Why bother arguing over which trash is worse?

You’d think by now everyone would be in agreement with country or candidate over party.

Your trash smells WAAAAAAY worse than our trash

06-27-2024, 10:32 AM
Hope that helps.

Thought thats was what happened. I stand by my position that I wish the Republican candidate would be someone else. Since they won’t, I’ll hold my nose and vote for Trump. Do you think them Dems should run someone else, or do you honestly think Biden deserves another 4 years?

Sadly both sides put party over country.

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06-27-2024, 10:37 AM
I would have loved it if the Democrats had spent the last 4 years developing some good candidates to run for president, especially people with experience.
Not happy they didn't.
But realistically it's almost impossible to deny the built-in advantage the incumbent enjoys.Generally they get re-elected (Clinton, Bush 2, Obama).

On balance I want the experience Biden brings, the results of bringing us out of the pandemic and reduction of the deficit for our grandchildren, over the threat I believe Trump would be for our democracy.

06-27-2024, 10:49 AM
Given that Biden is currently a pretty substantial underdog to Trump, I would think someone who is going to vote blue no matter who would welcome a chance to kick Biden to the curb here.

We're both in states that Trump is going to win bigly, so our votes don't matter, but yes I'd love it if there was a possibility of moving Trump aside for Haley or Scott or DeSantis or one of 20 other superior candidates (you don't have to like any of those names; I set the bar on the floor with the qualifier of superior to Trump). But there was an acual contested primary on the Republican side. It's clear Trump owns the Republican Party (for better or for...no, just for worse). Biden has no such sway over the Democratic establishment. Quite the opposite. He's being propped up by them. If Obama says the word, there is zero doubt Biden is out. They could send a Clinton (pick one, any one) out with Obama to convey the same message if they feel the need to put a cherry on top of it.

06-27-2024, 11:39 AM
What happens if Biden gets the one electoral vote in Omaha to push him to 270 ? Mayhem?

06-27-2024, 11:49 AM
Nevermind, I forgot it is by state and not by Senator. And you were asking about a different scenario than I thought you were!

Riot in Omaha!

06-27-2024, 12:43 PM
I won’t be able to watch the debate tonight due to a rehearsal dinner, but here’s my prediction. Fox News will declare Trump the winner and Biden is clearly suffering from dementia. CNN, MSNBC, NYT, etc., will talk about how “presidential” Biden was and how he was the clear winner, while Trump was a deranged misogynist who’s a threat to democracy. Jake Tapper will challenge any assertion made by Trump, even those spot on, while letting Biden play fast and loose with the facts and go unchallenged on any inaccuracies.

Grab your popcorn. [emoji897]

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06-27-2024, 12:50 PM
I won’t be able to watch the debate tonight due to a rehearsal dinner, but here’s my prediction. Fox News will declare Trump the winner and Biden is clearly suffering from dementia. CNN, MSNBC, NYT, etc., will talk about how “presidential” Biden was and how he was the clear winner, while Trump was a deranged misogynist who’s a threat to democracy. Jake Tapper will challenge any assertion made by Trump, even those spot on, while letting Biden play fast and loose with the facts and go unchallenged on any inaccuracies.

Grab your popcorn. [emoji897]

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This is the thing I'm most interested in

06-27-2024, 01:20 PM
Some fun; I'd forgotten about this woman and how she does these things.


06-27-2024, 03:16 PM
This is the thing I'm most interested in

Well now I’m conflicted. Planned playing a drinking game tonight. Originally I was going to take a drink every time I heard the word felon. This might make my game more interesting and enjoyable.

06-27-2024, 03:58 PM
Well now I’m conflicted. Planned playing a drinking game tonight. Originally I was going to take a drink every time I heard the word felon. This might make my game more interesting and enjoyable.

I will pray for your liver!

06-27-2024, 05:17 PM
Behind the scenes look from the Biden prep camp:


06-27-2024, 05:22 PM
Well now I’m conflicted. Planned playing a drinking game tonight. Originally I was going to take a drink every time I heard the word felon. This might make my game more interesting and enjoyable.

Add in “open border” and you’ll be wasted before 9:15.

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X-band '01
06-27-2024, 06:00 PM
Nevermind, I forgot it is by state and not by Senator. And you were asking about a different scenario than I thought you were!

Riot in Omaha!

Why not Caribou Maine?

Strange Brew
06-27-2024, 06:43 PM
Add in “open border” and you’ll be wasted before 9:15.

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Add in “our democracy”. Heck you could get bombed playing that game reading posts on this board. :)

06-27-2024, 06:43 PM
Anyone know what time tonight the debate starts on Comedy Central? Just bought some popcorn from Costco and ready for a laugh or two tonight.

06-27-2024, 09:13 PM
death blow!

06-27-2024, 09:15 PM
Not a great start for Joe. He was starting to spiral and Jake softly cut him off (save). Drink

06-27-2024, 09:18 PM
This is so sad you can only laugh

06-27-2024, 09:25 PM
Drinking game is over. This is painful to watch.

06-27-2024, 10:01 PM
Trump just makes shit up and Biden doesn’t know where he is. Embarrassing these two are the candidates.

06-27-2024, 10:08 PM
Trump just makes shit up and Biden doesn’t know where he is. Embarrassing these two are the candidates.

If this doesn’t show the country that new candidates are needed I don’t know what will.

06-27-2024, 10:15 PM
Okay Joe starting to show he now has a pulse

Strange Brew
06-27-2024, 10:20 PM
Biden doesn’t know where he is. Embarrassing these two are the candidates.

I give you credit for your dedication.

Thanks Custer. :)

Or should I call you Pickett?

Strange Brew
06-27-2024, 10:50 PM
81M votes.

06-27-2024, 11:04 PM
I give you credit for your dedication.

Thanks Custer. :)

Or should I call you Pickett?


Can you now say Michelle Obama is the ONLY person that can wash your TDS away?

06-27-2024, 11:10 PM
About halfway through the debate now (obviously recorded it), so I decided to check election odds. Yo. Biden is now +300. He's only -175 to even be the Democrat nominee.

