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04-21-2021, 06:48 PM
Pretty sure you don’t get shot there....if you are NOT trying to STAB somebody with a knife. Don’t be stupid, and life gets easier.

04-21-2021, 06:51 PM
Just so much fucking stupid in this world right now it’s amazing. I guess next time just let the girl stab the shit out of her and kill her. Fuck it....no cop ever show up for a person that is black. Problem solved.

I’d prefer to point out she was stupid, rather than black. Maybe that’s just me.....

(But I hope not.)

04-21-2021, 06:53 PM
I’d prefer to point out she was stupid, rather than black. Maybe that’s just me.....

(But I hope not.)

I’m not talking about her, I’m talking about every single black person or bleeding heart that bitches and complains and that it’s the cops fault every time a black person gets shot no matter the facts of the situation

D-West & PO-Z
04-21-2021, 11:19 PM
Lebron jumping in.


It's gone now. What did it say?

D-West & PO-Z
04-21-2021, 11:20 PM
Did anybody watch that video?

I thought that cop was pretty quick on the draw. I'm also a little surprised that he shot the girl 4 times while she was attacking the other girl, introducing a lot of risk that he might accidentally strike the person whom he was (presumably) trying to defend, or another innocent bystander. I can't imagine that is consistent with police training. I'll grant that it was a chaotic situation, but I was still surprised at how quickly he opened fire.

I think that Jenn Psaki should not be commenting on it (I don't really care what Lebron does) but I'm not surprised people are upset.

He arm was cocked back ready to stab the other girl. He had no choice but to be quick imo.

04-21-2021, 11:21 PM
It's gone now. What did it say?

He posted a picture of the policeman who shot the girl in Columbus. The caption was something like "You're next" with a running hourglass and #Accountability

D-West & PO-Z
04-21-2021, 11:34 PM
He posted a picture of the policeman who shot the girl in Columbus. The caption was something like "You're next" with a running hourglass and #Accountability

Yikes....someone obviously got in his ear about that mistake.

04-21-2021, 11:35 PM
He arm was cocked back ready to stab the other girl. He had no choice but to be quick imo.

I’m with you. You can’t be the one making trouble a/k/a threatening others lives, then have your family and friends claiming how sweet and wonderful you were. Hoping for a payday, I might add.

The poor cop was in a no win situation. Sure, there are bad cops, but most are just trying to do a very difficult job. Anyone who blames him deserves a lesson in reality.

04-22-2021, 10:23 AM
Yikes....someone obviously got in his ear about that mistake.

Then after he deletes his first ridiculous tweet, James follows up with this gem. No apology.
And he gets ratioed into the sun for it. As he should.

“ ANGER does any of us any good and that includes myself! Gathering all the facts and educating does though! My anger still is here for what happened that lil girl. My sympathy for her family and may justice prevail! ����✊������”

No mention of the girl in pink whose “Black life” was saved or sympathy for the other black girl who had her head punted in the video. James also refuses to call out Chinese slave labor who makes his Nike shoes. Ban those bastards

04-22-2021, 12:35 PM
So I thought one of the arguments to take away guns was that the police are there to protect you? How can you be protected when the police can't use deadly force on someone trying to kill you with a weapon?

Also, if the girl being attacked was killed and the cops just watched, would the same politicians and celebrities think that was the proper result? Would that be a sign of progress?

04-22-2021, 01:11 PM
So I thought one of the arguments to take away guns was that the police are there to protect you? How can you be protected when the police can't use deadly force on someone trying to kill you with a weapon?

Also, if the girl being attacked was killed and the cops just watched, would the same politicians and celebrities think that was the proper result? Would that be a sign of progress?

They’ll just never talk about it. Just like them and the national Media never talk about all the killings in Chicago or the case of a 13 year old stabbing another 13 year old to death in Cincinnati the same day as Columbus. “Those” Black Lives do NOT matter.

04-22-2021, 01:34 PM
What happens if you skipped the class in law school that told you never to ask a question you didn't know the answer to:


04-22-2021, 01:46 PM
What happens if you skipped the class in law school that told you never to ask a question you didn't know the answer to:


Hilarious she thinks there are provisions that are racist. So it is her belief then that black people are stupid, or what exactly? There is nothing zero nada anything racist in that bill and by saying there is, Ms. Abrams is unintentionally being racist.

He asked the wrong question... it should have been what specifically do you find racist in this bill and why

04-22-2021, 03:32 PM
What happens if you skipped the class in law school that told you never to ask a question you didn't know the answer to:


Absolutely a gotcha moment which failed miserably. Pubs desperately want to make Abrams look like a fool because of the work she did in Georgia. If they don't and Warnock loses, it will expose their voting bill for exactly what it is.

04-22-2021, 08:13 PM
Hilarious she thinks there are provisions that are racist. So it is her belief then that black people are stupid, or what exactly? There is nothing zero nada anything racist in that bill and by saying there is, Ms. Abrams is unintentionally being racist.

He asked the wrong question... it should have been what specifically do you find racist in this bill and why

It is not by definition racist IMO. There is certainly a socio-economic aspect, so by extension it can be seen as racist. Yes, he should have asked a better question.

I feel very badly for anyone who loses a loved one. I feel HORRIBLE when it’s someone who is completely innocent. So many of these cases have people who are actually committing criminal acts and are in the wrong. Then a cop effs up. I wish they would try harder to NOT push the limits to avoid the possibility of being shot while being a criminal.

It makes me sick to type that, but both sides deserve blame.

Strange Brew
04-22-2021, 08:56 PM
Wow, never thought I’d agree with Liz Warren but she’s right on the treatment of Jan 6th protesters.

04-22-2021, 10:54 PM
Where is the outrage from the National Media and the Left from protestors storming the Oklahoma State Capitol Building and forcing the legislature to lock their doors today for protection?
Seems as if “insurrection” and intimidation/interference with Government by building invasion isn’t limited to one side.
I’ll await Paul’s outrage post.


04-23-2021, 07:44 AM
If they broke the law, they should be arrested and held accountable.
Seems there were a couple dozen protesting from a gallery, and were escorted from the building.
Didn't notice any cops being attacked or beaten. Didn't notice any weapons like Michigan protests.
Could have missed it though.

04-23-2021, 01:40 PM
New angle in the Columbus shooting. Garage camera across the street. Looks to me the police officer was doing his job and probably saved the young African American’s life.


04-23-2021, 02:17 PM
Absolutely a gotcha moment which failed miserably. Pubs desperately want to make Abrams look like a fool because of the work she did in Georgia. If they don't and Warnock loses, it will expose their voting bill for exactly what it is.

Uh, read, I repeat READ this entire article. The fact that it comes from a right leaning publication is irrelevant because it is 100% factual. 100%
Stacy Abrams’ latest “work in Georgia” created a lie that caused Major League Baseball to pull their All Star game from the Atlanta suburbs, thereby costing millions of dollars to businesses owned by People of Color. She still will not concede that she lost the Governors race. That is some piece of “work”.


04-23-2021, 02:55 PM
If they broke the law, they should be arrested and held accountable.
Seems there were a couple dozen protesting from a gallery, and were escorted from the building.
Didn't notice any cops being attacked or beaten. Didn't notice any weapons like Michigan protests.
Could have missed it though.

Look into the Iowa capitol take over, AR15s and AK47s.

The issue in America today is the clear and obvious bias towards the left. You only have to look at Portland, they've been setting federal buildings on fire and there's no talk of domestic terrorism let alone sustained coverage of these events. If you want to talk about cops being beaten you can find a new video from that mess of a city every other day, but again, nothing from the media. Though they will lie about cops being beaten to death with a fire extinguisher if it involves conservatives. Interesting time to be alive to say the least.

04-23-2021, 03:12 PM
She still will not concede that she lost the Governors race.

And yet I'm sure you support your RNC's funds going to support Caitlyn Jenner in the CA Gov. campaign. (not that there's anything wrong with that)

04-23-2021, 03:43 PM
Look into the Iowa capitol take over, AR15s and AK47s.

The issue in America today is the clear and obvious bias towards the left. You only have to look at Portland, they've been setting federal buildings on fire and there's no talk of domestic terrorism let alone sustained coverage of these events. If you want to talk about cops being beaten you can find a new video from that mess of a city every other day, but again, nothing from the media. Though they will lie about cops being beaten to death with a fire extinguisher if it involves conservatives. Interesting time to be alive to say the least.

No cops were attacked or beaten in DC. Glenn Greenwald had a complete article about all the fabrications surrounding that that I posted earlier on this thread. Lies and misinformation by Biden and the media are convienently ignored by Paul and the left however.

04-23-2021, 03:45 PM
And yet I'm sure you support your RNC's funds going to support Caitlyn Jenner in the CA Gov. campaign. (not that there's anything wrong with that)

I have zero idea what you mean?
“What are Two things that have nothing to do with each other, for $1000 Alex.”

04-23-2021, 03:50 PM
Caitlyn's a pub like you. I'm sure she will be deserving of your support.

04-23-2021, 04:52 PM
No cops were attacked or beaten in DC.

Please tell me you don't seriously believe that.
Next all the videos of cops being beaten and the indictments being handed down for the same will be somehow fabricated.
And the pictures and videos of cops on the ground being beaten with poles will be...photoshopped?


That's one deep rabbit hole.

Strange Brew
04-23-2021, 05:42 PM
Caitlyn's a pub like you. I'm sure she will be deserving of your support.

I’d vote for her over Gavin. This ain’t you Grand Daddies Right anymore...

04-23-2021, 06:09 PM
Please tell me you don't seriously believe that.
Next all the videos of cops being beaten and the indictments being handed down for the same will be somehow fabricated.
And the pictures and videos of cops on the ground being beaten with poles will be...photoshopped?


That's one deep rabbit hole.

It is a tad annoying how the media gets one thing wrong (Sicknick), and then all of a sudden no cop was assaulted during the raid on the Capitol Building. They grab one and run that across them all in an attempt to change the narrative from cops were assaulted to it was all fake.

04-23-2021, 06:19 PM
Please tell me you don't seriously believe that.
Next all the videos of cops being beaten and the indictments being handed down for the same will be somehow fabricated.
And the pictures and videos of cops on the ground being beaten with poles will be...photoshopped?


That's one deep rabbit hole.

I refer you to post #10466 in this thread, that highlights an article by Glenn Greenwald. Most assuredly not a Right Wing journalist but actually a Liberal, but not Illiberal. Greenwald is also fiercely independent and writes truth without the ridiculous biased agenda and narrative of the New York Times.
The Capitol policeman who died, died of an unrelated stroke a day later. He was never “hit with a trash can” as falsely reported.
For your convenience I repost the article.

https://greenwald.substack.com/p/as-the-insurrection-narrative-crumbles?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODgzMDg0MCwicG9zdF9 pZCI6MzMzMjA4NDYsIl8iOiIrQldPcSIsImlhdCI6MTYxNDk4M zU2MCwiZXhwIjoxNjE0OTg3MTYwLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMTI4NjY yIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.Pgi0c9M92Ol0VUvg 5C_3kZhIUdBUw8rLutEON4Wodmc

04-23-2021, 06:40 PM
Caitlyn's a pub like you. I'm sure she will be deserving of your support.

I’m not a “Pub” I’m not even Registered that way.

In fact I was featured in a Readers Digest original article a few years ago talking about “Swing Voters” and was interviewed at length.
Documented evidence that I have an Open Mind and don’t have my head stuck in one side’s ideology. But I’ll admit the ludicrous antics over the last 6 years have pushed me to lean more Right.

You and Paul with your absolute refusal to seriously consider alternatives to your locked in mindset is the stuff that is gonna silently kill our way of life.
But go on with your lunacy.

