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12-21-2021, 06:24 PM
Hello Paul: Your Dumpster Fire in action.

From Mediate:
“ President Joe Biden’s average approval among voters for his handling of the economy has fallen to the lowest point of his presidency, according to a new survey, representing the lowest rating of any president in history.”


12-21-2021, 06:43 PM
Imagine that...governments trying to perform their basic duty of protecting the health and safety of the citizens. It's mind-boggling.

And, uh, yeah. YOUR Democrat run cities who wanted to defund police are now begging for the Feds to bail them out.
Huh. Imagine that…a government that CANNOT perform their basic duty of protecting the health and safety of its citizens.


12-21-2021, 06:44 PM
There are hundreds of federal and state labor laws that apply to larger companies that do not apply to smaller companies for a myriad of reasons whether it is because of their lack of infrastructure, time, costs etc. I'm assuming that same thought process applies to the mandate.

Agreed. I’ve been involved in HR policies for years. It’s just that the justification for this emergency authorization is the time critical nature of the pandemic. By not forcing the issue for smaller employers, you’re missing a very large percentage of the workforce.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-22-2021, 11:13 AM
Bill O’Reilly says Trump will run again. Of course he will!! And he will probably win!! The Democrat leadership won’t see it coming!! Everyone else, including Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder, will see it coming, but they won’t.


12-22-2021, 07:08 PM

You said you don't watch fox. They and you lied about the supply chain. Everybody got their packages unlike last year, fedex, usps, Ups all at 100% unlike the trump bozo who slowed down everything and was the Grinch last year. Economy is humming, markets up, 6 million jobs, infrastructure pkg. which trump was against for no reason. 4% unempl. vs 15% under trump, 25 million flying almost the same as 2019, 100 million on road, Covid pill coming out. Plenty of time to work out the rest.

12-22-2021, 07:18 PM
Bill O’Reilly says Trump will run again. Of course he will!! And he will probably win!! The Democrat leadership won’t see it coming!! Everyone else, including Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder, will see it coming, but they won’t.


They booed him for saying he got a booster. This is the America we now live in.

12-24-2021, 11:02 AM
You said you don't watch fox. They and you lied about the supply chain. Everybody got their packages unlike last year, fedex, usps, Ups all at 100% unlike the trump bozo who slowed down everything and was the Grinch last year. Economy is humming, markets up, 6 million jobs, infrastructure pkg. which trump was against for no reason. 4% unempl. vs 15% under trump, 25 million flying almost the same as 2019, 100 million on road, Covid pill coming out. Plenty of time to work out the rest.

I don’t. I get the app. Just like I have the Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Washington Post and NY Post apps on my phone.
See, I READ a variety of publications- some I agree with, some I don’t but it gives me a rounded perspective that many don’t have.
No. I don’t have trash CNN. They perform the news, not report it. Zucker says it’s opinion TV anyway.

By the way. Jobs that are being “restored” after Covid and merely refilling that jar is NOT “Creating Jobs”. The economy is not “humming along” except for all the wealthy elites who the Democrats are catering to. Inflation 6.8% in November? Border and Covid out of control and a confused puppet in the White House. Lowest approval rates ever from Independents. And by the way. Trump was never against an Infrastructure Bill. The Democrats never brought one to the floor to vote on one because they were dead set on giving Trump a “win”. So they just settled for 2 ludicrous impeachments to soak up valuable time. By the way. Before Covid, unemployment was only 2.8% under Trump with the lowest minority unemployment in history. Stop selective BS.
Get ready for the 2022 Red Wave!

X-band '01
12-24-2021, 11:41 AM
The problem is that the Red Wave will be filled with clones of Marjorie Greene and Lauren Boebert.

12-24-2021, 01:41 PM
The problem is that the Red Wave will be filled with clones of Marjorie Greene and Lauren Boebert.

I'd say you can blame the "squad" for that. All the democrats had to do was be a little more moderate and theyd probably never lose another election.

12-24-2021, 01:50 PM
Can't make this up --- Biden agrees, Let’s Go Brandon:


https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1474448389253259266?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1474448389253259266%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthepostmillennial.com%2Fbrea king-biden-says-lets-go-brandon-i-agree-during-christmas-call-with-kids-and-parents

12-24-2021, 04:35 PM
Uh oh, Bobbie. Say it ain't so, Paul!

"Remarkably, 41% of Democrats think it is at least somewhat likely that cheating affected the outcome of the election"



12-24-2021, 09:09 PM
The Big Lie worked in Germany in the '30's with a remarkable similar effect...and disastrous outcomes.

12-26-2021, 09:12 PM
The Big Lie worked in Germany in the '30's with a remarkable similar effect...and disastrous outcomes.

Welp. It doesn’t seem to have worked here.
It’s been a year Paul. A year that your elected guy Biden has totally screwed up.
Give it a rest.

12-27-2021, 04:40 PM
Joe Biden, who ran for President on the promise of ending the COVID-19 pandemic: "There is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level."

So, he punts and tries to avoid responsibility.
What a Dumpster Fire!!

12-27-2021, 05:32 PM
Check out this thread from a "moderate liberal" in San Fran - she has over 46K followers. The first Tweet in the thread has almost 30K likes, and over 6700 Retweets. Is this a sign the Dems are about to get crushed more than what the media is predicting for next November?


12-27-2021, 05:44 PM
Check out this thread from a "moderate liberal" in San Fran - she has over 46K followers. The first Tweet in the thread has almost 30K likes, and over 6700 Retweets. Is this a sign the Dems are about to get crushed more than what the media is predicting for next November?


It’s not just that tweet. She has a dozen plus following it asking a lot more pertinent questions and raising salient points.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-29-2021, 09:01 AM
Check out this thread from a "moderate liberal" in San Fran - she has over 46K followers. The first Tweet in the thread has almost 30K likes, and over 6700 Retweets. Is this a sign the Dems are about to get crushed more than what the media is predicting for next November?


Wow! She do go on!

12-31-2021, 02:38 PM
Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, should read this incisive Wall Street Journal article from today.
If you want to know why less than 1/4 of the American public trusts the mainstream legacy corporate media, this sums it up in one neat package. One year. Wow!


12-31-2021, 04:27 PM
Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, should read this incisive Wall Street Journal article from today.
If you want to know why less than 1/4 of the American public trusts the mainstream legacy corporate media, this sums it up in one neat package. One year. Wow!


Too bad it’s behind a paywall. Can you recap the high points?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-01-2022, 10:08 AM
I tried to copy & paste but this site says there is some issue with a “security token”.
It’s a lengthy article and thick. Hard to recap. Just try to find it.
Titled: The Conformity Crackup of 2021.

01-01-2022, 11:08 AM
I tried to copy & paste but this site says there is some issue with a “security token”.
It’s a lengthy article and thick. Hard to recap. Just try to find it.
Titled: The Conformity Crackup of 2021.

It's an editorial rather than just an "article", and is just as guilty of ignoring subtleties in stories as the media it accuses of doing the same. It's too bad that the editors take the germs of a real issue and infect it with their own bias.

01-01-2022, 12:16 PM
I tried to copy & paste but this site says there is some issue with a “security token”.
I think the security token issue is they don’t want you doing a copy and paste! [emoji16]

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

01-01-2022, 04:30 PM
Too bad it’s behind a paywall. Can you recap the high points?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

“The year 2021 that ends this week wasn’t the re*turn to nor*malcy that Pres*i*dent Biden promised, but it was in*valu*able in one re*spect. This was the year when the con*formity that char*ac*ter*izes Amer*i*can pol*i*tics and me*dia was ex*posed for its mis*takes as never be*fore.“

01-01-2022, 04:31 PM
Ok. So that posted. I’ll do it in sections.

By con*formity we mean the pro*gres*sive po*lit*i*cal and me*dia con*sen*sus that forms quickly around an is*sue and then re*in*forces it*self no mat*ter the com*pet*ing ar*gu*ments or new in*for*ma*tion. This isn’t a con*spir*acy in any for*mal sense; there are no or*ga*nized calls or Zoom meet*ings.

01-01-2022, 04:33 PM

This is about a shared set of po*lit*i*cal val*ues and pref*er*ences that leads peo*ple to reach the same con*clu*sions about an event. The re*porters and com*men*ta*tors of the ma*jor pro*gres*sive me*dia—the Wash*ing*ton Post, Bloomberg, the Fi*nan*cial Times, the New York Times, the At*lantic, and more—all then re*in*force what they now like to call the “nar*ra*tive” of a story.

Politi*cians and the press feed the nar*ra*tive with leaks and the sto*ries they pur*sue—or, as im*por*tant, what they don’t pur*sue. Dis*agree*ment is rare to nonex*is*tent be*cause the cost can be os*tracism or lost ca*reers.”

01-01-2022, 04:34 PM
Re*call how James Ben*net lost his job as New York Times opin*ion ed*i*tor for run*ning an op-ed by GOP Sen. Tom Cot*ton on us*ing the mil*i*tary to con*trol ur*ban ri*ots. Mr. Ben*net thought he was merely ex*pos*ing read*ers to a dif*fer*ent point of view. He was ban*ished for chal*leng*ing the pro*gres*sive nar*ra*tive af*ter George Floyd’s mur*der.

Only when it is ex*posed over time as false does the con*formity break, and typ*i*cally only if there are neg*a*tive po*lit*i*cal con*se*quences for De*moc*rats. The sav*ing grace is that some*times re*al*ity is im*pos*si*ble to ig*nore, and 2021 was the year this hap*pened on some of the big*gest events of our time. It’s worth re*count*ing a few ex*am*ples to see how the dom*i*nant con*sen*sus was wrong about so much for so long.

01-01-2022, 04:35 PM
• The Wuhan Vi*rol*ogy Lab ori*gin the*ory of Covid-19. In the early days of the pan*demic, even rais*ing this as a pos*si*bil*ity was taboo. Sen. Cot*ton was vil*i*fied for do*ing so. The Lancet, a sup*pos*edly open-minded sci*en*tific jour*nal, pub*lished a let*ter in Feb*ruary 2020 “to strongly con*demn con*spir*acy the*o*ries sug*gest*ing that COVID-19 does not have a nat*ural ori*gin.”

This year we learned that the Lancet let*ter was part of a co*or*di*nated ef*fort to quash the lab the*ory. We learned about the con*flicts of in*ter*est of An*thony Fauci and oth*ers who pro*vided fund*ing for the Wuhan lab. Even*tu*ally even the press no*ticed that China had blocked an hon*est in*quiry, and that no ev*i*dence for a nat*ural ori*gin has emerged.

01-01-2022, 04:36 PM
• Lock*downs stop Covid-19. There was no fiercer con*sen*sus in the early days of the virus than the be*lief that lock*ing down the econ*omy to stop the virus was an unadul*ter*ated so*cial good. We felt the con*sen*sus wrath when we raised doubts, in an ed*i*to*r*ial on March 20, 2020, about the harm that lock*downs would do to the econ*omy and pub*lic health.

Two years later we now know that lock*downs at most de*lay the virus spread. The dam*age in lost ed*u*ca*tion for chil*dren, lost liveli*hoods for work*ers and em*ploy*ers, and dam*age to men*tal health is ob*vi*ous for all to see. Even Randi Wein*garten, the teach*ers union chief who did so much to keep schools closed, now claims she wanted to keep them open all along.

01-01-2022, 04:37 PM
• The sup*ply side of the econ*omy doesn’t mat*ter. The Key*ne*sian con*sen*sus, which dom*i*nates the U.S. and Eu*ropean me*dia, has long held that the de*mand for goods and ser*vices dri*ves the econ*omy. The abil*ity or in*cen*tive to sup*ply those goods is largely ig*nored or dis*missed. Spurring de*mand was the the*ory be*hind the tril*lions of dol*lars in spend*ing by Con*gress and easy money from the Fed*eral Re*serve.

All that money did spur de*mand. But the Key*ne*sians ig*nored the dis*in*cen*tives to in*crease sup*ply from pay*ing peo*ple not to work and re*strict*ing work with lock*downs and man*dates. The re*sult was the surg*ing in*fla*tion that caught nearly all of them by sur*prise. Their de*mand-side mod*els never saw it com*ing.

01-01-2022, 04:37 PM
• The Steele dossier and Rus*sia col*lu*sion nar*ra*tive. In 2019 the Mueller re*port ex*posed the lack of ev*i*dence for the claims that Don*ald Trump and the Krem*lin were in ca*hoots. This year the in*dict*ments by spe*cial coun*sel John Durham have re*vealed how De*moc*rats and the press worked to*gether to pro*mote the dossier that was based on dis*in*for*ma*tion.

Yet for four years nearly every*one in the dom*i*nant me*dia bought the col*lu*sion nar*ra*tive. One or two of the gullible have apol*o*gized, but most want every*one to for*get what they wrote or said at the time.

01-01-2022, 04:38 PM
• Vil*i*fy*ing po*lice won’t af*fect crime. The fast-con*geal*ing con*sen*sus af*ter George Floyd’s mur*der was that most po*lice were racist, as was most of Amer*i*can so*ci*ety, and vi*o*lent protests against this were jus*ti*fied—even ad*mirable. Woe to any*one who pointed out that the vic*tims of these ri*ots and crime were mostly poor and mi*nor*ity com*mu*ni*ties.

Po*lice fund*ing was cut and bail laws eased in many cities. Eigh*teen months later we see the re*sult in ris*ing crime rates and a soar*ing mur*der count. A po*lit*i*cal back*lash now has even many De*moc*rats claim*ing they re*ally do want more fund*ing for po*lice.

We could go on—who can forget the knee-jerk solidarity with fabulist Jussie Smollett? But you get the idea. The reason so many Americans don’t trust the media is because they’ve learned from hard experience that the consensus they are told is unassailable truth will often turn out to be false.


X-band '01
01-01-2022, 05:49 PM
And* peo*ple** won*der** why* I ** Dis*a*ppear*ed** for* a** full* Cal*en*dar** year.***

01-03-2022, 04:55 PM
Hello Paul: Your Dumpster Fire in action.

From Mediate:
“ President Joe Biden’s average approval among voters for his handling of the economy has fallen to the lowest point of his presidency, according to a new survey, representing the lowest rating of any president in history.”

Funny how polls and surveys never meant anything to you for a whole year..."biased" "WAPO", "CNN" , until you could find a negative one. Now they are suddenly relevant.

