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01-11-2023, 05:44 PM
Yeah, good ol' Uncle Joe better do a thorough search of his home/other places of interest. Congress does have a duty to investigate that.

But before all you MAGA folks get hard and stiff in the pants, keep in mind that Trump's trouble arose from the fact that he refused to turn over documents when asked to do so; he was given multiple chances to comply before the FBI paid a house call to Mar-A-Lago. And there may still be a few documents that managed to go unnoticed by the Feds.

Biden is an absolute mess

Strange Brew
01-11-2023, 05:51 PM
Yeah, good ol' Uncle Joe better do a thorough search of his home/other places of interest. Congress does have a duty to investigate that.

But before all you MAGA folks get hard and stiff in the pants, keep in mind that Trump's trouble arose from the fact that he refused to turn over documents when asked to do so; he was given multiple chances to comply before the FBI paid a house call to Mar-A-Lago. And there may still be a few documents that managed to go unnoticed by the Feds.

But Trump! Right on queue.

01-11-2023, 06:27 PM
Now "science" and the Left is coming for your gas stove....

Oh, and flights were grounded today...

The Biden regime and his green energy wacko fanatics will be promoting outdoor barbecue grills with solar panels on them.

Strange Brew
01-11-2023, 07:09 PM
The Biden regime and his green energy wacko fanatics will be promoting outdoor barbecue grills with solar panels on them.

Hey, want to come over for an outdoor electric skilletque..?

01-11-2023, 11:01 PM
Now "science" and the Left is coming for your gas stove....

Tweet from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez yesterday:

"Did you know that ongoing exposure to NO2 from gas stoves is linked to reduced cognitive performance"

For once she is right! Here's the proof:



01-12-2023, 11:10 AM
But before all you MAGA folks get hard and stiff in the pants, .

Who are all these 'MAGA folks' on this board and what exactly is a MAGA folk? I really don't know of any hard core Trumpers on this board..maybe 1 or 2. It just seems like a lazy way to characterize people who call out this abortion of an administration and senile POTUS.

01-12-2023, 04:59 PM
Wondering how many MORE places braindead bumbling Beijing Biden has stashed classified documents?

I think this calls for Biden to undergo an urgent proctoscopy to check the rectal aperture region in case he has stashed some classified materials up there and has totally "forgotten" about it. The procedure could be a collaboration of the FBI and Rachel Levine, Asst Secretary of Health - he, er "she" would really enjoy participating!

01-12-2023, 05:21 PM
What will be interesting is that a committee is being formed to look into parts of the government being used as weapons against opponents. The DOJ will be watched since now both Biden and Trump have both done the same thing. How will both be treated from the DOJ.

Side note: Had a gentleman, who was in his fifties, in my office who told me he was a Tea Party member. Had never been audited in his life. Then was audited 4 times within 18 months. No violations each time. He left the Tea Party because of it. Has never been audited since.

X-band '01
01-12-2023, 05:24 PM
One of the differences with this committee will be that there will be more Democrats on board as compared to the 1/6 Committee.

Unless the new committee decides not to allow said Democrats on board.

Strange Brew
01-12-2023, 10:24 PM
One of the differences with this committee will be that there will be more Democrats on board as compared to the 1/6 Committee.

Unless the new committee decides not to allow said Democrats on board.

I believe someone on here was talking about petards not all that long ago. Where has he been..?

01-13-2023, 08:28 PM
How soon do “The Walls close in” on Biden?
And why are some here who couldn’t shut up about Presidential “malfeasance” with daily (at least) posts silent now?

I think we know the answer to both things.

Addendum: All politicians lie.

01-14-2023, 11:47 AM
George Soros is Satan.


01-14-2023, 02:31 PM
So is George Santos:


01-14-2023, 03:40 PM
So is George Santos:


Somehow you don’t say the same about Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren?

01-14-2023, 03:42 PM
Members of her party aren't clamoring for her to resign.

01-14-2023, 03:59 PM
Members of her party aren't clamoring for her to resign.

Members of your party never hold anybody accountable on anything.
Election denier Jeffries.
Liars Adam Schiff & Warren.
Anti Semite Omar..
Chinese spy F-er Swallwell.

Should I go on???

01-14-2023, 04:29 PM
Members of your party never hold anybody accountable on anything.
Election denier Jeffries.
Liars Adam Schiff & Warren.
Anti Semite Omar..
Chinese spy F-er Swallwell.

Should I go on???

Sometimes the truth can be a real bitch.

01-14-2023, 05:42 PM
More Biden docs found.....

Have they searched Jill's underwear drawer yet?

For the most part, this really isn't a big deal - other than:

1) The left made a mountain out of a molehill a few months ago, so payback is hell. Apparently Paul, Bobbie and much of the left still haven't had there fill of crow yet.

2) If Joe and/or Hunter passed top secret info to the Chinese, or there was a quid pro quo situation with the Chinese or Ukrainians, then this will be the scandal of all scandals.

01-14-2023, 06:42 PM
Members of your party never hold anybody accountable on anything.
Election denier Jeffries. Is this a joke - Trump, Lake many others who failed to get eleceted becz trump lost 3 elections in a row. The very term ?election denier" was named after your boy. Are you an election denier like lou?
Liars Adam Schiff & Warren. Liars McCarthy, Cruz, trump, most of republican party
Anti Semite Omar..Antisemites Gaetz, Greene, McCarthy, Scalise, Gosar, Gomert, Bobert, Kanye, fuentes etc,etc
Chinese spy Swallwell. Russian spy Flynn............

01-14-2023, 10:47 PM
This from Dr. Leana Wen - the covid lockdown fanatic on CNN during the pandemic - published in the WAPO:

"Two infectious-disease experts I spoke with believe that the number of deaths attributed to covid is far greater than the actual number of people dying from covid. Robin Dretler, an attending physician at Emory Decatur Hospital and the former president of Georgia’s chapter of Infectious Diseases Society of America, estimates that at his hospital, 90 percent of patients diagnosed with covid are actually in the hospital for some other illness."

Do you remember how much blowback we skeptics got for pointing this out ad nauseam in 2020 and 21?

But the truth always comes out, eventually.

So much pain and suffering because the official narrative was rammed down our throats - and no one was allowed to question it - much of it, if not the vast majority of it, being total B.S.


01-14-2023, 10:49 PM
So is George Santos:


Unlike George Soros, George Santos isn't donating huge sums of money to extreme left wing soft-on-crime DA's in mainly Democrat run cities whom are repeatedly cutting loose career hard criminals onto the streets, most of the time with no cash bail, to commit more and more crime.

However, much like braindead bumbling Beijing Biden, George Santos has repeatedly lied about his educational background and resume' to advance his political career.

01-14-2023, 11:17 PM
This from Dr. Leana Wen - the covid lockdown fanatic on CNN during the pandemic - published in the WAPO:

"Two infectious-disease experts I spoke with believe that the number of deaths attributed to covid is far greater than the actual number of people dying from covid. Robin Dretler, an attending physician at Emory Decatur Hospital and the former president of GeorgiaÂ’s chapter of Infectious Diseases Society of America, estimates that at his hospital, 90 percent of patients diagnosed with covid are actually in the hospital for some other illness."

Do you remember how much blowback we skeptics got for pointing this out ad nauseam in 2020 and 21?

But the truth always comes out, eventually.

So much pain and suffering because the official narrative was rammed down our throats - and no one was allowed to question it - much of it, if not the vast majority of it, being total B.S.


This is true. This is how the sleazy wacko woke Democrats politicized the Covid pandemic and facilitated pushing all objective medical science aside. Hospitals were financially incentivized and physicians pressured by the Biden regime to call anything resembling Covid as a diagnosis of "Covid," especially unattended deaths, and everyone admitted to the hospital got a Covid test, even if they had hip fracture and absolutely no symptoms of Covid. If the test was positive, they were diagnosed with "Covid." There were cases of persons having had a positive Covid test, getting killed in a traffic accident, and the death certificate being signed out with "Covid" as the cause of death!

The Democrats cooked the books on the Covid pandemic and undermined any proper epidemiological tracking and study of it.

01-15-2023, 05:53 AM

And your President has lied about his background since day 1.
Where is your party calling him out on that?

01-15-2023, 08:35 AM
This Santos guy seems like a chip off the old block.
Donors' credit card numbers being taken to make additional unauthorized charges.
Some of them going to other candidates. All without approval.

He should start a charity, or a university, or a casino. He'll do well.

01-15-2023, 10:50 AM
Members of her party aren't clamoring for her to resign.

LOL... think that about that statement, Paul.

01-15-2023, 10:51 AM
This Santos guy seems like a chip off the old block.
Donors' credit card numbers being taken to make additional unauthorized charges.
Some of them going to other candidates. All without approval.

He should start a charity, or a university, or a casino. He'll do well.

Or Santos could do like bumbling Biden - get millions and millions of dollars from Communist China and start a "think tank" like was done at U Penn with the "Penn Biden Center."

What an oxymoron - a "think tank" involving braindead Biden!

Strange Brew
01-15-2023, 11:13 AM
This Santos guy seems like a chip off the old block.
Donors' credit card numbers being taken to make additional unauthorized charges.
Some of them going to other candidates. All without approval.

He should start a charity, or a university, or a casino. He'll do well.

Yes, because Santos, a first term Congressperson is the pressing issue of the day.

MOR left off the Blumenthal. The fake war vet.

01-15-2023, 11:16 AM
This is true. This is how the sleazy wacko woke Democrats politicized the Covid pandemic and facilitated pushing all objective medical science aside. Hospitals were financially incentivized and physicians pressured by the Biden regime to call anything resembling Covid as a diagnosis of "Covid," especially unattended deaths, and everyone admitted to the hospital got a Covid test, even if they had hip fracture and absolutely no symptoms of Covid. If the test was positive, they were diagnosed with "Covid." There were cases of persons having had a positive Covid test, getting killed in a traffic accident, and the death certificate being signed out with "Covid" as the cause of death!

The Democrats cooked the books on the Covid pandemic and undermined any proper epidemiological tracking and study of it.

Yes, wokeness was involved at the citizen level - but there was something far more nefarious going on among those in power.

01-19-2023, 10:29 AM
Some hockey player wouldn't wear the ribbon.

01-19-2023, 03:06 PM
This Santos guy seems like a chip off the old block.
Donors' credit card numbers being taken to make additional unauthorized charges.
Some of them going to other candidates. All without approval.

He should start a charity, or a university, or a casino. He'll do well.

He sounds like the traditional US politician. Living above the law.

01-19-2023, 03:53 PM
He sounds like the traditional US politician. Living above the law.

“I’ve had enough stupid things like neurotic, psychotic, pig headed politicians,
All I want is the Truth…Just gimmee some Truth”
-John Lennon Give Me Some Truth

01-20-2023, 04:59 PM
Drag Queen Santos stole money from a homeless vet to get medical attention for his cancerous dog. Sez his mother was in the South Tower when she actually was in Brazil. Just this weeks revelations. Mc Carthy will put him on the ethics committee.

01-20-2023, 05:20 PM
Sounds like China and Iran on the human rights commission or whatever the hell that is.

01-21-2023, 01:45 PM
Drag Queen Santos stole money from a homeless vet to get medical attention for his cancerous dog. Sez his mother was in the South Tower when she actually was in Brazil. Just this weeks revelations. Mc Carthy will put him on the ethics committee.

Not defending Santos but are you equally upset with the whole Hunter Biden/Joe Biden drama?

01-21-2023, 04:55 PM
From a Congressman who represents a district in Illinois:

“As the only recipient of the Wilson Prize for High-Energy Particle Accelerator Physics serving in Congress, it can get lonely. Not anymore!... I’m thrilled to be joined on the Science Committee by my Republican colleague Dr. George Santos, winner of not only the Nobel Prize, but also the Fields Medal—the top prize in Mathematics—for his groundbreaking work with imaginary numbers.”

01-22-2023, 09:41 AM
Now Paul obsesses over Santos while Biden has continual stashes of classified documents discovered in his unsecured House, garage, and almost everywhere else. Oh, and while having a crack addicted son who was grifting hard off China and Ukraine having access to them too!?
Hmmmm, seems a bit more attention should be paid to that than to just another lying politician- when lying is part of the Washington profession resume.

01-22-2023, 09:58 AM
My last post was a great laugh from a sitting congressman who has the credentials he noted. No lying there.

Glad to see Biden cooperating with the FBI, etc to recover any documents he may have.
Very disappointing that he left office with any of them in his possession, however they got to his office/house.

Maybe he should take the approach that Kellyanne's husband suggests?

I don't understand why the Biden people are voluntarily giving access to investigators instead of stonewalling and lying and screaming "WITCH HUNT" and calling the investigators Gestapo and bringing frivolous lawsuits against them.

01-22-2023, 10:17 AM
From a Congressman who represents a district in Illinois:

“As the only recipient of the Wilson Prize for High-Energy Particle Accelerator Physics serving in Congress, it can get lonely. Not anymore!... I’m thrilled to be joined on the Science Committee by my Republican colleague Dr. George Santos, winner of not only the Nobel Prize, but also the Fields Medal—the top prize in Mathematics—for his groundbreaking work with imaginary numbers.”

