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05-12-2021, 11:43 AM

You still support the "Big Lie'?

05-12-2021, 12:09 PM
It’s going well. #BidensAmerica

From NPR:

The accelerating inflation comes as companies have been forced to pay more to secure critical materials such as lumber and steel amid continued disruptions to the global supply chain. And the government also pumped trillions of dollars into the economy in a bid to blunt the impact from the coronavirus, contributing to inflation.”

Yeah. You know. Fuel prices way up because Biden stops pipelines & fracking. Costs more to ship. People siting on their asses collecting free money while there are 8 million, many good paying, jobs out there.
But no mean tweets!

05-12-2021, 12:16 PM

Liz Cheney was THIRD in succession of Leadership in only one part of the Legislative branch. Not exactly a critical position and she served at the pleasure of her colleagues. If this was a Democrat this story would be relegated to the 5th page of any newspaper in a small column. It has zero effect on the welfare of the country.
Know what does have a BIG EFFECT on the welfare of the country? Joe Biden’s misguided policies with his puppet strings controlled by illiberal leftists. But amazingly, even if there are stories about that, THEY are relegated to the 5th page rather than the front page.
Biden is killing the country. Cheney losing a leadership seat is not.
Nice shiny object to distract there media.

05-12-2021, 12:29 PM
And meanwhile on the foreign front, rather than trying to build off the Abraham Accords, sleepy Joe is just allowing Hamas to rain rockets down on one of our most trusted allies Israel.
What a dumpster fire administration we have here within 120 days.

Strange Brew
05-12-2021, 12:44 PM
You still support the "Big Lie'?

I don't support your propagandtastic label and I don't think Liz Cheney should be in leadership for a host of reasons.

05-12-2021, 12:49 PM
I don't support your propagandtastic label and I don't think Liz Cheney should be in leadership for a host of reasons.

Isn’t it hilarious how the Cheney family (Dick) has been vilified for years by the Dems and now his daughter is being held up as some statue of virtue.

TDS runs deep.

Strange Brew
05-12-2021, 12:52 PM
Isn’t it hilarious how the Cheney family (Dick) has been vilified for years by the Dems and now his daughter is being held up as some statue of virtue.

TDS runs deep.

Remember the Bush/Cheney cabal are the only R leaders to start a war in US history.

05-12-2021, 01:11 PM
I certainly don't support Cheney's policies.

I am astounded that the Republicans would remove her because she won't buy into a lie that they've convinced so many to believe.
Her conservative voting record is better than the woman who will replace here.

It's Kafkaesque,

Strange Brew
05-12-2021, 01:15 PM
I certainly don't support Cheney's policies.

I am astounded that the Republicans would remove her because she won't buy into a lie that they've convinced so many to believe.
Her conservative voting record is better than the woman who will replace here.

It's Kafkaesque,

Lie? I don't she's a proponent of Climate Alarmism or masking....:)

I don't think it's because she's not bought into whatever you want to call it. Likely has to do with being so vocal in opposition to sentiments of 70+M voters and the base.

05-12-2021, 01:45 PM
I did not leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party left me.

Strange Brew
05-12-2021, 01:58 PM
I did not leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party left me.

It looks like Rs in WY feel the same way about her. Guess we’ll find out next year.

05-12-2021, 02:00 PM
Lie? I don't she's a proponent of Climate Alarmism or masking....:)

I don't think it's because she's not bought into whatever you want to call it. Likely has to do with being so vocal in opposition to sentiments of 70+M voters and the base.

If you believe that, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. I think it seems pretty clear that she is being removed from leadership for speaking out against Trump. It is totally bizarre that a former President (and a poor one at that) holds that much sway. Parties are supposed to be about ideas and principles, not devotion to individuals. That's a cult, not a political party. This isn't Italy or Brazil, it's America.

I would imagine that Ms. Cheney's perspective is that those voters are being misled by her party. Just because people have been convinced of something, doesn't make it true or right. Regardless of what anyone thinks of Liz Cheney, she took a principled stand knowing that it was almost certain political suicide. If more politicians (on both sides) were willing to do that, I think we would have a much more functional government.

Essentially her party was hijacked by a demagogue, and literally everyone except for like 10 total people in government fell right in line with anything he said - no matter how crazy and un-tethered from reality. You either believe Trump is telling the truth, or you don't. If you don't believe Trump is telling the truth, then Liz Cheney's major offense is refusing to fall in line behind a clear lie.

Strange Brew
05-12-2021, 02:06 PM
If you believe that, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. I think it seems pretty clear that she is being removed from leadership for speaking out against Trump. It is totally bizarre that a former President (and a poor one at that) holds that much sway. Parties are supposed to be about ideas and principles, not devotion to individuals. That's a cult, not a political party. This isn't Italy or Brazil, it's America.

I would imagine that Ms. Cheney's perspective is that those voters are being misled by her party. Just because people have been convinced of something, doesn't make it true or right. Regardless of what anyone thinks of Liz Cheney, she took a principled stand knowing that it was almost certain political suicide. If more politicians (on both sides) were willing to do that, I think we would have a much more functional government.

Essentially her party was hijacked by a demagogue, and literally everyone except for like 10 total people in government fell right in line with anything he said - no matter how crazy and un-tethered from reality. You either believe Trump is telling the truth, or you don't. If you don't believe Trump is telling the truth, then Liz Cheney's major offense is refusing to fall in line behind a clear lie.

Did it ever occur to you that Trump voters did so because they agreed with his policies. I highly doubt he was winning people over with his genial personality.

05-12-2021, 02:17 PM
Did it ever occur to you that Trump voters did so because they agreed with his policies. I highly doubt he was winning people over with his genial personality.

Cheney voted with Trump on his policy issues more that the Rep. from NY that is primed to replace her. So I don't think it was policy. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackbrewster/2021/05/06/whos-more-loyal-cheney-voted-more-with-trump-than-possible-successor-stefanik/?sh=532c344632e1

Anyone who thinks it was anything other than daring to disagree with Trump is simply being intellectually dishonest.

05-12-2021, 02:23 PM
A “poor president” who
-Controlled the borders
-Had a fantastic economic story for all, including POC’s, until the China Virus
-Didn’t start a war
-Negotiated the Abraham Accords
-Destroyed Isis
-Had no inflation issues
-Created Operation Warp Speed that created a vaccine for the China Virus in record time when the media said it was impossible.

Yeah. That’s some “Poor President”.

05-12-2021, 02:33 PM
I don't support your propagandtastic label and I don't think Liz Cheney should be in leadership for a host of reasons.

[QUOTE=Masterofreality;703949]Isn’t it hilarious how the Cheney family (Dick) has been vilified for years by the Dems and now his daughter is being held up as some statue of virtue.

Simple question, do you still support the "Big Lie" or not. Yes or No.

05-12-2021, 02:42 PM
[QUOTE=Masterofreality;703949]Isn’t it hilarious how the Cheney family (Dick) has been vilified for years by the Dems and now his daughter is being held up as some statue of virtue.

Simple question, do you still support the "Big Lie" or not. Yes or No.
You mean Biden’s BIG lie of building back better?

05-12-2021, 02:49 PM
You know what I mean. Do you still believe trump's claim he won the election as his titanic sinks and the band plays on?

05-12-2021, 02:56 PM
You know what I mean. Do you still believe trump's claim he won the election as his titanic sinks and the band plays on?

Address what your President is NOT doing. History is History and over. Trump is gone. Stop your TDS and focus on this current dumpster fire

05-12-2021, 02:58 PM
Yay or Nay? Ps on the abraham : "it looks like Jared Kushner brought peace to the Middle East in exactly the same way that his father-in-law won the last election."

05-12-2021, 03:06 PM
TDS is alive and well in the Republican party.

55% of Republicans believe his 2020 election loss resulted from illegal voting or election rigging.

That's a lot of folks who believe in a lie.

05-12-2021, 03:17 PM
The Minority Leader of the House, Kevin McCarthy, today after a meeting with the President and others:

I don't think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election.

The former President of the country on Monday:

The Fake News media refuses to cover the greatest Election Fraud in the history of our Country.

One of these things is not like the other.

05-12-2021, 03:31 PM
It's like Brokeback mountain when it comes to some of you with Trump. Why is he still so important to some of you? Who cares...move on. There are way more pressing things going on with the world right now....are you, like the media, just trying to distract from the utter mess the country is in right now from multiple angles? I guess that makes sense.

05-12-2021, 03:37 PM
Maybe it's just me but I don't care about political posturing or who gets voted out of what position on what committee inside the beltway.

What I do care about is what is happening in the world today..real issues that need real solutions:

Getting this country back to work
Russia hack of one of our largest pipelines leading to fuel shortages and rising costs
Southern border crisis
Our strongest ally in the middle east is in the middle a game of red rover being played with ballistic missiles

The jaggoffs in DC need to get to work and quit with the petty sh#t.

Strange Brew
05-12-2021, 03:41 PM
Cheney voted with Trump on his policy issues more that the Rep. from NY that is primed to replace her. So I don't think it was policy. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackbrewster/2021/05/06/whos-more-loyal-cheney-voted-more-with-trump-than-possible-successor-stefanik/?sh=532c344632e1

Anyone who thinks it was anything other than daring to disagree with Trump is simply being intellectually dishonest.

Right. And Trump won more votes than any R in history. He’s also more liked in the party for whatever reason than anything Cheney/Bush/Romney. She likely would’ve been ok if she had stated she disagrees with him and moved on but she is using her seat to reshape a party that has moved away from the politics of her family.

She’ll likely be out of office next year anyway. It’s politics. Her party said, eh, no thanks. We’re moving on. This is what democracy looks like!

05-12-2021, 04:09 PM
Right. And Trump won more votes than any R in history. He’s also more liked in the party for whatever reason than anything Cheney/Bush/Romney. She likely would’ve been ok if she had stated she disagrees with him and moved on but she is using her seat to reshape a party that has moved away from the politics of her family.

She’ll likely be out of office next year anyway. It’s politics. Her party said, eh, no thanks. We’re moving on. This is what democracy looks like!

You misspelled demagoguery.

05-12-2021, 04:20 PM
The Minority Leader of the House, Kevin McCarthy, today after a meeting with the President and others:

The former President of the country on Monday:

One of these things is not like the other.

Politico (who is no right wing publication) headline this afternoon:
‘I have reassessed’: Former Pentagon official now says Trump may not have incited riot


Strange Brew
05-12-2021, 04:22 PM
You misspelled demagoguery.


05-12-2021, 04:26 PM
Yay or Nay? Ps on the abraham : "it looks like Jared Kushner brought peace to the Middle East in exactly the same way that his father-in-law won the last election."

The Abraham Accords are real. What is happening now is Hamas/Palestinians being encouraged by Biden’s attempt to return to 2014 status, by propping up Iran and their proxy Hamas again. That dog ain’t hunting anymore but Biden sticks to a failed policy and won’t give the accomplishments of Trump any credit. And turning his back on Israel.

05-12-2021, 04:31 PM
Seems like maybe Biden should have kept Kushner on.

05-12-2021, 04:52 PM
The Abraham Accords are real. What is happening now is Hamas/Palestinians being encouraged by Biden’s attempt to return to 2014 status, by propping up Iran and their proxy Hamas again. That dog ain’t hunting anymore but Biden sticks to a failed policy and won’t give the accomplishments of Trump any credit. And turning his back on Israel.

Yeah, it's Biden fault after a 1oo days that they have been warring in the mid-east for 75 yrs. Get a clue. Hope the Arabs enjoy their Tel Aviv vacations. lol

05-12-2021, 05:03 PM
Maybe it's just me but I don't care about political posturing or who gets voted out of what position on what committee inside the beltway.

What I do care about is what is happening in the world today..real issues that need real solutions:

Getting this country back to work
Russia hack of one of our largest pipelines leading to fuel shortages and rising costs
Southern border crisis
Our strongest ally in the middle east is in the middle a game of red rover being played with ballistic missiles

The jaggoffs in DC need to get to work and quit with the petty sh#t.