01-04-2022, 06:42 AM
Funny how polls and surveys never meant anything to you for a whole year..."biased" "WAPO", "CNN" , until you could find a negative one. Now they are suddenly relevant.

Not funny; just sad, hypocritical, and delusional.

01-04-2022, 10:27 AM
Funny how polls and surveys never meant anything to you for a whole year..."biased" "WAPO", "CNN" , until you could find a negative one. Now they are suddenly relevant.

Hey, this guy is YOUR guy who all of the media pumped up to be the Savior, as opposed to a guy who was lied about and told to “F off” by the media. That “might” have hurt his approvals.
YOUR guy has been nothing but propped up for a year, so those ratings are organic from the bottom up.
Get ready for the Red Wave, bud. And we’ll see if Biden can even last 4 years through this Dumpster Fire.

01-04-2022, 10:28 AM
And* peo*ple** won*der** why* I ** Dis*a*ppear*ed** for* a** full* Cal*en*dar** year.***

You were gone?

01-04-2022, 10:28 AM
Not funny; just sad, hypocritical, and delusional.

See my response to Bobbie above.
Who’s sad and hypocritical?
Get out of your blue haze and see reality of an administration of a trash fire.

01-04-2022, 11:44 AM
Funny how polls and surveys never meant anything to you for a whole year..."biased" "WAPO", "CNN" , until you could find a negative one. Now they are suddenly relevant.

FWIW, I think they are relevant. Biden isn't popular. Dismissing that would be a huge mistake, which is why I think the Democrats will just dismiss it.

01-04-2022, 11:46 AM
“The year 2021 that ends this week wasn’t the re*turn to nor*malcy that Pres*i*dent Biden promised, but it was in*valu*able in one re*spect. This was the year when the con*formity that char*ac*ter*izes Amer*i*can pol*i*tics and me*dia was ex*posed for its mis*takes as never be*fore.“

Ok. So that posted. I’ll do it in sections.

By con*formity we mean the pro*gres*sive po*lit*i*cal and me*dia con*sen*sus that forms quickly around an is*sue and then re*in*forces it*self no mat*ter the com*pet*ing ar*gu*ments or new in*for*ma*tion. This isn’t a con*spir*acy in any for*mal sense; there are no or*ga*nized calls or Zoom meet*ings.

This is about a shared set of po*lit*i*cal val*ues and pref*er*ences that leads peo*ple to reach the same con*clu*sions about an event. The re*porters and com*men*ta*tors of the ma*jor pro*gres*sive me*dia—the Wash*ing*ton Post, Bloomberg, the Fi*nan*cial Times, the New York Times, the At*lantic, and more—all then re*in*force what they now like to call the “nar*ra*tive” of a story.

Politi*cians and the press feed the nar*ra*tive with leaks and the sto*ries they pur*sue—or, as im*por*tant, what they don’t pur*sue. Dis*agree*ment is rare to nonex*is*tent be*cause the cost can be os*tracism or lost ca*reers.”

• The Wuhan Vi*rol*ogy Lab ori*gin the*ory of Covid-19. In the early days of the pan*demic, even rais*ing this as a pos*si*bil*ity was taboo. Sen. Cot*ton was vil*i*fied for do*ing so. The Lancet, a sup*pos*edly open-minded sci*en*tific jour*nal, pub*lished a let*ter in Feb*ruary 2020 “to strongly con*demn con*spir*acy the*o*ries sug*gest*ing that COVID-19 does not have a nat*ural ori*gin.”

This year we learned that the Lancet let*ter was part of a co*or*di*nated ef*fort to quash the lab the*ory. We learned about the con*flicts of in*ter*est of An*thony Fauci and oth*ers who pro*vided fund*ing for the Wuhan lab. Even*tu*ally even the press no*ticed that China had blocked an hon*est in*quiry, and that no ev*i*dence for a nat*ural ori*gin has emerged.

• Lock*downs stop Covid-19. There was no fiercer con*sen*sus in the early days of the virus than the be*lief that lock*ing down the econ*omy to stop the virus was an unadul*ter*ated so*cial good. We felt the con*sen*sus wrath when we raised doubts, in an ed*i*to*r*ial on March 20, 2020, about the harm that lock*downs would do to the econ*omy and pub*lic health.

Two years later we now know that lock*downs at most de*lay the virus spread. The dam*age in lost ed*u*ca*tion for chil*dren, lost liveli*hoods for work*ers and em*ploy*ers, and dam*age to men*tal health is ob*vi*ous for all to see. Even Randi Wein*garten, the teach*ers union chief who did so much to keep schools closed, now claims she wanted to keep them open all along.

• The sup*ply side of the econ*omy doesn’t mat*ter. The Key*ne*sian con*sen*sus, which dom*i*nates the U.S. and Eu*ropean me*dia, has long held that the de*mand for goods and ser*vices dri*ves the econ*omy. The abil*ity or in*cen*tive to sup*ply those goods is largely ig*nored or dis*missed. Spurring de*mand was the the*ory be*hind the tril*lions of dol*lars in spend*ing by Con*gress and easy money from the Fed*eral Re*serve.

All that money did spur de*mand. But the Key*ne*sians ig*nored the dis*in*cen*tives to in*crease sup*ply from pay*ing peo*ple not to work and re*strict*ing work with lock*downs and man*dates. The re*sult was the surg*ing in*fla*tion that caught nearly all of them by sur*prise. Their de*mand-side mod*els never saw it com*ing.

• The Steele dossier and Rus*sia col*lu*sion nar*ra*tive. In 2019 the Mueller re*port ex*posed the lack of ev*i*dence for the claims that Don*ald Trump and the Krem*lin were in ca*hoots. This year the in*dict*ments by spe*cial coun*sel John Durham have re*vealed how De*moc*rats and the press worked to*gether to pro*mote the dossier that was based on dis*in*for*ma*tion.

Yet for four years nearly every*one in the dom*i*nant me*dia bought the col*lu*sion nar*ra*tive. One or two of the gullible have apol*o*gized, but most want every*one to for*get what they wrote or said at the time.

• Vil*i*fy*ing po*lice won’t af*fect crime. The fast-con*geal*ing con*sen*sus af*ter George Floyd’s mur*der was that most po*lice were racist, as was most of Amer*i*can so*ci*ety, and vi*o*lent protests against this were jus*ti*fied—even ad*mirable. Woe to any*one who pointed out that the vic*tims of these ri*ots and crime were mostly poor and mi*nor*ity com*mu*ni*ties.

Po*lice fund*ing was cut and bail laws eased in many cities. Eigh*teen months later we see the re*sult in ris*ing crime rates and a soar*ing mur*der count. A po*lit*i*cal back*lash now has even many De*moc*rats claim*ing they re*ally do want more fund*ing for po*lice.

We could go on—who can forget the knee-jerk solidarity with fabulist Jussie Smollett? But you get the idea. The reason so many Americans don’t trust the media is because they’ve learned from hard experience that the consensus they are told is unassailable truth will often turn out to be false.


What the...????

Was this dictated from Porky Pig??

I'm actually kind of interested in this, but only kind of. Not enough to give myself a headache trying to read it.

01-04-2022, 11:48 AM
WSJ is attempting to deter pirating of their content.

01-04-2022, 12:59 PM
See my response to Bobbie above.
Who’s sad and hypocritical?
Get out of your blue haze and see reality of an administration of a trash fire.

How do Biden's (admittedly bad) poll numbers stack up against your pal, Trump? According to the conspiracy people, espousing the big lie, didn't Trump win anyway? I don't know where you stand on this issue, but I do know that you never made a peep about Trump's miserable poll numbers or the trash fire he ran from the WH.

01-04-2022, 01:11 PM
How do Biden's (admittedly bad) poll numbers stack up against your pal, Trump? According to the conspiracy people, espousing the big lie, didn't Trump win anyway? I don't know where you stand on this issue, but I do know that you never made a peep about Trump's miserable poll numbers or the trash fire he ran from the WH.

Love the people on this board that think two wrongs make a right. Why our country is in complete shambles right now

01-04-2022, 01:21 PM
How do Biden's (admittedly bad) poll numbers stack up against your pal, Trump? According to the conspiracy people, espousing the big lie, didn't Trump win anyway? I don't know where you stand on this issue, but I do know that you never made a peep about Trump's miserable poll numbers or the trash fire he ran from the WH.

As I’ve said numerous times, I never voted for Trump. Good job good effort.
But I did defend policies that were working. There are no policies that are working now. And “replacing jobs” that were temporarily knocked out by the pandemic is not “creating jobs”. Nice lie by Biden. Where is YOUR and Paul’s defense for this current garbage? *Crickets
Ol’ Paul on here made a daily rant about Trump. Many times based upon false narratives and now proven lies. Why should I have dived into that iish?

D-West & PO-Z
01-04-2022, 02:21 PM
WSJ is attempting to deter pirating of their content.

Probably be better to make all the letters stars!

01-04-2022, 02:35 PM
WSJ is attempting to deter pirating of their content.

Oh, okay. Well, I didn't want to bother reading it so I guess it worked.

01-04-2022, 04:04 PM
Love the people on this board that think two wrongs make a right. Why our country is in complete shambles right now

This. It's especially odd when it comes from people who believe they are consistently the smartest people in the room.

01-04-2022, 09:59 PM
Amazingly, no main stream media outlet wants to report this but despite the availability of vaccines, therapeutics and all the other “masking and vax mandates” and despite Biden's campaign pledge to "shut down the virus" if elected, 417,610 Americans have died from COVID-19 since Biden was inaugurated, which is more than the 408,450 deaths from COVID-19 that occurred on Trump's watch. Good luck trying to find any recent reporting on these figures in mainstream media outlets. Their silence is in stark contrast to the breathless "blood on his hands" hysteria with which they covered every new case of the virus until precisely Jan. 20, 2021.
Funny huh? Trump basically had a year of his Presidency with the virus, got vaccines rushed to market and other measures. Biden had all of this stuff available, but…..
Joe has “Blood on his incompetent hands”.

And before anyone blames the non vaxxed, remember that almost NOBODY was vaxxed in January 2021. And Biden has still overseen more deaths.

X-band '01
01-05-2022, 06:41 AM
FWIW, I think they are relevant. Biden isn't popular. Dismissing that would be a huge mistake, which is why I think the Democrats will just dismiss it.

Democrats will dismiss that just like Republicans not named Liz Cheney, Adam Kitzinger, Anthony Gonzalez will dismiss Trump's behavior on and around January 6 and just not care why he can never be allowed anywhere around the White House again.

I also can't wait to see if Jim Jordan and Sean Hannity decide to fink on Trump or wind up like Steve Bannon (and maybe Mark Meadows once the Justice Department inevitably charges him with criminal contempt) and gamble on potential contempt charges like Steve Bannon did. They are not going to get a pass if they decide not to testify.

01-05-2022, 06:45 AM
Amazingly, no main stream media outlet wants to report this but despite the availability of vaccines, therapeutics and all the other “masking and vax mandates” and despite Biden's campaign pledge to "shut down the virus" if elected, 417,610 Americans have died from COVID-19 since Biden was inaugurated, which is more than the 408,450 deaths from COVID-19 that occurred on Trump's watch. Good luck trying to find any recent reporting on these figures in mainstream media outlets. Their silence is in stark contrast to the breathless "blood on his hands" hysteria with which they covered every new case of the virus until precisely Jan. 20, 2021.
Funny huh? Trump basically had a year of his Presidency with the virus, got vaccines rushed to market and other measures. Biden had all of this stuff available, but…..
Joe has “Blood on his incompetent hands”.

And before anyone blames the non vaxxed, remember that almost NOBODY was vaxxed in January 2021. And Biden has still overseen more deaths.

Here's today's (daily) reporting on Covid from one of those papers you claim isn't covering covid cases or death (https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/national/coronavirus-us-cases-deaths/?itid=hp_pandemic&state=US). But of course you wouldn't know because you don't read them. Enjoy your cocoon. But don't use your ignorance to foist your fake news on the rest of us.

01-05-2022, 11:19 AM
Here's today's (daily) reporting on Covid from one of those papers you claim isn't covering covid cases or death (https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/national/coronavirus-us-cases-deaths/?itid=hp_pandemic&state=US). But of course you wouldn't know because you don't read them. Enjoy your cocoon. But don't use your ignorance to foist your fake news on the rest of us.

Uh, is that a story with a screaming front page headline like under the previous administration?
Or is it buried on page 20 of the style section? And where is the comparison that shows that MORE people have died under Biden than Trump despite all of the new weapons? Seems like that might be a story? Oh, but don’t say anything that hurts Grandpa Joe.
Show me the accompanying story with crying drama details like before.
And what happened to CNN’s Covid death counter comparing the toll to the Vietnam war?
Kinda gone away under Mr. Joe.

By the way. Please point out what is fake??

01-05-2022, 11:31 AM
Uh, is that a story with a screaming front page headline like under the previous administration?
Or is it buried on page 20 of the style section? And where is the comparison that shows that MORE people have died under Biden than Trump despite all of the new weapons? Seems like that might be a story? Oh, but don’t say anything that hurts Grandpa Joe.
Show me the accompanying story with crying drama details like before.
And what happened to CNN’s Covid death counter comparing the toll to the Vietnam war?
Kinda gone away under Mr. Joe.

By the way. Please point out what is fake??

You have said that you don't watch mainstream media, you just look at what other people report about what mainstream media is saying. I think this is on of those times, cause Covid is front and center on all forms of media.

01-05-2022, 01:06 PM
You have said that you don't watch mainstream media, you just look at what other people report about what mainstream media is saying. I think this is on of those times, cause Covid is front and center on all forms of media.

Uh, please refer to my post 12757 in this Thread. I detail what I read.
Point being, like I said in my post that X-man tried to diss Biden is not being held responsible for these deaths in the same manner as Trump was. Rather than placing any blame on the current disgrace of an Administration who has lied and obfuscated for the last year with worse results there is, maybe, a benign count.
Blood on Biden’s hands. Incompetence at play here.

01-05-2022, 01:08 PM
Uh, is that a story with a screaming front page headline like under the previous administration?
Or is it buried on page 20 of the style section? And where is the comparison that shows that MORE people have died under Biden than Trump despite all of the new weapons? Seems like that might be a story? Oh, but don’t say anything that hurts Grandpa Joe.
Show me the accompanying story with crying drama details like before.
And what happened to CNN’s Covid death counter comparing the toll to the Vietnam war?
Kinda gone away under Mr. Joe.

By the way. Please point out what is fake??

Front page.

