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05-27-2022, 07:29 AM
I think you know they need 10 republican votes (60 votes) to pass anything major.. Or do you want to set aside the filibuster rules? Bad idea if you think 'pubs will prevail in the midterms at which time it will take 7-8 Dem votes to pass anything. Usual gridlock. Pubs won't vote against their meal tickets. They shrug their shoulders and say "pray more".

Neither party wants to vote against their base. Why do you think neither party, while in control, has passed meaningful immigration reform? The Left wants to be able to paint the Right as anti immigrant racists and campaign on that. The Right wants to paint the Left as destroying the country by not securing the border and campaign on that. They both should be embarrassed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-27-2022, 09:31 AM
I think you know they need 10 republican votes (60 votes) to pass anything major.. Or do you want to set aside the filibuster rules? Bad idea if you think 'pubs will prevail in the midterms at which time it will take 7-8 Dem votes to pass anything. Usual gridlock. Pubs won't vote against their meal tickets. They shrug their shoulders and say "pray more".

Sooo, why don’t 50 plus Kamalalama pass setting aside the Filibuster???
Hmmmmmmm? They can control that then go to town!!
Stop blaming the “Pubs” when you are in control.

The procedure to eliminate the filibuster only requires a simple majority: To wit:

The majority leader uses two non-debatable motions to bring up the relevant issue, and then raises a point of order that the vote on cloture is by majority vote. The presiding officer will assuredly rule against the point of order, but his ruling would be overturned on appeal—which, again, requires only a majority in support. In sum, by following the right steps in a particular parliamentary circumstance, a simple majority of senators can establish a new interpretation of a Senate rule.

By the way. Why do you think the ‘Pubs will prevail in the mid terms?
Because your party has Screwed EVERYTHING up so royally???
Uh, huh.

05-27-2022, 06:21 PM
The Gun Lobby money will always prevail. Just no guts in Congress to end the violence even though 90% of Americans want some action.

05-31-2022, 06:14 PM
I noted earlier about the kid in Buffalo:

Whatever he calls himself in the manifesto, I understand the shooter was a proponent of the great replacement theory.
And that is something the right has pushed for a long time, notably by Tucker Carlson.
It was the same stuff chanted in Charlottesville.
We should work to stop the nonsense.

Finally, In the alleged Buffalo shooter’s own manifesto, he slanders Fox News as being run by Jews and part of the global replacement theory conspiracy. He never mentions Tucker Carlson. He also disowns the conservative movement, labeling it corporatism, and echoes the sentiments of the far Left when it comes to eco-fascism.

You are confused Paul. Stop reading the Washington Pravda and do some research.

And for the groups Friday morning reading pleasure I post the below. I also State that EVERYONE should subscribe to former NYT editor Bari Weiss’ Substack site “Common Sense”. It is outstanding.


So....I turned to your favorite person noted above and found this:

The 18-year-old who massacred the elderly black New Yorkers at the grocery store in Buffalo earlier this month was driven by white supremacy and evil conspiracies like the Great Replacement.


Does my take have more credibility now?

05-31-2022, 08:21 PM
I noted earlier about the kid in Buffalo:

So....I turned to your favorite person noted above and found this:


Does my take have more credibility now?

No because he never mentioned Fox News or Tucker Carlson in his manifesto. You know, the source you were valiantly trying to blame in your post. Also, it’s hard to say that the Buffalo guy even understood what “Great Replacement Theory” is since he didn’t target Jews- who are allegedly the perpetrators of the Theory. Nice try.
Also, Bari was pointing out that every shooter had a different motivation.
By the way, your boy Biden now has the lowest rating of any President at this point in his Presidency. Congratulations.
Hope you enjoy the shellacking you Libs will get in November.

06-02-2022, 10:28 AM
$5 dollar gas coming soon to a pump near you.

Price jumped .26 cents yesterday out here in Brown Co., now at $4.75. State average now up $1.50 since this time LAST YEAR.

I'm always amused when folks scratch their heads wondering why Biden isn't doing anything to lower prices or place 100% blame on Russia. Having proven to be been energy independent under Trump and a net exporter of oil and NG, there are ZERO reasons for this debacle, other than it's100% intentional.

Of course the Green New Deal cult extremists couldn't be happier, but where are the level headed Dems? I refuse to believe that the Greenies wield so much power and influence that the Democrat Party is willing to collapse the entire economy over a handful of lunatics.

How about this angle.

What sections of the population have little concern over price at the pump, regardless of the price? Not to mention the inflation that comes with it. It's the very wealthy, say $250K per year earners and up and the very poor who don't drive......let's focus on the latter.

Every Major City in the US has very LARGE populations of inner city poor, mostly people of color. They don't drive and their life essentials are provided by the welfare system. Food costs and utility prices are basically not an issue. So who does that leave? The working class and the really unfortunate "working poor" (say families making $30K or less). Almost all of these folks drive and pay for their utility bills.

Back to the Democrat Party. Knowing that HUGE chunks of the population most effected by the ridiculous energy prices, reside in "fly over country"! States that faithfully vote Republican are the main target IMO. You know, the guns and Bible crowd, smelly Wal-Mart shoppers. The Donkeys can not tolerate these folks, so inflicting economic pain is justifiable.

I do believe this is the top issue going into the mid-terms. There will be a substantial amount of Dem voters jumping ship and larger than normal Republican turnout. These liberal energy policies are a HUGE mistake. They think that folks will be sheep and except this lunacy, just like the ridiculous social issues. Any rational person in this vast middle group will not be groomed to except $5 gas as the norm.

Biden and his advisors are doing nothing on energy because it's intentional..... The ends justify the means.

06-02-2022, 03:28 PM
That's a new wrinkle; the Dems are artificially raising the price of gas to hurt fly over country.
It's apparently those Dems in charge of the gas companies, making record profits, buying back their stock at a record pace, and then of course there are the billions in tax credits every year.(wonder why they tried to reduce them in the past and were blocked by Republicans ?)
2/3rd or more of oil company contributions since 1990 go to Republicans.Much more now. Those crazy Dems...must be some sort of plot there.

Just look at all those dollars major oil companies gave to Republicans.


It seems that drilling below a certain price point (like $70/barrel in some areas) might be unprofitable. Maybe the Dems are onto something with raising the price of gas?
Let's the oil companies drill now on the unused leases and make money.

Thanks for today's chuckle.

Strange Brew
06-02-2022, 04:10 PM
That's a new wrinkle; the Dems are artificially raising the price of gas to hurt fly over country.
It's apparently those Dems in charge of the gas companies, making record profits, buying back their stock at a record pace, and then of course there are the billions in tax credits every year.(wonder why they tried to reduce them in the past and were blocked by Republicans ?)
2/3rd or more of oil company contributions since 1990 go to Republicans.Much more now. Those crazy Dems...must be some sort of plot there.

Just look at all those dollars major oil companies gave to Republicans.


It seems that drilling below a certain price point (like $70/barrel in some areas) might be unprofitable. Maybe the Dems are onto something with raising the price of gas?
Let's the oil companies drill now on the unused leases and make money.

Thanks for today's chuckle.

Again, that’s really not how it works and what went down the past couple of years.

I laugh every time you post.

X-band '01
06-02-2022, 04:47 PM
Personally, I'm holding out for the national 55 MPH speed limit to be reinstated.

06-02-2022, 08:07 PM
That's a new wrinkle; the Dems are artificially raising the price of gas to hurt fly over country.
It's apparently those Dems in charge of the gas companies, making record profits, buying back their stock at a record pace, and then of course there are the billions in tax credits every year.(wonder why they tried to reduce them in the past and were blocked by Republicans ?)
2/3rd or more of oil company contributions since 1990 go to Republicans.Much more now. Those crazy Dems...must be some sort of plot there.

Just look at all those dollars major oil companies gave to Republicans.


It seems that drilling below a certain price point (like $70/barrel in some areas) might be unprofitable. Maybe the Dems are onto something with raising the price of gas?
Let's the oil companies drill now on the unused leases and make money.

Thanks for today's chuckle.

Hmmmm. I wonder why gas was $1.85 a gallon, oil companies weren’t making record profits and the US was energy independent (a net exporter) under Trump and the Republicans???
Americans could actually afford to drive to work.
Thanks for today’s Coffee Spitting Guffaw.

06-02-2022, 11:29 PM
Could have been a pandemic that caused a giant reduction in demand.
Nah...that would be free market economics.

ps. The US was a net exporter of petroleum products in Biden's first year


Strange Brew
06-02-2022, 11:38 PM
Could have been a pandemic that caused a giant reduction in demand.
Nah...that would be free market economics.

ps. The US was a net exporter of petroleum products in Biden's first year


Thanks again for the laugh.

06-03-2022, 12:03 AM
Could have been a pandemic that caused a giant reduction in demand.
Nah...that would be free market economics.

ps. The US was a net exporter of petroleum products in Biden's first year


Good God Paul,
You people are basically at the point of no return. How can you twist yourself in a way that is so void of reality?

In my earlier post, I very simply and factually pointed out that only the very rich and the welfare state has little or no concern about price at the pump, associated inflation and energy cost in general. It is only a massive gut punch to everyday WORKING families. NO global energy crisis, regardless of the reason, can effect the economy for us here, IF we are ENERGY INDEPENDENT....ZERO, ZIP, NADA.

Doesn't matter where we were when Biden took office. He immediately reversed Trump policies, from DAY 1, that got us energy independant. So, getting into the weeds about corporate greed or a Covid excuse is a pitiful attempt to deflect the complete incompetence of anyone and everything associated with the Obama sphere of influence, and their "America has had it too good for too long" agenda. Only the politically blind and the totally ignorant can't see that the current Democrat Party wants fossil fuels to have staggering costs to reduce consumption.

06-03-2022, 07:55 AM
Only the politically blind and the totally ignorant can't see that the current Democrat Party wants fossil fuels to have staggering costs to reduce consumption.

You apparently didn't read the link, or understand what that information showed. We have always exported and imported various petroleum products.
We still do. We are still a net exporter. That hasn't changed in the last year. We are not more or less energy independent that we were under Trump.
The rise in gas prices has many factors, but one of them is not a Democratic plot to hurt fly over country.

I don't think you really understand politics. The last thing in the world that Democrats would want is higher pump prices, giving voters an added reason to put Republicans back in the majority in November. Surely you can see that...or maybe not.

06-03-2022, 10:13 AM
Could have been a pandemic that caused a giant reduction in demand.
Nah...that would be free market economics.
There were prices not too far above that before the pandemic hit. Stop deferring
ps. The US was a net exporter of petroleum products in Biden's first year
Carryover from Republican policies. What has happened since Paul? There are consequences for cutting off exploration, incentives to drill and XL Pipelines.

Please see above. I thought you were trying to blame Republicans for oil companies record profits? I guess when companies aren’t incentivized to spend on R &D their profits go up because they won’t spend. Why would they when all Biden & Democrats do is criminalize them?
You are losing Paul. Enjoy your party’s self inflicted $5.00 gas.

06-03-2022, 10:20 AM
I don't think you really understand politics. The last thing in the world that Democrats would want is higher pump prices, giving voters an added reason to put Republicans back in the majority in November.

Well I certainly have a difference in understanding politics than people like you. When reading your posts here, you play a political "shell game", the exact kind of disingenuous tactics constantly used by the MSM.

To believe that the last thing the Dems want is higher prices at the pump, only serves as a form of high hilarity. How about reasonable prices on clean coal/NG fired electricity? How about a well secured Southern Boarder? How about pro-police agenda? Are those also among "the last things they want" out of fear it will hurt at the ballot box?

Here is your party's view on anything fossil fuel related......straight from the architect himself.


I guarantee that all the Senate/Congress Dems running in November will get the party memo, and do NOTHING but hammer home a Gun Control/Abortion Rights agenda. It is the only thing they have that can be perceived as a winner. Just about everything else has become so far left that it is basically political suicide, especially the radical social issues.

Yeah, I understand politics just fine.

06-03-2022, 10:38 AM
I don't think you really understand politics. The last thing in the world that Democrats would want is higher pump prices, giving voters an added reason to put Republicans back in the majority in November. Surely you can see that...or maybe not.

Biden in Japan May, 22: “When it comes to gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place, that God willing, when it’s over we’ll be stronger”

Washington Post Column 5/31 Headline: Gas prices are through the roof. That’s just how Biden wants it.

Wall Street Journal Column 5/13 Headline: Does Biden want higher gas prices? The administration cancels offshore oil lease sales despite surging prices

Hmmm. Who doesn’t understand politics?
Biden and his idiotic team started this unprepared “transition” themselves by rushing things before there was any infrastructure to support it. They are trying to condense a 10-15 year process into 2 years. Even “God” knows that lunacy and He’s not “Willing” to help speed up the natural process.
I worked for a major car company. It takes 5 years normally for a new vehicle to hit the lots from initial design. Arguably longer when you are “transitioning” to a wholly new propulsion source. You can’t speed that up. Companies have been working that way for years- yes under Trump too- but it takes time. Add to that there are few available recharging stations plus the rare earth minerals to produce batteries are tough to obtain.
This administration, as proven in Afghanistan, in energy, in dealing with inflation and now baby formula is incredibly naive, unprepared and stupid in policy..
But Paul will just continue to follow like a Lemming.

06-03-2022, 01:26 PM
Apparently, as a prominent republican, you can't go on national tv and detail your plans to overthrow the gov't and then write a book about it. Dumb.

06-03-2022, 02:23 PM
The number of people that think an overthrow of the United States Government, in today's reality, is equal to the number of people that think MEN can get pregnant.

06-03-2022, 02:24 PM
The number of people that think an overthrow of the United States Government, in today's reality, is equal to the number of people that think MEN can get pregnant. BOTH are NOT POSSIBLE.

06-03-2022, 05:12 PM
For Russia/Trump Collusion narrative perpetualists like Paul, they should read this exhaustive piece by reporter Matt Taibbi.
To say that this bullshit affected, demeaned and diminished Trumps approval ratings and ability to govern could not be overstated.
Hillary Clinton APPROVED the dissemination of this garbage. She and her staff should be in jail. This is a scandal of the highest order, aided and abetted by a terrible mainstream press. Incredible.


06-03-2022, 06:35 PM
The number of people that think an overthrow of the United States Government, in today's reality, is equal to the number of people that think MEN can get pregnant. BOTH are NOT POSSIBLE.

Yeah, Navarro said he had 100's of legislators to overturn the elections in 6 states but Pence wouldn't go along. Shame.

06-03-2022, 10:23 PM
Maybe people are upset that Durham wasted 3 years to have Sussmann found not guilty.

06-04-2022, 07:14 AM
Could have been a pandemic that caused a giant reduction in demand.
Nah...that would be free market economics.

ps. The US was a net exporter of petroleum products in Biden's first year


So If Trump would have won a second term, are you saying gas prices would be where they are now under a second term Trump administration like they are under the Biden administration?

