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04-07-2021, 02:40 PM
Fair point. I want voting to be EASY and FAIR. It is not fair as currently designed. But it is EASY (whether you agree or not). It could not have been easier. Maybe education regarding the process needs to be better addressed. My goal is to let everyone vote if they want to vote with similar effort required. Some people don’t care to vote, and that is their right. I’m not trying to get everyone to vote, just to make it FAIR.

How exactly is it "unfair" currently? The law in Georgia would make it more unfair for urban voters reducing their access to drop boxes (moving them inside preventing them to be used after hours and reducing the total number).

Strange Brew
04-07-2021, 02:42 PM
Ha, probably. But that was never an issue anyway. Not to the extent of any time or energy being wasted on it.

I know but the conversation circularly humorous.

R: Dead people are voting. Let’s clean up the rolls.
L: That’s voter suppression.
R: but their dead.
L: We know but it doesn’t matter.
R: So, let’s clean up the rolls since it doesn’t matter.
L: That’s voter suppression.
R: But if it doesn’t matter and we both know they’re dead, why not remove them.
L: it’s voter suppression and it doesn’t matter anyway.
R: why can’t we remove them.
L: voter suppression.

04-07-2021, 03:00 PM
There's no problem with removing a dead person from a voting roll. (Unless of course they show up to vote...then you've got a whole different problem.)

Removing people from the rolls because they missed the last couple of elections is problematic.

04-07-2021, 03:20 PM
Read Paul's post, it's a nothing burger to you. There are a lot of Georgians who this is not a nothing burger who just got this law shoved down their throats. The measures that allow the legislature to take over an election board should have been enough to get this voted down.

So then who is it a problem for?

04-07-2021, 04:28 PM
How exactly is it "unfair" currently? The law in Georgia would make it more unfair for urban voters reducing their access to drop boxes (moving them inside preventing them to be used after hours and reducing the total number).

THAT was my point! As written, this is more unfair. Some inequities previously existed such as wait times from what I’m told, but again, if they educated people on how to get around having to wait in line (early voting or mail-in ballots, etc) can make it easier on everyone.

Strange Brew
04-07-2021, 04:52 PM
So then who is it a problem for?

Aren’t election laws supposed to be the perview of the State Legislators? I don’t have my Constitution handy.

04-07-2021, 05:52 PM
Removing people from the rolls because they missed the last couple of elections is problematic.

After how many missed elections do you remove them?

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04-07-2021, 06:04 PM
Use of the word problematic is problematic.

04-07-2021, 06:30 PM
So then who is it a problem for?

I literally typed out, GEORGIANS who didn't like the law got it shoved down their throats. That is who. If you would like it expanded, Georgians who reside in the city who get fewer drop boxes and those boxes moved inside polling places so you can only access them during open hours.

Voter roles being purged of dead people is fine. Nobody is complaining about that, it's Pubs using those purges to get rid of living people for various reason. This is something that is done quite often and complained about quite often.

04-07-2021, 06:54 PM
I literally typed out, GEORGIANS who didn't like the law got it shoved down their throats. That is who. If you would like it expanded, Georgians who reside in the city who get fewer drop boxes and those boxes moved inside polling places so you can only access them during open hours.

Voter roles being purged of dead people is fine. Nobody is complaining about that, it's Pubs using those purges to get rid of living people for various reason. This is something that is done quite often and complained about quite often.

Just because a bunch of loud mouth fake outrage lefties and their celebrity friends give a hoot when they don’t even know what the legislation actually does outside of what old joe lies about, doesn’t mean most care or that it’s an actual problem. It’s just something for you to point to, and say republicans are bad and the devil.

It is so insanely easy to vote and there are multiple ways to do it, again as I said before this is a complete nothing burger.

Strange Brew
04-07-2021, 07:09 PM
CBS Rathered another story over the weekend....

04-07-2021, 08:01 PM
After how many missed elections do you remove them?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't know. Maybe you try and contact them.
If you were a soldier on many rotations through the Middle East and missed elections, why remove him?
Is it really hurting anything to leave then on? Or just to make it harder on election day when they show up to vote and find out they've been removed.
We have a right to vote. Why make it harder; let's make it easier.

04-07-2021, 08:06 PM
Just because a bunch of loud mouth fake outrage lefties and their celebrity friends give a hoot when they don’t even know what the legislation actually does outside of what old joe lies about, doesn’t mean most care or that it’s an actual problem. It’s just something for you to point to, and say republicans are bad and the devil.

It is so insanely easy to vote and there are multiple ways to do it, again as I said before this is a complete nothing burger.

I post regularly on a KU board. They have some Atl residents who are livid that their access to drop boxes will shrink. If this is a "nothing burger" just like you state, why go through the process of writing/passing the legislation at all?

04-07-2021, 08:21 PM
I post regularly on a KU board. They have some Atl residents who are livid that their access to drop boxes will shrink. If this is a "nothing burger" just like you state, why go through the process of writing/passing the legislation at all?

I don’t think I need to explain how politics work, but I guess I will. Most politicians all they care about is getting re-elected or doing something to get to a different level of government. In general, bth sides suck, both sides lie their asses off, and they do/say things to just rile their bases up. The left and right don’t have a monopoly on that.

Strange Brew
04-07-2021, 08:21 PM
I don't know. Maybe you try and contact them.
If you were a soldier on many rotations through the Middle East and missed elections, why remove him?
Is it really hurting anything to leave then on? Or just to make it harder on election day when they show up to vote and find out they've been removed.
We have a right to vote. Why make it harder; let's make it easier.

Technically you don’t have a right to vote by the Federal gov’t.

04-07-2021, 08:53 PM
Technically you don’t have a right to vote by the Federal gov’t.
I’m not sure what technicality you are pulling at, but multiple amendments to the constitution guarantee that states cannot deny the right to vote.

04-07-2021, 09:16 PM
Why on earth are we handing out TRILLIONS of dollars to people who don’t need it? Or didn’t even ASK for it??? My son and his wife got their checks. He put his towards his MBA tuition. That’s nice, but he had ZERO reason for getting a check. He recently took a new job and has never made so much money, and she’s doing just fine as well. My tennis buddy no longer makes his mortgage payments because they told him he doesn’t have to. They will add it to the back of the loan interest free, he tells me. Nothing has changed in his situation, he’s just fine, I promise.

If I want to hand my son $1,200 or $1,400 I’d like to do it directly and hear a “thank you” from him. Our taxes are going to be raised to give money to people who don’t actually need it for any real reason, but handing out money gets votes. It’s handout city out there. I’m socially liberal (you stay out of my business, I’ll stay out of yours). I’m fiscally conservative (you stay out of my pocket, I’ll stay out of yours). We are out of control with handouts.


Strange Brew
04-07-2021, 09:31 PM
I’m not sure what technicality you are pulling at, but multiple amendments to the constitution guarantee that states cannot deny the right to vote.

If the states offer the right in Federal elections they can’t discriminate. The States give you the right and how.

04-07-2021, 09:40 PM
I don't know. Maybe you try and contact them.
If you were a soldier on many rotations through the Middle East and missed elections, why remove him?
Is it really hurting anything to leave then on? Or just to make it harder on election day when they show up to vote and find out they've been removed.
We have a right to vote. Why make it harder; let's make it easier.

That’s how it works in Ohio. If you don’t vote in something like 6 straight elections, they mail something to your address on file telling you they’ll remove your name from the rolls unless your respond back. If you do reply, you stay on the list. Seems like a decent system.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

D-West & PO-Z
04-07-2021, 10:21 PM
Why on earth are we handing out TRILLIONS of dollars to people who don’t need it? Or didn’t even ASK for it??? My son and his wife got their checks. He put his towards his MBA tuition. That’s nice, but he had ZERO reason for getting a check. He recently took a new job and has never made so much money, and she’s doing just fine as well. My tennis buddy no longer makes his mortgage payments because they told him he doesn’t have to. They will add it to the back of the loan interest free, he tells me. Nothing has changed in his situation, he’s just fine, I promise.

If I want to hand my son $1,200 or $1,400 I’d like to do it directly and hear a “thank you” from him. Our taxes are going to be raised to give money to people who don’t actually need it for any real reason, but handing out money gets votes. It’s handout city out there. I’m socially liberal (you stay out of my business, I’ll stay out of yours). I’m fiscally conservative (you stay out of my pocket, I’ll stay out of yours). We are out of control with handouts.


Yeah this I can agree with. My wife and I got $8,400 for us and our 4 kids. We have no need for that money. I mean it's nice, it will go towards our kids' 529 plans and maybe new gutters that we need, but yeah we had no need for a check of any amount.

I think part of the reason we even qualified for the full amount was because my wife's practice shut down for a couple months during COVID.

04-07-2021, 10:39 PM
Yeah this I can agree with. My wife and I got $8,400 for us and our 4 kids. We have no need for that money. I mean it's nice, it will go towards our kids' 529 plans and maybe new gutters that we need, but yeah we had no need for a check of any amount.

I think part of the reason we even qualified for the full amount was because my wife's practice shut down for a couple months during COVID.

My son never missed a beat then got a MUCH better gig, the DIL was furloughed briefly A YEAR AGO before finding a comparable job, probably making a little less. All things considered, they are doing great! ZERO reason to be getting handouts. She had unemployment briefly, and that was appropriate.

This is just ridiculous. How do they justify that? It just looks like buying votes from people who like handouts to me. I honestly find this FAR more egregious than the Georgia voting changes, but it doesn’t get the same scrutiny for some strange reason. Hey, I guess people like handouts and money grows on trees! I guess we are just supposed to smile and say “you’re welcome”.

04-07-2021, 10:39 PM
How exactly is it "unfair" currently? The law in Georgia would make it more unfair for urban voters reducing their access to drop boxes (moving them inside preventing them to be used after hours and reducing the total number).

Drop boxes were never in Georgia before the pandemic. Never.
The new law codifies them. They now will always be available.
That is not unfair. What has happened during and as a result of the pandemic is not, and will never be normal. No one should ever take it as such.

Meanwhile, to reiterate. Georgia Law was called Jim Crow by Biden because the law requires ID to vote. So does Colorado. GA also has 17-19 days of early voting vs Colorado’s 15. So I guess Colorado is Jim Crow as well by Demented Joe Biden’s definition. I guess it’s a matter of Jim Crow 1 vs Jim Crow 2.
But congratulations to Major League Baseball on moving to another Jim Crow level state!!

D-West & PO-Z
04-07-2021, 10:43 PM
My son never missed a beat then got a MUCH better gig, the DIL was furloughed briefly A YEAR AGO before finding a comparable job, probably making a little less. All things considered, they are doing great! ZERO reason to be getting handouts. She had unemployment briefly, and that was appropriate.

This is just ridiculous. How do they justify that? It just looks like buying votes from people who like handouts to me. I honestly find this FAR more egregious than the Georgia voting changes, but it doesn’t get the same scrutiny for some strange reason. Hey, I guess people like handouts and money grows on trees! I guess we are just supposed to smile and say “you’re welcome”.

Let me first say "thank you"! Before you say you're welcome.

04-07-2021, 10:57 PM
Let me first say "thank you"! Before you say you're welcome.

You’re welcome.

This time......


OK, partly......

Maybe barely.....my son would be partly.

Even my son laughed at getting a check for no reason. THIS is insanity and needs FAR more attention.

A Republican Governor (who I don’t like) gets grief for saying they can’t give you water or pizza in the voting line since it might persuade your vote, but a Democratic President can send you $8,400 you don’t need and didn’t ask for. Who is buying votes here, and why are they not getting a shit storm of grief?

This is TOTALLY effed up......


04-08-2021, 06:53 AM
You’re welcome.

This time......


OK, partly......

Maybe barely.....my son would be partly.

Even my son laughed at getting a check for no reason. THIS is insanity and needs FAR more attention.

A Republican Governor (who I don’t like) gets grief for saying they can’t give you water or pizza in the voting line since it might persuade your vote, but a Democratic President can send you $8,400 you don’t need and didn’t ask for. Who is buying votes here, and why are they not getting a shit storm of grief?

This is TOTALLY effed up......


But at least the Democratic president didn't put his name on those checks "you didn't need or ask for".