So I'm thinking it didn't get better for Biden in the second half.

06-27-2024, 11:29 PM
Regardless of who won the debate, Biden is supposedly running the country. Very scary!

06-27-2024, 11:38 PM
Why doesn't RFK JR just simply shout "I am the only sane option you have?".

DEM option?

Strange Brew
06-28-2024, 12:32 AM
Regardless of who won the debate, Biden is supposedly running the country. Very scary!

Scarier thing is 81M Americans voted this guy into office.

06-28-2024, 12:39 AM
So is there a chance Biden completely embarrasses himself tomorrow night and the Democrats are forced to push him aside for another candidate? Might be the best case scenario (depending on who they pick!).

Well, well, well

Strange Brew
06-28-2024, 12:43 AM
Well, well, well

You’ve been pretty spot on over the years…;)

Muskie in dayton
06-28-2024, 01:57 AM
Biden was no different tonight than he has been for the last 4 years. Why is the narrative changing so dramatically?

i know why. They are all involved and you all are their useful idiots.

06-28-2024, 03:25 AM
Where are Paul & Bobby?
(Hiding in a hole)

06-28-2024, 06:42 AM
Why doesn't RFK JR just simply shout "I am the only sane option you have?".

DEM option?

The shots causes autism guy is “sane?”

06-28-2024, 06:47 AM
Well, well, well

I wish you were right, but I think it’s just too late. The alternatives that are being floated are not great anyways. Maybe better than biden in congnitive state , but pretty far left which I have zero interest in.

06-28-2024, 07:09 AM
I wish you were right, but I think it’s just too late. The alternatives that are being floated are not great anyways. Maybe better than biden in congnitive state , but pretty far left which I have zero interest in.

Man, I thought the debate for Biden was bad enough but did anyone catch his wife introducing him to some sort of after event last night? Yikes! Could only imagine Putin laughing with Kim taking some Russian vodka shots watching that train wreck of a debate last night. Wonder what George Washington would say about that debate.

06-28-2024, 07:33 AM
This sums it up pretty well:


06-28-2024, 08:01 AM
This sums it up pretty well:



06-28-2024, 08:04 AM
Paul, seriously? It’s ok to recognize that Biden was also a complete abomination.

I love this lady blaming the media now though. Apparently that’s the cool thing to do when your guy is either a pathological liar or a bumbling senile old man

06-28-2024, 08:25 AM
Biden was no different tonight than he has been for the last 4 years. Why is the narrative changing so dramatically?

i know why. They are all involved and you all are their useful idiots.

That is what ammuses/bewilders me the most. So many people in the bussiness to know are JUST NOW saying OMG!!!


I know the MSM and White House have been keeping Biden under wraps and either downplaying or just plain ignoring what has been pretty obvious, but....really?

06-28-2024, 08:46 AM
Biden was no different tonight than he has been for the last 4 years. Why is the narrative changing so dramatically?

i know why. They are all involved and you all are their useful idiots.

I’m not sure who you are even talking to? Everyone knows what he’s been like, and no one here was surprised by last night. Maybe Paul but he still thinks Biden did amazing.

The problem is that the other guy is just as bad, but for other reasons.

06-28-2024, 09:01 AM
You have one guy who used facts, but had a shitty presentation night, apparently compounded by a cold and stuttering from childhood.

And another guy who spent a hour and a half spewing lies without ever directly answering any questions.

I'm not happy the Dems don't have another candidate, but I couldn't stomach another 4 years of Trump's lies and law breaking. For Christ sake, he stole government secrets and refused to return them. No one should be in office that does that.

One guy's vice president came on and expounded on their administration and it's accomplishments
The other guy's VP won't even endorse him. There's a message there.

06-28-2024, 09:16 AM
Jesus, paul is down worse than I thought.

Joe Biden (the sitting figurehead President) is now +350 to win the election in November. Max limit of $2500. 3 and a half to one. Against Donald Trump. Because of a cold and childhood stuttering.

He's also only -140 to be the nominee at all, which is the more astounding situation really.

06-28-2024, 10:47 AM
You have one guy who used facts, but had a shitty presentation night, apparently compounded by a cold and stuttering from childhood.

And another guy who spent a hour and a half spewing lies without ever directly answering any questions.

I'm not happy the Dems don't have another candidate, but I couldn't stomach another 4 years of Trump's lies and law breaking. For Christ sake, he stole government secrets and refused to return them. No one should be in office that does that.

One guy's vice president came on and expounded on their administration and it's accomplishments
The other guy's VP won't even endorse him. There's a message there.

Are you trying to tell us that Biden didn’t lie on stage last night? Because the border patrol endorsement he said he got wasn’t true at all. There were several other lies as well. It is ok to admit that both candidates aren’t fit to be the next president. Instead of solely attacking Trump maybe take the approach that they both are not good for the country moving forward. Demand better from both parties.

06-28-2024, 11:07 AM
You have one guy who used facts, but had a shitty presentation night, apparently compounded by a cold and stuttering from childhood.

And another guy who spent a hour and a half spewing lies without ever directly answering any questions.

I'm not happy the Dems don't have another candidate, but I couldn't stomach another 4 years of Trump's lies and law breaking. For Christ sake, he stole government secrets and refused to return them. No one should be in office that does that.

One guy's vice president came on and expounded on their administration and it's accomplishments
The other guy's VP won't even endorse him. There's a message there.

I think we can all celebrate the FACT that the Democrats have finally defeated Medicare. And damn, what fight it was. But the victory was glorious!

Hey Paul, did you earn any medals during that battle?

06-28-2024, 12:29 PM
You have one guy who used facts, but had a shitty presentation night, apparently compounded by a cold and stuttering from childhood.

I don't think you believe this.

06-28-2024, 12:43 PM
Are you trying to tell us that Biden didn’t lie on stage last night? Because the border patrol endorsement he said he got wasn’t true at all. There were several other lies as well. It is ok to admit that both candidates aren’t fit to be the next president. Instead of solely attacking Trump maybe take the approach that they both are not good for the country moving forward. Demand better from both parties.