100% this...

I’ll throw in inflation as another major concern.

05-12-2021, 05:09 PM
Yeah, it's Biden fault after a 1oo days that they have been warring in the mid-east for 75 yrs. Get a clue. Hope the Arabs enjoy their Tel Aviv vacations. lol

Politics aside You’re a weird kind of person

05-12-2021, 05:22 PM
Yeah, it's Biden fault after a 1oo days that they have been warring in the mid-east for 75 yrs. Get a clue. Hope the Arabs enjoy their Tel Aviv vacations. lol

And Trump had it calmed down. The Abraham Accords are real progress.
Read some unbiased stuff and that might give you a clue

05-12-2021, 05:28 PM
Those accords did not address the Israel/Palestinian challenges.
You might read this for a short overview:


05-12-2021, 05:52 PM
100% this...

I’ll throw in inflation as another major concern.

I fear it won’t be too long before everyone else becomes aware of just what a big deal this could become.

05-12-2021, 05:54 PM
And Trump had it calmed down. The Abraham Accords are real progress.
Read some unbiased stuff and that might give you a clue

Maybe Israel shouldn't be evicting Palestinians over a dispute from 70 years ago. Why pick this fight now? It makes no sense. Google Sheikh Jarrah if you don't already know.

I think MOR has a bad case of BDS.

05-12-2021, 06:18 PM
100% this...

I’ll throw in inflation as another major concern.

Yep. I’m afraid it’s about to become a BIG problem.

05-12-2021, 06:24 PM
Yep. I’m afraid it’s about to become a BIG problem.

Who knew that printing a bunch of money would do something like that..hmmm how to fix it?? I know let’s raise the minimum wage to 20 dollars an hour..that’ll fix the problem!

05-12-2021, 06:40 PM
Who knew that printing a bunch of money would do something like that..hmmm how to fix it?? I know let’s raise the minimum wage to 20 dollars an hour..that’ll fix the problem!

Interesting that Liz Cheney was removed today as a leader of the Republican Party

Strange Brew
05-12-2021, 06:42 PM
Maybe Israel shouldn't be evicting Palestinians over a dispute from 70 years ago. Why pick this fight now? It makes no sense. Google Sheikh Jarrah if you don't already know.

I think MOR has a bad case of BDS.

Maybe but firing 100s of rockets into a civilian population is not justified by Israel’s actions.

05-12-2021, 06:55 PM
Who knew that printing a bunch of money would do something like that..hmmm how to fix it?? I know let’s raise the minimum wage to 20 dollars an hour..that’ll fix the problem!

From Bloomberg today:
“ U.S. inflation rises more than forecast, hits 4.2% in April on base effect”

05-12-2021, 06:59 PM
Those accords did not address the Israel/Palestinian challenges.
You might read this for a short overview:


I don’t read The Washington Post. They have lost all credibility a long time ago.
What I do know is that almost zero Muslim countries support the Palestinians. Basically only Iran because they use Hamas as proxy’s. Every bit of armament that shows up in Gaza is from Iran...you know, the place that proclaims Death to Israel?

This from that highly biased source Wikipedia:
“ Iran also supplies Hamas with military weaponry. Technologies provided include Fajr-5, M-75, and M-302 rockets, as well as drones. Aid to Hamas increased after Arafat's death in 2004 and Israel's withdrawal from Gaza in 2005.”

Strange Brew
05-12-2021, 07:01 PM
I don’t read The Washington Post. They have lost all credibility a long time ago.
What I do know is that almost zero Muslim countries support the Palestinians. Basically only Iran because they use Hamas as proxy’s. Every bit of armament that shows up in Gaza is from Iran...you know, the place that proclaims Death to Israel?

That and I read somewhere Biden released a sizable amount of money to the Palestinians that had been frozen.

05-12-2021, 07:15 PM
Ha Ha. Biden has zero idea what he’s doing but I guess this is Infrastructure.

BREAKING: It has been confirmed via the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that construction on a 13.4 mile stretch of border wall in the Rio Grande Valley will *RESUME* after pressure from local residents & politicians.
The Biden admin previously halted all wall construction in Jan.

05-12-2021, 07:18 PM
That and I read somewhere Biden released a sizable amount of money to the Palestinians that had been frozen.

We gave Israel 3.8 billion and 8 billion in loan guarantees.

05-12-2021, 07:20 PM
Ha Ha. Biden has zero idea what he’s doing but I guess this is Infrastructure.

BREAKING: It has been confirmed via the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that construction on a 13.4 mile stretch of border wall in the Rio Grande Valley will *RESUME* after pressure from local residents & politicians.
The Biden admin previously halted all wall construction in Jan.

13 miles to finish it up. Makes sense, we already bought the material.

Strange Brew
05-12-2021, 07:32 PM
We gave Israel 3.8 billion and 8 billion in loan guarantees.

And they’re our ally. What’s your point?

05-12-2021, 07:44 PM
So quit bitching about the poor getting 200 million for food and water that trump cut.

05-12-2021, 07:52 PM
13 miles to finish it up. Makes sense, we already bought the material.

So, you are fine with Biden flat out lying during the campaign and only reversing course because the Government was facing massive lawsuits for attempting to break bona fide contracts.

Just admit it Bobbie & Paul. This administration is already a dumpster fire on all sides. The only thing saving it in any way is the fact that Trump hand delivered a vaccine in advance of the inauguration and way before all the media said it was possible. Remember when Kackling Kamala proclaimed that she would never take a vaccine provided by Trump?
This is gonna be a looooonng 4 years.

05-12-2021, 07:57 PM
trump lied 8x a day, He's still lying everyday. he still thinks he won. What a moron.

05-12-2021, 08:28 PM
Maybe but firing 100s of rockets into a civilian population is not justified by Israel’s actions.

There is no justification for that, but there is equally no justification for the eviction of people whose families have lived in those homes for decades. What are they thinking?

05-12-2021, 08:33 PM
So, you are fine with Biden flat out lying during the campaign and only reversing course because the Government was facing massive lawsuits for attempting to break bona fide contracts.

Just admit it Bobbie & Paul. This administration is already a dumpster fire on all sides. The only thing saving it in any way is the fact that Trump hand delivered a vaccine in advance of the inauguration and way before all the media said it was possible. Remember when Kackling Kamala proclaimed that she would never take a vaccine provided by Trump?
This is gonna be a looooonng 4 years.

What were Biden's lies?

Also, I thought all those Mexican rapists were going to pay for our big beautiful wall.

05-12-2021, 08:35 PM
From Bloomberg today:
“ U.S. inflation rises more than forecast, hits 4.2% in April on base effect”

So, if you're a big business owner, what's a good way to fight inflation? Perhaps by lowering your payroll costs. How better to do that than by hiring illegals? Wow, just so happens we now have a surplus of illegals willing to work for significantly lower wages!

05-12-2021, 09:01 PM
If you go on a building site in texas, chances are you won't find one "legal". Of course, it's illegal to hire them but it never gets enforced by the state govt. The Mexicans built Texas.

05-12-2021, 09:14 PM
I don’t read The Washington Post. They have lost all credibility a long time ago.

You should read that one article. It's by Max Boot...far from a liberal.
He is very pro-Israel, but also realistic about the total situation there.

05-12-2021, 09:30 PM
You should read that one article. It's by Max Boot...far from a liberal.
He is very pro-Israel, but also realistic about the total situation there.

Pseudo con. Plus it’s behind a paywall. Don’t care. Post = Zero cred

05-12-2021, 09:31 PM
What were Biden's lies?

Also, I thought all those Mexican rapists were going to pay for our big beautiful wall.

That he was going to stop building the wall. Pay attention.

Strange Brew
05-12-2021, 09:32 PM
There is no justification for that, but there is equally no justification for the eviction of people whose families have lived in those homes for decades. What are they thinking?

Well, they’ve had 70 years according to you to figure it out or peacefully get along.

05-12-2021, 09:34 PM
trump lied 8x a day, He's still lying everyday. he still thinks he won. What a moron.

Trump is gone. Focus on today, but you just don’t want to. “Drumph” is always the easy dodge when you don’t want to address an issue, right?
PS. All politicians lie. Daily.

05-12-2021, 09:49 PM
What were Biden's lies?

Also, I thought all those Mexican rapists were going to pay for our big beautiful wall.

I was getting the lies list going.

05-12-2021, 10:28 PM
Trump is gone. Focus on today, but you just don’t want to. “Drumph” is always the easy dodge when you don’t want to address an issue, right?
PS. All politicians lie. Daily.

30k in 4 yrs.?

05-12-2021, 10:35 PM
So, you are fine with Biden flat out lying during the campaign and only reversing course because the Government was facing massive lawsuits for attempting to break bona fide contracts.

Contracts trump set up by stealing money from the Pentagon. What did he think was going to happen when he lost? Send the bill to Mexico. We never wanted to pay for his crappy wall. It takes 12 sec. to get over it. The border patrol stays busy collecting ladders all day. Drug dealers don't need tunnels anymore. They can just walk up and hand the stuff thru the wall. The friggin' wall doesn't work. The kids think it's a jungle gym.

05-13-2021, 07:15 AM
Contracts trump set up by stealing money from the Pentagon. What did he think was going to happen when he lost? Send the bill to Mexico. We never wanted to pay for his crappy wall. It takes 12 sec. to get over it. The border patrol stays busy collecting ladders all day. Drug dealers don't need tunnels anymore. They can just walk up and hand the stuff thru the wall. The friggin' wall doesn't work. The kids think it's a jungle gym.

Then why is Biden starting to build it again?
Over 20,000 kids in cages Bobbie. This wasn’t happening before November. Policies were working and since Biden the border is a disgrace. And you just deny, deny deny like your icon Clinton.

05-13-2021, 07:19 AM
You should read that one article. It's by Max Boot...far from a liberal.
He is very pro-Israel, but also realistic about the total situation there.

No. You should read This article from the excellent liberal journalist Bari Weiss. It’s not behind a paywall and is extremely accurate and balanced.
I also recommend her newsletter “Common Sense”.
THIS is journalism, not propaganda.


05-13-2021, 07:52 AM
You should read that one article. It's by Max Boot...far from a liberal.
He is very pro-Israel, but also realistic about the total situation there.

Even the liberal as hell Cincinnati Enquirer is weighing in against sleepy Joe’s Mideast policy.

Follow the link below to view the article. Clashes upend US Mideast policy https://cincinnatienquirer-oh-app.newsmemory.com/?publink=068cef464

05-13-2021, 07:52 AM
Too bad you can't read the Post article. It shares many similarities with the one you linked.
Both try to get a handle on a very difficult situation. Both point out the inhumanity of the rockets from Gaza, and the trouble with expanding settlements which violate in-place agreements.
It's a sad situation that a two-state solution might go a long way to correcting, and neither side seems willing to work for.

05-13-2021, 07:56 AM
Too bad you can't read the Post article. It shares many similarities with the one you linked.
Both try to get a handle on a very difficult situation. Both point out the inhumanity of the rockets from Gaza, and the trouble with expanding settlements which violate in-place agreements.
It's a sad situation that a two-state solution might go a long way to correcting, and neither side seems willing to work for.

There is no “two state solution” when one “state” and it’s Iranian overlords are determined by public statement and policy to destroy the other legitimate “State”. As usual Paul refuses to condemn Iran. Unbelieveable.

05-13-2021, 08:33 AM
What is wrong with you? Of course I condemn Iran (and anyone's) resort to violence to attain a political goal.
(including the effort to violently breech our own Capitol under the urging of a former president, to stop democracy's certification of an election and the peaceful transfer of power.)

The situation in the Middle East is very complicated and there are violations of agreements, and violence, committed on both sides.
The article you linked points that out.

05-13-2021, 08:40 AM
Uh huh. And you were all in favor of a terrible deal negotiated by Obama that gave Iran pallets of cash in the hundreds of millions thereby saving that economy & the mullahs and their terroristic efforts around the world through Solimeini, who Trump thankfully ridded the world of. A deal that Iran cheated on the entire time via documented evidence.
Duplicity looks bad on you Paul.

