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Strange Brew
12-09-2022, 10:50 AM
Pretty sure your reaction is exactly the reason Romney is the right person to join Sinema and Manchin in that role.

That's fine by me however Paul is more Independent leaning while Romney is straight old school GOP.

12-09-2022, 11:05 AM
Sinema, Manchin and Romney should form an alliance (perhaps they already have, but they should be more blatant about it) and tell the rest of the Senate that anything they want done goes through them. And everyone else better goddamn well be ready to make them happy with any bill they want passed or any person they want confirmed.

I do not think Sinema and Manchin are all that aligned with each other. If my memory serves me correct, I thought the issue the Dems were having was finding a way to please both of them as they wanted opposite concessions (Manchin wanted to remove some climate protections and include corporate increase taxes, Sinema wanted the climate protections, but was against the corporate tax increases). With 51, they only have to please one of them and can get what they want passed. But it is all moot as whatever they pass will die in the house.

12-09-2022, 12:31 PM
They may not be 100% aligned, but if they work together, they can both get what they want (or all three of them if you include Mitt). They may even be able to get some compromises that some House Republicans might agree on. There are some House Republicans who managed to get elected from some relatively blue districts, after all.

Strange Brew
12-09-2022, 12:32 PM
I do not think Sinema and Manchin are all that aligned with each other. If my memory serves me correct, I thought the issue the Dems were having was finding a way to please both of them as they wanted opposite concessions (Manchin wanted to remove some climate protections and include corporate increase taxes, Sinema wanted the climate protections, but was against the corporate tax increases). With 51, they only have to please one of them and can get what they want passed. But it is all moot as whatever they pass will die in the house.

It would be nice if more of them weren't aligned on everything. Both parties.

They are all supposed to represent their States first not the DC apparatus.

12-09-2022, 01:29 PM
It would be nice if more of them weren't aligned on everything. Both parties.

They are all supposed to represent their States first not the DC apparatus.

What is strange about Manchin, he thought he was representing his state with the inflation reduction act. You know that promised pipeline. However, his poll numbers dropped like a rock when he went along with the dems to pass it.

Two theories as to why
1) his constituents are tired of the out of control spending regardless of the perk.
2) they knew he was being played by his party.

Strange Brew
12-09-2022, 02:43 PM
What is strange about Manchin, he thought he was representing his state with the inflation reduction act. You know that promised pipeline. However, his poll numbers dropped like a rock when he went along with the dems to pass it.

Two theories as to why
1) his constituents are tired of the out of control spending regardless of the perk.
2) they knew he was being played by his party.

Both theories are probably accurate. The people probably wanted a bill just on the pipeline and no more spending.

12-09-2022, 03:41 PM
Both theories are probably accurate. The people probably wanted a bill just on the pipeline and no more spending.

Other than Huggins, West Virginians are NOT stooopid

12-09-2022, 04:33 PM
Incredible corruption on all levels of our government - on all sides. They don't work you - they work for themselves.

This is from ABC:

"When U.S. officials announce the arrest of a notorious arms dealer and drug-runner this afternoon, the fact that his planes flew U.S. supply missions in Iraq will likely go unmentioned.

In a January 2005 letter to Congress, then-Assistant Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz admitted the Defense Department “did conduct business with companies that, in turn, subcontracted work to second-tier providers who leased aircraft owned by companies associated with Mr. Bout.”

At the time, Bout was already a wanted international fugitive. Intelligence officials had considered Bout one of the greatest threats to U.S. interests, in the same league as al Qaeda kingpin Osama bin Laden. Interpol had issued a warrant for his arrest; the United Nations Security Council had restricted his travel.

But that didn’t stop U.S. government contractors from paying Bout-controlled firms roughly $60 million to fly supplies into Iraq in support of the U.S. war effort, according to a book released last year by two reporters who investigated Bout. And it didn’t prevent the U.S. military from giving Bout’s pilots millions of dollars in free airplane fuel while they were flying U.S. supply flights."



12-09-2022, 04:36 PM
Pretty sure your reaction is exactly the reason Romney is the right person to join Sinema and Manchin in that role.

Sinema voted 93% with Biden.

12-09-2022, 04:53 PM
Sinema voted 93% with Biden.

And Romney probably voted 93% of the time with Trump.

X-band '01
12-09-2022, 05:20 PM
Other than Huggins, West Virginians are NOT stooopid

Marshall is more entertaining to watch anyhow.


Strange Brew
12-09-2022, 05:57 PM
Marshall is more entertaining to watch anyhow.


Not as fun to watch as BYU though. So fun to watch.

12-09-2022, 10:11 PM
And Romney probably voted 93% of the time with Trump.

And 100% of the time on removing him from office.

Strange Brew
12-10-2022, 01:06 PM
And 100% of the time on removing him from office.

Cool Paul. It failed.

12-10-2022, 06:33 PM
What makes you so sure Biden could have made the trade for Whelan instead??

A better question....If you think that's the case, then why didn't Trump make that trade to get Whelan out??

Whelen's twin brother with further comments:

David Whelan, the former Marine’s twin, snapped on Twitter that Trump “appears to have mentioned my brother #PaulWhelan’s wrongful detention more in the last 24 hours than he did in the 2 years of his presidency in which Paul was held hostage by #Russia (zero). I don’t suggest he cares now any more than he did then (zero).”

While Whelan’s family members were sad that he wasn’t freed, they were elated for Griner, David Whelan told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in an interview Friday.
“Every family of a wrongful detainee feels good for another wrongful detainee coming home, to know they are back with their loved ones,” he said. “We hope that it will eventually be our day.”

12-10-2022, 10:52 PM
Democrats clearly cheated in AZ:


Same in 2020. FBI behind suppression of Biden Crime Family story that has been proven to be true. Mark Zuckerberg admitted that the FBI told him the Hunter computer story was fake and "asked" him to suppress the story. At least 15 former FBI/CIA now verified to currently work at or have worked at Twitter. Tons of spooks working for the MSM. We now know the FBI knew that Russiagate was completely made-up by the Clintons, but did and said nothing.

Wake up, do you really think the MSM is telling the truth on anything?

12-11-2022, 11:59 PM
Watch as these Nazis take a six month old baby from its parents in New Zealand the other day - for the simple reason the parents didn't want their child transfused with blood from people who were given the Covid vaccine.

This, despite the parents having lined up unvaxxed donors and identified them to the court, who still rejected their pleas.

Plain and simple, the government of New Zealand is an evil Fascist country, and the cops in this video are just as guilty as Hitler's SS who were also "only following orders".

We gave these tyrants across the West an inch back in March of 2020, now they're taking their miles. It boggles my mind to no end that so many supposedly educated people gave-in to these tyrants with so little push-back, or even questioning any of the ridiculous so-called mitigation efforts they sold us on. As a result, these authoritarians now feel emboldened to coerce, harass and threaten their subjects even more.


Oh, you say that's in New Zealand? Here's a similar story taking place at Duke Univ. right now: https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/duke-university-surgeons-are-refusing

The back story for the NZ baby:

A critically-ill six-month-old baby will be placed under the temporary guardianship of New Zealand’s High Court after his parents refused to allow him to undergo lifesaving heart surgery using blood from people vaccinated against Covid-19.

Handing down the judgment on Wednesday, Justice Ian Gault ruled that the boy, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, would remain under the court’s guardianship until he had recovered from the surgery.

The court also appointed two doctors as its agents to oversee issues around the operation and the administration of blood, according to court documents.


https://twitter.com/Lukewearechange/status/1601288109580509184?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1601288109580509184%7Ctwgr% 5E7065b8ddaf8117c1ed332214032ade0ab28a7ce9%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpjmedia.com%2Fnews-and-politics%2Fbenbartee%2F2022%2F12%2F10%2Fwatch-new-zealand-government-rips-baby-from-mothers-arms-kidnaps-him-for-forced-infusion-of-vaccinated-blood-n1652511

12-12-2022, 04:56 PM
What you can look forward to with the new "leadership":

“I want to tell you something. If Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, we would’ve been armed,” she said of the Jan. 6, 2021, attempt by supporters of then-President Donald Trump to overturn the 2020 election, according to the New York Post. - MTG

12-12-2022, 07:46 PM
This Twitter takeover by Musk is exposing all kinds of nefarious stuff. Thank Gawd, one of the smartest men in the world, had the resources to take over that cesspool.
Reports today were that the site was so porous on security, that foreign actors of our enemies had invaded the site and were able to compromise significant information. Musk has removed all those Twitter biased hacks who were closely cooperating with the Feds and Administration to surpress valid information and push certain narratives. No wonder the MSM and all of the DC insiders have been so outraged at a guy who invented the best electric vehicle, created an amazingly efficient Space Company and provided Ukraine with internet service in the middle of Russian attacks.
Musk took those biased parties favorite toy away. The “Twitter Files” are amazing reading and revealing. Well relayed by Bari Weiss and Matt Taibbi too.

What the Feds were doing in combo with the Twitter former officials truly was the potential end of democracy because it was the rise of Censorship and the thumb crushing of free speech.
Scary as hell.

12-13-2022, 04:00 PM
It's about damn time! This is precisely why Ron DeSantis is the greatest politician since the Founding Fathers. And precisely why the Dems/Big Tech/ Deep State will try to give him the Trump treatment as well should he announce for 2024.


“Today I’m announcing a petition with the Supreme Court of Florida to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate any wrongdoing in Florida with respect to the COVID-19 vaccines,” said DeSantis on Tuesday. “That will come with legal processes that will be able to get more information and to bring legal accountability to those who committed misconduct.

He was also asked about the Twitter Files and censorship of dissenting scientific opinions.

“Your policies or your positions or your analysis of this medical science should stand on its own and if it’s not able to accept criticism, if you can’t defend the policy against valid criticism, then maybe you need to be looking in the mirror, but that’s not what these elites wanted to do,” said the governor and future president."


12-13-2022, 04:07 PM
Hey Paul, Bobbie and XUBREW - you guys like to squawk about a bunch of fake scandals - here's a real corruption scandal for you.... this is going to get real interesting for a lot of Dems and a lot of agencies within the Biden Gov't:


Washington D.C., Dec. 13, 2022 —

The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Samuel Bankman-Fried with orchestrating a scheme to defraud equity investors in FTX Trading Ltd. (FTX), the crypto trading platform of which he was the CEO and co-founder. Investigations as to other securities law violations and into other entities and persons relating to the alleged misconduct are ongoing.

The complaint further alleges that Bankman-Fried used commingled FTX customers’ funds at Alameda to make undisclosed venture investments, lavish real estate purchases, and large political donations.


12-13-2022, 08:36 PM
Of course.

And they continued applying the “Dem donor” label even after Bankman-Fried claimed that he contributed a similar amount to Republicans, but via so-called “dark money” groups that don’t have to disclose their donors

12-13-2022, 08:38 PM
SBF is pretty trustworthy. I would take him at his word.

12-13-2022, 08:44 PM
SBF is pretty trustworthy. I would take him at his word.


12-14-2022, 10:21 AM

Both of SBF’s parents are Huge Democrat activists. Yeah. SBF ain’t telling the truth.
He’s also gotten in deep with Maxine Waters and other Democrats. Not a Republican to be found in his group.
Paul gaslighting again and trusting a gigantic fraudster. In perfect character.

12-14-2022, 01:21 PM
I'm not trusting anyone. You never know who gives dark money...well, because it's dark.
Bankman's co-founder of FTX gave to Republicans:

And there’s another key figure at FTX, executive Ryan Salame, who gave roughly $24 million to Republicans this past cycle
He additionally gave 400K to his girlfriend, a failed congressional Republican candidate:


Do you think she'll give it back like this guy?


12-14-2022, 01:50 PM
Enron gave millions and millions to republicans. I'm sure they gave it all back. simple solution: If you got $ from FTX, give it to your favorite charity.

