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11-06-2023, 08:14 AM

The smear did work though on some people.

The “smear” was true. Nice try.
Of course they’ll protect themselves. Was there surveillance equipment in Swalwell’s bedroom to see what pillow talk happened? No?
And “who targeted who”? Keep your hands to yourself Eric.

11-06-2023, 08:27 AM
Just can't trust those Republican led 2 year investigations, can you.

11-06-2023, 08:53 AM
Just can't trust those Republican led 2 year investigations, can you.

I would say the Republicans are much more in line with norms in their investigations than the time wasting vindictive Democrats who went for two useless impeachments over nothing, and got nothing.
By the way. Republicans are the reason why Dementia Joe actually passed an Infrastructure bill that was much needed after Democrats stonewalled Trumps efforts because they wanted to spend more wasteful money on “Green Energy” and a wasteful rail system plus wasted time holding hearings and not legislating.
You can thank reasonable Republicans as opposed to hateful Democrats who were dead set against giving Trump a “Win”.
Your victory lap is empty since Biden is now building the Wall again and approved a huge oil drilling project in Alaska.

11-06-2023, 09:20 AM
falling interest rates...

What in the hell are you talking about, Paul? 30 year fixed was 2.7 in 2021....It's 8.1 now. Car rates were 3.8 in 2021, today they are 7.5. On what planet has Biden decreased interest rates? Do you literally just cut and paste your daily email from the DNC here?

11-06-2023, 09:34 AM
I would like to co-opt one of the Democrats' more obnoxious slogans for my own purposes leading up to 2024:

Vote for someone other than those two, no matter who.

11-06-2023, 09:37 AM
What in the hell are you talking about, Paul? 30 year fixed was 2.7 in 2021....It's 8.1 now. Car rates were 3.8 in 2021, today they are 7.5. On what planet has Biden decreased interest rates? Do you literally just cut and paste your daily email from the DNC here?

I read that response at first the same way that you did. However, then I thought well maybe he meant that he wants Biden and the dems in there to do those things?

Interest rates falling and prescription costs falling are the exact opposite of reality. In reality, healthcare is only expected to go exponentially up in ‘24 as it has for decades.

11-06-2023, 10:13 AM
Mortgage Rates Plunge Below 8%—To Lowest Level Since September


They're actually coming down.

The landmark Inflation Reduction Act gave Medicare the authority to negotiate prescription drug prices for the first time in history, and, in late August, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced the 10 drugs covered under Medicare Part D selected for the first cycle of negotiation

Just because R's blocked negotiation for all the years since Part D's introduction, that has changed now.
For people who were paying hundreds for insulin, and now pay $35/month (many of my friends), they understand this.

11-06-2023, 10:15 AM

They're actually coming down.

Just because R's blocked negotiation for all the years since Part D's introduction, that has changed now.
For people who were paying hundreds for insulin, and now pay $35/month (many of my friends), they understand this.

How is healthcare going for the people who don’t have Medicare which is most of the country? Come on man


I work as a consultant in the health care industry. Prescription costs are doing the exact opposite of going down.

Interest rates have gone down from where they were at the beginning of October. Let’s throw a party.

Like MOR, you are good at skewing facts

11-06-2023, 11:53 AM
Mortgage Rates Plunge Below 8%—To Lowest Level Since September

"PLUNGE" below 8% might be one of the more comical things I've read here in a long time. Let's congratulate this administration on rates dipping below 8% after being behind the wheel when they were climbing to their highest levels since the Carter administration. Your version of reality is fascinating

11-06-2023, 02:29 PM
It's not my headline. I only pointed out they are coming down...which they are.
Supply, demand and the Fed rates are what affect home mortgage rates the most.
Are you unhappy they are coming down? You're probably too young to remember the 80's. Rates were never below 9%.

It's like Ville. I respect your job in the industry, but the fact is millions of Americans will be helped by Medicare negotiating drug prices.
It's true that our whole system lags in cost/delivery to other countries, but every little bit helps. Especially for seniors.

11-06-2023, 02:31 PM
Yes, mortgage rates are slightly off their 20 year peak. High fives all around!

11-06-2023, 02:34 PM
It's not my headline. I only pointed out they are coming down...which they are.
Supply, demand and the Fed rates are what affect home mortgage rates the most.
Are you unhappy they are coming down? You're probably too young to remember the 80's. Rates were never below 9%.

It's like Ville. I respect your job in the industry, but the fact is millions of Americans will be helped by Medicare negotiating drug prices.
It's true that our whole system lags in cost/delivery to other countries, but every little bit helps. Especially for seniors.

My point is that you conveniently left out the remaining 80% plus of the country when saying that drug costs were being lowered. They aren’t, except for maybe a few drugs for a small portion of the population. The rest of the country are facing steep increases. You essentially told a “fact” the way a politician would.

11-06-2023, 04:06 PM
It's not my headline. I only pointed out they are coming down...which they are.
Supply, demand and the Fed rates are what affect home mortgage rates the most.
Are you unhappy they are coming down?

Yes, but you pointed to the headline as some sort of administration accomplishment. Sure I'm happy that they are starting to lower, but celebrating a reduction from historic highs is very odd to me. You're not going to get your Dem card revoked for pointing out the deficiencies of this administration.

11-06-2023, 04:18 PM
Reminds me of calling less of an increase a decrease.

11-06-2023, 05:55 PM
Reminds me of calling less of an increase a decrease.

Yep. That’s straight from the Left’s political handbook.

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11-06-2023, 06:07 PM
Straight from the Democrats racial slur playbook-ala Joe “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black” Biden.

From The Spectator:

“Racial slurs are being hurled at Daniel Cameron, the Republican candidate for Kentucky governor. That’s despicable. It doesn’t matter what race the victim is or what race his accuser. Those slurs should be called out loudly and promptly.

They would be despicable if a black candidate faced them from a white opponent, or vice versa. They are no less despicable when a black candidate, like Cameron, faces them from other blacks. The epithet in this case is “Uncle Tom” and it has been leveled against him in paid advertisements. His crime: he’s conservative.

Those ads are the work of Black Voters Matter Action PAC. They feature the loathsome slogan, “All skinfolk ain’t kinfolk.” Any group that uses that language for political gain should be condemned and repudiated. The pushback should begin with Democratic parties at the state and national levels. Although they are not responsible for producing the ad, they are the intended beneficiaries. They should reject both the ad and the group responsible for it. Don’t hold your breath.


11-06-2023, 07:06 PM
Straight from the Democrats racial slur playbook-ala Joe “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black” Biden.

From The Spectator:

“Racial slurs are being hurled at Daniel Cameron, the Republican candidate for Kentucky governor. That’s despicable. It doesn’t matter what race the victim is or what race his accuser. Those slurs should be called out loudly and promptly.

They would be despicable if a black candidate faced them from a white opponent, or vice versa. They are no less despicable when a black candidate, like Cameron, faces them from other blacks. The epithet in this case is “Uncle Tom” and it has been leveled against him in paid advertisements. His crime: he’s conservative.

Those ads are the work of Black Voters Matter Action PAC. They feature the loathsome slogan, “All skinfolk ain’t kinfolk.” Any group that uses that language for political gain should be condemned and repudiated. The pushback should begin with Democratic parties at the state and national levels. Although they are not responsible for producing the ad, they are the intended beneficiaries. They should reject both the ad and the group responsible for it. Don’t hold your breath.


So if true, yes abhorrent. However, I have never seen one of these ads. This screams made up to me.

For the record, beshear has been a good governor. He’s relatively moderate and is pretty well liked by both sides of the aisle. Cameron is going to lose and I’m not sure it’s going to be all that close, which says a lot about beshear and Cameron since we are a blazing red state.

Uncle Joe
11-06-2023, 09:03 PM
Good grief, it took like 2 seconds to find the ad:


"beshear has been a good governor"? On what planet?

Strange Brew
11-06-2023, 09:28 PM
So if true, yes abhorrent. However, I have never seen one of these ads. This screams made up to me.

For the record, beshear has been a good governor. He’s relatively moderate and is pretty well liked by both sides of the aisle. Cameron is going to lose and I’m not sure it’s going to be all that close, which says a lot about beshear and Cameron since we are a blazing red state.

Well, I haven’t lived in the KY (native) in a while however the politics and history of the State are interesting. Can you please send either of the candidates out here to CO?

Cue Bobbie with the Breckenridge non-starter..;)

11-06-2023, 09:56 PM
Good grief, it took like 2 seconds to find the ad:


"beshear has been a good governor"? On what planet?

Yikes that is bad. Guess it makes sense I haven’t seen it though, since it’s a radio ad.

Do you live in kentucky? Check his approval ratings on both sides. Spoiler alert they are high especially considering the political climate we are in.

11-06-2023, 10:18 PM
Soooooo.. blacks vs black?

11-07-2023, 12:59 PM
Is RFK, Jr. becoming a credible candidate? He's a bit nutty, but I'd 100% vote for him over the other two. Polls seem to suggest I'm far from alone at this point.

Uncle Joe
11-07-2023, 04:59 PM
Where have we heard this before? Seriously?

After Dems recently get busted for election fraud in NJ and CT, we now have this:

Voting Machines Down in Several Districts in Pennsylvania Due to “Votes Getting Flipped”


11-07-2023, 06:18 PM
So if true, yes abhorrent. However, I have never seen one of these ads. This screams made up to me.

For the record, beshear has been a good governor. He’s relatively moderate and is pretty well liked by both sides of the aisle. Cameron is going to lose and I’m not sure it’s going to be all that close, which says a lot about beshear and Cameron since we are a blazing red state.

Where is xu_Lou when you need him?

11-07-2023, 08:22 PM
I find it odd that trump voters are voting for Beshear. Wtf

11-07-2023, 08:28 PM
Where is xu_Lou when you need him?

Ask uncle Joe lol

11-07-2023, 08:31 PM
I find it odd that trump voters are voting for Beshear. Wtf

It’s not really that odd in the sense that most of what beshear talks about is the economy. Beshear isn’t a progressive nut and he’s done some great things like lowering the income tax here. That’s why republicans and independents (like me) actually think he’s a decent governor.

Uncle Joe
11-07-2023, 08:51 PM
Where is xu_Lou when you need him?

You should ask Ville - he had him censored.

11-07-2023, 08:58 PM
Is MOR lighting up a big ol stogie on the Ohio yes vote?

X-band '01
11-08-2023, 06:05 AM
Well, I haven’t lived in the KY (native) in a while however the politics and history of the State are interesting. Can you please send either of the candidates out here to CO?

Cue Bobbie with the Breckenridge non-starter..;)

The Enquirer also noted that the last time the Kentucky governor and the US President came from different political parties was in 1999; Paul Patton (D) was elected governor in Kentucky and George W Bush was elected President. Those elections have broken for the same party for 5 straight election cycles.

11-08-2023, 08:34 AM
Is MOR lighting up a big ol stogie on the Ohio yes vote?