05-13-2021, 08:47 AM
I'm in favor of deals that reduce the chance of nuclear proliferation/war.
Unblocking their own funds in return for verifiable inspections by the IAEA was a good step towards reducing the chance for Iran to turn into another N Korea.
It went a long way towards lowering the threat Iran poses to Israel.

05-13-2021, 09:10 AM
I'm in favor of deals that reduce the chance of nuclear proliferation/war.
Unblocking their own funds in return for verifiable inspections by the IAEA was a good step towards reducing the chance for Iran to turn into another N Korea.
It went a long way towards lowering the threat Iran poses to Israel.

It did nothing but fund more terrorism. Iran cheated. It’s documented. Iran hasn’t stopped funding terrorism through it’s proxy’s Hamas and others.
And “their own funds”? Uh, remember how American citizens were held hostage for over 400 days by a terrorist state? And they should be forgiven for that and just told “Oh, that’s OK”.
What a twisted world view you have where misbehavior is not just tolerated but rewarded.

Meanwhile, in #BidensAmerica there’s this. Per the Wall Street Journal, the Work ethic is disappearing. Even when companies offer $30/hour.
A dumpster fire out of control.


05-13-2021, 09:16 AM
What a twisted view you have, that letting Iran develop a nuclear capability to threaten Israel is better than keeping them from developing it.

05-13-2021, 09:23 AM
What a twisted view you have, that letting Iran develop a nuclear capability to threaten Israel is better than keeping them from developing it.

This is what happens to people who consume 25 years of propaganda disguised as "news." It dulls their critical thinking skills and makes them unable to discern fact from fiction. Anyone who thinks that the election was "stolen" likely falls into this category.

05-13-2021, 09:26 AM
Anyone who thinks that the election was "stolen" likely falls into this category.

Are we talking about the 2020 election or the 2016 election?

05-13-2021, 10:30 AM
It did nothing but fund more terrorism. Iran cheated. It’s documented. Iran hasn’t stopped funding terrorism through it’s proxy’s Hamas and others.
And “their own funds”? Uh, remember how American citizens were held hostage for over 400 days by a terrorist state? And they should be forgiven for that and just told “Oh, that’s OK”.
What a twisted world view you have where misbehavior is not just tolerated but rewarded.

Meanwhile, in #BidensAmerica there’s this. Per the Wall Street Journal, the Work ethic is disappearing. Even when companies offer $30/hour.
A dumpster fire out of control.


That link was quite the opinion piece. Ask one president of one company who I have issues hiring and use that one anecdote to paint it as a problem across the whole country.

On Israel Palestine, you have two groups who refuse peace. Those two groups have fought each other for thousands of years. Israel currently has their foot on Palestine and wants to keep it there doing anything they can to belittle those people. Palestine resorts to what they know tossing rockets and mortars with reckless abandon. Palestinian actions are terrible and always have been but Israel is not an innocent victim. Their air strikes and troupe deployments should halt but also the smaller stuff like shutting off water and power.

05-13-2021, 10:32 AM
That link was quite the opinion piece. Ask one president of one company who I have issues hiring and use that one anecdote to paint it as a problem across the whole country.

On Israel Palestine, you have two group who refuse peace. Those two groups have fought each other for thousands of years. Israel currently has their foot on Palestine and wants to keep it there doing anything they can to belittle those people. Palestine resorts to what they know tossing rockets and mortars with reckless abandon. Palestinian actions are terrible and always have been but Israel is not an innocent victim. Their air strikes and group deployments should halt but also the smaller stuff like shutting off water and power.

Funny The last 4 years have been a bunch of opinion pieces but didn't hear a lot of complaints

05-13-2021, 10:35 AM
What companies in our country will be the last to get all positions filled? It will be the ones that the pay is low and the work environment is terrible. I expect anyone without a job to fight for the jobs that have great work environments and pay better. Only when those get filled will we the those other companies start to get staff. This is only natural and part of how the free market works for employees. Did you think people would rush back to their low paying job with no benefits and their terrible bosses?

05-13-2021, 11:44 AM
What companies in our country will be the last to get all positions filled? It will be the ones that the pay is low and the work environment is terrible. I expect anyone without a job to fight for the jobs that have great work environments and pay better. Only when those get filled will we the those other companies start to get staff. This is only natural and part of how the free market works for employees. Did you think people would rush back to their low paying job with no benefits and their terrible bosses?

First of all, the FREE market is not designed to compete with government handouts for workers. Our government has decided that wages are too low and since they can't win via the true legislative process, they decide to give money away to low income earners in an effort to elicit a response from private enterprise. That is quite literally the opposite of a free market solution. The federal government is creating a wage war under the guise of pandemic relief.

My company employs about 5000 people globally and here's what we offer:

Starting pay rate in the 90th percentile and a $1500 sign on bonus paid after 30 days
FREE healthcare (we pay 100% of our employees premiums for themselves and all eligible dependents)
401k match @ 6% vested immediately
Our glassdoor rating is just below a 5 star
Exit interviews over the last 8 weeks have indicated that our employees like it here (83% highly favorable rating)
61% of our voluntary turns did not leave for another position (they just decided to stop working)
Tuition reimbursement of 6k annually for anyone who wants it
Catered lunches

You are living in theory and there is a reality out there that you simply cannot see. Here's one long-term effect of the feds sticking their noses where they shouldn't be: My company just capitalized a 36 million dollar robotics project that will reduce our headcount by 30-45% over the next three years while increasing order capacity by 7%. We're pretty progressive thinkers but I'm sure there are plenty of other operations doing the same thing. in a few years there will be thousands and thousands of workers looking for the $20/hour, free medical benefits and generous retirement plan jobs that we offer...and they won't be there.

Strange Brew
05-13-2021, 01:02 PM
There is no justification for that, but there is equally no justification for the eviction of people whose families have lived in those homes for decades. What are they thinking?

Curious. To what people do you feel Belfast belongs?

05-13-2021, 01:54 PM
What a twisted view you have, that letting Iran develop a nuclear capability to threaten Israel is better than keeping them from developing it.
Except that there is documented evidence that it didn’t stop Iran from doing anything. And they were evasive on the “inspections”. They never stopped moving to a bomb.

This is what happens to people who consume 25 years of propaganda disguised as "news." It dulls their critical thinking skills and makes them unable to discern fact from fiction. Anyone who thinks that the election was "stolen" likely falls into this category.
I don’t know who you are referring to here. I don’t think the election was “stolen” but there were irregularities that needed to be fixed.
As to 25 years of propaganda. All you have to do is watch CBS, NBC, ABC the WaPo or NY Times and you will have gotten, and are still getting your fill. The examples are too numerous to mention.

05-13-2021, 02:21 PM
Except that there is documented evidence that it didn’t stop Iran from doing anything. And they were evasive on the “inspections”. They never stopped moving to a bomb.

Iran's uranium stockpile was reduced by 98% to 300kg (660lbs), a figure that must not be exceeded until 2031. It must also keep the stockpile's level of enrichment at 3.67%.

By January 2016, Iran had drastically reduced the number of centrifuges installed at Natanz and Fordo, and shipped tonnes of low-enriched uranium to Russia.


They were in compliance until the last president pulled out of the deal.

05-13-2021, 02:24 PM
Curious. To what people do you feel Belfast belongs?

Screw those limey bastards.

05-13-2021, 02:48 PM
Except that there is documented evidence that it didn’t stop Iran from doing anything. And they were evasive on the “inspections”. They never stopped moving to a bomb.

I don’t know who you are referring to here. I don’t think the election was “stolen” but there were irregularities that needed to be fixed.
As to 25 years of propaganda. All you have to do is watch CBS, NBC, ABC the WaPo or NY Times and you will have gotten, and are still getting your fill. The examples are too numerous to mention.

What documented evidence?

What irregularities?

05-13-2021, 02:49 PM
Screw those limey bastards.

This is a whole other issue that bares no relevance to what is happening between Israel and Palestine in Sheikh Jarrah.

Strange Brew
05-13-2021, 04:44 PM
Screw those limey bastards.

Haha! :)

Strange Brew
05-13-2021, 04:45 PM
This is a whole other issue that bares no relevance to what is happening between Israel and Palestine in Sheikh Jarrah.

Not really but it gives you an excuse to not answer.

05-13-2021, 05:45 PM
Who voted this Clyde Clown into Congress?

“Let me be clear, there was no insurrection and to call it an insurrection, in my opinion, is a bold-faced lie. Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures. You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January 6, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”

05-13-2021, 05:50 PM
What documented evidence?

What irregularities?

Uh these reports- from BEFORE Trump was inaugurated.

nuclear_b_9977768 (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/iran-breached-the-nuclear_b_9977768)




Oh, and nothing like continuing to be the world leader in State Sponsored Terrorism despite any “treaty’s” (that were never submitted to Congress for approval)
There’s that.

05-13-2021, 08:09 PM
Not really but it gives you an excuse to not answer.

In actuality, it allows you to not admit that Israel isn't acting the way they should. That quite possibly we should be holding Israel to a higher standard along with the Palestinians.

Strange Brew
05-13-2021, 08:15 PM
In actuality, it allows you to not admit that Israel isn't acting the way they should. That quite possibly we should be holding Israel to a higher standard along with the Palestinians.

Or the Palestinians can learn to live peacefully like the Irish have with their British “oppressors”.

05-13-2021, 08:17 PM
Uh these reports- from BEFORE Trump was inaugurated.

nuclear_b_9977768 (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/iran-breached-the-nuclear_b_9977768) - tested ballistic missiles. Violated the agreement but not in the way that they increased any stock pile of nuclear material.

https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-nuclear-idUSKBN1342T1- .1 Metric ton overage of heavy water that needed to be exported. They weren't hiding it.

https://www.usnews.com/news/the-report/articles/2016-01-21/obamas-iran-nuclear-deal-is-a-bad-deal-off-to-a-worse-start - pure opinion piece.

https://www.dw.com/en/un-agency-iaea-reports-iran-has-again-violated-terms-of-nuclear-deal/a-36331576 - .9 metric tons of heavy water.

Oh, and nothing like continuing to be the world leader in State Sponsored Terrorism despite any “treaty’s” (that were never submitted to Congress for approval)
There’s that.

Iran is certainly not an ally, but they are basically skirting the edges of the agreement.

05-13-2021, 08:18 PM
Or the Palestinians can learn to live peacefully like the Irish have with their British “oppressors”.

Why don't the Israeli's lead by example and not evict people living in homes for decades and leave the water and power left on?

Strange Brew
05-13-2021, 08:22 PM
Iran is certainly not an ally, but they are basically skirting the edges of the agreement.

Duh, Iran is an enemy of the US and a state sponsor of terror in the region and abroad. Think outside the box and look at where Iraq and Afghanistan are located. Look up pincer movement and ask who the US is really fighting/containing in the region.

Strange Brew
05-13-2021, 08:25 PM
Why don't the Israeli's lead by example and not evict people living in homes for decades and leave the water and power left on?

Don’t know. Maybe it’s because these people rain rockets on Israel. Seems there is a need to push the rocketeers out of range.

05-13-2021, 09:31 PM
Who voted this Clyde Clown into Congress?

“Let me be clear, there was no insurrection and to call it an insurrection, in my opinion, is a bold-faced lie. Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures. You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January 6, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”

Kinda makes you wonder....what was your most embarrassing moment? I certainly hope that tops his list.

There has to be some context issue there, but the clip I saw was crazy!

Muskie in dayton
05-13-2021, 10:14 PM
Who voted this Clyde Clown into Congress?

“Let me be clear, there was no insurrection and to call it an insurrection, in my opinion, is a bold-faced lie. Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures. You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January 6, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”
Different eyes see different things, and eyes get blinded by what the see.

Muskie in dayton
05-13-2021, 10:19 PM
Who is hurt the most by rapid inflation? Only responses from "the Party of the Poor" please.

