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04-15-2024, 12:42 PM
Was down in Denver today, complete shithole... And taxes are out of control. Slowly turning into CA but the mountains are still nice

04-15-2024, 04:41 PM
Didn't Get a $1600 TABOR refund?

Strange Brew
04-15-2024, 05:26 PM
Didn't Get a $1600 TABOR refund?

Sure did.

And it’s my money coming back to me. The R in TABOR is refund.

It’s actually “Rights” however we all are smart enough to know better.

X-band '01
04-15-2024, 07:41 PM
April 15th blows.

Why you gotta hate Jackie Robinson Day?

04-15-2024, 09:57 PM
Mr. Paul on here for years has defended OBama’s policy of rapprochement with Iran.
Now Iran has directly attacked our chief ally in the Region, Israel, which is also being pressured by Biden to stand down.
What Clownage.
Just read this from the Free Press. Weakness from Democrats directly caused this iish.


04-16-2024, 08:20 AM
I advocate for the reduction of nuclear weapons to make the world a safer place.
I would hope everyone would do the same.

We're not just discussing limits on a further increase of nuclear weapons; we seek, instead, to reduce their number. We seek the total elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth.

Ronald Reagan
Second Inaugural Address, delivered 21 January 1985, Rotunda of the Capitol, Washington D.C.

04-16-2024, 09:16 AM
I advocate for the reduction of nuclear weapons to make the world a safer place.
I would hope everyone would do the same.

Ronald Reagan
Second Inaugural Address, delivered 21 January 1985, Rotunda of the Capitol, Washington D.C.

Except that Iran, never reduced. EVER. But enhanced during Obama and Biden’s feckless administrations. And now they are emboldened by the weakness.

Notice how Paul never addresses the article at all. The exact same strategy as this Administration. Defer and deflect.
Everyone notices Paul.

Oh. And the world is sooooooool much safer now!!!!

04-16-2024, 10:00 AM
Of course they reduced their capability. Sent tons of enriched uranium to other countries under the JCPOA.
I don't expect you to know the facts, as the article you quoted left out so much of what really happened.

About 97 per cent of Iran's stockpile was eliminated under the JCPOA, leaving less than 300 kg of low-enriched uranium—this cannot produce a nuclear weapon.

You might want to read that assessment from 2017 from one of our allies. It's a good overview of the pros and cons of the JCPOA.
It notes that the last administration under Trump certified Iran's compliance twice, before backing out of the agreement.

04-16-2024, 10:54 AM
Trump predicted "all hell
would break loose" before his trial. HA Nobody cared.

04-16-2024, 07:08 PM
Trump predicted "all hell
would break loose" before his trial. HA Nobody cared.

Apparently, you do.

04-16-2024, 08:32 PM
Trump predicted "all hell
would break loose" before his trial. HA Nobody cared.

Interesting how they’ve had to dismiss a number of potential jurors for Trump’s trial as they admitted they could not be impartial. Does anyone really think he’ll get a fair trial in NYC?

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04-16-2024, 08:39 PM
[QUOTE=UCGRAD4X;782695]Apparently, you do.[/QUOT

not at all. Thought it was funny.


04-16-2024, 09:33 PM
Interesting how they’ve had to dismiss a number of potential jurors for Trump’s trial as they admitted they could not be impartial. Does anyone really think he’ll get a fair trial in NYC?

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Where would he get a fair trial though?

04-16-2024, 09:42 PM
Where would he get a fair trial though?

I have no idea. The real issue is should he even be on trial for these 34 alleged felonies. From what I’ve read, it seems to be serious over charging by the NY DA.

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04-17-2024, 05:26 AM
Where would he get a fair trial though?

Staten Island. Not possible in Manhattan.

04-17-2024, 10:31 AM
Interesting how they’ve had to dismiss a number of potential jurors for Trump’s trial as they admitted they could not be impartial. Does anyone really think he’ll get a fair trial in NYC?

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I take that as a positive sign. Sounds like most people are being honest instead of trying to weasel their way onto the jury in order to be a sure fire vote for conviction or acquittal. This was clearly anticipated as they have a pool of 500 to try to find 18 jurors (12 regular, 6 alternatives).

I think it is interesting that of the 7 seated already, 1 is a software engineer and 2 are attorneys. Engineers and attorneys are typically who you want to avoid having on a jury.

04-17-2024, 12:25 PM
Could be. My fear is someone getting on the jury who’s already thinking about the book they’ll write about how they put Trump in jail.

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04-17-2024, 01:12 PM
Could be. My fear is someone getting on the jury who’s already thinking about the book they’ll write about how they put Trump in jail.

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Well you are in luck there, there is a 0% chance that Trump will see a day in jail on this case.

Low level felony. Elderly defendant. Relatively clean record. All of this points to a fine with a few years of probation, at worse a brief stint of house arrest.

04-17-2024, 01:40 PM
“In jail” was probably a poor choice of words. Let’s say “convicted” instead.

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X-band '01
04-17-2024, 06:00 PM
One thing that hasn't really been discussed is if there's a favorable Trump juror that could also make it through voir dire. Trump doesn't necessarily need a not guilty verdict, but if there's a hung jury he may end up skating after all.

04-17-2024, 06:13 PM
Of course they reduced their capability. Sent tons of enriched uranium to other countries under the JCPOA.
I don't expect you to know the facts, as the article you quoted left out so much of what really happened.


You might want to read that assessment from 2017 from one of our allies. It's a good overview of the pros and cons of the JCPOA.
It notes that the last administration under Trump certified Iran's compliance twice, before backing out of the agreement.

Excuse me if I will believe this expert individual who was actually in the arena in the Mideast cauldron, rather than an Australian article from outside the pot.
The expert being- “ Michael Oren, formerly Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Knesset member, and deputy minister for diplomacy in the Israeli prime minister’s office.”

From the article- all of which is 100% true:

Rather than block Iran’s path to the bomb, the agreement solidly paved it by allowing Iran to retain most of its nuclear infrastructure and to continue producing ever more advanced centrifuges capable of reducing Iran’s breakout time to mere weeks. The deal put no meaningful restrictions on Iran’s missile delivery systems or its clandestine weapons programs. And even then, the largely cosmetic limitations were set to expire in less than a decade. Well before that time, though, Iran harnessed the deal’s financial and strategic rewards to expand its sphere of influence across Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. So much for the responsible regional power.

Believe the man in the arena. A man from the US Most Important ally in the cauldron.

04-17-2024, 09:12 PM
Perhaps you should read the actual report.
Do you think the people who wrote it, and put it into action, made stuff up?
His own party apologized for Oren's book on the deal.
And if you bothered to just look a little, you'd see this article is littered with false statements.

For example: he notes
by allowing Iran to retain most of its nuclear infrastructure and to continue producing ever more advanced centrifuges capable of reducing Iran’s breakout time to mere weeks.

The truth is that Iran under the JCPOA:

Before this agreement, Iran's breakout time -- or the time it would have taken for Iran to gather enough fissile material to build a weapon -- was only two to three months. Today, because of the Iran deal, it would take Iran 12 months or more. And with the unprecedented monitoring and access this deal puts in place, if Iran tries, we will know and sanctions will snap back into place.

Here's how we got to this point. Since October, Iran has:

Shipped 25,000 pounds of enriched uranium out of the country
Dismantled and removed two-thirds of its centrifuges
Removed the calandria from its heavy water reactor and filled it with concrete
Provided unprecedented access to its nuclear facilities and supply chain

Do a little work on your own. You'll find it helpful.
Also remember Trump certified compliance for 2 years until he need a political football (hate all Obama things) to kick around.

04-18-2024, 08:27 AM
Do a little work on your own. You'll find it helpful.

The king of cut and paste with another self-awareness fail. It's an SNL skit at this point.

04-18-2024, 09:12 AM
When legal bills start to mount, there's always NIL to raise money.

The Trump campaign announced in a letter Politico obtained that Republican candidates and committees are now expected to pay “a minimum of 5% of all fundraising solicitations to Trump National Committee JFC” for using his “name, image, and likeness in fundraising solicitations.”

04-18-2024, 02:27 PM
I guess waging coordinated lawfare against his opponent, and ignoring the Supreme Court regarding student loan forgiveness isn't enough for the dictator-in-chief. Now Biden has unilaterally decided to phase out gas-powered cars.

Question: did anyone hear that Congress had a debate on this? Was a bill signed into law? Did any of you get a chance to vote on this?


04-18-2024, 08:15 PM
I just have one question for those who want to move to all electric cars and trucks in the next 5-10 years. What are we doing to increase the power grid in this country to handle the demand that all these new vehicles will require?

California already has rolling blackouts. Another couple of hundred thousand EVs will only make it worse. Shouldn’t we be building more power plants, be it nuclear, coal, natural gas, etc.? Does anyone even ask this question of Biden, or his administration? I don’t think they have an answer.

It’s not like you can bring a new power plant online in a year or so. Just getting the necessary permits and environmental impact studies will take years, if not decades. If you started today, I don’t think you could get a new power plant generating electricity before 2040.

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04-18-2024, 09:08 PM
I just have one question for those who want to move to all electric cars and trucks in the next 5-10 years. What are we doing to increase the power grid in this country to handle the demand that all these new vehicles will require?

California already has rolling blackouts. Another couple of hundred thousand EVs will only make it worse. Shouldn’t we be building more power plants, be it nuclear, coal, natural gas, etc.? Does anyone even ask this question of Biden, or his administration? I don’t think they have an answer.

It’s not like you can bring a new power plant online in a year or so. Just getting the necessary permits and environmental impact studies will take years, if not decades. If you started today, I don’t think you could get a new power plant generating electricity before 2040.

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Hey there, Pollyanna!
There is NO Way to adapt the countries supply grid. Not possible for that massive infrastructural commitment in real time.....and the Progressive Left knows this and embraces it. The carbon emissions to achieve that is in stark contrast to the ideology of those proposing this ridiculous policy.

The Green Religion objective is to collapse ALL FORMS of carbon based energy via CLIMATE CHANGE ALARMISTS dogma.....VERY effectively pulling off the most epic CON in the history of mankind.

04-18-2024, 09:15 PM
Make sure to VOTE DEM.....down ballot. That can assure getting much more of these wonderful policies!

04-18-2024, 10:57 PM
With the apparent Israeli retaliatory strike. Trying to do my best Bee headline.

“Biden furious at Bibi for conducting strike during Trump hush money trial. Campaign…TGIF”

Serious note - things are starting to get scary

04-19-2024, 09:35 AM
From the greatest, and fair, news site in existence- the Free Press, author Nellie Bowles:

“I don’t think the government is going to be the one to electrify our roads: Amazon installed 17,000 electric vehicle chargers in just two years, making huge strides to electrify its fleet of delivery vans. Meanwhile, the Biden administration had Congress put $7.5 billion into building charging stations for America and two years later. . . not a single government charging station has been built. I’ve noted that before, but it’s always worth returning to. Anyway, well done, Amazon. And this is why the people in the Biden administration, sweet, lovely people, should be art teachers. Interpretive dancers. Poets in pant suits. We should care for these people. We should not give them $7.5 billion dollars to allocate for infrastructure. They do not know what to do with it. They will make little papier-mâché cash cocoons before a single charging station is built with one Biden buck. ”

Ain’t it great that Biden forgives college loans to people making over $300k/year and then gets an “Infrastructure Bill” passed that can’t even build one single charging station 2 years after passage?
Yup. Paul’s Socialist Government at rest. Enjoy!

