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01-16-2021, 02:16 PM
If you're interested in the events of January 6th in DC, this article provides a good timeline:


01-16-2021, 02:17 PM
Love when people source Twitter. Instant credibility to ones psycho narrative.

01-16-2021, 04:25 PM
MrBill is reporting on Twitter that "Biden plans early legislation to offer legal status to 11 million immigrants without it":


01-16-2021, 05:09 PM
Why didn't trump think of this - 11 million more votes.

Strange Brew
01-16-2021, 06:05 PM
Why didn't trump think of this - 11 million more votes.

I don’t know but wage compression comes to mind.

01-16-2021, 06:28 PM
HAHAHA, unfortunately this could NOT be further from the truth. I work in the skilled nursing home industry. We do work with 14 different facilities and unfortunately under 50% of the nursing home employees are opting for the vaccine. There are a few of the facilities that are higher because the owners gave their employees $50 if they got the vaccine and an incentive. But some are WELL UNDER 50%.

In one organization there are several nurse manager's who are well educated people who are refusing and then people wonder why the staff underneath them aren't getting it.

Our staff we are much better at 75% but still have many that are too worried and wont get it. One of the biggest worries many people have a related to the bogus claims of infertility. The anti-vaxx movement is strong and unfortunately puts doubt into people who otherwise would get it.

I have read numerous articles from papers all over the country that have said nursing homes in their areas are going thorough the same struggles. The poor % of nursing home staff that are getting it is a HUGE issue all over the country.

Just from anecdotal experience I think the hospital systems are fairing better than the nursing homes but I have no actual numbers on that.

But 95% is a pipe dream. I wish that was the case, that would be FANTASTIC!

This might be the wrong thread but who here is getting the vaccine?

01-16-2021, 07:29 PM
This might be the wrong thread but who here is getting the vaccine?

The ones with a brain

D-West & PO-Z
01-16-2021, 07:58 PM
This might be the wrong thread but who here is getting the vaccine?

I received my second dose this past Monday 1/11.

01-17-2021, 12:53 PM
My mom lives in Florida and has said that everyone that she knows has gotten their first shot. She gets her second on February 5th. She said that Florida has been doing a very good job of getting the vaccine out to the people.

Strange Brew
01-17-2021, 03:25 PM
My mom lives in Florida and has said that everyone that she knows has gotten their first shot. She gets her second on February 5th. She said that Florida has been doing a very good job of getting the vaccine out to the people.

Your Mom goes to college...

I’m a child...

01-17-2021, 03:52 PM
My mom lives in Florida and has said that everyone that she knows has gotten their first shot. She gets her second on February 5th. She said that Florida has been doing a very good job of getting the vaccine out to the people.

yep, DeSantis has opened up the vax tourism. No Fl. ID required.

01-17-2021, 05:38 PM
yep, DeSantis has opened up the vax tourism. No Fl. ID required.

You're mad people are getting vaccinated?

01-17-2021, 06:21 PM
yep, DeSantis has opened up the vax tourism. No Fl. ID required.

Damn that Florida government actually being able to run a state appropriately and get vaccine into people’s bodies... what horrible people. People should run states like cuomo who doesn’t have a fucking clue what’s going on instead.

01-17-2021, 07:12 PM
Have to give credit where credit is due. Florida is doing a great job compared to other states (WV also). Now, if we could just get our hands on the stockpile the HHS secretary has been promising.

01-17-2021, 07:37 PM
Damn that Florida government actually being able to run a state appropriately and get vaccine into people’s bodies... what horrible people. People should run states like cuomo who doesn’t have a fucking clue what’s going on instead.

Hey, shut your pie hole and get on a plane.

01-17-2021, 07:43 PM
Hey, shut your pie hole and get on a plane.

Um.. good one?

Actually I am the first week of March, can’t wait. Gonna share some antibodies down in Florida.

01-17-2021, 07:48 PM
Damn that Florida government actually being able to run a state appropriately and get vaccine into people’s bodies... what horrible people. People should run states like cuomo who doesn’t have a fucking clue what’s going on instead.

I think it is too early to know if Florida’s first come first serve policy with people camping out for vaccine is better than other states, especially when it comes to getting those people the second shot. I just wish this entire roll out had been better planned on all levels. That being said I am all for getting shots in arms as fast as humanly possible.

01-17-2021, 08:01 PM
So 2 doses per person, we need 660 million doses? Or I guess only 500 million if we go at 70%. How many do we have now?

01-17-2021, 08:07 PM
Um.. good one?

Actually I am the first week of March, can’t wait. Gonna share some antibodies down in Florida.

Just get the penicillin shot when you get back lol.

Lloyd Braun
01-17-2021, 08:11 PM
So 2 doses per person, we need 660 million doses? Or I guess only 500 million if we go at 70%. How many do we have now?

30 million were distributed and we have not given half of that yet. Florida’s approach is probably a bit aggressive as they will have many people not completing the series in a timely manner. But they may see their numbers go down quicker in the short term. New York and California seem to be giving it out to high risk and doing it well. Ohio seems to be slow but should catch up in the next 3 weeks on a per capita comparison. Supply will likely fall short of demand for awhile unfortunately. Some places have even discussed giving half doses to more people. The studies showed similar efficacy with a half dose.

Here is the CDC website (https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations) that shows distribution of vaccine.

01-17-2021, 10:22 PM
Have to give credit where credit is due. Florida is doing a great job compared to other states (WV also). Now, if we could just get our hands on the stockpile the HHS secretary has been promising.

I agree and we should use some of those states as a template to distribute the vaccine. Nice to see we have 50 examples to choose from vs a Federal rollout.

Wish we can keep the damn politics and egos out of it. Unfortunately this whole virus and vaccine stuff has turned into a complete political CF! It’s amazing how many first responders have turned down the vax, especially in California which has by far the most daily cases. Think a few days ago, they had only used about 35% of their stock.

If that is the case, I hesitate mightily on releasing the stockpile until States show they can distribute it efficiently. Talk about a huge potential waste of a precious commodity.

01-18-2021, 12:44 PM
Germany had Brownshirts.

We've go Redhats.

Strange Brew
01-18-2021, 12:56 PM
Germany had Brownshirts.

We've go Redhats.

You’re not serious I hope.

01-18-2021, 12:58 PM
Germany had Brownshirts.

We've go Redhats.

An extremely effed up thing to say. I mean seriously what the hell.

01-18-2021, 01:00 PM
China had a cultural revolution.

We're headed for a cultural revolution.

01-18-2021, 01:18 PM
Brownshirt definition from Britannica: "a paramilitary organization whose methods of violent intimidation played a key role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power.'

You've got Boogaloo, Proud Boys, 3 percenters, Oath Keepers...all standing around State houses playing GI Joe with their guns and flack jackets, Intimidating ordinary citizens.
You've got them plotting to kidnap a Governor of the state of Michigan.
What's the common outward sign? Not brownshirts, or Hawaiian shirts...but Redhats.

Ask the 5 people who died at the Capitol from a mob of these people if I'm serious. They would say I'm deadly serious.

01-18-2021, 01:23 PM
Brownshirt definition from Britannica: "a paramilitary organization whose methods of violent intimidation played a key role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power.'

You've got Boogaloo, Proud Boys, 3 percenters, Oath Keepers...all standing around State houses playing GI Joe with their guns and flack jackets, Intimidating ordinary citizens.
You've got them plotting to kidnap a Governor of the state of Michigan.
What's the common outward sign? Not brownshirts, or Hawaiian shirts...but Redhats.

Ask the 5 people who died at the Capitol from a mob of these people if I'm serious. They would say I'm deadly serious.

Maybe you, Bobbie, and Lou can all create your own chat board and say insane things back and forth to each other and leave it there.

Strange Brew
01-18-2021, 01:29 PM
Germany had Brownshirts.

We've go Redhats.

The Soviets had Bolcheviks.

We have Antifa and BLM.

This and your comment are basic and intellectually lazy. Comparing any current group to horrors of the early/middle 20th Century is vapid.

The Red Hats are more akin to the rogues that met at the Green Dragon than an organized paramilitary force.

01-18-2021, 01:36 PM
Germany had Brownshirts.

We've go Redhats.

What a terrible thing to say....wow.

01-18-2021, 01:50 PM
Maybe you, Bobbie, and Lou can all create your own chat board and say insane things back and forth to each other and leave it there.

Haha... you're definitely the biggest instigator here. You're so concerned about America's future you don't even vote.

01-18-2021, 02:02 PM
Read the history of the Beer Hall Putsch some day with the riled up brownshirts marching to the Bavarian Defence Ministry after the crowd was riled up by speeches from its leaders.

And read the American Abyss by Snyder to understand the similarities.

01-18-2021, 02:17 PM
Let's face it folks. The republican party as you knew it is toast. Even the right's biggest cheerleader, Karl Rove, said as much this weekend. You got trump and the redhats who want to kill Dems as well as Graham, Hawley and Cruz. They hate everybody who won't support the "Big Lie". trump has grifted 200 million from these idiots to do who knows what, payoff his debts I guess. His approval rate is in the toilet. mitch is running for the hills. He doesn't know what the f to do. So the redhats have turned on their own party and will split at some point leaving the rest of the 'pubs in some kind of political limbo. The Evangelical hypocrites will keep praying for trump at their annual convention where no booze will be sold but will be sold out with room service. trump will have his 21 gun salute. I hope Cheney is there to shoot him in the ass.

Strange Brew
01-18-2021, 03:03 PM
Read the history of the Beer Hall Putsch some day with the riled up brownshirts marching to the Bavarian Defence Ministry after the crowd was riled up by speeches from its leaders.

And read the American Abyss by Snyder to understand the similarities.

Please, I understand how Hitler came to power (it's more akin to Obama's rise and the lingering OFA, BLM and Antifa groups). Also, read the history of post WWI Germany, the Weimar Republic, and the Prussian Empire before you claim the Beer Hall Putsch and one speech led to the horrors of the Brownshirts.

01-18-2021, 03:13 PM
I'm working hard on remembering Obama stoking up a rally of his supporters, where upon they marched to a government building and people were killed.
Guess I'm not really sure you understand the Germany situation in the 20's when the Putsch occurred; the Brownshirts (SA) were there that night.

01-18-2021, 06:56 PM
You've got them plotting to kidnap a Governor of the state of Michigan.

Weren’t those clowns also anti Trump?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-18-2021, 08:00 PM
Haha... you're definitely the biggest instigator here. You're so concerned about America's future you don't even vote.

Says the guy who told others to kill themselves. It’s a damn shame you weren’t banned, I actually think it’s complete bs you weren’t.

I didn’t vote because I’m sick of voting for the lesser of two evils not because I don’t care about America’s future. I appreciate your concern though.

01-18-2021, 08:22 PM
You didn't vote because you don't GAF like the poster told me.

01-18-2021, 08:25 PM
....say insane things.....