05-13-2021, 10:53 PM
Who is hurt the most by rapid inflation? Only responses from "the Party of the Poor" please.

Maybe they shouldn’t have printed TRILLIONS of dollars to hand out to people, many of whom didn’t need or even ask for it? My son and his wife are doing better than ever and asking “why are they sending us these checks?”

I started in banking in 1982 when you might get 18% on a CD at the bank, but would pay 22% for a mortgage. Cash was king! Serious buyers market if you had cash. The pendulum seems like it is about to swing. The people who need financing are the ones who will be hurt. Yes, those people. Did it help more than it will hurt?

05-14-2021, 08:13 AM
Ha Ha. Biden has zero idea what he’s doing but I guess this is Infrastructure.

BREAKING: It has been confirmed via the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that construction on a 13.4 mile stretch of border wall in the Rio Grande Valley will *RESUME* after pressure from local residents & politicians.
The Biden admin previously halted all wall construction in Jan.

That is what happens when you come down with Foxitus:

Melugin later deleted a tweet claiming that border wall construction had been restarted, following clarification from the Army Corps of Engineers that this was simply the rebuilding of water levees. No new border wall is actually being constructed.


05-14-2021, 11:44 AM
Duh, Iran is an enemy of the US and a state sponsor of terror in the region and abroad. Think outside the box and look at where Iraq and Afghanistan are located. Look up pincer movement and ask who the US is really fighting/containing in the region.

But wait, I thought you hated wars? Didn't dear leader begin the removal from Afghanistan? It is as if you want continued occupation and/or more wars in the region.

05-14-2021, 11:48 AM
That is what happens when you come down with Foxitus:


I guess now that Fox has run this lie, they will run out of favor with the die hard conservatives on this site. Toss this on top of 8 days of Seth Rich conspiracy lies and several others makes Fox about as reliable as CNN at this point, am I right? Newsmax took their hit from the Dominion executive. There are several more that the executive sued for their lies. Dominion and Smartmatic have suits out as well to all applicable parties. There will be no reliable news left.

Strange Brew
05-14-2021, 12:01 PM
But wait, I thought you hated wars? Didn't dear leader begin the removal from Afghanistan? It is as if you want continued occupation and/or more wars in the region.

I’m not pro war but I do understand containment. Removal of standard troops does not always mean cessation of activities.

Strange Brew
05-14-2021, 12:05 PM
I guess now that Fox has run this lie, they will run out of favor with the die hard conservatives on this site. Toss this on top of 8 days of Seth Rich conspiracy lies and several others makes Fox about as reliable as CNN at this point, am I right? Newsmax took their hit from the Dominion executive. There are several more that the executive sued for their lies. Dominion and Smartmatic have suits out as well to all applicable parties. There will be no reliable news left.

Dominion has more to worry about right now in AZ.

05-14-2021, 02:20 PM
Ancient Japanese assassins counting ballets. Lol. What could go wrong?

05-14-2021, 03:58 PM
Dominion has more to worry about right now in AZ.

You mean bamboo paper, secret water marks, defacing ballots with the wrong pens. Yep, all the makings that would delight the QANON crowd.

The reality is that they are going to deface ballots, make bold accusations with numbers that Trump and the rest of the Q crowd want, all while making it impossible for a reputable firm to come in and do a real impartial and unbiased audit. You know an audit run by a company that doesn't have a CEO that tweets insane conspiracy theories with zero evidence.

Strange Brew
05-14-2021, 04:05 PM
You mean bamboo paper, secret water marks, defacing ballots with the wrong pens. Yep, all the makings that would delight the QANON crowd.

The reality is that they are going to deface ballots, make bold accusations with numbers that Trump and the rest of the Q crowd want, all while making it impossible for a reputable firm to come in and do a real impartial and unbiased audit. You know an audit run by a company that doesn't have a CEO that tweets insane conspiracy theories with zero evidence.

No. Ignoring supeanas and destruction of evidence.

05-14-2021, 04:09 PM
I’m not pro war but I do understand containment. Removal of standard troops does not always mean cessation of activities.

It does take the wind out of your pincer sails. Pakistan is not our ally despite what people might believe. I don't know enough about Turkmenistan to make that call.

Getting off of a reliance on oil or dramatically reducing that reliance is the answer. For a part of the world that relies on oil exports, renewable energy is the real enemy. I am too old to see that disappear, but I would like to see it shrink enough to make them react. Most oil rich middle East countries' economies are 80% or more reliant on oil exports.

05-14-2021, 04:17 PM
No. Ignoring supeanas and destruction of evidence.

What destroyed evidence? Ignoring a subpoena (spelling there not supeanas as it might appear on your Q board), is merely a legal tactic while fighting the legality of a subpoena.

Also, I am pretty sure Arizona law requires the state to hold ballots for 18 months after election date unmolested. I guess after blue pen-gate at the Coliseum that law has been broken.

Strange Brew
05-14-2021, 04:45 PM
It does take the wind out of your pincer sails. Pakistan is not our ally despite what people might believe. I don't know enough about Turkmenistan to make that call.

Getting off of a reliance on oil or dramatically reducing that reliance is the answer. For a part of the world that relies on oil exports, renewable energy is the real enemy. I am too old to see that disappear, but I would like to see it shrink enough to make them react. Most oil rich middle East countries' economies are 80% or more reliant on oil exports.

The Pakis are as good of an ally to expect.

We were oil independent and maybe still are for now. Less concern about Iran and oil, more for Iran and terror. And the fact they’ve been in a declared war with the US for decades regardless of whether we’ve returned a formal war declaration.

War for oil is so outdated and silly.

Strange Brew
05-14-2021, 04:47 PM
What destroyed evidence? Ignoring a subpoena (spelling there not supeanas as it might appear on your Q board), is merely a legal tactic while fighting the legality of a subpoena.

Also, I am pretty sure Arizona law requires the state to hold ballots for 18 months after election date unmolested. I guess after blue pen-gate at the Coliseum that law has been broken.

Um, deleted hard drives. Like to hear the legal challenge to the subpoenas. Dems/Left have already lost many challenges around the audit. I don’t read Q. Never have. You’ll have to be more clever in your slander attempts.

05-14-2021, 05:13 PM
Um, deleted hard drives. Like to hear the legal challenge to the subpoenas. Dems/Left have already lost many challenges around the audit. I don’t read Q. Never have. You’ll have to be more clever in your slander attempts.

I see deleted file folders in an article by the Arizona Daily Independent which is known for reporting misleading and less than factual information. Basically it's a right wing rag. The deleted folders were said to be tests performed after the election and not part of the election itself. Slander is oral not written.

05-14-2021, 05:20 PM
That is what happens when you come down with Foxitus:


What the hell is “Foxitus”? I don’t watch Fox or any other cable news for that matter. I actually read. Numerous publications a day and writers like Bari Weiss and Glenn Greenwald that, while I don’t always agree with them, I respect for their principled stance on accuracy and evenhanded ness.

Yeah. I’m sure the Army Corps wasn’t contacted by Klain or some Biden guy telling them to change that language.
You are so gullible and such a lemming.

05-14-2021, 05:24 PM
Iran is certainly not an ally, but they are basically skirting the edges of the agreement.

Ahahahahaha. I’ve never heard anything in US News and World Report called an “opinion piece”.
Hope you don’t break your arms from stretching.
BTW. Excess “Heavy Water” means that Iran was cheating. Why do you think that the agreements put a measurement on it. That is a direct result of nuclear production.

Strange Brew
05-14-2021, 05:25 PM
I see deleted file folders in an article by the Arizona Daily Independent which is known for reporting misleading and less than factual information. Basically it's a right wing rag. The deleted folders were said to be tests performed after the election and not part of the election itself. Slander is oral not written.

Other sources are out there. Read them if you can handle multiple viewpoints. Frankly, don’t know if anything will come of the audit but it’s interesting the Left is out in front, trashing the findings/process/anything before anyone knows the results.

You’re right. Should’ve written libel but slander as a word sounds more insidious.

05-14-2021, 05:56 PM
i think we all know what they'll come up with....trump wins!...then the ninja turtles will be off to GA. Too bad the election was certified 4 mos. ago.

05-14-2021, 05:58 PM
i think we all know what they'll come up with....trump wins!...then the ninja turtles will be off to GA. Too bad the election was certified 6 mos. ago.

And if that is the case that means you are fine with fraud.
Gawd help us.

05-14-2021, 06:03 PM
Better check those "articles" for bamboo. china...y'know.

05-15-2021, 07:02 AM
Who is hurt the most by rapid inflation? Only responses from "the Party of the Poor" please.

Lenders, if the inflation is unanticipated.

Muskie in dayton
05-15-2021, 12:40 PM
You mean bamboo paper, secret water marks, defacing ballots with the wrong pens. Yep, all the makings that would delight the QANON crowd.

The reality is that they are going to deface ballots, make bold accusations with numbers that Trump and the rest of the Q crowd want, all while making it impossible for a reputable firm to come in and do a real impartial and unbiased audit. You know an audit run by a company that doesn't have a CEO that tweets insane conspiracy theories with zero evidence.
Are you familiar with the term "BlueAnon"?

Muskie in dayton
05-15-2021, 12:43 PM
Lenders, if the inflation is unanticipated.
No, I'm sorry, that's not the answer. I'll give you a hint: Its the people that have the lowest wages or are living on government assistance.

05-15-2021, 03:18 PM
No, I'm sorry, that's not the answer. I'll give you a hint: Its the people that have the lowest wages or are living on government assistance.

You are clueless.

05-15-2021, 11:00 PM
Dominion has more to worry about right now in AZ.

Not really:


Strange Brew
05-15-2021, 11:12 PM
Not really:


Did you read the article? Dominion wasn’t the Plaintiff.

Muskie in dayton
05-15-2021, 11:16 PM
You are clueless.
Ohhhhh, you got me man. Great rebuttal. Wow, I have no defense to that. You win.

05-15-2021, 11:52 PM
Or the Palestinians can learn to live peacefully like the Irish have with their British “oppressors”.

This article is long but explains perfectly why Palestinians do not want peace, and why other Arab countries will not take them in as citizens.
Very informative. #FollowTheMoney

Paying the Palestinians not to make peace https://lorenzomwarby.medium.com/paying-the-palestinians-not-to-make-peace-baff34fcb893

05-16-2021, 07:52 AM
Ohhhhh, you got me man. Great rebuttal. Wow, I have no defense to that. You win.

I made my stupid post because it was about as responsive as your post (#11371) stating that my answer is wrong, and what the right answer is. This isn't a game show. If you want to actually start a discussion about the effects of inflation, you have to actually make an argument rather than simply saying "I'm right and you're wrong".

05-16-2021, 11:44 PM
Did you read the article? Dominion wasn’t the Plaintiff.

Newsmax settled with the employee regarding their lies about him and what they said he was doing. They had to completely retract all of their reporting about him.

I believe Smartmatic also sued everyone involved. I believe they were only part of a few counties so I would imagine people settle with them next. The first part of getting by summary judgement which should not be too hard considering what was actually said about them.

05-17-2021, 08:02 AM
Other sources are out there. Read them if you can handle multiple viewpoints. Frankly, don’t know if anything will come of the audit but it’s interesting the Left is out in front, trashing the findings/process/anything before anyone knows the results.

You’re right. Should’ve written libel but slander as a word sounds more insidious.

From what it sounds like to me, the folks behind the audit have a very clear political stance, and most of the evidence is more than a little flimsy. Nobody has any proof anything was done improperly, the just feel like something is wrong. Multiple credible viewpoints is one thing, but there are a lot of viewpoints out there.

I was fine with the investigations to a point. The fact that nobody had yet produced any shred of actionable evidence (even in States with Republican-led legislatures) that has brought an allegation of significant voter fraud to trial suggests to me that there is almost certainly nothing there. You keep repeating that you are 'waiting on the results of the Arizona investigation' as your justification for your latest refusal to accept the election results, but what would that really prove? Unless they have smoking-gun evidence it would just be another Partisan group undertaking an investigation in which they clearly have a position and stake in the outcome. It seems to me that you are willing to almost summarily reject information that conflicts with your POV, while applying a much different standard of proof to information that confirms your bias. Fortunately we also have a legal standard of proof in this Country, and it hasn't yet been met in any of these allegations. Arizona or otherwise.

