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10-18-2022, 10:29 AM
I would have thought that if Hunter was indictable that Barr would have done so.
And it sure looks like tax problems will eventually result in an indictment for him..

This is amazingly stupid. I’m sure you realize that the FBI has been sitting on this laptop evidence for over 2 years and Barr couldn’t do a thing without a referral. Barr was never as close to being as activist as this Clown Garland.

10-18-2022, 11:40 AM
Since the FBI reports to the Attorney General, I'm sure that Barr would have indicted if he could have.
That is amazingly easy.
Hunter will probably get indicted for tax evasion. Sort of like Bannon, and the Trump Organization, and others.
He can plead guilty like Weisselberg, pay a million dollar fine, and go to jail for months.
Weisselberg should have got one of the pardons Trump was handing out like candy to his buddies.

10-18-2022, 02:02 PM
Since the FBI reports to the Attorney General, I'm sure that Barr would have indicted if he could have.
That is amazingly easy.

Not if the FBI never made a referral. Are you really that dense?
It was made clear through numerous reports that Director Wray didn’t want to put a finger on the scale of an election and the FBI has been sitting on stuff for 2 years. Now the evidence of Biden’s illegality (which also includes “The Big Guy”) is so overwhelming that they can’t sit on it anymore.
The question really is if corrupt Merrick Garland will actually act after the referral comes? Or will he just stick his head in the sand.
Pressure will come.


10-18-2022, 04:05 PM
Wonder if the NY Post will win a Pulitzer for their investigative reporting even if it turns into a nothing burger?

10-18-2022, 05:40 PM
Another Durham not guilty verdict. 3 years wasted.

X-band '01
10-18-2022, 06:26 PM
For our LIV Tour fans (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/saudi-arabia-us-citizen-saad-ibrahim-almadi-prison-sentence-over-tweets/)

10-18-2022, 06:30 PM
With all the issues facing this country currently (high inflation, supply chain shortages, high gas prices, immigration), Biden first priority if the Dems have the majority in the house and senate after the elections is to legalize abortion? Anyone want to defend this? Certainly there are higher priorities currently facing this country than abortion right?

10-19-2022, 10:14 AM
Since I was born and raised about 10 miles from this park, and visited often, I wonder if someone will tell her that this is a monument to Union soldiers?


10-19-2022, 10:23 AM
It's quite possible she doesn't know the difference between Union and Confederate. You see, she's stupid.

10-19-2022, 11:14 AM
The dirty FBI....

"Before it was over, Durham dropped bombshell after bombshell, with most landing on the FBI rather than the defendants:

* Hillary Clinton personally approved sharing the Russia collusion narrative against Trump in fall 2016 even though her campaign wasn't sure it was true, former campaign manager Robby Mook testified.

* The FBI offered Christopher Steele a whopping $1 million if he could prove the sensational allegations in his dossier, but he didn't, FBI witnesses testified.

* The FBI included allegations from the Steele dossier in its FISA application to spy on the Trump campaign even though it hadn't verified a single element of the dossier, an FBI analyst testified.

* Danchenko was hired as a confidential human source and recommended for hundreds of thousands of dollars even though the FBI had concerns he was tied to Russian intelligence and had lied to the bureau.

* A Clinton-friendly PR executive, Charles Dolan, testified he lied to Danchenko, who then passed that lie on to Steele's dossier and then lied about Dolan being a source of the allegation.

* The FBI ignored the warnings of its own analyst that the allegations of collusion might be disinformation inserted by Russian intelligence."


10-19-2022, 12:21 PM
So, just like Ryan...Vance is a liar, and/or a complete idiot. It's amazing one can graduate from Yale Law and still sound like an effing retard


It's amazing that these are the two Ohio has to choose from.

10-19-2022, 12:24 PM
That's....not a gotcha. That's him essentially making fun of Rachel Maddow. The point wasn't that Jones is credible; the point is that Maddow is not.

10-19-2022, 12:29 PM
That's....not a gotcha. That's him essentially making fun of Rachel Maddow. The point wasn't that Jones is credible; the point is that Maddow is not.

The tweet is one thing, the video that accompanied the tweet is another.

Also, yes it is making fun of Maddow but that doesn't negate the fact that he mentioned Alex Jones as a compare and contrast. It's at the very least, stupid

10-19-2022, 01:17 PM
So, just like Ryan...Vance is a liar, and/or a complete idiot. It's amazing one can graduate from Yale Law and still sound like an effing retard

Its because he is cosplaying a character that he thinks the voters he is courting want him to be. It comes off phony as hell because it is all an act, and he is not a particularly good actor.

10-19-2022, 02:18 PM
Its because he is cosplaying a character that he thinks the voters he is courting want him to be. It comes off phony as hell because it is all an act, and he is not a particularly good actor.

Bullshit. Ryan is a Congressman whose done nothing but name post offices in 20 years in what used to be deep blue Youngstown.
He’s the biggest hypocrite in any race. Vance destroyed him in both debates. Ryan’s the biggest flip flopper out there. Talk about cosplay.
Vance is clear on what he is- For example, clearly Pro Life - and not pandering for abortion votes like Ryan.

10-19-2022, 04:29 PM
He is very clear on what he is...a person who would kiss Trump's ass to pander for votes.

10-19-2022, 05:01 PM
He is very clear on what he is...a person who would kiss Trump's ass to pander for votes.

Not pandering at all. Trump won Ohio by 8 points. Seems like pretty sensible to support his policies that worked and didn’t bring on
-Highest inflation in 40 years
-Highest gas prices in history
-Record crime rates…,
Oh, hell . Enough

10-19-2022, 05:08 PM
So, just like Ryan...Vance is a liar, and/or a complete idiot. It's amazing one can graduate from Yale Law and still sound like an effing retard


It's amazing that these are the two Ohio has to choose from.

Is it though? Both candidates are puppets to their money backed political parties and their agendas. Not really surprising at all if you look at the presidential candidates lately.

10-19-2022, 07:27 PM
Remind me, what's the definition of insanity?

"Today, Detroit’s population stands at 639,000, less than a third of what it was when Miriani said his farewell. It’s one of the poorest cities in America; the poverty rate in Detroit in 2019 was 31 percent, compared to 13 percent in Michigan as a whole and 10.5 percent nationally. Detroit’s public schools spend some $14,750 per student per year, ranking among the top ten most expensive in America, and yet in 2018 just 5 percent of fourth graders were proficient in reading and 4 percent proficient in math, the worst scores in the nation.

The more middle-class voters you drive out of the city, and the fewer middle-class voters your public school system creates, the more pliable the electorate becomes.

A pliable electorate is one you can rule forever without successfully governing.

They rule over a ruin, but they rule.

And the Democrat Party barely exists outside of the ruins those urban machines produce."


10-19-2022, 08:56 PM
From “The Spectator”:

Ryan owned by Vance

Tim Ryan, served up an absurd accusation against Republican candidate J.D. Vance — only to have Vance spike the allegation in Ryan’s face with the force of Kerri Walsh Jennings.

It all started when one of the debate moderators, in a blasé, 1960s Firing Line kind of way, asked Ryan for his opinion of the Great Replacement Theory, which holds that powerful Jews are conspiring to replace white Americans with minorities and foreigners.

Ryan said he thinks the theory is nonsense, “grounded in some of the most racially divisive writings in the history of the world.” He then accused Vance of supporting the theory and tied him to the mass shooter who killed 10 people in a Buffalo, New York, supermarket last May. The crazed gunman is the alleged author of a 180-page online manifesto full of racist content.
“This Great Replacement Theory was the motivator for the shooting in Buffalo,” Ryan said. “That shooter had all these Great Replacement Theory writings that J.D. Vance agrees with. Some sicko got this information that he’s peddling — again, those extremists that he runs around with, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, all these guys they just want to stoke this racial violence. We’re tired of it, J.D.”

Vance managed to keep his cool after such an egregious series of charges. “This is disgusting,” Vance, who has three biracial children with his Indian-American wife, fired back:

“My own children, my biracial children, get attacked by scumbags online and in person because you are so desperate for political power that you’ll accuse me, the father of three beautiful biracial babies, of engaging in racism. We are sick of it. You can believe in a border without being a racist. You can believe in the country without being a racist. And this just shows how desperate this guy is for political power. I know you’ve been in office for 20 years, Tim, and I know it’s a sweet gig, but you’re so desperate not to have a real job that you’ll slander me, and slander my family. It’s disgraceful.”

Tim Ryan, murdered. Perpetrator, JD Vance.

10-19-2022, 11:08 PM
Biden's fascist stormtroopers are at it again. This time they've hulled away an ABC News Producer - for no apparent reason. Hasn't been seen or heard from since April! One would assume he's rotting in the same gulags with Biden's other political prisoners.

Anyone hear of freedom of the press? Where's the ACLU?


There are now probably a dozen good reasons to impeach Biden at this point.

I know you libs probably aren't aware of the Paul Vaughn story either. Again, this is another prime example of Biden using the FBI as his personal stormtroopers to take out his political opponents:


X-band '01
10-20-2022, 04:30 PM
So who wants to send in their CV and become the next British Prime Minister?

10-20-2022, 05:00 PM
So who wants to send in their CV and become the next British Prime Minister?

Ricky Gervais


10-21-2022, 08:07 AM
So who wants to send in their CV and become the next British Prime Minister?

That's some pretty crazy shit. Unfortunately I think that the United States is heading the same way (massively increased political volatility) which I think is a massive mistake since stability encourages investment both foreign and domestic. While not perfect, the United States has been very stable, do the extent that something like this is almost unfathomable here. I'm not sure how much longer that will persist, unfortunately.

Instability and corruption are the issues I'm most concerned about for the United States. In my opinion, most of the other political issues are less important then ensuring stability and limiting corruption.

10-21-2022, 02:16 PM
What a disaster John Fetterman is.


10-23-2022, 11:59 AM
What a disaster this is.


10-23-2022, 01:05 PM
What a disaster this is.


No doubt. I hope more people will have the balls like this nurse to stand up to this BS.

10-23-2022, 01:30 PM
I have little doubt about that nurse's ability to treat people equally in Texas. She appears quite concerned about all patients.
As to the whole health care system in Texas, there seems to be serious questions the training is attempting to address.
Doesn't help that Texas refused to expand Medicaid assistance when given the chance:


10-23-2022, 02:22 PM
Thoughts Paul?


10-23-2022, 04:38 PM
I have little doubt about that nurse's ability to treat people equally in Texas. She appears quite concerned about all patients.
As to the whole health care system in Texas, there seems to be serious questions the training is attempting to address.
Doesn't help that Texas refused to expand Medicaid assistance when given the chance:


"there seems to be serious questions the training is attempting to address"

* Are Black and Latino populations lumped together in this study? If so, is access to quality HC a result of illegals driving that stat?

"Doesn't help that Texas refused to expand Medicaid assistance when given the chance"

* This has nothing to do with "diversity training". So why bring it up????

10-23-2022, 04:45 PM

10-23-2022, 04:50 PM
Slow learners. Grifters gonna grift.


10-23-2022, 04:50 PM
Saudis are pushing back on Biden the bully - this stubborn old man wants a foreign country to bail him out when all he has to do is go back to Trump's pro-oil and pro-nat gas policies.

"Anybody that challenges the existence of this country and this kingdom. All of us, we are products of jihad, and martyrdom," Saudi Prince Saud al-Shaalan, who is married to one of the grandaughter's of the late King Abdulaziz Al Saud, said in a video that was posted to Twitter Saturday. "That's my message to anybody that thinks that it can threaten us."


Strange Brew
10-23-2022, 04:53 PM
Slow learners. Grifters gonna grift.


Is this about the entire DNC? I don’t care about Twitter links unless it’s hoops/sports.

10-23-2022, 04:54 PM
This says all you need to know about the sham J6 committee - Crazy Liz Cheney Says January 6 Committee Will NOT Allow Trump Testimony to Be Televised – Says He Will Testify Before Her Under Oath

"The same committee that would not allow any legitimate Republicans to join out of fear they would expose all of the violent FBI and government operatives and call on Pelosi to explain why she refused the National Guard but set up a special camera crew to trail her that day. Bitter Liz Cheney told leftist reporters on Sunday that she would not consider President Trump’s testimony to be aired live on television."


10-23-2022, 05:05 PM
Nero fiddled while Rome burned

Biden ate ice cream while the US imploded. This insane motherfucker is pushing ever closer to war - even nuclear war:

"1st Time In 80 Years, US Army Deploys ‘Screaming Eagles’ 101st Airborne Division Just Miles Away From Ukraine"

"Brig. Gen. John Lubas, the division's deputy commander, stressed this is "not a training deployment" but rather a "combat deployment" from which his forces "need to be ready to fight tonight, depending on how the situation escalates across the border." "

"Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu told his French counterpart in a telephone call on Sunday that the situation in Ukraine was rapidly deteriorating and trending towards "uncontrolled escalation". "




This is all about Biden appeasing his stupid-ass voters who think they're getting revenge on Putin for supposedly helping Trump defeat Hillary 2016.

10-23-2022, 05:07 PM
Who wants to see him take the 5th 400 times. Boring.

10-23-2022, 05:10 PM
Maybe Putin should stop bombing civilians, and infrastructure. Just a thought.

10-23-2022, 05:46 PM
Maybe Putin should stop bombing civilians, and infrastructure. Just a thought.

Okay, if we're going to use your infantile logic, then why aren't we bombing Iran, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan, Yemen, etc. etc...?

* That is, if we're supposed to be the world's police, as you insinuate?

* The US and NATO are every bit the belligerent as Russia and Ukraine are. If you don't know that, then you aren't educating yourself beyond what the MSM wants you to know.

* This would've never happened if Trump was president.