I didn’t get to see the debate, but did see a couple of reports this morning that Trump lied 30 times and Biden lied 9 times. No clue of that’s accurate. EVERY political candidate lies and avoids answering questions unless it’s one the like.

I think we can all celebrate the FACT that the Democrats have finally defeated Medicare. And damn, what fight it was. But the victory was glorious!

Hey Paul, did you earn any medals during that battle?

I need some context as to what Biden might have meant about defeating Medicare. I saw that cut this morning, but that’s all it was.

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06-28-2024, 12:48 PM
I didn’t get to see the debate, but did see a couple of reports this morning that Trump lied 30 times and Biden lied 9 times. No clue of that’s accurate. EVERY political candidate lies and avoids answering questions unless it’s one the like.

I need some context as to what Biden might have meant about defeating Medicare. I saw that cut this morning, but that’s all it was.

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It came out of nowhere - at the end of an incoherent answer to some question I have no idea of anymore.

06-28-2024, 12:52 PM
Trump kept saying something bizarre about all legal scholars wanting abortion to go back to the states. Biden's abortion answers were equally incoherent, but I couldn't figure out if Trump was actually trying to say that all legal scholars wanted Roe v. Wade overturned. Now, if what he MEANT to say was that all legal scholars within the Federalist Society wanted Roe v. Wade overturned, then I think he was on to something there.

Strange Brew
06-28-2024, 01:44 PM
Trump kept saying something bizarre about all legal scholars wanting abortion to go back to the states. Biden's abortion answers were equally incoherent, but I couldn't figure out if Trump was actually trying to say that all legal scholars wanted Roe v. Wade overturned. Now, if what he MEANT to say was that all legal scholars within the Federalist Society wanted Roe v. Wade overturned, then I think he was on to something there.

RBG agreed as well that it was bad law. Maybe he was including her as well?

06-28-2024, 02:00 PM
RBG agreed as well that it was bad law. Maybe he was including her as well?

That was a major miss on Trump's part - it was a fat pitch down the middle that he should hammered home.

06-28-2024, 02:13 PM
This sums it up pretty well:


Obviously you did not see the Daniel Dale factcheck on Biden. Lies at every answer.
“The Border Patrol endorsed me”. lol
Within minutes the Border Patrol issued a flat denial.

06-28-2024, 02:17 PM
Get ready for the drafting of Michelle Obama for the nomination
That way Barack can emerge from the shadow Presidency he’s been operating behind the Mummy Biden.

06-28-2024, 02:19 PM

06-28-2024, 02:45 PM
Watched Biden's speech earlier. The old kook doesn't know he lost the election last night. Dems only chance is to recruit Moochelle, but many say she doesn't want it.

But the winning continues today for Trump and freedom-loving Americans. Chevron case was a major blow to Dems authoritarianism. And then, Turley had this to say:

Jonathan Turley
...A major loss for the Biden Administration. The Court rules that the "novel interpretation would criminalize a broad swath of prosaic conduct, exposing activists and lobbyists alike to decades in prison."

Jonathan Turley
...This is a big win for Trump as well. It knocks out a substantial part of the case of Jack Smith against the former president. It also knocks out hundreds of convictions...

Jonathan Turley
...Obviously, there were other charges like trespass that will not be impacted. However, this hits hundreds of cases. Those cases must now be reviewed on just on the underlying convictions but sentencing in many cases. It will not impact those cases which only went forward on trespass which are also numbers in the hundreds...

Jonathan Turley
....For Trump, this rips the wings of the plane that Jack Smith has been trying to take off in D.C. In an ordinary case, there would be a superseding indictment. Smith may try to go forward on the remaining counts. However, it is hard to see how the indictment holds together after this decision...

The Florida case ain't happening either (and yes, Julie Kelly has been spot on all along). Sorry about your luck, Libs....



https://x.com/JonathanTurley/status/1806701463181066341?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1806701463181066341%7Ctwgr% 5E63576cfe75ab081c77707ebf0a71d89cadd37df9%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2 024%2F06%2Fjack-smiths-january-6-case-against-president-trump%2F

06-28-2024, 02:51 PM
In other news, the SCOTUS ruled against the DOJ today in relation to J6 charges.

06-28-2024, 03:24 PM
Why is it that the felon can't get his own vice president to endorse him?
Is it because he's not fit for the office?

06-28-2024, 03:35 PM
trump and his minions haven’t won much since 16. Presidency, house, senate..red wave of trump endorsed candidates… yikes

He’s neck and neck with a corpse. Yay.

Strange Brew
06-28-2024, 03:39 PM
trump and his minions haven’t won much since 16. Presidency, house, senate..red wave of trump endorsed candidates… yikes

He’s neck and neck with a corpse. Yay.

They control the House and will likely take the Senate.

Oh, and the SCOTUS.

Great ruling today. That knocks out the D.C. case against Trump and the J6 prisoners and their lawyers are going to have a field day.

06-28-2024, 03:44 PM
They control the House and will likely take the Senate.

Oh, and the SCOTUS.

Great ruling today. That knocks out the D.C. case against Trump and the J6 prisoners and their lawyers are going to have a field day.

Oh do we vote on the SCOTUS?

I'm speaking more to what has happened vs what may, but you already knew that. Fact is that Trump and his minions have lost a lot since '16. Even when a big red wave of Gaetz's and MTGs were supposed to dominate, it never materialized.

Excuse me but I don't think the chance of a bunch of crazy fs getting out of jail is a cause for celebration.

06-28-2024, 03:54 PM
trump and his minions haven’t won much since 16. Presidency, house, senate..red wave of trump endorsed candidates… yikes

He’s neck and neck with a corpse. Yay.

I don't think it's really neck and neck anymore. It was until last night when a good portion of the blind finally saw the light on Joe. We just can't have childhood stutterers in the oval office! LOL

Strange Brew
06-28-2024, 04:02 PM
Oh do we vote on the SCOTUS?

I'm speaking more to what has happened vs what may, but you already knew that. Fact is that Trump and his minions have lost a lot since '16. Even when a big red wave of Gaetz's and MTGs were supposed to dominate, it never materialized.