Ok. That’s funny.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-22-2023, 10:31 AM
Drip, drip, drip. drip..... Now diamonds?

The Joe/Hunter/China scandal is starting to reek of a quid pro quo - maybe even a tinge of treason.

This will go down as the worst event in American history: worse than the Civil War, Watergate, the Hindenburg, the day Wham broke up, and dare I say, the night Xavier lost to Florida State in the 2018 NCAAs.

01-22-2023, 10:49 AM
No surprise when a Republican Congressman is invited on CBS to discuss Biden document issue (as well as ANY mention of the issue on ANY network news - even local) the conversation quickly turns to Trump and then a grilling about election deniers in congress.

01-22-2023, 01:36 PM
Is Sherman in Atlanta again?

01-22-2023, 07:38 PM
Shooting in Monterrey Park California- a state with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the US.
But does that stop Adam Schiff-the biggest professional policy liar in the House to push his narrative?
Nah. He immediately goes to the “Bigotry” vs Asian American card, while a picture of a suspect is posted by Police that is of an, errrrrr, ASIAN MAN!
And of course he has to get in the anti-gun narrative too.
One of the ultimate Dividers in Government and is never called to account for his lies.

01-24-2023, 05:18 AM
Is Sherman in Atlanta again?

6 arrested at the Atlanta #Antifa riot bring the total to 19 charged w/terrorism offenses in connection w/the "Stop Cop City" autonomous zone. I investigated their backgrounds. Nearly all are children of pampered privilege from out of state.


01-24-2023, 06:17 AM
Administration not only interested in dismantling the Constitution, but also rewriting the seminal first lines of the Declaration of Independence. VP's take conveniently and purposefully leaving something out:

“America is a promise. It is a promise of freedom and liberty—not for some, but for all,” Harris said. “A promise we made in the Declaration of Independence that we are each endowed with the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

She also (purposefully?) neglected to credit by whom these rights are endowed.

01-24-2023, 10:37 AM
The more I read about this Santos cat, the more I think of John Lovitz's SNL character Tommy Flanagan, a member of the Pathological Liars Anonymous.


01-24-2023, 12:23 PM
while Biden has continual stashes of classified documents discovered in his unsecured House, garage, and almost everywhere else.

A lawyer for former Vice President Mike Pence discovered about a dozen documents marked as classified at Pence’s Indiana home last week, and he has turned those classified records over to the FBI, multiple sources familiar with the matter told CNN.


01-24-2023, 12:25 PM
So is having classified documents in unauthorized locations a big deal, or is it not a big deal?

01-24-2023, 12:34 PM
So is having classified documents in unauthorized locations a big deal, or is it not a big deal?

I think we can agree that it’s a lot more common than anyone thought. Does anyone really think Trump, Biden, or Pence, personally oversaw every document that was removed when they left office? The had staffers stuffing things in boxes, probably with some guidelines, but no one Watch paying very close attention, which is a whole different topic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-24-2023, 12:48 PM
So is having classified documents in unauthorized locations a big deal, or is it not a big deal?

It is all about context right. What were the documents, why did you have them, and how did you react upon discovering the documents. The first two questions we never get to find out since they are classified, so instead we are just left to wildly speculate. On the third question, this is a case where the coverup may be worse than the crime.

01-24-2023, 12:54 PM
I guess I don't find arguing that the documents are not actually classified and that you have the right to keep them to be a coverup even if you're ultimately wrong.

01-24-2023, 01:14 PM
I guess I don't find arguing that the documents are not actually classified and that you have the right to keep them to be a coverup even if you're ultimately wrong.
I believe that the only place that was argued was on Twitter. I do not think that his lawyers ever pushed forward an argument in court that he declassified the documents (something could have been filed recently, but a quick google is showing that as of the last filing in September that argument was not being presented).

01-24-2023, 01:53 PM
And presidential papers are suppose to go to the National Archives; I don't know of any exceptions for that.

01-24-2023, 01:55 PM
And presidential papers are suppose to go to the National Archives; I don't know of any exceptions for that.

OK. But the whole thing just comes off as the one millionth "walls are closing in" "bombshell" situation, and people were just sure this was really the one. Then it turns out Biden did essentially the same thing, and the sad cope of realizing Trump is going to slip away again has been hard to watch.

01-24-2023, 02:33 PM
Hmmm. So it seems that pols just taking classified docs out of DC is commonplace?
I anxiously await the FBI raid on Biden’s Delaware house with MSM Cameras at the ready!!


OK. But the whole thing just comes off as the one millionth "walls are closing in" "bombshell" situation, and people were just sure this was really the one. Then it turns out Biden did essentially the same thing, and the sad cope of realizing Trump is going to slip away again has been hard to watch.

It appears that my statement earlier in this thread is correct.
Only real difference is that a politicized DOJ/FBI made a drama show about raiding a former Presidents home directly in advance of an election as opposed to keeping things quiet two weeks in advance of an election because their team would be affected.
How much more proof do you need of the bias bullsheet?
Indict them all!! (Not happening)
(I can hear the “but Trump” now. Irrelevant)

01-24-2023, 02:59 PM
The real difference is that Pence and Biden lawyers, upon finding documents, invited the FBI to come in, take them and search the other premises.

Trump ignored requests, partially responded to a subpoena, had his lawyers say they had returned everything (when they hadn't)......only then did DOJ go to a judge to get a warrant for the premises to recover documents. Then kept fighting with a handpicked judge for a special master and blocking access to what had been seized...until an appeals court blew the circuit judge's nonsense out of the water.

Pretty sad if you can't tell the difference in these two situations.

01-24-2023, 03:23 PM
I just don't really see how any of that matters. i already don't like Trump. It makes me feel about the same about him as I always did. I don't really see any basis for the legal punishment for the alleged crime to be materially different for Trump as compared to the others.

Trump's an asshole. Wow, glad we cleared that up again.

01-24-2023, 04:46 PM
The real difference is that Pence and Biden lawyers, upon finding documents, invited the FBI to come in, take them and search the other premises.

Trump ignored requests, partially responded to a subpoena, had his lawyers say they had returned everything (when they hadn't)......only then did DOJ go to a judge to get a warrant for the premises to recover documents. Then kept fighting with a handpicked judge for a special master and blocking access to what had been seized...until an appeals court blew the circuit judge's nonsense out of the water.

Pretty sad if you can't tell the difference in these two situations.

As I predicted. The “but Trump”. Still irrelevant. Biden’s “lawyers” made sure that nothing was reported for 2 months. Ignoring “Transparency”.
See, for Paul, being disingenuous only goes one way.
Like Go said. None of the other stuff matters.

01-24-2023, 05:36 PM
Seems as if Biden’s and Stacy Abrams’ “Jim Crow 2.0” was an abject failure…..For Jim Crow!!!
Wrong again Lefties!!!

UGA poll: 0% of black respondents said their voting experience in Georgia was poor in the 2022 midterm election. Around 73% of black voters said it was excellent, equal to white voters.


X-band '01
01-24-2023, 05:36 PM
Personally, I can't wait to see how the late night folks treat Pence for having classified docs in his possession. There's more comedic value in him holding those docs versus being disgusted with other politicians hoarding them (and willfully trying to hide in some cases).

01-24-2023, 06:33 PM
So is having classified documents in unauthorized locations a big deal, or is it not a big deal?

Just hope we can say this act prohibits someone from seeking the presidency. Since we don’t have a maximum age, at least we can get rid of two 80 year olds.

01-24-2023, 07:32 PM
Just hope we can say this act prohibits someone from seeking the presidency. Since we don’t have a maximum age, at least we can get rid of two 80 year olds.


01-24-2023, 07:43 PM
Personally, I can't wait to see how the late night folks treat Pence for having classified docs in his possession. There's more comedic value in him holding those docs versus being disgusted with other politicians hoarding them (and willfully trying to hide in some cases).

I honestly didn't think anyone watched that garbage anymore.

01-26-2023, 11:27 AM
Are the adults back in charge at the ACLU?!? Stunning.


Lamont Sanford
01-26-2023, 11:46 AM
Are the adults back in charge at the ACLU?!? Stunning.


I'm sure they will come out later and say they were hacked. No other logical explanation for their appearance of common sense.

01-27-2023, 12:55 PM
The Paul Pelosi attack video has convinced me: I'm never moving to San Francisco. Very strange shit happens there.

01-27-2023, 01:21 PM
The Paul Pelosi attack video has convinced me: I'm never moving to San Francisco. Very strange shit happens there.

Yeah that whole thing is very weird. Everyone should mix Chardonnay with Hammers!

01-27-2023, 02:06 PM
The 911 call was even weirder.

01-27-2023, 02:11 PM
So the vaunted Durham investigation (supposed to be "independent" except Durham and Barr had dinners and drank scotch all the time) has produced after 3 years...nothing?
I was suppose to wait and watch for it? Get ready Paul, big bad things are coming from Durham.
What a scam. Although he and Barr traveled to Europe to get dirt on Clinton, they got nothing...except an Italian lead on a possible criminal financial activity by Trump. Which caused Barr to broaden Durham's responsibility to include "criminal" things. Wonder if we'll ever hear what that was about.

Strange Brew
01-27-2023, 03:58 PM
So the vaunted Durham investigation (supposed to be "independent" except Durham and Barr had dinners and drank scotch all the time) has produced after 3 years...nothing?
I was suppose to wait and watch for it? Get ready Paul, big bad things are coming from Durham.
What a scam. Although he and Barr traveled to Europe to get dirt on Clinton, they got nothing...except an Italian lead on a possible criminal financial activity by Trump. Which caused Barr to broaden Durham's responsibility to include "criminal" things. Wonder if we'll ever hear what that was about.

Probably the same bs as the dossier. Haha.
Clinton did break the law and the DOJ decided no reasonable prosecutor would bring changes.

Give it a rest.

01-27-2023, 04:57 PM
Probably the same bs as the dossier. Haha.
Clinton did break the law and the DOJ decided no reasonable prosecutor would bring changes.

Give it a rest.

Paul with the “possible criminal” again.
He’ll never stop even though it’s a big empty.
Oh, well…

01-27-2023, 09:37 PM
Just wait Paul. Big things coming from the Durham investigation.

01-27-2023, 09:56 PM
Just wait Paul. Big things coming from the Durham investigation.

Where are your closed in walls on Trump?????

01-28-2023, 12:32 PM
Where are your closed in walls on Trump?????

Patience. Durham had almost 4 years to come up with nothing.
Jack Smith has only been at it a couple of months.

Strange Brew
01-28-2023, 01:17 PM
Patience. Durham had almost 4 years to come up with nothing.
Jack Smith has only been at it a couple of months.

We’ll wait. Like always.
Russia, the two ridiculous impeachments.
You’re a clown.

The current President has broken the law.

Hey Paul, why was Hunter paying his father $49k/mo in rent? Seems like a great way to launder foreign money.

And Hillary broke the law as well.

Give Trump a rest. You’re feebly attempting to deflect from the hot mess Biden has created. It’s sad and funny for me at the same time.

01-29-2023, 10:24 AM
As usual, Paul can't answer the tough questions.

He runs when the hot metal starts flying, just like he always has....

01-29-2023, 11:18 AM
You all are so naive. Like children you babble back anything Tucker said. Grow up.


Strange Brew
01-29-2023, 11:56 AM
You all are so naive. Like children you babble back anything Tucker said. Grow up.


Don’t watch Tucker and you still read Politifact? Talk about a naive child…

01-29-2023, 12:11 PM
You don't like they showed Tucker up with some real facts? Sorry.

01-29-2023, 01:32 PM
Don’t watch Tucker and you still read Politifact? Talk about a naive child…
It does seem that politifact was a more accurate than whatever crazy source you had for that hunter Biden story.

01-29-2023, 01:45 PM
It does seem that politifact was a more accurate than whatever crazy source you had for that hunter Biden story.

Yep gotta love the irony of complaining about a source when commenting on a story from one of the most biased hacks in the business. This thread is a bunch of guys circle jerking each other off with partisan info back and forth.

Strange Brew
01-29-2023, 02:10 PM
You don't like they showed Tucker up with some real facts? Sorry.

A doc that wasn’t filled out by Hunter but has his sig that magically shows up weeks later. Oh, ok.

01-29-2023, 04:14 PM
Amid the brouhaha over President Joe Biden’s improper retention of classified documents and concerns that his son, Hunter Biden, had access to them, a 2018 form on which Hunter Biden claims to have spent nearly $50,000 a month on rent surfaced from the presidential son’s abandoned laptop.