"The watchdog, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said Bankman-Fried admitted he donated so-called dark money to Republican-aligned groups during the 2022 primary season. Those donations would not have been disclosed in FEC filings. - cnbc

12-14-2022, 02:15 PM
Today's fun ! Cartoon politician ! (you know it's funny)


12-14-2022, 06:21 PM
Musk flew to Miami today. Maybe he's going to buy Truth Social.

X-band '01
12-14-2022, 06:31 PM
Maybe he wanted to buy the naming rights to Miami's NBA Arena away from FTX?

12-14-2022, 07:48 PM
I'm not trusting anyone. You never know who gives dark money...well, because it's dark.
Bankman's co-founder of FTX gave to Republicans:

He additionally gave 400K to his girlfriend, a failed congressional Republican candidate:


Do you think she'll give it back like this guy?


Paul mis directing again.
1) Has Salame been arrested?
2) Salame isn’t a “co founder” but an executive at a subsidiary company.
3) If Salame is known to have given the money to Repubs, the money isn’t “dark”. It’s right in the light of day.
4) Salame heads a subsidiary of FTX. Where does it say he knew about fraud? In fact the article you post says that Salame “vomited”’when he heard about FTX state and stated that he had zero idea about what was going on at SBF’s lair.

Fact: The big donor and Chief Honcho has been arrested, and gave tens, maybe hundreds of millions of dollars to Dems and has been close to Maxine Waters. Open Secrets says that fraudster SBF was the second biggest donor to Leftist causes, right behind George Soros, who of course, funds liberal prosecutors like Philly’s Larry Krasner who want no bail, limit police activity and stoke the present crime wave.
His parents are leftist activists. Stop trying to make people look elsewhere.

12-14-2022, 09:00 PM
Maybe he wanted to buy the naming rights to Miami's NBA Arena away from FTX?

Good point. They are probably up for sale.


They said that though Salame worked closely with FTX cofounder Bankman-Fried, he wasn't part of the crypto mogul's inner circle.


It's not deflection to point out the other cofounder gave to the other party.

12-14-2022, 10:09 PM
Good point. They are probably up for sale.



It's not deflection to point out the other cofounder gave to the other party.

I repeat. Salame was NOT a cofounder of FTX as, a small piece of research into Wikipedia would prove Paul.

Sam Bankman-Fried and Zixiao "Gary" Wang[21] founded FTX in May 2019. FTX began within Alameda Research, a trading firm founded by Bankman-Fried, Caroline Ellison, and other former employees of Jane Street in 2017, in Berkeley, California. FTX is an abbreviation of "Futures Exchange". Changpeng Zhao of Binance purchased a 20% stake in FTX for approximately $100 million, six months after Bankman-Fried and Wang started the firm”

He was an executive in a Subsidiary company. Salame has not been arrested because his contributions were above board and was not part of the fraud.
Last time I checked, it’s a free country and folks can contribute to whatever party they want.
You do believe in freedom, right Paul?


12-15-2022, 08:41 AM
Of course I never said Salame broke the law like SBF is alleged to have done. Is that "gaslighting"?
I never said he wasn't free to contribute to whatever party he wanted. Is that "gaslighting"?

I quoted a noted publication, Business Insider, that seemed to indicate it. Yes, I understand he was Co-CEO and Chairman at FTX.
And he is not listed as a founder of FTX.
And his contributions seem to be above board. He also appears to be the one who blew the whistle on SBF.

12-15-2022, 08:50 AM
It's not deflection to point out the other cofounder gave to the other party.

He's not a co-founder. You've repeated this lie 2x on this topic... You even repeated it after it was pointed out to you to be false in 16032

12-15-2022, 09:31 AM
See 16035.

12-15-2022, 12:17 PM
Ok, what is happening with the border news? As usual MSM is walking in lockstep and finally reporting on current/potential problems. Has to be a cover somewhere. Or does this have anything to do with pubs controlling house soon? Even though the dems have controlled everything for two years, we can now blame both?

Yes I know title 42 is set to expire, but the Biden Administration has already had a record number illegal crossings of 5 million. Hey secretary Majorkas, do you still think the border is secure?

12-15-2022, 02:04 PM
I need to get my mother one of these Trump digital trading cards for Christmas! That would really spice up the holidays! LOL

12-15-2022, 02:41 PM
As a bonus, you'll be helping the legal defense fund. And could get a round of golf !

12-15-2022, 03:13 PM
I don't understand Crypto Currencey, but as one guy said...it's not "currency", it's securities.
Anyway this seems strange for a billion dollar corporation:

There were no financial statements at FTX;

I wonder if, like Madoff, they'll try to claw back the money that was spun off of the Ponzi like scheme.
May mean campaigns would have to return contributions.

12-15-2022, 03:16 PM
Of course I never said Salame broke the law like SBF is alleged to have done. Is that "gaslighting"?
I never said he wasn't free to contribute to whatever party he wanted. Is that "gaslighting"?

I quoted a noted publication, Business Insider, that seemed to indicate it. Yes, I understand he was Co-CEO and Chairman at FTX.
And he is not listed as a founder of FTX.
And his contributions seem to be above board. He also appears to be the one who blew the whistle on SBF.


YOU were the one gaslighting numerous times that SBF’s organization was also giving money to Republicans trying to drag the other party in the mud with your slimy one.
Gaslighting and lying are what you do best in attempted defense.
You should take the rest of this thread off. Everyone sees what you’re trying to do.

12-15-2022, 03:27 PM
Are you just upset the other guy gave to Republicans? And what's with all the gaslighting nonsense. Can't we have a reasonable discussion?

As we’ve learned, FTX misappropriated customer deposits by commingling them with its associated hedge fund Alameda Research, which engaged in risky trading that exposed those customer funds to massive losses. As Ray testified Tuesday, Alameda and FTX “really operated as one company,” with “no internal controls and no separateness whatsoever.”

12-15-2022, 04:56 PM
Are you just upset the other guy gave to Republicans? And what's with all the gaslighting nonsense. Can't we have a reasonable discussion?

The ONLY thing that matters in this case as far as your line of reasoning is concerned is who was involved in the swindling of investors money, and who else knew about it and did nothing. If a bunch of execs gave money to Rs, but were not involved in the corruption, then your point is totally and completely moot.

X-band '01
12-15-2022, 04:56 PM
I need to get my mother one of these Trump digital trading cards for Christmas! That would really spice up the holidays! LOL

Was that the so-called major announcement? Orange Messiah merchandise?

12-15-2022, 05:55 PM
Are you just upset the other guy gave to Republicans? And what's with all the gaslighting nonsense. Can't we have a reasonable discussion?

It is incredible how thick, or just stubbornly blue glossed you are.
Salame was an executive with FTX Digital Markets, not FTX main nor Alameda. FTX Digital Markets is a subsidiary and Salame is not accused of involvement with fraud. He has not been charged with any fraud or any campaign finance violations. The money he donated, as YOUR OWN BIASED ARTICLE points out, was from his PERSONAL net worth, not the company. The guy can donate to whoever he likes from his own bankroll. SBF gave millions to Democrats with ill gotten fraudulently collected money. Kind of a big difference.
Yeah. Big time gaslighting and attempted diversion. When your objective is to dishonestly try to smear the other side and drag it down into your sides messy cesspool, NO. There is no “Reasonable Discussion” to be had because your premise is patently false. And proven so by your repeated attempt to call Salame a “co founder”.
Stop the Bullshit Paul. You are embarrassing your degree.

12-15-2022, 07:47 PM
Can you find one place where I said Salame was charged with anything? Try it.
I misread the Business Insider article. I said that I did.
What is your point in all of this. Should we be focused on Meadows and all the Republicans who tried to overthrow an election?
How about a sitting US congressman who wanted Trump to declare martial law like some banana republic? Should we focus on that?

Just stop with all the personal attacks. You are embarrassing your degree.

12-15-2022, 08:51 PM
Can you find one place where I said Salame was charged with anything? Try it.
I misread the Business Insider article. I said that I did.
What is your point in all of this. Should we be focused on Meadows and all the Republicans who tried to overthrow an election?
How about a sitting US congressman who wanted Trump to declare martial law like some banana republic? Should we focus on that?

Just stop with all the personal attacks. You are embarrassing your degree.

For the last time. STOP DEFERRING. What you classify as “Personal Attacks” are merely pointing out your lies- in this specific case-about FTX and SBF. The typical liberal playbook that when a Lib is called out for their lies, they claim that it’s personal and “unsafe”. Malarkey
Yes. I attack false statements, and will continue to when warranted.

You “misread” the Insider Article, obviously on purpose…ostensibly to slam Republicans for accepting campaign donations exactly like Major Democrats did from SBF- who did it with fraudulently received monies in a scandalous manner. EXCEPT that the donations that were given to Republicans by Salame- who you were pointing to in the article- did those donations from personal funds, apparently legitimately obtained.
Your thinly veiled attempt to tie Republicans to fraudulent received contributions has failed- spectacularly.
My point is that you are the most biased, unfair and slippery political commentator I have ever seen with an inability to see anything of value outside of your radical Leftist view, plus you go WAAAAY out of your way to point out anything negative toward Republicans while defending the indefensible on the Democratic side. THEN you cry because you can’t have “Reasonable Discussion”.
It is impossible to have a “reasonable discussion” with someone who defends (either by statement or silence) for the following disgraces pushed and supported by your radical Democratic Party:
- Record Inflation caused by unneeded excess Government spending
- Crippling of the domestic energy industry
- A terribly mismanaged withdrawal from Afghanistan
- Propping up a clearly mentally impaired President who is controlled by strings from Background Puppeteers.
- The ruining if public education by woke teachers and administrators via false virtue signals like CRT, the 1619 Project and Biological Gender revisionists.
- The rampant anti Semitism expressed by Democrat “Squad” members like Ilan Ohmar & AOC.
- The corruption and suspicious ties between Hunter & Joe Biden with China, plus Hunters $80,000 payments from Burisma over ???

Stop with what are you think are such low key smooth attacks on any Republican over anything , Paul while ignoring the above. You are so transparent. (Advice, not an attack)
Yes, you’ve embarrassed your Xavier degree.

12-15-2022, 09:00 PM
For the last time. STOP DEFERRING. What you classify as “Personal Attacks” are merely pointing out your lies- in this specific case-about FTX and SBF. The typical liberal playbook that when a Lib is called out for their lies, they claim that it’s personal and “unsafe”. Malarkey
Yes. I attack false statements, and will continue to when warranted.

You “misread” the Insider Article, obviously on purpose…ostensibly to slam Republicans for accepting campaign donations exactly like Major Democrats did from SBF- who did it with fraudulently received monies in a scandalous manner. EXCEPT that the donations that were given to Republicans by Salame- who you were pointing to in the article- did those donations from personal funds, apparently legitimately obtained.
Your thinly veiled attempt to tie Republicans to fraudulent received contributions has failed- spectacularly.
My point is that you are the most biased, unfair and slippery political commentator I have ever seen with an inability to see anything of value outside of your radical Leftist view, plus you go WAAAAY out of your way to point out anything negative toward Republicans while defending the indefensible on the Democratic side. THEN you cry because you can’t have “Reasonable Discussion”.
It is impossible to have a “reasonable discussion” with someone who defends (either by statement or silence) for the following disgraces pushed and supported by your radical Democratic Party:
- Record Inflation caused by unneeded excess Government spending
- Crippling of the domestic energy industry
- A terribly mismanaged withdrawal from Afghanistan
- Propping up a clearly mentally impaired President who is controlled by strings from Background Puppeteers.
- The ruining if public education by woke teachers and administrators via false virtue signals like CRT, the 1619 Project and Biological Gender revisionists.
- The rampant anti Semitism expressed by Democrat “Squad” members like Ilan Ohmar & AOC.
- The corruption and suspicious ties between Hunter & Joe Biden with China, plus Hunters $80,000 payments from Burisma over ???

Stop with what are you think are such low key smooth attacks on any Republican over anything , Paul while ignoring the above. You are so transparent. (Advice, not an attack)
Yes, you’ve embarrassed your Xavier degree.