04-23-2021, 07:36 PM
You and Paul with your absolute refusal to seriously consider alternatives to your locked in mindset is the stuff that is gonna silently kill our way of life.
But go on with your lunacy.


04-23-2021, 09:36 PM
Getting tired of winning:


04-23-2021, 10:12 PM
I’m not a “Pub” I’m not even Registered that way.

In fact I was featured in a Readers Digest original article a few years ago talking about “Swing Voters” and was interviewed at length.
Documented evidence that I have an Open Mind and don’t have my head stuck in one side’s ideology. But I’ll admit the ludicrous antics over the last 6 years have pushed me to lean more Right.

You and Paul with your absolute refusal to seriously consider alternatives to your locked in mindset is the stuff that is gonna silently kill our way of life.
But go on with your lunacy.

For sure the press got the Sidnick story wrong about the fire extinguisher. OK.
But you said
No cops were attacked or beaten in DC.

Do you really believe NO cops were attacked or beaten? I'm seriously interested in knowing if you hold that belief. (assuming you watch the multiple videos)

04-23-2021, 10:23 PM
Talk about lunacy:

"Washington, DC – Police chiefs for law enforcement agencies in Washington, D.C. that responded to the Capitol Riots on Jan. 6 estimate that more than 140 officers were injured in the attack on the Capitol."

04-24-2021, 02:49 PM
For sure the press got the Sidnick story wrong about the fire extinguisher. OK.
But you said

Do you really believe NO cops were attacked or beaten? I'm seriously interested in knowing if you hold that belief. (assuming you watch the multiple videos)

I posted a story by a credible journalist, twice.
Maybe you should read it rather than asking me?

Muskie in dayton
04-24-2021, 02:58 PM
It is a tad annoying how the media gets one thing wrong (Sicknick), and then all of a sudden no cop was assaulted during the raid on the Capitol Building. They grab one and run that across them all in an attempt to change the narrative from cops were assaulted to it was all fake.
There's been a lot more than one thing they have gotten "wrong". And it's not wrong like "oops, we missed that", its wrong like a complete fabricated lie.

04-24-2021, 03:17 PM
There's been a lot more than one thing they have gotten "wrong". And it's not wrong like "oops, we missed that", its wrong like a complete fabricated lie.

Exactly..it wasn't a misprint or a quote taken out of context. They literally made up a story, reported on it for weeks and then sat with their thumbs up their asses when the real findings came out. I choose not to be lectured about one side 'changing the narrative' when the other side literally makes a murder story up to forward an agenda.

04-24-2021, 03:49 PM
I posted a story by a credible journalist, twice.
Maybe you should read it rather than asking me?

I've read Greenwald. I understand the Sidenik situation was originally reported wrong and had to be corrected.

That doesn't answer my question.

Do YOU believe NO cops were attacked and beaten?

You personally have said that. I want to know if you believe it.

04-24-2021, 05:22 PM
I believe facts, not fake or embellished stories. I was not there. I believe credible journalists who have zero axe to grind or narrative to pitch. The Wash Post CNN & NY Times posted stories that they later had to walk back. Not credible.
Greenwald states facts and debunks other media sensationalism about 1/6 in this story below too.
BTW. I also have a picture of an alleged “insurrectionist” in a Buffalo Headdress walking into the Senate Chamber with a Capitol Police officer walking calmly behind him. The officer certainly does not look under duress or attack. In fact that Officer asks a protestor sitting on the floor if he “Needed Medical Attention”, and the guy says no. Don’t see any attack there. Unfortunately I am unable to post it on here for unknown reasons but it is contained on video near the end of the Greenwald article. Watch it.


04-24-2021, 05:38 PM
I believe facts, not fake or embellished stories. I was not there. I believe credible journalists who have zero axe to grind or narrative to pitch. The Wash Post CNN & NY Times posted stories that they later had to walk back. Not credible.
Greenwald states facts and debunks other media sensationalism about 1/6 in this story below too.
BTW. I also have a picture of an alleged “insurrectionist” in a Buffalo Headdress walking into the Senate Chamber with a Capitol Police officer walking calmly behind him. The officer certainly does not look under duress or attack. Unfortunately I am unable to post it on here for unknown reasons but it is contained on video near the end of the Greenwald article. Watch it.


All you have to do is google Body Camera Footage from Capotil Police on Jan 6th.

04-24-2021, 06:13 PM
All you have to do is google Body Camera Footage from Capotil Police on Jan 6th.

The police were not the objective, but they were in harm’s way trying to do their jobs. They were assaulted. Zero question about that.

The criminals need to face jail time.


04-24-2021, 06:39 PM
I believe facts, not fake or embellished stories. I was not there. I believe credible journalists who have zero axe to grind or narrative to pitch. The Wash Post CNN & NY Times posted stories that they later had to walk back. Not credible.
Greenwald states facts and debunks other media sensationalism about 1/6 in this story below too.
BTW. I also have a picture of an alleged “insurrectionist” in a Buffalo Headdress walking into the Senate Chamber with a Capitol Police officer walking calmly behind him. The officer certainly does not look under duress or attack. In fact that Officer asks a protestor sitting on the floor if he “Needed Medical Attention”, and the guy says no. Don’t see any attack there. Unfortunately I am unable to post it on here for unknown reasons but it is contained on video near the end of the Greenwald article. Watch it.


I appreciate the additional information/comments. Unfortunately they didn't answer the question as to whether you personally believe any officers were attacked. Not asking about reporting, commentary, etc. Asking about the video footage of officers being attacked by the mob (and those people now being indicted for the same.)

Do you believe that video evidence?

04-24-2021, 06:45 PM
I appreciate the additional information/comments. Unfortunately they didn't answer the question as to whether you personally believe any officers were attacked. Not asking about reporting, commentary, etc. Asking about the video footage of officers being attacked by the mob (and those people now being indicted for the same.)

Do you believe that video evidence?

That video of the cop getting crushed in the door looked pretty real to me.

04-24-2021, 06:47 PM
I posted a story by a credible journalist, twice.
Maybe you should read it rather than asking me?



Strange Brew
04-24-2021, 06:51 PM
I appreciate the additional information/comments. Unfortunately they didn't answer the question as to whether you personally believe any officers were attacked. Not asking about reporting, commentary, etc. Asking about the video footage of officers being attacked by the mob (and those people now being indicted for the same.)

Do you believe that video evidence?

Who is John Sullivan?
In what group is he seen as a leader?
Where was he on Jan 6th?

Strange Brew
04-24-2021, 07:38 PM


CBS? You must be joking. No credibility at all.

04-24-2021, 10:12 PM
Who is John Sullivan?
In what group is he seen as a leader?
Where was he on Jan 6th?

This is John Sullivan. Anarchist and not a Trumpist. Arrested and charged.
This from the Left friendly Washington Post:

”[He’s a speedskater. He organizes protests, alienating activists on both ends of the political spectrum. He drove an Uber. And his 40-minute video following rioters through the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, capturing the fatal shooting of a Trump supporter, has placed John Earle Sullivan — “Activist John” — at the center of a conservative campaign to blame liberal groups for the Capitol siege.
The video also landed him in jail. Federal authorities tracking down Capitol trespassers watched Sullivan’s video, interviewed him and then obtained warrants Thursday charging him with causing a civil disorder, trespassing and disorderly conduct. Sullivan repeatedly exhorted rioters to enter the building and overwhelm police, and seemed to convince Capitol Police officers to walk away from the glass door entry to the House Speaker’s Lobby, his video shows. Moments later, with Sullivan screaming warnings about a gun, rioter Ashli Babbitt is shot and killed on the video by a Capitol Police officer.
Video shows moments leading up to fatal Capitol shooting on Jan. 6
The Post obtained video showing the chaotic moment before 35-year-old Ashli Babbitt was fatally shot as rioters rushed toward the Speaker's Lobby. (The Washington Post)
His video attracted the attention of right-wing leaders, including President Trump’s lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, who said it showed that antifa was the true organizer of the attack; and Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), who called Sullivan a “BLM & fascist #ANTIFA supporter arrested for role in Capitol assaults.”

04-25-2021, 12:00 AM
CBS? You must be joking. No credibility at all.

hahaha ... go back to your safe place @ Breitbart.

Strange Brew
04-25-2021, 12:05 AM
hahaha ... go back to your safe place @ Breitbart.

Oh man. You got me. I’ll check in on CBS for their next fabricated story. Rather, Desantis, etc.

04-25-2021, 11:45 AM
Getting tired of winning:


Here's some more winning for you:

Russia is massing troops on the border with Ukraine. Ukraine is threatening to take Crimea back by force.

China is threatening Taiwan and its neighbors while also threatening our ships and Navy.

N Korea is testing missiles again and restarting their nuclear weapons program.

Iran has been emboldened and making more than their normal threats.

Palestinians are shooting missiles into Israel again

Our southern border is a humanitarian disaster caused directly by the Biden administration, and the administration that promised transparency is hiding it and not letting the media have access.

Ford is closing a plant and moving it to Mexico after just bringing it back from Mexico because of the current Administration’s plan for Increased taxes.

Price of steel up 145%, lumber 126%, wheat up 25%, food index up 25%, cotton 35%, silver 38%, copper 50%, soybeans 71%, oil 80%, etc, etc.

Pipeline jobs lost.

Wall construction jobs lost.

1.9 trillion in stimulus that funds the administrations pet projects and only paid a fraction to the people.

29 trillion in debt with 4.8 trillion projected 2021 deficit before the 2 trillion dollar stimulus proposed today for the new green deal.

6+% unemployment with millions of job openings that can’t be filled because federal unemployment assistance makes it more advantageous for people to stay home than work.

04-25-2021, 03:03 PM
Here's some more winning for you:

Russia is massing troops on the border with Ukraine. Ukraine is threatening to take Crimea back by force. Inherited

China is threatening Taiwan and its neighbors while also threatening our ships and Navy. Inherited

N Korea is testing missiles again and restarting their nuclear weapons program. Inherited

Iran has been emboldened and making more than their normal threatts. Inherited

Palestinians are shooting missiles into Israel again Quel suprpris! That what they do there

Our southern border is a humanitarian disaster caused directly by the Biden administration, and the administration that promised transparency is hiding it and not letting the media have access. Trying to reunite families He could work on this.
Ford is closing a plant and moving it to Mexico after just bringing it back from Mexico because of the current Administration’s plan for Increased taxes. They do this all the time. See Harley Davidson

Price of steel up 145%, lumber 126%, wheat up 25%, food index up 25%, cotton 35%, silver 38%, copper 50%, soybeans 71%, oil 80%, etc, etc. Construction and housing boom. don't buy a house

Pipeline jobs lost. 1,000 out of 155 million

Wall construction jobs lost. Mexico should pay them and refund us

1.9 trillion in stimulus that funds the administrations pet projects and only paid a fraction to the people. 76% approved except far righties and rich people.

29 trillion in debt with 4.8 trillion projected 2021 deficit before the 2 trillion dollar stimulus proposed today for the new green deal. What about the 2 trillion trump tax fiasco. Deficit was 7.8 trillion under trump

6+% unemployment with millions of job openings that can’t be filled because federal unemployment assistance makes it more advantageous for people to stay home than work. Should be fine by fall.


04-25-2021, 03:40 PM
BTW, Crimea is still internationally recognized as part of Ukraine, so why wouldn't Ukrainians want it back? If Ohio invaded Kentucky would Kentuckians want it back? I say continue to support the Ukrainians. ( without the quid pro quo's of course)

04-25-2021, 05:07 PM
I know that the hypnotized never lie

Do ya?