Not a stogie, but I'll be lighting up something else celebrating the passage of issue 2.

11-08-2023, 09:08 AM
Not a stogie, but I'll be lighting up something else celebrating the passage of issue 2.


(also, for you guys with the Covenant Eyes app, remember it works both ways. So your kids will be getting a report on your visit to game day boob drop)

11-08-2023, 02:24 PM
Wait..just wait everyone. If we get rid of Rowe and hand it over to the states, this will be end of abortion rights in many parts of the country!


11-08-2023, 02:31 PM
Wait..just wait everyone. If we get rid of Rowe and hand it over to the states, this will be end of abortion rights in many parts of the country!


Plenty of parts of the Country have seen a full repeal of abortion rights. Ohio would have been one of them but for issue one passing. I am not quite sure what sarcastic point you are trying to make.

11-08-2023, 02:37 PM
Sadly, not in enough of the country.

Uncle Joe
11-08-2023, 06:30 PM
While the fashionably elite change their colors from Ukraine to Palestine, it's a good time to highlight a lesson that was deeply unpopular 22 months ago, to one that has gained the majority.

We should've listened:

"If you’ve followed the diplomacy over Ukraine closely, you may have noticed that the Biden administration has relied heavily on CIA Director William J. (Bill) Burns. In November it dispatched him to Moscow where, according to CNN, he served as a “key intermediary” between the US and Vladimir Putin. In January he flew to Germany to discuss Ukraine with the new government in Berlin. This all makes sense. Burns is the Biden administration’s highest-ranking Russia expert. He’s a fluent Russian speaker who has served twice in the US embassy in Moscow, the second time as ambassador. Which makes it all the more striking that Burns, in his memoir, flatly contradicts the Biden administration’s narrative about how this crisis came to be. Remarkably, one of the most trenchant critics of official US discourse on Russia and Ukraine is the sitting director of the CIA.

Two years ago, Burns wrote a memoir entitled, The Back Channel. It directly contradicts the argument being proffered by the administration he now serves. In his book, Burns says over and over that Russians of all ideological stripes—not just Putin—loathed and feared NATO expansion. He quotes a memo he wrote while serving as counselor for political affairs at the US embassy in Moscow in 1995. ‘Hostility to early NATO expansion,” it declares, “is almost universally felt across the domestic political spectrum here.” On the question of extending NATO membership to Ukraine, Burns’ warnings about the breadth of Russian opposition are even more emphatic. “Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for the Russian elite (not just Putin),” he wrote in a 2008 memo to then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. “In more than two and a half years of conversations with key Russian players, from knuckle-draggers in the dark recesses of the Kremlin to Putin’s sharpest liberal critics, I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests.”

While the Biden administration claims that Putin bears all the blame for the current Ukraine crisis, Burns makes clear that the US helped lay its foundations. By taking advantage of Russian weakness, he argues, Washington fueled the nationalist resentment that Putin exploits today. Burns calls the Clinton administration’s decision to expand NATO to include Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic “premature at best, and needlessly provocative at worst.”

Were a reporter to read Burns’ quotes to White House press secretary Jen Psaki today, she’d likely accuse them of “parroting Russian talking points.” But Burns is hardly alone. From inside the US government, many officials warned that US policy toward Russia might bring disaster. William Perry, Bill Clinton’s Defense Secretary from 1994 to 1997, almost resigned because of his opposition to NATO expansion. He has since declared that because of its policies in the 1990s, “the United States deserves much of the blame” for the deterioration in relations with Moscow. Steven Pifer, who from 1998 to 2000 served as US ambassador to Ukraine, has called Bush’s 2008 decision to declare that Ukraine would eventually join NATO “a real mistake.” Fiona Hill, who gained fame during the Trump impeachment saga, says that as national intelligence officers for Russia and Eurasia she and her colleagues “warned” Bush that “Putin would view steps to bring Ukraine and Georgia closer to NATO as a provocative move that would likely provoke pre-emptive Russian military action.”


X-band '01
11-08-2023, 07:49 PM
Not a stogie, but I'll be lighting up something else celebrating the passage of issue 2.

High fives all around!

11-08-2023, 09:13 PM
Is anyone really surprised that issues 1 and 2 easily passed in Ohio? I think issue 1 is a very poorly worded amendment, so I think there will be some lawsuits filed to try to clarify the language.

I also won’t be surprised to see the Ohio Statehouse try to get in the way of implementation of issue 2 and put restrictions on marijuana use.

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11-08-2023, 10:13 PM
Is anyone really surprised that issues 1 and 2 easily passed in Ohio? I think issue 1 is a very poorly worded amendment, so I think there will be some lawsuits filed to try to clarify the language.

I also won’t be surprised to see the Ohio Statehouse try to get in the way of implementation of issue 2 and put restrictions on marijuana use.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I was shocked issue 1 passed and by the percentage it passed by with it being a red state. You have to wonder if a portion of the conservative voters didn’t come out and vote the election cycle. It will be interesting to see how the Republican Supermajority at the Statehouse plan to target this amendment in the future.

Muskie in dayton
11-08-2023, 10:20 PM
Nikki Haley is just George W Bush in a dress. Puke.

11-09-2023, 07:53 AM
Is MOR lighting up a big ol stogie on the Ohio yes vote?

How abhorrent can you be celebrating the killing of thousands of babies. Congratulations Bobbie for partying over violating the “Thou shalt not kill commandment”.

At least all those aborted lives will live in Heaven.

11-09-2023, 08:02 AM
I was shocked issue 1 passed and by the percentage it passed by with it being a red state. You have to wonder if a portion of the conservative voters didn’t come out and vote the election cycle. It will be interesting to see how the Republican Supermajority at the Statehouse plan to target this amendment in the future.

63 out of 88 Counties in Ohio voted No. They will continue to vote Red.
The cities voted Yes, with their liberal bias and ballot stuffing drop boxes.
Of course, all the Democrat run cities are in such good shape. (Eye roll)

11-09-2023, 08:48 AM
It’s hard to gerrymander a popular vote issue.

11-09-2023, 08:53 AM
Is anyone really surprised that issues 1 and 2 easily passed in Ohio? I think issue 1 is a very poorly worded amendment, so I think there will be some lawsuits filed to try to clarify the language.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I'm not surprised at all. Ohio has been swinging pretty moderate on a lot of social issues and for many voters (myself included), abortion is not an issue that moves the needle. Personally I think it's wrong but I also think that's between the person and God. The GOP needs to wise up and not dig their heels in so hard on issues that most moderates aren't prioritizing. My wife and 19 year old daughter are very republican, but are also pro-choice and I think there are a lot of others in the same boat.

11-09-2023, 09:56 AM
It’s hard to gerrymander a popular vote issue.

Will you stop that BS? Your alleged “Gerymandering” has nothing to do with anything. Republicans have a Governorship, a Senator, and a Supermajority because they actually govern effectively. This was strictly a moral issue that those, like you, who have no regard for human life, pushed through with tons of out of state money.
Don’t worry Paul. Ohio will still vote Red in General Elections to your chagrin.

11-09-2023, 12:24 PM
Plenty of parts of the Country have seen a full repeal of abortion rights. Ohio would have been one of them but for issue one passing. I am not quite sure what sarcastic point you are trying to make.

My bad, thought we were talking about being on the state’s ballot from the night before? I should have been more specific.

About 8 states have had abortion rights on their ballot since the overturn of Wade which all passed favorably. Honestly this is just the tip of the iceberg for abortion rights (which was my point with states rights).

Those short term legislative changes in certain states will be a thing of the past IMO. This issue will be a huge bump for Democratic voters in years to come as we saw Tuesday and in 2022. Heck after vote approval, abortion rights in Ohio are closer to the liberal states vs where it was before. Fantastic!

Hopefully this clears up my flippant and sarcastic comment? That was a lot more than I wanted to type…

11-09-2023, 12:34 PM
I'm not surprised at all. Ohio has been swinging pretty moderate on a lot of social issues and for many voters (myself included), abortion is not an issue that moves the needle. Personally I think it's wrong but I also think that's between the person and God. The GOP needs to wise up and not dig their heels in so hard on issues that most moderates aren't prioritizing. My wife and 19 year old daughter are very republican, but are also pro-choice and I think there are a lot of others in the same boat.

Agreed. If the Republicans continue campaigning on a complete ban of abortion in all cases, there’s a big blue wave coming. That’s pandering to the extreme right of their party, just like the Democrats pander to the far left of their party who want abortion available up to the moment of birth for any reason, or no reason. Most of the country is somewhere in between. I think most would be fine with a ban on abortion after viability except in the case of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. That’s not acceptable to the extremes of either party.

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11-09-2023, 01:14 PM
I think most would be fine with a ban on abortion after viability except in the case of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.
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Curiously enough, that was the position of the Catholic Church for most of 2,000 years.
You think all those popes and Catholics who supported that position had "no regard for human life?"

11-09-2023, 01:16 PM
I think most would be fine with a ban on abortion after viability except in the case of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. That’s not acceptable to the extremes of either party.

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Isn't that exactly what just passed in Ohio. I think you would find broad support for that across the US.

11-09-2023, 01:35 PM
Curiously enough, that was the position of the Catholic Church for most of 2,000 years.
You think all those popes and Catholics who supported that position had "no regard for human life?"

I don’t believe that to be true and you have said that several times now. The debate was about “ensoulment” and when that actually occurred. Back in the day, like Thomas Aquinass days, there was a “belief” that maybe ensoulment occurred at 40-80 days. 1.) that’s long before “viability” and 2.) there was no real “official” position until the 1800s.

With that said, I wrestle with the whole pro-life/pro-choice thing. 1.) I’m absolutely for the death penalty. 2.) don’t think government should necessarily be making these decisions but 3.) but I think in most cases, people just want to get rid of a “mistake” and they do that by murdering a baby.

11-09-2023, 02:12 PM
I don’t believe that to be true and you have said that several times now. The debate was about “ensoulment” and when that actually occurred. Back in the day, like Thomas Aquinass days, there was a “belief” that maybe ensoulment occurred at 40-80 days. 1.) that’s long before “viability” and 2.) there was no real “official” position until the 1800s.

With that said, I wrestle with the whole pro-life/pro-choice thing. 1.) I’m absolutely for the death penalty. 2.) don’t think government should necessarily be making these decisions but 3.) but I think in most cases, people just want to get rid of a “mistake” and they do that by murdering a baby.

A major issue is that these bans have unintended consequences on the treatment options for women suffering a miscarriage. New York Times had an article looking at what has been happening in Texas since their ban went into place: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/17/health/abortion-miscarriage-treatment.html

States that have enacted strong abortion restrictions have a 62% higher maternal mortality rate: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2022-12-14/report-maternal-mortality-has-been-higher-in-abortion-restricting-states

11-09-2023, 02:15 PM
I didn't even know this was a thing. Betting on US politics. Interesting.