* This is precisely why Tulsi left the Democrat party, and I'm sure there will be many more. How many more wars do we have to involved with? I thought you libs had already learned that lesson after Afghan and Iraq. What's with the bloodlust with you guys over the last several years?

10-23-2022, 06:31 PM
Since the Second World War, most counties have tried not to bomb civilian targets.
Sometimes successful, sometimes not. (Look at Iraq and Afghanistan)
Nixon didn't bomb Hanoi.
Where do you get your education from? Red State? Gateway Pundit?

Edit: you do realize it was a Republican who first went into Iraq and Afghanistan? Maybe not.

10-23-2022, 06:55 PM
Since the Second World War, most counties have tried not to bomb civilian targets.
Sometimes successful, sometimes not. (Look at Iraq and Afghanistan)
Nixon didn't bomb Hanoi.
Where do you get your education from? Red State? Gateway Pundit?

Edit: you do realize it was a Republican who first went into Iraq and Afghanistan? Maybe not.

Of course I do. I learn from mistakes....

So you're cool with Biden and NATO pushing and provoking Putin into this war, and not trying to bring about a peace agreement last winter?

Are you cool with siding with a guy who has apparently set-up dictatorial powers for himself, who apparently has allowed Nazi battalions among his military ranks, and who has purportedly placed offensive weapons in civilian areas - thus resulting in those civilian areas to become targets for Russia?

Who is the sane leader in this war? Biden, Putin or Zelensky? I sure as hell can't tell. All three are bona fide madmen.

Most importantly, are you cool with the possibility of starting a nuclear fucking war? Are you more insane than Biden?

X-band '01
10-23-2022, 09:55 PM
@MorningBrew (https://twitter.com/MorningBrew/status/1572729134395969536?cxt=HHwWgMCi-ZS0utMrAAAA)

@morningbrew Over the past 100 years, the surest sign of an oncoming financial crisis has been a Philadelphia team winning the World Series:

1928 - Athletics (Won WS)
1980 - Phillies (Won WS)
2008 - Phillies (Won WS)
2022 - Phillies (80-67, TBD)

Funny that this tweet came in mid-September when the Phillies were still battling the Brewers for the final playoff spot.

10-23-2022, 10:16 PM
@MorningBrew (https://twitter.com/MorningBrew/status/1572729134395969536?cxt=HHwWgMCi-ZS0utMrAAAA)

@morningbrew Over the past 100 years, the surest sign of an oncoming financial crisis has been a Philadelphia team winning the World Series:

1928 - Athletics (Won WS)
1980 - Phillies (Won WS)
2008 - Phillies (Won WS)
2022 - Phillies (80-67, TBD)

Funny that this tweet came in mid-September when the Phillies were still battling the Brewers for the final playoff spot.

Very troubling.

10-24-2022, 10:35 AM
The stability of our nation is in the hands of the Houston Astros!!!

10-24-2022, 12:09 PM
15 days til the mid-terms. You guys may not have received the memo, but I have it on good authority that Democracy is on the ballot!

Strange Brew
10-24-2022, 12:33 PM
15 days til the mid-terms. You guys may not have received the memo, but I have it on good authority that Democracy is on the ballot!

Hmm, I'll check my ballot here in CO. Is it a simple yes or no on Democracy?

10-24-2022, 12:45 PM
Something like that. I'm a no, personally. I've met too many people who qualify to vote, and we absolutely CAN NOT trust them to pick our leaders! :)

10-24-2022, 01:55 PM
"I ran twice. I won twice."

I guess reality doesn't matter any more. Geezus F someone, anyone else from the Republican Party win the nomination, please!

10-24-2022, 02:38 PM
"I ran twice. I won twice."

I guess reality doesn't matter any more. Geezus F someone, anyone else from the Republican Party win the nomination, please!

The easiest people to fool are those who want to believe the lie. That's why it's so easy for people to lie to themselves. So, no. Facts don't matter if people like the lie better and decide to believe that instead. It also doesn't matter when all you want to do is crush the other side. If winning with lies angers them even more than winning legitimately, then the lies are actual preferable.

10-24-2022, 02:43 PM
Something like that. I'm a no, personally. I've met too many people who qualify to vote, and we absolutely CAN NOT trust them to pick our leaders! :)

Have you thought about re-locating from Wichita :laugh:

X-band '01
10-24-2022, 06:21 PM
Funny, that's why I thought he moved to Wichita in the first place.

10-24-2022, 06:25 PM
I moved to Wichita because I predicted to Covid plague and wanted to be able to live like a normal human being. Worked out beautifully.

X-band '01
10-24-2022, 07:36 PM
But can you Make the Shockers Great Again?

10-24-2022, 08:01 PM
Not looking promising. I see Gregg Marshall at the local pickleball joint from time to time. If I could broker the deal to ring him back, perhaps.

10-24-2022, 08:50 PM
OMG. What next??

A big reason the liberal lunatic fringe is hated so much and why Democrats lose elections to the batshit fringe from the right is probably because if bullshit like this. This is just stupid. They seek out things that they can be triggered by! And MY GOD they come up with the DUMBEST shit!!!


10-24-2022, 08:53 PM
So glad that finally, after 40 years, we are dealing with the overwhelming insensitivities from The Karate Kid!

X-band '01
10-24-2022, 11:17 PM
When we were in grade school, we read a couple books called Farewell to Manzanar and Summer of my German Soldier that talked about these relocation camps during WWII - the first book was set in California and mentioned the same camp that was in The Karate Kid (although I didn't see that connection until years later - I usually fast forwarded some of the longer scenes as a kid anyhow) The latter book talked about a German relocation camp in Arkansas.

There was a similar outcry about a Saved By The Bell episode called Running Zack where the actor apologized for a role that people are now calling insensitive. The irony is that the same people never watched the full episode and see Zack's character development where he does an offensive portrayal and later realizes why it was offensive to begin with.

10-25-2022, 10:02 AM
OMG. What next??

A big reason the liberal lunatic fringe is hated so much and why Democrats lose elections to the batshit fringe from the right is probably because if bullshit like this. This is just stupid. They seek out things that they can be triggered by! And MY GOD they come up with the DUMBEST shit!!!


Oh my. Some people resent good movies because of "whiteness"? Were there too many whites in "Shawshank Redemption"?

10-25-2022, 10:46 AM
Of course I do. I learn from mistakes....

So you're cool with Biden and NATO pushing and provoking Putin into this war, and not trying to bring about a peace agreement last winter?

Are you cool with siding with a guy who has apparently set-up dictatorial powers for himself, who apparently has allowed Nazi battalions among his military ranks, and who has purportedly placed offensive weapons in civilian areas - thus resulting in those civilian areas to become targets for Russia?

Who is the sane leader in this war? Biden, Putin or Zelensky? I sure as hell can't tell. All three are bona fide madmen.

Most importantly, are you cool with the possibility of starting a nuclear fucking war? Are you more insane than Biden?

I guess you would have been cool with letting Germany be Germany back in the day too.

Maybe do a bit of research, and understand why we are coming to Ukraine's aid. Our lil bitch Obama just let Putin do whatever the hell he wanted back in 14, going back on our word to Ukraine. 8 years ago, you were probably bitching in your parents' basement about Obama being soft on Putin.

A peace agreement with someone who is essentially a dictator, does whatever the hell he wants, and believes that all these countries should be under Russia's rule and the USSR should be reestablished. You're a funny guy, Lou.

10-25-2022, 11:03 AM
I guess you would have been cool with letting Germany be Germany back in the day too.

Maybe do a bit of research, and understand why we are coming to Ukraine's aid. Our lil bitch Obama just let Putin do whatever the hell he wanted back in 14, going back on our word to Ukraine. 8 years ago, you were probably bitching in your parents' basement about Obama being soft on Putin.

A peace agreement with someone who is essentially a dictator, does whatever the hell he wants, and believes that all these countries should be under Russia's rule and the USSR should be reestablished. You're a funny guy, Lou.

Sounds like you're the one that needs to do a little more reading, and a little less posting. Sorry, your ignorance of facts is on full display....once again...

10-25-2022, 11:22 AM
Sounds like you're the one that needs to do a little more reading, and a little less posting. Sorry, your ignorance of facts is on full display....once again...

ignorance of facts? what facts are those lying lou?

Obama let Putin do whatever the hell he wanted back in 14- fact. Going back on our word to Ukraine regarding nuclear weapon agreement---fact.

Putin believing that all these countries should be under Russia's rule and wants to reestablish USSR---fact.

Get outside of your Freebeacon and Gateway pundit newscycle and maybe you will learn something.

You are on the side of countries with Dictatorships....get a clue, lou.

10-25-2022, 12:16 PM
ignorance of facts? what facts are those lying lou?

Obama let Putin do whatever the hell he wanted back in 14- fact. Going back on our word to Ukraine regarding nuclear weapon agreement---fact.

Putin believing that all these countries should be under Russia's rule and wants to reestablish USSR---fact.

Get outside of your Freebeacon and Gateway pundit newscycle and maybe you will learn something.

You are on the side of countries with Dictatorships....get a clue, lou.

1) "You are on the side of countries with Dictatorships" oh good God, how childish and lazy....

2) I love how you and all the other libs continue to to gloss over the fact that the US and NATO absolutely provoked Putin into this war. My central premise here is that this was completely avoidable. Peace was never seriously considered or pursued by the Biden admin. Do some research!!

3) What's the final outcome of this? Have you even thought about this beyond what you've been spoon-fed? Are you willing to sacrifice Kyiv in a nuclear attack to save Ukraine? What about American troops? A European city? How about an American city? And for what? What does the outcome look like, ville? Or didn't MSNBC get that far in their coverage? Explain what victory looks like, what the end game looks like, and how we exit the situation.

4) Deterrence with nuclear adversaries has worked now for 70+ years - USSR, China, North Korea - why are you and your liberal ilk so willing to abandon this strategy now? Do you have investments in the military industry, like all the other war hawks (Biden, Pelosi, McConnel, Graham, Cheney)?

5) You want to talk about agreements - how about the NATO-USSR agreement of 1990?

"More than thirty years have gone by since U.S. Secretary of State James Baker assured Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in February 1990 that if Germany remained part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization after reunification and if the United States “maintained a presence” in that country, “there would be no extension” of NATO’s jurisdiction “one inch to the east.”1 NATO, of course, later was expanded to include not just the USSR’s former allies in Eastern
Europe but even some former Soviet republics as well, and many Russians have claimed that, in taking in those new members, the NATO powers were reneging on promises that Baker and other high western officials had made as the Cold War was ending.2 The Americans, as Gorbachev himself put the point in 2008, had “promised that NATO wouldn't move beyond the boundaries of Germany after the Cold War but now half of central and Eastern Europe are members, so what happened to their promises? It shows they cannot be trusted.”3 "

"The Soviets, in particular, had to be assured that their security interests would be respected if they agreed to the reunification of Germany on essentially western terms. It was only later that U.S. leaders realized that the USSR had become too weak to prevent them from doing whatever they wanted. So by mid-1990, the February assurances were no longer taken as binding. What Gorbachev called the “sweet tallk” continued, but the whole vision of a cooperative relationship based on mutual trust and mutual respect, it became increasingly clear, was at odds with the reality. All of this was, and still is, deeply resented in Russia. Anatoly Adamishin, who had served as Shevardnadze’s deputy foreign minister at the time, recently blamed the Bush administration’s “we will do what we need to do and to hell with Russia” attitude for spoiling the chance to build a much healthier post-Cold War political
relationship.128 And many western scholars and other observers, while not putting the matter quite so bluntly, also seem to feel that the wrong road was taken in 1990.129

How is one to respond to that line of argument? The analysis here has led to certain conclusions. I think it is clear from the historical record that the assurances about NATO non-expansion that both Baker and Genscher gave the Soviets in February 1990 related not just to eastern Germany but to Eastern Europe in general. Genscher was quite explicit in this regard, Baker less so, but the evidence shows beyond reasonable doubt that he, too, had the Warsaw Pact area in general in mind. Those assurances amounted to promises—perhaps not “legally binding” promises but promises nonetheless—and Russian allegations to that effect were by no means baseless. Russian leaders were not (as is sometimes said) simply concocting a false historical narrative for their own political purposes. But the Soviets were not deliberately misled at the time the assurances were given. If there was an element of bad faith here, it only came into play months later, when U.S. policy shifted and American leaders began to think about bringing the East Europeans into NATO."


Again, because you don't read anything beyond your little safe zone, and only believe what you've been spoon-fed, you still have this naive perception that the US are all a bunch of angels who never do anything to provoke their adversaries. Try to think for yourself once in awhile.

10-25-2022, 12:52 PM
1) "You are on the side of countries with Dictatorships" oh good God, how childish and lazy....

2) I love how you and all the other libs continue to to gloss over the fact that the US and NATO absolutely provoked Putin into this war. My central premise here is that this was completely avoidable. Peace was never seriously considered or pursued by the Biden admin. Do some research!!

3) What's the final outcome of this? Have you even thought about this beyond what you've been spoon-fed? Are you willing to sacrifice Kyiv in a nuclear attack to save Ukraine? What about American troops? A European city? How about an American city? And for what? What does the outcome look like, ville? Or didn't MSNBC get that far in their coverage? Explain what victory looks like, what the end game looks like, and how we exit the situation.

4) Deterrence with nuclear adversaries has worked now for 70+ years - USSR, China, North Korea - why are you and your liberal ilk so willing to abandon this strategy now? Do you have investments in the military industry, like all the other war hawks (Biden, Pelosi, McConnel, Graham, Cheney)?

5) You want to talk about agreements - how about the NATO-USSR agreement of 1990?