04-26-2021, 08:47 AM

Biden’s demented tax proposals are a hurtful joke.

04-26-2021, 08:54 AM
BTW, Crimea is still internationally recognized as part of Ukraine, so why wouldn't Ukrainians want it back? If Ohio invaded Kentucky would Kentuckians want it back? I say continue to support the Ukrainians. ( without the quid pro quo's of course)

BTW. Russia “annexed” Crimea during weak Milquetoast O’Bummer’s presidency in 2014. No reaction from O to defend our ally.
And, no. Despite your blithe brushing off of Lou’s accurate points above, those issues were NOT inherited. They are fresh to Lyin’ Biden’s administration.
Get a clue.

04-26-2021, 10:00 AM
BTW, Crimea is still internationally recognized as part of Ukraine, so why wouldn't Ukrainians want it back? If Ohio invaded Kentucky would Kentuckians want it back? I say continue to support the Ukrainians. ( without the quid pro quo's of course)

BTW. Russia “annexed” Crimea during weak Milquetoast O’Bummer’s presidency in 2014. No reaction from O to defend our ally.
And, no. Despite your blithe brushing off of Lou’s accurate points above, those issues were NOT inherited. They are fresh to Lyin’ Biden’s administration.
Get a clue.

Yes, and if we continue with Bobbie's analogy, why is "Delaware" getting involved with the OH-KY dispute?

04-26-2021, 10:10 AM
BTW. Russia “annexed” Crimea during weak Milquetoast O’Bummer’s presidency in 2014. No reaction from O to defend our ally.
And, no. Despite your blithe brushing off of Lou’s accurate points above, those issues were NOT inherited. They are fresh to Lyin’ Biden’s administration.
Get a clue.

I am pretty sure he tossed some sanctions on them. What did you want Obama to do?

04-26-2021, 10:15 AM
Who is John Sullivan?
In what group is he seen as a leader?
Where was he on Jan 6th?

Is that the same John Sullivan that was kicked out of several BLM groups? The same whose brother founded the pro-Trump group Civilized Awakening and as Proud Boys connections? Same guy who appeared on Infowars pushing his wares?

04-26-2021, 10:28 AM
Lots of trying to justify Biden's actions from Bobbie...shocking.

While I don't really give a crap about Israel and Palestine, they are going to bomb each other like they have for the last 2k plus years, the rest of the remarks from Bobbie are just baloney.

Newsflash...just because idiots approve of "free money" doesn't make it a good thing. The comment of far righties and rich people being the only ones that don't like it are so off base. Anyone with a brain, knows this last stimulus was not a good thing...in fact the last two weren't.

"Should be fine by fall." ----where is the faceplant emoji when you need it?

04-26-2021, 10:34 AM
Newsflash...just because idiots approve of "free money" doesn't make it a good thing. The comment of far righties and rich people being the only ones that don't like it are so off base. Anyone with a brain, knows this last stimulus was not a good thing...in fact the last two weren't.

So 76% of the country with no brains, maybe you should step back and re-assess. Did you forget your former boy wanted to give 2000 to everybody? get a clue.

Strange Brew
04-26-2021, 10:40 AM
Is that the same John Sullivan that was kicked out of several BLM groups? The same whose brother founded the pro-Trump group Civilized Awakening and as Proud Boys connections? Same guy who appeared on Infowars pushing his wares?

No, this John Sullivan is a BLM activist/organizer. Was he booted from your groups after Jan 6th?

04-26-2021, 10:44 AM
I am pretty sure he tossed some sanctions on them. What did you want Obama to do?

Apparently he was supposed to invade Crimea.

04-26-2021, 10:44 AM
So 76% of the country with no brains, maybe you should step back and re-assess.

First of all, use your brain, or just be completely obtuse, your call. 76% is probably a survey of like 2k people or so that take the time to go thru some stupid survey that most don’t have time for. That’s hardly a survey of the entire nation. Secondly, of course most people if you ask them if you would like 1400 they are going to approve.:they don’t think about the ramifications of that. The bill will come due.

04-26-2021, 10:51 AM
19.9 trillion when trump came in office - 27.7 trillion when he left. Good job.

04-26-2021, 11:11 AM
19.9 trillion when trump came in office - 27.7 trillion when he left. Good job.

10.6 trillion when Obama came in office - 19.9 trillion when he left. Good job.

Then you can go back to Bush and hey might as well go back to Roosevelt. In other words, your statement while true, doesn't justify what the Biden administration has effed up in the first 100 days.

Strange Brew
04-26-2021, 11:32 AM
10.6 trillion when Obama came in office - 19.9 trillion when he left. Good job.

Then you can go back to Bush and hey might as well go back to Roosevelt. In other words, your statement while true, doesn't justify what the Biden administration has effed up in the first 100 days.

Also, Trump was willing to shutdown the Gov't to try and curb spending. The Uniparty just kept piling on debt though.

04-26-2021, 11:34 AM
No, this John Sullivan is a BLM activist/organizer. Was he booted from your groups after Jan 6th?

The Utah BLM leader went on fox stating that he was not part of her group and stated he was basically a loose cannon she wanted no part. People jumped on that narrative like Giuliani and Gaetz and it spread like wildfire. People are still holding onto that lie today.

Strange Brew
04-26-2021, 11:55 AM
The Utah BLM leader went on fox stating that he was not part of her group and stated he was basically a loose cannon she wanted no part. People jumped on that narrative like Giuliani and Gaetz and it spread like wildfire. People are still holding onto that lie today.

Of course they said that after he led protestors at the Capital....

04-26-2021, 01:04 PM
10.6 trillion when Obama came in office - 19.9 trillion when he left. Good job.

So 9 trillion in 8 yrs vs 7.8 in 4....good job...almost twice as much for you math wizards, plus trump said getting rid of the debt was
'no problemo". After all, he said he was the "King of Debt"

04-26-2021, 01:17 PM
Also, Trump was willing to shutdown the Gov't to try and curb spending. The Uniparty just kept piling on debt though.

Duh. trump was the president.

04-26-2021, 02:00 PM
Of course they said that after he led protestors at the Capital....

Really wow you should work for the FBI, sounds like you cracked the case. They should call you as an expert witness at his trial and the rest of the trials exonerating everyone. Or, you have no idea who the led it, you just have an idea of what conservative hack job media has fed you. Hilarious how you love to condemn liberal media for fabricated lies and soak up the same from it's competitors.

04-26-2021, 02:02 PM
So 9 trillion in 8 yrs vs 7.8 in 4....good job...almost twice as much for you math wizards, plus trump said getting rid of the debt was
'no problemo". After all, he said he was the "King of Debt"

I guess my point was completely lost on you, or you are just being intentionally obtuse. My gawd, Trump is out of office, your obsession can stop now.

04-26-2021, 02:17 PM
I guess my point was completely lost on you, or you are just being intentionally obtuse. My gawd, Trump is out of office, your obsession can stop now.

You brought up the comparison. Who's obsessed.

04-26-2021, 02:19 PM
Apparently nobody watches the shitshow:tonguewag: Oscars...down 58%

04-26-2021, 02:25 PM
Apparently nobody watches the shitshow:tonguewag: Oscars...down 58%

Did they actually come out with new movies in 2020 with covid and all?

04-26-2021, 02:35 PM
You brought up the comparison. Who's obsessed.

I brought it up as a it doesn't matter who did what in the past at this point, which is why I also made the ridiculous comment of lets go back to bush or even Roosevelt as if that's relevant to what is going on right now. The free bucks literally just need to stop, the bill is going to come due and when it does, we are effed.

04-26-2021, 03:17 PM
Anatomy of an echo chamber and chasing the rabbit down the hole. Fascinating.


04-26-2021, 03:40 PM
Apparently nobody watches the shitshow:tonguewag: Oscars...down 58%

Mediocre movies with mediocre actors praising and congratulating themselves while simultaneously preaching to the "real world." who wouldn't want to watch that? lol

Strange Brew
04-26-2021, 04:24 PM
Really wow you should work for the FBI, sounds like you cracked the case. They should call you as an expert witness at his trial and the rest of the trials exonerating everyone. Or, you have no idea who the led it, you just have an idea of what conservative hack job media has fed you. Hilarious how you love to condemn liberal media for fabricated lies and soak up the same from it's competitors.

Wow, don’t think everyone’s being exonerated. Likely be prosecuted for trespassing. I receive info from many sources. Very little of it from Fox News. That said, it’s pretty to easy to see through the Nets, CNNs, WaPo and NYT’s activism.

Strange Brew
04-26-2021, 04:25 PM
Duh. trump was the president.

Ok, so he was trying to cut spending to reduce debt. What is your point again?

Strange Brew
04-26-2021, 04:27 PM
Anatomy of an echo chamber and chasing the rabbit down the hole. Fascinating.


Speaking of echo chambers. Do you read anything other than TPM?

04-26-2021, 05:08 PM
Did they actually come out with new movies in 2020 with covid and all?

I used to hit an afternoon movie now and then....but not in more than a year! Why even make movies now? But I guess they have to, because that’s what they do.

Maybe partially Covid related, but I’ve been surprised by the big name actors who do stuff that goes straight to Netflix or some other platform. New times.

04-26-2021, 05:23 PM
Speaking of echo chambers. Do you read anything other than TPM?

I watch Fox to keep up with its nonsense like that in the article. Does that count?

04-26-2021, 05:32 PM
Ok, so he was trying to cut spending to reduce debt. What is your point again?

How is a massive tax cut that primarily benefited the super wealthy reducing debt?
(can I get some of what you are smoking?)


Strange Brew
04-26-2021, 05:35 PM
I watch Fox to keep up with its nonsense like that in the article. Does that count?

I guess but you seem to only post from TPM here. They seem to take a silly topic covered by Fox and go see, echo chamber. One burger a month is likely the least dumb thing Biden/Kerry has proposed to further their religious beliefs. Kerry wants to eliminate all CO2 from the atmosphere. That is plain bat feces stupid on so many levels.

04-26-2021, 08:21 PM

He's back!!!

04-26-2021, 09:38 PM
Whether you like it or not, this is where we are...


04-26-2021, 10:35 PM
They seem to take a silly topic covered by Fox and go see, echo chamber. One burger a month is likely the least dumb thing Biden/Kerry has proposed to further their religious beliefs.

I pretty sure they haven't proposed this.

04-26-2021, 10:38 PM

He's back!!!

We're on board here in Sparkle City !


04-26-2021, 10:46 PM
Thank you John Roberts:

On Monday, a Fox News host corrected one of those segments that had aired back on Friday.

“The data was accurate but a graphic and a script incorrectly implied that it was part of Biden’s plan for dealing with climate change,” anchor John Roberts said Monday afternoon of the study. “That is not the case.”

Strange Brew
04-26-2021, 11:15 PM
Thank you John Roberts:

Right. The idea was to limit beef consumption to the equivalent of one burger a month. So no, they didn’t propose a one burger policy. I believe the point was hyperbolic in response to team Biden’s stupid policies on the non issue in general.

04-27-2021, 08:23 AM
Right. The idea was to limit beef consumption to the equivalent of one burger a month. So no, they didn’t propose a one burger policy. I believe the point was hyperbolic in response to team Biden’s stupid policies on the non issue in general.

I believe you are giving them wayyyyy to much credit. Are you saying this is some sort of tongue-in-cheek commentary on Biden's proposed environmental policy? I didn't realize Fox was that nuanced.

I think this kind of seems like the exact same thing that people spent 4 years railing on the 'liberal media' for doing during to Trump administration. They took a nothing policy point, linked it to some other unrelated action that will get people fired up, and blew it way out of proportion to rile up their viewers and to drive engagement.