You mean like the 74% of republicans who still say trump won the election? Maybe if you voted you would have a say. Sorry if you don't give a shit about voting, you really should retire from this thread. No credibility.

f you don’t vote, you do not exercise your right to have any say in governmental policy. So get lost.

01-18-2021, 08:47 PM
You mean like the 74% of republicans who still say trump won the election? Maybe if you voted you would have a say. Sorry if you don't give a shit about voting, you really should retire from this thread. No credibility.

f you don’t vote, you do not exercise your right to have any say in governmental policy. So get lost.

Way to go for voting...great part about living in a free country, If I don’t believe there is a good option out there, i have the fundamental right not to vote. You think voting gives you credibility? Do you think telling others to go kill themselves gives you credibility? You’re a real tough guy on that keyboard.

01-18-2021, 09:02 PM
I guess you would vote for that....ohhh, no, you have the fundamental right not to. Sad. Did your parents vote?

Strange Brew
01-18-2021, 09:07 PM
I'm working hard on remembering Obama stoking up a rally of his supporters, where upon they marched to a government building and people were killed.
Guess I'm not really sure you understand the Germany situation in the 20's when the Putsch occurred; the Brownshirts (SA) were there that night.

Why were they there Paul and why was Hitler able to use the why to rise to power? Hitler was a nobody organizer who seized on angst and blamed the rich and Jews (Christian bitter clingers for Obama) for the problems in Germany in the 20s and 30s.

01-18-2021, 09:16 PM
I guess you would vote for that....ohhh, no, you have the fundamental right not to. Sad. Did your parents vote?

Was it your parents that told you it was ok to tell others to go kill themselves on an anonymous chat board, Mr. Keyboard tough guy?

At least you aren’t comparing nazi Germany to current events so you got that going for you, which is nice.

01-18-2021, 09:18 PM
Sort of reminds you of blaming the Mexicans and Muslims, etc. doesn't it.
Excellent article if you have access from Timothy Snyder in the NY Time on the American Abyss.
Would recommend to everyone.

01-18-2021, 09:21 PM
As many have said here...you're a strange dude. Try taking a walk.

01-18-2021, 09:25 PM
As many have said here...you're a strange dude. Try taking a walk.

You and your buddy Lou... that’s the company you definitely want to keep, mr keyboard tough guy.

Personally, I think telling people to go kill themselves on a chat board is strange, call me crazy.

It’d be great if you actually did what you said you were gong to do and take a break from this thread for longer than a day.

Strange Brew
01-18-2021, 09:38 PM
Sort of reminds you of blaming the Mexicans and Muslims, etc. doesn't it.
Excellent article if you have access from Timothy Snyder in the NY Time on the American Abyss.
Would recommend to everyone.

I don’t remember blaming Muslims. He restricted travel of those from known terror sponsors. Mexicans? What were they blamed for? Illegal entry?

01-18-2021, 09:38 PM
call me crazy.

Many have.

01-18-2021, 09:42 PM
Bobbie apologized privately. Not necessary, but you all should know he's not a total monster. Besides it's not like I haven't thought about it myself a time or two...

01-18-2021, 09:42 PM
I don’t remember blaming Muslims. He restricted travel of those from known terror sponsors. Mexicans? What were they blamed for? Illegal entry?

And didn't include Saudi Arabia where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from? Really?

Strange Brew
01-18-2021, 09:59 PM
And didn't include Saudi Arabia where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from? Really?

Maybe should’ve but I don’t think, could be wrong, they’re on the list at the State Dept.

01-19-2021, 08:51 AM
Man, after reading through the last few pages, some of you really need to take step back and collect yourselves. It's a massive part of the problem in this country today. The venom and hatred to those on the "other side" of your political beliefs is sad really.

I'm a conservative yet know that there are plenty of liberals who's viewpoints and beliefs aren't that far apart from mine. There has to be some middle ground. Don't f'ing blame Trump, Pelosi, Biden or whoever you choose to dislike for the reason we are where we are today. There is plenty of blame we could cast on both sides. IMHO, those of us who aren't nut job left/rights need to pull this country out this mess and get back to some reasonable policies that we can both live with.

01-19-2021, 09:38 AM
On a positive note, I'm reading that Mitch McConnell is among those who will be attending Mass tomorrow morning with Joe Biden. I really hope we can take this opportunity to drive some unity among the parties. It's a very small step here, but the fact that Biden invited and McConnell (reportedly) accepted is definitely not a bad thing.

We are at a crossroads as a Nation, and I'm not sure it has even been more important that we work together. Just the blueprint for economic recovery from COVID alone is a massive undertaking that both parties need to engage and compromise on. We can still disagree on plenty, but we should be able to find compromise on things like infrastructure, economy, etc.

01-19-2021, 09:46 AM
On the eve of the inauguration, a few statements come to mind that should still resonate today:

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." ---Kennedy

" In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem." ----Reagan

"The American Dream endures. We must once again have full faith in our country and in one another. I believe America can be better."---Carter

01-19-2021, 09:47 AM
I was never all that excited about either candidate, but I think this transition should be good for the country - I think.

01-19-2021, 09:59 AM
I was never all that excited about either candidate, but I think this transition should be good for the country - I think.

I think unexciting is good right now. I think Biden was the best possible option and much better than 4 more years of Trump, or Bernie Sanders / Elizabeth Warren. Those would all have been disasters. Biden at least is a pretty Moderate Democrat who values compromise. Sure, I wish there was some mythical 'better' candidate out there, but there wasn't.

I also think (hope) that the events at the Capitol might serve as a wake up call for many of us (including Congress) about just how quickly things can unravel with unchecked populism. And that goes for both sides of the spectrum.

01-19-2021, 11:45 AM
We went to Wisconsin for a Granddaughter Birthday last week. Just for the helluva it I had a few free minutes and drove through Kenosha. What a horriffic, dystopian and depressing sight. All along Sheridan Rd., the main drag through the city and downtown, businesses, restaurants, The County Courthouse and even Churches like the Methodist Church right in town are boarded up and barely functioning. The Capitol riot was awful, stupid, ridiculous and uncalled for- as is all violence. But the fact that those from the "other side of the fence" decided to trash an entire in town city area over an admitted criminal being brought to justice, while the ones who were the loudest condemning Trump and the right, stood jaw locked silent-and even had funds to bail those anarchists out-is two faced, craven, disingenuous and cannot be forgotten. The businesses that were damaged or destroyed forever, many were owned by minority businesspeople who were just trying to serve the community and make a living. How do their lives matter?
The scoreboard is not equal:
"Right Riots": The Capitol. No businesses destroyed.
"Left Riots:": Minneapolis- Tons of businesses Damaged or wiped out.
Portland " "
Kenosha " "
Seattle " "
Chicago " "
Atlanta " "
Philadelphia " "
Louisville " "
Cleveland " "
The only "possible" justifiable unrest was in Minneapolis over Floyd- caused by one isolated lousy cop who was an idiot and should have been kicked off the force years ago. Every other one was over Police doing their jobs fighting crime and caused by Antifa and Leftist Anarchists. How do you think the dedicated Black Police Officers and Police Chiefs feel about this absurdity? None of those Anarchist jerks would have been celebrated by Dr. King. Remember how we are supposed to judge folks on the "Content of Their Character"? I don't think Jacob Blake would be judged well by Dr. King. But there's ABC News stoking division by having him interviewed by Michael Strahan this week, when the nation, I think, is trying to heal. Imagine a Woman Abuser, a kidnapper and a felon with a weapon resisting arrest and attacking Police being propped on National TV. Welp. Here we are in Biden's America.
Get ready for 4 years of a Disinformation Reset.

01-19-2021, 12:54 PM
On the eve of the inauguration, a few statements come to mind that should still resonate today:

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." ---Kennedy

" In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem." ----Reagan

"The American Dream endures. We must once again have full faith in our country and in one another. I believe America can be better."---Carter

"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway," - Mother Theresa

Strange Brew
01-19-2021, 01:40 PM
"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway," - Mother Theresa

I forgive you Bobbie.

01-19-2021, 01:59 PM
Thanks, I feel renewed.

01-19-2021, 02:00 PM
I'm a conservative yet know that there are plenty of liberals who's viewpoints and beliefs aren't that far apart from mine. There has to be some middle ground.

Bingo! I really think most in the US are middle of the road, conservative on some issues and liberal on others. Unfortunately, both political parties pander to the extremes and the media and social media just throw gas on the fires.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-19-2021, 02:15 PM

XU 87
01-19-2021, 03:05 PM
We went to Wisconsin for a Granddaughter Birthday last week. Just for the helluva it I had a few free minutes and drove through Kenosha. What a horriffic, dystopian and depressing sight. All along Sheridan Rd., the main drag through the city and downtown, businesses, restaurants, The County Courthouse and even Churches like the Methodist Church right in town are boarded up and barely functioning.

What is most remarkable is that to learn the current post-riot status of Kenosha, I have to read the "Politics" thread on a Xavier basketball message board. The left wing media sure isn't reporting about this- such news would go against their left wing narrative.

01-19-2021, 03:33 PM
The NY Times sent a reporter to Seattle in August and she filed a report similar to this.
But that was the Times last attempt at "journalism". Nothing but crickets since.

But Capitol Riot you know.....

XU 87
01-19-2021, 03:49 PM
The NY Times sent a reporter to Seattle in August and she filed a report similar to this.
But that was the Times last attempt at "journalism". Nothing but crickets since.

But Capitol Riot you know.....

Well, based on the coverage, we have learned:

One right wing riot is bad and is deserving of constant and hourly media coverage reporting on the riot itself and the rioters. There is no excuse for this riot. The rioters who participated should be prosecuted and police presence needs to be increased so this doesn't happen again. (And I agree with all of this.)

On the other hand, hundreds of left wing riots are 1) done for a good cause 2) are mostly "peaceful protests" 3) we need to sit down and talk to the rioters to learn what is causing their grievances 4) the riots are instigated by corrupt police who we need to reduce because police are a part of if not THE cause of these riots and 5) we then ignore the long term effects of the riots after they finally end.

The double standards are incredible. But yet the lefties on this board and lefties in general would read my post and say, "I don't know what your complaint is. What you wrote above is true. The left wing didn't riot- they were mostly peaceful protests. They are grounded in a good cause, and they are caused by the police."

Such left wing thinking and left wing reporting then leads to the rise of people like Trump, who at least had the balls to take on the left wing media and the left wing hypocrisy. (And I don't particularly like Trump.)

Mrs. Garrett
01-19-2021, 04:00 PM
The NY Times sent a reporter to Seattle in August and she filed a report similar to this.
But that was the Times last attempt at "journalism". Nothing but crickets since.

But Capitol Riot you know.....

If you don't see the difference between an attack on our Nation's Capitol by domestic terrorists and some rioters in Kenosha, WI there's not a whole lot to discuss.

XU 87
01-19-2021, 04:06 PM
If you don't see the difference between an attack on our Nation's Capitol by domestic terrorists and some rioters in Kenosha, WI there's not a whole lot to discuss.