Beautifully put. I was trying to figure out his style, and I think you just nailed it here. King Deflection of SC.

12-15-2022, 09:03 PM
Res Ipsa Loquitur. Thanks for that.

12-15-2022, 09:10 PM
I need to get my mother one of these Trump digital trading cards for Christmas! That would really spice up the holidays! LOL
Is the gag worth all the time teaching her how to setup a digital wallet?

12-15-2022, 09:24 PM
Res Ipsa Loquitur. Thanks for that.

Except that 1) You were negligent 2)It was no accident.
The matter does NOT speak for itself because you changed the definition.

Once again trying to slickly defer out of answering my previous points by quoting in a different language.
I took Latin too.

12-16-2022, 10:38 AM
See 16035.

Yeah, I saw that. But..it had already been pointed out to you in 16032 that he was not a co-founder....then you repeated the lie again in 16033. Then you decided to come clean about your lie in 16035. You're a pretty well-read guy, so you obviously knew he wasn't a co-founder before you put that lie out there. Don't ask people to have reasonable discussions if you're going to knowingly spread a lie or blatant misrepresentation.

12-16-2022, 11:32 AM
I continued to misread the Business Insider article in my second post.
I realized my mistake, and acknowledged it.
Sorry about the misunderstanding. What more would you like me to say?

12-16-2022, 12:17 PM
Musk gives "commitment' to free speech talk", then bans a bunch of journalists.

12-16-2022, 12:24 PM

12-16-2022, 12:55 PM
Weird - MSM is all over the “journalists” suspension story for doxing, but crickets for conservative suppression revelations.

Lamont Sanford
12-16-2022, 02:37 PM
Musk gives "commitment' to free speech talk", then bans a bunch of journalists.

Hey Boobie...if you don't like his rules, then go buy or start your own libtard social platform.

12-16-2022, 02:59 PM
Hey Boobie...if you don't like his rules, then go buy or start your own libtard social platform.
Can't I just wait to buy his from the bankruptcy trustee? Seems way more efficient and avoids having to do those pesky things like learn how to code.

Strange Brew
12-16-2022, 03:31 PM
Can't I just wait to buy his from the bankruptcy trustee? Seems way more efficient and avoids having to do those pesky things like learn how to code.

Are we talking about Twitter or WaPo?

12-16-2022, 03:33 PM
Hey Boobie...if you don't like his rules, then go buy or start your own libtard social platform.

What rules? Says he's for "free speech" but isn't. Liar.

12-16-2022, 03:37 PM
What rules? Says he's for "free speech" but isn't. Liar.

Bobbie, the only social media you need is Xavierhoops.com. Especially if you are looking for Xavier basketball news and Political news. I’d suggest getting rid of Big Tech (Facebook and Twitter) and just get your social media fill here on Xavierhoops.

12-16-2022, 03:47 PM
Hey Bobbie...if you don't like his rules, then go buy or start your own libtard social platform.

Like the right wing truth social that's going under cause trump won't pay his bills (surprise)....no thanks.

12-16-2022, 03:51 PM
Bobbie, the only social media you need is Xavierhoops.com. Especially if you are looking for Xavier basketball news and Political news. I’d suggest getting rid of Big Tech (Facebook and Twitter) and just get your social media fill here on Xavierhoops.

Prefer CNBC.

12-16-2022, 03:59 PM
Are we talking about Twitter or WaPo?
Maybe it is a BOGO! Love a good deal buy one get one free deal, especially around the holidays.

Strange Brew
12-16-2022, 04:04 PM
Maybe it is a BOGO! Love a good deal buy one get one free deal, especially around the holidays.


12-16-2022, 04:33 PM
What rules? Says he's for "free speech" but isn't. Liar.

Are you really that ignorant as to why he suspended them? If you do, you're the liar. If not, you're watching people who are lying to you.

12-16-2022, 05:58 PM
In case you win the grand prize when you buy the playing card, caveat emptor:

The fine print also says that anyone who wins an in-person event, such as a meeting with the former president, would be responsible for covering any fees related to travel, lodging, meals, and other expenses related to the trip.

Strange Brew
12-16-2022, 06:00 PM
In case you win the grand prize when you buy the playing card, caveat emptor:

Cool, don’t buy them.

The Feds overstated jobs numbers by 1.1M. Thoughts on that or are Trump cards your primary focus for the board today?

12-16-2022, 06:11 PM

12-16-2022, 06:28 PM
Cool, don’t buy them.

The Feds overstated jobs numbers by 1.1M. Thoughts on that or are Trump cards your primary focus for the board today?

Can the Fed relax a little now? Like others, my stocks are taking a huge hit!

12-16-2022, 06:30 PM
In case you win the grand prize when you buy the playing card, caveat emptor:

This story is nothing. Nowhere on the radar, but with all the other trash going on in the world and government it is telling what “One Trick” Paul has to focus on.
Amazing. #RentFree

12-16-2022, 06:42 PM
Are you really that ignorant as to why he suspended them? If you do, you're the liar. If not, you're watching people who are lying to you.

Said he wouldn;t and then he did. Whose ignorant? Duh

12-16-2022, 06:51 PM
Said he wouldn;t and then he did. Whose ignorant? Duh

So you're good with intimidating violence? Not surprising....

12-17-2022, 09:04 AM
At least somebody has a conscience:

“ Democrats will seek to return more than $2 million from Bankman-Fried”.

Course they collected 20+ times that. But it’s a start.

12-17-2022, 10:04 AM
At least somebody has a conscience:

“ Democrats will seek to return more than $2 million from Bankman-Fried”.

Course they collected 20+ times that. But it’s a start.

"Seek to return" sounds a bit different from just "will return".

12-18-2022, 09:12 PM
SBF donated just as much to republicans as 'dark money ' which should be illegal;

https://fortune.com/crypto/2022/11/29/sam-bankman-fried-political-donations-democrats-republicans-dark-money/ '

12-18-2022, 10:05 PM
SBF SAYS he donated just as much to republicans as 'dark money ' which should be illegal;

https://fortune.com/crypto/2022/11/29/sam-bankman-fried-political-donations-democrats-republicans-dark-money/ '
Fixed it for you.

Believe a huckster, fraudster, whose parents are Stanford Democratic Party activists, at your peril.

12-19-2022, 08:28 AM
Yes. Stacy Abrams would have been a great Governor.
(What a fraud)


12-19-2022, 09:27 AM
SBF donated just as much to republicans as 'dark money ' which should be illegal;

https://fortune.com/crypto/2022/11/29/sam-bankman-fried-political-donations-democrats-republicans-dark-money/ '

LOL..I've got some beachfront property in Wyoming that you might be interested in. So naive

12-19-2022, 09:50 AM
Stacy should take a lesson. Pick up a couple of casinos to bankrupt to prove your business greatness.

12-19-2022, 09:56 AM
See, now this guy is going to be a great grifter, and he's just getting started:

The New York Times is out with an incredible expose on an incoming GOP member of Congress from Long Island who does not at all appear to be who he says he is.
Rep.-elect George Santos (R-NY) first hit Morning Memo’s radar a week ago, when he was one of the attendees at the New York City gala where Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) bragged that if she and Steve Bannon had been in charge on Jan. 6, they would have coup’d more effectively.
Now the Times has a blistering examination of Santos’ biography. Let’s just say who he claimed to be on the campaign trail doesn’t match with the newspaper’s reporting.
Let’s start with his work history. NYT could find no record of him actually holding claimed jobs at Citigroup or Goldman Sachs.
Education? No record of him attending Baruch College in NYC as he has claimed, the NYT reported.
A tax-exempt charity he claimed to have started? No record of it having registered in New York or New Jersey, and the IRS had no record of it, the paper found. A supposed beneficiary of a 2017 fundraiser for the group, who declined to be named by the paper, said she never received any of the funds, only excuses from Santos.
The kicker is criminal charges for check fraud in Brazil!

12-19-2022, 10:22 AM
I didn't pay very much attention to politics until relatively recently, and one of the more shocking things about it once you DO start paying attention is the number of weirdos (like this Santos guy apparently) who get elected to the House. The Senate has its share of characters, but needing to win statewide election generally means you need to at least be a relatively serious person (with apologies to Fetterman, Tuberville and nearly Senator Herschel Walker). But in these House districts that are incredibly safe for one party or the other you get some real whack jobs.

12-19-2022, 10:25 AM
See, now this guy is going to be a great grifter, and he's just getting started:

Seems like the time to investigate that would have been before the election. But it isn't like this guy with NYT back yard or anything...

Strange Brew
12-19-2022, 01:22 PM
See, now this guy is going to be a great grifter, and he's just getting started:

Sounds a lot like Obama's bio. :)

12-19-2022, 02:31 PM
Trump is fucked! All the MSM is saying so! This time they’ve got him for sure!!!


12-19-2022, 02:58 PM
Anybody with any sense of propriety should be concerned in the revelations contained in the Twitter files release regarding the FBI’s direct involvement in suppressing and attempting to discredit a legitimate, now proven factual, news story by the NY Post of Hunter Biden and the direct involvement of Joe Biden in Hunters non legit business dealings with China, Russia and Ukraine.
This is Soviet era crushing of free speech and major league meddling.
It’s shocking and no where near a level playing field.

12-19-2022, 05:01 PM
Guess we all now know why grand juries are done behind close doors for criminal referrals? Obviously Trump is already guilty by the court of public opinion before any charges for many (J6 stuff). And this is coming from a person who thinks Trump is trash.

Guess this is nothing new since we witnessed the Russian Trump collusion debacle. So this is where we are…perfect.

12-19-2022, 05:03 PM
Anybody with any sense of propriety should be concerned in the revelations contained in the Twitter files release regarding the FBI’s direct involvement in suppressing and attempting to discredit a legitimate, now proven factual, news story by the NY Post of Hunter Biden and the direct involvement of Joe Biden in Hunters non legit business dealings with China, Russia and Ukraine.
This is Soviet era crushing of free speech and major league meddling.
It’s shocking and no where near a level playing field.

He doesn't care that our Constitutional rights are being eroded. Rather, he wants to get in the weeds to argue over meaningless nothingburgers.

12-19-2022, 05:07 PM
See, now this guy is going to be a great grifter, and he's just getting started:

Too bad this didn’t happen under the old rules where, Twitter, Facebook and all the other mainstream media would have conspired to bury the story as “Russian Disinformation” aided by the Jackbooted FBI thugs.
But now that Elon Musk owns Twitter it’s FREE SPEECH!!!!

12-19-2022, 05:14 PM
Anybody with any sense of propriety should be concerned in the revelations contained in the Twitter files release regarding the FBI’s direct involvement in suppressing and attempting to discredit a legitimate, now proven factual, news story by the NY Post of Hunter Biden and the direct involvement of Joe Biden in Hunters non legit business dealings with China, Russia and Ukraine.
This is Soviet era crushing of free speech and major league meddling.
It’s shocking and no where near a level playing field.

100%. Amazing how long this story was hanging there. Unfortunately it took a change of management to find out the details. Don’t get me started on the lack of interest today and years ago from MSM. Oh yea, that Jim Baker dude is a real piece of work.

12-19-2022, 05:40 PM
So Taibbi finds a tweet where the Clinton team asks Twitter to remove some photos because they violate their own rules of publishing porn and unauthorized personal photos.
And you're all upset because Twitter considered this?
Pics of Hunter Biden's dick?
Wonderful. Even your heroine Bari Weiss is not all that enthralled about what Elon is doing with his billion dollar boondoggle.

The old regime at Twitter governed by its own whims and biases and it sure looks like the new regime has the same problem. I oppose it in both cases. And I think those journalists who were reporting on a story of public importance should be reinstated.
I'll focus on a former president inciting an insurrection and being referred for criminal charges.
You focus on Hunter's dicpics.

12-19-2022, 05:51 PM
Paul has reduced Twitter files to some Hunter dick pics and thinks it's somehow an indictment of the thing that Bari is criticizing the guy who gave her access. Well then, case closed!