This is one of the most ridiculous examples I have ever seen, as I would think that anyone with two brain cells to rub together would immediately know that no President of the United States would propose to limit meat consumption, particularly to something as low as 4lbs per year.

Strange Brew
04-27-2021, 10:29 AM
I believe you are giving them wayyyyy to much credit. Are you saying this is some sort of tongue-in-cheek commentary on Biden's proposed environmental policy? I didn't realize Fox was that nuanced.

I think this kind of seems like the exact same thing that people spent 4 years railing on the 'liberal media' for doing during to Trump administration. They took a nothing policy point, linked it to some other unrelated action that will get people fired up, and blew it way out of proportion to rile up their viewers and to drive engagement.

This is one of the most ridiculous examples I have ever seen, as I would think that anyone with two brain cells to rub together would immediately know that no President of the United States would propose to limit meat consumption, particularly to something as low as 4lbs per year.

It was presented for a laugh in the show I watch. Don’t know about all of Fox.

04-27-2021, 03:16 PM
For your daily fix of crazy:


04-27-2021, 03:38 PM
For your daily fix of crazy:


Yeah that’s pretty whacked. Thank goodness they probably only need about 20 teachers because don’t think they could be fully staffed. Wonder if they’ll get same backlash like the Catholic schools did over birth control.

04-27-2021, 03:39 PM
For your daily fix of crazy:


That story is like an onion of craziness. Makes you wonder, who is crazier the person that starts a school based on Anti-Vax beliefs or the 300 sets of parents that pay $30,000 for their middle school children to be taught by anti-vaxxers?

Strange Brew
04-27-2021, 04:05 PM
That story is like an onion of craziness. Makes you wonder, who is crazier the person that starts a school based on Anti-Vax beliefs or the 300 sets of parents that pay $30,000 for their middle school children to be taught by anti-vaxxers?

No crazier than parents who pay a fortune to send their kids to places like Berkeley.

04-27-2021, 04:05 PM
No crazier than parents who pay a fortune to send their kids to places like Berkeley.

It's actually much, much crazier than that. Like, a lot.

Strange Brew
04-27-2021, 04:20 PM
It's actually much, much crazier than that. Like, a lot.

I wouldn’t send my kids to either. One man’s cause de jour is another man’s crazy.

04-27-2021, 04:24 PM
Agree that I also can't imagine sending my kids to Berkeley. But if I had to choose between Berkeley and the Anti-Vax Institute, it's Berkeley by a long shot.

04-27-2021, 04:29 PM
Agree that I also can't imagine sending my kids to Berkeley. But if I had to choose between Berkeley and the Anti-Vax Institute, it's Berkeley by a long shot.

So you're saying the Anti-Vax Institute has no shot?

04-27-2021, 04:33 PM
So you're saying the Anti-Vax Institute has no shot?
Public reps because the man is keeping me down.

04-27-2021, 04:51 PM
No crazier than parents who pay a fortune to send their kids to places like Berkeley.

Wait, what? I'm sure Berkeley has some pretty out-there faculty, but come on. I can't believe that there is a school that charges $30K for middle school that is run by someone crazy enough to ban vaccinations.

Strange Brew
04-27-2021, 04:55 PM
Wait, what? I'm sure Berkeley has some pretty out-there faculty, but come on. I can't believe that there is a school that charges $30K for middle school that is run by someone crazy enough to ban vaccinations.

See Brearley in NY for reference.

04-27-2021, 06:50 PM
Wait, what? I'm sure Berkeley has some pretty out-there faculty, but come on. I can't believe that there is a school that charges $30K for middle school that is run by someone crazy enough to ban vaccinations.
Think of how much those parents are saving by not having to worry about the cost of college.

04-27-2021, 06:52 PM
A dissection of "where's the beef?"


04-27-2021, 06:58 PM
Oops. Double post.

04-27-2021, 08:34 PM
Think of how much those parents are saving by not having to worry about the cost of college.

Said the exact same thing after my kids left HS!

04-28-2021, 10:54 AM

I’m not sure how this kind of stuff can be stopped but it is extremely scary on both sides. It is Orwellian 1984 shit

Strange Brew
04-28-2021, 11:06 AM

I’m not sure how this kind of stuff can be stopped but it is extremely scary on both sides. It is Orwellian 1984 shit

Well the reporter lost her job. I’ll wait for all the reporters that wrote about the Russian dossier to do the same.

04-28-2021, 11:09 AM
Well the reporter lost her job. I’ll wait for all the reporters that wrote about the Russian dossier to do the same.

Geezus, she quit first of all and secondly Do we really need to go down the road of which side is worse? It doesn’t matter...this shit needs to stop

Strange Brew
04-28-2021, 11:16 AM
Geezus, she quit first of all and secondly Do we really need to go down the road of which side is worse? It doesn’t matter...this shit needs to stop

Agree and she ‘resigned’. So what are we upset about again.

What is more Orwellian is the changing of language that has been going on the past 20 years. That is much more disturbing than a silly article written by a mostly tabloid publication about what is really a non issue.

04-28-2021, 11:25 AM
This is satire from the New Yorker. But it is funny.....

Marjorie Taylor Greene Attacks Biden’s Plan for Free Preschool: “I Refuse to Go”
Speaking to reporters, the Georgia congresswoman said that she would rather “hold my breath until I turn blue” than attend such a school.

04-28-2021, 11:30 AM
Agree and she ‘resigned’. So what are we upset about again.

What is more Orwellian is the changing of language that has been going on the past 20 years. That is much more disturbing than a silly article written by a mostly tabloid publication about what is really a non issue.

I think if this has happened once and was caught, think of the number of times that it has happened and not been caught by numerous publications. Promoting propaganda under the guise of news is scary on both sides.

Strange Brew
04-28-2021, 01:36 PM
I think if this has happened once and was caught, think of the number of times that it has happened and not been caught by numerous publications. Promoting propaganda under the guise of news is scary on both sides.

I agree. However the manipulation of language is more concerning than a publication that is not taken very seriously by many.

04-28-2021, 02:24 PM
I think if this has happened once and was caught, think of the number of times that it has happened and not been caught by numerous publications. Promoting propaganda under the guise of news is scary on both sides.

If you are so outraged that you are willing to resign, wouldn't you do that BEFORE you published the article you were so upset about being "made" to write? That seems like a problematic timeline for her moral compass.

04-30-2021, 09:04 AM
The reactions from the Wokesters and the supposed caring left over Tim Scott’s wonderful rebuttal to Dementia Joe’s speech the other night is extremely instructive.
Calling Senator Scott “Uncle Tim” and “Uncle Tom” is ludicrous and Racist as hell. If folks on the right called Raphael Warnock that there would be amazing outrage from the usual media suspects like WaPo, NYT, and the networks. Rather “fact checker” Kessler of the WaPo publishes a demeaning screed about Scott’s family background that doubles down on the racism.
It’s unbelieveable but pretty on point for the “Party of Tolerance”. There was even a Tweet to Scott from a guy I recognize as a Xavier fan, who I think has posted on this board, who called our Black, articulate, US Senator from South Carolina an “Idiot”. Yes. So empathetic to a guy who went from picking Cotton to Congress.
You’ve shown your clothing hypocrites, and it isn’t pretty.

04-30-2021, 09:25 AM
We have known this about the left for a long time now. It’s just worse now

04-30-2021, 10:01 AM
The reactions from the Wokesters and the supposed caring left over Tim Scott’s wonderful rebuttal to Dementia Joe’s speech the other night is extremely instructive.

It’s unbelieveable but pretty on point for the “Party of Tolerance”. There was even a Tweet to Scott from a guy I recognize as a Xavier fan, who I think has posted on this board, who called our Black, articulate, US Senator from South Carolina an “Idiot”. Yes. So empathetic to a guy who went from picking Cotton to Congress.
You’ve shown your clothing hypocrites, and it isn’t pretty.

It is hard for me to take your rant on the lack of civility in modern politics seriously when you start it off by referring to the President as Dementia Joe.

04-30-2021, 10:06 AM
It is hard for me to take your rant on the lack of civility in modern politics seriously when you start it off by referring to the President as Dementia Joe.

I was literally going to type the same thing before I saw your response. It's amazing.

04-30-2021, 01:45 PM
Could have saved a lot of space on the internet if he just typed out R = Good and D = Bad.

Strange Brew
04-30-2021, 03:25 PM
It is hard for me to take your rant on the lack of civility in modern politics seriously when you start it off by referring to the President as Dementia Joe.

Didn’t pick up anything about civility in MOR’s post. I read references to the naked hypocrisy of the Champions of Woke. You can’t be anti racist while being blatantly racist.

04-30-2021, 06:21 PM
Wow, how xenophobic of Uncle Joe to ban travel from India. Who's going to work in all those the C-Stores that Biden visits?

04-30-2021, 07:16 PM
Newsmax just settled with Eric Coomer the Dominion executive they named. The first domino has fallen to completely debunk the 'Big Lie' in court.

04-30-2021, 08:40 PM
I was literally going to type the same thing before I saw your response. It's amazing.

Plenty of quacks on both sides and unfortunately they are the loudest.

Strange Brew
04-30-2021, 08:47 PM
Newsmax just settled with Eric Coomer the Dominion executive they named. The first domino has fallen to completely debunk the 'Big Lie' in court.

I’ll wait for the results of the Maricopa County audit.

04-30-2021, 09:35 PM
I’ll wait for the results of the Maricopa County audit.

LOL did you read about the clown show that this is?

Cyber Ninjas, the company running the "audit" is out of Florida and run by Doug Logan who has espoused Trump's Big Lie conspiracy theories on social media. Good lord, this is in my backyard did you not think I wasn't fully aware of this sham? That is as insulting as even the implication that these "auditors" are independent as all auditors should be. This former PWC auditor finds this whole thing reprehensible. I am not surprised as this is the state that elected Paul Gosar. None of this will age well.

04-30-2021, 11:07 PM
Not to worry...one of the Capitol rioters is counting votes there in Arizona. What could go wrong.

05-01-2021, 07:11 AM
It is hard for me to take your rant on the lack of civility in modern politics seriously when you start it off by referring to the President as Dementia Joe.

Civility is gone from politics. This is about naked racism and hypocrisy.
Instead of deflecting to an irrelevancy, why don’t you address the point about the blatant racism from the left who is always screaming racism?

But, you know. Grifters will shout about how “Black Lives Matter” while blindly ignoring how many Black Lives are wiped out in South Side Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and other long term DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED cities every weekend. Seems like any “conversation” that the grifters want to have stops when you start to point out that these issues might be connected to who has been in power for decades in places.

Address the issue of racism vs Scott, not some red herring.

05-01-2021, 03:17 PM
Civility is gone from politics. This is about naked racism and hypocrisy.
Instead of deflecting to an irrelevancy, why don’t you address the point about the blatant racism from the left who is always screaming racism?

But, you know. Grifters will shout about how “Black Lives Matter” while blindly ignoring how many Black Lives are wiped out in South Side Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and other long term DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED cities every weekend. Seems like any “conversation” that the grifters want to have stops when you start to point out that these issues might be connected to who has been in power for decades in places.

Address the issue of racism vs Scott, not some red herring.

I was specifically addressing your clutching of pearls over a Xavier fan you saw on twitter calling him an idiot. Unless you think calling a politician an idiot is racist, in which case there is a shit load of racism on this board from all sides.

I am sure there are idiots on twitter and other websites that say racist shit about Scott, and they are racist idiots.

05-01-2021, 03:59 PM
My wife calls me an idiot all the time. Never thought of it as being racist. If I ask her, I'm afraid she's just going to graduate me to moron.

