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12-13-2023, 12:53 PM
trump is just as senile as Joe. His father died of dementia. Surely we can do better than a demented dictator who will
Be as Dictator for 4 yrs.

12-13-2023, 03:04 PM
Thank you for pointing out why there's no need to engage with you, or answer your "questions."

Because you are coy/scared about answering questions that make you feel uncomfortable.... Just so we're all clear

X-band '01
12-13-2023, 05:12 PM
I'm deleting my last post so Xville has the honor of Post #20000 in this thread.

12-13-2023, 08:02 PM
I'm deleting my last post so Xville has the honor of Post #20000 in this thread.

Finish this for me….you are sitting at a bar between Biden and Trump, what do you say?

12-14-2023, 08:25 AM
The “Biden Crime Family” is about to be called to account.
Just like when Harry Reid did it with Judges, Democrats f$&ck around and find out.
Let the Show begin!


12-14-2023, 08:35 AM
A congressman who defied a subpoena from his own body, is upset about Hunter wanting public testimony, so he's going to refer Hunter for prosecution...for defying a subpoena?
Well...OK then.

Uncle Joe
12-14-2023, 09:53 AM
Because you are coy/scared about answering questions that make you feel uncomfortable.... Just so we're all clear

As expected, he slithered away without answering your questions. Onto another topic.

Uncle Joe
12-14-2023, 09:54 AM
I'd vote for Manchin if he runs 3rd party.

LOL, this is no surprise. Are there any milquetoast candidates you won't support?

Uncle Joe
12-14-2023, 10:05 AM
Why is it taking so long for people to understand that the Democrat power cabal will NEVER chance nominating a Biden with these horrific polling numbers. Why do people not understand that there are very real, and probable, options that are available at the DNC Convention, that can/will make a 2024 ticket that does not include Biden.

Xup - of course you're right. Anyone who says there's no way that Biden is NOT going to be the nominee is completely naive, or just plain uninformed.

Well, take a look at this.


Trump is polling at +6 in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan....+7 in Pennsylvania! Those are stunning numbers in states that Biden won in '20. +3 in Nevada puts that one in play.

This narrative about Trump being unelectable in a general election is BS.

Again, you're right. Hell, I don't think Nostradamus ever made declarative proclamations with 100% certainty. To say Trump has zero chance is plain wishful thinking. "Some polls"? This is just out of touch people talking out of their asses who don't have a clue about what's going on.

12-14-2023, 10:16 AM
Xup - of course you're right. Anyone who says there's no way that Biden is NOT going to be the nominee is completely naive, or just plain uninformed.

Again, you're right. Hell, I don't think Nostradamus ever made declarative proclamations with 100% certainty. To say Trump has zero chance is plain wishful thinking. "Some polls"? This is just out of touch people talking out of their asses who don't have a clue about what's going on.

So when trump loses again, can we count on you to spread election lies like trump will? Boy am I excited. You can believe polls that are never right or you can look at 2020, 2022 results.

Trump is the RINO. He’s a populist authoritarian narcissist who preys on cultural warfare better than any dem.

12-14-2023, 10:38 AM
LOL, this is no surprise. Are there any milquetoast candidates you won't support?

I'm dying for a milquetoast candidate. That would be a 1000% improvement, thanks. I wish someone would run on the milquetoast platform!

12-14-2023, 10:41 AM
I'm dying for a milquetoast candidate. That would be a 1000% improvement, thanks. I wish someone would run on the milquetoast platform!

+1000000 amen

X-band '01
12-14-2023, 05:53 PM
Considering how the first impeachment inquiry started before McCarthy got axed as Speaker, he doesn't have to worry about this inquiry as long as the current Keystone Cops are in charge.

X-band '01
12-14-2023, 05:54 PM
I'm dying for a milquetoast candidate. That would be a 1000% improvement, thanks. I wish someone would run on the milquetoast platform!

+1000000 amen

And her name is Nikki Haley.

12-14-2023, 06:08 PM
And her name is Nikki Haley.

Yes but the trumpers hate her because gawd forbid she has foreign policy experience, doesn’t talk out her ass about things she knows zero about and doesn’t yell and scream at everyone that disagrees with her.

X-band '01
12-14-2023, 06:29 PM
She's also not the original Trump. Vivek Ramaswamy (for whatever reason) tries to be Trump 2.0 in his actions and dialogue but the Trumpers aren't going to settle for a cheap imitation, either.

12-14-2023, 09:26 PM
Maybe we should keep electing Democrats to the White House:


Uncle Joe
12-14-2023, 11:34 PM
Truth be told, Obama destroyed the US economy, and it's never recovered. Trump began the recovery process, but the fake Covid pandemic cut him off at the knees. Good ole Joe has back on the subpar trajectory.

"Chart #4 shows the growth of real GDP (blue line) as it compares to two different trend rates of growth (green and red). From the 1960s until 2007, real GDP grew on average by about 3.1% per year. Following the Great Recession, it has only grown by about 2.2% per year. What caused such a huge change? I think it is the result of 1) excessive government regulation and spending, 2) higher tax burdens, and 3) increased social welfare spending (transfer payments). Whatever the cause, the economy has experienced sub-par growth for over two decades. Things are unlikely to improve unless we reverse the causes of sub-par growth, and that's not about to happen anytime soon."

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgmZZUo1apsodX5s19Lka1hpdxuUSD6DA__BwSBoMeA42 eY-licC_HJy-tLpx5AVBNLx06pxO2vACDK9ERyFZ_sFFitwvNkC7quETHmxup7 aIjChyphenhyphenVqRMAuk8IZntftXiXDq03Uya2OgnJ2WLPd KH02bgv9pRYHgSDY0LSS0OEI2XsxfOs-pD6UfoarfDM/s2341/2%20and%203%25%20trends.jpg


Uncle Joe
12-15-2023, 10:18 AM
Neocon Nikki doing her best Mick Cronin. So lame. (starts at 15:10)


12-15-2023, 10:33 AM
Things are going great! Just ask CNN..... https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/06/politics/cnn-poll-biden-economy-crime/index.html

12-15-2023, 11:47 AM
75% don:t want either candidate. Maybe you should run.

X-band '01
12-15-2023, 04:45 PM
Rudy Giuliani's out $148 million after defaming a pair of election workers in Georgia. Good luck raising that kind of scratch.

Uncle Joe
12-15-2023, 06:28 PM
Good luck to the two drama queens when this goes to appeal...

12-15-2023, 06:38 PM
Good luck to the two drama queens when this goes to appeal...

Of course you're on Giuliani's side.

12-15-2023, 09:35 PM
Good luck to the two drama queens when this goes to appeal...
He straight up conceded that he defamed them:

“Defendant Giuliani concedes solely for the purposes of this litigation … that Defendant Giuliani made the statements of and concerning plaintiffs,” his filing said. “He does not dispute for the purposes of this litigation, that the statements carry meaning that is defamatory per se.”

Pretty sure they will do just fine on appeal.

12-16-2023, 09:20 AM
Since lawyers on other Giuliani cases are suing him for non payment of fees, I'd be really surprised if he could find anyone to take up an appeal for him.

Maybe he could go pro se.

12-17-2023, 11:31 AM
Wanna know why Sleepy Joe is flailing while Trump is rising? Kitchen table issues.
From the Wall Street Journal this morning:
“ Inflation, as measured by the consumer-price index, was mostly muted during Trump’s term. Annual inflation averaged roughly 1.9% between January 2017 and January 2021, and consumer prices rose about 7.8% during that time. Consumer prices have surged 17% during Biden’s term, with annual inflation averaging 5.8%. ”

Add in the border surge allowed by this Admin and Americans feel assaulted.

12-17-2023, 11:45 AM
Assaulted by big business?

In the past, corporate profit growth accounted for maybe a third of inflation. But a report from the Kansas City Fed found that nearly 60% of inflation in 2021 was because of corporate profits.


Uncle Joe
12-17-2023, 01:51 PM
Assaulted by big business?


This is utterly ridiculous economic and historic revisionism to excuse the Democrats for shutting our economy down during the fake covid pandemic, and then throwing trillions of dollars into the economy. That, and that alone, is the source of today's inflation! This article is total BS!

Here's how the St. Louis Fed defines inflation:

"Inflation is caused when the money supply in an economy grows at faster rate than the economy’s ability to produce goods and services."

Economist Scott Grannis recently noted:

"Chart #4 shows that changes in the growth rate of the M2 money supply tend to show up in similar changes in the rate of inflation with about a 1-year lag. This is strong evidence that the recent bout of inflation we have endured had a monetary origin. As I've explained numerous times in the past year or two, the source of our inflation surge can be traced to the monetization of some $6 trillion in federal deficit spending in 2020-2021. Happily, there has been no further debt monetization since 2021."

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjVhchG1MrWv6_Vip1PGaKCZsF4MMN2r3QGQ2BQqzyr-Wbh7tXbCPM66BHojMKnLtqYbk9gwQwA40U1J2Nd0luqN3jGJJQ dzHydG35HYy82qcYcw-kLUPlDGw9-anCA3w0j9g3tjGkay1zFUqQZQ5BUCHAhcecY4uH4BJMwODfSNE T3xHGGnCGPapII9_Y/s2562/M2%20leads%20CPI.jpg


12-17-2023, 02:21 PM
In the past, corporate profit growth accounted for maybe a third of inflation. But a report from the Kansas City Fed found that nearly 60% of inflation in 2021 was because of corporate profits.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

Uncle Joe
12-17-2023, 02:48 PM
Repetition is the mother of learning.