And you just prove my point I made above.

01-19-2021, 04:07 PM
If you don't see the difference between an attack on our Nation's Capitol by domestic terrorists and some rioters in Kenosha, WI there's not a whole lot to discuss.

See '87's response above.
There's not a lot to discuss, now, is there?

01-19-2021, 04:11 PM
Here's the thing....comparing what riot is more awful or pointing fingers at different sides as to who is more awful is kind of what got us all here in the first place.

With that said, I will point a finger and say I do think the 24 hour cable news media, and social media are issues that need to be dealt with in some way. The 60s and 70s were before my time, so I don't know if the media has always been the way that it is, but it does seem to have gotten worse and worse during my lifetime. The news media/news blogs/social media...none of it is about actually reporting the news, it's all clicks and money, money and clicks. That's the shitty part about all of this.

01-19-2021, 04:13 PM
MOR and others here need to be "de-programmed". Paul, Katie Couric and I will be conducting "reflection sessions" at Dana's after everyone gets their shots.
( before you get puckered up, this is an attempt at humor). I know, not allowed here. Report me. Coach Steele will plop down $3000. for drinks.

XU 87
01-19-2021, 04:16 PM
Here's the thing....comparing what riot is more awful or pointing fingers at different sides as to who is more awful is kind of what got us all here in the first place.

I'll let MOR speak for himself, but I for one am not trying to make a comparison as to which riot was worse. The DC riot was horrible. The rioters should be prosecuted and sent to jail.

And I say the same thing about the left wing riots, which the left and media refer to as "mostly peaceful protests" which are grounded in a "good cause".

Strange Brew
01-19-2021, 04:18 PM
Now we’re doing loyalty tests for the National Guard. Starting to look like a banana republic coup...

01-19-2021, 05:31 PM
The rioters should be prosecuted and sent to jail.
And I say the same thing about the left wing riots, which the left and media refer to as "mostly peaceful protests" which are grounded in a "good cause".

Everyone (I think) believes rioters should be prosecuted.
Hundreds of BLM marches have taken place all over the country with no problems. Even here in Spartanburg.
Peaceful marches pointing our problems...guaranteed by the 1st amendment.

That never excuses those people who used them as a way to cause destruction in some cities.

But the purpose of those who charged the Capitol was to stop the working of democracy as electoral votes were being tallied.

Speaking for me, there's some difference.

01-19-2021, 06:07 PM
Comparing which rioting is worse is really lame

01-19-2021, 06:40 PM
Moralizing over what people say on this thread is getting real old....

01-19-2021, 06:47 PM
You are free to leave...please do

01-19-2021, 07:24 PM
I'll let MOR speak for himself, but I for one am not trying to make a comparison as to which riot was worse. The DC riot was horrible. The rioters should be prosecuted and sent to jail.

And I say the same thing about the left wing riots, which the left and media refer to as "mostly peaceful protests" which are grounded in a "good cause".

It will never end... Anarchists who want to destroy order and the Country will not stop.
Report from today:
“ California's Vacaville Police Department was vandalized early Sunday night as an initially peaceful rally of almost 50 people in Andrews Park devolved into chaos.
Video cameras outside of the station captured black-clad demonstrators holding "f**k the police," "Black Lives Matter," and "ACAB" signs as they approached the doors.”

Anarchists are not “Protestors” . They are opportunistic Destroyers who want to see the world burn.

Strange Brew
01-19-2021, 07:30 PM
It will never end... Anarchists who want to destroy order and the Country will not stop.
Report from today:
“ California's Vacaville Police Department was vandalized early Sunday night as an initially peaceful rally of almost 50 people in Andrews Park devolved into chaos.
Video cameras outside of the station captured black-clad demonstrators holding "f**k the police," "Black Lives Matter," and "ACAB" signs as they approached the doors.”

Anarchists are not “Protestors” . They are opportunistic Destroyers who want to see the world burn.

Nice Batman reference!

01-19-2021, 07:33 PM
By the way. The authorities are systematically rounding up and arresting those who stormed the Capitol. They will face justice, as they should.
The Police were told to “Stand Down” in Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, Minneapolis, Louisville etc. The anarchists that were caught were quickly bailed out by a fund that was promoted by Kamala Harris to be contributed to. Many of those who were bailed out did not return for their court dates and are at large to move to other locales to foster violence there and many will never be found again to be prosecuted.
Pray that those fugitives never migrate to your town and they don’t go torching your street.

01-19-2021, 07:53 PM
By the way. The authorities are systematically rounding up and arresting those who stormed the Capitol. They will face justice, as they should.
The Police were told to “Stand Down” in Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, Minneapolis, Louisville etc. The anarchists that were caught were quickly bailed out by a fund that was promoted by Kamala Harris to be contributed to. Many of those who were bailed out did not return for their court dates and are at large to move to other locales to foster violence there and many will never be found again to be prosecuted.
Pray that those fugitives never migrate to your town and they don’t go torching your street.

According to Xville this comparison is lame.... go figure, I guess there's really no difference....

XU 87
01-19-2021, 07:59 PM
According to Xville this comparison is lame.... go figure, I guess there's really no difference....

MOR is not comparing the riots, as in "which one was worse", he's comparing the government reaction to the riots.

01-19-2021, 08:03 PM
According to Xville this comparison is lame.... go figure, I guess there's really no difference....

My comment was in reference to paul’s post, and MOR isn’t comparing rioting. I know comprehension is tough for you unless it is sourced from Twitter or some dude in his basement, but try to keep up, or let the adults discuss.

01-19-2021, 08:24 PM
My comment was in reference to paul’s post, and MOR isn’t comparing rioting. I know comprehension is tough for you unless it is sourced from Twitter or some dude in his basement, but try to keep up, or let the adults discuss.

I'm starting to believe that Paul and Bobbie are actually more rational than you. You get triggered pretty easily. I guess the so-called middle has their crazies as well....

01-19-2021, 08:41 PM
Keep moving those goal posts Lou. You got caught misunderstanding something, and instead of just accepting you were wrong, you come up with some lame ass attempt to disparage me. Talk a walk Lou

01-19-2021, 09:14 PM
Keep moving those goal posts Lou. You got caught misunderstanding something, and instead of just accepting you were wrong, you come up with some lame ass attempt to disparage me. Talk a walk Lou

You would know something about moving goal posts, wouldn't you??

XU 87
01-19-2021, 09:29 PM
Ok ladies, let’s move on.

01-19-2021, 10:01 PM
A lot of traditions were broken by this president:
- Didn't invite preceding president and family to the White House for the unveiling of the official painting
- Didn't invite the winner of the election and his spouse to the White House
- First lady didn't invite her successor for a private wall through of the quarters
- Didn't call the election winner to concede and offer congratulations
- Held up critical transition activity
- Isn't going to attend the inauguration; first one in 150 years to do so

One last tradition to break. Will he leave a note in the presidential desk for Biden?

Strange Brew
01-19-2021, 10:48 PM
A lot of traditions were broken by this president:
- Didn't invite preceding president and family to the White House for the unveiling of the official painting
- Didn't invite the winner of the election and his spouse to the White House
- First lady didn't invite her successor for a private wall through of the quarters
- Didn't call the election winner to concede and offer congratulations
- Held up critical transition activity
- Isn't going to attend the inauguration; first one in 150 years to do so

One last tradition to break. Will he leave a note in the presidential desk for Biden?

Joe would need someone to read it to him.

01-19-2021, 11:31 PM
A lot of traditions were broken by this president:
- Didn't invite preceding president and family to the White House for the unveiling of the official painting
- Didn't invite the winner of the election and his spouse to the White House
- First lady didn't invite her successor for a private wall through of the quarters
- Didn't call the election winner to concede and offer congratulations
- Held up critical transition activity
- Isn't going to attend the inauguration; first one in 150 years to do so

One last tradition to break. Will he leave a note in the presidential desk for Biden?

So what are you going to come on here and talk about tomorrow Paul since your one trick pony Trump criticism will be off the table?
You’ll probably just take a long nap, just like the Main Stream Media will instead of asking Dementia Joe any tough questions.
Can’t wait to see how Dementia Joe, who as a part of the previous Administration, truly locked up kids in cages, handles the imminent Immigration Crisis, fueled by his ridiculous words. That’s to start.

01-20-2021, 12:12 AM
So what are you going to come on here and talk about tomorrow Paul....

trump's pardons and impeachment...joe exotic is revving up the limo. Looks like mitch and cheney have turned on 'ol Donny too.
Mitch hates Bannon, who is getting pardoned, so that should help with trump's impeachment.

01-20-2021, 07:05 AM
So what are you going to come on here and talk about tomorrow Paul since your one trick pony Trump criticism will be off the table?

Hopefully we'll be able to have constructive dialogue about policies and actions that affect the country.
Not the petulant activities of a 3rd grade bully. who's left the playground and never grew into the role.
He's done enormous damage to the country with his steady stream of lies, and the last big one about a stolen election really hurt.

01-20-2021, 07:21 AM
Now we’re doing loyalty tests for the National Guard. Starting to look like a banana republic coup...

Maybe this is why:


01-20-2021, 07:26 AM
trump's pardons and impeachment...joe exotic is revving up the limo. Looks like mitch and cheney have turned on 'ol Donny too.
Mitch hates Bannon, who is getting pardoned, so that should help with trump's impeachment.

Do you think Trump will run in 2024. If so, will it be on the Republican ticket or on his own?

01-20-2021, 07:50 AM
You’ll probably just take a long nap, just like the Main Stream Media will instead of asking Dementia Joe any tough questions.

It will be interesting to see the clear bias on full display. They didn’t ask him any tough questions leading up to the election. Why should they start now?

Do you think Trump will run in 2024. If so, will it be on the Republican ticket or on his own?

Had he handled the loss in this election better, by conceding when it became clear he couldn’t win, he would have had a real chance to win again it 2024. Sadly, that ship has sailed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-20-2021, 08:40 AM
I don't think he is going to get the chance. I honestly believe he is going to be convicted in the Senate....when you have people like Mitch saying he is openly considering convicting him, I think Trump may be going down.

01-20-2021, 09:27 AM
Best thing that could happen for the republican party is for Trump to go away. If he runs as an independent, he will pull 10-15 million votes away from any republican ticket.

01-20-2021, 09:35 AM
I don't think he is going to get the chance. I honestly believe he is going to be convicted in the Senate....when you have people like Mitch saying he is openly considering convicting him, I think Trump may be going down.

I think if the vote was anonymous, it would be around 97-3 with 40 different senators claiming they were one of the 3. I think well over 50% of the Republican senate abhor him, and the rest want him out so they can run as Trump 2.0 in 2024 (Hawley and Cruz would vote to convict so quickly on a secret ballot that it would make your head spin).

01-20-2021, 09:37 AM
Best thing that could happen for the republican party is for Trump to go away. If he runs as an independent, he will pull 10-15 million votes away from any republican ticket.