04-19-2024, 09:51 AM
And, oh. If you haven’t seen the expose of NPR and its new, twisted CEO in The Free Press by a former, now fired 26 year editor, here’s a little recap.
And Americans are funding this trash while Biden is pouring even more money into it!

→” NPR’s CEO doesn’t love the First Amendment: After a longtime NPR editor came to The Free Press to blow the whistle on his time at the public radio network, the fallout was surprisingly fierce. Specifically, critics have now turned to explore new NPR CEO Katherine Maher’s politics. They are completely standard progressive: it’s all “White silence is complicity” and “as someone with cis white mobility privilege.” She calls my beloved Bill Maher “a racist bigot”; she hates Trump a lot.

Why, why didn’t she delete these? When I was hired at The New York Times, you better believe I deleted my tweets from the night Trump won in 2016 (I was drunk, I was crying, there were selfies). But also there are videos. Among the choice quotes of the new NPR CEO now flying around: “Our reverence for the truth might be a distraction that’s getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done.” And: the First Amendment is “the number one challenge” in American journalism. Tricky. Tricky indeed.

For people who think reform is possible: the win here is that NPR’s CEO announced that thanks to Uri Berliner’s bravery, the company will begin doing monthly content reviews. Yes, mixed with her denial of his account and basically calling him racist is this: “Interim Chief Content Officer, Edith Chapin, will establish a broad-based, rotating group that will meet monthly to review our coverage across all platforms.” NPR employees noticed and are furious about it.

But for my realists: NPR is gone for the moderate liberal and obviously long gone for the conservative of any stripe. Maybe also for anyone who didn’t write their thesis on indigenous land rights. Review boards won’t help NPR. And that’s okay! Uri Berliner and I disagree here, because my take is not to reform this group but to free it. NPR is a fabulous left-wing radio syndicate. That’s super cool. Taxpayers just shouldn’t foot the bill for that.

And we really do foot the bill, much as they deny it, with even more cash heading their way under Biden. From The Hill: “NPR insists that only roughly 1 percent of its budget comes from the government. But that is misleading due to a federal law that distributes funds through local stations and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been set aside for CPB in fiscal year 2026, a sizable increase from 2025.”

We are propping up an audio production company that hates not just the red half of the country but also half the Democrats, so I’d generously estimate they hate maybe 85 percent of the country? And the reason they need all you horrible people to keep funneling tax dollars to them is that without that sweet taxpayer cash, NPR would go bankrupt immediately. There’s simply no appetite in the real world for being yelled at about how looting is good and the First Amendment is bad and Bill Maher is the literal KKK. And the extent of their argument is basically: you must continue to pay us, so that we can continue to hate you. I say godspeed, NPR, be free, never change”

04-19-2024, 10:27 AM
It's fairly clear to me that you love to read and repeat these items that confirm your bias.
Not that I think you might, but here's an analysis of Berliner's piece, taking apart his main items and showing how many of the things he points out are demonstrably false.


04-19-2024, 10:40 AM

04-19-2024, 10:43 AM
We need more bourbon and less kool-aid drinking from Paul.

04-19-2024, 01:57 PM
We need more bourbon and less kool-aid drinking from Paul.

Sign me up !

(It's tough trying to point out false items that people use to make a point. More bourbon would be VERY helpful.)

04-19-2024, 03:05 PM
Who wants to be the new Speaker. NOBODY��

04-19-2024, 07:20 PM
More importantly, while the world is on fire...this just in on the morning news...

Trump muttered under his breath close enough for a juror to hear

and...wait for it...

His lawyer asked the judge to turn up the heat and the judge said, "No!"

Hard hitting.

04-20-2024, 05:50 PM
Bill Kristol
Dear Normal Republicans,

We could have had today’s package along with a tough border bill. But Trump blew that up. So we ended up with today’s package and nothing on the border. That’s due to Trump. Vote Republican for Congress if you choose. But don’t vote for Trump.

Bill K

Y'all don't really give 2 shits about the border problems. It's all just a fear campaign for votes. Meanwhile, people died.

04-21-2024, 08:40 AM
Y'all don't really give 2 shits about the border problems. It's all just a fear campaign for votes. Meanwhile, people died.

Y’all? Where was the border solution from the Democrats earlier in the Biden regime? One could argue this “solution” by Dems this year coincides for votes as well. The border being a big election issue so the Dems decide to throw this bill together to help get votes for Bidens struggling polling numbers. Both parties are at fault but instead of holding both parties responsible people just want to take sides and blame the other side. Which as history has shown does nothing to move this country forward.

04-21-2024, 08:42 AM
Y'all don't really give 2 shits about the border problems. It's all just a fear campaign for votes. Meanwhile, people died.

1st of all, Bill Kristol as a Normal Republican is a joke.

I don't know who the "Y'all" you are talking about might be, but your head is way up your ass looking for those two shits. How do you know how much any of the Y'alls on this board care about anything, much less the border, you arrogant prick?

04-21-2024, 10:35 AM
Y’all? Where was the border solution from the Democrats earlier in the Biden regime? One could argue this “solution” by Dems this year coincides for votes as well. The border being a big election issue so the Dems decide to throw this bill together to help get votes for Bidens struggling polling numbers. Both parties are at fault but instead of holding both parties responsible people just want to take sides and blame the other side. Which as history has shown does nothing to move this country forward.

I assume the question at the top of your post is rhetorical, but there is a blatantly obvious answer. It was INTENTIONAL. In other words, ACTION = INTENT.

Fact is, many of O'Biden's very 1st official ACTIONS as President was to eliminate the previous administration border policy and implement his own. Those actions, particularly the "stay in Mexico" element, had to be thoroughly discussed and implemented by DESIGN. Intent can be debated, but results can not. There are as many as 10 million NEW undocumented illegals scattered throughout the country consuming vast resources at an unsustainable cost.

Look, the Democrats run circles around Republicans in the game of politics. Why? Because the MSM, our Universities and progressive elitists are all very effective propaganda agents for Leftist policy. The illusion that O'Biden and the Dems have seen the error of judgment in the border disaster they created, and suddenly after 3 years and 10,000,000 want to do something....in an election year....kinda looks like this was planned from day one.

04-21-2024, 10:44 AM
Well, all of that certainly explains why the Republicans asked Lankford to craft a bi-partisan border bill.
Which he did, and it easily passed the Senate. Then Trump told the House to tank it so he'd have an election issue.
Which they did for him.
Lankford got censured by his state party for crafting a border bill...of course.
And somehow it's all the Democrats at fault.
Well played.

04-21-2024, 10:58 AM
I don't know who the "Y'all" you are talking about might be, but your head is way up your ass looking for those two shits. How do you know how much any of the Y'alls on this board care about anything, much less the border, you arrogant prick?

Didn't you know? Paul speaks for all Republicans and conservatives...he's that friggin smart! I'm just glad we have such strong leaders like Biden and Myorkas to get us through this crisis that according to them, didn't exist until the reelection polls started to come out.

Meanwhile, 'people are dying'...lol. "The world is on fire". Paul and his slow-witted ilk have spent the last 4 years preaching that things were going great and this administration was going to deliver us from evil. Now all of the sudden the 'the world is on fire' and once again we need this same group of feckless dullards to save us. It's literally high-level comedy

04-21-2024, 11:03 AM
You don't think people are dying in Ukraine?

I'm at a total loss how to help you. Sorry.

Muskie in dayton
04-21-2024, 11:19 AM
You don't think people are dying in Ukraine?

I'm at a total loss how to help you. Sorry.
They are dying because we (our POs elected congress) keep funding the proxy war. Every tax dollar = more death. Every dollar puts us closer to financial ruin, and every dollar pushes us closer to WW3. “Y’all” who support this have blood on your hands. But hey, Northrop, Boeing and Halliburton’s stock is doing well, so it’s worth it.

04-21-2024, 11:30 AM
Ya’ll have blood on your hands because we are trying to help an ally fight back against a dictator who is trying to overtake their land? That’s an interesting perspective.

04-21-2024, 12:36 PM
They are dying because we (our POs elected congress) keep funding the proxy war. Every tax dollar = more death. Every dollar puts us closer to financial ruin, and every dollar pushes us closer to WW3. “Y’all” who support this have blood on your hands. But hey, Northrop, Boeing and Halliburton’s stock is doing well, so it’s worth it.

Are you in the Putin wave with MTG? The aid passed 311-112.

04-21-2024, 07:47 PM
Are you in the Putin wave with MTG? The aid passed 311-112.

Gas is up to 3.70 a gallon here in northwest Ohio? Almost a dollar more than what I paid earlier in the calendar year. Would be nice if Biden would increase production instead of having the public foot the bill for higher cost of living.

04-21-2024, 08:17 PM
As much as I’d like to blame the gas price increases last week on Biden, it’s due to the refineries switching over to the more expensive summer blend. Everything went up about 30¢ a gallon last Thursday.

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04-21-2024, 08:48 PM
Legal questions.

Have we figured out what Bragg is accusing Trump for a felony? Think original charges were for falsifying business records which is a misdemeanor in NY. What did he do to conceal other crimes which turns it into a felony? Guess we will learn this tomorrow? Is this normal SOP from a prosecutor waiting until trial?

Just curious

04-21-2024, 08:56 PM
As much as I’d like to blame the gas price increases last week on Biden, it’s due to the refineries switching over to the more expensive summer blend. Everything went up about 30¢ a gallon last Thursday.

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2.53 here

04-21-2024, 09:08 PM
Legal questions.

Have we figured out what Bragg is accusing Trump for a felony? Think original charges were for falsifying business records which is a misdemeanor in NY. What did he do to conceal other crimes which turns it into a felony? Guess we will learn this tomorrow? Is this normal SOP from a prosecutor waiting until trial?

Just curious

Falsifying business records in order to conceal another crime. Class e. He'll get probation.

04-21-2024, 09:30 PM
Falsifying business records in order to conceal another crime. Class e. He'll get probation.

I understand, but has the been “the other/another crime” to warrant the felony? Has this been presented?

04-22-2024, 09:22 AM
You don't think people are dying in Ukraine?

I'm at a total loss how to help you. Sorry.

Ukraine? We were talking about the border..try to keep up.

Whew..well thank God I don't need any help from you. That would be tough to swallow. Maybe you can help me carve out a path where I'm so blinded by partisan ideology that I refuse to call out my own party for just about anything, while at the same time never acknowledge the other side for anything good they ever do. Nah, I think I'll pass and stay right of center and let you and the other 'party first' geniuses get us out of all these messes. It's going swimmingly so far.

04-22-2024, 10:08 AM
Trump is going to be convicted.

Trump is going to win the next election.


04-22-2024, 10:12 AM
It's being shown in recent polling that RFK might steal votes from Trump and allow Biden to win again. That has some kind of weird ironic hilarious twist to it.

I think the only thing uniting a lot of the country right now is the disinterest in voting for either of these two yahoos

04-22-2024, 10:15 AM
Trump is going to be convicted.

Trump is going to win the next election.


Honestly, given the other choice, another Trump presidency isn't sounding that bad anymore.

04-22-2024, 10:28 AM
Honestly, given the other choice, another Trump presidency isn't sounding that bad anymore.

What's bad is that these are the two choices. That's a problem. The vast majority of America doesn't like either one of them, yet these are the two we have. How does that happen? Why does that happen? That' SHOULDN'T happpen! That's what we need to fix. That's easier said than done, but this is not what we should wind up with in a country where our leaders are supposed to represent US!!