Where's the evidence?

If corp profits were up so high, wouldn't that be reflected in stock prices/returns? It's not. Yes, the market is up in recent weeks, but it was down nearly 20% last year. The market is up right now because investors think the Fed is going to lower interest rates in coming months, because inflation is coming down as a result of M2 being in negative territory for the last several months (see previous chart).

Again, any fluctuations in how companies managed costs/operations in the past few years are the result of how Democrats managed the fake pandemic. Sorry, but you can't get around that fact.

You can repeat this anti-capitalist nonsense all you want, but facts are facts.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi_sWxg7JDH5lHepKas5Ow34TxM5vn3Om4Vj0X_tdnIWr NL0O7N_RHY7KxwVlvul5YXjWWUCSs85320jEHYOUfSbtfNLKeu RDV4c1ite2WqP-zxKHypMycA-xabJoGflMiz2w650YgevLtk7s5qJMwYzdKdBM4IWsnlh67G0Tj KDU4Mpqh3ZzWh9YvDQLA/s2391/S&P%20500.jpg

12-17-2023, 06:43 PM
[QUOTE=Uncle Joe;772189Yes, the market is up in recent weeks[/QUOTE]

so stox up, sp up, inflation down, Lower rates, full employment. What are you bitching about? Something that happened in the past?

12-17-2023, 07:38 PM
so stox up, sp up, inflation down, Lower rates, full employment. What are you bitching about? Something that happened in the past?

Have you bought groceries lately?

12-17-2023, 09:48 PM
Have you bought groceries lately?

You know the media will push how great Bidenomics is with inflation dropping, without bothering to mention how much more everything is compared to 3 years ago. Sadly, the average voter is stupid and doesn’t really pay attention. They just believe what they hear or see online.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

12-17-2023, 11:39 PM
Have you bought groceries lately?

today $82 but no meat. Paid 2.19 at Costco for gas . But I agree, groceries still a problem and the grocers are making record profits.

12-18-2023, 09:01 AM
Why do people like a person who literally echos things that Putin, a dictator who hates America, says. It’s disturbingly fascinating.

12-18-2023, 10:44 AM
Why do people like a person who literally echos things that Putin, a dictator who hates America, says. It’s disturbingly fascinating.
Because it makes the libs angry, which seems to be the number one issue for a large part of the electorate.

12-18-2023, 11:37 AM
Putin has killed 315000 Russians. Good job. 'genius'

12-18-2023, 04:31 PM
Why do people like a person who literally echos things that Putin, a dictator who hates America, says. It’s disturbingly fascinating.

There are lots of people out there who would rather the Kremlin run this country than the Democrats. I can’t really give you the answer other than people see Trump as an outsider to the corrupt political landscape that the average American is sick and tired of. I also do not know why people want an 81 year old person to be the leader of this country? Donald Trump is the best the Republicans can do and Joe Biden is the best the Democrats can do? Pitiful to say the least.

12-18-2023, 04:40 PM
There are lots of people out there who would rather the Kremlin run this country than the Democrats. I can’t really give you the answer other than people see Trump as an outsider to the corrupt political landscape that the average American is sick and tired of. I also do not know why people want an 81 year old person to be the leader of this country? Donald Trump is the best the Republicans can do and Joe Biden is the best the Democrats can do? Pitiful to say the least.

I don’t think they want Biden in office, they just don’t want trump which I can understand. Yeah I don’t want Biden in office either, but against trump I get

Uncle Joe
12-18-2023, 06:27 PM
OMG, this is hilarious:

""You guys are exhausting. You're exhausting in your obsession with him. The thing is, normal people aren't obsessed with Trump like you guys are. The normal people care about the fact that they can't afford things. They feel like their freedoms are being taken away. They think government is too big. I know you all want to talk about every single word he says and every single tweet he does."

--Nikki Haley, December 17, 2023

12-18-2023, 06:32 PM
Uncle Joe you wanna provide the rest of that quote? May want to since the rest of it make sense as to why she is saying it. An ole Lou attribute of spinning things the way you want it.

For those who care and have a functioning brain:


Essentially Haley and Sununu saying how trump didn’t shit while President except put the U.S. further into debt. Trumps a RINO

12-19-2023, 01:45 PM
Apparently staffers making sex tapes in Senate hearing chambers is frowned upon these days. As is cocaine in the white house and topless activists bouncing around the white house lawn at a WH sponsored event. Thank god "decency was on the ballot" in 2020. Whew.....

Any person who claims that their affiliated party can claim any type of behavioral or moral high-ground over the other needs to have their head examined.

12-19-2023, 01:48 PM
Apparently staffers making sex tapes in Senate hearing chambers is frowned upon these days. As is cocaine in the white house and topless activists bouncing around the white house lawn at a WH sponsored event. Thank god "decency was on the ballot" in 2020. Whew.....

Any person who claims that their affiliated party can claim any type of behavioral or moral high-ground over the other needs to have their head examined.

True story in regards to both sides. For example, I really hope that Epstein list is made public. Both sides of that fence should rot in absolute hell.

12-19-2023, 04:42 PM
True story in regards to both sides. For example, I really hope that Epstein list is made public. Both sides of that fence should rot in absolute hell.

Scorched earth... It would be a spectacle and I would be there for it

Uncle Joe
12-19-2023, 05:13 PM
So what's the point of having Border Security, Homeland Security and the Drug Enforcement Agency? Have they all not been rendered moot at this point?

Why not just abolish all of those agencies, and then send the money allocated to those agencies to Ukraine?

It's a win-win for Biden. He doesn't give a fuck about us.

12-19-2023, 05:35 PM
If an entire campaign is based on hating the "other", and immigrants are "poisoning the blood" of our country...is that because you married 2 immigrants and had 4 children with them? Is that how you know?

X-band '01
12-19-2023, 05:46 PM
Apparently staffers making sex tapes in Senate hearing chambers is frowned upon these days. As is cocaine in the white house and topless activists bouncing around the white house lawn at a WH sponsored event. Thank god "decency was on the ballot" in 2020. Whew.....

Any person who claims that their affiliated party can claim any type of behavioral or moral high-ground over the other needs to have their head examined.


12-19-2023, 06:54 PM
Hey Bobbie! Your state just banned Trump from the state ballot in 2024. Thoughts?

Uncle Joe
12-19-2023, 07:18 PM
I guess you have to destroy democracy in order to "save" democracy.

Meanwhile, you have Democrat brown shirts running around the country calling for gassing the Jews.

12-19-2023, 07:41 PM
Hey Bobbie! Your state just banned Trump from the state ballot in 2024. Thoughts?

Grab your popcorn. Shit’s about to get real.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-19-2023, 08:14 PM
Grab your popcorn. Shit’s about to get real.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not really, it will be stayed by the Supreme Court with a briefing schedule set out long enough that they hope the issue resolves itself prior to actually having to rule.

12-19-2023, 08:17 PM
Hey Bobbie! Your state just banned Trump from the state ballot in 2024. Thoughts?


12-19-2023, 08:25 PM
Apparently staffers making sex tapes in Senate hearing chambers is frowned upon these days. As is cocaine in the white house and topless activists bouncing around the white house lawn at a WH sponsored event. Thank god "decency was on the ballot" in 2020. Whew.....

Any person who claims that their affiliated party can claim any type of behavioral or moral high-ground over the other needs to have their head examined.

If an entire campaign is based on hating the "other", and immigrants are "poisoning the blood" of our country...is that because you married 2 immigrants and had 4 children with them? Is that how you know?

Obviously what Smails details are absolute facts that belie the “adults are back in charge” trope that Joe Biden was selling.
But “One Trick Paul” can only focus on one thing…and it’s not the rank corruption and incompetence of the party in the Oval Office.

12-19-2023, 09:12 PM
Not really, it will be stayed by the Supreme Court with a briefing schedule set out long enough that they hope the issue resolves itself prior to actually having to rule.

True, but the media talking heads will be going bat crap crazy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-19-2023, 10:25 PM
I'm focused on a lot of things.
But certainly the threat to our democracy from the former president is high on the list.

12-19-2023, 11:03 PM
"Threat to our democracy"

12-19-2023, 11:31 PM
Not really, it will be stayed by the Supreme Court with a briefing schedule set out long enough that they hope the issue resolves itself prior to actually having to rule.

The ballot gets certified 1/5.

Muskie in dayton
12-20-2023, 08:56 AM
Democrats are an actual threat to democracy.

12-20-2023, 09:03 AM
From the Free Press. I don’t know where else to post this but here because it has to do with fighting Big Government regulation.

This is an amazing story about Zoomer tech wizards and their goal for AI. It is a very encouraging story if the powers that be would just get out of the way. (But you know they won’t)
I hope the accelerators win!


12-20-2023, 09:08 AM
"Threat to our democracy"

Lol... "These aren't the droids you're looking for"

12-20-2023, 11:46 AM
True, but the media talking heads will be going bat crap crazy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

For like a day. And then another day when the Supreme Court makes a ruling. If it bleeds it leads, and legal briefings are incredibly boring. So without an active trial or daily drama, the takes will get fired off today and they will move on until something else happens.

12-20-2023, 11:57 AM
From the Free Press. I don’t know where else to post this but here because it has to do with fighting Big Government regulation.

This is an amazing story about Zoomer tech wizards and their goal for AI. It is a very encouraging story if the powers that be would just get out of the way. (But you know they won’t)
I hope the accelerators win!