"More than thirty years have gone by since U.S. Secretary of State James Baker assured Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in February 1990 that if Germany remained part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization after reunification and if the United States “maintained a presence” in that country, “there would be no extension” of NATO’s jurisdiction “one inch to the east.”1 NATO, of course, later was expanded to include not just the USSR’s former allies in Eastern
Europe but even some former Soviet republics as well, and many Russians have claimed that, in taking in those new members, the NATO powers were reneging on promises that Baker and other high western officials had made as the Cold War was ending.2 The Americans, as Gorbachev himself put the point in 2008, had “promised that NATO wouldn't move beyond the boundaries of Germany after the Cold War but now half of central and Eastern Europe are members, so what happened to their promises? It shows they cannot be trusted.”3 "

"The Soviets, in particular, had to be assured that their security interests would be respected if they agreed to the reunification of Germany on essentially western terms. It was only later that U.S. leaders realized that the USSR had become too weak to prevent them from doing whatever they wanted. So by mid-1990, the February assurances were no longer taken as binding. What Gorbachev called the “sweet tallk” continued, but the whole vision of a cooperative relationship based on mutual trust and mutual respect, it became increasingly clear, was at odds with the reality. All of this was, and still is, deeply resented in Russia. Anatoly Adamishin, who had served as Shevardnadze’s deputy foreign minister at the time, recently blamed the Bush administration’s “we will do what we need to do and to hell with Russia” attitude for spoiling the chance to build a much healthier post-Cold War political
relationship.128 And many western scholars and other observers, while not putting the matter quite so bluntly, also seem to feel that the wrong road was taken in 1990.129

How is one to respond to that line of argument? The analysis here has led to certain conclusions. I think it is clear from the historical record that the assurances about NATO non-expansion that both Baker and Genscher gave the Soviets in February 1990 related not just to eastern Germany but to Eastern Europe in general. Genscher was quite explicit in this regard, Baker less so, but the evidence shows beyond reasonable doubt that he, too, had the Warsaw Pact area in general in mind. Those assurances amounted to promises—perhaps not “legally binding” promises but promises nonetheless—and Russian allegations to that effect were by no means baseless. Russian leaders were not (as is sometimes said) simply concocting a false historical narrative for their own political purposes. But the Soviets were not deliberately misled at the time the assurances were given. If there was an element of bad faith here, it only came into play months later, when U.S. policy shifted and American leaders began to think about bringing the East Europeans into NATO."


Again, because you don't read anything beyond your little safe zone, and only believe what you've been spoon-fed, you still have this naive perception that the US are all a bunch of angels who never do anything to provoke their adversaries. Try to think for yourself once in awhile.

1.) Do some research and look it up Lou
2.) Wrong. Do some research on Putin and the way he views the world, and you will understand how ridiculous this sounds.
5.) Read on Lou since you decided to link this:

Most Western scholars and former officials, however, have been unwilling to go even that far. Baker himself
insisted in 1997 that he had “never intended to rule out the admission of new NATO members,” that “the proposal on
NATO jurisdiction applied only to territory of the former East Germany,” and that even that proposal “had been speedily
In an interview with CNN in 2009, he laid out what by that point had become the standard American
position. He wanted to say one more thing, he told the interviewer, about “this question of extending NATO”:
You know, there was a discussion about whether the unified Germany would be a member of
NATO, and that was the only discussion we ever had. And the Soviets signed a treaty
acknowledging that the unified Germany would be a member of NATO. So I don't understand
how they can have these ideas that somehow, now, we promised them there would be no
extension of NATO. There was never any discussion of anything but the GDR [German
Democratic Republic, the official name for East Germany].12
Many other former officials share that view. Philip Zelikow, who had dealt with these issues on the National Security
Council (NSC) staff in 1990, and Rodric Braithwaite, the British ambassador in Moscow at the time, are good cases in
point, and a number of former German officials, including Genscher himself, came to express similar opinions.
Matlock, on some occasions, has said that in giving the assurances both Baker and Genscher were thinking only of what
was then East German territory.14
And that general view has been endorsed by a number of scholars, especially Mark
Kramer, Hannes Adomeit, and Kristina Spohr

Never have I said or implied that the US as a country is an angel, and I have little interest in one's opinion on what may or may not have occurred between the US-Russia when there is no verifiable evidence either way. The agreement I spoke on was actually written down and agreed upon.

Now go ahead and again answer what facts I am ignorant of from my post of 15312.

10-25-2022, 02:02 PM
1.) Do some research and look it up Lou
2.) Wrong. Do some research on Putin and the way he views the world, and you will understand how ridiculous this sounds.
5.) Read on Lou since you decided to link this:

Most Western scholars and former officials, however, have been unwilling to go even that far. Baker himself
insisted in 1997 that he had “never intended to rule out the admission of new NATO members,” that “the proposal on
NATO jurisdiction applied only to territory of the former East Germany,” and that even that proposal “had been speedily
In an interview with CNN in 2009, he laid out what by that point had become the standard American
position. He wanted to say one more thing, he told the interviewer, about “this question of extending NATO”:
You know, there was a discussion about whether the unified Germany would be a member of
NATO, and that was the only discussion we ever had. And the Soviets signed a treaty
acknowledging that the unified Germany would be a member of NATO. So I don't understand
how they can have these ideas that somehow, now, we promised them there would be no
extension of NATO. There was never any discussion of anything but the GDR [German
Democratic Republic, the official name for East Germany].12
Many other former officials share that view. Philip Zelikow, who had dealt with these issues on the National Security
Council (NSC) staff in 1990, and Rodric Braithwaite, the British ambassador in Moscow at the time, are good cases in
point, and a number of former German officials, including Genscher himself, came to express similar opinions.
Matlock, on some occasions, has said that in giving the assurances both Baker and Genscher were thinking only of what
was then East German territory.14
And that general view has been endorsed by a number of scholars, especially Mark
Kramer, Hannes Adomeit, and Kristina Spohr

Never have I said or implied that the US as a country is an angel, and I have little interest in one's opinion on what may or may not have occurred between the US-Russia when there is no verifiable evidence either way. The agreement I spoke on was actually written down and agreed upon.

Now go ahead and again answer what facts I am ignorant of from my post of 15312.

Yes, the neocons dispute that, but you obviously didn't reach the conclusion of the paper - which was posted above. I wonder why....

Here's the bottom line: Putin and Russia see the current situation as the exact opposite of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

"Get outside of your Freebeacon and Gateway pundit newscycle and maybe you will learn something."

* This is so laughable!!! My sources were nearly 100% spot-on regarding everything covid - yours literally batted 0

* By March of 2017 I and millions of others knew that Russia gate was a total hoax - how many years, if at all, did it take for you to realize this?

Oh yea, you're learning a whole lot from your "sources".

>>> I wonder why you ignored points 2, 3 and 4 in 15313.... Again, you really don't know anything other than what you're spoon-fed, and you really haven't thought things through, have you?

10-25-2022, 02:05 PM
Yes, the neocons dispute that, but you obviously didn't reach the conclusion of the paper - which was posted above. I wonder why....

Here's the bottom line: Putin and Russia see the current situation as the exact opposite of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

"Get outside of your Freebeacon and Gateway pundit newscycle and maybe you will learn something."

* This is so laughable!!! My sources were nearly 100% spot-on regarding everything covid - yours literally batted 0

* By March of 2017 I and millions of others knew that Russia gate was a total hoax - how many years, if at all, did it take for you to realize this?

Oh yea, you're learning a whole lot from your "sources".

>>> I wonder why you ignored points 2, 3 and 4 in 15313.... Again, you really don't know anything other than what you're spoon-fed, and you really haven't thought things through, have you?

Different Topics, but I love that you still think you are right on things 100% though even when proven wrong. Your boy Berenson is a real truth seeker lol. Narcissism of Trump must be rubbing off on you. ..want to try again with answering my questions, lyin lou?

And again lyin lou i answered the final analysis with this statement: I have little interest in one's opinion on what may or may not have occurred between the US-Russia when there is no verifiable evidence either way. The agreement I spoke on was actually written down and agreed upon.

I guess you missed that part. Maybe try to stay on task instead of going off on tangents and answer which facts I was wrong on in 15310 as you baselessly claimed.

BTW really interesting you mention deterrence of nuclear when the agreement with Ukraine was essentially that, and in return they would be provided security. Checkmate

Strange Brew
10-25-2022, 02:13 PM
Putin wants/needs control of the Black Sea.
He will once he has Odessa.
If he expands into Poland then we have serious problems.
Otherwise, not our fight.

10-25-2022, 02:40 PM
Putin wants/needs control of the Black Sea.
He will once he has Odessa.
If he expands into Poland then we have serious problems.
Otherwise, not our fight.

Agree on all points....

10-25-2022, 10:18 PM

The party that *Some* on this board supports is putting a brain damaged stroke victim, who cannot put a complete sentence together, up as a Candidate for the Greatest Deliberative Body in the World- The. U.S. Senate!!
The Pennsylvania Debate between Oz & Fetterman was a disaster for Fetterman tonight. It was on NewsNation nationally and the flash poll from the Pittsburgh TV station that carried it, WPXI, shows that 83% of people thought that Oz won with 17% for Fetterman. It was amazingly bad for Shotgun Frankenstein.
I joke, but it is actually cruel that Fetterman is running, and the Democratic Party is making him do so, when he should be at home, out of the public eye, and recovering.
Get ready Lefties. A smoking is coming on November 8.

10-25-2022, 11:03 PM
Dr. Oz is going to the Senate. Crazy.

10-26-2022, 08:23 AM
Overweight senators will be able to purchase miracle weight loss products without a middleman.

10-26-2022, 10:21 AM
Overweight senators will be able to purchase miracle weight loss products without a middleman.

Of course Paul is unable to admit the Fetterman disaster.
Are you saying this guy Fetterman is fit to serve?? Ludicrous.


10-26-2022, 11:19 AM
I think PA is stuck with some hard choices.
Do you want a person who has had some govnt. experience, and is recovering from a stroke?
Or do you want a good doctor who got a little TV fame, has no govnt. experience, and turned into a grifter to enrich himself?
(Might remind you of a real estate guy who got a little TV fame and became the poster boy of grifters everywhere)

Tough choice for the Keystone State.

10-26-2022, 11:24 AM
I think PA is stuck with some hard choices.
Do you want a person who has had some govnt. experience, and is recovering from a stroke?
Or do you want a good doctor who got a little TV fame, has no govnt. experience, and turned into a grifter to enrich himself?
(Might remind you of a real estate guy who got a little TV fame and became the poster boy of grifters everywhere)

Tough choice for the Keystone State.

The fracking question was the best part of the night. Fetterman looked like a complete disaster on that. A lot of flip flopping by the dems last night.

10-26-2022, 11:38 AM
"Like ravenous bears coming out of hibernation, Americans are emerging now from a lengthy sleep, surveying a barren landscape not of their own making, and preparing to go on a rampage at the polls. On and after November 8, 2022, the true villains will finally be brought to account for despoiling this once-great nation.

A rout is baked into the cards—not simply a Red Wave or even a Red Tsunami, but a brutal and abject rejection of “know-nothing” politicians in both parties who act insolently as “know-it-alls,” even as their policies and moves define economic and geo-political failures downward.

This reckoning is long overdue—we have been too willing to follow the prescriptions of supposed “thought-leaders,” too trusting that career politicians and bureaucrats in both parties have our best interests at heart, too tolerant of epic corruption and its odious consequences, and too accepting of breathless media accounts that whitewashed the economic destruction and mayhem perpetrated against families and households by a gorged and now gargantuan, soul-destroying super state.

Today, after almost surrendering control over the United States of America to a cabal of self-selected globalist insiders, we see clear signs that individuals and parents have finally woken up to dread reality—most of us are each much worse off financially since 1989. That was when we began to be herded down a futile path that shipped livelihoods abroad while channeling untold resources to government officials who stubbornly refuse to take responsibility for wasting so much of our nation’s wealth and borrowing power."


10-26-2022, 12:31 PM
I think PA is stuck with some hard choices.
Do you want a person who has had some govnt. experience, and is recovering from a stroke?
Or do you want a good doctor who got a little TV fame, has no govnt. experience, and turned into a grifter to enrich himself?
(Might remind you of a real estate guy who got a little TV fame and became the poster boy of grifters everywhere)

Tough choice for the Keystone State.

Not so tough. BTW Fettermsn’s “Govt experience” was a disaster both in Braddock and as Lt. Governor. Not even sure how this guy copped that gig.

And, yes. Debates have consequences.


10-26-2022, 12:43 PM
We are all faced with candidates that seem less than optimal.
Politics have become so much about business interests rather than public service.

The women of PA now have to be concerned about "local political leaders" in their doctor's office when discussing their own health concerns.

10-26-2022, 01:55 PM
My newsfeed today...

-Another woman is claiming that Herschel Walker paid for her abortion and drove her to the clinic. My prediction is that no one who is defending him will stop defending him, and no one who is attacking him will stop attacking him. As far as the election goes it's a non-issue.

-Trump is REALLY in trouble this time!! My prediction is...he isn't. He should be, but he's not.

-Dr. Oz absolutely clobbered Fetterman in the debate. My belief now is that almost everyone who watches a debate will never changed their mind no matter how a candidate performs. Even if their person didn't win, their supporters will still think they did

-Fetterman absolutely clobbered Dr. Oz in the debate. My belief now is that almost everyone who watches a debate will never changed their mind no matter how a candidate performs. Even if their person didn't win, their supporters will think that they did.

-The climate is going to hell. I think that's probably correct.

