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05-18-2023, 08:38 AM
What would you call the situation where the manager of the campaign for the United States presidency gives a Russian intelligence agent, polling data to help the Russians use social media to impact the United States election?

Do you think Russia influenced the election? If so, would you call the election tainted or illegitimate?

05-18-2023, 08:53 AM
Perfect deflection.

Why? You’re postulating the reason why your preferred candidate lost was because of some “reason” that has been totally debunked and had zero effect rather than admit the real reason. Perfectly on point.

Then 3 years were spent in a surreptitious insurrection to undermine and attempt to overthrow a legitimately elected President. Schiff never produced a shred of evidence either.
Quite the “Threat to Democracy”.

05-18-2023, 09:23 AM
Do you think Russia influenced the election? If so, would you call the election tainted or illegitimate?

I think they "influenced" the election. Responding to Trump's request, they hacked Clinton campaign and DNC servers, and released it through Wikileaks to hurt the campaign. They used social media to influence voters in the key states to vote for Trump, following voter information provided by Trump campaign.
I would call those influencing actions.

05-18-2023, 10:46 AM
I think they "influenced" the election. Responding to Trump's request, they hacked Clinton campaign and DNC servers, and released it through Wikileaks to hurt the campaign. They used social media to influence voters in the key states to vote for Trump, following voter information provided by Trump campaign.
I would call those influencing actions.

Would you consider the election tainted since a foreign player influenced it? Do you question the legitimacy of that election?

Side note- "responding to Trump's request" is a completely dishonest statement..and you know it. Don't be a liar.

05-18-2023, 11:34 AM
Paul and Bobbie,

Never, ever, forget; it was you who created Trump, and it is you who will resurrect him.

So we should all be blaming Paul and Bobbie for created Donald J Trump? Come on Paul and Bobbie! Why do this to your country?

05-18-2023, 11:41 AM
I think they "influenced" the election. Responding to Trump's request, they hacked Clinton campaign and DNC servers, and released it through Wikileaks to hurt the campaign. They used social media to influence voters in the key states to vote for Trump, following voter information provided by Trump campaign.
I would call those influencing actions.

Isn’t this common place for both parties in the current political climate? I can’t tell you how many times I receive digital political garbage from both parties telling me how bad the other party or candidate is but not taking at all about what they are going to accomplish if elected. The Clinton campaign also used social media to influence voters during that election. Thank god for DVR because it was almost unbearable to watch anything on TV during the months leading up to the election. My point is this isn’t a one party thing.

05-18-2023, 12:29 PM
What would you call the situation where the manager of the campaign for the United States presidency gives a Russian intelligence agent, polling data to help the Russians use social media to impact the United States election?

I’d call it politics in America. Just like a campaign paying a former British spy to essentially make up a completely bogus dossier to hurt her opponent and launch years of wasted prosecutions, investigations, and impeachments, with the full cooperation of a corrupt media.

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05-18-2023, 01:12 PM
I think they "influenced" the election. Responding to Trump's request, they hacked Clinton campaign and DNC servers, and released it through Wikileaks to hurt the campaign. They used social media to influence voters in the key states to vote for Trump, following voter information provided by Trump campaign.
I would call those influencing actions.

Would you consider the election tainted since a foreign player influenced it? Do you question the legitimacy of that election?

Side note- "responding to Trump's request" is a completely dishonest statement..and you know it. Don't be a liar.


"responding to Trump's request" is totally fabricated.

Moreover, there is zero evidence that anything that Russia supposedly did had any meaningful influence whatsoever on the election.

Moreover, again, I don't see Paul or Bobbie whining incessantly about when Obama tried to influence the Israeli election, an ally no less:

Bipartisan Report Finds Obama Campaign Advisor Used Federal Money to Build Anti-Netanyahu Campaign Organization: https://www.aei.org/foreign-and-defense-policy/middle-east/bipartisan-report-finds-obama-advisor-used-fed-money-anti-netanyahu-campaign/

05-18-2023, 01:23 PM
Meanwhile, while *some guys* just can’t get away from 7 years ago.

Per Gallup:
35% of U.S. adults name inflation as their family’s top financial problem, highest in Gallup’s 19-year trend.
All caused by Dem and Biden policies. With the accompanying bank failures.


05-18-2023, 05:22 PM
And yet the ny post poll has him winning 47 to 40.

05-18-2023, 05:52 PM
And yet the ny post poll has him winning 47 to 40.

Yes because the Republican Politicians have become as stupid as the democrat politicians ever since Obama. They are concentrating on social issues and pushing back n things that moderates really don’t give a shit about and are really just pissing them off. If republicans would leave that shit alone and just focus on the economy, they’d win elections by a landslide and would win ‘24. However, they are becoming increasingly stupid on the campaign trail.

05-18-2023, 08:49 PM
If republicans would leave that shit alone and just focus on the economy, they’d win elections by a landslide and would win ‘24. However, they are becoming increasingly stupid on the campaign trail.

Has anyone ever studied that? In my mind it makes sense, cause I generally agree with it. But I am not sure it is true. Seems like it would win college educated males in a landslide, but do they need the people voting on the cultural bullshit to fill in the gap in order to get a majority? I think that is how we have gotten to the point that it feels like the tail is wagging the dog, with elected republicans cos-playing to the base while hoping the people that care about their economic positions can see the game they are playing.

05-19-2023, 04:18 AM
Haven’t been following around here for a bit but had to drop in and mention the multi billion dollar ach ha accounting error. But hey you should prolly turn in your guns. Ha ha

05-19-2023, 06:28 AM
Meanwhile, while *some guys* just can’t get away from 7 years ago.

Per Gallup:
35% of U.S. adults name inflation as their family’s top financial problem, highest in Gallup’s 19-year trend.
All caused by Dem and Biden policies. With the accompanying bank failures.


I am shocked it is only 35% . Things have not looked good in awhile.

05-19-2023, 07:02 AM
Haven’t been following around here for a bit but had to drop in and mention the multi billion dollar ach ha accounting error. But hey you should prolly turn in your guns. Ha ha

That ach thing is weird. And they're suppose to wait for it to reverse?
Meanwhile, one here decided to overstate things just a little; not sure if it's lost or was just "overstated."
Also not sure we keep balanced books in our state.


05-19-2023, 09:30 AM
That ach thing is weird. And they're suppose to wait for it to reverse?
Meanwhile, one here decided to overstate things just a little; not sure if it's lost or was just "overstated."
Also not sure we keep balanced books in our state.


I am sure they will just add the miscalculation onto the ever growing national debt. Maybe we could tax the likes of Bill Gates and Elon Musk a few million a year to go directly towards paying off the debt. Maybe some of the billions being sent overseas could be spent paying off the national debt. Maybe cut the excessive wasteful spending this federal government. Just a suggestion.

05-19-2023, 11:40 AM
Paul- Curious to hear your thoughts on the question I asked on post 17755.

05-19-2023, 12:22 PM
Paul- Curious to hear your thoughts on the question I asked on post 17755.

Or my post 17732.

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05-19-2023, 01:38 PM
Paul- Curious to hear your thoughts on the question I asked on post 17755.

Maybe our republican and democratic friends can share how their affiliated party is going to reduce the national debt. No matter what party is in charge, the national debt continues to increase.

05-19-2023, 01:55 PM
Importantly, Durham established that there was an Oval Office meeting that included President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, CIA Director John Brennan, FBI Director James Comey, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, in which the lack of any actual evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign and Hillary Clinton's promulgation of this false narrative to the intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and the media, was established. This is precisely why this scandal is sometimes referred to as "Obamagate."

Specifically Durham's report says, "What the FBI knew from its intelligence collections as of early 2017. As the record reflects, as of early 2017, the FBI still did not possess any intelligence showing that anyone associated with the Trump campaign was in contact with Russian intelligence officers during the campaign.”

Indeed, based on declassified documents from early 2017, the FBI's own records show that reports published by The New York Times in February and March 2017 concerning what four unnamed current and former U.S. intelligence officials claimed about Trump campaign personnel being in touch with any Russian intelligence officers was untrue.

These unidentified sources reportedly stated that (i) U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies intercepted communications of members of Trump's campaign and other Trump associates that showed repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election; (ii) former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort had been one of the individuals picked up on the intercepted "calls;" and (iii) the intercepted communications between Trump associates and Russians had been initially captured by the NSA.

However, official FBI documentation reflects that all three of these highly concerning claims of Trump-related contacts with Russian intelligence were untrue. Indeed, in a contemporaneous critique of the Times article prepared by Peter Strzok, who was steeped in the details of Crossfire Hurricane, all three of the above-referenced allegations were explicitly refuted.


05-19-2023, 01:55 PM
Federal officials, including CIA Director John Brennan, FBI Director James Comey, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein all knew that the so-called "Steele Dossier,” which alleged that Donald Trump had been entertained by “Russian prostitutes urinating on a bed once occupied by President Obama in a Moscow hotel suite,” were entirely unsubstantiated and false.

Nonetheless, these false allegations were used not only to rationalize the launch of the FBI's counterintelligence effort, "Crossfire Hurricane,” but also to justify the bogus FISA warrant which allowed the FBI to spy on Donald Trump, and members of his campaign, when he was President-elect, and, again, when he was President.


05-19-2023, 01:57 PM
Strangely enough, Durham never investigated or addressed false allegations that the DNC computer servers were the target of an online hack by Russian intelligence operatives. The FBI actually admitted in my trial that they had never actually inspected the DNC computer servers, relying instead on the assertions of CrowdStrike, a Democrat forensic IT firm whose “report” alleged this act by “the Russians.”

Interestingly, the CrowdStrike report was withheld from my defense attorneys at trial— although CrowdStrike Chief Security Officer Shawn Henry, who conveniently happens to be a former deputy to FBI Director Robert Mueller, admitted under oath to the House Intelligence Committee that the report contained no proof whatsoever that the Russians hacked the DNC, obtaining the embarrassing chain of e-mails published by WikiLeaks.

While it is the assertion of both Special Counsel Mueller and CIA Director John Brennan that Guccifer 2.0 was a "Russian intelligence hacker" responsible for the "hacking" of the DNC, I believe that neither of these claims are proven. In fact, there is substantially more evidence that Guccifer 2.0 was a cutout for U.S. intelligence!


The Nation magazine recently reported on a study issued by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), which is a group comprised of numerous former high-level US intelligence officials. Based upon the VIPS study, The Nation concluded that, “There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee’s system on July 5, 2016… not by the Russians and not by anyone else.” Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak; a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data storage device. In short, they reported it was an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system. This casts serious doubt on the initial alleged hack claim that led to the very consequential publication of a large store of documents on WikiLeaks last summer.


05-19-2023, 01:57 PM
The most troubling aspect of Mr. Durham's report is the simple question of timing. What did Mr. Durham know three days ago when he released his report, that he did not know prior to the November 8th 2020 election?

Why did Mr. Durham delay publication of his final report until he was certain that the 5-year statute of limitations under which Hillary Clinton and her aides, as well as the top intelligence and judiciary officials of the Obama and Trump Administration, could have been prosecuted for the crimes he documented?


05-19-2023, 03:23 PM
A convicted felon who was pardoned for lying about this stuff? What a great source.

05-19-2023, 03:29 PM
Paul- Curious to hear your thoughts on the question I asked on post 17755.

You used my question, which you did not answer in 17748, to pose your first one in 17752, which I responded to.

I think I'll wait to see if you answer my question.

05-19-2023, 03:37 PM
Or my post 17732.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think that's not good that Newsome is not in favor of mail-in-ballots for those union votes.
Would agree it's hypocritical when compared to political elections.

Strange Brew
05-19-2023, 04:12 PM
What would you call the situation where the manager of the campaign for the United States presidency gives a Russian intelligence agent, polling data to help the Russians use social media to impact the United States election?

False or misleading. :)

05-19-2023, 05:50 PM
A convicted felon who was pardoned for lying about this stuff? What a great source.

Really, that's your response? So, you couldn't even provide anything to debunk or contradict what he said?

Are you related to Adam Schiff? You lie just as much as he does.

05-19-2023, 07:59 PM
Per (amazingly) The Washington Post:
Breaking news: A newly unsealed court document shows the FBI wrongly searched a vast digital database for information about U.S. citizens and others more than 278,000 times in 2020 and early 2021.
The tool was used more than 278,000 times, including against crime victims, January 6 riot suspects, people arrested at protests in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd in 2020, and — in one case — 19,000 donors to a congressional candidate.

Anybody still have confidence that American freedom is still unimpeded?
By the way, The Washington Post committing actual journalism is almost unprecedented in this decade.

05-19-2023, 08:09 PM
I think that's not good that Newsome is not in favor of mail-in-ballots for those union votes.
Would agree it's hypocritical when compared to political elections.

Thanks. Now if only the MSM would point out the hypocrisy as a lead story, as opposed to spinning it as showing Newsome’s support of the poor union worker.

05-19-2023, 09:29 PM
Really, that's your response? So, you couldn't even provide anything to debunk or contradict what he said?

Are you related to Adam Schiff? You lie just as much as he does.

Wait. Roger Stone is not a convicted felon pardoned by the president? I'm sure I read that somewhere.

05-19-2023, 10:38 PM
Wait. Roger Stone is not a convicted felon pardoned by the president? I'm sure I read that somewhere.

You know he's right. You have nothing to contradict anything he said. Yet, you continue to peddle lies.

Why can't you be a real man for once and admit you were wrong?

05-20-2023, 07:54 AM
You know he's right. You have nothing to contradict anything he said. Yet, you continue to peddle lies.

Why can't you be a real man for once and admit you were wrong?

Ah so because roger stone said and you agree with it, it’s true, got it lol. When are you headed to mar-a-lago to hang with your buddies bill and Donald?

05-20-2023, 09:23 AM

05-20-2023, 10:04 AM
You used my question, which you did not answer in 17748, to pose your first one in 17752, which I responded to.

I think I'll wait to see if you answer my question.