06-04-2022, 09:56 AM
So If Trump would have won a second term, are you saying gas prices would be where they are now under a second term Trump administration like they are under the Biden administration?

Thanks phan, that question is spot on as it pertains to the energy discussion here. The answer is of course no. Not to mention, this out of control inflation would not exist because fuel/energy prices are THE main trigger.

In fact, US energy providers, with the help of the Keystone/Canada pipeline, would be doing a helluva lot of new business in Europe right now.

06-04-2022, 11:35 AM
There was not one main driver for the inflation we are experiencing today..there are a number of factors as to why we are experiencing this:

---interest rates being kept low while the economy was absolutely booming...causing real estate to absolutely soar----the bust was going to come, just a matter of when. Interest rates should have been risen years ago.


---War in Ukraine

---Keystone Pipeline being shut down

---Pumping stimulus money out the wazoo into the country at a time that was not needed----which drove consumer spending at a time when there were supply issues.

Basically the last 4-5 years Washington has effed up at every single turn, and that is thru both administrations.

06-04-2022, 11:35 AM
There was not one main driver for the inflation we are experiencing today..there are a number of factors as to why we are experiencing this:

---interest rates being kept low while the economy was absolutely booming...causing real estate to absolutely soar----the bust was going to come, just a matter of when. Interest rates should have been risen years ago.


---War in Ukraine

---Keystone Pipeline being shut down

---Pumping stimulus money out the wazoo into the country at a time that was not needed----which drove consumer spending at a time when there were supply issues.

Basically the last 4-5 years Washington has effed up at every single turn, and that is thru both administrations.

X-band '01
06-04-2022, 12:49 PM
A bigger subcategory of Covid would be China still trying to manage overaggressive lockdowns that's disrupting supply chains even further. It was one thing to do lockdowns worldwide when scientists were still trying to learn about the spread of Covid and how to ultimately develop and distribute a vaccine. It's no longer necessary and viable to go that route, and even China can only do it for so long before natives start to realize it's not worth the trouble.

As for Keystone, wasn't it supposed to import oil that's not even as efficient as other supplies of oil? The oil sands region of Canada would have created more pollution in the process - which was why Obama's administration ultimately vetoed the pipeline that had bipartisan support in Congress (albeit not veto-proof).

X-band '01
06-04-2022, 12:51 PM
So If Trump would have won a second term, are you saying gas prices would be where they are now under a second term Trump administration like they are under the Biden administration?

The bigger issue would have been Trump's response to Russia's invasion (or a lack thereof) of Ukraine.

06-04-2022, 02:36 PM
Maybe people are upset that Durham wasted 3 years to have Sussmann found not guilty.

By a Clinton appointed judge with 3 Clinton donors on the DC based jury. Uh, huh!
Maybe YOU’RE upset that Mueller and your party wasted three years and millions of dollars on a Russia collusion hoax?
You might want to sit this one out.

06-04-2022, 03:04 PM
Maybe people are upset that Durham wasted 3 years to have Sussmann found not guilty.

By a Clinton appointed judge with 3 Clinton donors on the DC based jury. Uh, huh!
Maybe YOU’RE upset that Mueller and your party wasted three years and millions of dollars on a Russia collusion hoax?
You might want to sit this one out.

X-band '01
06-04-2022, 03:26 PM
Everyone wants to do a double post today for some reason.

Everyone wants to do a double post today for some reason.

06-04-2022, 03:26 PM

06-04-2022, 05:19 PM
Systemic Liberalism

06-04-2022, 05:23 PM
Maybe people are upset that Durham wasted 3 years to have Sussmann found not guilty.

All bullshit. https://www.wsj.com/articles/john-durham-vs-the-beltway-swamp-dossier-clinton-fbi-trial-expose-politics-11654207276

06-04-2022, 05:54 PM

06-04-2022, 06:04 PM
By a Clinton appointed judge with 3 Clinton donors on the DC based jury. Uh, huh!
Maybe YOU’RE upset that Mueller and your party wasted three years and millions of dollars on a Russia collusion hoax?
You might want to sit this one out.

I’m afraid it will be almost impossible to convict anyone even remotely associated Clinton’s campaign in DC. Just like it’s a safe bet that almost everyone associated with January 6 will be convicted in those courts.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

06-04-2022, 09:49 PM
Mueller: 2 years, followed Russian interference in our elections, secured indictments, pleas and sentences (until the pardons started flowing).
Had to contend with campaign manager giving Russian intelligence polling data, and having Russians breach Dems computers and release info.
More Trump pardons. (Note: to accept a pardon is a confirmation of guilt)

Durham: 3 years. One plea of changing an email that was not big deal. Wasted dollars and time chasing Sussmann who actually went to the FBI..not to a Russian intelligence officer like Manafort.....and he's found not guilty by a jury.

Crossfire Hurricane that investigated Russian interference had a predicate; friendly government advised us of criminal activity.
Durham has no predicate of alleged criminal activity. Just go investigate for the hell of it because Barr told him to.

06-04-2022, 09:50 PM
Double post disease

06-05-2022, 09:27 AM
Paul is exhausting.
Hillary Clinton and her minions directly ordered false, and now totally debunked information- DEBUNKED BY EVERY OUTLET (including The NY Times)-, that they paid for, to be leaked to the press and to be foisted upon a complicit FBI in order to undermine a duly elected sitting President and caused millions of wasted taxpayer dollars to be spent chasing boogeymen.
That seems to be treason in my mind, but Paul could care less about the true damage to our Democracy from this shell game, because, I guess, Blue reasons??
Hope you’re enjoying your soon to be $5.00 gas and the current White House incompetence on, yeah, EVERYTHING!

06-05-2022, 10:48 AM
Then the GOP got to work:

from the GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee found that "The Trump campaign’s interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016 presidential election posed a “grave” counterintelligence threat [and] detailed how associates of Donald Trump had regular contact with Russians and expected to benefit from the Kremlin’s help."

You can interact with Russian intelligence and get a pardon from the President. Who knew.

Then again, should we trust a GOP lead Intelligence Committee to tell the truth? Perhaps their report was fake news.

06-05-2022, 01:19 PM
Then the GOP got to work:

from the GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee found that "The Trump campaign’s interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016 presidential election posed a “grave” counterintelligence threat [and] detailed how associates of Donald Trump had regular contact with Russians and expected to benefit from the Kremlin’s help."

You can interact with Russian intelligence and get a pardon from the President. Who knew.

Then again, should we trust a GOP lead Intelligence Committee to tell the truth? Perhaps their report was fake news.

Yeah, see? I knew you’d try to pull that Bullshit out of the hat.
I merely refer you back to my previously posted article by Matt Taibbi earlier in this thread (Post 13522).
You obviously declined to read it.
The Senate Intelligence Committee at the time could only rely on info that was given to them, all of which was debunked subsequently.
To wit:

” Russiagate die-hards will wave their hands here and point to the Senate Intelligence Committee report of 2020 that concluded there was collusion based on the idea that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort gave “sensitive internal polling data” to his former deputy Konstantin Kilimnik, whom the report bluntly says “is a Russian intelligence officer.” The Senate Committee could not say what their evidence was against Kilimnik, or what he supposedly did with that polling data, or why. They did say they obtained “some information” that Kilimnik “may have” been connected “to the GRU’s hack and leak operation targeting the 2016 U.S. election,” though the portion of the report explaining this remarkable supposition is redacted.

I’d argue all of the above — that Senate report is a joke on multiple levels — but it’s irrelevant. Kilimnik didn’t really show up in popular collusion theories until early 2018, well over a year after the Russiagate madness began. The collusion train in the crucial first period of late 2016 through late 2017 was driven by Clinton-concocted news phantoms, during a time when the public was not yet aware that the Clinton campaign funded the Steele reports.

Clinton and her campaign systematically lied throughout, both about “collusion” and about their involvement in disseminating popular theories about it. We know this for a fact. The Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign recently agreed to pay a $113,000 fine to the Federal Election Commission for concealing their role in producing the Steele research, a role by the way her campaign never admitted to, and which was only disclosed through dogged effort by the House Intelligence Committee nearly a year after the 2016 election.”

06-05-2022, 01:29 PM
Something you left out from that same report. It stated specifically and more explicitly that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russians. Also states Trump himself was not complicit. Not defending Trump, but just trying to put more context behind your post.

So now we know Hillary’s involvement with the collusion hoax, is there going to be a democratic investigative probe? That’s what I thought.

You are really showing your true colors when you state “changing an email” by the FBI is no big deal. Especially when it involves getting a court approved warrant to spy on an American citizen and trample his civil rights! Sure the lawyer only got a slap on the wrist, but the act was certainly a big deal. Oh yeah BTW, that citizen was only trying to help Americans before he got involved in the campaign…good grief.

Edit: this in reference to Paul”s post. Guess MOR and I were typing at the same time.

06-05-2022, 06:58 PM
You can interact with Russian intelligence and get a pardon from the President. Who knew
Then again, should we trust a GOP lead Intelligence Committee to tell the truth? Perhaps their report was fake news.

I guess Manafort did not get a pardon (admission of guilt) for his activities.
I guess Roger Stone didn't get one (admission of guilt) when sentenced to prison
I guess...well...it's a long list. Look it up.

We'll just have to disagree. Collusion is not a crime. But from my perspective, if the campaign manager of a presidential candidate gives information to a Russian intelligence operative...that indicates collusion.
You guys would be totally unhinged if Hillary's campaign manager gave polling data to a Russian, and then they did targeted ads against Trump, the way the Russians did.
Mueller didn't conclude there was no collusion.
That I think is the media and maybe Barr's take. I'd say Manafort/Russia was collusion. Not a crime.

“The president was not exculpated for the acts that he allegedly committed,” Mueller told the House judiciary committee, adding that Trump could theoretically be indicted after he leaves office.

“We did not address ‘collusion,’ which is not a legal term,” Mueller added. “Rather, we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not.”

I guess this is all fake news.

06-05-2022, 10:50 PM
I guess Manafort did not get a pardon (admission of guilt) for his activities.
I guess Roger Stone didn't get one (admission of guilt) when sentenced to prison
I guess...well...it's a long list. Look it up.

We'll just have to disagree. Collusion is not a crime. But from my perspective, if the campaign manager of a presidential candidate gives information to a Russian intelligence operative...that indicates collusion.
You guys would be totally unhinged if Hillary's campaign manager gave polling data to a Russian, and then they did targeted ads against Trump, the way the Russians did.
Mueller didn't conclude there was no collusion.
That I think is the media and maybe Barr's take. I'd say Manafort/Russia was collusion. Not a crime.

I guess this is all fake news.

The “evidence” was clearly falsified and has been debunked.
So where is the new Indictment of Trump from, errrr, anyone?
It’s nowhere, because there is no there there. Mueller chose that language to not throw anybody else at the FBI under the bus.
Paul, you are a lost cause.

06-06-2022, 09:58 AM
The “evidence” was clearly falsified and has been debunked.

Which must explain indictments, guilty pleas and pardons (admissions of guilt). I am truly a lost cause if that is the case.

06-06-2022, 01:14 PM
So where is the new Indictment of Trump from, errrr, [B][I]anyone ?

Coming soon in Ga.:


BTW, speaking of dumb georgia pubs, can anyone get any dumber than MTG:

"Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Bill Gates Will Force You to Eat Burgers Made in a ‘Peach Tree Dish’

06-06-2022, 02:39 PM
Coming soon in Ga.:


BTW, speaking of dumb georgia pubs, can anyone get any dumber than MTG:

"Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Bill Gates Will Force You to Eat Burgers Made in a ‘Peach Tree Dish’

Well she is from the Peach state. Lol

06-07-2022, 12:11 AM
Coming soon in Ga.:


BTW, speaking of dumb georgia pubs, can anyone get any dumber than MTG:

"Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Bill Gates Will Force You to Eat Burgers Made in a ‘Peach Tree Dish’

She does have a BBA degree from UGA, but obviously failed 8th grade Chemistry.

Gates could be forced to eat some strange things himself, if the details of his relationship with Epstein ever go public.

06-07-2022, 12:25 AM
Speaking of dumb georgia pubs, can anyone get any dumber than MTG:

Yes, Georgia Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson has an iron grip on that, when he said in a 2010 Official Military hearing, that Guam would tip over and capsize if more Military personnel were placed there.

THAT degree of stupidity will NEVER be challenged!

06-07-2022, 07:26 AM
Yes, Georgia Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson has an iron grip on that, when he said in a 2010 Official Military hearing, that Guam would tip over and capsize if more Military personnel were placed there.

THAT degree of stupidity will NEVER be challenged!

You underestimate the stupidity of our elected officials.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-07-2022, 08:53 AM
Which must explain indictments, guilty pleas and pardons (admissions of guilt). I am truly a lost cause if that is the case.

For Manafort’s Taxes. Nothing that implicated Trump and Russia Collusion. You refuse to acknowledge fully debunked information
Pretty poor attempt at making a scurrilous connection. That is why you are a lost cause.
Keep to the subject Paul. We’re talking Russia collusion and Democracy threats (as caused by Clinton’s Intentional Treasonous Activity) here, not sloppy tax issues.

06-07-2022, 08:57 AM
Coming soon in Ga.:


BTW, speaking of dumb georgia pubs, can anyone get any dumber than MTG:

"Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Bill Gates Will Force You to Eat Burgers Made in a ‘Peach Tree Dish’

Stop deflecting. The topic of Indictments has to do with “Russia Collusion”. Can you read quotes and follow a thread?
Until you brought it up, there is no discussion of the Georgia election.

06-07-2022, 09:33 AM
For Manafort’s Taxes. Nothing that implicated Trump and Russia Collusion. You refuse to acknowledge fully debunked information
Pretty poor attempt at making a scurrilous connection. That is why you are a lost cause.
Keep to the subject Paul. We’re talking Russia collusion and Democracy threats (as caused by Clinton’s Intentional Treasonous Activity) here, not sloppy tax issues.

When you lie about ties with Russia who subverted our election process, and do it on behalf of, and to protect, the president...he'll grant you a pardon.
Once again, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt.

Flynn's discussions during transition with Russian ambassador, which he subsequently lied about, concerning lifting sanctions imposed for election interference? He pleads guilty, Barr tries to get reversed, gets pardon.

President Donald Trump granted a full pardon on Tuesday to George Papadopoulos, a former campaign aide who pleaded guilty as part of the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

In July, Trump commuted the sentence of longtime friend and adviser Roger Stone, sparing him from prison after he was convicted of lying under oath to lawmakers investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.

I'm definitely a lost cause as I believe admitting your guilt means you are guilty.
Personally I wouldn't admit to being guilty of something if in fact I wasn't. But that's just me.

06-07-2022, 09:37 AM
When you lie about ties with Russia who subverted our election process, and do it on behalf of, and to protect, the president...he'll grant you a pardon.
Once again, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt.

Flynn's discussions during transition with Russian ambassador, which he subsequently lied about, concerning lifting sanctions imposed for election interference? He pleads guilty, Barr tries to get reversed, gets pardon.