I thought this was the best quote... "When you answer a poll, you tell people what you wish is going to happen," he tells AFP -- unlike a market, which captures "what you think is going to happen."


11-09-2023, 02:21 PM
I think in the old days, abortion was not a sin up to "quickening" or the beginning of movement. (16 to 20 weeks)
You are correct about viability. That would be later, around 25 weeks.

11-09-2023, 03:22 PM
Isn't that exactly what just passed in Ohio. I think you would find broad support for that across the US.

The bill cuts deeper than that. There's no definition of viability. It allows the treating doctor to determine viability, regardless of term. That's what I had the biggest issue with.

11-09-2023, 03:26 PM
The bill cuts deeper than that. There's no definition of viability. It allows the treating doctor to determine viability, regardless of term. That's what I had the biggest issue with.

Correct. A woman could have an abortion up to the crowning of the head in Ohio through this trash amendment.
And parental approval is no longer required for minors to get an abortion.
I guess us parents are just out of the picture now since “it takes a village”. (Eye Roll)

11-09-2023, 03:28 PM
Curiously enough, that was the position of the Catholic Church for most of 2,000 years.
You think all those popes and Catholics who supported that position had "no regard for human life?"

False. Stop Gaslighting with twisted statements- as all progressives do.

11-09-2023, 03:36 PM
The bill cuts deeper than that. There's no definition of viability. It allows the treating doctor to determine viability, regardless of term. That's what I had the biggest issue with.

Isn't that were medical standards would come into play? If you give some definition of viability based on what the legislature would draw up, it would impact the treatment of women going through a miscarriage or other medical issue that comes up. Those are typically not women seeking an abortion, but instead something goes wrong with a wanted pregnancy.

I just do not believe any doctor is risking his medical license by making up a bullshit definition of viability that does not comport with medical standards.

11-09-2023, 03:40 PM
If I understand the amendment, the state can control the issue after "viability" as long as there are exceptions for health of the mother.
So, it's hard to imagine (except in rare emergencies endangering the mother) an abortion taking place after the head crowns.

I surprised people are surprised at the result. Under the old Ohio law there were no exceptions for rape or incest.
What did people think would happen?

11-09-2023, 03:59 PM
Joe Mancin not running for reelection.
I hope that you can read his excellent article/reason that he wrote in the best newspaper in the Country. The Wall Street Journal:


11-09-2023, 04:01 PM
If I understand the amendment, the state can control the issue after "viability" as long as there are exceptions for health of the mother.
So, it's hard to imagine (except in rare emergencies endangering the mother) an abortion taking place after the head crowns.

I surprised people are surprised at the result. Under the old Ohio law there were no exceptions for rape or incest.
What did people think would happen?

A doctor can determine the issue. Many ways to get there. Not hard to imagine at all.
The existing law was easily remedied. Now it’s a clusterf$&k

11-09-2023, 04:01 PM
One more Senate seat falls into the Republican column. And likely one that Democrats will hate much more than they hated Manchin.

11-09-2023, 04:11 PM
The bill cuts deeper than that. There's no definition of viability. It allows the treating doctor to determine viability, regardless of term. That's what I had the biggest issue with.

That was my biggest issue as well.

11-09-2023, 04:14 PM
One more Senate seat falls into the Republican column. And likely one that Democrats will hate much more than they hated Manchin.

His Wall Street Journal declaration was perfect as to the divisiveness of the country, and the stubbornness of the parties.
The Senate is losing a good man. I didn’t always agree with him and I think the Dems just abused him, but he is a man of principle.

11-09-2023, 04:19 PM
I just do not believe any doctor is risking his medical license by making up a bullshit definition of viability that does not comport with medical standards.

I do. And they will have the full support of many organizations and $ behind them.

11-09-2023, 04:27 PM
I do. And they will have the full support of many organizations and $ behind them.

True dat. After the opioid crisis and other things lately in that community, sadly I don’t think that industry gets the benefit of the doubt anymore

X-band '01
11-09-2023, 05:18 PM
Joe Mancin not running for reelection.
I hope that you can read his excellent article/reason that he wrote in the best newspaper in the Country. The Wall Street Journal:


One more Senate seat falls into the Republican column. And likely one that Democrats will hate much more than they hated Manchin.

Guessing Governor Jim Justice now becomes the favorite to win that Senate seat.

11-09-2023, 07:01 PM
The bill cuts deeper than that. There's no definition of viability. It allows the treating doctor to determine viability, regardless of term. That's what I had the biggest issue with.

It’s very poorly worded, I think intentionally.

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11-10-2023, 09:04 AM
Double post

11-10-2023, 09:05 AM

I just do not believe any doctor is risking his medical license by making up a bullshit definition of viability that does not comport with medical standards.

In spirit yes, but there are countless examples of Doctors engaging in for profit behavior that put their licenses at risk.

11-10-2023, 04:08 PM
Gas 2.55 costco

11-10-2023, 04:25 PM
Gas 2.55 costco

Gas 3.23 here in Franklin Ohio.

11-10-2023, 04:59 PM
Gas 2.55 costco

Remember how everyone in the world was responsible for gas prices going up-OTHER THAN JOE BIDEN?
Guess what? He has zero to do with them coming *Sort of* down too.
The prevailing price is $3.29 in Ohio.

11-10-2023, 05:27 PM
Remember how everyone in the world was responsible for gas prices going up-OTHER THAN JOE BIDEN?
Guess what? He has zero to do with them coming *Sort of* down too.
The prevailing price is $3.29 in Ohio.

Agree. Presidents have zero to do with gas prices but ALWAYS get the blame.

Strange Brew
11-10-2023, 11:42 PM
Remember how everyone in the world was responsible for gas prices going up-OTHER THAN JOE BIDEN?
Guess what? He has zero to do with them coming *Sort of* down too.
The prevailing price is $3.29 in Ohio.

Oh, frack it already. :)

11-11-2023, 09:57 AM
On the eve of Veterans Day, a letter from the historian Heather Cox Richardson on the 2 Americas.


11-11-2023, 10:34 AM
On the eve of Veterans Day, a letter from the historian Heather Cox Richardson on the 2 Americas.


Biased Historian Heather Cox Richardson based in..Boston.
The Democrats held up any real progress from 2017-2020 in the name of not giving Donald Trump a “win” then doubled down with 2 ludicrous “Impeachments” which delayed progress and caused division. It continues with ridiculous one way prosecutions while others are ignored or swept under the rug if perpetrated by Democrats.
Republicans allowed the Infrastructure bill to happen. Meanwhile Biden, in his red backlit rambling speech in Philadelphia called Republicans and those on the right “enemies” furthering the division. All the while inflation continues to decimate the American household economy and Lefists like Ilan Omar and Tliib spew Anti Semitic hatred.

I can’t wait (actually I can) until the US Power grid fails miserably from overload because every farm, transit, freight, auto and over the road truck is “Electric” and they all have to be charged at the same time as households are forced to use electric stoves and their light & heat! That will be so superb!!!

There is a reason Joe Manchin is not running for Senate. He sick of idiots like AOC getting puff pieces in Vogue magazine while not doing the job of actually Legislating and the loudmouths fostering Division, keeping open borders while putting America last in priority.

Can’t imagine why Biden is losing in a NEW YORK TIMES poll in swing states. Just can’t. ((Shoulder Shrug)

11-11-2023, 10:41 AM
This is a better essay on what’s going on in America from the great Bari Weiss.


11-11-2023, 11:03 AM
That’s so typical. Where she lives is important?
What about biased Bari Weiss who lives in…Los Angeles…with her wife.
See how ridiculous that is?

11-11-2023, 11:03 AM
Biased Historian Heather Cox Richardson based in..Boston.
The Democrats held up any real progress from 2017-2020 in the name of not giving Donald Trump a “win” then doubled down with 2 ludicrous “Impeachments” which delayed progress and caused division. It continues with ridiculous one way prosecutions while others are ignored or swept under the rug if perpetrated by Democrats.
Republicans allowed the Infrastructure bill to happen. Meanwhile Biden, in his red backlit rambling speech in Philadelphia called Republicans and those on the right “enemies” furthering the division. All the while inflation continues to decimate the American household economy and Lefists like Ilan Omar and Tliib spew Anti Semitic hatred.

I can’t wait (actually I can) until the US Power grid fails miserably from overload because every farm, transit, freight, auto and over the road truck is “Electric” and they all have to be charged at the same time as households are forced to use electric stoves and their light & heat! That will be so superb!!!

There is a reason Joe Manchin is not running for Senate. He sick of idiots like AOC getting puff pieces in Vogue magazine while not doing the job of actually Legislating and the loudmouths fostering Division, keeping open borders while putting America last in priority.

Can’t imagine why Biden is losing in a NEW YORK TIMES poll in swing states. Just can’t. ((Shoulder Shrug)

So happy that we have unbiased, objective, and knowledgeable people like MOR contributing their valuable insights (incites?) to these pages. It makes understanding difficult and complex issues (e.g. climate, CRT, immigration) so much easier when all we really need to know is whether or not the analyses and opinion differ with those of the omniscient MOR. Who knew, for example, that if the analysis is held by someone in Boston, it's wrong and biased?

Strange Brew
11-11-2023, 02:42 PM
So happy that we have unbiased, objective, and knowledgeable people like MOR contributing their valuable insights (incites?) to these pages. It makes understanding difficult and complex issues (e.g. climate, CRT, immigration) so much easier when all we really need to know is whether or not the analyses and opinion differ with those of the omniscient MOR. Who knew, for example, that if the analysis is held by someone in Boston, it's wrong and biased?

Thank goodness the U of Vermont grad decided to chime in.

No matter how much you defend the Massholes they won’t let you into Harvard but Providence is an ok town.

Maybe you could enlighten us with the fantastic economic policies of the Carter Admin. After all, you were a tool of it.

11-11-2023, 03:54 PM
That’s so typical. Where she lives is important?
What about biased Bari Weiss who lives in…Los Angeles…with her wife.
See how ridiculous that is?

So happy that we have unbiased, objective, and knowledgeable people like MOR contributing their valuable insights (incites?) to these pages. It makes understanding difficult and complex issues (e.g. climate, CRT, immigration) so much easier when all we really need to know is whether or not the analyses and opinion differ with those of the omniscient MOR. Who knew, for example, that if the analysis is held by someone in Boston, it's wrong and biased?

Of course you leftist “progressives” focus on the wrong things to divert attention from the true issues. Location of residence really has zero to do with anything, although it is damn funny that both sources of “information articles” that are referred to here are based in alleged “Liberal bastions”. One of those I follow and think is 100% on point most times. Hmmm. I guess that makes me a bit more willing to hear the other side, as opposed to those who are glued to MSNBC full time?
Richardson is a biased leftist college professor wokester (did you catch that Professor XMan?) who would defend Democrats even if they were leading the country into the jaws of hell-which they are.
Bari Weiss is a liberal, not illiberal journalist who actually has principles that I respect. She also has a clear eye about the damage that is being done to her party- which happens to be Democrat- by American hating poser professors.
Maybe *some* on this board should follow her lead and actually do some deep thinking and discussion rather than just changing the subject?