I didn't know that question was asked directly to me...which it wasn't, but I'll answer. I'd call it dirty politics, also known as today's political climate. No different than the Dems using a foreign operator (Soros) to funnel billions of foreign money into Dem causes and candidates during election cycles.

Now you're on record of saying that the Russians colluded and influenced an election. If that's your position, I'll for the THIRD time ask: Do you consider the election tainted or illegitimate because of this collusion that you have defined?

05-20-2023, 11:12 AM
I didn't know that question was asked directly to me...which it wasn't, but I'll answer. I'd call it dirty politics, also known as today's political climate. No different than the Dems using a foreign operator (Soros) to funnel billions of foreign money into Dem causes and candidates during election cycles.

Now you're on record of saying that the Russians colluded and influenced an election. If that's your position, I'll for the THIRD time ask: Do you consider the election tainted or illegitimate because of this collusion that you have defined?

Pretty sure Soros is an American Citizen, so not quite sure where you are coming up with a foreign operator.

05-20-2023, 12:19 PM

Neither the resident racist nor the propagandist can offer even one rebuttal to:

* The Durham report quotes regarding Obama's roll in making-up the Russia collusion hoax story out of thin air.

* Nor the report quoted by Stone that was published in the The Nation - the bible for leftists - that "the theft of the DNC e-mails was not a hack, but some kind of inside leak that did not involve Russia": https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/a-new-report-raises-big-questions-about-last-years-dnc-hack/ >>> I'm quite certain the propagandist knew all this long ago, but continues to this day to peddle lies as if we're all stupid (the racist is just too damn lazy to do any research on his own).

* The testimony by CrowdStrike Chief Security Officer Shawn Henry - under oath to the House Intelligence Committee - admitted that the report contained no proof whatsoever that the Russians hacked the DNC, or obtained the embarrassing chain of e-mails published by WikiLeaks.

But go ahead guys, keep barking....

05-20-2023, 03:00 PM
Pretty sure Soros is an American Citizen, so not quite sure where you are coming up with a foreign operator.

Always they bring up Soros. Same on the other side. Shipping magnate Richard Uiehlein donated 81 million to 'pubs. Ken griffin 68m, Jeff Yass 44m and Tim Melton 40 mill.

05-20-2023, 03:02 PM
Do you consider the election tainted or illegitimate because of this collusion that you have defined?

Certainly tainted by the activities of the Trump campaign people in meeting with Russian intelligence operatives.

I don't think we'll ever know if it's "illegitimate" as it would not seem possible to measure the voting impact in numbers that the leaks and other coordination might have caused.


05-20-2023, 03:11 PM
Always they bring up Soros. Same on the other side. Shipping magnate Richard Uiehlein donated 81 million to 'pubs. Ken griffin 68m, Jeff Yass 44m and Tim Melton 40 mill.

It's fascinating how he is "demonized" as an "evil Jewish person". Crazy. The other side gives much more money, but never seems to take on that characterization. Leo got 1.6 billion from Seid, Koch spent 1 billion on the 2020 election cycle alone.

05-20-2023, 04:56 PM
It's fascinating how he is "demonized" as an "evil Jewish person". Crazy. The other side gives much more money, but never seems to take on that characterization. Leo got 1.6 billion from Seid, Koch spent 1 billion on the 2020 election cycle alone.

Here’s why Progressive Bubble Guy.
Soros wants to destroy the American way of Life by force and insurrection and funding candidates that refuse to promote law and order.
Yes. He is evil to America. What religious persuasion he is is irrelevant to his one world goals.
This should deeply disturb all Americans. From the Associated Press:

“Why is it that the traditional definition of marriage was suddenly discarded after years of citizens voting for it to be preserved?

Follow the money.

How are illegal immigrants organized so quickly and young voters corralled overnight to demand open borders? Where did the saturation of transgender and pansexual ideology come from? How is it possible that Black Lives Matter seems to be everywhere? Or that the call for pot legalization is sweeping the nation? Or that there is an international movement for globalization simultaneously occurring in countries around the world?

Follow the money the George Soros money through his Open Society Foundation.

In this long season of cultural and political tension, Americans need to know the truth about the source of the conflicts, about why communities and our nation are being ripped apart. Mr. Soros’ Open Society Foundation also is busy abroad in a well-financed attempt to strip America and other nations of our sovereignty and make us beholden to an international government.

Mr. Soros funds so many of these hateful, disruptive (even violent) efforts here at home and abroad that it’s hard to keep track.”


05-20-2023, 05:05 PM
Exactly MOR - I was just going to post that this isn't about the amount or source of the money, it's about what it's being spent on. The propagandists know this.

05-20-2023, 05:28 PM
Certainly tainted by the activities of the Trump campaign people in meeting with Russian intelligence operatives.

I don't think we'll ever know if it's "illegitimate" as it would not seem possible to measure the voting impact in numbers that the leaks and other coordination might have caused.


From your link, which is from 2020 (new information has come to light since, BTW):

"Both men were charged in Mueller’s investigation, but neither was accused of any tie to the hacking."

"They say that while the report shows the Russian government “inappropriately meddled” in the election, “then-candidate Trump was not complicit.” "


"It says the Trump campaign chairman had regular contact with a Russian intelligence officer and says other Trump associates were eager to exploit the Kremlin’s aid, particularly by maximizing the impact of the disclosure of Democratic emails hacked by Russian intelligence officers."

But we know this is completely false - because there was no hacking of the DNC:

1) The Nation has said so: https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/a-new-report-raises-big-questions-about-last-years-dnc-hack/

2) CrowdStrike President Shawn Henry stated this to the House Intelligence Committee: "There’s not evidence that they were actually exfiltrated. There's circumstantial evidence but no evidence that they were actually exfiltrated."

"Henry’s recently released testimony does not mean that Russia did not hack the DNC. What it does make clear is that Obama administration officials, the DNC and others have misled the public by presenting as fact information that they knew was uncertain. The fact that the Democratic Party employed the two private firms that generated the core allegations at the heart of Russiagate -- Russian email hacking and Trump-Russia collusion – suggests that the federal investigation was compromised from the start."

https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2020/05/13/hidden_over_2_years_dem_cyber-firms_sworn_testimony_it_had_no_proof_of_russian_h ack_of_dnc_123596.html

About the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report:

It's still heavily redacted: https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/report_volume5.pdf

Chairman Marco Rubio stated:

“We can say, without any hesitation, that the Committee found absolutely no evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russian government to meddle in the 2016 election.

“What the Committee did find however is very troubling. We found irrefutable evidence of Russian meddling. And we discovered deeply troubling actions taken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, particularly their acceptance and willingness to rely on the ‘Steele Dossier’ without verifying its methodology or sourcing.

"The Committee found no evidence that anyone associated with the Trump Campaign had any substantive private conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the April 27, 2016, Trump speech held at the Mayflower Hotel."

https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2020/05/13/hidden_over_2_years_dem_cyber-firms_sworn_testimony_it_had_no_proof_of_russian_h ack_of_dnc_123596.html

Sources for the dossier have been debunked: https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/news-releases/debunked-anti-trump-dossier-sub-source-who-sought-to-traffic-classified-information-remained-on-fbi-payroll-until-late-2020

05-20-2023, 09:21 PM
I'm sorry black helicopters didn't make their way into the Soros recap by the Washington Times.

Guy who lived through the holocaust, has given the greater part of his self made fortune to progressive causes, and the right wing nut jobs from O'Reilly on down decide he is "evil." It's like you all live in an alternate universe.


05-21-2023, 01:20 AM
He lived through the Holocaust? I wonder how he managed that.

05-21-2023, 10:06 AM
I'm sorry black helicopters didn't make their way into the Soros recap by the Washington Times.

Guy who lived through the holocaust, has given the greater part of his self made fortune to progressive causes, and the right wing nut jobs from O'Reilly on down decide he is "evil." It's like you all live in an alternate universe.


It was picked up by the Associated Press which, I think (?) is a non partisan news organization?
And Paul pontificates on this, not from San Francisco and LA which are being destroyed by Soros backed policies, but from well run and growing South Carolina which is Republican controlled and where no sane person would ever vote in that iish.
There is nothing inaccurate in the article despite your efforts to besmirch it. Soros’ history is irrelevant. It’s his present that is a disaster.
Get out of your Progressive Bubble & see the real world.

X-band '01
05-22-2023, 03:09 PM
Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Fulton DA Teases Possible August Charges in Trump Probe (https://www.ajc.com/politics/fulton-da-teases-possible-august-charges-in-trump-probe/WQ4CBJGVKNEWDK3L7B5TBP2MGQ/)

DA Fani Willis has cleared a couple of weeks in the grand jury calendar in early to mid-August; this appears to be the time when the Fulton County grand jury will or will not end up indicting Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and anyone else involved in the Georgia election probe.

And because this is a state-level probe, whoever is the US President cannot pardon Trump and his cronies for any of the above crimes. That would be under the purview of the Georgia Parole Board.

Strange Brew
05-22-2023, 11:14 PM
Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Fulton DA Teases Possible August Charges in Trump Probe (https://www.ajc.com/politics/fulton-da-teases-possible-august-charges-in-trump-probe/WQ4CBJGVKNEWDK3L7B5TBP2MGQ/)

DA Fani Willis has cleared a couple of weeks in the grand jury calendar in early to mid-August; this appears to be the time when the Fulton County grand jury will or will not end up indicting Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and anyone else involved in the Georgia election probe.

And because this is a state-level probe, whoever is the US President cannot pardon Trump and his cronies for any of the above crimes. That would be under the purview of the Georgia Parole Board.

Thanks, the lesson: Never kick rickety apple carts…

05-23-2023, 08:35 AM
I don't think we'll ever know if it's "illegitimate" [/url]

But the election was certified..there was an investigation and everything. Is this your version of the big lie you've mentioned ad nauseam for years?

But wait Paul..you've said over and over again that questioning the legitimacy of our elections is a threat to Democracy and should not be tolerated. That sure sounds like what you are doing here. It sounds like you're advancing a very scary narrative..

05-23-2023, 09:35 AM
If it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious.

05-23-2023, 12:35 PM
New York City has passed a law barring discrimination based on a person’s actual or perceived height or weight. I can see this against actual height or weight discrimination, barring a legit job qualification that dictates height or weight. But perceived? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!!!!!!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-23-2023, 12:37 PM
In other news, Kari Lake is still not governor of Arizona.

As to answering Smails question about tainted and illegitimate, I stand corrected. I wasn't answering that the results weren't certified and legitimate.
Bad choice of words on my part.
My intent was to convey the uncertainty of having a foreign enemy weigh in and influence our voters, and how that cast a shadow on the results.
That does not mean the results of the election were "illegitimate," as 60+ court cases have taught us.

Strange Brew
05-23-2023, 12:47 PM
In other news, Kari Lake is still not governor of Arizona.

As to answering Smails question about tainted and illegitimate, I stand corrected. I wasn't answering that the results weren't certified and legitimate.
Bad choice of words on my part.
My intent was to convey the uncertainty of having a foreign enemy weigh in and influence our voters, and how that cast a shadow on the results.
That does not mean the results of the election were "illegitimate," as 60+ court cases have taught us.

Are you talking about 2016 or 2020?

05-23-2023, 01:00 PM
Foreign interference in both.
The court cases were in relation to the "Big Lie" nonsense in 2020.

Strange Brew
05-23-2023, 01:07 PM
Foreign interference in both.
The court cases were in relation to the "Big Lie" nonsense in 2020.

What about the Big Lie(s) of 2016-2020?

Strange Brew
05-23-2023, 01:08 PM
Foreign interference in both.
The court cases were in relation to the "Big Lie" nonsense in 2020.

What about the Big Lie(s) of 2016-2020?

05-23-2023, 03:07 PM
The Democrat clown world has told us on numerous occasions that "certain" blacks and Hispanics can be "white supremacist". Apparently you can now add Indians (the country) to the list of people who can also be labeled as "white supremacist".

You still don't think this was another attempted hit piece on white conservatives? I mean, I guess "Everyone knows the first thing you do at a crime scene is tamper with the evidence to display it for a photo op."



05-23-2023, 03:41 PM
What about the Big Lie(s) of 2016-2020?

Excellent point. He actually started spewing it in 2015 now that I think about it.

Strange Brew
05-23-2023, 04:18 PM
Excellent point. He actually started spewing it in 2015 now that I think about it.

Try again.

05-23-2023, 05:28 PM
Yikes! It was earlier?

05-23-2023, 09:32 PM
10 years on this one:


05-23-2023, 09:34 PM
Yikes! It was earlier?

Yeah. Al Gore and the Democrats when they bitched and moaned about a stolen election in 2000.
Just like Hilary’s Illegitimate President, you guys cry and lie when you legit lose too.

05-23-2023, 09:36 PM
10 years on this one:


Yeah. Sleeping with Fang Fang was just innocent clean fun.
Just another day in Washington

05-24-2023, 08:09 AM
Is this what Republicans mean when they talk about "weaponizing law enforcement?"

Justice Dept. Investigated Clinton Foundation Until Trump’s Final Days

President Donald J. Trump and his allies tried to cast the Clinton Foundation as corrupt. But the yearslong investigation sputtered to its conclusion without charges.


05-24-2023, 10:00 AM
Is this what Progressives like Paul mean when they say parents have no right to interfere with what teachers address in schools?
This is the text of an actual resolution passed by the Colorado Education Association at the beginning of May: "The CEA believes that capitalism inherently exploits children, public schools, land, labor, and resources. Capitalism is in opposition to fully addressing systemic racism (the school to prison pipeline), climate change, patriarchy (gender and LGBTQ disparities), education inequality and income inequality."

These are the union clowns in charge of teaching the state's kids and the stuff that Bobbie McGee supports in his state.


