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02-29-2024, 08:56 AM
A little history and politics lesson Lou since you still can't comprehend.

The 2000 Commodity Futures Modernization Act is what deregulated over the counter derivatives such as bundled mortgages. That is ultimately what led to the 2007-2009 crash. That act was passed by a full Republican Congress dumbass.

Now I'm not saying it was all the Republicans fault like you would, because I don't lay blame all on one side for out of context bullshit like you. Deregulation in the financial sector had been happening since the 70s. Both parties passed legislation to accomplish this. Both parties were at fault, as both of them got their dicks wet by high powered corporate lobbyists that scratch each others' backs to get things done and make all of them a ton of money.

You really need to stop it with the bullshit that one side is all good and the other is all bad. That is not how the real-world works.

02-29-2024, 09:52 AM
A little history and politics lesson Lou since you still can't comprehend.

The 2000 Commodity Futures Modernization Act is what deregulated over the counter derivatives such as bundled mortgages. That is ultimately what led to the 2007-2009 crash. That act was passed by a full Republican Congress dumbass.

Now I'm not saying it was all the Republicans fault like you would, because I don't lay blame all on one side for out of context bullshit like you. Deregulation in the financial sector had been happening since the 70s. Both parties passed legislation to accomplish this. Both parties were at fault, as both of them got their dicks wet by high powered corporate lobbyists that scratch each others' backs to get things done and make all of them a ton of money.

You really need to stop it with the bullshit that one side is all good and the other is all bad. That is not how the real-world works.

"There were many causes of the crisis, with commentators assigning different levels of blame to financial institutions, regulators, credit agencies, government housing policies, and consumers, among others.[5] Two proximate causes were the rise in subprime lending and the increase in housing speculation. The percentage of lower-quality subprime mortgages originated during a given year rose from the historical 8% or lower range to approximately 20% from 2004 to 2006, with much higher ratios in some parts of the U.S."

And yes, ADAB.

02-29-2024, 10:00 AM
So the SCOTUS will hear Trump's claim of immunity. This is a slippery slope that we've come to that I really wish we hadn't come to.

I know that many anti-Trumpers wanted the trial to happen before the election, but I don't think it matters. We seem to be at a point to where if the election were tomorrow I think the outcome would be exactly the same as it would be in November, and nothing that happens between now and then will really sway the outcome either way. Even if he went to jail, it wouldn't matter. People's minds are made up on where they stand in the Trump v Biden standoff, and no one is switching sides even if one of them goes to jail or if one of them is diagnosed with dementia.

...and I think he will win the election if he ends up running against Biden, which seems to be inevitable because Biden wants to run again and the Dems aren't going to nominate someone else.

02-29-2024, 10:01 AM
A little history and politics lesson Lou since you still can't comprehend.

The 2000 Commodity Futures Modernization Act is what deregulated over the counter derivatives such as bundled mortgages. That is ultimately what led to the 2007-2009 crash. That act was passed by a full Republican Congress dumbass.

Now I'm not saying it was all the Republicans fault like you would, because I don't lay blame all on one side for out of context bullshit like you. Deregulation in the financial sector had been happening since the 70s. Both parties passed legislation to accomplish this. Both parties were at fault, as both of them got their dicks wet by high powered corporate lobbyists that scratch each others' backs to get things done and make all of them a ton of money.

You really need to stop it with the bullshit that one side is all good and the other is all bad. That is not how the real-world works.

So, wrong again... LOL!

I love how you love to pass yourself off as an expert on every single topic that comes up on this board. But it's all bluster and bullshit.

The Rick Broering debacle a couple of weeks ago was simply classic! You spent several days bashing Rick for an article he wrote - that you CLEARLY DIDN'T READ. But damn, you knew for sure that what he wrote was all bullshit. The kicker was that 94 asked you point blank on multiple occasions whether you read the article or not. You slithered around those questions like a true Democrat politician. But it was clear to anyone with a half brain that you were presenting yourself as a witness to the crime, but in reality you didn't have a fucking clue as to what you were taking about.

You were lying.

02-29-2024, 10:02 AM
The Supreme Court HAS to rule 9-0 on this, they HAVE to reject his claim of immunity, and they HAVE to reject it on the narrowest grounds possible. Should be fun!

02-29-2024, 10:11 AM
The Supreme Court HAS to rule 9-0 on this, they HAVE to reject his claim of immunity, and they HAVE to reject it on the narrowest grounds possible. Should be fun!

I agree, but isn't it concerning that they're even deciding to hear it??

02-29-2024, 10:12 AM
"There were many causes of the crisis, with commentators assigning different levels of blame to financial institutions, regulators, credit agencies, government housing policies, and consumers, among others.[5] Two proximate causes were the rise in subprime lending and the increase in housing speculation. The percentage of lower-quality subprime mortgages originated during a given year rose from the historical 8% or lower range to approximately 20% from 2004 to 2006, with much higher ratios in some parts of the U.S."

And yes, ADAB.

You just quoted something that is a general cause because you have no idea what happened and had to google it, but what I wrote was the actual nail in the coffin. So, yes like I figured, you don't understand.

Speaking of bluster and bullshit.....

Your act has become stale. You source facts like your chart and then take it out of context with bluster and bullshit Newsmax/Truth social talking points. Get a new hobby.

02-29-2024, 10:14 AM
I agree, but isn't it concerning that they're even deciding to hear it??

They have to hear it. Too important.

02-29-2024, 10:15 AM
Amazing that there is even a question worth deciding that a president can be immune from the illegal act of attempting to stop the transfer of power as laid out in the constitution.

There may be a question of fact (did he or did he not try to stop the transfer) but the question of law (is he immune if they find he did try) should never have been heard. The appellate court answered that clearly in their decision.

02-29-2024, 10:19 AM
So, wrong again... LOL!

I love how you love to pass yourself off as an expert on every single topic that comes up on this board. But it's all bluster and bullshit.

The Rick Broering debacle a couple of weeks ago was simply classic! You spent several days bashing Rick for an article he wrote - that you CLEARLY DIDN'T READ. But damn, you knew for sure that what he wrote was all bullshit. The kicker was that 94 asked you point blank on multiple occasions whether you read the article or not. You slithered around those questions like a true Democrat politician. But it was clear to anyone with a half brain that you were presenting yourself as a witness to the crime, but in reality you didn't have a fucking clue as to what you were taking about.

You were lying.

Lying about what, Lou? That his article was nonsense, which was confirmed on Monday when he did his podcast? He came out with a very different story on Monday than what he wrote in the article. He knew what he was doing, and I'm sure it worked. However, please try to stay on task

02-29-2024, 10:35 AM
Lying about what, Lou? That his article was nonsense, which was confirmed on Monday when he did his podcast? He came out with a very different story on Monday than what he wrote in the article. He knew what he was doing, and I'm sure it worked. However, please try to stay on task

But did you read article? Are you a subscriber?

How would you know that what he said was different from his original article?

But that's immaterial... You presented yourself as having known what was in the article before that podcast.

You lied then, and now you're lying again.

02-29-2024, 10:40 AM
But did you read article? Are you a subscriber?

How would you know that what he said was different from his original article?

But that's immaterial... You presented yourself as having known what was in the article before that podcast.

You lied then, and now you're lying again.

hmmm. nope nice try lou. it's a nice try to deflect from what was being discussed.

02-29-2024, 10:41 AM
You just quoted something that is a general cause because you have no idea what happened and had to google it, but what I wrote was the actual nail in the coffin. So, yes like I figured, you don't understand.

Speaking of bluster and bullshit.....

Your act has become stale. You source facts like your chart and then take it out of context with bluster and bullshit Newsmax/Truth social talking points. Get a new hobby.

Lou would you like to try again?

02-29-2024, 11:12 AM
Amazing that there is even a question worth deciding that a president can be immune from the illegal act of attempting to stop the transfer of power as laid out in the constitution.

There may be a question of fact (did he or did he not try to stop the transfer) but the question of law (is he immune if they find he did try) should never have been heard. The appellate court answered that clearly in their decision.

Like it or not, it has to be asked. Otherwise if it was standard that criminal charges can stem from presidential action, Bush Jr and his crew could be brought up on war crimes and toss in Obama for his use of drones. Fact is, if we consider the criminality of actions while occupying the office of President it can be a problem internationally.

To the economy not growing at that steady rate, I think there are a handful of years in the last 100 where the GDP shrunk for the year. I believe one ore two were during Reagan. Not sure where you got that consistent 3% growth. If you want consistent GDP growth, consistent labor participation is required and steady increase in population. When one or both hit a decline, something else must be added to continue to the growth. A big thing that propelled the US to larger GDP growth was the consistent addition of women in the work force.

A second thing is that economies are a lot like engines. They can be stalled and they can overheat. I not an expert by any stretch, but I believe after the debacle of the near depression Obama's people did their absolute best to encourage slow and steady growth to prevent the economy from overheating. Trump's massive corporate tax cuts really started this last overheat we all felt.

02-29-2024, 11:46 AM
Like it or not, it has to be asked. Otherwise if it was standard that criminal charges can stem from presidential action, Bush Jr and his crew could be brought up on war crimes and toss in Obama for his use of drones. Fact is, if we consider the criminality of actions while occupying the office of President it can be a problem internationally.
Those are excellent points, and were addressed fully in the appellate decision. If they were really serious about the issue, they would have expedited the review and decision. As it is, they have just delayed judgement as the defendant as sought to do all along.
The case involves specific facts about his efforts to prevent the constitutional transfer of the office...not actions he may have taken in defense of the country or discharging his duties (as he saw them) as commander-in-chief.
They could have easily let the appeals court ruling stand.

They have also prevented timely decisions on whether or not his actions preclude him from being on the ballot as some states have ruled.

02-29-2024, 11:47 AM
3% less of a decline is 3% growth

02-29-2024, 12:11 PM
They could have easily let the appeals court ruling stand.