11-11-2023, 04:46 PM
Thank goodness the U of Vermont grad decided to chime in.

No matter how much you defend the Massholes they won’t let you into Harvard but Providence is an ok town.

Maybe you could enlighten us with the fantastic economic policies of the Carter Admin. After all, you were a tool of it.

Reagan too. But I had nothing to do with the policies of either.

11-11-2023, 04:51 PM
Of course you leftist “progressives” focus on the wrong things to divert attention from the true issues. Location of residence really has zero to do with anything, although it is damn funny that both sources of “information articles” that are referred to here are based in alleged “Liberal bastions”. One of those I follow and think is 100% on point most times. Hmmm. I guess that makes me a bit more willing to hear the other side, as opposed to those who are glued to MSNBC full time?
Richardson is a biased leftist college professor wokester (did you catch that Professor XMan?) who would defend Democrats even if they were leading the country into the jaws of hell-which they are.
Bari Weiss is a liberal, not illiberal journalist who actually has principles that I respect. She also has a clear eye about the damage that is being done to her party- which happens to be Democrat- by American hating poser professors.
Maybe *some* on this board should follow her lead and actually do some deep thinking and discussion rather than just changing the subject?

Don'cha just love ad hominem attacks?

Strange Brew
11-11-2023, 05:58 PM
Reagan too. But I had nothing to do with the policies of either.

1st term.

Which was an absolute economic failure. You suck.

Reagan’s coattails are looooooooong

Strange Brew
11-11-2023, 06:01 PM
Don'cha just love ad hominem attacks?

Hmmm. I can tell you weren’t educated by the Jesuits

11-11-2023, 06:03 PM
Richardson is a respected, well published, historian. If you actually read that letter, you would notice it is filled with facts, not opinions.
Those facts will hurt if understood by the MAGA crowd; things like:

All of these changes need workers, and the economy emerged from the coronavirus pandemic with extraordinary growth that reached 4.9% in the last quarter and has seen record employment and dramatic wage gains. Median household wealth has grown by 37% since the pandemic, with wages growing faster at the bottom of the economy than at the top.
Undercuts all the doom and gloom that crowd, and its leading nominee spout every day.

11-11-2023, 06:12 PM
On the eve of Veterans Day, a letter from the historian Heather Cox Richardson on the 2 Americas.


Nice piece. Sums it up brilliantly.

Strange Brew
11-11-2023, 06:35 PM
Richardson is a respected, well published, historian. If you actually read that letter, you would notice it is filled with facts, not opinions.
Those facts will hurt if understood by the MAGA crowd; things like:

Undercuts all the doom and gloom that crowd, and its leading nominee spout every day.

If know you history. You’d know better.

Published. Don’t make me laugh.

11-11-2023, 08:06 PM
Don'cha just love ad hominem attacks?

It seems that recently “College Professors” have deserved the attacks. Just look at the lack of criticism vs the Professors supporting Hamas and totally disrespecting Jewish people.
Don’t pretend that there is no progressive “woke” bias within the Collegiate Academic Community. If you do, you are an abject liar.

11-11-2023, 08:14 PM
Richardson is a respected, well published, historian. If you actually read that letter, you would notice it is filled with facts, not opinions.
Those facts will hurt if understood by the MAGA crowd; things like:

Undercuts all the doom and gloom that crowd, and its leading nominee spout every day.

Richardson only puts selective “facts” in that essay. Talk to the typical Joe on the street rather than pontificating from an academic Ivory Tower.
Inflation caused by the policies of the present Administration, have undercut those alleged “wage gains”.
And rising Interest rates, needed to battle the ludicrous inflation, have crippled the real estate market.
Wall Street has been pretty doom and gloom lately too and 401k’s are feeling it. The guys working on Wall Street are definitely not MAGA.

11-11-2023, 08:51 PM
1st term.

Which was an absolute economic failure. You suck.

Reagan’s coattails are looooooooong

Ouch!!! That really gets to the heart of a policy debate.

11-12-2023, 11:56 AM
From the Wall Street Journal today:

“The Path to Green Energy Is Getting Messier
The shift away from oil and gas looks increasingly more expensive and further out”

A dose of reality to Biden. Thank Goodness.

The Path to Green Energy Is Getting Messier https://www.wsj.com/business/energy-oil/the-path-to-green-energy-is-getting-messier-fda6198b?reflink=integratedwebview_share

11-12-2023, 11:59 AM
Paywall for the article, but is anyone surprised that the move to green energy is going to take longer and cost more?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-12-2023, 01:03 PM
MOR is the king of pay wall items. Except nobody can read them. Try copy and paste.

11-12-2023, 02:08 PM
MOR is the king of pay wall items. Except nobody can read them. Try copy and paste.

Try actually paying for a subscription to a quality publication rather than propaganda?
It’s a long article. I’m not acting as your servant.

11-12-2023, 04:44 PM
Nobody can read your posts so fine with me.

Strange Brew
11-13-2023, 01:15 AM
Ouch!!! That really gets to the heart of a policy debate.

I hope that hit. You do suck and I want my money back.

You are a fraud.

11-13-2023, 07:44 AM
I hope that hit. You do suck and I want my money back.

You are a fraud.

Hard to believe that you're an adult when you make such juvenile posts. Please grow up, and act like the Xavier grad that you are.

11-13-2023, 08:44 AM
Hard to believe that you are actually a “Xavier Professor” when you’re spending time on a stupid message board lashing out at the proletariat.
Maybe, instead, you should look inside your increasingly morally bankrupt profession where “college professors” are celebrating Hamas murdering Jews and encouraging their students to support infantida. Who knows what other American ideal destroying principles are being taught in these classrooms today?
An example of the moral bankruptcy?
The suspect in the killing of Paul Kessler- the 68 year old Jewish man in California who was murdered merely for holding up a Jewish flag outside of and away from a demonstration promoting Hamas-is a college professor.
Well done.

11-13-2023, 09:57 AM
Hard to believe that you are actually a “Xavier Professor” when you’re spending time on a stupid message board lashing out at the proletariat.
Maybe, instead, you should look inside your increasingly morally bankrupt profession where “college professors” are celebrating Hamas murdering Jews and encouraging their students to support infantida. Who knows what other American ideal destroying principles are being taught in these classrooms today?
An example of the moral bankruptcy?
The suspect in the killing of Paul Kessler- the 68 year old Jewish man in California who was murdered merely for holding up a Jewish flag outside of and away from a demonstration promoting Hamas-is a college professor.
Well done.

I am retired, so I have time to respond to personal insults. Regarding your blanket condemnation of "college faculty", I suggest you ask any professors you know (or who taught you at Xavier) what their position is on the Hamas atrocities. I suspect that you'll discover that all of them, like me, condemn Hamas. It is surely neither fair nor helpful to condemn an entire profession on the basis of one member's actions.

11-13-2023, 10:09 AM
Somehow, condemning Hamas atrocities, while being concerned about the tragic loss of civilian life in Gaza, has become anti-Semitic.

Very strange.

11-13-2023, 10:31 AM
Somehow, condemning Hamas atrocities, while being concerned about the tragic loss of civilian life in Gaza, has become anti-Semitic.

Very strange.

Of course much of that loss of life in Gaza can also be laid at the feet of Hamas because of their use of civilians and hospitals as “human shields” against the Israeli response.

11-13-2023, 10:57 AM
Of course much of that loss of life in Gaza can also be laid at the feet of Hamas because of their use of civilians and hospitals as “human shields” against the Israeli response.

Of course. I was not assigning blame for the loss of civilian life in Gaza. Only noting it is tragic, and being concerned with it, is not encouraging any Intifada.
The original Hamas terrorist action was always going to generate an overwhelming response.

11-13-2023, 12:08 PM
As a former Professor (briefly) at Xavier this was not an issue. However, I was at 5 different universities in 3 different states but got out of the business of higher education because of the outright liberal prognosticating openly, often vitriolic and unapologetically, in every facet of university proceeding: faculty meeting, curriculum development and assessment, and even casual conversations.

I attribute whatever atrocities or unfortunate deaths in Israel and Gaza firmly at the feet of Hamas. I attribute any unfortunate deaths in America (or harassment, injuries etc.) and, God forbid, domestic terror, directly at the feet of those college professors, administration and politicians and their vehemence in denial of Israel's right to a national identity and to defend itself - not to mention it's mere existence as a nation and even a race.

11-13-2023, 12:58 PM
Somehow, condemning Hamas atrocities, while being concerned about the tragic loss of civilian life in Gaza, has become anti-Semitic.

Very strange.

Do you have an example of this? Are you speaking of someone specific?

11-13-2023, 03:03 PM
Tanks and planes will completely level Gaza. No water, no electricity. No more people. No more Gaza.

11-13-2023, 04:44 PM
As a former Professor (briefly) at Xavier this was not an issue. However, I was at 5 different universities in 3 different states but got out of the business of higher education because of the outright liberal prognosticating openly, often vitriolic and unapologetically, in every facet of university proceeding: faculty meeting, curriculum development and assessment, and even casual conversations.

I attribute whatever atrocities or unfortunate deaths in Israel and Gaza firmly at the feet of Hamas. I attribute any unfortunate deaths in America (or harassment, injuries etc.) and, God forbid, domestic terror, directly at the feet of those college professors, administration and politicians and their vehemence in denial of Israel's right to a national identity and to defend itself - not to mention it's mere existence as a nation and even a race.

I don’t agree with everything Israel is doing whether they are at war or not but Hamas is ultimately responsible for the atrocities that have occurred both to Israel and to its own people.

11-14-2023, 09:03 AM
If you want an example of why I think Bari Weiss’ “The Free Press” is an outstanding publication, the following essay is a perfect reason for that.
And as Judeo/Christians, we should be proud of our heritage, but be willing to take action to defend it from current woke and progressive lunacy.


11-14-2023, 09:37 AM
And, more from the Wall Street Journal on this ludicrous Biden energy policy.
Ok Bobbie, here’s your cut and paste, you cheapskate.