04-22-2024, 11:20 AM
What's bad is that these are the two choices. That's a problem.

No argument there. But here we are.

04-22-2024, 11:30 AM
With all due respect Brew, I don't think that it really matters who is running, Dem or Rep, what you are saying would be said with anyone who is running. If Pence, Haley, Ramaswamy, DeSantis, Christy or Kennedy or K Harris or whomever, people would say the same thing.

04-22-2024, 11:38 AM
Oh, I think this pairing is particularly pathetic.

04-22-2024, 11:47 AM
With all due respect Brew, I don't think that it really matters who is running, Dem or Rep, what you are saying would be said with anyone who is running. If Pence, Haley, Ramaswamy, DeSantis, Christy or Kennedy or K Harris or whomever, people would say the same thing.

I firmly disagree. Haley, desantis most could stomach and frankly the presidential race wouldn’t be all that close.

Not as familiar with the d side but get someone that is middle left and younger than 70 and it’d be the same.

These are about the worst two you could possibly imagine other than maybe Kamala vs mtg

04-22-2024, 01:02 PM
Honestly, given the other choice, another Trump presidency isn't sounding that bad anymore.

I wonder if you would hire trump for your firm. 88 counts and a conviction for sexual assault. Plus he might gross out fellow employees:


Sleeps and farts

Give him back the nuclear codes?

He couldn't pass the background check at Walmart.

04-22-2024, 01:20 PM
With all due respect Brew, I don't think that it really matters who is running, Dem or Rep, what you are saying would be said with anyone who is running. If Pence, Haley, Ramaswamy, DeSantis, Christy or Kennedy or K Harris or whomever, people would say the same thing.

I would vote for Pence, Haley, Ramaswamy, DeSantis, or Christy any day of the week, and twice a day if I could, over Trump or Biden. Not even close. I don't necessarily think someone like Pence would be great, or good, or even decent, but he would at least be within the normal parameters of bad. Biden and Trump are off the charts bad.

04-22-2024, 01:53 PM
I wonder if you would hire trump for your firm.

I wouldn't....unless the only other candidate was reenacting Weekend at Bernies.

04-22-2024, 05:18 PM
Trump looks half dead lately.

04-22-2024, 05:59 PM
Trump looks half dead lately.

Trump will be convicted. Trump will then win the election.

X-band '01
04-22-2024, 06:24 PM
What's bad is that these are the two choices. That's a problem. The vast majority of America doesn't like either one of them, yet these are the two we have. How does that happen? Why does that happen? That' SHOULDN'T happpen! That's what we need to fix. That's easier said than done, but this is not what we should wind up with in a country where our leaders are supposed to represent US!!

If it makes you feel better, Biden and the Democratic Party won't even be on the Ohio ballot because the Democratic National Convention was scheduled at a time where they'd need a waiver from the state of Ohio to get on the ballot. Typically the state gives them the waiver, but the state of Ohio (read: AG Dave Yost and SOS Frank LaRose) wants to play hardball this year as opposed to years past.

If Yost claims to call balls and strikes like a normal umpire, he has less understanding of the zone than Angel Hernandez does.

04-22-2024, 06:28 PM
Trump looks half dead lately.

Yeah, and that's an improvement over his opponent. That's not a compliment to Trump.

04-22-2024, 07:34 PM
After day one, still searching for the felony in the case. Opening statement

”This was a planned, long-running conspiracy to influence the 2016 election, to help Donald Trump get elected through illegal expenditures to silence people who had something bad to say about his behavior,” prosecutor Matthew Colangelo said. “It was election fraud, pure and simple.”

Change one word and one name

”This was a planned, long-running conspiracy to influence the 2016 election, to help Hillary Clinton get elected through illegal expenditures to encourage people who had something bad to say about his behavior,” prosecutor Matthew Colangelo said. “It was election fraud, pure and simple.”

If I remember correctly, Clinton’s campaign reported Steele dossier as a legal expense as well. And got a slap on the wrist.

Trip down memory lane


Favorite statement from article

A DNC spokesperson played down the decision, saying: “We settled aging and silly complaints from the 2016 election about “purpose descriptions”

Isn’t this what we’re at this point with Trump? Purpose descriptions?

04-22-2024, 08:00 PM
Trump will be convicted. Trump will then win the election.

He can't pardon a state crime.

04-22-2024, 08:03 PM
Ukraine? We were talking about the border..try to keep up.

It's a shame that your Speaker didn't have the balls to bring up the Senate bill.
Just about the same help for Ukraine, Israel, etc.
But...it had border help which you should try to keep up on.
Of course he had to kiss up to Trump at Mar-a-Lago and you get no help on the border.

Well played.

04-22-2024, 09:28 PM
Yeah, and that's an improvement over his opponent. That's not a compliment to Trump.

HE didn't fuck any porn stars, cheat on his wives, steal nuclear secrets or get convicted of sexual assault.

04-22-2024, 09:42 PM
He DID get dementia.

04-22-2024, 09:59 PM
And take showers with his daughter.

04-22-2024, 10:24 PM
He DID get dementia.

As usual, no evidence

04-22-2024, 10:35 PM
Fuck his obvious dementia. There is FIRST HAND evidence he showered with his daughter.

Imagine if it was Ivanka's diary? THAT would collapse American society....dogs and cats would be living together.

04-22-2024, 10:49 PM
As usual, no evidence

I have eyes and ears.

04-22-2024, 11:43 PM
Fuck his obvious dementia. There is FIRST HAND evidence he showered with his daughter.

Imagine if it was Ivanka's diary? THAT would collapse American society....dogs and cats would be living together.

Did he pork a pornstar while his wife was home with a new baby.lol or have a long affair with a bunny. Has he raped anyone lately? Get 500 million in fines for cheating?
Did he stop the border bill by a Republican so he could use it later while people die?
That's you candidate. Joker.

04-22-2024, 11:50 PM
Did he pork a pornstar while his wife was home with a new baby.lol or have a long affair with a bunny

No one is saying good things about Bill Clinton....err, Donald Trump here.

The more bad things you say about Donald Trump the more it makes clear how shameful it is that a mushbrain was nominated to be his opponent.

04-23-2024, 12:18 AM
Mush? Trump is using words that aren:'t words, falls asleep and farts up the courtroom.He's sick in the head.

04-23-2024, 12:23 AM
I haven't yet denied a thing you've said about Trump. It seems like you're having a difficult time with the point. All of that can be true, and Trump may STILL be the best option.

Sad but true.

04-23-2024, 08:08 AM
If it makes you feel better, Biden and the Democratic Party won't even be on the Ohio ballot because the Democratic National Convention was scheduled at a time where they'd need a waiver from the state of Ohio to get on the ballot. Typically the state gives them the waiver, but the state of Ohio (read: AG Dave Yost and SOS Frank LaRose) wants to play hardball this year as opposed to years past.

If Yost claims to call balls and strikes like a normal umpire, he has less understanding of the zone than Angel Hernandez does.

It doesn't.

04-23-2024, 08:12 AM
He can't pardon a state crime.

This won't stop him from winning the election.

HE didn't fuck any porn stars, cheat on his wives, steal nuclear secrets or get convicted of sexual assault.

Did he pork a pornstar while his wife was home with a new baby.lol or have a long affair with a bunny. Has he raped anyone lately? Get 500 million in fines for cheating?
Did he stop the border bill by a Republican so he could use it later while people die?
That's you candidate. Joker.

Yeah, there are A LOT of candidates that didn't do these things either. So why is Joe Biden the one that was nominated?? If this is the standard for winning the nomination for President of the United States, then why wasn't literally ANYONE ELSE nominated??

04-23-2024, 09:12 AM
As usual, no evidence

But there is plenty of evidence of him showering with his daughter and making multiple little girls feel very uncomfortable with the way he was touching them, placing his hands on them and smelling their hair and necks. There's video evidence of that. I assume you condone that kind of thing since you won't address it.

04-23-2024, 09:32 AM
The problem with hating the other side so much that you just want to torpedo their boat and watch it sink into the ocean is that YOU ARE ON THAT EXACT SAME BOAT!!!! You should't feel good about how all the assholes on the Titanic are going to drown in the ocean if you yourself are also on the Titanic and are also going to drown in the ocean.

Both candidates, especailly Trump, seem to have become the nominee on the grounds that they were the ones that the other side would like the least. Not because they were any good, or that they could be effective leaders, but almost because they WOULDN'T be! They could piss the other side more than anyone else could, and that's what got it for them. And, we are all sinking into the ocean because of it.


04-23-2024, 10:52 AM
Looks like Bobbie fell off the wagon again, sheesh

04-23-2024, 11:09 AM
Did I say anything that isn't true? Nope.

04-23-2024, 11:28 AM
No one is saying good things about Bill Clinton....err, Donald Trump here.

The more bad things you say about Donald Trump the more it makes clear how shameful it is that a mushbrain was nominated to be his opponent.

A little louder for those in the back...

Actually, A LOT louder for those in the back!!!

04-23-2024, 11:30 AM
A little louder for those in the back...

Actually, A LOT louder for those in the back!!!

And I'm happy to say it just as loudly in reverse.

The more you realize what a mushbrain Joe Biden is, the more it makes clear how shameful it is that Donald Trump was nominated to be his opponent.

04-23-2024, 12:04 PM
Did I say anything that isn't true? Nope.

Mostly all true and you left out plenty. We can all agree that Trump is a disgusting human being. However, that is basically all you ever post about. Unless you consider it therapeutic for your severe TDS, why do you waste your time here?

Here's an idea, instead of blah blah blah Orangeman bad, start posting in support of the leftist progressive policy that your party is perpetrating on the American people. Focus on the important stuff like, Border policy, DEI, Criminal Justice reform, Law enforcement policy, Social Justice, war on fossil fuels, Foreign policy etc. I am sure you and your group of Leftist here, can detail approval of all wonderful results O'Biden has accomplished! Maybe win over some people...change some votes.

Unless something changes, we are are faced with choosing between two worthless candidates, so the vote has to be almost entirely weighted on Policy of which both have a clear track record.

04-23-2024, 01:27 PM
I understand, but has the been “the other/another crime” to warrant the felony? Has this been presented?


Falsifying business records to cover up this activity is the felony charged.

Strange Brew
04-23-2024, 05:03 PM
And I'm happy to say it just as loudly in reverse.

The more you realize what a mushbrain Joe Biden is, the more it makes clear how shameful it is that Donald Trump was nominated to be his opponent.

Meh, I’m still trying to wrap my head around exactly what law Trump broke.

BTW, excessive bail is a violation of the 8th Amendment. Is case any of you care about it.

Edit: Ms. Daniel’s or whatever has denied the affair happened. In writing.

04-23-2024, 05:26 PM
In the current criminal trial, the defendant was released on his own recognizance.
Other defendants like Bankman-Fried had their bail revoked with conduct we see now...and went to jail.

The bail in Georgia was not excessive for a billionaire (?) and he only had to put up 10% of the $200,000.

The surety bonds in the civil cases are standard procedures when a verdict has been issued, and is being appealed.
Even there he got a break and reduction of the normal amount.
They are treating him with kid gloves, like the kid he is.

Strange Brew
04-23-2024, 05:35 PM
In the current criminal trial, the defendant was released on his own recognizance.
Other defendants like Bankman-Fried had their bail revoked with conduct we see now...and went to jail.