Not the kind of case the Supreme Court can pass on.

02-29-2024, 01:24 PM
Not the kind of case the Supreme Court can pass on.

That just proves how the efforts by the defendant (and the Court) have been successful in delaying,to the detriment of the country.

Over 2 months ago in December, the Special Counsel asked the Court for an expedited review and answer.
In Bush v. Gore it took 4 days.
They refused, and we are now in the same place we would have been then...waiting for a Supreme Court hearing and decision.
Nothing has been gained except giving the defendant what he desires. Delay; which is not good for a country looking towards an election.

02-29-2024, 01:29 PM
Yeah, not quite the same situation as Bush v. Gore. Having the SC follow its normal procedure is fine here. There's not really a pressing need to expedite this.

02-29-2024, 01:46 PM
Yeah, not quite the same situation as Bush v. Gore. Having the SC follow its normal procedure is fine here. There's not really a pressing need to expedite this.

Guess I just slightly disagree, and will post this to return to in a couple months. There is a very pressing need to expedite.

The grand jury indictment in the Special Counsel's case charged him with:
conspiracy to defraud the United States;
conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding;
obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding;
and conspiracy against rights.

The defendant is asserting absolute immunity to do those things (if proven) as president of the United States.

That question could have been taken up by the Supreme Court in December, instead of running through the appellate court, and we would be where we are now...without giving in to his desire for delay. The delay could push trial out past the election date, where if he controls the executive branch he can shut down the process.

02-29-2024, 02:08 PM
Guess I just slightly disagree, and will post this to return to in a couple months. There is a very pressing need to expedite.

The grand jury indictment in the Special Counsel's case charged him with:
conspiracy to defraud the United States;
conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding;
obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding;
and conspiracy against rights.

The defendant is asserting absolute immunity to do those things (if proven) as president of the United States.

That question could have been taken up by the Supreme Court in December, instead of running through the appellate court, and we would be where we are now...without giving in to his desire for delay. The delay could push trial out past the election date, where if he controls the executive branch he can shut down the process.

Besides all of this being total and complete bullshit, maybe your guys should've acted a year or two earlier, eh?? They purposely waited to martyr Trump during the election year, thinking they could maximize their impact on the election. Funny thing is, the majority of Americans see right thru this, and know this is an exercise in destroying "democracy". Trump's numbers keep going up. You guys are real smart!

02-29-2024, 03:52 PM
He only gets 60% of the republican vote. As we know, the independents win elections.

02-29-2024, 04:13 PM
He only gets 60% of the republican vote. As we know, the independents win elections.

Then why is he ahead against Biden in nearly every swing state?

02-29-2024, 04:30 PM
I know most of you libs can't think beyond your next meal, but you will rue the day if SCOTUS says that Trump/POTUS has no immunity, and Jack wins his case (though to be clear, Trump will definitely win on appeal). Republicans will be coming hard at all of your benchwarmers. It just won't be POTUS who doesn't have immunity. Think sanctuary cities and states. Think about illegals who murdered someone who lives in a sanctuary city or state, or was let go after a crime in a sanctuary city or state. You have major exposure to illegal activities. That's just one example.

Remember that fleeting victory Harry Reid delivered for you a few years back? How did that go for Merrick Garland?

02-29-2024, 06:26 PM
They have to hear it. Too important.

Absolutely agree

02-29-2024, 06:30 PM
Ok whose turn is it to check Lou’s diaper? I think It needs changing again.

X-band '01
02-29-2024, 06:44 PM
Looks like Mitch McConnell will be stepping down from his leadership role in the Senate in November. Now, if we can only get Schumer to do that same.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This has to be health related; he would have been about to be Senate Majority Leader given that the GOP will likely pick up multiple Senate seats this cycle.

How old is Schumer? Can't imagine he's in his 80s like McConnell.

02-29-2024, 08:27 PM
Pick up seats? The GOP is a joke lately.

X-band '01
02-29-2024, 08:54 PM
Let's look at a few seats contested:

West Virginia - Joe Manchin retired. No way in hell Democrats hold this seat.
Ohio - Sherrod Brown is a 3-term Senator, but Ohio is getting a lot redder. Might hold the seat, might not.
Montana - Democrats have a better shot at holding this as long as they don't face a Trumpy nominee
Arizona - real wildcard with Independent Kristyn Sinema, Democrat Ruben Gallego and Republican Kari Lake. This would be almost half a pickup if this goes from I to a more solid D
Maryland - Larry Hogan's entry into the race means national Democrats now have to put money in a race that should be a solid Democrat 99% of the time. Don't think Hogan wins, but he's much more well known than whoever gets the Democratic nomination

Texas (Ted Cruz) and Florida (Rick Scott) might flip, but we're talking about states that are a lot more solid red.

03-01-2024, 09:29 AM
Let's look at a few seats contested:

West Virginia - Joe Manchin retired. No way in hell Democrats hold this seat.
Ohio - Sherrod Brown is a 3-term Senator, but Ohio is getting a lot redder. Might hold the seat, might not.
Montana - Democrats have a better shot at holding this as long as they don't face a Trumpy nominee
Arizona - real wildcard with Independent Kristyn Sinema, Democrat Ruben Gallego and Republican Kari Lake. This would be almost half a pickup if this goes from I to a more solid D
Maryland - Larry Hogan's entry into the race means national Democrats now have to put money in a race that should be a solid Democrat 99% of the time. Don't think Hogan wins, but he's much more well known than whoever gets the Democratic nomination

Texas (Ted Cruz) and Florida (Rick Scott) might flip, but we're talking about states that are a lot more solid red.

Not sure on the rest but Gallego leads in head to head over lake and leads by a bit when Sinema run as an independent. He is pretty well liked across the state. People got tired of Lake when and like most others were asked to pony up the proof of meddling and presented nothing. We even had the joke of an audit performed at our fairgrounds.

03-01-2024, 09:32 AM
There is a 0% chance of Cruz or Scott losing.

03-01-2024, 09:47 AM
A few headlines currently on the Babylon Bee:

BREAKING: Ukraine To Lose Top Republican Senate Seat

Ronna McDaniel Hired As DNC Chair Due To Extensive Experience Defeating Republicans

Hunter Biden Jealous After Don Jr. Receives Envelope Of White Powder

Police Warn Women Not To Jog Within 2,000 Miles Of An Open Border

Biden Arrives At Border To Address His Voters

Ballot Drop Boxes Installed Along Border Wall

Man in Critical Condition After Hearing Slightly Different Viewpoint

*** So this last one is under premium content - can anyone tell me if they're referring to Ville or X-Band?

03-01-2024, 10:24 AM
Apparently Trump currently leads Biden (by a relatively significant margin) in Maine. Maine! That's pretty brutal for Biden, and if polls like this continue, I think it's inevitable that the Dems find a way to kick Biden to the curb at their convention.

03-01-2024, 12:52 PM
Apparently Trump currently leads Biden (by a relatively significant margin) in Maine. Maine! That's pretty brutal for Biden, and if polls like this continue, I think it's inevitable that the Dems find a way to kick Biden to the curb at their convention.

I think the chances of Biden winning the election in November are about the same as Xavier's chances of winning the NCAA Tournament this year. Not great. And the Democrats are so freakin' stupid.

The VAST majority of people don't want these two candidates, yet we ended up with these two candidates. That needs fixing.

03-03-2024, 01:39 PM
Let's see how many kids we can kill.


03-03-2024, 02:23 PM
Let's see how many kids we can kill.


Interesting that it only specifically says “public schools”. You would think all schools that receive federal funding including “charter schools” would also be under that umbrella wouldn’t you?

03-03-2024, 02:52 PM
Interesting that it only specifically says “public schools”. You would think all schools that receive federal funding including “charter schools” would also be under that umbrella wouldn’t you?

Probably so. Virginia requires all children to be vaccinate, in public or private schools.

03-03-2024, 03:27 PM
He’s talking about the Covid shots. But you know that…

03-03-2024, 03:43 PM
He’s talking about the Covid shots. But you know that…

Virginia requires COVID vax as part of the immunization requirements to attend school? Thanks for clearing that up Lou. Didn’t know.

Strange Brew
03-03-2024, 04:01 PM
Virginia requires COVID vax as part of the immunization requirements to attend school? Thanks for clearing that up Lou. Didn’t know.


03-03-2024, 04:01 PM
Virginia requires COVID vax as part of the immunization requirements to attend school? Thanks for clearing that up Lou. Didn’t know.

I didn't say that.

Trump said: "I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or mask mandate."

He means it in general, not specifically for VA. And to be clear, he may not necessarily be referring to any schools that are currently requiring these mandates right now (I have no idea if there are any), but rather to prevent some from doing so in the future - when the next Covid variant inevitably raises its head.

Video: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=147943148394546

03-03-2024, 04:05 PM

To protect children.

Strange Brew
03-03-2024, 04:11 PM
To protect children.

Knock it off Paul. No one is buying it. It’s not Smallpox or Ebola.

03-03-2024, 05:43 PM
Knock it off Paul. No one is buying it. It’s not Smallpox or Ebola.


03-03-2024, 07:23 PM
If he was only talking about the covid vaccine, that places a different perspective on his comments.
(It's a different issue than defunding schools that require the basic set of vaccines)
I certainly wasn't going to watch his whole speech. The original quote I posted was from a former Republican congresswoman from Virginia.
My bad.

03-04-2024, 03:24 PM
Trump doesn't know where he is or who he is talking about half the time, and we are supposed to make the leap that we know which vaccines he is talking about? lol. yeah ok.

When you have to say things like "he means...." you have already lost the argument.

Trump and Biden should have been off the ballot more than a year ago, but here we are...two bad grandpas running for the most important job in the world.

03-06-2024, 08:33 AM
Well, now it's pretty much official. 3/6---to be recognized now as the day of shame. Bad grandpas are the candidates.