05-01-2021, 09:35 PM
Wonder what part of Senator Scott’s speech has some on the left freaking out and with a portion throwing racial slurs (which is despicable from anyone) at him to begin with? Was it because he talked about self reliance and small government or because he said America is not a racist country?

Thinking the former because Kamala and Joe said the same thing about America days later.

05-02-2021, 10:31 PM
Civility is gone from politics. This is about naked racism and hypocrisy.
Instead of deflecting to an irrelevancy, why don’t you address the point about the blatant racism from the left who is always screaming racism?

But, you know. Grifters will shout about how “Black Lives Matter” while blindly ignoring how many Black Lives are wiped out in South Side Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and other long term DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED cities every weekend. Seems like any “conversation” that the grifters want to have stops when you start to point out that these issues might be connected to who has been in power for decades in places.

Address the issue of racism vs Scott, not some red herring.

Back to my point. 5 dead 33 black folks injured in shootings in Democrat controlled Chicago in just 2 hours this weekend.
Where is the screaming about Black Lives Mattering there? And, you know. Why bother spending, oh, say, $5 million dollars on programs that would actually curb violence rather than spending it on three houses for yourself there Patrisse Cullors, Ms BLM?


05-03-2021, 11:24 AM
She does pretty well for a Black Marxist who hates capitalism living "among her people in a 98% white 'hood". Maybe BLM should focus on the horrendous Black on Black crime. They certainly have the funds.

05-03-2021, 05:19 PM

Here is some legit voter fraud. Just not quite the right candidate some were hoping.

05-03-2021, 05:30 PM
Bruce Bartman, white guy in PA who illegally voted for Trump on behalf of his dead mother, gets 5 years probation

Crystal Mason, black woman in TX who voted on supervised release when she didn't know she was ineligible, gets 5 years in prison

Two justice systems in America

05-03-2021, 09:11 PM
Bruce Bartman, white guy in PA who illegally voted for Trump on behalf of his dead mother, gets 5 years probation

Crystal Mason, black woman in TX who voted on supervised release when she didn't know she was ineligible, gets 5 years in prison

Two justice systems in America

Say what you will about intent, but there was no difference in sentencing possibilities between the two cases. Even Crystal Mason was offered probation, but she DECLINED. And since she was CONVICTED(and was still on probation for tax fraud) the sentence was more harsh.
Mason’s federal conviction for tax fraud came in 2011, after she pleaded guilty to preparing thousands of income tax returns that contained false information for her clients. She was ordered to pay more than $4.2 million in restitution and was in default on her payments.

Tell the whole damn story Paul instead of doing the usual Lib act of picking and choosing parts to fit your narrative.

05-04-2021, 08:09 AM

She was intending to vote for herself, and thought it was OK

He was intending to vote for his dead mother and registered a dead person so he could have 2 votes.

05-04-2021, 06:21 PM

She was intending to vote for herself, and thought it was OK

He was intending to vote for his dead mother and registered a dead person so he could have 2 votes.

You never give up. She is a felon, convicted and sentenced. She was offered probation. She declined for some ungodly reason.
Point. No, not Two different justice systems. Stop with the attempted divisive rhetoric

05-04-2021, 08:55 PM
What ever is "divisive" about my rhetoric.

The woman was convicted of a crime. She served 5 years in jail for it, and was out on probation.
She thought she was allowed to vote, thought it was OK, and cast a provisional ballot. It was determined she was not eligible.
And her ballot was never counted.
Now she is back in jail.

And you totally ignore the person who filed a second ballot for his dead mother, intentionally violating our election laws.
Actually doing something your crazy president has been whining about for years, fraudulently voting, and he's free on probation.
And you're worried about the women who made a mistake and whose ballot was never counted. Is that because he voted for the loser?


05-04-2021, 09:18 PM
Paul, your initial post made it sound like she was sent to prison for five years for voter fraud due to the color of her skin. That's how I read it and was like holy sh@t.

05-04-2021, 10:03 PM
Paul, your initial post made it sound like she was sent to prison for five years for voter fraud due to the color of her skin. That's how I read it and was like holy sh@t.

When you follow some of the history of sentencing in the South, there often seems to be disparity in what is given to white vs black defendants.
I have no idea why this woman didn't take probation on her voter situation, because she was fairly adamant that she wouldn't have risked prison just to vote after getting out after 5 years for the earlier crime.
Sounds like she honestly believed she made an error after her mother encouraged her to vote, and didn't know she wasn't supposed to.
Ignorance is not a defense, so she's paying for it, for whatever reason.
Curiously, a legal point is in play now. Since she cast a provisional, that was never allowed to be counted, she didn't really "vote" in the election...and that is some basis for the current appeal.

What's interesting is that in the literally one is a million votes cast that turn out to be actual fraud, it seems most often that it is a Republican doing the cheating. Sort of contra to the rhetoric we hear so often these days.

Strange Brew
05-04-2021, 11:28 PM
When you follow some of the history of sentencing in the South, there often seems to be disparity in what is given to white vs black defendants.
I have no idea why this woman didn't take probation on her voter situation, because she was fairly adamant that she wouldn't have risked prison just to vote after getting out after 5 years for the earlier crime.
Sounds like she honestly believed she made an error after her mother encouraged her to vote, and didn't know she wasn't supposed to.
Ignorance is not a defense, so she's paying for it, for whatever reason.
Curiously, a legal point is in play now. Since she cast a provisional, that was never allowed to be counted, she didn't really "vote" in the election...and that is some basis for the current appeal.

What's interesting is that in the literally one is a million votes cast that turn out to be actual fraud, it seems most often that it is a Republican doing the cheating. Sort of contra to the rhetoric we hear so often these days.

Your last paragraph was meant to be a joke tight?

05-05-2021, 08:52 AM
Paul, your initial post made it sound like she was sent to prison for five years for voter fraud due to the color of her skin. That's how I read it and was like holy sh@t.

And that is exactly what he was trying to do...and those screaming for “Equity” and not Equality do all the time. It’s false and divisive.
What the hell else are you supposed to glean from “Two different Justice Systems in America”?
And old history in the South has zero to do with today so stop dredging it up.

05-05-2021, 09:22 AM
What ever is "divisive" about my rhetoric.

The woman was convicted of a crime. She served 5 years in jail for it, and was out on probation.
She thought she was allowed to vote, thought it was OK, and cast a provisional ballot. It was determined she was not eligible.
And her ballot was never counted.
Now she is back in jail.


Yes Paul, that's what happens when you are a convicted felon and violate the terms of your probation. The fact that you are trying to make the connection between this woman's case and the other case as some sort proof of a racially biased application of the law, makes zero sense. Maybe you don't understand how the law is applied to felons versus non-felons. Or maybe you're just stirring shit up to further divide people..

Strange Brew
05-05-2021, 11:45 AM
Hmm, newly released drone footage from Charlottesville is interesting. Whole lot of Soviet flags in that alt-left mob...

05-05-2021, 11:53 AM
Yes Paul, that's what happens when you are a convicted felon and violate the terms of your probation. The fact that you are trying to make the connection between this woman's case and the other case as some sort proof of a racially biased application of the law, makes zero sense. Maybe you don't understand how the law is applied to felons versus non-felons. Or maybe you're just stirring shit up to further divide people..

Yeah, Ms Mason isn’t exactly the poster person I would use for the two sides of justice argument or black voter suppression like other articles I’ve read like to paint it. Like MOR said she literally turned down probation and went to court.

The judge found beyond a reasonable doubt from the evidence that she knew she was not eligible to vote and voted anyway. So now we’re supposed to believe a convicted felon over a judge? Also, guess we’re supposed to think the act of voting only counts if the vote did? Yeah, I stole the food but I didn’t eat it. Interesting times.

05-05-2021, 12:26 PM
Yeah, Ms Mason isn’t exactly the poster person I would use for the two sides of justice argument or black voter suppression like other articles I’ve read like to paint it. Like MOR said she literally turned down probation and went to court.

The judge found beyond a reasonable doubt from the evidence that she knew she was not eligible to vote and voted anyway. So now we’re supposed to believe a convicted felon over a judge? Also, guess we’re supposed to think the act of voting only counts if the vote did? Yeah, I stole the food but I didn’t eat it. Interesting times.

Actually no, she both did not know that a condition of her supervised release was that she could not vote and a probation official actually testified in court that he did not tell her she was not eligible to vote.

Ignorance is not a defense unless you are Tom Delay. Part of the Texas Court of Appeals decision in 2013 in his case was that Delay needed to be aware he was breaking elections law and it was on the prosecution to prove that.

05-05-2021, 01:09 PM
Actually no, she both did not know that a condition of her supervised release was that she could not vote and a probation official actually testified in court that he did not tell her she was not eligible to vote.

Ignorance is not a defense unless you are Tom Delay. Part of the Texas Court of Appeals decision in 2013 in his case was that Delay needed to be aware he was breaking elections law and it was on the prosecution to prove that.

So the judge and State appellate court who upheld the courts ruling are wrong? The judge ruled that she knew without a reasonable doubt she couldn’t vote. Does it really matter what the probation officer said in court? Understand it’s still in court, but...

05-05-2021, 01:43 PM
I am reading the appeal as I cannot find the original trial judge's ruling. Part of it maintains that she received a notice of cancellation of voter registration at her home address while she was serving her sentence for fraudulently completing tax returns. She served 60 months, how was she supposed to sift through five years of mail.

And, it's right in the opinion. Texas only needs to prove that the defendant voted knowing of the condition that precluded them from voting only and not that the condition itself made it illegal to vote. They basically removed intent as part of this and left it merely the action.

I would like to read the original judge's ruling. I also find it interesting that you can remove requiring the prosecution to prove intent for something like this.

05-05-2021, 02:26 PM
I am reading the appeal as I cannot find the original trial judge's ruling. Part of it maintains that she received a notice of cancellation of voter registration at her home address while she was serving her sentence for fraudulently completing tax returns. She served 60 months, how was she supposed to sift through five years of mail.

And, it's right in the opinion. Texas only needs to prove that the defendant voted knowing of the condition that precluded them from voting only and not that the condition itself made it illegal to vote. They basically removed intent as part of this and left it merely the action.

I would like to read the original judge's ruling. I also find it interesting that you can remove requiring the prosecution to prove intent for something like this.

Can’t find actual ruling, but this article has his decision on she knew without a reasonable doubt. Third to the last paragraph (of course).


05-05-2021, 02:27 PM
I am reading the appeal as I cannot find the original trial judge's ruling. Part of it maintains that she received a notice of cancellation of voter registration at her home address while she was serving her sentence for fraudulently completing tax returns. She served 60 months, how was she supposed to sift through five years of mail.

And, it's right in the opinion. Texas only needs to prove that the defendant voted knowing of the condition that precluded them from voting only and not that the condition itself made it illegal to vote. They basically removed intent as part of this and left it merely the action.

I would like to read the original judge's ruling. I also find it interesting that you can remove requiring the prosecution to prove intent for something like this.

Obviously had trouble posting lol

05-05-2021, 02:32 PM
I am reading the appeal as I cannot find the original trial judge's ruling. Part of it maintains that she received a notice of cancellation of voter registration at her home address while she was serving her sentence for fraudulently completing tax returns. She served 60 months, how was she supposed to sift through five years of mail.

And, it's right in the opinion. Texas only needs to prove that the defendant voted knowing of the condition that precluded them from voting only and not that the condition itself made it illegal to vote. They basically removed intent as part of this and left it merely the action.

I would like to read the original judge's ruling. I also find it interesting that you can remove requiring the prosecution to prove intent for something like this.