This is probably true.

I've said this before, and people think I'm crazy, but with the way the younger generation views our country, we may have seen our last Republican President.

Strange Brew
01-20-2021, 09:40 AM
Maybe this is why:


TPM again. No thanks Paul.

01-20-2021, 09:44 AM
I've said this before, and people think I'm crazy, but with the way the younger generation views our country, we may have seen our last Republican President.

Meh, when things start to get out of whack, the parties just shift right or left a little to put things back in balance. Hell, for most of election night this year it looked like Trump was going to win.

01-20-2021, 09:49 AM
I think if the vote was anonymous, it would be around 97-3 with 40 different senators claiming they were one of the 3. I think well over 50% of the Republican senate abhor him, and the rest want him out so they can run as Trump 2.0 in 2024 (Hawley and Cruz would vote to convict so quickly on a secret ballot that it would make your head spin).

Hawley and Cruz are toast after supporting the "Big Lie". Jesus, Cruz actually lies as much as trump and graham.

01-20-2021, 10:02 AM
Welp. The Media fear mongering brought us to where we are. And none of the cataclysmic events that were supposed to happen under Trump, did- save for leftist idiots rioting in the street over criminals and rightists idiots entering the Capitol. And you can blame most of that on an awful Media that stoked those fears in people who were determined to be the “Resistance”.
Yup. There are troops in the streets of Washington DC!!! Uh, but not because of the published fear that Trump was gonna cause a coup and not leave. He left, quietly today. Gone. No drama. But the troops are in the streets because Biden and his media minions stoked fear that the whole city was gonna blow up. (Hint: it isn’t) Too bad those flags can’t cheer on the National Mall. Biden will be the most sanitized and kid glove treated President ever. No tough questions will be posed or answered. Tightly controlled press conferences will be held. And only nice little photo ops with pets will be arranged. Hey!! It’s almost like it’s an arranged narrative dictatorship! How Fun!!
There must be a deep hole in Paul’s life this morning because his one trick pony narrative on here has disappeared. He has lost his driving force in life.
My thoughts are with him at this difficult time.

01-20-2021, 10:03 AM
This is probably true.

I've said this before, and people think I'm crazy, but with the way the younger generation views our country, we may have seen our last Republican President.

Meh...anecdotal but just from what I have seen and experienced, younger people typically lean left thru adolescence and college, then once they enter the workforce, views start to change for a good number of folks. I will say that it would benefit republicans immensely with younger voters if they start to ease up on some social issues, but it is a delicate balance because then you may lose a lot of rural and evangelicals

01-20-2021, 10:18 AM
Welp. The Media fear mongering brought us to where we are. And none of the cataclysmic events that were supposed to happen under Trump, did- save for leftist idiots rioting in the street over criminals and rightists idiots entering the Capitol.

Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?

01-20-2021, 10:24 AM
Welp. The Media fear mongering brought us to where we are. And none of the cataclysmic events that were supposed to happen under Trump, did- save for leftist idiots rioting in the street over criminals and rightists idiots entering the Capitol. And you can blame most of that on an awful Media that stoked those fears in people who were determined to be the “Resistance”.
Yup. There are troops in the streets of Washington DC!!!

1/6 was certainly a "cataclysmic" event under trump. 5 dead. Pro-trumpers wanted to kill Nancy and hang Mike Pence. Trashed the People's House and you blame the media? Is Fox News media? Newsy? OAN? They were all pushing the attendance for the 1/6 massacre. They got what they wanted.

XU 87
01-20-2021, 10:55 AM
Meh...anecdotal but just from what I have seen and experienced, younger people typically lean left thru adolescence and college, then once they enter the workforce, views start to change for a good number of folks. I will say that it would benefit republicans immensely with younger voters if they start to ease up on some social issues, but it is a delicate balance because then you may lose a lot of rural and evangelicals

The old joke:

If you're not a liberal when you're young, you don't have a heart.

If you're not a conservative when you get older, you don't have a brain.

01-20-2021, 11:02 AM
Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?

It was a good play from what I understand. I mean...give the actors some credit! They did a good job! How unfortunate that history has overlooked that!

01-20-2021, 11:12 AM
TPM again. No thanks Paul.

Let me help you out then. They actually found potential problems and removed some of them.
It's on Fox...is that OK?


01-20-2021, 11:15 AM
One last tradition to break. Will he leave a note in the presidential desk for Biden?

Note was left.

01-20-2021, 11:18 AM
There must be a deep hole in Paul’s life this morning because his one trick pony narrative on here has disappeared. He has lost his driving force in life.
My thoughts are with him at this difficult time.

Don't worry at all. While I actually liked a few of Trump's policies (like getting strong on China's intellectual property thefts), I was certainly against some like the tariffs (made American consumers pay for them and would never tell the truth about them).
He grifted hundreds of millions into his hotels and golf courses from our tax dollars, and personally got another $200 million+ from the gullible after the election which I'm sure he'll use to pay off some loans.

But I understand he did leave Biden a note...so congrats to him on his last day in office acting presidential.
He also had an ethics policy to drain the swamp that I liked, which he signed in his first month in office.
It kept people from revolving into and out of government to lobby positions, among other things.

Unfortunately, in one of his last official acts he decided to rescind the policy. I guess to help his buddies who will be leaving government.
Maybe he decided to re-fill the swamp.

01-20-2021, 11:59 AM
Watching some of this inauguration - Joe Biden is pretty boring.

01-20-2021, 12:02 PM
Watching some of this inauguration - Joe Biden is pretty boring.

Lots of unicorn fluff and boring. However, I'll take that right now over the extremism we have seen in the last year. Hopefully it is 4 years of boredom.

01-20-2021, 12:05 PM
If I could travel back in time to November 2016, I still wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton.

01-20-2021, 12:09 PM
I can't imagine how stressful the job is - every single day pretty much every minute planned out. I'd be exhausted in a week.

I can't imagine what it will do to an old guy.

I'd be tapping out every Thursday saying it's time to go to the bar.

01-20-2021, 12:10 PM
Is it too early to talk about impeachment? Wait we have an impeachment in process that we’re talking about. Now that I know you can impeach a President twice in his first term, can you impeach two different presidents at the same time? Talk about political theater.

If this sounds absurd, my goal was achieved.

01-20-2021, 12:12 PM
I can't imagine how stressful the job is - every single day pretty much every minute planned out. I'd be exhausted in a week.

I can't imagine what it will do to an old guy.

I'd be tapping out every Thursday saying it's time to go to the bar.

no kidding...can you imagine what Biden is going to look like in 24? I think Obama aged 10 years during his first term.

01-20-2021, 12:19 PM
no kidding...can you imagine what Biden is going to look like in 24? I think Obama aged 10 years during his first term.

I'm honestly not sure he will make it. But I certainly agree with you, we could use 4 years of boredom.

01-20-2021, 12:20 PM
no kidding...can you imagine what Biden is going to look like in 24? I think Obama aged 10 years during his first term.

He's going to look like the crypt keeper

And yes, sign me up for 4 years of blah politics. I'm soooo looking forward to lectures on civility and discourse by a group of people who have been throwing a spastic temper tantrum for the last 4 years. It will be glorious

01-20-2021, 12:21 PM
This is probably true.

I've said this before, and people think I'm crazy, but with the way the younger generation views our country, we may have seen our last Republican President.

I think Trump definitely did them some damage, much of it in the last 2 months after he had already lost, but I don't think they are done yet. Obama basically thought that way when they were pushing the ACA and changing the Senate rules to do it. "It doesn't matter, the Republican wave is cresting anyways." They kept thinking that right through Trump beating Hillary.

I do think that the Republicans may have medium to long term problem with their brand, that will require some changes. I have probably voted more Republican than Democrat in my life, but I don't identify with much of the Republican party's branding right now. It's not important to me that my fellow citizens and I can arm ourselves to the teeth. I don't have any problems with Gays marrying. I don't care what transgender people do, or what they want me to call them. I believe science and medical experts unless / until proven otherwise. I support healthcare reform, if not necessarily universal healthcare. I'm not super pissed off about illegal immigrants. I'm not obsessed with the Liberal Media and their 'unfair' coverage of Republicans (note: I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that I don't care).

I generally voted for Republicans because I thought that they did a slightly better job of managing the economy. That's it. That's really all I care about. I still think they are probably slightly better for the economy, but if you stack up enough crap in the 'things I don't like' column, it can outweigh that.

Lots of unicorn fluff and boring. However, I'll take that right now over the extremism we have seen in the last year. Hopefully it is 4 years of boredom.

+1. I can't wait to not care what the President does on a daily basis.

01-20-2021, 12:23 PM
I can't imagine how stressful the job is - every single day pretty much every minute planned out. I'd be exhausted in a week.

I can't imagine what it will do to an old guy.

I'd be tapping out every Thursday saying it's time to go to the bar.

This does freak me out a little. I really don't want a President Kamala Harris. I'm happy to have Trump out of there, and hoping that the Republicans can field a decent candidate in 2024. I think there are quite a few people that share my opinion.

01-20-2021, 12:27 PM
ACB was trending on Twitter today, and the hate flowing through the people tweeting about her gave me joy. I enjoy their misery, because they richly deserve it. Sorry Mom! (because she's probably one of them)

01-20-2021, 12:28 PM
If I could travel back in time to November 2016, I still wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton.


At least when Biden finished his silent prayer, he didn’t add “and a-woman” after “amen”.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-20-2021, 12:33 PM
I think Trump definitely did them some damage, much of it in the last 2 months after he had already lost, but I don't think they are done yet. Obama basically thought that way when they were pushing the ACA and changing the Senate rules to do it. "It doesn't matter, the Republican wave is cresting anyways." They kept thinking that right through Trump beating Hillary.

I do think that the Republicans may have medium to long term problem with their brand, that will require some changes. I have probably voted more Republican than Democrat in my life, but I don't identify with much of the Republican party's branding right now. It's not important to me that my fellow citizens and I can arm ourselves to the teeth. I don't have any problems with Gays marrying. I don't care what transgender people do, or what they want me to call them. I believe science and medical experts unless / until proven otherwise. I support healthcare reform, if not necessarily universal healthcare. I'm not super pissed off about illegal immigrants. I'm not obsessed with the Liberal Media and their 'unfair' coverage of Republicans (note: I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that I don't care).

I generally voted for Republicans because I thought that they did a slightly better job of managing the economy. That's it. That's really all I care about. I still think they are probably slightly better for the economy, but if you stack up enough crap in the 'things I don't like' column, it can outweigh that.

+1. I can't wait to not care what the President does on a daily basis.

While I agree with this and many of those in my demographic think the same way that you and I seem to do on social issues, there are a whole lot of people in this country that think differently and voted due to thinking differently on those same issues. I think maybe republicans need to ease up on a couple of things, but it's going to have to be a balancing act. Also, quite frankly, if Corona doesn't happen, I think Trump probably wins.