I can see both sides do this debate easily and I seriously question people’s intelligence that can’t. For all the good that tech has done, it has also decayed society in a lot of ways.

12-20-2023, 11:59 AM
For like a day. And then another day when the Supreme Court makes a ruling. If it bleeds it leads, and legal briefings are incredibly boring. So without an active trial or daily drama, the takes will get fired off today and they will move on until something else happens.

What ever happened to Guilty until proven Innocent?

12-20-2023, 12:29 PM
What ever happened to Guilty until proven Innocent?
I mean not really sure how that applies here. There was a finding by the Colorado Supreme Court. He as the right to appeal it, but while the appeal is in the process the findings from the State Supreme Court are still deemed valid. This isn't like an indictment where you he hasn't had a chance to make his arguments yet.

Uncle Joe
12-20-2023, 02:23 PM
I mean not really sure how that applies here. There was a finding by the Colorado Supreme Court. He as the right to appeal it, but while the appeal is in the process the findings from the State Supreme Court are still deemed valid. This isn't like an indictment where you he hasn't had a chance to make his arguments yet.

You seem to be blowing this off as no big deal. This ruling is total garbage - Jonathan Turley said "This is the most anti-democratic opinion I've seen in my lifetime."

Do you understand the dangerous precedent this has set? Not just for 2024, but all elections going forward if SCOTUS doesn't swat this down ASAP.

I'll add that Alan Dershowitz also said that "It's a Scandal; It's a Shame."

Uncle Joe
12-20-2023, 05:18 PM
It's pretty funny how the Dems are so perplexed as to why Americans aren't appreciating Bidenomics. Biden, the MSM and a few on this board think the economy is just wonderful. Are they gaslighting, or are they completely out of touch with the common people?

Here are a few stats for your educational purposes:

* In April of 2019 - under Trump - 20% of Americans said they were struggling with their financial situation. Today, that number has jumped to 44%!!!

* Again, in April of 2019 - under Trump - 25% of Americans said their financial situation was improving. Today, that number has been cut in half to just 12%

* Right now 39% of Americans said they're pessimistic about their financial situation.

* Consumer debt has risen a whopping $3 trillion since Trump left office - that's a 21% increase!

Under Bidenomics, the rich are getting richer, the rest of us get the crumbs.



12-20-2023, 05:33 PM
It's pretty funny how the Dems are so perplexed as to why Americans aren't appreciating Bidenomics. Biden, the MSM and a few on this board think the economy is just wonderful. Are they gaslighting, or are they completely out of touch with the common people?

Here are a few stats for your educational purposes:

* In April of 2019 - under Trump - 20% of Americans said they were struggling with their financial situation. Today, that number has jumped to 44%!!!

* Again, in April of 2019 - under Trump - 25% of Americans said their financial situation was improving. Today, that number has been cut in half to just 12%

* Right now 39% of Americans said they're pessimistic about their financial situation.

* Consumer debt has risen a whopping $3 trillion since Trump left office - that's a 21% increase!

Under Bidenomics, the rich are getting richer, the rest of us get the crumbs.



People are aware which is why normal people don’t want Biden or trump.

Uncle Joe
12-20-2023, 06:43 PM
Not only are the anti-democracy Democrats waging lawfare against Trump to prevent Americans from voting for him, but they are now using similar tactics against third party candidates. Is this the kind of country that we want to live in? Jonathan Turley just said “This country is a powder keg". He's not a flamethrower by any means. I agree with him, we are in a very precarious place. Are we headed towards tyranny and/or violence? I'm sorry, but people have completely lost their minds over Trump.

"A coalition of Democratic and Republican anti-Trump (fake RINOs) groups are organizing an aggressive, multi-front campaign to stop the independent group No Labels from injecting a third major candidate in the upcoming 2024 election.

Their plans, laid out in a private, roughly 80-minute call obtained by Semafor, include legal attacks, opposition research and warnings to potential candidates and donors that involvement with No Labels could make them politically toxic.

No Labels, founded in 2010 by a top Washington political fundraiser, Nancy Jacobson, bills itself as an answer to America’s divisive partisan politics, and has sought to present a poll-tested centrist platform. Democrats believe any such effort is far likelier to pull votes from Biden than from Trump, whose supporters are more committed to their candidate.

The call, organized by the center-left Democratic group Third Way with the help of the progressive Move On, also included representatives of End Citizens United, the Lincoln Project, American Bridge, Public Citizen, and Reproductive Freedom for All. Attendees included prominent anti-Trump Republicans Sarah Longwell and Bill Kristol, former Democratic Sen. Doug Jones, and an aide to the Democratic billionaire Reid Hoffman, Dmitri Mehlhorn.

“Through every channel we have, to their donors, their friends, the press, everyone — everyone — should send the message: If you have one fingernail clipping of a skeleton in your closet, we will find it,” one speaker said during the call. “If you think you were vetted when you ran for governor, you’re insane. That was nothing. We are going to come at you with every gun we can possibly find. We did not do that with Jill Stein or Gary Johnson, we should have, and we will not make that mistake again.”




12-20-2023, 06:45 PM
* Right now 39% of Americans said they're pessimistic about their financial situation.

Does that mean the other 61% are optimistic?

12-20-2023, 06:48 PM
Not only are the anti-democracy Democrats waging lawfare against Trump to prevent Americans from voting for him, but they are now using similar tactics against third party candidates. Is this the kind of country that we want to live in? Jonathan Turley just said “This country is a powder keg". He's not a flamethrower by any means. I agree with him, we are in a very precarious place. Are we headed towards tyranny and/or violence? I'm sorry, but people have completely lost their minds over Trump.

"A coalition of Democratic and Republican anti-Trump (fake RINOs) groups are organizing an aggressive, multi-front campaign to stop the independent group No Labels from injecting a third major candidate in the upcoming 2024 election.

Their plans, laid out in a private, roughly 80-minute call obtained by Semafor, include legal attacks, opposition research and warnings to potential candidates and donors that involvement with No Labels could make them politically toxic.

No Labels, founded in 2010 by a top Washington political fundraiser, Nancy Jacobson, bills itself as an answer to America’s divisive partisan politics, and has sought to present a poll-tested centrist platform. Democrats believe any such effort is far likelier to pull votes from Biden than from Trump, whose supporters are more committed to their candidate.

The call, organized by the center-left Democratic group Third Way with the help of the progressive Move On, also included representatives of End Citizens United, the Lincoln Project, American Bridge, Public Citizen, and Reproductive Freedom for All. Attendees included prominent anti-Trump Republicans Sarah Longwell and Bill Kristol, former Democratic Sen. Doug Jones, and an aide to the Democratic billionaire Reid Hoffman, Dmitri Mehlhorn.

“Through every channel we have, to their donors, their friends, the press, everyone — everyone — should send the message: If you have one fingernail clipping of a skeleton in your closet, we will find it,” one speaker said during the call. “If you think you were vetted when you ran for governor, you’re insane. That was nothing. We are going to come at you with every gun we can possibly find. We did not do that with Jill Stein or Gary Johnson, we should have, and we will not make that mistake again.”




Good. Politicians doing what is best for the country. A new concept

Trump is the rino

X-band '01
12-20-2023, 06:53 PM
Does that mean the other 61% are optimistic?

They just don't read this board.

12-21-2023, 09:55 AM
They just don't read this board.

Or it could be that they put themselves into other categories. One of 3 things is happening here:

1) The talking points and data being pushed out to create momentum for this administration is cherry picked and not representative of what's really happening.

2) This administration is so disjointed, incompetent or distrusted that they don't have the ability to have these wonderful economic conditions resonate with the populace...both dem and GOP voters.

3) It's all Trumps fault

From Fortune:

Even those rosy forecasts did little to dampen the concerns among most middle-class Americans. Millennials and Gen X remained particularly worried about the economy, with 57% and 71% respectively saying they were pessimistic about it improving in the coming months. “Both groups are likely burdened with tremendous family and personal responsibilities,” Spagnolo said.

Gen X reported having their finances consumed by credit card debt and the need to save for retirement. Millennials, on the other hand, faced the same financial challenges while adding that they also had to take care of aging relatives and save for the elusive dream of buying a home.

12-21-2023, 10:00 AM
Good. Politicians doing what is best for the country. A new concept

Trump is the rino

What? This is ridiculous. Good politicians would be begging for a good No Labels candidate and begging people to vote for him/her.

12-21-2023, 10:05 AM
What? This is ridiculous. Good politicians would be begging for a good No Labels candidate and begging people to vote for him/her.

While I agree that’s just not going to happen. With the system that is set up today, A third party candidate has zero chance of winning. So, they are doing everything to keep trump from office which I appreciate. I wish they could keep both trump and Biden from office, but that doesn’t seem plausible

12-21-2023, 02:20 PM
Florida sent planeloads of migrants to Martha's Vineyard
Florida now has a labor shortage
Texas is sending planeloads of migrants to Chicago.
Texas should send planeloads of migrants to Florida.

12-21-2023, 05:02 PM
Florida sent planeloads of migrants to Martha's Vineyard
Florida now has a labor shortage
Texas is sending planeloads of migrants to Chicago.
Texas should send planeloads of migrants to Florida.

No. Maybe California could round up all their Homeless and Drug Addicts and send them to Florida.
Newsome is too stupid to think of that one though.
Texas can just keep on sending their ILLEGALS to SANCTUARY CITIES. You know. Those places that are supposed to have their arms open, but now are bitching about their open arms.
Now THAT is a smart Governor.