On it, Hunter Biden lists his father’s Wilmington house as his address...., (right here: https://twitter.com/mirandadevine/status/1613576887728496640?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1613576887728496640%7Ctwgr% 5Eaf326afab11b3b27fd2e81be61df401aeb05fc5b%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fvinnews.com%2F2023%2F01%2F17 %2Fdocument-hunter-biden-rented-dads-home-and-garage-for-49k-per-month%2F)

......raising questions about whether he was using rent payments to pass money to his father. The money, $49,910, was actually a reference to rental payment for a Washington, D.C., office space used by Hunter Biden. But the story of the document is more absurd, involving Biden family favor trading, scorned relatives, and an ultimately failed effort to get Hunter Biden’s troubled cousin a new probation officer.

The Washington Free Beacon traced the origin of the document to an attachment in a July 27, 2018, email from Hunter Biden to a luxury apartment complex in Los Angeles. The background check document was part of a rental application, and—though his communications with the building’s property manager indicated the apartment would be for him—text messages and emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop reveal it was in fact for his down-on-her-luck cousin, Caroline Biden, the daughter of Joe Biden’s brother Jim and his wife, Sara.


It's not like Tucker made this up out of thin air, no matter how many wet dreams you have about it...., Mr. Innocent...

01-29-2023, 04:59 PM
You’re a clown.
Hey Paul, why was Hunter paying his father $49k/mo in rent?

As usual, Paul can't answer the tough questions.
He runs when the hot metal starts flying, just like he always has....

The money, $49,910, was actually a reference to rental payment for a Washington, D.C., office space used by Hunter Biden.

So, from Hunter and Trump Jr and others getting you all worked up about Hunter paying rent on his dad's house to wash money, to realizing it was for a property in DC for his business, verified by the Swedish National Property Board...you're now off on some other tangent about who knows what.

You'll understand if I just ignore all your conspiracy nonsense until you return to the real world and learn to check your crazy stories before you start throwing shit against the wall, praying something will stick. And it actually doesn't matter because the people on the right are easily duped and will believe anything.

01-29-2023, 05:46 PM
So, from Hunter and Trump Jr and others getting you all worked up about Hunter paying rent on his dad's house to wash money, to realizing it was for a property in DC for his business, verified by the Swedish National Property Board...you're now off on some other tangent about who knows what.

You'll understand if I just ignore all your conspiracy nonsense until you return to the real world and learn to check your crazy stories before you start throwing shit against the wall, praying something will stick. And it actually doesn't matter because the people on the right are easily duped and will believe anything.

I have no idea what your point is. It doesn't look like you do either.

01-30-2023, 06:56 PM
If anyone thinks that the FBI and DOJ aren’t weaponized vs citizens that don’t follow the approved Biden Admin narrative, this should wake you up.
Thank God Mark Houck was acquitted. This Administration and Minion Merrick Garland are out of control. Theatrics don’t work vs the Law,

”Mark Houck’s attorney Breen told the outlet that the case was thrown out of state court but revived by the Biden administration nearly a year after the incident. Further, Breen said, some 20 FBI agents raided Houck’s home when they arrested him, treating him “as if he was a drug lord or a mafia boss.”


01-31-2023, 12:18 PM
Typical Lefty Democrat move. One one descriptive label for their trash moves fail, they just change the descriptive label.


01-31-2023, 12:24 PM
I'd like to reimagine police kiling fewer people unnecessarily. I'd also like to reimagine criminals not acting in a way that makes police think they deserve killing.

01-31-2023, 12:40 PM
I'd like to reimagine police kiling fewer people unnecessarily. I'd also like to reimagine criminals not acting in a way that makes police think they deserve killing.

Have we tried asking each side nicely? We could also propose thoughts and prayers?

The one thing I know that will not happen is any sort of meaningful reform. So hopefully the first two options come through for us.

01-31-2023, 01:16 PM
Have we tried asking each side nicely? We could also propose thoughts and prayers?

The one thing I know that will not happen is any sort of meaningful reform. So hopefully the first two options come through for us.

What sane human being wants to be a cop right now, about the same number as sane politicians. That’s the first problem.

01-31-2023, 01:42 PM
Have we tried asking each side nicely?

I don't think we have. I propose you hitting the streets and making the polite request. Thanks!

01-31-2023, 01:46 PM
What sane human being wants to be a cop right now

Absolutely not. Unless you're a sociopath. As you say, that's the problem.

ACAB!!!!! But also, why can't we find good people that would be cops and protect us?!?

01-31-2023, 05:18 PM
I saw somewhere that some on the Left are calling for police to lose their qualified immunity. If that happens, the police will stop doing just about everything. Why run the risk of being sued personally whenever someone thinks you did something wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-31-2023, 07:05 PM
Trump's an asshole. Wow, glad we cleared that up again.

He'll enter every primary with 30-35% of the vote while the mini-trumps struggle with single digits. You'll have the same old asshole as the GOP nominee.

01-31-2023, 10:03 PM
He'll enter every primary with 30-35% of the vote while the mini-trumps struggle with single digits. You'll have the same old asshole as the GOP nominee.

I don't doubt that. And the Democrat nominee will be just shitty enough that Trump might win. Again.


01-31-2023, 11:17 PM
What an absolutely dreadful economic outlook from the IMF. Another term from Joe Biden and the US will definitely be a third world nation by 2028.

Hell, the IMF has Russia outpacing the US in 2024!! What the hell happened with all those sanctions that were supposed to cripple Putin?!?!? The only people that are being crippled is the middle class in the US. Even Mexico and Latin America will outpace the US over the next two years. And those people think they're going to find jobs here? This is absolutely pathetic:

2023 GDP projections / 2024 GDP projections / country or region:

4.9 / 5.6 / Low income developing countries

5.2 / 4.5 / China

0.3 / 2.1 / Russia

1.8 / 2.1 / Latin America

1.7 / 1.6 / Mexico

0.7 / 1.6 / Euro area

1.5 / 1.5 / Canada

1.4 / 1.0 / USA


Take a look at what has happened to our economy since the Obama admin. Chart 2 on this blog post shows that the US recorded a 3.1% real GDP growth rate from 1950 though 2007. Since then, it's averaged just 2.2%:


Or, to put it another way, we would be roughly 22% richer today – or have at least $15,000 more income per median income family had we stayed on trend:


02-01-2023, 05:51 PM
If anyone thinks that the FBI and DOJ aren’t weaponized vs citizens that don’t follow the approved Biden Admin narrative, this should wake you up.

Funny that you said this. Had an individual in my office last week telling me that he had never been audited by the IRS. He had joined the Tea party several years back and was audited 5 times in about 20 months. He quit the Tea Party and has never been audited since.

02-01-2023, 07:02 PM
Typical Lefty Democrat move. One one descriptive label for their trash moves fail, they just change the descriptive label.


Typical political move by one of the political parties to win votes. DonÂ’t we have a judicial system which is working in place for when these situation occur to determine appropriate use of force? What exactly do these politicians want police to do when they are threatened? The police have split second decision to make a determination of the situation and use the necessary force to deal with the situation and that protects their own lives as well. The Minnesota and Memphis incidents are outliers and have been or are being dealt with by the judicial system. The judicial system has also appropriated dealt with the Mike Brown case and the false narrative of hand up donÂ’t shoot by the BLM and the Democrats.

All of these incidents had a common theme and that is individuals breaking the law and/or not complying with police orders. Maybe there is a society issue on hand with the lack of respect shown to law enforcement who protect and serve this country on a daily basis. Maybe an upbrint issue as well as to how to act in society. Defund police or Reimagine police wonÂ’t do a damn thing to stop criminal behavior that occurs in our country and causes police incidents to occur.

Additionally, what have any of the politicians and the country for that matter done to help rid black on black crime in this country. We have protesters on the streets attacking police officers, burning/looting buildings, and glorifying criminals like Mike Brown yet donÂ’t protest at all for little children who are being gunned down on the streets. Where is the outrage for this?

02-03-2023, 09:22 AM
The unemployment rate fell to 3.4% from 3.5%, hitting a level not seen since before Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon.


(That's probably before a lot of you became Muskies!)

02-03-2023, 09:23 AM

(That's probably before a lot of you became Muskies!)

*A lot of us were born ;)

02-03-2023, 10:10 AM

(That's probably before a lot of you became Muskies!)

Yea, but what's the "Employment Rate"?

Talk to me when it reaches the Trump economy...


02-03-2023, 11:28 AM
So apparently the Chinese are flying spy balloons over Montana..nothing to see here

02-03-2023, 11:31 AM
Desantis wants history of your daughters menstrual cycles.

Strange Brew
02-03-2023, 12:14 PM
Desantis wants history of your daughters menstrual cycles.


Strange Brew
02-03-2023, 12:15 PM
So apparently the Chinese are flying spy balloons over Montana..nothing to see here

Scary, for a variety of reasons...

02-03-2023, 12:45 PM
Scary, for a variety of reasons...

Nah..much ado about nothing. It's only our biggest geo-political enemy unabatedly flying observation balloons in our airspace. We should focus on the real issues in this country, ala the inner workings of Florida High School Athletic Association. Hard hitting stuff there

02-03-2023, 02:31 PM
Nah..much ado about nothing. It's only our biggest geo-political enemy unabatedly flying observation balloons in our airspace. We should focus on the real issues in this country, ala the inner workings of Florida High School Athletic Association. Hard hitting stuff there

We could be at war with china and bobbie would still be posting stupid sh*t

02-03-2023, 04:00 PM
Stupid shit is requiring history of your daughters menstrual cycles by the government. Guess you are in favor. Disgusting.

02-03-2023, 04:09 PM
Federal Code
The Attorney General, or in cases in which the Attorney General is recused, the Acting Attorney General, will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted ...

The last Attorney General commenting on why he appointed Durham as a "Special Counsel"
“The idea that there was a thin basis for doing it doesn’t hold water,” said Barr. “Because it wasn’t started as a criminal investigation. … “Yes, we wanted to hold people accountable if something came up that indicated criminality, or you could prove criminality. But it wasn’t a criminal investigation,

This must be what they are talking about when the say "Weaponizing" the Federal Government. I feel sure Jim Jordan will investigate this with his select committee.

02-03-2023, 04:34 PM
Stupid shit is requiring history of your daughters menstrual cycles by the government. Guess you are in favor. Disgusting.

No, stupid shit is not knowing your facts:

* DeSantis has nothing to do with this

* "The draft — published last month by the Florida High School Athletic Association, a group that oversees interscholastic athletic programs across the state — proposes making currently optional questions regarding a student’s menstrual cycle mandatory"

* "The questions have appeared in the state’s athletics participation form for more than two decades, but have been optional."

* This has everything to do with lunatic perverts like your president who think that men should be allowed to play women's sports.

I bet you and Paul both claim to support women's rights. Why aren't you speaking out against men playing in women's sports, and taking away college scholarships? What happened to NOW, and all the other phonies on the left who claim to support women?

Strange Brew
02-03-2023, 05:06 PM
Federal Code
The Attorney General, or in cases in which the Attorney General is recused, the Acting Attorney General, will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted ...

The last Attorney General commenting on why he appointed Durham as a "Special Counsel"
“The idea that there was a thin basis for doing it doesn’t hold water,” said Barr. “Because it wasn’t started as a criminal investigation. … “Yes, we wanted to hold people accountable if something came up that indicated criminality, or you could prove criminality. But it wasn’t a criminal investigation,

This must be what they are talking about when the say "Weaponizing" the Federal Government. I feel sure Jim Jordan will investigate this with his select committee.

Yeah, we all know it wasn’t a criminal investigation. Why are you still talking about it?

02-03-2023, 05:13 PM
Yeah, we all know it wasn’t a criminal investigation. Why are you still talking about it?

Because he aint got much else these days. Broken record....

02-03-2023, 05:45 PM
Apparently comprehension of the basics is sometimes lacking on this board. This seems pretty straightforward:

Federal Code
The Attorney General, or in cases in which the Attorney General is recused, the Acting Attorney General, will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted ...

I heard so much about "just wait for Durham; it's coming, "etc.
Not only was it a waste of 4 years of taxpayer dollars,it turns out it wasn't even a legal investigation.
Go get 'em Gym.

02-03-2023, 06:12 PM
Apparently comprehension of the basics is sometimes lacking on this board. This seems pretty straightforward:

Federal Code
The Attorney General, or in cases in which the Attorney General is recused, the Acting Attorney General, will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted ...

I heard so much about "just wait for Durham; it's coming, "etc.
Not only was it a waste of 4 years of taxpayer dollars,it turns out it wasn't even a legal investigation.
Go get 'em Gym.

When will the “walls close in” Paul?
Seems like your comprehension of that is lacking?
Mueller investigation/impeachments. = Waste of taxpayer dollars & congressional time.

02-03-2023, 07:00 PM
no, stupid shit is not knowing your facts:

* desantis has nothing to do with this

* "the draft — published last month by the florida high school athletic association, a group that oversees interscholastic athletic programs across the state — proposes making currently optional questions regarding a student’s menstrual cycle mandatory" duh


02-03-2023, 07:34 PM
Hard to believe, I completely agree with Paul. Spending that kind of money to find out the Steele dossier was complete crap and Hillary’s campaign paid for it sucks. Just to make the left understand the actual chain of events. Guessing if MSM really cared, we could have avoided this cost.