“ The challenge that the energy transition poses for the world economy, and therefore to global political stability, is significantly greater than either the administration or many of its critics have yet understood. It isn’t only about the cost of badly designed green pork-barrel projects such as the ethanol disaster or the multibillion-dollar offshore wind farms that became uneconomical once interest rates returned to their historic norms. Even if all the green investments miraculously work out as hoped and cost no more than projected, we are going to have a problem.
That’s because the green transition requires a massive shift of investment away from creating new goods and services toward replacing our existing energy and transport systems with systems that duplicate capabilities we already have. If we replace a coal-fired plant with solar panels and wind farms, we haven’t spent money to make more power. We’ve spent money to replace power we already had. If we build a massive electric-vehicle charging infrastructure across the country—as well as the much larger electric grid needed to support it—we will have simply replaced the current system of gasoline distribution that performs the same function.
So, diverting trillions of dollars away from increasing the supply of consumer goods and energy to duplicating capabilities that already exist is going to affect living standards around the world. It will also drive inflation. Investments in a parallel energy system will create jobs and economic demand but won’t create a sufficient supply of new goods to satisfy that demand. That excess demand will drive prices higher.
Truman and Marshall understood in their bones that inflation, stagnant living standards and protectionism lead to disaster. Bad economic policies drive polarization and populist revolt in rich countries. They drive revolutionary upheavals and strongman rule in poor ones. Neither outcome is good for American security.
Team Biden wants to preserve the world order whose foundations Truman and Marshall laid down. But nearly three years into its mandate, the administration lurches from one crisis to the next, and the outlook, at home and abroad, is darkening from week to week.”

11-14-2023, 09:40 AM
If we're going to spend all that money, we should at least spend it on nuclear energy.

11-14-2023, 09:47 AM
If we're going to spend all that money, we should at least spend it on nuclear energy.

Ah, but “Politically Incorrect”.
The side that Biden is always on.
See, they’d rather force Child Labor and cancer causing activity in Africa to mine the minerals necessary to make batteries. (Eye Roll).

11-14-2023, 03:39 PM
If we're going to spend all that money, we should at least spend it on nuclear energy.

Seems reasonable yet neither party seems to want that. Go figure.

11-14-2023, 05:09 PM
Kinda like child labor in Arkansas for 14 yr. Olds

Muskie in dayton
11-14-2023, 08:41 PM
Kinda like child labor in Arkansas for 14 yr. Olds
…but let’s leave Bill Clinton’s fetishes out of this.

Muskie in dayton
11-14-2023, 08:49 PM
Before I referred to Nikki Haley as GW Bush in a dress. Today she proved me right and wants to ban what in her definition is “hate speech” and do away with internet anonymity. All we need is an Authoritarian R to run against our Authoritarian Dem.

Hell with her. Come find me, bitch.

Uncle Joe
11-14-2023, 08:54 PM
Before I referred to Nikki Haley as GW Bush in a dress. Today she proved me right and wants to ban what in her definition is “hate speech” and do away with internet anonymity. All we need is an Authoritarian R to run against our Authoritarian Dem.

Hell with her. Come find me, bitch.


Also, has she ever met a war she didn't like?

11-14-2023, 09:57 PM
Before I referred to Nikki Haley as GW Bush in a dress. Today she proved me right and wants to ban what in her definition is “hate speech” and do away with internet anonymity. All we need is an Authoritarian R to run against our Authoritarian Dem.

Hell with her. Come find me, bitch.

Good. Social media is a drain on our society especially our children and has made our country dumber. It’d be great for social media companies to be forced to show their cards.

Why should anyone be free without consequence to say whatever the hell they want on social media?

11-14-2023, 10:05 PM
Good. Social media is a drain on our society especially our children and has made our country dumber. It’d be great for social media companies to be forced to show their cards.

Why should anyone be free without consequence to say whatever the hell they want on social media?

Yeah i kind of agree. All this free speech without any consequence needs to end. Maybe we will all be nicer

11-14-2023, 10:09 PM
And yes I understand that anonymity is part of freedom of speech but where/when should the line be? Social media is a cesspool.

Uncle Joe
11-14-2023, 11:20 PM

11-15-2023, 06:09 AM
I'm all for Nuke power, but pretty sure most if not all our Uranium comes from.... Russia.

11-15-2023, 06:31 AM
I'm all for Nuke power, but pretty sure most if not all our Uranium comes from.... Russia.

Not really. A LOT comes from North America and friendly countries like Australia.
To wit:

” Uranium mining is the process of extraction of uranium ore from the ground. Over 50 thousand tons of uranium were produced in 2019. Kazakhstan, Canada, and Australia were the top three uranium producers, respectively, and together account for 68% of world production. Other countries producing more than 1,000 tons per year included Namibia, Niger, Russia, Uzbekistan, the United States”

11-15-2023, 09:33 AM
Before I referred to Nikki Haley as GW Bush in a dress. Today she proved me right and wants to ban what in her definition is “hate speech” and do away with internet anonymity. All we need is an Authoritarian R to run against our Authoritarian Dem.

Hell with her. Come find me, bitch.

I guess since you have a problem with an “authoritarian” r , you also are not a fan of trump.

Uncle Joe
11-15-2023, 11:58 AM
It's pretty amazing that the "75% Republican" doesn't understand that ending internet anonymity is effectively ending free speech for conservatives. I guess he doesn't understand what "doxxing" is all about, and how the left uses it to stifle their opposition.

Oh wait, censorship is a tactic he's quite familiar with.

I wonder why the "75% Republican" doesn't take the lead and use his real name on this board?

"Why should anyone be free without consequence to say whatever the hell they want on social media?"

This is truly an amazing statement - on so many levels.

11-15-2023, 12:45 PM
It's pretty amazing that the "75% Republican" doesn't understand that ending internet anonymity is effectively ending free speech for conservatives. I guess he doesn't understand what "doxxing" is all about, and how the left uses it to stifle their opposition.

Oh wait, censorship is a tactic he's quite familiar with.

I wonder why the "75% Republican" doesn't take the lead and use his real name on this board?

"Why should anyone be free without consequence to say whatever the hell they want on social media?"

This is truly an amazing statement - on so many levels.

Hi Lou! Errr Joe.

While one is right to privacy and freedom of speech, one should not be able to hide behind a mask to promote false propaganda, harass and gaslight people.

11-15-2023, 04:33 PM
It's pretty amazing that the "75% Republican" doesn't understand that ending internet anonymity is effectively ending free speech for conservatives. I guess he doesn't understand what "doxxing" is all about, and how the left uses it to stifle their opposition.

Oh wait, censorship is a tactic he's quite familiar with.

I wonder why the "75% Republican" doesn't take the lead and use his real name on this board?

"Why should anyone be free without consequence to say whatever the hell they want on social media?"

This is truly an amazing statement - on so many levels.

So, your real name is, in fact, Uncle Joe?

If people would come to their senses and realize a gazillion % of the internet is bull-crap and any smattering that isn't should be corroborated before it is believed - people can say whatever they want because nobody really gives a shit. Anyone who puts real stock in the interweb .... (complete this statement)!

11-15-2023, 06:17 PM
So, your real name is, in fact, Uncle Joe?

If people would come to their senses and realize a gazillion % of the internet is bull-crap and any smattering that isn't should be corroborated before it is believed - people can say whatever they want because nobody really gives a shit. Anyone who puts real stock in the interweb .... (complete this statement)!

You replace your pharmacy with your local feed store.

Uncle Joe
11-15-2023, 07:17 PM
So, your real name is, in fact, Uncle Joe?

If people would come to their senses and realize a gazillion % of the internet is bull-crap and any smattering that isn't should be corroborated before it is believed - people can say whatever they want because nobody really gives a shit. Anyone who puts real stock in the interweb .... (complete this statement)!

I don't think you picked up on the entire conversation. I didn't say that - that was the other guy, and I was just pointing the naked irony and the Soros-Gates-Musk richness of it all.

X-band '01
11-16-2023, 05:11 PM
In what will surprise no one, George Santos will not run for a 2nd term in Congress (assuming that they don't try to expel him again after the Ethics Committee issued a scathing report against him). No word on whether or not Anthony Devolder will run for his seat in his place.

Strange Brew
11-16-2023, 10:12 PM
Hard to believe that you're an adult when you make such juvenile posts. Please grow up, and act like the Xavier grad that you are.

I am an adult and I’m acting EXACTLY according to my education. You?

BTW, I got into into Brown too.

11-17-2023, 05:58 AM
I am an adult and I’m acting EXACTLY according to my education. You?

BTW, I got into into Brown too.

Nothing wrong with that. Some of my best friends are Brown.

X-band '01
11-17-2023, 06:37 AM
At least Brew and Bobbie didn't get into Harvard:


Strange Brew
11-17-2023, 06:13 PM
At least Brew and Bobbie didn't get into Harvard:


All time prank. Almost as funny as when some of you dressed up in robes for a game. I heard it was it Pittsburgh or something. Sorry I missed it. ;)

Well, it’s three hours to tip-off. Let’s go X!

11-17-2023, 11:23 PM
My Brother went to X. My sister went to X after me. We liked it.

Strange Brew
11-18-2023, 12:04 AM
My Brother went to X. My sister went to X after me. We liked it.

It’s not the worst thing in the world. :)

Game is on. Let’s go X!

11-19-2023, 11:14 AM
All time prank. Almost as funny as when some of you dressed up in robes for a game. I heard it was it Pittsburgh or something. Sorry I missed it. ;)

Well, it’s three hours to tip-off. Let’s go X!

Yes. I and many of us old school board guys did the Snuggie Bus Trip regaled in Blue Snuggies and made a grand entrance at Duquesne where Sean Miller looked up and gave us a big thumbs up. We somehow lost that game but the stories live on.
That was one late night. It was also the night that Nuts4XU found out that I was his Daddy. :-))

X-band '01
11-19-2023, 11:18 AM
I was pissed that I had a work commitment that I could not get out of that day; apparently I also missed out on Nuts choking on a Jello shot.

Not to mention another poster hitting on cougars at a nearby establishment.

11-19-2023, 09:18 PM
I was pissed that I had a work commitment that I could not get out of that day; apparently I also missed out on Nuts choking on a Jello shot.

Not to mention another poster hitting on cougars at a nearby establishment.

Correction. BP was hitting on Grandmas!!

Uncle Joe
11-22-2023, 07:33 PM
She's still free:


11-27-2023, 06:20 PM
Nothing wrong with that. Some of my best friends are Brown.

I think they all work in TV commercials nowadays.

Strange Brew
11-27-2023, 06:56 PM
I think they all work in TV commercials nowadays.


Anyway, Grandma’s need love too! :)

Oh, and Bobbie… you’re slow.

11-28-2023, 01:57 PM
The Koch network has put their weight behind Nikki Haley. This is their first foray into Presidential politics since 2012 as they sat out the two Trump elections. Now they've decided to go all in against him. Would be nice if Desantis gives up the ghost and backs Haley as well. The non-Trumps need to have a united front by the start of the primaries.

11-28-2023, 03:43 PM
The home depot billionaire jumped in for Haley, as well

Uncle Joe
11-28-2023, 04:47 PM
Gee, I wonder if Ville works for CTIL? Would explain an awful lot.