01-20-2021, 12:35 PM
ACB was trending on Twitter today, and the hate flowing through the people tweeting about her gave me joy. I enjoy their misery, because they richly deserve it. Sorry Mom! (because she's probably one of them)

Forgive my ignorance, but why was she trending today?

01-20-2021, 12:40 PM
Forgive my ignorance, but why was she trending today?

Just because she's at the inauguration.

01-20-2021, 12:46 PM
Agree wholeheartedly that I am more than ready for 4 years of political boredom. Hopefully the best boring you'll ever see. Nobody does boredom bigger. Your going to get so tired of being bored you'll be bored of being bored...............

01-20-2021, 12:48 PM
Just because she's at the inauguration.

Geez...social media is such a cesspool. In different news, I saw a report about people on both sides complaining about Chrissy Teigen (who by the way annoys the crap out of me) being at the inauguration because it was such a limited crowd and why was she getting special treatment. I mean good gawd people...yes celebrity status and money get you things....its been that way since the dawn of time, get a life.

01-20-2021, 12:51 PM
Wasn't Teigen involved in some sort of pointless scandal recently?

01-20-2021, 12:53 PM
Wasn't Teigen involved in some sort of pointless scandal recently?

Wasn't it her pizza shop in DC that was trafficking children?

01-20-2021, 12:55 PM
Wasn't it her pizza shop in DC that was trafficking children?

looked it up...looks like that was some conspiracy thing that was brought up a few years ago?

01-20-2021, 12:56 PM
Watching some of this inauguration - Joe Biden is pretty boring.

GOOD!!! I want four really boring years. I want it to where people aren't even sure who the president is.

01-20-2021, 12:57 PM
yikes seriously?

No. Not seriously.

01-20-2021, 12:57 PM
yikes seriously?

Xville is all in on PizzaGate.

01-20-2021, 12:57 PM
If I could travel back in time to November 2016, I still wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton.

If I could travel back in time to November 2016...I WOULDN'T!!!

01-20-2021, 12:58 PM
yikes seriously?

HA NOOOOO! Google pizza shop DC and read a wonderful conspiracy started by QAnon people.

01-20-2021, 01:00 PM
If I could travel back in time to November 2016...I WOULDN'T!!!

I would, and I'd buy all the Bitcoin I could get my hands on. I think with a billion in Bitcoin money I could manage my way through the Trump admin and the pandemic pretty well a second time.

01-20-2021, 01:04 PM
Xville is all in on PizzaGate.

I had never heard of it before.....i wish i didn't now lol

01-20-2021, 01:04 PM
I would, and I'd buy all the Bitcoin I could get my hands on. I think with a billion in Bitcoin money I could manage my way through the Trump admin and the pandemic pretty well a second time.

Not a bad idea.

I don't entirely understand how bitcoin works. It probably isn't that complicated. I just don't understand it. So, I'd have to resort to borrowing all the money I possibly could and betting on a Loyola Chicago Final Four run in 2018

Strange Brew
01-20-2021, 01:07 PM
1/6 was certainly a "cataclysmic" event under trump. 5 dead. Pro-trumpers wanted to kill Nancy and hang Mike Pence. Trashed the People's House and you blame the media? Is Fox News media? Newsy? OAN? They were all pushing the attendance for the 1/6 massacre. They got what they wanted.

Huh, BLM rushed the White House and the media made fun of Trump for hiding in his bunker. Grab a tissue and some clean underwear.

Strange Brew
01-20-2021, 01:09 PM
Let me help you out then. They actually found potential problems and removed some of them.
It's on Fox...is that OK?


Suspected ties.... TPM goes right to the Lefts boogeyman site.

D-West & PO-Z
01-20-2021, 01:12 PM
Watching some of this inauguration - Joe Biden is pretty boring.

Which is great after the last 4 years.

01-20-2021, 01:17 PM
I'm not obsessed with the Liberal Media and their 'unfair' coverage of Republicans (note: I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that I don't care).

This might surprise you, I too could care less if the coverage is unfair to Republicans. 15 years ago it bothered me, but it’s not going to change.

The major problem I have the press is they try push their own narrative and/or agenda. And that goes for the Foxer’s as well. Their two jobs are very simple, find the news and report the news. Don’t tell me what to think about the news. If they do that and it hurts either party, so be it. So I would say check I’m obsessed with the that part of the news. Local, news is about the only news source I watch on a consistent basis.

Strange Brew
01-20-2021, 01:32 PM
Nice of Antifa/BLM to call for Denver to be part of their day of destruction.

01-20-2021, 02:08 PM
This might surprise you, I too could care less if the coverage is unfair to Republicans. 15 years ago it bothered me, but it’s not going to change.

The major problem I have the press is they try push their own narrative and/or agenda. And that goes for the Foxer’s as well. Their two jobs are very simple, find the news and report the news. Don’t tell me what to think about the news. If they do that and it hurts either party, so be it. So I would say check I’m obsessed with the that part of the news. Local, news is about the only news source I watch on a consistent basis.

I don't really know the extent to which I think that the news is pushing a narrative or agenda - I think you are giving them too much credit. They are just marketing to their base, and they no longer care about accuracy or integrity because nobody really holds them accountable for it. It's a business, and sensationalism sells a lot better than facts do. On both sides, of course.

I blame the 24hr news cycle, mostly. The news used to be limited programming focused on (generally) reporting what happened. When cable exploded and 24hr cable news became 'a thing' they first started airing House of Representatives sessions on C-span all day. Nobody wanted to watch those. Then they found their secret sauce: Op Ed television programming. Now you can watch Van Jones crying about whatever the injustice of the day is. If that's not your flavor flip on over to Hannity and he'll get you so fired up about his outrage du jour that you'll probably need to pop and extra beta blocker or two.

01-20-2021, 02:20 PM
Watching some of this inauguration - Joe Biden is pretty boring.

Putting the media and the whole country to sleep...so they can get their Socialsist and China/Iran- Friendly agenda passed.
Enjoy the Nap!!!

01-20-2021, 02:21 PM
Fox used to have, and still does have, some good straight news reporting. Shepard Smith was good.
Unfortunately Booze you are correct about the opinion side playing to an audience.
I just saw where Fox cut back straight news to give an hour more to opinion. Wish they hadn't done that.

01-20-2021, 02:25 PM
GOOD!!! I want four really boring years. I want it to where people aren't even sure who the president is.

You'd better hope Joe Manchin stands strong against Court Packing and trashing the Filibuster, or it's gonna get real....REAL fast!

01-20-2021, 02:26 PM
Fox used to have, and still does have, some good straight news reporting. Shepard Smith was good.
Unfortunately Booze you are correct about the opinion side playing to an audience.
I just saw where Fox cut back straight news to give an hour more to opinion. Wish they hadn't done that.

Jake Tapper is basically a softer voice Crazy Kieth Olberman.
What a one way hack.
But CNN "Performs" the news well. Great job of ruining your network's ratings Jeff Zucker!!!

01-20-2021, 02:27 PM
Huh, BLM rushed the White House and the media made fun of Trump for hiding in his bunker. Grab a tissue and some clean underwear.

Truth. Hmmmmmm....

01-20-2021, 02:29 PM
He got his twitter machine back!

Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 11, 2016

Sounds like a lot of schoolyard bullies from grade school. Wonder if he knows freedom of assembly is in the 1st amendment?

This was my first post in this thread, in Nov 2016. He was mad (I think) at the Women's March in DC.
Not a lot changed for him in 4 years. And he's lost his Twitter account, after getting it back then.
25,000 lies later....

01-20-2021, 02:30 PM
Jake Tapper is basically a softer voice Crazy Kieth Olberman.
What a one way hack.
But CNN "Performs" the news well. Great job of ruining your network's ratings Jeff Zucker!!!

I don't think this Tapper guy is on Fox...but I'll check.

01-20-2021, 02:31 PM
Putting the media and the whole country to sleep...so they can get their Socialsist and China/Iran- Friendly agenda passed.
Enjoy the Nap!!!

Are you going to play the part of Paul for the next 4 years where we get a daily "What Biden did wrong today?" Asking for a friend.

01-20-2021, 02:39 PM
Are you going to play the part of Paul for the next 4 years where we get a daily "What Biden did wrong today?" Asking for a friend.

Have you seen the climate change thread?

01-20-2021, 02:48 PM
You'd better hope Joe Manchin stands strong against Court Packing and trashing the Filibuster, or it's gonna get real....REAL fast!

"Court Reform" sounds so much better, don't you think??

I don't think Biden has any interest in packing the court. I personally would like to see the SCOTUS go out to 12 for the sake of expediency. The whole court could hear some of the cases, but there could be three groups of four that also hear some of the cases. I guess it could be up to the Chief Justice which ones are which. I also like an even number because if you're going to overrule a federal court's ruling, you should have to win by more than 1. So if it's 3-1 or 7-5, the I like that better than so many being 5-4.

But, NONE of that will happen. And, I know that.

01-20-2021, 03:00 PM
Are you going to play the part of Paul for the next 4 years where we get a daily "What Biden did wrong today?" Asking for a friend.

Hell no. I’ll be right along with Biden-taking a long nap.

01-20-2021, 03:02 PM
Have you seen the climate change thread?

And how’s our climate doing?
Perfectly normal thank you with no artificial restrictions placed by Paris Accords.

01-20-2021, 03:03 PM
I don't think this Tapper guy is on Fox...but I'll check.
You did see I said CNN in the post, right?

01-20-2021, 03:07 PM
I’m very pleased that, despite retiring during Trump’s 4 year term, our net worth increased 19 percent over what it was on January 20, 2017.
Pretty damn good economy. Helps me pay for those Grandkids Xavier educations.
But free college tuitions from Biden will screw it all up. Oh, well.

01-20-2021, 03:08 PM
Hell no. I’ll be right along with Biden-taking a long nap.

Ha! Public reps.

01-20-2021, 03:10 PM
You did see I said CNN in the post, right?

Sorry, I had been noting the good Fox straight news people. Here for example was Chris Wallace today:

“I’ve been listening to these inaugural addresses since 1961. John F. Kennedy’s ‘ask not’. I thought this was the best inaugural address I ever heard,” Wallace told fellow Fox anchor Martha MacCallum.

He noted Biden’s call to reject disinformation in the wake of an administration that shamelessly trafficked in it.

“I think it was a call to all of us, whether it’s us on the air, on cable or broadcast, whether it’s us on social media, on our Twitter accounts, understanding that we have to deal from facts, from the truth,” Wallace said.

I was watching the laying of the wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. For me always a moving time.
Many of the former presidents attended with the new president. Clinton, Obama and George W. Bush.
The immediate past president was noticeable by his absence.
Kamala and her husband did the honors of seeing Mike Pence and his wife off from the Capitol, and normally the last president would have been accorded this honor.

01-20-2021, 03:26 PM
I’m very pleased that, despite retiring during Trump’s 4 year term, our net worth increased 19 percent over what it was on January 20, 2017.
Pretty damn good economy. Helps me pay for those Grandkids Xavier educations.
But free college tuitions from Biden will screw it all up. Oh, well.