10-26-2022, 02:02 PM
In terms of betting odds, Republicans are now solid favorites to take back the Senate. They're heavy favorites in Ohio (Vance) and Wisconsin (Johnson), solid favorites in Nevada (Laxalt) and Pennsylvania (Oz), and slight favorites in Georgia (Walker). Democrats continue to hold a slilght lead in Arizona (Kelly) and a solid lead in NH (Hassan). Nothing else is remotely in doubt.

10-26-2022, 02:03 PM
We are all faced with candidates that seem less than optimal.
Politics have become so much about business interests rather than public service.

The women of PA now have to be concerned about "local political leaders" in their doctor's office when discussing their own health concerns.

Abortion advocate “Catholic Paul” everybody.
The same guy who can’t stop blabbing about “The Big Lie” meanwhile ignores the original Election Denier…


10-26-2022, 02:29 PM
The Catholic Church was OK with abortion for 1800+ years.
It's only in the last 150 years that a pope reversed that.
Whatever would you do if some pope comes along and reverses course again?
Would your head explode?
Maybe you'd rather have a women in her doctor's office with a life threatening ectopic pregnancy...waiting for her doctor to get an OK from local politicians.
Sounds like a good plan.

10-26-2022, 02:31 PM
Does Herschel Walker have any qualifications to become a US Senator other than playing football?

Yes, I know Tuberville was a football coach. So there is that. We love us some football here in SEC land.

10-26-2022, 02:39 PM
Does Herschel Walker have any qualifications to become a US Senator

Herschel is over 30 years of age and has been a citizen for in excess of nine years. Presumably he is currently a resident of Georgia.

10-26-2022, 02:43 PM
Does Herschel Walker have any qualifications to become a US Senator other than playing football?

Yes, I know Tuberville was a football coach. So there is that. We love us some football here in SEC land.

He’ll fit right in with half the democratic parity right now.

Strange Brew
10-26-2022, 03:23 PM
The Catholic Church was OK with abortion for 1800+ years.
It's only in the last 150 years that a pope reversed that.
Whatever would you do if some pope comes along and reverses course again?
Would your head explode?
Maybe you'd rather have a women in her doctor's office with a life threatening ectopic pregnancy...waiting for her doctor to get an OK from local politicians.
Sounds like a good plan.

Not even remotely what is going on right now. More politics of fear from the Left.

10-26-2022, 03:42 PM
Herschel is over 30 years of age and has been a citizen for in excess of nine years. Presumably he is currently a resident of Georgia.

Maybe I should move to Georgia and run. It worked for Oz.

10-26-2022, 04:05 PM
This is just perfect.
You're an Arizona voter, and you want to send $5.00 to support Blake Masters for the Senate.

But...if you send it, he'll only get 1%, or $.05.
The other 99%, $4.95, goes to...you guessed it...Donald Trump (so he can pay off his legal bills.)

If you really wanted to send your candidate $5.00 that he would get...you'd have to send $500.00...and Trump would keep $495.00.
The perfect grift !


10-26-2022, 04:24 PM
The Catholic Church was OK with abortion for 1800+ years.
It's only in the last 150 years that a pope reversed that.
Whatever would you do if some pope comes along and reverses course again?
Would your head explode?
Maybe you'd rather have a women in her doctor's office with a life threatening ectopic pregnancy...waiting for her doctor to get an OK from local politicians.
Sounds like a good plan.

That scenario is not even in play. EVERY state law has exceptions for ectopic and “life of the mother” issues.
And, by the way, this is NOT an issue between a woman and “her doctor”. In cases of “life of the mother” no doctor has to go to a politician. He can act.
The issue is a woman killing her baby. And after 15 weeks, even in European countries, that is the world standard of not being allowed. And guess what? That is exactly what the Dobbs decision decided for Mississippi.
“Some Pope” was smart to reverse that bad teaching just as the Supreme Court was smart to reverse a badly flawed ruling. You don’t live centuries ago Paul, you live today with all kinds of medical advances making babies more viable earlier as time progresses. Those medical advances were not known to Popes for centuries. No one, even doctors up until the 1800’s knew what viability was growing inside a Mother. As technology and knowledge advanced, so did the Church in its beliefs.

Strange Brew
10-26-2022, 04:29 PM
This is just perfect.
You're an Arizona voter, and you want to send $5.00 to support Blake Masters for the Senate.

But...if you send it, he'll only get 1%, or $.05.
The other 99%, $4.95, goes to...you guessed it...Donald Trump (so he can pay off his legal bills.)

If you really wanted to send your candidate $5.00 that he would get...you'd have to send $500.00...and Trump would keep $495.00.
The perfect grift !


So what?

10-26-2022, 04:31 PM
Fetterman is completely collapsing.....so the Dems do what the Dems always do....

"Almost a quarter of a million ballots were mailed to Pennsylvania voters without verifying their identity, state lawmakers say in a letter seeking answers from the state’s top election official.

“According to the data, as of Oct. 21, 2022, a staggering 240,000 ballots are ‘NOT VERIFIED,’” 15 Republicans in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives write Tuesday in the letter to acting Secretary of the Commonwealth Leigh Chapman. "


What a disgrace....

Oh yea, all you snowflakes that freak out every time Trump says something about 2020, I wonder why we haven't heard a peep from you regarding Hillary's "pre-2022 election denial"..

10-26-2022, 04:48 PM
Maybe I should move to Georgia and run. It worked for Oz.

It sure worked for Hilary…. In New York!!
Don’t even start with people who moved where. Amazingly stupid posting your L’s

X-band '01
10-26-2022, 05:23 PM
Does Herschel Walker have any qualifications to become a US Senator other than playing football?

Yes, I know Tuberville was a football coach. So there is that. We love us some football here in SEC land.

If he had run UC's football program into the ground like Tommy Tuberville did during his tenure, he'd have more support.

X-band '01
10-26-2022, 05:27 PM
This is just perfect.
You're an Arizona voter, and you want to send $5.00 to support Blake Masters for the Senate.

But...if you send it, he'll only get 1%, or $.05.
The other 99%, $4.95, goes to...you guessed it...Donald Trump (so he can pay off his legal bills.)

If you really wanted to send your candidate $5.00 that he would get...you'd have to send $500.00...and Trump would keep $495.00.
The perfect grift !


Does Kari Lake at least get $0.10 to Drumpf's $4.90?

Then again, I just assumed those who would make those donations are busy buying body armor and patrolling the drop boxes in Arizona right now.

Strange Brew
10-26-2022, 06:06 PM
Does Kari Lake at least get $0.10 to Drumpf's $4.90?

Then again, I just assumed those who would make those donations are busy buying body armor and patrolling the drop boxes in Arizona right now.

Haha, probably.

10-26-2022, 06:13 PM
It sure worked for Hilary…. In New York!!
Don’t even start with people who moved where. Amazingly stupid posting your L’s

Correct, she moved to NY in 1999 when she announced her candidacy. Didn’t hear a peep. Oz on the other hand, moved to Pennsylvania in 2020. Loosely I believe.

However, the U.S. Constitution only requires that a U.S. Senator resides in the state at the time of their election. There is no one or two year residency requirement or homeownership.

10-26-2022, 06:21 PM
Not even remotely what is going on right now. More politics of fear from the Left.

Kinda like all the stupid fucking people on the right voting for the big lie?

10-26-2022, 06:31 PM
Kinda like all the stupid fucking people on the right voting for the big lie?

See: Hilary Clinton… Election Denier

10-26-2022, 06:39 PM
This is just perfect.
You're an Arizona voter, and you want to send $5.00 to support Blake Masters for the Senate.

But...if you send it, he'll only get 1%, or $.05.
The other 99%, $4.95, goes to...you guessed it...Donald Trump (so he can pay off his legal bills.)

If you really wanted to send your candidate $5.00 that he would get...you'd have to send $500.00...and Trump would keep $495.00.
The perfect grift !


That’s hilarious!

10-26-2022, 07:26 PM
Anti-abortion advocate Herschel Walker seems to have paid for a number of abortions.

10-26-2022, 07:39 PM
Even Oregon is going red....

Oregon Voters Say They’ve Lost Patience With Democrats

'When I drive through Portland, I’m scared'

"I don’t like the Democratic approach to anything that’s happening," said Terri, who lives with her husband outside of Salem and dropped her party affiliation two years ago. "I used to be a Democrat for 40 years."


Make Crime Illegal Again

10-26-2022, 08:24 PM
Why does it feel like we are reliving the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing again?

10-26-2022, 08:51 PM
See: Election Denier

See 60% of your party. Hillary conceded almost immediately. Dumbo never has.

10-26-2022, 09:04 PM
In terms of betting odds, Republicans are now solid favorites to take back the Senate. They're heavy favorites in Ohio (Vance) and Wisconsin (Johnson), solid favorites in Nevada (Laxalt) and Pennsylvania (Oz), and slight favorites in Georgia (Walker). Democrats continue to hold a slilght lead in Arizona (Kelly) and a solid lead in NH (Hassan). Nothing else is remotely in doubt.

Good luck getting anything passed:


FDR had 635

10-26-2022, 09:55 PM
Since I was born and raised about 10 miles from this park, and visited often, I wonder if someone will tell her that this is a monument to Union soldiers?


What a dumb bitch and Cruz getting crushed/flipped off at the Yankees game. What a bunch of bozos.

X-band '01
10-26-2022, 10:55 PM
Hey now, at least Cruz was brave enough to sit through the boos at Yankee Stadium!

Unlike someone else who got booed at a Nats game and a UFC pay-per-view at MSG and now only shows up at SEC football games.

10-26-2022, 11:49 PM
What a dumb bitch and Cruz getting crushed/flipped off at the Yankees game. What a bunch of bozos.

Talk about a dumb bitch, and a total wretched bitch as well.


Plz chime in with your support of this abhorrent scumbag bobbie.

Give me Green any day or century for that matter. There is a reckoning coming.

10-27-2022, 12:06 AM
Good luck getting anything passed:


FDR had 635

Yes, good luck to the Democrats in getting anything passed. Or replacing any Supreme Court justices. I'm looking forward to sweet, sweet gridlock.

10-27-2022, 12:23 AM
. I'm looking forward to sweet, sweet gridlock.

Yep. All the 'pubs know how to do.

10-27-2022, 12:35 AM
Yep. All the 'pubs know how to do.

Thank God.

10-27-2022, 09:36 AM
See 60% of your party. Hillary conceded almost immediately. Dumbo never has.

Go back 30 years. "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy". "Ohio Diebold Voting machines compromised". "Trump is an Illegitimate President" (still)
Just read the article Bobbie. All the greatest hits are in there.


10-27-2022, 09:38 AM
Yes, good luck to the Democrats in getting anything passed. Or replacing any Supreme Court justices. I'm looking forward to sweet, sweet gridlock.

"Kill the Filibuster!!!!!"


10-27-2022, 09:50 AM
Yes, good luck to the Democrats in getting anything passed. Or replacing any Supreme Court justices. I'm looking forward to sweet, sweet gridlock.

Unfortunately that is better than what we have now.

10-27-2022, 10:00 AM
Yes, good luck to the Democrats in getting anything passed. Or replacing any Supreme Court justices. I'm looking forward to sweet, sweet gridlock.

I'm looking forward to Sleepy Joe having to veto bill after bill......the old guys arthritis will certainly get agitated.

A steady flow of border, energy, crime legislation. This is going to be fun watching the MSM justify their support of Biden's veto power.

10-27-2022, 10:10 AM
Less than two weeks until gridlock. Thank goodness! Look to '24 to get someone in with common sense, moderation and a functioning brain

10-27-2022, 10:18 AM
Sure hope you’re right about the gridlock. Unfortunately smart, common sense people don’t get into politics anymore. Think we will be in bad shape for a while no matter who’s in office so would he better just to have noting passed or done sadly

10-27-2022, 03:34 PM
Sure hope you’re right about the gridlock. Unfortunately smart, common sense people don’t get into politics anymore. Think we will be in bad shape for a while no matter who’s in office so would he better just to have noting passed or done sadly

100% agree.

10-27-2022, 04:33 PM
Less than two weeks until gridlock. Thank goodness! Look to '24 to get someone in with common sense, moderation and a functioning brain

Incredible news for America! Ville has just ruled out a run!

10-27-2022, 04:54 PM
Incredible news for America! Ville has just ruled out a run!


10-27-2022, 05:10 PM

That about sums up your entire presence on this board.

10-27-2022, 05:18 PM
That about sums up your entire presence on this board.

You lost all credibility on this board when you defended Steele and were going to come back on here and tell me how wrong I was when he led us to the second weekend of March Madness. Stick to beating it over your Covid-19 porn.

10-27-2022, 05:39 PM
You lost all credibility on this board when you defended Steele and were going to come back on here and tell me how wrong I was when he led us to the second weekend of March Madness. Stick to beating it over your Covid-19 porn.


10-27-2022, 07:01 PM
Unfortunately that is better than what we have now.

So true.

10-27-2022, 07:24 PM

Strange Brew
10-27-2022, 08:17 PM

Too funny. Whataboutism or something. Hahahahahaha!

10-27-2022, 10:31 PM

When u set the rules…….

10-27-2022, 11:28 PM
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

- Barack Obama

Can you say "self inflicted"? Why was this allowed to happen? Incompetence? Or does Biden enjoy making Americans hurt? Why do we continue to allow these batshit crazy greenies destroy our economy and our energy independence?

"A shortage of diesel fuel is spreading across the United States, with one company launching an emergency delivery protocol, requesting a 72-hour advance notice from clients to be able to make the delivery.

U.S. diesel fuel stocks have been on a stable decline for months, reaching the lowest level since 2008 as of October. Currently, the United States only has 25 days of diesel supply in reserve.

In the U.S., the bank said, underinvestment in refining capacity and refinery closures and operation disruptions have all contributed to the scarcity of refined oil products this year but especially diesel, Bloomberg reported."