03-06-2024, 09:30 AM
I wouldn't put Biden down in ink until after the convention...

03-06-2024, 01:52 PM
Drive by media not bothering to report this:


03-06-2024, 06:51 PM
I wouldn't put Biden down in ink until after the convention...

Biden will be the nominee unless he passes away. I just find it amazing that two old unpopular men can somehow have this much power over both parties. No one on either party seems to have the backbone to tell either candidate that they are both too old and not fit to lead the country. McConnell endorsing Trump after what Trump said about his wife tell you all that you need to know about Mitch. Sad times we live in.

03-07-2024, 06:47 AM
Drive by media not bothering to report this:


Rocky Boiman had a good take on our glorious MSM yesterday.

The leftist "print" giants, now digital, are simply FAN sites. And the Networks only air content similar to what, say the B10 Network, provides. Very little negativity that involves their "teams". Same can be said for Conservative media.

The fascinating thing is how they ALL are in lockstep together on everything political. The entire system is simply a coordinated web of Democrat propaganda and Globalist harbingers. I mean, Morning Joe is nothing but a constant Dem Party campaign ad. It's not even debatable.

The disturbing thing is, that it does nothing but polarize our population.....the wall that divides us is built taller and wider daily.

This country changed on 1/20/09.

03-07-2024, 04:29 PM
Shapiro vs Hogan would have been nice.

03-07-2024, 05:45 PM
Shapiro vs Hogan would have been nice.

On this week of gas prices. I filled up the tank today and to my surprise gas was 3.39 a gallon in Northwest Ohio. Up from 2.79 a gallon I paid just over a week ago. Any reason why such a big spike in a week? The whole Russia/Ukraine war is an old excuse now for gas prices. Any chance the Dems want to increase production of domestic oil to help the rest of us out?

03-07-2024, 06:54 PM
No need to watch tonight, this is the state of our union:


03-07-2024, 06:55 PM
This is absolutely devastating:


03-07-2024, 08:26 PM
No need to watch tonight, this is the state of our union:


I haven’t watched a State of the Union speech in years, maybe decades. The members on the same side of the aisle as the President will cheer wildly at everything the President says, no matter how inane. Meanwhile, the members of the other party will sit on their hands and react negatively when the President attacks them. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-07-2024, 09:28 PM
I haven’t watched a State of the Union speech in years, maybe decades. The members on the same side of the aisle as the President will cheer wildly at everything the President says, no matter how inane. Meanwhile, the members of the other party will sit on their hands and react negatively when the President attacks them. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What is there to watch? It’s the same people each and every year. It’s like watching reruns of some TV series. Again, because liberals and conservatives don’t push for term limits in Congress.

03-07-2024, 11:17 PM
Just watched the GOP response by Katie Britt.....THE most "reality TV" sideshow of all time. Just a complete disaster.

03-07-2024, 11:43 PM
Biden has a pulse. That is good for my side. A Biden Trump rematch is ideal.

03-08-2024, 01:03 AM
[QUOTE=xuphan;779024]On this week of gas prices. I filled up the tank today and to my surprise gas was 3.39 a gallon in Northwest Ohio. Up from 2.79 a gallon I paid just over a week ago./QUOTE]
dunno, 2.20 to 2.53 here

03-08-2024, 07:55 AM
Has anyone ever had a good rebuttal to the State of the Union? Why does anyone say yes to that offer?

03-08-2024, 08:04 AM
It’s funny looking at cnn and fox news this morning and getting the “different perspectives” from the two cartoon networks regarding the sotu.

IMO, Biden helped himself last night, showing that he wasn’t dead at least.

03-08-2024, 09:05 AM
I want whatever drug cocktail that was coursing through his veins last night...that dude was completely hopped up.

03-08-2024, 09:07 AM
Just watched the GOP response by Katie Britt.....THE most "reality TV" sideshow of all time. Just a complete disaster.

I just watched it...that was hysterical. Is she trying out for a part in Days of our Lives? WTF was that? lol.

Our politicians today resemble Ringling Bros.

03-08-2024, 12:08 PM
Clearly aimed at suburban moms.

03-10-2024, 07:10 PM
Joe Burrow hanging with the Donald last night for MMA. That's kind of hilarious.

03-11-2024, 08:06 AM
Joe Burrow hanging with the Donald last night for MMA. That's kind of hilarious.

Rubbing elbows with the Orangeman.....can you imagine the fallout if Joe would publicly endorse Trump?


03-12-2024, 04:42 PM
GOP congressman on retiring next week:

Rep. Ken Buck on not running for reelection:

“I am not going to lie on behalf of my presidential candidate, on behalf of my party. And I'm very sad that others in my party have taken the position that as long as we get the White House, it doesn't really matter what we say.”

03-13-2024, 09:27 AM
I thought RFK Jr. was at least a BIT serious about this third party run of his. But now I see him floating Jesse Ventura and....fucking Aaron Rodgers as VP possibilities. Yeah, no.

03-22-2024, 02:58 PM
Time to have a new Speaker ?:facepalm:

03-22-2024, 11:17 PM
Time to have a new Speaker ?:facepalm:

Maybe Paul Manafort?

03-24-2024, 12:16 AM
So, I am 62 and currently dealing with some heart issues.

I am on my back and have more than usual time to post here.

I have a very LARGE group of same age acquaintances, that are seriously patriotic, that are totally gut punched by the constant OBSCENE way main stream media wraps the Progressive left in bubble wrap.

Why is normal reality, not a given? Is it because someone started a new reality in '09?

An America with ZERO border restrictions...with no organized vetting....hemorrhaging financially, with no way to absorb this ridiculous and intentional, invasion, is simply not sustainable. No country can exist without sovereignty.

What us "like minded" folks have been called, to do is the very basic. Try to communicate absolute intolerance in as many places as possible.

03-26-2024, 07:27 AM
The complete and utter insanity of the Progressive Left in a nutshell.


Go ahead and keep voting for these lunatics and condom dispensers can be installed in a WOMANS prison near you!

03-26-2024, 11:01 AM
So, I am 62 and currently dealing with some heart issues.

I am on my back and have more than usual time to post here.

Been there. Get well soon.

03-26-2024, 02:39 PM
I really appreciate that...thanks!!

03-26-2024, 04:18 PM
I really appreciate that...thanks!!

I second that from Bobbie. Hope you get better soon.

X-band '01
03-26-2024, 06:45 PM
We're about to find out how long it takes to rebuild the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. Awful to read about the collapse, yet this would have been far, far worse had this happened anytime other than the middle of the night.

Even more remarkable that a couple people managed to survive while being on board the bridge at the time of impact.

03-26-2024, 09:45 PM
We're about to find out how long it takes to rebuild the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. Awful to read about the collapse, yet this would have been far, far worse had this happened anytime other than the middle of the night.

Even more remarkable that a couple people managed to survive while being on board the bridge at the time of impact.

Any idea why the Federal Government (Tax Payers) are footing the bill to rebuild the bridge instead of the company who owned the boat who hit and knocked the bridge down?

03-26-2024, 09:46 PM
I second that from Bobbie. Hope you get better soon.

This is fantastic and really appreciated!!

What about a XAVIERHOOPS "get together" at Dana's?
Man, I would absolutely love to meet up with so many of you guys. Has that ever happened?

03-26-2024, 10:03 PM
Any idea why the Federal Government (Tax Payers) are footing the bill to rebuild the bridge instead of the company who owned the boat who hit and knocked the bridge down?

Expediency? If they waited to get money from the shipping company, it could be years before construction started. I certainly hope the Feds go after the company and their insurance carriers to recoup some of the cost, but it won’t be nearly enough for the full amount.

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03-26-2024, 11:47 PM
This is fantastic and really appreciated!!

What about a XAVIERHOOPS "get together" at Dana's?
Man, I would absolutely love to meet up with so many of you guys. Has that ever happened?

There was a bus trip...

03-26-2024, 11:53 PM
There was a bus trip...

Missed that for one reason or lack of paying attention. Will try to not miss that opportunity again.

03-27-2024, 12:02 AM
You can re-live it all here.


Hmm, that wasn't the thread I remember. But here's a 10 year anniversary thread!


03-27-2024, 10:57 AM
trumps latest grift is selling bibles for 60 bucks. Oh the irony.

03-27-2024, 01:22 PM
trumps latest grift is selling bibles for 60 bucks. Oh the irony.
Hey, it also comes with constitution and declaration of independence.

X-band '01
03-27-2024, 06:17 PM
So, three things he has never read and never will.

Oh to see The Donald trying to hawk these books in a Church and JC returning in all his glory flipping tables at this sight.

03-27-2024, 06:58 PM
trumps latest grift is selling bibles for 60 bucks. Oh the irony.

I can’t stand Trump but I bet he sells quite a few to his followers. Just like his show brand he launch a month or so ago. Needs that money to pay off his legal fees.

03-27-2024, 08:08 PM
For President, I’m voting for the guy from Texas. Mr. Literally Anybody Else. Don’t know much about his policies, but anyone willing to change names has my vote.

03-27-2024, 08:24 PM
We're about to find out how long it takes to rebuild the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. Awful to read about the collapse, yet this would have been far, far worse had this happened anytime other than the middle of the night.

Even more remarkable that a couple people managed to survive while being on board the bridge at the time of impact.

No kidding and prayers up. If this was at 5:04 pm, would make the 1989 Oakland bridge collapse look like peanuts.

03-28-2024, 08:02 AM
If you Liberals like legalized shoplifting and open public drug use, your really going to like this!!


03-29-2024, 07:57 AM
As we descend into whatever, presidential candidate decides to whine and trash the daughter of a judge; very statesman-like.

And a Republican state rep posts pictures of buses full of "illegal invaders" at an airport...who were actually the NCAA teams headed to the playoffs, including Gonzaga.

Strange times.