"CTIL Files #1: US And UK Military Contractors Created Sweeping Plan For Global Censorship In 2018, New Documents Show"


Uncle Joe
11-28-2023, 04:50 PM
The founding covid lie exposed:

CIA analysts were 'bribed to change position' on COVID-19 origins as Fauci led 'orchestrated' effort to undermine lab-leak origin theory

"Intelligence officials and scientific experts have spoken out about the “orchestrated effort” to push the narrative that COVID-19 had natural origins, despite evidence showing the virus “most likely” leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In the new Sky News Australia documentary, “What Really Happened in Wuhan, the Next Chapter”, Sharri Markson reveals explosive new evidence about the origins of the pandemic that brought the world to a standstill in 2020."


11-28-2023, 04:58 PM
The Koch network has put their weight behind Nikki Haley. This is their first foray into Presidential politics since 2012 as they sat out the two Trump elections. Now they've decided to go all in against him. Would be nice if Desantis gives up the ghost and backs Haley as well. The non-Trumps need to have a united front by the start of the primaries.

Good positive news all around. Her campaign has built up a lot of momentum over the last six months and hopefully with money really starting to funnel in to her campaign, the U.S. can get a decent choice for president again.

Uncle Joe
11-28-2023, 05:30 PM
The Koch network has put their weight behind Nikki Haley. This is their first foray into Presidential politics since 2012 as they sat out the two Trump elections. Now they've decided to go all in against him. Would be nice if Desantis gives up the ghost and backs Haley as well. The non-Trumps need to have a united front by the start of the primaries.

Nikki Haley can go to hell!

* She's a warmonger

* She's now using the old lib tactic of using her gender as a shield against criticism

* She actually proposed forcing social media company to ID all of it's users. This would effectively force conservatives out of the public discourse because the left would come after any user who spoke out against any Democrat. The left loves to doxx conservatives, or anyone that disagrees with them. One only has to look at what happened to the teacher in NYC who went to a pro-Israeli rally. What happened to her would become commonplace.

* Haley is among the ruling class who won't do what it takes to reverse the course this country is descending into. At best, she will only slow it down. Trump is the only one to reverse course.

11-28-2023, 05:39 PM
Yes indeed. Just what we need.
An bona fide sex offender, under multiple indictments both federal and state, hiding government secrets, fomenting an insurrection, etc,etc,etc.

Exactly what we need.

11-28-2023, 06:21 PM
Oh yay Lou is back.

Strange Brew
11-28-2023, 08:27 PM
Yes indeed. Just what we need.
An bona fide sex offender, under multiple indictments both federal and state, hiding government secrets, fomenting an insurrection, etc,etc,etc.

Exactly what we need.

Ah, we have that now Paul.

Uncle Joe
11-29-2023, 10:42 AM
It's quite hilarious to watch as the monster devours Dr. Frankenstein.

Hell, Schumer just had to call out the racist, antisemitic faction in his own party on the Senate floor.

What's even more delicious is that the young monsters the Democrats have so meticulously crafted over the last decade or so are going to turn to Cornell West as their pro-Hamas candidate of choice.

11-29-2023, 12:38 PM
So Hunter agrees to testify. publicly. Rejected. Won:t be able to spin it.

11-29-2023, 12:47 PM
[QUOTE=Uncle Joe;770650

What's even more delicious is that the young monsters the Democrats have so meticulously crafted over the last decade or so are going to turn to Cornell West as their pro-Hamas candidate of choice.[/QUOTE]

are you so dumb that you don't know a vote for West is a vote for trump.

11-29-2023, 12:56 PM
I bet ole Lou errr uncle Joe doesn’t want the identities of the Harvard student group that wrote the pro hamas letter known…. Ya know since he’s so for anonymity.

Uncle Joe
11-29-2023, 03:55 PM
I'm trying to remember, was it Sigmund Obsession that caused one of our members to fly over the cuckoo's nest?

Uncle Joe
11-29-2023, 03:57 PM
are you so dumb that you don't know a vote for West is a vote for trump.

Are you so dumb as to not know that's precisely what I'm saying?

You created the monster - now deal with it.

I'm loving every bit of this - it's a win-win for America!

11-29-2023, 05:01 PM
The monster is trump. I prefer American Democracy. Not a Dictatorship.

Uncle Joe
12-01-2023, 12:12 PM
It’s a blessing for DeSantis that California doesn’t enforce criminal laws anymore.

Because he murdered Newsom last night.

12-01-2023, 04:39 PM
Haha Desantis is 41 pts. behind in his own state.Bad Move.

12-03-2023, 08:48 AM
Haha Desantis is 41 pts. behind in his own state.Bad Move.

Bye George!

Muskie in dayton
12-03-2023, 06:13 PM
The monster is trump. I prefer American Democracy. Not a Dictatorship.
This is the absolutely stupidest Democrat quip, and that’s saying a lot. It makes zero sense yet you parrot it like some brainless moron. Sad.

12-03-2023, 06:46 PM
No, you're an idiot if you think trump is the answer. 91 counts. Be serious. Are you an election denier?

12-03-2023, 10:34 PM
Anyone with half a brain knows a lot of those charges are politically motivated and clearly prosecutorial misconduct. I’m not saying there aren’t some potentially valid charges buried in there. I also hope he’s not the Republican nominee. But, if my choices are Trump or Biden, I’ll hold my nose and vote for Trump. Now, if Joe Manchin enters the race, that changes everything for me.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

12-04-2023, 07:59 AM
I can't imagine anyone would vote for Trump. Just hard to believe after all he's done.

Then again, I didn't think Moms for Liberty were for 3 ways. So..there's that.

12-04-2023, 08:14 AM
If it’s trump-Biden, I won’t be voting. I’m not going to choose between a raging psycho or a dementia patient. F that.

12-04-2023, 06:44 PM
Trump thinks he:s running against Obama and sez we are headed to WWII, Dementia?

X-band '01
12-04-2023, 08:43 PM
Sorry Bobbie, only Democrats can come down with dementia. I read it on the Internet so it must be true.

Uncle Joe
12-05-2023, 10:51 AM
Damn, the libs are already in full panic mode.

12-05-2023, 05:55 PM
Sounds like something Lou would say.....Oh

12-05-2023, 11:37 PM
Just watched some Congressional testimony from the Presidents of Harvard, Penn and MIT today. Yikes. I guess it's comforting to know there are people who performed worse that Xavier basketball today.

Uncle Joe
12-06-2023, 11:34 AM
Some pretty chilling commentary from Michael Shellenberger: https://rumble.com/v3zwsfd-michael-shellenberger-free-speech-emergency-in-ireland-is-a-totalitarian-ef.html

12-06-2023, 12:52 PM
Just watched some Congressional testimony from the Presidents of Harvard, Penn and MIT today. Yikes. I guess it's comforting to know there are people who performed worse that Xavier basketball today.

Apparently, calling for genocide against Jews doesn’t violate their campus rules. They said it depends on the context. WTF? Think their answer would be the same if someone was calling for genocide against Palestinians or Muslims? Somehow I doubt it. I get that free speech becomes an issue, but let’s be consistent in applying it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-06-2023, 02:06 PM
The monster is trump. I prefer American Democracy. Not a Dictatorship.

This is the absolutely stupidest Democrat quip, and that’s saying a lot. It makes zero sense yet you parrot it like some brainless moron. Sad.

Well he just admitted he'd be a dictator.

12-06-2023, 02:23 PM

12-06-2023, 04:46 PM
The monster is trump. I prefer American Democracy. Not a Dictatorship.


Yeah, half the republican party

12-06-2023, 11:11 PM
I'm no fan, but it's interesting and maybe telling that all the scumbags in Washington are so scared of him.

I guess direct involvement in a war is next. Anything to stay in power. Anything.

Uncle Joe
12-06-2023, 11:16 PM
Vivek absolutely shredded the two neocon RINO losers in the debate tonight. Haley, who never met a war she didn't like, is an absolute clown.

Thank God the loser Bush/Cheney/Rove/McCain/Romney/Hogan/Haley wing of the Rep. party has been exposed as the fringe nutjobs they've always been.


What's really hilarious is that this fringe wing of the Rep party has morphed, or migrated into the mainstream of the Democrat party. Most of those losers are now home.

Uncle Joe
12-06-2023, 11:22 PM
Haley - not prepared, shows herself not ready for the job: https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy/status/1732575926599242240

12-07-2023, 06:02 AM
I'm no fan, but it's interesting and maybe telling that all the scumbags in Washington are so scared of him.

I guess direct involvement in a war is next. Anything to stay in power. Anything.

Why the f I was listening to NPR on the way to work yesterday (wife's car??) but the lead story was "Biden is only running because Trump is."

That's the platform.


12-07-2023, 07:36 AM
Why the f I was listening to NPR on the way to work yesterday (wife's car??) but the lead story was "Biden is only running because Trump is."

That's the platform.


About the only thing I like about Biden.not trump should be everyone’s slogan.

The trumpettes, like the hunger games host, are now scared of Haley. Funny

Uncle Joe
12-07-2023, 11:03 AM
Haley isn't even close in her own state - her own people are smart enough to know that she's a fraud.

12-07-2023, 11:11 AM
Check out this snippet from a news article about COP28. The bolded portion shows how meaningful it is!

More than 80 countries at COP28, including the US, Canada and members of the European Union, are pushing for a broad agreement to phase out fossil fuels, a trend which COP28 president Sultan Al-Jaber described as "inevitable" as he called for leaders to propose language for such a deal on Monday. The pact for a full fossil fuel phase-out is opposed by Russia, Saudi Arabia and China, while some African nations have said they will agree to a deal if wealthy, high-emitting countries commit to ending fossil fuel production first.

12-07-2023, 01:25 PM
Paul and Bobbie, They're 10,000 nice gentlemen at the US border that need a place to stay. I'm sure you're willing to help.


12-07-2023, 05:24 PM
About the only thing I like about Biden.not trump should be everyone’s slogan.

The trumpettes, like the hunger games host, are now scared of Haley. Funny

Looks like Tommy T finally gave in to the wicked left.

12-07-2023, 08:33 PM
Paul and Bobbie, They're 10,000 nice gentlemen at the US border that need a place to stay. I'm sure you're willing to help.


Think they should move in Congress. They are the only ones who can fix it.

12-07-2023, 08:38 PM
Think they should move in Congress. They are the only ones who can fix it.

No you fix it. Take a few in. I bet you got 3 empty bedrooms.

12-07-2023, 09:45 PM
I'm sure you have room in your flophouse. Stay off the meth.

12-07-2023, 10:25 PM
I think we're going to be OK. The new Speaker of the House, second in line to the presidency, has been having nightly conversations with the Lord.
What could go wrong.


12-07-2023, 11:14 PM
Guy prays? Imagine.

12-08-2023, 12:24 AM
Hearing voices? See a mental health pro����

12-08-2023, 01:04 AM
I'm sure you have room in your flophouse. Stay off the meth.

No help, no solutions, just insults.

12-08-2023, 10:51 AM
Some days vacations for tourists in our nation's capital, are more expensive than others.

Especially if you make an unauthorized visit to our nation's capitol.