"As winter approaches, diesel inventories nationally are at their lowest seasonal level ever, and certain regions in the Northeast have started fuel rationing.

The scarcity will almost certainly result in higher heating and transportation fuel costs, further taxing household finances."


10-27-2022, 11:42 PM
When u set the rules…….

It’s the hypocrisy of the libs that got them to where they today. Funny thing is, there are still a couple posters here that still don’t see it. They’d seriously never lose another election if they played more to the middle but they let the crazies take over the party

10-28-2022, 07:15 AM
In the U.S., the bank said, underinvestment in refining capacity and refinery closures and operation disruptions have all contributed to the scarcity of refined oil products this year but especially diesel, Bloomberg reported."

Does it even it occur to people that if the oil companies used part of their record profits, or on-going tax credits from the government, to build more refinery capacity rather than buying back their stock...that perhaps the shortage wouldn't be happening?

but they let the crazies take over the party

Advice from the party that is running hundreds of election deniers for public office, that support a football player who is anti-abortion yet pays for them, that runs a huckster TV salesman of miracle cures for governor...well...OK then.

Strange Brew
10-28-2022, 09:24 AM
Does it even it occur to people that if the oil companies used part of their record profits, or on-going tax credits from the government, to build more refinery capacity rather than buying back their stock...that perhaps the shortage wouldn't be happening?

Advice from the party that is running hundreds of election deniers for public office, that support a football player who is anti-abortion yet pays for them, that runs a huckster TV salesman of miracle cures for governor...well...OK then.

I know, I can’t believe Stacey Abrams is running.

10-28-2022, 09:28 AM
Does it even it occur to people that if the oil companies used part of their record profits, or on-going tax credits from the government, to build more refinery capacity rather than buying back their stock...that perhaps the shortage wouldn't be happening?

Ummmmm, you greenie whackos won't allow them to -- how many times does this have to be explained to you? This is your fault:

Yesterday, trade groups said the administration’s focus on climate change and environmental issues is one of the obstacles keeping the industry from investing in refineries. As a candidate, Biden promised to “end fossil fuel” and he’s taken a series of steps to cut pollution from automobiles and control greenhouse-gas emissions, the heads of the American Petroleum Institute and the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers said in a joint letter to the White House.

“Refiners do not make multi-billion-dollar investments based on short-term returns,” the trade group chiefs, Mike Somers of API and Chet Thompson of AFPM, wrote. “They look at long-term supply and demand fundamentals and make investments as appropriate.”


10-28-2022, 09:52 AM
I suspect cars and diesel trucks will be around for a long time. But let's not have a balanced approach.
Much easier to have doubling of corporate profits. Thanks for paying...er, playing.

10-28-2022, 09:57 AM
Well, well, well. It looks like the Democrats chickens have finally come home to roost. It's really hard to feel sorry for Paul Pelosi, but it's his wife and his party that enabled this to happen:

Paul Pelosi, husband of the Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, was attacked inside the couple’s San Francisco home early Friday, according to the Speaker’s office.

“Early this morning, an assailant broke into the Pelosi residence in San Francisco and violently assaulted Mr. Pelosi,” Drew Hammill, a spokesman for the Speaker’s office, stated in a press release. “The assailant is in custody and the motivation for the attack is under investigation. Mr. Pelosi was taken to the hospital, where he is receiving excellent medical care and is expected to make a full recovery. The Speaker was not in San Francisco at the time.”


I wonder if the batshit crazy Dems are going to finally get it?

Make Crime Illegal Again

10-28-2022, 10:03 AM
I suspect cars and diesel trucks will be around for a long time. But let's not have a balanced approach.
Much easier to have doubling of corporate profits. Thanks for paying...er, playing.

Again, Paul, this has been pointed out to you before, but as usual you seem to forget: the oil industry took a loss the year before.

All of these issues stem from your party freaking out over a rough seasonal cold - it was your side that shut the country down.

10-28-2022, 10:10 AM
Looks to me that they have been doing quite well under Joe Biden:


10-28-2022, 10:38 AM
Looks to me that they have been doing quite well under Joe Biden:


Putin has done quite well under Biden as well.....

Stupid policies result in stupid outcomes....

10-28-2022, 11:12 AM
Well, well, well. It looks like the Democrats chickens have finally come home to roost. It's really hard to feel sorry for Paul Pelosi, but it's his wife and his party that enabled this to happen:

Paul Pelosi, husband of the Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, was attacked inside the couple’s San Francisco home early Friday, according to the Speaker’s office.

“Early this morning, an assailant broke into the Pelosi residence in San Francisco and violently assaulted Mr. Pelosi,” Drew Hammill, a spokesman for the Speaker’s office, stated in a press release. “The assailant is in custody and the motivation for the attack is under investigation. Mr. Pelosi was taken to the hospital, where he is receiving excellent medical care and is expected to make a full recovery. The Speaker was not in San Francisco at the time.”


I wonder if the batshit crazy Dems are going to finally get it?

Make Crime Illegal Again

Yeah, I'm sure you would condone beating Melania at MAL with a hammer. You're a sick puppy.

10-28-2022, 11:23 AM
Anyway to update the ignore features to also block out quoting? Lou is a troll, we all know it. Why engage? Engagement is the only thing that fuels a troll.

10-28-2022, 11:31 AM
Movies and Politics

Have any of you ever noticed that there are more and more movies that show Americans as being the bad guys? It used to be Japanese and Germans, and then Russians. Then Chinese. Then some middle eastern folks. But every decade seems to be less foreign countries and more American politicians. Always wonder how much this effects the mindset of Americans growing up. Is this in part why so many young ones think that America is not a good country.

Any thoughts on this?

10-28-2022, 11:50 AM
Anyway to update the ignore features to also block out quoting? Lou is a troll, we all know it. Why engage? Engagement is the only thing that fuels a troll.

What's wrong STL? Do you hate having your little bubble popped? Does the truth hit a little too close to home?

10-28-2022, 11:50 AM
Anyway to update the ignore features to also block out quoting? Lou is a troll, we all know it. Why engage? Engagement is the only thing that fuels a troll.

But you don’t think Bobbie and paul aren’t?!

10-28-2022, 11:52 AM
Yeah, I'm sure you would condone beating Melania at MAL with a hammer. You're a sick puppy.

That was your takeaway? It's delusional thinking like this that is causing our country to decline.

10-28-2022, 12:07 PM
But you don’t think Bobbie and paul aren’t?!
Paul, absolutely not.

Bobbie is more interesting. At some point in this thread he switched from more nuanced posts to mimicking masterofreality's style of just screaming the talking point loudest. Not really my style but not that far off from others on this thread.

XU_Lou posts some dangerous bat shit qannon conspiracy shit. The post that got quoted was him acting gleeful about someone being attacked.

10-28-2022, 12:11 PM
I wonder if the batshit crazy Dems are going to finally get it?

Make Crime Illegal Again

Yeah, I'm sure you would condone beating Melania at MAL with a hammer. You're a sick puppy.

The post that got quoted was him acting gleeful about someone being attacked.

Obviously not....

Strange Brew
10-28-2022, 12:14 PM
Movies and Politics

Have any of you ever noticed that there are more and more movies that show Americans as being the bad guys? It used to be Japanese and Germans, and then Russians. Then Chinese. Then some middle eastern folks. But every decade seems to be less foreign countries and more American politicians. Always wonder how much this effects the mindset of Americans growing up. Is this in part why so many young ones think that America is not a good country.

Any thoughts on this?

i've noticed this as well. Sometimes I just turn it off.

It's either CEOs, veterans or some other internal group (CIA) that are the antagonist.

Edit: Both Top Gun movies did a good job of not naming the adversary while making it clear is was not the US. Also, 12 Strong did a great job of illustrating the complexities of the Afghan war(s).

Strange Brew
10-28-2022, 12:26 PM
Well, well, well. It looks like the Democrats chickens have finally come home to roost. It's really hard to feel sorry for Paul Pelosi, but it's his wife and his party that enabled this to happen:

Paul Pelosi, husband of the Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, was attacked inside the couple’s San Francisco home early Friday, according to the Speaker’s office.

“Early this morning, an assailant broke into the Pelosi residence in San Francisco and violently assaulted Mr. Pelosi,” Drew Hammill, a spokesman for the Speaker’s office, stated in a press release. “The assailant is in custody and the motivation for the attack is under investigation. Mr. Pelosi was taken to the hospital, where he is receiving excellent medical care and is expected to make a full recovery. The Speaker was not in San Francisco at the time.”


I wonder if the batshit crazy Dems are going to finally get it?

Make Crime Illegal Again

Hope Mr. Pelosi is ok. That is a terrifying situation.

10-28-2022, 12:47 PM
Movies and Politics

Have any of you ever noticed that there are more and more movies that show Americans as being the bad guys? It used to be Japanese and Germans, and then Russians. Then Chinese. Then some middle eastern folks. But every decade seems to be less foreign countries and more American politicians. Always wonder how much this effects the mindset of Americans growing up. Is this in part why so many young ones think that America is not a good country.

Any thoughts on this?

Do you have any examples of the USA being the out and out bad guy? All of the ones that are coming to mind are ones where they are both the bad and good guy (something like Shooter, where part of the government is the bad guy, but Wahlberg is also the good guy protecting the good part of the government)?

This topic does give me the chance to post one of my favorite anomalies. Apparently when Democrats are in power vampire movies are more likely to be released, and when Republicans are in power zombie movies are more likely to be released: http://www.mrscienceshow.com/2009/05/correlation-of-week-zombies-vampires.html

10-28-2022, 01:05 PM
What in the literal hell is going on? Is he lying or has he lost his mind? I mean seriously... I hope this is doctored


Strange Brew
10-28-2022, 01:17 PM
What in the literal hell is going on? Is he lying or has he lost his mind? I mean seriously... I hope this is doctored


He's gaslighting.

10-28-2022, 01:30 PM
I suspect cars and diesel trucks will be around for a long time. But let's not have a balanced approach.
Much easier to have doubling of corporate profits. Thanks for paying...er, playing.

"Balanced approach"

Like slow walking or cancelling new oil and gas exploration leases and telling middle class people to "just go buy electric cars? Hmmmm.

You do realize that one reason that oil company profits are up is because the costs and expenses to explore for new sources of oil and gas are down..significantly...in large part because the Administration won't let them have the chance to explore? No new lands to explore, no new expense.

And how about the US being down to only a 25 days supply left of diesel fuel?

Yeah, some "balance".

10-28-2022, 01:50 PM
What do you have against EV sales? Up 75% this year. Do you hate Musk?


10-28-2022, 02:03 PM
Again, Paul, this has been pointed out to you before, but as usual you seem to forget: the oil industry took a loss the year before.

All of these issues stem from your party freaking out over a rough seasonal cold - it was your side that shut the country down.

Filled up @ Costco this a.m. 2.89 after my 5% cash back.: 2,39 in Thornton.(Biden would like this price)

Strange Brew
10-28-2022, 02:08 PM
What do you have against EV sales? Up 75% this year. Do you hate Musk?


Because most people don’t realize they’re powered by fossil fuels (in most cases) so it’s a pointless exercise.

10-28-2022, 02:12 PM
Oil company profits are at all time high in the last two years.

So, lets find some reason to blame Biden. Makes a lot of sense.

Strange Brew
10-28-2022, 02:14 PM
Oil company profits are at all time high in the last two years.

So, lets find some reason to blame Biden. Makes a lot of sense.

I believe MOR already explained why. I don’t care about oil company profits. They actually produce something useful unlike the Biden Admin.

This is a tired tactic to cover for failed energy policies. So, conversely oil profits were lower, as was the price of gas under the previous Admin? Weird.

10-28-2022, 02:30 PM
Oil company profits are at all time high in the last two years.

So, lets find some reason to blame Biden. Makes a lot of sense.

Maybe Rubio and Scott will lift the ban on drilling off of Florida secured under guess who?

Strange Brew
10-28-2022, 02:33 PM
Maybe Rubio and Scott will lift the ban on drilling off of Florida secured under guess who?

Maybe. Not sure it would be necessary if the Biden reversals were....reversed.

10-28-2022, 02:45 PM
I believe MOR already explained why. I don’t care about oil company profits. They actually produce something useful unlike the Biden Admin.

This is a tired tactic to cover for failed energy policies. So, conversely oil profits were lower, as was the price of gas under the previous Admin? Weird.

There is actually a guy on this board who doesn’t understand how insanely expensive it is to explore and drill to try to find energy. Apparently he thinks it’s like Jedd Clampett- u just go out, shoot at some food…..”And up from the ground comes a bubblin’ crude”!!!!! U know. Black Gold…Texas T!!
Yeah, dry holes happen.

10-28-2022, 02:52 PM
There is actually a guy on this board who doesn’t understand how insanely expensive it is to explore and drill to try to find energy. Apparently he thinks it’s like Jedd Clampett- u just go out, shoot at some food…..”And up from the ground comes a bubblin’ crude”!!!!! U know. Black Gold…Texas T!!
Yeah, dry holes happen.

It's possible that profits are up because expenses are down(expense of exploring and drilling). This may be good for short term profits but not long term. Just a thought.

Strange Brew
10-28-2022, 02:58 PM
It's possible that profits are up because expenses are down(expense of exploring and drilling). This may be good for short term profits but not long term. Just a thought.

Oh, it's not good for long term supply and profit sustainability.

Which could cause problems for National Security.

Edit: Profits will continue as oil/gas is/are commodity products with relatively inelastic demand.

10-28-2022, 04:44 PM
It's possible that profits are up because expenses are down(expense of exploring and drilling). This may be good for short term profits but not long term. Just a thought.

210 billion short term ain't bad.