03-29-2024, 01:42 PM
If you Liberals like legalized shoplifting and open public drug use, your really going to like this!!


Disappointed it’s an article from the Main Street media but thanks for the chuckle. I guess crime would essentially end if there are no laws. Imagine electing people like Crum, MTG, AOC, Donald Trump, Joe Biden and paying these people a lot of money I might add to come up with piss poor solutions to problems this country is facing. I mean who was the politician who thought the Gonzaga basketball team getting on buses in Detroit were illegals? No wonder this country is so messed up and both parties even though few hate to admit it are responsible for it.

03-29-2024, 05:55 PM
As we descend into whatever, presidential candidate decides to whine and trash the daughter of a judge; very statesman-like.

And a Republican state rep posts pictures of buses full of "illegal invaders" at an airport...who were actually the NCAA teams headed to the playoffs, including Gonzaga.

Strange times.

Major gaffes by the Orange man lately including " we're going to bring back crime to law and order".

03-29-2024, 06:31 PM
As we descend into whatever, presidential candidate decides to whine and trash the daughter of a judge; very statesman-like.

And a Republican state rep posts pictures of buses full of "illegal invaders" at an airport...who were actually the NCAA teams headed to the playoffs, including Gonzaga.

Strange times.

Major gaffes by the Orange man lately including " we're going to bring back crime to law and order".

Yea, strange times indeed. I remember the good ole days when you could take the train over the Francis Scott Key Bridge.

Strange Brew
03-29-2024, 08:43 PM
As we descend into whatever, presidential candidate decides to whine and trash the daughter of a judge; very statesman-like.

And a Republican state rep posts pictures of buses full of "illegal invaders" at an airport...who were actually the NCAA teams headed to the playoffs, including Gonzaga.

Strange times.

Or they could just challenge a guy to a push up contest. Granted that was four years ago however it’s no less absurd.

Or maybe trash a plumber for political gain like some guy raising a ridiculous amount of money for someone this week.

$25M goes a loooong way in OH Joe (reference to yet another infrastructure debacle).

Anyway, for the love of all that is good and can be once more. Happy Good Friday and Easter weekend my fellow Muskies!

03-30-2024, 10:46 AM
Bill Maher's monologue from last night:


03-30-2024, 11:52 AM
His commentary just reinforces why letting social media or academia silence, cancel, block, restrict, demonetize, etc., anyone who disagrees with the progressive take on issues is a bad idea. If someone suggested natural immunity was better than the vaccine, that was immediately labeled as fake news, bad science, dangerous, would kill people, etc.

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03-30-2024, 01:38 PM
His commentary just reinforces why letting social media or academia silence, cancel, block, restrict, demonetize, etc., anyone who disagrees with the progressive take on issues is a bad idea. If someone suggested natural immunity was better than the vaccine, that was immediately labeled as fake news, bad science, dangerous, would kill people, etc.

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Oh, there were a few on this board who insisted natural immunity was fake, or didn't exist. THEY know who they are.

Strange Brew
03-30-2024, 03:22 PM
Oh, there were a few on this board who insisted natural immunity was fake, or didn't exist. THEY know who they are.

Let it go. You were right and everyone knows it. :)

04-01-2024, 10:37 AM
Didn't trump take credit? " Get those shots every one "

04-02-2024, 06:41 AM
RFK Jr spot on in identifying the true "threat to democracy".


A political rally, leading to a Capital building protest, turned spontaneous RIOT or the 1st Presidential Administration to weaponize government agencies to silence and attack it's opponents?

"A" is a one off....."B" is 4 years and counting. Seems a no brainer.

O'Biden can not tolerate Kennedy running around talking crazy on their home bases like CNN. They will have to tighten up their propaganda allies in the MSM, so that doesn't happen again!

04-02-2024, 09:02 AM
Good grief.

04-02-2024, 12:34 PM
Can’t really argue against Kennedy’s points. The Left is a far bigger threat to democracy on an ongoing basis. They want to censor any speech that doesn’t fit their narrative and use the power of the government to go after their opponents. I’m sorry, that’s the realm of despots and dictators, like Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong-un.

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04-02-2024, 12:46 PM
Can’t really argue against Kennedy’s points. The Left is a far bigger threat to democracy on an ongoing basis. They want to censor any speech that doesn’t fit their narrative and use the power of the government to go after their opponents. I’m sorry, that’s the realm of despots and dictators, like Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong-un.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Kennedy is dead on. No sure what the far left is trying to accomplish at this point.

04-02-2024, 04:50 PM
Kennedy is dead on. No sure what the far left is trying to accomplish at this point.

To "Fundamentally Transform America".....and rapidly succeeding.

04-02-2024, 05:13 PM
The 1st Amendment isn't the only amendment under assault from this regime.

04-02-2024, 05:27 PM
Biden has "weaponized" the government against his opponents because:

1 - Trump defamed a woman he sexually assaulted?
2 - Trump cheated on his property valuations to get more favorable loans?
3 - Trump stole government top secret documents and refused to return them?
4 - Trump broke the law a number of times in the lead up to an assault on the legitimate transfer of power...for the first time in our history?

Do I have that all right? Those are Biden's fault?
Well...OK then.

For the icing on the cake, lets rename Dulles airport for a twice impeached loser. Seems to make sense.

04-03-2024, 07:48 AM
Good grief.

04-03-2024, 07:51 AM
Biden has "weaponized" the government against his opponents because:

1 - Trump defamed a woman he sexually assaulted?
2 - Trump cheated on his property valuations to get more favorable loans?
3 - Trump stole government top secret documents and refused to return them?
4 - Trump broke the law a number of times in the lead up to an assault on the legitimate transfer of power...for the first time in our history?

Do I have that all right? Those are Biden's fault?
Well...OK then.

For the icing on the cake, lets rename Dulles airport for a twice impeached loser. Seems to make sense.

A fine Clinical example of Trump Derangement Syndrome. This needs to be taken up by the Mental Health community and thoroughly studied.

TDS is widespread and toxic. If properly studied it could be added to the hundreds of Mental Illnesses being treated in America. I am positive Big Pharma could developed some nice Meds to treat Y'all.

04-03-2024, 07:57 AM
Arguing who is the bigger waste of space is the biggest waste of time, ever. Why is crazy fuck Kennedy even talking about one over the other? Isn’t he running against both of them? Who gives a shit who is worse. They both suck, they are both terrible and are some of the worst presidents in the history of the country. Yet here we are with them as candidates again because the American public is beyond stupid and can’t elect sensible candidates anymore.

04-03-2024, 08:28 AM
It seems I got it right. All of Trump's crimes are Biden's fault.

He's like a little baby that blames his problems on someone else.

04-03-2024, 08:30 AM
Huh, as you know, November is of monumental importance.

Yeah, that's the reality.

However, the O'Biden campaign and their MSM propaganda network, has made it crystal clear that this "Threat to Democracy" narrative will be relentlessly blasted until November.

Kennedy was asked about that on the Dems CNN affiliate, and he simply pulled the rug out from under that narrative.... to their surprise obviously.

He is claiming that The White House is influencing the free flow of information. There seems to be proven evidence that key government agencies under White House direction, has pressured Social Media Companies to censor opposing opinions under the guise of "disinformation". He says that is a CLEAR VIOLATION of the 1st Amendment by our GOVERNMENT. He says that is overwhelmingly a bigger threat than DJT involvement in J6.

Care to disagree?

04-03-2024, 08:43 AM
Of course.

"There seems to be proven evidence..."

I'll wait to see it, rather than take a guy who has some crazy ideas word for it under "seems."

04-03-2024, 09:06 AM
Huh, as you know, November is of monumental importance.

Yeah, that's the reality.

However, the O'Biden campaign and their MSM propaganda network, has made it crystal clear that this "Threat to Democracy" narrative will be relentlessly blasted until November.

Kennedy was asked about that on the Dems CNN affiliate, and he simply pulled the rug out from under that narrative.... to their surprise obviously.

He is claiming that The White House is influencing the free flow of information. There seems to be proven evidence that key government agencies under White House direction, has pressured Social Media Companies to censor opposing opinions under the guise of "disinformation". He says that is a CLEAR VIOLATION of the 1st Amendment by our GOVERNMENT. He says that is overwhelmingly a bigger threat than DJT involvement in J6.

Care to disagree?

Just because Kennedy says it, doesn’t make it true. This is the same idiot who thinks vaccines cause autism based on zero medical research but just because he feels like it does. He’s a caricature like Vivek who just says crazy shit based on nothing but people just slurp it up like the juice in idiocracy

Inbreeding is dangerous kids

04-03-2024, 11:32 AM
A fine Clinical example of Trump Derangement Syndrome. This needs to be taken up by the Mental Health community and thoroughly studied.

TDS is widespread and toxic. If properly studied it could be added to the hundreds of Mental Illnesses being treated in America. I am positive Big Pharma could developed some nice Meds to treat Y'all.

I think back a few years to Romney losing because of one comment (which was true) and now we have a very flawed candidate with dozens of insane comments as well as indictments leading the pack. Wake up America!!!

04-03-2024, 12:18 PM
Just because Kennedy says it, doesn’t make it true. This is the same idiot who thinks vaccines cause autism based on zero medical research but just because he feels like it does. He’s a caricature like Vivek who just says crazy shit based on nothing but people just slurp it up like the juice in idiocracy

Inbreeding is dangerous kids

Speaking of kids, RFK said 80 kids who died of aids were buried in a mass grave in NY.

04-03-2024, 12:28 PM
trump sez if your home is invaded by immigrants, he will deport YOU. I choose the Cayman Isles.

04-03-2024, 01:51 PM
You have to be pretty desperate to lie about speaking to the family of a dead girl to score political points.
Just when I think he's hit rock bottom with his fascist speech, and lack of understanding about the world...he proves me wrong.