Excuse me but I don't think the chance of a bunch of crazy fs getting out of jail is a cause for celebration.

We don’t however the Senate does. Which is why Trump winning and a Republican majority in the Senate matters. Oh, and treaties (Paris Accords, Iran Deal).

I know and the Rs won back the House, will likely now hold it and take the Senate.

You call them crazies however they are Americans who’ve had their Civil Rights violated.

Strange Brew
06-28-2024, 04:02 PM
I don't think it's really neck and neck anymore. It was until last night when a good portion of the blind finally saw the light on Joe. We just can't have childhood stutterers in the oval office! LOL

I thought it was a cold? :)

06-28-2024, 04:02 PM
. We just can't have childhood stutterers in the oval office! LOL

Especially someone with the kind of stutter that disappears for 40 years and then comes back when he's debating and campaigning. That's a very very special kind of stutter. One could almost say it is.......unbelievable?

Strange Brew
06-28-2024, 04:15 PM
The Chevron case is a much bigger ruling. I’ll let you look that one up and make your own conclusions.

06-28-2024, 05:01 PM
Especially someone with the kind of stutter that disappears for 40 years and then comes back when he's debating and campaigning. That's a very very special kind of stutter. One could almost say it is.......unbelievable?

Reminds me of the SNL many years ago when they discussed the JFK magic bullet theory. After exiting Gov. Connally's (leg?), they claimed the bullet lay dormant for 18 years, and then reemerged to hit Pope JPII.

06-28-2024, 05:57 PM
Especially someone with the kind of stutter that disappears for 40 years and then comes back when he's debating and campaigning. That's a very very special kind of stutter. One could almost say it is.......unbelievable?

I can't believe you all actually claim to be college graduates. Frightening.


And yes, I think that under stress like last night, Biden has trouble getting his thoughts out. Which is a lot better than a string of lies that never answered a question from the other guy.

Strange Brew
06-28-2024, 06:06 PM
I can't believe you all actually claim to be college graduates. Frightening.


And yes, I think that under stress like last night, Biden has trouble getting his thoughts out. Which is a lot better than a string of lies that never answered a question from the other guy.

Haha, ok Paul. Lies like 15% UE, endorsement of the Border Patrol, Charlottesville, no soldiers died on my watch and that’s just off the top of my head. Just about every answer that was understandable by Biden was a lie. Give it a rest.

Oh, Obama didn’t endorse Joe in the Dem primary. Guess he’s unfit for office, right?

06-28-2024, 06:26 PM
The Chevron case is a much bigger ruling. I’ll let you look that one up and make your own conclusions.

I like it on its own, but it’s always the ramifications of it that will be felt years from now that we just don’t know right now. But like I said limiting the power of federal agencies in a lot of cases is probably a good thing.

Just saying in ‘84, doubt many saw the problems that would arise from such a decision.

06-28-2024, 07:15 PM
Jeremy Carl

"There's a take on this debate I've heard from a lot of folks on the right, that is tempting and understandable, but completely wrong-- one that says that the Democrats knew Biden would bomb this badly and scheduled the debate early so they could move him out of the way.


Most of the people closest to Biden who would have been making these decisions are Dem apparatchiks, but more specifically, they are Biden apparatchiks. They wouldn't enjoy anywhere near the same power and access with his successor. For better or worse, their fates are tied to Biden specifically.

They had the debate early because they knew that while Biden was not in great shape, they had drunk the Kool-Aid and convinced themselves, at least to some degree, of the lies they have been telling for years to the American people about his mental state.

They thought that if they worked with the most favorable rules, on the most favorable network with the most favorable moderators, and gave Biden a full week to prep, they would be able to get through it and even if they didn't "win" it would be far enough from the election that voters would ignore a mediocre performance.

They were not counting on what a disaster it would be to have Biden fully unmasked 1:1 vs. a competent and energetic opponent.

Yes, Biden's performance was such a disaster that it's tempting to think "this was all planned" but that's only if you ignore the levels of self-deception, lying and magical thinking that have dominated the Democrat party for years now.

That's what was exposed on the debate stage last night."

Has J. Carl been reading posts from this thread?

https://x.com/realJeremyCarl/status/1806672896183472304?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1806672896183472304%7Ctwgr% 5E0da5eb1bf4b1708483660c625412b46a6f2994b4%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Frevolver.news%2F2024%2F06%2F one-well-connected-insider-says-those-newsom-replacement-theories-are-dead-wrong%2F

06-28-2024, 07:25 PM
Jeremy Carl

"There's a take on this debate I've heard from a lot of folks on the right, that is tempting and understandable, but completely wrong-- one that says that the Democrats knew Biden would bomb this badly and scheduled the debate early so they could move him out of the way.


Most of the people closest to Biden who would have been making these decisions are Dem apparatchiks, but more specifically, they are Biden apparatchiks. They wouldn't enjoy anywhere near the same power and access with his successor. For better or worse, their fates are tied to Biden specifically.

They had the debate early because they knew that while Biden was not in great shape, they had drunk the Kool-Aid and convinced themselves, at least to some degree, of the lies they have been telling for years to the American people about his mental state.

They thought that if they worked with the most favorable rules, on the most favorable network with the most favorable moderators, and gave Biden a full week to prep, they would be able to get through it and even if they didn't "win" it would be far enough from the election that voters would ignore a mediocre performance.

They were not counting on what a disaster it would be to have Biden fully unmasked 1:1 vs. a competent and energetic opponent.

Yes, Biden's performance was such a disaster that it's tempting to think "this was all planned" but that's only if you ignore the levels of self-deception, lying and magical thinking that have dominated the Democrat party for years now.

That's what was exposed on the debate stage last night."

Has J. Carl been reading posts from this thread?

https://x.com/realJeremyCarl/status/1806672896183472304?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1806672896183472304%7Ctwgr% 5E0da5eb1bf4b1708483660c625412b46a6f2994b4%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Frevolver.news%2F2024%2F06%2F one-well-connected-insider-says-those-newsom-replacement-theories-are-dead-wrong%2F

No, other way around. Some on here read this stuff and just regurgitate it. The same when you get your panties all in a bunch when people on here repeat your scary “msm propaganda.”