05-17-2021, 08:38 AM
Thoughts on this?


My initial reaction was negative - I don't love the idea of monthly stipends for people having kids. The flip side is that most of the money is a re-purposing of an existing tax credit - just payed monthly instead of annually (although the credit was increased vs prior years). I do think that it's probably better for the families (and likely all of us) that they get the tax credit in smaller increments monthly vs. as a lump sum annually. Families that are truly struggling can likely (hopefully) use the money more on a monthly basis to support food and child care, vs getting $6K at the end of the year.

I anticipate challenges for some families in which the tax credit was offsetting other tax under-witholding. Those families will get the money throughout the year and then get a surprise bill come tax season next year.

05-17-2021, 09:18 AM
Thoughts on this?


My initial reaction was negative - I don't love the idea of monthly stipends for people having kids. The flip side is that most of the money is a re-purposing of an existing tax credit - just payed monthly instead of annually (although the credit was increased vs prior years). I do think that it's probably better for the families (and likely all of us) that they get the tax credit in smaller increments monthly vs. as a lump sum annually. Families that are truly struggling can likely (hopefully) use the money more on a monthly basis to support food and child care, vs getting $6K at the end of the year.

I anticipate challenges for some families in which the tax credit was offsetting other tax under-witholding. Those families will get the money throughout the year and then get a surprise bill come tax season next year.

I really don’t understand the point. The bill is going to come due when it is tax time. The pandemic is basically over, there are plenty of jobs out there. It’s fixing a problem where there isn’t one...if you want to help small businesses that got killed the past 15 months, fine.

05-17-2021, 09:20 AM
Thoughts on this?


My initial reaction was negative - I don't love the idea of monthly stipends for people having kids. The flip side is that most of the money is a re-purposing of an existing tax credit - just payed monthly instead of annually (although the credit was increased vs prior years). I do think that it's probably better for the families (and likely all of us) that they get the tax credit in smaller increments monthly vs. as a lump sum annually. Families that are truly struggling can likely (hopefully) use the money more on a monthly basis to support food and child care, vs getting $6K at the end of the year.

I anticipate challenges for some families in which the tax credit was offsetting other tax under-witholding. Those families will get the money throughout the year and then get a surprise bill come tax season next year.

I'm opposed and I'm opposed to the existing credit. I don't like subsidizing other people's life choices.

05-17-2021, 09:30 AM
I really don’t understand the point. The bill is going to come due when it is tax time. The pandemic is basically over, there are plenty of jobs out there. It’s fixing a problem where there isn’t one...if you want to help small businesses that got killed the past 15 months, fine.

It's hard to administer, but in general I'd rather see aid that is more targeted to address specific issues: For example child care for working families. Remove that barrier from entering the workforce by offering a monthly credit to support child care expenses. There have been countless articles written about how the pandemic impacted working mothers disproportionately because they bore the burden of caring for kids who were suddenly at home all the time. Similar articles have been written for years now about how difficult it is for poor families to work because their relatively low wages often don't offset child care costs. So solve the problem by reimbursing them for their child care costs.

I do think tax delinquencies will rise significantly as a result of this. People are going to get the money monthly and not understand how it will impact their tax bill.

05-17-2021, 10:03 AM
It's hard to administer, but in general I'd rather see aid that is more targeted to address specific issues: For example child care for working families. Remove that barrier from entering the workforce by offering a monthly credit to support child care expenses. There have been countless articles written about how the pandemic impacted working mothers disproportionately because they bore the burden of caring for kids who were suddenly at home all the time. Similar articles have been written for years now about how difficult it is for poor families to work because their relatively low wages often don't offset child care costs. So solve the problem by reimbursing them for their child care costs.

I do think tax delinquencies will rise significantly as a result of this. People are going to get the money monthly and not understand how it will impact their tax bill.

I dunno...I’m kind of with bigdiggins on this one. Made a decision to have kids, news flash they are expensive and childcare is insanely expensive, and having kids home constantly while my wife and I worked, sucked. Now though we are close to where things were pre pandemic... don’t think government should be subsidizing decision to have children.

05-17-2021, 10:13 AM
I dunno...I’m kind of with bigdiggins on this one. Made a decision to have kids, news flash they are expensive and childcare is insanely expensive, and having kids home constantly while my wife and I worked, sucked. Now though we are close to where things were pre pandemic... don’t think government should be subsidizing decision to have children.

That's all fine and dandy in principle - I agree. I don't think it's reality though. Also the kids didn't choose to be born to poor parents who didn't plan, and I don't think that they should have to starve or suffer as a result of that. Finally, I think it's better for society if policy is aimed toward helping people lift themselves out of poverty, vs. just telling them that they shouldn't have had kids (that they already have and can't un-have).

As a general rule I would like policy to steer people towards not having kids they can't afford as well as 2 parent families (I don't care if its male/female, male/male, etc.), but there are obviously limits as to what can be done.

05-17-2021, 11:18 AM
Thoughts on this?


My initial reaction was negative - I don't love the idea of monthly stipends for people having kids. The flip side is that most of the money is a re-purposing of an existing tax credit - just payed monthly instead of annually (although the credit was increased vs prior years). I do think that it's probably better for the families (and likely all of us) that they get the tax credit in smaller increments monthly vs. as a lump sum annually. Families that are truly struggling can likely (hopefully) use the money more on a monthly basis to support food and child care, vs getting $6K at the end of the year.

I anticipate challenges for some families in which the tax credit was offsetting other tax under-witholding. Those families will get the money throughout the year and then get a surprise bill come tax season next year.

Paying it out monthly rather than a lump sum at tax time makes so much more sense. For the families that need it, it will help them budget throughout the year rather than racking up debt, paying interest on that debt, and hoping to take care of it with their tax return.

If you want to get rid of the tax credit, I don't agree, but understand the logic behind it. But if you support the tax credit, I think this is a much better way to handle it.

05-17-2021, 11:23 AM
Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey in the crosshairs.


05-17-2021, 12:17 PM
I'm opposed and I'm opposed to the existing credit. I don't like subsidizing other people's life choices.

I am not being confrontational here at all, but I seriously hope with your opinion there that you are pro-choice for abortion and for making birth control pills OTC. Being against those and being against the child tax credit just don't mesh.

05-17-2021, 12:24 PM
I am not being confrontational here at all, but I seriously hope with your opinion there that you are pro-choice for abortion and for making birth control pills OTC. Being against those and being against the child tax credit just don't mesh.

You'd also better be pro-infanticide. If we can't have a tax credit, we damn well better be allowed to kill our 3 month olds.

05-17-2021, 12:30 PM
I am not being confrontational here at all, but I seriously hope with your opinion there that you are pro-choice for abortion and for making birth control pills OTC. Being against those and being against the child tax credit just don't mesh.

Unless it is rape, that’s not true. There are very known consequences of having sex...one of which can produce a child

05-17-2021, 12:43 PM
Unless it is rape, that’s not true. There are very known consequences of having sex...one of which can produce a child

Humans will be humans, you can't control nature.



More voter fraud and again not in the right direction.

05-17-2021, 01:02 PM
Humans will be humans, you can't control nature.



More voter fraud and again not in the right direction.

Not sure what voter fraud has to do with anything we are discussing, nor have I ever said the election was stolen or anything but ok. I care much more about issues that the country is currently facing.

Also, the point still stands that your opinion that being against the subsidy while being pro life or even against birth control don’t mesh is wrong. Except of course for the disclaimer that I provided. Actions have consequences and there is a thing called personal responsibility.

Strange Brew
05-17-2021, 01:54 PM
Humans will be humans, you can't control nature.



More voter fraud and again not in the right direction.

You're right on controlling nature. If you have unprotected sex and no one is practicing birth control, nature can produce a human.

Wow, you nailed the right on voter fraud. One vote.

05-17-2021, 03:03 PM
You're right on controlling nature. If you have unprotected sex and no one is practicing birth control, nature can produce a human.

Wow, you nailed the right on voter fraud. One vote.

Facts will be facts though on the fraud. The more real cases I see, more often than not they appear to have voted for Trump. All other examples come from some other reality that have no basis in any kind of facts.

Anti-abortion people want to imagine like the 60s never existed except they did and it is high time to accept that. Last poll I read stated 77% of total Americans were fine with abortion with at least some restrictions and 59% among Republicans. A mere 13% want it banned entirely.

Strange Brew
05-17-2021, 03:11 PM
Facts will be facts though on the fraud. The more real cases I see, more often than not they appear to have voted for Trump. All other examples come from some other reality that have no basis in any kind of facts.

Anti-abortion people want to imagine like the 60s never existed except they did and it is high time to accept that. Last poll I read stated 77% of total Americans were fine with abortion with at least some restrictions and 59% among Republicans. A mere 13% want it banned entirely.

I guess you find what you look for..

That’s nice. It’s no business of the Feds and it’s still taking a human life.

I wonder what % of the population of the CSA agreed with the right to own another person.

05-17-2021, 03:18 PM
Facts will be facts though on the fraud. The more real cases I see, more often than not they appear to have voted for Trump. All other examples come from some other reality that have no basis in any kind of facts.

Anti-abortion people want to imagine like the 60s never existed except they did and it is high time to accept that. Last poll I read stated 77% of total Americans were fine with abortion with at least some restrictions and 59% among Republicans. A mere 13% want it banned entirely.

Pulling random polls out your ass to fit your narrative is fun:


The point still stands that your opinion that being against the subsidy while being pro life or even against birth control don’t mesh is wrong. Except of course for the disclaimer that I provided. Actions have consequences and there is a thing called personal responsibility.

Strange Brew
05-17-2021, 03:38 PM
Pulling random polls out your ass to fit your narrative is fun:


The point still stands that your opinion that being against the subsidy while being pro life or even against birth control don’t mesh is wrong. Except of course for the disclaimer that I provided. Actions have consequences and there is a thing called personal responsibility.

Taking it one step further. What is to be done with the practitioners and advocates of this form of savagery if the gov’t recognizes the young human as being just that and has rights. I don’t think a Dr could say, “they didn’t know”. The potential backlash would be enough to keep advocates in denial.

05-17-2021, 05:21 PM
“ Morally speaking, the majority of Americans still think abortion is wrong”

This is correct. It is morally wrong to take a human life. So, I guess the pro choice people hide behind a legality of a highly disputed Supreme Court decision.
That is one helluva way to dance around it. Almost makes a mockery of “One Nation Under God”.
I doubt God approves.

05-18-2021, 12:06 PM
I would never advise someone to get an abortion nor would I want my wife to get one either. That said, the freedom of others to make that choice should remain. That is the big difference between those two polling questions. Are you pro-choice or anti-abortion is different than whether you not you feel there should be access to legal abortion.

I would also never judge anyone for getting one either. I wonder what the bible says about judging others?

05-18-2021, 12:13 PM
I seem to recall there being something in there about whether thou shalt kill or not. Can't recall any caveats about the unborn, but I'll check up on it.

05-18-2021, 12:19 PM
GOP sez Chickens ate ballots in AZ and then were incinerated.

05-18-2021, 12:24 PM
I would never advise someone to get an abortion nor would I want my wife to get one either. That said, the freedom of others to make that choice should remain. That is the big difference between those two polling questions. Are you pro-choice or anti-abortion is different than whether you not you feel there should be access to legal abortion.

I would also never judge anyone for getting one either. I wonder what the bible says about judging others?

I wonder what it says about murder?

Strange Brew
05-18-2021, 02:44 PM
I would never advise someone to get an abortion nor would I want my wife to get one either. That said, the freedom of others to make that choice should remain. That is the big difference between those two polling questions. Are you pro-choice or anti-abortion is different than whether you not you feel there should be access to legal abortion.