12-21-2023, 05:16 PM
While I agree that’s just not going to happen. With the system that is set up today, A third party candidate has zero chance of winning. So, they are doing everything to keep trump from office which I appreciate. I wish they could keep both trump and Biden from office, but that doesn’t seem plausible

Gross. Trump sucks, but when the alternative is Biden I'm sure as hell not giving out compliments to people working to keep third parties off the ballot. Those people can fuck right off. Honestly, these people are terrible enough I might actually vote for Trump. I don't want to, but if you're going to take away the palatable alternatives, here we are. At least with Trump we got Kavanaugh and ACB.

Muskie in dayton
12-21-2023, 05:25 PM
“In democracy, we choose candidates by VOTING. Not by legal maneuvers to get them off the ballot.”
- RFK Jr.

He may well be the only presidential candidate with integrity.

12-21-2023, 05:28 PM
“In democracy, we choose candidates by VOTING. Not by legal maneuvers to get them off the ballot.”
- RFK Jr.

He may well be the only presidential candidate with integrity.

A Kennedy with integrity. That’s funny

12-21-2023, 05:30 PM
Gross. Trump sucks, but when the alternative is Biden I'm sure as hell not giving out compliments to people working to keep third parties off the ballot. Those people can fuck right off. Honestly, these people are terrible enough I might actually vote for Trump. I don't want to, but if you're going to take away the palatable alternatives, here we are. At least with Trump we got Kavanaugh and ACB.

There are plenty of Republican candidates that I could stomach. If they all weren’t a bunch of pussies, we wouldn’t be in the position of voting trump v Biden. I guess it could still change and it won’t be those two, but highly unlikely.

12-21-2023, 05:45 PM
A Kennedy with integrity. That’s funny

He thinks the CIA killed his Dad and Uncle.

12-21-2023, 05:54 PM
This is pretty spot on. Even though it’s from the Bee.

Not a Trump fan, but funny.


12-22-2023, 11:18 AM
A couple of interesting tidbits from a political newsletter I get. First, on the Republican side:

Two recent polls have shown the New Hampshire Republican primary getting closer. The American Research Group survey (12/17-20; 1,100 NH adults; 990 NH registered voters) finds former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley pulling to within a 33-29% split with former President Donald Trump.

Another poll, this from St. Anselm College (12/18-19; 1,711 NH likely voters; online), sees Mr. Trump posting 44% support while Ms. Haley trails at 30% and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie follows with 12%.

I'm starting to get a bit hopeful that the Haley momentum is real and can keep coming for another few months. Maybe she actually has a shot?

And then this on the national side. Shows why the absolute fucking hacks on the Democrat side are throwing a tantrum and threatening to try and destroy third party candidates. God I hope it backfires on those assholes.

Originally when Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. had announced as an Independent for President, the subsequent early polls found him taking slightly more support from Donald Trump than President Biden. Recently, that trend has reversed. The new Harvard University national survey that The Harris Poll and HarrisX conducted (12/13-14; 2,034 US registered voters; online) is now more typical. They find Mr. Kennedy and the other minor party/ independent candidates apparently securing more support from President Biden than his future general election opponent.

In the isolated Biden-Trump ballot test, Mr. Trump would lead 52-48%. Adding just Mr. Kennedy, the Trump advantage expands to 44-36-20%. A third ballot test, that included Messrs. Biden, Trump, Kennedy, independent Dr. Cornel West, and likely Green Party nominee Jill Stein, saw a 43-35-17-2-2% division

Here's an idea: if your candidate is awful, find another candidate.

12-22-2023, 11:27 AM
A couple of interesting tidbits from a political newsletter I get. First, on the Republican side:

Two recent polls have shown the New Hampshire Republican primary getting closer. The American Research Group survey (12/17-20; 1,100 NH adults; 990 NH registered voters) finds former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley pulling to within a 33-29% split with former President Donald Trump.

Another poll, this from St. Anselm College (12/18-19; 1,711 NH likely voters; online), sees Mr. Trump posting 44% support while Ms. Haley trails at 30% and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie follows with 12%.

I'm starting to get a bit hopeful that the Haley momentum is real and can keep coming for another few months. Maybe she actually has a shot?

And then this on the national side. Shows why the absolute fucking hacks on the Democrat side are throwing a tantrum and threatening to try and destroy third party candidates. God I hope it backfires on those assholes.

Originally when Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. had announced as an Independent for President, the subsequent early polls found him taking slightly more support from Donald Trump than President Biden. Recently, that trend has reversed. The new Harvard University national survey that The Harris Poll and HarrisX conducted (12/13-14; 2,034 US registered voters; online) is now more typical. They find Mr. Kennedy and the other minor party/ independent candidates apparently securing more support from President Biden than his future general election opponent.

In the isolated Biden-Trump ballot test, Mr. Trump would lead 52-48%. Adding just Mr. Kennedy, the Trump advantage expands to 44-36-20%. A third ballot test, that included Messrs. Biden, Trump, Kennedy, independent Dr. Cornel West, and likely Green Party nominee Jill Stein, saw a 43-35-17-2-2% division

Here's an idea: if your candidate is awful, find another candidate.

Christie really needs to get out of the race. He’s causing a problem right now because he’s taking part of the moderate Republican vote. If he quits soon, Haley could have a shot at least in nh and then maybe momentum will increase even more.

12-22-2023, 11:29 AM
Christie and DeSantis should both get out and endorse Haley. The only chance was to have one strong anti-Trump candidate, and they have all had 6 months to fight it out and decide who it was going to be. Haley has clearly emerged as the winner of that race, and the others need to get out of the way and support her.

12-22-2023, 11:52 AM
That reminds me of how 3rd parties can disrupt results.
Trump lost Georgia by about 12,000 votes.
The Libertarian candidate had 62,000 votes.

12-22-2023, 01:25 PM
Good. The voters preferred the Libertarian candidates. So that's who they voted for. The voters voted for their preferred candidates and the votes were tallied. That's not "disrupting results". That's democracy.

The two shitty parties shouldn't get to have a monopoly on the process. We shouldn't let them. Them convincing people that voting for their preferred candidates is "disrupting results" is part of how they keep their monopoly. Go ahead and keep falling for that bullshit and then be shocked when Donald Trump or Joe Biden is our President.

12-22-2023, 01:41 PM
Agree, I used bad choice of words. "Affecting results" would have been much better.
We have essentially a two party system with the electoral college.
If we were a true multi-party situation, then we'd have more parties in the government, and would have to generate coalitions to seat the leader.

12-22-2023, 02:06 PM
Christie and DeSantis should both get out and endorse Haley. The only chance was to have one strong anti-Trump candidate, and they have all had 6 months to fight it out and decide who it was going to be. Haley has clearly emerged as the winner of that race, and the others need to get out of the way and support her.

There is some polling data that if DeSantis pulls out prior to New Hampshire that would actually help Trump as more DeSantis voters would go back to Trump rather than support Haley.

12-22-2023, 02:08 PM
Could be, but if DeSantis actually endorsed Haley I suspect that would not be the case. Just make sure Vivek stays in the take some of the Trump vote.

X-band '01
12-22-2023, 04:52 PM
Christie and DeSantis should both get out and endorse Haley. The only chance was to have one strong anti-Trump candidate, and they have all had 6 months to fight it out and decide who it was going to be. Haley has clearly emerged as the winner of that race, and the others need to get out of the way and support her.

Far more likely that Christie will get out of the race to support Haley. It's more likely DeSantis stays in the race long enough to get through the Iowa caucus next month.

12-22-2023, 05:09 PM
This just in. The Republicans led Congress did nada in 2023.

12-22-2023, 05:15 PM
This just in. The Republicans led Congress did nada in 2023.

Do what? Who controls the senate?

12-22-2023, 05:17 PM
And who would sign their bills anyway?

12-22-2023, 06:43 PM
Do what? Who controls the senate?

And who would sign their bills anyway?

Can't vote UNTIL you get a bill.

12-22-2023, 06:47 PM
Can't vote UNTIL you get a bill.

Then do some research on what the house has passed cause you’re wrong and you said Republican congress which is also wrong.

Muskie in dayton
12-23-2023, 12:32 AM
He knows the CIA killed his Dad and Uncle.
Fixed that for you.

He knows a lot.

12-23-2023, 09:04 AM
Fixed that for you.

He knows a lot.


12-23-2023, 08:56 PM
Then do some research on what the house has passed cause you’re wrong and you said Republican congress which is also wrong.

27bills worst since great depression. And I said republican led.

12-23-2023, 09:04 PM
27bills worst since great depression. And I said republican led.

Do you understand what/who makes up congress?

Do you understand how bills are passed?

12-23-2023, 09:09 PM
Of course, oblivously you don't
I was condemning Congress as a whole but the majority did nothing in the house except bicker.

12-24-2023, 04:50 AM
Of course, oblivously you don't
I was condemning Congress as a whole but the majority did nothing in the house except bicker.

Oh ok. Then I’ll sit back and wait for you to condemn the democratic led senate then. I’m sure it will come any minute now.

In truth, you just wanted to take a nonsensical shot at the Republican Party that made little sense.