The bail in Georgia was not excessive for a billionaire (?) and he only had to put up 10% of the $200,000.

The surety bonds in the civil cases are standard procedures when a verdict has been issued, and is being appealed.
Even there he got a break and reduction of the normal amount.
They are treating him with kid gloves, like the kid he is.

What’s the crime again Paul? It’s confusing. Please explain it in your own words.

I’m not talking about GA. The bail in NY and you know it. Stop being stupid.

And bail is not nor should it be set based on means for a non-violent offense. And he’s not a flight risk.

Edit: $200k for a phone call in GA? Ok Paul.

I’m happy to see Trump is competent to stand trial. Some can’t apparently.

04-23-2024, 05:49 PM

Falsifying business records to cover up this activity is the felony charged.

Oh, the second charge of misdemeanor finally dropped on the second day of trial. Good to know (yes I know how this can turn into a felony). Is it strange to find out this late in the ballgame? Does it put the defense at a disadvantage? Lawyer people?

Also, can someone explain to me how this is different from what Hillary did in the same election? Assuming NY didn’t want to bring charges on their former Senator? Sounds like selective prosecution.

04-23-2024, 05:55 PM
The crime, as I noted above and provided reference to, is falsifying business records to cover up the underlying crime of a conspiracy to promote an election.

If you are talking about the civil case, it's not "bail" but a surety bond placed while an appeal on the verdict is filed and awaiting hearing.
Very standard for it to be the amount of the verdict plus interest. That's what it was. The appeals court gave him a break.

A "phone call" to ask a Secretary of State to "find" some votes seems to me to be a huge problem. But that's just me.

Strange Brew
04-23-2024, 05:59 PM
The crime, as I noted above and provided reference to, is falsifying business records to cover up the underlying crime of a conspiracy to promote an election.

If you are talking about the civil case, it's not "bail" but a surety bond placed while an appeal on the verdict is filed and awaiting hearing.
Very standard for it to be the amount of the verdict plus interest. That's what it was. The appeals court gave him a break.

A "phone call" to ask a Secretary of State to "find" some votes seems to me to be a huge problem. But that's just me.

Great, you’ve identified the issue. Explain/prove how he committed the crime.

It is just you Paul.

04-23-2024, 06:04 PM
This absolutely is selective prosecution, just like the case brought by the State of NY. Does anyone really think Trump is the first, and only, developer to exaggerate the value of property to get more favorable terms from a bank? Is the State looking for others to prosecute for the same thing? Of course not! The only reason for that trial was to hurt Trump. Nothing else.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-23-2024, 06:34 PM
Great, you’ve identified the issue. Explain/prove how he committed the crime.

It is just you Paul.

You can watch along with me as they introduce the evidence of fabricated "legal fees" to explain paying a porn star through an intermediary in a "catch and kill" scheme to prevent negative press and promote his election. It's been interesting to hear Pecker describe the false negatives they came up with to harm his opponents. I particularly liked the fake photo of Cruz's dad and Lee Harvey Oswald.

Of course, perhaps it's not his signature on the checks.

The jury will have to decide if the prosecution makes its case. That's often how it works. And the grifted are paying for his legal team, and I'm sure he's well represented.

04-23-2024, 06:40 PM
The problem with hating the other side so much that you just want to torpedo their boat and watch it sink into the ocean is that YOU ARE ON THAT EXACT SAME BOAT!!!! You should't feel good about how all the assholes on the Titanic are going to drown in the ocean if you yourself are also on the Titanic and are also going to drown in the ocean.

Both candidates, especailly Trump, seem to have become the nominee on the grounds that they were the ones that the other side would like the least. Not because they were any good, or that they could be effective leaders, but almost because they WOULDN'T be! They could piss the other side more than anyone else could, and that's what got it for them. And, we are all sinking into the ocean because of it.


Thank You! A good lesson for our folks on here who seem to side solely left or right.

Strange Brew
04-23-2024, 06:46 PM
You can watch along with me as they introduce the evidence of fabricated "legal fees" to explain paying a porn star through an intermediary in a "catch and kill" scheme to prevent negative press and promote his election. It's been interesting to hear Pecker describe the false negatives they came up with to harm his opponents. I particularly liked the fake photo of Cruz's dad and Lee Harvey Oswald.

Of course, perhaps it's not his signature on the checks.

The jury will have to decide if the prosecution makes its case. That's often how it works. And the grifted are paying for his legal team, and I'm sure he's well represented.

Ok, so what is the crime Paul? Is it running a campaign? And how is that a State crime in a Federal election?

04-23-2024, 06:55 PM
Here we are discussing the minutia of a targeted prosecution. Next thing we’ll be talking about is how the hush money caused Hillary to lose the election.

Meanwhile the East coast campuses are dripping with antisemitism. Someone inform the legacy media.

Strange Brew
04-23-2024, 06:57 PM
Here we are discussing the minutia of a targeted prosecution. Next thing we’ll be talking about is how the hush money caused Hillary to lose the election.

Meanwhile the East coast campuses are dripping with antisemitism. Someone inform the legacy media.

Haha, true.

Hey Paul/Bobbie, can we get something done on the border now that Biden got his Ukraine bill?

04-23-2024, 07:23 PM
Sure, the bipartisan bill is sitting on Johnson:S desk. Tell him to put it om the floor

Strange Brew
04-23-2024, 07:38 PM
Sure, the bipartisan bill is sitting on Johnson:S desk. Tell him to put it om the floor

The stand alone bill is still sitting on Chuck’s desk.

It’s his move.

04-23-2024, 08:13 PM
No, spending bills start in the house.

04-23-2024, 08:16 PM
Ok, so what is the crime Paul? Is it running a campaign? And how is that a State crime in a Federal election?

Please read the New York State statute I noted earlier.

Strange Brew
04-23-2024, 08:32 PM
Please read the New York State statute I noted earlier.

I did and frankly, it’s a waste of time Paul and if convicted Trump will win on appeal. So, it’s a waste of time.

So Paul, how about that border?

04-23-2024, 08:47 PM
Whatever happens with a trial about paying Playmates and porn stars, pales in comparison to stealing government secrets and refusing to return them.
I hope he gets the book thrown at him for that, just like everyone else who has done so.

Strange Brew
04-23-2024, 09:01 PM
Whatever happens with a trial about paying Playmates and porn stars, pales in comparison to stealing government secrets and refusing to return them.
I hope he gets the book thrown at him for that, just like everyone else who has done so.

I know right? Biden should get the book thrown at him. :)

The PRA. It applies to Trump. That case is also a waste of time.

How about that border Paul?

04-23-2024, 10:45 PM
I know right? Biden should get the book thrown at him. :)

The PRA. It applies to Trump. That case is also a waste of time.

How about that border Paul?

Pence and Biden welcomed the government to look through their records and take anything mistakenly kept.
Trump refused requests, tried to hide, and forced a search to retrieve records from his bathroom.
Hopefully you see the difference.
The Border Patrol supported the bill to help them.
The Republicans killed. How about the border ?

04-24-2024, 04:55 AM
Yeah, that's the Dem/MSM narrative on the Senate border bill. Try adding this significant reality for once.



04-24-2024, 08:56 AM
You can watch along with me as they introduce the evidence of fabricated "legal fees" to explain paying a porn star through an intermediary in a "catch and kill" scheme to prevent negative press and promote his election. It's been interesting to hear Pecker describe the false negatives they came up with to harm his opponents. I particularly liked the fake photo of Cruz's dad and Lee Harvey Oswald.

Of course, perhaps it's not his signature on the checks.

The jury will have to decide if the prosecution makes its case. That's often how it works. And the grifted are paying for his legal team, and I'm sure he's well represented.

At least he paid the porn star. He has a history of not paying people who have worked for him. Maybe that should be his defense! The long documented history of him not paying his bills creates reasonable doubt that he would have actually paid the porn star anything.

04-24-2024, 09:10 AM
Yeah, that's the Dem/MSM narrative on the Senate border bill. Try adding this significant reality for once.



This bill is dead on arrival because it will restart construction of a border wall...which was a Trump initiative. The Dems will not allow Trump to have his 'I told you so moment' in an election year. The bill on it's feet will absolutely increase security and save lives. How dare the democrats play politics with a border bill that will lend momentum to the GOP? Sound familiar?

This is what happens when you dig in too hard on one side of the political spectrum. You're made to realize that your party does the exact same shit that you've been whining about for 8 years. Like I said before...it's high comedy and we've got a few court jesters strutting their stuff here on the daily.

Even Joe Biden agrees: "I don’t know why we’re surprised by Trump. How many times does he have to prove we can't be trusted?" I mean that is just about perfect

04-24-2024, 10:14 AM
At least he paid the porn star. He has a history of not paying people who have worked for him. Maybe that should be his defense! The long documented history of him not paying his bills creates reasonable doubt that he would have actually paid the porn star anything.

Yeah, he stiffed Pecker on the McDougal payoff.

04-24-2024, 10:23 AM
I always thought he was the king of the grift. Getting suckers to pay for his legal bills, vodka, bibles, hats, fake schooling, fake charities, etc.

But Stormy has him beat. He didn't have sex with her, yet she got him to cough up $130K for not having sex.
Well done you.

04-24-2024, 11:18 AM
I always thought he was the king of the grift. Getting suckers to pay for his legal bills, vodka, bibles, hats, fake schooling, fake charities, etc.

But Stormy has him beat. He didn't have sex with her, yet she got him to cough up $130K for not having sex.
Well done you.

He does have that talent. He is innately good at getting stupid people to both follow him and give him money. I actually kind of admire that.

04-24-2024, 11:25 AM
“You can’t fix stupid.” Ron White

04-24-2024, 11:53 AM
He does have that talent. He is innately good at getting stupid people to both follow him and give him money. I actually kind of admire that.

His talent is telling the same lies over and over until the weaker minds actually believe his shtick.

04-24-2024, 12:02 PM
The easiest people for anyone to lie to are those who want to believe the lies.

04-24-2024, 01:14 PM
His talent is telling the same lies over and over until the weaker minds actually believe his shtick.

Here come the jesters 1 2 3

"The border is secure"- Homeland Security Chief, Myorkas
"No doubt about it..our border is secure"- Rep. Ayanna Pressley
"I wouldn't say it's a crisis" Senator Bob Menendez
"We're on a good path when it comes to the border" Speaker Nancy Pelosi
"This administration has this under control" Speaker Nancy Pelosi

There is no border problem, there is no border problem..then the polls come out and the narrative suddenly shifts. You're 100% right Bobbie. Weak minds can be easily manipulated.

04-24-2024, 02:00 PM
He does have that talent. He is innately good at getting stupid people to both follow him and give him money. I actually kind of admire that.

There are lies and then huge Lies...."I won the election" 40% are brainwashed he did.

04-24-2024, 08:01 PM
He does have that talent. He is innately good at getting stupid people to both follow him and give him money. I actually kind of admire that.

I have thought of this as well. He makes millions off his campaigns and merchandise which is brilliant but seems to throw it all the way because he can’t keep his mouth shut. His mouth has cost him millions but I also don’t think he can help it from what I have seen from him.

04-25-2024, 08:22 AM
The RNC has set up an "Election Integrity" unit to make sure that this year's elections are done correctly(?).
The head of this new unit is attorney Christina Bobb, active in the last go around.
She has just been indicted in Arizona as being part of their fake electors scheme.
This should go well.

04-25-2024, 10:32 AM
And trump is unidicted co- conspirator in Michigan fake elector case.