Can’t find the actual judge’s ruling, but here is an article that states he found that she knew without a reasonable doubt (of course, 3rd to last paragraph)


05-05-2021, 02:33 PM
I am reading the appeal as I cannot find the original trial judge's ruling. Part of it maintains that she received a notice of cancellation of voter registration at her home address while she was serving her sentence for fraudulently completing tax returns. She served 60 months, how was she supposed to sift through five years of mail.

And, it's right in the opinion. Texas only needs to prove that the defendant voted knowing of the condition that precluded them from voting only and not that the condition itself made it illegal to vote. They basically removed intent as part of this and left it merely the action.

I would like to read the original judge's ruling. I also find it interesting that you can remove requiring the prosecution to prove intent for something like this.

Can’t find the actual judge’s ruling, but here is an article that states he found that she knew without a reasonable doubt (of course, 3rd to last paragraph)


05-05-2021, 06:21 PM
I'm just guessing here, but probably for her to accept probation offered, she had to plead guilty.
Maybe she just didn't want to plead that, thinking that she had done nothing wrong, and her provisional ballot was never counted.

If you don't understand that Southern states have long tried to suppress minority voting, and still do today after the Shelby case, I'm not going to convince you. You'll just have to read more, or live in an area affected.

Here's on illustrative example: The number of drop boxes for Georgia's four most populous counties, Fulton, Cobb, DeKalb and Gwinnett, will drop from 94 in 2020 to 23 in 2022, according to The Times.
They will now be located inside county offices, so instead of driving up to drop your ballot, you find parking and go inside.
What did that help?

05-05-2021, 06:56 PM
Can’t find the actual judge’s ruling, but here is an article that states he found that she knew without a reasonable doubt (of course, 3rd to last paragraph)


That is only a quote from the DA who can spin the ruling any way they want. The judge may have actually put that in his/her ruling, but I would like to read that. Both appeals read differently unfortunately. As said before, the media is a spin machine for both sides. More and more especially with court rulings, I go straight court filings and read them for myself.

To Paul, many legal avenues of appeal are lost once you plead guilty. It's possible that yes she sought a verdict to keep the appeals open.

05-05-2021, 07:58 PM
That is only a quote from the DA who can spin the ruling any way they want. The judge may have actually put that in his/her ruling, but I would like to read that. Both appeals read differently unfortunately. As said before, the media is a spin machine for both sides. More and more especially with court rulings, I go straight court filings and read them for myself.

To Paul, many legal avenues of appeal are lost once you plead guilty. It's possible that yes she sought a verdict to keep the appeals open.

Yes spin on both sides. It would be nice to see how judge and court of appeals agreed and came up with a without a reasonable doubt decision.

Curious and not trying to be confrontational, but where did you here “she both did not know that a condition of her supervised release was that she could not vote” if you didn’t see the ruling?

05-06-2021, 08:49 AM
If you don't understand that Southern states have long tried to suppress minority voting, and still do today after the Shelby case, I'm not going to convince you. You'll just have to read more, or live in an area affected.

This guy makes a completely nonsensical comparison between 2 cases that have NOTHING to do with minority voter suppression..gets called out on it and then proceeds to tell his detractors to 'read more'. Paul, you had an awful take. It's okay, just own it and move on.

05-06-2021, 08:55 AM
This guy makes a completely nonsensical comparison between 2 cases that have NOTHING to do with minority voter suppression..gets called out on it and then proceeds to tell his detractors to 'read more'. Paul, you had an awful take. It's okay, just own it and move on.

Once he got called out on it, he went and read "Liberal Playbook 2021," and boom minority voter suppression. Good try on moving those goalposts, Paul.

05-06-2021, 09:38 AM
My comments on voter suppression were in response to a poster indicating that the old and new South were different.
In many ways, in regard to voter suppression, they are still the same. That's what I was addressing. The voting rights act overturned by Shelby was overwhelmingly applied to Southern states and their oppressive voting laws.

In regard to the application of justice in our system, there are also disparities when it comes to sentencing. Different issue, but unfortunately some of the same prejudices seem to apply.

05-06-2021, 09:49 AM
The Voting Rights Act has not been overturned.

05-06-2021, 09:57 AM
Yes spin on both sides. It would be nice to see how judge and court of appeals agreed and came up with a without a reasonable doubt decision.

Curious and not trying to be confrontational, but where did you here “she both did not know that a condition of her supervised release was that she could not vote” if you didn’t see the ruling?

Good question, I read the 8-1 appeals opinion she lost. That is the only one I found. One item they ruled on was whether intent mattered because of the Tom Delay ruling from a few years earlier.

Please read it, I am not a lawyer so I could have easily misinterpreted something. I do read quite a few a year though but only from the top court and in cases that are notable.

Side note, I agree with a previous poster that outright media bias has gotten way out of hand. I agree that the worst are the leading article titles when the article itself fails to deliver. News today is about clicks and not necessarily the pure truth. I regularly read NPR, Vice, and Fox. I have to sift through large amounts of bias to get to a real report.

05-06-2021, 10:07 AM
The Voting Rights Act has not been overturned.

Shelby County v Holder allowed southern states to gradually pass election laws without federal approval that do what they please.

On a KU forum, an Atlanta resident checked and the county drop boxes went from like 94 to 23 and inside a government building that cannot be accessed after hours. He asked that boards conservatives how that helped election integrity. Normally this law would need federal approval but not anymore. States can now pass this in minority filled areas as they please.

05-06-2021, 10:49 AM
The Voting Rights Act has not been overturned.

You are correct. They ruled unconstitutional the main provision that prevented states from suppressing voting...which they promptly set about doing again, and are still doing.

05-06-2021, 10:50 AM
It was well beyond time for those preapproval provisions to fall off in a federal system.

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 11:20 AM
Shelby County v Holder allowed southern states to gradually pass election laws without federal approval that do what they please.

On a KU forum, an Atlanta resident checked and the county drop boxes went from like 94 to 23 and inside a government building that cannot be accessed after hours. He asked that boards conservatives how that helped election integrity. Normally this law would need federal approval but not anymore. States can now pass this in minority filled areas as they please.

States control their own election laws per the Constitution. GA voters through their elected representatives exercised their right to limit the number of drop boxes because, they can. AZ voters can do what they think works for them.

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 11:21 AM
You are correct. They ruled unconstitutional the main provision that prevented states from suppressing voting...which they promptly set about doing again, and are still doing.

What do you consider voter suppression? It’s a vague loaded term these days.

05-06-2021, 12:11 PM
I think it's obvious the trump conspiracy theorists running the 4th AZ recount at some taxpayer expense will magically find trump won the election there. This is how totally nuts things are now along with the Cheney ouster. If you don't support the "BIG LIE", you can't get elected in the primaries.

05-06-2021, 12:36 PM
What do you consider voter suppression? It’s a vague loaded term these days.

Well, 94 vs. 23 for drop boxes and making citizens park downtown to get to one I consider voter suppression. All of us who live in or near big cities know how fun it is to park downtown.

Illegals aren't voting. We know this, so why all the the election changes across the country in Republican states? What would your gut tell you.

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 12:52 PM
Well, 94 vs. 23 for drop boxes and making citizens park downtown to get to one I consider voter suppression. All of us who live in or near big cities know how fun it is to park downtown.

Illegals aren't voting. We know this, so why all the the election changes across the country in Republican states? What would your gut tell you.

My gut tells me it's not unreasonable to ask people to go somewhere to drop a piece of paper in a box.

05-06-2021, 12:57 PM
My gut tells me it's not unreasonable to ask people to go somewhere to drop a piece of paper in a box.

My gut tells me people love to complain about nothing burgers like this to further their political aspirations and/or explain how evil the other side is.

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 01:01 PM
My gut tells me people love to complain about nothing burgers like this to further their political aspirations and/or explain how evil the other side is.

Right, especially people from other states.

05-06-2021, 01:09 PM
Where do you suppose ArizonaXUgrad lives? duh.

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 01:10 PM
I think it's obvious the trump conspiracy theorists running the 4th AZ recount at some taxpayer expense will magically find trump won the election there. This is how totally nuts things are now along with the Cheney ouster. If you don't support the "BIG LIE", you can't get elected in the primaries.

Well, one way or another a "big lie" is going to be exposed.

Unless you're talking about other lies: Fetus is not a human. The coastlines are going to be under water. Cloth masks stop the virus.....

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 01:11 PM
Where do you suppose ArizonaXUgrad lives? duh.

We were talking about GA....DUH!

05-06-2021, 02:00 PM
AZ voters can do what they think works for them.

yeah. Gotcha. duh

05-06-2021, 02:19 PM
My gut tells me it's not unreasonable to ask people to go somewhere to drop a piece of paper in a box.

That could be the most ambiguous answer to an honest question that I have ever seen. It is as if you are being purposeful in your avoidance of the real question.

Do you think shrinking the number of drop boxes promotes election integrity or does it promote the suppression of votes? Do you think forcing people to downtown Atlanta, most likely having to pay for parking, traffic, to drop off a ballot during work hours promotes election integrity or the suppression of votes?

I believe the Phog poster on the KU site may have referenced the total in Georgia. I looked and Fulton will shrink from 38 to 8 or a 79% decrease in total boxes of which are now only open during government business hours.

Make your case that is about integrity of elections.

Lamont Sanford
05-06-2021, 02:40 PM
My gut tells me it's not unreasonable to ask people to go somewhere to drop a piece of paper in a box.

Yeah, I mean it only worked for 200 years and now the whining Libtards think that is borderline waterboarding.

05-06-2021, 02:46 PM
That could be the most ambiguous answer to an honest question that I have ever seen. It is as if you are being purposeful in your avoidance of the real question.

Do you think shrinking the number of drop boxes promotes election integrity or does it promote the suppression of votes? Do you think forcing people to downtown Atlanta, most likely having to pay for parking, traffic, to drop off a ballot during work hours promotes election integrity or the suppression of votes?

I believe the Phog poster on the KU site may have referenced the total in Georgia. I looked and Fulton will shrink from 38 to 8 or a 79% decrease in total boxes of which are now only open during government business hours.

Make your case that is about integrity of elections.

It's entertaining to watch folks try to make a case for how these provisions are somehow not designed to lower voter turnout. Why are they so important, then?

Whether it's racially motivated or not, the case is pretty clear the lowering voter turnout helps Republicans get elected. Every so often one will screw up and admit it. They are in the business of winning elections, so making it harder to vote helps. They have been using the 'voter fraud' Red Herring without any credible evidence of large-scale voter fraud (or even small scale voter fraud) as a justification, but I think it's laughably transparent. If they can get enough of their followers to believe it, it doesn't matter if it's true.

Personally I think this whole thing is an incredibly destructive road to go down.

It's also worth remembering that these are many of the same people who are outraged about the Democrat-led inquiry into Trump's dealings with Russia, but are also very interested in the transparently Republican-led Maricopa County recount, as though that would prove anything anyways.

05-06-2021, 02:53 PM
That could be the most ambiguous answer to an honest question that I have ever seen. It is as if you are being purposeful in your avoidance of the real question.

Do you think shrinking the number of drop boxes promotes election integrity or does it promote the suppression of votes? Do you think forcing people to downtown Atlanta, most likely having to pay for parking, traffic, to drop off a ballot during work hours promotes election integrity or the suppression of votes?

I believe the Phog poster on the KU site may have referenced the total in Georgia. I looked and Fulton will shrink from 38 to 8 or a 79% decrease in total boxes of which are now only open during government business hours.

Make your case that is about integrity of elections.