How very republican of you to only care about your own personal wealth and not give a shit about anyone else. Screw all those poor kids who don't have a grandpa to pay for their ridiculously overpriced private education.

01-20-2021, 03:27 PM
ridiculously overpriced private education.

You realize this is a Xavier messageboard, right? You may not be wrong....but not really the place.

Strange Brew
01-20-2021, 03:29 PM
Sorry, I had been noting the good Fox straight news people. Here for example was Chris Wallace today:

I was watching the laying of the wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. For me always a moving time.
Many of the former presidents attended with the new president. Clinton, Obama and George W. Bush.
The immediate past president was noticeable by his absence.
Kamala and her husband did the honors of seeing Mike Pence and his wife off from the Capitol, and normally the last president would have been accorded this honor.

Agree with you here but Trump didn’t attend so the soldiers at Arlington could be spared the loyalty check (sarc).

01-20-2021, 03:33 PM
How very republican of you to only care about your own personal wealth and not give a shit about anyone else. Screw all those poor kids who don't have a grandpa to pay for their ridiculously overpriced private education.


01-20-2021, 03:47 PM
How very republican of you to only care about your own personal wealth and not give a shit about anyone else. Screw all those poor kids who don't have a grandpa to pay for their ridiculously overpriced private education.

I also find it very amusing how people like to make believe they put all of these people in front of themselves.

Of course everyone looks after themselves (and their family) first.

01-20-2021, 03:53 PM
How very republican of you to only care about your own personal wealth and not give a shit about anyone else. Screw all those poor kids who don't have a grandpa to pay for their ridiculously overpriced private education.

Oh good lord. You DO realize it's entirely possible to celebrate your own prosperity and still care about others, right? It seems to me that his post is about sharing his wealth with his family members, so the whole 'not giving a shit about anyone else' really doesn't apply.

01-20-2021, 04:06 PM
How very republican of you to only care about your own personal wealth and not give a shit about anyone else. Screw all those poor kids who don't have a grandpa to pay for their ridiculously overpriced private education.

Wait grandparents pay for education? Damn I missed out having to get student loans and repay that. A lot of people qualify for financial aid, I did not. Had to foot the entire bill.

01-20-2021, 04:09 PM
I've been stuffing money in 529's for 4 grandkids. They are doing way better than I am. Love the V.

01-20-2021, 04:14 PM
I don't really know the extent to which I think that the news is pushing a narrative or agenda - I think you are giving them too much credit. They are just marketing to their base, and they no longer care about accuracy or integrity because nobody really holds them accountable for it. It's a business, and sensationalism sells a lot better than facts do. On both sides, of course.

I blame the 24hr news cycle, mostly. The news used to be limited programming focused on (generally) reporting what happened. When cable exploded and 24hr cable news became 'a thing' they first started airing House of Representatives sessions on C-span all day. Nobody wanted to watch those. Then they found their secret sauce: Op Ed television programming. Now you can watch Van Jones crying about whatever the injustice of the day is. If that's not your flavor flip on over to Hannity and he'll get you so fired up about his outrage du jour that you'll probably need to pop and extra beta blocker or two.

Agree with this especially the op eds and 24 hour news cycle. Am I giving them too much credit? I don’t know.

As I have stated numerous times on this thread, it’s not really about the reported content itself biased, it’s about what MSM (excluding cable) decides to investigate and report on. Hence their agenda.

Just look at the number of minutes devoted to one story vs others. Let’s take Hunter Biden’s Federal investigation that started in 2018. Are you telling me nobody knew about this until Hunter came out in December to let the press know? How many minutes were devoted to this story?

I get he’s just the son of our new President, but what did Joe know and when did he know about it. A nice percentage of people polled said this news would’ve changed their vote. Instead we get from Hunter and the campaign denial of any wrongdoing or “unsubstantiated claims” from the press. Heck how many times has Joe been asked this since this story was released in early December? I think once by a Fox reporter.

If a Republican or family member were being investigated for possible corruption during a political campaign? Do think the reporting would’ve been different? Or get the cupcake treatment, “we believe them, nothing to see here and time to move on?” Nope wall to wall coverage with tons of evening minutes as it should be.

01-20-2021, 04:19 PM
I've been stuffing money in 529's for 4 grandkids. They are doing way better than I am. Love the V.

I don't/won't have grandkids but I'm putting money aside for nieces/nephews so they have drinking money each semester at College!

Strange Brew
01-20-2021, 04:20 PM
I've been stuffing money in 529's for 4 grandkids. They are doing way better than I am. Love the V.

How dare you! The Gov’t could’ve used that money to keep the seas from rising.

01-20-2021, 04:27 PM
I don't/won't have grandkids but I'm putting money aside for nieces/nephews so they have drinking money each semester at College!

I like it. A 529 @ Dana's. I learned a lot there.

01-20-2021, 04:31 PM
How dare you! The Gov’t could’ve used that money to keep the seas from rising.

They have to go to school @ 5280. lol

Strange Brew
01-20-2021, 05:06 PM
They have to go to school @ 5280. lol

Haha, yeah flooding isn’t an issue here at 6000ft. :)

01-20-2021, 05:19 PM
I like it. A 529 @ Dana's. I learned a lot there.

Damn this brilliant! Give nieces and nephews money so they can give back uncle BJ. New business while looking like a fantastic Uncle.

01-20-2021, 05:27 PM
How very republican of you to only care about your own personal wealth and not give a shit about anyone else. Screw all those poor kids who don't have a grandpa to pay for their ridiculously overpriced private education.

You can check the donor lists of Xavier, our St. Colman Parish Outreach (inner City Cleveland) and 3 other worthy Charities for our names. Not only that, those “Stimulus Checks” that came to us went 100% to Charity.
Yeah, you know what Trump’s economy did for me? Allow us to give more to our Chosen causes rather than funding Government waste via exhorbitant taxes.
Try again?

And let me just add. We’ve been very blessed and very thankful to Xavier for a great education that put us on a successful path. But it is much easier to help others in many ways when you don’t have a confiscatory Government taking every possible cent they can out of money that you’ve worked and been smart enough to earn for yourself. Thanks Trump!!

01-20-2021, 05:58 PM
You can check the donor lists of Xavier, our St. Colman Parish Outreach (inner City Cleveland) and 3 other worthy Charities for our names. Not only that, those “Stimulus Checks” that came to us went 100% to Charity.
Yeah, you know what Trump’s economy did for me? Allow us to give more to our Chosen causes rather than funding Government waste via exhorbitant taxes.
Try again?

Thanks MOR and great post! Public reps.

Love that you’ve put your money where your mouth is. Just don’t understand why more people think it’s the government’s job and they can do more efficiently.

01-20-2021, 08:27 PM
You can check the donor lists of Xavier, our St. Colman Parish Outreach (inner City Cleveland) and 3 other worthy Charities for our names. Not only that, those “Stimulus Checks” that came to us went 100% to Charity.
Yeah, you know what Trump’s economy did for me?

What were you doing in the Obama years? Did he cancel your tax deductions or something?


01-20-2021, 08:49 PM
What were you doing in the Obama years? Did he cancel your tax deductions or something?


Paying for weddings and contributions to Causes. But my taxes were higher.
My net worth increase was due to lower taxes and a soaring stock market under Trump.
Did you know he cut taxes and Corporate earnings increased exponentially causing a big Market bump? And the job market was awesome, creating consumer spending and confidence? And Inflation remained under control? And interest rates.

Obama had nothing to do with that market increase in his first term. The country has been beaten down by bad lending policies encouraged by Democrats. It couldn’t go any lower. The market was banking on huge government spending, which it got. Just not very well crafted or efficient

01-20-2021, 09:00 PM
Putting the media and the whole country to sleep...so they can get their Socialsist and China/Iran- Friendly agenda passed.
Enjoy the Nap!!!

China policy is not changing. The media is definitely biased but the only person to blame for the loss is Trump himself. He should have won easily and would have if he was not such a mental and emotional midget.

Muskie in dayton
01-20-2021, 09:09 PM
Antifa turned up the riots in Portland, Seattle and Denver today big time. Looks like the National Guard were stationed in the wrong place.

01-20-2021, 09:35 PM
Did you know he cut taxes and Corporate earnings increased exponentially causing a big Market bump?

C'mon MOR. You know the tax cut didn't work:


01-20-2021, 09:38 PM
Antifa turned up the riots in Portland, Seattle and Denver today big time. Looks like the National Guard were stationed in the wrong place.

Wait just wait, where you did here this? Never mind...

Strange Brew
01-20-2021, 09:39 PM
C'mon MOR. You know the tax cut didn't work:


Clearly, I’m mean Forbes said so. Forget about obvious improvements in the economy. Stop derping around Bobbie.

01-20-2021, 09:40 PM
Clearly, I’m mean Forbes said so. Forget about obvious improvements in the economy. Stop derping around Bobbie.

The economy's in the toilet. Thus, a new El Presidento.

01-20-2021, 09:50 PM
Clearly, I’m mean Forbes said so. Forget about obvious improvements in the economy. .

"Pubs hate Forbes now? ahahahaha

Strange Brew
01-20-2021, 10:39 PM
"Pubs hate Forbes now? ahahahaha

I’m not a pub.

01-20-2021, 11:03 PM
The economy's in the toilet. Thus, a new El Presidento.

Well didn’t a pandemic and force shutdowns hurt the economy? The economy was pretty damn good a year ago and the stock market recovered quickly in the middle of a pandemic. Doesn’t sound like the president caused the economy to dip.

01-20-2021, 11:07 PM
The economy's in the toilet. Thus, a new El Presidento.

Go back to last January before the China Virus. Forget about that? I thought so.
Policies, Taxes and Trade Deal adjustments were working. Then Draconian Lockdowns.
Amazing now that a Dem is President all the lockdown advocates are screaming to “REOPEN THE COUNTRY”
So transparent.

01-20-2021, 11:12 PM
China policy is not changing. The media is definitely biased but the only person to blame for the loss is Trump himself. He should have won easily and would have if he was not such a mental and emotional midget.

Quote Joe Biden: “China is not an enemy (Well, yes they are except to your Coke Addled Son who was getting paid by them)...”They’re a Competitor ( Uh, huh. One that espionage’s like hell and steals as many secrets as they can get). Plus not a single Democrat came out to condemn China’s Jack booted thuggery in Hong Kong. Oh, yeah. It’s changing.
Hope your Grandchildren aren’t worshiping Mao.

01-20-2021, 11:23 PM
Go back to last January before the China Virus. Forget about that? I thought so.
Policies, Taxes and Trade Deal adjustments were working. Then Draconian Lockdowns.
Amazing now that a Dem is President all the lockdown advocates are screaming to “REOPEN THE COUNTRY”
So transparent.