12-19-2022, 06:06 PM
Many of the stuff Matt "discovered" amounted to the same thing.
FBI sends stuff as advisement that they might violate Twitters own rules, and suggest Twitter review them and decided accordingly on what they want to do.
His characterization? Some nefarious plot between the FBI and Twitter.

It's like Trump constantly whining about the FBI and Justice doing all sorts of bad things...while HE was president; like the run-up to the 2020 election.
It's as if he can't even figure out it was his DOJ under his AG Barr.
I'm not impressed by the whining.

Also, the Hunter Biden dicpics were the "big reveal" on how the FBI and twitter held down the laptop story. What a crock.

12-19-2022, 06:07 PM
The FBI Paid Twitter Millions of Dollars to Help Steal the 2020 Election: https://thelibertydaily.com/the-fbi-paid-twitter-millions-of-dollars-to-help-steal-the-2020-election/

Though no insurrection actually occurred on J6, one was certainly justified. It's abundantly clear that the Dems, FBI and Big Tech conspired to steal the 2020 election. Take a look at what happened to AZ in 2022 - same thing.

12-19-2022, 06:27 PM
All you election deniers should really stop posting. Nothing you say afterwards is credible.

12-19-2022, 06:39 PM
All you election deniers should really stop posting. Nothing you say afterwards is credible.

Still waiting for your first credible post...

12-19-2022, 07:21 PM
Still waiting for your first credible post...

Still waiting for you to say who won the election.

12-19-2022, 07:34 PM
Fixed it for you.

Thanks for making my point: "Sam Bankman-Fried says he donated just as many millions to Republicans as Democrats""

12-19-2022, 07:45 PM
Ok here is a good article that highlights conversations between twitter and the FBI. Yes I know it’s from Fox, but don’t think others would be willing to go into depth of Michael Shellenberger’s report (minus NY Post). For some reason, dickpics are not mentioned.


For what it’s worth Bari is correct, two wrongs don’t make it right. So, Musk lifted the one day suspension on the “journalists”. Of course this is being compared to years of conservative suppression. What is ironic, most of left is getting their distorted view of the Twitter files on Twitter.

You would think the left would be curious about two things:

1) Is the FBI working with big tech to silence damaging stories to the left?

2) Does the laptop contain any link between the big guy and Hunter on his business dealings?

Could be wrong but think most conservatives wanted to know if Trump himself actually colluded with the Russians.

12-19-2022, 07:47 PM
Fixed it for you.

Believe a huckster, fraudster, whose parents are Stanford Democratic Party activists, at your peril.

LOL..I've got some beachfront property in Wyoming that you might be interested in. So naive

You should really bone up on your reading comprehension

Would love to visit:


12-19-2022, 07:57 PM
Trump is fucked! All the MSM is saying so! This time they’ve got him for sure!!!


The “criminal referral” by the Committee to the DOJ is an empty gesture.
Congress has no constitutional authority to recommend prosecution of anybody.
Per the below:

/newsfront/alan-dershowitz-jan-6-committe/2022/12/19/id/1101120/ (https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/alan-dershowitz-jan-6-committe/2022/12/19/id/1101120/)

“ The committee investigating Jan. 6 may have referred former President Donald Trump to the Justice Department for potential prosecution, but it's unconstitutional for members of Congress to recommend prosecution for anyone, making the committee's determination a "worthless piece of paper," Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz said on Newsmax, Monday.

12-19-2022, 08:59 PM
Is anyone surprised? The “criminal referral” was a forgone conclusion, regardless of any testimony before the committee.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-20-2022, 08:58 AM
All you election deniers should really stop posting. Nothing you say afterwards is credible.

Who are the election deniers on this board, Bobbie?

12-20-2022, 09:35 AM
Who are the election deniers on this board, Bobbie?

Funny part he thinks he’s credible. He’s Probably the worst poster on this board.

12-20-2022, 12:11 PM
The “criminal referral” by the Committee to the DOJ is an empty gesture.
Congress has no constitutional authority to recommend prosecution of anybody.
Per the below:

/newsfront/alan-dershowitz-jan-6-committe/2022/12/19/id/1101120/ (https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/alan-dershowitz-jan-6-committe/2022/12/19/id/1101120/)

“ The committee investigating Jan. 6 may have referred former President Donald Trump to the Justice Department for potential prosecution, but it's unconstitutional for members of Congress to recommend prosecution for anyone, making the committee's determination a "worthless piece of paper," Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz said on Newsmax, Monday.

Yes. It is. I was being facetious in my post. It means nothing. If they are going to charge him, they would have done it with or without the referral. If they weren't going to charge him, the referral will not make them change their minds.

12-20-2022, 01:58 PM
Yes, but it’s nice to be the first president to have one.
MAGA and all that.

X-band '01
12-20-2022, 05:05 PM
But would you buy digital trading cards of Trump in handcuffs?

12-20-2022, 05:42 PM
Yes, but it’s nice to be the first president to have one.
MAGA and all that.

Unless it's meaningless.

In which case it's...meaningless.

12-20-2022, 06:13 PM
Yes. It is. I was being facetious in my post. It means nothing. If they are going to charge him, they would have done it with or without the referral. If they weren't going to charge him, the referral will not make them change their minds.

I realized the sarcasm font. Well done!
I also thought yours was the most appropriate post to attach my comment to.

12-20-2022, 06:27 PM
But would you buy digital trading cards of Trump in handcuffs?

For sure

12-20-2022, 08:13 PM
Go, Kari Lake is looking for attorneys.
Seems like hers are all jumping ship in fear of sanctions.

Can you practice in Arizona?

12-20-2022, 08:27 PM
Biden, and/or his administration have been caught lying once again.

From the Philly Fed:

"In the aggregate, 10,500 net new jobs were
added during the period rather than the
1,121,500 jobs estimated by the sum of the

There are 3 major ramifications to this:

1) Biden continues to undermine the credibility of all the agencies within his gov't

2) This false jobs report published just before the election gave the impression that the economy was doing well, thus giving the Democrats a false boost.

3) Did the Fed just needlessly raise interest rates, apparently, or supposedly, thinking that the economy was still running a little too hot?


Strange Brew
12-21-2022, 12:10 AM
Funny part he thinks he’s credible. He’s Probably the worst poster on this board.

Well then, it’s decided.

And this is how the “peer review” process works (rolleyes) :)

Keep posting Bobbie. For if not, I’ll get lost in an allegorical cave.

12-21-2022, 12:21 AM
Go, Kari Lake is looking for attorneys.
Seems like hers are all jumping ship in fear of sanctions.

Can you practice in Arizona?
Some advice;

12-21-2022, 07:36 AM
I weep for the future of our country.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Strange Brew
12-21-2022, 11:45 AM
Unless it's meaningless.

In which case it's...meaningless.

Gotta get the Twitter files out of the headlines and the public’s collective minds.

12-21-2022, 01:12 PM
Gotta get the Twitter files out of the headlines and the public’s collective minds.

Wait..haven't you heard? The twitter files are only about Hunter's dickpic.

12-21-2022, 01:30 PM
No, no. They also say the FBI paid twitter to censor.
When in reality, they pay for work done under court order for data requests.
Got to keep the conspiracy people happy.

Strange Brew
12-21-2022, 01:33 PM
No, no. They also say the FBI paid twitter to censor.
When in reality, they pay for work done under court order for data requests.
Got to keep the conspiracy people happy.


12-21-2022, 01:58 PM
No, no. They also say the FBI paid twitter to censor.
When in reality, they pay for work done under court order for data requests.
Got to keep the conspiracy people happy.

Regurgitating state media talking points again? Do you have any original thoughts of your own?


12-21-2022, 02:28 PM

And Bullshit.
Paul gaslights with the best of them.

12-21-2022, 02:28 PM
No, it's the law. This follows a court order for information:

The law already says that if the FBI is legally requesting information for an investigation under a number of different legal authorities, the companies receiving those requests can be reimbursed for fulfilling them.


Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c), a governmental entity obtaining the contents of communications, records, or other information under section 2702, 2703, or 2704 of this title shall pay to the person or entity assembling or providing such information a fee for reimbursement for such costs as are reasonably necessary and which have been directly incurred in searching for, assembling, reproducing, or otherwise providing such information. Such reimbursable costs shall include any costs due to necessary disruption of normal operations of any electronic communication service or remote computing service in which such information may be stored.

Twitter got paid "millions" by the FBI for fulfilling the requests from a court order.
Not that I really expect you will, but here's an opportunity to educate yourself:


12-21-2022, 03:02 PM
No, it's the law. This follows a court order for information:

Twitter got paid "millions" by the FBI for fulfilling the requests from a court order.
Not that I really expect you will, but here's an opportunity to educate yourself:


Thanks Paul.... for making that rebuttal to an argument that no one is making...

Have you no shame at all?

Strange Brew
12-21-2022, 03:10 PM
No, it's the law. This follows a court order for information:

Twitter got paid "millions" by the FBI for fulfilling the requests from a court order.
Not that I really expect you will, but here's an opportunity to educate yourself:


The money isn’t the point at all.

12-21-2022, 03:17 PM
But it is. One of Elon's "reporters" makes a wild claim of the FBI paying millions for censorship.
Everybody immediately follows him down the rabbit hole. The deep state is controlling our media.
Turns out the were paying Twitter for court order data requests.

Does anyone care it's a made up headline that doesn't fit the facts?
No...too busy chasing the conspiracy rabbit.
Is it retracted? Corrected? Explained?
Why bother when people are lapping it up.

It wasn't "bullshit." It wasn't "misinformation."

Strange Brew
12-21-2022, 03:20 PM
But it is. One of Elon's "reporters" makes a wild claim of the FBI paying millions for censorship.
Everybody immediately follows him down the rabbit hole. The deep state is controlling our media.
Turns out the were paying Twitter for court order data requests.

Does anyone care it's a made up headline that doesn't fit the facts?
No...too busy chasing the conspiracy rabbit.
Is it retracted? Corrected? Explained?
Why bother when people are lapping it up.

It wasn't "bullshit." It wasn't "misinformation."

It isn’t but it gives you a desperate way to deflect.

Strange Brew
12-21-2022, 03:25 PM
Go, Kari Lake is looking for attorneys.
Seems like hers are all jumping ship in fear of sanctions.

Can you practice in Arizona?

It’s in Court today so what are you talking about?

12-21-2022, 03:40 PM
Does anyone care it's a made up headline that doesn't fit the facts?

You sure you want to go there?

12-21-2022, 03:54 PM
The money isn’t the point at all.

It isn’t but it gives you a desperate way to deflect.

Yes and Yes.

Gaslighting and deflection are Paul’s twins.

12-21-2022, 04:13 PM
Yes and Yes.

Gaslighting and deflection are Paul’s twins.

I think Paul's just getting a little too aroused while looking at Hunter's "dicpics".

12-21-2022, 05:15 PM
It’s in Court today so what are you talking about?

I was noting her comments.

“We had attorneys who did walk away because the left is threatening them with their ability to make a living and practice law,” she said Tuesday to Charlie Kirk at his Turning Point USA conference in Phoenix. “And some of our attorneys said ‘look, I got mouths to feed, I can’t do this case, I don’t want to be sanctioned.’”

“I got to a point where I said ‘I’ll take anybody,’” she said to laughter. “We’ll take Better Call Saul to come in here.”

Thought maybe Go could help her out.

12-21-2022, 05:17 PM
It isn’t but it gives you a desperate way to deflect.

I didn't call it bullshit or misinformation. Others did.
What am I "deflecting" from, out of curiosity?

Strange Brew
12-21-2022, 05:20 PM
I didn't call it bullshit or misinformation. Others did.
What am I "deflecting" from, out of curiosity?

A Federal agency worked with a private Org to suppress the press (a story).

I hope you don’t ever use the word Fascist again.

Strange Brew
12-21-2022, 05:23 PM
I was noting her comments.