05-24-2023, 11:41 AM
Swalwell and The Clinton Foundation...lol. Interesting hills to die on. Odd to puff out the chest in defense of a scumbag who banged a then 20 year old Chinese spy. Solid citizen, that Swalwell:

"During the Mueller probe, Swalwell repeatedly claimed without a shred of evidence that Trump not only colluded with Russia but also that he was an “agent” of Russian intelligence. In an interview on MSNBC, Chris Matthews asked him whether Trump was a Russian agent “like in the 1940s where you had people who were ‘reds’?” Swalwell answered, “He’s working on behalf of the Russians, yes.” It turned out that was a lie. Swalwell used his position as a member of the House Intelligence Committee to suggest that he had seen evidence the rest of us could not that Trump was a Russian operative — when we now know no such evidence existed."

05-24-2023, 12:46 PM
Anyone want to bet there’s no prosecution of this? Just for the heck of it, I searched for both machete and Hunter College in the CNN, NYT, and NPR apps and got zero results. Guess they don’t think this is news. The AP app did have a story about it.

Cliff notes version is a college professor is caught on video cussing out students standing at a table with pro life pamphlets and brochures and then pushing their materials on the floor. A New York Post reporter goes to her apartment to talk about the viral video and has a machete put to his throat by the professor. The professor subsequently goes after the reporter and photographer on the street with the machete.


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05-24-2023, 12:51 PM
Double post. [emoji2357]

05-24-2023, 12:51 PM
Just sort of typical. Spend years investigating the Clinton Foundation, first Trump's DOJ and then Republican Congress. What do you get? Nothing.
But you successfully destroyed her reputation with the Benghazi nonsense so that despite being the popular choice of the people, she loses the electoral college. All that time, energy , and money wasted because Rush, or Fox or somebody told you she was "evil." And you got nothing.
Time to move on to a new "evil" person who also has a foundation like Clinton supporting progressive causes. "Evil" Soros.
(Of course, whose charitable foundation was really breaking the law? The buffoon who is still racking up results for more law breaking)

And of course spend 10 investigating Swalwell under 3 presidents and various DOJ and FBI heads and Republican lead ethics committee....and what have you got? Nothing. You must be proud.

05-24-2023, 01:35 PM
I'd like Hillary better if she hadn't suicided all those people.

Trump is a buffoon. Yet somehow I don't really feel like we missed out when he beat Hillary.

05-24-2023, 02:32 PM
Just sort of typical. Spend years investigating the Clinton Foundation, first Trump's DOJ and then Republican Congress. What do you get? Nothing.
But you successfully destroyed her reputation with the Benghazi nonsense so that despite being the popular choice of the people, she loses the electoral college. All that time, energy , and money wasted because Rush, or Fox or somebody told you she was "evil." And you got nothing.
Time to move on to a new "evil" person who also has a foundation like Clinton supporting progressive causes. "Evil" Soros.
(Of course, whose charitable foundation was really breaking the law? The buffoon who is still racking up results for more law breaking)

And of course spend 10 investigating Swalwell under 3 presidents and various DOJ and FBI heads and Republican lead ethics committee....and what have you got? Nothing. You must be proud.

Thank you for perfectly highlighting the two-tier justice system, and the profound corruption at the DOJ and FBI.

05-24-2023, 05:19 PM
Just sort of typical. Spend years investigating the Clinton Foundation, first Trump's DOJ and then Republican Congress. What do you get? Nothing.
But you successfully destroyed her reputation with the Benghazi nonsense so that despite being the popular choice of the people, she loses the electoral college. All that time, energy , and money wasted because Rush, or Fox or somebody told you she was "evil." And you got nothing.
Time to move on to a new "evil" person who also has a foundation like Clinton supporting progressive causes. "Evil" Soros.
(Of course, whose charitable foundation was really breaking the law? The buffoon who is still racking up results for more law breaking)

And of course spend 10 investigating Swalwell under 3 presidents and various DOJ and FBI heads and Republican lead ethics committee....and what have you got? Nothing. You must be proud.

1) It’s well established the turmoil, social upheaval, and crime promoted by George Soros. He is evil and against American values.
2) Hilary Clinton couldn’t find Wisconsin on a map. That, and the fact that she was totally unlikeable to the public is why she lost. The popular vote means zero nationally. All “the people” that live in New York and California do not choose the President. You have to win over the whole country. Civics lessons are your friend, Paul.
3) Swalwell, who was married, slept with a Chinese young woman who was connected to nefarious Chinese groups & Government while on the House Intelligence Committee. I suppose that those who investigated didn’t have any bedroom microphones to listen in to the pillow talk. Too bad.
Pretty telling who Paul throws his support behind.


05-24-2023, 06:12 PM
What is it with you guys that you always need to have someone you think is "evil" on the other side: Hillary,Obama, Soros, whoever.

Crazy that all those Republican lead investigations come up with nothing. Must be real losers.
Like this guy, Biggo."


05-24-2023, 06:12 PM
If the Clinton Foundation was truly a charitable endeavor, why is it the “donations” to it, for ostensibly good causes, dried up after she lost the election and was no longer in a position of political power?

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05-24-2023, 06:54 PM
What is it with you guys that you always need to have someone you think is "evil" on the other side: Hillary,Obama, Soros, whoever.

Crazy that all those Republican lead investigations come up with nothing. Must be real losers.
Like this guy, Biggo."


Spoken by a guy who couldn’t shut up about Trump for 6 years and trumpeted 2 sham “Impeachments” over zero evidence.
Pot meet kettle

05-24-2023, 08:42 PM
2 indictments. R's too weak to convict.
Where are the indictments on Clinton, Obama, Soros, Swalwell, et al ??


05-24-2023, 08:52 PM
If the Clinton Foundation was truly a charitable endeavor, why is it the “donations” to it, for ostensibly good causes, dried up after she lost the election and was no longer in a position of political power?

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This may provide some answers to your question. They seem to be managing the pandemic effects pretty well.
The Foundation continues to fund life saving initiatives for people all over the world.



05-24-2023, 09:23 PM
This may provide some answers to your question. They seem to be managing the pandemic effects pretty well.
The Foundation continues to fund life saving initiatives for people all over the world.



Apparently, that aid wasn't extended to Jeffrey Epstein. Nor the diplomats working in Benghazi.

05-24-2023, 09:28 PM
2 indictments. R's too weak to convict.
Where are the indictments on Clinton, Obama, Soros, Swalwell, et al ??


2 indictments from a partisan investigation. R’s strong and smart enough to reject the BS with zero evidence.
Soros hasn’t broken the law. Neither did Obama. Swalwell is questionable but who knows what information was extracted by Fang Fang?
Hilary Clinton was a garbage candidate, although if Comey had any guts, Hilary would have been prosecuted for the missing emails & private server holding classified information.
Just because Soros hasn’t broken the law, technically, (he’s funded his minions to do it for him) doesn’t mean that what he and his “one world” socialist turmoil and rioting BS is positive for America. The cesspool that is San Francisco is proving that. Why don’t you move there Paul, since you are such a big fan of George Soros? You can bask in his work!! I’m glad you enjoy riots sparked by groups Soros funds too. Why don’t you join them?

X-band '01
05-24-2023, 10:06 PM
On a lighter note, who wants to get their new George Washington Revolutionaries gear?

05-25-2023, 09:27 AM
But you successfully destroyed her reputation with the Benghazi nonsense

Nobody destroyed Hillary's reputation, except her. I'm curious as to what you consider Benghazi 'nonsense'. Americans died at the hands of our enemy due to a gross miscalculation of our defense capabilities and the enemy force. Our Hillary Clinton-led State Department lied to the American people about the origination of the attacks. See Rice, Susan. There was an investigation and the findings were made public. Should there not have been an investigation? I guess you're okay with our servicemen and diplomats getting massacred without investigating the what and why. Again, Hillary Clinton is a very odd hill to die on but it certainly reveals your willingness to choose party over everything. Swalwell was fucking a Chinese spy while married...again I'll reiterate that you must really love your party to trumpet these two people on a message board. Yikes

Also, in case you are in need of a civics refresher: The popular vote in America literally means nothing. Our Constitutional Republic is set up in order to prevent mob rule and make sure that a few cities and states who participate in group think, don't get to elect a president. It keeps smaller states relevant in national elections. It was established in Article II, section 1 of our Constitution.

Strange Brew
05-25-2023, 09:29 AM
Apparently, that aid wasn't extended to Jeffrey Epstein. Nor the diplomats working in Benghazi.

Or the Teams members on the ground.

Strange Brew
05-25-2023, 09:30 AM
2 indictments from a partisan investigation. R’s strong and smart enough to reject the BS with zero evidence.
Soros hasn’t broken the law. Neither did Obama. Swalwell is questionable but who knows what information was extracted by Fang Fang?
Hilary Clinton was a garbage candidate, although if Comey had any guts, Hilary would have been prosecuted for the missing emails & private server holding classified information.
Just because Soros hasn’t broken the law, technically, (he’s funded his minions to do it for him) doesn’t mean that what he and his “one world” socialist turmoil and rioting BS is positive for America. The cesspool that is San Francisco is proving that. Why don’t you move there Paul, since you are such a big fan of George Soros? You can bask in his work!! I’m glad you enjoy riots sparked by groups Soros funds too. Why don’t you join them?

May want to check again on Soros (outside of the US).

05-25-2023, 10:07 AM
To add onto Smails post, I wonder why Paul also continues to defend scrotum face.

05-25-2023, 11:41 AM
On a lighter note, who wants to get their new George Washington Revolutionaries gear?

Isn’t that worse than Colonials???
Just like their high school gym…that is awful

05-25-2023, 11:49 AM
Nobody destroyed Hillary's reputation, except her. I'm curious as to what you consider Benghazi 'nonsense'. Americans died at the hands of our enemy due to a gross miscalculation of our defense capabilities and the enemy force. Our Hillary Clinton-led State Department lied to the American people about the origination of the attacks. See Rice, Susan. There was an investigation and the findings were made public. Should there not have been an investigation? I guess you're okay with our servicemen and diplomats getting massacred without investigating the what and why. Again, Hillary Clinton is a very odd hill to die on but it certainly reveals your willingness to choose party over everything. Swalwell was fucking a Chinese spy while married...again I'll reiterate that you must really love your party to trumpet these two people on a message board. Yikes

Also, in case you are in need of a civics refresher: The popular vote in America literally means nothing. Our Constitutional Republic is set up in order to prevent mob rule and make sure that a few cities and states who participate in group think, don't get to elect a president. It keeps smaller states relevant in national elections. It was established in Article II, section 1 of our Constitution.

And by defending Soros, Paul has shown himself to be anti-Israel. Oh, and anti Catholic too! How about that from an alleged Xavier grad? Great work P!!!


Also, from the Jewish News Syndicate:


05-25-2023, 12:53 PM
Finally some good news out of Washington


05-25-2023, 01:48 PM
Finally some good news out of Washington


“But the majority of House Democrats opposed the measure, exposing intraparty fault lines.”
133 Dems voted no.
They must all live in Trash California, you know. The place where the “popular vote” would elect Presidents, according to *some.

Strange Brew
05-25-2023, 02:57 PM
Finally some good news out of Washington


There’s more, the SCOTUS unanimously rejected the EPA/Biden’s “wetlands” proposal/rules. Huge win for the people and private property.

05-25-2023, 03:10 PM
There’s more, the SCOTUS unanimously rejected the EPA/Biden’s “wetlands” proposal/rules. Huge win for the people and private property.

Hey, don't bury the lead! All 9 SCJs voted against Biden and the EPA's dictatorial over reach: https://beckernews.com/breaking-supreme-court-strikes-blow-against-epa-and-bidens-climate-change-agenda-50470/

05-25-2023, 03:15 PM
More good news for people that actually love this country. The J6 scam continues to be exposed for the fraud it is.

Hey Paul (and anyone else who doesn't know the full story), let Jimmy Dore take you to school for a minute.

Who's Jimmy Dore you ask? "A Los Angeles Times article said The Jimmy Dore Show was a progressive program that had "affection for [Bernie] Sanders and disdain for establishment Democratic politics." Dore supported Bernie Sanders' campaign in the 2016 Democratic Party presidential primaries, being called "Sanders-obsessed" by The Washington Post."


05-25-2023, 03:16 PM
Didn't Jimmy Dore get "cancelled" for something? What did he do?

Looks like it was garden variety anti-Covid vaccine and pro-ivermectin stuff. No particular big deals as it turns out.

05-25-2023, 05:11 PM
There’s more, the SCOTUS unanimously rejected the EPA/Biden’s “wetlands” proposal/rules. Huge win for the people and private property.

Apparently in Biden’s world a dry ditch is “wetlands”.

Strange Brew
05-25-2023, 05:39 PM
Apparently in Biden’s world a dry ditch is “wetlands”.

It has more to do with land grabs and control than the environment.

05-25-2023, 06:35 PM
If you behave like this, you shouldn’t be allowed to own any weapons anymore. Can we all at least agree on that???

https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/video-shows-impatient-florida-man-pull-semi-automatic-handgun-atm-user?utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=trueanthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR0brbjSrk4a0Z5QDeN_8aUn70gjCS18WhLSFiLj0 52RDjUZ0NttY2sEOaQ&mibextid=Zxz2cZ

05-25-2023, 07:06 PM
I'm curious as to what you consider Benghazi 'nonsense'.

The nonsense was multiple hearings trying to pin blame, instead of fact finding. The reality as the Republican majority leader noted after half a dozen hearings, that her poll numbers were tanking.

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee," McCarthy said.

05-25-2023, 07:36 PM
If you behave like this, you shouldn’t be allowed to own any weapons anymore. Can we all at least agree on that???

https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/video-shows-impatient-florida-man-pull-semi-automatic-handgun-atm-user?utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=trueanthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR0brbjSrk4a0Z5QDeN_8aUn70gjCS18WhLSFiLj0 52RDjUZ0NttY2sEOaQ&mibextid=Zxz2cZ

Of course! Same with anyone who believes that you can change genders. Or anyone who thinks that there's more than 2 genders. These people are clearly mentally ill, and are proving to be very violent.