I'm definitely a lost cause as I believe admitting your guilt means you are guilty.
Personally I wouldn't admit to being guilty of something if in fact I wasn't. But that's just me.

Ever hear of pressure?? You are so naive. Russia Collusion has been totally debunked.
Enjoy the Red Wave in November..

06-07-2022, 09:46 AM
I think you may be right about the Red Wave. Often happens in a by-year, especially with high gas prices.

I'm sorry you would admit to being guilty of something you didn't do under "pressure."
I would not do that.

06-07-2022, 01:58 PM
I think you may be right about the Red Wave. Often happens in a by-year, especially with high gas prices.

I'm sorry you would admit to being guilty of something you didn't do under "pressure."
I would not do that.

Paul, you should be concerned about the coercive tactics that were used in feeble attempts to "get Trump" through accusations of his minions and fostered by lies perpetrated by the Hillary Clinton campaign as proven and confirmed recently. Yeah, you "would do that" if presented with a plea deal based upon totally fabricated info that was twisted into generating an alleged crime. and presented with a false choice that you were forced to make. It happens all the time- mostly to minority defendants, which, I thought your party were "advocates" of, but not really.
Keep believing the bullshit, buddy. Nobody else does anymore

06-07-2022, 03:21 PM
Yeah, you "would do that" if presented with a plea deal based upon totally fabricated info

If the "totally fabricated info" was a tape recording made of me talking to the Russian ambassador, and I then lied and said I didn't talk to him...and then they played the tape....I'd probably plead guilty like Flynn. And then need to be pardoned.

If I actually didn't talk to the Russian ambassador, and they made it up to pressure me....no, I would not admit to being guilty. I would then not need a pardon.

Again, that's just me.

06-08-2022, 09:16 AM
If the "totally fabricated info" was a tape recording made of me talking to the Russian ambassador, and I then lied and said I didn't talk to him...and then they played the tape....I'd probably plead guilty like Flynn. And then need to be pardoned.

If I actually didn't talk to the Russian ambassador, and they made it up to pressure me....no, I would not admit to being guilty. I would then not need a pardon.

Again, that's just me.

More Bullshit.
Flynn’s tape recorded conversations with Kisylak (sp) were about sanctions that Obama was going to put on Russia because of blown up accusations of “Russian Interference” in the 2016 election. Obama and Clinton were still pissed off that Trump won so they “trumped up” overblown “election interference” charges. The FBI was complicit in believing the debunked Steele Dossier to further blow those charges up into the Mueller Investigation. When Flynn had those conversations, there was little info to him and all he was doing was trying to minimize damage between the two countries with a new Administration coming in.
To summarize: Incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn told Russia’s ambassador to Washington in late 2016 to take “reciprocal” actions in response to Obama administration sanctions for so called “election interference”, rather than escalating the situation into a “tit for tat.”
Flynn’s “lies” were minor but the FBI, desperate for a scalp, blew them up into a serious charge threats and Flynn had no idea how much he was being coerced. There was even a disagreement among FBI Agents as to whether Flynn should be charged with anything. But he was, so he took a plea deal and was rightfully pardoned.
Paul you should be concerned that as a private citizen the FBI and the “Government” can blow up minor transgressions into major accusations where, when you are not aware of the true circumstances, you’ll be coerced into bad deals. Aren’t you Progressives against that kind of stuff when the police do it vs People of Color?
The Russian Collusion accusations have been totally debunked. Flynn did really nothing wrong other than just diplomacy that happens all the time, but he was a victim in the Obama/Clinton revenge plan vs Trump’s victory.
Stop being so naive and open your eyes.

06-08-2022, 09:25 AM
Meanwhile, price at the pump hits historic high in Ohio.....jumped .20 cents yesterday here. Now at that nice round number of $5 dollars per gallon (actually $4.99.9).

06-08-2022, 09:32 AM
Meanwhile, price at the pump hits historic high in Ohio.....jumped .20 cents yesterday here. Now at that nice round number of $5 dollars per gallon (actually $4.99.9).

The price jumped 10 cents on Monday just from my trip down to Cincy on I-71 to my trip back. Some exits had gas at $5.09.
Thanks Joe Biden. What a joke.

06-08-2022, 09:46 AM
The price jumped 10 cents on Monday just from my trip down to Cincy on I-71 to my trip back. Some exits had gas at $5.09.
Thanks Joe Biden. What a joke.

Gas is now $5.09 here and likely to continue to increase. You would think Joe and the Dems would want to do whatever they can to get gas prices lower since the price effects everything in the economy but all he seems to do is just blame the oil companies. Especially with midterms coming up. Big red wave coming in the midterms. Dems would be dumb to nominate Joe for a second term.

06-08-2022, 11:29 AM
It's hard to blame Grandpa Joe. It's obvious to everyone without their head in the sand, that he is not capable of orchestrating his own energy policy. Especially anything that would stray from the Obama "fundamentally TRANSFORM America" hit job on fossil fuels or the radical energy views of the Green New Deal cultists.

This says it all and always bears repeating-


06-08-2022, 11:37 AM
It's hard to blame Grandpa Joe. It's obvious to everyone without their head in the sand, that he is not capable of orchestrating his own energy policy. Especially anything that would stray from the Obama "fundamentally TRANSFORM America" hit job on fossil fuels or the radical energy views of the Green New Deal cultists.

This says it all and always bears repeating-


I mean, I just paid 70 bucks to fill up my tank at $5.09 a gallon to search 20+ stores to not find the baby formula I need for my infant. Gun control should be on the back burner as far as I am concerned. There seems to be more pressing issues at hand for this country.

06-08-2022, 12:07 PM
A left wing radical was arrested with 2 weapons outside of Justice Kavanaugh’s home this morning. Chuck Schumer had threatened in a speech that Kavanaugh & Gorsuch would “pay the price. There have been violent actions vs 12 Pro Life Women’s Assistance Clinics by Leftists in the last few weeks.

To wit: “I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” - @SenSchumer

Sure sounds like “Threats to Democracy” from Paul’s side of the aisle.
Meanwhile a CNN reporter won’t even acknowledge that the person arrested had a weapon. The source where Paul gets his “news”.
I’m sure Tucker Carlson is to blame.

06-08-2022, 12:11 PM
Gas is now $5.09 here and likely to continue to increase. You would think Joe and the Dems would want to do whatever they can to get gas prices lower since the price effects everything in the economy but all he seems to do is just blame the oil companies. Especially with midterms coming up. Big red wave coming in the midterms. Dems would be dumb to nominate Joe for a second term.

Oh!! Don’t you remember? Releasing fuel from the Strategic Reserve would really fix the problem!!!!
Now the US is less secure and prices keep skyrocketing.
Let’s Go Brandon Baby!!!!!!

06-08-2022, 12:20 PM
Stop deflecting. The topic of Indictments has to do with “Russia Collusion”. Can you read quotes and follow a thread?
Until you brought it up, there is no discussion of the Georgia election.

You don't get to set the narrative here. Russiagate was years ago, get over it. Nobody cares. You just flip flopped (deflected?) to a story about Kavanaugh. What did he have to do with Russiagate?

06-08-2022, 12:30 PM
You don't get to set the narrative here. Russiagate was years ago, get over it. Nobody cares. You just flip flopped (deflected?) to a story about Kavanaugh. What did he have to do with Russiagate?

I’ll get over it when your Komrade Paul gets over it.
So many Dem F ups……So little time!!!

06-08-2022, 02:29 PM
Gas is now $5.09 here and likely to continue to increase. You would think Joe and the Dems would want to do whatever they can to get gas prices lower since the price effects everything in the economy but all he seems to do is just blame the oil companies. Especially with midterms coming up. Big red wave coming in the midterms. Dems would be dumb to nominate Joe for a second term.

Agree. The Reps will likely win just about every mid-term election there is. And Biden could lose by a historic margin in 2024. The Reps could literally nominate a magic 8 ball, and Biden would still get clobbered. The Dems will probably nominate him anyway because he's the incumbent and that's just what you do. There is really only one person the Reps could nominate that Biden has any chance in hell at beating. Biden may not beat him, but he'd actually have a really good chance against literally just this one person. The Reps could nominate literally anyone else, or anything else, and win close to 70 percent of the vote.

06-08-2022, 02:46 PM
Do you remember that time when Chuck Schumer threatened two Supreme Court justices by inciting violence on them?


#June 8th Insurrection

#Will equal justice be applied?

#Will this Democrat terrorist be imprisoned indefinitely without being charged and placed in solitary confinement?

#Will there be a show trial for Chuck Schumer for inciting an assassin?

06-08-2022, 02:49 PM
Meanwhile a CNN reporter won’t even acknowledge that the person arrested had a weapon.

Thankfully they arrested him before anyone got hurt.


06-08-2022, 02:56 PM
#Will there be a show trial for Chuck Schumer for inciting an assassin?

If you can find evidence like this (from a Federal Judge looking at Eastman) where Schumer schemed with the guy they arrested...then I would say you should arrest Schumer.


06-08-2022, 04:04 PM
If you can find evidence like this (from a Federal Judge looking at Eastman) where Schumer schemed with the guy they arrested...then I would say you should arrest Schumer.


Nice try Paul - that's not an incitement to violence.

Your pal, Schumer, directly incited violence. Your pal, with the threat of violence, sought to overturn a potential SC ruling.

You can yammer all you want about 1/6, but no one gives a rats ass. Moreover, the Dems are going to be slaughtered in November....

06-08-2022, 05:43 PM
I care about J6, but could careless about the theatrical Netflix series that starts tomorrow. Going to be Christmas for some here and MSM…

Interesting op-ed about the hearings


06-09-2022, 09:02 AM
I care about J6, but could careless about the theatrical Netflix series that starts tomorrow. Going to be Christmas for some here and MSM…

Interesting op-ed about the hearings


The Dems absolutely have to turn this into a circus and hopefully get some good soundbites out of it. Considering what happened in California this week, the hearing might be their only shot to avoid a complete massacre in November. It's a good political strategy targeted at a voting base that is less than enthusiastic right now. They really don't have anything else to run on in November....maybe gun control as well. Middle class America is getting killed financially right now. Savings rates are way down (16% in 2020 to 4% now), credit card usage and payroll loans are spiking, 401K's are in the tank and prices continue to climb. If the Dems can't get some traction on these hearings it's curtains for them in November (and that night not even be enough).

06-09-2022, 09:50 AM
Gun legislation is their only true winner since some polls indicate close to 90% of Americans want some form of gun law reform. Their strategy will be for Pelosi to pass as many bills possible in the House, with language that has no shot in passing the Senate. Then crank out the campaign ads nationally directed at the heartless GOP blood lust.

06-09-2022, 09:57 AM
The Dems absolutely have to turn this into a circus and hopefully get some good soundbites out of it. Considering what happened in California this week, the hearing might be their only shot to avoid a complete massacre in November. It's a good political strategy targeted at a voting base that is less than enthusiastic right now. They really don't have anything else to run on in November....maybe gun control as well. Middle class America is getting killed financially right now. Savings rates are way down (16% in 2020 to 4% now), credit card usage and payroll loans are spiking, 401K's are in the tank and prices continue to climb. If the Dems can't get some traction on these hearings it's curtains for them in November (and that night not even be enough).

I don’t think the Dems stand a chance in November regardless of this hearing. The economy itself will swing most voters to the repubs this fall. I also think the 2024 election is the republicans to lose regardless if Joe runs for reelection or not. Even Trump would most likely win in 2024. Hopefully the republicans can nominate a John McCain type conservative to get this country back on track.

06-09-2022, 11:39 AM
Interesting story in the Enemaquirer this morning that the biggest beneficiary of the new less restrictive concealed carry gun law are Blacks, since they were charged under the old law 60% of the time vs being 12% of the population.
The left has quite a dilemma- Guns or Racism. Let’s see which way they go!

06-09-2022, 12:57 PM
Anyone think the media coverage would be different if a nut job was arrested outside Elena Kagan’s and said he was there to kill her because of how she might rule in a case before the SCOTUS?

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06-09-2022, 01:02 PM
Anyone think the media coverage would be different if a nut job was arrested outside Elena Kagan’s and said he was there to kill her because of how she might rule in a case before the SCOTUS?

Yes, but in fairness I don't think this nutcase got all that close to Kavanaugh.

06-09-2022, 02:48 PM
Anyone think the media coverage would be different if a nut job was arrested outside Elena Kagan’s and said he was there to kill her because of how she might rule in a case before the SCOTUS?

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Front page banner headline blaming white supremacy.
Kavanaugh’s story wasn’t even front page news.
And the BernieBro who shot 9 Repub Congressmen on a softball field and almost killed Steve Scalise, that story was out of the MSM in 3 days- almost the same period as “The Car” that ran down a parade in Waukesha, because, you know…..

06-09-2022, 02:49 PM
Yes, but in fairness I don't think this nutcase got all that close to Kavanaugh.

Only because he called 911 on himself as being suicidal. Other than that….

06-09-2022, 03:18 PM
Only because he called 911 on himself as being suicidal. Other than that….

I read somewhere he took a taxi directly to Kavanaugh’s house and saw 2 Marshals and decided to walk the other way. Who knows what would’ve happened if those Marshals weren’t positioned there.

06-09-2022, 04:28 PM
I read somewhere he took a taxi directly to Kavanaugh’s house and saw 2 Marshals and decided to walk the other way. Who knows what would’ve happened if those Marshals weren’t positioned there.

And Democrats are blocking legislation that would provide Federal security to the Justice’s residences.

06-09-2022, 04:58 PM
The bill was passed out of the Senate. The House would like the protections extended to other court personnel. There are discussions going on to do this.

I wish the same level of concern about one suicidal guy who called the cops, and thankfully didn't harm anyone, would be extended to the the Vice President who some people built a gallows to hang, then went searching through the Capitol looking for him after overpowering the police.

06-10-2022, 08:53 AM
The bill was passed out of the Senate. The House would like the protections extended to other court personnel. There are discussions going on to do this.

I wish the same level of concern about one suicidal guy who called the cops, and thankfully didn't harm anyone, would be extended to the the Vice President who some people built a gallows to hang, then went searching through the Capitol looking for him after overpowering the police.

Level of concern? WTH are you talking about? the VP has 24hr secret service protection and there was plenty of concern regarding safety during the events you describe. What does that have to do with looney democrats stalking the personal residences of our Supreme Court justices in order to intimidate or MURDER them? That certainly sounds like the 'threat to democracy' horn that you all have been blowing for the last year +. Paul, I challenge you to stop with the whataboutism and address the topics directly without mentioning Trump or Jan 6. Are you capable or willing to do that? Democrats published the addresses of Supreme Court justices and Schumer whipped the base into a frenzy with his 'make them pay' comments. Does that no disgust you?