04-08-2021, 07:47 AM
Georgia: 1 drop box per 100,000, inside a building (metro Atlanta will go from 94 drop boxes to 23)
Colorado: 1 drop box per 9,400, outside, available 24 hours a day, with more coming

Georgia: must ask for mail in ballot
Colorado: mailed to all registered voters

Georgia: must include ID with mail in ballot each time you vote
Colorado: ID provided when you register; mail in ballot is accepted with signature match to your initial registration

A top Georgia Republican said Wednesday that Rudy Giuliani's false claims of election fraud -- which were presented before state lawmakers -- created momentum for a package of voting rights restrictions that recently became state law.
"This is really the fallout from the 10 weeks of misinformation that flew in from former President Donald Trump," Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said on CNN's "New Day." "I went back over the weekend to really look at where this really started to gain momentum in the legislature, and it was when Rudy Giuliani showed up in a couple of committee rooms and spent hours spreading misinformation and sowing doubt across, you know, hours of testimony."

04-08-2021, 08:53 AM
You’re welcome.

A Republican Governor (who I don’t like) gets grief for saying they can’t give you water or pizza in the voting line since it might persuade your vote, but a Democratic President can send you $8,400 you don’t need and didn’t ask for. Who is buying votes here, and why are they not getting a shit storm of grief?

This is TOTALLY effed up......


It is completely out of control and nobody really seems to care. In my job I am in charge of several distribution centers across the US. We offer entry-level (no-experience needed) employees $16.00/Hour + free medical benefits. Our working conditions are THE best in the industry too. Pay goes up from there depending on your skill level. We are currently operating at about 70% labor capacity and it's really hurting our business.

We did a labor analysis to see how long we can anticipate this issue affecting our bottom line. What we found out was that if you are what we call a triple-header, you literally can make more staying home and doing absolutely nothing. The triple headers are people receiving stimulus checks, a moderate tax return and and unemployment benefits. The 'stay at home' rate for those individuals is $26.50 through September of 2021. I have connections that work for Amazon, DHL and other DC's and they are experiencing the same issues.

If you were an hourly worker and able to make $10 more/hour staying home why would you work? I don't blame the workforce at all. I blame our elected officials who time and time again aren't able to see the downstream effects of their base-pandering legislation. What's going to happen when the government nipple runs dry for these individuals and they want to come back to work? Jobs with my company won't be available because we've decided to make a huge investment in robotics and automation to eliminate the need for 30% of our workforce.

04-08-2021, 09:19 AM
It is completely out of control and nobody really seems to care. In my job I am in charge of several distribution centers across the US. We offer entry-level (no-experience needed) employees $16.00/Hour + free medical benefits. Our working conditions are THE best in the industry too. Pay goes up from there depending on your skill level. We are currently operating at about 70% labor capacity and it's really hurting our business.

We did a labor analysis to see how long we can anticipate this issue affecting our bottom line. What we found out was that if you are what we call a triple-header, you literally can make more staying home and doing absolutely nothing. The triple headers are people receiving stimulus checks, a moderate tax return and and unemployment benefits. The 'stay at home' rate for those individuals is $26.50 through September of 2021. I have connections that work for Amazon, DHL and other DC's and they are experiencing the same issues.

If you were an hourly worker and able to make $10 more/hour staying home why would you work? I don't blame the workforce at all. I blame our elected officials who time and time again aren't able to see the downstream effects of their base-pandering legislation. What's going to happen when the government nipple runs dry for these individuals and they want to come back to work? Jobs with my company won't be available because we've decided to make a huge investment in robotics and automation to eliminate the need for 30% of our workforce.

Yep. I speak to small, midsize business owners on a daily basis, and in general they are all having the exact same challenges around their workforce. Our government is clueless and out of touch, that’s what it comes down to.

04-08-2021, 09:54 AM
Yep. I speak to small, midsize business owners on a daily basis, and in general they are all having the exact same challenges around their workforce. Our government is clueless and out of touch, that’s what it comes down to.

Meanwhile this profligate and unneeded spending will eventually come home to roost- on my kids and their kids.


04-08-2021, 11:43 AM
Meanwhile this profligate and unneeded spending will eventually come home to roost- on my kids and their kids.


Only if the government debt is externally held. If it's internally financed, paying it off simply transfers wealth among Americans.

Strange Brew
04-08-2021, 11:48 AM
Only if the government debt is externally held. If it's internally financed, paying it off simply transfers wealth among Americans.

Neither is sound policy for growth.

04-08-2021, 11:51 AM
Neither is sound policy for growth.

Why? Are you seeing any evidence of crowding out? What if the government programs are for infrastructure?

04-08-2021, 11:58 AM
What kind of infrastructure? Bridges, roads and pipelines? Or paid leave, child care and caregiving?

04-08-2021, 12:02 PM
What kind of infrastructure? Bridges, roads and pipelines? Or paid leave, child care and caregiving?

Nothing says not "a sound policy for growth" like paid leave, child care, or caregiving.

Strange Brew
04-08-2021, 12:08 PM
Why? Are you seeing any evidence of crowding out? What if the government programs are for infrastructure?

We’ve seen that before with the CRA. It didn’t work because gov’t ran it. Loads of waste.

What infrastructure is lacking that would help private enterprise?

04-08-2021, 12:20 PM
We’ve seen that before with the CRA. It didn’t work because gov’t ran it. Loads of waste.

What infrastructure is lacking that would help private enterprise?
Rural broadband?

Strange Brew
04-08-2021, 12:35 PM
Rural broadband?

Many companies already receive grants for that and it’s a target of many telecoms. In other words, it’s happening organically.

04-08-2021, 12:49 PM
It is completely out of control and nobody really seems to care. In my job I am in charge of several distribution centers across the US. We offer entry-level (no-experience needed) employees $16.00/Hour + free medical benefits. Our working conditions are THE best in the industry too. Pay goes up from there depending on your skill level. We are currently operating at about 70% labor capacity and it's really hurting our business.

We did a labor analysis to see how long we can anticipate this issue affecting our bottom line. What we found out was that if you are what we call a triple-header, you literally can make more staying home and doing absolutely nothing. The triple headers are people receiving stimulus checks, a moderate tax return and and unemployment benefits. The 'stay at home' rate for those individuals is $26.50 through September of 2021. I have connections that work for Amazon, DHL and other DC's and they are experiencing the same issues.

If you were an hourly worker and able to make $10 more/hour staying home why would you work? I don't blame the workforce at all. I blame our elected officials who time and time again aren't able to see the downstream effects of their base-pandering legislation. What's going to happen when the government nipple runs dry for these individuals and they want to come back to work? Jobs with my company won't be available because we've decided to make a huge investment in robotics and automation to eliminate the need for 30% of our workforce.

I’m repeating this because.......I can! We have a serious problem that nobody seems to be paying attention to!

04-08-2021, 12:57 PM
Stacey Abrams was against the MLB pulling the All-Star Game from Atlanta. Therefore, I now believe it was a good move by MLB.

04-08-2021, 01:07 PM
My son never missed a beat then got a MUCH better gig, the DIL was furloughed briefly A YEAR AGO before finding a comparable job, probably making a little less. All things considered, they are doing great! ZERO reason to be getting handouts. She had unemployment briefly, and that was appropriate.

This is just ridiculous. How do they justify that? It just looks like buying votes from people who like handouts to me. I honestly find this FAR more egregious than the Georgia voting changes, but it doesn’t get the same scrutiny for some strange reason. Hey, I guess people like handouts and money grows on trees! I guess we are just supposed to smile and say “you’re welcome”.

I think two things are at work here:

1. Populism. The one thing (seemingly) that both Trump and Biden can agree on is that it's good Politics to send people money. They like that. And they generally don't care where it came from, or what the national debt looks like.

2. Laziness / ineptitude. It's much easier to just give everyone money than it is to try to only get money to the people that have truly been negatively impacted.

Personally I would liked to have seen more money going to support small businesses and others that were severely impacted, rather than everyone getting $1400 or whatever people got. My next door neighbors business was essentially shut down by COVID for 1+ yrs now and may never re-open. He did everything right and capitalized the business well, but even with all of that you can't withstand a year of no revenue while still having to pay rent etc. The challenge is that it's hard to means test something like that.

Strange Brew
04-08-2021, 01:55 PM
Jobless claims rise unexpectedly. Unless you understand market economics...

04-08-2021, 02:00 PM
Stacey Abrams was against the MLB pulling the All-Star Game from Atlanta. Therefore, I now believe it was a good move by MLB.

Georgia Black Population % of total: 31.61%
Colorado Black Population % of total: 4.1%


Sure. No other place to Honor the great Hank Aaron than Denver!!!

04-08-2021, 02:07 PM
Jobless claims rise unexpectedly. Unless you understand market economics...

This First 100 days is going swimmingly isn’t it!!

04-08-2021, 02:10 PM
Add in the ridiculous COBRA Subsidy that was just implemented that puts even more onus on business owners and government is going to reimburse, it's a wonder what the hell government is truly thinking.

The rules/regulations/compliance that is going to be put on small and midsize business owners the next four years is going to be insane...buckle up.

04-08-2021, 02:37 PM
Jobless claims rise unexpectedly. Unless you understand market economics...

Or maybe it's just "noise" in an otherwise increasingly positive labor market. That appears to be the interpretation by the economists at that left-wing rag, the WSJ, has quite a different perspective (link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/weekly-jobless-claims-coronavirus-04-08-2021-11617834113?mod=hp_lead_pos2). Perhaps not the dire spin that you choose to place on it.

Strange Brew
04-08-2021, 02:40 PM
Another view from the economists at that left-wing rag, the WSJ, has quite a different perspective (link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/weekly-jobless-claims-coronavirus-04-08-2021-11617834113?mod=hp_lead_pos2). Perhaps not the dire spin that you choose to place on it.

Right. That’s it. Was that from the Editorial page or the Business section? Huge difference with the WSJ.

How are rising claims a sign people are giving up on benefits?

Also the author is from the DC Bureau and is a big gov’t fan. Thanks again for playing.

04-08-2021, 04:56 PM
Our taxes are going to be raised to give money to people who don’t actually need it for any real reason, but handing out money gets votes. It’s handout city out there. I’m socially liberal (you stay out of my business, I’ll stay out of yours). I’m fiscally conservative (you stay out of my pocket, I’ll stay out of yours). We are out of control with handouts.

This is where I’m at politically and then add on limited government for me. Besides being a complete ass, Trump’s next biggest flaw was spending. The guy has never met a debt he didn’t like. Was not fond of his abundance spending during this pandemic (sure I got a little weak kneed for the first because all the shut downs). This last covid bill is a big waste of money especially giving money to the states. Nothing like teaching them the bad habits of the Fed. Case and point.

On three consecutive days from the Enquirer.

1) Cincinnati giving 250,000 stimulus money to restore the one year old BLM mural (does include a new plaque tho).

2) 1 million for Blink...next year 2022 (for those outside of Cincy, it’s a light show).

3) Title of article “Spending 290,000,000 is harder than you think.”

Now the State of New York wants to give 2.1 billion (or 15,000 per) to undocumented workers.

04-08-2021, 05:18 PM
This is where I’m at politically and then add on limited government for me. Besides being a complete ass, Trump’s next biggest flaw was spending. The guy has never met a debt he didn’t like. Was not fond of his abundance spending during this pandemic (sure I got a little weak kneed for the first because all the shut downs). This last covid bill is a big waste of money especially giving money to the states. Nothing like teaching them the bad habits of the Fed. Case and point.

On three consecutive days from the Enquirer.

1) Cincinnati giving 250,000 stimulus money to restore the one year old BLM mural (does include a new plaque tho).

2) 1 million for Blink...next year 2022 (for those outside of Cincy, it’s a light show).

3) Title of article “Spending 290,000,000 is harder than you think.”

Now the State of New York wants to give 2.1 billion (or 15,000 per) to undocumented workers.

Anybody who thinks that all of this spending is covered by taxes is fooling themselves.
Lots of stuff under Trump and almost all of this iish under Biden is wasteful.
To fund it, the Fed just prints paper, with nothing behind it to back it up. The only thing that saves us is that we are the currency of record to the world.
There will someday be a day of reckoning, and I fear for my kids and grandkids.

04-08-2021, 07:22 PM
Anybody who thinks that all of this spending is covered by taxes is fooling themselves.
Lots of stuff under Trump and almost all of this iish under Biden is wasteful.
To fund it, the Fed just prints paper, with nothing behind it to back it up. The only thing that saves us is that we are the currency of record to the world.
There will someday be a day of reckoning, and I fear for my kids and grandkids.

Oh without out a doubt. The whole MM theory will be tested mightily. Or should I say bigly. Scary times for sure and completely agree with our kids/grandkids.