I would also never judge anyone for getting one either. I wonder what the bible says about judging others?

Why put legal in front of it? Does that make the act of abortion more palatable or give it justification?

Not judging anyone's soul. The obvious fact under discussion is abortion always ends an innocent human life and shouldn't be sanctioned by a gov't or society.

05-18-2021, 03:28 PM
I don't know if this is a novel defense or not. But it is interesting.
Maybe it'll even work.


Strange Brew
05-18-2021, 03:37 PM
I don't know if this is a novel defense or not. But it is interesting.
Maybe it'll even work.


What’s interesting is how big of an a-hole Watkins is.

Strange Brew
05-18-2021, 03:38 PM
I don't know if this is a novel defense or not. But it is interesting.
Maybe it'll even work.


What’s interesting is how big of an a-hole Watkins is.

05-18-2021, 04:40 PM
I don't know if this is a novel defense or not. But it is interesting.
Maybe it'll even work.


Am I reading correctly that this quote is from an attorney describing his own client? Wow.

05-18-2021, 04:45 PM
trump is driving the short bus claiming these idiots did 'nothing wrong" even tho 482 arrested so far.

05-18-2021, 05:52 PM
Am I reading correctly that this quote is from an attorney describing his own client? Wow.

Seems like some other defendant, whose co-defendants are represented by Watkins, is unhappy that the description might pertain to him.

The Watkins Defense may not be such a good idea.


05-21-2021, 03:26 PM
GOP sez Chickens ate ballots in AZ and then were incinerated.

All the early fraud claims that came out of the audit have now been debunked. The missing database, it wasn't missing it just was not located by the crack audit team. It was there and eventually found. Custody issues, not true. 4/1 republican led board of supervisors are not calling for it to just stop. Republican senators who voted for it and more moderate are also feeling the heat.

Strange Brew
05-21-2021, 04:31 PM
All the early fraud claims that came out of the audit have now been debunked. The missing database, it wasn't missing it just was not located by the crack audit team. It was there and eventually found. Custody issues, not true. 4/1 republican led board of supervisors are not calling for it to just stop. Republican senators who voted for it and more moderate are also feeling the heat.

Um, no. The files/database were/was deleted but recovered by the digital security team hired by the AZ Senate.

05-21-2021, 04:58 PM
Um, no. The files/database were/was deleted but recovered by the digital security team hired by the AZ Senate.

Cyber Ninjas used the word recovered, however, when they "walked back" the claims it was deleted they confirmed to the Az Senate that no databases were in fact deleted. If you read closer, the multi-layer system the County uses confused the auditors. Once explained, the files were located.

This is also costing $1k a day in taxpayer money.

Strange Brew
05-21-2021, 05:04 PM
Cyber Ninjas used the word recovered, however, when they "walked back" the claims it was deleted they confirmed to the Az Senate that no databases were in fact deleted. If you read closer, the multi-layer system the County uses confused the auditors. Once explained, the files were located.

This is also costing $1k a day in taxpayer money.

Cool cover story bro. Also, your words stated the County deliberately used a system to obstruct the discovery/production of evidence. Which is a crime if I’m not mistaken.

Well, close the border and you’ll save much more than $1k/day. Not like AZ or the Feds give a rip about $1k/day. Don’t worry it will be over soon.

05-21-2021, 05:09 PM
Yeah, wait until they have to replace all those voting machines compromised by the trumplicans -multiple millions and millions for AZ taxpayers

Strange Brew
05-21-2021, 05:12 PM
Yeah, wait until they have to replace all those voting machines compromised by the trumplicans -multiple millions and millions for AZ taxpayers

Or that didn’t happen.
Or we don’t use voting machines due to ease of manipulation. I remember a lot of screaming from the Left in 04 about the use of machines...

05-21-2021, 05:20 PM
Or that didn’t happen.

Chain of Custody was broken....they're trash.


Strange Brew
05-21-2021, 05:26 PM
Chain of Custody was broken....they're trash.


Oh well, we don’t need to use them anyway. And let’s trust the word of an election official who desperately wants to discredit any audit not conducted by the election officials.

I don’t know what the results of the audits will show. Neither do you. But people are sure freaked out about it. Optics are not good for the election officials.

Speaking of chain of custody. Looks like GA is taking a second look at their results.

05-21-2021, 06:47 PM
Chain of Custody was broken....they're trash.


Apply a simple BS check on this, does it makes sense that you can just send off voting machines for anyone to open up? Or, do you have to send them to accredited (Cyber Ninjas is not) election audit organizations? What does a simple sniff test say to you?

Good lord. My state is an embarrassment.

Literally nobody in Arizona wants the border closed. I have lived here 23 years, nobody. Republicans want it open to complain about it and they want the labor coming up from Mexico. Border patrol wants it open to keep complaining about it to keep their budgets rising.

I vacation in Puerto Penasco, driving down you pass a border patrol office and lot before you hit Lukeville. There are normally 2-300 official vehicles parked in that lot. Every time I drive by I say "the fleecing of America". My best friend who is a former border patrol agent would just laugh and tell me about several other lots he knew of in California. The border outrage is a joke and most who scream about it either have a financial incentive or haven't been within 500 miles of it.

Strange Brew
05-21-2021, 07:20 PM
Apply a simple BS check on this, does it makes sense that you can just send off voting machines for anyone to open up? Or, do you have to send them to accredited (Cyber Ninjas is not) election audit organizations? What does a simple sniff test say to you?

Good lord. My state is an embarrassment.

Literally nobody in Arizona wants the border closed. I have lived here 23 years, nobody. Republicans want it open to complain about it and they want the labor coming up from Mexico. Border patrol wants it open to keep complaining about it to keep their budgets rising.

I vacation in Puerto Penasco, driving down you pass a border patrol office and lot before you hit Lukeville. There are normally 2-300 official vehicles parked in that lot. Every time I drive by I say "the fleecing of America". My best friend who is a former border patrol agent would just laugh and tell me about several other lots he knew of in California. The border outrage is a joke and most who scream about it either have a financial incentive or haven't been within 500 miles of it.

Accredited by whom? The FEC? Yeah, let’s make sure a gov’t audit is only done by companies with gov’t accreditation....

Your state is pretty cool in my book. I guess it’s safe to assume your buddy isn’t Brian Terry.

Strange Brew
05-21-2021, 07:41 PM
Cyber Ninjas used the word recovered, however, when they "walked back" the claims it was deleted they confirmed to the Az Senate that no databases were in fact deleted. If you read closer, the multi-layer system the County uses confused the auditors. Once explained, the files were located.

This is also costing $1k a day in taxpayer money.

Actually just saw that CN did not walk it back and file directories were deleted.

Keep bringing the fake news AZ!

05-21-2021, 08:09 PM
And let’s trust the word of an election official who desperately wants to discredit any audit not conducted by the election officials. .

Seems rational to me. Would you want inexperienced japanese assassins doing your audit? oh, yeah, I'm sure you would sign off.

Strange Brew
05-21-2021, 08:13 PM
Seems rational to me. Would you want inexperienced japanese assassins doing your audit? oh, yeah, I'm sure you would sign off.

If I were an election official I wouldn’t mind an audit conducted by the state Senate’s auditors. Unless there was a reason to worry. I certainly wouldn’t destroy/obstruct evidence.

Going after the auditors and withholding evidence doesn’t make one look innocent. Especially if you believe it’s all a “Big Lie”. After all. If nothing is found then it ends some of the concerns and gives the Left ammo to fight voter protection laws.

05-21-2021, 09:23 PM
[QUOTE=Strange Brew;70444 Looks like GA is taking a second look at their results.[/QUOTE]

Waste of time and money. Won't lead to election being overturned so what's the point?

Strange Brew
05-21-2021, 09:50 PM
Waste of time and money. Won't lead to election being overturned so what's the point?

Make sure it doesn’t happen again. Simple answers to simple questions.

05-21-2021, 09:57 PM
Make sure it doesn’t happen again. .

What doesn't happen again. You mean the 'big lie'?

05-22-2021, 12:03 PM
So what's going to happen when the radical Palestinian-Americans now fighting Jews in the streets across America - no doubt inspired by Democrats in Congress and their militant wings in BLM and Antifa - realize that the woke segment of the Democrat party who have aligned themselves with the Chinese Communists (think LeBron James, NBA, Nike, Apple, Google) are helping the Chinese to enslave Muslim Uighurs?

05-22-2021, 02:33 PM
Usual hyperbole. Whatcha gonna do when they come for you...bad boys, bad boys...

05-23-2021, 10:02 AM
Usual hyperbole. Whatcha gonna do when they come for you...bad boys, bad boys...

And Antifa will come for you Woke Man! Just like the non white Palestinians are coming for every Jewish person they can find.
Amazingly the N.Y. Times can’t cover these atrocities correctly though. It’s actually not so amazing.

How’s inflation and the Border going for ya?

05-23-2021, 11:24 AM
Don't worry about the Palestinians. They been bombed into oblivion. The Israelis have effectively taken over their whole country in the last 75 years with 186 billion in investments from US since WWII. They're fighting a "war' with pea shooters against the iron dome and 50 F-35's that could strafe what's left of their country in a couple minutes. what's left:


05-23-2021, 11:40 AM
Don't worry about the Palestinians. They been bombed into oblivion. The Israelis have effectively taken over their whole country in the last 75 years with 186 billion in investments from US since WWII. They're fighting a "war' with pea shooters against the iron dome and 50 F-35's that could strafe what's left of their country in a couple minutes. what's left:


So are you empathizing with a bunch of idiots who continue unprovoked attacks with "pea shooters" against a superior force? Seriously, if we completely accept your premise of the situation, how stupid are the Palestinians? For thinking they can land a punch on Israel, or for following a completely corrupt terrorist organization in Hamas?

Meanwhile, how are things going in Jordan?

05-23-2021, 12:26 PM
Yeah, the Palestinians should just give up the rest of their country to Israeli settlements and find new homes somewhere else. How would that work in your neighborhood?

Strange Brew
05-23-2021, 12:38 PM
Yeah, the Palestinians should just give up the rest of their country to Israeli settlements and find new homes somewhere else. How would that work in your neighborhood?

Or join the 21st C. And live peacefully with the most tolerant of ME nations.

Or next time don’t align with the Nazis and follow it up with attacking and losing badly to Israel along with other Arab nations.

05-23-2021, 12:42 PM
"According to a 2009 report from the US Department of State's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Israel falls short of being a tolerant or pluralistic society. According to the report, Israel discriminates against Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Reform Jews, Christians, women and Bedouins."

05-23-2021, 12:52 PM
"According to a 2009 report from the US Department of State's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Israel falls short of being a tolerant or pluralistic society. According to the report, Israel discriminates against Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Reform Jews, Christians, women and Bedouins."

You do realize that you're quoting an historically anti-Semitic US Gov't agency? Especially the version under the Obama regime....

05-23-2021, 01:09 PM
Foxitus is strong in you, my young Padawan.

05-23-2021, 01:13 PM
And cnn is very strong in you. Not sure what your point is.

Strange Brew
05-23-2021, 03:13 PM
"According to a 2009 report from the US Department of State's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Israel falls short of being a tolerant or pluralistic society. According to the report, Israel discriminates against Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Reform Jews, Christians, women and Bedouins."

How did the Palestinians rank on that list?

05-23-2021, 03:49 PM
How did the Palestinians rank on that list?

Excellent point!!!

05-23-2021, 05:18 PM
"According to a 2009 report from the US Department of State's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Israel falls short of being a tolerant or pluralistic society. According to the report, Israel discriminates against Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Reform Jews, Christians, women and Bedouins."

Yes. Israel especially discriminates against those groups that have the avowed publically broadcasted intention of destroying them.

05-23-2021, 05:40 PM
Yes. Israel especially discriminates against those groups that have the avowed publically broadcasted intention of destroying them.

Ha! Good one.

05-23-2021, 06:38 PM
How did the Palestinians rank on that list?

85% Muslim

05-23-2021, 07:04 PM
Ha! Good one.