06-28-2024, 07:35 PM
I agree the debate was a disaster, but the alternative is a guy who lies as soon as he opens his mouth. trump would have flunked the cognitive test: the first question is "who is the current president of the United States"

Strange Brew
06-28-2024, 08:16 PM
I agree the debate was a disaster, but the alternative is a guy who lies as soon as he opens his mouth. trump would have flunked the cognitive test: the first question is "who is the current president of the United States"

There have been so many Left wing lies exposed over the past week (some of which you spew here) that it is hard to keep up.

Most of what you say Trump has lied about was actually true. Many have provided examples in this thread.

Biden introduces Kamala as the POTUS from time to time so your last comment is hilarious, to me and many, many others who aren’t in the Q cult of the Left.

Strange Brew
06-28-2024, 08:39 PM
I like it on its own, but it’s always the ramifications of it that will be felt years from now that we just don’t know right now. But like I said limiting the power of federal agencies in a lot of cases is probably a good thing.

Just saying in ‘84, doubt many saw the problems that would arise from such a decision.

Agree on it being a good thing. Congress will actually have to write clear laws and not massive budgets/packages for the technocrats to play with. Should bring accountability to Congress. Sigh, I can dream. :)

Strange Brew
06-29-2024, 02:49 AM
Not to spoil the fun however N. Korea is sending troops to fight with the Russians.

81M votes…

Vlad wants and needs the Black Sea. It’s the only warm weather waterway for exports to the West.

Thanks Biden for enabling this by effectively shutting down LNG in the US.

Muskie in dayton
06-29-2024, 10:38 AM
And another guy who spent a hour and a half spewing lies without ever directly answering any questions.
I keep seeing this MSM talking point but no specifics. Serious question, what did Trump lie about?

06-29-2024, 10:45 AM
I keep seeing this MSM talking point but no specifics. Serious question, what did Trump lie about?

They both lied. All politicians do in these things

06-29-2024, 10:57 AM
I keep seeing this MSM talking point but no specifics. Serious question, what did Trump lie about?

Did you watch the debate? Everything that came out of his mouth was a lie.

“ we had the cleanest water and best environmental numbers ever” was one of my personal favorites.

“ the most secure border in history” ——-there was an increase during his presidency… yeah Biden blew that up before you go with the yeah but argument.

“ greatest economy in history” —-added twice as much debt as Biden to the deficit so far, even before the pandemic, growth was 2.7% which is fine, certainly not the greatest economy in history.

“Some democrat states allow abortions up until and after birth”

“ Iran didn’t fund terroist groups during his presidency” lol that’s hysterical

“ us currently has the biggest budget deficit with China” no trump that was during your presidency.

Trump’s fiscal policies are closer to that of an old time democrat than a Republican. It’s why I can’t stand him and that doesn’t even mention he’s a disgusting human being who wants to fuck his daughter.

He’s a social republican and a fiscal democrat. Worst of both worlds imo.

06-29-2024, 11:19 AM
I can't believe you all actually claim to be college graduates. Frightening.


And yes, I think that under stress like last night, Biden has trouble getting his thoughts out. Which is a lot better than a string of lies that never answered a question from the other guy.

This is absolute gold, Paul. Honestly some of your finest work yet. I'm not sure what being a college graduate has to do with calling you out on your nonsense, but you do you my guy.

DNC is talking about replacing him, CNN is freaking out in real time, progressives with half a brain understand that he's a problem, and the sycophants....they're just going to go with the old stutter fall back. I never realized a stutter made you forget people's names, stare mindlessly into the abyss, or not know where to walk or sit. Perhaps there's an article from the mayo clinic that can describe that. Hint: You might want to look in the dementia section.

06-29-2024, 11:32 AM
This is absolute gold, Paul. Honestly some of your finest work yet. I'm not sure what being a college graduate has to do with calling you out on your nonsense, but you do you my guy.

DNC is talking about replacing him, CNN is freaking out in real time, progressives with half a brain understand that he's a problem, and the sycophants....they're just going to go with the old stutter fall back. I never realized a stutter made you forget people's names, stare mindlessly into the abyss, or not know where to walk or sit. Perhaps there's an article from the mayo clinic that can describe that. Hint: You might want to look in the dementia section.

I'm actually more frightened that all these young far left liberals are some how getting degrees..

06-29-2024, 11:46 AM
Did you watch the debate? Everything that came out of his mouth was a lie.

“ we had the cleanest water and best environmental numbers ever” was one of my personal favorites.

“ the most secure border in history” ——-there was an increase during his presidency… yeah Biden blew that up before you go with the yeah but argument.

“ greatest economy in history” —-added twice as much debt as Biden to the deficit so far, even before the pandemic, growth was 2.7% which is fine, certainly not the greatest economy in history.

“Some democrat states allow abortions up until and after birth”

“ Iran didn’t fund terroist groups during his presidency” lol that’s hysterical

“ us currently has the biggest budget deficit with China” no trump that was during your presidency.

Trump’s fiscal policies are closer to that of an old time democrat than a Republican. It’s why I can’t stand him and that doesn’t even mention he’s a disgusting human being who wants to fuck his daughter.

He’s a social republican and a fiscal democrat. Worst of both worlds imo.

Hey Boner Champ, are you trying to compete with Paul on spewing the most nonsense? This hackery at it's finest.

Can't wait for another one of your patented PeeWee Herman replies.

06-29-2024, 11:46 AM
Oh I forgot this one:

“ Hispanics are coming in and taking black jobs” what the hell is a black job? So I guess trump is also a closet racist.

06-29-2024, 11:49 AM
Hey Boner Champ, are you trying to compete with Paul on spewing the most nonsense? This hackery at it's finest.

Can't wait for another one of your patented PeeWee Herman replies.

Want to try to discount anything I said instead of whining? Nonsense? Your boy is the one who said them, not me.

These are all clear quotes from trump himself that are blatant lies.

06-29-2024, 11:54 AM
It's going on 30+ hours since we last heard from Boner Champ. That's a new record! Do we need to put out an Amber alert? Maybe he's still crying in his Wheaties?