Thought maybe Go could help her out.

So lawyers are being threatened. Biden’s America I supposed.

12-21-2022, 07:43 PM
So lawyers are being threatened. Biden’s America I supposed.

Apparently they are being threatened by their own.
I'm guessing the former lawyers for Lake were worried about this:

Giuliani has already had his New York law license suspended for his role challenging the results of the 2020 election.
They're now looking into the same bogus nonsense at the DC bar.
Apparently it's not wise to bring suits to court where you know they are frivolous.

But her lawsuit (minus 8 of the 10 allegations) still proceeds.
Looks like things are going well:


12-21-2022, 08:10 PM
They clearly cheated:

“They Weren’t Following the Legal Requirements for Chain of Custody” – Expert in Kari Lake Trial, Heather Honey, Destroys Maricopa’s Defense


Kari Lake trial reveals 42.5% of ballots in their random samples were illegal ballots:


12-21-2022, 08:22 PM
With all that great evidence, one wonders why some lawyers bailed from her team.
Not getting paid?

Strange Brew
12-21-2022, 08:42 PM
With all that great evidence, one wonders why some lawyers bailed from her team.
Not getting paid?

The article you posted said, “threats from the Left”. There’s your answer and it’s intimidation.

12-22-2022, 07:04 AM
Apparently they are being threatened by their own.
I'm guessing the former lawyers for Lake were worried about this:

They're now looking into the same bogus nonsense at the DC bar.
Apparently it's not wise to bring suits to court where you know they are frivolous.

But her lawsuit (minus 8 of the 10 allegations) still proceeds.
Looks like things are going well:


Just a thought. You are talking about the law establishment in New York and DC. Not even a tinge of impartiality?

12-22-2022, 08:18 AM
I would think most states follow the rules of professional responsibility for attorneys, and have their own codes of conduct that should be followed.
They would all be very similar.
You end up (like Guliani) having to follow them in the states where you are licensed to practice.
If you bring a frivolous action in a state where you are licensed/practice, you could be sanctioned.

12-22-2022, 09:53 AM

Kinda like the Left’s and Trump haters like you, the erstwhile hero Michael Avanatti.

12-22-2022, 10:52 AM
Avenetti got jail time for his frauds. As well he should.

Strange Brew
12-22-2022, 11:56 AM
Avenetti got jail time for his frauds. As well he should.

We agree on that. Not sure you can sanction someone for brining a legit case as the Judge agreed to hear Lake's. Sounds like the Left if intimidating lawyers to not represent a client and interfering with a Legal matter. Not a good look for your fascist friends Paul.

12-22-2022, 12:39 PM
I think sanctions can apply after the case has been brought.


When someone like Kari Lake says the attorneys were intimidated, I'm not sure you want to believe her
Perhaps those attorneys just didn't want to face sanctions for frivolous lawsuits.

Strange Brew
12-22-2022, 01:40 PM
I think sanctions can apply after the case has been brought.


When someone like Kari Lake says the attorneys were intimidated, I'm not sure you want to believe her
Perhaps those attorneys just didn't want to face sanctions for frivolous lawsuits.

So why then did you even post a quote from Lake? No one here was talking about it but you. Are you trying to distract from the merits of the case?

What are your thoughts on the spending bill?
What do you think of sending Patriot weapon systems to the Ukraine? It's my understanding the systems need to be operated by Americans on the ground.

12-22-2022, 02:18 PM
Because so many here seem to be caught up in the Trump nonsense of denying the results of the election.
Multiple lawsuits with no merit. Attorneys being sanctioned for the stunts. Fake electors and Jewish space lasers.

About your questions; although worth discussing, I wonder if that's the deflection everyone talks about.
The spending bill, as noted in the WSJ, ramps up the chance of a financial crisis with the increase to the national debt.
There are areas to cut, but many of them have become sacred cows.
As to the Patriot systems, it's indicated 6+ months of training are needed to operate. So it should be sometime until they are deployed.
It would be good if a political resolution to the war could be achieved in a shorter time.

12-22-2022, 02:43 PM
What do you think of sending Patriot weapon systems to the Ukraine? It's my understanding the systems need to be operated by Americans on the ground.

As long as it does not get America a war, I'm okay with it.

12-22-2022, 02:59 PM
Because so many here seem to be caught up in the Trump nonsense of denying the results of the election.


Do you realize that there are like 3 people on this board who are actually 'caught up' in these topics? Yourself being one.

12-22-2022, 03:11 PM
You may have a point. I wish it wasn't in the news everyday with all the stuff coming out that went on.
I'd like it go away.
When over 2 years later, people are still claiming the election was stolen, it just won't seem to die.

Strange Brew
12-22-2022, 03:24 PM
As long as it does not get America a war, I'm okay with it.

That's what I was alluding to. If they are operated by Americans after the "show of unity" this week I'm concerned it may do just that.

Strange Brew
12-22-2022, 03:24 PM
Because so many here seem to be caught up in the Trump nonsense of denying the results of the election.
Multiple lawsuits with no merit. Attorneys being sanctioned for the stunts. Fake electors and Jewish space lasers.

About your questions; although worth discussing, I wonder if that's the deflection everyone talks about.
The spending bill, as noted in the WSJ, ramps up the chance of a financial crisis with the increase to the national debt.
There are areas to cut, but many of them have become sacred cows.
As to the Patriot systems, it's indicated 6+ months of training are needed to operate. So it should be sometime until they are deployed.
It would be good if a political resolution to the war could be achieved in a shorter time.

The Trump stuff and Lake's case are different. You do realize that, correct?

12-22-2022, 03:30 PM
The Trump stuff and Lake's case are different. You do realize that, correct?

How so?

12-22-2022, 04:36 PM
That's what I was alluding to. If they are operated by Americans after the "show of unity" this week I'm concerned it may do just that.

Reports are that Ukrainians will be trained in a third Country on the systems before they are deployed. I cannot imagine an active duty American operating the system within Ukraine.

So to the extent that it can limit Russia's capabilities further I am all for it. I would much rather continue to fund the Ukrainians to weaken our adversary and defend their homeland than the other two possibilities: All out war or the complete occupation of Ukraine by Russia.

12-22-2022, 08:57 PM
You may have a point. I wish it wasn't in the news everyday with all the stuff coming out that went on.
I'd like it go away.
When over 2 years later, people are still claiming the election was stolen, it just won't seem to die.

There truly is NOBODY on this board that gives a crap over this or those “people”. Nobody other than you and you won’t shut up about it, or Trump, who has been out of the Office for two years. It”won’t die” because it is omnipresent in your mind. Nobody else says anything about it. You also watch the wrong “news” Whose viewership depends on Trump.
Today in the Omnibus Bill the congress addressed issues that will prevent what happened 2 years ago.
Will you shut up about this “Threat to Democracy” now and address the real threats to democracy-like Government agencies and the White House trying to control Social Media outlets and quashing legitimate well reported stories that go against their preferred narrative? Or Threats to Democracy like a refusal to control the Southern Border?
Time to shut up and move to 2023 issues, Sir.

Strange Brew
12-22-2022, 09:58 PM
Reports are that Ukrainians will be trained in a third Country on the systems before they are deployed. I cannot imagine an active duty American operating the system within Ukraine.

So to the extent that it can limit Russia's capabilities further I am all for it. I would much rather continue to fund the Ukrainians to weaken our adversary and defend their homeland than the other two possibilities: All out war or the complete occupation of Ukraine by Russia.

Hope that’s the case.

If you want to weaken Russia, reverse Biden’s energy policy. More money to US producers (and more tax cash money) and less money in aid to Ukraine.

Strange Brew
12-23-2022, 05:19 AM
How so?

I’m really not sure if if you’re really this dense or you’re just trolling.

12-23-2022, 08:03 AM
MOR, this is a politics thread, and open for comment on political news of the day.
Absent a mod telling me I've violated a rule, I'll continue to make comments.
Why they bother you so much, personally, I really don't know. I hope you can get over that.
I don't attack you when you bring up your dislike for Biden or his policies. Maybe you're sore that the red wave didn't materialize.
Maybe just put me on ignore and that will help.

12-23-2022, 08:07 AM
I’m really not sure if if you’re really this dense or you’re just trolling.

Lake and Trump continue, in the latter case 2 years later, pushing stolen election nonsense and lies. That's the similarity.
Even Hannity, under oath, had to admit that he didn't believe them. But he kept pushing them
And some people believe it, still, to the detriment of our country,

12-23-2022, 08:49 AM
MOR, this is a politics thread, and open for comment on political news of the day.
Absent a mod telling me I've violated a rule, I'll continue to make comments.
Why they bother you so much, personally, I really don't know. I hope you can get over that.
I don't attack you when you bring up your dislike for Biden or his policies. Maybe you're sore that the red wave didn't materialize.
Maybe just put me on ignore and that will help.

I actually find your obsession hilarious. Hilarious like a pyromaniac who knows setting fires is bad but can’t help himself.
Why this obsession? Can it be that you and your Dem friends are so scared that the American people may freely choose Trump as President again after they’ve seen the garbage dump that Biden & the Dems have created? Are you and the Dems so scared that he might come back into office and restore solid policies that this administration screwed up so badly? I mean, DURING Trumps presidency they tried to destroy and undermine him with 2 bullshit impeachments based upon lies like that Steele Dossier. Ya gotta stop living in fear Paul. The country is Ok. It’s still surviving Biden’s lousy group isn’t it?
All you can do is find ways to attack the side you don’t like in “civil” ways, but we all know what you are doing- like when you go after Elon Musk for, whatever.
The “news of the day” as you call it, comes from biased hacks like MSNBC, focuses on the guy who lives rent free in your head-Trump- and is generated by more hacks on that ludicrous Jan 6 “Committee”, the alleged Republicans of which have been voted out of office just like your obsession Trump.
And I go after Biden because there is plenty to go after him about. We hardly ever seem to hear too much Defense from you over him, his constant lies, Kamala’s incompetence surrounding her “Border Czar” job, lying Adam Schiff, economy mismanagement, Afghanistan mismanagement, etc.
Bottom line. Only you constantly try to throw a Molotov cocktail about a guy you alone obsess about. No one else cares and if you’d shut up about it it would be dead on here. It’s ponderous and counterproductive. Just stop.

By the way. The Red Wave took over the House, the Arizona Senator just left your party and Manchin may too over your side’s craziness.
Your side elected a brain dead guy who can’t put a full sentence together. Congrats on that I guess!

12-23-2022, 09:08 AM
Glad to be here to provide you comedic relief.
I watch all the different news channels, not just NBC. So I watched Hannity parrot the lies, until he went under oath.
Wonder if they will end up paying Dominion?


12-23-2022, 09:50 AM
Glad to be here to provide you comedic relief.
I watch all the different news channels, not just NBC. So I watched Hannity parrot the lies, until he went under oath.
Wonder if they will end up paying Dominion?


When is Adam Schiff, an elected politician, going to produce proof of Trump collusion, Paul?
Some of us don’t watch cable “news” performance at all.
Maybe that’s your issue?

12-23-2022, 11:33 AM
MOR, this is a politics thread, and open for comment on political news of the day.

Paul, the 2016 election is absolutely not the news of the day..you just chose to make it so on this forum. Literally 99.9% of the people on this board have moved on and we've also proven that there's not a single person on this board who denies the results of the 2016 election(maybe 1?). You're literally preaching to a group of people who just don't care. There is soooo much more substantive material to discuss in today's political climate, yet you bring up the same thing over and over and over again. I'm sure there are forums where people will engage in the debate that you're seeking, but it's not here. Change the record.

12-23-2022, 11:42 AM
Not sure where you live. I don't deny the results of the 2016 election.

There are a lot of people who apparently deny the results of the 2020 election, including the former president.
And some governor candidates with the 2022 elections.