X-band '01
04-25-2024, 05:56 PM
The RNC has set up an "Election Integrity" unit to make sure that this year's elections are done correctly(?).
The head of this new unit is attorney Christina Bobb, active in the last go around.
She has just been indicted in Arizona as being part of their fake electors scheme.
This should go well.

Mike Lindell must not have been available.

04-25-2024, 07:34 PM
In the political thread it’s hard to admit you’re wrong but I completely underestimated the effectiveness of mask. If you spew antisemitic chants and want to conceal your identity, they are very effective!! Gawd knows you don’t want a future employer to see your face.

Also, professors at Columbia can be fired for using the wrong pronouns but can participate in antisemitic protests.

We are living in some interesting times.

04-25-2024, 08:47 PM
In the political thread it’s hard to admit you’re wrong but I completely underestimated the effectiveness of mask. If you spew antisemitic chants and want to conceal your identity, they are very effective!! Gawd knows you don’t want a future employer to see your face.

Also, professors at Columbia can be fired for using the wrong pronouns but can participate in antisemitic protests.

We are living in some interesting times.

"Interesting" is void of the seriousness of what is happening. We are now living in a well established fuckedism of a WOKE DYSTOPIA. Every last element of this Western Culture suicide has been set in motion by the radical progressive American Left, that has essentially poisoned the Democrat party of Barack Obama.

This has been made possible through the smothering ideology of of our Educational Institutions and the massive "woke" entertainment industry.....with the relentless ironclad support from a complicit MSM PROPAGANDA machine.

Make sure to vote down ballot DEM, so this wonderful reality can continue.

China, Russia, Iran will continue to show complete support and admiration.

04-26-2024, 04:57 PM
From Jonathan Turley:

“It’s a breakdown in the courtroom. They have a witness that is disassembling in front of them,” Turley said. “The prosecution never revealed to the jury in the direct that Pecker had actually killed stories for other celebrities, that he had been working on stories two decades before the election with Trump that he was suppressing. And now it’s only getting worse. Yesterday was really bad In terms of the cross-examination for the prosecution. Today is much worse. I mean, here Pecker is saying that Trump didn’t want to purchase the story. Yesterday when he asked him about reimbursing Cohen, he said he didn’t know anything about that.”

“I think the defense is doing a very good job, but I have to say that this is collapsing on its own weight,” he added. “You just have to stand back and let it fall. Just asking simple questions that the jury would want to know has left serious damage for the prosecution. These are not strange tangential questions, these are questions you would’ve expected the prosecution to ask as just the completion of their line of questioning. Like was Donald Trump the only one you did this for, when did you start to do this?”

- - Everyone of these fake trials is just that, fake. They all fall apart when put under the microscope.

It's pretty funny reading the comments from so many on this board regarding all these fake Trump indictments and trials. You can immediately tell where they're getting their news from.

To all the Trump haters and the "Never-Trumpers', how much of your opinion on Trump is based on lies? Why do you continue to allow yourself to be fooled?

04-26-2024, 05:32 PM
Let’s see if I got that correctly.
Because Pecker killed stories for others, therefore he didn’t kill stories for Trump.

No…you really can’t fix stupid.

04-26-2024, 09:09 PM
Heard this on the radio today and am taking it at face value. It was reported that courts in NYC traditionally take Fridays, or at least Friday afternoons, off to allow Orthodox Jews to be able to serve on juries, but still be finished in time for Shabbat. It was also reported that this same demographic tends to be more conservative, i.e. Republican.

Apparently, the judge in the Trump trial decided to schedule their day off on Wednesdays instead of the traditional Fridays. This removed all Orthodox Jews from the jury pool. Let’s just say that seems to be a little questionable.

04-26-2024, 10:09 PM
From Jonathan Turley:

To all the Trump haters and the "Never-Trumpers', how much of your opinion on Trump is based on lies? Why do you continue to allow yourself to be fooled?
He lies 70% of the time so a lot

Strange Brew
04-26-2024, 10:15 PM
He lies 70% of the time so a lot

Who is in Bobbie’s honest Top 5?

There’s now old saying that 70% of the time it works every time. :)

Strange Brew
04-26-2024, 10:23 PM
“You can’t fix stupid.” Ron White

Great quote. It was really funny the first time I saw Ron 20 years ago. When I was in my 20’s.

Strange Brew
04-27-2024, 04:23 AM
Personally, I think Paul, Bobbie, Mitch and Zelenskyy listen to Endless Love on the dark.

What? Friends do it. :)

04-27-2024, 09:43 AM
No…you really can’t fix stupid.

So is Joe Biden stupid or does he have dementia? He can't even read off a teleprompter anymore without going full Ron Burgundy and on top of that he said his uncle Boosey got eaten by cannibals after being 'shot down'. None of that is true. And that's just in there last few weeks. So is he stupid, lying through his teeth, or lacking mental acuity? It has to be one of them....

Muskie in dayton
04-27-2024, 12:33 PM
The left hates God; their deity is the government.

The left hates order. Chaos creates opportunity for their god.

The left hates Judaism and Christianity; their God does not seek love and peace, but control and compliance.

The left hates our Constitution; it prevents their god from total control.

The left hates family; the community is their siblings and government is their parents.

The left hates life itself. The act of taking the greatest gift given by God is their ultimate sacrifice to their god.

Understanding this makes clear why the left supports illegal immigration, war, abortion, Hamas, gender ideology, criminals, and authoritarianism.

04-27-2024, 01:43 PM
The left hates God; their deity is the government.

The left hates order. Chaos creates opportunity for their god.

The left hates Judaism and Christianity; their God does not seek love and peace, but control and compliance.

The left hates our Constitution; it prevents their god from total control.

The left hates family; the community is their siblings and government is their parents.

The left hates life itself. The act of taking the greatest gift given by God is their ultimate sacrifice to their god.

Understanding this makes clear why the left supports illegal immigration, war, abortion, Hamas, gender ideology, criminals, and authoritarianism.

You absolutely nailed it! Every last bit of this.

The left has become an existential threat to America.

04-27-2024, 02:15 PM
I don't know what dark, foul, lie-filled cesspool you guys swim in.
But you should check the water.

04-27-2024, 02:49 PM
The left hates God; their deity is the government.

The left hates order. Chaos creates opportunity for their god.

The left hates Judaism and Christianity; their God does not seek love and peace, but control and compliance.

The left hates our Constitution; it prevents their god from total control.

The left hates family; the community is their siblings and government is their parents.

The left hates life itself. The act of taking the greatest gift given by God is their ultimate sacrifice to their god.

Understanding this makes clear why the left supports illegal immigration, war, abortion, Hamas, gender ideology, criminals, and authoritarianism.

Is this post your original? If so, it is masterclass in communicating where were are in the MOMENT.

I am going to post in support asap.

Well done.

04-27-2024, 03:21 PM
Seek professional help.

04-27-2024, 03:38 PM
Seek professional help.

For your Trump Derangement Syndrome? Yes, and recommend the same for the MASS TDS inflicted. BIG PHARMA has meds on the way.

People are actually laser focused on a ridiculous DJT trial....all while our COUNTRY is being "Fundamentally Transformed" in REAL TIME.

04-27-2024, 04:11 PM
Just facts: Many Are Getting Arested trump playing golf. You can't even figure out who won the election.

04-27-2024, 05:06 PM
Are those Jewish space lasers being focused?

Strange Brew
04-27-2024, 05:39 PM
Are those Jewish space lasers being focused?

Nah, Joe left those in Afghanistan.

Hey, how’s that air base in Niger? Great work Joe. The Chinese will be thrilled to have it as part of the Belt and Roads initiative.

04-27-2024, 05:50 PM
Well that should lessen the California wild fire situation this year.

Strange Brew
04-27-2024, 06:02 PM
Well that should lessen the California wild fire situation this year.

Thank goodness. Maybe the earthquakes will stop as well…:)

04-27-2024, 07:39 PM
It's quite amazing that the most deranged, leftist lunatics on this board are from the Vietnam era. One wonders if they actually fought with the US military, or were they VC?

I have to think the average German in 1942 had a greater ability to discern fact from propaganda than these guys.

Strange Brew
04-27-2024, 08:26 PM
It's quite amazing that the most deranged, leftist lunatics on this board are from the Vietnam era. One wonders if they actually fought with the US military, or were they VC?

I have to think the average German in 1942 had a greater ability to discern fact from propaganda than these guys.

Easy tiger. Too far.

04-27-2024, 08:26 PM
Congratulations Lou. You just earned the first negative rep I've ever given anyone on this board.

On behalf of any one else on this board who may have served in Vietnam, I truly hope you will grow up.

04-27-2024, 08:36 PM
It's quite amazing that the most deranged, leftist lunatics on this board are from the Vietnam era. One wonders if they actually fought with the US military, or were they VC?

I have to think the average German in 1942 had a greater ability to discern fact from propaganda than these guys.

Fuck you, seriously fuck you. You’re a despicable human being

Strange Brew
04-27-2024, 08:41 PM
Thank you to all of the Veterans of the Vietnam War. I wasn’t born yet however what you faced in the 60’s and after winning in ‘72 is a huge stain on this Country.

04-27-2024, 09:52 PM
Congratulations Lou. You just earned the first negative rep I've ever given anyone on this board.

On behalf of any one else on this board who may have served in Vietnam, I truly hope you will grow up.

I bet you and Jane Fonda were real good buddies, right?

04-27-2024, 10:16 PM
Bunch of pussies who grew up sucking on mama's tit.

04-27-2024, 10:21 PM
I love how all these commie leftists, like Obama, Biden and some on this board, wrap themselves in the flag, while twisting the knife in America's back.

04-27-2024, 10:34 PM
I love how all these commie leftists, like Obama, Biden and some on this board, wrap themselves in the flag, while twisting the knife in America's back.

You forgot John Kerry.

04-27-2024, 10:37 PM
Bunch of pussies who grew up sucking on mama's tit.

Are you referring to the crippling sickness of the Progressive Welfare State?

04-27-2024, 10:38 PM
Love post #21140.....so let's pile on.

The AWESOME power of ONE MAN and his vision. The Democrat Party and their voters, have now been "Fundamentally Transformed". With the horrific timeline of events fomented by this O'Biden disaster, the hatred of the United States of America is now a key element of the party doctrine, and in the Progressive wing of Globalists it is openly celebrated.

Are there proudly staunch Socialists in our electorate/academia/government? What about Marxists, Communists, Anarchists? What about anti-Semitic Jihadists? If so, they are EXCLUSIVE to the Democrat Party....and the VOTERS that SUPPORT them.

Do you believe that groups like BLM, ANTIFA and the currant PRO-HAMAS movement are serious about their agenda? If so, any support they receive is EXCLUSIVE to the American Left and those VOTING with them.

Are you sick and tired of this AMERICAN CAPITALIST/MERIT BASED culture? Be patient because the DEMOCRAT PARTY is actively working hard to satisfy your concerns. DEI is a cornerstone to the 2024 O'Biden platform. VOTE DEM.

Is there an astonishingly growing number of Americans that are convinced our Country is inherently/systematically racist? If so, it is with great probability that they vote Democrat in support.

Is there any truth to a perceived reality that big city CRIME is being DECRIMINALIZED? Is there, in fact, RADICAL Crimal Justice Reform that is Social Justce based? Are there low bond or NO BOND being issued for violent felonies? Is blue city Law Enforcement being ordered to avoid engaging when possible? Are Prosecutors dropping cases and Judges refuse standard sentencing protocol in the name of Social Justice? If so, it is entirely leftist policy and DEM voter support that allows it.