That’s weird…. Last time you called me “boner champ” you then tried to say you weren’t talking about me.

But yet here you are calling me that again.

Lou caught in another lie, what else is new

06-29-2024, 11:55 AM
Triggered much?

What in the world would give you any idea that I was referring to you?

Ruh roh

Strange Brew
06-29-2024, 12:03 PM
Oh I forgot this one:

“ Hispanics are coming in and taking black jobs” what the hell is a black job? So I guess trump is also a closet racist.

That was in response to Biden taking about how many black jobs he’s created. Did you watch the debate?

06-29-2024, 12:09 PM
That was in response to Biden taking about how many black jobs he’s created. Did you watch the debate?

Sadly, I did.

06-29-2024, 12:12 PM
Oh here’s another favorite

“ lowered insulin prices”

Something Biden did.

Btw not saying Biden did much better in terms of the truth vs fiction department, but this is in response to mid’s response because apparently he thinks trump told the truth during the debate.

Strange Brew
06-29-2024, 12:17 PM
Oh here’s another favorite

“ lowered insulin prices”

Something Biden did.

Btw not saying Biden did much better in terms of the truth vs fiction department, but this is in response to mid’s response because apparently he thinks trump told the truth during the debate.

According to Snopes Trump issued an EO that would’ve lowered insulin and Epipen prices. Biden froze it. So, not really a lie Ville.

06-29-2024, 01:01 PM
According to Snopes Trump issued an EO that would’ve lowered insulin and Epipen prices. Biden froze it. So, not really a lie Ville.

Yeah I know what snopes is referring to and you’re misrepresenting what the eo actually did . . I may not know much but this is an industry I know front and back.

It was for the unisured and part d to put a cap on prices that Medicare prescription plans could have participated in. They didn’t which was extremely limiting.

Biden froze it, because he was able to put something together that affected a greater number of the population, all diabetic patients in fact.

Trump could have said he tried I guess to not make it a lie since he said Biden had nothing to do with lowering insulin prices

Strange Brew
06-29-2024, 03:33 PM
Yeah I know what snopes is referring to and you’re misrepresenting what the eo actually did . . I may not know much but this is an industry I know front and back.

It was for the unisured and part d to put a cap on prices that Medicare prescription plans could have participated in. They didn’t which was extremely limiting.

Biden froze it, because he was able to put something together that affected a greater number of the population, all diabetic patients in fact.

Trump could have said he tried I guess to not make it a lie since he said Biden had nothing to do with lowering insulin prices

Actually it’s worse. Biden froze the order basically so Trump wouldn’t get credit for it. There was a lot of that going on after the ‘18 Mid-Terms in Congress as well.

06-29-2024, 04:24 PM
Actually it’s worse. Biden froze the order basically so Trump wouldn’t get credit for it. There was a lot of that going on after the ‘18 Mid-Terms in Congress as well.

Oh didnÂ’t realize we were making things up and passing them off as facts now

Don’t worry though trump is going to make aca the best health care ever, in the history of health care.


06-29-2024, 08:26 PM
Yeah I know what snopes is referring to and you’re misrepresenting what the eo actually did . . I may not know much but this is an industry I know front and back.

LOL, Boner Champ! Just because you work at the Humana call center, doesn't make you an expert on healthcare...

06-29-2024, 08:38 PM
LOL, Boner Champ! Just because you work at the Humana call center, doesn't make you an expert on healthcare...

Wait. Are you talking about me? I’m not sure. Did you want to lie again? Just checking. Oh and go fuck yourself

06-29-2024, 09:30 PM
Wait. Are you talking about me? I’m not sure. Did you want to lie again? Just checking. Oh and go fuck yourself

It's amazing how many areas you claim expertise in.

Just because your brother is the head dog catcher in Hicksville, Missouri, doesn't make you an expert in politics.

But then again, since you're smarter than all your teachers and professors, maybe you are an expert at everything! LOL!!!

06-29-2024, 10:07 PM
You talking to me lying lou? Wasn’t sure.

I never claimed to be an expert on everything.

What I do know is that I’m smarter, more sane, and more accomplished than you could ever think of being, and that’s enough for me.

Muskie in dayton
06-29-2024, 10:57 PM
Did you watch the debate? Everything that came out of his mouth was a lie.

1.“ we had the cleanest water and best environmental numbers ever” was one of my personal favorites.

2.“ the most secure border in history” ——-there was an increase during his presidency… yeah Biden blew that up before you go with the yeah but argument.

3.“ greatest economy in history” —-added twice as much debt as Biden to the deficit so far, even before the pandemic, growth was 2.7% which is fine, certainly not the greatest economy in history.

4.“Some democrat states allow abortions up until and after birth”

5.“ Iran didn’t fund terroist groups during his presidency” lol that’s hysterical

6.“ us currently has the biggest budget deficit with China” no trump that was during your presidency.

Trump’s fiscal policies are closer to that of an old time democrat than a Republican. It’s why I can’t stand him and that doesn’t even mention he’s a disgusting human being who wants to fuck his daughter.

He’s a social republican and a fiscal democrat. Worst of both worlds imo.
I 100% agree with your claim about Trump’s policies. But Biden is the one who wants to (did) molest his daughter.

Back to the point, here’s reality of Trumps claims:
1. Actually true. But the water keeps getting cleaner so Biden could say the same. Not a lie.
2. The increase was lower under Trump than any recent administration. Not a lie.
3. The economy wa pretty fucking good under Trump. He got duped by Covid BS. Neutral.
4. His example was an isolated “what if”. Kind of bull shit but not a lie.
5. I don’t know about this one. Prove it.
6. Wrong. 100% wrong.

And I need to address another point your made on another post. You had degraded RFK for linking vaccines to autism. Do you have data to refute that claim? Or are you spewing another government narrative? Remember your position on masks before you answer.

06-29-2024, 11:11 PM
I 100% agree with your claim about Trump’s policies. But Biden is the one who wants to (did) molest his daughter.