12-23-2022, 12:15 PM
Lake and Trump continue, in the latter case 2 years later, pushing stolen election nonsense and lies. That's the similarity.
Even Hannity, under oath, had to admit that he didn't believe them. But he kept pushing them
And some people believe it, still, to the detriment of our country,

Some of you in Cincinnati might remember Daryl Parks as program director for WLW. He always talked about his 3 rules, two of which apply here.

1. It’s all about ratings and revenue.

2. Never let facts get in the way of a good talk show.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-23-2022, 01:08 PM
It is truly amazing how MSM can drive a narrative or lack there of. The Harvard-Harris poll on immigration is stunning. Basically if the news doesn’t cover, most don’t understand the problem. This article highlights the point.


My favorite quote from article.

Bill Melugin, who has covered the current crisis close-up since it began, was asked about coverage on the national networks. "I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen them down here in my 19 months of covering this,"

Since I’ve had a little time off during the day, MSNBC and CNN are constantly talking about Trump in one form or another. If people are tired of Trump news, get off the channels, twitter, or the blogs. Where as Fox is devoting a lot of time on the border and very little on Trump. Obviously all are just giving news that creates ratings to BJF’s point. All the late night opinion shows are so biased and just trash IMO.

12-23-2022, 02:17 PM
Thomas Massie earlier today:

"January 6th committee to adjourn without fulfilling year old promise to release Epps transcript.

The one person on film telling people to go into the Capitol (multiple times) disappears from FBI list and is not even mentioned in the 845 page final report."


So what about Ray Epps? And what about those pipe bombs? What about the NW Scaffold Commander?

"In clips 4-6 of the above compilation, we see Epps actively orchestrate elements of the very first breach of the Capitol barricades at 12:50 p.m, while Trump still had 20 minutes left in his rally speech.

It is noteworthy that this Ray Epps breach occurs just one minute after Capitol Police began responding to reports of two “pipe bombs” located at DNC and GOP headquarters, respectively. Rather conveniently, the already-handicapped Capitol Police thus had still-fewer resources with which to respond to the barricade breach in question."


Paul, how come you don't seem to care about this extremely important detail?

12-23-2022, 02:24 PM
Yea! The 1.7T omnibus will finally spend money on the border! Just not ours...

"the bill designates $410 million dollars for "enhanced border security" in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Oman"

Meanwhile, we continue to give obscene amounts of our tax dollars to that international welfare queen in Ukraine:

"The longest government shutdown in history occurred in 2018-2019 because Trump asked for $5 billion to build the wall.

The $45 billion Ukraine aid in the Omnibus will bring our total given to that country over $100 billion, enough to build 20+ walls on the southern border."


12-23-2022, 03:19 PM
Go kick your 18 republican senators who voted for it.

X-band '01
12-23-2022, 05:14 PM
I got a lot of problems with you people, and now you're going to hear about it! Yo, MOR, my son tells me that your company stinks! (Quiet, you'll get yours in a minute) MOR, you couldn't silk a smooth sheen if you had a hot date with a big...

I lost my train of thought.

And now, we move on to the Feats of Strength. This year, the honor goes to Smails.


12-23-2022, 06:16 PM
I got a lot of problems with you people, and now you're going to hear about it! Yo, MOR, my son tells me that your company stinks! (Quiet, you'll get yours in a minute) MOR, you couldn't silk a smooth sheen if you had a hot date with a big...

I lost my train of thought.

And now, we move on to the Feats of Strength. This year, the honor goes to Smails.


For some reason I cannot post my George Happy Festivus greeting card pic where I will make a donation to the Human Fund. That’s the “Money for People” people.

12-23-2022, 06:22 PM
Merry Christmas from the Muskie president:


Strange Brew
12-23-2022, 06:23 PM
Lake and Trump continue, in the latter case 2 years later, pushing stolen election nonsense and lies. That's the similarity.
Even Hannity, under oath, had to admit that he didn't believe them. But he kept pushing them
And some people believe it, still, to the detriment of our country,

Paul, Lake’s case is ongoing and relevant. Trump is not.
I assume you lump the two together in a feeble attempt to discredit Lake. I don’t know what will happen in AZ and neither do you.

12-23-2022, 08:28 PM

12-23-2022, 08:50 PM
The government just reported that 233,740 illegal immigrants were apprehended at the border last month. That doesn't include the at least 73,000 "gotaways" who escaped into the U.S.

That means there have been over 4.2M encounters and over 1M "gotaways" since Biden took office.

Paul: Crickets….until….”But Trump”!

12-23-2022, 11:04 PM
Paul hides whenever he's challenged with facts.

12-24-2022, 07:57 AM
As I've noted before, the border crisis is a big challenge to every administration.
It's a humanitarian crisis, not a political football. These people are looking for work, and many are fleeing persecution seeking asylum.
More than 2 million have been turned back since March of 2020. And yes, many illegals make it through.
We haven't funded the processing of real asylum seekers, so we end up with large groups of people waiting for process.
Meanwhile, we also gripe about restaurants closing because of no workers, so some of these people will actually help our economy.
Despite all the negative and fear mongering of some parts of the press, the migrants contribute more to our economy than they burden it.

If you're still hung up on Trump, you can read this from Scientific American:

It's still on point and it was written almost 2 years ago.

Much more importantly, Merry Christmas to all of you, and I hope you're warm wherever you are.

12-24-2022, 09:08 AM
As I've noted before, the border crisis is a big challenge to every administration.
It's a humanitarian crisis, not a political football. These people are looking for work, and many are fleeing persecution seeking asylum.
More than 2 million have been turned back since March of 2020. And yes, many illegals make it through.
We haven't funded the processing of real asylum seekers, so we end up with large groups of people waiting for process.
Meanwhile, we also gripe about restaurants closing because of no workers, so some of these people will actually help our economy.
Despite all the negative and fear mongering of some parts of the press, the migrants contribute more to our economy than they burden it.

If you're still hung up on Trump, you can read this from Scientific American:

It's still on point and it was written almost 2 years ago.

Much more importantly, Merry Christmas to all of you, and I hope you're warm wherever you are.

No one is hung up on Trump but you. You just can’t make a post without referencing him.
Yeah, the border is an Humanitarian Crisis, but it should not be OUR Humanitarian Crisis! What Biden is doing is fostering awful human trafficking and the coyotes. Biden has made it a political football by negotiating with countries like Venenzuela over their oil because he screwed up this countries’ energy policy so badly. Now, because he’s messed this up so badly they are gonna finish the Border Wall.
Places like New York claim they are Sanctuary Cities, then bitch to High Heaven when a few bus loads of illegals are sent there. Democrat Hypocrites.
How do you think places like El Paso are dealing with this and why do you think Hispanics in those border areas are voting Republican more and more.
No other country in the world has a sieve for a border like what has occurred under Biden and the worker shortage was caused by freebie pandemic money.
Paul, once again, refusing to acknowledge the real problem and hiding behind his “empathetic” face while once again invoking Trump. Your party has been in total power for two years and the border issue has gotten worse in multiples. Not a damn thing done to stop it. Biden won’t even visit it and Kamala has done nothing as the Border Czar.
Get real.

12-24-2022, 10:26 AM
What is the "real" problem? Venezuela oil negotiations are causing the border crisis?

Millions fled Ukraine to Poland, who welcomed and sheltered them.
Thousands are fleeing repression in Central and South America. Should we shelter them?
Catholic charities in El Paso are helping, despite push back from Abbott in Texas:


Perhaps at Christmas, our spiritual leader has the best outlook on the border situation;

"We believe that Jesus was a refugee, had to flee to save his life, with Saint Joseph and Mary, had to leave for Egypt," Pope Francis said, according to Zenit. "He was a refugee. Let us pray to Our Lady who knows the pain of refugees."
"Let us be their neighbors, share their fears and uncertainty about the future, and take concrete steps to reduce their suffering."


Merry Christmas and thoughts about the meaning of the season.

12-24-2022, 10:34 AM
This might be overly simplistic, but if someone is fleeting persecution in their home country, which is not Mexico, why should we allow them in to the US? They’ve already left their country and should be free from the persecution, right?

Also, as I’ve said before, neither party really wants to “fix” the border crisis. The Republicans can campaign on how the Democrats don’t want a secure border or care about the drugs coming across the border. The Democrats can campaign on how the Republicans are racists and don’t care about the suffering of the illegal immigrants.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-24-2022, 11:06 AM
What is the "real" problem? Venezuela oil negotiations are causing the border crisis?

Millions fled Ukraine to Poland, who welcomed and sheltered them.
Thousands are fleeing repression in Central and South America. Should we shelter them?
Catholic charities in El Paso are helping, despite push back from Abbott in Texas.

If you can’t see how strengthening, unnecessarily, a Communist Dictator in Venezuela to oppress his people even more, then I can’t help you.
The Ukraine was attacked by Russia and is at war. Last time I checked, there is no war on this side of the world. Totally false equivalence.
The people fleeing repression, could go elsewhere, or stand and fight in their own countries, or better yet, would never have allowed the bullshit to occur in their own country to happen to begin with. Sorta like the sane people in this country standing up and fighting against the bull shit that your, the Lefty & Progressive side, is trying to perpetrate in the US. Anyway, why are they coming here??? This administration has encouraged them to do so without shame.
How about following the laws of immigration in this country that have been followed for 246 years?
“Push back from Abbott”. Hmmm. The guy is trying to defend his state from this madness. And Catholic charities are overwhelmed.
By the way. Greg Abbott was overwhelmingly elected just last year again. 40% of Hispanics voted for him. Does that tell you anything? Finally, Arizona Senator Krysten Sinema just left YOUR party, partly over this border madness. She proposed an Ammenment in the Omnibus bill to continue Title 42, and supported the Wall construction completion. Seems like she’s fed up with your sides bull shit too.
Stop hiding behind Christmas in an important political discussion. How are you a Xavier graduate?

12-24-2022, 11:38 AM
Why do you insist on making it so personal? I'm truly sorry for that situation.
I'm sure you are a Xavier graduate.
As noted, immigration is very complicated. Perhaps there are reasons they don't "stand and fight."
Maybe their oppression is not all that much different than situations in Ukraine.

Let me check with Joseph and see why he didn't and went to Egypt.
And I'll also note to the Pope on your behalf that he shouldn't stand behind Christmas when addressing the refugee situation.

Strange Brew
12-24-2022, 12:28 PM
Why do you insist on making it so personal? I'm truly sorry for that situation.
I'm sure you are a Xavier graduate.
As noted, immigration is very complicated. Perhaps there are reasons they don't "stand and fight."
Maybe their oppression is not all that much different than situations in Ukraine.

Let me check with Joseph and see why he didn't and went to Egypt.
And I'll also note to the Pope on your behalf that he shouldn't stand behind Christmas when addressing the refugee situation.

Refugees can’t pick which country in which they would like assylum. Hence, the legal reason for remain in Mexico policy.

12-24-2022, 12:32 PM
Why do you insist on making it so personal? I'm truly sorry for that situation.
I'm sure you are a Xavier graduate.
As noted, immigration is very complicated. Perhaps there are reasons they don't "stand and fight."
Maybe their oppression is not all that much different than situations in Ukraine.

Let me check with Joseph and see why he didn't and went to Egypt.
And I'll also note to the Pope on your behalf that he shouldn't stand behind Christmas when addressing the refugee situation.

Ohhhh, sorry your little feelings are hurt!! If you don’t want to discuss mucky politics, don’t post. And especially don’t post from a ludicrously one way perspective.
Immigration only became “complicated” when Biden and your side took power. Obama was balanced. Trump protected our borders. Not racist, as accused and didn’t invite hoards in here. Your side has been in power for two years and the problem is abjectly worse. Biden won’t even visit the border!
And stop with the “Perhaps” and “Maybes”. Do your research since you claim to be a Xavier grad.
If you don’t like the heat, leave the kitchen.


12-24-2022, 12:51 PM
I don't mind the heat. I'm just surprised at the lack of compassion.

Merry Christmas anyway. Time to reflect on our Pope's Christmas message about refugees.