I normally stay out of this politics stuff. I don’t watch Fox or CNN. This predates all the news coverage and threats. This largely begins with the Balfour declaration. My MIL grew up in Lebanon, though she got her PhD at Vanderbilt. She didn’t move to the states permanently until she married. Getting your news in the states is often very different from the facts.

My wife’s uncle was a VERY successful man with AT&T and our government. He was also Palestinian and grew up with his families homes being taken away. He was bitter until the end, as I would be. Before you criticize, imagine if that had happened to your family.

I don’t take sides, I think it’s just sad.

05-23-2021, 07:05 PM
85% Muslim

My wife’s uncle was Christian. It wasn’t about religion to him. They stole his families land.

05-23-2021, 08:56 PM
I normally stay out of this politics stuff. I don’t watch Fox or CNN. This predates all the news coverage and threats. This largely begins with the Balfour declaration. My MIL grew up in Lebanon, though she got her PhD at Vanderbilt. She didn’t move to the states permanently until she married. Getting your news in the states is often very different from the facts.

My wife’s uncle was a VERY successful man with AT&T and our government. He was also Palestinian and grew up with his families homes being taken away. He was bitter until the end, as I would be. Before you criticize, imagine if that had happened to your family.

I don’t take sides, I think it’s just sad.

You can take a stroll back through this thread to a certain point a while ago and clearly see where I decided to stay out of this mess - this thread - as well, at least most of the time now.

My response was solely about MOR slamming bobbiemcgee between the eyes with his comeback, not about taking a policy position on one side versus the other.

This thread has mostly devolved into a majority of posts made by a few closed minded idiots, lobbing their contorted "thoughts" into what has become a mess of a thread. However, as they say, don't read it if you want to avoid it. Well, I happened to open it back up and read what I read and found the response to be funny.

As for my two cents on what is going on now in the Middle East: I side with Israel, while feeling sad for the good Palestinians who appear to be used by Hamas as shields for their terrorist activities. Unfortunately, it is a very complex region of the world where religious differences, hatred, and ulterior motives have layered themselves thickly into something that may never be fixable, though there are good people on both sides trying to do just that with the younger generations.

05-23-2021, 09:20 PM
You can take a stroll back through this thread to a certain point a while ago and clearly see where I decided to stay out of this mess - this thread - as well, at least most of the time now.

My response was solely about MOR slamming bobbiemcgee between the eyes with his comeback, not about taking a policy position on one side versus the other.

This thread has mostly devolved into a majority of posts made by a few closed minded idiots, lobbing their contorted "thoughts" into what has become a mess of a thread. However, as they say, don't read it if you want to avoid it. Well, I happened to open it back up and read what I read and found the response to be funny.

As for my two cents on what is going on now in the Middle East: I side with Israel, while feeling sad for the good Palestinians who appear to be used by Hamas as shields for their terrorist activities. Unfortunately, it is a very complex region of the world where religious differences, hatred, and ulterior motives have layered themselves thickly into something that may never be fixable, though there are good people on both sides trying to do just that with the younger generations.

Please don’t take that as a personal response. It’s just very complicated, even more so when you hear the news from people who actually live(d) there. Hamas actually builds schools and hospitals, as well as all the terrible things they do. The more I listened, the more I realized how little I really knew. Now, like you, I will fade back into the background on this thread.

Have a good week!

05-24-2021, 03:22 AM
I normally stay out of this politics stuff. I don’t watch Fox or CNN. This predates all the news coverage and threats. This largely begins with the Balfour declaration. My MIL grew up in Lebanon, though she got her PhD at Vanderbilt. She didn’t move to the states permanently until she married. Getting your news in the states is often very different from the facts.

My wife’s uncle was a VERY successful man with AT&T and our government. He was also Palestinian and grew up with his families homes being taken away. He was bitter until the end, as I would be. Before you criticize, imagine if that had happened to your family.

I don’t take sides, I think it’s just sad.

It’s too bad his people were subjected to incredibly stupid leadership by their overlord Egyptian President Nasser and then actively chose terrorist leaders like the PLO and Hamas with the long-stated objective of destroying Israel.
A little history is instructive.

05-24-2021, 12:33 PM
It’s too bad his people were subjected to incredibly stupid leadership by their overlord Egyptian President Nasser and then actively chose terrorist leaders like the PLO and Hamas with the long-stated objective of destroying Israel.
A little history is instructive.

If you want to talk about history, you have to look at what led to the history you cite. One thing leads to another, and the Balfour Declaration helped form the mess we currently have, though it has been a mess seemingly forever. Steal my homeland and I’d be pissed, too.


I don’t have a dog in this fight, but the truth is usually somewhere towards the middle. Everybody shares some fault. I’m not dragging this out further.


05-24-2021, 12:54 PM
Honestly, does anybody take this thread seriously? I just like poking the far right about the "big lie' and other ridiculousness like MTG, Gaetz, Hawley, Mc Connell , Mc Carthy and other idiots like Cage, Gohmert, Boebert, etc. etc. You have to admit these people are nuts. Maybe we should move the thread to "funny stuff".

05-24-2021, 01:16 PM
Honestly, does anybody take this thread seriously? I just like poking the far right about the "big lie' and other ridiculousness like MTG, Gaetz, Hawley, Mc Connell , Mc Carthy and other idiots like Cage, Gohmert, Boebert, etc. etc. You have to admit these people are nuts. Maybe we should move the thread to "funny stuff".

I think most of us already assumed that your comments were "funny stuff"! Half the time we can't tell if you're drunk, or if you have Tourette's syndrome!

05-24-2021, 01:37 PM
Keep up the delusion. Funny stuff. Always make sure to punctuate with some name calling and insults (trolling) to assure your losing the argument.

Strange Brew
05-24-2021, 03:38 PM
If you want to talk about history, you have to look at what led to the history you cite. One thing leads to another, and the Balfour Declaration helped form the mess we currently have, though it has been a mess seemingly forever. Steal my homeland and I’d be pissed, too.


I don’t have a dog in this fight, but the truth is usually somewhere towards the middle. Everybody shares some fault. I’m not dragging this out further.


So Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire and had no actual border. The British determined the fate of the area not the people of Israel. The Palestinians then sided with the Nazis in WWII and lost. Then sided with the Arabs and lost again. Seems they should be angry at the British, Ottomans (Turks), Egyptians and the Germans....

05-24-2021, 05:03 PM
Honestly, does anybody take this thread seriously? I just like poking the far right about the "big lie' and other ridiculousness like MTG, Gaetz, Hawley, Mc Connell , Mc Carthy and other idiots like Cage, Gohmert, Boebert, etc. etc. You have to admit these people are nuts. Maybe we should move the thread to "funny stuff".

Meanwhile you say nothing of the idiots like AOC, Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, Nancy Pelosi, China Spy F-er Eric Swallwell, anyone in the anti-Semitic Squad like Radhida Tliab, Ayanna Pressley and Cori Bush plus Bernie Sanders who’s rhetoric motivated a gunman to go to a softball field and try to assasinate numerous Republican lawmakers like Steve Scalise.
There were more people injured in that gun attack than any number at the Jan 6 Capitol but that didn’t stay in the news and we know why.
Your one sided “jokes” don’t fly here.

05-24-2021, 05:10 PM
So Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire and had no actual border. The British determined the fate of the area not the people of Israel. The Palestinians then sided with the Nazis in WWII and lost. Then sided with the Arabs and lost again. Seems they should be angry at the British, Ottomans (Turks), Egyptians and the Germans....

Yup. I also don’t think that Palestinians were subjected to 6 million of them being exterminated.
The Palestinians have probably had bad luck, but A LOT of bad leadership and they have made hugely bad choices.
Peoples who make bad choices lose. History shows us that.

05-24-2021, 05:16 PM
So Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire and had no actual border. The British determined the fate of the area not the people of Israel. The Palestinians then sided with the Nazis in WWII and lost. Then sided with the Arabs and lost again. Seems they should be angry at the British, Ottomans (Turks), Egyptians and the Germans....

People had land and homes, and it was taken from them.

Look, as I’ve said, I’m not taking sides, just pointing out that if you think this is simple, you are dead wrong. Speaking of wrong, there is a lot of that to go around. There is a reason this is not easily resolved.


Strange Brew
05-24-2021, 05:19 PM
People had land and homes, and it was taken from them.

100 years ago?

05-24-2021, 05:33 PM
Your one sided “jokes” don’t fly here.

But yours do, of course.

05-24-2021, 05:34 PM
100 years ago?

What difference would it make. 75 yrs. or 5 minutes.

Strange Brew
05-24-2021, 05:41 PM
What difference would it make. 75 yrs. or 5 minutes.

Makes sense since I’m sure you supported Cliven Bundy’s right to take his land back from the Feds...

05-24-2021, 06:21 PM
But yours do, of course.

I don’t make jokes. And again you avoid addressing my answer. Because you got nuthin. Right?
Typical leftist avoidance to never get to a counter point

05-24-2021, 06:22 PM
Actually just saw that CN did not walk it back and file directories were deleted.

Keep bringing the fake news AZ!

Except they did, they even went as far as to correct the assertion that any "malicious" was implied. Even our sheriff has gone on air correcting the record. This is not going well for Cyber Ninjas and the Az GQP.

05-24-2021, 06:22 PM
What difference would it make. 75 yrs. or 5 minutes.

Uh, different actors in the play?

05-24-2021, 06:26 PM
What difference would it make. 75 yrs. or 5 minutes.

Okay, so if time doesn't make a difference, have you given your land/property/home back to the Arapaho's yet?

Moreover, does it count that the Jews actually owned Israel before the Palestinians? Have you ever read the Old Testament? How is it exactly did the Jews and Christians lose their lands throughout the Middle East and North Africa in the first place?

Strange Brew
05-24-2021, 06:38 PM
Except they did, they even went as far as to correct the assertion that any "malicious" was implied. Even our sheriff has gone on air correcting the record. This is not going well for Cyber Ninjas and the Az GQP.

Uh, no.

Read up on the Sheriff last week. He’s bought and paid for by the Left. Clown needs to be driven around like some type of despot. You’re doing a bang up job of getting the disinformation out ahead of any results so that no matter what is or isn’t released you can discredit it. Classic and overused tactic.

05-24-2021, 06:44 PM
What difference would it make. 75 yrs. or 5 minutes.

Thank you. In the lifetime of some of our family members who lost their homes. You think they were not bitter? You expect nobody to react?

I’m tired of this nonsense. It was and still is wrong. Saying the actors changed matters not. And it continues to be an issue, but I’m not arguing with people who don’t/won’t get it. Both sides have effed up here.


05-24-2021, 07:17 PM
I get it 82. I also get the opposing view to yours and it’s hard to negotiate with people (Hamas) that want to wipe a race of people off the map. Clean out Hamas and more may come around to your view.

I don’t think you understand my view at all. “Both sides have effed up here.” I’m not on this side, or that side. You want to hate on Hamas, and I get that. Do you realize that Hamas also builds hospitals and schools? My MIL who lived in the territory much of her life said they also did a lot of good, along with the attacks. She likened them to a political party. They are not all bad, and Israel is not all good. Isreal just has better weapons.

The biggest problem here, I think, is that people feel a need to be on one side or the other. Maybe some people watch too much of one channel or the other? I am neither for nor against either side, and I don’t claim to have the answer to this mess. Anyone who thinks they have “the answer” to this just might drown in their own arrogance.

All I did was point out people had their homes stolen from them. How can that be supported? I also don’t support trying to launch rockets indiscriminately into populated areas full of innocent people. Both are wrong, but who was wronged first? It still doesn’t make it right.


05-24-2021, 07:47 PM
Uh, no.

Read up on the Sheriff last week. He’s bought and paid for by the Left. Clown needs to be driven around like some type of despot. You’re doing a bang up job of getting the disinformation out ahead of any results so that no matter what is or isn’t released you can discredit it. Classic and overused tactic.