Also stinks we found out the FBI changed an email to spy on an American citizen. Doubt we will ever learn but one can only hope.

02-03-2023, 07:36 PM
Meanwhile, China has an Espionage Balloon flying unencumbered over the United States. It’s been here for over 5 days.
Meanwhile, our Dementia ridden Commander in Chief can’t seem to figure out how to protect US airspace.
And our Milquetoast SOS Antony Blinken makes a really strong statement that it was “Irresponsible” of China. Wow!! That sure scares them!!!
We only have like 4 or 5 air bases in Montana, the Dakotas and Kansas and that whole general area. Seems like a serious security breach to me and ya might want to make a move to stop data collection? Cell phone waves seem to fly all over. Hell, these Dems don’t even want to stop Tik Tok!
Can’t wait until that balloon reaches Washington DC. Then we’ll see if Biden’s “business relationships” in China override our US security.
What a dumpster fire this Administration continues to be.

02-03-2023, 07:47 PM
Can you imagine the outcry from the Left and MSM if this happened while Trump was in office and did nothing?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-03-2023, 08:23 PM
Can you imagine the outcry from the Left and MSM if this happened while Trump was in office and did nothing?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh just wait, this will turn into Trumps fault at some point. Remember the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan was his. Also saw the Times had an article that Russia’s invasion on Ukraine was his as well.

02-03-2023, 08:29 PM
And now the Pentagon has confirmed there is a SECOND Chinese spy Balloon!!
Meanwhile Biden is gone from DC and firmly ensconced at home in Delaware.
Clown in Chief.

02-03-2023, 09:03 PM
No, stupid shit is not knowing your facts:

* DeSantis has nothing to do with this

* "The draft — published last month by the Florida High School Athletic Association, a group that oversees interscholastic athletic programs across the state — proposes making currently optional questions regarding a student’s menstrual cycle mandatory"

* "The questions have appeared in the state’s athletics participation form for more than two decades, but have been optional."

* This has everything to do with lunatic perverts like your president who think that men should be allowed to play women's sports.

I bet you and Paul both claim to support women's rights. Why aren't you speaking out against men playing in women's sports, and taking away college scholarships? What happened to NOW, and all the other phonies on the left who claim to support women?




02-03-2023, 09:05 PM
Meanwhile, China has an Espionage Balloon flying unencumbered over the United States. It’s been here for over 5 days.
Meanwhile, our Dementia ridden Commander in Chief can’t seem to figure out how to protect US airspace.
And our Milquetoast SOS Antony Blinken makes a really strong statement that it was “Irresponsible” of China. Wow!! That sure scares them!!!
We only have like 4 or 5 air bases in Montana, the Dakotas and Kansas and that whole general area. Seems like a serious security breach to me and ya might want to make a move to stop data collection? Cell phone waves seem to fly all over. Hell, these Dems don’t even want to stop Tik Tok!
Can’t wait until that balloon reaches Washington DC. Then we’ll see if Biden’s “business relationships” in China override our US security.
What a dumpster fire this Administration continues to be.

Open borders, open air space - what's the difference?

02-03-2023, 09:50 PM
Did you get your order in yet lou?


Strange Brew
02-04-2023, 12:25 AM
Did you get your order in yet lou?


Thank goodness for hard-hitting journalism like this. No one on XHoops would’ve known without this. THIS, is bigger than Watergate and the walls are surely now closing in…again. We should shut down Congress for two weeks to make sure this doesn’t spread..

Meanwhile, Pelosi wants to shoot down the balloon so we can find out what’s in it..

02-04-2023, 07:22 AM
Thank goodness for hard-hitting journalism like this. No one on XHoops would’ve known without this. THIS, is bigger than Watergate and the walls are surely now closing in…again. We should shut down Congress for two weeks to make sure this doesn’t spread..

Meanwhile, Pelosi wants to shoot down the balloon so we can find out what’s in it..

Hot air. Can't stand the competition.

02-04-2023, 08:09 AM
And now the Pentagon has confirmed there is a SECOND Chinese spy Balloon!!
Meanwhile Biden is gone from DC and firmly ensconced at home in Delaware.
Clown in Chief.

To be fair, the second balloon seems to be over Latin America, but WTF?

02-04-2023, 11:13 AM
From Kaitlin Collins:
“ The suspected Chinese spy balloon is currently in the skies over Charlotte, NC, per aerial footage from CNN affiliate’s WSOC.”

The mystery has been solved. The balloon is a transport mechanism to pick up Paul in SC and shuttle him to his true home.
-Per Sources

02-04-2023, 12:56 PM
Meanwhile Biden is gone from DC and firmly ensconced at home in Delaware. [/QUOTE]

Compare to the 550 trips to maralago @ 3 million per trip to the taxpayers.

Strange Brew
02-04-2023, 02:12 PM
Compare to the 550 trips to maralago @ 3 million per trip to the taxpayers.

Whataboutism. Haha.

02-04-2023, 04:47 PM
I think Biden had the balloon shot down. I didn't get a ride.

(I'm very much at home in my true home in the South.)

02-04-2023, 10:47 PM
Of course. Wait until it has conducted all of its reconnaissance across the country and then shoot it down. Talk about closing the barn door...

02-05-2023, 07:56 AM
Unfortunately my state has produced some wacko politicians:

This was followed by new claims that President Trump never would have allowed a Chinese balloon into US airspace at all. Rep. Joe Wilson, a notorious goober who represents a district in South Carolina declared: “The catastrophic Chinese Spy Balloon spectacle clearly threatened American families from Alaska to my home community in South Carolina and confirms President Biden and Vice President Harris should resign.”

But according to a Pentagon press release out this afternoon, Chinese surveillance balloons entered US airspace at least three times during Trump’s presidency. He not only didn’t shoot them down he also, it would seem, kept it a secret.

02-05-2023, 08:12 AM
Not that it would ever be made public, but I am generally curious what type of data the balloons could be collecting at 60,000 feet that they couldn't collect from a spy satellite? Just seems like using a balloon is so primitive and so obvious, my dumb brain cannot think of a tactical reason to do it?

I saw somewhere online this is the first ever air to air kill by an F22. Think that pilot is going to paint a ballon on the side of his plane?

02-05-2023, 10:43 AM
Compare to the 550 trips to maralago @ 3 million per trip to the taxpayers.

But but but...TRUMP! It's gotta be Trump...the answer to everything is Trump. No critical thinking, no original thought..Just Trump.

Pay no attention to the senile buffoon running this country

Strange Brew
02-05-2023, 11:12 AM
Unfortunately my state has produced some wacko politicians:

Source. The article used the word “goober”.

Strange Brew
02-05-2023, 11:17 AM
Not that it would ever be made public, but I am generally curious what type of data the balloons could be collecting at 60,000 feet that they couldn't collect from a spy satellite? Just seems like using a balloon is so primitive and so obvious, my dumb brain cannot think of a tactical reason to do it?

I saw somewhere online this is the first ever air to air kill by an F22. Think that pilot is going to paint a ballon on the side of his plane?

A good question to ask is why would they send a balloon since they have satellite tech and who sold them the rocket tech to put them into orbit?

02-05-2023, 12:39 PM
Source. The article used the word “goober”.

Source: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/of-men-and-balloons/sharetoken/7uAQD8tiqwMi

That guy is the definition of "goober." He's the idiot that shouted out "you lie" during the State of the Union address.
Forgot his momma's manners. He did, however, apologize. So there's that.

Muskie in dayton
02-05-2023, 01:50 PM
Source: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/of-men-and-balloons/sharetoken/7uAQD8tiqwMi

That guy is the definition of "goober." He's the idiot that shouted out "you lie" during the State of the Union address.
Forgot his momma's manners. He did, however, apologize. So there's that.

Why didn’t you post this link where Trump’s Secretary of Defense denied the claim?

Meanwhile, Biden has seen this before:

02-05-2023, 03:09 PM
Didn't know about Esper denying knowledge. Interesting.
Guess the Defense Department just made shit up in their press release.

On the other hand, if the military didn't see the need to shoot it down until over international waters, and then have it land is relatively shallow (47 feet) waters off the coast of South Carolina...I think that might turn out to be a good move. Can recover valuable intelligence through whatever equipment they salvage. Could have lost that if it crashed into the land.

02-05-2023, 05:45 PM
But but but...TRUMP! It's gotta be Trump...the answer to everything is Trump. No critical thinking, no original thought..Just Trump.

Pay no attention to the senile buffoon running this country

Maybe you missed it. He's running again.

Strange Brew
02-05-2023, 06:35 PM
Source: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/of-men-and-balloons/sharetoken/7uAQD8tiqwMi

That guy is the definition of "goober." He's the idiot that shouted out "you lie" during the State of the Union address.
Forgot his momma's manners. He did, however, apologize. So there's that.

Well, he wasn’t wrong…

And TPM….the story already been proven false.

Strange Brew
02-05-2023, 06:36 PM
Maybe you missed it. He's running again.

So is Biden. Although he has no idea if he is.

02-05-2023, 07:57 PM
Source: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/of-men-and-balloons/sharetoken/7uAQD8tiqwMi

Oh my God, they even kept those spy balloons during the Trump administration secret from the Chinese government. That's top secret, man.

02-05-2023, 08:26 PM
Didn't know about Esper denying knowledge. Interesting.
Guess the Defense Department just made shit up in their press release.

On the other hand, if the military didn't see the need to shoot it down until over international waters, and then have it land is relatively shallow (47 feet) waters off the coast of South Carolina...I think that might turn out to be a good move. Can recover valuable intelligence through whatever equipment they salvage. Could have lost that if it crashed into the land.

What’s. “interesting” is that, per usual, Paul only researches the side of the story that fits his “gain points” attempt rather than researching further/waiting for more info to come out. He “didn’t know” about Esper’s denial. And, yeah. I think the DoD makes shit up all the time. It’s clearly established that entrenched government departments are biased against Trump and also cover up crap all the time with the help of a willing press. Why do you think it took two months for it to be released that classified documents were found related to Biden.
Believing what the government tells you all the time sure does sound like the brainwashing that happens in oppressive, regimes.
By the way. There are nuclear silos all over Montana, and that balloon had free rein flying over it. That data was transmitted. Makes no difference now if anything is discovered in the balloon wreckage. That ship sailed.
Would have been a good idea to catch it early?

02-05-2023, 08:51 PM
What’s. “interesting” is that, per usual, Paul only researches the side of the story that fits his “gain points” attempt rather than researching further/waiting for more info to come out. He “didn’t know” about Esper’s denial. And, yeah. I think the DoD makes shit up all the time. It’s clearly established that entrenched government departments are biased against Trump and also cover up crap all the time with the help of a willing press. Why do you think it took two months for it to be released that classified documents were found related to Biden.
Believing what the government tells you all the time sure does sound like the brainwashing that happens in oppressive, regimes.
By the way. There are nuclear silos all over Montana, and that balloon had free rein flying over it. That data was transmitted. Makes no difference now if anything is discovered in the balloon wreckage. That ship sailed.
Would have been a good idea to catch it early?

Like I said a couple of days ago, somehow this is going to be about Trump. So predictable.

This Trump thing is all over the board. From Trumps administration didn’t find out about the 3 balloons until after he left to where those balloons actually flew. Gives you a great confidence in our government/pentagon! Good grief, help us all.

Strange Brew
02-05-2023, 10:36 PM
Like I said a couple of days ago, somehow this is going to be about Trump. So predictable.

This Trump thing is all over the board. From Trumps administration didn’t find out about the 3 balloons until after he left to where those balloons actually flew. Gives you a great confidence in our government/pentagon! Good grief, help us all.

I hope I don’t die before I get old, (thank you God so far, blessing).

No one owes anything but big pile of shit.

What are you going to other than throwing shade…And a huge pile of shit.

Strange Brew
02-05-2023, 11:59 PM
Edit: I’m leaving this as it is.

Be better.

I still believe in Muskie men.

That wasn't directed at you Eggs.

02-06-2023, 08:47 AM
What’s. “interesting” is that, per usual, Paul only researches the side of the story that fits his “gain points” attempt rather than researching further/waiting for more info to come out. He “didn’t know” about Esper’s denial. And, yeah. I think the DoD makes shit up all the time. It’s clearly established that entrenched government departments are biased against Trump and also cover up crap all the time with the help of a willing press.

I didn't see Esper's comment, and I don't believe it was up when I first posted.
I agree that the government often is evasive, but not sure they are particularly biased against Trump. That's your take.
But looking at his behavior, I can imagine that some of the departments might be. If you're in the Armed Services and he calls you "losers" (and you think you're honorable defending our country), you might be biased against him...especially since he was suppose to be your commander-in-chief.

Meanwhile, this Republican guys says the DOD briefed them on earlier balloon instances under Trump. So maybe you'll believe him that they happened.

Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, said in an interview that defense officials identified the locations in a discussion with lawmakers and staff on Saturday, disclosing for the first time that similar surveillance balloons had been spotted in U.S. airspace near the continental United States before.

Then again, maybe he's a deep-state planted actor in the Republican party. Who knows.