12-24-2022, 01:03 PM
I don't mind the heat. I'm just surprised at the lack of compassion.

Yes. You should be surprised about how quickly all those Liberals on Martha’s Vinyard- folks of your ilk-just couldn’t wait to ship all those illegal aliens off of their island to a military base. Such compassion!!!
“Welcoming”, until they land on your doorstep. I’m sure all those residents needed some work helpers too! You know. Labor shortage and all!!

12-24-2022, 01:54 PM
I don't mind the heat. I'm just surprised at the lack of compassion.

Merry Christmas anyway. Time to reflect on our Pope's Christmas message about refugees.

It would have been nice if our devout Catholic president would have mentioned Christ in his Christ-mas message.

12-24-2022, 02:24 PM
Life in South Texas every day now. #Compassion

“ Suspected smuggler at large after firing shots at @TxDPS near Brackettville following pursuit/bailout—Kinney Co Sheriff Brad Coe is advising people living in the area keep doors and vehicles locked saying all occupants are being considered armed and dangerous.”
-From Reporter Ali Bradley, News Nation

12-24-2022, 03:22 PM
Paul, Lake’s case is ongoing and relevant. Trump is not.
I assume you lump the two together in a feeble attempt to discredit Lake. I don’t know what will happen in AZ and neither do you.

You were correct. I did not know what would happen in Arizona. But one could make an educated guess based on the results of 60+ similar cases:

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson dismissed the lawsuit lodged by unsuccessful gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake Saturday, confirming Katie Hobbs’ election as Arizona’s governor-elect.

“Every one of Plaintiff’s witnesses — and for that matter, Defendants’ witnesses as well — was asked about any personal knowledge of both intentional misconduct and intentional misconduct directed to impact the 2022 General Election,” he wrote. “Every single witness before the Court disclaimed any personal knowledge of such misconduct. The Court cannot accept speculation or conjecture in place of clear and convincing evidence.”

Thompson will now provide a couple days for Hobbs’ team to file motions to sanction Lake’s lawyers.

Perhaps her appeal will be successful.

12-24-2022, 03:33 PM
It would have been nice if our devout Catholic president would have mentioned Christ in his Christ-mas message.


And we look to the sky, to a lone star, shining brighter than all the rest, guiding us to the birth of a child — a child Christians believe to be the son of God; miraculously now, here among us on Earth, bringing hope, love and peace and joy to the world.


12-24-2022, 07:28 PM


And this same guy Biden stood in Philadelphia in September and called 74 million voters “Enemies” and “Threats to the Republic”. Now he wants the other side to just turn the other cheek at Christmas.
Uh, don’t work that way. Two faced Hypocrite.

12-25-2022, 06:57 AM


The child's name was Jesus Christ.

12-25-2022, 09:03 AM
The child's name was Jesus Christ.
Thanks for clearing that up. I thought he was talking about Bryan Christ


Strange Brew
12-25-2022, 11:14 AM
You were correct. I did not know what would happen in Arizona. But one could make an educated guess based on the results of 60+ similar cases:

Perhaps her appeal will be successful.

Did you miss where the ballots in R districts were the wrong size and jammed the machines. Love Hobbs running her own shit show for Gov. She’s a terrible human like most Dems. Nothing to see there Paul. Also, please name the source of that quote.

12-25-2022, 12:18 PM
Paul, Lake’s case is ongoing and relevant. .

She lost again. Merry Christmas.

12-25-2022, 12:22 PM
Did you miss where the ballots in R districts were the wrong size and jammed the machines. Love Hobbs running her own shit show for Gov. She’s a terrible human like most Dems. Nothing to see there Paul. Also, please name the source of that quote.

No, I didn't miss that. I watched some of the court proceedings live. There were a few ballots printed on the wrong size paper, but were immediately corrected and counted.
Here's the article from where the quotes came: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/kari-lake-dismiss-katie-hobbs-arizona

The quoted parts in my earlier post were the judges words from his ruling. Here is the complete court ruling if your are interested:


Requests for sanctions are due on tomorrow by 8:00 AM per his order.

Strange Brew
12-25-2022, 12:39 PM
No, I didn't miss that. I watched some of the court proceedings live. There were a few ballots printed on the wrong size paper, but were immediately corrected and counted.
Here's the article from where the quotes came: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/kari-lake-dismiss-katie-hobbs-arizona

The quoted parts in my earlier post were the judges words from his ruling. Here is the complete court ruling if your are interested:


Requests for sanctions are due on tomorrow by 8:00 AM per his order.

Um, it wasn’t just a few ballots and the Judge should be sanctioned.

Hobbs is a crook and so is Biden.

12-26-2022, 04:51 PM
From WaPo piece by ultra-covid control fanatic Leana Wen who is now admitting the truth (who knows, maybe she's getting right with God now in order to avoid eternal damnation???):

“…vaccinated people who never had covid were at least three times as likely to be infected as unvaccinated people with prior infection.”

“…those who were vaccinated but never had covid were four times as likely to have severe illness resulting in hospitalization or death compared to the unvaccinated who recovered from it. Protection from natural immunity also wanes at a slower rate than from vaccination.”

Moreover, per latest Twitter dump, we now have the evidence that Biden conspired with Big Tech to suppress alternative POVs on Covid - most of which have turned out to be 100% true.

And yet, so many people like Paul and Bobbie and others continue to believe all of the lies put out by our government propaganda machines that are so easily disprovable, and yet you still refuse to see.




12-29-2022, 09:42 AM
The Border is a Political issue, per an Independent Senator:

“ .@SenatorSinema: "The border crisis is not new. It has progressively worsened year after year, administration after administration, due to the federal government's repeated failures to address our broken border and immigration system."

12-30-2022, 09:40 AM
Um, it wasn’t just a few ballots and the Judge should be sanctioned.

Hobbs is a crook and so is Biden.

Based on what? Certainly not facts and/or logic. The burden of proof is on crazy Lake who is so out of touch with reality that I'm sure her next step will be to join one of the Real Housewives' cast.

Read the court ruling and "do your research" outside of your opinions and click bait blogs

12-30-2022, 09:43 AM
The Border is a Political issue, per an Independent Senator:

“ .@SenatorSinema: "The border crisis is not new. It has progressively worsened year after year, administration after administration, due to the federal government's repeated failures to address our broken border and immigration system."

but wait, a few posts ago you just said that Trump secured our border and Obama was balanced and immigration only became complicated when Biden took office? Hmm weird.

In regards to Sinema, I wish every politician would do what she did to get rid of this two party system. Things would get accomplished and people would not dig their heels in on issues just because their party wants them too.

12-30-2022, 09:53 AM
Based on what? Certainly not facts and/or logic. The burden of proof is on crazy Lake who is so out of touch with reality that I'm sure her next step will be to join one of the Real Housewives' cast.

Read the court ruling and "do your research" outside of your opinions and click bait blogs

How dare you question our resident legal scholar.

12-30-2022, 11:15 AM
Not a good look, Paul:

Sam Bankman-Fried had four White House meetings THIS YEAR: Bombshell report reveals disgraced crypto mogul met with top Biden aides as recently as September

*Democratic donor met with senior Biden advisor Steve Ricchetti on September 8
*He had at least three other meetings with staffers, report Thursday stated
*Bankman-Fried's brother Gabriel also had White House talks on May 13
*Further evidence of his deep ties with Washington and the Democratic party
*White House has refused to say if Biden will give back donations from him


Strange Brew
12-30-2022, 02:11 PM
Based on what? Certainly not facts and/or logic. The burden of proof is on crazy Lake who is so out of touch with reality that I'm sure her next step will be to join one of the Real Housewives' cast.

Read the court ruling and "do your research" outside of your opinions and click bait blogs

That was hyperbolic. That said, there was evidence of the ballots being the wrong size which jammed the machines in certain R districts. I know the ruling and I'm free to disagree with it.

That said, the sanctions sought by Hobbs' team failed.

I think it's odd that you would fine nothing wrong with Hobbs running her own election in which there were multiple irregularities. But hey, Trump liked Lake so she's awful right?

Strange Brew
12-30-2022, 02:12 PM
How dare you question our resident legal scholar.

How dare he indeed....:)

Strange Brew
12-30-2022, 02:13 PM
but wait, a few posts ago you just said that Trump secured our border and Obama was balanced and immigration only became complicated when Biden took office? Hmm weird.

In regards to Sinema, I wish every politician would do what she did to get rid of this two party system. Things would get accomplished and people would not dig their heels in on issues just because their party wants them too.

In fairness the border situation was better under Trump's policies.

At least he didn't falsely accuse Border Patrol of "whipping" migrants...

12-30-2022, 02:33 PM
That was hyperbolic. That said, there was evidence of the ballots being the wrong size which jammed the machines in certain R districts. I know the ruling and I'm free to disagree with it.

That said, the sanctions sought by Hobbs' team failed.

I think it's odd that you would fine nothing wrong with Hobbs running her own election in which there were multiple irregularities. But hey, Trump liked Lake so she's awful right?

No, she’s awful because she was an election denier even before the election happened. Well, unless of course she won, then the election went off without a hitch and the democratic process won, right? She’s a complete loon who should be sent to a clinic vs a political office. Shes a one trick pony with no substance.

And yes you are able to have opinions no matter how wrong they typically are

12-30-2022, 02:44 PM
In fairness the border situation was better under Trump's policies.

At least he didn't falsely accuse Border Patrol of "whipping" migrants...

Lipstick on a pig is still a pig.

Strange Brew
12-30-2022, 04:28 PM
Lipstick on a pig is still a pig.

Cute. Trump had better policies.

Still can’t criticize Biden can you?…

Strange Brew
12-30-2022, 04:29 PM
No, she’s awful because she was an election denier even before the election happened. Well, unless of course she won, then the election went off without a hitch and the democratic process won, right? She’s a complete loon who should be sent to a clinic vs a political office. Shes a one trick pony with no substance.

Hobbs is a hack who didn’t recuse herself from her own election. Of course you have no problem with that.

Many Dems have been election deniers for years but you don’t call them out for it. You’re a hack.

12-30-2022, 04:34 PM
Ray Epps:

“I was in the front with a few others. I also orchestrated it.”

He's on multiple video clips encouraging people to storm the Capitol.

He was on the FBI's Most Wanted list for a few days, but then mysteriously disappeared from that list. Why?

Why isn't the J6 "Select Committee" interested in this guy, at all? Why is it that the J6ers get angry when you mention his name?


12-30-2022, 05:14 PM
Maybe he turned state's evidence against the others?

Strange Brew
12-30-2022, 05:15 PM
Maybe he turned state's evidence against the others?

Sure Paul…

12-30-2022, 05:19 PM
Hope you're not one of those going by his house:

Body camera video shows Epps asking law enforcement officers how he can assist them, offering to help move rioters back from the police line and away from the steps. He turns toward members of the crowd and tries to get them to calm down. Another rioter, one of the first to breach the barricades, also told authorities that Epps told him to “relax“ and that police were just doing their job.


12-30-2022, 05:38 PM
Hope you're not one of those going by his house:


Hope you're not one of those trying to sweep his role under the rug for some reason....

12-30-2022, 06:51 PM
Cute. Trump had better policies.

Still can’t criticize Biden can you?…

Oh, now you want to talk about Biden? And you just talked about trump? Thought we were talking about lake, my bad. Whataboutism at its finest. Try and stay on topic.

12-30-2022, 06:52 PM
Hobbs is a hack who didn’t recuse herself from her own election. Of course you have no problem with that.

Many Dems have been election deniers for years but you don’t call them out for it. You’re a hack.

We aren’t talking about dems, we are talking about lake and her election denial self. Try staying on topic. You’re becoming a whataboutism fool.

I’m not talking about any election denier dens because that didn’t happen this election, and I don’t care about Hobbs recusing herself because I’m not a tinfoil hat conspiracy believer.

12-30-2022, 07:24 PM
Sure Paul....
Yeah Paul, I saw him planning the whole thing in the basement of Cosmic Pizza.