12-24-2023, 12:09 PM
"All year long, House Republicans did nothing but cause chaos, physically fight each other, drag on a baseless impeachment sham, and try to push through a losing MAGA agenda that hardworking Americans continue to reject. "


12-24-2023, 12:23 PM
"All year long, House Republicans did nothing but cause chaos, physically fight each other, drag on a baseless impeachment sham, and try to push through a losing MAGA agenda that hardworking Americans continue to reject. "


Linking democratic opinion pieces does not enhance your argument. That’s something lou does. Be better

12-24-2023, 12:28 PM
Maybe you can point to an acomplishment of house Republicans.

12-24-2023, 12:35 PM
Maybe you can point to an acomplishment of house Republicans.

The burden of proof is on you. You sai Republican led congress. If You’d like to say Republican led house fine, but you wouldn’t because the house passed plenty that then died in the democratic led senate. So, it doesn’t fit the narrative you’re trying to paint.

Reality is both sides are mostly useless. It’s not a one party issue.

12-24-2023, 12:39 PM
They passed 27 bills lol . 1 to keep half the govt open. The house generates spending bills which is most of legislation.

12-24-2023, 12:40 PM
They passed 27 bills lol . 1 to keep half the govt open.

lol you still don’t know how congress works. The house passed way more than that. They only passed 27 that then became law. Very different story

12-24-2023, 12:54 PM
Yeah, they approved the use of Capitol grounds for the Soap Box Derby. Major legislation.

12-24-2023, 01:01 PM
Maybe you can point to an acomplishment of house Republicans.

Answer my question.

12-24-2023, 02:22 PM
Merry Christmas to all!

12-27-2023, 08:28 AM
Immigration Courts backlog now at 3 million....that's a City of Chicago.

12-28-2023, 08:33 PM
And now Maine’s Democratic Secretary of State has removed Trump from their primary ballot. The SCOTUS is going to have to weigh in soon to stop this from happening in other states. I just hope when they do, it’s a 9-0 ruling. Definitely don’t want 6-3.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

X-band '01
12-29-2023, 06:48 AM
Also noteworthy that California is leaving Trump on the ballot despite calls to leave him off.

A potentially bigger looming problem would be the ground that Haley is making up in New Hampshire. What happens if Haley actually wins the NH primary?

12-29-2023, 07:27 AM
Also noteworthy that California is leaving Trump on the ballot despite calls to leave him off.

A potentially bigger looming problem would be the ground that Haley is making up in New Hampshire. What happens if Haley actually wins the NH primary?

If that happens, then maybe there is hope for the average American voter yet

12-29-2023, 08:11 AM
Also noteworthy that California is leaving Trump on the ballot despite calls to leave him off.

A potentially bigger looming problem would be the ground that Haley is making up in New Hampshire. What happens if Haley actually wins the NH primary?

Not referencing slavery as a cause for the Civil War could slow that momentum.

The MSM will certainly provide a heavy handed attack on her for that blunder.

12-29-2023, 09:51 AM
Why exactly is the cause of the Civil War an issue in the current Presidential race?

Also, probably doesn't hurt her in the Republican primary! LOL

12-29-2023, 10:34 AM
Not referencing slavery as a cause for the Civil War could slow that momentum.

The MSM will certainly provide a heavy handed attack on her for that blunder.

I did not see any MSM mention of devout Catholic Biden failing to mention Jesus Christ in his Christmas message.

12-29-2023, 10:41 AM
"I mean, I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run [allow or make laws prohibiting slavery?], what you could and couldn't do [own slaves?], the freedoms in what people could and couldn't do [such as right to own slaves?]."

Her answer was not a definitive list of civil war causes, it was a fairly generic answer which certainly could include slavery and a dozen other causes in a very complex issue. Much ado about nothing turned into a manufactured controversy by MSM.

Further more, she had previously ordered the removal of the confederate flag.

She also elaborated that slavery was certainly a major issue, which the MSM immediately characterized as "walking back".

12-29-2023, 11:03 AM
I did not see any MSM mention of devout Catholic Biden failing to mention Jesus Christ in his Christmas message.

"And we look to the sky, to a lone star, shining brighter than all the rest, guiding us to the birth of a child — a child Christians believe to be the son of God; miraculously now, here among us on Earth, bringing hope, love and peace and joy to the world."

Who do you think he was referring to? Moses? Jerry Springer?

12-29-2023, 01:32 PM
"And we look to the sky, to a lone star, shining brighter than all the rest, guiding us to the birth of a child — a child Christians believe to be the son of God; miraculously now, here among us on Earth, bringing hope, love and peace and joy to the world."

Who do you think he was referring to? Moses? Jerry Springer?

With sleepy Joe, you never know.

Was there something I said that was not true?

He did not say that he believed it or that it was true (some believe) any more that Niki Haley "not mentioning slavery" indicates she is for it.

12-29-2023, 03:12 PM
Obviously he referenced Jesus (Christ) the son of God. No?

12-30-2023, 08:01 AM
Not sure with Joe. He might have been referring to himself.

My point is, he didn't say it specifically. He didn't even say that he believed it (Devout Catholic).

Niki Haley didn't mention slavery specifically.

Which one got major play on the MSM?

12-30-2023, 10:19 AM
The first state to secede was South Carolina. In their declaration to do so, they "specifically mentioned"

[A]n increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery,

I think she flubbed it, and gave her opponents ammunition. Was easy to say slavery and go onto other things. Sort of like Palin being asked what newspapers she read.

12-30-2023, 10:22 AM
Wow. How many sons of God are there. Nice attempt at deflection.

12-30-2023, 10:23 AM
Who cares? She should ignore the non-troversy.

12-30-2023, 10:48 AM

12-30-2023, 01:27 PM
Wow. How many sons of God are there. Nice attempt at deflection.

You clearly missed my point or don't care. I may not have made it clear. That's fair. No worries.

[QUOTE=paulxu;772942]The first state to secede was South Carolina. In their declaration to do so, they "specifically mentioned" [A]n increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery,

That is how the states were defined. There were southern states for whom slavery was legal. Northern states for whom it was not. Nobody was saying it wasn't a factor. Haley's statement was innocuous and would not be perceived to exclude slavery except for those who have a reason for it to. Not any more than Biden "excluded" the NAME Jesus Christ. Most people, including me, know what he meant, except those who don't want it to. Those people just aren't rabid, woke liberals. That's all.

It would have been nice for him to be more elaborate. Niki as well.

12-30-2023, 02:35 PM
Good grief. Maybe Nikki should have said "people who were brought here in chains against their will, who many believe it was OK to own as personal property."

Would that have helped?

12-30-2023, 03:28 PM
Jesus and his disciples walk into a bar

Bartender: So what do you want?
Peter: Water, please
Bartender *slides him a glass of water* Oh, so you are driving?
Peter: No but watch Jesus
Jesus: *turns water into wine right in front of bartender*
Bartender: You're the Son of God? No way!
Jesus: YAHWEH!

12-30-2023, 06:13 PM
Good grief. Maybe Nikki should have said "people who were brought here in chains against their will, who many believe it was OK to own as personal property."

Would that have helped?

Maybe she should have said "Why are you asking me that stupid question? Next."

Strange Brew
12-30-2023, 07:11 PM
The first state to secede was South Carolina. In their declaration to do so, they "specifically mentioned"

I think she flubbed it, and gave her opponents ammunition. Was easy to say slavery and go onto other things. Sort of like Palin being asked what newspapers she read.

Yes, and four score and seven years ago. What is your point?

12-30-2023, 08:29 PM
I think she flubbed it, and gave her opponents ammunition. Was easy to say slavery and go onto other things. Sort of like Palin being asked what newspapers she read.

Yes, and four score and seven years ago. What is your point?

See above.

12-30-2023, 08:48 PM
See above.

Good Grief!

So, your point was to make a cheap attack against a candidate who would wipe the floor vs the current President in an election.
Why are you progressive libs so scared???

Uncle Joe
12-30-2023, 11:49 PM
Will Biden double down on stupid to drag the world into WWIII in order to hide his corruption?

Why is he funding Putin with higher oil prices? Why not drill American oil and drive down prices, that is, if you really wanted to WIN a war against Putin?

JEFFREY SACHS, American economist:

"Ukraine is now undergoing a massacre. Russia dominates the battlefield. In recent weeks, we have heard many details about how the United States prevented an agreement between Ukraine and Russia that would have freed Ukraine from this conflict. And the US prevented this because they told the Ukrainians to continue fighting. And the Ukrainians lost hundreds of thousands of people.

Two people - Zaluzhny and Zelensky - are essentially in the US’s pocket. The US funds them and tells them to fight. It turned out to be a bloodbath and a disaster. And this continues and will continue. This is the ultimate goal. And it's a shame for Biden, who instigated all this, because Biden stopped negotiations that would have ended the conflict in March or April 2022. Now this topic is widely covered.

We talked about this a few months ago because I heard about it directly from Turkish negotiators and other people. But now this news has reached the public. In other words, this conflict is causing disaster in Ukraine and massive costs for the United States, and serves no useful purpose.

Biden deliberately delayed it as part of a completely misjudged plan that he would weaken Russia, but he did the exact opposite. He strengthened Russia, contributed to a large-scale modernization of Russian military technology and an increase in the size of the Russian army. And all this was predictable, but we have a completely incompetent administration."

https://twitter.com/ivan_8848/status/1741033525644607577?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1741033525644607577%7Ctwgr% 5Edcc426a458a851017bd82bd66e1a94d8daaa26be%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Frevolver.news%2F2023%2F12%2F famed-economist-jeffrey-sachs-just-revealed-to-the-entire-world-exactly-how-biden-failed-in-ukraine%2F


12-31-2023, 07:32 AM
Good Grief!