01-05-2022, 01:10 PM
Where does it mention Joe Biden’s responsibility? You seem to ignore that part of my post & the story?

Please share what is fake, smarty.

01-05-2022, 01:13 PM
Uh, please refer to my post 12757 in this Thread. I detail what I read.
Point being, like I said in my post that X-man tried to diss Biden is not being held responsible for these deaths in the same manner as Trump was. Rather than placing any blame on the current disgrace of an Administration who has lied and obfuscated for the last year with worse results there is, maybe, a benign count.
Blood on Biden’s hands. Incompetence at play here.
Please give evidence on (1) Biden's lies, (2) Biden's incompetence regarding covid (He's displayed plenty on other things.), and (3) why you claim there is blood on Biden's hands (Are you alleging that he responsible for either the emergence of omicron or the lack of vaccinations in "Trump nation" where most of the blood exists?)

01-05-2022, 02:28 PM
What is wrong with X and their new ID mandate to enter Cintas?? Don’t they know this is fan suppression! How can they possibly expect everyone to have an ID. Come on X be better! Wait until the ACLU finds out about this.

Yes sarc font…

01-05-2022, 03:40 PM
I mean maybe it’s just me but arguing which of the two worst presidents ever ( for different reasons) is worse seems like a waste of breath or a waste of possible carpal tunnel syndrome.

01-05-2022, 04:33 PM
I'm lost with some of this discussion
You might be able to hold a president responsible for actions or inaction that cause harm.

Trump did a great job in pushing to get vaccines developed. I don't think he did a good job in managing the message coming from the WH, or pressuring agencies that should remain apolitical. It's only now he is urging vaccines...and getting booed by his supporters for doing so.

The fact that more people have died in 2021 than 2020, is a mathematical factor of virus spread, variants and refusals to get the vaccines.

The WSJ on it's front page notes how Biden is urging people to get the vaccines and making sure that they are available.
They're pushing to get more tests available to help people manage their activity if one is positive.
Most hospitalizations and deaths are now in the unvaccinated.
Yet we create a bizarre reality in holding the president responsible for ongoing deaths.
If he mandates vaccines, or airlines require them, or basketball arenas...we start shouting freedom, you can't make me get it, etc.
But...if people die who are not vaccinated by a factor of 5X...it's somehow the president's fault they died? Blood on his hands? He's incompetent?

Makes no sense.

01-05-2022, 06:59 PM
I'm lost with some of this discussion
You might be able to hold a president responsible for actions or inaction that cause harm.

Trump did a great job in pushing to get vaccines developed. I don't think he did a good job in managing the message coming from the WH, or pressuring agencies that should remain apolitical. It's only now he is urging vaccines...and getting booed by his supporters for doing so.
The fact that more people have died in 2021 than 2020, is a mathematical factor of virus spread, variants and refusals to get the vaccines.

The WSJ on it's front page notes how Biden is urging people to get the vaccines and making sure that they are available.
They're pushing to get more tests available to help people manage their activity if one is positive.
Most hospitalizations and deaths are now in the unvaccinated.
Yet we create a bizarre reality in holding the president responsible for ongoing deaths.
If he mandates vaccines, or airlines require them, or basketball arenas...we start shouting freedom, you can't make me get it, etc.
But...if people die who are not vaccinated by a factor of 5X...it's somehow the president's fault they died? Blood on his hands? He's incompetent?

Makes no sense.

Totally. Logically, MOR is saying that Biden should have mandated vaccinations for everyone, to minimize the "blood". But of course that isn't what MOR is advocating. Logic and consistency is not part of his thought process.

01-05-2022, 07:20 PM
Amazingly, no main stream media outlet wants to report this but despite the availability of vaccines, therapeutics and all the other “masking and vax mandates” and despite Biden's campaign pledge to "shut down the virus" if elected, 417,610 Americans have died from COVID-19 since Biden was inaugurated, which is more than the 408,450 deaths from COVID-19 that occurred on Trump's watch. Good luck trying to find any recent reporting on these figures in mainstream media outlets. Their silence is in stark contrast to the breathless "blood on his hands" hysteria with which they covered every new case of the virus until precisely Jan. 20, 2021.
Funny huh? Trump basically had a year of his Presidency with the virus, got vaccines rushed to market and other measures. Biden had all of this stuff available, but…..
Joe has “Blood on his incompetent hands”.

And before anyone blames the non vaxxed, remember that almost NOBODY was vaxxed in January 2021. And Biden has still overseen more deaths.

What exactly do you want the Biden administration to do in regards to Covid? You sure seem to have all the answers, or are you just yelling out into the abyss about how the media was mean to trump and they protect Biden?

01-05-2022, 07:54 PM
Three simple things:
Joe Biden said he would “Shut Down the Virus”. He has not done that and more people than under Trump are dead. Lie.
Joe Biden claimed he had a “7 point plan”. He did not and is now punting back to the states. Lie.
Joe Biden said that if you got Vaxxed “you wouldn’t get sick”. Lie. People got vaxxed and have and are getting Covid.
Fact: More people are dead from Covid under Biden than under Trump.
Don’t make claims if you can’t live up to them.
This is what happens when you start blaming everything that happens on a President. Your side made these rules, Blue people. Now your trying to change then to save Biden’s incompetent ass. Don’t be surprised when it boomerangs.

01-05-2022, 08:00 PM
Totally. Logically, MOR is saying that Biden should have mandated vaccinations for everyone, to minimize the "blood". But of course that isn't what MOR is advocating. Logic and consistency is not part of his thought process.

Mandating vaccinations hasn’t worked. See current surge in blue states as well as red. I haven’t advocated either way. I have been vaxxed & boosted as my CHOICE.
I don’t know what kind of “Pretzel Logic” you are trying to wedge in here. And I could care less.
If there is Blood on Trump’s hands, as all progressives accused last year, there is more on Biden’s.
See how simple this is?

01-05-2022, 08:04 PM
Mandating vaccinations hasn’t worked. See current surge in blue states as well as red. I haven’t advocated either way. I have been vaxxed & boosted as my CHOICE.
I don’t know what kind of “Pretzel Logic” you are trying to wedge in here. And I could care less.
If there is Blood on Trump’s hands, as all progressives accused last year, there is more on Biden’s.
See how simple this is?

All progressives? Speaking and acting in absolutes is what got us in the mess of “hiring” two of the most incompetent presidents ever. Maybe the sides need to start working together..currently that seems like a real long shot but hopefully one day in the future there will be competent leadership at the top again.

You come on here and bitch about Biden on a weekly, sometimes daily basis, the same thing that Paul used to do with trump that annoyed you. Why do the same thing he did? Some kind of odd obsessive revenge?

01-05-2022, 08:07 PM
I'm lost with some of this discussion
You might be able to hold a president responsible for actions or inaction that cause harm.

Trump did a great job in pushing to get vaccines developed. I don't think he did a good job in managing the message coming from the WH, or pressuring agencies that should remain apolitical. It's only now he is urging vaccines...and getting booed by his supporters for doing so.

The fact that more people have died in 2021 than 2020, is a mathematical factor of virus spread, variants and refusals to get the vaccines.

The WSJ on it's front page notes how Biden is urging people to get the vaccines and making sure that they are available.
They're pushing to get more tests available to help people manage their activity if one is positive.
Most hospitalizations and deaths are now in the unvaccinated.
Yet we create a bizarre reality in holding the president responsible for ongoing deaths.
If he mandates vaccines, or airlines require them, or basketball arenas...we start shouting freedom, you can't make me get it, etc.
But...if people die who are not vaccinated by a factor of 5X...it's somehow the president's fault they died? Blood on his hands? He's incompetent?

Makes no sense.

Ludicrous Paul. Trump didn’t “have” a vaccine at the start of 2020, He had to cause a DEVELOPMENT of it, which Biden has fully had. STILL, more people died under Biden than Trump- in less time. Stop blaming the “unvaxxed”.

Kamala Harris said she would not trust a vaccine developed under Trump. Biden was skeptical of it. People of Color have some of the lowest rates of vaccination. Who undermined it?

If Biden wasn’t such a partisan, in the country’s best interest, he would have come out immediately and gotten a public service message in combo with Trump to help convince people to get vaxxed. Rather, he demonized and minimized previous efforts and, instead, talked about a 7 point plan which was, apparently, non existent.

By the way. Nice that Biden trashed a plan two months ago that would have supplied millions of self tests and other helpful things. In fact in mid December, in response to an exact question as to the tests Psaki scoffed at the reporter. Now they are scrambling to supply. That’s Incompetence.

THAT makes no sense.

By the way. With the CURRENT waffling going on over quarantine time among many other things, don’t try to claim that the CDC isn’t “politicized” under Biden.

01-05-2022, 08:11 PM
All progressives? Speaking and acting in absolutes is what got us in the mess of “hiring” two of the most incompetent presidents ever. Maybe the sides need to start working together..currently that seems like a real long shot but hopefully one day in the future there will be competent leadership at the top again.

Yeah. ALL. That was pretty absolute. But, as I advocated above. Rather than totally demonizing the previous administration, maybe a cooperative effort towards moving people towards vax and therapeutics may have helped. But that didn’t happen, because of “absolutes”.

01-05-2022, 08:21 PM
Yeah. ALL. That was pretty absolute. But, as I advocated above. Rather than totally demonizing the previous administration, maybe a cooperative effort towards moving people towards vax and therapeutics may have helped. But that didn’t happen, because of “absolutes”.

Not really, but good to know where your head is at. You come on here weekly sometimes daily and bitch about Biden the same way that Paul did with trump that annoyed the crap out of you. Why? Some kind of odd obsessive revenge?

01-05-2022, 08:27 PM
Not really, but good to know where your head is at. You come on here weekly sometimes daily and bitch about Biden the same way that Paul did with trump that annoyed the crap out of you. Why? Some kind of odd obsessive revenge?

Yeah really. Name me a progressive who did not?
Why? Because I’m concerned about the truly declining welfare of the country.
You know, Inflation, health, supply chain, lousy education, teachers unions closing schools, teens and youngsters mental health, screwing up military actions, rising and pervasive crime. All screwed up. Minor things like that.

01-05-2022, 08:42 PM
Yeah really. Name me a progressive who did not?
Why? Because I’m concerned about the truly declining welfare of the country.
You know, Inflation, health, supply chain, lousy education, teachers unions closing schools, teens and youngsters mental health, screwing up military actions, rising and pervasive crime. All screwed up. Minor things like that.

Most of those things were problems way before Biden became President.

01-05-2022, 08:47 PM
Most of those things were problems way before Biden became President.

Take off your blue glasses. But nice of you to admit that teachers unions and public education in Democrat run cities for decades has been a long term problem.
Talk about blindness. Your guy has been in office a year. He’s exacerbated problems. Verified.

01-05-2022, 08:48 PM
Take off your blue glasses.
Talk about blindness. Your guy has been in office a year. He’s exacerbated problems. Verified.

I’m not “blue” I’m a registered independent and didn’t vote for Biden. Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn’t mean they are a liberal. You become more and more like lou everyday. .I think for myself, thanks.

Inflation—-trump signed into law several acts and two direct stimulus payments. He printed
Money just like Biden did.
Health—-this has been a nightmare for decades. Come on
Supply chain—lots of hands in this one both in public and private sectors.
Teachers unions—yeah they have been a problem for decades and shut schools down while trump was in office too.
Education—we have been falling behind for decades.
Military—yeah I’ll give you this one. Biden has fucked up a lot
Rising and pervasive crime—yeah again been a problem for decades

Strange Brew
01-05-2022, 09:29 PM
A better question might be, what has Joe gotten right?

01-05-2022, 09:33 PM
A better question might be, what has Joe gotten right?

That I can agree with. I don’t think he has done much of anything. Military was awful..the rest I don’t think he has necessarily made worse or better.

He’s kind of done what I thought he would I.e. a whiole lot of nothing, which honestly to me is fine until we can get someone worth a crap in there.

Strange Brew
01-05-2022, 09:41 PM
That I can agree with. I don’t think he has done much of anything. Military was awful..the rest I don’t think he has necessarily made worse or better.

He’s kind of done what I thought he would I.e. a whiole lot of nothing, which honestly to me is fine until we can get someone worth a crap in there.

Overall, I think Trump was better on policy but it is probably best Joe not do much and let the Govs take it from here.

01-05-2022, 10:04 PM
I’m not “blue” I’m a registered independent and didn’t vote for Biden. Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn’t mean they are a liberal. You become more and more like lou everyday. .I think for myself, thanks.

Inflation—-trump signed into law several acts and two direct stimulus payments. He printed
Money just like Biden did. 2019 CPI-2.3%+, 2020 CPI- 1.4%+, 2021 CPI- 6.2%. Yeah, no.
Health—-this has been a nightmare for decades. Come on The amorphordite Obamacare has not helped
Supply chain—lots of hands in this one both in public and private sectors. Funny how the “hands” never affected until 2021
Teachers unions—yeah they have been a problem for decades and shut schools down while trump was in office too. Biden allowed Randi Weingarten to write the policy. Proven by email exchanges. Trump never advocated school closures and actively opposed them always..
Education—we have been falling behind for decades. Decades that the major cities governments & schools have been run by Democrats. Virginia elected a new Republican governor because of de-emphasis on real education and emphasis on narrative curriculum that Democrats espouse
Military—yeah I’ll give you this one. Biden has fucked up a lot. Verified
Rising and pervasive crime—yeah again been a problem for decades Per WSJ: “ Philadelphia just shattered its all-time annual homicide record with a full month remaining in 2021, as have Louisville, Ky.; Indianapolis; Columbus, Ohio; Austin, Texas; Tucson, Ariz.; St. Paul, Minn.; Portland, Ore.; Albuquerque, N.M.; and Fayetteville, N.C. Other cities, like Cincinnati; Trenton, N.J.; Memphis, Tenn.; Milwaukee; Kansas City, Mo.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Denver; Cleveland; Jackson, Miss.; Wichita, Kan.; Greensboro, N.C.; Lansing, Mich.; and Colorado Springs, Colo., saw their highest homicide tallies since 1990 last year.” Worse now due to Democrat pushed Police Defunding .

Please see the above facts. Not assumptions or blithe write off.

Incompetence and horrible policy.

01-05-2022, 10:12 PM
Please see the above facts. Not assumptions or blithe write off.

Incompetence and horrible policy.

So as you note, a lot those are not even because of anything Biden has done as President. Inflation doesn’t happen immediately btw… I’m sure you know that.