Muskie in dayton
04-08-2021, 07:25 PM
I'm so glad the Trumps are out of the White House and we have a First Family with integrity.

What Hunter Biden left OUT of his 'tell-all' memoir revealed | Daily Mail Online (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9445105/What-Hunter-Biden-left-tell-memoir-revealed.html)

04-08-2021, 08:04 PM
Anybody who thinks that all of this spending is covered by taxes is fooling themselves.
Lots of stuff under Trump and almost all of this iish under Biden is wasteful.
To fund it, the Fed just prints paper, with nothing behind it to back it up. The only thing that saves us is that we are the currency of record to the world.
There will someday be a day of reckoning, and I fear for my kids and grandkids.

Absolutely correct.

The currency of record thing still may become a problem in our lifetime. THAT is a scary thought.

04-08-2021, 09:17 PM
Anybody who thinks that all of this spending is covered by taxes is fooling themselves.
Lots of stuff under Trump and almost all of this iish under Biden is wasteful.
To fund it, the Fed just prints paper, with nothing behind it to back it up. The only thing that saves us is that we are the currency of record to the world.
There will someday be a day of reckoning, and I fear for my kids and grandkids.

Ohh, taxes certainly can’t fund this mess! But our (OK, my wife’s) taxes will still be raised to help a bit and make people think the evil people working hard and doing well are paying a price! Those terrible people who work hard and earn good money should suffer!

04-08-2021, 10:54 PM
Ohh, taxes certainly can’t fund this mess! But our (OK, my wife’s) taxes will still be raised to help a bit and make people think the evil people working hard and doing well are paying a price! Those terrible people who work hard and earn good money should suffer!

That is one of the key idiotic pillars of the Democratic Party.

04-09-2021, 06:58 AM
Right. That’s it. Was that from the Editorial page or the Business section? Huge difference with the WSJ.

How are rising claims a sign people are giving up on benefits?

Also the author is from the DC Bureau and is a big gov’t fan. Thanks again for playing.

The WSJ's editorial page is, with one or two exceptions, largely conservative. Some of their columnists are thoughtful, while others are just right-wing hacks. I don't as a rule agree with the editorial writers, but I read them nonetheless. But I subscribe to the paper because of its news staff. The WSJ, as a newspaper, is one of the best in the world. Just because you don't like what they report doesn't make it false or biased, even for a self-professed "player" like you. Thanks for trying.

04-09-2021, 08:40 AM
Or maybe it's just "noise" in an otherwise increasingly positive labor market. That appears to be the interpretation by the economists at that left-wing rag, the WSJ, has quite a different perspective (link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/weekly-jobless-claims-coronavirus-04-08-2021-11617834113?mod=hp_lead_pos2). Perhaps not the dire spin that you choose to place on it.

If you seriously believe this is a positive labor market right now, then I’m sorry but you are extremely out of touch with the reality of the market and what small and midsize businesses are facing right now in regards to their workforce.

Yes there are plenty of jobs available right now, with no one that wants to fill them because of stupid decisions by our government, and that’s not a monopoly of stupid decisions by the current administration, but by the past one as well.

04-09-2021, 08:47 AM
Aren't there some requirements in Ohio to receive unemployment compensation?
You have to have been laid off, able to work, actively seeking employment, etc.?

If the distribution center that needs workers works with their local boards, don't those jobs get posted for people getting unemployment compensation to get directed to that company to apply for work?

04-09-2021, 08:55 AM
If you seriously believe this is a positive labor market right now, then I’m sorry but you are extremely out of touch with the reality of the market and what small and midsize businesses are facing right now in regards to their workforce.

Yes there are plenty of jobs available right now, with no one that wants to fill them because of stupid decisions by our government, and that’s not a monopoly of stupid decisions by the current administration, but by the past one as well.

This is 100% what is happening right now. I'm in the trenches every day trying to navigate the mess that is our nation's hourly workforce. It's literally like nothing I've ever seen before and I've been at this game for almost 30 years.

04-09-2021, 08:59 AM
Aren't there some requirements in Ohio to receive unemployment compensation?
You have to have been laid off, able to work, actively seeking employment, etc.?

If the distribution center that needs workers works with their local boards, don't those jobs get posted for people getting unemployment compensation to get directed to that company to apply for work?

You really don’t think it’s extremely easy to game the system? All you have to do is apply for a job on indeed and schedule an interview to make it look like you are trying. I was speaking to a doctors office yesterday, they need to fill 4 positions like last week... scheduling 4-5 interviews a day and no one is showing up.

Why the hell work when I can sit at home, collect my stimulus and unemployment benefits, oh and now if I did have a job, my healthcare is going to be paid for thru the end of September. Pretty good gig. Government are literal effing morons.

04-09-2021, 09:04 AM
Aren't there some requirements in Ohio to receive unemployment compensation?
You have to have been laid off, able to work, actively seeking employment, etc.?

If the distribution center that needs workers works with their local boards, don't those jobs get posted for people getting unemployment compensation to get directed to that company to apply for work?

Ohio unemployment requirements are almost non-existent. Many states, including Ohio have either legislated out or just started looking the other way when it comes to qualifying unemployment claims. Technically you have to be laid off but very few companies are fighting claims right now due to the volume. There is ZERO requirement to show any evidence of looking for work. If you apply for unemployment benefits..you get them.

Yes, all DC jobs are posted at the local boards, every job board on the planet, every college, technical school, high school..we've even considered skywriting. The problem is real and not going away until we stop handing out money like tic-tacs.

Strange Brew
04-09-2021, 10:29 AM
The WSJ's editorial page is, with one or two exceptions, largely conservative. Some of their columnists are thoughtful, while others are just right-wing hacks. I don't as a rule agree with the editorial writers, but I read them nonetheless. But I subscribe to the paper because of its news staff. The WSJ, as a newspaper, is one of the best in the world. Just because you don't like what they report doesn't make it false or biased, even for a self-professed "player" like you. Thanks for trying.

The WSJ is fine by me. The particular writer is left leaning with contradicts your reasoning for using the WSJ as a source.

The article really doesn’t make sense. That is the point.

I do appreciate the slightly less condescending post from you.

The thanks for playing line should be very familiar to you playa.

Muskie in dayton
04-09-2021, 10:30 PM
Gas pipelines and border walls are infrastructure.

04-10-2021, 09:08 AM
You really don’t think it’s extremely easy to game the system? All you have to do is apply for a job on indeed and schedule an interview to make it look like you are trying. I was speaking to a doctors office yesterday, they need to fill 4 positions like last week... scheduling 4-5 interviews a day and no one is showing up.

Why the hell work when I can sit at home, collect my stimulus and unemployment benefits, oh and now if I did have a job, my healthcare is going to be paid for thru the end of September. Pretty good gig. Government are literal effing morons.

You don't even need to schedule an interview. You just need to apply then say you haven't heard back or that they said, "Thanks but no thanks". Really the only requirement is to say where and when you applied and the outcome (which within the week is rarely anything anyway. There is no further reporting of any particular application. You simply go on line and apply...anywhere. Done!

04-13-2021, 10:46 AM
So if police abolition became an actual thing, which country would you move to?

04-13-2021, 10:58 AM
So if police abolition became an actual thing, which country would you move to?

Somewhere safe like Syria

This whole thing is so stupid...the cop made a mistake, a horrible mistake, but a mistake...and had the kid not decided to flee the scene, she never would have pulled the gun in the first place. Oh and he was about to be arrested because he had fled police once before and had an unregistered gun, but I bet he was just such a good boy and on his way to becoming a productive member of society.

04-13-2021, 12:38 PM
Somewhere safe like Syria

This whole thing is so stupid...the cop made a mistake, a horrible mistake, but a mistake...and had the kid not decided to flee the scene, she never would have pulled the gun in the first place. Oh and he was about to be arrested because he had fled police once before and had an unregistered gun, but I bet he was just such a good boy and on his way to becoming a productive member of society.

Absolutely, he deserved a death sentence.

The weight of a taser vs. a pistol vary widely. I believe most departments have them on opposite sides of their belts. This like all of these things need a full and fair investigation. That is the best way to keep the public confidence in the police.

04-13-2021, 12:42 PM
This like all of these things need a full and fair investigation.

Didn’t the mayor fire the city manager for suggesting just that and for not firing the officer on the spot?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-13-2021, 12:46 PM
Absolutely, he deserved a death sentence.

The weight of a taser vs. a pistol vary widely. I believe most departments have them on opposite sides of their belts. This like all of these things need a full and fair investigation. That is the best way to keep the public confidence in the police.

Ha...the mayor disagrees with you.

It is very obvious by everything that happened, that it was a mistake...even the cop's reaction to what she had just done tells anyone with a brain so.

Not saying the kid deserved a death sentence, just saying that actions have consequences, and is not the "good, normal kid" that of course his parents are painting him to be.

D-West & PO-Z
04-13-2021, 12:57 PM
I am kind of confused. Mistake or not, does anyone think she shouldn't be fired?

I think we all know, in our own jobs, that there are certain mistakes we could make that our company would fire us for. For police this has to be one of them right?

04-13-2021, 12:59 PM
Accidentally shooting and killing someone instead of tazing them? Yeah, that seems like an auto firing to me.

04-13-2021, 01:03 PM
I am kind of confused. Mistake or not, does anyone think she shouldn't be fired?

I think we all know, in our own jobs, that there are certain mistakes we could make that our company would fire us for. For police this has to be one of them right?

I think she should be fired....you just can't really come back from that for numerous reasons. I don't think even mentally she could ever be a cop again. What is ridiculous to me, is the reaction...let's immediately go burn some shit down and destroy property and paint this kid as some great human being.

04-13-2021, 01:18 PM
Ha...the mayor disagrees with you.

It is very obvious by everything that happened, that it was a mistake...even the cop's reaction to what she had just done tells anyone with a brain so.

Not saying the kid deserved a death sentence, just saying that actions have consequences, and is not the "good, normal kid" that of course his parents are painting him to be.

The kid should not have put himself in that position, and obviously the cop should not have shot him. Clearly a terrible mistake based upon her immediate reaction.

That kind of “mistake” should get you fired.

04-13-2021, 01:54 PM
I am kind of confused. Mistake or not, does anyone think she shouldn't be fired?

I think we all know, in our own jobs, that there are certain mistakes we could make that our company would fire us for. For police this has to be one of them right?

Yes, 100%.

04-13-2021, 02:09 PM
The kid should not have put himself in that position, and obviously the cop should not have shot him. Clearly a terrible mistake based upon her immediate reaction.

That kind of “mistake” should get you fired.

This is kind of where I come down on the whole thing. I feel bad for the cop, but I feel a lot worse for the kid and his family. I don't think that running from the police automatically means you deserve to be shot, or even necessarily tazed depending on what you are being chased for. I may have run from the cops a couple of times when I was a kid (never in a car though), and I don't recall any guns or tazers being drawn on me.

This to me seems like a pretty different situation from the George Floyd murder.

04-13-2021, 02:21 PM
The Rioters and looters disagree with you.

Unfortunately yes. The cop should be fired. She made a terrible mistake.
The city will pay huge damages. But the local minority business owners being trashed by their own kind will pay a huge price too, just like in Kenosha.
Meanwhile the media eats it up.

04-13-2021, 02:27 PM
The cop resigned...now we'll see what kind of pressure is put on the DA to press criminal charges.

04-13-2021, 02:40 PM
The cop resigned...now we'll see what kind of pressure is put on the DA to press criminal charges.

Watching press conference with Mayor and he stated he has not accepted her resignation yet. Protesters want her fired so she can’t be a cop again somewhere else.

04-13-2021, 03:04 PM
I think she should be fired....you just can't really come back from that for numerous reasons. I don't think even mentally she could ever be a cop again. What is ridiculous to me, is the reaction...let's immediately go burn some shit down and destroy property and paint this kid as some great human being.

The reaction is stupid and basic mob mentality that both sides are guilty. Accountability of the police and their actions is one of the most paramount issues our leaders must address. There aren't many mistakes that result in deaths that don't get punished in this world. Why is it that police get a free pass way more often than not?

All that said, the transit cop in Frisco that shot the kid in the BART station got two years and served about a year total. I am almost sure he used the same defense which at the time I thought was ridiculous and is equally so today. I have held both a taser and a glock and you simply can't mistake the two.