X-band '01
05-25-2023, 10:20 PM
If you behave like this, you shouldn’t be allowed to own any weapons anymore. Can we all at least agree on that???

https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/video-shows-impatient-florida-man-pull-semi-automatic-handgun-atm-user?utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=trueanthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR0brbjSrk4a0Z5QDeN_8aUn70gjCS18WhLSFiLj0 52RDjUZ0NttY2sEOaQ&mibextid=Zxz2cZ

Brew, this is Florida Man we're talking about. It would be worse if he threatened someone with an alligator.

05-26-2023, 12:14 AM
The nonsense was multiple hearings trying to pin blame, instead of fact finding. The reality as the Republican majority leader noted after half a dozen hearings, that her poll numbers were tanking.


Hillary Clinton’s State Department allowed an Embassy to be slaughtered then tried to cover it up and blame something that had nothing to do with reality. Those were the facts and Congress and the public noticed.
Funny how in that case you were against a reasonable and proper investigative hearing while vociferously cheering any hearing vs R’s.
And Clinton’s poll numbers were tanking because the public also noticed that she was a trash candidate trying to win on a name with a garbage platform.

05-26-2023, 09:10 AM
Funny how in that case you were against a reasonable and proper investigative hearing while vociferously cheering any hearing vs R’s.

In a nutshell, this describes what’s wrong with the country. Most people are blind when it comes to their party, but go in with guns blazing when something can possibly be blamed on the other party. I freely admit to being a registered Republican, but I’m generally pissed off at both parties. They both put the Party ahead of the country. I’m becoming more and more Libertarian.

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05-26-2023, 11:01 AM
In a nutshell, this describes what’s wrong with the country. Most people are blind when it comes to their party, but go in with guns blazing when something can possibly be blamed on the other party. I freely admit to being a registered Republican, but I’m generally pissed off at both parties. They both put the Party ahead of the country. I’m becoming more and more Libertarian.

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100% agree. The worst lobbyist in our country come from the Republican and Democratic parties themselves. For one to realistically be a politician today, you have to either be extremely wealthy or rely on one of these parties to get campaign funding. After you get in office, these political parties then have control over you to go along with their party’s agenda. The politicians do not represent their constituents but represent their party. I typically have a chuckle when these politicians are sworn into office and repeat their oath with their hand on the Bible knowing full well that their oath is to their party and not for the good of the country. It will never happen but the true way to fix politics is to get rid of lobbyists money and to get rid of the Republican and Democratic unions.

05-26-2023, 11:07 AM
I’d also add that to be a politician today (especially at the federal level) you have to have a screw loose, a complete narcissist and have very little if any of a moral compass.

05-26-2023, 11:49 AM
Latest poll has Trump at 39%, DeSantis at 18% and Sununu at 17% among likely NH Republican primary voters. Listen, I can understand voting for Trump against Biden. Biden is essentially a walking corpse. I have literally no idea how anyone could support Trump in a primary against legitimate politicians who have actually governed at least somewhat successfully. I don't see a case for Trump against any of DeSantis, Sununu, Haley or Scott. Maybe against Vivek since he is a bit of a weirdo, too.

Four more years of Biden (well, until Harris takes over) on the horizon. Yay. :bash:

05-26-2023, 11:58 AM
In celebration of Memorial Day weekend, I'm confident someone on this board must have forked over $35 for a six pack of Ultra Right beer.
It should have shipped by now.
How'd it taste?

(I can't find any news releases about it shipping/arriving, so I hope it's not another grift by a far-right person)

Strange Brew
05-26-2023, 02:02 PM
In celebration of Memorial Day weekend, I'm confident someone on this board must have forked over $35 for a six pack of Ultra Right beer.
It should have shipped by now.
How'd it taste?

(I can't find any news releases about it shipping/arriving, so I hope it's not another grift by a far-right person)

Nah Paul, prob buy some local brands this weekend.

05-26-2023, 02:08 PM
In celebration of Memorial Day weekend, I'm confident someone on this board must have forked over $35 for a six pack of Ultra Right beer.
It should have shipped by now.
How'd it taste?

(I can't find any news releases about it shipping/arriving, so I hope it's not another grift by a far-right person)

Paul continues his losing streak..

05-26-2023, 03:18 PM
Nah Paul, prob buy some local brands this weekend.

Good move.

05-26-2023, 03:20 PM
Paul continues his losing streak..

You got your six pack? Or did you get scammed out of another $35.
I honestly (so far) can't find any indication that this beer has shipped to people who up-fronted $ to this guy.
I know the brewery in Illinois backed out, but he supposedly moved the production to Atlanta.

X-band '01
05-26-2023, 04:21 PM
Latest poll has Trump at 39%, DeSantis at 18% and Sununu at 17% among likely NH Republican primary voters. Listen, I can understand voting for Trump against Biden. Biden is essentially a walking corpse. I have literally no idea how anyone could support Trump in a primary against legitimate politicians who have actually governed at least somewhat successfully. I don't see a case for Trump against any of DeSantis, Sununu, Haley or Scott. Maybe against Vivek since he is a bit of a weirdo, too.

Four more years of Biden (well, until Harris takes over) on the horizon. Yay. :bash:

Now just because Vivek suggested (not seriously, mind you) moving up the voting age to 25 is no reason to insinuate that he's a weirdo.

05-26-2023, 06:48 PM
You got your six pack? Or did you get scammed out of another $35.
I honestly (so far) can't find any indication that this beer has shipped to people who up-fronted $ to this guy.
I know the brewery in Illinois backed out, but he supposedly moved the production to Atlanta.

I suppose that you now have comprehension problems since nobody on this board would have ordered that.
Perhaps you’ll just take another L since once again your “confidence” is misplaced.

Strange Brew
05-26-2023, 07:57 PM
Good move.

Thanks. Found a great Lager and broke bread with some neighbors.

Figured it all out yet?

Strange Brew
05-26-2023, 08:01 PM
Now just because Vivek suggested (not seriously, mind you) moving up the voting age to 25 is no reason to insinuate that he's a weirdo.

Like me some some Vivek.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t care on Memeorial Day Weekend.

05-26-2023, 08:21 PM
Looks like the "tourists" pulling down up to 18 yrs. in the slammer.

Strange Brew
05-26-2023, 10:10 PM
Looks like the "tourists" pulling down up to 18 yrs. in the slammer.

Thank you. That’s all I can say/give.

No matter how hollow it rings.

Edit: It seems the punishment is a bit unusual and somewhat cruel, no?

05-27-2023, 09:28 AM
Looks like the "tourists" pulling down up to 18 yrs. in the slammer.

Will it be 18 years or will he get pardoned by the next (republican) president?

Strange Brew
05-27-2023, 10:30 AM
Will it be 18 years or will he get pardoned by the next (republican) president?

Well, maybe Phan. Or you can vote for more of the same.

Muskie in dayton
05-27-2023, 11:13 AM
In celebration of Memorial Day weekend, I'm confident someone on this board must have forked over $35 for a six pack of Ultra Right beer.
It should have shipped by now.
How'd it taste?

(I can't find any news releases about it shipping/arriving, so I hope it's not another grift by a far-right person)
I'll drink one with you while you enjoy your Bud Light. Jackass 2: The Butt Chug - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm0pz_lBcH0)

05-27-2023, 02:19 PM
This is truly the most amazing macroeconomic graph out there. What's been done to our economy by those that have been in charge is truly criminal:

"Chart #1 compares the level of real GDP to historical trends. The green line represents the trend growth rate the economy averaged from 1965 through 2007 (3.1% per year). The red line is the trend that has held since the current recovery started in mid-2009 (2.1% per year). A one percentage point difference per year doesn't sound like much, but over time it really adds up. If the economy had remained on a 3.1% annual growth path, it would be 25% larger today."

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjhfieIeQzrCI9QI4sdPjvJ1ib6hllqWar6JO4qsx45Sk a7tcLda1f2WZnnQ5R9_ked2KLupxrYnlN_jfKPPfxJYvFif5Ym GlNO38VcrHv4h0sCQWjRUyIGxkVCsUmLPQqGWBHkmH49bBFrHd Q3hba0vipUzSGW8igcMGl6cPBDeg4Ten2DahRfydL8/s2341/2%20and%203%25%20trends.jpg


Strange Brew
05-27-2023, 03:25 PM
This is truly the most amazing macroeconomic graph out there. What's been done to our economy by those that have been in charge is truly criminal:

"Chart #1 compares the level of real GDP to historical trends. The green line represents the trend growth rate the economy averaged from 1965 through 2007 (3.1% per year). The red line is the trend that has held since the current recovery started in mid-2009 (2.1% per year). A one percentage point difference per year doesn't sound like much, but over time it really adds up. If the economy had remained on a 3.1% annual growth path, it would be 25% larger today."

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjhfieIeQzrCI9QI4sdPjvJ1ib6hllqWar6JO4qsx45Sk a7tcLda1f2WZnnQ5R9_ked2KLupxrYnlN_jfKPPfxJYvFif5Ym GlNO38VcrHv4h0sCQWjRUyIGxkVCsUmLPQqGWBHkmH49bBFrHd Q3hba0vipUzSGW8igcMGl6cPBDeg4Ten2DahRfydL8/s2341/2%20and%203%25%20trends.jpg


Haha, this guy’s going to get “discredited” real soon for being correct. Just ask Laffer..:)

I can’t wait to hear; “but incomes are up” like people don’t understand the difference between real and nominal wages…

05-27-2023, 09:48 PM
What is it with Trump, and Trump associated people, and their grifting of elderly people?
Seriously, this seems to be a conservative playbook; are there any similar liberal rip-offs?
It it's not a fake university, a fake charity, a fake build the wall....now it's "Trump Bucks."


Strange Brew
05-28-2023, 04:50 AM
What is it with Trump, and Trump associated people, and their grifting of elderly people?
Seriously, this seems to be a conservative playbook; are there any similar liberal rip-offs?
It it's not a fake university, a fake charity, a fake build the wall....now it's "Trump Bucks."


This may be the dumbest thing you’ve posted and that’s saying something.

Paul, I can’t speak for anyone else but we all know Trump University was a real estate seminar that he branded. Go sip another Bud Light with your “college educated” friends.

I have an idea, you should listen to AOC. The brilliant BU Econ grad bartender..

To absolutely, directly answer you question: BLM, Occupy WS, Antifa, the WWF (I’ve seen the HQ in DC), Greenpeace, Live-Aid, the Clinton foundation, and every other goofy wristband grown ass men have worn to show just how much they care.

Tell me, how’s Denny’s doing Spartanburg..

X-band '01
05-28-2023, 08:22 AM
What is it with Trump, and Trump associated people, and their grifting of elderly people?
Seriously, this seems to be a conservative playbook; are there any similar liberal rip-offs?
It it's not a fake university, a fake charity, a fake build the wall....now it's "Trump Bucks."


Paul, this actually sounds like it's NOT coming from Trump's camp, but rather scammers outscamming Trump.

I'd imagine these people are going to get a nice cease-and-desist from the Trump camp, but it wll be at least more entertaining to read. Not so much for people getting bilked out of their money and being told by bankers that they've been had.

05-28-2023, 08:59 AM
I think you're right. They seemed to have gotten AI involved to duplicate his voice and stuff.
For the real elderly who get scammed by these guys I feel sorry. For the others I don't. You'd think you'd recognize the grift after a while.
Unlike Trump U, and more like Build the Wall, I don't think any money is going to be returned.

05-28-2023, 10:13 AM
Paul, this actually sounds like it's NOT coming from Trump's camp,

LOL!!...but wait it HAS to be from Trump's camp according to Paul. It HAS to be Trump and "Trump associated people" (whatever the hell that means). Most all of my liberal friends who can actually think for themselves have recovered from their bouts with TDS and have moved on to be able to intelligently discuss the real problems facing our society today. I feel for those who are permanently afflicted and will pray for full recoveries.

05-28-2023, 10:26 AM
To absolutely, directly answer you question: BLM, Occupy WS, Antifa, the WWF (I’ve seen the HQ in DC), Greenpeace, Live-Aid, the Clinton foundation, and every other goofy wristband grown ass men have worn to show just how much they care.


This is gold, but how could you leave out the Liberal darling that is/was the Lincoln Project? These guys duped poor, ignorant, vulnerable Democrats to the tune of almost 100 million dollars. The list goes on..and on.

05-28-2023, 10:41 AM
Strangely none of the "liberal" projects have been indicted, convicted, order to not do business, ordered to pay back millions, received pardons from a president, etc.
Wonder why that is?
As for "Trump camp" grifters, the beer guy was head of Trump's campaign in Georgia. Learned how to grift from the master.
I'll stop worrying about Trump once you guys get rid of him from American politics. You do realize he's your frontrunner? Well...maybe you don't.

05-28-2023, 11:13 AM
Don't forget about ESG - which is ripping-off millions from gullible Democrats thinking they're saving the planet, while lining the pockets of the Democrat puppet masters.

Paul likes to get in the weeds with the mole hills (who the fuck cares about the beer guy??), but continues to miss the Everest's in his own back yard.

I was a DeSantis guy, but will likely vote for Trump now, just to create a living hell for Paul over the next 4+ years. Like I said, it's people like Paul who created Trump, and it's people like Paul who will resurrect Trump.

05-28-2023, 06:12 PM
Don't forget about ESG - which is ripping-off millions from gullible Democrats thinking they're saving the planet, while lining the pockets of the Democrat puppet masters.

Paul likes to get in the weeds with the mole hills (who the fuck cares about the beer guy??), but continues to miss the Everest's in his own back yard.

I was a DeSantis guy, but will likely vote for Trump now, just to create a living hell for Paul over the next 4+ years. Like I said, it's people like Paul who created Trump, and it's people like Paul who will resurrect Trump.

No, idiots like you that continue to vote for him and his cronies is what keeps him around. You’re a garbage person, voting for someone out of spite is what got this country to where it is today. Congrats on being part of the problem.

Strange Brew
05-28-2023, 06:22 PM
No, idiots like you that continue to vote for him and his cronies is what keeps him around. You’re a garbage person, voting for someone out of spite is what got this country to where it is today. Congrats on being part of the problem.