01-05-2022, 10:45 PM
So as you note, a lot those are not even because of anything Biden has done as President. Inflation doesn’t happen immediately btw… I’m sure you know that.

I noted where? I did nothing of the sort. In fact I totally pinned it on Biden. “Woke” education, Crime, Biden’s role and continued boosting of Obamacare, the military, etc. I *think* you can read??? Oh, and Inflation.
Uh, when you overstimulate the economy and print waaaaay too much money it does. Many economists predicted this back in the spring. But Biden and his minions tried to claim it was “transitory. That is, until it wasn’t. And Biden, with his cockamamie Build Back Better would have made it worse. Then add cancelling pipelines and limiting fracking that forced the US into begging OPEC into pumping more oil, that in large part caused the rise in gas prices. How did you, as an alleged “Independent” feel about Biden canceling domestic pipelines while bending over to give Russia theirs? Then Groveling to OPEC to pump more oil? Seems like Incompetence to me.
I’m sure you took economics at Xavier. You might want to pull out the book.

PS: Joe Biden has been in the US Governmebt in an elected position of power for 40 years+. He’s part of all of the problems. Not a part of any solution. NOTHING pre-dates him.

01-05-2022, 10:55 PM
I noted where? I did nothing of the sort. In fact I totally pinned it on Biden. “Woke” education, Crime, Biden’s role and continued boosting of Obamacare, the military, etc. I *think* you can read??? Oh, and Inflation.
Uh, when you overstimulate the economy and print waaaaay too much money it does. Many economists predicted this back in the spring. But Biden and his minions tried to claim it was “transitory. That is, until it wasn’t. And Biden, with his cockamamie Build Back Better would have made it worse. Then add cancelling pipelines and limiting fracking that forced the US into begging OPEC into pumping more oil, that in large part caused the rise in gas prices. How did you, as an alleged “Independent” feel about Biden canceling domestic pipelines while bending over to give Russia theirs? Then Groveling to OPEC to pump more oil? Seems like Incompetence to me.
I’m sure you took economics at Xavier. You might want to pull out the book.

Again in regards to inflation, trump printed money, as much or more than Biden..two stimulus were passed by trump. PPP, cares act all wasteful government spending. I guess you misremembered that.

Wasted enough time with you…you constantly call out Paul and others for doing the exact same thing you do on the other side.

Strange Brew
01-05-2022, 11:13 PM
Again in regards to inflation, trump printed money, as much or more than Biden..two stimulus were passed by trump. PPP, cares act all wasteful government spending. I guess you misremembered that.

Wasted enough time with you…you constantly call out Paul and others for doing the exact same thing you do on the other side.

Trump did spend money however Biden conceded in Nov that his stimulus resulted in the high inflation we’re seeing now.

01-05-2022, 11:29 PM
Trump did spend money however Biden conceded in Nov that his stimulus resulted in the high inflation we’re seeing now.

Now we listen to Joe? Lol. I’m seeing economists take different views on this. Regardless, I think we can concede that both of these guys printed and spent money we didn’t have. Definitely not saying Biden isn’t culpable but trump didn’t help either. And Covid itself has been an f up on multiple levels of government thru both administrations and thus the fallout and effects of those f ups.

Strange Brew
01-05-2022, 11:58 PM
Now we listen to Joe? Lol. I’m seeing economists take different views on this. Regardless, I think we can concede that both of these guys printed and spent money we didn’t have. Definitely not saying Biden isn’t culpable but trump didn’t help either. And Covid itself has been an f up on multiple levels of government thru both administrations and thus the fallout and effects of those f ups.

That’s fair. One has to assume he even knows what he’s saying….

The difference is: COVID in 2020. Trump’s fault. COVID in 2021 Trump’s fault and Joe tried. I think the angst is more with the media than policy. That and seems everyone is fatigued by the past couple of years.

01-06-2022, 12:36 AM
Merry Christmas to the Democrats. Wanted to be the first to offer season's greetings on this Democratic high holy day.

X-band '01
01-06-2022, 01:27 AM
With or without the Q Anon Shaman on a shelf?

01-06-2022, 07:28 AM
That’s fair. One has to assume he even knows what he’s saying….

The difference is: COVID in 2020. Trump’s fault. COVID in 2021 Trump’s fault and Joe tried. I think the angst is more with the media than policy. That and seems everyone is fatigued by the past couple of years.

Covid in 2020 was not Trump's fault. But many of us felt like he could have done a better job getting people to get vaccinated. He may have not succeeded even if he had done so. But his manifest skepticism about both the danger of covid and the efficacy of getting vaccinated surely didn't help. That said, there is little doubt that covid infections would have continued to plague us, and that new variants (e.g. omicron) would be highly problematic. But there is also little doubt, given the evidence this year under omicron, that there would be far fewer severe cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, if more of us had gotten vaccinated.

Covid in 2021/2022 is not Biden's fault. And he has screwed up our testing capabilities (or at least not done a good job resolving the testing problems here) when the ability to get tested is critical in slowing the spread, particularly to the more vulnerable members of our population. But at least he is pushing getting vaccinated, and supporting policies that "nudge" people into getting vaccinated.

01-06-2022, 07:48 AM
Ludicrous Paul. Trump didn’t “have” a vaccine at the start of 2020, He had to cause a DEVELOPMENT of it, which Biden has fully had. STILL, more people died under Biden than Trump- in less time. Stop blaming the “unvaxxed”.

I didn't say Trump had a vaccine at the start of 2020. I noted he helped the rapid development of the vaccines.

Trump did a great job in pushing to get vaccines developed.

This chart reflects the difference in death statistics during the height of the Delta virus last year. I think one could draw the inference that if more people had gotten vaccinated, we would have had less deaths. Even today there are 30 million who apparently refuse to be vaccinated. This may not be a good thing:


Strange Brew
01-06-2022, 09:18 AM
Covid in 2020 was not Trump's fault. But many of us felt like he could have done a better job getting people to get vaccinated. He may have not succeeded even if he had done so. But his manifest skepticism about both the danger of covid and the efficacy of getting vaccinated surely didn't help. That said, there is little doubt that covid infections would have continued to plague us, and that new variants (e.g. omicron) would be highly problematic. But there is also little doubt, given the evidence this year under omicron, that there would be far fewer severe cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, if more of us had gotten vaccinated.

Covid in 2021/2022 is not Biden's fault. And he has screwed up our testing capabilities (or at least not done a good job resolving the testing problems here) when the ability to get tested is critical in slowing the spread, particularly to the more vulnerable members of our population. But at least he is pushing getting vaccinated, and supporting policies that "nudge" people into getting vaccinated.

That’s a fair assessment. I think more could have been done around therapies (by Biden) to help those already infected and the mandates were counter productive and contrary to the authority of the office of the POTUS. I don’t think Fauci has been helpful either in gaining the public’s trust which didn’t help.

As to Omi, while it’s annoying now it appears to my less deadly and may help get us to natural immunity. Which should help us to get out of this cycle if there’s a bright side..

01-06-2022, 09:24 AM
What is the point of this Biden speech today? Good Gawd..what a circus. Talking about Trump yet again. Let it go.

01-06-2022, 09:41 AM
What is the point of this Biden speech today? Good Gawd..what a circus. Talking about Trump yet again. Let it go.

You obviously haven’t been paying attention. This is Biden’s first comments on Trump’s role. But if you want someone to “let it go”, how about getting Trump to stop pushing the Big Lie.

01-06-2022, 09:49 AM
You obviously haven’t been paying attention. This is Biden’s first comments on Trump’s role. But if you want someone to “let it go”, how about getting Trump to stop pushing the Big Lie.

I have been paying attention, thanks. I don’t care whether this is the first time he has mentioned trump or not on this issue. he has talked about him numerous times with other things. Why do we need to keep talking about ex presidents and about something that happened a year ago by freaks, let it go and stop giving any credence to it. It’s a circus

01-06-2022, 09:54 AM
You probably don't think we should have 9/11 remembrances either, XVille. How dare you mar this high holy day with your insolence!

Strange Brew
01-06-2022, 10:02 AM
You obviously haven’t been paying attention. This is Biden’s first comments on Trump’s role. But if you want someone to “let it go”, how about getting Trump to stop pushing the Big Lie.

I wish you a Happy American October Revolution Day!

01-06-2022, 10:22 AM
I have been paying attention, thanks. I don’t care whether this is the first time he has mentioned trump or not on this issue. he has talked about him numerous times with other things. Why do we need to keep talking about ex presidents and about something that happened a year ago by freaks, let it go and stop giving any credence to it. It’s a circus

If the ex-Prez would "let it go", the "circus" as you call it might quiet down. That man must never get near the WH again, given how crazed he is.

01-06-2022, 10:55 AM
Again in regards to inflation, trump printed money, as much or more than Biden..two stimulus were passed by trump. PPP, cares act all wasteful government spending. I guess you misremembered that.

Wasted enough time with you…you constantly call out Paul and others for doing the exact same thing you do on the other side.

Fact: . 2019 CPI-2.3%+, 2020 CPI- 1.4%+, 2021 CPI- 6.2%. Yeah, no.
Enough said. Facts counter your BS. Even Joe Manchin knows what time it is.

By the way. Paul set the rules for the last 4 years. I’m just following them.
Easy to dish iish out. A bit harder to take it.

01-06-2022, 11:05 AM
Fact: . 2019 CPI-2.3%+, 2020 CPI- 1.4%+, 2021 CPI- 6.2%. Yeah, no.
Enough said. Facts counter your BS.

By the way. Paul set the rules for the last 4 years. I’m just following them.
Easy to dish iish out. A bit harder to take it.

You keep typing those numbers and yeah I agree with the numbers. You seem to either not grasp or just being obtuse to the fact that inflation does not happen in an instant, it is due to policies set forth months or years preceding it. I have read plenty of different views from different economists and all seem to have different views as to why inflation is where it is right now. Some blame trump’s tariffs, spending and printing during his time, and others blame Biden for his spending and printing of money. Due to that, I think it’s pretty fair to say they both have had a hand in where we are today in terms of inflation, and if you are going to keep turning a blind eye to the fact that trump printed and spent money as much as Biden has at this point, then your bias is clearly showing.

01-06-2022, 11:25 AM
You keep typing those numbers and yeah I agree with the numbers. You seem to either not grasp or just being obtuse to the fact that inflation does not happen in an instant, it is due to policies set forth months or years preceding it. I have read plenty of different views from different economists and all seem to have different views as to why inflation is where it is right now. Some blame trump’s tariffs, spending and printing during his time, and others blame Biden for his spending and printing of money. Due to that, I think it’s pretty fair to say they both have had a hand in where we are today in terms of inflation, and if you are going to keep turning a blind eye to the fact that trump printed and spent money as much as Biden has at this point, then your bias is clearly showing.

MOR is beyond reaching logically. He either doesn't understand complex issues, or he's simply willfully ignoring complexity to make his specious arguments. Either way, he's not worth trying to engage with.

Strange Brew
01-06-2022, 01:30 PM
You keep typing those numbers and yeah I agree with the numbers. You seem to either not grasp or just being obtuse to the fact that inflation does not happen in an instant, it is due to policies set forth months or years preceding it. I have read plenty of different views from different economists and all seem to have different views as to why inflation is where it is right now. Some blame trump’s tariffs, spending and printing during his time, and others blame Biden for his spending and printing of money. Due to that, I think it’s pretty fair to say they both have had a hand in where we are today in terms of inflation, and if you are going to keep turning a blind eye to the fact that trump printed and spent money as much as Biden has at this point, then your bias is clearly showing.

A lot of it has to do with the surge in energy prices this year.

01-06-2022, 02:56 PM
By the way. Paul set the rules for the last 4 years. I’m just following them.
Easy to dish iish out. A bit harder to take it.

Why are you so focused on me that you bring up my name in almost every post?
Why not just criticize the political situation in the country without making it personal.

I think I can handle your criticisms of the current administration; and I'm pretty sure it's members won't be working on illegal ways to stay in office, or pushing a big lie, like birtherism, or stolen elections.

I will probably keep noting the effect Trump is having on the Republican party. I believe it represents a real danger to our democratic norms when you convince 70% of a major political party of a big lie. That is dangerous to our republic as it was to Germany in the 30's.
Even Carl Rowe in the WSJ notes that Republicans need to start recognizing the danger and how it can degenerate into something like Jan 6th... and move to put an end to it's impact within the party, holding people responsible:


01-06-2022, 03:19 PM
Merry Christmas to the Democrats. Wanted to be the first to offer season's greetings on this Democratic high holy day.

Oh yeah the ol’ never let a good crisis go to waste and MSM is eating it up. Yes it was an ugly ugly stain on our history and should be reported as such.

From a historical perspective, definitely up there with other big events that has happened to our country, but having our sitting VP comparing it to 911 and Pearl Harbor from a devastation perspective is a bit much for me.

Finally, really like the press and Democrats blaming Trump, social media, and some conservatives pundits for pushing misinformation and conspiracy theories which is all true. At the same time they have completely forgotten their role in similar tactics in the 2016 presidential election.

People may be surprised to know that more people think Biden was legitimately elected vs Trump a year after their “actual” winning elections. Guess both sides and the press can be a threat to our democracy…

Strange Brew
01-06-2022, 04:40 PM
Oh yeah the ol’ never let a good crisis go to waste and MSM is eating it up. Yes it was an ugly ugly stain on our history and should be reported as such.

From a historical perspective, definitely up there with other big events that has happened to our country, but having our sitting VP comparing it to 911 and Pearl Harbor from a devastation perspective is a bit much for me.

Finally, really like the press and Democrats blaming Trump, social media, and some conservatives pundits for pushing misinformation and conspiracy theories which is all true. At the same time they have completely forgotten their role in similar tactics in the 2016 presidential election.

People may be surprised to know that more people think Biden was legitimately elected vs Trump a year after their “actual” winning elections. Guess both sides and the press can be a threat to our democracy…

Also, the riots that occurred during the 2017 Inauguration. The memory hole and the politics of now....

01-06-2022, 04:41 PM
MOR is beyond reaching logically. He either doesn't understand complex issues, or he's simply willfully ignoring complexity to make his specious arguments. Either way, he's not worth trying to engage with.