04-13-2021, 03:21 PM
The reaction is stupid and basic mob mentality that both sides are guilty. Accountability of the police and their actions is one of the most paramount issues our leaders must address. There aren't many mistakes that result in deaths that don't get punished in this world. Why is it that police get a free pass way more often than not?

All that said, the transit cop in Frisco that shot the kid in the BART station got two years and served about a year total. I am almost sure he used the same defense which at the time I thought was ridiculous and is equally so today. I have held both a taser and a glock and you simply can't mistake the two.

So you have been in a similar type high stress situation and had to make a split second reaction? I know you want to find every single excuse to persecute cops since you and Tlaib are kindred spirits, but use your brain. The video makes it painfully obvious the horrible mistake she realized she made, and the only way you could possibly see that "defense" as ridiculous is because of your very partisan view on everything.

04-13-2021, 03:33 PM
So you have been in a similar type high stress situation and had to make a split second reaction? I know you want to find every single excuse to persecute cops since you and Tlaib are kindred spirits, but use your brain. The video makes it painfully obvious the horrible mistake she realized she made, and the only way you could possibly see that "defense" as ridiculous is because of your very partisan view on everything.

You are interesting to me. You either choose to not read what I type out or do read it and ignore it because you just don't want to understand my point of view or you simply don't care. All of those don't point favorably in your direction.

I literally wrote above, people should wait for a complete and fair investigation. I stress fair because more often than not cops get a white wash which is simply unfair to the public. There are things I would love to know; where was the taser and where was the gun on her belt, I want to see the time frame on the body cams, I also want to know if there is anything in her past that might have built up to this point.

If you learn that the taser and the gun are on opposite sides of her belt, would that change your mind? It would have to be a change because we barely know anything and you have already absolved the cop of all wrong doing.

04-13-2021, 03:39 PM
You are interesting to me. You either choose to not read what I type out or do read it and ignore it because you just don't want to understand my point of view or you simply don't care. All of those don't point favorably in your direction.

I literally wrote above, people should wait for a complete and fair investigation. I stress fair because more often than not cops get a white wash which is simply unfair to the public. There are things I would love to know; where was the taser and where was the gun on her belt, I want to see the time frame on the body cams, I also want to know if there is anything in her past that might have built up to this point.

If you learn that the taser and the gun are on opposite sides of her belt, would that change your mind? It would have to be a change because we barely know anything and you have already absolved the cop of all wrong doing.

1. Interesting...bet you don't feel the same way about the great upstanding young kid.

2. No I haven't. I already said she should be fired, and never said anything one way or the other about criminal charges. Mistakes still have consequences, as I stated earlier.

04-13-2021, 03:53 PM
There is definitely a broader issue, I think, of when Police choose to escalate vs deescalate a situation. In a stressful situation accidentally grabbing a gun vs a taser is a mistake. It's a big mistake, but it certainly (at least can be) a mistake. There is a broader conversation to be had about whether Police should be shooting at fleeing suspects (with a taser or a gun). Unfortunately it's not one with an easy answer.

I have quite a few Police officers in the family. The sample size is very small (about 6), but more of them are people prone to escalating a confrontation vs deescalating at a ratio of 5:1. The one who is most level headed is a retired police chief, so he was by far the most successful. The one who was probably the least level headed is no longer a cop anymore, but we don't know why. He claims he was railroaded in some way or another, but we all are pretty sure he did something. He works security now. His kids are all kind of dicks, and are all police officers. They are also all moderately racist, based on the jokes they tell and comments they make.

It's a small sample size, and they may be outliers. But I sort of have an opinion that a lot of people who become cops are kind of eager for confrontation. Then you take the fact that many of the ones who work in more dangerous precincts are potentially a little more eager for confrontation (or newer to the force) than the average. You also have to consider that they deal with a more hostile and dangerous mix of people policing in higher crime areas, so their threshold for action is different that it probably is for cops in upscale areas with no real crime.

Really I think we need two things to happen: (1) Police reform and training to reduce Police shooting and (2) the public needs to have a balanced few of Police officers. They aren't all saints (conservatives, I'm looking at you), but they also have a dangerous job and aren't necessarily all consciously racist (liberals, I'm talking to you).

Strange Brew
04-13-2021, 04:58 PM
There is definitely a broader issue, I think, of when Police choose to escalate vs deescalate a situation. In a stressful situation accidentally grabbing a gun vs a taser is a mistake. It's a big mistake, but it certainly (at least can be) a mistake. There is a broader conversation to be had about whether Police should be shooting at fleeing suspects (with a taser or a gun). Unfortunately it's not one with an easy answer.

I have quite a few Police officers in the family. The sample size is very small (about 6), but more of them are people prone to escalating a confrontation vs deescalating at a ratio of 5:1. The one who is most level headed is a retired police chief, so he was by far the most successful. The one who was probably the least level headed is no longer a cop anymore, but we don't know why. He claims he was railroaded in some way or another, but we all are pretty sure he did something. He works security now. His kids are all kind of dicks, and are all police officers. They are also all moderately racist, based on the jokes they tell and comments they make.

It's a small sample size, and they may be outliers. But I sort of have an opinion that a lot of people who become cops are kind of eager for confrontation. Then you take the fact that many of the ones who work in more dangerous precincts are potentially a little more eager for confrontation (or newer to the force) than the average. You also have to consider that they deal with a more hostile and dangerous mix of people policing in higher crime areas, so their threshold for action is different that it probably is for cops in upscale areas with no real crime.

Really I think we need two things to happen: (1) Police reform and training to reduce Police shooting and (2) the public needs to have a balanced few of Police officers. They aren't all saints (conservatives, I'm looking at you), but they also have a dangerous job and aren't necessarily all consciously racist (liberals, I'm talking to you).

Or don’t attempt to flee from police.

04-13-2021, 05:40 PM
Or don’t attempt to flee from police.

Yeah, I don't agree that fleeing from the police gives them cart blanche to use force as they see fit. By that standard they could show up to a house party and just start tasing (or shooting at) everyone who ran away. Maybe they roll up on some kids smoking weed in a park or something, the kids see the cops and take off, so they just start shooting.

It's an overly simple solution to a complex problem in my opinion. I don't think those really get us anywhere. This is a major issue, and I'm not sure how it gets solved, but it's probably going to require both 'sides' having some amount of empathy for the other's situation.

04-13-2021, 05:52 PM
Or don’t attempt to flee from police.

Which is not a capital crime, google is your friend on something here. Brooklyn Center trains their cops to have their gun on one side of the their belt (strong) and their taser on the other. Now that you know that, does that change this a bit?

I know a few more than some cops. It's policy here in Phoenix that they are to deescalate situations. One explained this to me saying if he punched a cop in the face and immediately threw his hands in the air and surrendered, they were to arrest him and that is it. He told me that isn't what would happen, but it was department policy. I bet that is the case at a vast majority.

Strange Brew
04-13-2021, 06:11 PM
Yeah, I don't agree that fleeing from the police gives them cart blanche to use force as they see fit. By that standard they could show up to a house party and just start tasing (or shooting at) everyone who ran away. Maybe they roll up on some kids smoking weed in a park or something, the kids see the cops and take off, so they just start shooting.

It's an overly simple solution to a complex problem in my opinion. I don't think those really get us anywhere. This is a major issue, and I'm not sure how it gets solved, but it's probably going to require both 'sides' having some amount of empathy for the other's situation.

I didn’t say it gives the right to use force but if there is a warrant for your arrest and you run you take the outcome out of your hands.

Strange Brew
04-13-2021, 06:13 PM
Which is not a capital crime, google is your friend on something here. Brooklyn Center trains their cops to have their gun on one side of the their belt (strong) and their taser on the other. Now that you know that, does that change this a bit?

I know a few more than some cops. It's policy here in Phoenix that they are to deescalate situations. One explained this to me saying if he punched a cop in the face and immediately threw his hands in the air and surrendered, they were to arrest him and that is it. He told me that isn't what would happen, but it was department policy. I bet that is the case at a vast majority.

Obviously it’s not. Don’t need Google either to understand fleeing removes my opinion on the confrontation’s conclusion

04-13-2021, 06:14 PM
Some here sympathize with criminals that’s nice. Kid had had 4 brushes with the law and he was only 20, but he “was a great kid, a normal kid.” Parents are the problem here as usual.

Strange Brew
04-13-2021, 06:18 PM
Obviously it’s not. Don’t need Google either to understand fleeing removes my opinion on the confrontation’s conclusion

If an officer says you’re under arrest you have two options. Peacefully surrender or escalate the situation and leave the outcome to the officer. The officer is not a judge, lawyer or your friend. They have one purpose. Arrest you and get home that night.

04-13-2021, 06:18 PM
I’m glad I was never a cop. When I made a bad mistake at work, we just might have to charge off a loan. Nobody died.

This sucks, for everybody. Both sides were wrong. Bad behavior followed by a tragic accident....

04-13-2021, 06:20 PM
Some here sympathize with criminals that’s nice.

I'm sorry, but I think that is wildly intellectually dishonest to the point that I wonder if you are being intentionally obtuse. What's your threshold of criminality before you stop sympathizing with someone being killed? Unpaid parking tickets? Driving without a license? Underage consumption? Those people are all 'criminals', right?

04-13-2021, 06:58 PM
I'm sorry, but I think that is wildly intellectually dishonest to the point that I wonder if you are being intentionally obtuse. What's your threshold of criminality before you stop sympathizing with someone being killed? Unpaid parking tickets? Driving without a license? Underage consumption? Those people are all 'criminals', right?

Those are a bit different than aggravated robbery, waving an unregistered gun around, and a warrant out for your arrest because of the first time you fled police.

In no way am I saying this kid should have been killed in this instance, there is just some here that sympathize a lot more with him than with the cop who made a horrible mistake but trying to do the right thing—her job

04-13-2021, 08:12 PM
Those are a bit different than aggravated robbery, waving an unregistered gun around, and a warrant out for your arrest because of the first time you fled police.

In no way am I saying this kid should have been killed in this instance, there is just some here that sympathize a lot more with him than with the cop who made a horrible mistake but trying to do the right thing—her job

Write it out, she failed to do her job properly and made the ultimate mistake and likely pulled her gun from it's correct spot and not the taser from the opposite side of her belt (if she followed policy) and killed the suspect in a situation that did not call for lethal force. When you actually look at it, it looks a lot worse to me than just a mistake.

Meherle got two years for similar facts in the San Francisco shooting.

04-13-2021, 08:26 PM
Write it out, she failed to do her job properly and made the ultimate mistake and likely pulled her gun from it's correct spot and not the taser from the opposite side of her belt (if she followed policy) and killed the suspect in a situation that did not call for lethal force. When you actually look at it, it looks a lot worse to me than just a mistake.

Meherle got two years for similar facts in the San Francisco shooting.

You add the word “just” to try to make your point. It WAS a mistake. It was a terrible mistake, but it was clearly a mistake. Why you add “just”, I’m not sure. I don’t think anybody was saying it isn’t a terrible tragedy.


04-13-2021, 08:53 PM
Write it out, she failed to do her job properly and made the ultimate mistake and likely pulled her gun from it's correct spot and not the taser from the opposite side of her belt (if she followed policy) and killed the suspect in a situation that did not call for lethal force. When you actually look at it, it looks a lot worse to me than just a mistake.

Meherle got two years for similar facts in the San Francisco shooting.

What’s your point..that actions even mistakes have consequences? I already said that. Unless of course you don’t think it was a mistake, which means you just have insanely blue tinted glasses on and refuse to think logically.

04-13-2021, 09:22 PM
Write it out, she failed to do her job properly and made the ultimate mistake and likely pulled her gun from it's correct spot and not the taser from the opposite side of her belt (if she followed policy) and killed the suspect in a situation that did not call for lethal force. When you actually look at it, it looks a lot worse to me than just a mistake.

Meherle got two years for similar facts in the San Francisco shooting.

I think it was pretty clearly a mistake. A major mistake with major consequences, but a mistake. I watched the video and it seems pretty clear that she thought she was tasing him. There was some kind of a struggle while he attempted to get back into the car at which point the officer attempted to taser him, and shot him instead.

It's a really unfortunate situation. I certainly feel much worse for the dead person and their family, but the officer is probably going to pay a hefty price for her mistake, even if she avoids jail time (and as you state, there is precedent for jail time in similar situations). I've never been in a situation like that, so it's hard for me to say how easy/difficult it would be to grab the wrong weapon.

04-13-2021, 09:56 PM
I am the opposite of blue tinted vision. I want police accountability and it has to be in the public eye. She will have to answer why she drew her weapon from the one side of her belt but thought it was a taser from the other. This needs to be put in front of court.