06-10-2022, 09:31 AM
Have no idea what your are talking about.
Of course I'm unhappy anyone like a mentally challenged guy is targeting a judge.
Heck, a judge was killed recently by a guy who he had sentenced years before.
I was responding to the comment that Dems were holding up a bill for security of judges. It was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate, and the House is trying to broaden the bill for more protection for the staff.
And yes...I wish you had that level of concern about the safety of the Vice President.
Maybe you agree with the former President who apparently said of the VP when they were chanting "Hang Mike Pence"...."maybe he deserves it."
You guys amaze me some times.

06-10-2022, 10:38 AM
Have no idea what your are talking about.
Of course I'm unhappy anyone like a mentally challenged guy is targeting a judge.
Heck, a judge was killed recently by a guy who he had sentenced years before.
I was responding to the comment that Dems were holding up a bill for security of judges. It was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate, and the House is trying to broaden the bill for more protection for the staff.
And yes...I wish you had that level of concern about the safety of the Vice President.
Maybe you agree with the former President who apparently said of the VP when they were chanting "Hang Mike Pence"...."maybe he deserves it."
You guys amaze me some times.

Talk about being amazed? And also amazing that whenever Paul just doesn’t want to (or can) answer a question he just “doesn’t have any idea what you are talking about”.
Paul is all of a sudden “concerned” about the safety of Mike Pence?
News Flash: There were no “gallows”. Mike Pence is just fine. There was one shot fired on Jan 6 in the Capitol and that was by a Capitol security guard who killed an interloper. No legislators were truly in danger and neither was “Democracy”.
Nancy Pelosi yesterday just blew off a reporters question about why the Dems are holding off on Supreme Court security: To wit:
REPORTER: Why, instead of passing the Senate's bipartisan security bill, House Democrats are still in denial about threats to Supreme Court judges?.

PELOSI: “The Justices are protected... nobody is in danger over the weekend".

Hmmm, protected by who? Certainly not any Federal Agents and the Democratic Head of Fairfax County Supervisors refused to assign extra officers to the Justices’s residences, while activist leftists published the home addresses of Justices.
Makes you feel like the Dems actually WANT to have a Justice or two assassinated so Biden can appoint replacements! (Conspiracy I know) But why is Pelosi holding this BI-PARTISAN bill hostage?? Sounds awfully Insurrectionny and a Democracy Threat

Paul remains hopelessly lost. And enjoy your 8.6% “Transitory” inflation!!

06-10-2022, 10:59 AM
And yes...I wish you had that level of concern about the safety of the Vice President.
Maybe you agree with the former President who apparently said of the VP when they were chanting "Hang Mike Pence"...."maybe he deserves it."
You guys amaze me some times.

You can't do it, can you? Discuss what happened to Justice Kavanaugh without bringing up Trump, Pence or J6th. Do you think Chuck Schumer was out of his line with his comments? Would you agree that intimidating Supreme Court justices is a threat to democracy?

06-10-2022, 11:11 AM
Seems like an appropriate place for this from the Onion.


06-10-2022, 11:55 AM
AOC put out a video tweet. I can’t post it here, but here’s the gist:

After an assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez brags in her video tweet about stopping a bill to protect Supreme Court justices and their families.

Hmmm. Did Nancy Pelosi hold this up the bill because AOC ran over and told her to?

What about that Paul????

Strange Brew
06-10-2022, 12:53 PM
Have no idea what your are talking about.
Of course I'm unhappy anyone like a mentally challenged guy is targeting a judge.
Heck, a judge was killed recently by a guy who he had sentenced years before.
I was responding to the comment that Dems were holding up a bill for security of judges. It was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate, and the House is trying to broaden the bill for more protection for the staff.
And yes...I wish you had that level of concern about the safety of the Vice President.
Maybe you agree with the former President who apparently said of the VP when they were chanting "Hang Mike Pence"...."maybe he deserves it."
You guys amaze me some times.

He said he never said it. Cheney is lying. What a shock!

Nice use of "apparently" Paul....

06-10-2022, 12:58 PM
You can't do it, can you? Discuss what happened to Justice Kavanaugh without bringing up Trump, Pence or J6th. Do you think Chuck Schumer was out of his line with his comments? Would you agree that intimidating Supreme Court justices is a threat to democracy?

Schumer used common language regarding consequences, and realized that they may be misunderstood, so quickly clarified when asked:

Schumer had previously retracted his comments, saying from the Senate floor that he "should not have used the words [he] used" the day before.
"They didn't come out the way I intended to," the senator said in 2020. "My point was that there would be political consequences—political consequences—for President Trump and Senate Republicans if the Supreme Court, with the newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman's right to choose."
"Of course, I didn't intend to suggest anything other than political and public opinion consequences for the Supreme Court, and it is a gross distortion to imply otherwise," he added.

I will agree he was out of line in that a person in his position should understand how easily one can take those sorts of comments out of context.

I would agree that anyone directly intimidating a Supreme Court justice is a threat to that justice, and by extension a threat to our system of democracy.

06-10-2022, 01:10 PM
Yea I think the delay is with “other employees and their family’s”. Boy is that going to be a hefty tab. Not to say this is not a noble idea and something we may need to do later, but the current bill will not add to the deficit because they can simply redirect the funds.

Just pass the bill and work on the rest. No need to delay because each side doesn’t get 100% of their wish list at this time. This one of the big problems with Washington these days.

It is my understanding the main reason for the added employee protection is for the leaker on Roe. Just do a one off protection for this individual regardless of the lack of responsibility they displayed. A lot of crazy MFer’s out there.

06-10-2022, 01:12 PM
News Flash: There were no “gallows”.


This is either (A) Fake News or (B) An Alternative fact. You can take your pick.


06-10-2022, 01:26 PM
AOC put out a video tweet. I can’t post it here, but here’s the gist:

After an assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez brags in her video tweet about stopping a bill to protect Supreme Court justices and their families.

Hmmm. Did Nancy Pelosi hold this up the bill because AOC ran over and told her to?

What about that Paul????

How 'bout sending me the link to the video so I can take a look at it.

06-10-2022, 01:56 PM
He said he never said it. Cheney is lying. What a shock!

Nice use of "apparently" Paul....

She said "you will hear.."
I used "apparently" while we await to see if Trump's quote is repeated to the committee by an eyewitness to that exchange.

06-10-2022, 02:03 PM
Just pass the bill and work on the rest. No need to delay because each side doesn’t get 100% of their wish list at this time. This one of the big problems with Washington these days.

I agree. Now, all this talk of having the Justices safety bill held up, what about the gun safety bill passed by the House but on hold in the Senate?

Strange Brew
06-10-2022, 02:05 PM
She said "you will hear.."
I used "apparently" while we await to see if Trump's quote is repeated to the committee by an eyewitness to that exchange.

Yes, an eyewitness heard something. That's called hearsay Paul.

06-10-2022, 02:14 PM
AOC put out a video tweet. I can’t post it here, but here’s the gist:

After an assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez brags in her video tweet about stopping a bill to protect Supreme Court justices and their families.

Hmmm. Did Nancy Pelosi hold this up the bill because AOC ran over and told her to?

What about that Paul????

I found it. She's not trying to stop it. She just want people to put their names to a vote...since they are unwilling to vote on a law to protect children.


06-10-2022, 02:18 PM
Yes, an eyewitness heard something. That's called hearsay Paul.

Great. If a couple people heard it, and Trump says he didn't...and they are under oath...do you think he'd go under oath?

Wait...stupid question. My bad. He would lie easily as 30,000+ have shown. You're right. We'd need a tape.

Strange Brew
06-10-2022, 02:26 PM
Great. If a couple people heard it, and Trump says he didn't...and they are under oath...do you think he'd go under oath?

Wait...stupid question. My bad. He would lie easily as 30,000+ have shown. You're right. We'd need a tape.

He'd be stupid to go under oath. He's not on trial.

06-10-2022, 02:48 PM
I agree. Now, all this talk of having the Justices safety bill held up, what about the gun safety bill passed by the House but on hold in the Senate?

Ummm, I was kinda referring to bills that get unanimous or near unanimous support from both sides not partisan. But I think you know that…

BTW, isn’t Chuck still the majority leader? Yes I know the answer to your question as well.

06-10-2022, 02:51 PM
He'd be stupid to go under oath. He's not on trial.

Yeah, he'll be under oath in NY on 7/15 in the fraud case.

Strange Brew
06-10-2022, 02:53 PM
Yeah, he'll be under oath in NY on 7/15.

For what?

Oh, I looked that up. Real Estate based on the testimony from Cohen. Ok, Bobbie. Don’t get your hopes up.

06-10-2022, 03:14 PM
Oh, I expect him to lie his ass off or take the 5th. He'll blame everyone under the sun. Ivanka may tell some truth like she did last nite.

Strange Brew
06-10-2022, 03:16 PM
Oh, I expect him to lie his ass off or take the 5th. He'll blame everyone under the sun. Ivanka may tell some truth like she did last nite.

Maybe, you seem angry.

You spelled night wrong. :)

Nigel Tufnel
06-10-2022, 03:20 PM
Yes, an eyewitness heard something. That's called hearsay Paul.

No, it’s not.

Strange Brew
06-10-2022, 03:22 PM
No, it’s not.

Thought is was. How is it not?

06-10-2022, 03:29 PM
No, it’s not.

Are you disagreeing with our resident legal scholar on this board...

Strange Brew
06-10-2022, 03:31 PM
Are you disagreeing with our resident legal scholar on this board...

Thanks, I’ll add that to me title.

06-10-2022, 03:39 PM
Thanks, I’ll add that to me title.

you misspelled my.

06-10-2022, 03:40 PM
How 'bout sending me the link to the video so I can take a look at it.

Go on Twitter and see for yourself. I can’t post a video tweet on here

Strange Brew
06-10-2022, 03:40 PM
you misspelled my.

Nah, feeling like a pirate today.

Nigel Tufnel
06-10-2022, 03:41 PM
Thought is was. How is it not?

Well…as you know it’s never cut and dry in the law. Guess I’d need more info…but it could certainly meet an exception. And do Congressional hearings follow the rules of evidence? From what little I saw last night…I’m guessing no.

Strange Brew
06-10-2022, 03:43 PM
Well…as you know it’s never cut and dry in the law. Guess I’d need more info…but it could certainly meet an exception. And do Congressional hearings follow the rules of evidence? From what little I saw last night…I’m guessing no.

Good point. It’s not like there’s going to be any cross and I’m really not sure what anyone is trying to prove/disprove with this.

06-10-2022, 03:55 PM

This is either (A) Fake News or (B) An Alternative fact. You can take your pick.


Nice try. From the Dutch guy that picked up the noose:
“ The gallows was too small and weak to be used, Persson said. It was erected as a symbol.”
A symbol of what? Maybe the execution of Democracy by Antifa and progressives?
Pence was never in danger.

But I’m sure you wasted your night last night watching a clipped shitshow of a “hearing” by partisan hacks and believing every thing you were fed in that propaganda extravaganza.
I went to a great concert.

06-10-2022, 04:01 PM
I found it. She's not trying to stop it. She just want people to put their names to a vote...since they are unwilling to vote on a law to protect children.


“Put their names to a vote”? On a Bipartisan Justice protection bill already passed by the Senate?
Seems as if Republicans would be very happy to “put their name” on that bill.
Maybe not Democrats?
Children have zero to do with protecting Supreme Court Justices, except, you know, the fact that Justices are trying to STOP children unborn from being slaughtered. Who exactly is against protecting innocent children??

06-10-2022, 04:32 PM
Pence was never in danger..

That explains why he stayed and greeted the "tourists" in the Senate; if he was in danger, his Secret Service detail would have evacuated him to a safe spot.

I didn't watch the hearing. Most of what is being presented has been shown before. Some new stuff. Coherent time line probably was beneficial to those buried in a Fox universe for the last year and a half. Did notice some sedition charges the other day.

X-band '01
06-10-2022, 05:27 PM
Can we at least all agree that Jack Del Rio would have gotten a $100K bonus for his comments if he made them as a member of Dallas's coaching staff?

Too bad he's in Washington and got a $100K fine instead for his ill-fated comparison between the Capitol insurrection and the George Floyd protests back in 2020.

06-10-2022, 06:19 PM
What a stupid fine.

06-10-2022, 06:30 PM
Great. If a couple people heard it, and Trump says he didn't...and they are under oath...do you think he'd go under oath?

Wait...stupid question. My bad. He would lie easily as 30,000+ have shown. You're right. We'd need a tape.

Paul, just like Trump saying that Mexico would pay for the southern wall, his alleged comment about Pence was hyperbole. The general public knows that what he said was never going to happen. Just like Biden’s comment about removing Putin from power was hyperbole.

Let me ask you this Paul, if the roles were reversed and Biden had done what Trump has allegedly done, would you want Biden to be prosecution? I bet there would be a majority of Dems who would back Biden to the ends of the Earth.

The problem is politicians on both sides of the isle are not held accountable for their actions. There bases will always back them regardless of what they do. How Bill Clinton remained in office after his impeachment trial still baffles me today. A classic example of a political base backing their leader regardless of what he did.

06-10-2022, 07:58 PM
That explains why he stayed and greeted the "tourists" in the Senate; if he was in danger, his Secret Service detail would have evacuated him to a safe spot.

I didn't watch the hearing. Most of what is being presented has been shown before. Some new stuff. Coherent time line probably was beneficial to those buried in a Fox universe for the last year and a half. Did notice some sedition charges the other day.

So much hyperbole…so little time.
Rioters in Seattle charged with misdemeanors for attacking a Federal Courthouse are released on their recognizance.
Demonstrators in DC who attack a sitting Senator (Rand Paul) and his wife on a street are charged with misdemeanors and released without bail.
Demonstrators in DC 1/6 are charged with Misdemeanors and held in jail for months.
Quite the disconnect. Not quite “equal justice under the law”.


06-10-2022, 08:48 PM
Hmmm WHO looking further into China lab leak on covid. Wonder what changed their minds?

06-10-2022, 09:16 PM
Let me ask you this Paul, if the roles were reversed and Biden had done what Trump has allegedly done, would you want Biden to be prosecution?


I think Trump put our country in great peril. I think his potential return, as so many believe his lies, is frightening.
If Biden worked with people to overturn an election, if he watched and did nothing while our Capitol was attacked, I think he should be prosecuted.

So let me ask you a question; do you think Trump should be held accountable for his actions?

06-10-2022, 09:41 PM
. There bases will always back them regardless of what they do. How Bill Clinton remained in office after his impeachment trial still baffles me today. A classic example of a political base backing their leader regardless of what he did.

Maybe because 10 republicans voted him "not guilty".

X-band '01
06-11-2022, 12:28 AM
Honestly, the first impeachment of Trump was as political as Clinton's was. Had the Democrats just waited and held their tongues, impeachment would have had a higher probability of kicking him out of office.

And for the record, I have a serious problem with people trying to assassinate or threaten to assassinate political figures, whether it's Kavanaugh, Scalise, Pence, Gabby Giffords, etc. I could go on.