So, your point was to make a cheap attack against a candidate who would wipe the floor vs the current President in an election.
Why are you progressive libs so scared???

Nothing cheap about it all. I pointed out she made a mistake, and gave her critics ammunition which she didn't have to do. She should have been smart enough as a seasoned politician to keep that negative press at bay.
I think she's running for second place to be on the ticket as the VP.
And if Trump's nonsense catches up to him with all the indictments, she'll be left standing as the party's nominee.
No reason to shoot yourself in the foot on your way to that place.

12-31-2023, 11:13 AM
Why is he funding Putin with higher oil prices? Why not drill American oil and drive down prices, that is, if you really wanted to WIN a war against Putin[/url]

gas is 2 bucks in Colorado..

12-31-2023, 01:14 PM
Nothing cheap about it all. I pointed out she made a mistake, and gave her critics ammunition which she didn't have to do. She should have been smart enough as a seasoned politician to keep that negative press at bay.
I think she's running for second place to be on the ticket as the VP.
And if Trump's nonsense catches up to him with all the indictments, she'll be left standing as the party's nominee.
No reason to shoot yourself in the foot on your way to that place.

Totally cheap on an innocuous answer that if a Democrat said it you’d never mention it.
Just like all the stupid innocuous stuff that your President keeps saying daily. But somehow nothing comes out of your keyboard about this 3 1/2 year stumble brain mumble.
When will Joe hold a full press conference?

12-31-2023, 02:33 PM
Biden noted the Christ child came to give peace, love, and hope to the world.
Trump wished others to rot in hell in his Christmas message.

You decide which one is better. I wasn't talking about either one of them.

I made a comment about Nikki Haley

12-31-2023, 04:14 PM
When will Joe hold a full press conference?

A true press conference with actual journalists who’ll ask tough questions, and not one with handpicked people who’ll lob softballs and accept whatever Joe says, no matter how bad his response is? His handlers will never let that happen.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

12-31-2023, 04:52 PM
He needs to increase oil and refinery production and also invest heavily on research and development of alternative fuels for the future.

I think he's done exactly that:

The United States is producing more oil than any country ever has.

This is an administration which is focused on the energy transition, but also taking a pragmatic approach on fossil fuels.

The United States is producing about 13.2 million barrels of crude oil per day. That is millions of gallons more than is coming out of Saudi Arabia or Russia


12-31-2023, 07:21 PM
Biden noted the Christ child came to give peace, love, and hope to the world.
Trump wished others to rot in hell in his Christmas message.

You decide which one is better. I wasn't talking about either one of them.

I made a comment about Nikki Haley

And I’m talking about you criticizing an innocuous comment from a candidate to a trap question while totally ignoring the unintelligible babble coming from the mouth of your Mush Brained President for Three Years!
An awfully odd time to bring out judgement. But Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat.

12-31-2023, 10:19 PM
Easy question. Easy answer.
She made a mistake and gave her opponents ammunition.
Biden is not running for the Republican nomination.

12-31-2023, 11:36 PM
And I’m talking about you criticizing an innocuous comment from a candidate to a trap question while totally ignoring the unintelligible babble coming from the mouth of your Mush Brained President for Three Years!
An awfully odd time to bring out judgement. But Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat.

Well you have your own mush brain rapist adulterer embezzler l pervert election denier secret document thief criminal. I'm sure he wanted you rino vermin to rot also.

12-31-2023, 11:57 PM
Here's to a better 2024. Unlikely, but we can hope!

01-01-2024, 12:05 AM
Easy question. Easy answer.
She made a mistake and gave her opponents ammunition.
Biden is not running for the Republican nomination.

Joe Biden is supposed to be running the country, and he’s doing a terrible job of it….that is, when he is actually not sleeping, on vacation, or taking 5 day weekends.
That’s a little more important, yet you say nothing of him.

01-01-2024, 12:18 AM
trump played more golf than running the country. Said he wouldn't have time lol.

01-01-2024, 07:19 AM
Here's to a better 2024. Unlikely, but we can hope!

I’d vote for that !

01-01-2024, 07:57 AM
trump played more golf than running the country. Said he wouldn't have time lol.

Joe Biden is supposed to be running the country, and he’s doing a terrible job of it….that is, when he is actually not sleeping, on vacation, or taking 5 day weekends.
That’s a little more important, yet you say nothing of him.

Yet the irony is that both parties do this yet complain about the other party doing it.

01-01-2024, 09:00 AM
trump played more golf than running the country. Said he wouldn't have time lol.

Trump was awake when he was on the golf course, lucid and able to make decisions if something came up.
Ol’ Joe is out of it and no one knows who is actually in control.

01-01-2024, 09:53 AM
Yet the irony is that both parties do this yet complain about the other party doing it.

Yep. The President, regardless of party, is never truly on vacation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-01-2024, 03:40 PM
Trump was awake when he was on the golf course, lucid and able to make decisions if something came up.
Ol’ Joe is out of it and no one knows who is actually in control.

I would never call trump 'lucid'. More like 'deranged'.

X-band '01
01-01-2024, 04:32 PM
Are we also yelling at House Republicans for going on vacation when shutdowns are looming?

01-01-2024, 06:09 PM
Are we also yelling at House Republicans for going on vacation when shutdowns are looming?

No because the Senate, led by Democrats, still haven’t decided on how they will propose something to address the border mess- a border mess that had a record number of encounters in December. Why should the House stay and twiddle their thumbs through Christmas with no prospect of a Senate resolution?

01-01-2024, 06:11 PM
I would never call trump 'lucid'. More like 'deranged'.

A “deranged” President where no wars occurred during his watch?

01-01-2024, 06:45 PM
Can we start a poll on who spins more political nonsense? Mor or Paul?

01-01-2024, 07:02 PM
Can we start a poll on who spins more political nonsense? Mor or Paul?


01-01-2024, 11:12 PM
No because the Senate, led by Democrats, still haven’t decided on how they will propose something to address the border mess- a border mess that had a record number of encounters in December. Why should the House stay and twiddle their thumbs through Christmas with no prospect of a Senate resolution?

Bcuz, Spending bills start in the House.

01-01-2024, 11:12 PM
It all makes sense now.

Here's a video montage of flipflops by Neocon Nikki. She's full of contradictions, has no real core values or beliefs, and blows with the wind to make arguments only for the sake of arguing.

No wonder Ville loves her!! LOL!!


01-01-2024, 11:30 PM
Bcuz, Spending bills start in the House.

And until, correctly, Schumer and his minions come up with a border plan- which ALL Democratic mayors are screaming for, there will be none.

01-02-2024, 12:25 AM
Minority get to come up with the plan? Haha

01-02-2024, 03:55 PM
Minority get to come up with the plan? Haha

Will Biden or Trump be on the Jeffrey Epstein list?

01-02-2024, 03:55 PM
Will Biden or Trump be on the Jeffrey Epstein list?

I’d assume both.

01-02-2024, 04:19 PM
RFK and Clinton for sure.

01-02-2024, 04:20 PM
We already know Trump flew many times, as did Clinton, on his plane.
Never heard Biden did.
If Biden didn't, expect the news to be all about Clinton...which we already know.
Don't think he's running this year.

01-02-2024, 05:06 PM
Will Biden or Trump be on the Jeffrey Epstein list?

I'm most interested in who is on the flight logs to and from the Island.

01-03-2024, 01:47 PM
This article from The Free Press is good advice for ALL Americans.


Uncle Joe
01-03-2024, 07:58 PM
We already know Trump flew many times, as did Clinton, on his plane.
Never heard Biden did.
If Biden didn't, expect the news to be all about Clinton...which we already know.
Don't think he's running this year.

Sorry about your luck, Paul. Here's the truth:



Uncle Joe
01-03-2024, 08:04 PM
Another "inconvenient" fact:

"A Story The Media Never Told You

NY U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman was assigned the Jeffrey Epstein/ Ghislaine Maxwell case & was dragging his feet

Donald Trump Fired Berman

Trump appointed new Acting Attorney Audrey Strauss & 6 days later Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested

Geoffrey Berman was supposed to oversee sex trafficking charges against Jeffrey Epstein and did nothing. It took Donald Trump’s new pick to immediately arrest Maxwell on charges related to the abuse of young girls.

The main stream media all banded together to bash Donald Trump & say everything that transpired had nothing to do with him

A lawyer representing several Epstein accusers said Grand Jury activity could prove the timing was thanks to Trump but instead the records from it we’re sealed… Shocker…

The main stream media is the enemy of the people."


01-03-2024, 08:18 PM
Rapist vs rapist

01-03-2024, 08:25 PM
I’ll pass along these thoughts to E Jean Carroll.

Uncle Joe
01-03-2024, 08:40 PM
I’ll pass along these thoughts to E Jean Carroll.

Include it with your Russian interference file!! LOL...

01-03-2024, 09:02 PM
trump said Epstein was a "terrific" guy.

01-04-2024, 08:48 AM
Really don't understand that if he hates Trump that much, why Christie won't drop out of the race and support Nikki. I know they don't agree on everything, but certainly more in line with each other. By staying in the race, all he is doing is giving Trump NH. If he drops out, Nikki could win that state and gain some momentum, allowing other people to take a serious look at her.

01-04-2024, 09:36 AM
More good advice for ALL Americans.


01-04-2024, 09:48 AM
it's scary there are people out there like Uncle Joe/Lou who believe everything that comes out from the Trump camp.