10-28-2022, 04:44 PM
It's possible that profits are up because expenses are down(expense of exploring and drilling). This may be good for short term profits but not long term. Just a thought.

And that is 100 per cent accurate. It’s not a flat line year to year and the lack of being able to explore is going to come back and bite.
Can you say “Retained Earnings” because soon these important companies and employers are going to need them.

10-28-2022, 04:53 PM
210 billion short term ain't bad.

You might want to read this after the Big 5 US oil companies lost $77 billion last year.
And as the author points out. Why doesn’t anybody bitch about Apple making record profits and they still charge $800-over $1000 for a phone?


10-28-2022, 04:56 PM
And that is 100 per cent accurate. It’s not a flat line year to year and the lack of being able to explore is going to come back and bite.
Can you say “Retained Earnings” because soon these important companies and employers are going to need them.

Nope. 63 billion going to stock buybacks and div.

10-28-2022, 05:28 PM
You might want to read this after the Big 5 US oil companies lost $77 billion last year.

Are you referring to this in the article you linked?

In fact, in 2020 the five integrated supermajors (i.e., “Big Oil”) – ExxonMobil, BP, Shell, Chevron, and Total – lost $76 billion.

That's not "last year." In fact, I think a different guy was president. Can we blame him?

10-28-2022, 05:58 PM
How many times has Congress called the oil company CEOs in to be questioned about “price gouging” when they’re reporting record profits? How many times did Congress prove they were price gouging and should be punished for that? I think the answer is none. They just don’t understand basic economics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-28-2022, 06:09 PM
If anyone is price gouging it would be the medical/insurance industry. In Cincinnati we have hospitals and med centers popping up everywhere. Is this happening in other cities? It's like an ARMS RACE.

Strange Brew
10-28-2022, 07:02 PM
How many times has Congress called the oil company CEOs in to be questioned about “price gouging” when they’re reporting record profits? How many times did Congress prove they were price gouging and should be punished for that? I think the answer is none. They just don’t understand basic economics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Correct. It’s tired theatre.

10-28-2022, 07:53 PM
Because most people don’t realize they’re powered by fossil fuels (in most cases) so it’s a pointless exercise.

100%. Plus places like California and Texas do not have the power grid to handle charging all of these new EVs.

10-28-2022, 08:30 PM
If anyone is price gouging it would be the medical/insurance industry. In Cincinnati we have hospitals and med centers popping up everywhere. Is this happening in other cities? It's like an ARMS RACE.

I like dispatch health. Call them when I'm sick, come out the same day and diagnose/ treat/prescribe meds. I hurt my shoulder about a month ago. Here comes a giant xray machine thru the door. Results same day. 100% covered by my ins. I put my son onto them. 4grandkids pick up everything. Saves him a ton of time not running them around all over town.

10-29-2022, 09:35 AM
If anyone is price gouging it would be the medical/insurance industry. In Cincinnati we have hospitals and med centers popping up everywhere. Is this happening in other cities? It's like an ARMS RACE.

I hear you! Based on your location.. New medical bldg at the corner of Winton and Compton and a monster being built less than a mile away on Galbraith where the old Forrest Lytle was. One of my best friends is in commercial development and he's made inroads with Tri-health and Mercy. He's absolutely killing it and he's half an idiot. It's amazing how many MOB's are popping up all over Cincinnati.

10-29-2022, 03:46 PM
Are you referring to this in the article you linked?

That's not "last year." In fact, I think a different guy was president. Can we blame him?

The last “reporting” year. You really don’t know that?
And 2020 had a pandemic that shut the economic world down. You know that too.
You are so BAD at attempted “gotchas”.

10-29-2022, 04:03 PM
Forbes didn't say "last year." Forbes said "2020."

Why not just quote them correctly?

10-29-2022, 04:05 PM
Does anyone else think this Paul Pelosi incident is getting just a little weird? Anyone else feel like this is about to get swept under the rug?

Some questions that have arisen:

1a) This is from the Police dispatch audio recording to Paul Pelosi's home:

"RP (reporting person) stated there's a male in the home and that he's going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn't know who the male is but he advised that his name is David and that he is a friend.”

* So this 42 y.o. guy was a friend of 82 y.o. Paul Pelosi

* Was it Pelosi or the RP who was going to wait for his wife? Why?

https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1586144536408883205?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1586144536408883205%7Ctwgr% 5E6c72e5fbd434cddaebad8f256de943b920a9d9a6%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthelibertydaily.com%2Fhow-close-are-paul-pelosi-and-friend-david-depape%2F


1b) Other reports say that it was Pelosi who made the call. If so, then this statement makes no sense: "RP stated that he doesn't know who the male is but he advised that his name is David and that he is a friend.” The statement would make much more sense if it came from the third person (see #5).

* If this was a true house invasion, how was he able to make the call, given that he knew who it was? This seemingly indicates that contact between the two had already been made prior to the call.

* Again, why did he state that "he's going to wait for his wife"? He surely knew that she was on the other side of the country.

* On a related note, why did the intruder also want to know, "Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?"



2) Why was this friend, David Depape, in his underwear - at 2 a.m. ?

3) If he's a friend, why did he break into the house?

4) The Pelosi home is supposedly surrounded by a security fence or wall of some type. You would assume they have much more security measures in place as well. So, how did he break-in, if indeed he did?

5) "Officers arrived at the house, knocked on the front door and were let inside by an unknown person. They discovered DePape and Pelosi struggling for a hammer, and after they instructed them to drop the weapon".

* Again, who is this third person? And why didn't he try to help the 82 y.o. Pelosi?



6) Speaking of being swept under the rug, how is it possible that the passenger airbag went off in Pelosi's car without a passenger during his accident a few months ago? Are these two stories possibly related?


These comments are so true for almost anything that goes on in national politics anymore:

"If journalists for one reason or another aren't interested in the basics of journalism, like identifying an unknown person in the midst of a deadly attack, then they have little standing to complain when conspiracies run wild on social media."

"I guess I have other basic questions. How did the guy approach the house before getting in? Did they recover a vehicle? Did he just walk from the Tenderloin to the residence in his underwear (plausible in SF). Journalism 101 5Ws"

10-29-2022, 04:56 PM
Maybe Pelosi took the hammer and beat himself over the head.

Or maybe this deranged fellow...

Last year, David DePape posted links on his Facebook page to multiple videos produced by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely alleging that the 2020 election was stolen. Other posts included transphobic images and linked to websites claiming Covid vaccines were deadly. “The death rates being promoted are what ever ‘THEY’ want to be promoted as the death rate,” one post read

...posts here on Xavierhoops. Worth looking into.

10-29-2022, 05:31 PM
Forbes didn't say "last year." Forbes said "2020."

Why not just quote them correctly?

Because the article was about profits and losses.
You are the king of irrelevant deferral into crap that means zero in attempts to defend with poorly constructed “gotchas”.
What is relevant is YOUR President has completely screwed up the energy sector in the US and fueled massive inflation because of it.
Red Tsunami on the way. Don’t cry too much

10-29-2022, 05:59 PM
I'll try not to since it's generally what happens in mid-terms.
Your "last year" losses seemed to point to Biden's term, as if he was responsible.
He's not and neither was Trump in 2020.
The cash flows for these companies has been flush as the chart I referred to showed.
I'm guessing the "losses" might have been paper ones. Meanwhile, last year and this will be record years for the oil companies.
Maybe Biden should take credit for them?

10-29-2022, 08:02 PM
I'll try not to since it's generally what happens in mid-terms.
Your "last year" losses seemed to point to Biden's term, as if he was responsible.
He's not and neither was Trump in 2020.
The cash flows for these companies has been flush as the chart I referred to showed.
I'm guessing the "losses" might have been paper ones. Meanwhile, last year and this will be record years for the oil companies.
Maybe Biden should take credit for them?

Paul Guessing again.
You were the one who was pointing to “excess corporate profits” but you want to write off losses as “paper” by guessing.
I quoted an article because of your accusation of corporate profits above.
Losses are losses. Profits are what are needed to employ people and keep investors, that include normal people, investing in a company for further growth.
Another bad dance.

10-29-2022, 08:56 PM
Exxon noted a 2020 loss of $22 billion.
They paid out during that year $15 billion in dividends.
Let's say the 22 is a "real" number. Wonder why they didn't reduce it to 7 by stopping dividends?
All the companies had a positive cash flow for the year.

It was a great dance.

10-29-2022, 11:15 PM
Exxon noted a 2020 loss of $22 billion.
They paid out during that year $15 billion in dividends.
Let's say the 22 is a "real" number. Wonder why they didn't reduce it to 7 by stopping dividends?
All the companies had a positive cash flow for the year.

It was a great dance.

Paul blabbing about nothing relevant again.
The dance that you refuse to acknowledge us the disaster that Biden has done with the US energy policy.

And Tim Ryan isn’t even popular in his own Ohio hometown.
This isn’t your normal midterms. It’s an abject rejection of everything you espouse Paul.
Don’t cry too much.


10-30-2022, 08:32 AM
It's a shame that the Forbes writer didn't research his own magazine before reporting on Exxon's supposed "loss" in 2020.


10-30-2022, 09:03 AM
My brother was a recent speaker of the house at the state level and is still quite involved at the state level but in the private sector. Anyways, he had a pac fundraiser here in kentucky this weekend for a buddy of his that is running for the state senate. It’s really interesting seeing how politics and elections actually work from the insider perspective.

10-30-2022, 09:17 AM
It's a shame that the Forbes writer didn't research his own magazine before reporting on Exxon's supposed "loss" in 2020.


Blah blah blah.
This is an attack on the free press. A reporter did a story based on facts that one side didn’t like. An attack on a highly respected publication from dark forces trying to silence open voices. The reporter is now in danger and should be given a safe space from these unhinged attacks!
This shall not stand!

Memo: Worry about your mentally impaired President and Senate candidates.
“Hello!! Good night everybody!!!!!”

10-30-2022, 09:27 AM
So much for GAAP.

10-30-2022, 05:20 PM
So much for GAAP.

Paul claiming that he knows more than a writer for one of the biggest financial publications on the planet.

How’s Joe Biden’s accounting principles these days in the “54 States” with record inflation, Paul?

10-30-2022, 07:48 PM
Check my link to the Forbes writer who reviewed the actual financials.

X-band '01
10-30-2022, 08:33 PM
Bye Bye Bolsonaro.

10-30-2022, 10:07 PM
Check my link to the Forbes writer who reviewed the actual financials.

Nah. More time wasting, deferring and minutiae from you.
Tell me about something that matters- like Joe Biden thinking there are 54 states and Fetterman saying he “always favored Fracking” when it is documented numerous times where he wasn’t.
Paul living the good life in a Republican run state. Sorry for your torture. Move to NY where those of your ilk are.

Strange Brew
10-31-2022, 01:30 PM
Bye Bye Bolsonaro.

Is that a good think considering who and what is now in power?

10-31-2022, 02:56 PM
Is that a good think considering who and what is now in power?

I would say it is. They've upgraded from really bad to still bad, but not nearly as bad.

10-31-2022, 02:58 PM
The other guy hasn't conceded yet.

It's not too late for a January 6th debacle.

Strange Brew
10-31-2022, 04:57 PM
The other guy hasn't conceded yet.

It's not too late for a January 6th debacle.

Or for 4 fours of bogus collusion claims.

10-31-2022, 05:15 PM
Or the indictments, guilty pleas, convictions or pardons that result from the bogus claims.

Strange Brew
10-31-2022, 05:16 PM
Or the indictments, guilty pleas, convictions or pardons that result from the bogus claims.

No one was charged with collusion.

10-31-2022, 05:25 PM
Collusion is not a crime that one can be charged with (I'm pretty sure).
Mueller might have charged Trump with obstruction and other things, but followed the rule that you don't indict a sitting president.
Left it to Congress to handle.
He may get charged for what he's done afterwards with the Top Secret documents.

Strange Brew
10-31-2022, 05:26 PM
Collusion is not a crime that one can be charged with (I'm pretty sure).
Mueller might have charged Trump with obstruction and other things, but followed the rule that you don't indict a sitting president.
Left it to Congress to handle.
He may get charged for what he's done afterwards with the Top Secret documents.

So the collusion claims were nonsense and not a crime so what were you barking about since ‘16?

10-31-2022, 05:32 PM
That the Russians interfered with our elections, and members of Trump's team like Junior and Manafort held meetings with Russians, including passing along polling data to help them in their disinformation efforts.
Trump himself only hid his Moscow tower deals from the public saying he had not dealings with them.
Hopefully he pays the price, as others have, for messing with top secret US intelligence stuff.

10-31-2022, 05:37 PM
Meetings with the Russians, you say?

https://www.politico.com/dims4/default/a5ee91a/2147483647/strip/true/crop/297x223+0+0/resize/630x473!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fs3-origin-images.politico.com%2Fnews%2F090306_clinton_297.jp g

Strange Brew
10-31-2022, 05:41 PM
Meetings with the Russians, you say?

https://www.politico.com/dims4/default/a5ee91a/2147483647/strip/true/crop/297x223+0+0/resize/630x473!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fs3-origin-images.politico.com%2Fnews%2F090306_clinton_297.jp g

Right, but it’s only wrong when it’s not a Democrat.

10-31-2022, 05:42 PM

10-31-2022, 06:17 PM
Right, but it’s only wrong when it’s not a Democrat.

No, it's wrong when you hid it, lie about it, get convicted for that. Not when there are cameras around.

Strange Brew
10-31-2022, 06:25 PM
No, it's wrong when you hid it, lie about it, get convicted for that. Not when there are cameras around.

There’s nothing wrong about meeting with foreign gov’ts.

It is wrong when you make it look like the elections were affected. They weren’t.