06-11-2022, 06:18 AM

I think Trump put our country in great peril. I think his potential return, as so many believe his lies, is frightening.
If Biden worked with people to overturn an election, if he watched and did nothing while our Capitol was attacked, I think he should be prosecuted.

So let me ask you a question; do you think Trump should be held accountable for his actions?

In my opinion, ALL politicians should be held accountable just like the average American if they break the law.

06-11-2022, 07:57 AM
In my opinion, ALL politicians should be held accountable just like the average American if they break the law.

This is the correct answer if they break the law.
But not if they are the victim of a partisan witch hunt with flimsy or zero evidence that has been manipulated.
Just a slight clarification.

06-11-2022, 10:17 AM
This is the correct answer if they break the law.
But not if they are the victim of a partisan witch hunt with flimsy or zero evidence that has been manipulated.
Just a slight clarification.

"But the alternate reality that about forty percent of us live in will never be breached by actual facts." - Tom Nichols, Atlantic

Muskie in dayton
06-11-2022, 10:27 AM
"But the alternate reality that about forty percent of us live in will never be breached by actual facts." - Tom Nichols, Atlantic
True, but that percentage of liberals is a bit high https://news.gallup.com/poll/328367/americans-political-ideology-held-steady-2020.aspx

Muskie in dayton
06-11-2022, 10:32 AM
So much hyperbole…so little time.
Rioters in Seattle charged with misdemeanors for attacking a Federal Courthouse are released on their recognizance.
Demonstrators in DC who attack a sitting Senator (Rand Paul) and his wife on a street are charged with misdemeanors and released without bail.
Demonstrators in DC 1/6 are charged with Misdemeanors and held in jail for months.
Quite the disconnect. Not quite “equal justice under the law”.

Don’t forget:
- the Capital storming during the Kavanaugh hearings,
- the DOI storming by climate protestors a few months ago
- the literally hundreds of cases where Antifa were released w/o bond after violent crimes.

The 2-tier justice system sounds like the kind of enemies the US has fought for a century.

06-11-2022, 01:16 PM
So let me ask you a question; do you think Trump should be held accountable for his actions?

So let me ask you a question; do you think Hillary Clinton should be held accountable for her actions?

06-11-2022, 04:50 PM
So let me ask you a question; do you think Hillary Clinton should be held accountable for her actions?

And schumer for threatening the supreme court. We can do this all day

06-11-2022, 04:50 PM
True, but that percentage of liberals is a bit high[/URL]

I see you are utilizing your math degree from Trump Univ. MAGA MAGA

06-11-2022, 05:00 PM
I see Santa Claus is running against Palin in the Alaskan primary. Definitely the better choice.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

06-11-2022, 05:17 PM
So let me ask you a question; do you think Hillary Clinton should be held accountable for her actions?

Sure. She sat through 11 hours of the 8th Benghazi hearing. I'd like to see Trump sit through that.

06-11-2022, 05:42 PM
And schumer for threatening the supreme court. We can do this all day


06-11-2022, 06:33 PM

Exactly my point. people still want to talk about Trump when all these politicians are idiots and hyprocrits, So why do you and Paul continue to talk about Trump and not these others

06-11-2022, 08:17 PM
Exactly my point. people still want to talk about Trump when all these politicians are idiots and hyprocrits, So why do you and Paul continue to talk about Trump and not these others

Trump is living rent free inside their heads.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-11-2022, 08:53 PM
He is. Why?
68% of Republicans are stupid enough to believe his big lie.
He's the presupposed nominee in 24.
He's in my head like Russia, and China. A clear and present danger.
Hopefully you guys will come to your senses and set your selves free from his delusions and grifting.
One can hope.

X-band '01
06-11-2022, 09:38 PM
I thought Ron DeSantis was the Chosen One for 2024. At least he comes with a lot less baggage and a similar platform the GOP would fall in line with.

06-11-2022, 10:47 PM
Millions watch things like this last night:


And then there's reality:

Mark Mazza, 56, is the latest of about half a dozen Jan. 6 defendants charged with bringing a gun to the Capitol.


06-12-2022, 12:50 AM
Millions watch things like this last night:


And then there's reality:


"about half a dozen Jan. 6 defendants charged with bringing a gun"

whew!! what an insurrection!! this thing was so organized that Trump forgot to tell everybody to bring their weapons!!

Do you still have PTSD over this, Paul? How do you sleep at night?

"A clear and present danger." Watch out Paul, the big bad Orangeman is going to throw you in a gulag in 2024 - be careful!!

06-12-2022, 09:05 AM
This scenario produces high anxiety of the tallest order.


I don't see how our nation's economy can avoid a catastrophic outcome with $5+ gasoline and other associated out of control energy cost. "F" all the Trump related garbage......this is the biggest security threat to our nation since the Cold War.

06-12-2022, 09:43 AM
This scenario produces high anxiety of the tallest order.


I don't see how our nation's economy can avoid a catastrophic outcome with $5+ gasoline and other associated out of control energy cost. "F" all the Trump related garbage......this is the biggest security threat to our nation since the Cold War.

Biden and the Dems have screwed up every single thing since he’s been in office. Just printing money Willy Nilly was predicted to be an awful outcome, and they wanted to spend $4.9 Trillion more!!
Thank Gawd for Joe Manchin. Remember how HE was being harassed by progressive nuts at his boat and other places? Shouting down, harassing and canceling people is the playbook for people that Paul thinks are cool.
Seems “Insurrectionny” to me.

06-12-2022, 10:09 AM
What is this compulsion to make some of these discussions personal? Weird.

On the gas front, here's a note for comparison:

While this is the first time breaking the $5 barrier, it’s still not a record when inflation is taken into account. Gas peaked at $4.11 a gallon in July 2008, which would be equal to about $5.40 a gallon today.

Muskie in dayton
06-12-2022, 11:13 AM
Millions watch things like this last night:


And then there's reality:

Paul still thinks this theatrical production is real.

06-12-2022, 11:28 AM
This scenario produces high anxiety of the tallest order.


I don't see how our nation's economy can avoid a catastrophic outcome with $5+ gasoline and other associated out of control energy cost. "F" all the Trump related garbage......this is the biggest security threat to our nation since the Cold War.

Demand destruction is well underway. A significant slowdown is guaranteed, all the Fed can do is choose what mix of inflation and interest does it. Mortgage rates jumped 0.5% Friday from the awful CPI data, 6% on a 30 fixed, 3% increase on the year, doubled since January. Energy up 34% in May alone.

Nothing the dems can do to walk back anti-fossil fuel promises, it's been the talk of their town for 20+ years. Retail investor's obsession with ESG isn't helping either, they could make the case this is it working I guess. Only real hopes are Ukraine resolution or Xi Jinping pulls a 180 on covid. Debatable impact on both, but if Biden did everything in his power to encourage oil production it would still take years to move the needle. It's gonna have to be a slowdown...

06-12-2022, 11:44 AM
Paul still thinks this theatrical production is real.

Not really. Being reasonable, I know that Tucker doesn't state facts...especially when he say he is.

When Tucker Carlson says on his show “[r]emember the facts of the story; these are undisputed" no reasonable person would believe that he was about to state facts. At least, that was Tucker Carlson's own argument in defending himself from a libel suit.


Strange Brew
06-12-2022, 12:29 PM
Demand destruction is well underway. A significant slowdown is guaranteed, all the Fed can do is choose what mix of inflation and interest does it. Mortgage rates jumped 0.5% Friday from the awful CPI data, 6% on a 30 fixed, 3% increase on the year, doubled since January. Energy up 34% in May alone.

Nothing the dems can do to walk back anti-fossil fuel promises, it's been the talk of their town for 20+ years. Retail investor's obsession with ESG isn't helping either, they could make the case this is it working I guess. Only real hopes are Ukraine resolution or Xi Jinping pulls a 180 on covid. Debatable impact on both, but if Biden did everything in his power to encourage oil production it would still take years to move the needle. It's gonna have to be a slowdown...

All of what you mention was avoidable. The policies of this Admin are a disaster on all fronts.

Has Russia taken Odessa yet? Once they do, keep an eye on Turkey.

06-12-2022, 01:00 PM
Searching for just a bit laughter, I see that Santa Claus came in 6th in the open primary in Alaska.
Didn't qualify for the runoff.

06-12-2022, 02:15 PM
Searching for just a bit laughter, I see that Santa Claus came in 6th in the open primary in Alaska.
Didn't qualify for the runoff.

He was robbed! I’d demand a recount!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-12-2022, 02:37 PM
All of what you mention was avoidable. The policies of this Admin are a disaster on all fronts.

Has Russia taken Odessa yet? Once they do, keep an eye on Turkey.

Some would say it started with Biden’s EO on January 20, 2021 a few days into office. Attached is the EO he signed (interesting read). My head scratching revocation was Trump’s 13783 which promoted energy independence and economic growth. Don’t understand why that’s such a bad thing. Can’t we do this while developing alternative energies?


06-12-2022, 03:18 PM
What is this compulsion to make some of these discussions personal? Weird.

Because none of us Xavier connected people can believe that an “allegedly” Xavier educated man could maintain such a twisted view of reality- and defend it vigourously- in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary.
If I didn’t know any better I’d have to say you are trolling all of us.. but unfortunately you are not. And your kind is literally destroying American values and society.

Just playing by the rules of the Cancel Culture Playbook that those of your ilk have set.

06-12-2022, 03:21 PM
Not really. Being reasonable, I know that Tucker doesn't state facts...especially when he say he is.


Uh huh. And Jake Tapper had charlatan Michael Avanetti on his show numerous times.
Might want to sit this discussion out before you get rung up again.

06-12-2022, 03:55 PM
Avanetti is in jail for breaking the law.
Carlson gets a pass on libel because he argues in court that no "reasonable" person would believe what he says are actual facts (which almost every show he has, proves his point...just like "there were no guns at the Capitol").

I'm going with the ultimate sycophant, Bill Barr on the Republicans belief in a stolen election, still pushed day after day by the current Republican front runner, as told on tape to the Committee; "I told the president it was bullshit."

I wonder; would a Xavier educated person (I'm proud to say I am) believe that "twisted view of reality"...or something Tucker dreams up?
Tough question.

06-12-2022, 03:59 PM
Because none of us Xavier connected people can believe that an “allegedly” Xavier educated man could maintain such a twisted view of reality- and defend it vigourously- in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary.
If I didn’t know any better I’d have to say you are trolling all of us.. but unfortunately you are not. And your kind is literally destroying American values and society.

Just playing by the rules of the Cancel Culture Playbook that those of your ilk have set.


06-12-2022, 05:04 PM
All of what you mention was avoidable. The policies of this Admin are a disaster on all fronts.

No debate there. The only point to be made on his behalf is that our fiscal and monetary policy has been a disaster for a long time. I really donÂ’t think I can say any 21st century president has responsibly handled the economy. The Fed has only helped the markets. Trump is definitely the best for correctly utilizing tax cuts, but without the spending cuts he too added to the problem.

We’re well overdue for a deleveraging, Biden has put us further down the path no doubt, but we’ve kicking this can down the road since ‘08. I can only hope the less fortunate enjoyed wages outpacing inflation for those few months. Stagflation is here.

06-12-2022, 05:12 PM
Cancel culture playbook? Y'all tried to cancel 81 million votes.

06-12-2022, 05:47 PM
Avanetti is in jail for breaking the law.
Carlson gets a pass on libel because he argues in court that no "reasonable" person would believe what he says are actual facts (which almost every show he has, proves his point...just like "there were no guns at the Capitol").

I'm going with the ultimate sycophant, Bill Barr on the Republicans belief in a stolen election, still pushed day after day by the current Republican front runner, as told on tape to the Committee; "I told the president it was bullshit."

I wonder; would a Xavier educated person (I'm proud to say I am) believe that "twisted view of reality"...or something Tucker dreams up?
Tough question.

Wait? Aren’t we talking about Media personalities? Like Jake Tapper who facilitated actual libel on his show? Yeah, Jake Tapper had actual libel purveyors on his show….REPEATEDLY.

Bill Barr was, and remains, a highly respected defender of the Law, before and after serving the President. He fought against the craziness of the unfounded partisan Impeachment attempts- and he was correct.

I’ve said numerous times, Paul. I don’t watch Tucker Carlson, just like 348,000,000 don’t. But here’s why Paul’s lunacy will be destroyed at the polls in November. And Paul will just sit there and scratch his head and ask “What happened?” in his delusional state.


06-12-2022, 05:57 PM
Cancel culture playbook? Y'all tried to cancel 81 million votes.

Uh, Joe Biden has done a helluva job doing that on his own.
Current Biden approval rating: 35%- Quinnipiac (most recent poll)
Direction of the Country: Wrong Track 71%. Right Track 22%.
Hmmmm. Who canceled what????

06-12-2022, 06:00 PM
What is this compulsion to make some of these discussions personal? Weird.


Also, it's one thing to have people (generally politicians) on your shows who bend the truth. That's what they do.

It's quite another to be the host of the show, and have to use your own inability to tell the truth as a defense in a libel suit.
And have the judge agree that reasonable people would know you are unable to tell the truth.

06-12-2022, 06:06 PM

Also, it's one thing to have people (generally politicians) on your shows who bend the truth. That's what they do.

It's quite another to be the host of the show, and have to use your own inability to tell the truth as a defense in a libel suit.
And have the judge agree that reasonable people would know you are unable to tell the truth.

Please seek professional help.
“Bend the truth”. Kinda like CNN libeling a high school kid from Covington KY and having to pay him millions in a libel suit.
Kyle Rittenhouse will be the next $$ recipient.
Haven’t seen Carlson have to do that.

And now Paul is saying that the US system of justice is trash, because the one side that he supports couldn’t prove and convince a judge what Paul delusionally believes.
Truly lost in a blue haze fog.

06-12-2022, 08:22 PM
Rittenhouse would probably have to sue someone which he hasn't. Nobody knows what Sandman got. Could have just been a "nuisance" amount.

Carlson said: “I guess I would ask myself, like, I mean I lie if I’m really cornered or something. I lie. I really try not to. I try never to lie on TV. I just don’t – I don’t like lying. I certainly do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever.

06-12-2022, 08:32 PM
Rittenhouse would probably have to sue someone which he hasn't. Nobody knows what Sandman got. Could have just been a "nuisance" amount.

Carlson said: “I guess I would ask myself, like, I mean I lie if I’m really cornered or something. I lie. I really try not to. I try never to lie on TV. I just don’t – I don’t like lying. I certainly do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever.

Two media sources settled with Sandmann. The Washed Post and the Commie News Network. 2 settlements out of court could not be for chump change.
Carlson has been convicted or found guilty of nothing.
Nice try.

06-12-2022, 08:34 PM
Two media sources settled with Sandmann. The Washed Post and the Commie News Network. 2 settlements out of court could not be for chump change.
Carlson has been convicted or found guilty of nothing.
Nice try.