02-06-2023, 11:53 AM
I didn't see Esper's comment, and I don't believe it was up when I first posted.
I agree that the government often is evasive, but not sure they are particularly biased against Trump. That's your take.
But looking at his behavior, I can imagine that some of the departments might be. If you're in the Armed Services and he calls you "losers" (and you think you're honorable defending our country), you might be biased against him...especially since he was suppose to be your commander-in-chief.

Meanwhile, this Republican guys says the DOD briefed them on earlier balloon instances under Trump. So maybe you'll believe him that they happened.

Then again, maybe he's a deep-state planted actor in the Republican party. Who knows.
“Near the Continental US” not over the continental US- for 6 days.
Kind of a big difference me thinks.
Nice attempt at cute language again and all of us on here are sick and tired of your Trump obsession.

02-06-2023, 01:25 PM
Maybe you missed it. He's running again.

Well there you have it!

Since he's said he's running again, let's not look at this current administration with a critical lens. We'll just keep saying Trump Trump Trump whenever our current feckless, compromised leader fucks something up. Get ready for a lot of Trump conversation because Biden screws shit up all the time. Good times ahead. Good lord

02-06-2023, 02:15 PM
You bring up all this nonsense about Trump this, Trump that, Trump would have shot it down, he even said it didn't happen.

And can't handle the truth, even from your own party.

02-06-2023, 02:37 PM
You bring up all this nonsense about Trump this, Trump that, Trump would have shot it down, he even said it didn't happen.

And can't handle the truth, even from your own party.

Are you starting Dementia? As to this balloon thing check your post #16632. Trump wasn’t brought up by ANYBODY on this topic until YOU did.
WTF Paul. Stop your obsession with everything Trump and worry about your party’s Dumpster Fire in the White House!!

02-06-2023, 02:48 PM
Serious question... Who is running this country?? It's Obviously not Biden and everyone is going to have their theories but seriously. To me, this is the biggest non talked about subject. Who is the power behind the thrown?

02-06-2023, 02:51 PM
Serious question... Who is running this country?? It's Obviously not Biden and everyone is going to have their theories but seriously. To me, this is the biggest non talked about subject. Who is the power behind the thrown?

Ron Klain is leaving and we know that Kamala is incompetent. This is a very good question. Nothing like having shadow power actors who are unaccountable.

02-06-2023, 02:52 PM
Serious question... Who is running this country?? It's Obviously not Biden and everyone is going to have their theories but seriously. To me, this is the biggest non talked about subject. Who is the power behind the thrown?

I don't think Trump was running the country, either.

02-06-2023, 02:55 PM
I don't think Trump was running the country, either.

Fair point. But at least there were competent officials like Pence, Pompeo and Barr in positions of power.
Based upon what you’ve seen could you trust Harris or Mayor Pete to even fix breakfast in the morning?

02-06-2023, 03:01 PM
I don't think Trump was running the country, either.

This is probably true. Think he was in a lot of the decision making tho because of his gigantic ego.

Edit: should have said more so.

02-06-2023, 04:11 PM
Can you imagine the outcry from the Left and MSM if this happened while Trump was in office and did nothing?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh just wait, this will turn into Trumps fault at some point. Remember the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan was his. Also saw the Times had an article that Russia’s invasion on Ukraine was his as well.

Are you starting Dementia? As to this balloon thing check your post #16632. Trump wasn’t brought up by ANYBODY on this topic until YOU did.
WTF Paul. Stop your obsession with everything Trump and worry about your party’s Dumpster Fire in the White House!!

Your buddies who brought Trump into the balloon discussion, aren't going to be happy you ignored them.
They brought him up in Posts #16618 and 16619, noted above.

Check with someone else to see if those numbers precede #16632. My guess is that they do.

As to Biden, given the difficulties he faces with members of the opposition, I think he has done a very credible job in the last 2 years.
Let's hope the Freedom Caucus Republicans don't screw up the US credit markets with a default.

02-06-2023, 04:21 PM
Your buddies who brought Trump into the balloon discussion, aren't going to be happy you ignored them.
They brought him up in Posts #16618 and 16619, noted above.

Check with someone else to see if those numbers precede #16632. My guess is that they do.

As to Biden, given the difficulties he faces with members of the opposition, I think he has done a very credible job in the last 2 years.
Let's hope the Freedom Caucus Republicans don't screw up the US credit markets with a default.

There is no hope for this individual.
Biden has done all of this on his own with control of the White House and both houses of Congress.
The country has been a Clusterfutch for 2 years but Paul lives in a well governed Red State that has low energy prices so he’s blissfully ignorant
As part of his ignorance he thinks money falls like manna from
Heaven and we can deficit spend unabated.

Strange Brew
02-06-2023, 04:22 PM
Your buddies who brought Trump into the balloon discussion, aren't going to be happy you ignored them.
They brought him up in Posts #16618 and 16619, noted above.

Check with someone else to see if those numbers precede #16632. My guess is that they do.

As to Biden, given the difficulties he faces with members of the opposition, I think he has done a very credible job in the last 2 years.
Let's hope the Freedom Caucus Republicans don't screw up the US credit markets with a default.

Stop. His party had full control of Congress for two years and they failed miserably.

And if the Country defaults it won’t be because of the Freedom Caucus.

02-06-2023, 05:50 PM
There is no hope for this individual.
Biden has done all of this on his own with control of the White House and both houses of Congress.
The country has been a Clusterfutch for 2 years but Paul lives in a well governed Red State that has low energy prices so he’s blissfully ignorant
As part of his ignorance he thinks money falls like manna from
Heaven and we can deficit spend unabated.

He's got some much needed infrastructure and other support through Congress.
Unemployment way down. Dow's up 10%.
I'm guessing the math check didn't work out so well, since you didn't bother mentioning it.

02-06-2023, 05:51 PM
Stop. His party had full control of Congress for two years and they failed miserably.

And if the Country defaults it won’t be because of the Freedom Caucus.

News flash. The Republicans are in the majority in the House. That's where the decision to default comes from.

Strange Brew
02-06-2023, 06:29 PM
News flash. The Republicans are in the majority in the House. That's where the decision to default comes from.

News flash. The current House didn’t spend money like idiots the last two years.

The Country will go into default or become the Weimar Republic if things don’t change.

Strange Brew
02-06-2023, 06:34 PM
He's got some much needed infrastructure and other support through Congress.
Unemployment way down. Dow's up 10%.
I'm guessing the math check didn't work out so well, since you didn't bother mentioning it.

Um, what infrastructure has been built?

02-06-2023, 10:49 PM
Um, what infrastructure has been built?

A lot has started in a year. You can check here, including state-by-state plans.
The bridge in Cincinnati I think is included.


02-06-2023, 11:59 PM
He's got some much needed infrastructure and other support through Congress.
Unemployment way down. Dow's up 10%.
I'm guessing the math check didn't work out so well, since you didn't bother mentioning it.

As usual, Paul only states stuff that fits his narrative but is incomplete. Biden only got an Infrastructure package passed because Republicans actually did something good for the country instead of playing politics like the Dems did with Trump, wanting to investigate and impeach him over everything rather than doing things for the US. Portman and other Republicans gave Biden the win that the Dems would never give Trump. Biden didn’t do iish. And Biden trying to take credit for a microchip plant in Ohio is total BS. The negotiations with Intel and Republican Gov Mike DeWine have been going on for years before under Trump.
Know why unemployment is “way down”? Nothing to do with Biden. It’s due to recovery/replacement of jobs put on hold during Covid, the retirement of large amounts of Baby Boomers lowering the countable work force and one of the lowest labor participation rates in history at 62.4% lower than at the start of the Pandemic.
Per the BLS:
“ The labor force participation rate in the United States edged up to 62.4 percent in January 2023 from 62.3 percent in the previous month. Still, it remained below its pre-pandemic February 2020 level of 63.3 percent. ”
Oh, and big deal that the “Dow is up 10%” Know how much the Dow rose under Trump? 54.4 %, from 18,339 to 28,323. The NASDAQ IS actually down under Biden-from 13342 at the last day under Trump to 11887 today, and so is my, and most others’ Portfolio.
Actually, Paul, your guess is wrong. The math works out badly for you.

02-07-2023, 12:10 AM
A lot has started in a year. You can check here, including state-by-state plans.
The bridge in Cincinnati I think is included.


Ask anybody in Cincinnati if the Bridge Infrastructure work has been started on the I 75 bridge.
Planned but no “start” yet. In fairness, it will.

02-07-2023, 07:42 AM
What's all this Trump talk?
Nice deflection though.

02-07-2023, 09:23 AM
What's all this Trump talk?
Nice deflection though.

I merely answered your false posturing with facts showing how bad your current incompetent President is.
And you can’t respond to any of my points.
Pretty damning for you.

02-07-2023, 09:33 AM
You bring up all this nonsense about Trump this, Trump that, Trump would have shot it down, he even said it didn't happen.

And can't handle the truth, even from your own party.

Oh, and just to put a cap on this bullsheet.
From the Wall Street journal this morning:
“ WASH*ING*TON—The mil*i*tary com*mand in charge of U.S. air de*fenses failed to de*tect sus*pected Chi*nese sur*veillance bal*loons be*fore the re*cent in*tru*sion and learned about them later from in*tel*li*gence agen*cies, the gen*eral over*see*ing the com*mand said Mon*day, ac*knowl*edg*ing a gap in de*fenses.

Gen. Glen Van*Herck, com*man*der of North*ern Com*mand and North Amer*i*can Aero*space De*fense Com*mand, con*trasted those pre*vi*ous lapses in de*tect*ing bal*loons with the air*ship the mil*i*tary tracked and shot down Sat*ur*day. He de*scribed a sur*veillance gap and said the U.S. is try*ing to de*ter*mine why the ear*lier flights went un*de*tected.

“I will tell you that we did not de*tect those threats and that’s a do*main aware*ness gap that we have to fig*ure out,” the gen*eral said at a me*dia brief*ing.”

So the previous administration couldn’t have known about the previous Chinese ballon intrusion because the MILITARY didn’t even know then. It’s only after intelligence agencies have now told them about them.
More debunkery, but that is par for the course with this Admins feeble attempts to defend.


02-07-2023, 10:00 AM
I admit that the military doesn't seem to know about the earlier balloons and had to be informed by the intelligence agencies.
That seems very strange and the general doesn't seem happy about it.

As to Dems blocking Trumps bogus infrastructure...the Republicans held the House and Senate for 2 years under Trump.
Shame on them if they couldn't deliver and it took Biden to negotiate a real infrastructure package.
He just talk about it to secure middle America votes, and it worked once. Not the second time.

02-07-2023, 12:02 PM
As to Dems blocking Trumps bogus infrastructure...the Republicans held the House and Senate for 2 years under Trump.
Shame on them if they couldn't deliver and it took Biden to negotiate a real infrastructure package.
He just talk about it to secure middle America votes, and it worked once. Not the second time.

Bogus infrastructure package huh?
The Dems blocked it by throwing climate change renewable energy and other BS in the negotiation that Trump wouldn’t and shouldn’t hone along with. Pelosi & Schumer tried every trick in the book to throw roadblocks (not a pun) in front of it. They just couldn’t give that guy a win.
Republicans, in the interest of the country did grant Biden a tick mark, although there was still too much waste in that bill, compounded later by Joe Manchin being lied to and passing that “Inflation Reduction Act” that has reduced no inflation.
Great work team!


Lamont Sanford
02-07-2023, 12:53 PM
As to Biden, given the difficulties he faces with members of the opposition, I think he has done a very credible job in the last 2 years.

Surely you jest. He's a blithering idiot and historically known as one of the dumbest people to ever serve this country. Not to mention a pathological liar and cheater.

Don't get me started on "Dr" Jill either. Tramp. She was his former babysitter.

02-07-2023, 12:55 PM
When you have control of both houses and the presidency, you should get your priorities passed...see Obama and the ACA, or Biden with the many legislative accomplishments in the first two years.
How many "Infrastructure Weeks" never, ever materialized.
Trump couldn't get McConnell and Ryan on board.

And now that there is a bill, all the Republicans who voted against it, ran back to their districts to tout its benefits.


02-07-2023, 01:00 PM
Seriously is spending trillions of someone else’s money really considered an accomplishment? Of course both sides wanted an infrastructure bill because they wanted spend on those they deem fit. You know, those special interest folks.

Like these guys.

Berlin New Hampshire (population 10,000) getting 20 million for heated sidewalks

Penobscot Bay area (population 600) getting a 28 million for a new electric ferry.

I will give Joe credit for finally cutting off the covid spigot and getting folks back to work. Creating actual new jobs, not so much.

02-07-2023, 01:09 PM
IMO, When a bill is presented and that bill is over a certain $ amount or %, or effects a certain % of citizens, then that bill should be stripped of all its minutia and voted on by its own merits.

02-07-2023, 01:15 PM
I got a chuckle from this


02-07-2023, 01:38 PM
Eggs, you are right about all the special interest nonsense.
As to infrastructure (roads, bridges, electrical grids, etc.) they are absolutely necessary for an economy to grow.
And they are paid with by everyone's tax dollars, in one fashion or another.