04-13-2021, 10:06 PM
I am the opposite of blue tinted vision. I want police accountability and it has to be in the public eye. She will have to answer why she drew her weapon from the one side of her belt but thought it was a taser from the other. This needs to be put in front of court.

Ummmm, will “I effed up!” be a surprise? Because that’s what happened. She panicked in the struggle, and she messed up. That was clear to me, and I assume any rational person. I hope you and I never have to make a quick decision like that.

XU '11
04-13-2021, 10:55 PM
I didn’t say it gives the right to use force but if there is a warrant for your arrest and you run you take the outcome out of your hands.

I actually think if he had just run, he'd still be alive. To me, going back into a car, where the police don't know if you have a weapon, escalates the situation much more.

Strange Brew
04-13-2021, 10:59 PM
I actually think if he had just run, he'd still be alive. To me, going back into a car, where the police don't know if you have a weapon, escalates the situation much more.

True, especially if the warrant involves an armed offense.

04-14-2021, 08:54 AM

We went to Wisconsin for a Granddaughter Birthday last week. Just for the helluva it I had a few free minutes and drove through Kenosha. What a horriffic, dystopian and depressing sight. All along Sheridan Rd., the main drag through the city and downtown, businesses, restaurants, The County Courthouse and even Churches like the Methodist Church right in town are boarded up and barely functioning. The Capitol riot was awful, stupid, ridiculous and uncalled for- as is all violence. But the fact that those from the "other side of the fence" decided to trash an entire in town city area over an admitted criminal being brought to justice, while the ones who were the loudest condemning Trump and the right, stood jaw locked silent-and even had funds to bail those anarchists out-is two faced, craven, disingenuous and cannot be forgotten. The businesses that were damaged or destroyed forever, many were owned by minority businesspeople who were just trying to serve the community and make a living. How do their lives matter?
The scoreboard is not equal:
"Right Riots": The Capitol. No businesses destroyed.
"Left Riots:": Minneapolis- Tons of businesses Damaged or wiped out.
Portland " "
Kenosha " "
Seattle " "
Chicago " "
Atlanta " "
Philadelphia " "
Louisville " "
Cleveland " "
The only "possible" justifiable unrest was in Minneapolis over Floyd- caused by one isolated lousy cop who was an idiot and should have been kicked off the force years ago. Every other one was over Police doing their jobs fighting crime and caused by Antifa and Leftist Anarchists. How do you think the dedicated Black Police Officers and Police Chiefs feel about this absurdity? None of those Anarchist jerks would have been celebrated by Dr. King. Remember how we are supposed to judge folks on the "Content of Their Character"? I don't think Jacob Blake would be judged well by Dr. King. But there's ABC News stoking division by having him interviewed by Michael Strahan this week, when the nation, I think, is trying to heal. Imagine a Woman Abuser, a kidnapper and a felon with a weapon resisting arrest and attacking Police being propped on National TV. Welp. Here we are in Biden's America.
Get ready for 4 years of a Disinformation Reset.

Kenosha police officer who shot Jacob Blake returns to duty after no charges filed.

04-14-2021, 09:37 AM
I actually think if he had just run, he'd still be alive. To me, going back into a car, where the police don't know if you have a weapon, escalates the situation much more.

I have not watched the video but wondering if he put his hands up at any point or complied with instructions. I know if I ever have a run in with police I will do whatever they say. Not that I fear them but my actions of not doing as told may lead to a mistake I don’t want to be a part of. Police are human and will make mistakes, especially if they are scared. It’s always best to keep your hands where they can see them and do what they tell you and sort it out later. Probably the smart thing to do. Maybe this guy did exactly that and still got shot. Is that the case?

04-14-2021, 09:56 AM
I have not watched the video but wondering if he put his hands up at any point or complied with instructions. I know if I ever have a run in with police I will do whatever they say. Not that I fear them but my actions of not doing as told may lead to a mistake I don’t want to be a part of. Police are human and will make mistakes, especially if they are scared. It’s always best to keep your hands where they can see them and do what they tell you and sort it out later. Probably the smart thing to do. Maybe this guy did exactly that and still got shot. Is that the case?

Laws really need to be changed that every interaction with a police officer should be seen as being detained by the officer. There should be no grey area where a lay person has to decide if what the officer is telling them is a direct order or just a request that can voluntarily ignore.

04-14-2021, 10:00 AM
I have not watched the video but wondering if he put his hands up at any point or complied with instructions. I know if I ever have a run in with police I will do whatever they say. Not that I fear them but my actions of not doing as told may lead to a mistake I don’t want to be a part of. Police are human and will make mistakes, especially if they are scared. It’s always best to keep your hands where they can see them and do what they tell you and sort it out later. Probably the smart thing to do. Maybe this guy did exactly that and still got shot. Is that the case?

He was basically in custody and had exited the vehicle. Then he got back in the vehicle and tried to drive off. Had the officer tased him instead of shooting him I don't think it would be a controversial use of force. Obviously that's a big difference though.

04-14-2021, 11:22 AM
I watched the video of the army lieutenant who was pepper sprayed and a few things occurred to me:
1 - if he was being pulled over for a air freshener blocking his window, why did they ask him to exit the vehicle. The few times in earlier days when I was stopped, I never was asked to get out. Maybe they smelled (or claimed to smell?) marijuana
2 - he was put in a difficult situation. Had his hands up, through the open window, and was being called to exit the vehicle. If he took a hand down to undo his seat belt or open the door handle, he might have been shot for "reaching for a weapon" or something. So he was playing it super safe leaving his hands outsite the window in plain sight, but unable to respond to the command to exit the vehicle, resulting in being sprayed.
3 - if you are dressed in military gear with clear markings of an officer on your collar, that's really no help in that situation

In all of these cases it is quite obvious that obeying the police and their commands is the correct thing to do. Sometimes it does seem like even doing that turns into trouble. Depressing. It does seem that deadly force is sometimes applied when the officers are not in danger for their lives.

04-14-2021, 12:35 PM
I think the Army Lieutenant was being pulled over for not displaying a license plate, but I’ve heard you can see the plate in one of the officers’ body cam.

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04-14-2021, 01:05 PM
I think the Army Lieutenant was being pulled over for not displaying a license plate, but I’ve heard you can see the plate in one of the officers’ body cam.

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Pretty sure I saw a shot of it in the upper right rear window.

04-14-2021, 01:26 PM
I think the Army Lieutenant was being pulled over for not displaying a license plate, but I’ve heard you can see the plate in one of the officers’ body cam.

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Yes. I believe that was the case. That particular instance seems pretty egregious. He was pulled over for not having a licence plate, but he did have a cardboard temp tag in his window. He slowed down and continued to drive until he reached a well-lit area where he felt more comfortable stopping. This is something that you are allowed to do. When pulled over, he explained that to the officers, and they proceeded to make things difficult for him (unnecessarily) and ultimately pepper sprayed him.

It sounds like the fact that he didn't pull over right away irritated the officers, so they got out looking for trouble.

04-14-2021, 02:30 PM
Pretty sure I saw a shot of it in the upper right rear window.

First and foremost, this type of police behavior is completely unacceptable and thought I could see it as well. Temporary tags these days are a huge problem tho. My truck also has a tinted rear window. Tried to tape temp tag inside the truck but you could barely see it displayed, so taped it outside with a lot of tape so you could.

Regardless, police should know this is a problem and should be trained to see it. Also blame the states for the new paper license vs old heavy duty that could be affixed to plate holder.

04-14-2021, 02:50 PM
Minneapolis cop being charged with manslaughter. This seems about right to me, but if she fights this we will learn whether she followed training to have the taser and gun on opposite sides of her belt.

The lieutenant's stop was terrible. I believe I read that you can hear the cops on the audio say that he was probably minority because he went to a well lit gas station. I don't know the veracity of that. I also read that he was not told why they pulled him over and the two cops yelled conflicting orders. I also read one cop was shaking during the entire incident, and his car was searched. Since the stop was for not displaying a temporary tag, the stop was in error and the search illegal. I am going to guess this goes poorly for that department.

04-14-2021, 02:55 PM
Minneapolis cop being charged with manslaughter. This seems about right to me, but if she fights this we will learn whether she followed training to have the taser and gun on opposite sides of her belt.

The lieutenant's stop was terrible. I believe I read that you can hear the cops on the audio say that he was probably minority because he went to a well lit gas station. I don't know the veracity of that. I also read that he was not told why they pulled him over and the two cops yelled conflicting orders. I also read one cop was shaking during the entire incident, and his car was searched. Since the stop was for not displaying a temporary tag, the stop was in error and the search illegal. I am going to guess this goes poorly for that department.

I believe at least one of the cops has already been fired or resigned, which is probably pretty telling.

04-14-2021, 03:53 PM
I believe at least one of the cops has already been fired or resigned, which is probably pretty telling.

The cop who was acting like a complete douche was fired is what I heard.

D-West & PO-Z
04-14-2021, 04:25 PM
Minneapolis cop being charged with manslaughter. This seems about right to me, but if she fights this we will learn whether she followed training to have the taser and gun on opposite sides of her belt.

The lieutenant's stop was terrible. I believe I read that you can hear the cops on the audio say that he was probably minority because he went to a well lit gas station. I don't know the veracity of that. I also read that he was not told why they pulled him over and the two cops yelled conflicting orders. I also read one cop was shaking during the entire incident, and his car was searched. Since the stop was for not displaying a temporary tag, the stop was in error and the search illegal. I am going to guess this goes poorly for that department.

When the Army Lieutenant says to the office that he is afraid to exit the car, the officer's response was:

"Yeah, you should be."

The office also told the Army Lieutenant that he was "fixin to ride the lightening."


04-14-2021, 07:53 PM
very different situation to me than with Wright. This one the cops are clearly in the wrong, complete a holes, escalate a situation that didn't need to be escalated, and thankfully Guiterrez has already been canned. Hope the lieutenant gets his money, he deserves every penny.

04-14-2021, 08:10 PM
Want to know what’s happened to the “newspaper of record”?
Long read but worth it. How advocacy took over for journalism.


Strange Brew
04-14-2021, 08:24 PM
Want to know what’s happened to the “newspaper of record”?
Long read but worth it. How advocacy took over for journalism.


It didn’t begin in 2016. The paper had Krugman on staff for years before. His economic opinions misled his derper followers until the masses crushed him in his own comments section. It was so bad he shut down comments on his own bloviations.

Strange Brew
04-14-2021, 09:13 PM
Dems plan to add four more Justices. Well, this will be entertaining at least...

04-14-2021, 09:42 PM
Who reads the NYT? It's been behind a Paywall for years.

04-14-2021, 09:46 PM
Who reads the NYT? It's been behind a Paywall for years.

Is that a, umm, what do you....... a Newspaper?

04-14-2021, 09:47 PM
Dems plan to add four more Justices. Well, this will be entertaining at least...

So stupid. What happens when the Republicans get control? Do they add two more to tilt the court the other way? Do they remove the four that the Democrats added?

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04-14-2021, 10:20 PM
So stupid. What happens when the Republicans get control? Do they add two more to tilt the court the other way? Do they remove the four that the Democrats added?

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Performative. Manchin & Sinema will never vote for it

04-14-2021, 11:36 PM
Dems plan to add four more Justices. Well, this will be entertaining at least...

This is all show, like MOR wrote Sinema and Manchin won't vote for it. I doubt Kelly will either since his seat is up for grabs.

04-15-2021, 09:43 AM
I MIGHT be able to be convinced if they voted to phase in four additional justices....one every four years starting in 2025.

Of course, that wouldn't get the Democrats pushing for this what they want, so no one is interested in that.

04-15-2021, 09:50 AM
I MIGHT be able to be convinced if they voted to phase in four additional justices....one every four years starting in 2025.

Of course, that wouldn't get the Democrats pushing for this what they want, so no one is interested in that.

I think a ten year term limit would be a better solution phasing in as this current group retires. It’s clear the shelf life on some expires just reading opinions. Thomas should have been pushed out long ago.

04-15-2021, 09:55 AM
I think a ten year term limit would be a better solution phasing in as this current group retires. It’s clear the shelf life on some expires just reading opinions. Thomas should have been pushed out long ago.


Thomas just wrote an excellent opinion on Big Tech Censorship.

04-15-2021, 11:16 AM
Biden's thinking has evolved over the last 40 years.