12-08-2023, 10:58 AM
Tough break not drawing the Soros prosecutors.

12-08-2023, 11:09 AM
No help, no solutions, just insults.

What part of smack thread confuses you?

12-08-2023, 01:04 PM
Some days vacations for tourists in our nation's capital, are more expensive than others.

Especially if you make an unauthorized visit to our nation's capitol.


Guantanamo Bay tactics, threats and lack of proper representation will always get you more "confessions". Closed, biased and trumped up hearings will also lead to more convictions.

Did that go on?

In 50 years when the records are unsealed we might find out.

12-08-2023, 01:34 PM
I don’t think the court records for those convicted of seditious conspiracy are sealed.
I think those were open court cases.

12-08-2023, 01:38 PM
I don’t think the court records for those convicted of seditious conspiracy are sealed.
I think those were open court cases.
But paying PACER fees is really annoying. Easier to just blindly claim it was unfair.

Uncle Joe
12-08-2023, 05:14 PM
Some days vacations for tourists in our nation's capital, are more expensive than others.

Especially if you make an unauthorized visit to our nation's capitol.


Wow, so this is the "official" response to the "strategic" indictment of Hunter Biden?


12-10-2023, 08:25 AM
*Some on here* are in an absolute panic right now! Hahahaha!!

From the Wall Street Journal:

“ Biden lags behind Trump by 4 percentage points, 47% to 43%, on a hypothetical ballot with only those two candidates. Trump’s lead expands to 6 points, 37% to 31%, when five potential third-party and independent candidates are added to the mix. They take a combined 17% support, with Democrat-turned-independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. drawing the most, at 8%.”

The country is not buying the bullshit that you Dems are selling. Including “Seditious Conspiracy”

12-10-2023, 09:01 AM
*Some on here* are in an absolute panic right now! Hahahaha!!

From the Wall Street Journal:

“ Biden lags behind Trump by 4 percentage points, 47% to 43%, on a hypothetical ballot with only those two candidates. Trump’s lead expands to 6 points, 37% to 31%, when five potential third-party and independent candidates are added to the mix. They take a combined 17% support, with Democrat-turned-independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. drawing the most, at 8%.”

The country is not buying the bullshit that you Dems are selling. Including “Seditious Conspiracy”

Can we stop with the Biden re-election nonsense? The Dem forces that be, are well aware of these numbers. Not to mention the polling on his border policies and the economy. Most of the serious conversation by political pundits is finally shifting to Biden continuing to act like a hard ass through the primary process, then pull a perceived "stunner" at the convention. Then the real candidate will be nominated.

A Biden/Trump rematch is not going to happen.

12-10-2023, 12:39 PM
Well, economy improving, gas prices @ trump max in Colorado https://www.gasbuddy.com/gasprices/colorado, Jobs up, stocks up, ukrainians and Israelis fighting the evil in the world. GOP doing nothing but bitching about Hunter. Could be worse.

12-10-2023, 12:51 PM
God talks to Mike Johnson out of 330 million people here. Told him to vote for Santos. Thinks he's Moses. Geesuz. He's third in line for Presidency.

12-10-2023, 01:00 PM
*Some on here* are in an absolute panic right now! Hahahaha!!

From the Wall Street Journal:

“ Biden lags behind Trump by 4 percentage points, 47% to 43%, on a hypothetical ballot with only those two candidates. Trump’s lead expands to 6 points, 37% to 31%, when five potential third-party and independent candidates are added to the mix. They take a combined 17% support, with Democrat-turned-independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. drawing the most, at 8%.”

The country is not buying the bullshit that you Dems are selling. Including “Seditious Conspiracy”

I don’t think the country is buying the BS both parties are pushing to be honest. It’s sad that the best both parties can put forward less than a year before the election are a cognitively decline old man and an above the law lunatic. Would love to see a poll on does the American people have a negative view of both parties. I would be it would be a high percentage.

12-10-2023, 01:21 PM
I'd vote for Manchin if he runs 3rd party.

12-10-2023, 09:17 PM
Shoot. Trump's backed out of testifying tomorrow.
I had the popcorn and was looking forward to how the 10,000 sq ft apartment ballooned to 30,000.

12-11-2023, 06:47 AM
Can we stop with the Biden re-election nonsense? The Dem forces that be, are well aware of these numbers. Not to mention the polling on his border policies and the economy. Most of the serious conversation by political pundits is finally shifting to Biden continuing to act like a hard ass through the primary process, then pull a perceived "stunner" at the convention. Then the real candidate will be nominated.

A Biden/Trump rematch is not going to happen.

Well, economy improving, gas prices @ trump max in Colorado https://www.gasbuddy.com/gasprices/colorado, Jobs up, stocks up, ukrainians and Israelis fighting the evil in the world. GOP doing nothing but bitching about Hunter. Could be worse.

one of these things is not like the other...

12-11-2023, 08:58 AM
Well, economy improving, gas prices @ trump max in Colorado https://www.gasbuddy.com/gasprices/colorado, Jobs up, stocks up, ukrainians and Israelis fighting the evil in the world. GOP doing nothing but bitching about Hunter. Could be worse.

Riddle me this. Why is the man presiding over these amazing times and accomplishments currently sitting at a 39% approval rate?

12-11-2023, 09:19 AM
Can we stop with the Biden re-election nonsense? The Dem forces that be, are well aware of these numbers. Not to mention the polling on his border policies and the economy. Most of the serious conversation by political pundits is finally shifting to Biden continuing to act like a hard ass through the primary process, then pull a perceived "stunner" at the convention. Then the real candidate will be nominated.

A Biden/Trump rematch is not going to happen.

Do what? A little more than 10 months from the election. Biden is going to be the d candidate.

Sadly, if polling numbers are any indication, trump will be the r candidate.

America loses again.

12-11-2023, 10:19 AM
Highly worth reading as to what universities have become- largely from woke progressive democrats- and how to fix them.

From Bari Weiss:

https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=260347&post_id=139682589&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&action=share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=false&r=et72d&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDg3NjgwNSwicG9zdF9pZCI6MTM5 NjgyNTg5LCJpYXQiOjE3MDIyOTI3NTQsImV4cCI6MTcwNDg4ND c1NCwiaXNzIjoicHViLTI2MDM0NyIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVh Y3Rpb24ifQ._YAQ05KjzL0RAba35Vfp4s5Bjqlf_G65Gb3SODY 923U

12-11-2023, 11:20 AM
From Diana Butler Bass, American religious historian:

The college presidents were ill-prepared for Congress. They made stupid mistakes and gave hurtful replies.

But to those cheering on Elise Stefanik, you are cheering McCarthyism. That was a replay of the 1950s when good people were purposefully destroyed by Congressional power.

12-11-2023, 11:26 AM
What does anything related to that testimony have to do with "good people". If those idiots (shocking for the Presidents of Penn, MIT and Harvard to be idiots, but it's somehow true) were actually committed to free speech on their campuses, I'd salute them. But they're not. They're feckless idiots who deserve their fate.

12-11-2023, 11:29 AM
Harvard's incredibly underqualified president is about to be embroiled in a plagiarism scandal, and let me tell you, I'm here for it.

12-11-2023, 11:49 AM
Dozens of pro-Palestine insurrectionists took over the Senate Hart building today.

When will the FBI track them down and raid them? I’m sure they will be receiving 17-22 year sentences.

Why isn’t this insurrection front page news everywhere?!

12-11-2023, 11:52 AM
From Diana Butler Bass, American religious historian:

And there it is.
Paul now endorsing hate speech and actions vs Jewish folks.
Ah ha. The Antisemitism is exposed.
Buddy there is no defense for what those Presidents said. Stefanik asked legit questions and they hung themselves.

12-11-2023, 12:08 PM
From Diana Butler Bass, American religious historian:

Gotta love the yeah but arguments. Why is it so difficult for one side to condemn one of their own for doing or saying something incredibly stupid and leave it at that?

12-11-2023, 12:14 PM
But to those cheering on Elise Stefanik, you are cheering McCarthyism. That was a replay of the 1950s when good people were purposefully destroyed by Congressional power.

This is your response in light of the hundreds of politicians, educators, conservatives in general (even liberals who happen use the wrong pronoun or some other DEI religious doctrine), being denied their livelihoods and, in some cases, arrested, interrogated, terrorized, and even incarcerated for their beliefs and expressions. Talk about McCarthyism, virtually unchecked until recently. And when people applaud an attempt by someone who has the temerity to (finally) call them out, it is they who are compared to McCarthyites?

You have just underscored the very element you attempted to denigrate.

Forest meet trees
Pot meet kettle
Batter meet big swing and a miss

12-11-2023, 01:02 PM
From Diana Butler Bass, American religious historian:

Paul- Do you align with this position?

12-11-2023, 02:24 PM
I see Jesuit education hasn't caused many to view all sides of a contentious issue, without resorting to name calling.

Try and think more broadly, and understand how people are using these tragic circumstances to score political points, hurting other people, instead of trying to make the world a better place.

12-11-2023, 02:32 PM
So you're saying that some people will never let a serious crisis go to waste?

12-11-2023, 02:43 PM
I see Jesuit education hasn't caused many to view all sides of a contentious issue, without resorting to name calling.

Try and think more broadly, and understand how people are using these tragic circumstances to score political points, hurting other people, instead of trying to make the world a better place.

Deflect, deflect, deflect. However you want to justify your side is between you and your maker. Just know that’s what you’re doing. People like you and MOR will do anything to try to justify your side. The university presidents were and are wrong. Getting rid of them in their positions of power makes the world a better place. Period, end of story.

12-11-2023, 02:46 PM
So you're saying that some people will never let a serious crisis go to waste?

That's for sure.

Meanwhile, if you think this woman and her views are antisemitic, you need a whole lot of help:



And if you really are interested, here's a more nuanced explanation of the Congressional hearing from a Jewish historian. I sure hope I won't be reading comments that he is antisemitic:


12-11-2023, 03:00 PM
This is pretty disappointing.

12-11-2023, 03:17 PM
That's for sure.

Meanwhile, if you think this woman and her views are antisemitic, you need a whole lot of help:



And if you really are interested, here's a more nuanced explanation of the Congressional hearing from a Jewish historian. I sure hope I won't be reading comments that he is antisemitic:


TPM lol it’s the conservative politicians fault that the university presidents are complete idiots according to that “historian”

12-11-2023, 03:26 PM
It's like the equal and opposite response to the one I'd expect from Uncle Joe or whatever its name is.

12-11-2023, 03:59 PM
Well, at least you guys didn't call the Jewish fellow antisemitic. Good job there.

12-11-2023, 04:01 PM
Riddle me this. Why is the man presiding over these amazing times and accomplishments currently sitting at a 39% approval rate?

What if Liz gets in the race? And I personally think Nikki is wasting her time with the GOP. She could win as an independent.