01-04-2024, 10:03 AM
it's scary there are people out there like Uncle Joe/Lou who believe everything that comes out from the Trump camp.

And "others" who believe everything that come out from TPM.

Uncle Joe
01-04-2024, 11:04 AM
Ahh, returning to the same old playbook....

So sad that supposedly college educated posters still don't know how to form a cogent rebuttal.

This is what happens when wishful thinking blinds people of "inconvenient" truths.

Care to refute anything in posts #20170 and #20171, or will you continue to babble?

01-04-2024, 11:09 AM
Ahh, returning to the same old playbook....

So sad that supposedly college educated posters still don't know how to form a cogent rebuttal.

This is what happens when wishful thinking blinds people of "inconvenient" truths.

Care to refute anything in posts #20170 and #20171, or will you continue to babble?

you aren't interested in a rebuttal. You are interested in spreading opinion pieces that you agree with. It's what you do. I just think it's sad you actually believe it.

Uncle Joe
01-04-2024, 11:11 AM
you aren't interested in a rebuttal. You are interested in spreading opinion pieces that you agree with. It's what you do. I just think it's sad you actually believe it.

Nice try, Paul... Those were all facts. Sorry.

01-04-2024, 11:16 AM
you aren't interested in a rebuttal. You are interested in spreading opinion pieces that you agree with. It's what you do. I just think it's sad you actually believe it.

01-04-2024, 11:18 AM
Nice try, Paul... Those were all facts. Sorry.

No, sorry. As usual, you leave out quite a bit to make yourself look good.

"Edwards expanded on his interactions with Trump in his 2020 book Relentless Pursuit: My Fight For The Victims Of Jeffrey Epstein, extracts of which were published by British newspaper The Mail on Sunday. He claimed to have spoken to Trump twice about his relationship with Epstein, which the business tycoon insisted was primarily business related.

In the extracts he said: "Over the next few years, I spoke to several witnesses who told us that they had been introduced by Epstein to Trump. Some had seen him at Epstein's office, others at one of Epstein's homes, at parties or social events, and even on his plane. In fact, Epstein bragged to certain young women in his life about how he had bailed Trump out of bankruptcy and how he was indebted to him.

"Last year, I saw a 1992 video of Epstein and Trump together, suggesting that they were closer social friends than I had been made to understand."

Trump lavished praise on Epstein in a 2002 interview with New York Magazine, which took place before the financier pleaded guilty as part of a 2008 plea deal to soliciting prostitution from a person under 18. Speaking to the publication he said: "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy.

"He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Speaking after Epstein's arrest as part of a much larger sex trafficking investigation in July 2019, Trump said he only knew the financier because "everybody in Palm Beach" did and insisted they had not spoken in 15 years after falling out."

Ya see, Trump lies...just like you.

Uncle Joe
01-04-2024, 11:27 AM
Seriously, this is your rebuttal????

This is supposed to prove that Trump raped some under aged girls on Epstein's island. This is freaking lame as all hell. No wonder you didn't want to debate!! LOL!!!

Uncle Joe
01-04-2024, 11:29 AM
Moreover, this doesn't refute anything in posts #20170 and #20171 - nice of you to try to move the goal posts.

01-04-2024, 12:00 PM
Seriously, this is your rebuttal????

This is supposed to prove that Trump raped some under aged girls on Epstein's island. This is freaking lame as all hell. No wonder you didn't want to debate!! LOL!!!

No one said that and neither did Paul. Paul said he was on flights, you tried to say that wasn’t the case with your video, which proved nothing. I just explained why that video proved nothing.

As I said, everything you spew is opinionated nonsense.

Uncle Joe
01-04-2024, 12:11 PM
I guess your Google research over the last half hour came up empty then?

01-04-2024, 12:13 PM
I guess your Google research over the last half hour came up empty then?

wtf are you talking about? The burden of proof is on you. You’re the one who tried to disprove what Paul said with your dumb video that proved nothing.

01-04-2024, 12:16 PM
Apologies Stl. I’ll try to be better, sometimes I just can’t handle all the stupid coming from Joe/lou

Uncle Joe
01-04-2024, 03:59 PM
Oh ville, resorting back to the old fall back line: confusing and conflating the premises of a discussion, what was said, what was MEANT, what was IMPLIED, and even denying hard facts.

Not a good look...

One can only laugh. And laugh hard.


01-04-2024, 04:13 PM


X-band '01
01-04-2024, 06:15 PM
Really don't understand that if he hates Trump that much, why Christie won't drop out of the race and support Nikki. I know they don't agree on everything, but certainly more in line with each other. By staying in the race, all he is doing is giving Trump NH. If he drops out, Nikki could win that state and gain some momentum, allowing other people to take a serious look at her.

At least we only get a debate between Haley and DeSantis next week. Christie and Ramaswany don't have the polling numbers to make the final cut (even though Vivek is publicly trying to make it seem like he's not interested in attending either).

01-04-2024, 06:27 PM
At least we only get a debate between Haley and DeSantis next week. Christie and Ramaswany don't have the polling numbers to make the final cut (even though Vivek is publicly trying to make it seem like he's not interested in attending either).

Hopefully they go after trump vs each other but I doubt they will have the spine to do so.

01-04-2024, 10:19 PM
If Desantis eliminates the Irs as he says, who would pay their taxes?

01-05-2024, 11:08 AM
So Hunter paid his dad back for a truck loan while trump and his kids grifted millions from CHINA and the Saudi's before Comer ended the investigation.

01-05-2024, 05:35 PM
So Hunter paid his dad back for a truck loan while trump and his kids grifted millions from CHINA and the Saudi's before Comer ended the investigation.

Didn’t Hunter and Joe get big money from Ukraine?

Muskie in dayton
01-05-2024, 09:40 PM
If Desantis eliminates the Irs as he says, who would pay their taxes?
Precisely. Income tax is theft.

01-06-2024, 09:18 AM
Didn’t Hunter and Joe get big money from Ukraine?

Shhh! [emoji2958] No one is supposed to know that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-06-2024, 11:05 AM
Didn’t Hunter and Joe get big money from Ukraine?

Shhh! [emoji2958] No one is supposed to know that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


01-06-2024, 11:21 AM

This one?


01-06-2024, 11:58 AM




01-06-2024, 03:04 PM
Deflections to Hunter. No proof about Joe

01-06-2024, 04:17 PM
Hard to believe that millions of dollars were given to Hunter by foreign nations without Joe knowing. We will see what Jim Jordan and co dig up. Not buying Joe had 0 involvement though.

01-06-2024, 04:51 PM
Jordan refused a congressional
Supoena. Not your best prosecutor.

Muskie in dayton
01-06-2024, 05:27 PM
Happy Entrapment Day, for those who celebrate.

01-06-2024, 06:57 PM
Happy Entrapment Day, for those who celebrate.
Did you spend your day visiting with your favorite convicted felons?

Uncle Joe
01-08-2024, 02:29 PM
More than 200 hundred FBI spooks were embedded on J6 Entrapment Day (in addition to numerous antifa plants as well):

Is this one of them - what the hell could be going on here???: https://twitter.com/DrTororu/status/1744067258597658761

Capitol Police "this is a setup": https://twitter.com/JoshWhoX/status/1688404387066990592

Who drew first blood: https://twitter.com/JoshWhoX/status/1688451389511397376

Why didn't Nancy Pelosi take up Trump's request to bring in the National Guard? https://twitter.com/BigFish3000/status/1743693829138452901

She knew what was going to happen beforehand - she admitted it on film that day: https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1743702254509498617

Ole Nance had her daughter on hand to film. Listen to the glee. "“We did it! You were right we did it!": https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1743758624370090225

Why is Pelosi now blocking any type of investigation on this: https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1743645054726811674

Why was so much exculpatory video evidence withheld from the Congressional J6 Trump trial, and all of the J6 defendants these past three years??? Why did it take 3 years for the Feds to release most of the video (some of it is apparently still blurred out)? What the hell are they hiding??

More: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1743724117113602512

The Movie: https://twitter.com/EpochTimes/status/1742918608202920170

I know the all the usual suspects will squawk - it only proves you have no interest in the truth.

01-08-2024, 10:21 PM
So a mob invades Maralago. 140 police are hurt or die. trump sez they were "hostages" and he will pardon them. Do you hear how fucking stupid he sounds. "Beautiful Day".my ass.

01-09-2024, 11:55 AM
trump sez he hopes economy will crash this year.

Muskie in dayton
01-09-2024, 09:49 PM
Kids, this is your brain on drugs:

So a mob invades Maralago. 140 police are hurt or die. trump sez they were "hostages" and he will pardon them. Do you hear how fucking stupid he sounds. "Beautiful Day".my ass.
Don’t do drugs.

Muskie in dayton
01-09-2024, 09:57 PM
Vivek is impressive.

01-09-2024, 10:52 PM
You should take his civics test. You don't have a clue what you are talking about.
Stick a fork in him, he's done.

01-09-2024, 11:01 PM
Kids don't listen to my baloney, it will poison your blood.lol


01-10-2024, 08:46 AM
Vivek is impressive.

While I think overall Vivek is a complete clown and don't think he's impressive in the least bit, I do agree with what he said here. Thanks for the share.

X-band '01
01-10-2024, 05:24 PM
Chris Christie now suspending his presidential campaign. Now the race is really getting closer to Trump v. Haley for the Republican primary.

01-10-2024, 05:28 PM
Chris, for the love of all that is holy, PLEASE push your MASSIVE weight behind the Haley campaign.