Riiiiiiiiight. Then take your specious arguments to Joe Manchin who absolutely does recognize where the problem lies. And it’s not from Trump. Trump “spending money” did not result in crazy inflation. Simple point proven by the numbers. Throwing another $1.9 trillion in unneeded spending earlier this year when it was totally not required is the reason for this mess. Powell parroting the Administration that this inflation surge was “transitory” was a disgrace to economists. Manchin recognized that and thankfully stopped this madness in it’s tracks before the country bankrupted itself.
I understand the issues completely but it is impossible to get through to an Iron Curtained mind.

Your hilarious snipes at me grow wearisome. Too bad you are no fun to play with anymore. Move to Venenzuela where your crazy economic theories are more accepted.

01-06-2022, 04:46 PM
Why are you so focused on me that you bring up my name in almost every post?
Why not just criticize the political situation in the country without making it personal.

I think I can handle your criticisms of the current administration; and I'm pretty sure it's members won't be working on illegal ways to stay in office, or pushing a big lie, like birtherism, or stolen elections.

I will probably keep noting the effect Trump is having on the Republican party.

So, when exactly are you going to “handle them” without staying silent? You have offered zero “handling”.
And, on cue, the One Trick Pony returns with his obsession with a guy who has been out of the White House for a year. Typical.

01-06-2022, 05:12 PM
Riiiiiiiiight. Then take your specious arguments to Joe Manchin who absolutely does recognize where the problem lies. And it’s not from Trump. Trump “spending money” did not result in crazy inflation. Simple point proven by the numbers. Throwing another $1.9 trillion in unneeded spending earlier this year when it was totally not required is the reason for this mess. Powell parroting the Administration that this inflation surge was “transitory” was a disgrace to economists. Manchin recognized that and thankfully stopped this madness in it’s tracks before the country bankrupted itself.
I understand the issues completely but it is impossible to get through to an Iron Curtained mind.

Your hilarious snipes at me grow wearisome. Too bad you are no fun to play with anymore. Move to Venenzuela where your crazy economic theories are more accepted.

The numbers are not from immediate policy. How many times does it need to be said before you get that thru your iron curtained brain of yours? Economists have differing views on how it happened but yet you seem to have all the answers because of your bias.

Strange Brew
01-06-2022, 05:16 PM
The numbers are not from immediate policy. How many times does it need to be said before you get that thru your iron curtained brain of yours? Economists have differing views on how it happened but yet you seem to have all the answers because of your bias.

So if some Economists believe that too much money was spent during the previous Admin how does that excuse doubling down on that policy when the current POTUS has been around the Gov't for nearly 50 years? Seems he would've learned something or he's just plain incompetent.

01-06-2022, 05:25 PM
So if some Economists believe that too much money was spent during the previous Admin how does that excuse doubling down on that policy when the current POTUS has been around the Gov't for nearly 50 years? Seems he would've learned something or he's just plain incompetent.

I’m certainly not excusing the Biden administration. As stated earlier, I think both effed up. MOR just think it’s Biden’s fault because even though he didn’t vote for him, he will do everything to protect trumo and blame Biden for our country’s failures….which sounds very familiar

Strange Brew
01-06-2022, 05:37 PM
I’m certainly not excusing the Biden administration. As stated earlier, I think both effed up. MOR just think it’s Biden’s fault because even though he didn’t vote for him, he will do everything to protect trumo and blame Biden for our country’s failures….which sounds very familiar

Ville, he's calling out other posters/media for blaming Trump relentlessly during his Presidency while ignoring Biden's failures. This really wasn't your fight.

01-06-2022, 06:07 PM
Ville, he's calling out other posters/media for blaming Trump relentlessly during his Presidency while ignoring Biden's failures. This really wasn't your fight.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. That was my point. He’s doing the exact same thing he was so annoyed by.

Strange Brew
01-06-2022, 06:18 PM
Two wrongs don’t make a right. That was my point. He’s doing the exact same thing he was so annoyed by.

Thank you. He's aware.

01-06-2022, 07:38 PM
Thank you. He's aware.

Yeah I am…. IN TOTAL!! (LAUGH OUT LOUD. Sardonically)

01-06-2022, 09:56 PM
Republicans Who Assailed Biden’s Stimulus Bill Are Embracing the Money

Republican governors who criticized the $1.9 trillion Covid relief bill as wasteful are championing state projects funded by the money.

Jump on board. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/us/politics/biden-stimulus-bill-republicans.html

Strange Brew
01-06-2022, 10:05 PM
Jump on board. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/us/politics/biden-stimulus-bill-republicans.html

There are a lot of R Govs and it’s behind the Times paywall. So, how many were quoted?

01-06-2022, 10:38 PM
Noem, Gianforte, DeSantis.

Strange Brew
01-06-2022, 11:02 PM
Noem, Gianforte, DeSantis.

So 3 out of 27 for 11%. Great reporting there by the Times.

Curious to see DeSantis’ actual quote too because we’ll, it’s the Times.

01-07-2022, 11:06 AM
So 3 out of 27 for 11%. Great reporting there by the Times.

Curious to see DeSantis’ actual quote too because we’ll, it’s the Times.

I’m sure DeSantis is taking the money in reimbursement for Biden shorting and cutting off the Theraputics that were supposed to be sent to Florida a couple of months ago?

01-07-2022, 11:20 AM
The Dec. #JobsReport report is the worst report of 2021, reinforcing the continued negative economic impact Biden-Harris Admin policies have on Black Americans, especially Black women.

⬆️Overall Black Unemployment INCREASED to 7.1%

⬆️Black Female Unemployment INCREASED to 6.2%

01-07-2022, 11:36 AM
3.9 unempl. (3.7% considered full empl.) 7% growth rate. 1.5 million openings for every 1 million applicants.

01-07-2022, 02:43 PM
I have been paying attention, thanks. I don’t care whether this is the first time he has mentioned trump or not on this issue. he has talked about him numerous times with other things. Why do we need to keep talking about ex presidents and about something that happened a year ago by freaks, let it go and stop giving any credence to it. It’s a circus

I would agree 100% if Trump didn't still seem to be the King of the Republican party.

For example: By nearly any poll the majority of Republicans still say, over 1 year later, that the election was stolen. This is despite any production of widespread evidence of systemic fraud. Because Trump said so. You can hardly find a Republican in congress willing to say that Trump lost a fair election, nor is it easy to find any willing to condemn the events of January 6th without qualification. The few that have done so have been excommunicated. They cannot bring themselves to admit that the lowest polling President in history lost an election in the middle of a Pandemic. Think about that shit.

If everyone had just said: "Damn, that was messed up. Dude lost the election. Then he refused to accept the results. At any point. Ever. Next he paraded Rudi Giuliani, Sydney Powell, and a cast of ridiculous characters out with half baked theories about voting machines and Hugo Chavez. Then he held a rally during the certification that ended with some of his supporters breeching the capitol building. This motherfucker was crazy, and we are done with him." Then maybe everyone could just move on, and the Democrats would look like fools for continuing to bring him up.

For the Democrats' part - they won an election with a ticket that could only have beaten Trump. Any other (realistic) candidate would have crushed them. Biden is uninspiring and Harris has been a complete shit show. They would have gotten no voter turnout with that ticket had people not been so motivated to get Trump out of there. Georgia notwithstanding the down ballot races were a disaster as well. They somehow took that to mean that they had a mandate for massive change and a huge spending bill.

They thought that the vaccine would eliminate the virus, but that didn't happen, so now they are faced with how to hold the House and Senate in the midterms. The only think that they really have to generate interest is keeping the Trump hate alive. The Republicans are playing into that to some degree by not just calling the guy an asshole and moving on. They are too worried about losing his base, which seems to still worship him in a way that I've never seen people worship an EX President. I'm not sure who will benefit the most from this - the Republicans with their energized base or the Democrats using the specter of Trump to drive support behind their shitty candidates.

This whole thing is approaching an Idiocracy level of stupid.

01-07-2022, 03:18 PM
Happy to see serious sentences against the Ahmaud Arbery murders. That being said, felony murder remains the dumbest law on the books and needs to be abolished.

01-07-2022, 05:08 PM
Happy to see serious sentences against the Ahmaud Arbery murders. That being said, felony murder remains the dumbest law on the books and needs to be abolished.

I don't know. If you decided to take part in an armed robbery and someone gets shot, I don't really have any problem with you going away for life even if you didnt pull the triggger.

01-08-2022, 01:38 PM
3.9 unempl. (3.7% considered full empl.) 7% growth rate. 1.5 million openings for every 1 million applicants.

“Replacing jobs” created under Trump (temporarily sidelined by Covid) < than actually “Creating” them.

01-08-2022, 09:02 PM
“Replacing jobs” created under Trump (temporarily sidelined by Covid) < than actually “Creating” them.


01-11-2022, 09:38 AM
“Replacing jobs” created under Trump (temporarily sidelined by Covid) < than actually “Creating” them.

From today’s Enquirer:
“ Statewide, Ohio still has a deficit of more than 200,000 jobs since before the pandemic struck, and just four sectors have fully recovered jobs lost during the pandemic, Policy Matters' research shows.”

Biden isn’t “creating” jobs. He’s even struggling to “replace” the jobs.
Nice try Bobbie.

01-12-2022, 10:07 AM
Biden on July 19, 2021.
THE PRESIDENT: “Yeah. There’s nobody suggesting there’s unchecked inflation on the way — no serious economist. That’s totally different.”

REALITY: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, this morning: “The all items index rose 7.0 percent for the 12 months ending December, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending June 1982.

Dumpster fire. November 2022 can’t come soon enough.

X-band '01
01-12-2022, 11:51 AM
I agree. I can't wait to see Senator Tim Ryan (D) join the Senate.

01-18-2022, 01:23 PM
Is there anyone who does not think Trump will win the next election?? Another question I have is if/probably when that happens, will the Democrats try and block it by making crazy claims about how the election was stolen??

Admittedly I’m a cynic. But unfortunately that doesn’t necessarily make me wrong.

01-18-2022, 01:50 PM
Is there anyone who does not think Trump will win the next election??

With any luck he'll die in the next 18 months.

01-18-2022, 01:54 PM
With any luck he'll die in the next 18 months.

Even if that happens he may still win. In fact it may actually make him more electable.

01-18-2022, 01:56 PM
Would definitely make him more likeable.

01-18-2022, 02:01 PM
Is there anyone who does not think Trump will win the next election?? Another question I have is if/probably when that happens, will the Democrats try and block it by making crazy claims about how the election was stolen??

Admittedly I’m a cynic. But unfortunately that doesn’t necessarily make me wrong.

You mean exactly like they did in 2016 with russiagate and stolen election claims?

01-18-2022, 02:05 PM
You mean exactly like they did in 2016 with russiagate and stolen election claims?

YES! And exactly what the lunatic fringe on The Right did in 2020. From where I sit the two sides share many of the same unlikeabilities.

Strange Brew
01-18-2022, 02:24 PM
With any luck he'll die in the next 18 months.

Pretty sure Biden died 5 years ago and this is just a revamp of Weekend at Bernies. Hollywood is out of ideas these days....

01-18-2022, 03:06 PM
Is there anyone who does not think Trump will win the next election?? Another question I have is if/probably when that happens, will the Democrats try and block it by making crazy claims about how the election was stolen??

Admittedly I’m a cynic. But unfortunately that doesn’t necessarily make me wrong.

81 million voted against him. Don't see them magically voting for him. He has gotten worse with the Big Lie. I guess if he's not dead or in jail, he'll try to run again with 40% crazy R supporters.

Strange Brew
01-18-2022, 05:01 PM
81 million voted against him. Don't see them magically voting for him. He has gotten worse with the Big Lie. I guess if he's not dead or in jail, he'll try to run again with 40% crazy R supporters.

You keep saying the Big Lie but no one except wingnuts like you care. Just trying to help.

01-18-2022, 08:25 PM
Yeah, keep believing trump won. Teach it to your kids. Get all the textbooks changed. Burn the ones that tell the truth. Sound familiar?

Strange Brew
01-18-2022, 08:27 PM
Yeah, keep believing trump won. Teach it to your kids. Get all the textbooks changed. Sound familiar?

Yeah, sounds like what Howard Zinn did to history…

01-18-2022, 08:48 PM
81 million voted against him. Don't see them magically voting for him. He has gotten worse with the Big Lie. I guess if he's not dead or in jail, he'll try to run again with 40% crazy R supporters.

I think a substantial percentage of the 81 million that voted against him (again) feel like they’ve been lied to, or misled, or let down. Their lives really aren’t any better. So while I don’t expect a whole bunch of people to switch over to Trump, I do think that a lot of them will just not see the point in voting at all.

It’s not just that it’s possible Trump can win the next election. It’s that it’s looking more and more probable that he will. One of the reasons I feel that way is because as inexplicable as it is, the Democrats are (again) too stupid to take him seriously.

01-18-2022, 08:49 PM
I agree. I can't wait to see Senator Tim Ryan (D) join the Senate.

Ryan will get his ass kicked. Even the Cleveland Pravda Dealer knows it. That is why even that socialist rag is begging for Rob Portman not to retire and run again.

01-18-2022, 08:53 PM
81 million voted against him. Don't see them magically voting for him. He has gotten worse with the Big Lie. I guess if he's not dead or in jail, he'll try to run again with 40% crazy R supporters.

70% of Independents disapprove of Biden. They were included in that 81 alleged million. (Don’t get distracted by the “alleged”)
Trump, DeSantis or any other R will win just so the Dumpster Fire will be extinguished.
That is if America isn’t overwhelmed by Russia, China, or illegal immigrants before then.

01-18-2022, 09:29 PM
70% of Independents disapprove of Biden. They were included in that 81 alleged million. (Don’t get distracted by the “alleged”)
Trump, DeSantis or any other R will win just so the Dumpster Fire will be extinguished.
That is if America isn’t overwhelmed by Russia, China, or illegal immigrants before then.

“Any other R” is just fine with me.

01-19-2022, 08:30 PM
Ryan will get his ass kicked. Even the Cleveland Pravda Dealer knows it. That is why even that socialist rag is begging for Rob Portman not to retire and run again.

Portman voted 90% with trump, so don't think so. Good Riddance. he did call trump a loser tho.

01-20-2022, 09:51 AM
A lot of talk from Democrats all of a sudden about how the 2022 elections could be illegitimate. I wonder who the prognosticators happen to be favoring in these midterms? Quite a mystery.

They're doing their big lie in advance it seems.

01-20-2022, 10:12 AM
A lot of talk from Democrats all of a sudden about how the 2022 elections could be illegitimate. I wonder who the prognosticators happen to be favoring in these midterms? Quite a mystery.