He is a chronic liar tho by his own admission. But then we already knew that. Keep watching.

06-12-2022, 08:44 PM
As far as CNN, maybe you forgot about the Smartmatic 2.7 billion suit against FOX NEWS, Maria Barfiromo, Loser Dobbs and Rudy (my hair is bleeding) Guliano. The Judge cited comments by Carlson in approving the suit to proceed.
Dominion is also suing FOX for 1.6 bln. No chump change.

06-12-2022, 08:54 PM
He is a chronic liar tho by his own admission. But then we already knew that. Keep watching.

“Chronic” that must be what you’re on. I don’t watch him. Can you read?
Highest rated show by far on Cable News and he’s never been convicted of anything libelous.
On balance, I prefer people who will admit they stretch the truth rather than those who present a statement as absolute truth when it is akshually a lie, and when called on it never admit that they lied and then double down on it. Kinda like Hilary (Russia stole 2016), Schumer (I never threatened Supreme Court Justices), Schiff (100% evidence of collusion) , Swallwell (I didn’t screw a Chinese Spy), Biden (Build Back Better is fully paid for, I’ll shut down the virus), Obama (keep your doctor), plus plus plus.

06-12-2022, 08:58 PM
As far as CNN, maybe you forgot about the Smartmatic 2.7 billion suit against FOX NEWS, Maria Barfiromo, Loser Dobbs and Rudy (my hair is bleeding) Guliano. The Judge cited comments by Carlson in approving the suit to proceed.
Dominion is also suing FOX for 1.6 bln. No chump change.

Only approved to “proceed”. Big Deal. That’s what courts are for. Let’s see a decision.
Fox isn’t scaredy-cat settling, unlike the Washed Post & CNN.

06-12-2022, 09:05 PM
Yeah, good luck with the NY jury.

06-12-2022, 10:27 PM
Yeah, good luck with the NY jury.

Oh. Way to admit that courts in blue states are biased and kangaroo in nature.
Sounds awfully like a “Threat to Democracy”.

06-12-2022, 10:50 PM
And now Paul is saying that the US system of justice is trash, because the one side that he supports couldn’t prove and convince a judge what Paul delusionally believes.

I don't believe you can point to where I've said the US system of justice is trash.Perhaps that is delusional?

There was a court case where Carlson was sued for libel. As he himself notes, he lies all the time.
The judge notes he lies. The judge said reasonable people should know he is lying. So, because reasonable people should know he's a liar, I think the case was dismissed.

That's not all that hard to understand.

06-12-2022, 10:53 PM
This appears to be a 7 figure payout.


06-13-2022, 05:15 AM
Meanwhile, how about news for conversation at the adult table.


If supplies of DEF get anywhere close to 50% availability, this economy will be unrecognizable in 2023. The impact on our modern Semi Truck fleet and rail system, coupled with the diesel equipment necessary to run our essential agriculture infrastructure, creates the perfect storm for massive food shortages and epic inflation. This is going to get very nasty folks.

At the same time, we have an Administration that is making ZERO attempt to be proactive and both houses of Congress are overly influenced by the New Green Deal wackos that literally want to destroy the fossil fuel industry. Want to reduce carbon emissions? Allow a necessary diesel fuel additive to become in short supply. Want Billy Bob's truck and Soccer Mom's SUV off the road? Allow price at the pump to become so high they stay parked.

The only solution is a return to Trump energy policies, but these idiots are far too invested in the opposite.....they are past the point of no return. Economy be damned.

06-13-2022, 05:27 AM
I don't believe you can point to where I've said the US system of justice is trash.Perhaps that is delusional?

There was a court case where Carlson was sued for libel. As he himself notes, he lies all the time.
The judge notes he lies. The judge said reasonable people should know he is lying. So, because reasonable people should know he's a liar, I think the case was dismissed.

That's not all that hard to understand.

Yeah. The case was dismissed, and you are pissed that Carlson wasn’t nailed. That’s not hard to understand.
You can call Carlson a “liar” in your delusion all you want. The court system said otherwise.
To wit:
“ U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary”
Good for the Judge. She actually gives the American public credit enough for the ability to discern for themselves.

CNN DID lie in the case of Nicholas Sandman. And they paid big time.

06-13-2022, 05:28 AM
This appears to be a 7 figure payout.


Congratulations. You dug and finally found something I did not. A Fox misreporting about Hilary’s dirty inner circle. The original topic was about networks libeling people. This wasn’t a case of libel, but whatever.
By the way. Fox fired the reporter of that story-Zimmerman. Yet CNN still employs Jake Tapper after his Avanetti episodes. Huh.
And how about the recent revelation in the Sussman trial of Hilary lying about her complicit role in foisting out the Russian Conspiracy theory to begin with? Plenty of dirt there. It seems after the facts came out about the debunked Steele Dossier, Fox’s assertion that there was a story there that “might expose the single biggest fraud, lies, perpetrated on the American people by the media and the Democrats in our history.” was true, but Fox had aimed their fire in the wrong direction, so they paid. Who’s gonna pay Donald Trump for all the lies spread about him on CNN and MSNBC among others?
I guess politics is a dirty business on both sides!! Shocking!
By the way. Where is your cause celeb boy Tucker Carlson in that Fox settlement since he seems to be your obsession of the day??

06-13-2022, 08:01 AM
You can call Carlson a “liar” in your delusion all you want.

Do you suppose Tucker is similarly deluded about whether or not he's a liar? Is he lying when he says he's a liar? So confusing.

Fox News’s Tucker Carlson admitted he sometimes lies when he is “really cornered or something” in a new interview with “The Rubin Report” published Sunday.
“I lie. If I’m really cornered or something, I lie.

06-13-2022, 08:03 AM
I wonder if any of the congressmen (or women), who it is indicated asked the President for a pardon, are the same ones who refuse to testify to the January 6th Committee? That might explain a lot.

06-13-2022, 08:53 AM
Meanwhile, how about news for conversation at the adult table.


If supplies of DEF get anywhere close to 50% availability, this economy will be unrecognizable in 2023. The impact on our modern Semi Truck fleet and rail system, coupled with the diesel equipment necessary to run our essential agriculture infrastructure, creates the perfect storm for massive food shortages and epic inflation. This is going to get very nasty folks.

At the same time, we have an Administration that is making ZERO attempt to be proactive and both houses of Congress are overly influenced by the New Green Deal wackos that literally want to destroy the fossil fuel industry. Want to reduce carbon emissions? Allow a necessary diesel fuel additive to become in short supply. Want Billy Bob's truck and Soccer Mom's SUV off the road? Allow price at the pump to become so high they stay parked.

The only solution is a return to Trump energy policies, but these idiots are far too invested in the opposite.....they are past the point of no return. Economy be damned.

Around 10% of trucks will be off the roads soon if DEF costs do not decrease soon. Independent drivers who own their own rigs won’t be able to pay these costs much longer. The supply chain will take a hit if this happens.

06-13-2022, 09:46 AM
Around 10% of trucks will be off the roads soon if DEF costs do not decrease soon. Independent drivers who own their own rigs won’t be able to pay these costs much longer. The supply chain will take a hit if this happens.

It's not the rising price of Diesel Exhaust Fluid....that is unavoidable presently like everything else. The cost simply gets past on to the consumer in the form of inflation.

Limited availability due to supply chain issues is the concern here. The Federal Government has to do everything in it's power to keep our rail system operating at optimum efficiency.

But Houston, we have a problem.


06-13-2022, 09:47 AM
Meanwhile, how about news for conversation at the adult table.


If supplies of DEF get anywhere close to 50% availability, this economy will be unrecognizable in 2023. The impact on our modern Semi Truck fleet and rail system, coupled with the diesel equipment necessary to run our essential agriculture infrastructure, creates the perfect storm for massive food shortages and epic inflation. This is going to get very nasty folks.

At the same time, we have an Administration that is making ZERO attempt to be proactive and both houses of Congress are overly influenced by the New Green Deal wackos that literally want to destroy the fossil fuel industry. Want to reduce carbon emissions? Allow a necessary diesel fuel additive to become in short supply. Want Billy Bob's truck and Soccer Mom's SUV off the road? Allow price at the pump to become so high they stay parked.

The only solution is a return to Trump energy policies, but these idiots are far too invested in the opposite.....they are past the point of no return. Economy be damned.

I agree - the obsession with Tucker Carlson is a complete nothingburger, sophomoric, and an attempted diversion from the real problems this country faces, such as the one you've posted.

The Democrat party must be destroyed before they destroy us. These people are completely insane and devoid of reality (see the posts in this thread for examples).

06-13-2022, 09:54 AM
I agree - the obsession with Tucker Carlson is a complete nothingburger, sophomoric, and an attempted diversion from the real problems this country faces, such as the one you've posted.

The Democrat party must be destroyed before they destroy us. These people are completely insane and devoid of reality (see the posts in this thread for examples).

Yes, it clearly has no impact...

06-13-2022, 10:10 AM
I agree - the obsession with Tucker Carlson is a complete nothingburger, sophomoric, and an attempted diversion from the real problems this country faces, such as the one you've posted.

The Democrat party must be destroyed before they destroy us. These people are completely insane and devoid of reality (see the posts in this thread for examples).

No doubt,

What happened on January 6th and anything Trump is basically insignificant compared to what is on the horizon economically in this country. Hell, our Big City crime horror show, fomented by the plague of progressive DAs and the anti-Police policies in those cities should be the focus instead of the constant Trump crap.

I say the MSM has managed to become as big a problem as today's Democrat Party......they are literally one in the same.

For NONE of the Big 4 to cover the Kavanaugh assassination attempt on their Sunday shows is unconscionable and extremely dangerous.

06-13-2022, 10:47 AM
F Joe Biden. Thanks for $5.25 per gallon that I paid this weekend. It's going to be a long 2.5 years until he is gone. He sucks.

06-13-2022, 11:24 AM
We are slowing getting more and more fucked each day.

-Right now, I cannot foresee a situation where I would vote for Joe Biden. I know 2024 is over two years away, and things could change, but I'm not anticipating anything will happen that will make me change my mind.

-I wouldn't vote for Trump either. But I would vote for just about any other GOP nominee.

-I'm disappointed in Fox News. I know which way they lean, especially when it comes to their editorial stuff, and their talk shows, and their viewers, but when it came to actually reporting the news I always felt they did a good job. Many don't realize this, but they were the first to call the election for Obama. They called the election for Biden as well. Their reporting was always timely and fair even if their editorial stuff was borderlined batshit. For them to not deem the hearings to be newsworthy and to broadcast a regularly scheduled talk show with a batshit crazy host instead, is ridiculous.

-I'm convinced that Trump is guilty of a crime, and that he should go to prison. I don't know whether or not he actually will, but it's my opinion that he absolutely should. I also think that him not being called to testify at the hearings is pretty telling. I think it would make sense to not call him if they were planning on indicting him. Calling him and putting him under oath and then using his testimony against him if he is indicted later on seems like a pretty slippery slope, so why even call him if you think you're going to eventually indict him?

-I agree that we have other more important things to worry about, but I do feel that this is at least on the list of things that need to be addressed. Which leads me to my final point...

-The Democrats are dead meet no matter what happens. They're arguably even more dead if Trump does go to prison because the only reason for a lot of people to side with them right now is because Trump is on the other side. Once he's out of the picture, most of those people will not be with them any more. They'll get clobbered at the midterms. They'll get clobbered in 2024. And it may be a decade before they have any sort of power or control again. They're done. And...maybe that's not a bad thing.

06-13-2022, 11:31 AM
Do you suppose Tucker is similarly deluded about whether or not he's a liar? Is he lying when he says he's a liar? So confusing.

I wonder if any of the congressmen (or women), who it is indicated asked the President for a pardon, are the same ones who refuse to testify to the January 6th Committee? That might explain a lot.

It’s just a treat that Paul is more concerned with a News Performer that 348,000,000 people don’t watch, and those hearings that 330,000,000 didn’t watch, than the pain of $5.25 (soon to go higher) gas, 8.6% inflation, fuel shortages, formula shortages, border dysfunction, crime and justice malfeasance that is being inflicted on all 350,000,000 million Americans by his party-fully-in-control and puppet applesauce-for-brains President.
Definitely the way to win hearts and minds Paul.
Continue on, please, to your slaughter in November.

06-13-2022, 12:11 PM
I thought I would check the handy online sportsbooks for some political betting props to see where things stand:

To Control the House in 2022 mid-terms:
Republicans -1100
Democrats +650

To Control the Senate post 2022 mid-terms:
Republicans -450
Democrats +275

2024 Presidential Election Winning Party:
Republicans -150
Democrats +110
Other +3300

2024 Presidential Election Winner:
Donald Trump +225
Joe Biden +400
Ron DeSantis +525
Kamala Harris +1200
Mike Pence +1400
Elizabeth Warren +2000
Nikki Haley +2200
Mayor Pete +2200
Hillary Clinton +3000
Michelle Obama +3300
Amy Klobuchar +3300
The Rock +3300
Tucker Carloson +5500
Mark Cuban +6500
Andrew Yang +6600
Cory Booker +6600
Ted Cruz +7000
Mitt +7500
AOC +8000
Elon Musk +10000 (someone tell the people who would bet on him that he isn't eligible)
Bernie Sanders +12500
Paul Ryan +12500
Trump Jr. +12500
Jeff Bezos +12500
Ye +25000
Lebron +30000
Joe Rogan +30000
Tulsi Gabbard +50000
Meghan Markle +50000

May you live in interesting times.

06-13-2022, 12:22 PM
Let me try ranked choice voting on that list:
Paul Ryan
Nikki Hayley
Tulsi Gabbard
Ron DeSantis
Cory Booker
Ted Cruz
The Rock
Mark Cuban
Elon Musk
Joe Rogan
Jeff Bezos
Tucker Carlson
Meghan Markle
Michelle Obama
Mayor Pete
Joe Biden
Mike Pence
Bernie Sanders
Donald Trump
Trump Jr.
Hillary Clinton
Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris

06-13-2022, 12:51 PM
It’s possible I’ve already posted this somewhere in the almost 14,000 posts in this thread. If I did, sorry for the repeat.

Those of you in Cincinnati might remember when Darryl Parks was program director at 700 WLW. He also did a Saturday talk show. He talked about his 5 rules, the first two of which apply big time to the back and forth about Tapper and Carlson.

Rule #1 - It’s all about ratings and revenue.
Rule #2 - Never let the facts get in the way of a good talk show.

Everyone needs to remember these because they accurately describe whats going on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-13-2022, 01:08 PM
Let me try ranked choice voting on that list:
Paul Ryan
Nikki Hayley
Tulsi Gabbard
Ron DeSantis
Cory Booker
Ted Cruz
The Rock
Mark Cuban
Elon Musk
Joe Rogan
Jeff Bezos
Tucker Carlson
Meghan Markle
Michelle Obama
Mayor Pete
Joe Biden
Mike Pence
Bernie Sanders
Donald Trump
Trump Jr.
Hillary Clinton
Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris

If a magic 8 ball were to run, where would you rank it in your list??