Strange Brew
04-15-2021, 11:39 AM
very different situation to me than with Wright. This one the cops are clearly in the wrong, complete a holes, escalate a situation that didn't need to be escalated, and thankfully Guiterrez has already been canned. Hope the lieutenant gets his money, he deserves every penny.

Speaking of no charges filed against the Capital officer who murdered an unarmed woman. Coroner ruled it a homicide.

04-15-2021, 11:43 AM
Speaking of no charges filed against the Capital officer who murdered an unarmed woman. Coroner ruled it a homicide.

The coroner ruled it a homicide? Why would the coroner be making that sort of determination? And how could anyone think charges SHOULD be filed in that case?!?

Strange Brew
04-15-2021, 11:45 AM
The coroner ruled it a homicide? Why would the coroner be making that sort of determination? And how could anyone think charges SHOULD be filed in that case?!?

Why not? She was unarmed, not under arrest and was let it by the police.

04-15-2021, 11:47 AM
She was let into the Congressional Chamber that she was trying to break into by police? Seems about as reasonable a police shooting as you're ever going to find. Guy should probably get a commendation.

Strange Brew
04-15-2021, 12:03 PM
She was let into the Congressional Chamber that she was trying to break into by police? Seems about as reasonable a police shooting as you're ever going to find. Guy should probably get a commendation.

The officer was in no immediate danger and had no reason to discharge his weapon.

Should officers shoot any BLM member that breaks into a Federal building without charge? Who about the Union members who took over the WI Capital? Should security fire without cause into the crowd?

Not sure how I feel about her case personally but the double standard of Justice in obvious.

04-15-2021, 12:32 PM
The officer was in no immediate danger and had no reason to discharge his weapon.

Are you serious? Give him a metal. Surprised they only shot one Asshole.

04-15-2021, 12:33 PM
The coroner ruled it a homicide? Why would the coroner be making that sort of determination? And how could anyone think charges SHOULD be filed in that case?!?

Homicide just means the death was caused by another person. That’s clearly the case here. Too many people think homicide equals crime.

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04-15-2021, 12:53 PM
Hey, I got a 3.8 in Crim Law.....but that was sadly 21 years ago.

Strange Brew
04-15-2021, 01:26 PM
Are you serious? Give him a metal. Surprised they only shot one Asshole.

There’s video and he was in no danger whatsoever. Immediate danger is the standard for force for the Capital police. I don’t agree with her being there but her only actual crime was trespassing on Federal property. Still not a good idea on her part.

04-15-2021, 01:57 PM
I think a ten year term limit would be a better solution phasing in as this current group retires. It’s clear the shelf life on some expires just reading opinions. Thomas should have been pushed out long ago.

I am not sure how you would get it started, but I would like to see 9 justices with an 18 year appointment. That way one is removed and appointed with each congressional election (thought about every 4 years, but a 36 year appointment seems like a long time).

Strange Brew
04-15-2021, 02:41 PM
Russian bounties? Oopsie again NY Times.

04-15-2021, 02:43 PM
Russian bounties? Oopsie again NY Times.

Well, it SOUNDED like something Putin might do and Trump might allow, so it was truthy.

Strange Brew
04-15-2021, 02:48 PM
Well, it SOUNDED like something Putin might do and Trump might allow, so it was truthy.

Ok, that was funny.

04-15-2021, 03:29 PM
I am not sure how you would get it started, but I would like to see 9 justices with an 18 year appointment. That way one is removed and appointed with each congressional election (thought about every 4 years, but a 36 year appointment seems like a long time).

That is a good idea also. Pubs can't complain about Dems going scorched Earth on the court when they literally started this immaturity. I don't agree with it, but if/when the Pubs are back in they will absolutely stack the court with more justices. I know because they have shown zero commitment to tradition already.

Strange Brew
04-15-2021, 03:35 PM
That is a good idea also. Pubs can't complain about Dems going scorched Earth on the court when they literally started this immaturity. I don't agree with it, but if/when the Pubs are back in they will absolutely stack the court with more justices. I know because they have shown zero commitment to tradition already.

Bork was a Democrat appointee? Who knew...

04-15-2021, 04:43 PM
Bork was a Democrat appointee? Who knew...

Look back in Bork's history and you will see all you need to know he was not a suitable appointee. See Saturday Night Massacre, that is if you don't know of it already. He was a giant piece of crap.

Edit: That giant turd also got a hearing.

Strange Brew
04-15-2021, 05:31 PM
Look back in Bork's history and you will see all you need to know he was not a suitable appointee. See Saturday Night Massacre, that is if you don't know of it already. He was a giant piece of crap.

Edit: That giant turd also got a hearing.

Use whatever you want to justify your opinion. What the Dems did was unprecedented and they followed it up with the Thomas hearings. Dems can burn in the fire of their own making in regards to the Court.

04-15-2021, 06:28 PM
Use whatever you want to justify your opinion. What the Dems did was unprecedented and they followed it up with the Thomas hearings. Dems can burn in the fire of their own making in regards to the Court.

Again Thomas and Bork got hearings, did you want Bork on the court. Literally the only guy in the DOJ who would fire Cox? Is that a guy you think is deserving of a spot on the court? I would love to hear the answer because Nixon was the biggest piece of crap to sit in the office except for Trump....maybe. Bork was a guy willing to help him stay there.

The GQP could at least feign being the party of law and order.

Strange Brew
04-15-2021, 06:35 PM
Again Thomas and Bork got hearings, did you want Bork on the court. Literally the only guy in the DOJ who would fire Cox? Is that a guy you think is deserving of a spot on the court? I would love to hear the answer because Nixon was the biggest piece of crap to sit in the office except for Trump....maybe. Bork was a guy willing to help him stay there.

The GQP could at least feign being the party of law and order.

Yes on Bork.

FDR was by far a bigger POS than either Presidents mentioned. Wilson is a close 2nd.

04-15-2021, 07:13 PM
Yes on Bork.

FDR was by far a bigger POS than either Presidents mentioned. Wilson is a close 2nd.

Good to you hear you back a guy who thought it was fine to fire the one guy investigating the crimes your boss committed. It's not like we don't have hindsight here, we do. We know Nixon committed several crimes while in office. The historical record doesn't waver on that. Bork fired Cox and literally was the first guy in the DOJ with either zero back bone or zero ethics to go ahead stonewall for a criminal. That is your guy. Good to know, your standards are quite low.

04-15-2021, 07:14 PM
And they wonder why people don’t trust the media.


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04-15-2021, 07:46 PM
And they wonder why people don’t trust the media.


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Gaetz? Really? Murdoch? Ailes? O'Reilly? C'mon.

Strange Brew
04-15-2021, 09:04 PM
Good to you hear you back a guy who thought it was fine to fire the one guy investigating the crimes your boss committed. It's not like we don't have hindsight here, we do. We know Nixon committed several crimes while in office. The historical record doesn't waver on that. Bork fired Cox and literally was the first guy in the DOJ with either zero back bone or zero ethics to go ahead stonewall for a criminal. That is your guy. Good to know, your standards are quite low.

Not concerned what you think of my standards.

Strange Brew
04-15-2021, 09:05 PM
Gaetz? Really? Murdoch? Ailes? O'Reilly? C'mon.

He said the Media so your comment only further affirmed his point.

04-15-2021, 11:45 PM
He said the Media so your comment only further affirmed his point.

I agree. Just provided the flip side.

04-16-2021, 09:03 AM
Gaetz? Really? Murdoch? Ailes? O'Reilly? C'mon.

Love the old 'but look at those guys!" response. Friggin classic..

04-16-2021, 09:09 AM
Good to know, your standards are quite low.

It's very easy to play this game and there is no moral high ground when it comes to politics. Would you like people to judge your standards based on who you support politically and the subsequent missteps of those players? Not sure that's a hole you want to go down.

Strange Brew
04-16-2021, 10:02 AM
Well, well even the NYT admits police were ordered to stand down on Jan 6th.

04-16-2021, 10:22 AM
It's very easy to play this game and there is no moral high ground when it comes to politics. Would you like people to judge your standards based on who you support politically and the subsequent missteps of those players? Not sure that's a hole you want to go down.

It’s actually easy, you vote for someone and hope for the best. If that person turns out to be committing crimes, it’s time to resign and face the music. Their sins aren’t visited upon you. You shouldn’t think they are good for the highest court in the land or their enablers. Again, in the late 80s we knew exactly what he did and how awful it was. An individual on this board thought Bork got a bad deal. Strange has to own that judgement even with the power of hindsight.

Strange Brew
04-16-2021, 10:37 AM
It’s actually easy, you vote for someone and hope for the best. If that person turns out to be committing crimes, it’s time to resign and face the music. Their sins aren’t visited upon you. You shouldn’t think they are good for the highest court in the land or their enablers. Again, in the late 80s we knew exactly what he did and how awful it was. An individual on this board thought Bork got a bad deal. Strange has to own that judgement even with the power of hindsight.

Let’s be real. The opposition to Bork was his Pro Life views. The above are bs justifications to insulate the Left from a Pro Abortion litmus test for their picks. Take it elsewhere.

04-16-2021, 11:13 AM
And here I thought the litmus test was no new SC justices in an election year. Let the people decide.

Strange Brew
04-16-2021, 11:17 AM
And here I thought the litmus test was no new SC justices in an election year. Let the people decide.

Unless a Dem is President. Then we’re ok with it but whine because we don’t have the votes in the Senate.

Edit: If that really was a true and accepted litmus test held by the Senate why would a former Senator have nominated a potential Justice in an election year?

Strange Brew
04-16-2021, 12:04 PM
Russian bounties? Oopsie again NY Times.

Looks like the Dems colluded with the Times to interfere with an election...

04-16-2021, 12:08 PM
It’s actually easy, you vote for someone and hope for the best. If that person turns out to be committing crimes, it’s time to resign and face the music. Their sins aren’t visited upon you. You shouldn’t think they are good for the highest court in the land or their enablers. Again, in the late 80s we knew exactly what he did and how awful it was. An individual on this board thought Bork got a bad deal. Strange has to own that judgement even with the power of hindsight.

Did you vote for Hillary Clinton?

Strange Brew
04-16-2021, 12:22 PM
Now a resolution to abolish the EC.

04-16-2021, 01:06 PM
Let’s be real. The opposition to Bork was his Pro Life views. The above are bs justifications to insulate the Left from a Pro Abortion litmus test for their picks. Take it elsewhere.

Bork lost in a landslide 58-42 roll call vote. biggest rejection ever. 6 'Pubs voted against him:

04-16-2021, 01:16 PM
I agree. Just provided the flip side.

The 3 names you mentioned are/were strictly Opinion purveyors. Outfits like the NYT, WaPo, NBC, CBS and ABC now out and out lie/omit facts to generate a narrative/outcome. See 60 Minutes-Ron DeSantis plus.
Our press is a dumpster fire now. You should read journalists like Bari Weiss, Glen Greenwald and Stephen L. Miller. They take apart the MSM daily about their lies, deception, omissions and deceit. Its’s disgusting.

BTW. Glad a BLM Marxist can grift to buy herself over $5 million in real estate, one in 2% black Malibu. Where’s the $50 million that was supposed to be invested in minority areas? Oh well. Facebook covered up that story too

04-16-2021, 01:32 PM
Did you vote for Hillary Clinton?

Yes, go ahead and let me know what crimes she committed. Even her charity is still active which a certain other former president cannot claim. I actually voted Sanders in that primary and begrudgingly Clinton in the election. I viewed her use of a private email server to be ill-advised at best and possibly illegal at worst though no charges were brought.

Nixon on the hand committed several including obstruction, election fraud just to name a few of which Bork was happy to help cover.

04-16-2021, 01:34 PM
Let’s be real. The opposition to Bork was his Pro Life views. The above are bs justifications to insulate the Left from a Pro Abortion litmus test for their picks. Take it elsewhere.

Be real, you don't care about his past transgressions because of his pro-life view and were most likely hoping I was unaware of the part he played during Nixon's ignominious fall.

Strange Brew
04-16-2021, 02:10 PM
Be real, you don't care about his past transgressions because of his pro-life view and were most likely hoping I was unaware of the part he played during Nixon's ignominious fall.

Or in my opinion it’s not a disqualification. Frankly, Watergate doesn’t bother me either. Especially since no one seemed to mind the 44th President spying on political opponents. The Bork block was unprecedented and it’s why nominations are how they are today.