04-03-2024, 02:26 PM
And yet the Democrats have put up a candidate so profoundly awful that he's trailing Trump in 6 of 7 swing states.

04-03-2024, 07:33 PM
And pubs put up an even worse candidate who will say he won lol

04-03-2024, 08:05 PM
And yet the Democrats have put up a candidate so profoundly awful that he's trailing Trump in 6 of 7 swing states.

And pubs put up an even worse candidate who will say he won lol

The correct answer is they both are terrible candidates. See how easy it is to call out both terrible parties for nominating two terrible candidates. Maybe some of you should give it a try sometime.

04-03-2024, 09:03 PM
The correct answer is they both are terrible candidates. See how easy it is to call out both terrible parties for nominating two terrible candidates. Maybe some of you should give it a try sometime.

No sane person could argue that they both are not historically terrible candidates, but that is the choices....for now.

If they both are still breathing and are actually on the ticket come November, you MUST VOTE POLICY. I think most see it as exactly that.

So the "Hey, I love how the Dems policies are working, just fantastic! I want 4 more years of that!!" is not out there much IMO.

How can that results based enthusiasm drive the Dems to 270? It can't. The D vote will overwhelmingly be simply a NEVER TRUMP vote again.

04-03-2024, 09:18 PM
No sane person could argue that they both are not historically terrible candidates, but that is the choices....for now.

If they both are still breathing and are actually on the ticket come November, you MUST VOTE POLICY. I think most see it as exactly that.

So the "Hey, I love how the Dems policies are working, just fantastic! I want 4 more years of that!!" is not out there much IMO.

How can that results based enthusiasm drive the Dems to 270? It can't. The D vote will overwhelmingly be simply a NEVER TRUMP vote again.

Ya, if both of these lousy candidates are still on the ballot, I will not be voting in this years election. Not putting my name behind either elderly unfit nominee. I expect the POTUS to be a reflection of what this country stands for and be able to lead this country through the turbulent problems that will arise. Neither candidate reflects that.

As far as policy, I vote for policy when it comes to congressional races within my district. However, voting for POTUS comes down to the individual themselves and being able to carry this country through the difficult times. This also means being able to work with the other side to get stuff done. Something neither candidate is able to do.

04-03-2024, 10:42 PM
This is not the election where refusal to vote is based on "putting your name behind" either of these geriatric clowns.

There is very little ambiguity when it comes to the Progressive Left agenda of the past 40 months. And any indication that a shift in direction is expected, if elected, is nonexistent. So you know what your going to get for at least 4 more years. If you want more of the same, own it and vote for it.

On the flip side, a Republican POTUS guarantees a complete 180° in current policy.The border is returned to 2020 norms, legalized crime can be criminal again, DEI can be punched in the gut and we can start getting the Natural Gas industry off life support....so on and so on.

No guilt in voting for policy this time.

04-04-2024, 12:50 AM
The correct answer is they both are terrible candidates. See how easy it is to call out both terrible parties for nominating two terrible candidates. Maybe some of you should give it a try sometime.

Yes, both candidates suck. Aa a Kansas resident, I happily don't have to choose, because Trump will easily win my state, so my vote doesn't matter. I don't envy you folks in Ohio whose votes could actually be responsible for putting one of these two clowns back in office.

04-04-2024, 02:41 AM
Ya, if both of these lousy candidates are still on the ballot, I will not be voting in this years election. Not putting my name behind either elderly unfit nominee. I expect the POTUS to be a reflection of what this country stands for and be able to lead this country through the turbulent problems that will arise. Neither candidate reflects that.

As far as policy, I vote for policy when it comes to congressional races within my district. However, voting for POTUS comes down to the individual themselves and being able to carry this country through the difficult times. This also means being able to work with the other side to get stuff done. Something neither candidate is able to do.

Agree with all. I won’t be voting either not that my vote matters in Kentucky. It won’t happen but frankly no one should vote. It’s disgusting that these are our options.

X-band '01
04-04-2024, 06:47 AM
Yes, both candidates suck. Aa a Kansas resident, I happily don't have to choose, because Trump will easily win my state, so my vote doesn't matter. I don't envy you folks in Ohio whose votes could actually be responsible for putting one of these two clowns back in office.

Ohio is not going to be in play for the Presidental race, but will very much be in play for the Senate race between Sherrod Brown and Bernie Moreno. Maryland is another state that won't be in play for the Presidental race but its Senate seat is very much on the line because Larry Hogan is leading in the polls against both Democratic candidates in their primary race.

Frankly I see a situation where Biden wins a close race, the House flips back to Democrats but the Senate flips Republican - meaning any potential Supreme Court vacancies get a lot more difficult to fill for Biden under such a scenario. Of course, that could be negated if a Senator like Lisa Murkowski flips from Republican to Independent; she's become more disillusioned with the modern GOP.

04-04-2024, 11:47 AM
Stormy Daniels testimony should be good.

04-04-2024, 02:01 PM
Yes, both candidates suck. Aa a Kansas resident, I happily don't have to choose, because Trump will easily win my state, so my vote doesn't matter. I don't envy you folks in Ohio whose votes could actually be responsible for putting one of these two clowns back in office.

I have more of a problem with who Biden has around him and who he's taking advice from

04-04-2024, 03:45 PM
Guess no labels is done.

X-band '01
04-04-2024, 05:58 PM
I would like to congratulate The Donald for obtaining a $175 million bond for his civil judgment - oh wait, that bond may not even be valid in the state of New York.


04-04-2024, 06:06 PM
This is not the election where refusal to vote is based on "putting your name behind" either of these geriatric clowns.

There is very little ambiguity when it comes to the Progressive Left agenda of the past 40 months. And any indication that a shift in direction is expected, if elected, is nonexistent. So you know what your going to get for at least 4 more years. If you want more of the same, own it and vote for it.

On the flip side, a Republican POTUS guarantees a complete 180° in current policy.The border is returned to 2020 norms, legalized crime can be criminal again, DEI can be punched in the gut and we can start getting the Natural Gas industry off life support....so on and so on.

No guilt in voting for policy this time.

Totally get your point but I hold presidential races differently than congressional races. When I vote for a presidential candidate, I am voting for someone who will represent this country both domestically and to the world the values of this country. They are the face of the nation. Sadly, the two candidates we have are laughing stocks. One seems to live in a courtroom and the other should be in a retirement home. Neither candidate is presidential so neither will get my vote. I also live in a deep red district where even MTG could win my district. There are others I am sure who live in blue districts where AOC would win in their district. My vote means nothing thanks to the electoral college. Hopefully someday it will be removed so every single vote carries the same value. Sadly, politics will never let that happen.

Strange Brew
04-05-2024, 02:45 AM
Guess no labels is done.

Oh no! The horror!

04-05-2024, 09:04 AM
These 2 articles dovetail so nicely.


There is a lot to unpack here, but it covers precisely most of what us on the right have been railing against. And below is the high ranking foot soldiers bringing about Obama's "Fundamentally Transform America" doctrine.


I will be interesting to see if anyone can post in support or deny those things are not rapidly expanding. I am guessing that IF anyone does, it will be, "But, what about Orangeman? Orange man bad".

04-05-2024, 12:12 PM
A tweet you gotta love:

@emptywheel 1h

Melania? Help us out here?

M & M Enterprises
Fun fact: Over 300 J6 defendants were turned in by their (now) ex-wives.

04-05-2024, 02:08 PM
I just watched a Kamala Harris video in which she was saying something incredibly stupid (par for the course; in this case that women "weren't allowed to have brackets until 2022"), and it was another reminder that Joe Biden is a million years old and she is a complete idiot. Surely the Democrats will at least get rid of her as Biden's running mate, right? Right?

04-05-2024, 04:00 PM
I just watched a Kamala Harris video in which she was saying something incredibly stupid (par for the course; in this case that women "weren't allowed to have brackets until 2022"), and it was another reminder that Joe Biden is a million years old and she is a complete idiot. Surely the Democrats will at least get rid of her as Biden's running mate, right? Right?

She's an absolute mess and seemingly getting dumber every day.

04-05-2024, 04:35 PM
She's an absolute mess and seemingly getting dumber every day.

Just a healthy serving of DEI by patriotic Progressives. Why not go big or go home? Publicly announce and campaign on this glorious DEI method to choose the next in line for a walking corpse POTUS.

04-05-2024, 06:14 PM
I just watched a Kamala Harris video in which she was saying something incredibly stupid (par for the course; in this case that women "weren't allowed to have brackets until 2022"), and it was another reminder that Joe Biden is a million years old and she is a complete idiot. Surely the Democrats will at least get rid of her as Biden's running mate, right? Right?

As much as I dislike Trump, the possibility of having her as President over the next 5 years just might make me hold my nose and vote for him. Honestly think even democrats will be pushing the 25th Amendment before Biden finishes his second term. And here we go, hello madam President. Hell no! I can see myself waiting until 6pm and say f it, I have to do it.

04-05-2024, 11:37 PM
And the Black vote keeps slipping away....

BARKLEY: "First of all, the border is a joke. The border is a joke. They have these migrants bussed up to New York. They have them on camera kicking and beating cops. They beat up these two cops. They were out of jail in 24 hours. Two days later, they caught them robbing Macy's. They beat up cops. How are you out of jail in 24 hours?"

SMITH: "But it's woke culture. With woke culture, you have folks on the left endorsing a more lenient legal system. And obviously, folks on the right going crazy about it, calling for law and order. Who do you side with, considering our iniquitous history? What's going on today? And who the candidates are in terms of Biden and Trump, in all likelihood, running for office? What do you do, Charles? Who do you vote for?"

BARKLEY: "First of all, we need law and order, Stephen A."

SMITH: "I agree... How about the $53 million in prepaid credit cards for migrants?"

BARKLEY: "That's ridiculous. I mean, come on, man."