They're doing their big lie in advance it seems.

President Biden certainly stoked that sentiment in his presser last night.

Speaking of his presser last night...yikes.

01-20-2022, 10:49 AM
A lot of talk from Democrats all of a sudden about how the 2022 elections could be illegitimate. I wonder who the prognosticators happen to be favoring in these midterms? Quite a mystery.

They're doing their big lie in advance it seems.

These Democrats?

Republicans in and out of Congress continue to prop up the lie that the last election was stolen from Trump and continue to make challenging certified election results routine. After 147 Republicans in Congress voted not to certify the 2020 election results, legislators in four states have launched so-called election “audits” of their own. Election deniers are running to be the top elections officials in at least 12 states in 2022. And Trump’s most vociferous supporters in the party are pushing legislation in statehouses this year to make it easier to force partisan audits in future elections up and down the ballot.

01-20-2022, 12:48 PM
I see Paul is falling in line. Never too early to throw doubt on election results despite those elections being over 9 months away!

Strange Brew
01-20-2022, 12:53 PM
These Democrats?


Well, Buzzfeed said it so it must be huge!

01-20-2022, 01:13 PM
These Democrats?


You’re not gonna have any Democrats left Paul. They’re all resigning and not running again cause they see the Red Wave coming. 22 leaving already.
Have Fun!!!

01-20-2022, 01:43 PM
Hey...I quote my sources.
And if you read the article (I know, hard for you guys; I understand) it's talking about Republicans are questioning election processes and looking to put people into place to gum up the works.
Which makes sense since he's been pushing the Big Lie since 2015.

And I feel confident you guys don't think I'm a Republican...although many of my best friends here are.
Also, most of them are embarrassed by the former president...which is understandable.

If recent history is any gauge, the House will go to opposite Party of the incumbent president.

Strange Brew
01-20-2022, 02:19 PM
Hey...I quote my sources.
And if you read the article (I know, hard for you guys; I understand) it's talking about Republicans are questioning election processes and looking to put people into place to gum up the works.
Which makes sense since he's been pushing the Big Lie since 2015.

And I feel confident you guys don't think I'm a Republican...although many of my best friends here are.
Also, most of them are embarrassed by the former president...which is understandable.

If recent history is any gauge, the House will go to opposite Party of the incumbent president.

Ok, so some Republicans are setting parameters for audits? Yes, they are. Not as bad a Biden attacking Our Constitution and Our (States and The People) Elections on Nov.

X-band '01
01-20-2022, 04:21 PM
Ryan will get his ass kicked. Even the Cleveland Pravda Dealer knows it. That is why even that socialist rag is begging for Rob Portman not to retire and run again.

Please tell me you have a Republican not named Jane Timken in mind. Any Republican whose main priority is pacifying Baby Trump is dead on arrival on my ballot. All 16 of them.

01-20-2022, 04:34 PM
I actually agree with the quote from Jamie Raskin in this article Paul linked - sort of

“This is a disturbing potential implication of the electoral paranoia and lunacy that has been unleashed on the land by Donald Trump,” said Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin, who sits on both the House Administration Committee and the committee investigating Jan. 6. “Anyone can try to create a conspiracy and spread it like wildfire on the internet without any facts at all.”

Second point- Is he referring to a Buzzfeed article from the 2016 election? Or is he referring to voter suppression in general which has been used by Democrats in recent decades? Yes, inquiring minds want to know…

First point- And yes, dumbass Trump magnified the stealing of elections issues, but certainly didn’t create it.

01-20-2022, 05:28 PM
In an 8-to-1 ruling the Supreme Court said Trump can't claim executive privilege over documents sought by those investigating the insurrection.

Strange Brew
01-20-2022, 05:32 PM
In an 8-to-1 ruling the Supreme Court said Trump can't claim executive privilege over documents sought by those investigating the insurrection.

Maybe he can be impeached again….lol.

Strange Brew
01-22-2022, 11:57 AM
Yeah, keep believing trump won. Teach it to your kids. Get all the textbooks changed. Burn the ones that tell the truth. Sound familiar?

Did you tear down another statue of Frederick Douglas or Washington? Cut the crud, Bobbie.

01-22-2022, 12:20 PM
I wonder if Biden has drafted an executive order to seize all the voting machines when the count doesn't go his way.
Seems like the last guy did.

Madness...and a continuing peril to our country with what he has spawned.

Strange Brew
01-22-2022, 12:23 PM
I wonder if Biden has drafted an executive order to seize all the voting machines when the count doesn't go his way.
Seems like the last guy did.

Madness...and a continuing peril to our country with what he has spawned.

No Paul, the peril in this country is people elected an incompetent fool and spend most of the time worrying about the last guy.

01-22-2022, 01:06 PM
No Paul, the peril in this country is people elected an incompetent fool and spend most of the time worrying about the last guy.

It’s also the fact that they’re afraid he’ll run again and win. Have to keep demonizing him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-22-2022, 01:20 PM
I wonder if Biden has drafted an executive order to seize all the voting machines when the count doesn't go his way.
Seems like the last guy did.

Madness...and a continuing peril to our country with what he has spawned.

Wrong! Lies! (when will you ever learn?):


01-22-2022, 02:36 PM
Good grief. The Deep State made Trump do it !

(those who don't learn from history, are doomed to repeat it)

01-22-2022, 03:02 PM
Does anyone find it odd that Biden is having an incredibly bad month and this information about Trump is leaked? Sounds like every news outlet is just gushing with joy about a draft that seems somewhat questionable. Not saying it’s not news worthy, but timing?

Guess we solved inflation, covid, increase in crime, border, potential Russian invasion and a worker shortage? Yea nothing to report here. Well the last one is not true because went to Walgreens today and they said they are closed because of “staffing shortage.” But they did apologize for the inconvenience, so there’s that…

Strange Brew
01-22-2022, 03:23 PM
Good grief. The Deep State made Trump do it !

(those who don't learn from history, are doomed to repeat it)

Agree Paul. Look in the mirror.

01-22-2022, 03:57 PM
Does anyone find it odd that Biden is having an incredibly bad month and this information about Trump is leaked? Sounds like every news outlet is just gushing with joy about a draft that seems somewhat questionable. Not saying it’s not news worthy, but timing?

I fully expect the Manhattan DA’s “investigation” into Trump to leak out bits and pieces of their evidence against him. If Trump announces he’s officially running, the floodgates will open with major leaks.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

01-24-2022, 10:50 AM
My 401k continues to slump with inflation soaring higher and higher. Incredible work by the Biden admin. Really doing a bang up job.

01-24-2022, 02:25 PM
I wonder if Biden has drafted an executive order to seize all the voting machines when the count doesn't go his way.
Seems like the last guy did.

Madness...and a continuing peril to our country with what he has spawned.

After what we’ve experienced with President Brandon, and the peril he has spawned by not properly supporting Ukraine and Taiwan, as well as his ridiculous policies that have totally weakened America, I would have thought you would have moved on to the present by now.

01-24-2022, 04:02 PM
Early today from Congressman Jordan: (former wrestling coach that may have covered up abuse)

Rep. Jim Jordan
· 5h
Our allies miss President Trump.

A little bit later from Congressman Gallego (former US Marine who served in Iraq)

Ruben Gallego
I had to attach language into the Defense Budget to stop Trump from moving troops out of Europe. Trump and his Congressional lackeys tried to strip it out. Our allies called me to thank me after. Doubt they will ever miss Trump.

Strange Brew
01-24-2022, 05:03 PM
Early today from Congressman Jordan: (former wrestling coach that may have covered up abuse)

A little bit later from Congressman Gallego (former US Marine who served in Iraq)

So Gallego conducted foreign policy as a Congressman? Or is this just his opinion. Frankly, neither of them really know what our allies think.

01-24-2022, 06:01 PM
I will back any political candidate for any office that runs on the platform of abolishing the Kiss Cam and the Chicken Dance. I am a single issue voter, and that is my issue!!!

Strange Brew
01-24-2022, 06:14 PM
I will back any political candidate for any office that runs on the platform of abolishing the Kiss Cam and the Chicken Dance. I am a single issue voter, and that is my issue!!!

You have been reported to HUAC. :)

What's next? Banning basic cable, call waiting and free trips to the salad bar?

01-24-2022, 06:53 PM
Joe's cracking...

....Now he's going to take us to war to protect his son's natural gas interests....

X-band '01
01-24-2022, 07:22 PM
I will back any political candidate for any office that runs on the platform of abolishing the Kiss Cam and the Chicken Dance. I am a single issue voter, and that is my issue!!!

Now we know why Brew follows all the lower-tier conferences. I don't think we need to worry about Sprinkler Guy at a Morehead or NKU game, for example.

01-24-2022, 07:44 PM
Our President today, Paul, who was supposedly elected to bring unity and competence back to the job got caught on a hot Mike at the podium calling a member of the White House Press corps a “Stupid Son of A Bitch” for asking a legitimate question.
Yup that’ll do it!!!
Nothing like trying to crush open and honest journalists!!

01-24-2022, 07:55 PM
Early today from Congressman Jordan: (former wrestling coach that may have covered up abuse)

A little bit later from Congressman Gallego (former US Marine who served in Iraq)

On December 4, 2019, President Trump proposed sending $250 million in lethal military defense aid to the Ukraine. The Democrat controlled House would not approve it.
On December 10, 2021 President Biden held up any additional military aid to the Ukraine based on the effort at “Negotiations”. This despite PLEADING from the Ukraine government. NOW, after the cat is at the mouse hole does he talk about extra aid?
Yeah. A bit late. And, by the way, who is Putin’s Puppet????

Meanwhile. No credible allegations have surfaced vs Jim Jordan. Talk about a conspiracy theorist and spreading a Big Lie!!

01-24-2022, 08:55 PM
On December 4, 2019, President Trump proposed sending $250 million in lethal military defense aid to the Ukraine. The Democrat controlled House would not approve it.

Trump spent most of 2019 blocking aid to Ukraine that both houses of Congress had authorized. Not sure what you're talking about.


01-24-2022, 09:22 PM
Trump spent most of 2019 blocking aid to Ukraine that both houses of Congress had authorized. Not sure what you're talking about.


Pretty simple Paul. Like I said 12/4/19. It’s not complicated.


By the way Paul. Are you saying that Hunter Biden didn’t get paid?? You really don’t want to open that can of worms do you?
And hey!! Since Hunter is such a damn expert, why isn’t he one of the negotiators?

Strange Brew
01-24-2022, 09:25 PM
Now we know why Brew follows all the lower-tier conferences. I don't think we need to worry about Sprinkler Guy at a Morehead or NKU game, for example.

Sprinkler Guy is a Regional Treasure!

Strange Brew
01-24-2022, 09:30 PM
Pretty simple Paul. Like I said 12/4/19. It’s not complicated.


By the way Paul. Are you saying that Hunter Biden didn’t get paid?? You really don’t want to open that can of worms do you?
And hey!! Since Hunter is such a damn expert, why isn’t he one of the negotiators?

Speaking of previous President’s, Joe’s old and likely current boss pulled this one.


01-24-2022, 09:44 PM
Pretty simple Paul. Like I said 12/4/19. It’s not complicated.


Did you read the article you linked to? It talks about Trump asking for more aid, but discusses at length the blocking he did to already approved aid.
I don't see anywhere in that article that the Congress blocked his request. Maybe they did after all the shenanigans he pulled with the aid they approved earlier in the year.

01-24-2022, 09:53 PM
The $250 million requested was approved by the Congress.


01-24-2022, 10:04 PM
Our President today, Paul, who was supposedly elected to bring unity and competence back to the job got caught on a hot Mike at the podium calling a member of the White House Press corps a “Stupid Son of A Bitch” for asking a legitimate question.
Yup that’ll do it!!!
Nothing like trying to crush open and honest journalists!!

He called the reporter and apologized.
Your guy ever do that for his myriad of reporter put downs? Ever?

01-24-2022, 10:11 PM
The $250 million requested was approved by the Congress.


And Trump was gonna give it to them. He blocked it initially because of investigations into Hunter’s misbehavior- which has been proven to have happened. Want to address that? Hunter sure got paid plenty and Biden was caught on a phone call basically giving the Ukrainians a quid pro quo ultimatum that he would withhold a billion dollars to make Ukraine Fire a prosecutor there who was investigating Dirty Hunter. But, of course the Dems tried to turn it around on Trump to protect Dirty Hunter & sleepy Joe.
Why did your guy Biden block aid to Ukraine until The cat was at the door NOW Paul?
I’ll admit that I was wrong about the Congress approval part of this if you’ll admit that Hunter Biden is a corrupt scumbag and Joe Biden is a corrupt accomplice President.

01-24-2022, 10:21 PM
He called the reporter and apologized.
Your guy ever do that for his myriad of reporter put downs? Ever?

Uh, he called but didn’t apologize. From Doocy:
“ the president said ‘nothing personal, pal’ and so, I think that’s enough, that’s enough. So we can move on … we can now move forward,” Doocy said.”

“Nothing personal pal”. Huh. There was no apology. Just some old crusty pol thinking “that’s how this business goes”. Accept it….. PAL.

Strange Brew
01-24-2022, 10:25 PM
Uh, he called but didn’t apologize. From Doocy:
“ the president said ‘nothing personal, pal’ and so, I think that’s enough, that’s enough. So we can move on … we can now move forward,” Doocy said.”

“Nothing personal pal”. Huh. There was no apology. Just some old crusty pol thinking “that’s how this business goes”. Accept it….. PAL.

Well, the next presser should be fun. Rosen got his shot in after his and his parent’s phones her tapped by Obama/Biden.

01-24-2022, 10:35 PM
Our President today, Paul, who was supposedly elected to bring unity and competence back to the job got caught on a hot Mike at the podium calling a member of the White House Press corps a “Stupid Son of A Bitch” for asking a legitimate question.
Yup that’ll do it!!!
Nothing like trying to crush open and honest journalists!!

Do you think dooceybag got his feelings hurt? haha. And he doesn't need a court order to get back in the briefing room like the CNN guy.

Strange Brew
01-24-2022, 10:40 PM
Do you think dooceybag got his feelings hurt? haha

No, but goodbye to your “mean tweets” argument. Lol.