That 8 is higher than the zero they had before covid, but yet even with 0, people found a way to vote...amazing. Nothing burger that's already been talked about on this board ad nauseam.

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 03:30 PM
That could be the most ambiguous answer to an honest question that I have ever seen. It is as if you are being purposeful in your avoidance of the real question.

Do you think shrinking the number of drop boxes promotes election integrity or does it promote the suppression of votes? Do you think forcing people to downtown Atlanta, most likely having to pay for parking, traffic, to drop off a ballot during work hours promotes election integrity or the suppression of votes?

I believe the Phog poster on the KU site may have referenced the total in Georgia. I looked and Fulton will shrink from 38 to 8 or a 79% decrease in total boxes of which are now only open during government business hours.

Make your case that is about integrity of elections.

How about it makes it easier to monitor the boxes for fraud and has no affect on legal turnout?

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 03:33 PM
That 8 is higher than the zero they had before covid, but yet even with 0, people found a way to vote...amazing. Nothing burger that's already been talked about on this board ad nauseam.

This is also the first election where counting stopped in many states and massive ballot dumps happened. So maybe that has something to do with returning to a move normal process sans COVID?

05-06-2021, 03:48 PM
Right, especially people from other states.

What laws do you think are being passed right here in Az? If you let it go in Georgia, the GQP here in Az will pull the same crap. Well, they already are here.

05-06-2021, 03:50 PM
Well, one way or another a "big lie" is going to be exposed.

Unless you're talking about other lies: Fetus is not a human. The coastlines are going to be under water. Cloth masks stop the virus.....

How about this...my body my choice...or does that stop with masks only. Three of every four Americans want abortions at least with some restrictions, only 1 in four want it banned.

05-06-2021, 03:53 PM
How about it makes it easier to monitor the boxes for fraud and has no affect on legal turnout?

What are you going to see when someone drops off a ballot at a box? Who is going to watch it? Are you going to try and somehow match a ballot dropped off to the video of the person on camera? The logistics of what you posted are insane.

05-06-2021, 03:57 PM
This is also the first election where counting stopped in many states and massive ballot dumps happened. So maybe that has something to do with returning to a move normal process sans COVID?

That is a conspiracy theory that has been thoroughly debunked. The most famous one was by Raffensperger who played the full video with context of the Georgie suitcase garbage. Just stop, I will go back to avoiding this thread if it becomes a Q sounding board.

05-06-2021, 04:09 PM
How about this...my body my choice...or does that stop with masks only. Three of every four Americans want abortions at least with some restrictions, only 1 in four want it banned.


Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 04:18 PM
How about this...my body my choice...or does that stop with masks only. Three of every four Americans want abortions at least with some restrictions, only 1 in four want it banned.

So you're good then with people choosing not to get the vaccine?

There are two bodies/humans involved with every abortion and one always dies.

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 04:19 PM
That is a conspiracy theory that has been thoroughly debunked. The most famous one was by Raffensperger who played the full video with context of the Georgie suitcase garbage. Just stop, I will go back to avoiding this thread if it becomes a Q sounding board.

What that the counting stopped stopped or more late ballots came in. It happened in other states. Not just GA....

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 04:20 PM
What are you going to see when someone drops off a ballot at a box? Who is going to watch it? Are you going to try and somehow match a ballot dropped off to the video of the person on camera? The logistics of what you posted are insane.

Gee, Lot of options could come into play. I'll ask you. If they weren't needed before COVID, why after?

05-06-2021, 04:21 PM
So you're good then with people choosing not to get the vaccine?

There are two bodies/humans involved with every abortion and one always dies.

Wasting your time on this issue....very clearly thinks murder is fine, but justifies it with nonsense

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 04:22 PM
What laws do you think are being passed right here in Az? If you let it go in Georgia, the GQP here in Az will pull the same crap. Well, they already are here.

By crap you mean pass laws that the people they represent would like in place? Can I call every law in CO I don't like crap if I disagree with the leaders who were elected by a majority of voters here? Sure, but if I REALLY cared I'd move to WY. Maybe you'd like CA?

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 04:26 PM
Wasting your time on this issue....very clearly thinks murder is fine, but justifies it with nonsense

True but it would be nice if people were honest about it and admit they know it's a human life but in this particular stage of human development it's ok to kill it.

05-06-2021, 04:34 PM
Good question, I read the 8-1 appeals opinion she lost. That is the only one I found. One item they ruled on was whether intent mattered because of the Tom Delay ruling from a few years earlier.

Please read it, I am not a lawyer so I could have easily misinterpreted something. I do read quite a few a year though but only from the top court and in cases that are notable.

Side note, I agree with a previous poster that outright media bias has gotten way out of hand. I agree that the worst are the leading article titles when the article itself fails to deliver. News today is about clicks and not necessarily the pure truth. I regularly read NPR, Vice, and Fox. I have to sift through large amounts of bias to get to a real report.

On side note

Yeah, I read a ton stuff from all sides of aisle. Doing yourself a disservice by living in an echo chamber or getting part of the news and getting their part only. Read about 95% of articles that are attached to this forum. However, try to stay away from Vox. Not because it’s left, because I don’t like their approach to articles and business model. They tell you how to interpret news which I find assaulting. Kinda makes fell like I’m in grade school. Of course, that’s where my mentality is lol.

05-06-2021, 04:39 PM
Looks like the DOJ may rule the AZ recount illegal. Waste of time and taxpayer money.

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 04:50 PM
Looks like the DOJ may rule the AZ recount illegal. Waste of time and taxpayer money.

Interesting. They don't have standing.

05-06-2021, 04:51 PM
So you're good then with people choosing not to get the vaccine?

There are two bodies/humans involved with every abortion and one always dies.

Absolutely, you can't fix stupidity. You can't force anyone to get a vaccine. I actually still have the antibodies and won't get the vaccine until I test negative for those. There is no reason for me to get the vaccine now.

05-06-2021, 04:52 PM
Arizona is an antivaxxer.

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 05:03 PM
Absolutely, you can't fix stupidity. You can't force anyone to get a vaccine. I actually still have the antibodies and won't get the vaccine until I test negative for those. There is no reason for me to get the vaccine now.

I agree which is why people are anti-science and call abortion a "choice"

05-06-2021, 05:06 PM
66% of your "people" (that would be AMERICANS) want to keep Roe. So good luck with that.

05-06-2021, 05:07 PM
By crap you mean pass laws that the people they represent would like in place? Can I call every law in CO I don't like crap if I disagree with the leaders who were elected by a majority of voters here? Sure, but if I REALLY cared I'd move to WY. Maybe you'd like CA?

You can. Especially if it's out of some conspiracy theory driven playbook.

350+ bills in 47 states, it wouldn't surprise me if these were all written during the Obama years and after Shelby County vs. Holder as a way to curb voter participation. They just needed a narrative to push them through state houses. People are so willing to believe that there must have been fraud because Q told them so now is the time to push them through.

05-06-2021, 05:08 PM
Interesting. They don't have standing.

It will go to Federal Court and end up like the other 60 blowout losses.

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 05:08 PM
66% of your "people" (that would be AMERICANS) want to keep Roe. So good luck with that.

I'm sure 66% of Germans in the 40s agreed with The Final Solution as well. Heck a majority of your people (Progressives) agreed with Sanger that "undesirables" should be eliminated or bred out of society in this country (in the 30s and early 40s).

Thank goodness this country isn't a Democracy.

05-06-2021, 05:15 PM
That 8 is higher than the zero they had before covid, but yet even with 0, people found a way to vote...amazing. Nothing burger that's already been talked about on this board ad nauseam.

Correct 0 boxes, but could drop it off at county board of elections. Not sure many utilized this before covid. This is same practice for Ohio and Joe’s home state of Delaware, drop it off at BOE. Wow guess it’s not just the southern states that suppress.

Maybe Georgia is trying to curb ballot harvesting since it’s illegal in that state? Hard to monitor this activity for numerous drop sites. Also, about every voter has a ballot box at their house/apartment, it’s called a mailbox.

I’m all for making it convenient to vote, but can’t come as a security issue. Odd that some can’t see there needs to be a balance. Before some get their pitch forks out, no Trump did not lose because illegal votes.

05-06-2021, 05:18 PM
I agree which is why people are anti-science and call abortion a "choice"

How is it not a choice? The woman and hopefully man make a choice. It would not be my choice, but I don't have the arrogance to force my religious beliefs on anyone else. Abortion bans have always been about religion whether people admit this or not.

Bobbiemcgee - it was actually 76% in the last poll I read. Don't get me wrong, I am in the percentage that think it should remain legal but with restrictions. I think a 21 week ban would work except for medical reasons and those would be determined by a doctor and patient only not the government. 1% of abortions happen at 21+ or later and though I don't know for sure I would guess that several of those were for legitimate medical reasons.

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 05:24 PM
How is it not a choice? The woman and hopefully man make a choice. It would not be my choice, but I don't have the arrogance to force my religious beliefs on anyone else. Abortion bans have always been about religion whether people admit this or not.

Bobbiemcgee - it was actually 76% in the last poll I read. Don't get me wrong, I am in the percentage that think it should remain legal but with restrictions. I think a 21 week ban would work except for medical reasons and those would be determined by a doctor and patient only not the government. 1% of abortions happen at 21+ or later and though I don't know for sure I would guess that several of those were for legitimate medical reasons.

It's a choice to legally kill a living, separate human being. My view is scientific.

Is it a living being after conception? Yes.
Does the organism have DNA unique to itself? Yes
Is that DNA that of a human? Yes.
What to we call the killing of a live human against it's will? Murder.
What do we call State sanctioned murder? Particularly when the killed are primarily of a certain class or ethnic group? Genocide.

05-06-2021, 05:26 PM
I'm sure 66% of Germans in the 40s agreed with The Final Solution as well. Heck a majority of your people (Progressives) agreed with Sanger that "undesirables" should be eliminated or bred out of society in this country (in the 30s and early 40s).

Thank goodness this country isn't a Democracy.

Less than 44% in the 1933 election actually, so definitely not a majority but merely a plurality. This was their height that I am aware of, their next best results were in the 30s.

05-06-2021, 05:26 PM
How is it not a choice? The woman and hopefully man make a choice. It would not be my choice, but I don't have the arrogance to force my religious beliefs on anyone else. Abortion bans have always been about religion whether people admit this or not.

Bobbiemcgee - it was actually 76% in the last poll I read. Don't get me wrong, I am in the percentage that think it should remain legal but with restrictions. I think a 21 week ban would work except for medical reasons and those would be determined by a doctor and patient only not the government. 1% of abortions happen at 21+ or later and though I don't know for sure I would guess that several of those were for legitimate medical reasons.

It has to deal with whether you think murder is ok or not, apparently you think it’s fine.

05-06-2021, 05:27 PM
It’s going so well!!


Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 05:34 PM
Less than 44% in the 1933 election actually, so definitely not a majority but merely a plurality. This was their height that I am aware of, their next best results were in the 30s.

Sure, in 1933. The Final Solution wasn't a thing then. You could argue by the 40s the Germans had no choice legislatively or otherwise to do anything about the horrors taking place and just went along because it's the rule/law. But then you'd have to look at how Americans may feel about Roe. Can't fight it forever and the Court has spoken so the best we can do is not think about it or try to restrict it to make us feel less gross.

05-06-2021, 05:39 PM
It’s going so well!!


The Tax Foundation, or the group that performed the analysis the Examiner relies, pushes Libertarian ideals.