SMITH: "Black folks and Latinos been in the streets. Minorities have been in the streets, homeless, and starving for years. We never got, I never got anything like that. I grew up on welfare."

BARKLEY: "It's just not right, and it's just not fair."


04-05-2024, 11:44 PM

04-05-2024, 11:52 PM
"In America, anyone can become President. That's the problem". - George Carlin

04-06-2024, 10:58 AM
"In America, anyone can become President. That's the problem". - George Carlin

Public reps since that man is keeping me down.

04-06-2024, 07:09 PM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1b96349737e0afd0d0a87aab562cead513122196f2b3d80af0 d712577473f2f7.png

04-07-2024, 07:58 AM
"In America, anyone can become President. That's the problem". - George Carlin

“In America, you must be rich and in bed with the Democratic or Republican extreme ideology to become President. That’s the problem”. XUPHAN

04-07-2024, 11:04 PM
RFK doesn’t give you hope as a third option?

I would prefer RFK over Biden a thousandfold. ANY additional O'Biden only fast tracks this country into a "Fundamentally Transform America" suicide.

However, Trump winning a 2nd POTUS...100% avoids that. It's F'd up that Trump is the only way to get there, but this Progressive Marxist cancer will destroy us.

04-08-2024, 02:22 PM
RFK seems to be trumpier and grumpier then trump.

04-08-2024, 04:11 PM
The NAIA voted 20-0 to keep dudes out of women's sports.

04-08-2024, 04:53 PM
The NAIA voted 20-0 to keep dudes out of women's sports.

Glad it’s unanimous.

04-08-2024, 06:43 PM
The NAIA voted 20-0 to keep dudes out of women's sports.

Finally, someone has some common sense!

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04-09-2024, 03:50 PM
If your kid is a lunatic, don't buy him a gun.

04-09-2024, 03:55 PM
Don't buy your kid a gun is probably a good general rule. If you want to hunt with your kid, fair, but don't allow the kid access to the rifle when not hunting.

04-09-2024, 07:18 PM
Looks like Biden is again trying to forgive student loan debt. Didn’t the SCOTUS stop that last time he tried? What makes him think he can get away with it this time?

Other than a pitiful attempt to buy votes, what’s the end game here? It does nothing to address the real problem. College tuition is way too expensive. Does his attempt simply tell new students to not worry about their coming college debt? It will eventually be forgiven, i.e. paid for by other taxpayers?

Did I also hear that there’s no income limit on whose debt can be forgiven? So people with six figure incomes can get their debt forgiven? Isn’t that a bit of a break for the rich?

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04-10-2024, 08:38 AM
It's been a little over 15 years since Obama turned the key on his "Fundamentally Transform America" agenda. Other than the Trump "speed bump", things are progressing nicely. In fact, with the vastly effective propaganda machine in the MSM as allies, the American people have been (especially our young folks) conditioned to slowly accept Marxist style progressive ideology. The political climate is ripe for these anti American types to safely reveal some of the inner workings of this " Fundamental Transformation".


Make sure to vote Dem. This merit based culture has to be replaced.

04-10-2024, 09:05 AM
Speaking of "marxist ideology" reminds me that:

On Sunday, Representative Michael R. Turner (R-OH), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, said it is “absolutely true” that Republican members of Congress are parroting Russian propaganda. “We see directly coming from Russia attempts to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the House floor,” he said on CNN’s State of the Union.


It appears that Russian propaganda efforts are again being successful with the Republican leaders of our country.

04-10-2024, 09:14 AM
Well, we have reached our daily quota of showing how each side of our government sucks...9:05 est. That has to be some kind of record. Congrats guys!

04-10-2024, 10:41 AM
We've also reached our daily quota of Ville pounding his chest proclaiming he's above it all. Congrats!

04-10-2024, 10:58 AM
We've also reached our daily quota of Ville pounding his chest proclaiming he's above it all. Congrats!

Are you kidding? One post is no where near that daily quota. 4,5,6 condescending posts per hour around the clock are necessary for that quota to be met.

04-10-2024, 11:02 AM
Are you kidding? One post is no where near that daily quota. 4,5,6 condescending posts per hour around the clock are necessary for that quota to be met.

Yes, and again for the second time today, you are correct sir!

04-10-2024, 12:49 PM
Does this really surprise anyone?


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04-10-2024, 04:16 PM
Does this really surprise anyone?
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NPR did NOT take until 2023 to be a complete and utter progressive ramrod.

I would hardly care except I am an involuntary contributor.

04-10-2024, 06:58 PM
Part of the problem today is that when people consume media they don't agree with, they tent to label said media as extreme and in the opposite direction to which hey favor. This is really the case for everything. This is a time when everyone likes to think they are centric, they could very well be centric, but their words say otherwise. Every negative opinion lumps people/media or whatever to the extreme.

Nobody can accept that an organization or a person could be central or leans right or left, when that person or organization takes a stance or stances that go against their own beliefs.

04-10-2024, 07:10 PM
Part of the problem today is that when people consume media they don't agree with, they tent to label said media as extreme and in the opposite direction to which hey favor. This is really the case for everything. This is a time when everyone likes to think they are centric, they could very well be centric, but their words say otherwise. Every negative opinion lumps people/media or whatever to the extreme.

Nobody can accept that an organization or a person could be central or leans right or left, when that person or organization takes a stance or stances that go against their own beliefs.

Well, there's no mistake where NPR lies, a tax-funded organization no less. From the article:

"It still happens, but often now the trajectory of the conversation is different. After the initial “I love NPR,” there’s a pause and a person will acknowledge, “I don’t listen as much as I used to.” Or, with some chagrin: “What’s happening there? Why is NPR telling me what to think?”

In recent years I’ve struggled to answer that question. Concerned by the lack of viewpoint diversity, I looked at voter registration for our newsroom. In D.C., where NPR is headquartered and many of us live, I found 87 registered Democrats working in editorial positions and zero Republicans. None. "

04-10-2024, 08:28 PM
No surprise Like trying to find a Dem at Fox news.

04-10-2024, 08:39 PM
No surprise Like trying to find a Dem at Fox news.

You're not looking hard enough...

04-11-2024, 07:26 AM
No surprise Like trying to find a Dem at Fox news.

Are you saying that the paltry 3.4% of ALL JOURNALISTS work at Fox?


04-11-2024, 07:53 AM
Get with the program or there WILL be consequences.


Way to go O'Biden! Karl Marx would be proud. Remember folks, vote Dem and there can be lots more fantastic policy heading your way!

04-11-2024, 09:06 PM
I suspect this House session will go down as one of the most unproductive in history.
In addition to having the majority party replacing their own speaker (and they may do it again if MTG has her way), they look like puppets taking orders from a private citizen under 91 felony charges and going on trial on Monday.
Meanwhile, the world is burning. They had a great opportunity with the bipartisan bill from the Senate, which included their wish list for addressing the border challenges, to get some aid to Ukraine.
Instead, they let Trump pull their string, kill the deal, and Kiev just lost their power station.
Wanna know what they're doing next week? Here it is:


Those are the bills they are taking up. Meanwhile, after taking credit for repealing Roe, everybody's backpedaling from the Arizona disaster.

You may dislike Pelosi and the Dems, but they knew how to keep things together.

04-11-2024, 09:07 PM
No surprise Like trying to find a Dem at Fox news.

Like trying to find a news outlet that isn’t politically motivated and calls out both corrupt parties. Let me know if you find said outlet.

X-band '01
04-11-2024, 09:42 PM
I suspect this House session will go down as one of the most unproductive in history.
In addition to having the majority party replacing their own speaker (and they may do it again if MTG has her way), they look like puppets taking orders from a private citizen under 91 felony charges and going on trial on Monday.
Meanwhile, the world is burning. They had a great opportunity with the bipartisan bill from the Senate, which included their wish list for addressing the border challenges, to get some aid to Ukraine.
Instead, they let Trump pull their string, kill the deal, and Kiev just lost their power station.
Wanna know what they're doing next week? Here it is:


Those are the bills they are taking up. Meanwhile, after taking credit for repealing Roe, everybody's backpedaling from the Arizona disaster.

You may dislike Pelosi and the Dems, but they knew how to keep things together.

I kinda liked the "Make Appliances Great Again Act" if you look closely at HR 6192.

Strange Brew
04-11-2024, 09:52 PM
I suspect this House session will go down as one of the most unproductive in history.
In addition to having the majority party replacing their own speaker (and they may do it again if MTG has her way), they look like puppets taking orders from a private citizen under 91 felony charges and going on trial on Monday.
Meanwhile, the world is burning. They had a great opportunity with the bipartisan bill from the Senate, which included their wish list for addressing the border challenges, to get some aid to Ukraine.
Instead, they let Trump pull their string, kill the deal, and Kiev just lost their power station.
Wanna know what they're doing next week? Here it is:


Those are the bills they are taking up. Meanwhile, after taking credit for repealing Roe, everybody's backpedaling from the Arizona disaster.

You may dislike Pelosi and the Dems, but they knew how to keep things together.


04-11-2024, 09:56 PM
The Senate could’ve separated the border bill from other spending (as it was sent from the House). Chuck didn’t, it failed. It’s the Senate Ds fault.

AZ AG is blocking enforcement. AZ will have the chance to fix the old law. Fake problem.

House asked for border issues to be addressed in Ukraine bill. Wouldn't take it up without them.
So...bipartisan Senate guys work to give them that.
Give it to them, send it to them...and Trump calls and says don't pass it.

And now it's the Dems fault. Do Republicans ever take responsibility for their own actions? (rhetorical)
It was probably the Dems fault they outed McCarthy.

04-11-2024, 10:14 PM
Like trying to find a news outlet that isn’t politically motivated and calls out both corrupt parties. Let me know if you find said outlet.

Maybe one that didn't pay 767million for corruption.