04-16-2021, 02:46 PM
Unless a Dem is President. Then we’re ok with it but whine because we don’t have the votes in the Senate.

Edit: If that really was a true and accepted litmus test held by the Senate why would a former Senator have nominated a potential Justice in an election year?

McConnell on filling Scalia's seat 9 month's before an election:

Given that we are in the midst of the presidential election process, we believe that the American people should seize the opportunity to weigh in on whom they trust to nominate the next person for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court,

McConnell on filling Ginsberg's seat 6 weeks before an election:

"President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate."

Strange Brew
04-16-2021, 04:44 PM
McConnell on filling Scalia's seat 9 month's before an election:

McConnell on filling Ginsberg's seat 6 weeks before an election:

Great. Hope he does again given the opportunity. It’s good for the the Repubs fight like the Left has for the past Century.

04-16-2021, 06:17 PM
Great. Hope he does again given the opportunity. It’s good to the the Repubs fight like the Left has for the past Century.

Yup. And the Dems can blame one of their own, the Arrogant Harry Reid who greased the skids for easier approvals.
And yet the Dems want to try to pack the court & eliminate the filibuster that if happened, would just be used against them when the Republicans got power back.

Why are Dems so determined to ruin the country’s norms that were so perfectly set up by the Founders?

04-16-2021, 08:31 PM
Or in my opinion it’s not a disqualification. Frankly, Watergate doesn’t bother me either. Especially since no one seemed to mind the 44th President spying on political opponents. The Bork block was unprecedented and it’s why nominations are how they are today.

That is a conspiracy theory with zero proof. Post if otherwise.

Watergate was one of the most disgusting crimes committed by a sitting president in the history of our nation. It is well documented. Your conspiracy theory is not.

04-16-2021, 08:32 PM
Great. Hope he does again given the opportunity. It’s good for the the Repubs fight like the Left has for the past Century.

Thomas and Bork each got votes. Try again.

04-16-2021, 08:34 PM
Yup. And the Dems can blame one of their own, the Arrogant Harry Reid who greased the skids for easier approvals.
And yet the Dems want to try to pack the court & eliminate the filibuster that if happened, would just be used against them when the Republicans got power back.

Why are Dems so determined to ruin the country’s norms that were so perfectly set up by the Founders?

What norms, where does it say there have to be just 9 justices? For that matter, it's has not been 9 justices it's entire existence. And on Harry Reid, if it fits the rules it's good right? It fits to the rules to expand the court. It just hasn't happened in a while, but it has happened.

04-16-2021, 10:35 PM
Why are Dems so determined to ruin the country’s norms that were so perfectly set up by the Founders?

Haha. Perfectly set up at 6, later packed to 9.

Strange Brew
04-16-2021, 10:47 PM
Haha. Perfectly set up at 6, later packed to 9.

Since 1869...

Leftist ideas: So popular they’re mandatory and can pass Congress.

04-16-2021, 11:15 PM
5 in 1801. Fluctuates.

Strange Brew
04-17-2021, 12:32 AM
5 in 1801. Fluctuates.

Right, so not since 1869.

04-17-2021, 01:12 AM
Keep fighting strange brew. Liberals on this board are clueless

04-17-2021, 01:02 PM
We independents rule as it should be:


04-17-2021, 09:23 PM
Wasn’t sure if this should go here or in the Covid thread, but here it is.


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04-20-2021, 10:11 AM
Crickets…. Where's the condemnation of Maxine Waters over her violent rhetoric and incitement to riot? Or was all of this just all faux outrage over a faux "insurrection":

trump encouraging anarchists to storm the Capitol. Not going to end well.

Words have consequences. Trumps words have the consequences we are watching.
The Vice President has been taken away, congressmen have gas masks on and are being evacuated.
If we had a real President, and not a bully, he would have never encouraged this, and he would be urging his people to stop.

That's the big difference here.

People who are likening this to some assholes trashing buildings in Portland can fuck right off. Then they can fuck off again. Then a 3rd time.

Domestic terrorists stormed the Capitol building while legislation was in session confirming the election results. They did it because apparently millions of people are so incredibly stupid that they believe our sitting President and his sycophants claims that the election was somehow rigged, despite the fact that so far the only real evidence presented are allegations and the fact that 'lots of people believe the election was stolen'. Gee, I wonder how they got that idea?

So they stormed the Capitol. Not the state Capitol. The Nation's Capitol. The President then gave a speech telling them he 'loved them' but to go home. No condemnation. This isn't a political party, it's a cult.

If people can't see that this is on a very different level, I'm sorry but I just can't have any respect for their intellect or ability to process information.

I do think that the very direct role that the President played in this whole thing shouldn't get lost in the shuffle though.

This wasn't just a riot. The President of the United States attempted to orchestrate a coup. He lost the election and then attempted to have it overturned. Repeatedly and brazenly. During all this he kept telling his supporters, without credible evidence, that the election was 'stolen'. For the most part, only the truly stupid believed him, but a lot of other people went along with it. Then it escalated. A few more people spoke out, but mostly people went along with it.

I'm all for personal responsibility for the individuals directly involved, but let's not kid ourselves that this was 100% incited by the sitting President and enabled (sorry smails) by a whole lot of people who sat quietly and just kind of hoped it would go away. A lot of people listen to the President. It's why who the President is, and what he says, matters.

Do we honestly think this would have happened if he is just conceded the election?

There should be universal support to put him on trial for treason. There should be serious consequences for the people involved, but there should be even more serious consequences for the person at the top. When you are the leader, you are held to a higher standard of conduct because people look to you for cues on how to act. Anybody who has led a large organization knows that.

A little bit of a difference between being a loud asshole after going through security and using force to break into the building.

Something that scares the hell out of me is that we have a 2 hour period where large parts of the Capitol that likely have intelligence and computers with access to intelligence was completely unguarded. Who knows what could have slipped in with the mob.

Jesus fucking Christ. Take some responsibility for the actions of the unhinged in your camp. Get off the fucking internet for a while. And stop devaluing the worth of a Xavier education with this drivel.

04-20-2021, 11:11 AM
Crickets…. Where's the condemnation of Maxine Waters over her violent rhetoric and incitement to riot? Or was all of this just all faux outrage over a faux "insurrection":

She’s an idiot. Didn’t think it needed to be said.

XU '11
04-20-2021, 11:19 AM
5 in 1801. Fluctuates.

So then the next time the Republicans have both the Senate and White House, would you support an expansion to 17 justices?

04-20-2021, 11:38 AM
No. I like the 9.

04-20-2021, 12:04 PM
She’s an idiot. Didn’t think it needed to be said.

Agreed. However, if a Republican were to say something similar, the media and Democrats would be going bat shit crazy about it. Since it’s a Democrat saying it, it’s ok.

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04-20-2021, 01:27 PM
Agreed. However, if a Republican were to say something similar, the media and Democrats would be going bat shit crazy about it. Since it’s a Democrat saying it, it’s ok.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Agree with you both.

However, what bothers me the most about her words are the potential consequences they will/may have in Chauvin trial.

“I'll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned,” Judge Peter Cahill told defense attorney Eric Nelson on Monday.

At this juncture, this is definitely something the whole country could do without. So idiot is an accurate descriptor. Or maybe doesn’t go far enough.

04-20-2021, 02:08 PM
Grocery stores are apparently not a safe space.

04-20-2021, 02:30 PM
Agree with you both.

However, what bothers me the most about her words are the potential consequences they will/may have in Chauvin trial.

“I'll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned,” Judge Peter Cahill told defense attorney Eric Nelson on Monday.

At this juncture, this is definitely something the whole country could do without. So idiot is an accurate descriptor. Or maybe doesn’t go far enough.

Well Biden just one-upped her. Why the hell would he not wait for the verdict to comment publicly on the case?

04-20-2021, 02:43 PM
Agreed. However, if a Republican were to say something similar, the media and Democrats would be going bat shit crazy about it. Since it’s a Democrat saying it, it’s ok.

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Made me laugh. Didn't the former guy say "fight like hell" to destroy the certification? Both are morons.

04-20-2021, 03:19 PM
Made me laugh. Didn't the former guy say "fight like hell" to destroy the certification? Both are morons.

And he was rightly lambasted in the media. However, Waters says something similar and the silence is deafening.

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04-20-2021, 03:26 PM
And he was rightly lambasted in the media. However, Waters says something similar and the silence is deafening.

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What media do you listen to? It's been widely reported from the WSJ to CNN and every major news outlet.
Just let Google be your friend and you can hear all about it.

Strange Brew
04-20-2021, 03:47 PM
Made me laugh. Didn't the former guy say "fight like hell" to destroy the certification? Both are morons.

And the only person injured was an unarmed protester..

04-20-2021, 03:52 PM
Thought I saw some cops on the ground being beaten by people with flag poles and stuff.

Must have been fake news. Wonder why there are so many indictments?

Strange Brew
04-20-2021, 03:54 PM
Thought I saw some cops on the ground being beaten by people with flag poles and stuff.

Must have been fake news. Wonder why there are so many indictments?

You did? Please post.

Are there indictments for assault of an officer?

Edit: I found three people, one was on Sicknick which will/should be dismissed.

04-20-2021, 04:14 PM
What media do you listen to? It's been widely reported from the WSJ to CNN and every major news outlet.
Just let Google be your friend and you can hear all about it.

Waters wasn't crushed for it, but the media certainly covered it unfavorably. She should have been heavily criticized for it. Though, I really wish she would just retire or lose an election already.

04-20-2021, 04:15 PM
So, who's got their marshmallows ready to roast in the fires that are about to start post-Chavin verdict?

04-20-2021, 04:21 PM
There will be riots no matter the verdict....rioters could care less what the actual verdict is.

04-20-2021, 04:30 PM
Wonder which politician will add fuel to the fire for those riots?

04-20-2021, 04:36 PM
Who will post "we love you, you're very special" during the riots? Maxine?

Strange Brew
04-20-2021, 04:39 PM
Wonder which politician will add fuel to the fire for those riots?

It will be Trump’s fault.

04-20-2021, 04:40 PM
You did? Please post.

Are there indictments for assault of an officer?

Edit: I found three people, one was on Sicknick which will/should be dismissed.

I believe there are a lot more than three. But I admit I didn't know about the guy with the skateboard.

Prosecutors have indicated in court records that approximately 81 members of the Capitol Police and 58 members of the Metropolitan Police Department were assaulted during the attack on the Capitol.


Strange Brew
04-20-2021, 04:41 PM
I believe there are a lot more than three. But I admit I didn't know about the guy with the skateboard.


Before I believe anything from npr could you check and see if they reported Sicknick being hit in the head? If they did, they have no credibility.

04-20-2021, 04:42 PM
Who is going to celebrate like they just won a million dollars depending on the verdict?

04-20-2021, 04:45 PM
The post-trial behavior will not be classified as riots..they will be a 'celebration of justice' if they throw the book at him.

04-20-2021, 04:46 PM
Before I believe anything from npr could you check and see if they reported Sicknick being hit in the head? If they did, they have no credibility.

Don't worry about NPR. Check the court record of the prosecutors noting 139 police officers assaulted.

Strange Brew
04-20-2021, 04:48 PM
Don't worry about NPR. Check the court record of the prosecutors noting 139 police officers assaulted.

The same prosecutors that charged protestors for Sicknick and not the officer who killed an unarmed person. Yeah, no selective prosecution in DC...

Edit: Any charges filed for the attempted murder (this past week. Not Jan) of Guard troops?

FTR I don’t agree with any of it but the selective outrage by some is intellectually dishonest at best.

04-20-2021, 04:56 PM
Not sure of the attempted murder of Guard troops in the past week.
The guy who used his car to kill a Capitol police officer was killed on the spot.
Is that the one?

Strange Brew
04-20-2021, 05:01 PM
Not sure of the attempted murder of Guard troops in the past week.
The guy who used his car to kill a Capitol police officer was killed on the spot.
Is that the one?

Oops you’re right. The shooting was in Minneapolis. The murderer was charged with only illegal possession of a firearm.

04-20-2021, 05:04 PM
You can't understate the "class" the left has - Minneapolis Star-Tribune Publishes Biographical Information of Derek Chauvin Trial Jurors:


Strange Brew
04-20-2021, 05:18 PM
Look back in Bork's history and you will see all you need to know he was not a suitable appointee. See Saturday Night Massacre, that is if you don't know of it already. He was a giant piece of crap.

Edit: That giant turd also got a hearing.

Thank goodness Garland didn’t get a hearing based on his comments as AG.