Would it be reasonable to suggest that the financial obscenity of the Dept of Education is responsible for the reality of our big city Public School efficiency? If so, it's horrific damage to our kids future....is continually perpetrated the by graft of the DEMOCRAT PARTY and their VOTERS.

Is it possible that inviting approximately 10,000,000 NEW,....NON MED SCREENED, UNVETTED, UNDOCUMENTED ILLEGALS could cause irreparable damage to our Country's infrastructure? Create a fertile environment for 9/11 stuff? Continue to poison our citizens with WMD drugs? If so, O'Biden owns it.....and so do his VOTERS.

Could the USA under the direction of a radical shift in traditional Foreign Policy, irreparably erode relations with our most strategic ally in the world? If so, it can only happen if O'Biden and the Democrats allow it. Vote DEM.

You hate GAS CARS, stoves, grills, lawn mowers, furnaces? You will be happy to know that "snuff" is in the works.....EXCLUSIVELY DEMOCRAT and your VOTE will make it happen.

So remember folks, VOTE DEM at every opportunity so this and MORE glorious norms are coming to a reality near you!

04-27-2024, 10:40 PM
I love how all these commie leftists, like Obama, Biden and some on this board, wrap themselves in the flag, while twisting the knife in America's back.

You:re a sick puppy. Maybe get a job? Nah.

04-27-2024, 10:48 PM
From the X lounge " Are Lou. And Xuperman fucking yet". Of course they can:t see it cause they are too fucking cheap.

04-27-2024, 11:11 PM
Trump rips RFK. Finally figured out he is stealing votes.

04-27-2024, 11:29 PM
From the X lounge " Are Lou. And Xuperman fucking yet". Of course they can:t see it cause they are too fucking cheap.

Is that supposed to be an insult?

Ok, I am POSITIVE that you fantasize about 4 wheeling in Trump's dirty backside regularly. And I am guessing you would not be "cheap" in gaining a "crack" at satisfaction....if given the opportunity. You are obsessed beyond help.

However, let's stay out of the school yard if possible.

Your Country is about to be confronted with SERIOUS issues for SERIOUS citizens, in a monumental election year. If you are going to make a continuous effort to engage here, try to resemble someone that is a SERIOUS person and post something in support of your Leftist views.

Just pick ONE of the above TEN to comment on. If you can, you get a GOLD participation trophy. If you don't mention TRUMP, you can be recognized as gaining a well needed 1st step in your TDS recovery.

Strange Brew
04-28-2024, 12:04 AM
I bet you and Jane Fonda were real good buddies, right?

Jane was wrong and you’re about on the same level right now.

I’m never one to ban free speech so keep digging.

Edit: The US won the war in combat terms. The politicians defunded the South which is why idiots thought it was lost.

Also, this is the reason the ground war in Iraq (the first time) was over in days. Storman Norman wasn’t going to let the politicians FUBAR it again. Some of you need to read a lot more. I’d recommend staying away from Howard Zinn and Krugman.

Muskie in dayton
04-28-2024, 01:39 AM
Is this post your original? If so, it is masterclass in communicating where were are in the MOMENT.

I am going to post in support asap.

Well done.
I hope someone else realized this before me.

Muskie in dayton
04-28-2024, 01:43 AM
The lack of a denial is greater validation for the truth than the claim itself.

Strange Brew
04-28-2024, 02:04 AM
Mike Lindell must not have been available.

Yeah, let’s make fun of the pillow guy that overcame addiction, built a business and employed hundreds of people. Haha, what an idiot. X-Band what have you built from the ground up?

04-28-2024, 09:33 AM
Yeah, let’s make fun of the pillow guy that overcame addiction, built a business and employed hundreds of people. Haha, what an idiot. X-Band what have you built from the ground up?

Whoa, easy tiger. How dare you insult one of our posters....

One can only assume you're against all war veterans with a comment like this.

04-28-2024, 10:07 AM
[QUOTE=Strange Brew;783494]Yeah, let’s make fun of the pillow guy that overcame addiction, built a business and employed hundreds of people. Haha, what an idiot. X-Band what have you built from the ground up?[/QUOT
Haha the pillow guy sez
he is broke. Owes his lawyers millions of dollars and will lose the Smartmatic suit He's probably back on the pipe.

04-28-2024, 10:11 AM
He squandered 65 million or "" How not to run a business ".

04-28-2024, 10:29 AM
Now his lawyers have quit and he was evicted from his warehouse.

Strange Brew
04-28-2024, 02:13 PM
[QUOTE=Strange Brew;783494]Yeah, let’s make fun of the pillow guy that overcame addiction, built a business and employed hundreds of people. Haha, what an idiot. X-Band what have you built from the ground up?[/QUOT
Haha the pillow guy sez
he is broke. Owes his lawyers millions of dollars and will lose the Smartmatic suit He's probably back on the pipe.

Yeah, you nailed him and the people he employed. Good job!

What is your end game Bobbie?

04-28-2024, 02:43 PM
DVS Don't vote for a Sleazebag.

Strange Brew
04-28-2024, 02:47 PM
DVS Don't vote for a Sleazebag.

Really? Did you vote for Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama or Clinton?

I think you need to change your head.

04-28-2024, 06:04 PM
Really? Did you vote for Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama or Clinton?

I think you need to change your head.

Clinton was and still is the biggest sleazebag we have ever had. Thank god the American people saw that when voting back in ‘16

Strange Brew
04-28-2024, 06:42 PM
Clinton was and still is the biggest sleazebag we have ever had. Thank god the American people saw that when voting back in ‘16

Yeah, however at least he wasn’t an Alinskite.

That election was:
A good old boy
King ghost
And a crazy business man who made some good points.

Strange Brew
04-28-2024, 07:56 PM
Sorry, Alinskyite.

I shouldn’t apologize for a “man” whose book contained an homage to Satan.

Edit: To those of you who haven’t read it it will explain the planned protests we’ve been dealing with for the past 15 years. Anti-war protests of the 2000’s. Yep. Occupy Wall Street? By the book. BLM, you got it again. Now it’s crumbling and the Radicals don’t know what to do.

The core principle is to make your opponent live up to their own standards. Oh no, Brew’s read some books!

Edit: Cloward and Piven never had a plan for the aftermath. Subversion is only fun until you’re in charge. :)

BTW, the border, now the borders are a mess. Good luck with that Joecioples.

04-28-2024, 09:38 PM
Sorry, Alinskyite.

I shouldn’t apologize for a “man” whose book contained an homage to Satan.

Edit: To those of you who haven’t read it it will explain the planned protests we’ve been dealing with for the past 15 years. Anti-war protests of the 2000’s. Yep. Occupy Wall Street? By the book. BLM, you got it again. Now it’s crumbling and the Radicals don’t know what to do.

The core principle is to make your opponent live up to their own standards. Oh no, Brew’s read some books!

Edit: Cloward and Piven never had a plan for the aftermath. Subversion is only fun until you’re in charge. :)

Oh yeah, Alinsky....Cloward/Piven, is a massive influence. Let's not forget Obama's best friends Reverend Wright and BILL AYERS!!! Just look at their "HYBRID" POTUS of 2008. Obama was a perfect "clean" political "change agent".

He said "Fundamentally Transform America" and it is nearly complete with intentional and devastating results....in real time. Are we not seeing some form of Socialism being implemented here?

That is why post #21140 is so important.

Make no mistake. Some form of O'Biden will be fronted for that continued promise in November.

Literally.... "GOD help us"!

04-29-2024, 06:57 AM
Yeah, there is an overwhelming invasion at the southern border and the MSM is now openly the propaganda wing of the Democrat party, but this has to be the greatest concern.


America is under attack on multiple domestic fronts. Lincoln says all that needs to be said here-

https://www.answers.com/Q/Ken_burns_quoted_Abraham_Lincoln_when_are_enemy_dr inks_from_the_Ohio_river.full_quote_please

04-29-2024, 08:28 AM
Sorry, Alinskyite.

I shouldn’t apologize for a “man” whose book contained an homage to Satan.

Edit: To those of you who haven’t read it it will explain the planned protests we’ve been dealing with for the past 15 years. Anti-war protests of the 2000’s. Yep. Occupy Wall Street? By the book. BLM, you got it again. Now it’s crumbling and the Radicals don’t know what to do.

The core principle is to make your opponent live up to their own standards. Oh no, Brew’s read some books!

Edit: Cloward and Piven never had a plan for the aftermath. Subversion is only fun until you’re in charge. :)

BTW, the border, now the borders are a mess. Good luck with that Joecioples.

I bet almost no one reading this, and a very small percentage of the students protesting now, even know who Saul Alinsky is. Or...who he WAS, I guess. I know sometimes a lot of these "movements" are attributed to him, but most of the participants don't have the slightest clue who he even is.

04-29-2024, 10:04 AM
I bet almost no one reading this, and a very small percentage of the students protesting now, even know who Saul Alinsky is. Or...who he WAS, I guess. I know sometimes a lot of these "movements" are attributed to him, but most of the participants don't have the slightest clue who he even is.

You are correct.

However, the puppet masters know exactly who he is, and that's where the danger lies.

04-29-2024, 10:25 AM
You are correct.

However, the puppet masters know exactly who he is, and that's where the danger lies.

I'l probably regret asking this, but who are these puppet masters? I don't really look at this and see any evidence of anyone who's capable of mastering much of anything.

04-29-2024, 10:40 AM
I'l probably regret asking this, but who are these puppet masters? I don't really look at this and see any evidence of anyone who's capable of mastering much of anything.

Oh dear gawd. Do you realize what you’ve done?

04-29-2024, 11:33 AM
I'l probably regret asking this, but who are these puppet masters? I don't really look at this and see any evidence of anyone who's capable of mastering much of anything.

George Soros - funds campaigns for DAs who are soft on crime, DEI programs, BLM, Antifa, recent pro-Hamas protests, etc., etc.. In other words, every crazy left wing notion can trace it's roots back to this guy.

04-29-2024, 12:48 PM
Over the weekend President Biden once again asserted that he had been arrested during a Civil Rights protest. He also claimed that he was arrested in South Africa when he was a senator. Both claims have been completely debunked. Is he losing his mind or is he a liar?

We are so screwed

04-29-2024, 03:20 PM
Hunter suing Fox News.

04-30-2024, 05:54 AM
Over the weekend President Biden once again asserted that he had been arrested during a Civil Rights protest. He also claimed that he was arrested in South Africa when he was a senator. Both claims have been completely debunked. Is he losing his mind or is he a liar?

We are so screwed

I would say the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

04-30-2024, 11:13 AM
I would say the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Think I’d rather take a liar at this point

04-30-2024, 01:24 PM
Any ideas on who Trump's VP candidate will be??

I'm not an expert on constitutional law, but I know enough to get by. The way I understand it is this..

-The Republican Party no longer has the option of nominating someone other than Trump. The Convention is a formality. He is the nominee.

-He likely will be found guilty in his current trial, and while there is no guarantee he will go to prison if he is found guilty, it is at least possible that he will.

-Trump can still run for president even if he is in prison. And Trump would likely win, even if he is in prison.

Soooooo....THEN WHAT?????

In this particular case, he cannot pardon himself. I guess he could appeal to the Supreme Court that he must be given relief in order to not be in violation of his oath of office. Would he get it??