01-24-2022, 10:55 PM
Seriously, can someone please explain why the Biden admin is hell bent on starting a war with Russia? By all accounts we appear to be the belligerents in this affair:

"For Russians, the overthrow of Yanukovych’s government was the climax of years of American pressure that most Americans didn’t even know about. Russia felt this pressure keenly. In 1999, NATO admitted three former Warsaw Pact nations. In 2004, it admitted three former Soviet republics in the Baltic states. In 2008, NATO declined to admit Georgia and Ukraine, but then promised that one day they would be admitted. NATO, whatever other explanations may be given for its existence, is an anti-Russian alliance, and for two decades America continued to expand its reach, even though Russia had shrunk in size, abandoned Communism, and adopted a shakily democratic, free-market system."

If the following is accepted to be true, what Putin wants seems to be pretty reasonable:

"Russia’s proposal for resolving the Ukraine crisis is public; you can read their draft proposal on its website. Russia’s requests for neutralizing the Ukraine situation include the following:

The United States of America shall undertake to prevent further eastward expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and deny accession to the Alliance to the States of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The United States of America shall not establish military bases in the territory of the States of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that are not members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, use their infrastructure for any military activities or develop bilateral military cooperation with them.

The Parties shall undertake not to deploy ground-launched intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles outside their national territories, as well as in the areas of their national territories, from which such weapons can attack targets in the national territory of the other Party.

The Parties shall refrain from deploying nuclear weapons outside their national territories and return such weapons already deployed outside their national territories at the time of the entry into force of the Treaty to their national territories. The Parties shall eliminate all existing infrastructure for deployment of nuclear weapons outside their national territories."

Are we (America) assuming that Putin is lying? What are our interests here? To protect Ukraine's borders? If so, why aren't we protecting ours? Other than the military industrial complex, who else in America wants this war? This is certifiably insane.

Full article here: https://www.revolver.news/2022/01/height-of-arrogance-the-globalist-american-empire-risks-nuclear-war-with-russia/

01-25-2022, 01:21 AM
I will back any political candidate for any office that runs on the platform of abolishing the Kiss Cam and the Chicken Dance. I am a single issue voter, and that is my issue!!!

I am totally on board with these important dinner table issues. Additional focus should be, (1) Bring back wet T shirt contests and (2) never infringe on the right to assemble cup snakes!

OR....I could back someone that simply wants to bring back .25 cent wing day.

Strange Brew
01-25-2022, 12:15 PM
I am totally on board with these important dinner table issues. Additional focus should be, (1) Bring back wet T shirt contests and (2) never infringe on the right to assemble cup snakes!

OR....I could back someone that simply wants to bring back .25 cent wing day.

The Right to Assemble Cup Snakes Shall Not Be Infringed.

01-31-2022, 09:42 AM
Yeah, this article is from Fox….but, guess what?
It’s accurate!! And the public knows it.
Let’s Go Brandon!!


01-31-2022, 05:52 PM
'Pubs should go jump off a bridge in Pittsburgh...


01-31-2022, 05:53 PM
Wait, so they thought the overall bill was wasteful, but thought parts of the bill were good? Why, that's the scandal of the century!

01-31-2022, 06:00 PM
But only the parts that help their district.
The rest of the country...wasteful.

01-31-2022, 06:48 PM
Tulsi Gabbard: "Biden chose Harris as his VP because of the color of her skin and sex—not qualification. She's been a disaster. Now he promises to choose Supreme Court nominee on the same criteria. Identity politics is destroying our country."


Obama: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

01-31-2022, 09:30 PM
Didn't trump chose cheese coney because she was a woman?

01-31-2022, 09:37 PM
Wait, so they thought the overall bill was wasteful, but thought parts of the bill were good? Why, that's the scandal of the century!

Good. They can refuse to take their share of the money. Like they do with Medicaid.

02-01-2022, 08:54 AM
It's almost like people don't understand how a representative government works..

02-01-2022, 09:12 AM
It's almost like people don't understand how a representative government works..

Sadly, most people don’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-01-2022, 10:31 AM
Sadly, most people don’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Think its quite amusing bobbie calls out xulou but continues to post the dumbest things on this thread

02-01-2022, 05:16 PM
Didn't trump chose cheese coney because she was a woman?

This wins for “Most Stupid Post of 2022”.

02-01-2022, 05:25 PM
trump said he would choose a woman, Biden said he would choose a black woman, get over your prejudice. Your buddy Cruz says nominating a black woman is "offensive". Guess you concur.

02-01-2022, 05:36 PM
Think its quite amusing bobbie calls out xulou but continues to post the dumbest things on this thread

Says the guy who say he hates personal attacks lol. Vote for your hero again. He loves them.

02-04-2022, 10:02 PM
My apologies for not being able to get over this.

According to the Republican National Committee, in the course of censuring 2 of its party’s members, this is a video of “legitimate political discourse.”

There’s something radically wrong in our country if one of our two major political parties thinks this is a legitimate political discourse.


02-05-2022, 11:54 AM
Pence - a year late - "trump was wrong"

Muskie in dayton
02-06-2022, 11:42 AM
My apologies for not being able to get over this.

According to the Republican National Committee, in the course of censuring 2 of its party’s members, this is a video of “legitimate political discourse.”

There’s something radically wrong in our country if one of our two major political parties thinks this is a legitimate political discourse.

agree censuring is ridiculous. We have primaries for that.

I don’t agree it’s only one party.

02-06-2022, 12:54 PM
agree censuring is ridiculous. We have primaries for that.

I don’t agree it’s only one party.

Yeah. Amazing how myopic Paul is, huh?

02-06-2022, 02:11 PM
The really sad part is you have both parties censuring people in their own party for not blindly following the party line. I applaud each of them for doing what they think is best for the country, not what the party wants. It really should be country first, then party. Sadly, that’s no lo fee the case. Both parties expect blind adherence to whatever BS the party leadership spews forth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-06-2022, 04:16 PM
I wasn't commenting on censuring per se.
I was commenting on the reasoning for the censure, that a riot is legitimate political discourse in the eyes of one party.

A riot should never be legitimate political discourse, and the fact that one party thinks it is...is not good for our country.

(And I sort of thought that would have been apparent from my comment. Guess not.)

Strange Brew
02-06-2022, 04:37 PM
I wasn't commenting on censuring per se.
I was commenting on the reasoning for the censure, that a riot is legitimate political discourse in the eyes of one party.

A riot should never be legitimate political discourse, and the fact that one party thinks it is...is not good for our country.

(And I sort of thought that would have been apparent from my comment. Guess not.)

Huh, seems like a Party accepted and cheered rioting for most of 2020.

02-06-2022, 07:25 PM
I wasn't commenting on censuring per se.
I was commenting on the reasoning for the censure, that a riot is legitimate political discourse in the eyes of one party.

A riot should never be legitimate political discourse, and the fact that one party thinks it is...is not good for our country.

(And I sort of thought that would have been apparent from my comment. Guess not.)

Hmmm. Where were your comments during the summer of 2020 when Kenosha, Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis amongst many other cities were being burned
to the ground and many Businesses owned by People of Color were destroyed? Oh, and when the current Vice President was promoting a fund to bail rioters out of jail?

Seems as if Democrats sure thought that "riots were legitimate discourse" at that time.
Nothing was destroyed in the "Capitol Riots". Billions were destroyed in the "Riots of 2020"
Stop being disingenuous.

02-06-2022, 08:28 PM
I'm pretty sure you'll not find a comment on here from me, where I said riots are a legitimate political discourse.

That you want to imply that I may think that...is the real example of being disingenuous. You can't bring yourself to say riots are not legitimate discourse, so you are agreeing with the RNC.

I have no such reservations; riots are NOT legitimate political discourse.

Strange Brew
02-07-2022, 01:02 PM
I'm pretty sure you'll not find a comment on here from me, where I said riots are a legitimate political discourse.

That you want to imply that I may think that...is the real example of being disingenuous. You can't bring yourself to say riots are not legitimate discourse, so you are agreeing with the RNC.

I have no such reservations; riots are NOT legitimate political discourse.

You stated more than once that riots as political discourse are accepted by one Party. Which is nonsense and par for the course from you.

At least we agree that riots are bad.

02-07-2022, 03:06 PM
It is nonsense; which is why it's surprising that a national party would adopt that position.

Strange Brew
02-07-2022, 04:56 PM
It is nonsense; which is why it's surprising that a national party would adopt that position.

Agree, which is why it's surprising both National Parties have adopted that position at varying points..

02-07-2022, 06:11 PM
I haven't seen the DNC adopt that position, but I'll go along with these former Ambassadors, Admirals, officials, Congressmen and Senators:

The RNC’s description of the January 6th insurrection as “legitimate political discourse” is an affront to the rule of law, peaceful self-government, and the constitutional order.


I feel fairly certain you won't find a set of Democratic officials, banded together to express this sort of opinion about the DNC.

Strange Brew
02-07-2022, 06:39 PM
I haven't seen the DNC adopt that position, but I'll go along with these former Ambassadors, Admirals, officials, Congressmen and Senators:


I feel fairly certain you won't find a set of Democratic officials, banded together to express this sort of opinion about the DNC.

So the current VP is not a Democratic official.

02-07-2022, 09:33 PM
"The RNC’s description of the January 6th insurrection as “legitimate political discourse” is an affront to the rule of law, peaceful self-government, and the constitutional order. There can be no justifying the horrific attack that day, and we condemn the Committee for excusing the actions of men and women who battered police officers, ransacked our nation’s Capitol, called for hanging the Vice President of the United States, and sought to overturn a free and fair election.""

The RNC is insane.

"Shame falls on a party that would censure persons of conscience, who seek truth in the face of vitriol," - Romney

Strange Brew
02-07-2022, 10:26 PM
"The RNC’s description of the January 6th insurrection as “legitimate political discourse” is an affront to the rule of law, peaceful self-government, and the constitutional order. There can be no justifying the horrific attack that day, and we condemn the Committee for excusing the actions of men and women who battered police officers, ransacked our nation’s Capitol, called for hanging the Vice President of the United States, and sought to overturn a free and fair election.""

The RNC is insane.

"Shame falls on a party that would censure persons of conscience, who seek truth in the face of vitriol," - Romney

Romney? Oh, ok Bobbie.

02-08-2022, 01:52 PM
Wow, Nancy Pelosi's own personal Stasi!!! This is what it's all coming down to....

From Congressman Troy Nehls:

The @CapitolPolice Intelligence Division investigated my office illegally and one of my staffers caught them in the act.

On November 20th, 2021, Capitol Police entered my office without my knowledge and photographed confidential legislative products protected by the Speech and Debate clause enshrined in the Constitution, Article 1 Section 6.

Two days later on Monday November 22, 2021 (Thanksgiving week), three intelligence officers attempted to enter my office while the House was in recess.

https://twitter.com/RepTroyNehls/status/1491065696335560708?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1491065696335560708%7Ctwgr% 5Ehb_2_8%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthelibertydaily.com%2Fcapito l-police-busted-illegally-snooping-through-congressmans-office-twice%2F


Inspector General Opens Investigation Into U.S. Capitol Police Following Allegations Of Spying On Members Of Congress, Staff:


Here are the questions Nancy Pelosi refuses to answer about her role on Jan. 6:

• When then-United States Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund made a request for national guard support on January 4th, why was that request denied?

• Did Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving get permission or instruction from your staff on January 4th prior to denying Chief Sund’s request for the national guard?

• What conversations and what guidance did you and your staff give the Sergeant at Arms leading up to January 6th specific to the security posture of the campus?

• What conversations did you have during the attack on the Capitol and what response did you give security officials on January 6th when Chief Sund requested National Guard support that required your approval?

• Why are your House Officers refusing to comply with preservation and production requests to turn over requested materials relevant to the events of January 6th?


02-08-2022, 03:58 PM
Romney? Oh, ok Bobbie.

and Cassidy:

"The RNC is censuring Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger because they are trying to find out what happened on January 6th," Cassidy wrote in a tweet. "HUH?"

Strange Brew
02-08-2022, 04:01 PM
and Cassidy:

"The RNC is censuring Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger because they are trying to find out what happened on January 6th," Cassidy wrote in a tweet. "HUH?"

Cheney and Kinzinger. They are not being censured for the reason Cassidy stated.

02-08-2022, 04:13 PM
and Ernst, Graham, Collins, Cornyn and Moore-Capito, Murkowski and Hutchinson, Hogan. McCaul,etc,etc

02-08-2022, 04:30 PM
even ol Mitch:

Senator Mitch McConnell, the minority leader, pushed back hard on Tuesday on the Republican Party’s censure of Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and its characterization of Jan. 6 as “legitimate political discourse,” saying the riot was a “violent insurrection.”

Strange Brew
02-08-2022, 05:04 PM
even ol Mitch:

Senator Mitch McConnell, the minority leader, pushed back hard on Tuesday on the Republican Party’s censure of Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and its characterization of Jan. 6 as “legitimate political discourse,” saying the riot was a “violent insurrection.”

That’s nice. Glad they were censured and Mitch is wrong.

02-08-2022, 08:11 PM
That’s nice. Glad they were censured and Mitch is wrong.

Censuring is stupid. Doesn't mean anything. It just shows how dumb they are.

Strange Brew
02-08-2022, 08:29 PM
Censuring is stupid. Doesn't mean anything. It just shows how dumb they are.

Agree Bobbie so why do you and Paul care?

Cheney will be gone in the next election cycle anyway.

02-08-2022, 10:42 PM
I was commenting on the reasoning for the censure, that a riot is legitimate political discourse in the eyes of one party.

A riot should never be legitimate political discourse, and the fact that one party thinks it is...is not good for our country.

I'm pretty sure you'll not find a comment on here from me, where I said riots are a legitimate political discourse..

Amazing almost back to back posts.
You say that one party thinks that riots are legitimate political discourse. I guess I should assume that you mean the Democratic Party, since that one party's minions spent an entire summer of 2020 engaged in riots that were carried out by supporters of the Democratic Party ideas and philosophies? You, know. Defund the Police, soft on crime Prosecutors, Businesses are just evil profiteers so it's OK to steal and loot from them, and The Feds are so evil that it os OK to laser their troops eyes and try to burn their courthouses down? That private property and private businesses, including those owned by People of Color are nothing more than a pawn to be destroyed in the "Greater Good" of "Social Justice"? That promoting national contributions to fund the Bail Out of Violent Criminals who destroyed these private properties and businesses was proper, as KAMALA HARRIS and others did?
Nah, those violent displays were not carried out by those on the right, Paul. Which "side" carried out an attempted assassination vs Congressmen on a DC area softball field because of "ideas". Clue, it wasn't anybody in the Republican Party.
Let me predict that the next time a riot occurs, it will not be perpetrated by anything that Rand Paul or Lindsay Graham says. it very well may come from something that Maxine Waters ("Let's make sure that we show up whenever we have to show up. And if you see somebody from Trump's Cabinet in. restaurant, in a store or at a gas station, you get out and create a crowd. And you push back on them"), or Ayanna Pressley ("There needs to be unrest in the streets"). Or even Joe Biden, who famously made sure he went and got a photo op with a Felony Criminal and Woman abuser Jakob Blake in Kenosha.