05-06-2021, 05:40 PM
Sure, in 1933. The Final Solution wasn't a thing then. You could argue by the 40s the Germans had no choice legislatively or otherwise to do anything about the horrors taking place and just went along because it's the rule/law. But then you'd have to look at how Americans may feel about Roe. Can't fight it forever and the Court has spoken so the best we can do is not think about it or try to restrict it to make us feel less gross.

Quote from a movie but true nonetheless, the first country the Nazis invaded was their own.

I just hope January 6th doesn't become our Beer Hall Putsch.

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 05:43 PM
Quote from a movie but true nonetheless, the first country the Nazis invaded was their own.

Nice line. Reminds me of, "I was only following orders" or "I was only for choice".

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 05:50 PM
Quote from a movie but true nonetheless, the first country the Nazis invaded was their own.

I just hope January 6th doesn't become our Beer Hall Putsch.

Me too but the incident has greater similarities to King Street in Mar 1770.

Last summer looked a lot like Kristallnacht if you’d like to stick with German historical analogies.

05-06-2021, 06:02 PM
Wow. You're covering the whole spectrum today, Roe, GA and AZ voter suppression. Now we got the Boston Massacre being compared to 1/6 LOL

Strange Brew
05-06-2021, 06:11 PM
Wow. You're covering the whole spectrum today, Roe, GA and AZ voter suppression. Now we got the Boston Massacre being compared to 1/6 LOL

Yes, with ease Bobbie. And Jan 6th does not compare as well to the German union hall rabble rousing. The BM had more similarities. A group who felt disenfranchised protesting at a gov’t building. Both even had unarmed citizens shot by gov’t forces. Alas, the situations diverge from and before there. Care to discuss or is LOL the best you would like to contribute?

05-06-2021, 09:20 PM
The Tax Foundation, or the group that performed the analysis the Examiner relies, pushes Libertarian ideals.

Yeah. And what exactly is wrong with Libertarians, or their analysis?
Typical Leftist. Finger point and don’t address the statements.

05-07-2021, 09:53 AM
On side note

Yeah, I read a ton stuff from all sides of aisle. Doing yourself a disservice by living in an echo chamber or getting part of the news and getting their part only. Read about 95% of articles that are attached to this forum. However, try to stay away from Vox. Not because it’s left, because I don’t like their approach to articles and business model. They tell you how to interpret news which I find assaulting. Kinda makes fell like I’m in grade school. Of course, that’s where my mentality is lol.

Did you mean Vice and not Vox there? I admit I have never really read much of Vox. I like vice for its reporting on foreign issues. They also seem to hit them pretty fair, but I think they focus too much on fringe stuff here which leans to the left. My mother in law sent us a couple copies of her favorite Falun Gong epoch times newspaper. Good lord is that a complete rag.

05-07-2021, 09:57 AM
Yeah. And what exactly is wrong with Libertarians, or their analysis?
Typical Leftist. Finger point and don’t address the statements.

I don’t align with the idea that I have mine and the rest can screw themselves. There are many things that are for the public good and should not be privatized. I also agree with Holmes from about 100 years ago…taxes are the price we pay for civilized society.

05-07-2021, 10:02 AM
Me too but the incident has greater similarities to King Street in Mar 1770.

Last summer looked a lot like Kristallnacht if you’d like to stick with German historical analogies.

Wait a group complaining about taxes mirrors 1/6 a group trying to take over the peaceful and fair transition of government and hang Mike Pence? The two could not be more different.

Yeah, also read up on ballot dumps and election laws pertaining to the timing of when they can start counting absentee ballots. Those dumps were not what you were told they were.

Strange Brew
05-07-2021, 10:27 AM
Wait a group complaining about taxes mirrors 1/6 a group trying to take over the peaceful and fair transition of government and hang Mike Pence? The two could not be more different.

Yeah, also read up on ballot dumps and election laws pertaining to the timing of when they can start counting absentee ballots. Those dumps were not what you were told they were.

There are some similarities but you choose to focus on the differences. The whole group was there to hang Pence? Pretty sure that’s not true.

The dumps are exactly what I think they are. They coincide with massive spikes in Biden votes. Maybe you should read up a little more.

05-07-2021, 10:42 AM
Andrew Giuliani said his father was reimbursed for travel-related expenses incurred after the 2020 election, when he visited Arizona and other states to argue election fraud lawsuits in court. He said his father has not, however, been paid for legal services.

The Donald not paying a bill? Quelle surprise !

I'm guessing he'll pay something to help. Sort of like mini-extortion. If he pays, maybe Rudy doesn't roll over.
Then again, since Rudy didn't win any of the bogus lawsuits, Trump never has like "losers", even veterans.

Strange Brew
05-07-2021, 10:50 AM
The Donald not paying a bill? Quelle surprise !

I'm guessing he'll pay something to help. Sort of like mini-extortion. If he pays, maybe Rudy doesn't roll over.
Then again, since Rudy didn't win any of the bogus lawsuits, Trump never has like "losers", even veterans.

Do you honestly believe Trump personally sees and pays his bills? Likely someone in AR is digging through invoices to assist Rudy with his check.

05-07-2021, 11:53 AM
Generally, he never sees the bills OR pays them:


05-07-2021, 12:08 PM
There are some similarities but you choose to focus on the differences. The whole group was there to hang Pence? Pretty sure that’s not true.

The dumps are exactly what I think they are. They coincide with massive spikes in Biden votes. Maybe you should read up a little more.

People knew mail-in and absentee ballots would lean for Biden which is why he created that lie in the first place. He also knew that states don't begin counting those ballots until after they count the votes made the day of the election. They knew who asked for mail-in ballots by how they were registered. It was a manufactured lie and you fell and continue to fall for it.

05-07-2021, 12:11 PM
Generally, he never sees the bills OR pays them:


Trump's unwillingness to pay bills is well documented that his fans have accepted. This won't move the needle much. Just like the fact that he is a convicted fraud, his school and charity were both frauds that were forced to dissolve.

05-07-2021, 12:28 PM
It’s going well.
Unemployment up to 6.1%.
Only 260,000 new jobs created vs projection of 1,000,000.
March Employment numbers revised downward.

Paying people not to work is the bomb!!!

05-07-2021, 01:57 PM
Right now in Az, you get $300 from the feds plus $240 from the state. That is 28k a year, but the reality is that at least the $240 from the state runs out after 26 weeks.

This is either temporary or the market will have to pay more to get people back in their jobs. I know a few restaurant and brewery owners and they are fully staffed, but they also offer their staff a bit more than the minimum rate for restaurant work.

05-07-2021, 02:05 PM
It’s going well.

Really spooked the market to all time highs.

Strange Brew
05-07-2021, 02:12 PM
Really spooked the market to all time highs.

Projected monetary expansion inflates all assets.

05-07-2021, 04:23 PM
Right now in Az, you get $300 from the feds plus $240 from the state. That is 28k a year, but the reality is that at least the $240 from the state runs out after 26 weeks.

This is either temporary or the market will have to pay more to get people back in their jobs. I know a few restaurant and brewery owners and they are fully staffed, but they also offer their staff a bit more than the minimum rate for restaurant work.

First of all, that is take home tax free... so in reality that’s over 40k a year and secondly, thru September/October benefits are also being paid by the government thru cobra which by the way employers have to pick up the tab on that, while the government gets around to one day reimbursing them. Government sucks.

I know how much you love government though...as long as it works for your liberal ideals. Lucky for you, it usually does.

05-07-2021, 06:11 PM
First of all, that is take home tax free... so in reality that’s over 40k a year and secondly, thru September/October benefits are also being paid by the government thru cobra which by the way employers have to pick up the tab on that, while the government gets around to one day reimbursing them. Government sucks.

I know how much you love government though...as long as it works for your liberal ideals. Lucky for you, it usually does.

That would be a 30% tax rate. Somehow this accountant does not believe someone making $40k would a marginal rate of 30%. Nice try.

05-07-2021, 06:42 PM
That would be a 30% tax rate. Somehow this accountant does not believe someone making $40k would a marginal rate of 30%. Nice try.

Fine 35k after taxes and benefits. If you think government enticing people to continue not to work is a good thing then ok.

05-08-2021, 09:19 AM
Really spooked the market to all time highs.

Ha! When Trump did it the screaming was “The Market isn’t the economy”!!!
Fundamentals be screwed. The Market, like dogecoin is a casino now.

05-08-2021, 09:40 AM
And I hope this WSJ article is not behind a paywall.
Despite the WaPo propaganda, this is the real deal.


05-08-2021, 09:51 AM
Apparently "Foxitus" is a legal defense argument similar to temporary insanity. Or perhaps a different term for the same condition.


05-08-2021, 10:11 AM
And I hope this WSJ article is not behind a paywall.
Despite the WaPo propaganda, this is the real deal.

Like I said before, the places I know that pay a bit more than just the minimum are fully staffed here. The one I know that pays the minimum had to cut their menu because they were short staffed. Is it the employee that is the problem because they want a livable wage or the business who won’t pay it?

Edit: I have always said that with nothing people will take that crappy job. Well now they have something and those crappy jobs remain open.

05-08-2021, 10:23 AM
Like I said before, the places I know that pay a bit more than just the minimum are fully staffed here. The one I know that pays the minimum had to cut their menu because they were short staffed. Is it the employee that is the problem because they want a livable wage or the business who won’t pay it?

Edit: I have always said that with nothing people will take that crappy job. Well now they have something and those crappy jobs remain open.

The government free handouts are the problem. When small and midsize business owners can’t fill positions in almost every single industry right now, that’s a free handout issue. You can try justify government’s horrible decisions over the past year if you want, but in reality it’s been horrible decision after horrible decision

15-20/hr mfg to start jobs with full benefits are not crappy. It’s a job where if you work hard, you can move up quickly and make a great life for yourself and your family. Yet, business owners right now can’t fill them.

Muskie in dayton
05-08-2021, 10:25 AM
Maybe we would have better off just ignoring Trump’s mean tweets.

05-08-2021, 10:36 AM
Maybe we would have better off just ignoring Trump’s mean tweets.

He’s not free from dumb decision making throughout covid as well. Both administrators are culpable.

05-08-2021, 11:22 AM
The government free handouts are the problem. When small and midsize business owners can’t fill positions in almost every single industry right now, that’s a free handout issue. You can try justify government’s horrible decisions over the past year if you want, but in reality it’s been horrible decision after horrible decision

15-20/hr mfg to start jobs with full benefits are not crappy. It’s a job where if you work hard, you can move up quickly and make a great life for yourself and your family. Yet, business owners right now can’t fill them.

I worked for a national franchise auto service company for years and still stay in touch with many of my owner buddies.
Auto mechanics can make $75,000-$80,000/year. Guess what? They can’t find enough guys who want to work, even as apprentices who’ll make $35,000-$40,000/year walking in and they will be trained. Free money with no hours is a huge issue.

Strange Brew
05-08-2021, 04:36 PM
And the FEC drops it’s case against Trump from 2016. In case you missed it.

05-08-2021, 05:40 PM
Someone else must have given Cohen the $130,000 for Stormy.

05-08-2021, 07:23 PM
Someone else must have given Cohen the $130,000 for Stormy.

Probably Michael Avanetti.

05-11-2021, 09:40 AM
You guys having any issues with gas shortages in the region? We're doing okay so far down here in Kansas, but I know these things tend to have a cascading effect.

05-11-2021, 10:27 AM
It’s going well. #BidensAmerica


The lies just continue

05-11-2021, 10:29 AM
And there’s this.
Paying people to sit on their fat ass while the rest of us pay for it.
It’s going well.


05-11-2021, 02:57 PM
States can opt out like Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Montana, SC etc. Stop bitching and call your Gov.

05-12-2021, 10:51 AM

Strange Brew
05-12-2021, 11:02 AM