02-07-2023, 03:04 PM
And they are paid with by deficit spending with money we don’t have, in one fashion or another.

Fixed it for you.
(Hence ridiculous inflation)

02-07-2023, 03:13 PM
Fixed it for you.
(Hence ridiculous inflation)

Well, if we'd just have left the tax rates alone from 2000, instead of cutting them twice and going into 2 unfunded wars, there wouldn't be such a deficit problem. The top brackets were doing fine, as were the corporations.

Strange Brew
02-07-2023, 03:23 PM
Well, if we'd just have left the tax rates alone from 2000, instead of cutting them twice and going into 2 unfunded wars, there wouldn't be such a deficit problem. The top brackets were doing fine, as were the corporations.

Tax revenue has increased over that period. The amount of spending is the problem.

02-07-2023, 03:29 PM

I just hate all the spending going on now especially with inflation. Things I could not stand with Trump (oops I said the T word) are J6, being an asshole, and his out of control spending.

On one hand the fed reserve is hurting the middle class with rate increases, while our fed government spending (a lot say) is contributing to the inflation problem. Obviously crushing the middle class.

Honestly, I’m a lot less concerned with the infrastructure bill than the other spending (5 trillionish) because of what you described as pivotal. But, I totally agree with what madxster posted. Of course that will never happen because that’s not how Washington operates.

Side note, why is it going to take a year to get started on brent spence? Even the Obama championed the cause in 2009. You think in the last 14 years we could have been ready on day one? Or maybe month later?

02-07-2023, 04:03 PM
Dow's up 10%.
I'm guessing the math check didn't work out so well, since you didn't bother mentioning it.

By the way on a further fact check on this from Barrons.
Paul lies as much as Biden does. Along with the decline in the NASDAQ, I knew my portfolio was a mess.

Combined, the Dow gained just 6% in Biden’s first two years as president. How does that compare? Since the start of the 20th century, the Dow posted a positive gain 65% of the time in the first half of a president’s term, according to research by Dow Jones Market Data. The average increase was about 14%.”


Exactly who’s math didn’t work out after the lie is discovered??????

02-07-2023, 04:57 PM
Tax revenue has increased over that period. The amount of spending is the problem.

100%. Creating thousands of pages in a single bill and sneaking in mandates that the government can’t afford to fund is a big issue. My work has federal government mandates that the federal government doesn’t fully fund.

02-07-2023, 06:42 PM
100%. Creating thousands of pages in a single bill and sneaking in mandates that the government can’t afford to fund is a big issue. My work has federal government mandates that the federal government doesn’t fully fund.

While it will never happen, any bill than spends a dime should have at least one name of the member of Congress who wants to spend the money for that particular bit of pork. We should know whose idea it was to spend money for a hiking trail named after someone or other such nonsense.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-07-2023, 08:36 PM
Well, if we'd just have left the tax rates alone from 2000, instead of cutting them twice and going into 2 unfunded wars, there wouldn't be such a deficit problem. The top brackets were doing fine, as were the corporations.

The lower tax rates have fueled fantastic growth and additional hiring.
3.4% unemployment now that has finally returned to 3.4% unemployment from February, 2020 just before the pandemic.
As others have said. Revenue is fine. Spending is unchecked.

02-07-2023, 09:00 PM
It's hard to argue with Barrons.
But, on Jan 20, 2021 (the day Biden was sworn into office) the Dow closed at 30,930.
Yesterday, when I posted, the Dow as at 33,926.

If I take 33,926 and subtract 30,930, I get 2,996.
When I divide 2,996 by 30,930, it looks very much like a 9.7% increase from Jan 20,2021. I said 10%.
Today the Dow closed at 34,157. That's a 10.4% increase since Biden took office.
Must be the old math I learned in grade school. Sorry.

(It was 6.8% on Jan 20, 2023...maybe that's what Barron's was referencing. My posts are of today and yesterday, obviously.
Quite a 12 day climb!)
BTW, what about your math check on the posts in this thread. How did that turn out? Crickets?

02-08-2023, 10:40 AM
It's hard to argue with Barrons.
But, on Jan 20, 2021 (the day Biden was sworn into office) the Dow closed at 30,930.
Yesterday, when I posted, the Dow as at 33,926.

If I take 33,926 and subtract 30,930, I get 2,996.
When I divide 2,996 by 30,930, it looks very much like a 9.7% increase from Jan 20,2021. I said 10%.
Today the Dow closed at 34,157. That's a 10.4% increase since Biden took office.
Must be the old math I learned in grade school. Sorry.

(It was 6.8% on Jan 20, 2023...maybe that's what Barron's was referencing. My posts are of today and yesterday, obviously.
Quite a 12 day climb!)
BTW, what about your math check on the posts in this thread. How did that turn out? Crickets?

oooh, wow, the Dow is up a whopping 9.7% in 2 years! Wow, you're going to hang your hat on that?

I wonder why you used the Dow, and not the broader S&P, which is a far better measure of the overall economy? Did your talking points memo from the Whitehouse tell you to use the Dow whose companies benefitted heavily from the Democrat Covid lockdowns?

The S&P, on the other hand, has only returned 7.73% in the last two years - that's less than 4% a year!! The lifetime average for the S&P is ~8.1%

Oh yea, while Trump was president, the S&P increased by 68%, or averaged 13.73% per year (Dow = 11.8% per year).

02-08-2023, 01:38 PM
It's hard to argue with Barrons.
But, on Jan 20, 2021 (the day Biden was sworn into office) the Dow closed at 30,930.
Yesterday, when I posted, the Dow as at 33,926.

If I take 33,926 and subtract 30,930, I get 2,996.
When I divide 2,996 by 30,930, it looks very much like a 9.7% increase from Jan 20,2021. I said 10%.
Today the Dow closed at 34,157. That's a 10.4% increase since Biden took office.
Must be the old math I learned in grade school. Sorry.

(It was 6.8% on Jan 20, 2023...maybe that's what Barron's was referencing. My posts are of today and yesterday, obviously.
Quite a 12 day climb!)
BTW, what about your math check on the posts in this thread. How did that turn out? Crickets?

Screw the Inauguration date. I used the date after the elections in my comparisons. Lame duck crap doesn’t count to me.
And ok, now you are apparently denying journalism? Join the club since we have been questioning main steam media for years but you like to pull clips that are convenient for you.
Whatever. Biden’s first 2 years are below average performance for the Dow and you conveniently ignore the fallen NASDAQ. I wonder why that is? . 60% of the country doesn’t want him to run again.
There’s your math.
Barrons is accurate. You just pull dates out of the sky to make it look better. The country is in a mess and that screaming pile of jibberish in the SOTU didn’t help last night.

02-08-2023, 02:05 PM
Screw the Inauguration date. I used the date after the elections in my comparisons. Lame duck crap doesn’t count to me.

The country is in a mess and that screaming pile of jibberish in the SOTU didn’t help last night.

Do you know the "date after the election" that you use for "your" comparisons is actually part of the "lame duck crap.?"
Maybe not. The lame duck refers to the time between the election and inauguration of a successor.

I used the information that matched the dates of my posts.
You had to go back and find something that compared to 2 weeks prior. Even Barrons was using inauguration date, and the following 2 years, as I pointed out.
So you post an article that refers to the 2 years between inauguration date and 2 years later...and yet you say you're using election date?
Make up your mind. It's like your posts about who brought up Trump. You can't admit you made a mistake.

Your are correct about the jibberish during the SOTU address last night. If I was a Republican I'd be embarrassed at the lack of civility.
Even the leader of the House couldn't get them to stop the childish outbursts.

02-08-2023, 02:17 PM
Do you know the "date after the election" that you use for "your" comparisons is actually part of the "lame duck crap.?"
Maybe not. The lame duck refers to the time between the election and inauguration of a successor.

I used the information that matched the dates of my posts.
You had to go back and find something that compared to 2 weeks prior. Even Barrons was using inauguration date, and the following 2 years, as I pointed out.
So you post an article that refers to the 2 years between inauguration date and 2 years later...and yet you say you're using election date?
Make up your mind. It's like your posts about who brought up Trump. You can't admit you made a mistake.

Your are correct about the jibberish during the SOTU address last night. If I was a Republican I'd be embarrassed at the lack of civility.
Even the leader of the House couldn't get them to stop the childish outbursts.

Who the hell cares about 10% over two years. That's a total garbage return. Hell, that doesn't even cover the rising cost of Biden's eggs, meat, home energy and gas, etc...

What Paul, too chicken to comment on the Trump economy numbers I've posted recently?

02-08-2023, 03:46 PM
Do you know the "date after the election" that you use for "your" comparisons is actually part of the "lame duck crap.?"
Maybe not. The lame duck refers to the time between the election and inauguration of a successor.

I used the information that matched the dates of my posts.
You had to go back and find something that compared to 2 weeks prior. Even Barrons was using inauguration date, and the following 2 years, as I pointed out.
So you post an article that refers to the 2 years between inauguration date and 2 years later...and yet you say you're using election date?
Make up your mind. It's like your posts about who brought up Trump. You can't admit you made a mistake.

Your are correct about the jibberish during the SOTU address last night. If I was a Republican I'd be embarrassed at the lack of civility.
Even the leader of the House couldn't get them to stop the childish outbursts.

Two different posts by me. Don’t you understand that?
The point stands. You’re trying to prop your guy up when he performance is clearly well below his predecessor and traditional results on Dow and NASDAQ performance. Yet you count that as an accomplishment? Both I and Barrons proved that. But keep beating that underperforming drum, man.

02-08-2023, 03:53 PM
Your are correct about the jibberish during the SOTU address last night. If I was a Republican I'd be embarrassed at the lack of civility.

Totally agree, especially the part when the Speaker of the House stood up behind the President and in lieu of clapping, decided to act like a petulant child and tear up his speech in with the American people still watching....oh wait.

02-08-2023, 04:32 PM
Totally agree, especially the part when the Speaker of the House stood up behind the President and in lieu of clapping, decided to act like a petulant child and tear up his speech in with the American people still watching....oh wait.

I agree that was out of line. At least she waited until he was done, and didn't constantly interrupt him like a 3rd grader.

02-08-2023, 04:39 PM
Do you know the "date after the election" that you use for "your" comparisons is actually part of the "lame duck crap.?"
Maybe not. The lame duck refers to the time between the election and inauguration of a successor.

I used the information that matched the dates of my posts.
You had to go back and find something that compared to 2 weeks prior. Even Barrons was using inauguration date, and the following 2 years, as I pointed out.
So you post an article that refers to the 2 years between inauguration date and 2 years later...and yet you say you're using election date?
Make up your mind. It's like your posts about who brought up Trump. You can't admit you made a mistake.

Your are correct about the jibberish during the SOTU address last night. If I was a Republican I'd be embarrassed at the lack of civility.
Even the leader of the House couldn't get them to stop the childish outbursts.

OK, I'll take the bait and allow you to deflect from your failed attempt to gaslight us on Biden's "wonderful" economy.

Perhaps it's because Biden is a lying jackass who just embarrassed the country with his pathological lying and his random angry outbursts last night. The people noticed - Biden’s State of the Union (SOTU) speech received the lowest “very positive” ratings EVER - according to CNN. Hell he wasn't even close to any of his predecessors:


02-08-2023, 04:43 PM
Hey Paul - here are your innocent and virtuous Ukranians committing war crimes on film:

https://twitter.com/PeImeniPusha/status/1622815266051866625?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1622815266051866625%7Ctwgr% 5Eec619d73d8cc2d13be9abd557c563a2c3b03d7f2%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fvaliantnews.com%2F2023%2F02% 2Fvideo-purportedly-shows-ukraine-using-chemical-weapons-on-russian-troops%2F

02-08-2023, 04:52 PM
Well, it looks like St. Fauci just admitted the covid vaccines were a complete and total failure! From Cell Host and Microbe:

Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses

David M. Morens
Jeffery K. Taubenberger
Anthony S. Fauci


"Past unsuccessful attempts to elicit solid protection against mucosal respiratory viruses and to control the deadly outbreaks and pandemics they cause have been a scientific and public health failure that must be urgently addressed. We are excited and invigorated that many investigators and collaborative groups are rethinking, from the ground up, all of our past assumptions and approaches to preventing important respiratory viral diseases and working to find bold new paths forward."



What an utter and total failure this has been for public health, science, the Democrats who embraced and forced vaccination on wide swathes of the population, social media who suppressed counter information, and the media for not questioning anything on any of this.

02-08-2023, 08:37 PM
Do you remember when Biden and the media told us - and insisted it was the Russians who blew up the Russian Nord Stream pipeline - even though it made no sense that they would do that?

Well, turns out it was us - the US - that blew it up: https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream

Why is that Paul and the Democrat sheople continue to believe every single whacko lie this admin tells them?

Muskie in dayton
02-08-2023, 10:46 PM
Do you remember when Biden and the media told us - and insisted it was the Russians who blew up the Russian Nord Stream pipeline - even though it made no sense that they would do that?