Back to the point, here’s reality of Trumps claims:
1. Actually true. But the water keeps getting cleaner so Biden could say the same. Not a lie.
2. The increase was lower under Trump than any recent administration. Not a lie.
3. The economy wa pretty fucking good under Trump. He got duped by Covid BS. Neutral.
4. His example was an isolated “what if”. Kind of bull shit but not a lie.
5. I don’t know about this one. Prove it.
6. Wrong. 100% wrong.

And I need to address another point your made on another post. You had degraded RFK for linking vaccines to autism. Do you have data to refute that claim? Or are you spewing another government narrative? Remember your position on masks before you answer.

The burden of proof is on rfk. There is zero scientific evidence of claim.

The rest I’m not entertaining after that statement. Your claims are all biased baloney and I’m not here for it. You can stay with psychopath Lou in the nonsensical pool. I’m out.

Muskie in dayton
06-30-2024, 01:08 AM
The burden of proof is on rfk. There is zero scientific evidence of claim.

The rest I’m not entertaining after that statement. Your claims are all biased baloney and I’m not here for it. You can stay with psychopath Lou in the nonsensical pool. I’m out.
RFK does not post here, and there is a strong correlation between autism diagnosis and vaccines. I realize correlation =\= causation, but it certainly makes the claim legitimate.

Do you have substance, or are your a conspiracy theorist?

06-30-2024, 01:13 AM
I took a little Gavin Newsom +700 money tonight to win the election. Seems like decent value at this point.

06-30-2024, 08:17 AM
RFK does not post here, and there is a strong correlation between autism diagnosis and vaccines. I realize correlation =\= causation, but it certainly makes the claim legitimate.

Do you have substance, or are your a conspiracy theorist?

So you like the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy? It doesn’t make the claim legitimate, it does zero. This ridiculous statement was all based on the Wakefield study which has been debunked.

When someone makes a claim based on zero evidence, burden of proof lies on them. Since you agree with rfk, how about you give the evidence then.

Btw, In regards to terror funding Iran.. do some research… Pompeo even said Iran was still funding hezbelloah, Hamas etc.

06-30-2024, 04:47 PM
"On Jan 6th we were the envy of the World" What an idiot. BTW only the President, Secy of Defense and the Army Chief can call out the National guard.

Strange Brew
06-30-2024, 06:08 PM
"On Jan 6th we were the envy of the World" What an idiot. BTW only the President, Secy of Defense and the Army Chief can call out the National guard.

Right, however who is responsible for Capital security? Cap Police requested the Guard, Trump was on board and the request was rejected by the SoA (Pelosi’s office).

Politifact has Trump’s comment as mostly false. Because he said it was her responsibility which it is however they didn’t find it fair to say it’s solely her responsibility.

06-30-2024, 08:55 PM
Well, don't let facts stand in your way.


06-30-2024, 08:59 PM
If Trump and Biden were to play golf, Betonline.ag has installed Trump as a -3300 favorite. You can get Biden at +1200. That's considerable juice!

06-30-2024, 09:01 PM
Let me check with Rick Reilly.

06-30-2024, 09:33 PM
If Trump and Biden were to play golf, Betonline.ag has installed Trump as a -3300 favorite. You can get Biden at +1200. That's considerable juice!


06-30-2024, 10:49 PM
Le Pen's National Rally smacked Macron's Ensemble alliance around in voting today in France. Two biggest issues: immigration and inflation. Sound familiar?.

06-30-2024, 11:02 PM
Le Pen's National Rally smacked Macron's Ensemble alliance around in voting today in France. Two biggest issues: immigration and inflation. Sound familiar?.

And the so called peaceful riots have begun. Sound familiar

07-01-2024, 08:55 AM
Have you guys figured out this political stuff or are we going to hit 50k post about it?

07-01-2024, 09:01 AM
Have you guys figured out this political stuff or are we going to hit 50k post about it?

No one is changing anyone’s mind so we’re definitely headed for 50K!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-01-2024, 10:13 AM
LOL, Boner Champ! Just because you work at the Humana call center, doesn't make you an expert on healthcare...

I've always assumed he was a student. His posts lack a sense of maturity and how could anyone with a job post as often as he does. Are you suggesting he has a full time job?

07-01-2024, 10:51 AM
If Trump and Biden were to play golf, Betonline.ag has installed Trump as a -3300 favorite. You can get Biden at +1200. That's considerable juice!

Haha, can you imagine just getting rid of the elections since they are “rigged” and letting these two “golf pros” decide the presidency in an 18 hole golf game? Let the VPs be the caddies and have Hannity and Lemon commentate the match. Talk about must see TV. Even better if they mic up Trump and Biden for the comical side conversation during the match.

07-01-2024, 11:00 AM
Haha, can you imagine just getting rid of the elections since they are “rigged” and letting these two “golf pros” decide the presidency in an 18 hole golf game? Let the VPs be the caddies and have Hannity and Lemon commentate the match. Talk about must see TV. Even better if they mic up Trump and Biden for the comical side conversation during the match.

I’d pay to watch that!

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07-01-2024, 01:07 PM
Damn! The victories keep piling up!

Tennessee woman fired for refusing employer's COVID-19 vaccine mandate wins almost $700K: https://fox17.com/news/local/woman-fired-for-refusing-bcbsts-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-awarded-almost-700k-tanja-benton-bluecross-blueshield-of-tennessee-sincerely-held-religious-belief-coronavirus-employee-directive-fired-for-not-getting-shot?s=09

I guarantee this will be just one of many to come.

07-01-2024, 05:12 PM
I’d pay to watch that!

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I think everyone knows trump cheats at golf. He has one person tournaments and names himself club champ.

Strange Brew
07-01-2024, 07:33 PM
Haha, can you imagine just getting rid of the elections since they are “rigged” and letting these two “golf pros” decide the presidency in an 18 hole golf game? Let the VPs be the caddies and have Hannity and Lemon commentate the match. Talk about must see TV. Even better if they mic up Trump and Biden for the comical side conversation during the match.

Caddying for Joe would worse than the doing so for the Havercamps. :)

07-01-2024, 07:55 PM
Caddying for Joe would worse than the doing so for the Havercamps. :)

You're assuming he gets past the first tee...