You could say the same for those who voted for Obama, Hillary and Joe. The country is where it is largely due to their policies.

05-28-2023, 06:40 PM
You could say the same for those who voted for Obama, Hillary and Joe. The country is where it is largely due to their policies.

I agree. The spite I was referring to was not limited to just one candidate.

05-28-2023, 11:33 PM
No, idiots like you that continue to vote for him and his cronies is what keeps him around. You’re a garbage person, voting for someone out of spite is what got this country to where it is today. Congrats on being part of the problem.

Hey Ville, do you think Physical Graffiti could’ve been a much stronger album had LZ completely eliminated side 4 altogether, and possibly "In My Time of Dying"?

05-29-2023, 09:07 AM
Btw dumbass, there will be no resurrecting trump. He’s the only republican who could lose to Biden, just like last time, but dumbasses like you continue to vote for a loser.

Nothing like losing to a weekend at Bernie’s corpse, twice.

05-29-2023, 09:23 AM
Btw dumbass, there will be no resurrecting trump. He’s the only republican who could lose to Biden, just like last time, but dumbasses like you continue to vote for a loser.

Nothing like losing to a weekend at Bernie’s corpse, twice.

IDK, there are a lot of Trump supporters out there. One of my neighbors has 6 Trump 2024 flags in his front yard with a sign saying Let’s go Brandon. There are a dozen or so of these houses in my community with pro trump messages. Only one Democratic house with a AOC 2024 flag and two lawn signs saying Dump Trump and a picture of DeSantis with horns saying DeSatan. Luckily these houses are on opposite sides of town. Seems to be the norm when traveling to other towns in the area.

05-29-2023, 09:45 AM
IDK, there are a lot of Trump supporters out there. One of my neighbors has 6 Trump 2024 flags in his front yard with a sign saying Let’s go Brandon. There are a dozen or so of these houses in my community with pro trump messages. Only one Democratic house with a AOC 2024 flag and two lawn signs saying Dump Trump and a picture of DeSantis with horns saying DeSatan. Luckily these houses are on opposite sides of town. Seems to be the norm when traveling to other towns in the area.

Yeah there is a trump base, everyone is aware of that. However, Moderates are the ones that vote people into presidential office, and they will vote in a corpse over trump just like ‘20.

05-29-2023, 10:39 AM
Yeah there is a trump base, everyone is aware of that. However, Moderates are the ones that vote people into presidential office, and they will vote in a corpse over trump just like ‘20.


So did the moderates vote Biden, Trump, Obama, etc, etc. into office? Is that what you're saying? So the moderates who voted for Trump in 2016 are going to vote for a corpse now? Oh wait, they did in 2020. Actually, it sounds like its the moderates who are the crazies.

05-29-2023, 10:50 AM

So did the moderates vote Biden, Trump, Obama, etc, etc. into office? Is that what you're saying? So the moderates who voted for Trump in 2016 are going to vote for a corpse now? Oh wait, they did in 2020. Actually, it sounds like its the moderates who are the crazies.

You truly are a moron, it is mind boggling. It is as if you don’t know how candidates are selected by the party and then elected. The crazies that vote in primaries like yourself for people like trump, Biden etc leave us with those candidates to choose from which really is little choice at all. Moderates then have had to vote for what is perceived the lesser of two evils for a number of cycles now due to people like you.

05-29-2023, 10:54 AM
Strangely none of the "liberal" projects have been indicted, convicted, order to not do business, ordered to pay back millions, received pardons from a president, etc.
Wonder why that is?
As for "Trump camp" grifters, the beer guy was head of Trump's campaign in Georgia. Learned how to grift from the master.
I'll stop worrying about Trump once you guys get rid of him from American politics. You do realize he's your frontrunner? Well...maybe you don't.

You keep mentioning 'you guys'. Who are you referring to?

I really can't do anything for you if you truly think political/social grifting is an exclusive republican problem. You can't be that stupid. It's okay to man up and admit that the party you support has flaws, and yes, has bilked Americans out of 100's of millions of dollars. Blind party worship by simple minded fools is what has our country in the current shitstorm we're in.

05-29-2023, 10:58 AM
You keep mentioning 'you guys'. Who are you referring to?

I really can't do anything for you if you truly think political/social grifting is an exclusive republican problem. You can't be that stupid. It's okay to man up and admit that the party you support has flaws, and yes, has bilked Americans out of 100's of millions of dollars. Blind party worship by simple minded fools is what has our country in the current shitstorm we're in.

Yep, there is a lot of this in our country which is just sad.

05-29-2023, 11:43 AM
You truly are a moron, it is mind boggling. It is as if you don’t know how candidates are selected by the party and then elected. The crazies that vote in primaries like yourself for people like trump, Biden etc leave us with those candidates to choose from which really is little choice at all. Moderates then have had to vote for what is perceived the lesser of two evils for a number of cycles now due to people like you.

I really hope you feel better about yourself now.

05-29-2023, 12:07 PM

Yep, there is a lot of this in our country which is just sad.

Yep unfortunately plenty of Lous out there

05-29-2023, 12:35 PM
Yep unfortunately plenty of Lous out there

This is hilarious. Ville, you have no idea how much I laugh at you all the time. You’re wayyyyyy too easy. I love that I live in your head rent free, 24/7/365.

By the way, what kind of "garbage person" would ever say these types of things about their own team:

One of those games where nunge decides to play like a complete pussy

Colby jones you are effing 6'6 stop being a pussy and go up with the ball

This coach and this team are full of pussies.

And I’m sorry I like free but I’m tired of him playing like such a pussy.

Blocked 8 times in a half? Geezus our guys are a punch of pussies who have no clue how to draw a foul

Well the first 4 minutes showed me this team doesnt care about getting embarrassed. Still playing like a bunch of pussies

Crap? Free played like a pussy, it’s not crap when it’s true. He’s soft, most of us have recognized that for a while now.

This is why it is flipping retarded for q to continue to be in the starting lineup and jack up 3s at the beginning of games. He needs to come off the bench, tandy starts and sets a tone. Steele needs to wake the fuck up that the same shit every damn game isnt working. If I see the same starting lineup next game, I'll know Steele doesnt have a damn clue or is too much of a pussy to make a change.

Kunkel and carter....Steeles effing boyfriends

Is your self-esteem so low that you have to stoop to these levels to go after guys who play basketball for your alma mater?

What the fuck is wrong with you, man?

05-29-2023, 12:43 PM
This is hilarious. Ville, you have no idea how much I laugh at you all the time. You’re wayyyyyy too easy. I love that I live in your head rent free, 24/7/365.

By the way, what kind of "garbage person" would ever say these types of things about their own team:

Is your self-esteem so low that you have to stoop to these levels to go after guys who play basketball for your alma mater?

What the fuck is wrong with you, man?

Lol are you that obsessed and such a psycho path that you keep my in game thread comments? That last sentence of yours is ironically hysterical. And yep x played just like their coach mr pussy Steele. Unfortunately some of that bled into this past year at times. Call it like I see it, just like you being a psychopath.

You must have saved all those for when you were going to tell me how wrong I was about steele when he took x to the second weekend. Remember that one, lou? Dipshit.

X-band '01
05-29-2023, 12:50 PM
IDK, there are a lot of Trump supporters out there. One of my neighbors has 6 Trump 2024 flags in his front yard with a sign saying Let’s go Brandon. There are a dozen or so of these houses in my community with pro trump messages. Only one Democratic house with a AOC 2024 flag and two lawn signs saying Dump Trump and a picture of DeSantis with horns saying DeSatan. Luckily these houses are on opposite sides of town. Seems to be the norm when traveling to other towns in the area.

Get the popcorn when Chuck Schumer finally retires - that's when she'll likely make a Senate run and either find herself the next Senator or sitting on the sidelines.

05-29-2023, 02:34 PM
Get the popcorn when Chuck Schumer finally retires - that's when she'll likely make a Senate run and either find herself the next Senator or sitting on the sidelines.

I think you mean refresh the popcorn. I’ve had the popcorn out since Obama took office.

05-29-2023, 02:38 PM
You keep mentioning 'you guys'. Who are you referring to?

I really can't do anything for you if you truly think political/social grifting is an exclusive republican problem.

I'm referring to Republicans who nominated Trump, and may do so again. Maybe you aren't one of them? If so, you should ignore the comment.
I asked you to name Democrats like Trump, and Brannon, who were indicted for grifting. You didn't give me one.

05-29-2023, 02:51 PM
Funny from the Bee


05-30-2023, 10:09 AM
I'm referring to Republicans who nominated Trump, and may do so again. Maybe you aren't one of them? If so, you should ignore the comment.
I asked you to name Democrats like Trump, and Brannon, who were indicted for grifting. You didn't give me one.

No Paul, this is the question you asked: "Seriously, this seems to be a conservative playbook; are there any similar liberal rip-offs?"

Plenty of liberal rip-offs were named. Liberal organizations who were run by sexual predators like the Lincoln Project (maybe you're okay that kind of thing?). Liberal organizations like BLM who feasted on vulnerable citizens looking for social justice, and used that money to live lavish lifestyles and are now on the verge of bankruptcy. The leader of BLM has since resigned to work on her book deal and movie deal with Warner Bros...LOL Suckers! I try to look at these types of things from more of a morality perspective and not whether or not someone was specifically indicted. Perhaps you don't see anything wrong with what the Lincoln Project or BLM did and that's certainly your prerogative, but definitively lands you in the 'party over everything else camp'

If you want to go directly down the 'were they arrested" path?": Take a look at the grift TJ Cox in California ran to soak investors. How about Karen Peterson, the Chairman of the Democratic party in Louisiana who defrauded the state Democratic party to support her gambling addiction. There are literally hundreds of examples of Dem/Liberals defrauding the American people...just as their Republican counterparts have done. So you answer your question: Yes, there are plenty of Liberal rip-offs we can discuss. Hopefully this provided the clarity you are seeking.

05-30-2023, 10:32 AM
No Paul, this is the question you asked: "Seriously, this seems to be a conservative playbook; are there any similar liberal rip-offs?"

Plenty of liberal rip-offs were named. Liberal organizations who were run by sexual predators like the Lincoln Project (maybe you're okay that kind of thing?). Liberal organizations like BLM who feasted on vulnerable citizens looking for social justice, and used that money to live lavish lifestyles and are now on the verge of bankruptcy. The leader of BLM has since resigned to work on her book deal and movie deal with Warner Bros...LOL Suckers! I try to look at these types of things from more of a morality perspective and not whether or not someone was specifically indicted. Perhaps you don't see anything wrong with what the Lincoln Project or BLM did and that's certainly your prerogative, but definitively lands you in the 'party over everything else camp'

And, to add to the “BLM Grift”, Warner Brothers just canceled the deal with Cullors. She got paid and produced nothing. Exactly like Lincoln Project grifter Rick Wilson who did a Go Fund Me, raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from Dem donors ostensibly to produce a movie about Trump corruption, never produced anything, kept the money and paid off his back taxes.
Plus, let’s add to the list of Corrupt Democrats:

Corrine Brown
Rep. Corrine Brown of Florida was indicted in July 2016 on charges of fraud in a case related to an education charity and was ousted in a Democratic primary the following month.
A federal jury convicted Brown in 2017. Trial evidence showed that Brown and others solicited hundreds of thousands of dollars in charitable donations “based on false representations” that the money would be used for school computer drives and college scholarships, among other causes, according to the department. She received a five-year prison sentence.

Bob Menendez
Sen. Bob Menendez in 2015 was indicted on charges that campaign contributions, trips and accommodations provided by a Florida eye specialist were bribes to get the senator’s help in battles over Medicare reimbursement.
The New Jersey Democrat vowed to fight the charges and said he was confident “at the end of the day I will be vindicated.”
After a jury could not reach a verdict in 2017, the judge acquitted the senator in January 2018 on the most serious charges and the Justice Department later dropped the rest. Menendez was "severely adomonished" by the Senate Ethics Committee over the gifts in April 2018 but went on to win reelection that year by more than 11 points.
The eye specialist was convicted of Medicare fraud in a separate case.

MOR INSERT: You know that if Menendez was tried in any other state than the corrupt Northeast, he would have been convicted and not Re-elected. I’m sure there was no jury tampering in that case in New Jersey, right?

Chaka Fattah
Democratic Rep. Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania and his associates were indicted in 2015 for their parts in a “racketeering conspiracy,” according to a Justice Department news release.
In June 2016, a federal jury found Fattah guilty in the case, and he resigned his seat, though he had already lost a primary in which he was seeking another term. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison, then resentenced in 2019 after an appellate court ruling, according to the Justice Department.

Seems as if grifting & corruption runs in both parties, but in Paul’s blue glassed eyes, it’s only one direction?

05-30-2023, 01:23 PM
Speaking more on grifts from the left…https://nypost.com/2023/05/27/only-33-of-blms-90m-in-donations-helped-charity-foundations/

BLM stands for “Buy Large Mansions”.

05-30-2023, 01:36 PM
And, to add to the “BLM Grift”, Warner Brothers just canceled the deal with Cullors. She got paid and produced nothing. Exactly like Lincoln Project grifter Rick Wilson who did a Go Fund Me, raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from Dem donors ostensibly to produce a movie about Trump corruption, never produced anything, kept the money and paid off his back taxes.
Plus, let’s add to the list of Corrupt Democrats:

Corrine Brown
Rep. Corrine Brown of Florida was indicted in July 2016 on charges of fraud in a case related to an education charity and was ousted in a Democratic primary the following month.
A federal jury convicted Brown in 2017. Trial evidence showed that Brown and others solicited hundreds of thousands of dollars in charitable donations “based on false representations” that the money would be used for school computer drives and college scholarships, among other causes, according to the department. She received a five-year prison sentence.