04-12-2024, 03:48 PM
Do Republicans ever take responsibility for their own actions? (rhetorical)

Your commitment to a complete lack of self-awareness is quite impressive. "The world is burning"...lol

04-12-2024, 03:54 PM
Question: What makes a christian an Evangelical? Just by saying so? :dead:

04-12-2024, 04:15 PM
Question: What makes a christian an Evangelical? Just by saying so? :dead:

What makes anyone a Christian except by saying so?

04-12-2024, 04:24 PM
I guess it must have been the Dems fault McCarthy was ousted.

Strange...he blames Gaetz. Oh well.

Strange Brew
04-12-2024, 04:47 PM
I guess it must have been the Dems fault McCarthy was ousted.

Strange...he blames Gaetz. Oh well.

No one said that. McCarthy could blame himself. No?

04-12-2024, 08:03 PM
What makes anyone a Christian except by saying so?

Guess I'll be. A evangelical Catholic.

Strange Brew
04-12-2024, 08:17 PM
Guess I'll be. A evangelical Catholic.

Be whatever you want.

Joe and Nancy say they’re Catholic.

04-12-2024, 10:17 PM


04-12-2024, 10:42 PM
Dr Phil is still on - who knew . He's evolved to Jerry Springer.

04-12-2024, 10:44 PM
So Johnson and trump get together to say illegals can't vote. They can't.

Strange Brew
04-12-2024, 11:29 PM
Dr Phil is still on - who knew . He's evolved to Jerry Springer.

I’d listen to him over Fauci.

Speaking of cultish behavior..:)

Strange Brew
04-12-2024, 11:31 PM
So Johnson and trump get together to say illegals can't vote. They can't.


I hate to think at your age you’re this naive.

04-12-2024, 11:34 PM
Dr Phil is still on - who knew . He's evolved to Jerry Springer.

Why don't you try and get yourself informed before exposing yourself as a progressive numbnut.

Phil has always been a CLASS act and even an OPRAH bestie. He has been a consistent voice for the liberal left for his entire career, but he has decided that our country is on suicide watch and will use his NEW PLATFORM to expose the absurdity of DEI...along with a laundry list of other Marxist policies that are destroying our society.

You have, and WILL CONTINUE to vote for this insanity. Yet not one of you lunatics will post ANYTHING in support of this "Fundamentally Transform America" agenda.

04-12-2024, 11:58 PM
Thanks for the name calling when you're losing the argument. Dr Phil doesn't even have a license anymore:


04-13-2024, 12:06 AM
Thanks for the name calling when you're losing the argument. Dr Phil doesn't even have a license anymore:


You post a link to a comical Internet Tabloid Hit Piece?? You officially have zero credibility.

BTW, there is no argument to lose. None of you mindless progressives EVER voice any support of the insane policies you constantly VOTE FOR.

04-13-2024, 12:21 AM

more reviews

04-13-2024, 12:36 AM
you constantly VOTE FOR.
Don't remember you being in the booth with me and pls. Get yourself a licensed therapist.

04-13-2024, 12:54 AM

I hate to think at your age you’re this naive.

Can:t afford the 12.50?

04-13-2024, 12:55 AM
Don't remember you being in the booth with me and pls. Get yourself a licensed therapist.

That could not be more ridiculous. You are suggesting that you, in fact, do vote.

It is a safe assumption that your vote, regardless of office, is NOT REPUBLICAN.

If this is not accurate, please post something.... anything, that supports policy you DO vote for.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 01:03 AM
Can:t afford the 12.50?

I’m good.

Can you fart and create a Moon? Why pay 12.50? I can run circles around you and Paul for free. ;)

Edit: That wasn’t a challenge to Swalwell. :) haha!

04-13-2024, 01:05 AM
I vote independent in Colorado "no party" Didn't realize this forum is only for pubs. Why don:t you join the site? You use it enough.

04-13-2024, 01:06 AM
I’m good.

Can you fart and create a Moon?

04-13-2024, 01:06 AM
Can:t afford the 12.50?

This comes up a lot and is always in a derogatory way.

Shouldn't there be a mailing address for old school payment? Sometimes people feel uncomfortable using sensitive banking info online.

04-13-2024, 01:14 AM
I vote independent in Colorado "no party" Didn't realize this forum is only for pubs. Why don:t you join the site? You use it enough.

I deeply question that you're being honest. Nothing you post here suggests that you're just a common sense patriotic American that is an "Independent" thinker. Everything you post here is to the contrary.

You are 1000% consumed by "Trump Derangement Syndrome". It's an epidemic, but help is on the way. Take your own advise and find a licensed therapist.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 01:33 AM
We are in a shit situation. The Fed needs to lower rates however if they do, inflation will pop to rates unseen since the Carter years.

So. What do we do? X-Man?

I’d purpose we unleash the natural resource power of the N. American Continent.

Prove me wrong.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 01:40 AM

Damn straight. I’ve been in business long enough to only pay for value.

Maybe it would be worth it if the old school came back.

AMX, X-Man, Snipe, DC, Glow, Titan (aka Titian), ATL, Muskie, MOR.

Speak less, listen more Bobbie.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 01:48 AM
I vote independent in Colorado "no party" Didn't realize this forum is only for pubs. Why don:t you join the site? You use it enough..

I registered Libertarian when I moved here. Which is why I support the overturn of Roe (terrible law) and believe it’s a State issue.

I believe the People, through their State Legislatures will get get it right. Or they won’t, which is how this Union was supposed to work.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 03:26 AM
Are you woke enough yet?

04-13-2024, 07:16 AM

I registered Libertarian when I moved here. Which is why I support the overturn of Roe (terrible law) and believe it’s a State issue.

I believe the People, through their State Legislatures will get get it right. Or they won’t, which is how this Union was supposed to work.

That isn’t libertarianism that is federalism. Libertarianism would be no state restriction at all.

04-13-2024, 09:37 AM
Speak less, listen more Bobbie.


04-13-2024, 11:24 AM
I deeply question that you're being honest. Nothing you post here suggests that you're just a common sense patriotic American that is an "Independent" thinker. Everything you post here is to the contrary.

You are 1000% consumed by "Trump Derangement Syndrome". It's an epidemic, but help is on the way. Take your own advise and find a licensed therapist.

Yes. I don't want a criminal Rapist who lies 70% of the time as my President. Half of the country feels the same way. What's wrong with that? I voted for Reagan and both Bushs'' over a 20 year span.

04-13-2024, 12:28 PM
Bobbie joins only the "best" people...who found out too late. Even Mom wouldn't buy in after seeing the gallows.


X-band '01
04-13-2024, 12:39 PM
Yes. I don't want a criminal Rapist who lies 70% of the time as my President. Half of the country feels the same way. What's wrong with that? I voted for Reagan and both Bushs'' over a 20 year span.

I had also voted for McCain and Romney, but the Drumpf was a bridge too far for me. I know I'm still too woke for XuperMAGA and his ilk.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 12:56 PM
That isn’t libertarianism that is federalism. Libertarianism would be no state restriction at all.

I’m not an anarchist.

However you are correct. I should’ve have been more specific.

I’m a Constitutional Libertarian.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 01:12 PM
Bobbie joins only the "best" people...who found out too late. Even Mom wouldn't buy in after seeing the gallows.


What’s funny is I haven’t said I’m pro Trump.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 01:13 PM

Harder Paul. Harder.

04-13-2024, 01:17 PM
Yea Trump sucks. I’ll let Bill Maher explain a few ways he may get re-elected.


04-13-2024, 02:25 PM
Yes. I don't want a criminal Rapist who lies 70% of the time as my President. Half of the country feels the same way. What's wrong with that? I voted for Reagan and both Bushs'' over a 20 year span.

No doubt, Trump is a POS by nearly every possible measure. An absolute abhorrent and morally bankrupt individual.

However, he is the POTUS nominee for the party that can slam the brakes on this daily acceleration of O'Biden's "Fundamentally Transform America" reality. The stark contrast in policy has to be paramount when voting '24.

Do you want a return to a Capitalist Meritocracy, OR a "Woke" DEI Socialist Government structure built on identity politics that completes this "Fundamental Transformation"?

04-13-2024, 02:35 PM
I had also voted for McCain and Romney, but the Drumpf was a bridge too far for me. I know I'm still too woke for XuperMAGA and his ilk.

I don't know what possible angle you are trolling me on, but linking me to "MAGA" is absolutely absurd. Do it again and it gets really weird.

As far as "too woke"? Nobody here can make that assumption because NONE of you progressive lemmings ever dare to post ANYTHING in support of this O'Biden insanity.

100% only Orangeman BAD.

04-13-2024, 02:44 PM
I don't know what possible angle you are trolling me on, but linking me to "MAGA" is absolutely absurd. Do it again and it gets really weird.

As far as "too woke"? Nobody here can make that assumption because NONE of you progressive lemmings ever dare to post ANYTHING in support of this O'Biden insanity.

100% only Orangeman BAD.

Most people don’t like either, which is why you don’t see support of what Biden is doing either. I, like many, won’t go to the polls in November because I’m not going to support either of this abhorrent candidates. You keep saying policy policy… all trump has done is identity politics but on the complete other side. He doesn’t actually stand for anything, except for himself.

What We need is an actual functioning government, which has not been around in quite a while. What we don’t need is 4 more years of Biden or 4 more years of “revenge” politics that trump is after.

We need less mtg, aoc, gaetz, Cori bush etc and more people like hogans, beshear etc that reach across the aisle, compromise and get shit done.

04-13-2024, 03:06 PM
Are you kidding me? Policy is everything and 100% will shape American society in this critical moment in history.

Do you not see the Progressive Left agenda that is "Fundamentally Transforming America"? The Socialist ideology that is dominant in this White House is blatantly on FULL DISPLAY.

WTF am I missing here? The direction and future of this Country has CLEAR DIVISION. The waiting game for anyone here....or anywhere, that can support what this O'Biden "Transformation" is just non-existent. It is patiently indefensible.