I did. C'mon the China trade deficit is at an all time high. So far this year, the United States has recorded a trade gap of $421.8 billion, up 5.7% from January-August 2019. - Oct 6, 2020 Look around your house. Most of the crap is from China. Tax cut didn't work bcuz the greedy corps. who were supposed to invest the tax cut in workers and machinery, instead stuck it in their pockets by buying back shares. One of the greatest rip-off's of the century.

The 1.7 trillion tax deal was supposed to return 3 trillion. Where is it?

Muskie in dayton
01-21-2021, 08:12 AM
Wait just wait, where you did here this? Never mind...

I have no "idea" why you can't find this information on MSM. There is still local news, even if they insist on calling leftist riots "protests".




01-21-2021, 08:22 AM
I have no "idea" why you can't find this information on MSM. There is still local news, even if they insist on calling leftist riots "protests".




We all know why...I don't think it is going to change at this point. I realized a while ago that local news was about the only real news source left, even though they may have a slight bias as well. With all that said, it was kind of nice to have a unicorn and rainbows type of news day yesterday even though some things were ignored.

Regardless, I think it is pretty clear by the links that these people are anarchists, not left or right extremists even at this point....not sure of how to rid ourselves of these kinds of people (i guess they will always be here at some level) but something different needs to be done.

01-21-2021, 08:50 AM
We all know why...I don't think it is going to change at this point. I realized a while ago that local news was about the only real news source left, even though they may have a slight bias as well. With all that said, it was kind of nice to have a unicorn and rainbows type of news day yesterday even though some things were ignored.

Regardless, I think it is pretty clear by the links that these people are anarchists, not left or right extremists even at this point....not sure of how to rid ourselves of these kinds of people (i guess they will always be here at some level) but something different needs to be done.

The left used this as a way to point to: "see whats wrong with Trump and our country". "We need new leadership and the current administration out of the way".

Cant blame them for doing this......b/c it clearly helped them.

So, now what do you do? We will see.......

01-21-2021, 10:04 AM
The left used this as a way to point to: "see whats wrong with Trump and our country". "We need new leadership and the current administration out of the way".

Cant blame them for doing this......b/c it clearly helped them.

So, now what do you do? We will see.......


01-21-2021, 12:41 PM
When Obama was elected, I said the country wasn’t ready for a black President because any criticism of him would be immediately dismissed as racist. The criticism couldn’t possibly be legitimate based on a policy difference. Turned out that I was correct.

I’ll say the same thing about the country not being ready for a female VP of color. The first time anyone on the Right criticizes her or a policy she supports, I’ll bet they’re immediately labeled a misogynistic racist. Wonder how long this will take?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-21-2021, 12:43 PM
Well, luckily the VP is basically an unimportant ceremonial job (except when W Bush is in office, in which case it is is ACTUALLY the Presidency). So who cares what she does.

But when she inevitably replaces Biden sometime over the next four years, whoa nellie will any criticism of her be like playing with plutonium.

01-21-2021, 12:46 PM
I have no "idea" why you can't find this information on MSM. There is still local news, even if they insist on calling leftist riots "protests".


Fake news as usual from you:
To quote from your own post: "Two people were arrested at a park in Denver for having prohibited weapons. The crowd at the Capitol remained very small."
Or as we say in a large metro like Denver "Wednesday"

No mention of a "riot" or antifa.

01-21-2021, 12:52 PM
Fake news as usual from you:
To quote from your own post: "Two people were arrested at a park in Denver for having prohibited weapons. The crowd at the Capitol remained very small."
Or as we say in a large metro like Denver "Wednesday"

No mention of a "riot" or antifa.

I watched the local fox news broadcast, they failed to even mention it.

Strange Brew
01-21-2021, 01:10 PM
Fake news as usual from you:
To quote from your own post: "Two people were arrested at a park in Denver for having prohibited weapons. The crowd at the Capitol remained very small."
Or as we say in a large metro like Denver "Wednesday"

No mention of a "riot" or antifa.

Yeah no Bobbie. This summer in downtown was not Tuesday in Denver. I worked down there for years and the 16th St Mall and the area around the Capitol have been anything but normal. A local news crew shot and killed a Trump supporter this summer for goodness sake.

01-21-2021, 02:01 PM
I didn't reference the "summer' which was terrible and I didn't call you a "pub". The "news crew' didn't shoot the guy, a security guard did after the dude smacked him and sprayed him in the face with bear mace.

Strange Brew
01-21-2021, 02:13 PM
I didn't reference the "summer' which was terrible and I didn't call you a "pub". The "news crew' didn't shoot the guy, a security guard did after the dude smacked him and sprayed him in the face with bear mace.

Who employed the security guard and was he licensed in CO?

01-21-2021, 02:56 PM
Who employed the security guard and was he licensed in CO?

I could be remembering wrong, but I think the news station hired a security firm and the security firm employed the guard and assigned him to detail. I do not think the local news station directly employed this guy.

Strange Brew
01-21-2021, 04:05 PM
I could be remembering wrong, but I think the news station hired a security firm and the security firm employed the guard and assigned him to detail. I do not think the local news station directly employed this guy.

I don’t remember hearing that from our local media however I doubt it because the murderer was not licensed in CO.

01-21-2021, 05:02 PM
I don’t remember hearing that from our local media however I doubt it because the murderer was not licensed in CO.

It appears that he was a sub of a sub contractor and not directly hired by the new station. I have a couple of really good friends that work the station and they were talking about how scary it was to even walk to their car after work for a number of weeks.


"Dolloff was contracted through the company Pinkerton by 9NEWS. It has been the practice of 9NEWS for a number of months to contract private security to accompany staff at protests.

Pinkerton said it does not actually employ Dolloff – Pinkerton did not share the name of the company for which Dolloff worked."

01-21-2021, 05:04 PM
We all know why...I don't think it is going to change at this point. I realized a while ago that local news was about the only real news source left, even though they may have a slight bias as well. With all that said, it was kind of nice to have a unicorn and rainbows type of news day yesterday even though some things were ignored.

Regardless, I think it is pretty clear by the links that these people are anarchists, not left or right extremists even at this point....not sure of how to rid ourselves of these kinds of people (i guess they will always be here at some level) but something different needs to be done.

We will never rid ourselves of them, but they shouldn't impact policy for either side. They should remain on the margins of society. The problem with the internet, is that it allows crazy people to like up with other crazy people, which makes them feel less crazy. Then they spend all day talking about crazy shit with other people who are crazy. Eventually they all meet up and trash a city or storm the Capitol, or show up with an assault rifle at a pizza parlor looking for the kids in the basement.

Isolated crazies are fine - society kind of keeps them in check. Concentrated crazies can be big trouble.

01-21-2021, 05:09 PM
We will never rid ourselves of them, but they shouldn't impact policy for either side. They should remain on the margins of society. The problem with the internet, is that it allows crazy people to like up with other crazy people, which makes them feel less crazy. Then they spend all day talking about crazy shit with other people who are crazy. Eventually they all meet up and trash a city or storm the Capitol, or show up with an assault rifle at a pizza parlor looking for the kids in the basement.

Isolated crazies are fine - society kind of keeps them in check. Concentrated crazies can be big trouble.

Greatly exacerbated by online media platforms whose entire existence is based on linking these crazies up so they spend more time on the platform.

01-21-2021, 05:16 PM
Some of the crazies are actually waking up. So..there is hope for calmer days:


01-21-2021, 05:22 PM
Greatly exacerbated by online media platforms whose entire existence is based on linking these crazies up so they spend more time on the platform.

Absolutely true. Good point.

Muskie in dayton
01-21-2021, 05:46 PM
Fake news as usual from you:
To quote from your own post: "Two people were arrested at a park in Denver for having prohibited weapons. The crowd at the Capitol remained very small."
Or as we say in a large metro like Denver "Wednesday"

No mention of a "riot" or antifa.
I'll help you out: Anti-Facist Inauguration Events: Portland, Seattle, Denver | Heavy.com (https://heavy.com/news/antifa-portland-seattle-denver-inauguration-violence-riots-protests/). You wouldn't recognize fake news if it crawled into your tighty-whiteys and found a hole, so don't try to start now. Hell, even NYT reported the action in Portland (in a sure sign that the bad orange man is gone): Portland Protesters Meet Federal Tear Gas After Biden Inauguration - The New York Times (nytimes.com) (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/21/us/protests-portland-seattle-biden.html)

Earlier in the day, a group of about 200 people — a mix of racial justice, antifascist and anarchist activists — marched to the local Democratic Party headquarters, where some of them smashed windows and tipped over garbage containers, lighting the contents of one on fire.

Strange Brew
01-21-2021, 06:06 PM
It appears that he was a sub of a sub contractor and not directly hired by the new station. I have a couple of really good friends that work the station and they were talking about how scary it was to even walk to their car after work for a number of weeks.


"Dolloff was contracted through the company Pinkerton by 9NEWS. It has been the practice of 9NEWS for a number of months to contract private security to accompany staff at protests.

Pinkerton said it does not actually employ Dolloff – Pinkerton did not share the name of the company for which Dolloff worked."

Sounds like legal speak for, “I’ve never met the guy”...

01-21-2021, 07:17 PM
"They also “got into confrontations with a local freelance photojournalist and with an anti-abortion preacher from Kansas,” reported CPR, adding that a single Trump fan also showed up at the Capitol on Inauguration Day" WOW. Big "RIOT" haha

"Denver Police (DPD) said two men were arrested in the area of 8th and High Street. Christopher Hughley faces a charge of obstruction and Thomas Yannuzzi is facing a dangerous weapons charge for having brass knuckles, according to DPD."


01-21-2021, 11:46 PM
"They also “got into confrontations with a local freelance photojournalist and with an anti-abortion preacher from Kansas,” reported CPR, adding that a single Trump fan also showed up at the Capitol on Inauguration Day" WOW. Big "RIOT" haha

"Denver Police (DPD) said two men were arrested in the area of 8th and High Street. Christopher Hughley faces a charge of obstruction and Thomas Yannuzzi is facing a dangerous weapons charge for having brass knuckles, according to DPD."


*Watches TV
Sees footage of Antifa gang anarchists roving through Portland and Seattle setting fires, busting out windows, causing mayhem, harassing citizens and being arrested.
Meanwhile an arrested rioter in Seattle was “released on his own recognizance”! Hip Hip Hooray for Justice and Unity!!!

01-22-2021, 08:55 AM
It is bizarro world today:

GOP and union teaming up against Biden on the pipeline.

Nutjob Quanon Greene has filed articles of impeachment on Biden. It’s insane how people like her, the “squad” get elected. It’s pretty effing sad

01-22-2021, 09:50 AM
Crazy times for sure. After watching news the last couple days, no way Biden has more than 2 years in him.

01-22-2021, 09:55 AM
I'd take 100 AOCs over 1 Marjorie "Sandy Hook and Parkland were staged" Greene.

01-22-2021, 11:32 AM
I'd take 100 AOCs over 1 Marjorie "Sandy Hook and Parkland were staged" Greene.