Bob Menendez
Sen. Bob Menendez in 2015 was indicted on charges that campaign contributions, trips and accommodations provided by a Florida eye specialist were bribes to get the senator’s help in battles over Medicare reimbursement.
The New Jersey Democrat vowed to fight the charges and said he was confident “at the end of the day I will be vindicated.”
After a jury could not reach a verdict in 2017, the judge acquitted the senator in January 2018 on the most serious charges and the Justice Department later dropped the rest. Menendez was "severely adomonished" by the Senate Ethics Committee over the gifts in April 2018 but went on to win reelection that year by more than 11 points.
The eye specialist was convicted of Medicare fraud in a separate case.

MOR INSERT: You know that if Menendez was tried in any other state than the corrupt Northeast, he would have been convicted and not Re-elected. I’m sure there was no jury tampering in that case in New Jersey, right?

Chaka Fattah
Democratic Rep. Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania and his associates were indicted in 2015 for their parts in a “racketeering conspiracy,” according to a Justice Department news release.
In June 2016, a federal jury found Fattah guilty in the case, and he resigned his seat, though he had already lost a primary in which he was seeking another term. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison, then resentenced in 2019 after an appellate court ruling, according to the Justice Department.

Seems as if grifting & corruption runs in both parties, but in Paul’s blue glassed eyes, it’s only one direction?

Yeah both parties have their fair share. From Duncan Loverboy Hunter to William “Cold Cash” Jefferson. Definitely no monopoly here for corrupt politicians.

05-30-2023, 04:24 PM
I accept the listing of corrupt democrats who were actually convicted of a crime.
And yes, both parties have corrupt people like the Ohio leader who stole millions, or the AG in Texas.
But for fake coins, and memorabilia, and university degrees, et al...we have no one who tops Trump, who pardoned other grifters like Bannon.

05-30-2023, 04:48 PM
Today's fun: It's one thing for Bud Light to be "woke," but now apparently so is Chick-Fil-A, because a while back they hired a VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Strange Brew
05-30-2023, 08:03 PM
Today's fun: It's one thing for Bud Light to be "woke," but now apparently so is Chick-Fil-A, because a while back they hired a VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Chick-FIL-A is doing well. Great nuggets.

05-30-2023, 08:59 PM
Chick-FIL-A is doing well. Great nuggets.

I don’t think you understand. There is no way a Christian organization can believe in diversity, equity or inclusion in their organization. I can hear their hostility at the drive through all the time.

05-30-2023, 09:28 PM
Chick-FIL-A is doing well. Great nuggets.

Always amazed how busy their drive thru is. They don’t seem to be struggling at all. Anheuser busch on the other hand….

05-30-2023, 09:31 PM
Today's fun: It's one thing for Bud Light to be "woke," but now apparently so is Chick-Fil-A, because a while back they hired a VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Disney seems to be struggling being “woke” as well.

05-30-2023, 09:37 PM
I don’t think you understand. There is no way a Christian organization can believe in diversity, equity or inclusion in their organization. I can hear their hostility at the drive through all the time.

Equity is poison

05-30-2023, 10:22 PM
Equity is poison

Sorry. But don’t think you are taking this narrative seriously. You do know this 2023 and desegregation and racism is at an all-time high!

05-31-2023, 09:15 AM
Somehow having a DEI employee as opposed to an organization (The Los Angeles Dodgers) who want to have a night to celebrate a group that chooses possibly the kindest, holiest bunch-Catholic Nuns-as their Transgender Brand Identity to demean them and GRIFT MONEY (Grifting money is something that Paul is apparently against) is the same thing in Paul’s twisted mind.
So kind those Wokies.
Yup demean the Catholic Church but make sure you cater to Wokies.
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence was awarded the Community Hero Award by the Los Angeles Dodgers for service to the LGBTQ community.
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence is a California-based non-profit organization that uses drag performances and religious imagery to satirize the Catholic Church and raise money for the LGBTQ community.
After facing backlash for honoring the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’s work within the LGBTQ community, the Dodgers retracted the Community Hero Award and withdrew the invitation for the group to attend the team’s Pride Night on June 16. Last week, the Dodgers apologized, reinvited the non-profit and reinstated the award.

05-31-2023, 03:35 PM
Perhaps because the organization is so highly rated by Charity Navigator at 4 stars...unlike other fundraisers who go to jail, get pardoned, or in some cases have to pay back donations.


05-31-2023, 04:19 PM
Perhaps because the organization is so highly rated by Charity Navigator at 4 stars...unlike other fundraisers who go to jail, get pardoned, or in some cases have to pay back donations.


Please stfu. This is a hate group that is an absolute disgrace to humanity, period. Do you think it’s cool to make fun of other peoples’ religions? Maybe it would be a problem for you if they were hating on Jews or Muslims.

05-31-2023, 05:14 PM
I'm not commenting on their use of satire to raise money.
I'm commenting on their actual charitable work as noted by the rating agency, versus others who ostensibly raised money for a non-profit cause, while lining their own pockets.

05-31-2023, 05:24 PM
I'm not commenting on their use of satire to raise money.
I'm commenting on their actual charitable work as noted by the rating agency, versus others who ostensibly raised money for a non-profit cause, while lining their own pockets.

I really don’t care what you are commenting on in relation to them. They are a hate group, against Catholics, period. That outweighs anything from a “charity” standpoint they do and is worse than grifting.

05-31-2023, 05:43 PM
Perhaps because the organization is so highly rated by Charity Navigator at 4 stars...unlike other fundraisers who go to jail, get pardoned, or in some cases have to pay back donations.


So now Paul exposes himself to be absolutely in favor of groups and individuals that foment societal division and even upheaval in the “alleged” goal of “a greater good”, to raise money..ala grifter Al Sharpton, Patrice Cullors and this Catholic hating group.
You just don’t know when to shut up do you Paul? But keep digging that hole.

05-31-2023, 06:39 PM
Disney seems to be struggling being “woke” as well.

Made me laugh...The Mouse's revenue was 21.8 BILLION last quarter...up 13%

05-31-2023, 09:21 PM
I really don’t care what you are commenting on in relation to them. They are a hate group, against Catholics, period. That outweighs anything from a “charity” standpoint they do and is worse than grifting.

They aren't a hate group. Where do you get your information, anyway?


05-31-2023, 09:31 PM
They aren't a hate group. Where do you get your information, anyway?


They are a hate group. They are a group and they hate Catholics as they mock them. Where I get
My information is from sources of truth not your biased bullshit.I’m sure if they mockingly dressed as rabbis or wore hijabs it would be fine, right?

Perfectly fine to make fun of Italians and Catholics in this country, everything else though is completely off limits.

05-31-2023, 09:45 PM
You’re being willfully ignorant if you see a performance by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and CAN’T understand why it’s extraordinarily offensive to Catholics and Christianity as a whole.

As to the “oh, but they do good things with the money” argument: I’m sure there were white guys back in the day who’s dressed up in blackface, put on a show, and turned around and donated money. Do they deserve an award too? Hell, there are Christian groups who teach despicable things, then turn around and perform large acts of charity for a community. Should they be held up as heroes?

If you want to argue, “oh, there’s a huge difference between race, which is inherent, and a religious belief, which is not”: one’s religious faith can be a core element of one’s identity. In fact, for someone like actual religious sisters, it’s probably THE core of their identity. Historically speaking, people have died violent deaths based on their faith just as much as people have for their race or sexual orientation.

Strange Brew
05-31-2023, 09:45 PM
Made me laugh...The Mouse's revenue was 21.8 BILLION last quarter...up 13%

YoY? If so, that’s likely a COVID comeback bump at the parks. That’s said, the Mouse doesn’t bug me. Some of their recent movies have missed the mark however overall the programming isn’t terrible. Crater was a pretty good movie.

I think the Ron is after the special zoning they received years ago and didn’t meet the requirements set out by the State. Thought you’d be an against a mega-Corp existing within its own set of rules? :)

05-31-2023, 10:34 PM
One quarter. Orlando was a cowtown before Disney World. Think of the billions and billions spent there over the years while everyone paid the exorbitant sales and hotel taxes. 50 years worth. Yeah, the State made a deal to get Disney in exchange for huge benefits and at last count, 220,000 good jobs. Now Orange County has a 163 million dollar budget shortfall and a 1 billion dollar bond to pay. Win?

"Orange County tax collector Scott Randolph tweeted the county will take on an extra $163 million in costs per year, between Reedy Creek’s missing tax revenue and its debts, and Randolph told WFTV the county will likely have to raise property taxes by 20% to 25% to make up for it."

05-31-2023, 11:21 PM
They are a hate group. They are a group and they hate Catholics as they mock them. Where I get
My information is from sources of truth not your biased bullshit.I’m sure if they mockingly dressed as rabbis or wore hijabs it would be fine, right?

Perfectly fine to make fun of Italians and Catholics in this country, everything else though is completely off limits.

Righteous, bro....

But what about this:

Yeah I watched a game of his in high school and he just looked like a big white stiff and had no idea why he was rated highly. I don’t even see him as a depth move. I really don’t get it

I sincerely hope most of this is a complete joke. We already know Steele is. Figures though...steele loves him some unathletic white guys.

Ahh coach by numbers Steele....gotta get his unathletic white guy in.

What the fuck kinda of lineup is this...

Carter and kunkel have to have something on Steele. There is no way he’s this stupid

0 chance we see him in the 2nd half, it’s not in steeles coloring book. Gotta play his two unathletic all star white guys

Fire him. I’m beyond done with whatever stupid stubborn little man syndrome shit he has against kyky, and I’m sick of the love affair with white stiffs

Mostly disdain. They are duke to me without the titles. They always have some douchey white guy with a punchable face—-it’s been timme the last few years.

Are you going to apologize to these guys? Or are you going to do another one of your gymnastic excuses to justify your abhorrent behavior?

06-01-2023, 05:44 AM
Righteous, bro....

But what about this:

Are you going to apologize to these guys? Or are you going to do another one of your gymnastic excuses to justify your abhorrent behavior?

All you’re doing is reminding people how bad of a coach Steele was and how wrong you were.

06-01-2023, 07:59 AM
Hitler made the trains run on time.

06-01-2023, 11:01 AM
I'm not commenting on their use of satire to raise money.
I'm commenting on their actual charitable work as noted by the rating agency, versus others who ostensibly raised money for a non-profit cause, while lining their own pockets.

You are making an absolute fool of yourself. "Use of satire to make money??" It's truly sad to see what people can be reduced to when they chose party over basic human decency.

Strange Brew
06-01-2023, 11:13 AM
One quarter. Orlando was a cowtown before Disney World. Think of the billions and billions spent there over the years while everyone paid the exorbitant sales and hotel taxes. 50 years worth. Yeah, the State made a deal to get Disney in exchange for huge benefits and at last count, 220,000 good jobs. Now Orange County has a 163 million dollar budget shortfall and a 1 billion dollar bond to pay. Win?

"Orange County tax collector Scott Randolph tweeted the county will take on an extra $163 million in costs per year, between Reedy Creek’s missing tax revenue and its debts, and Randolph told WFTV the county will likely have to raise property taxes by 20% to 25% to make up for it."

Interesting take however Disney was exempt from paying taxes to the State now they are not. This is not a new development under Ronny. This has been a debate in FL politics for a while. There are many articles on it and I happened to watch a documentary about it pre-Ronny.

The reason for the shortfall is much of the infrastructure built and maintained around Disney is paid for by not Disney. In the original deal Disney was supposed to build, manage and support its own city for (original EPCOT) it's employees. It did not and relied then on the State to provide all the support for a quarter million (your count, approx) employees.

06-01-2023, 01:15 PM
You are making an absolute fool of yourself. "Use of satire to make money??" It's truly sad to see what people can be reduced to when they chose party over basic human decency.

They've been raising money for charity for 40 years with their satire. And all of a sudden you decide they're woke or something because of what someone told you. Wonderful.

06-01-2023, 01:44 PM
They've been raising money for charity for 40 years with their satire. And all of a sudden you decide they're woke or something because of what someone told you. Wonderful.

Ah yes nothing like using the guise of satire to spread hate and division. It’s nothing to do with “woke,” no one said anything of the sort. Honestly you should be ashamed of yourself.

06-01-2023, 03:28 PM
A nice article about the Sisters


06-01-2023, 03:30 PM
I wonder if any of you all have ever seen one of their performances that cause you to react this way?
I'm guessing not. I'm guessing since they've been around for over 40 years, doing the same thing, raising money for charity, that all this fake concern for how bad they are vis-a-vis the church is false anger generated by some show you watched that told you to be upset.

You all should be ashamed for so easily being led.

06-01-2023, 03:41 PM
A nice article about the Sisters


Thanks BJ. I would hope all the people who are so hateful about this organization would read it. A balanced narrative.

06-01-2023, 03:55 PM
I wonder if any of you all have ever seen one of their performances that cause you to react this way?
I'm guessing not. I'm guessing since they've been around for over 40 years, doing the same thing, raising money for charity, that all this fake concern for how bad they are vis-a-vis the church is false anger generated by some show you watched that told you to be upset.

You all should be ashamed for so easily being led.

It’s not false anger you nitwit. You are so heavily swayed by media it’s laughable. Mocking a religion is not ok, no matter how much charity work you do. Not surprised by your defense of this. You’d defend anything as long as it’s on your side of the blue aisle

06-01-2023, 04:06 PM
It’s not false anger you nitwit. You are so heavily swayed by media it’s laughable. Mocking a religion is not ok, no matter how much charity work you do. Not surprised by your defense of this. You’d defend anything as long as it’s on your side of the blue aisle

What's worse, mocking a religion, or that religion moving priests around to rape and molest children? Might need to get off the high horse about the bad outweighing the good. I'll take some mocking facepaint over the latter every time.

06-01-2023, 04:12 PM
What's worse, mocking a religion, or that religion moving priests around to rape and molest children? Might need to get off the high horse about the bad outweighing the good. I'll take some mocking facepaint over the latter every time.

Ah nice whataboutism. Sweet.

06-01-2023, 04:44 PM
Ah nice whataboutism. Sweet.