12-30-2022, 08:20 PM
Looks like our resident tough guy is identifying as a Democrat this week...

12-30-2022, 10:40 PM
but wait, a few posts ago you just said that Trump secured our border and Obama was balanced and immigration only became complicated when Biden took office? Hmm weird.

In regards to Sinema, I wish every politician would do what she did to get rid of this two party system. Things would get accomplished and people would not dig their heels in on issues just because their party wants them too.

Stop putting false words to what I said to score whatever points you *think* you get. (Spoiler: It’s zero)
Obama was known as the “Deporter in Chief” for awhile and I actually think the DACA program he put in place was reasonable. At least he respected the Border Agents.
Trump had the Border MORE secure, but he couldn’t finish the job because The lefty stupid Dems wouldn’t let him finish the wall. Oh, By the way. The Congress just voted money to do MORE WORK toward finishing the wall, no thanks to Biden.
And you conveniently leave out the part about a record number of illegals crossing and also getting away in these most recent months under Biden/Harris’ incompetence in your little speil. They have not discouraged hoardes of illegals to flood in here, but tacitly encouraged it, while the WH Press Secretary lies through her teeth that “The Border is Secure”. Plus they falsely accused Border Agents of “whipping” migrants. A blantantly false lie that has been totally debunked. That surely killed Border Agent morale. This Administration screws up everything it touches. I hear no defense of it from the mouthy corners on here who can’t shut up about “Trump this” or “Trump that”.
Your post is snide trash and you know it. Idiocy in words memorialized.
Do better, Snark.

12-30-2022, 11:18 PM
Stop putting false words to what I said to score whatever points you *think* you get. (Spoiler: It’s zero)
Obama was known as the “Deporter in Chief” for awhile and I actually think the DACA program he put in place was reasonable. At least he respected the Border Agents.
Trump had the Border MORE secure, but he couldn’t finish the job because The lefty stupid Dems wouldn’t let him finish the wall. Oh, By the way. The Congress just voted money to do MORE WORK toward finishing the wall, no thanks to Biden.
And you conveniently leave out the part about a record number of illegals crossing and also getting away in these most recent months under Biden/Harris’ incompetence in your little speil. They have not discouraged hoardes of illegals to flood in here, but tacitly encouraged it, while the WH Press Secretary lies through her teeth that “The Border is Secure”. Plus they falsely accused Border Agents of “whipping” migrants. A blantantly false lie that has been totally debunked. That surely killed Border Agent morale. This Administration screws up everything it touches. I hear no defense of it from the mouthy corners on here who can’t shut up about “Trump this” or “Trump that”.
Your post is snide trash and you know it. Idiocy in words memorialized.
Do better, Snark.

You= obsession with Biden.
Paul= obsession with Trump.

You two are one and the same.

You just blabbed about biden for one very long insufferable paragraph that had zero to do with with the point I was making which is that you are talking out of both sides of your mouth, per usual.

At no point did I say Biden was doing a good job with the border, you just can’t help yourself.

Also, I don’t know where you get your “trump made the border more secure” info from because it’s laughable. Maybe he whispered it in your ear and you ate it up. Read up https://www.cato.org/blog/trumps-border-policies-let-more-immigrants-sneak

Lastly, It’s absolutely hysterical that you seem to imply a wall is going to do something to fix this issue. But yeah why not, government loves spending our money on shit that doesn’t work.

12-31-2022, 09:07 AM
The last administration used Title 42 (I think it's called) to turn back immigrants of all types at the border. It was to prevent the spread of Covid.
So far the current administration has turned back over 2 million people under the same guidelines.
Comprehensive legislation is needed, but I don't see much hope for it as one side keeps using the fear factor of immigration.
Not a good situation for any and all concerned.

Strange Brew
12-31-2022, 10:02 AM
Yeah Paul, I saw him planning the whole thing in the basement of Cosmic Pizza.

We’re they discussing Russiagate there as the walls were closing in?

Strange Brew
12-31-2022, 10:03 AM
The last administration used Title 42 (I think it's called) to turn back immigrants of all types at the border. It was to prevent the spread of Covid.
So far the current administration has turned back over 2 million people under the same guidelines.
Comprehensive legislation is needed, but I don't see much hope for it as one side keeps using the fear factor of immigration.
Not a good situation for any and all concerned.

It also had the remain in Mexico policy and worked to secure the border. Seemed to work better than what is happening now. Has Biden been to the border?

12-31-2022, 04:47 PM
I think it is interesting that Covid is still being played up as a threat - realistically or not - and the question if it should be dismissed as an issue at the border.

12-31-2022, 04:52 PM
Joe Biden loves Xavier basketball.

01-01-2023, 03:34 PM
You= obsession with Biden.
Paul= obsession with Trump.

You two are one and the same.

You just blabbed about biden for one very long insufferable paragraph that had zero to do with with the point I was making which is that you are talking out of both sides of your mouth, per usual.

At no point did I say Biden was doing a good job with the border, you just can’t help yourself.

Also, I don’t know where you get your “trump made the border more secure” info from because it’s laughable. Maybe he whispered it in your ear and you ate it up. Read up https://www.cato.org/blog/trumps-border-policies-let-more-immigrants-sneak

Lastly, It’s absolutely hysterical that you seem to imply a wall is going to do something to fix this issue. But yeah why not, government loves spending our money on shit that doesn’t work.

“Obsession with Biden. Uh, Biden is the current President. The other guy is long gone.
That opening statement makes the rest of your post irrelevant.
No reason to respond to trash.
Happy new year.

01-01-2023, 03:49 PM
“Obsession with Biden. Uh, Biden is the current President. The other guy is long gone.
That opening statement makes the rest of your post irrelevant.
No reason to respond to trash.
Happy new year.

Yeah if I was called out for saying something completely ignorant like “trump had the border more secure ” and then was presented with something that clearly demonstrates that wasn’t true, I wouldn’t want to respond either.

01-01-2023, 04:24 PM
Yeah if I was called out for saying something completely ignorant like “trump had the border more secure ” and then was presented with something that clearly demonstrates that wasn’t true, I wouldn’t want to respond either.

Except that it was.

01-01-2023, 04:39 PM
Can't believe that liberal commie think tank Cato Institute.
After all, Charles Koch was one of the founders and he's definitely a tree-hugging, eco-friendly kind of guy.

01-01-2023, 05:30 PM
Can't believe that liberal commie think tank Cato Institute.
After all, Charles Koch was one of the founders and he's definitely a tree-hugging, eco-friendly kind of guy.

It's a garbage link from some blogger sitting in his basement....

For some reason, Pew tells a much different story - one that actually matches reality. As I'm sure you and your liberal pal are aware, both Obama and Biden didn't/aren't doing shit at the border. Trump put a huge dent in the problem:


Similar stories here:




01-01-2023, 05:37 PM
It's a garbage link from some blogger sitting in his basement....

For some reason, Pew tells a much different story - one that actually matches reality. As I'm sure you and your liberal pal are aware, both Obama and Biden didn't/aren't doing shit at the border. Trump put a huge dent in the problem:


Similar stories here:




Yeah. I’m believing Pew. Even DHS reported a record number of encounters and get always last month. Somebody doubt them?

See post 16175 on this thread.

01-01-2023, 06:07 PM
Yeah. I’m believing Pew. Even DHS reported a record number of encounters and get always last month. Somebody doubt them?

See post 16175 on this thread.

I’ll believe the Cato institute that would love nothing more than to back up everything trump says. We aren’t talking about last month, again I never said Biden was doing a good job. YOU were the one that said made the trump border more secure (as in more secure than the previous regimes) which is a complete fabrication based on the research presented.

If you want me to concede that Biden is doing worse than trump, sure yeah I agree. But trump didn’t do anything better than previous administrations

01-01-2023, 06:17 PM
I guess if you don't know what raw data is, you won't have the mental faculties to understand a simple graph.

01-01-2023, 06:21 PM
I guess if you don't know what raw data is, you won't have the mental faculties to understand a simple graph.

And I guess if you have reading comprehension issues, you wouldn’t have linked to what you did

01-01-2023, 06:29 PM
And I guess if you have reading comprehension issues, you wouldn’t have linked to what you did

Stay in your lane bro... as usual, you don't have a freaking clue what you're talking about. Stick to what you do best - calling Xavier players pussies...

Oh yea, and then laughably telling us how great they are the next game!!!

01-01-2023, 06:30 PM
Stay in your lane bro... as usual, you don't have a freaking clue what you're talking about. Stick to what you do best - calling Xavier players pussies...

Oh yea, and then laughably telling us how great they are the next game!!!

Good story… keep linking to things that have nothing to do with the a and b conversation you weren’t in

01-01-2023, 06:38 PM
Good story… keep linking to things that have nothing to do with the a and b conversation you weren’t in

OMG... you literally jumped into the conversation on this very topic between MOR and Paul. Good God, are you really that dense?

Hey tough guy, would you say this to Jack's face:

And Nunge is a puss

Real nice... But that's just you displaying your sacred fandom, right?

01-01-2023, 06:43 PM
OMG... you literally jumped into the conversation on this very topic between MOR and Paul. Good God, are you really that dense?

Hey tough guy, would you say this to Jack's face:

Real nice... But that's just you displaying your sacred fandom, right?

Ahh I see jumping topics as you realize you’re an idiot and linked to a bunch of things that had nothing to do with the conversation. Good try lyin lou.

Strange Brew
01-01-2023, 09:36 PM
Except that it was.

Yeah, this is kind of factual Ville.

Strange Brew
01-01-2023, 09:37 PM
I’ll believe the Cato institute that would love nothing more than to back up everything trump says. We aren’t talking about last month, again I never said Biden was doing a good job. YOU were the one that said made the trump border more secure (as in more secure than the previous regimes) which is a complete fabrication based on the research presented.

If you want me to concede that Biden is doing worse than trump, sure yeah I agree. But trump didn’t do anything better than previous administrations

Trump isn’t saying much but you can’t get him out of you mouth.

Strange Brew
01-01-2023, 09:39 PM
Oh, now you want to talk about Biden? And you just talked about trump? Thought we were talking about lake, my bad. Whataboutism at its finest. Try and stay on topic.

Are you drunk or mentally challenged?

Strange Brew
01-01-2023, 09:42 PM
I guess if you don't know what raw data is, you won't have the mental faculties to understand a simple graph.

Easy. He’s smarter than the people who tought him about graphs..:)

01-01-2023, 09:42 PM
Trump isn’t saying much but you can’t get him out of you mouth.

No, actually Mor brought him up. Nice try though

01-01-2023, 09:43 PM
Yeah, this is kind of factual Ville.

Except it’s not. Read the link from the very leftist Cato institute. I know you have trouble reading things that don’t fit your ignorant narrative.

Strange Brew
01-01-2023, 09:45 PM
You make sad.

You’re very vocal about things you clearly don’t understand.

Strange Brew
01-01-2023, 09:49 PM
Trump isn’t saying much but you can’t get him out of you mouth.

The Cato institute has been wrong more than right.

I’m shocked a genius like yourself would use them as a shield.

01-01-2023, 09:51 PM
I’ll believe the Cato institute that would love nothing more than to back up everything trump says.

Why on earth would you think that?

01-01-2023, 10:01 PM
You make sad.

You’re very vocal about things you clearly don’t understand.

I feel really good since this is coming from you.

Your arguments are based on your feelings more than any reasoning or logic.


Here’s some more actual reasoning and logic that again proves my point.

Sorry brew but once again you have no clue what you are talking about.

01-01-2023, 10:03 PM
The Cato institute has been wrong more than right.

I’m shocked a genius like yourself would use them as a shield.

Still haven’t read it, have you? Do some research.

Strange Brew
01-01-2023, 10:25 PM
Still haven’t read it, have you? Do some research.

Yes, I’ve read research from Cato (they were big on the Iraq war) about 10 years ago. I don’t find them credible. Especially when someone like you is using it as proof of a stupid position.