01-10-2024, 05:46 PM
Saw Haley townhall, very impressive. Also saw a poll with 25% in Iowa are never Trumpers. Unless Haley pulls off major upset overall, could be massive win for who the Dems have running. Not so sure Dems are completely sold on Joe.

01-10-2024, 05:58 PM
Saw Haley townhall, very impressive. Also saw a poll with 25% in Iowa are never Trumpers. Unless Haley pulls off major upset overall, could be massive win for who the Dems have running. Not so sure Dems are completely sold on Joe.

You have to hand it to Trump. Trouble seems to follow that guy wherever he goes whether it is his business dealings or political decisions and he still has a loyal following that will defend him to the death. There may be a lot of people who can’t stand him but you have to give him credit for being able to keep such a following amidst all his personal problems.

X-band '01
01-10-2024, 06:05 PM
Saw Haley townhall, very impressive. Also saw a poll with 25% in Iowa are never Trumpers. Unless Haley pulls off major upset overall, could be massive win for who the Dems have running. Not so sure Dems are completely sold on Joe.

Neither Haley nor Christie were ever going to win in Iowa. The Republican electorate there lines up perfectly for Trump. New Hampshire (and maybe South Carolina) Republicans are more likely to line up better for Haley. But if you heard Christie's speech tonight, he isn't going to get in line for Haley until she says in no uncertain terms that Trump is unfit to be the President again.

01-10-2024, 06:15 PM
Neither Haley nor Christie were ever going to win in Iowa. The Republican electorate there lines up perfectly for Trump. New Hampshire (and maybe South Carolina) Republicans are more likely to line up better for Haley. But if you heard Christie's speech tonight, he isn't going to get in line for Haley until she says in no uncertain terms that Trump is unfit to be the President again.

I don’t think it matters if Christie says anything or not, his voting bloc is going to go to Haley. She’s the closest policy wise at least in terms of republicans.

One thing is for sure though, he’s a sore loser. Geezus

01-10-2024, 07:24 PM
Haley 32% to trump's 39% in NH.

01-10-2024, 07:43 PM
Chris Christie now suspending his presidential campaign. Now the race is really getting closer to Trump v. Haley for the Republican primary.

I wonder how much money he raked in campaigning because he never had a shot at winning the nomination.

01-10-2024, 07:44 PM
It would be interesting to see a poll showing how many never Trumpers increased after J6. Don’t really trust polls but would be interesting to see.

01-10-2024, 07:46 PM
Haley 32% to trump's 39% in NH.

Assume this would change quite a bit with CC dropping out

01-14-2024, 08:05 AM
Apparently the Merriam brothers and Noah Webster were woke. Who knew.

A Florida school district last month pulled the Merriam-Webster dictionary from library shelves to comply with a state law banning books with descriptions of "sexual conduct."

And in today's edition of leopards eating faces.....

It's absurd," O'Reilly told Newsweek on Friday. "Preposterous."

On Thursday, the Florida Freedom to Read Project obtained a list of over 1,000 book titles that were temporarily removed from the Escambia County School District, pending an investigation. Two of the books on the list were written by O'Reilly—the conservative pundit—titled Killing Jesus: A History, and Killing Reagan: The Violent Assault That Changed a Presidency.

Muskie in dayton
01-15-2024, 10:03 AM
Apparently the Merriam brothers and Noah Webster were woke. Who knew.

I knew.

And in today's edition of leopards eating faces.....

Wow, so it's NOT about politics - It really is about protecting kids from content that is inappropriate for kids! Thanks for illuminating the truth, Paul!

I knew that too.

01-16-2024, 12:18 AM
Vivek is iimpressice/URL]

He's out.

01-16-2024, 08:09 AM
He's out.

Did he run out of money? Figured he would wait until New Hampshire. However, I don’t think anyone is stopping the Trump Train to the nomination. His margin of victory last night has to have the Biden campaign trembling for sure.

01-16-2024, 09:18 AM
His margin of victory last night was exactly what was expected in Iowa. New Hampshire will tell us if there's a chance for anyone else. I think Haley is the only one with any chance, and her losing to DeSantis last night is a bad sign. But if one of them wins New Hampshire, it's game on. If not, Trump is going to be the nominee unless he's prevented by the courts (in which case shit will get very, very ugly).

01-16-2024, 10:00 AM
31% of Iowa Republicans polled said Trump not fit for office if convicted.
Of course he's already convicted of sexual assault. If the Florida case was allowed to proceed, that would seem to be an easy conviction on taking/keeping top secret documents.
But, if those 31% stay home, or vote for Biden in a head to head, that would be a difference maker.

01-16-2024, 11:13 AM
31% of Iowa Republicans polled said Trump not fit for office if convicted.
Of course he's already convicted of sexual assault. If the Florida case was allowed to proceed, that would seem to be an easy conviction on taking/keeping top secret documents.
But, if those 31% stay home, or vote for Biden in a head to head, that would be a difference maker.

I might be old but I don’t see 31% of Iowa Republicans voting for Biden regardless of who the Republican nominee is.

01-16-2024, 11:18 AM
Similarly, I don't expect the 31% of Iowa Democrats who suspect that Joe Biden might actually be dead to vote for Trump.

01-16-2024, 01:47 PM
Did he run out of money? Figured he would wait until New Hampshire. However, I don’t think anyone is stopping the Trump Train to the nomination. His margin of victory last night has to have the Biden campaign trembling for sure.

Considering that anywhere from 5 to 7 out of 10 haley supporters said they won't vote for trump in a general, I think the last thing the Biden Campaign is doing is trembling. Trump has to win over the independents/moderates in order to win the general. Hes not going to.

01-16-2024, 01:56 PM
Trump is getting to be a pretty large betting favorite to win this November. He's +100 to Biden's +200 in the latest odds at Betonline. Michelle Obama is actually the #3 choice at +900. Then Hayley at +1400 and Newsom +1800. DeSantis is all the way back at +5000, behind by God Kamala Harris at +3500.

You can get Deion Sanders at +50000! LOL

According to Betonline, Michelle Obama has a better chance of being the Dem nominee than Hayley has of being the Republican nom.

X-band '01
01-16-2024, 04:44 PM
Did he run out of money? Figured he would wait until New Hampshire. However, I don’t think anyone is stopping the Trump Train to the nomination. His margin of victory last night has to have the Biden campaign trembling for sure.

He was not only running out of money, he tried to take on Trump after basically kissing his butt on the campaign trail. At that point, he was toast.

X-band '01
01-16-2024, 04:45 PM
His margin of victory last night was exactly what was expected in Iowa. New Hampshire will tell us if there's a chance for anyone else. I think Haley is the only one with any chance, and her losing to DeSantis last night is a bad sign. But if one of them wins New Hampshire, it's game on. If not, Trump is going to be the nominee unless he's prevented by the courts (in which case shit will get very, very ugly).

Iowa gave DeSantis a little more of a lifeline, but I don't see how he beats Haley in either New Hampshire, South Carolina or Nevada.

Remember previous winners in Iowa like Ted Cruz and Rick Santorum? Me neither.

01-16-2024, 05:26 PM
He was not only running out of money, he tried to take on Trump after basically kissing his butt on the campaign trail. At that point, he was toast.

Ada Hutchinson also out of the race. Not sure why he ran as he never seemed to have a hope of a chance of being the nominee.

01-17-2024, 12:53 AM
Did he run out of money? Figured he would wait until New Hampshire. However, I don’t think anyone is stopping the Trump Train to the nomination. His margin of victory last night has to have the Biden campaign trembling for sure.

Maybe Paul and Daisy Soros wouldn't give him more than the 90000 they gave him for his education

Strange Brew
01-17-2024, 04:52 AM
So, that whole COVID thing. Anyone want to apologize to Lou?

01-17-2024, 03:54 PM
Batteries don’t like cold weather? To borrow a phrase, who knew? Might want to get this figured out before we have a massive EV push



01-17-2024, 04:15 PM
So, that whole COVID thing. Anyone want to apologize to Lou?

Is Lou still around? Haven’t seen him post for awhile.

01-17-2024, 04:20 PM
Is Lou still around? Haven’t seen him post for awhile.

Uncle Joe is here from time to time.

01-17-2024, 04:22 PM
Batteries don’t like cold weather? To borrow a phrase, who knew? Might want to get this figured out before we have a massive EV push



Think Tesla strongly recommend batteries be kept to atleast 20% in cold weather. Something I assume most if not all these Tesla drivers didn’t do. Also think the government needs to address the power grid way before they think about an EV push.

01-17-2024, 04:23 PM
Uncle Joe is here from time to time.

Uncle Joe is Lou?

01-17-2024, 05:03 PM
Uncle Joe is Lou?

It's either Lou or his twin sister.

01-17-2024, 05:24 PM
It's either Lou or his twin sister.

Huh, wonder why the name change?

01-17-2024, 05:27 PM
Huh, wonder why the name change?

Lou has been repeatedly BANNED.

01-17-2024, 05:37 PM
Lou has been repeatedly BANNED.

Cancel culture? I know his views aren’t shared by everyone but surprised he was banned multiple times. Must have been pretty bad.

01-17-2024, 06:31 PM
I'm not a conspiracy theorist by nature, but I know the gov't is tracking me because the price of gas goes up 20 - 30 cents a gallon every time my tank gets empty. 40 cents from yesterday this time.

01-17-2024, 08:39 PM
2.02 here.