Whataboutism is your whole argument for why you hate the Sisters. People say what good they do and you say what about this bad stuff over here?

06-01-2023, 04:47 PM
Ah nice whataboutism. Sweet.

I see...you've never actually seen one of their performances.

06-01-2023, 05:11 PM
Whataboutism is your whole argument for why you hate the Sisters. People say what good they do and you say what about this bad stuff over here?

No my main argument is that they mock Catholicism. That’s not ok.

06-01-2023, 05:12 PM
I see...you've never actually seen one of their performances.

I’ve seen them dressed mocking Catholicism, I don’t care about their “ performances.”

X-band '01
06-01-2023, 05:16 PM

Somehow I get a feeling that Pee-Wee Herman was not mocking the Catholic Church in this scene.

06-01-2023, 05:31 PM
Let's crank up the hate train for SNL's church lady.
After all, it was a guy dressed up as a woman, and he was making fun of organized religions.

Let's hear for hating on Dana Carvey !


06-01-2023, 05:43 PM
Let's crank up the hate train for SNL's church lady.
After all, it was a guy dressed up as a woman, and he was making fun of organized religions.

Let's hear for hating on Dana Carvey !


Whatever makes you feel better about being ok with an organization that mocks a religion, as obtuse as it may be. Shameful

06-01-2023, 05:56 PM
One key difference between 20-30 years ago and today. Back then, you could poke fun at, and use satire, against just about anyone. People had a sense of humor. Now, it seems you can only do that if the target is white males, conservatives, or Christians. The outrage would be immense and the leading news story for days, if not longer, if someone took the Sisters’ bit and changed them to mullahs, rabbis, etc.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-01-2023, 05:57 PM
Let's crank up the hate train for SNL's church lady.
After all, it was a guy dressed up as a woman, and he was making fun of organized religions.

Let's hear for hating on Dana Carvey !


What would your opinion be of street performers putting on black face and mocking black stereotypes? Are you okay with that as long as they were to donate their proceeds to charities they support? Or how about some people painting dots on their foreheads, and doing a skit on how they like to run 7-11's? Is there no line, or is it open season?

Strange Brew
06-01-2023, 06:01 PM
In other news. I hope the POTUS is ok. That looked like it hurt.

It seems like no one on the fringes of both parties is happy with the Debt Ceiling/Budget deal. Which probably good.

And the EPA can't regulate puddles or dry creeks. Which is nice.

I'll also be interested to see if Comer and Wray can shuffle some papers this week. Probably not though.

This thread has dissolved into the last lines from Seinfeld.

06-01-2023, 06:20 PM
In other news. I hope the POTUS is ok. That looked like it hurt.

It seems like no one on the fringes of both parties is happy with the Debt Ceiling/Budget deal. Which probably good.

And the EPA can't regulate puddles or dry creeks. Which is nice.

I'll also be interested to see if Comer and Wray can shuffle some papers this week. Probably not though.

Also in other news, Chris Christie and Mike Pence are expected to officially run for president. This should make for very interesting republican debates.

Strange Brew
06-01-2023, 06:24 PM
Also in other news, Chris Christie and Mike Pence are expected to officially run for president.

Why? :)

I'm waiting for Diane Feinstein give it shot. That, would make for a funny SNL skit. :)

06-01-2023, 06:40 PM
It’s not false anger you nitwit. You are so heavily swayed by media it’s laughable. Mocking a religion is not ok, no matter how much charity work you do. Not surprised by your defense of this. You’d defend anything as long as it’s on your side of the blue aisle

Whatever makes you feel better about being ok with an organization that mocks a religion, as obtuse as it may be. Shameful

What a phony. Self-awareness much?

Feigning outrage over this group, while making numerous racial slurs against your own team. Then, when called out on it, you brush it off as if it wasn’t anything.

This is why your wayyyyyy too easy.

Oh yea, how many times have you told us that you don't care about social issues? Yet, here you are arguing about one all damn day.

Strange Brew
06-01-2023, 06:40 PM
What a phony. Self-awareness much?

Feigning outrage over this group, while making numerous racial slurs against your own team. Then, when called out on it, you brush it off as if it wasn’t anything.

This is why your wayyyyyy too easy.

Oh yea, how many times have you told us that you don't care about social issues? Yet, here you are arguing about one all damn day.

You two need to date.

06-01-2023, 06:44 PM
The Dodgers honoring the sisters is ridiculous and embarrassing. And of course the Catholic Church has had more than its fair share of issues. But no one is asking the Dodgers to honor the Catholic Church.

Strange Brew
06-01-2023, 06:57 PM
The Dodgers honoring the sisters is ridiculous and embarrassing. And of course the Catholic Church has had more than its fair share of issues. But no one is asking the Dodgers to honor the Catholic Church.

I don't know what makes better satire. The sisters themselves or an MLB franchise honoring them on the field. I don't think Mel Brooks could've have written this script.

06-01-2023, 07:02 PM
You two need to date.

He definitely wants to fuck me. His obsession is strong

06-01-2023, 07:05 PM
What a phony. Self-awareness much?

Feigning outrage over this group, while making numerous racial slurs against your own team. Then, when called out on it, you brush it off as if it wasn’t anything.

This is why your wayyyyyy too easy.

Oh yea, how many times have you told us that you don't care about social issues? Yet, here you are arguing about one all damn day.

You’re becoming a caricature of yourself. Good luck with that, and please get some help.

06-01-2023, 08:06 PM
You’re becoming a caricature of yourself. Good luck with that, and please get some help.

Hey Golden Child, looks like you may need to lobby a little harder for censorship.

06-01-2023, 08:17 PM
Hey Golden Child, looks like you may need to lobby a little harder for censorship.

Yep you definitely want to take me to pound town you sicko

You also seem to be confused on what a racial insult is. Calling someone a big white stiff or using the term unathletic white guy is not a racial insult. You seem to be projecting, I’m sorry about that. Life must have been hard for you.

06-01-2023, 11:04 PM
Yep you definitely want to take me to pound town you sicko

You also seem to be confused on what a racial insult is. Calling someone a big white stiff or using the term unathletic white guy is not a racial insult.

1) Your first comment is downright fucking weird.

2) Re the 2nd: I guess you can rationalize it any way you want. I'm pretty sure most of the Nazis and the KKK thought they were doing the right thing as well.

psychopath (noun): a mentally unstable person

especially : a person having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked by a lack of remorse for one's actions, an absence of empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies

The key question you fail to answer, or even recognize: What does the color of their skin have to do with anything? Why do you feel the need to invoke it? If you replaced white for black you would be fired from your job and thrown off all social media. Your habitual use of racial slurs and vulgar insults towards Xavier players is absolutely appalling. Both of which points to the definition above.

06-02-2023, 07:41 AM
1) Your first comment is downright fucking weird.

2) Re the 2nd: I guess you can rationalize it any way you want. I'm pretty sure most of the Nazis and the KKK thought they were doing the right thing as well.

psychopath (noun): a mentally unstable person

especially : a person having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked by a lack of remorse for one's actions, an absence of empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies

The key question you fail to answer, or even recognize: What does the color of their skin have to do with anything? Why do you feel the need to invoke it? If you replaced white for black you would be fired from your job and thrown off all social media. Your habitual use of racial slurs and vulgar insults towards Xavier players is absolutely appalling. Both of which points to the definition above.

Lol you’re insane.

Restraining order: an order used by a court to protect a person in a situation involving alleged domestic violence, child abuse, assault, harassment, stalking or sexual assault.

You got caught in a lie, again and yet you double down. You’re not a serious person.

So excited for your next “truth” from people like roger stone or “dr” crazy bitch who is a dr of philosophy so that makes her a genius on Covid or maybe a YouTube video of some other quack. Deuces mr. Fatal attraction.

06-02-2023, 02:08 PM
Today's fun: It's one thing for Bud Light to be "woke," but now apparently so is Chick-Fil-A, because a while back they hired a VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

As Jen Psaki used to do, let’s “circle back” on Paul’s feeble attempt at a slam.
From liberal writer Nellie Bowles in “The Free Press”

Famous fast-food chicken restaurant Chick-fil-A, noted both for having the best chicken sandwich around and for being an openly evangelical Christian company, has been found out for employing a VP of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Never mind that the program is two years old or that Chick-fil-A’s CEO was once seen shining the shoes of Christian rapper Lecrae Moore in a symbol of racial harmony. I spoke to a colleague who grew up religious and he explained: If you’ve spent any amount of time growing up in the contemporary American Christian church, you are pretty well aware that social justice causes and evangelicals are very often aligned. Kony 2012, Bono’s ONE campaign, Shane Claiborne. . . if these niche culture moments don’t ring a bell, well, maybe you’ve heard of Billy Graham and MLK. Chick-fil-A has been canceled. Let me eat these delicious sandwiches in peace. Except on Sunday.

06-02-2023, 03:04 PM
Man, if you're gonna go all anti-woke on Chick-Fil-A, and ask for boycotts...on one of the most Christian based chains in America, as they

DEI web page. “At Chick-fil-A, Inc., our commitment is to approach this work with intention and humility, always believing the best in one another and striving for common ground.”
you've gone off you rocker.

I wish conservatives would turn their attention to real problems instead of spending time on passing anti-LGBT legislation and banning books from libraries.

06-02-2023, 03:10 PM
Some books should be banned from kids' libraries. Really shouldn't be partisan.

06-02-2023, 03:25 PM
Lol Paul you’re a clown show. As if conservative are the only ones spending time on shit that doesn’t matter lol

06-02-2023, 03:36 PM
Man, if you're gonna go all anti-woke on Chick-Fil-A, and ask for boycotts...on one of the most Christian based chains in America, as they

you've gone off you rocker.

I wish conservatives would turn their attention to real problems instead of spending time on passing anti-LGBT legislation and banning books from libraries.

Uh, you are the one that originally brought it up…on a true nothingburger, to try to show *Something??
Where is the anti-LGBQ legislation? Where are the banned books? That is other than the ones who should be moved away to an age appropriate library section?
I really want the Democrats to run on a platform that is against parental control. That sure worked for them in Virginia.

06-02-2023, 04:27 PM
A handy guide to help you out:


Here's just some of hundreds of books that have been banned, and the "age appropriate" canard is just that.


(lets ban Shel Silverstein because one of his poems has broken dishes. You guys are nuts)

06-02-2023, 04:44 PM
A handy guide to help you out:


Here's just some of hundreds of books that have been banned, and the "age appropriate" canard is just that.


(lets ban Shel Silverstein because one of his poems has broken dishes. You guys are nuts)

Nice attempt to baffle with Bullshit. We can all see now that Paul has come out as Anti-Catholic and anti Morality. You must be so proud.
Just because some zealot on a side of the aisle proposes something doesn’t mean it becomes law. Dems have zealots that propose stuff that is ludicrous too but you seem to always just ignore that.
However, if there is a book that is allegedly written for 7 year olds that has human genitalia and oral sex depicted, yeah. Ban that porn.

Strange Brew
06-02-2023, 05:10 PM
A handy guide to help you out:


Here's just some of hundreds of books that have been banned, and the "age appropriate" canard is just that.


(lets ban Shel Silverstein because one of his poems has broken dishes. You guys are nuts)

Didn’t “you guys” go after Dr. Suess, Dave Chapelle, and Chick-Fil-A and, and, and. Oh yeah, read people are asking a Clease to remove the Judith scene from the Life of Brian play adaptation. Heard he responded, “of course not, we’re the People’s Front of Judea!”

No one is really banning anything. Heck, I didn’t know Target was an issue until last weekend.

06-02-2023, 06:30 PM
I want to see Paul read Gender Queer to a group of fourth graders.

06-02-2023, 07:14 PM
Man, if you're gonna go all anti-woke on Chick-Fil-A, and ask for boycotts...on one of the most Christian based chains in America, as they

you've gone off you rocker.

I wish conservatives would turn their attention to real problems instead of spending time on passing anti-LGBT legislation and banning books from libraries.

I'm unclear who is calling for a boycott of Chick-Fil-A that needs to be taken seriously. I don't doubt that there are individuals, but I haven't heard anyone here jumping on that bandwagon.

You wish conservatives would turn their attention to real problems. Who gets to define what a real problem is?

06-02-2023, 09:04 PM
I want to see Paul read Gender Queer to a group of fourth graders.

Utah primary schools banned the Bible for vulgarity and violence. God help the kid who gets caught with one.

06-02-2023, 10:35 PM
I want to see Paul read Gender Queer to a group of fourth graders.

There are certainly age appropriate books, and they should be read by the correct ages.

Banning Shel Silverstein because he has a poem about broken dishes, because you afraid your child might break some dishes seems to be a bit much.

06-02-2023, 11:08 PM
There are certainly age appropriate books, and they should be read by the correct ages.

Banning Shel Silverstein because he has a poem about broken dishes, because you afraid your child might break some dishes seems to be a bit much.

Kinda like cancelling Dr. Suess by Progressives


06-03-2023, 04:53 AM
A handy guide to help you out:


Here's just some of hundreds of books that have been banned, and the "age appropriate" canard is just that.


(lets ban Shel Silverstein because one of his poems has broken dishes. You guys are nuts)

The story does not actually indicate that the books were banned, where or by whom. It says, "Parents believe" and "parents expressed concern".

God forbid parents should be concerned about what their children are being taught in school. The greater concern is the lack of parent concern and involvement in their children's education.

06-03-2023, 06:58 AM
I know of ZERO people or conservatives that wanted to ban Dr. Seuss books.

06-03-2023, 09:47 AM
There are certainly age appropriate books, and they should be read by the correct ages.

Banning Shel Silverstein because he has a poem about broken dishes, because you afraid your child might break some dishes seems to be a bit much.

So, Paul, now you're a free speech warrior?

So, you got your panties in a bunch over some obscure poem, yet I don't recall you ever once standing up for all the conservatives who have been canceled, shadow-banned and thrown off social media outlets, bullied and thrown out of college lecture halls, harassed or arrested after peacefully praying in front of abortion centers, etc., etc., by your side?

Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder why?

06-03-2023, 10:03 AM
A handy guide to help you out:

(lets ban Shel Silverstein because one of his poems has broken dishes. You guys are nuts)

Who are 'you guys?' Also, some parents expressing concern is not akin to banning. Stop making shit up...again.

06-03-2023, 10:07 AM
There are certainly age appropriate books, and they should be read by the correct ages.

Make up your mind. Is the examination of age appropriate books something that people should deal with, or is it something that conservatives should shy away from in order to deal with real problems? You are all over the place

06-03-2023, 10:22 AM
Assuming you can walk and chew gum simultaneously, try to do both.
Try not to cancel poems, like the one read at the last inauguration, or in Silverstein's books.
I believe you'll be up to the task.

06-03-2023, 10:26 AM
Assuming you can walk and chew gum simultaneously, try to do both.
Try not to cancel poems, like the one read at the last inauguration, or in Silverstein's books.
I believe you'll be up to the task.

didn't answer #17972

too tough for you? or does it expose you as a hypocrite?

06-03-2023, 10:33 AM
Since Paul was so concerned with Dylan Mulvaney being cancelled over Bud Light and grifts, I’m sure he’ll be happy to know that Mulvaney actually is attracted to women.
Paul and Mulvaney. Two of the most confused two faces around.


06-03-2023, 10:35 AM
Assuming you can walk and chew gum simultaneously, try to do both.
Try not to cancel poems, like the one read at the last inauguration, or in Silverstein's books.
I believe you'll be up to the task.

And what say you about Dr. Suess being cancelled by your ilk?
I believe you’ll be up to the task?

06-03-2023, 12:43 PM

Seuss was a liberal and a moralist who expressed his views in his books through the use of ridicule, satire, wordplay, nonsense words, and wild drawings to take aim at bullies, hypocrites, and demagogues.

I don't find the decision to pull some of the books that featured racial characterizations that some might find offensive as any result of some liberals "cancelling" them. It seems to be a decision of the publisher (in coordination with people in charge of estate) to pull them.

As to Mulvaney and other members of the LBGT+ communities, I'll never understand why you all have to disparage them. Why not just let them be in peace. It use to be a criminal offense to be gay (and cost us great minds like Albert Turning). Why do you feel like you have to shoot up beer cans and start new beers because someone is associated with the brand? Crazy.
Liberals when they protest at least are focused on issues that matter, not someone else's lifestyle choice.

06-03-2023, 12:52 PM


I don't find the decision to pull some of the books that featured racial characterizations that some might find offensive as any result of some liberals "cancelling" them. It seems to be a decision of the publisher (in coordination with people in charge of estate) to pull them.

As to Mulvaney and other members of the LBGT+ communities, I'll never understand why you all have to disparage them. Why not just let them be in peace. It use to be a criminal offense to be gay (and cost us great minds like Albert Turning). Why do you feel like you have to shoot up beer cans and start new beers because someone is associated with the brand? Crazy.
Liberals when they protest at least are focused on issues that matter, not someone else's lifestyle choice.

When Liberals protest they harass innocent people, riot, shoot at police, destroy minority owned businesses and burn down cities. Why not just let those things live in peace? Why after years of enjoyment by everyone it is only NOW that the publisher and “the estate” decided to pull them? Nah, nothing to do with sudden outrage pressure from Progs over nothing.
And “pulling books” sure seems to be BANNING books to me. I wonder why Paul thinks there were “offensive images” in those books. Would Suess have been violently protested like Charlie Hebdo in France was over free speech? I wonder why Paul isn’t offended by White Men being portrayed as doofuses by Homer Simpson? I guess we should all riot and cancel that show, right???

06-03-2023, 01:26 PM
You should; that and shoot up some cans of beer to make you feel like a man. Go for it.

06-03-2023, 01:32 PM
You should; that and shoot up some cans of beer to make you feel like a man. Go for it.

We don’t do those kinds of things. Some of us are actually civilized.
By the way, for those who have Twitter and want to read (a long read) about Liberal lies & Grift in action, sit back and peruse through “Mueller She Wrote”’s bullshit that has made her tons of ill gotten cash. Not unlike BLM’s Patrice Cullors or The Lincoln Project grifts, which Paul refuses to address.
This expose has it all, including amazing stolen valor. It’s almost a masterpiece.


06-03-2023, 07:15 PM
Paul look at your amazing side. What target is doing you think is normal… bizarro world.


06-04-2023, 10:46 AM
Assuming you can walk and chew gum simultaneously, try to do both.
Try not to cancel poems, like the one read at the last inauguration, or in Silverstein's books.
I believe you'll be up to the task.

Who is trying to cancel a poem here? Who are you talking to? I'm just trying to get you on some sort of track and understand your stream of consciousness rambling. You brought up book banning and said that conservatives should focus on real problems...then you agree that certain books should be banned at certain ages. Then you bring up banning poetry...a topic that not a single person on this board has advocated for. Again, who in the hell are you talking to?

06-04-2023, 01:48 PM
It was nice to see the moderates on both sides come together on the debt issue. We need to vote out the lunatics on both sides who voted to crash the economy.

06-04-2023, 02:02 PM
Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore:

"There is no scientific proof that carbon dioxide is responsible for any of the slight warming of the global climate."

"But there is certainty beyond doubt that CO2 is the building block for all life on Earth."

https://twitter.com/DrEliDavid/status/1665106983110811649?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1665106983110811649%7Ctwgr% 5Efc524e9f8456605041e19c678305c0e8a49c5289%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.revolver.news%2F

Grifters keep making money off the gullible Dems....

06-04-2023, 02:08 PM
Warming thread?

06-04-2023, 02:19 PM
Good point, Bobbie, why don't you add it yourself...

06-04-2023, 02:23 PM
So, Paul, now the free speech warrior, who still hasn't answered to post #17972 yet, is also eerily silent on RFK Jr being banned from Instagram. I wonder why?

Is this what you fought for in 'Nam?

06-04-2023, 10:34 PM
Lol Paul you’re a clown show. As if conservative are the only ones spending time on shit that doesn’t matter lol

Lots of sheep in this circus.

06-05-2023, 05:25 PM
So, Paul, now the free speech warrior, who still hasn't answered to post #17972 yet, is also eerily silent on RFK Jr being banned from Instagram. I wonder why?

Is this what you fought for in 'Nam?

Try to keep up....ban lifted

06-06-2023, 02:35 PM
During a podcast with Mike Tyson, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talked about how the CIA killed his father:


In case Youtube takes the vid above down: https://twitter.com/CollinRugg/status/1665813518279491592

06-06-2023, 09:58 PM
It's amazing how things change when people with lawyers get into court and there are potential sanctions for spreading bullshit:

last week Twitter (which, again, is now owned by Elon Musk who has repeatedly made ridiculously misleading statements about what the Twitter Files showed) filed its response, where they say (with risk of sanctions on the line) that this is all bullshit and nothing in the Twitter Files says what Trump (and Elon, and a bunch of his fans) claim it says. This is pretty fucking damning to anyone who believed the nonsense Twitter Files narrative.


06-07-2023, 12:27 AM
Why on earth are all these Republicans entering the race? It's pretty obviously either Trump or DeSantis at this point. While Tim Scott or Nikki Hayley would make fine nominees, they have a 0.0% chance of getting the nomination. Chris Christie jumping in has me wondering what year this is. 2008?

06-07-2023, 01:05 PM
From MOR in the PGA thread:

The Washington Post is fake news now. Whose real estate business was “failing”?
You should be embarrassed to even quote that fish wrap.
I’ll take the Wall Street Journal anyday.

So, it's your contention that the Washington Post, with a report of Kushner being turned down for security clearance in the White House, is "fake news."
Fake news is when you pay hundreds of millions for lying knowingly to gullible watchers for years.
As to the Post's report on Kushner, maybe this will help you:


As to whether his real estate business was "failing", here's a nice recap of the ins and outs over the Trump years of Middle Eastern money flowing to the Kushners, especially to bail out the 666 building in NYC.

https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/12.6.22%20Letter%20from%20Chairman%20Wyden%20and%2 0Chairwoman%20Maloney%20to%20Secretary%20Austin.pd f

(Have you ever noticed that when someone doesn't like a news report...they just decide to call the report, or the source, "Fake News."

06-07-2023, 01:21 PM
It's amazing how things change when people with lawyers get into court and there are potential sanctions for spreading bullshit:


Paul talks about “Fake News” then he dismisses and demeans legitimate (and actually liberal) journalists who did the Twitter Files report like Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss.
The Twitter files were not Bullshit and the old Twitter management was being controlled and communicated with by In Government sources to control a narrative. Twitter squashed the Hunter Biden laptop story among other “inconvenient” stories about Lyin’ Joe Biden.
In Paul’s mind only the Yellow Journalism of the Washington Post is a legitimate news source.


06-07-2023, 01:38 PM
From MOR in the PGA thread:

So, it's your contention that the Washington Post, with a report of Kushner being turned down for security clearance in the White House, is "fake news."
Fake news is when you pay hundreds of millions for lying knowingly to gullible watchers for years.
As to the Post's report on Kushner, maybe this will help you:


As to whether his real estate business was "failing", here's a nice recap of the ins and outs over the Trump years of Middle Eastern money flowing to the Kushners, especially to bail out the 666 building in NYC.

https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/12.6.22%20Letter%20from%20Chairman%20Wyden%20and%2 0Chairwoman%20Maloney%20to%20Secretary%20Austin.pd f

(Have you ever noticed that when someone doesn't like a news report...they just decide to call the report, or the source, "Fake News."

Nah. I’m not disputing an actual fact that Kushner’s security clearance was temp suspended, but the way you and the Wash Post framed it he was a Treasonous Traitor. Nothing of the sort:
From the Wall Street Journal article:

The change comes at a time of mount*ing ten*sions be*tween Mr. Kelly and the pres*i*dent’s fam*ily in the White House. Mr. Kush*ner and Ms. Trump have chafed un*der the staff chief’s ini*tial re*or*ga*ni*za*tion of the West Wing that re*stricted their ac*cess to the pres*i*dent. Mr. Kel*ly’s changes to the se*cu*rity clear*ance process put him on a di*rect col*li*sion course with Mr. Kush*ner.”

“A spokesman for Mr. Kush*n*er’s le*gal team said in a state*ment: “It is not un*com*mon for these clear*ance re*views to take this long in a new ad*min*is*tra*tion, and that the cur*rent back*logs are now be*ing ad*dressed. No con*cerns were raised about Mr. Kush*n*er’s ap*pli*ca*tion.” The spokesman said Mr. Kel*ly’s new clear*ance pol*icy wouldn’t af*fect Mr. Kush*n*er’s abil*ity to “do the very im*por*tant work he has been as*signed by the pres*i*dent.”

“”Mr. Kelly de*clined to com*ment on spe*cific of*fi*cials’ se*cu*rity clear*ance but said in a state*ment: “As I told Jared days ago, I have full con*fi*dence in his abil*ity to con*tinue per*form*ing his du*ties in his for*eign pol*icy port*fo*lio in*clud*ing over*see*ing our Is*raeli-Pales*tin*ian peace ef*fort and serv*ing as an in*te*gral part of our re*la*tion*ship with Mex*ico.””

Where is malfeasance or a crime?
And, sorry, I’m refusing to take a highly partisan letter from a Democrat Oregon Senator as anything but partisan politics. Again, where is any evidence of malfeasance, self dealing or a crime? Trumps and Kushner’s legitimate businesses were International in nature.
What Wyden alleges sure sounds a lot like Shifty Adam Schiff saying he had evidence of collusion numerous times.
Spoiler. Schiff produced nothing, nada, zilch, zero.
Stop embarrassing yourself Paul and spreading hypobolic falsehoods.

06-07-2023, 01:45 PM
It's amazing how things change when people with lawyers get into court and there are potential sanctions for spreading bullshit:

last week Twitter (which, again, is now owned by Elon Musk who has repeatedly made ridiculously misleading statements about what the Twitter Files showed) filed its response, where they say (with risk of sanctions on the line) that this is all bullshit and nothing in the Twitter Files says what Trump (and Elon, and a bunch of his fans) claim it says. This is pretty fucking damning to anyone who believed the nonsense Twitter Files narrative.

Bump from above. Twitter, like Fox, fesses up in court when faced with the need to tell the truth under oath.
Seems like Weiss and Taibbi were just spreading falsehoods about what they were reviewing.
That's not me saying it. That's not the Post saying it. That's Twitter admitting it in court.

06-07-2023, 01:51 PM
Nah. I’m not disputing an actual fact that Kushner’s security clearance was temp suspended, but the way you and the Wash Post framed it he was a Treasonous Traitor. Nothing of the sort:

Stop embarrassing yourself Paul and spreading hypobolic falsehoods.

Well I'm glad you finally understand an "acutual fact", and that it was not as you originally noted "Fake News." That's good to see.
Not sure about this framing as a "treasonous traitor." Don't believe I mentioned anything of the sort. Curious that you might see that there somewhere.
As to his business at 666 in New York "failing"...were you able to understand that now? Or is it "Fake News.?"

06-07-2023, 02:07 PM
Well I'm glad you finally understand an "acutual fact", and that it was not as you originally noted "Fake News." That's good to see.
Not sure about this framing as a "treasonous traitor." Don't believe I mentioned anything of the sort. Curious that you might see that there somewhere.
As to his business at 666 in New York "failing"...were you able to understand that now? Or is it "Fake News.?"

That was Wyden’s contention, not proven. Again, where is the proof of crime or malfeasance Paul? Nowhere.
I guess you are too dense to understand political gamesmanship.
I’m done dealing with your fuckery today. It’s amazing that none of the links you provide about the Twitter files work.
Hope Joe Biden sends you your share of his Chinese and Ukranian payoff cuts.

06-07-2023, 02:49 PM
This link works just fine on my computer. Hope you are able to access and clear up you mistaken outlook on the Twitter Files.