06-13-2022, 01:46 PM
If a magic 8 ball were to run, where would you rank it in your list??

After Ye, before Carlson

06-13-2022, 03:08 PM
After Ye, before Carlson

Wow, we're now using old English on this board?

06-13-2022, 03:26 PM
Let me try ranked choice voting on that list:
Paul Ryan
Nikki Hayley
Tulsi Gabbard
Ron DeSantis
Cory Booker
Ted Cruz
The Rock
Mark Cuban
Elon Musk
Joe Rogan
Jeff Bezos
Tucker Carlson
Meghan Markle
Michelle Obama
Mayor Pete
Joe Biden
Mike Pence
Bernie Sanders
Donald Trump
Trump Jr.
Hillary Clinton
Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris

Just when Mitt got in MSM good graces because he hates Trump. If he runs, It’ll be back to women/binders and dogs on the roof.

06-13-2022, 04:49 PM
Must watch Biden speech:


06-13-2022, 05:31 PM
Let me try ranked choice voting on that list:
Paul Ryan
Nikki Hayley
Tulsi Gabbard
Ron DeSantis
Cory Booker
Ted Cruz
The Rock
Mark Cuban
Elon Musk
Joe Rogan
Jeff Bezos
Tucker Carlson
Meghan Markle
Michelle Obama
Mayor Pete
Joe Biden
Mike Pence
Bernie Sanders
Donald Trump
Trump Jr.
Hillary Clinton
Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris

Would be interesting to see Paul and Masterofreality rankings.

06-13-2022, 06:16 PM
Would be interesting to see Paul and Masterofreality rankings.

If nominated I shall not run, if elected I shall not serve. ;-)

06-13-2022, 06:59 PM
If nominated I shall not run, if elected I shall not serve. ;-)

But if you were the GOP nominee, you’d win.

X-band '01
06-13-2022, 07:16 PM
If nominated I shall not run, if elected I shall not serve. ;-)

Child please. I wouldn't even vote you in for local dogcatcher. :biggrin:

06-13-2022, 07:42 PM
Child please. I wouldn't even vote you in for local dogcatcher. :biggrin:

Worth 10 reputation points, but The Man…(meaning you Band) is squashing my prop ability!! :-)

X-band '01
06-13-2022, 07:47 PM
And on a related note, we don't have to bark anymore next year during a kill counter do we? Hoping the Tin Man also took that act north up to Oxford.

06-13-2022, 10:48 PM
If a magic 8 ball were to run, where would you rank it in your list??

Fuck the humor...we are in dire straits here folks. The Progressive Left is DESTROYING this country. WE CANNOT run this countries MASSIVE energy needs on fantasy "renewables"....period...end of story...no debate! The amount of fossil fuels neccesary to build the infrastructure for ANY cogent plan is completely against their "Green" obsession and this insane doctrine is NOT POSSIBLE. WIND/SOLAR is a fucking joke. WTF kind of mind game is being played here

06-13-2022, 11:22 PM
Fuck the humor...we are in dire straits here folks. The Progressive Left is DESTROYING this country. WE CANNOT run this countries MASSIVE energy needs on fantasy "renewables". How is this possibility even being discussed? WTF kind of mind game is being played here?

One can only conclude it's being done on purpose. You can say that Biden and his administration are totally inept, but I don't think that they're all that stupid. This is being done on purpose - it's a controlled demolition of the American economy and its values. For what purpose? There are no rational reasons - unless you consider that all this is being done for the Great Reset.

06-14-2022, 12:03 AM
One can only conclude it's being done on purpose. You can say that Biden and his administration are totally inept, but I don't think that they're all that stupid. This is being done on purpose - it's a controlled demolition of the American economy and its values. For what purpose? There are no rational reasons - unless you consider that all this is being done for the Great Reset.

History will most definitely point to Obama. That being of the end of traditional American culture.





Done on purpose? You better believe it it is TOTALLY on purpose. The USA has had it too good for too long, right? America great, what? We are so special? These F'ing people are COMPLETELY insane.

X-band '01
06-14-2022, 06:33 AM
I'm more upset that supply chain issues has disrupted us of Nuts' private collection in the X Lounge.

06-14-2022, 06:59 AM
Fuck the humor...we are in dire straits here folks. The Progressive Left is DESTROYING this country. WE CANNOT run this countries MASSIVE energy needs on fantasy "renewables"....period...end of story...no debate! The amount of fossil fuels neccesary to build the infrastructure for ANY cogent plan is completely against their "Green" obsession and this insane doctrine is NOT POSSIBLE. WIND/SOLAR is a fucking joke. WTF kind of mind game is being played here

We could do it on nuclear. Anything else would take a significantly less productive economy.

And yeah no shit XU_LOU, their suppression of fossil fuels is on purpose, they’ve only been campaigning on it for 20 years… Their argument is America is already destroyed for their base and will only get worse with climate change. Show me a politician who mentions the drawbacks of their plans and I’ll vote for them.

06-14-2022, 08:40 AM
We could do it on nuclear.

If you're pushing for energy policy based on concerns about climate change and it doesn't include nuclear as a major part of it, you're not a serious person. I ciuld not agree with you more on this.

06-14-2022, 09:01 AM
Fuck the humor...we are in dire straits here folks. The Progressive Left is DESTROYING this country. WE CANNOT run this countries MASSIVE energy needs on fantasy "renewables"....period...end of story...no debate! The amount of fossil fuels neccesary to build the infrastructure for ANY cogent plan is completely against their "Green" obsession and this insane doctrine is NOT POSSIBLE. WIND/SOLAR is a fucking joke. WTF kind of mind game is being played here

Just because it's humorous doesn't mean it's wrong. The Republicans will blow through the midterms. They will also easily win in 2024 IF Trump is not the nominee. As silly as the notion of running a magic 8 ball is, the magic 8 ball actually would almost assuredly win. That's how poorly the Dems have performed. The GOP can literally nominate ANYONE. The only person that isn't guaranteed to win, and although he still might win I'm betting that he wouldn't, is Trump. Lots of people who voted for Biden were really voting AGAINST Trump. If he's not running, then they won't be voting against him. Most in that category would not vote against Biden next time so long as someone else is running against him.

06-14-2022, 09:10 AM
I mean...the irony is almost overwhelming!!

-Trump has this cult following that will always vote Republican so long as he tells them to. If Trump ever turns on an individual, his cult turns on them as well

-Other members of the GOP know this, and while many of them hate Trump, they don't want to lose the votes of his cult, so publicly they side with him.

-The Democrats have gotten control of all three branches and have totally sucked. They only reason they won anything was because of Trump. They would not have beaten anyone else. I don't think there is anyone else they can beat in the future either.

-The Democrats hate Trump so much that they want him in prison. (I agree that he should be in prison, but that's another issue).


Putting Trump in prison takes the one person they can actually win an election against out of the picture. Their entire platform was "We're Not Trump!!" And...IT WORKED!!! They won!! But if that is taken away then they literally have nothing.

-The Republicans don't want Trump to go to prison because they don't want the Democrats to "WIN!"


Him not being in prison puts the one person that the Democrats can actually beat in an election potentially back into the election.


06-14-2022, 09:41 AM
If you're pushing for energy policy based on concerns about climate change and it doesn't include nuclear as a major part of it, you're not a serious person. I ciuld not agree with you more on this.

I have the uranium holdings, and losses, to prove my level of belief.

06-14-2022, 09:57 AM
Will they need a platform in '24?
Or can they just do like they did in '20, and say our platform is whatever Trump says today on Twitter.
Why govern when you can just ask the autocrat I guess.

06-14-2022, 09:59 AM
And yeah no shit XU_LOU, their suppression of fossil fuels is on purpose, they’ve only been campaigning on it for 20 years… Their argument is America is already destroyed for their base and will only get worse with climate change. Show me a politician who mentions the drawbacks of their plans and I’ll vote for them.

I'm not just referring to suppression of fossil fuels/energy policy, I'm referring to everything that's going on: rampant crime as a result of Democrat DAs refusing to prosecute, rampant spending resulting in inflation, looming food shortages, supply chain destruction, inciting a totally avoidable war with Russia, Covid lockdowns and mitigation efforts that haven't worked, transgender mania and the sexual grooming of kids, a two-tiered justice system, a wide open border and illegal alien invasion....

----- the list goes on and on - that's at the top of my head, I'm sure there are many others.

What is the purpose of all this? Why is this happening?

06-14-2022, 10:12 AM
Will they need a platform in '24?
Or can they just do like they did in '20, and say our platform is whatever Trump says today on Twitter.
Why govern when you can just ask the autocrat I guess.

If the autocrat is indicted and convicted, then yes they'll have to come to realize that the person who hijacked their party is now gone and go back to the old tradition of actually having a platform. I bet that privately this is what most of them are hoping for anyway.

06-14-2022, 10:18 AM
And on a related note, we don't have to bark anymore next year during a kill counter do we? Hoping the Tin Man also took that act north up to Oxford.

Gawd I hope not. That was just one more useless statistical measure that Steele was obsessed with. Practice points, kills, blah blah blah. Sean cares about basketball performance and acumen, not empty numbers.
Statistics are for losers.

06-14-2022, 10:22 AM
Fuck the humor...we are in dire straits here folks. The Progressive Left is DESTROYING this country. WE CANNOT run this countries MASSIVE energy needs on fantasy "renewables"....period...end of story...no debate! The amount of fossil fuels neccesary to build the infrastructure for ANY cogent plan is completely against their "Green" obsession and this insane doctrine is NOT POSSIBLE. WIND/SOLAR is a fucking joke. WTF kind of mind game is being played here

Why do you think I started the Global Warming thread on here 9 years ago? You could see what those aholes were trying to do, and it would destroy the American way of life while China keeps building coal plants. It’s happening just as you could see it would.
Where are all of our progressive leftists now?

06-14-2022, 10:32 AM
Will they need a platform in '24?
Or can they just do like they did in '20, and say our platform is whatever Trump says today on Twitter.
Why govern when you can just ask the autocrat I guess.

Your parties damn platform is destroying the country. You’re an idiot. Trump is not in power. Your party has screwed this country over in A YEAR AND A HALF!!!
All the Repubs have to do is just say, we’re against everything that is in the Dems platform.
And even the Dems running are rejecting their own platform!!! Tim Ryan up here in Ohio is running an entire campaign vs JD Vance by running away from every Democratic platform piece, saying on commercials that “My party got it wrong” on this or that.
Helluva way to convince hearts and minds. “My party sucks so let’s elect more people from my party.

06-14-2022, 10:32 AM
Just because it's humorous doesn't mean it's wrong. The Republicans will blow through the midterms. They will also easily win in 2024 IF Trump is not the nominee. As silly as the notion of running a magic 8 ball is, the magic 8 ball actually would almost assuredly win. That's how poorly the Dems have performed. The GOP can literally nominate ANYONE. The only person that isn't guaranteed to win, and although he still might win I'm betting that he wouldn't, is Trump. Lots of people who voted for Biden were really voting AGAINST Trump. If he's not running, then they won't be voting against him. Most in that category would not vote against Biden next time so long as someone else is running against him.

You are 100% correct. Trump is toxic. He has proved to be someone that will never be able to be an effective POLITICIAN, because frankly he's an asshole. If this country doesn't find someone that can unite us, like a Reagan or a Bill Clinton, this constant political infighting will continue to drag us down.

Your right. The Dems have a snowballs chance in Hell of winning the White House in 2024, unless Trump is the nominee OR my biggest fear is that the Republican party fractures and a legitimate 3rd party candidate emerges. I think the political climate is perfect for conservatives like me to back someone not Trump.....I'm thinking 25-30% is possible. If our vote gets split, a moderate Democrat could pull it off.

06-14-2022, 10:50 AM
I'm not just referring to suppression of fossil fuels/energy policy, I'm referring to everything that's going on: rampant crime as a result of Democrat DAs refusing to prosecute, rampant spending resulting in inflation, looming food shortages, supply chain destruction, inciting a totally avoidable war with Russia, Covid lockdowns and mitigation efforts that haven't worked, transgender mania and the sexual grooming of kids, a two-tiered justice system, a wide open border and illegal alien invasion....

----- the list goes on and on - that's at the top of my head, I'm sure there are many others.

What is the purpose of all this? Why is this happening?

It's happening because the Obama Doctrine continues to consume the current Democrat Party. It is literally an anti-American agenda, designed to punish our Capitalist system for the perceived sins of our past.

06-14-2022, 10:52 AM
I'm not just referring to suppression of fossil fuels/energy policy, I'm referring to everything that's going on: rampant crime as a result of Democrat DAs refusing to prosecute, rampant spending resulting in inflation, looming food shortages, supply chain destruction, inciting a totally avoidable war with Russia, Covid lockdowns and mitigation efforts that haven't worked, transgender mania and the sexual grooming of kids, a two-tiered justice system, a wide open border and illegal alien invasion....

----- the list goes on and on - that's at the top of my head, I'm sure there are many others.

What is the purpose of all this? Why is this happening?

It's happening because of people like you who are susceptible to the appeals of the polarizing political and media complex. Find people with views opposite to yours and talk to them. If anyone thinks that one side versus the other is more to blame for any issue in the country, they are part of the problem.

06-14-2022, 11:02 AM
All the Repubs have to do is just say, we’re against everything

That's been their approach to governing for a long time now.

06-14-2022, 11:12 AM
It's happening because of people like you who are susceptible to the appeals of the polarizing political and media complex. Find people with views opposite to yours and talk to them. If anyone thinks that one side versus the other is more to blame for any issue in the country, they are part of the problem.

This - like most of your other comments - make zero sense....

06-14-2022, 11:22 AM
That's been their approach to governing for a long time now.

-Tax cuts that stimulated the economy to record unemployment?
-Energy Independence?
-Not a single war started under Trump?
-The Abraham Accords that fostered Middle East peace?
I could go on.

And your party will be destroyed in November.

And, yes. Opposing a destructive agenda is a policy approach. Seems as if “The Resistance” was a Democrat governing strategy.
The idiocy continues unabated.

06-14-2022, 11:24 AM
-Tax cuts that stimulated the economy to record unemployment?
-Energy Independence?
-Not a single war started under Trump?
-The Abraham Accords that fostered Middle East peace?
I could go on.

And, yes. Opposing a destructive agenda is a policy approach. Seems as if “The Resistance” was a Democrat governing strategy.
The idiocy continues unabated.

What else would you expect at this point?

06-14-2022, 11:27 AM
It's happening because of people like you who are susceptible to the appeals of the polarizing political and media complex. Find people with views opposite to yours and talk to them. If anyone thinks that one side versus the other is more to blame for any issue in the country, they are part of the problem.

ding ding ding. Absolutely nailed it, and of course his response is "that doesn't make sense."