Or, in that situation, would the Vice President invoke the 25th Amendment, remove him from office, and basically become the President?? I'm GUESSING that's what would happen.

The chances of us being in this situation are greater than zero. It COULD happen. Prior to now this situation was unimaginable, but it could happen.

And, as another topic...

The current case in front of the Supreme Court about blanket presidential immunity, we can all at least agree that's complete nonsense, right?? I mean, with that logic, Biden could have Trump assassinated and claim presidential immunity. No one wants that. I know Trump wants that for himself, but NO ONE ELSE should want that!! How is this even a debate?? How has the SCOTUS not laughed this out of court yet??

04-30-2024, 01:44 PM
Probably noem. She’s kinda nuts, and been sucking up to him for a few years now. Plus she is super attractive so of course like any warm blooded male, trump likes that.

04-30-2024, 01:51 PM
Probably noem. She’s kinda nuts, and been sucking up to him for a few years now. Plus she is super attractive so of course like any red blooded male, trump likes that.

So there is perhaps a better chance that in a year from now Kristi Noem is president than there is that Biden is president.

04-30-2024, 02:09 PM
Noem would be fine, frankly. If she'd have just run for President I'd have voted for her. She's a bit competent for Trump's usual tastes, so he'll probably pick like Vivek or something.

The SCOTUS case isn't quite as laughable as you're making it out to be. It's about immunity as part of official actions. And a President obviously needs immunity for quite a few of the things he/she does. Trump is quite unlikely to win a judgment that his actions on/around 1/6 qualify for immunity, but the Court will make a ruling on what constitutes official duty that qualifies for immunity for a President, and then it will get sent down to the trial court (the trial court is the trier of fact) to determine Trump's conduct and whether it qualifies for immunity (it won't).

04-30-2024, 02:18 PM
Noem would be fine, frankly. If she'd have just run for President I'd have voted for her. She's a bit competent for Trump's usual tastes, so he'll probably pick like Vivek or something.

The SCOTUS case isn't quite as laughable as you're making it out to be. It's about immunity as part of official actions. And a President obviously needs immunity for quite a few of the things he/she does. Trump is quite unlikely to win a judgment that his actions on/around 1/6 qualify for immunity, but the Court will make a ruling on what constitutes official duty that qualifies for immunity for a President, and then it will get sent down to the trial court (the trial court is the trier of fact) to determine Trump's conduct and whether it qualifies for immunity (it won't).

That is a very informative and concise explanation. Thank you.

04-30-2024, 02:23 PM
I'm so damn old I just can't wrap my mind around a national party, let alone the Republican party, nominating a convicted sexual abuser.

04-30-2024, 02:23 PM
Probably noem. She’s kinda nuts, and been sucking up to him for a few years now. Plus she is super attractive so of course like any warm blooded male, trump likes that.

Just a quick tip for anyone thinking about running for nationwide office, tell your ghost writer to leave out the story about shooting your puppy.

04-30-2024, 02:25 PM
I'm so damn old I just can't wrap my mind around a national party, let alone the Republican party, nominating a convicted sexual abuser.

Trump hasn't been convicted of sexual abuse that I'm aware of. Only defamation (in a civil trial, so not really a "conviction").

04-30-2024, 02:30 PM
I'm so damn old I just can't wrap my mind around a national party, let alone the Republican party, nominating a convicted sexual abuser.

As it stands now, it looks like the party will nominate him, and the people will elect him.

Now if someone OTHER than Joe Biden were to get the Democratic nomination, then....

04-30-2024, 02:38 PM
Just a quick tip for anyone thinking about running for nationwide office, tell your ghost writer to leave out the story about shooting your puppy.

Why that was included is at the best questionable. My dad grew up on a farm so I understand things work differently there but geezus. She even double downed on it which is just yikes.

04-30-2024, 02:43 PM
Why that was included is at the best questionable. My dad grew up on a farm so I understand things work differently there but geezus. She even double downed on it which is just yikes.

I get that farm life is different. I once had to hold the reins while my friend put down their horse with an AR15 cause the vet wasn't available for a week, but you have to know that no one is going to get past the "killed puppy" headline for the actual context.

04-30-2024, 02:51 PM
Trump hasn't been convicted of sexual abuse that I'm aware of. Only defamation (in a civil trial, so not really a "conviction").


Liable for, not convicted of. My bad I guess. Although I think that means the jury decided he sexually abused someone.

04-30-2024, 02:55 PM
I mean, there's a pretty big difference between being convicted of something and being found liable in a civil suit.

04-30-2024, 02:59 PM
I mean, there's a pretty big difference between being convicted of something and being found liable in a civil suit.

From a legal standpoint this is absolutely true. But I guess my question is does it matter to the point at hand? Say Trump had been convicted of sexual assault. Would he be any less likely to win the election?? I for one do not think so.

04-30-2024, 03:26 PM
He'd be more likely to be in prison, so sure. Also, if he had a bit more sympathetic "victim" who didn't go on MSNBC and brag about how she was going to spend the judgment money on purses and shit, it might hit a bit different, too. Wasn't Avenatti her lawyer for a while?

04-30-2024, 03:52 PM
I mean, there's a pretty big difference between being convicted of something and being found liable in a civil suit.

Really? Sure, the consequences are different. But the thing he did is the same.

04-30-2024, 03:56 PM
All a civil verdict means is that a specific group of people think there's a 51% chance someone did something. So yes, pretty big difference compared to "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Also, they said there's a less than 50% chance he raped her, so it was pretty confusing what that jury actually thought he did.

04-30-2024, 04:11 PM
All a civil verdict means is that a specific group of people think there's a 51% chance someone did something. So yes, pretty big difference compared to "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Also, they said there's a less than 50% chance he raped her, so it was pretty confusing what that jury actually thought he did.

Truly amazing they way people purposefully conflate civil and criminal litigation on this board. There is zero presumption of innocence for a civil defendant.

04-30-2024, 04:28 PM
Truly amazing they way people purposefully conflate civil and criminal litigation on this board. There is zero presumption of innocence for a civil defendant.

Amazing?? Perhaps. Purposefully conflated?? Not necessarily. People who are lawyers sometimes forget that a lot of people who are not lawyers and/or have never had to deal with litigation or legal situations simply don't know the law that well.

04-30-2024, 05:20 PM
I'm so damn old I just can't wrap my mind around a national party, let alone the Republican party, nominating a convicted sexual abuser.

Trump hasn't been convicted of sexual abuse that I'm aware of. Only defamation (in a civil trial, so not really a "conviction").

Yet there are some that keeping bringing that up as true, and in a post that isolates this as the reason for denigrating virtually half of the population.

04-30-2024, 06:05 PM
I didn’t denigrate anyone. I expressed my amazement at a national party supporting a candidate who so many people, especially those who worked with him, find unfit for the office.

04-30-2024, 06:13 PM
I didn’t denigrate anyone. I expressed my amazement at a national party supporting a candidate who so many people, especially those who worked with him, find unfit for the office.

It's pretty unbelievable. And to make matters worse, the Republicans are nominating Donald Trump.

04-30-2024, 06:29 PM
Amazing?? Perhaps. Purposefully conflated?? Not necessarily. People who are lawyers sometimes forget that a lot of people who are not lawyers and/or have never had to deal with litigation or legal situations simply don't know the law that well.

Well the problem is when people believe or continue to push out a BS narrative after they hear the facts.

Just like when an exhaustive investigation showed Trump did not personally collude with Russia and people refuse to believe it. Or after major investigation into the 2020, people still think the election was rigged.

This not the first time Trump has been mislabeled a rapist or for sexual assault on this board. Sure it won’t be the last time for whatever people want to believe on any issue.

04-30-2024, 06:38 PM
Here are the facts of the "rape" case Paul keeps referring to. I posted this before, but he totally ignored it, and keeps posting blatant lies.


During the latest episode of this trial, Carroll admitted she wasn’t doing very well financially and needed to find a way to sell more books. The testimony appears to be the basis for the very first claim she ever made, in New York magazine’s The Cut, in the summer of 2019.

Far from a compelling claim, the 80-year-old writer initially laid out the story that her supposed rape occurred either in 1994, before altering the day to be “in the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996.” She couldn’t remember the specifics. What she did remember was that she was wearing a “Donna Karan coatdress and high heels but not a coat.” She later refused to produce said coat for DNA testing despite admitting to still owning it, describing it as “unworn and unlaundered since that evening.” It later came to light that the coatdress was not made in 1994 or 1995.

It didn’t matter to Carroll, who has accused multiple men of sexually assaulting or raping her throughout her life, including a babysitter’s boyfriend, a dentist, a camp counselor, an unnamed college date, an unnamed boss, and CBS chief executive Les Moonves.

Carroll also appeared to remember specifics such as the emptiness of the Bergdorf Goodman department store in the early evening – a detail she called “inconceivable” – as well as admitting that it was her who wanted to sexually harrass Trump originally because she wanted a “funny story to tell” about getting the then-infamous New York City developer to put on women’s lingerie.

Upon voluntarily entering a dressing room which she claims would “usually [be] locked until a client wants to try something on,” she claims Trump “unzips his pants, and, forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I’m not certain — inside me.”

After apparently struggling free, she says, “I don’t remember if any person or attendant is now in the lingerie department. I don’t remember if I run for the elevator or if I take the slow ride down on the escalator. As soon as I land on the main floor, I run through the store and out the door — I don’t recall which door — and find myself outside on Fifth Avenue.”

The story itself beggars belief. If a celebrity had tried to rape me in a public place, I think the first thing I might have done was tell someone. In the words of her own friends, E. Jean Carroll is an “attention-seeker.” It is already difficult to imagine such a scenario unfolding without immediate consequences for the assailant, let alone when the victim is a nationally published attention-seeker.


But even if your sympathies still lay with Carroll, consider this. Carroll – a self-declared Law and Order TV show fan – first made her allegations against Trump in a 2019 book, just a few years after an episode of the show saw characters discuss a role-played rape in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room.

CNN reported in 2019 that Carroll was “an avid Law & Order franchise fan,” to which Carroll – an ostensibly damaged rape victim responded of the “coincidence”: “It tickled me to death.” She called it “a great, huge coincidence, but… a magnificent one.”

Carroll’s entire character is one of bizarre sexual thoughts, antics, and actions. Another piece of evidence the judge refused to allow was that Carroll named her cat “Vagina” and posted repeatedly about anal sex, celebrity fantasies, and pornography.

In fact, in 2012, Trump himself was the subject of one of these fantasies Carroll shared on her Facebook page: “Would you have sex with Donald Trump for $17,000?” before going on to suggest that in her fantasy scenario, Trump may not be able to speak. An odd thing to post for someone who alleges that the same man raped her less than two decades prior.

It goes on and on: https://thenationalpulse.com/analysis-post/kassam-the-trump-carroll-case-is-blatantly-the-greatest-miscarriage-of-justice-in-modern-american-history/

04-30-2024, 08:08 PM

Liable for, not convicted of. My bad I guess. Although I think that means the jury decided he sexually abused someone.

Joe Biden SHOWERED multiple times with his own daughter. Are we to assume a young girls DIARY is a lie?

I will wait for the usual crickets.

05-01-2024, 12:00 AM
It's pretty unbelievable. And to make matters worse, the Republicans are nominating Donald Trump.

Bravo!! Your posts are always full of class and clever character. You got some Twain/Will Rogers going on man!!

05-01-2024, 12:38 AM
I'l probably regret asking this, but who are these puppet masters? I don't really look at this and see any evidence of anyone who's capable of mastering much of anything.