12-11-2023, 04:31 PM
What if Liz gets in the race? And I personally think Nikki is wasting her time with the GOP. She could win as an independent.

Care to answer my question? Why is President Biden polling so bad, why are his approval ratings so abysmal if everything is going so well as you indicated?

12-11-2023, 04:35 PM
Well, at least you guys didn't call the Jewish fellow antisemitic. Good job there.

Now you're just pouting

12-11-2023, 04:37 PM
I see Jesuit education hasn't caused many to view all sides of a contentious issue, without resorting to name calling.

Try and think more broadly, and understand how people are using these tragic circumstances to score political points, hurting other people, instead of trying to make the world a better place.

You've done your normal bang-up job of linking TPM and wikipedia posts..thanks for that. But you've never really shared your personal opinion on what those university presidents said. Do you agree with them that calling for the genocide of Jews doesn't rise to the level of harassment and intimidation? Do you believe that there is any level of context that justifies that?

12-11-2023, 05:13 PM
Certainly calling for the genocide of any group of people would not be striving to make the world a better place for anyone.
Why would you think I believe that is OK?
I'm not sure you read TPM's explanation of the total situation. Perhaps it would be helpful.

12-11-2023, 05:42 PM
Certainly calling for the genocide of any group of people would not be striving to make the world a better place for anyone.
Why would you think I believe that is OK?
I'm not sure you read TPM's explanation of the total situation. Perhaps it would be helpful.

I read it. It’s not an explanation of the real situation. It’s biased crap by a liberal “journalist” who is blaming conservative politicians for the university presidents’ behavior

12-11-2023, 06:44 PM
Do what? A little more than 10 months from the election. Biden is going to be the d candidate.

Sadly, if polling numbers are any indication, trump will be the r candidate.

America loses again.

Build back better vs Make America Great Again Round 2.

Will there even be a debate? One might be in a court room and the other might be sleeping. Who ya got?

12-11-2023, 08:52 PM
Do what? A little more than 10 months from the election. Biden is going to be the d candidate.

Why is it taking so long for people to understand that the Democrat power cabal will NEVER chance nominating a Biden with these horrific polling numbers. Why do people not understand that there are very real, and probable, options that are available at the DNC Convention, that can/will make a 2024 ticket that does not include Biden.

12-11-2023, 10:02 PM
Why is it taking so long for people to understand that the Democrat power cabal will NEVER chance nominating a Biden with these horrific polling numbers. Why do people not understand that there are very real, and probable, options that are available at the DNC Convention, that can/will make a 2024 ticket that does not include Biden.

Because “people” don’t believe in your conspiracy theories and what you describe is not how politics work. DNC don’t need to do anything if trump is the candidate on the r side. Biden will beat him, and yes I know what some polls are saying about trump possibly being ahead. That’s hysterical. Trump will never win a general ever again.

12-12-2023, 03:38 AM
Because “people” don’t believe in your conspiracy theories and what you describe is not how politics work. DNC don’t need to do anything if trump is the candidate on the r side. Biden will beat him, and yes I know what some polls are saying about trump possibly being ahead. That’s hysterical. Trump will never win a general ever again.

Again with the "conspiracy"? How politics work? The professionals CURRENTLY say approximately 36% NO Biden....that's over 1/3. And it's going to be 100% NO Biden in about 7 months. Book it.


Biden is nicely positioned to surpass Carter as the WOAT. He has been an absolute policy disaster across the board and literally an embarrassment publicly. He simply is NOT MENTALLY capable of handling the power of POTUS....not now and certainly not for another term. Conspiracy?

12-12-2023, 05:39 AM
Why is it taking so long for people to understand that the Democrat power cabal will NEVER chance nominating a Biden with these horrific polling numbers. Why do people not understand that there are very real, and probable, options that are available at the DNC Convention, that can/will make a 2024 ticket that does not include Biden.

Because “people” don’t believe in your conspiracy theories and what you describe is not how politics work. DNC don’t need to do anything if trump is the candidate on the r side. Biden will beat him, and yes I know what some polls are saying about trump possibly being ahead. That’s hysterical. Trump will never win a general ever again.


12-12-2023, 07:37 AM
Again with the "conspiracy"? How politics work? The professionals CURRENTLY say approximately 36% NO Biden....that's over 1/3. And it's going to be 100% NO Biden in about 7 months. Book it.


Biden is nicely positioned to surpass Carter as the WOAT. He has been an absolute policy disaster across the board and literally an embarrassment publicly. He simply is NOT MENTALLY capable of handling the power of POTUS....not now and certainly not for another term. Conspiracy?

If somehow Haley pulls off the upset, then I’ll buy what you’re selling. Otherwise the dnc doesn’t have to go thru the hassle of what you are describing. I mean ffs Hilary would beat trump in a general right now, let alone Biden.

12-12-2023, 08:03 AM
If somehow Haley pulls off the upset, then I’ll buy what you’re selling. Otherwise the dnc doesn’t have to go thru the hassle of what you are describing. I mean ffs Hilary would beat trump in a general right now, let alone Biden.

Can you describe this "hassle" or "how politics work"?

Sometime between now and the Democrat Convention, Biden simply announces he is not running for health reasons. Done deal.

12-12-2023, 09:03 AM
Can you describe this "hassle" or "how politics work"?

Sometime between now and the Democrat Convention, Biden simply announces he is not running for health reasons. Done deal.

It won’t happen because as I described, there is no need too. Unless somehow trump is losing


12-12-2023, 09:17 AM
Trump is currently the betting line favorite to win the Presidency. FWIW. Not a big favorite (+125 to Biden's +190), but he's a favorite nonetheless. I think it's entirely plausible that the Democratic Party doesn't want to gamble with Biden on another Trump term. Biden is only a -275 favorite to be the Democratic nominee. Newsom is +250.

12-12-2023, 09:22 AM
Trump is currently the betting line favorite to win the Presidency. FWIW. Not a big favorite (+125 to Biden's +190), but he's a favorite nonetheless. I think it's entirely plausible that the Democratic Party doesn't want to gamble with Biden on another Trump term. Biden is only a -275 favorite to be the Democratic nominee. Newsom is +250.

Anytime in recent memory democrats had a “need” to go vote, they have shown up and won decisively. Democrats will show up to hate vote against trump. There is zero chance of trump ever winning another general due to that.

The odds are probably that low for Biden for the legit worry of him being dead before then.

12-12-2023, 09:47 AM
I don't think it's close to certain Trump won't win a general election. But go get some free money if you think it's a lock. Democrats are +100 to win the Presidency. $1000 max bet at Betonline.

12-12-2023, 10:08 AM
Certainly calling for the genocide of any group of people would not be striving to make the world a better place for anyone.
Why would you think I believe that is OK?
I'm not sure you read TPM's explanation of the total situation. Perhaps it would be helpful.

Oh I read it..it's just more slanted vomit. The fact that you use TPM as any type of credible information source shows just how gullible you are. If you are truly interested in making the 'world a better place' you should consider being less reliant on information that is completely skewed to one side of every argument. The TPM's of the world have helped create our current political climate and the people that lean on those sites for opinion formulation are definitely not helping make this place a better place.

I would hope that you think calling for a genocide is wrong...that's not what I asked. Re-read please and let me know your thoughts on what those university presidents said.

12-12-2023, 11:05 AM
The fact that you think a Jewish historian spews "slanted vomit" , and that you don't understand that I read all sides of issues, makes me unlikely to want to answer any of your questions as if you think this is a class and you can engage in gotchas. Sorry.

12-12-2023, 12:54 PM
The fact that you think a Jewish historian spews "slanted vomit" , and that you don't understand that I read all sides of issues, makes me unlikely to want to answer any of your questions as if you think this is a class and you can engage in gotchas. Sorry.

I assume that the 'Jewish Historian' that you are referring to is Josh Marshall. Are you saying that Josh Marshall is not completely slanted to one side of the political aisle? The same Josh Marshall who recently tweeted out "Benjamin Netanyahu MUST be destroyed politically" Is he beyond reproach because he's a Jewish Historian? This is the same guy who once posted a porn link to his twitter page. He's definitely 'making the world a better place' as you suggest..lol

We all know which left-leaning publications you read. I'm curious to know which conservative publications you read in order to get 'all sides' as you say. You can certainly choose to not answer questions that make you feel uncomfortable under the guise of being above it. Why hide?

12-12-2023, 05:03 PM
Thank you for pointing out why there's no need to engage with you, or answer your "questions."
Josh Marshall didn't tweet that.
He posted a link to a person commenting on an article (that used that phrase) in the oldest Jewish newspaper in Israel.
In that article, the author lays out the difference between supporting Israel and wanting Netanyahu gone.
Many Israeli's (the majority) are not happy with their current prime minister.
His trial for fraud, bribery and breach of trust has resumed.

12-12-2023, 10:01 PM
I read it. It’s not an explanation of the real situation. It’s biased crap by a liberal “journalist” who is blaming conservative politicians for the university presidents’ behavior

Yeah I read it that way as well.

Question is, how do we turn this antisemitic and racist viewpoints out of our colleges. Hard to do when it starts at the top.

I guess this is what happens when you teach kids and young adults to hate America and Israel. This hate runs so deep, some don’t actually believe the vile events on October 7th even happened or feel more compelled to tear up hostages posters.

12-13-2023, 08:50 AM
Trump is currently the betting line favorite to win the Presidency. FWIW. Not a big favorite (+125 to Biden's +190), but he's a favorite nonetheless. I think it's entirely plausible that the Democratic Party doesn't want to gamble with Biden on another Trump term. Biden is only a -275 favorite to be the Democratic nominee. Newsom is +250.

Well, take a look at this.


Trump is polling at +6 in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan....+7 in Pennsylvania! Those are stunning numbers in states that Biden won in '20. +3 in Nevada puts that one in play.

This narrative about Trump being unelectable in a general election is BS.

12-13-2023, 10:00 AM
Well, take a look at this.


Trump is polling at +6 in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan....+7 in Pennsylvania! Those are stunning numbers in states that Biden won in '20. +3 in Nevada puts that one in play.

This narrative about Trump being unelectable in a general election is BS.

I have very little interest in polling that is consistently wrong every election. Polls don’t vote.

12-13-2023, 10:10 AM
I have very little interest in polling that is consistently wrong every election. Polls don’t vote.

No doubt.

But look, Black men are polling way up at 20% for Trump. Traditional Hispanic Americans are increasingly agitated over Biden's border. The entire Progressive left siding with Hamas, may do weird things to the Jewish vote. Muslim Americans have completely disowned Sleepy Joe.

Joe Biden is a severely flawed candidate. No where near the "Return normalcy to the WH" candidate of 2020. "Normalcy" didn't happen and his Presidency has been a train wreck. The "Biden family syndicate" is at the very least shady. His mental heath is a running joke. A vast majority of his own party doesn't want him to run.

So, this is the guy that the Dems want to "go all in" vs Trump? Not going to happen.