Our political and media landscape (including the dumpster fire that is social) needs to be blown up and start over. 20, 30, 40 years ago we may have disagreed on things, but there was a willingness to compromise and hear each other out to reach an acceptable conclusion. Most of that is now gone

06-14-2022, 11:40 AM
ding ding ding. Absolutely nailed it, and of course his response is "that doesn't make sense."

Our political and media landscape (including the dumpster fire that is social) needs to be blown up and start over. 20, 30, 40 years ago we may have disagreed on things, but there was a willingness to compromise and hear each other out to reach an acceptable conclusion. Most of that is now gone

Maybe because his response was a non sequitur to what I said....

But reading comprehension and irony are beyond you....

06-14-2022, 01:06 PM
More than 100 GOP primary winners back Trump’s false fraud claims


You can fool some of the people all of the time. And even get them to send you money !

06-14-2022, 02:15 PM

You can fool some of the people all of the time. And even get them to send you money !

Surprised it hasn’t been mentioned unless I missed it but Make America Great Again Donald J. Trump turns a young 76 years old today. Just 3 years younger than current POTUS Joe R. Biden.

06-14-2022, 02:19 PM

You can fool some of the people all of the time. And even get them to send you money !

Uh, huh.
Per @JordanChariton on Twitter:
The @dnc had to move a May fundraiser with VP Kamala Harris to the fall because "they couldn't sell enough tickets."

Tough sledding when even the donors aren't buying what you're selling.

Great party you got there Paul. Seems as if Kackling Kamala fooled ALL of the Dem people.

06-14-2022, 03:03 PM
You are 100% correct. Trump is toxic. He has proved to be someone that will never be able to be an effective POLITICIAN, because frankly he's an asshole. If this country doesn't find someone that can unite us, like a Reagan or a Bill Clinton, this constant political infighting will continue to drag us down.

Your right. The Dems have a snowballs chance in Hell of winning the White House in 2024, unless Trump is the nominee OR my biggest fear is that the Republican party fractures and a legitimate 3rd party candidate emerges. I think the political climate is perfect for conservatives like me to back someone not Trump.....I'm thinking 25-30% is possible. If our vote gets split, a moderate Democrat could pull it off.

I can see that as being a concern. I don't think the party will split unless Trump splits it. Splitting the party would basically be a kamikaze act. I get the sense that most of the party leaders don't like Trump, but will pretend they do publicly because they rely on his cult for votes and because they don't want to see the party split. I get the sense that Trump would torpedo the party in a second if it collectively did something that wasn't to his liking.

Trump is an asshole, but I think it's more than just that. He has all the earmarks of narcissistic personality disorder. I'm not saying that to be funny. The best thing for the GOP would be for him to somehow go away without them having to play a role in what it is that makes him go away. If he is indicted and convicted, I think the GOP will reign for at least ten years. At least the groundwork will be laid in order for that to happen.

Democrats have proven to be good at almost nothing, but one thing they are good at is winning elections when they have some sort of injustice (perceived or real) to rally around and fight against. Trump provides this to the Dems in bulk!! More than any other candidate ever could have. He really couldn't even help himself. He is just almost compulsively antagonistic. Even up to the very end when he rushed the Supreme Court nomination through. To this day I don't think the Dems would have won all three branches had they not done that. They may have won the presidency, but I don't think they'd have won the Senate, and perhaps not even the House. It was the one last perceived injustice that the Dems needed to rally people to vote for them. If he was so sure he was going to legitimately win, then what was his hurry?

Without Trump, the Dems have nothing. They really don't. They'll get crushed so long as the Republican Party does not nominate him and/or split apart.

06-14-2022, 05:12 PM
Democrats have proven to be good at almost nothing, but one thing they are good at is winning elections when they have some sort of injustice (perceived or real) to rally around and fight against.

Just curious Brew; what would you call the Big Lie about the supposed stolen election if not some perceived injustice the Republicans are rallying around, fighting against (still), and even used to storm our nation's Capitol?

06-14-2022, 05:18 PM
Just curious Brew; what would you call the Big Lie about the supposed stolen election if not some perceived injustice the Republicans are rallying around, fighting against (still), and even used to storm our nation's Capitol?

What does that have to do with 'brew's point?

06-14-2022, 05:35 PM
What does that have to do with 'brew's point?

It was his point (that I quoted) applied to the Republicans. Seemed to work for both.

X-band '01
06-14-2022, 05:49 PM
Uh, huh.
Per @JordanChariton on Twitter:
The @dnc had to move a May fundraiser with VP Kamala Harris to the fall because "they couldn't sell enough tickets."

Tough sledding when even the donors aren't buying what you're selling.

Great party you got there Paul. Seems as if Kackling Kamala fooled ALL of the Dem people.

I would rather have donated to the Human Fund over the so-called Election Defense Fund.

06-14-2022, 05:59 PM
It was his point (that I quoted) applied to the Republicans. Seemed to work for both.

So? He wasn't talking about Republicans.

06-14-2022, 06:00 PM
Just curious Brew; what would you call the Big Lie about the supposed stolen election if not some perceived injustice the Republicans are rallying around, fighting against (still), and even used to storm our nation's Capitol?

What would I call it?? Uhhh….I suppose I’d call it Complete Bullshit.

I initially misread/misunderstood the question. The only one who tried to steal the election was Trump, and he failed, and then he accused the Dems of stealing it and a bunch of his numbskull supporters believed him. If your point is that rallying around injustices is better than rallying around complete bullshit, I agree.

Nigel Tufnel
06-14-2022, 09:01 PM
You’re an idiot.

Why do this? You may not agree with his opinions politically. But name calling? I hope you are better than this. Politics make people go crazy. But Paul is always respectful on this site. I hope you guys are friends and giggling about this. Otherwise, you need your dick knocked in the dirt. Seriously…name calling?

06-14-2022, 09:14 PM
Who are you talking to?

Nigel Tufnel
06-14-2022, 09:17 PM
Your parties damn platform is destroying the country. You’re an idiot. Trump is not in power. Your party has screwed this country over in A YEAR AND A HALF!!!
All the Repubs have to do is just say, we’re against everything that is in the Dems platform.
And even the Dems running are rejecting their own platform!!! Tim Ryan up here in Ohio is running an entire campaign vs JD Vance by running away from every Democratic platform piece, saying on commercials that “My party got it wrong” on this or that.
Helluva way to convince hearts and minds. “My party sucks so let’s elect more people from my party.


Nigel Tufnel
06-14-2022, 09:24 PM
And for the record, I’m no political party. I agree and disagree with what both sides are saying. But why name call? I don’t get it. Paul is a quality poster here. From an outsider looking in…the conservatives here are downright nasty to anyone that disagrees with their ideologies. That’s not right. It’s scary.

Sure I’ll be called a “libtard” in the democrat party for saying this. I’m not. Just don’t understand why grown adults have to call people names because they don’t agree. Democrat party? That kills me. Never happened before Trump. Now everyone calls the Democratic Party that. How fucking shallow…

06-14-2022, 10:18 PM
You’re an idiot.

Why do this? You may not agree with his opinions politically. But name calling? I hope you are better than this. Politics make people go crazy. But Paul is always respectful on this site. I hope you guys are friends and giggling about this. Otherwise, you need your dick knocked in the dirt. Seriously…name calling?

Sorry. Paul is, respectfully, an Idiot.
Anyone who refuses to see that the Party he supports is destroying the American way of life and cannot stop obsessing over someone who has not been in power for a Year and a half is acting in an Idiotic fashion. He is a one trick pony that has nothing he can say positive about the guy who IS in power so he continually attacks a ghost.
And he’s not going to get away with it, respectfully or not. I’m sick of it. For 4 years everything was the President’s fault, although things were good. Now nothing is the President’s fault (?) (it is) and Paul somehow can’t say a word?

People in the US, especially POC’s and lower income folks are hurting big time, and Paul refuses to call his party out on it. Nah, nobody’s giggling. Destroying the country isn’t funny.
If the moderators don’t like it, just delete the entire thread.

06-14-2022, 10:50 PM
What would I call it?? Uhhh….I suppose I’d call it Complete Bullshit.

I initially misread/misunderstood the question. The only one who tried to steal the election was Trump, and he failed, and then he accused the Dems of stealing it and a bunch of his numbskull supporters believed him. If your point is that rallying around injustices is better than rallying around complete bullshit, I agree.

Sorry if I wasn't clear Brew. You had commented that Dems often rally around an injustice, perceived or otherwise.
I found that similar to Republicans rallying around the Big Lie (a significant percentage still believe it), and wondered if you would see that as the same sort of behavior.

06-14-2022, 11:23 PM
And for the record, I’m no political party. I agree and disagree with what both sides are saying. But why name call? I don’t get it. Paul is a quality poster here. From an outsider looking in…the conservatives here are downright nasty to anyone that disagrees with their ideologies. That’s not right. It’s scary.

Sure I’ll be called a “libtard” in the democrat party for saying this. I’m not. Just don’t understand why grown adults have to call people names because they don’t agree. Democrat party? That kills me. Never happened before Trump. Now everyone calls the Democratic Party that. How fucking shallow…

Have you seen the condition of the country lately? Who's running it?

06-14-2022, 11:24 PM
Sorry if I wasn't clear Brew. You had commented that Dems often rally around an injustice, perceived or otherwise.
I found that similar to Republicans rallying around the Big Lie (a significant percentage still believe it), and wondered if you would see that as the same sort of behavior.

No. Not at all. “Perceived Injustice” was probably not the best way to put it. Calling something like the Supreme Court appointments an injustice may be overstating it, but it was definitely an unfair double standard, and they had a right to be mad, and I think they were able to gain a lot of votes because of it. Trump just totally pulled the stolen election out of his ass. I originally thought that’s what you were talking about and was asking if I thought the Dems could use that as a rallying point in the next election. I said I didn’t think so if Trump wasn’t running. Then I realized what you were actually asking and changed my answer.

Nigel Tufnel
06-14-2022, 11:33 PM
Sorry. Paul is, respectfully, an Idiot.
Anyone who refuses to see that the Party he supports is destroying the American way of life and cannot stop obsessing over someone who has not been in power for a Year and a half is acting in an Idiotic fashion. He is a one trick pony that has nothing he can say positive about the guy who IS in power so he continually attacks a ghost.
And he’s not going to get away with it, respectfully or not. I’m sick of it. For 4 years everything was the President’s fault, although things were good. Now nothing is the President’s fault (?) (it is) and Paul somehow can’t say a word?

People in the US, especially POC’s and lower income folks are hurting big time, and Paul refuses to call his party out on it. Nah, nobody’s giggling. Destroying the country isn’t funny.
If the moderators don’t like it, just delete the entire thread.

Fair enough. Others disagree with your opinion. Right or wrong…name calling? Like I said…I hope you’re better than that.

Nigel Tufnel
06-14-2022, 11:34 PM
Have you seen the condition of the country lately? Who's running it?

I’m.not naive enough to think I have all the answers…

06-15-2022, 12:07 AM
Fair enough. Others disagree with your opinion. Right or wrong…name calling? Like I said…I hope you’re better than that.

When it comes to the country’s system being absolutely destroyed, it’s war….and I’m not better than that.
An Idiotic vision of what an effective government is will ruin the lives of my Grandchildren. And it will not go unchallenged.
If you like lessening freedoms, high inflation, unchecked fed spending, the ruining of schools, decimating US energy independence, ridiculous fuel costs, Supreme Court candidates who can’t even define what a woman is and an unchecked border, then welcome to Paul’s Party’s America.

06-15-2022, 06:38 AM
It's happening because of people like you who are susceptible to the appeals of the polarizing political and media complex. Find people with views opposite to yours and talk to them. If anyone thinks that one side versus the other is more to blame for any issue in the country, they are part of the problem.

Blame for ANY issue?

Please explain how any Republican is responsible for the disaster at our Southern Border, because one of the central cornerstones of the Party platform is the exact opposite of what the Dems are allowing to happen.

What about surging crime in our Big Cities? These are all DEEP BLUE cities, run by progressive Mayors and DAs, most with defund Police agendas. Not to mention the Dems control all 3 houses in DC and are doing ZERO to combat this at the Federal level AND their allies in the MSM refuse to cover the problem. Not to mention, which Party tried to sugarcoat the ANTIFA/BLM looting and violence? This shitshow is most certainly one sided.

How about our embarrassing Public School Systems in those very same cities? The heavily progressive Teachers Unions have to be one of the most corrosive institutions in the country. Where are the Conservative politicians adding to this massive problem?

What about "Wokeness" and pushing all these over the top social issues? Now you probably have no problem with this stuff but a vast majority does IMO. Regardless, it's the Dems and the far left wing of the Party, championing this stuff. Again, almost entirely one sided.

Probably the most serious situation is what Biden and the Dems have done to our Energy Sector through his DAY ONE Executive orders. There are no Green New Deal Republicans that I'm aware of. The havoc to the economy, brought on by this agenda is undeniable. Is there any argument that this is not a HUGE problem?

Blame for ANY issue? I don't see how both sides are to blame for the above, but I would really like to hear how you connect the dots.

06-15-2022, 09:47 AM
When it comes to the country’s system being absolutely destroyed, it’s war….and I’m not better than that.
An Idiotic vision of what an effective government is will ruin the lives of my Grandchildren. And it will not go unchallenged.
If you like lessening freedoms, high inflation, unchecked fed spending, the ruining of schools, decimating US energy independence, ridiculous fuel costs, Supreme Court candidates who can’t even define what a woman is and an unchecked border, then welcome to Paul’s Party’s America.

You do know that Paul is not an elected official (at least I don't think so). Also you are just screaming into the void on a message board. No great policy change is going to come out of this forum. I think you can tone back the "its war" rhetoric a little bit.

06-15-2022, 09:49 AM
You’re an idiot.

Why do this? You may not agree with his opinions politically. But name calling? I hope you are better than this. Politics make people go crazy. But Paul is always respectful on this site. I hope you guys are friends and giggling about this. Otherwise, you need your dick knocked in the dirt. Seriously…name calling?

So you think someone needs to get their ass kicked for calling someone an idiot? Interesting take when preaching respect and telling others how they should treat one and other. Just sayin...

06-15-2022, 10:01 AM
You do know that Paul is not an elected official (at least I don't think so). Also you are just screaming into the void on a message board. No great policy change is going to come out of this forum. I think you can tone back the "its war" rhetoric a little bit.

Considering that the City in your screen name here has the 3rd highest violent crime rate in the US now and it traditionally has been one of the most dangerous, it appears the war is on.

Yeah Paul isn’t “elected” but he and idiots like him “ELECT” the Idiots we currently have in power.
Being called out for his ridiculous creeds, however, after all of us being subjected to his Screeds from 2017 to 2021 is merely payback. Maybe he should have just initially kept his mouth shut.
BTW With gas at $5.19 this morning, Paul’s President criticized the oil companies in a letter accusing them of not producing enough fuel “in a time of war”.
Hmmmmmm. War.