04-20-2021, 05:22 PM
Guilty on all counts as it should be. Unfortunately, rioters will only be happy if a cop is guilty every single time something happens.

04-20-2021, 05:25 PM
Oops you’re right. The shooting was in Minneapolis. The murderer was charged with only illegal possession of a firearm.

I finally found something on that incident. They've charged with possession at this point, but I suspect the charges may get added to, once they match the firearm to the rounds that went into the vehicle. One guardsman was injured by the shattered windshield glass, but I don't think anyone was murdered.

Strange Brew
04-20-2021, 05:49 PM
I finally found something on that incident. They've charged with possession at this point, but I suspect the charges may get added to, once they match the firearm to the rounds that went into the vehicle. One guardsman was injured by the shattered windshield glass, but I don't think anyone was murdered.

Should the suspect be charged with attempted murder or is it ok because it wasn’t a Trumper?

04-20-2021, 06:02 PM
Should the suspect be charged with attempted murder or is it ok because it wasn’t a Trumper?

If the evidence indicates that, I would sure hope so. I would think firing a gun through the windshield of a National Guard vehicle might well be attempted murder.

Strange Brew
04-20-2021, 06:23 PM
If the evidence indicates that, I would sure hope so. I would think firing a gun through the windshield of a National Guard vehicle might well be attempted murder.

Good. Should Ted Cruz make statements during the trial or the Proud Boys riot all summer about this or the DC officer not being charged in the Babbit case?

I don’t think so.

04-20-2021, 06:33 PM
Proud Boys already did their riot. I expect some might go to jail. As have arrested rioters in other cities.

04-20-2021, 06:38 PM
What media do you listen to? It's been widely reported from the WSJ to CNN and every major news outlet.
Just let Google be your friend and you can hear all about it.

Just did a quick search for “CNN Maxine Waters”. One opinion piece properly criticized her. The other stories mentioned her comments but then quickly spun it to how she really wasn’t calling for violence and anyone with half a brain knows it. It’s only the Republicans saying that. And, oh aren’t they hypocrites because of Trump and his rhetoric.

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Strange Brew
04-20-2021, 06:41 PM
Proud Boys already did their riot. I expect some might go to jail. As have arrested rioters in other cities.

Agree, should those who attempted to storm the WH and burned a Church last summer be tried for Sedition as well?

04-20-2021, 06:46 PM
Agree, should those who attempted to storm the WH and burned a Church last summer be tried for Sedition as well?
Property damage sure, but I don’t think the crime quite matches the elements of sedition.

04-20-2021, 06:50 PM
Watching presser with Floyd family, Sharpton, and Crump and don’t see a lot of mask wearing. Just saying

However, glad to see the smiling faces.

Strange Brew
04-20-2021, 06:55 PM
Property damage sure, but I don’t think the crime quite matches the elements of sedition.

Attempting to storm the WH to intimate a President and Congress?

Do you really believe the mostly peaceful protestors entered the Capital to overthrow the govt?

Strange Brew
04-20-2021, 07:01 PM
Pelosi’s comments. Wow, somebody get net.

04-20-2021, 07:41 PM
Pelosi’s comments. Wow, somebody get net.

Yeah...her saying he was sacrificing his life was a bit rich.

04-20-2021, 08:23 PM
State Department plans 'Do Not Travel' advisories for 80% of countries due to COVID

"The U.S. Department of State announced it will be issuing 'Level 4: Do Not Travel' advisories for 80% of countries in the coming weeks. Level 4 is generally reserved for war-torn countries or those that would be considered hostile to U.S. citizens such as Afghanistan and North Korea"

So let me get this straight, Mr. Biden, we can't go to other countries because we could possibly contract Covid from a foreigner on their soil, but; you're allowing thousands and thousands of illegals who knowingly have Covid to come over the southern border, who are then allowed to infiltrate the entire country? Tell me how in God's name does that make any sense, Mr. Biden?


Muskie in dayton
04-20-2021, 09:43 PM
In the last week, we've seen 3 more leftist media lies exposed:
- The Russian bounty - Fake
- Officer Sidenick killed by MAGA idiots - Fake
- CNN producer caught on hidden camera discussing how they actively tried to exaggerate the pandemic.
For good measure, don't forget WaPo getting caught a month ago making up the story about Trump's threatening the GA Secretary of State.

Makes you wonder, what else are they lying to you about. It appears the real conspiracy theory is that the media is legitimate.

04-21-2021, 07:48 AM
I’m not a lawyer, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I have a question about the jury’s verdict in the Chauvin case. They found him guilty of two different degrees of murder and one of manslaughter. You can only kill someone once. It seems to me that the defendant should only be guilty of one level of murder. If the jury says he’s guilty of the most severe level, shouldn’t that trump the lesser degree, rendering it moot?

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04-21-2021, 11:01 AM
I'm glad that Chauvin got convicted, because I think he was guilty. I wish that politicians would shut up about it though. Particularly the President and Vice President. The judicial system did it's work, but I don't think we should necessarily be taking a victory lap. It only continues to contribute to the politicization of our Judicial system, which I think is a very, very bad thing.

04-21-2021, 11:13 AM
I'm glad that Chauvin got convicted, because I think he was guilty. I wish that politicians would shut up about it though. Particularly the President and Vice President. The judicial system did it's work, but I don't think we should necessarily be taking a victory lap. It only continues to contribute to the politicization of our Judicial system, which I think is a very, very bad thing.

Completely agree on all counts. I'd add that sports associations don't need to make stupid bland statements as well. I also have an issue that it now seems that any time a cop kills someone, it is going to be the cops fault no matter what and they are going to be drug thru the mud with rioting and protesting every time. Each situation should be handled individually in the court of public opinion, and I fear that may have gone by the wayside.

04-21-2021, 11:40 AM
Well, we've got the Ma'Khia Bryant shooting in Columbus to wade through now. She was about to stab the shit out of some other black girl when she got shot by police. So which black life matters there?

D-West & PO-Z
04-21-2021, 11:42 AM
Well, we've got the Ma'Khia Bryant shooting in Columbus to wade through now. She was about to stab the shit out of some other black girl when she got shot by police. So which black life matters there?

Just saw that video, nothing really the cop could have done differently there. It's not like she was 20 feet from anyone just swinging a knife wildly and they shot her. Has there been uproar about her shooting? I saw it reported today but nothing about any outrage.

04-21-2021, 11:44 AM
Just saw that video, nothing really the cop could have done differently there. It's not like she was 20 feet from anyone just swinging a knife wildly and they shot her. Has there been uproar about her shooting? I saw it reported today but nothing about any outrage.

There's certainly some outrage on the tweeter. But there's always outrage on the tweeter over everything.

D-West & PO-Z
04-21-2021, 11:53 AM
There's certainly some outrage on the tweeter. But there's always outrage on the tweeter over everything.


04-21-2021, 11:59 AM
There were protests last night already over it, and the “mom” if you can call her that since the kid was in foster care, is bitching and complaining about the cop, not about her actual parenting.

04-21-2021, 12:46 PM
This seems like a pretty high-profile figure to be saying shit this stupid.


D-West & PO-Z
04-21-2021, 01:01 PM
This seems like a pretty high-profile figure to be saying shit this stupid.


Wow. That tweet is.....something.

04-21-2021, 01:24 PM
This seems like a pretty high-profile figure to be saying shit this stupid.


Having a bunch of letters after your name and holding certain positions, doesn’t make you smart.

04-21-2021, 02:15 PM
This seems like a pretty high-profile figure to be saying shit this stupid.


Very irresponsible at best and lacking gray matter at worst. To quote Valerie's former boss "if they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."

04-21-2021, 02:41 PM
Just saw that video, nothing really the cop could have done differently there. It's not like she was 20 feet from anyone just swinging a knife wildly and they shot her. Has there been uproar about her shooting? I saw it reported today but nothing about any outrage.

Just some of your typical “say her name” stuff. Looks like there were Chauvin protesters already and crowd grew after the shooting and marched to police station. Wonder if it will grow or fizzle out tonight since video is out.


04-21-2021, 02:54 PM
The White (for how much longer?) House is now in one the act.


I just noticed the tweeter here is from Breitbart, so I would like to see the video of Psaki's comments.

04-21-2021, 03:04 PM
This article includes the video of her full response. They were just as ridicoulous as the tweet above would indicate.


04-21-2021, 04:02 PM
Lebron jumping in.


04-21-2021, 04:10 PM
This nation is completely off the rails. More and more division. Sad...

04-21-2021, 04:18 PM
Lebron jumping in.


What in the literal F*#K???

04-21-2021, 04:19 PM
Did anybody watch that video?

I thought that cop was pretty quick on the draw. I'm also a little surprised that he shot the girl 4 times while she was attacking the other girl, introducing a lot of risk that he might accidentally strike the person whom he was (presumably) trying to defend, or another innocent bystander. I can't imagine that is consistent with police training. I'll grant that it was a chaotic situation, but I was still surprised at how quickly he opened fire.

I think that Jenn Psaki should not be commenting on it (I don't really care what Lebron does) but I'm not surprised people are upset.

04-21-2021, 04:26 PM
Did anybody watch that video?

I thought that cop was pretty quick on the draw. I'm also a little surprised that he shot the girl 4 times while she was attacking the other girl, introducing a lot of risk that he might accidentally strike the person whom he was (presumably) trying to defend, or another innocent bystander. I can't imagine that is consistent with police training. I'll grant that it was a chaotic situation, but I was still surprised at how quickly he opened fire.

I think that Jenn Psaki should not be commenting on it (I don't really care what Lebron does) but I'm not surprised people are upset.

If the cop hadn't been quick on the draw, girl in pink is seriously injured or dead. Jamele Hill has now jumped into it as well. Didn't she used to cover sports or something. She is, quite literally, the worst. I think even Lebron believes Jemele takes things a bit too far.


Strange Brew
04-21-2021, 04:36 PM
If the cop hadn't been quick on the draw, girl in pink is seriously injured or dead. Jamele Hill has now jumped into it as well. Didn't she used to cover sports or something. She is, quite literally, the worst. I think even Lebron believes Jemele takes things a bit too far.


She’s probably Pro Choice....

04-21-2021, 04:40 PM
If the cop hadn't been quick on the draw, girl in pink is seriously injured or dead. Jamele Hill has now jumped into it as well. Didn't she used to cover sports or something. She is, quite literally, the worst. I think even Lebron believes Jemele takes things a bit too far.


I'm not sure it is a given that she would have seriously injured or dead (that probably depends on what kind of knife she had, how serious she was, and whether she knew how to use it). I don't know that it's all that easy to kill someone with a knife.

But I do get your point that, attacking someone with a knife while police officers are there does seem like something that would get you shot.

I didn't care what Jamele Hill had to say when she was a sports analyst, and I damn sure don't care now. I'm glad I'm not really on twitter.

Strange Brew
04-21-2021, 04:43 PM
I'm not sure it is a given that she would have seriously injured or dead (that probably depends on what kind of knife she had, how serious she was, and whether she knew how to use it). I don't know that it's all that easy to kill someone with a knife.

But I do get your point that, attacking someone with a knife while police officers are there does seem like something that would get you shot.

I didn't care what Jamele Hill had to say when she was a sports analyst, and I damn sure don't care now. I'm glad I'm not really on twitter.

No win situation for the officer. If you don’t shoot to kill you have a potentially murdered kid and another still holding a weapon.

04-21-2021, 04:52 PM
No win situation for the officer. If you don’t shoot to kill you have a potentially murdered kid and another still holding a weapon.

Exactly. If he's not quick on the draw then there is a real possibility that we have a stabbing victim (possibly dead) and a perp with a deadly weapon in front of a cop with a gun drawn. What other choice did that officer have? And please don't go the taser route. A knife is a deadly weapon by law and you don't neutralize someone with a deadly weapon with the use of non-lethal force..especially in close proximity. Thank goodness he's a good shot.

04-21-2021, 05:00 PM
I'm not sure it is a given that she would have seriously injured or dead

I'm not either, but that's irrelevant to the officer's actions. They 100% cannot take the chance that someone attacking another person with a deadly weapon might 'miss'.

04-21-2021, 05:21 PM
As i always say....don't bring a knife to a gun fight. Results are always predictable.

04-21-2021, 05:35 PM
Just so much fucking stupid in this world right now it’s amazing. I guess next time just let the girl stab the shit out of her and kill her. Fuck it....no cop ever show up for a person that is black. Problem solved.