You have no idea. Penzone is a breath of fresh air compared to Arpaio. The lawsuits dried up, the intimidation of city councilmen, outright abuse of his powers as sheriff, all of that ended when Penzone was elected.

Bennett/Fann/Ninjas are saying one thing in the media but others in meetings with the Senate. Like failing to mention they were "educated" on how to navigate the databases, like how audit contractors believe nothing malicious is going on with the files that were initially not located, like how because they couldn't find them they immediately went on twitter. Reality vs. OAN talking points. I would love to see a full list of who is paying the bills besides the Az tax payers.

Strange Brew
05-24-2021, 08:33 PM
You have no idea. Penzone is a breath of fresh air compared to Arpaio. The lawsuits dried up, the intimidation of city councilmen, outright abuse of his powers as sheriff, all of that ended when Penzone was elected.

Bennett/Fann/Ninjas are saying one thing in the media but others in meetings with the Senate. Like failing to mention they were "educated" on how to navigate the databases, like how audit contractors believe nothing malicious is going on with the files that were initially not located, like how because they couldn't find them they immediately went on twitter. Reality vs. OAN talking points. I would love to see a full list of who is paying the bills besides the Az tax payers.

Ninjas are fine and the databases were removed. I don’t read OAN either. Keep guessing...

Of course Penzone is against the audit. He won in 2020.

05-24-2021, 08:40 PM
I don’t think you understand my view at all. “Both sides have effed up here.” I’m not on this side, or that side. You want to hate on Hamas, and I get that. Do you realize that Hamas also builds hospitals and schools? My MIL who lived in the territory much of her life said they also did a lot of good, along with the attacks. She likened them to a political party. They are not all bad, and Israel is not all good. Isreal just has better weapons.

The biggest problem here, I think, is that people feel a need to be on one side or the other. Maybe some people watch too much of one channel or the other? I am neither for nor against either side, and I don’t claim to have the answer to this mess. Anyone who thinks they have “the answer” to this just might drown in their own arrogance.

All I did was point out people had their homes stolen from them. How can that be supported? I also don’t support trying to launch rockets indiscriminately into populated areas full of innocent people. Both are wrong, but who was wronged first? It still doesn’t make it right.


1111000000% taking sides one way or the other in that region makes zero sense to me. They have been blowing each other up for two thousand plus years. This isn’t an action flick, there are no clear good guys and bad guys.

05-24-2021, 10:18 PM
Okay, so if time doesn't make a difference, have you given your land/property/home back to France

NO, Louisiana Purchase 1803

05-24-2021, 10:59 PM
NO, Louisiana Purchase 1803

Huh? I think we're back to post 11465...

05-24-2021, 11:06 PM
Huh? I think we're back to post 11465...

Key word "Purchase" not "Steal"


“If I don’t steal it, someone else will steal it,”

05-24-2021, 11:15 PM
Key word "Purchase" not "Steal"


“If I don’t steal it, someone else will steal it,”

Ummm, Jefferson purchased the land from France, not the Arapaho's who considered the Denver area part of their territory. The original owners of the land your home sits on did not sign or approve that sale. So, in effect, you are squatting on land you don't have title to - by your own definition. I wonder if your buddies in Hamas would agree with that?

05-24-2021, 11:40 PM
Ummm, Jefferson purchased the land from France, not the Arapaho's who considered the Denver area part of their territory. The original owners of the land your home sits on did not sign or approve that sale. So, in effect, you are squatting on land you don't have title to - by your own definition. I wonder if your buddies in Hamas would agree with that?

So your theory is if an Indian walked across the Northern Hemisphere, he owned everything he saw? haha

05-24-2021, 11:45 PM
Violent leftist lunatics at it again - FBI Investigating Suspicious Package Sent to Rand Paul’s Home

"A picture of Paul bruised and bandaged with a gun to his head was affixed to the outside of the envelope with a threat: “I’ll finish what your neighbor started you motherf*****,” according to Fox News."


And yet, the FIB, I mean FBI, tells us that right wing white supremacists are the biggest threat to national security.....

05-24-2021, 11:47 PM
So your theory is if an Indian walked across the Northern Hemisphere, he owned everything he saw?

I know this might be the hardest thing in life for a lib, but try to be consistent....

05-24-2021, 11:48 PM
Or, Maybe you could just answer the question.

05-24-2021, 11:55 PM
I’m very happy Muskie created this thread to contain all political posts. Well done! It is a concise way to see who the idiots are without poisoning everything else.

05-25-2021, 01:06 PM
I’m very happy Muskie created this thread to contain all political posts. Well done! It is a concise way to see who the idiots are without poisoning everything else.

“Idiots” would depend on your relative point of view.
*Some* on this thread just want to deflect and post “feelings” without answering direct counterpoints and facts. (Shoulder Shrug)

05-25-2021, 06:12 PM
Grand Jury convenes in Trump corruption case. Corrupt Barr not around to squash it.

05-25-2021, 10:13 PM
Grand Jury convenes in Trump corruption case. Corrupt Barr not around to squash it.

Yeah. By the same corrupt Manhattan DA who argued to reduce Jeffrey Epstein’s sex offender status, ostensibly under “consultation” with his Democratic buddies.
The judge in that case expressed bewilderment at the move stating:
“I have to tell you, I’m a little overwhelmed because I have never seen a prosecutor’s office do anything like this. I have done so many [sex offender registration hearings] much less troubling than this one where the [prosecutor] would never make a downward argument like this."

This Grand Jury is Grand-Standing. Another Nothingburger

05-25-2021, 11:04 PM
Yeah. Another Nothingburger

"Based on the influence of the prosecutor, who (other than the court reporter) is the only non-juror present and who selects the evidence to present, various studies have suggested that the rate of indictment by a grand jury ranges from approximately 95% to approximately 99%"

Maybe a little whine and cheese on that burger?

05-27-2021, 05:39 PM
"Based on the influence of the prosecutor, who (other than the court reporter) is the only non-juror present and who selects the evidence to present, various studies have suggested that the rate of indictment by a grand jury ranges from approximately 95% to approximately 99%"

Maybe a little whine and cheese on that burger?

Charges (especially politically motivated ones) do not equal convictions.
Nothingburger. #Still

05-27-2021, 08:04 PM
Sigh of relief, Facebook’s fact checker police finally allows posts on the Wuhan lab may have caused the spread of covid. Hmmm.

05-27-2021, 09:04 PM
Sigh of relief, Facebook’s fact checker police finally allows posts on the Wuhan lab may have caused the spread of covid. Hmmm.

So maybe Trump was right? Nah, can’t be.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-27-2021, 09:41 PM
So maybe Trump was right? Nah, can’t be.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Zero, zilch, Nothing has changed per the information as to this hypothesis. Except that it is a Democrat administration in the WH now.
If that doesn’t show you how one sided, unfair and biased the main stream media is now, nothing will.
Read closely. CNN, NBC., ABC, CBS, WaPo, NY Times, MSNBC, NPR. ALL of those organizations at this time a year ago were claiming what Tom Cotton, Trump and Pompeo were relating as to credible intelligence was “Debunked”. No it was not. All of those organizations consciously chose to parrot the Communist Chinese Government line over these origins rather than believe and give credence to THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT!!!
This does not lead to a good place people. It’s incredible.

Strange Brew
05-27-2021, 10:08 PM
So maybe Trump was right? Nah, can’t be.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Don’t forget Rand Paul...

05-28-2021, 09:32 AM
Marketwatch Headline this morning:

Another key U.S. inflation gauge surges in April and hits 13-year high
Subline: “As Federal stimulus sloshes through the economy.”

What the F are those idiots in Grandpa Applesauce Brains admin doing up there?
Serious question. Name me anything they’ve done right other than not screwing up the pandemic vax procedures that was teed up for them by Trump?

05-28-2021, 03:40 PM
Question: Which is harder to go along with?

A transgender boy is now a girl


A baby/fetus is not a baby/individual until it is born

Both issues deal with science, genetics, DNA, and opinions. Thoughts

Strange Brew
05-28-2021, 03:55 PM
Question: Which is harder to go along with?

A transgender boy is now a girl


A baby/fetus is not a baby/individual until it is born

Both issues deal with science, genetics, DNA, and opinions. Thoughts

Oh great, now you've done it.....

Edit: you left out electric cars run on clean energy.

Muskie in dayton
05-28-2021, 05:12 PM
Marketwatch Headline this morning:

Another key U.S. inflation gauge surges in April and hits 13-year high
Subline: “As Federal stimulus sloshes through the economy.”

What the F are those idiots in Grandpa Applesauce Brains admin doing up there?
Serious question. Name me anything they’ve done right other than not screwing up the pandemic vax procedures that was teed up for them by Trump?
Actually they screwed up the vaccine distribution too by first telling people the vaccinated still had to mask and social distance, then with the J&J fiasco. It’s a wonder anyone got the shot. He has fucked up more in 4 months than most Presidents do in 4 years.

But at least we don’t have any more mean Tweets.

05-28-2021, 08:32 PM
Actually they screwed up the vaccine distribution too by first telling people the vaccinated still had to mask and social distance, then with the J&J fiasco. It’s a wonder anyone got the shot. He has fucked up more in 4 months than most Presidents do in 4 years.

But at least we don’t have any more mean Tweets.

Isn’t it curious that *some on this board could non stop post about the previous administration and how it was destroying democracy in America,
But now those same individuals have zero to say and zero defense of this dumpster fire that they voted for?

One last point. This current administration’s minions want a socialism ruled country. All the while, the largest recent group of migrants captured at the US border are from Venenzuela...a country destroyed by, yup, socialism. Hmmmm.

05-30-2021, 09:48 AM
Two days later from my post above and still nothing from the squawking leftists on this board about the disaster of Grandpa Applesauce Brains administration.
If you aren’t concerned yet, you will be after reading this Wall Street Journal article. I hope it isn’t behind a paywall.
The people in and around the White House have gone insane.


05-30-2021, 10:52 AM
Thinking today of those (including fellow Muskies) who gave the ultimate for something bigger than themselves.

And thankful for the chance to come home in one piece.


06-02-2021, 10:52 PM
Looks like trump's corrupt buddy netanYAHOO is out on his ass.

06-03-2021, 02:37 PM
Looks like trump's corrupt buddy netanYAHOO is out on his ass.

When will you Deranged people stop connecting everything that happens with Trump? He’s out of office 5 months.
Netanyahu’s current situation has nothing to do with Trump. Zero. Netanyahu was there long before Trump and also after.
Know what does have to do with Trump? The Abraham Accords that Biden is trying to undermine with overtures to Iran.
Address that.

06-03-2021, 05:27 PM
It's the "politics" thread. Get over it. You've badmouthed every politician here since Christ. DJT sez he'll be re-instated in August. What a jerk.

Muskie in dayton
06-03-2021, 06:33 PM
When will you Deranged people stop connecting everything that happens with Trump? He’s out of office 5 months.
Netanyahu’s current situation has nothing to do with Trump. Zero. Netanyahu was there long before Trump and also after.
Know what does have to do with Trump? The Abraham Accords that Biden is trying to undermine with overtures to Iran.
Address that.
It’s the TDS talking, MOR. Bobby has an incurable case.

06-03-2021, 07:42 PM
66% 0f 'pubs have it. They still think he won. hahahabha. And we thought VD was delusional.

06-03-2021, 11:44 PM
66% 0f 'pubs have it. They still think he won. hahahabha. And we thought VD was delusional.

And you still never addressed the Abraham Accords that I mentioned nor answered anything about your Demented Grandpa voice Biden’s terrible record.
All you can still do is rail about Trump who isn’t in office anymore and has zero power.
Tell me about Biden, Mr. One Track TDS Mind.

06-04-2021, 02:49 PM
May employment report :559,000 jobs added
Anticipated and predicted added jobs: 671,000
Deficit 112,000.

President Applesauce Brains keeps missing the benchmarks at every turn. When are the resident Critics of the last administration, those critics who can’t see things past January 20, going to give us their inciscive critiques???
I’m still waiting......