I'm honestly baffled at some of the people who get elected to the House of Representatives. I assume that the Republicans generally come out of very rural districts where all they have to to in order to get elected is get on the ballot with an 'R' next to their name. On the Democratic side I assume the same thing but with small urban districts.

Still, it's crazy that people like that can hold positions in National government.

01-22-2021, 11:48 AM
I'm honestly baffled at some of the people who get elected to the House of Representatives. I assume that the Republicans generally come out of very rural districts where all they have to to in order to get elected is get on the ballot with an 'R' next to their name. On the Democratic side I assume the same thing but with small urban districts.

Still, it's crazy that people like that can hold positions in National government.

The amount of people that fall upwards in government is amazing.

01-22-2021, 12:01 PM
Some of the crazies are actually waking up. So..there is hope for calmer days:


I also find it hilarious (the theme of my last 10 posts) - and sad - that so many people are gullible and desperate enough to not know that he was only pandering to them for his benefit, not theirs. This wasn't just evident in hindsight, it's who he is. It's mind boggling, but at the same time, such an interesting look into the psychology of these groups of people.

01-22-2021, 01:32 PM
I'm honestly baffled at some of the people who get elected to the House of Representatives. I assume that the Republicans generally come out of very rural districts where all they have to to in order to get elected is get on the ballot with an 'R' next to their name. On the Democratic side I assume the same thing but with small urban districts.

Still, it's crazy that people like that can hold positions in National government.

I have lived in the suburbs, I have lived in cities, and I have lived in very rural areas. I will tell you I knew more about my local representatives on all levels of government living in a rural area then I ever did in a city or suburb. So I think the categorization of just voting to the person with the R next to it doesn't really hold water. Hell, the amount of party switching in down ballot races is hilarious. I knew quite a few elected officials that picked their political party on the basis of "the incumbent is X so I guess I am a Y now."

However, the talent pool is smaller, so you have a greater chance of crazy getting through.

01-22-2021, 02:01 PM
I have lived in the suburbs, I have lived in cities, and I have lived in very rural areas. I will tell you I knew more about my local representatives on all levels of government living in a rural area then I ever did in a city or suburb. So I think the categorization of just voting to the person with the R next to it doesn't really hold water. Hell, the amount of party switching in down ballot races is hilarious. I knew quite a few elected officials that picked their political party on the basis of "the incumbent is X so I guess I am a Y now."

However, the talent pool is smaller, so you have a greater chance of crazy getting through.

In the case of a Marjorie Taylor Greene that's a bit discouraging. So people actually knew what she was about, but said 'sign me up anyways'.

01-22-2021, 02:46 PM
*Watches TV
Sees footage of Antifa gang anarchists roving through Portland and Seattle setting fires, busting out windows, causing mayhem, harassing citizens and being arrested.
Meanwhile an arrested rioter in Seattle was “released on his own recognizance”! Hip Hip Hooray for Justice and Unity!!!

Was only referencing Denver, of course. No riot here.

Strange Brew
01-22-2021, 05:11 PM
Nice of Trump to open his DC hotel to the Guard so the can get out of Joe’s parking garage.

Oh and Joe announced he really doesn’t have a plan to slow the virus. But unity y’all!

01-22-2021, 05:40 PM
Nice of Trump to open his DC hotel to the Guard so the can get out of Joe’s parking garage. fake news. They took their "breaks" in the garage. They all had rooms at the end of their shifts. Now back in Capitol.

Oh and Joe announced he really doesn’t have a plan to slow the virus. But unity y’all! except for his 198 Page document


01-22-2021, 05:46 PM

Which basically restates everything Trump was doing

Strange Brew
01-22-2021, 05:46 PM

Riiiight. That’s not what the Guard is saying.

If there is a doc Xiden isn’t aware of it based on his own words.

01-22-2021, 05:56 PM
If there is a doc Xiden isn’t aware of it based on his own words.


waved it right in your face on TV

01-22-2021, 06:24 PM
Riiiight. That’s not what the Guard is saying.
Sorry, the guy in charge disagrees:

“Brig. Gen. Janeen Birckhead, Inauguration Task Force Commander, confirms that troops are out of the garage and back into the Capitol building as authorized by the USCP Watch Commander and the troops will take their breaks near Emancipation Hall going forward,” according to a statement to Military Times by Air Force Maj. Matthew Murphy, a National Guard Bureau spokesman. “Our troops are going to hotel rooms or other comfortable accommodations at the end of their shifts.”

01-22-2021, 06:39 PM
For me, this closes the book on the Trump era.
The Wall Street Journal nails it. 100%.
Watch out for the smug elite “expert class” going forward.


Strange Brew
01-22-2021, 07:27 PM
Sorry, the guy in charge disagrees:

“Brig. Gen. Janeen Birckhead, Inauguration Task Force Commander, confirms that troops are out of the garage and back into the Capitol building as authorized by the USCP Watch Commander and the troops will take their breaks near Emancipation Hall going forward,” according to a statement to Military Times by Air Force Maj. Matthew Murphy, a National Guard Bureau spokesman. “Our troops are going to hotel rooms or other comfortable accommodations at the end of their shifts.”

Sure, Bobbie. You need to actually read the comments from the troops not the brass.

Strange Brew
01-22-2021, 07:29 PM

waved it right in your face on TV

Right, that explains his tweet. Lola a lot like the previous plan. Basically plagiarizing again for Xiden. C’mon man. C’mon

01-22-2021, 07:55 PM
What previous plan? Not a page from trump.

01-22-2021, 07:57 PM
Hard to imagine this lady is a United States Congresswoman. She has already filed articles of impeachment against Biden.
Not sure how we get to facts sometimes as a lot of this stuff is in the echo chamber.

Such zany behavior is to be expected of a person who wore a face mask proclaiming she was being “censored” even as she delivered a nationally televised speech on the House floor during Trump’s impeachment. Four days later, she was temporarily suspended from Twitter for repeatedly claiming that Georgia’s election results (the same ones that made her a member of Congress) were stolen. Fresh from her Twitter suspension, she declared Biden to be the president of “Communist China.”

Recent days also brought news that she had called the school shootings in Parkland, Fla., and Newtown, Conn., “false flag” operations. The honorable gentlelady from Georgia has also suggested that the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan in 1981 and the 9/11 terrorist attacks were staged, and she has disparaged Blacks, Muslims and Jews.

Trump is gone. The cult of Trump lives on.

01-22-2021, 08:09 PM
Sure, Bobbie. You need to actually read the comments from the troops not the brass.

Maine National Guard
tSprmons3haored ·
We're ok!
After some recent imagery was released, a number of our neighbors here at home have expressed concern over our Soldiers' accommodations, so we wanted to clear up any misunderstanding, even though that imagery was not of Maine Soldiers - our members are assigned to a different area.
The Capitol Police and National Guard have coordinated their efforts to ensure that Soldiers and Airmen stationed at the Capitol Complex have an appropriate space where they may take on-duty breaks during their shift. At one point, some Soldiers were asked to relocate their break area due to increased foot traffic in a certain area, but that issue has been resolved.
When off-duty, service members in Washington are being housed in hotel rooms or other comfortable accommodations.
Thank you for checking up on us!

01-22-2021, 08:13 PM
For me, this closes the book on the Trump era.
The Wall Street Journal nails it. 100%.
Watch out for the smug elite “expert class” going forward.


yep. So true.

"The worst of his conduct took place after the 2020 election and seemed to fulfill progressive commentators’ allegation that Donald Trump was carrying out an “assault on democracy.” Mr. Trump’s refusal to accept defeat, culminating in demands that Vice President Mike Pence overturn a lawful election on no legal authority, occasioned a debacle that may haunt the Republican Party, and the country, for years."

01-22-2021, 08:13 PM
yep. So true.

"The worst of his conduct took place after the 2020 election and seemed to fulfill progressive commentators’ allegation that Donald Trump was carrying out an “assault on democracy.” Mr. Trump’s refusal to accept defeat, culminating in demands that Vice President Mike Pence overturn a lawful election on no legal authority, occasioned a debacle that may haunt the Republican Party, and the country, for years."

After this, he incited insurrection, cool.

01-22-2021, 08:26 PM
After this, he incited insurrection, cool.

Did you just quote your own message? Get it together young man.

01-22-2021, 08:30 PM
Hard to imagine this lady is a United States Congresswoman. She has already filed articles of impeachment against Biden.
Not sure how we get to facts sometimes as a lot of this stuff is in the echo chamber.

Great that’s what we need more Whack jobs. Is that a requirement to work for the government? She would fit right in with some of the crazies on the far left we have heard from non stop for the last 4 years. I will just continue to ignore politicians. Is it that hard to get normal middle of the road people making decisions for the country?

Muskie in dayton
01-22-2021, 10:05 PM
What previous plan? Not a page from trump.
“Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem.”

01-22-2021, 10:59 PM
“Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem.”

What gov't? Everyone was "acting" or fired. Mushroom dick was the gov't.

Strange Brew
01-22-2021, 11:05 PM
What previous plan? Not a page from trump.

So Joe’s going to come up with a moonshot to create a vaccine. He was called out on 100M doses in 100 days. His response, c’mon man.


My response, Mr. Trump already accomplished that feat no less than a few days ago. Get a clue Bob. Or maybe you can tell me to off myself....

Muskie in dayton
01-22-2021, 11:20 PM
What gov't? Everyone was "acting" or fired. Mushroom dick was the gov't.

Strange Brew
01-22-2021, 11:33 PM
Chicken hawk Xiden invaded Syria. Sweet. More pointless war.

01-22-2021, 11:44 PM
Or maybe you can tell me to off myself....

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01-22-2021, 11:57 PM
Chicken hawk Xiden invaded Syria. Sweet. More pointless war.

50 targets were attacked in Syria in 2020. Who was Pres?

01-23-2021, 08:08 AM
Almost had another Saturday Night Massacre.

01-23-2021, 08:52 AM
The first 2 days of Biden tells us all about the next 4 years:
-A puppet marshmallow brained executive being spoon fed his agenda by his VP.
-Said executive being propped up at a desk in photo ops to sign EO’s prepared by his VP. Takes no questions.
-No public press conferences by said executive. Only his Press Secretary appears. On any tough questions she defers with no answers but says “I’ll have to get back to you on that” (She never does)
- Biden leaves all agenda work to his Congressional minions. Stays away from the fray, but is propped up in a chair to sign minion legislation. Takes no questions.
-Biden appears occasionally on TV with only pre-canned speeches in an empty room. Answers no questions.
Huh. Looks just like the campaign.
The definition of “Democracy Dying in Darkness”.

01-23-2021, 08:55 AM
Haha. trump had a press sec'y for NINE months who NEVER had a press conference. Why was he paying her?

01-23-2021, 08:56 AM

01-23-2021, 08:57 AM
Just wanted

01-23-2021, 08:58 AM
to be the 10,000th post.

Burma Shave