10-31-2022, 06:36 PM
There’s nothing wrong about meeting with foreign gov’ts.

It is wrong when you make it look like the elections were affected. They weren’t.

You should read about the Republican committees that investigated the Russian interference and the Trump officials meeting with them.

Strange Brew
10-31-2022, 06:56 PM
You should read about the Republican committees that investigated the Russian interference and the Trump officials meeting with them.

There’s nothing there Paul. It was nonsense from the beginning.

10-31-2022, 08:21 PM
There’s nothing there Paul. It was nonsense from the beginning.

What the “Republican report” that Paul slurps up to actually said;

While the report found “no evidence of collusion between President Trump and the Russians,” it did find that Trump campaign staff attempted to benefit politically from the leaks.”

The “leaks” were from Wikileaks, not the Trump campaign.
And EVERY campaign ever from both parties do. “Benefit politically” from any leaks of any kind. Remember how a Democrat operative snuck into a Mitt Romney campaign donor event and taped crap then blew it into something it was not?
Business as usual.


11-01-2022, 06:50 PM
Was PuPu Platter the same guy who got you into the nonsense about Paul Pelosi's gay lover...or was that Don Junior.

That's really weird, Paul. You're the first person on this board to mention anything about Paul Pelosi being gay. Do you know something we don't?

To expand on post #15423:

Q7) Why won't Nancy release the security video? What is she hiding?

Q8) Why won't the S.F. police release the body cam video? What are they hiding?

Q9) Why won't the S.F. police release David Depape's criminal record? What are they hiding?

Q10) Why won't the S.F. DA release the 911 call? What is she hiding?

Q11) Why didn't Biden or Gavin Newsome deport David Depape, an illegal alien?

Q12) Again, how was Depape able to get past Pelosi's security systems?

'If a glass smashed, an alarm went off!' Nancy Pelosi's former neighbor questions why invasion triggered no warning as she recalls fleets of SUVs at the mansion 24/7, window alarms and even her computers scrambled by Speaker's monitoring devices


11-01-2022, 09:31 PM
Q13) Who (what) is PuPu Platter?

Q14) Has he (she or it) been deleted from an earlier post?

11-01-2022, 09:57 PM
Paul, it’s probably best to just let the troll starve

11-02-2022, 01:16 PM
If you want the reason why there will be an earthquake repudiation of every thing that the Dems and the Left are foisting upon the Country, this is the best essay I’ve read. And it backs up why 66% of suburban women now support Republican positions in the latest Wall Street Journal poll.
It’s lengthy but worth the read.
A bloodbath for Dems is on the horizon- and they are 100 per cent to blame for it.


11-02-2022, 04:37 PM
If you want the reason why there will be an earthquake repudiation of every thing that the Dems and the Left are foisting upon the Country, this is the best essay I’ve read. And it backs up why 66% of suburban women now support Republican positions in the latest Wall Street Journal poll.
It’s lengthy but worth the read.
A bloodbath for Dems is on the horizon- and they are 100 per cent to blame for it.


The blowback to this article has been quite astounding. I knew there was quite a bit of anger among the skeptics and those that either lost their jobs, or were forced to take the jab to keep their job, but I didn't realize how much further this extended to other groups.

I agree this looks to be a major bloodbath. Robert Cahaly, the pollster from the Trafalgar Group - among the most accurate polls the last 2 cycles - thinks that support for Republicans might be 5-6% points higher than what polls are indicating. When you have comments like this from the above article, you can see why he might be onto something:

"But despite being pro-choice, I have become a single issue voter. My vote this cycle is a vote for vengeance against the party that kept my kids masked for two years; that robbed me of my best friends, and strained every relationship I have; that caused us to move to an entirely different part of the country; that perverted a discipline that I love, and which I use to navigate my life (science); and that then lied about doing it, and called me a terrorist for being upset about it. After this cycle, my vote will always be for the party that represents the most decentralized power structure, and the greatest respect for individual rights and responsibility. For me, the new f-word is “federal”. "

11-02-2022, 04:50 PM
Bloodbath update:

Holy shit, Rs lead Dems with Hispanics - from Quinnipiac no less!!!


11-02-2022, 06:46 PM
This person is your White House Press Secretary. Yikes.


11-02-2022, 08:52 PM
It amazes me how our leftist friends here MIRROR what we see daily from the Democrats and their allies in the MSM.

WHY doesn't ANYONE....EVER, spend ANY time supporting ANY aspect of their parties domestic agenda? Paul? Bobbie? Ville? Hello?

11-02-2022, 10:07 PM
It amazes me how our leftist friends here MIRROR what we see daily from the Democrats and their allies in the MSM.

WHY doesn't ANYONE....EVER, spend ANY time supporting ANY aspect of their parties domestic agenda? Paul? Bobbie? Ville? Hello?

There is more decisiveness today then there ever was with Trump. That worked in 2020 but not today.

11-03-2022, 05:07 AM
It amazes me how our leftist friends here MIRROR what we see daily from the Democrats and their allies in the MSM.

WHY doesn't ANYONE....EVER, spend ANY time supporting ANY aspect of their parties domestic agenda? Paul? Bobbie? Ville? Hello?

First of all Paul talks about it on here nearly everyday.

Second of all, not sure how many times it needs to be said to get thru your apparent thick skull but I think some of the right friends on here are complete extremist idiots, doesn’t mean I don’t agree with republicans from a fiscal standpoint. I went to a Republican pac fundraiser last weekend ffs.

Third, your obsession with this is rivaling Lou’s Covid boner. It’s not healthy.

11-03-2022, 07:40 AM
There is more decisiveness today then there ever was with Trump. That worked in 2020 but not today.

I’m sure u mean DIVISIVENESS correct?
Nothing decisive about Dementia “54 States” Joe

11-03-2022, 07:59 AM
Yes, I support most of the Democratic positions.
This includes Medicare, Social Security and the ACA...all target for reduction or elimination by Republicans.
Also I support the recent laws to let the government negotiate for drug prices for Medicare and capping certain costs for things like insulin; which Republicans want to repeal.
Additionally I think a woman's health is a question for her and her doctor, and not as some are running on a situation where "political leaders" should have a voice, or that she should go before a "community panel" when a life threatening emergency arises.

Months ago I expressed a fear that the impact of the last president was a danger for our country.
With up to 50% of Republicans running for office openly running as election deniers of the 2020 results, I remain fearful that the switch in Congress will have lasting harmful effects on the Republic.

In 1964 Barry Goldwater began the "voter fraud" nonsense, despite then and now no evidence of any impact on elections.
It was a calculated effort to suppress minority voting, and it worked, carried on with the Atwater "southern strategy."
That continues today. Back then there were a variety of suppression tools, most of which have gone away (thankfully).
But it still exists, as evidenced by armed men intimidating voters at the polls.
This nonsense was fueled in 2020 by the last president, and that base continues to hold sway in the Republican party.

Republicans stood up for the country and let Richard Nixon know he had to leave office.
We needed that after the Capitol insurrection and it would have been enormously helpful, but didn't happen.

I remain fearful of the trajectory we are on, and hope that cooler minds will prevail.

Lamont Sanford
11-03-2022, 08:35 AM
As Charlie Brown would say "good grief!"

There are JUST AS MANY election deniers on the left (i.e. Hillary, Stacy Abrams, Al Gore, etc) as the right. Give it up.

Hell, the folks in Pennsylvania are already saying they won't be able to name a winner on Tuesday night. Hmmmm.

If the freaking French can do it with paper ballots, why the hell can't the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania do it?!?

11-03-2022, 08:48 AM
Because the Republican controlled state legislature in Pennsylvania said you can't start counting mail-in ballots till the day of election.

If they could start processing them as they came in, you might not have the problem of waiting for the final tally. Doesn't make it "voter fraud."

ps. Hillary and Al aren't on the ballot.Abams complaints have been about voter suppression, not the actual vote counts.She's not running on a platform of denying the 2020 election, and vowing to overturn it.

Lamont Sanford
11-03-2022, 10:28 AM
There is way more voter fraud with mail-in ballots than in-person voting. Ever hear of ballot harvesting?

As MoR asked you the other day...if you believe in the (failed) policies of the left, why do you live in a red state? Why aren't you in NY or PA or MA or MI?

11-03-2022, 11:04 AM
Yes, I support most of the Democratic positions.
This includes Medicare, Social Security and the ACA...all target for reduction or elimination by Republicans.
False. No one is "advocating" for the elimination of Social Security or Medicare. Even Fact Checker Glenn Kessler of your favorite Pravda the Wash Post gives that claim "4 Pinocchio's". Do they want to alter it so it doesn't go bankrupt in 2032, which it is presently on pace to do, yes. "Altering has been misspelled into "Elimination" Bull shit.
Also I support the recent laws to let the government negotiate for drug prices for Medicare and capping certain costs for things like insulin; which Republicans want to repeal.
Trump tried to lower insulin prices in May and July of 2020 t $35 per month. Biden later froze those orders in February 2021 Then he "allegedly" came back and put the same $35 price in the BBB bill, BUT. You have to be in Medicare or an insurance plan to get it. Bull Shit.
Additionally I think a woman's health is a question for her and her doctor, and not as some are running on a situation where "political leaders" should have a voice, or that she should go before a "community panel" when a life threatening emergency arises.
Paul denies Democracy where the electorate, rather than an unelected panel of judges rules what the law will be. BTW. In 1972, contraception was not anywhere near as available. Today there are productions that are 99% effective in preventing pregnancy- including "morning after" and 10 day after pills. Every civilized country has a post 15 week Abortion ban-which is what the Dobbs Mississippi law stated. Paul would allow abortion up to the birthing table. Finally medical technology has made the age of viability earlier and earlier. Bull shit

Months ago I expressed a fear that the impact of the last president was a danger for our country.
With up to 50% of Republicans running for office openly running as election deniers of the 2020 results, I remain fearful that the switch in Congress will have lasting harmful effects on the Republic.
The Democrats started this shit. Remember Hilary's "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy crap in the early 1990's, Al Gore, the Ohio Diebold Voting machine controversy pushed by Barbara Boxer in 2004, Hilary's continual "Illegitimate President rants and the Queen of Georgia Stacy Abrams who hasn't met an election result that she believes? Your side started this trash. Now it's back in your face. Bull Shit
In 1964 Barry Goldwater began the "voter fraud" nonsense, despite then and now no evidence of any impact on elections.
It was a calculated effort to suppress minority voting, and it worked, carried on with the Atwater "southern strategy."
That continues today. Back then there were a variety of suppression tools, most of which have gone away (thankfully).
But it still exists, as evidenced by armed men intimidating voters at the polls.
"Armed men intimidating voters. Welcome to Democrat Philadelphia in 2008 by the "New Black Panther Party and By the way, Minorities are increasingly moving to the Republican side. "Suppressive laws" in Georgia have resulted in record early voting turnout. Bull Shit
This nonsense was fueled in 2020 by the last president, and that base continues to hold sway in the Republican party.
This nonsense was fueled by radical Democrats who invented the new rules. When the other side tries to invoke them you cry foul. Bull Shit.


Here are your answers. Look em up. Your positions are based on propaganda that you readily believe.

11-03-2022, 11:09 AM
She's not running on a platform of denying the 2020 election, and vowing to overturn it.

Who IS running on that platform? Before you answer that you should consider the difference between having an opinion on a certain topic and an actual campaign platform.

11-03-2022, 01:57 PM
Who IS running on that platform? Before you answer that you should consider the difference between having an opinion on a certain topic and an actual campaign platform.

My bad, I meant to say some of them are saying they won't accept the results (if it doesn't go their way I guess.)

11-03-2022, 02:07 PM
There is way more voter fraud with mail-in ballots than in-person voting. Ever hear of ballot harvesting?

As MoR asked you the other day...if you believe in the (failed) policies of the left, why do you live in a red state? Why aren't you in NY or PA or MA or MI?

Yes I have heard of ballot harvesting:

I was born and raised in the South, and that's why (with all its challenges) I still live here.
It's certainly not good that a Red State like mine is in a group with 40% higher murders rate than others.

In 2020, per capita murder rates were 40% higher in states won by Donald Trump than those won by Joe Biden.


11-03-2022, 02:35 PM
My bad, I meant to say some of them are saying they won't accept the results (if it doesn't go their way I guess.)

Are there current candidates on record saying they won't accept the results of their own election? Who are they? I'm legitimately curious..

11-03-2022, 02:48 PM
Are there current candidates on record saying they won't accept the results of their own election? Who are they? I'm legitimately curious..

Here are a few:



11-03-2022, 03:09 PM
The things that libs get upset about....

11-03-2022, 03:21 PM
Man, it is truly stunning how the MSM and the Democrat Party have orchestrated this "threat to Democracy" narrative...... perfectly synchronized with a deafening bullhorn on the campaign trail and constant bellowing from the propaganda wing of the the Democratic Party.

Isn't it obvious that the true "threat to Democracy" is Progressive Extremist and their Socialism utopia? By definition THAT is the real threat because if they had their way, we would no longer be a Democracy.

11-03-2022, 03:29 PM
How you tell if someone was asleep on January 6, 2021.

11-03-2022, 03:30 PM
Man, it is truly stunning how the MSM and the Democrat Party have orchestrated this "threat to Democracy" narrative...... perfectly synchronized with a deafening bullhorn on the campaign trail and constant bellowing from the propaganda wing of the the Democratic Party.

Isn't it obvious that the true "threat to Democracy" is Progressive Extremist and their Socialism utopia? By definition THAT is the real threat because if they had their way, we would no longer be a Democracy.

this country has never nor ever will be a democracy. However, both the extremist left and right are threats to the country.

11-03-2022, 03:32 PM
Someone check the record player - there seems to be a skip in the record...