Well, turns out it was us - the US - that blew it up: https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream

Why is that Paul and the Democrat sheople continue to believe every single whacko lie this admin tells them?
It took one brain cell of common sense to realize that Russia would not blow up its own pipeline. That explains it.

02-09-2023, 12:24 AM
[QUOTE=Masterofreality;75230. . The country is in a mess and that screaming pile of jibberish in the SOTU didn’t help last night.[/QUOTE]

Huckleberrry didn't do anything except pump negatives about our country. No solutions from gop as usual. just like tov bitch about things.

02-09-2023, 09:19 AM
I agree that was out of line. At least she waited until he was done, and didn't constantly interrupt him like a 3rd grader.

No, she just sarcastically clapped right at the back of his head during the speech and was celebrated by your ilk for doing so. She was the Speaker of the House...3rd in line. Why do you always have to qualify things? You should have just stopped after your first sentence.

02-09-2023, 10:52 AM
No, she just sarcastically clapped right at the back of his head during the speech and was celebrated by your ilk for doing so. She was the Speaker of the House...3rd in line. Why do you always have to qualify things? You should have just stopped after your first sentence.

And consciously undermined a duly elected President for 4 years- the last two with BS impeachments rather than taking care of the Country’s business.
Talk about whining like 3rd graders cause they didn’t get their way.
Sounds awful like a threat to Democracy and the Democratic process when the Houses of Government are sidetracked from functioning.

02-09-2023, 01:47 PM
Um, what infrastructure has been built?

A lot has started in a year. You can check here, including state-by-state plans.
The bridge in Cincinnati I think is included.


Hmmm. Just to reconnect on this “Infrastructure” discussion. See, Paul tries to obfuscate the issue by cutely using the word “plans” as if that is the same as actually “started”. No, those two things are absolutely not the same.
Wanna know why there has been no “Infrastructure” construction started? Because Biden ignores Republican proposals to streamline the permitting process.
It’s one thing to claim a “win”. It’s something else all together to get things actually done. Biden has not “gotten it done”.
Per the Wall Street Journal:
“ President Biden’s speech writers put a bipartisan coat of paint on his State of the Union address on Tuesday, but only in service of lecturing Republicans to pass the same agenda he couldn’t pass when Democrats ran the House. He barely mentioned anything Republicans want, and the bipartisanship that didn’t bark was any mention of permitting reform for public works and other projects.

Remember permitting reform? It’s a Republican priority, and Democrats promised Sen. Joe Manchin a vote on it in return for signing off on the Inflation Reduction Act. The issue failed to pass the Senate last year because the West Virginian didn’t write his bill with serious GOP input. One provision would have given federal regulators broad authority to approve electricity transmission lines, including socializing their costs. Some Democrats opposed Mr. Manchin’s plan because they want to stop all fossil-fuel projects.

Mr. Biden could help cut this Gordian knot, but he never mentioned the issue. Instead he told the country that drillers shouldn’t be afraid to invest in new production, because “we’re going to need oil for at least another decade.” Try not to laugh, although many Members of Congress couldn’t help themselves. Only a decade? American energy consumption in 2021 was 79% fossil fuels, 12% renewables and 8% nuclear.

Mr. Biden’s target is 100% clean electricity by 2035. To hit his climate goals, according to a report last year in E&E News, “annual installation of new wind and solar generation would have to increase from two to seven times historical levels.” How does he expect to do that without cutting the red tape that ties up construction of all kinds?


02-13-2023, 08:41 PM
Ford building 950 acre battery plant. Maybe they know something.

02-13-2023, 11:40 PM
Ford building 950 acre battery plant. Maybe they know something.

Yea, that they're going to get massive fed and state subsidies!! What a great business model to employ in Joe Biden's America!!!



Strange Brew
02-14-2023, 12:52 AM
Yea, that they're going to get massive fed and state subsidies!! What a great business model to employ in Joe Biden's America!!!



We are being led by very stupid people.

Bobbie, bless your heart…

From where do you “feel” that energy comes to fuel your/those battery cells?

02-14-2023, 08:05 AM
Imagine, state subsidies to an American company.
Why, it could have been billions promised to a Chinese company like Foxcomm.

02-14-2023, 09:20 AM
Nikki Haley seems relatively normal. So, she's going to get absolutely crushed in the Presidential race.

02-14-2023, 09:39 AM
We are being led by very stupid people.

Bobbie, bless your heart…

From where do you “feel” that energy comes to fuel your/those battery cells?

Hey, let's not put the stupid green cart in front of the flatulent horse.

How about the massive amount of energy required to produce/transport materials, then build this massive facility. What about the invasive mining technics required to produce the necessary elements for these batteries and the energy to build them? Only expanded Nuclear is feasible at this moment in time, and that simply doesn't fit the Green narrative.

This ridiculously large portion of the worlds population ACTUALLY BELIEVE it can be done with WIND/SOLAR.... it's sheer lunacy. How much longer can this charade continue?

I have family in Hillsboro. If you head north on 62 off of 32, you will see acres and acres of what appear to be solar farm "bones". These are thousands of posts set in concrete bases look to have wiring under ground.....there is usually some sort of transport building among them. These were built before Trump and are getting zero maintenance.....weeds and rust.

Histories biggest con game.

02-14-2023, 10:13 AM
Hey, let's not put the stupid green cart in front of the flatulent horse.

How about the massive amount of energy required to produce/transport materials, then build this massive facility. What about the invasive mining technics required to produce the necessary elements for these batteries and the energy to build them? Only expanded Nuclear is feasible at this moment in time, and that simply doesn't fit the Green narrative.

This ridiculously large portion of the worlds population ACTUALLY BELIEVE it can be done with WIND/SOLAR.... it's sheer lunacy. How much longer can this charade continue?

I have family in Hillsboro. If you head north on 62 off of 32, you will see acres and acres of what appear to be solar farm "bones". These are thousands of posts set in concrete bases look to have wiring under ground.....there is usually some sort of transport building among them. These were built before Trump and are getting zero maintenance.....weeds and rust.

Histories biggest con game.

OMG! It goes on for MILES. It's ridiculous.

02-14-2023, 10:45 AM
Meanwhile, while our country disintegrates internally, the brain dead idiot in the Whitehouse continues to push us closer to WWIII.


Here's how the Indians (no not Cleveland, or Native Americans) see it:


02-14-2023, 12:48 PM
Nikki Haley seems relatively normal. So, she's going to get absolutely crushed in the Presidential race.

I know some states have started experimenting with ranked choice voting. I wonder if there has been enough data to determine whether its use in primaries would pull candidates further to the fringes or the middle.

02-14-2023, 12:52 PM
Gotta hand it to lou, he makes no qualms in showing just how partisan he truly is no matter how ridiculous. Someone who critiques and consistently criticizes mainstream media in America, but yet doesn’t see that what he just linked to is pure Russian propaganda thru their buddies over in India . Love it!

02-14-2023, 01:20 PM
So a Republican, a Democrat and an Independent walk into a bar.

The bartender looks up and says, what are you drinking tonight, XVille?

02-14-2023, 01:33 PM
So a Republican, a Democrat and an Independent walk into a bar.

The bartender looks up and says, what are you drinking tonight, XVille?

Yes we know thinking for one self is foreign to you. It’s much more difficult than googling what the extreme right says on an issue and then support that world view.

Being hyperpartisan is not having values, it’s just being a hyperpartisan sheep.

02-14-2023, 01:44 PM
Yep gotta love the irony of complaining about a source when commenting on a story from one of the most biased hacks in the business. This thread is a bunch of guys circle jerking each other off with partisan info back and forth.

Looks like the original "circle jerk" is back!!

Yep gotta love the irony of complaining about people posting on a political thread, while having posted more than 500 times on this same thread!!

This is too fucking easy!! Did you really graduate from college?

02-14-2023, 01:47 PM
So a Republican, a Democrat and an Independent walk into a bar.

The bartender looks up and says, what are you drinking tonight, XVille?

I would place a wager that more than 50% of the population like a policy or two of all three of the parties you just mentioned let alone any other. Extremists like you are the outlier.

02-14-2023, 01:48 PM
I would place a wager that more than 50% of the population like a policy or two of all three of the parties you just mentioned let alone any other. Extremists like you are the outlier.

So what do I stand for that is extreme? Please, expound...

02-14-2023, 01:49 PM
So what do I stand for that is extreme? Please, expound...

You wanted to keep Travis Steele.

02-14-2023, 01:51 PM
You wanted to keep Travis Steele.

Oh, I didn't realize that was a political thing...

02-14-2023, 01:51 PM
So what do I stand for that is extreme? Please, expound...

You support a dictator for one, because the extremist right tells you too

02-14-2023, 01:55 PM
Oh, I didn't realize that was a political thing...

It's extreme, for sure.

02-14-2023, 01:57 PM
You support a dictator for one, because the extremist right tells you too

Hmmm, being anti-war is now extremist right??? That's a new one...

Your comments on this now and in the past show you have no clue what the hell is going on over there. Educate yourself first before making stupid comments.

02-14-2023, 02:00 PM
Hmmm, being anti-war is now extremist right??? That's a new one...

Your comments on this now and in the past show you have no clue what the hell is going on over there. Educate yourself first before making stupid comments.

No anti-war isn’t extremist, supporting a dictator is. Did you not understand my answer?

Lou: “educate yourself”

Translation: google why Ukraine bad, Russia good and link to a bunch of Russian media nonsense like me.

It’s very clear you have zero knowledge of what has occurred or are just turning a blind eye to it. “ I have knowledge of what is occurring over there because I view and read partisan nonsense like the biased nonsense link I posted”

1.) who invaded Ukraine?

2.) why did the answer to #1 invade ukraine?

3.) why do you support Putin?

02-14-2023, 02:08 PM
No anti-war isn’t extremist, supporting a dictator is. Did you not understand my answer?

Lou: “educate yourself”

Translation: google why Ukraine bad, Russia good and link to a bunch of Russian media nonsense like me.


Seriously, is that really how you frame this? If someone doesn't support this, then they must stand for that? That's so fucking juvenile.

I'm still waiting for to prove anything in that video is historically false.

Do you understand the dictatorial powers and edicts that Zelenskyy has set-up for himself?

What's the fucking end game? You've never answered that question either.

02-14-2023, 02:22 PM

Seriously, is that really how you frame this? If someone doesn't support this, then they must stand for that? That's so fucking juvenile.

I'm still waiting for to prove anything in that video is historically false.

Do you understand the dictatorial powers and edicts that Zelenskyy has set-up for himself?

What's the fucking end game? You've never answered that question either.

I never said it was historically false. I said it was highly partisan crap, much like everything else you post on here. Your third sentence is hysterical on so many levels coming from you.

What’s the end game for Putin, lou?

Have a good one lou.

02-14-2023, 02:43 PM
I never said it was historically false. I said it was highly partisan crap, much like everything else you post on here. Your third sentence is hysterical on so many levels coming from you.

What’s the end game for Putin, lou?

Have a good one lou.

So, it's not false, thus making it extremely relevant, but it's still "highly partisan crap", even though it came from an Indian news outlet.

Now that's some whacko shit there.

What's the end game for America? Why are we there? Are we even winning? How far are you willing to go with this? Are you willing to risk a nuclear exchange? How about American lives? Why can't you pro-war chickenhawks, who will never step foot in Ukraine, answer these questions? Are you heavily invested in armament manufacturers, thus stand to profit from another pointless war?

02-14-2023, 02:53 PM
So, it's not false, thus making it extremely relevant, but it's still "highly partisan crap", even though it came from an Indian news outlet.

Now that's some whacko shit there.

What's the end game for America? Why are we there? Are we even winning? How far are you willing to go with this? Are you willing to risk a nuclear exchange? How about American lives? Why can't you pro-war chickenhawks, who will never step foot in Ukraine, answer these questions? Are you heavily invested in armament manufacturers, thus stand to profit from another pointless war?

So you are so far gone, you don’t even understand what propaganda and partisan is. And you have zero sense of history or international relations to understand why an India media news outlet would be highly biased toward Russia. Astounding.. but I’m the one who needs to “educate myself.”

You also seem to not understand what extremism is, and have no sense of self reflection.

02-14-2023, 03:59 PM
Imagine, state subsidies to an American company.
Why, it could have been billions promised to a Chinese company like Foxcomm.

Yeah, imagine federal subsidies to an American car company that was making lousy products and going bankrupt in 2008 because of bad management like GM? Then they take those subsidies and build the worst electric vehicle there is- The Chevy Volt- that no one wants or buys. THEN, they take those “job saving” subsidies and totally shut down, and sell at a huge loss, their biggest assembly plant in Lordstown Ohio. How’s that “subsidy” working out?
Ford never took a dime of those subsidies and figured it out on their own.
This, like “subsidies” to Solyndra, will be another huge waste of money and a boondoggle. But good luck to Ford. They’re smart and figured out the game of how to get a new plant built on somebody elses dime.