Is there ANYWAY, that you guys can engage in a serious conversation of IDEAS?

04-13-2024, 03:13 PM
Only "Orangeman" bad...."Orangeman" bad.

ZERO helpful debate because the Anti-America sodomy of the O'Biden agenda is out in the open. Any support of this obvious cancer, is simply not debatable.

04-13-2024, 03:34 PM
Your rhetoric is exhausting. It’s why no one wants to have a serious conversation with you. I just explained how many are feeling in the world and you come back with trump style rhetoric, which is why you get called xumaga. Anyways, I’m out. I shared what I think which is how a lot of people feel—-a political orphan.

04-13-2024, 03:59 PM
Your rhetoric is exhausting. It’s why no one wants to have a serious conversation with you. I just explained how many are feeling in the world and you come back with trump style rhetoric, which is why you get called xumaga. Anyways, I’m out. I shared what I think which is how a lot of people feel—-a political orphan.

There is no "serious conversation" here or anywhere. Progressive leaning folks like you simply REFUSE to engage in ANY debate that involves a challenge of policy. As soon as any one of you make your support of this Marxist crap known....you will be under extreme scrutiny.

04-13-2024, 04:06 PM
There is no "serious conversation" here or anywhere. Progressive leaning folks like you simply REFUSE to engage in ANY debate that involves a challenge of policy. As soon as any one of you make your support of this Marxist crap known....you will be under extreme scrutiny.

If I were progressive leaning, I’d be voting for Biden.

As I stated, there is no policy with trump. It’s identity politics but on the extreme opposite side of the left.

You really need to calm down your rhetoric if you ever want anyone to take you seriously. It’s all obiden this, o Biden that.

You sound like a trump machine. You whine about people talking all about trump, you do the same with Biden.

04-13-2024, 04:19 PM
Wrong....100% wrong.

If you, or the useful idiots that has allowed this "Fundamentally Transform America" become REAL and NOW....it WILL be complete if O'Biden wins this fall. Where is the support for these policies? Why is there a ZERO willingness to debate this multifaceted insanity?

'Ville why?

04-13-2024, 04:23 PM
Wrong....100% wrong.

If you, or the useful idiots that has allowed this "Fundamentally Transform America" become REAL and NOW....it WILL be complete if O'Biden wins this fall. Where is the support for these policies? Why is there a ZERO willingness to debate this multifaceted insanity?

'Ville why?

Are you getting paid every time you type these out? It's absolutely comical.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 04:42 PM
Are you getting paid every time you type these out? It's absolutely comical.

Well, my friend. Obama said it was his goal. No one bothered to ask, “into what”?

Obama is a smart man so I took him at his word.

04-13-2024, 04:45 PM
Are you getting paid every time you type these out? It's absolutely comical.

Again, what is really "comical", is the total reluctance of you, and the like, to engage in ANY debate of ideas. I will happily post a LONG LIST of anti-American realities being perpetrated by this obvious dementia ridden POTUS.

CAN someone.... ANYONE post ANYTHING in support?

04-13-2024, 04:46 PM
Wrong....100% wrong.

If you, or the useful idiots that has allowed this "Fundamentally Transform America" become REAL and NOW....it WILL be complete if O'Biden wins this fall. Where is the support for these policies? Why is there a ZERO willingness to debate this multifaceted insanity?

'Ville why?

It’s very useful in a debate to use childish names, try to insult them and then ask why they don’t wish to engage with you. Geezus.

Later bud. I guess you and Lou can just continue to argue with yourselves.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 04:53 PM
It’s very useful in a debate to use childish names, try to insult them and then ask why they don’t wish to engage with you. Geezus.

Later bud. I guess you and Lou can just continue to argue with yourselves.

Rooting for your guy in Maryland. Unfortunately, moderates can’t win because the World is on fire.

That said, it was good to see Trump and Johnson seemingly on the same page yesterday. That felt like progress to me.

04-13-2024, 05:19 PM
It’s very useful in a debate to use childish names, try to insult them and then ask why they don’t wish to engage with you. Geezus.

Later bud. I guess you and Lou can just continue to argue with yourselves.

"Childish Names?" This political climate is SO polarized, that it is nearly impossible to not call out the supporters of this Progressive Left Tsunami. Most rational folks would choose different description of words, IF there was any courage in these kind of forums......to voice support of these obvious, and intentional, destructive policies.

04-13-2024, 05:43 PM
Rooting for your guy in Maryland. Unfortunately, moderates can’t win because the World is on fire.

That said, it was good to see Trump and Johnson seemingly on the same page yesterday. That felt like progress to me.

Yeah, out of 235 million votes, 30 were suspect of being illegal according to the Koch group.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 05:46 PM
Yeah, out of 235 million votes, 30 were suspect of being illegal according to the Koch group.

Glad to see you’re a fan of the Koch Bros.

I thought they were evil. It’s so hard to keep up.

04-13-2024, 06:11 PM
And Johnson talking about the border with the bill on his desk makes me puke.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 06:18 PM
And Johnson talking about the border with the bill on his desk makes me puke.

The Ukraine war bill. Stop the bs.

04-13-2024, 06:33 PM
It’s very useful in a debate to use childish names, try to insult them and then ask why they don’t wish to engage with you. Geezus.

Later bud. I guess you and Lou can just continue to argue with yourselves.

I thought you said you were gone earlier... weird, I guess you can't help yourself.

04-13-2024, 06:38 PM
If I were progressive leaning, I’d be voting for Biden.

As I stated, there is no policy with trump. It’s identity politics but on the extreme opposite side of the left.

You really need to calm down your rhetoric if you ever want anyone to take you seriously. It’s all obiden this, o Biden that.

You sound like a trump machine. You whine about people talking all about trump, you do the same with Biden.

Looks like the one trick pony is back with his one and only crusade.

If you're going to post 1000 times in less than three months, for God's sake say something new or original once in awhile.

04-13-2024, 06:46 PM
So another war is breaking out yet again.

The Biden admin knew it was coming, they warned us, and yet Nero Biden went to the beach. I hope none of his Defense Dept. guys are under anesthesia right now.

Say goodbye to Dearbornistan and Michigan libs!!

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 06:56 PM
If you're going to post 1000 times in less than three months, for God's sake say something new or original once in awhile.

Haha, ball four. How are these hitters laying off balls that close? That was awesome!

04-13-2024, 07:25 PM
Rooting for your guy in Maryland. Unfortunately, moderates can’t win because the World is on fire.

That said, it was good to see Trump and Johnson seemingly on the same page yesterday. That felt like progress to me.

Looks like he is going to win which is awesome. Hopefully more like him enter congress and push the mtgs and aocs of the world out

04-13-2024, 08:03 PM
So another war is breaking out yet again.

The Biden admin knew it was coming, they warned us, and yet Nero Biden went to the beach. I hope none of his Defense Dept. guys are under anesthesia right now.

Say goodbye to Dearbornistan and Michigan libs!!

He came back yesterday. Usual misinformation.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 08:11 PM
Looks like he is going to win which is awesome. Hopefully more like him enter congress and push the mtgs and aocs of the world out

He’s a pretty steady guy. We’ll see what DC does to him. Go Hogan!

04-13-2024, 08:25 PM
He came back yesterday. Usual misinformation.

Who came back yesterday? Saw Biden coming back today on TV.

Strange Brew
04-13-2024, 09:00 PM
I vote independent in Colorado "no party" Didn't realize this forum is only for pubs. Why don:t you join the site? You use it enough.

How do you feel it’s going?

Your views = fucked up CO.

How many Illegals are you sponsoring?

In your home? I’ll wait forever because we all know Bobbie is full of shit.

04-14-2024, 12:16 AM
Who came back yesterday? Saw Biden coming back today on TV.

Yes I see it was today

04-14-2024, 12:19 AM
How do you feel it’s going?

Your views = fucked up CO.

How many Illegals are you sponsoring?

In your home? I’ll wait forever because we all know Bobbie is full of shit.

You are full of it and a gross minority in this State. Colorado is doing just fine and none of your MAGA crap.

04-14-2024, 12:35 AM
You have a bunch of jaded posts that don't make any sense talking about the moon and other crazy shit. You always waste your vote on libertarians for trump or about 1% . When I see the results I laugh. There's SB's vote. You should move to Fla.

Strange Brew
04-14-2024, 01:18 AM
You are full of it and a gross minority in this State. Colorado is doing just fine and none of your MAGA crap.

Haha, 94 million. In debt. You are a fucking clown Boobie.

04-14-2024, 09:42 AM
You are full of it and a gross minority in this State. Colorado is doing just fine and none of your MAGA crap.

Yea, Bobby, CO is doing just fine.


04-14-2024, 02:07 PM
3rd best economy. ...I think Lou and Sb share that blue tent

04-14-2024, 02:13 PM
Yea, Bobby, CO is doing just fine.

Is this even a pic from Colorado or from every city in America.

04-14-2024, 02:15 PM
Haha, 94 million. In debt. You are a fucking clown Boobie.
Can 't come with an argument call names. You really should think about moving you hate Colorado so much. Adios!!

Strange Brew
04-14-2024, 02:32 PM
You have a bunch of jaded posts that don't make any sense talking about the moon and other crazy shit. You always waste your vote on libertarians for trump or about 1% . When I see the results I laugh. There's SB's vote. You should move to Fla.

The Moon comment was in reference to a dumb Dem Congressperson and you fraudulently voted in R primaries.

04-14-2024, 02:37 PM
Don't you ever get tired of being a jerk? Take a break.

Strange Brew
04-14-2024, 03:41 PM
Don't you ever get tired of being a jerk? Take a break.

Haha, consider me a mirror. I respond to people in the same manner they present themselves to me.

Bobbie, you can’t constantly throw haymakers here and not expect to eventually get slapped.

04-15-2024, 10:43 AM
April 15th blows.