Sooooooooo, Paul. Which "Party" believes that rioting and unrest are legitimate political discourse????? Seems pretty clear, but of course, clear views are impaired by Blue Colored glasses.

02-08-2022, 10:46 PM
Agree Bobbie so why do you and Paul care?

Cheney will be gone in the next election cycle anyway.

Yep. Sabotaged for telling the truth. Sad.

Strange Brew
02-08-2022, 10:51 PM
Yep. Sabotaged for telling the truth. Sad.

Not really but sure.

02-09-2022, 06:54 AM
A lot of people who claim to be on a "side" do things for which they can and mostly do, end up in jail.

That's entirely different than "party" leaders saying that rioting is legitimate political discourse. Even a Mitch McConnell knows the difference.

02-09-2022, 10:27 AM
A lot of people who claim to be on a "side" do things for which they can and mostly do, end up in jail.

That's entirely different than "party" leaders saying that rioting is legitimate political discourse. Even a Mitch McConnell knows the difference.

Hundreds of “people that were on a side” in the summer of 2020 are not in jail, and in fact, were not prosecuted at all.
Many more just skipped their court dates and have never been held to account. Kamala Harris promoted a fund to bail violent rioters out of jail. Are you saying that Maxine Waters is A) Not a party leader and B) That she didn’t incite rioting with her statements?
Meanwhile, the idiots who created a disturbance at the Capitol have continually been arrested, with the full
support of McConnell, Mike Pence and other Republican leaders have been fully in favor of the rule of law.
Jeezuz Paul. Are you really this stupid? Or Blind? Or unable to see and hear reality??



02-09-2022, 12:02 PM
From your article:

The cases his office has presumptively declined to prosecute are ones that don't involve property damage, theft or the threat or use of force against another person.

They arrested a lot of folks for just being on the street. The ones that caused damage, looting, etc. they are trying to prosecute.

For the sake of your argument, let's say Maxine Waters did encourage people to do something, and they subsequently broke the law.
That would be the case of the insurrectionists at the Capitol.
I don't see anyone from the Democratic party leadership saying that the peoples' lawbreaking was legitimate political discourse.

And I don't know what your hangup is with Kamala Harris and the bail fund deal; that's part of our American jurisprudence system, for anyone.
A judge sets bail, and if you meet it, you can be released until trial. But you sure seem to be focused on it for some reason.

02-09-2022, 01:36 PM
From your article:

They arrested a lot of folks for just being on the street. The ones that caused damage, looting, etc. they are trying to prosecute.

For the sake of your argument, let's say Maxine Waters did encourage people to do something, and they subsequently broke the law.
That would be the case of the insurrectionists at the Capitol.
I don't see anyone from the Democratic party leadership saying that the peoples' lawbreaking was legitimate political discourse.

And I don't know what your hangup is with Kamala Harris and the bail fund deal; that's part of our American jurisprudence system, for anyone.
A judge sets bail, and if you meet it, you can be released until trial. But you sure seem to be focused on it for some reason.

This is art. The art of selectivity. The art of avoidance. The art of revision.
The art of tragic comedy, really.

Joe Freaking Biden went to Kenosha Wisconsin to comfort Jakob Blake. A felon. A woman abuser. A scum of society.
Seems to me that Joe Biden is “Democratic Leadership” and by giving comfort to criminals that would sure be supporting criminal activity and it’s aftermath in rioting as legitimate political discourse. For Gawds Sake, it WAS PART OF HIS CAMPAIGN STRATEGY!!!!
By the way. I guess storming the Capitol by leftists during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings is just no big deal either? Seems like that might have been excused as “legitimate political discourse” by your side?? How quickly one forgets inconvenient truths?
I could go on and on about Harris, but no need.
You are irrevocably broken.

02-10-2022, 06:38 PM

I wish money was being spent on the problem rather than putting a bandaid on something, but such is government.

Strange Brew
02-10-2022, 09:49 PM

I wish money was being spent on the problem rather than putting a bandaid on something, but such is government.

Agree, but you got to love Yahoo. Hey, it's not crack pipes but only clean needles (stupid conservatives). Reread that and think about it for a second.

In all seriousness, money would be better spent on mental health facilities. As you correctly stated, this is a bandaid and addresses nothing.

Humorous note, if someone wanted to "smoke" crack they now have the option to "mainline" it with their sterile needles. Heard that from a dude on the street...:)

02-11-2022, 08:51 AM

I wish money was being spent on the problem rather than putting a bandaid on something, but such is government.

Por que no los dos?

Seems like this band aid is a relatively small investment that could have some immediate benefits. If money is eventually spent on better infrastructure to assist these people, you now have a contact point with them to offer them the expanded services.

02-11-2022, 09:03 AM
Por que no los dos?

Seems like this band aid is a relatively small investment that could have some immediate benefits. If money is eventually spent on better infrastructure to assist these people, you now have a contact point with them to offer them the expanded services.

Ok. Just keep promoting “benefits” that have druggies smoking crack in St. Louis. That’ll do it!! (Note: They WERE including pipes in the kits until the Free Beacon caught them, and now the denials start through their house Media the Washington Post)

And on another poster’s (look him up) obsession with “Fact Checkers”, I offer this from former NYT writer Nellie Bowles in Bari Weiss’ “Common Sense” on Substack.
“ The Biden Administration announced this week it would be putting $30 million of taxpayer money into grants for programs that will in part provide drug users with crack and meth “safe smoking kits,” which typically include the glass stems (the pipes). Priority would be given to drug programs for minority-groups, the administration said.

The Free Beacon reported that a source told them the crack kits could specifically include pipes, and the story went viral. The Fact Checkers were furious. Snopes, which at one time was a Facebook official fact checker, labeled the reporting with a big red X and MOSTLY FALSE rating . . . while confirming the Free Beacon reporting as entirely true. Here’s how they explained it:

In 2022, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services substance abuse harm reduction grant did require recipients to provide safer smoking kits to existing drug users. In distributing grants, priority would be given to applicants serving historically underserved communities. However what’s false is this was just one of around 20 components of the grant program and far from its most prominent or important one.

That’s right: Snopes claims that the news about smoking kits is true. It’s just not important.

Or here’s Facebook’s “Partly False” Fact Check that also confirms the Free Beacon reporting:

While a description of the HHS grants stated that the grantees would be required to buy materials like safe smoking kits and supplies to "enhance harm reduction efforts," such kits and supplies are just a few of the many materials that grantees can utilize.

The crack kits are just one of many other things in the basket, you see. So it’s false.

The backlash did, thankfully, reach the White House, which responded by saying they would not directly fund crack pipes and then later that they never were going to add pipes into the smoking kits. Are they lying now in the face of outrage? Maybe. Maybe not. That’s what fierce, independent reporting is for, and that’s why banning articles on developing stories is idiotic.

The disinformation-is-whatever-I-say people run media tech coverage, social media content policy, and now are heavily influencing domestic terrorism policy. Biden’s Department of Homeland Security released this week a bulletin about Domestic Terrorism focused on those who post “mis- dis- and mal-information.” I’m not kidding. The DHS writes: “These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest.”
Remember this anytime you read a story about “misinformation” in the legacy press or see a “fact check” from your social media giant of choice. The people doing this are hoping you can’t use your eyes to read, and their goal is to get the government involved. True is now Mostly False. Unknown is Definitely Known. ”

Uh huh.

Strange Brew
02-11-2022, 11:04 AM
Por que no los dos?

Seems like this band aid is a relatively small investment that could have some immediate benefits. If money is eventually spent on better infrastructure to assist these people, you now have a contact point with them to offer them the expanded services.

Is this a serious response or are you trying to be funny?

02-11-2022, 11:26 AM
Is this a serious response or are you trying to be funny?

Absolutely. The cost of a program like this is relatively minor and reduces the transmission of diseases (the costs of which would be much higher on the taxpayers when they show up to the ER). You are not going to get addicts to just stop doing drugs by removing paraphernalia, so why not try to make it safe while at the same point creating a contact for them to receive other services, such as rehab, HIV testing, and preventative medical care. Criminalizing addiction hasn't worked, so why not try something else.

Strange Brew
02-11-2022, 11:36 AM
Absolutely. The cost of a program like this is relatively minor and reduces the transmission of diseases (the costs of which would be much higher on the taxpayers when they show up to the ER). You are not going to get addicts to just stop doing drugs by removing paraphernalia, so why not try to make it safe while at the same point creating a contact for them to receive other services, such as rehab, HIV testing, and preventative medical care. Criminalizing addiction hasn't worked, so why not try something else.

I'm a Libertarian and this makes my head hurt. How about we give them a safe place to sleep and people to talk to instead of the vehicle to continue the problem that put them in the condition they're in.

02-11-2022, 11:36 AM
Absolutely. The cost of a program like this is relatively minor and reduces the transmission of diseases (the costs of which would be much higher on the taxpayers when they show up to the ER). You are not going to get addicts to just stop doing drugs by removing paraphernalia, so why not try to make it safe while at the same point creating a contact for them to receive other services, such as rehab, HIV testing, and preventative medical care. Criminalizing addiction hasn't worked, so why not try something else.

I think the actual problem with drug addiction is mental health, and I don’t think providing a safe space to continue to use is any kind of benefit. There is better ways to spend 30 million, and no I don’t think criminalizing it is the answer either.

Peace out..on a plane now. Go x!

02-11-2022, 11:52 AM
I'm a Libertarian and this makes my head hurt. How about we give them a safe place to sleep and people to talk to instead of the vehicle to continue the problem that put them in the condition they're in.

I am all for that too. But unfortunately some are not in a mental place to accept that help as addiction really fucks with your head.

I do not think there is a silver bullet here or only one path forward. It is a massively complicated problem, that needs to be addressed on multiple fronts. $30 million is less than a rounding error to the federal budget, so why not see if it helps get people to the point that they can accept the warm place to sleep and someone to talk to.

Strange Brew
02-11-2022, 12:08 PM
I am all for that too. But unfortunately some are not in a mental place to accept that help as addiction really fucks with your head.

I do not think there is a silver bullet here or only one path forward. It is a massively complicated problem, that needs to be addressed on multiple fronts. $30 million is less than a rounding error to the federal budget, so why not see if it helps get people to the point that they can accept the warm place to sleep and someone to talk to.

$30 million buys a lot of other things too....

02-11-2022, 02:45 PM
Have heard that Russia has invaded Ukrane

02-11-2022, 03:55 PM
Have heard that Russia has invaded Ukrane

Heard officials say they have enough troops there now and is likely to happen next week.

X-band '01
02-12-2022, 11:12 AM
I'm guessing this is not going to end like Seinfeld where Kramer and Newman's game of Risk gets interrupted by someone from, you know.

02-17-2022, 07:24 PM
And I don't know what your hangup is with Kamala Harris and the bail fund deal; that's part of our American jurisprudence system, for anyone.
A judge sets bail, and if you meet it, you can be released until trial. But you sure seem to be focused on it for some reason.

Well, well, well. This is how slippery slopes work isn’t it.
A Leftist “Activist” walks into a Democrat Candidate for Mayor of Louisville’s office and starts shooting a 9mm at the candidate. Luckily he misses him and staff members but left a bullet hole in the candidates sweater.
A BLM Bail Fund goes in and bails the “alleged” perpetrator out of jail within 2 1/2 days. Reaction?

Both the candidate and other Kentucky Democrat political figures are OUTRAGED and condemn this action by the BLM Louisville org.
From the Louisville Courier Journal:
Adam Edelen, a former Democratic candidate for governor who said (mayoral candidate)Greenberg served as the best man at his wedding, also criticized the release.
"There is simply no defense for a would-be assassin to be released on bail, 60 hours after firing on his intended target," Edelen wrote Wednesday night on Twitter.

See the slope get slipperier and slipperier.
Two faced reactions are hilarious to behold.
Hypocrites all.

Muskie in dayton
02-18-2022, 10:43 PM
We should be be mounting troops on the Canadian border.

02-21-2022, 08:01 AM
In a time when citizens are being locked down, their free speech censored and kids masked for virtue signaling political purposes, never forget this pertinent quote from the truly great President Ronald Reagan:

“ Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

02-23-2022, 12:01 PM
Joe Biden has already lost 2 countries in 13 months.
Afghanistan and Ukraine.
Taiwan next??
Keep going Brandon!!

02-23-2022, 03:44 PM
Joe Biden has already lost 2 countries in 13 months.
Afghanistan and Ukraine.
Taiwan next??
Keep going Brandon!!

If this statement isn't "tongue-in-cheek", there really is no hope for you as a rational member of humanity.

02-23-2022, 04:12 PM
There was a bipartisan effort to block the Nordstream 2 pipeline from Russia with sanctions against it as a preemptive move to stop an invasion of Ukraine.
Last year, Biden went against advice of his own officials and blocked these sanctions.
Then..Last month, Democrats filibustered Nord Stream sanctions.

Afghanistan results speak for themselves.

Strange Brew
02-23-2022, 11:38 PM
There was a bipartisan effort to block the Nordstream 2 pipeline from Russia with sanctions against it as a preemptive move to stop an invasion of Ukraine.
Last year, Biden went against advice of his own officials and blocked these sanctions.
Then..Last month, Democrats filibustered Nord Stream sanctions.

Afghanistan results speak for themselves.

So glad we no longer have the Keystone pipeline….

02-24-2022, 01:09 PM
If this statement isn't "tongue-in-cheek", there really is no hope for you as a rational member of humanity.

Hey!!!! How are the "Adults In Charge" doing about now?
Is Hunter worried about losing his $80,000/month "fee" that was emanating from Ukraine?
Crimea: Annexed under Obama.
Ukraine: In process of being lost under Biden.
Yes, there is no hope, but only 3 more years!!!!!

02-24-2022, 01:15 PM
As a country we are weak as shit right now. That can't be argued