Strange Brew
11-03-2022, 03:46 PM
How you tell if someone was asleep on January 6, 2021.

We all saw it. It has been played out.

There is no threat to Democracy. This is a stupid narrative to whip up the dumb D voters.

You probably think MAGA had something to do with P.P.’s assault?

11-03-2022, 03:54 PM
In case anyone cares, you can buy insulin for under $30 at Walmart. And that is without a prescription in most states. Been that way for years. Now different MOA from today’s branded, but insulin is insulin for the most part.

Note: always check with your doctor.

11-03-2022, 04:04 PM
"False. No one is "advocating" for the elimination of Social Security or Medicare. Even Fact Checker Glenn Kessler of your favorite Pravda the Wash Post gives that claim "4 Pinocchio's". Do they want to alter it so it doesn't go bankrupt in 2032,"

Baloney, Rick Scott wants to "sunset" Social Security and Medicare laws in five years. This after he stole 1.7 billion from Medicare in his last real job and walked with 300 million. Crook.

11-03-2022, 04:22 PM
False. No one is "advocating" for the elimination of Social Security or Medicare. Even Fact Checker Glenn Kessler of your favorite Pravda the Wash Post gives that claim "4 Pinocchio's". Do they want to alter it so it doesn't go bankrupt in 2032, which it is presently on pace to do, yes. "Altering has been misspelled into "Elimination" Bull shit.

Perhaps Mike Lee is secretly a Democrat?


11-03-2022, 04:32 PM
this country has never nor ever will be a democracy. However, both the extremist left and right are threats to the country.

Yes 'Ville, we are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. The USA "Constitution" is despised by the Left, because It so wisely blocks most everything these Progressive "Fundamentally Transform America" loons are aggressively pursuing.

That said, why is the "Threat to DEMOCRACY" narrative being the nauseating, shouting, angle by these fools?

MARXIST, SOCIALIST, ANARCHIST leaning Politicians are a complete F'ing CANCER in our Great Country.....VOTE RED!!!

11-03-2022, 04:36 PM
Yes 'Ville, we are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. The USA "Constitution" is despised by the Left. It so wisely blocks most everything these Progressive "Fundamentally Transform America" loons are aggressively pursuing.

That said, why is the "Threat to DEMOCRACY" narrative being the nauseating angle by these fools?

Fear gets people elected. Let’s not act like the other side hasn’t done the same thing. Again, both sides have dirty hands.

Strange Brew
11-03-2022, 05:11 PM
"False. No one is "advocating" for the elimination of Social Security or Medicare. Even Fact Checker Glenn Kessler of your favorite Pravda the Wash Post gives that claim "4 Pinocchio's". Do they want to alter it so it doesn't go bankrupt in 2032,"

Baloney, Rick Scott wants to "sunset" Social Security and Medicare laws in five years. This after he stole 1.7 billion from Medicare in his last real job and walked with 300 million. Crook.

Have you looked at how these “phase out” plans work? Not as dire as people think. But whatever.

11-03-2022, 05:15 PM
"False. No one is "advocating" for the elimination of Social Security or Medicare. Even Fact Checker Glenn Kessler of your favorite Pravda the Wash Post gives that claim "4 Pinocchio's". Do they want to alter it so it doesn't go bankrupt in 2032,"

Baloney, Rick Scott wants to "sunset" Social Security and Medicare laws in five years. This after he stole 1.7 billion from Medicare in his last real job and walked with 300 million. Crook.

I guess numbers - or facts - aren't your thing.....

"Yet several influential Republicans have signaled a new willingness to push for Medicare and Social Security spending cuts as part of future budget negotiations with President Biden. Their ideas include raising the age for collecting Social Security benefits to 70 from 67 and requiring many older Americans to pay higher premiums for their health coverage. The ideas are being floated as a way to narrow government spending on programs that are set to consume a growing share of the federal budget in the decades ahead."


"That section of his plan calls for sunsetting “all federal legislation” in five years, forcing Congress to act if it wants to keep federal programs. “If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again,” the plan says. It also calls on “Congress to issue a report every year telling the public what they plan to do when Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt.”

“No one that I know of wants to sunset Medicare or Social Security, but what we’re doing is we don’t even talk about it,” Scott told Roberts. “Medicare goes bankrupt in four years. Social Security goes bankrupt in 12 years. I think we ought to figure out how we preserve those programs.” '

https://www.factcheck.org/2022/03/examining-rick-scotts-claim-that-medicare-social-security-will-soon-go-bankrupt/?gclid=CjwKCAjwzY2bBhB6EiwAPpUpZp-aZVgWs_J2ZCiJJAm3KZk8DHtpaHJSB7872ApaNYUNmHANb7hFw RoCAIoQAvD_BwE

“What I want to do is make sure we live within our means and make sure we preserve those programs,” he said. “People paid into them. They believe in them.”


11-03-2022, 05:19 PM
Perhaps Mike Lee is secretly a Democrat?


This came after that snippet of video - what was the context of that statement anyway?

Paul and Bobbie - what do guys propose be done to ensure SS and Medicare remain viable?

"Three senators, including Utah Republican Mike Lee, say they can fix Social Security without raising taxes — and keep the entitlement financially stable for future generations to come.

Lee unveiled the proposal Wednesday — the same day President Barack Obama revealed his deficit-reduction plan to Congress — along with Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.

"We decided that we wanted to make Social Security solvent in perpetuity, be able to demonstrate its solvency over a 75-year period," Lee said.

This is the first year in which Social Security is paying more in benefits than it is bringing in. The senators say if nothing is done now, by 2037 the government would have to raise FICA taxes by a third or cut benefits by 25 percent.

The plan would not affect benefits of those people already retired and those people over the age of 56.

Their proposal would gradually raise the retirement age from 67 to 70 by 2032.

"If you talk to young people in America — they've already accepted this," Paul said. "I tell people 'the knowledge has already been discounted. Young people know the age will have to go up gradually.' "

That means someone born in 1970 will have to wait until they are 70 to retire.

The plan also calls for a reduction of benefits for wealthier Americans. They are proposing a "means test" for Social Security benefits.

The plan would not affect those making $43,000 a year or less during their worklife. Graham said wealthy Americans would see their monthly benefits reduced by nearly $300 by 2030.

"We are asking upper-income Americans to forgo future benefits," Graham said, "rather than raising their taxes."


11-03-2022, 05:38 PM
I guess numbers - or facts - aren't your thing.....

"Yet several influential Republicans have signaled a new willingness to push for Medicare and Social Security spending cuts as part of future budget negotiations with President Biden. Their ideas include raising the age for collecting Social Security benefits to 70 from 67 and requiring many older Americans to pay higher premiums for their health coverage. The ideas are being floated as a way to narrow government spending on programs that are set to consume a growing share of the federal budget in the decades ahead."


"That section of his plan calls for sunsetting “all federal legislation” in five years, forcing Congress to act if it wants to keep federal programs. “If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again,” the plan says. It also calls on “Congress to issue a report every year telling the public what they plan to do when Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt.”

“No one that I know of wants to sunset Medicare or Social Security, but what we’re doing is we don’t even talk about it,” Scott told Roberts. “Medicare goes bankrupt in four years. Social Security goes bankrupt in 12 years. I think we ought to figure out how we preserve those programs.” '

https://www.factcheck.org/2022/03/examining-rick-scotts-claim-that-medicare-social-security-will-soon-go-bankrupt/?gclid=CjwKCAjwzY2bBhB6EiwAPpUpZp-aZVgWs_J2ZCiJJAm3KZk8DHtpaHJSB7872ApaNYUNmHANb7hFw RoCAIoQAvD_BwE

“What I want to do is make sure we live within our means and make sure we preserve those programs,” he said. “People paid into them. They believe in them.”


Congress "borrowed" money from SS. They'll need to pay it back or from the general fund after they bankrupt it. do you really trust these thieves to re-instate the laws after 5 years. Poopycock.

Strange Brew
11-03-2022, 05:40 PM
Congress "borrowed" money from SS. They'll need to pay it back or from the general fund after they bankrupt it. do you really trust these thieves to re-instate the laws after 5 years. Poopycock.

No I don’t. That’s why I’d like to not keep being obligated to send them my money. :)

11-03-2022, 05:56 PM
Congress "borrowed" money from SS. They'll need to pay it back or from the general fund after they bankrupt it. do you really trust these thieves to re-instate the laws after 5 years. Poopycock.

I'm glad to hear that you recognize that politicians are liars! No doubt, both Rs and Ds have spent our hard earned money over frivolous bullshit over the last several decades. The chickens are now just coming home to roost. We need adults to come in and fix these damn problems. There will be pain - there's no way of getting around that. You can't expect to reap the benefits of over-spending all these years, and not expect to feel some of the pain when the party comes to an end.

The longer we push this off, the more pain there will be. And mostly, that pain will be felt by the younger generations. They are the ones that should be pissed off the most. Baby boomers and Gen X have robbed them blindly - and they never really knew it was happening.

11-03-2022, 06:35 PM
Baby boomers and Gen X have robbed them blindly -

We paid in what they told us to pay for 40-50 years.. Go home and punch your parents in the mouth.

11-03-2022, 06:48 PM
We paid in what they told us to pay for 40-50 years.. Go home and punch your parents in the mouth.

You should probably re-read what I said.....

No one - NO ONE - is going to take any benefits from old farts like you who aren't going to be around too much longer. So quit worrying about a nothingburger...

11-03-2022, 10:20 PM
Someone at the UN actually composed this tweet, reviewed it and somehow thought it was a good choice to hit send on it. Yikes.


11-03-2022, 10:46 PM
You should probably re-read what I said.....

No one - NO ONE - is going to take any benefits from old farts like you who aren't going to be around too much longer. So quit worrying about a nothingburger...

Tell it to your parents, if you actually have any.

11-03-2022, 11:18 PM
Tell it to your parents, if you actually have any.

How come you, Paul and your Dem buddies have no answers for the following:

Q1) Economically speaking, is there a limit to how much the Fed Gov't can spend? What is that number / or percent of GDP?

Q2) How do you intend to make SS and Medicare sustainable for generations to come?

11-03-2022, 11:38 PM
Commentary from Jonathan Turley, a Democrat:

"At the same time, Democrats and the J6 Committee are pursuing those who engaged in similar inflammatory rhetoric leading up to the January 6th riot. The airways are also now filled with warnings from leaders such as Hillary Clinton that the midterm elections are about to be “stolen.” Likewise, many are campaigning to ban books by figures like Justice Barrett in the name of protecting free speech.

The alarm raised over many of these GOP candidates is particularly ironic since Democrats spent millions to support the most conservative candidates in Republican primaries. Those candidates (now denounced as election deniers) prevailed in their primaries with Democratic campaign support and could now win in states like New Hampshire.

It is all perfectly Orwellian, but it is not particularly effective. With the over-the-top rhetoric and open bias in the media, the public is tuning out many in the press (which is at record lows in trust). This is becoming a type of primal scream session among friends, cathartic but confined.

President Biden was widely criticized for his Philadelphia speech, but he and others are now doubling down on this type of reckless rhetoric. The likely effect will be to incite further violence and to give license to the most unhinged in our society."


11-04-2022, 08:43 AM
The Democrats have spent over $30 million propping up MAGA candidates in the Primaries thinking they would be easy marks in the General Elections.
The MSM gave Trump billions in free media propping him up in the Primaries in 2016 thinking he’d be an easy mark.
They are too stupid to learn

“ In the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, the national media and the Hillary Clinton campaign devised a plan to elevate Donald Trump and so-called “lunacy” over a field of up-and-coming Republican politicians. According to New York Times journalist Amy Chozick, who was embedded with Hillary Clinton’s campaign from inception to death, campaign manager Robby Mook called a meeting with an agenda of specifically asking “How do we maximize Donald Trump?” Chozick also noted how Mook “salivated when a debate came on, and Trump would start to speak. ‘Shhhhh,’ Robby said, practically pressing his nose up to the TV. ‘I’ve gahtz to get me some Trump.’”

We all know how that worked out. Yet fast-forward to the 2022 midterm elections — and Democrats are using the same strategy in several key races across the country that will tilt the balance of power. One such race in Arizona has captivated Democrats and the media, where Republican candidate Kari Lake benefited from Democratic efforts to boost the “crazy” candidate. Once again it looks like the Dems are going to come to regret it.”

With the result:

“ Once again Democrats created a verifiable rock star of the right in Kari Lake — and once again they will only have themselves to blame when she wins. It’s worth remembering this the next time Joe Biden orders his acolytes to pressure-wash the homeless people out of one of our city’s stations so he can intone that “democracy itself” is at stake. If that’s the case, bucko, then why did you guys spend so much putting all of these “election-deniers,” the “extreme MAGA element of the Republican Party,” on the ballot?”


11-04-2022, 09:27 AM
Here are a few:



I don't see a single quote from a candidate in either of these articles that says what you are contending..except something from Trump (shocker). These are op-eds citing polls that they can't seem to produce. I'm not saying these quotes don't exist but you've done nothing to prove your position that the GOP is running a bunch of candidates who will refuse to accept the election results. If JD Vance is on record for saying he won't accept election results, why isn't Tim Ryan running ads showing this? Seems like it would be great campaign fodder. The only thing quoted is from a Michigan campaign aide..

11-04-2022, 09:36 AM
Kathy Hochul is in a very tight race in fucking New York. That's the kind of cycle this is. The Republicans are going to win the House. That's not even a question. It's just a question of whther the margin is going to be 30 seats or 40. The Senate is where the action is. Lots of very close races (NV, AZ, PA, GA, NH.....OH is not one of the close ones) that pretty much all have to go the Democrats way to keep the Senate. It's possible they hold the Senate, but it's not likely. It's not possible they keep the House.