02-14-2023, 04:26 PM
So you are so far gone, you don’t even understand what propaganda and partisan is. And you have zero sense of history or international relations to understand why an India media news outlet would be highly biased toward Russia. Astounding.. but I’m the one who needs to “educate myself.”

You also seem to not understand what extremism is, and have no sense of self reflection.

Okay, good one..... Keep deluding yourself...

Hey dull boy, I've posted the exact same information from American sources awhile back - including primary sources of what was said in the video. Did you forget that? Oh, I guess if CNN doesn't report it, it isn't real. Right?

It's funny how you never seem to be able to back your ridiculous opinions up with any facts. I guess the optimal word there is "ridiculous". Here's a little tip about the process of debate: simply telling people this is the way things are is not how you win an argument. You have to provide some facts to back up your arguments.

Good grief, low-information-millennial-know-it-alls who really don't know anything outside of what the MSM tells them, and can't think critically, are the absolute worst people.

02-14-2023, 04:32 PM
Okay, good one..... Keep deluding yourself...

Hey dull boy, I've posted the exact same information from American sources awhile back - including primary sources of what was said in the video. Did you forget that? Oh, I guess if CNN doesn't report it, it isn't real. Right?

It's funny how you never seem to be able to back your ridiculous opinions up with any facts. I guess the optimal word there is "ridiculous". Here's a little tip about the process of debate: simply telling people this is the way things are is not how you win an argument. You have to provide some facts to back up your arguments.

Good grief, low-information-millennial-know-it-alls who really don't know anything outside of what the MSM tells them, and can't think critically, are the absolute worst people.

Ok Boomer. posting links to biased sources and passing them off as “how it is” are the worst kind of people.

You continually say things like “can’t think critically” to someone who has views on policies that run the gamut of political parties as you so eloquently phrased earlier. Yet, you don’t think critically about anything, you just post biased links over and over again and then comment on them, espousing them as fact. Do you even know what thinking critically means? I’ll give you a hint, it’s not looking up links that fit your narrative and positing them here over and over again.

Do you understand anything about India and Russia now and their history?

Do you know why Russia invaded ukraine?

Do you know what Putin’s end game is?

Do you know why the U.S. is involved?

You still have zero idea on any of these. You hide behind partisan biased sources of information to make yourself look like a complete idiot on this thread time and time again. I guess you enjoy getting laughed at. Keep on lou.

The triumvirate of lou porn:

1. Ukraine
2. Covid
3. Trump polls

02-14-2023, 04:47 PM
Ok Boomer. posting links to biased sources and passing them off as “how it is” are the worst kind of people.

Do you understand anything about India and Russia now?

Do you know why Russia invaded ukraine?

Do you know what Putin’s end game is?

Do you know why the U.S. is involved?

You still have zero idea on any of these. You hide behind partisan biased sources of information to make yourself look like a complete idiot on this thread time and time again. I guess you enjoy getting laughed at. Keep on lou.

The triumvirate of lou porn:

1. Ukraine
2. Covid
3. Trump polls

Tell me Mr. International Expert!!! This is so typical of the game you like to play. Tell us what you think puss. Give us some facts to back up your opinions puss!

02-14-2023, 04:50 PM
So you are so far gone, you don’t even understand what propaganda and partisan is. And you have zero sense of history or international relations to understand why an India media news outlet would be highly biased toward Russia. Astounding.. but I’m the one who needs to “educate myself.”

You also seem to not understand what extremism is, and have no sense of self reflection.

C'mon Mr. International Expert, are you going to answer any of these question? Or is this beyond your brain power:

What's the end game for America? Why are we there? Are we even winning? How far are you willing to go with this? Are you willing to risk a nuclear exchange? How about American lives? Why can't you pro-war chickenhawks, who will never step foot in Ukraine, answer these questions? Are you heavily invested in armament manufacturers, thus stand to profit from another pointless war?

02-14-2023, 05:04 PM
16724 lou… I asked the questions first. If you actually want to debate, answer them. You probably don’t know how without posting a biased link. Probably scared to have to actually think for yourself for once.

02-14-2023, 05:11 PM
16724 lou… I asked the questions first. If you actually want to debate, answer them. You probably don’t know how without posting a biased link. Probably scared to have to actually think for yourself for once.

What an idiot. You obviously didn't watch the video, because the video explains Putin's reasons and intentions. No wonder you're so ignorant. You only know what comes from the CNN nipple.

Your turn chickenshit:

What's the end game for America? Why are we there? Are we even winning? How far are you willing to go with this? Are you willing to risk a nuclear exchange? How about American lives? Why can't you pro-war chickenhawks, who will never step foot in Ukraine, answer these questions? Are you heavily invested in armament manufacturers, thus stand to profit from another pointless war?

X-band '01
02-14-2023, 05:29 PM
The whole Cintas Reseating 2.0 Controversy would never have happened if George Santos was our AD. I'm sure he is a fine upstanding gentleman who is an excellent fundraiser on the up and up.

Strange Brew
02-14-2023, 06:27 PM
So you are so far gone, you don’t even understand what propaganda and partisan is. And you have zero sense of history or international relations to understand why an India media news outlet would be highly biased toward Russia. Astounding.. but I’m the one who needs to “educate myself.”

You also seem to not understand what extremism is, and have no sense of self reflection.

From a historical standpoint, why do you believe India would be pro-Russia?

Strange Brew
02-14-2023, 06:28 PM
Yeah, imagine federal subsidies to an American car company that was making lousy products and going bankrupt in 2008 because of bad management like GM? Then they take those subsidies and build the worst electric vehicle there is- The Chevy Volt- that no one wants or buys. THEN, they take those “job saving” subsidies and totally shut down, and sell at a huge loss, their biggest assembly plant in Lordstown Ohio. How’s that “subsidy” working out?
Ford never took a dime of those subsidies and figured it out on their own.
This, like “subsidies” to Solyndra, will be another huge waste of money and a boondoggle. But good luck to Ford. They’re smart and figured out the game of how to get a new plant built on somebody elses dime.

Um, you forgot Tesla. :)

Strange Brew
02-14-2023, 06:32 PM
Ok Boomer. posting links to biased sources and passing them off as “how it is” are the worst kind of people.

You continually say things like “can’t think critically” to someone who has views on policies that run the gamut of political parties as you so eloquently phrased earlier. Yet, you don’t think critically about anything, you just post biased links over and over again and then comment on them, espousing them as fact. Do you even know what thinking critically means? I’ll give you a hint, it’s not looking up links that fit your narrative and positing them here over and over again.

Do you understand anything about India and Russia now and their history?

Do you know why Russia invaded ukraine?

Do you know what Putin’s end game is?

Do you know why the U.S. is involved?

You still have zero idea on any of these. You hide behind partisan biased sources of information to make yourself look like a complete idiot on this thread time and time again. I guess you enjoy getting laughed at. Keep on lou.

The triumvirate of lou porn:

1. Ukraine
2. Covid
3. Trump polls

Funny, I always pictured Lou as a Gen Xer. The ones in the middle laughing at both the Boomers and Millennials…

02-14-2023, 06:37 PM
What an idiot. You obviously didn't watch the video, because the video explains Putin's reasons and intentions. No wonder you're so ignorant. You only know what comes from the CNN nipple.

Your turn chickenshit:

What's the end game for America? Why are we there? Are we even winning? How far are you willing to go with this? Are you willing to risk a nuclear exchange? How about American lives? Why can't you pro-war chickenhawks, who will never step foot in Ukraine, answer these questions? Are you heavily invested in armament manufacturers, thus stand to profit from another pointless war?

I don't care what some biased link had to say because i didn't ask the video, I asked you. You answer. You fail to answer any question when directly asked. I wonder why that is.

02-14-2023, 06:40 PM
Funny, I always pictured Lou as a Gen Xer. The ones in the middle laughing at both the Boomers and Millennials…

The guy is classic boomer. He has the get off my lawn diatribe down to a tee. 60s old white male who has never left the country and spends his days on his desktop computer from the early 2000s.

Strange Brew
02-14-2023, 06:44 PM
The guy is classic boomer. He has the get off my lawn diatribe down to a tee. 60s old white male who has never left the country and spends his days on his desktop computer from the early 2000s.

Wow, I’ll let Lou handle this one.

This says a lot about how you view those with whom you disagree.

02-14-2023, 06:45 PM
From a historical standpoint, why do you believe India would be pro-Russia?

well, i guess that would matter by what you mean by "history." i was referring to the fact that they have been partners since the cold war, which is a pretty long ass time.

02-14-2023, 06:46 PM
Wow, I’ll let Lou handle this one.

This says a lot about how you view those with whom you disagree.

nah not really. Just him.

I don't have a problem with disagreeing with people and debating. I do have a problem with people linking to biased nonsense and passing it off as fact and saying nonsense like "we are the beligerents" with little to no fact to back that up with. Can Lou or someone point me to where the US invaded Ukraine? Maybe I missed that part.

Lou agrees with Putin, a dictator, who is former KGB and believes the propaganda nonsense being spilled out from Russia to their allied news sources...think about that for a moment.

02-14-2023, 07:16 PM
What an idiot. You obviously didn't watch the video, because the video explains Putin's reasons and intentions. No wonder you're so ignorant. You only know what comes from the CNN nipple.

Your turn chickenshit:

What's the end game for America? Why are we there? Are we even winning? How far are you willing to go with this? Are you willing to risk a nuclear exchange? How about American lives? Why can't you pro-war chickenhawks, who will never step foot in Ukraine, answer these questions? Are you heavily invested in armament manufacturers, thus stand to profit from another pointless war?

End Game: getting Russia out of Ukraine.

US is there because Ukraine is an ally...and by "there," its mostly just money.

There won't be a nuclear exchange...you believe Putin too much.

02-14-2023, 07:51 PM
nah not really. Just him.

I do have a problem with people who disagree with me. How can you expect me, a low information millennial, to go out of my way to read any information that isn't spoon fed to me by Don Lemon? More importantly, how am I supposed to defend my opinions when I really don't understand what I'm talking about? How can you expect me to know anything about history? It wasn't taught in school, so obviously it's not that important. Right? Sheesh!!

Fixed that for ya, Ville. This seems more accurate now, right?

02-14-2023, 07:52 PM
End Game: getting Russia out of Ukraine.

US is there because Ukraine is an ally...and by "there," its mostly just money.

There won't be a nuclear exchange...you believe Putin too much.

Really, that's your answer? This is nothing more than an overly-simplistic regurgitation of Biden talking points. Pretty sad....

02-14-2023, 07:52 PM
Um, you forgot Tesla. :)

True, and great point, but…

From “Clean Technica” 8/25/2021:
“ Also, though, let’s be clear — a $465 million loan made in 2010 paid back after 3 years, 9 years early, did not make Tesla into the gigantic corporation it is today. It was part of the story, an important part of the story, and it may have helped keep Tesla alive at a critical time, but it is certainly not the sole cause of Tesla’s success. It is also probably the most effective $465 million — with the best ROI — the US federal government ever spent to advance climate solutions”. .

And Tesla is personna non grata in this Administration because it’s totally non Union. Lesson, and by saying this I kind of contradict my earlier point, don’t hand out subsidies to just anybody because they are politically favored. Hand them out to proven quality operators. And Ford is a quality operator as is Elon.
Amazing how a guy who is basically the Thomas Edison of our time is so disrespected, and I also submit, feared.

02-14-2023, 07:59 PM
Really, that's your answer? This is nothing more than an overly-simplistic regurgitation of Biden talking points. Pretty sad....

It’s funny. You ask questions, people answer them, and then shockingly if you disagree it’s immediately cnn, democrat or Biden. Shocking.

Yet you can’t answer simple questions posed to you. Hmm weird.

You don’t want to debate, you just want to spread your nonsense because you are an attention seeking whore who doesn’t get paid attention to in real life.

02-14-2023, 08:44 PM
It’s funny. You ask questions, people answer them, and then shockingly if you disagree it’s immediately cnn, democrat or Biden. Shocking.

Yet you can’t answer simple questions posed to you. Hmm weird.

You don’t want to debate, you just want to spread your nonsense because you are an attention seeking whore who doesn’t get paid attention to in real life.

If I learned anything today, I now fully understand why you stonewalled in providing the basis of your opinions. You really don't have a clue at all as to what's really going on. So sad you still haven't learned anything - no matter how many times you've been lied to over the last couple of years. And yet, you still obviously believe everything the MSM/Gov't spoonfeeds you. That is so incredibly sad that a Xavier grad has that much of an inability to think for themselves, despite a slew of demonstrable lies coming from these same people.

Just ask the people in East Palestine if they think the Feds are telling them the truth....

Strange Brew
02-14-2023, 09:04 PM
well, i guess that would matter by what you mean by "history." i was referring to the fact that they have been partners since the cold war, which is a pretty long ass time.

Yes, the Cold War ended when I was 10 or 11.

India is not pro-Soviet however they have bigger concerns than Ukraine.

What exactly makes you think the Indian gov’t is pro-Russian post the fall of the Soviets?