Name #1 is TRUMP.

Word is, he has the entire Republican party in a firm wrap & tied nut grip....the epitome of a string master.

However, there is another well entrenched DC swamp creature with MASS influence.


NO WAY Biden is re-elected. He is politically, if not soon physically, dead already. I have repeatedly said it....but can you say "Michelle"?

Wouldn't "Michelle/Mamala" be just perfect for a winning 2024 campaign slogan?

We are being totally backshafted here folks. You have useful idiots here and countless more in mass bringing the Progressive Vaseline to get it done.

05-01-2024, 07:59 AM
Keep an eye on Tulsi Gabbard as a possible VP pick for Trump.

05-01-2024, 08:11 AM
It's pretty unbelievable. And to make matters worse, the Republicans are nominating Donald Trump.

Yep they are both just horrible unfit for office candidates. If someone continually complains about one candidate while ignoring how awful the other is, all you’re doing is showing your bias. There is no objective reason for liking either candidate other than well at least they aren’t x.

Would be nice if we could get people like beshear on the left and a hogan on the right to run and actually win presidential primaries but common sense politics doesn’t really exist right now.

05-01-2024, 09:13 AM
Amazing?? Perhaps. Purposefully conflated?? Not necessarily.

Yes, that's what I said. There are people on this board who over and over again (the same people I might add) who knowingly use incorrect terminology to try to blur the lines between criminal and civil litigation. They know the law and how it's applied, but chose to spin it to fit their narratives. I guess it's not 'amazing' as I described...more along the lines of unoriginal and completely predictable.

05-01-2024, 09:14 AM
Would be nice if we could get people like beshear on the left and a hogan on the right to run and actually win presidential primaries but common sense politics doesn’t really exist right now.

Sign me up

05-01-2024, 09:15 AM
Keep an eye on Tulsi Gabbard as a possible VP pick for Trump.

She's the second choice in the betting odds behind Tim Scott. Both would be fine choices and far better than anyone else on the top or bottom of the respective tickets (assuming Biden goes with Kamala again). Scott's suck-up tour has been embarrassing, but if that's what it takes to get someone sane in the mix, so be it. Tulsi back-dooring her way into the Presidency through the Trump VP spot would be some story after the way she's been treated by her former Democratic compatriots.

05-01-2024, 09:28 AM
The situation on the college campuses right now is obviously very sad/strange, but it will be interesting to see how it will play out politically. It's essentially a Democrat civil conflict pitting the liberals vs. the progressives. Not sure what the fallout will be.

05-01-2024, 09:35 AM
The situation on the college campuses right now is obviously very sad/strange, but it will be interesting to see how it will play out politically. It's essentially a Democrat civil conflict pitting the liberals vs. the progressives. Not sure what the fallout will be.

Summer break is right around the corner. If these kids are given the choice between protesting against alleged injustice and having some beers at their parents' beach house, I know where I am betting my money on which option they will take.

05-01-2024, 09:39 AM
Summer break is right around the corner. If these kids are given the choice between protesting against alleged injustice and having some beers at their parents' beach house, I know where I am betting my money on which option they will take.

Serious question...how many of these protestors are actually students vs professional protestors?

05-01-2024, 09:46 AM
And the DNC is planning to hold their convention in Chicago this summer? I'm sure nothing will get damaged.........

05-01-2024, 10:25 AM
Looks like the Dems will have to save Johnson and the Congress from imploding again.
Would be nice to have a party who knew how to function.

05-01-2024, 11:04 AM
The situation on the college campuses right now is obviously very sad/strange, but it will be interesting to see how it will play out politically. It's essentially a Democrat civil conflict pitting the liberals vs. the progressives. Not sure what the fallout will be.

MOST people (not all) on MOST campuses (not all) are just normal people.

They're worried about finishing their exams, keeping their scholarships, finding housing and jobs for the summer, deciding who they want to live with next year, whether or not they want to be single if they're in relationships, whether or not they want to be in relationships if they're single, what bars don't card, and the things that most normal students care about.

I know this is oversimplifying it, but I think most of the students who are caught up in the protests are caught up in it for the same reasons students get caught up into anything. It feels good to be a part of something! And, this is what they've found to be a part of! Most of htem probably couldn't find Gaza or Israel on a map. They're pretty sure it's not in South America or Africa, but that's about it. They love to say "From the River to the Sea." Most of the American college students wrapped up in the protests probably don't even know which river or which sea they're talking about.

05-01-2024, 11:12 AM
Looks like the Dems will have to save Johnson and the Congress from imploding again.
Would be nice to have a party who knew how to function.

Hey Paul - you got terrorists and Nazi-wannabees in your party. I'd suggest focusing on your problems first.

05-01-2024, 11:48 AM
Hey Paul - you got terrorists and Nazi-wannabees in your party. I'd suggest focusing on your problems first.

It would be great if both parties would work on that. And let's not forget the Stalin wannabees while we're at it.

05-01-2024, 12:02 PM
Serious question...how many of these protestors are actually students vs professional protestors?

It was reported at Texas to be 50-50 students vs non.

05-01-2024, 12:27 PM
It was reported at Texas to be 50-50 students vs non.

I think it was Washington University in St. Louis, where it was reported that 80 arrests were made there recently....13 identified with connections to the school and SIXTY SEVEN with none. This suggests that professional protesters are overwhelmingly involved in the criminal activity. These are the Marxists that show up at all of these radical movements.

05-01-2024, 12:27 PM
It was reported at Texas to be 50-50 students vs non.

Sounds about right. The blm crap was the same. They are typically peaceful protests at the beginning led by student groups, which is fine. I typically don’t agree with any of it, but people should be free to protest if they want of course.

It’s when the professional people come in and then it turns into riot and bullshit. Rinse and repeat. Been like this now for however many years. Dunno what can be done about this, but something needs to happen.

05-01-2024, 12:42 PM
MOST people (not all) on MOST campuses (not all) are just normal people.

They're worried about finishing their exams, keeping their scholarships, finding housing and jobs for the summer, deciding who they want to live with next year, whether or not they want to be single if they're in relationships, whether or not they want to be in relationships if they're single, what bars don't card, and the things that most normal students care about.

I know this is oversimplifying it, but I think most of the students who are caught up in the protests are caught up in it for the same reasons students get caught up into anything. It feels good to be a part of something! And, this is what they've found to be a part of! Most of htem probably couldn't find Gaza or Israel on a map. They're pretty sure it's not in South America or Africa, but that's about it. They love to say "From the River to the Sea." Most of the American college students wrapped up in the protests probably don't even know which river or which sea they're talking about.

We are VERY strict about carding. Why are you calling me out? :crazy::crazy::crazy:

05-01-2024, 12:53 PM
She's the second choice in the betting odds behind Tim Scott. Both would be fine choices and far better than anyone else on the top or bottom of the respective tickets (assuming Biden goes with Kamala again). Scott's suck-up tour has been embarrassing, but if that's what it takes to get someone sane in the mix, so be it. Tulsi back-dooring her way into the Presidency through the Trump VP spot would be some story after the way she's been treated by her former Democratic compatriots.

The funniest outcome would be Trump making Rubio resign his Senate seat and move out of Florida, and then not picking him for VP.

05-01-2024, 12:56 PM
The funniest outcome would be Trump making Rubio resign his Senate seat and move out of Florida, and then not picking him for VP.

That would be amusing...but imagine who Republicans might get to replace Rubio in the Senate. It can always be worse.

05-01-2024, 12:59 PM
We are VERY strict about carding. Why are you calling me out? :crazy::crazy::crazy:

Having to sort through that mess is near the top of a long list of reasons as to why I am totally unqualified to run a bar.

05-01-2024, 01:15 PM
Sounds about right. The blm crap was the same. They are typically peaceful protests at the beginning led by student groups, which is fine. I typically don’t agree with any of it, but people should be free to protest if they want of course.

It’s when the professional people come in and then it turns into riot and bullshit. Rinse and repeat. Been like this now for however many years. Dunno what can be done about this, but something needs to happen.

Who is funding/employing these professional protesters? It's an honest question...there has to be a paper trail somewhere

05-01-2024, 01:19 PM
Who is funding/employing these professional protesters? It's an honest question...there has to be a paper trail somewhere

I would not be surprised if ultimately it was foreign money. Iran, Russia, China...Pick a US enemy or maybe all of them. It really doesn't make sense otherwise.

05-01-2024, 01:26 PM
I would not be surprised if ultimately it was foreign money. Iran, Russia, China...Pick a US enemy or maybe all of them. It really doesn't make sense otherwise.

Agree. If someone is taking money from a foreign nation to create instability in America, I would think there would be some legal recourse against the actors. The first amendment can be a mofo depending on how it's applied

05-01-2024, 01:35 PM
Agree. If someone is taking money from a foreign nation to create instability in America, I would think there would be some legal recourse against the actors. The first amendment can be a mofo depending on how it's applied

Soros has been known to fund this crap for years. He should be arrested

05-01-2024, 01:41 PM
Hey Paul - you got terrorists and Nazi-wannabees in your party. I'd suggest focusing on your problems first.

Yeah, you got the white supremanists and the proud boys and all the 1/6 dummies

05-01-2024, 01:42 PM
Soros has been known to fund this crap for years. He should be arrested

I keep seeing that, and I have never seen a reputable source on that. Knowing Soros' background, especially as it relates to what he did in his own country, (moving Hungary from Communisim to Democracy) I highly doubt it.

05-01-2024, 01:53 PM
We are VERY strict about carding. Why are you calling me out? :crazy::crazy::crazy:

Please take my confiscated, fake driver's license down from the wall behind the cash register. Umm.....thanks.

05-01-2024, 02:06 PM
Please take my confiscated, fake driver's license down from the wall behind the cash register. Umm.....thanks.

Your license is up there because of the fake Diners Card you tried to use last year!

05-01-2024, 02:22 PM
We are VERY strict about carding. Why are you calling me out? :crazy::crazy::crazy:

Glad I went to school there before the new management ;)

05-01-2024, 02:30 PM
I keep seeing that, and I have never seen a reputable source on that. Knowing Soros' background, especially as it relates to what he did in his own country, (moving Hungary from Communisim to Democracy) I highly doubt it.

From the New York Post. Not sure the source your looking for but…


05-01-2024, 06:56 PM
Knowing Soros' background, I highly doubt it.

Enlighten us please on his "background" and make sure to convince us on your "doubts". How is it possible that your vast knowledge of everything....NEVER has any detailed substance?

05-01-2024, 07:21 PM
Enlighten us please on his "background" and make sure to convince us on your "doubts". How is it possible that your vast knowledge of everything....NEVER has any detailed substance?

Let me Google that for you.

05-01-2024, 07:25 PM
From the New York Post. Not sure the source your looking for but…


So you and the ny post is telling us that a guy who was born Jewish, whose last name was Schwartz, whose family survived the nazi occupation of his country, helped to transition his country away from communism to a democracy is actively funding Jewish hate groups ? That sound a little crazy to anyone else?

There are things about Soros I certainly don’t agree with, and he’s funded the hell out of democratic candidates and democratic policies, but I have a hard time believing that he’s actively funding Jewish hate groups.

05-01-2024, 07:31 PM
Your license is up there because of the fake Diners Card you tried to use last year!

Made me laugh ��Diner:s card?

05-01-2024, 07:34 PM
I had a Diner’s Club card back in the day!

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