Strange Brew
07-01-2024, 10:03 PM
You're assuming he gets past the first tee...

So, Presidential Immunity?

Where are the scholars of this board?

This week has been a big win for the Constitution and the Republic which encompasses Democratically elected Representatives.

07-01-2024, 11:06 PM
So, Presidential Immunity?

Where are the scholars of this board?

This week has been a big win for the Constitution and the Republic which encompasses Democratically elected Representatives.

Please cite in the constitution where it talks about Presidental immunity and how this decision is a win for the constitution.

07-01-2024, 11:06 PM
So, Presidential Immunity?

Where are the scholars of this board?

This week has been a big win for the Constitution and the Republic which encompasses Democratically elected Representatives.

Looks like the SC just saved Obama and Biden from going to jail! :)

Strange Brew
07-01-2024, 11:40 PM
Please cite in the constitution where it talks about Presidental immunity and how this decision is a win for the constitution.

Article II.

I tend to agree with you however why is this the first time it’s been challenged?

If Jack continues he may end up with a 14th Amendment challenge. I’ll let you figure out why. Careful, it may get Bragg’s case thrown out.

Edit: Be careful how far you go in the zeal to get one man.

07-02-2024, 12:07 AM
Looks like the SC just saved Obama and Biden from going to jail! :)

Definitely crooked Joe....but all of the "syndicate" members will be not so lucky.

07-02-2024, 12:17 AM
Merit Street Media is a MUST. It is not in anyway an "opinion" based news source....it's predominantly an INTERVIEW format.

The RFK JR. interview is actually MORE intriguing than the TRUMP interview. BOTH are must see, because they are void of the MSM filter.

I am voting for RFK.

07-02-2024, 05:08 AM
Article II.

I tend to agree with you however why is this the first time it’s been challenged?

If Jack continues he may end up with a 14th Amendment challenge. I’ll let you figure out why. Careful, it may get Bragg’s case thrown out.

Edit: Be careful how far you go in the zeal to get one man.

There is no presidential immunity clause in the constitution. I don’t care about trump and his trials, but apparently the SCOTUS sure does.

07-02-2024, 09:37 AM
There is no presidential immunity clause in the constitution. I don’t care about trump and his trials, but apparently the SCOTUS sure does.

The Dems brought this on themselves by going after Trump both civilly and criminally in so many areas. The issue had to be resolved. Every President needs absolute immunity for official acts. The issues becomes what is an official act. Without the immunity, would that mean Obama could be tried for murder related to the 4 US citizens killed in the drone strike he ordered? That was clearly done within this authority as Commander in Chief and he correctly has absolute immunity, even though there was collateral damage.

Would that mean a President could take a page from Putin’s playbook and have his chief political rival killed? I think we would all agree that falls outside the realm of an official act and there’d be no immunity.

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07-02-2024, 09:43 AM
Would that mean a President could take a page from Putin’s playbook and have his chief political rival killed? I think we would all agree that falls outside the realm of an official act and there’d be no immunity.

Would we? Because a lot of people on Twitter today seem to think Biden could have Trump (or the Supreme Court justices) killed and be free and clear.

Those people are idiots, of course, but there are a lot of idiots out there in the wild.

07-02-2024, 09:52 AM
Definitely crooked Joe....but all of the "syndicate" members will be not so lucky.

The "syndicate", as you put it, has existed since at least the JFK assassination. When you realize how much we've been grossly lied to about JFK, Yellow Cake, WMD in Iraq, the 2008 housing crisis, Russia Collusion, Covid, 51 intelligence members saying Hunter's computer was fake, the two-tiered justice system, Biden is as "sharp as a tack", etc., etc,., you begin the look at most of America's post-WWII history with a more cynical eye.

In my view, Trump is the only person that has even a sliver of a chance of breaking the deep state. It's precisely why they've taken every measure to destroy him. A JFK-style assassination is probably too obvious now. Instead, they've opted for character assassination. Our citizenry is obviously too stupid to recognize what's going on.

07-02-2024, 09:54 AM
The Dems brought this on themselves by going after Trump both civilly and criminally in so many areas. The issue had to be resolved. Every President needs absolute immunity for official acts. The issues becomes what is an official act. Without the immunity, would that mean Obama could be tried for murder related to the 4 US citizens killed in the drone strike he ordered? That was clearly done within this authority as Commander in Chief and he correctly has absolute immunity, even though there was collateral damage.

Would that mean a President could take a page from Putin’s playbook and have his chief political rival killed? I think we would all agree that falls outside the realm of an official act and there’d be no immunity.

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This is all fair and I appreciate your insights. The issue I have with the actual decision, like you said, is what is "an official act." That's a pretty slippery slope to go down, even though I understand that we as a nation have checks and balances in place.

The issue I have outside of the decision is the "this is a win for the constitution" talk. There is nothing in the Constitution that discusses Presidential Immunity. There are Executive Branch guardrails that can be interpreted what one way or the other depending on the SCOTUS.

07-02-2024, 11:37 AM
Apparently Biden can send Seal Team 6 over to the SCOTUS and Maralago today without repercussions.

07-02-2024, 11:38 AM
Would we? Because a lot of people on Twitter today seem to think Biden could have Trump (or the Supreme Court justices) killed and be free and clear.

Those people are idiots, of course, but there are a lot of idiots out there in the wild.

Apparently Biden can send Seal Team 6 over to the SCOTUS and Maralago today without repercussions.

Go on...

07-02-2024, 11:59 AM
Go on...

Ha so true.

07-02-2024, 12:01 PM
It's a ridiculous decision.

07-02-2024, 12:30 PM
Would that mean a President could take a page from Putin’s playbook and have his chief political rival killed? I think we would all agree that falls outside the realm of an official act and there’d be no immunity.
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Would we? He could say that he believed the rival was a menace to the country and as commander-in-chief, he was acting in an "official" capacity to protect the country. This decision would allow for that. Read the whole thing.

07-02-2024, 12:37 PM
I feel like some of you guys get your legal analysis from Elie Mystal.